Boy, do I love some P.O.W. This game blew me away as a kid, and if you haven't played it, you're in for a retro treat. A two player beat em up (on arcade, the NES version is single player), you play a P.O.W. who somehow gets his hands on a stick of dynamite and blows his way out of the prison he's being held in. Then? It's time to kick some commie ass. The game is great, and you should be excited.
But there's a lot more included in this collection, and I mean every SNK game, from coin-op releases through NES, SNES and more. As far as goodies go, you get the digital box art, coin-op cabinet designs, museum mode, lost games, photos, graphic art, and more. The Nintendo Switch version has the old classics getting optimized for the Switch, you can save at any time, and the whole thing is rocking hard HD.
Give the video below a look for a peek at two of the games, and take a look at the site here.