East India Company Gold Edition

Erstellt: 01. August 2014
Publisher: Topware Interactive

Der Aufbau eines eigenen Weltreiches, das auf Handel und militärischer Macht beruht, ist das Ziel von East India Company. Epische Seeschlachten in Echtzeit - sowohl im Solo- als auch im Mehrspieler-Modus - werden von Ihnen ausgefochten, um die Herrschaft über die Handelswege zwischen Europa und dem fernen Osten zu sichern und auszubauen.

East india Company Collection in der Gold Edition 2012 beinhaltet:

+ East India Company Designer’s Cut
+ Pirate Bay Add-On
+ Battle of Trafalgar Add-On
+ Privateer Add-On
+ zahlreiche Extras und umfangreiches Bonus-Material


Um sich als erfolgreichster Eroberer durchzusetzen, werden Sie dazu gewaltige Seeschlachten kommandieren. Als Kapitän eines der beteiligten Schiffe können Sie sich jederzeit selbst ins Kampfgetümmel stürzen und der eigenen Handelsfirma im Wettrennen um die Märkte im Fernen Osten beistehen. Diese Gold-Edition von East India Company enthält neben dem Basisspiel auch alle drei bisher erschienenen Add-ons.

  • Spektakuläre, filmreife, epische Seeschlachten
  • 2 Kommandomodi: Befehligen Sie Ihre Schiffe Befehle in RTS oder im Direct Command-Modus
  • Einzigartige Kombination von Krieg & Handel
  • Diplomatie-KI der neuesten Generation
  • 8 spielbare Nationen: England, Frankreich, Holland, Portugal, Dänemark, Schweden, Spanien & das Heilige Römische Reich
  • Über 10 realistische Schiffstypen; von kleinen Schonern und Kutter bis hin zum East Indiaman und Kriegsschiffen
  • Heuern Sie Kommandeure an, die sich im Laufe der Zeit weiterentwickeln können und die Fähigkeiten Ihrer Flotte erweitern
  • Übernehmen Sie Häfen udn schützen Sie Ihre Handelsrouten, um ein gigantisches Handelsnetz zu organiziseren


Intel / AMD Singlecore CPU • 1 GB RAM • Graphics card with Directx support and 128 MB RAM • 6 GB HD-Speicher • DVD-Drive • Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 • Keyboard, Mouse


2.0 GHz dual core processor • 2 GB RAM • 3D-Graphics card with Directx support and 512 MB RAM • 6 GB HD-Speicher • DVD-Drive • Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 • Keyboard, Mouse
01. August 2014 18:11:28
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
East India Company Gold Edition - Screenshots
16. September 2014 15:33:04
East India Company
16. September 2014 15:34:08
East India Company
East India Company
Der Kommentar wurde gespeichert!
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2017-07-21 09:35:09... - Andreas


2017-07-11 19:28:30... - SignosVAGG


2017-07-01 10:51:20... - Franz

key please

2017-05-27 22:33:24... - Mohamed

key please

2017-05-27 15:08:45... - Angelika

key please

2017-05-27 12:08:15... - jan tobias

pls key love thus gane

2017-05-15 21:17:57... - Dejan

pls key.

2017-01-13 13:42:45... - man


2017-01-10 10:39:40... - Thilo

How to get this key? I want it

2017-01-10 03:39:19... - Dido


2017-01-09 21:00:53... - suekru

key pls

2017-01-08 16:22:54... - ludi

key please

2017-01-07 18:48:46... - Gezmiş


2017-01-06 19:56:43... - Armagan

Üçün birini alın beklediler :-)

2017-01-06 15:02:42... - Taha Bilgehan

key please

2017-01-06 06:14:27... - XXCoolGamerXX

Key please

2017-01-05 08:55:54... - Kogan

Key please

2017-01-04 17:40:56... - Fernando

key pls

2017-01-04 15:45:29... - Seljuk

key pls

2017-01-03 14:55:32... - Christian

key pls

2017-01-02 22:38:32... - T

key pls

2017-01-02 15:15:11... - Johannes

key pls

2017-01-01 18:59:54... - Tiel

key pls

2016-12-30 23:59:48... - memo

key pls

2016-12-30 20:26:50... - Gustav

can someone tell me how to claim a key?

2016-12-30 02:18:29... - kaku


2016-12-29 17:41:14... - sdfsdf


2016-12-29 03:31:49... - Çağrı

key pls

2016-12-28 19:56:19... - Petykó

pls give me a key

2016-12-28 14:38:41... - Diego Alejandro


2016-12-28 12:27:48... - Luís


2016-12-27 08:41:01... - Алексей

key pls

2016-12-27 07:33:28... -

key please

2016-12-27 07:31:46... -

key please man

2016-12-27 04:52:26... - 珂

key pls

2016-12-26 19:03:38... - Nikola


2016-11-23 22:07:58... - LePlay

A key would be nice ^^

2016-11-22 19:57:13... - hi

pls key

2016-11-21 22:35:36... - Anton


2016-11-20 22:38:31... - Miguel


2016-11-20 12:30:30... - TOmas

Key please :)

2016-11-19 21:02:22... - Joey

key please?

2016-11-19 16:30:44... - Josue

Hi please give me a key

2016-07-24 15:01:13... - Yuri

Hello :). Pls send me key


2016-05-24 18:14:35... - Alex

pls send me a key:

2016-04-25 12:00:56... - Sandy

pls send me a key

2016-04-09 18:44:19... - Дмитрий

Please send me a key

2016-03-18 16:20:44... - Hans

please key

2016-03-07 21:11:14... - Aleksey

Please send me a key

2016-03-07 11:52:01... - Utku

nice game!

2016-03-07 05:03:45... - Thiago

Please send me a key
Thank You!

2016-01-22 16:24:16... - Marco


2015-06-19 16:17:49... - Сергей

key pls

2015-03-19 15:45:31... - VirusGG

key pls

2015-01-17 19:00:17... - David123us

plase me key:

2015-01-13 06:38:22... - German


2015-01-03 21:29:49... - Jonathan


2014-12-24 23:54:42... - mega2805


2014-12-24 23:54:30... - mega2805


2014-12-24 20:42:45... - Alex


2014-12-24 20:39:41... - Leonel

keys pls

2014-12-24 20:00:58... - Dmitry

key pls

2014-12-24 18:00:29... - Vadim


2014-12-24 17:47:49... - kuba_7771


2014-12-24 17:46:21... - loh


2014-12-01 15:32:20... - Eyal

key please or ty

2014-11-18 20:44:37... - Dreams

I Idiots -,-

2014-11-18 17:33:23... - ilya69ru

2014-11-16 22:59:25... - Paulo

Please send key

2014-11-16 22:52:36... - Andrey

Key please

2014-11-16 22:03:55... - aaa

Please send key

2014-11-16 21:09:25... - Имран

2014-11-16 21:03:34... - Maxim

key pls

2014-11-16 21:00:55... - Maxim

key pls

2014-11-16 20:54:45... - вика

Send me pls

2014-11-16 20:32:41... - alex

Send Me please


2014-11-16 20:18:44... - Шальков

2014-11-16 19:59:37... - Burak

key pls

2014-11-16 19:59:34... - Burak

key pls

2014-11-16 19:47:42... - qwfqwqfwqfwq

please send key

2014-11-16 19:47:23... - sebo512

key please

2014-11-16 19:30:48... - mixager

pls send key

2014-11-16 19:23:29... - หนี

2014-11-16 18:56:28... - Vlad

pls send me key

2014-11-16 18:40:06... - Denis

key please

2014-10-22 16:29:19... - Orinbek

please send me key to

2014-10-20 16:56:49... - Emanuel

Send Me please


2014-10-20 16:46:42... - Miller

how to get the key?

2014-10-20 16:33:12... - losharuk23

send me key to

2014-10-20 16:32:13... - losharuk23

send me key to

2014-10-11 04:35:27... - jose

please send me a key

2014-10-04 19:34:35... - guniak

send me key

2014-10-04 08:15:39... - Jesús

please send me a key

2014-10-04 00:53:05... - arek2010r

please send me a key

thank you!

2014-10-03 21:38:31... - Дмитрий

please send me a key

2014-10-03 18:22:48... - Bessmertniy

please send me a key :)

2014-10-03 17:39:22... - Dilan Game

please send me key :

2014-10-03 14:37:22... - jesus

key please

2014-10-03 14:18:45... - 塔

I want a key, thank you

2014-10-03 14:16:21... - 塔

I want a key, thank you

2014-10-03 14:12:53... - 冠穎


2014-10-03 13:26:35... - Malburg

please send me key:

2014-09-15 15:39:39... -

Pls key thx

2014-09-14 06:55:47... - Vu

Please send me a key

2014-09-13 14:07:37... - Hidemichi

Oh. Is not need yet. Thx anyway.

2014-09-13 14:03:05... - Hidemichi

Hey guys! Im counting on you.

Thx :3

2014-09-13 14:01:12... - Pavel

good game
send me a key please

2014-09-13 08:07:48... - Dmitry

Please send me a key

2014-09-13 01:01:08... - Jack

Anymore keys? Please send :3

2014-09-09 20:58:46... - blazier56

Please send me a key

2014-09-09 20:57:09... - Please send me a key

2014-09-08 23:24:34... - Robson

Please send me a key

Thank You

2014-09-06 01:14:01... - DARkxXL

Please send me a key

2014-09-06 01:13:53... - DARkxXL

Please send me a key

2014-09-05 19:02:42... - T

Please send a key

2014-09-04 20:12:46... - Volodiay

azaza lalka zatrallen

2014-09-01 20:47:00... - Peter

thank you, is not need

2014-09-01 20:43:50... - Peter

Please send me a key

Thank You

2014-08-24 06:41:37... - Павел

Please send me a key!
Thank You!

2014-08-24 06:41:22... - Павел

Please send me a key!
Thank You!

2014-08-23 16:20:46... - makeBRO

Please send me a key at

2014-08-21 15:53:36... - HeXoR

Please send me a key!
Thank You!

2014-08-19 21:44:07... - GIRtheultimate

Please send me a key at
Thank You!

2014-08-18 12:53:28... - Vuzero

Please send me a key
Thank You!

2014-08-15 16:20:56... - Rasi78

please send me

2014-08-12 13:32:02... - tomek


2014-08-12 11:48:33... - charles

please send one key

2014-08-10 16:03:47... - Jojo

Please send me a key

2014-08-10 16:03:36... - Jojo

Please send me a key

2014-08-09 09:44:15... - Mika

Please send me a key @

2014-08-09 07:33:34... - Ibby

Please send me a key @

2014-08-08 18:50:01... - Gabriele

Please send key to

2014-08-08 18:49:49... - Gabriele

Please send key to

2014-08-08 11:26:01... - Gio

Please send key to

2014-08-08 00:35:26... - MOHAMAD

please send me a key to

2014-08-07 22:48:48... - Manfred

Ich hoffe, einen Schlüssel zu bekommen -

vorab DANKE

2014-08-07 14:39:51... - Goran

Please, one key to

2014-08-07 10:14:16... - Andrey

please send me a key to

2014-08-07 02:02:13... - Andrei

Please send key to

2014-08-07 02:02:07... - Andrei

Please send key to

2014-08-06 21:31:21... - Petra

please send me a key to

2014-08-06 21:31:12... - Petra

please send me a key to

2014-08-06 18:31:14... - kam

Please send me a key

2014-08-06 13:42:37... - tokyo

2014-08-06 13:42:26... - tokyo

2014-08-06 13:00:47... - lordblackwind

Please send me a Key

2014-08-06 10:43:05... - GameFreak041

Please send me a key to

2014-08-06 09:23:35... - Adem

Please send me a key

2014-08-06 08:26:29... - huwe123456


2014-08-06 05:03:03... - RCRated

Key to

2014-08-06 03:01:14... - MasterOps

Key to pls

2014-08-06 00:42:22... - dadad


2014-08-05 23:31:10... - Fonsy1

please send me a key @

2014-08-05 19:04:04... - justinzzz1

please send me a key @

2014-08-05 18:52:10... - leonzunnamett


2014-08-05 17:53:23... - Fabian

Was lucky to get a key :) YAAY :D

2014-08-05 15:25:29... - Guilherme

key please

2014-08-05 15:25:14... - Guilherme

key please

2014-08-05 09:03:27... - Fenomenon

Key ?

2014-08-05 09:00:16... - Fenomenon

Key ?

2014-08-05 08:37:13... - sonoker

:) key please

2014-08-05 08:34:02... - Yanhis

key pls ? !

2014-08-05 08:33:09... - Yanhis

key pls ? !

2014-08-05 05:31:36... - iFrag

Ich hoffe, einen Schlüssel zu bekommen

2014-08-05 05:23:09... - ting2640


2014-08-05 00:33:19... - mar


2014-08-04 23:17:05... - clarke

Key ?

2014-08-04 23:14:00... - clarke

Key ?

2014-08-04 22:36:12... - Leonardo


2014-08-04 22:35:49... - Leonardo


2014-08-04 22:10:18... - Joose

La key ?

2014-08-04 22:10:07... - Joose

La key ?

2014-08-04 21:56:16... - ME

help where should i find the key answer pls

2014-08-04 21:42:02... - :D


2014-08-04 19:00:36... - Marko

how to get key i don't get it? and also won't open profile/keys

2014-08-04 19:00:10... - Marko

how to get key i don't get it? and also won't open profile/keys

2014-08-04 18:47:44... - Ginno


2014-08-04 18:46:04... - Javí


2014-08-04 18:41:05... - Ποθητός

i could use a key :D

2014-08-04 18:40:32... - Ποθητός

i could use a key :D

2014-08-04 18:36:56... - Nehuen


2014-08-04 18:16:03... - Vlada

Thanks for game, i got it now! :-D

2014-08-04 18:08:21... - Facundo


2014-08-04 18:07:32... - Facundo


2014-08-04 18:06:50... - Facundo


2014-08-04 18:05:38... - Facundo


2014-08-04 18:05:17... - Bogdan

where is the key ?

2014-08-04 18:04:51... - Facundo


2014-08-04 18:04:08... - Chung


2014-08-04 18:03:01... - mto loco


2014-08-04 18:02:09... - Michelle

Erick mel key?

2014-08-04 17:59:32... - Erick

mel key?

2014-08-04 17:57:42... - Erick

mel key?

2014-08-04 17:55:53... - Bogdan

where is the key?

2014-08-04 17:55:43... - Martin

who are the key?

2014-08-04 17:51:10... - Mel


2014-08-04 17:48:00... - Adnan


2014-08-04 17:45:28... - Luciano

Send key

2014-08-04 17:44:59... - Luciano

Send key

2014-08-04 17:44:25... - Yao

nice gmae

2014-08-04 17:44:21... - Luciano

Send key

2014-08-04 17:43:40... - Ashish

where is the key??

2014-08-04 17:43:11... - Ashish

where is the key??

2014-08-04 17:37:07... - Leonardo

key ????

2014-08-04 17:33:00... - cfsgg


2014-08-04 17:30:22... - giorgi

where is the key?

2014-08-04 17:29:52... - giorgi

where is the key?

2014-08-04 16:53:20... - Alex

Key? Where?

2014-08-04 16:52:47... - Alex

Key? Where?

2014-08-04 16:46:39... - Güngör


2014-08-04 00:37:44... - Rene

second tried i get the game via linking to steam. There isn´t a key but it will activate automaticaly in steam. you have only login into steam (web) after you take the link which is link to steam (web).

Thanks for the game to dlh

2014-08-03 22:09:07... - qwerq12345


2014-08-03 15:10:20... - Xening

Where's key ? :x

2014-08-03 12:28:01... - DA


2014-08-03 10:40:47... - Andriy

where's key?

2014-08-03 09:40:53... - casper

where is the key?

2014-08-03 08:45:21... - z


2014-08-03 08:44:55... - z

good game

2014-08-03 08:44:34... - z


2014-08-03 08:44:10... - z


2014-08-03 05:56:29... - Juan

Nice game!

2014-08-03 03:32:35... - TWalexY


2014-08-03 00:22:16... - mizael_contatos@hotmail.c


2014-08-03 00:18:14... - Ricardo

Endlich ist es fertig

2014-08-02 20:42:37... - Ricardo

Ich einen Schlüssel wollte, würde die Seite nicht laden T.T

2014-08-02 20:40:23... - Ricardo

Ich einen Schlüssel wollte, würde die Seite nicht laden. T.T

2014-08-02 20:23:26... - Павел

Hmmm. Where are my key? It was in profile, but it disappeared now.

2014-08-02 20:22:20... - Павел

Hmmm. Where are my key? It was in profile, but it disappeared now.

2014-08-02 20:21:14... - Павел

Hmmm. Where are my key? It was in profile, but it disappeared now.

2014-08-02 19:55:04... - drew


2014-08-02 19:53:00... - drew


2014-08-02 19:51:59... - drew


2014-08-02 17:12:18... - Вадим


2014-08-02 07:25:49... - TitanOfWar

This is so unfair... :(
I tried so many times to get a key but I keep coming 30 seconds late.
1st come first serve is the worst, nastiest and meanest way to give out free games.

2014-08-02 07:24:27... - TitanOfWar

This is so unfair... :(
I tried so many times to get a key but I keep coming 30 seconds late.
1st come first serve is the worst, nastiest and meanest way to give out free games.

01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
18.März 2020
24.März 2020
16.März 2020
24.März 2020
18.März 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020