5. März, London - SEGA® Europe Ltd. kündigt das eigenständige Kapitelpaket A World Betrayed für Total War: THREE KINGDOMS an. Die Erweiterung erscheint am 19. März 2020.
Mitten in der Nachkriegszeit des verheerenden Konflikts im Jahr 190 n. Chr. streiten sich Chinas führende Kriegsherren darum, wer das Machtvakuum im Herzen der Han-Dynastie zu füllen vermag.
Spieler erschaffen ihr neues Kaiserreich mit einer Armee, die von Chinas größten Kriegern jener Zeit angeführt wird: dem begabten Lü Bu und dem ehrgeizigen Sun Ce. Beide müssen jeweils ihre eigenen Rivalitäten ausfechten und Ländereien erobern. Neue einzigartige Kommandanten, mächtige Krieger und bedeutende Staatsmänner folgen ihnen in die Schlacht und sind dazu bereit, den Herrschaftsanspruch ihrer Anführer auf China zu sichern!
A World Betrayed:
- Zwei neue Fraktionen – angeführt von Lü Bu und Sun Ce
- 13 spielbare Fraktionen – jede mit neuen Startpositionen, Ereignissen und Story-Missionen
- Neue Kampfeinheiten – darunter Tigerwache, Fliegende Reiter und Wache der Magd
- Neue Charaktere – darunter Cheng Pu, die Qiao-Schwestern und mehr
Das neue Kapitelpaket beinhaltet außerdem ein kostenloses Inhaltsupdate für THREE KINGDOMS, das für alle Spieler verfügbar ist. Weitere Informationen zu A World Betrayed und dem kostenlosen Inhaltsupdate gibt es hier im FAQ zu Total War.
About Total War™:
Multi-million-selling Total War is one of the most critically-acclaimed series in gaming; now over 15 years old. A drive for historical authenticity and superb gaming quality has helped establish the franchise as one of the most successful PC games of all time. Alongside the core historical-based games, the Total War series has expanded to include free-to-play mobile (Total War Battles™: KINGDOM) and PC titles (Total War™: ARENA), currently in development. Their dedicated development teams are joined by those working on Total War: WARHAMMER and future Total War titles. Total War's website is located at www.totalwar.com
About Creative Assembly™:
Creative Assembly is one of the UK's leading games development studios, founded in 1987 and located in West Sussex, UK and in Sofia, Bulgaria. With a heritage of award-winning AAA titles, including the multi-million selling Total War™ series, Creative Assembly continues to build an impressive portfolio of games and world-renowned partnerships; working with Games Workshop on Total War™: WARHAMMER®, Wargaming Alliance on Total War™: ARENA, Twentieth Century Fox on Alien: Isolation, plus 343 Industries and Microsoft on Halo Wars 2. Creative Assembly has, with their exceptionally talented team of over 500, amassed a wealth of awards, including recent accolades from BAFTA, Music+Sound and Develop's Industry Excellence awards. www.creative-assembly.com
About SEGA® Europe Ltd.:
SEGA Europe Ltd. is the European Distribution arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA Games Co., Ltd., and a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. SEGA wholly owns the video game development studios Creative Assembly, Relic Entertainment, Amplitude Studios, Sports Interactive and Hardlight. SEGA Europe's website is located at www.sega.com
Multi-million-selling Total War is one of the most critically-acclaimed series in gaming; now over 15 years old. A drive for historical authenticity and superb gaming quality has helped establish the franchise as one of the most successful PC games of all time. Alongside the core historical-based games, the Total War series has expanded to include free-to-play mobile (Total War Battles™: KINGDOM) and PC titles (Total War™: ARENA), currently in development. Their dedicated development teams are joined by those working on Total War: WARHAMMER and future Total War titles. Total War's website is located at www.totalwar.com
About Creative Assembly™:
Creative Assembly is one of the UK's leading games development studios, founded in 1987 and located in West Sussex, UK and in Sofia, Bulgaria. With a heritage of award-winning AAA titles, including the multi-million selling Total War™ series, Creative Assembly continues to build an impressive portfolio of games and world-renowned partnerships; working with Games Workshop on Total War™: WARHAMMER®, Wargaming Alliance on Total War™: ARENA, Twentieth Century Fox on Alien: Isolation, plus 343 Industries and Microsoft on Halo Wars 2. Creative Assembly has, with their exceptionally talented team of over 500, amassed a wealth of awards, including recent accolades from BAFTA, Music+Sound and Develop's Industry Excellence awards. www.creative-assembly.com
About SEGA® Europe Ltd.:
SEGA Europe Ltd. is the European Distribution arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA Games Co., Ltd., and a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. SEGA wholly owns the video game development studios Creative Assembly, Relic Entertainment, Amplitude Studios, Sports Interactive and Hardlight. SEGA Europe's website is located at www.sega.com