Stardrive 2

Created: 24. March 2014
Publisher: Iceberg Interactive

In Zero Sum Games’ sequel to the popular original PC  4x real-time strategy title StarDrive (2013), players can build a space empire and command huge fleets turn-by-turn in an immersive, living galaxy filled with nine alien races, pirate factions, galactic lore and mystery. Fans of the 4X genre can research hundreds of technologies, including technologies unique to their race, and build ships in the custom ship design mode before taking them into real-time battles packed with stunning visuals and sound effects. Players can exploit planets, navigate asteroid belts, and overcome deep space dangers while handling interspecies relations to gain the upper hand. They will conduct diplomacy and espionage, make alien friends that will deliver thriving trade treaties – or enemies that will seek to exterminate them at all costs.
31. May 2015 14:26:28
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
StarDrive 2
24. March 2014 17:04:56
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
StarDrive 2 - GDC 2014 Screenshots
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