This Is Important: Headup Games Collaborates On In-Between For Cancer Research

Dean (01. November 2018 19:00 )
Link: In Between
This Is Important: Headup Games Collaborates On In-Between For Cancer ResearchVideo Game News Online, Gaming News

As someone who has watched three loved ones die due to cancer, this hits home for me. You can practically ask anyone you know if they know someone who has either died or is dealing with cancer, and you'll get a yes. Cancer is shit, and I'm repping this Headup games collaboration hard.

We reviewed In Between when it first released, and liked it quite a bit (81% score). This is what we had to say: Also the heavy subject matter and high level of difficulty means that it will require a tremendous amount of concentration at all times if you want to make any progress. But if none of this bothers you, then you should check out this extraordinary title, which not only features creative and innovative gameplay elements, but also invites players to think about some pretty heavy topics – all for just twelve bucks.

This charity collaboration with the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) starts today and will end on the 31st of January 2019.Over this period, 50% of revenues from purchases for In Between on Steam, iTunes and Google Play will go directly to the CRI. You can track the total amount of donations raised so far here.

The goal of the collaboration is to increase awareness for the mental and emotional strain that cancer puts on patients and their loved ones. I have watched relationships fall apart and families fracture trying to deal with a loved one having cancer, and it's no joke. In Between puts players in control of a man diagnosed with terminal cancer. You'll guide the protagonist on his journey to achieve peace of mind,experiencing the emotional story of a man struggling to come to terms with his own mortality and finiteness. 

Even if you don't give a damn about the cause, watch the trailer below, this is a fun, tough, artistic little platformer in its own right.

A puzzle-platformer, "In Between" illustrates the struggle of coping with death in a sensitive and emotional way. Based on insights from thanatology, the game carefully confronts players with the profoundly human inner conflicts experienced by the dying game character. Lying on its deathbed in a clinic, the character revisits periods of his life presented in fragmented memories, such as school graduation or the burial of a beloved person." - Red Dot Award 2014.

Info on the Cancer Research Institute:
The Cancer Research Institute is the leading nonprofit dedicated exclusively to transforming patient care by advancing the science of immunotherapy. Since 1953, we have supported efforts to develop new and effective immune-based strategies to prevent, treat, and potentially cure all cancers. Guided by a world-renowned Scientific Advisory Council that includes 3 Nobel laureates and 26 members of the National Academy of Sciences, our contributions to key scientific advances have made today's immunotherapies possible.

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