Gran Turismo 3

Gran Turismo 3

14.10.2013 08:45:54



Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
"Tuning Presets"
By: Big D (Dustin Kulwicki)


Table of Contents

1-What?! Another Tuning Guide?
2-Some Things you should know before proceding
3-Tuning For "Pure Speed"
4-Tuning For "Stable Turning"
5-Tuning For "Unstable Turning"
6-Tuning For "Pure Acceleration"
7-Tuning For "Endurance"
8-Tuning For "Great Car"
9-Email Me!

1-What?! Another Tuning Guide?

Okay, most faqs up there already tell you how to tune a specific car
to perfection...but sometimes, especially in GT-3, you dont want
perfection. Thats why I decided to make this faq, to give a sort've
default on how to tune any car you own to a specific area.

2-Some Things you should know before proceding

1-These are simply "defaults" on how to tune your car, feel free
to change other things to reflect your personality.
2-This faq ASSUMES that you have upgraded everything on a car. Its
Assumed that you have bought the most expensive, and most customized
3-Some Cars in GT-3 Wont let you modify all the settings. And so with
those cars..umm..I guess you cant tune them properly, but usually
that isnt a problem at all.
4-Dont be afraid to Mix up some of the Tuning guides, yes, they can
be mixed quite easily for a steady average. Just find the averages of
all the numbers. It creates many possible combinations to tune your
car, as it should be.
5-In some Rare Cases, a Car may not perform exactly like the guide
states, this is fine...Some cars just wont. Also, some cars may
perform even better. So just go with an open mind is all i ask.
6-SOME Settings are listed in Percents, Shown Below is an example
of a Bar and Where you would set That specific Percent.
| 10% 50% 90% |

3-Tuning For "Pure Speed"

Okay...Pure speed is only suggested for the tracks that dont curve a
whole lot..However, these cars Can be driven on turning Roads, they
just require Expert drivers, which many of us are not.

Front Rear (If Appliable)
Spring Rate: 75% 75%
Ride Height: 0% 0%
Shock Bound: 60% 60%
Shock Rebound: 100% 100%
Camber Angle: 4.0 2.5
Toe Angle: 0.0 0.0
Stabilizers: 20% 20%

BRAKE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Brake Balance: 25% 25%

Gear Ratio
Auto Setting: 100% Wide
1st: -20
2nd: -40
3rd: -60
4th: -80 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
5th: -100 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
6th: -ALL
7th: -ALL
Final: 35-50% (you Judge)

OTHER SETTINGS (Not Required) Front Rear (If Appliable)
Downforce: 75% 25%
ASM: Level 3
TCS: Level 3

TIRE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Tires: Racing Medium Racing Medium

Other Notes
The Spring Settings are pretty straight-forward...

Brake Settings however can be modified to suit you, but the higher
you set them, the faster you will brake, however, the less youll be
able to turn at high speeds.

Gear Settings Usually Work Wonders. The Final is more of
an Acceleration Setting, If its more toward 50%, you will Accel a
bit Faster, But if its more toward 35%, you will Peak more speed.

The Downforce isnt a Requirement, and doesnt aid the speed that
much, if you do have it, and use the settings though, it should help
with cornering at high speeds.

ASM and TCS just serve to slow the vehicle down with Accel and speed
at Certain points in Racing (Such as a Turn or an unbalanced Road).
Thats why there at a lower level.

The Tires Dont Really matter, However, I would not suggest going
BELOW a Medium Racing Tire because of the Turning loss.

Be Careful when Heading into a Turn damnit! ..I Wouldnt use this
setting on a Track where the Roads are surrounded by Dirt EVER,
because when you see your speed kick up, and that turns coming..What
are you going to do? might slow down if your paying attention..
but usually It isnt fast enough, so just be careful.

4-Tuning For "Stable Turning"

Okay...You know those tracks where its Straightaway Then a REALLY
Sharp turn..And every time you hit the freak'n Wall?!?! ..Well..fear
no more, with careful braking, leading up, this will have you around
them in no-time. Hopefully..

Front Rear (If Appliable)
Spring Rate: 35% 50%
Ride Height: 10% 10%
Shock Bound: 40% 30%
Shock Rebound: 90% 60%
Camber Angle: 7.5 5.5
Toe Angle: 0.0 0.5
Stabilizers: 50% 50%

BRAKE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Brake Balance: 45% 45%

GEAR SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
LS Initial Torque: 50% 15%
LS Accel: 50% 62.5%
LS Decel: 50% 47.5%

Gear Ratio
Auto Setting: 50% Sports-Wide
1st: +10
2nd: +0
3rd: -10
4th: -20
5th: -30
6th: -40 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
7th: -50 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
Final: 35-50% (you Judge)

OTHER SETTINGS (Not Required) Front Rear (If Appliable)
Downforce: 25% 75%
ASM: Level 5
TCS: Level 5

TIRE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Tires: Racing Super-Soft Racing Super-Soft

Other Notes
The Spring Settings are pretty straight-forward...

Brake Settings Should stay the same..but the higher you set them, the
faster you will brake, however, the less youll be able to turn at
high speeds.

The Limited Slip Settings Are Critical to this design too, if you
Reverse them, all you will do is "Lock-Up" when you want to turn,
this helps a Great deal. Keep Reading if you want to know what
"lock-up" Means..i define it below.

Gear Settings Help to keep you from going to fast..
The Final is more of an Acceleration Setting, If its more toward
50%, you will Accel a bit Faster, But if its more toward 35%, you
will Peak more speed.

The Downforce is a Great thing to have because you can tell the Rear
to stay inward.

ASM and TCS just serve to slow the vehicle down with Accel and speed
at Certain points in Racing (Such as a Turn or an unbalanced Road).
Thats why there at a Medium level, They'll kick in if your in a Rough
Turn that you might spin out on.

The Tires Can be Critical to this setting..Try not to downgrade them
to much, as it will reduce your turning capability.

When you have a Car At this setting, You will "Lock-Up" a lot, Lock
up is a Race term to describe when you got a Rough turn, and you hit
the brakes, and your Car Brakes, and it turns, But it keeps going
one Direction. Thats Lockup, In Order to Prevent this, take every
turn like you love it. Get into A Proper Position and BRAKE BRAKE
BRAKE! before each turn, otherwise Lock-Up will throw you into a
5-Tuning For "Unstable Turning"

Oh Boy..What Fun What Fun..These settings are Funny to Play when your
on a Dirt Track, Especially in an Overly Fast Car. (Like the Escudo)
Some People Prefer This type of Steering to "Stable Turning"
Personaly? i enjoy Unstable turning more..but if i really want to win
on a HARD Race, ill go with Stable..

Front Rear (If Appliable)
Spring Rate: 75% 75%
Ride Height: 0% 0%
Shock Bound: 70% 70%
Shock Rebound: 70% 70%
Camber Angle: 4.5 2.5
Toe Angle: 0.0 -2.0
Stabilizers: 20% 20%

BRAKE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Brake Balance: 25% 25%

GEAR SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
LS Initial Torque: 50% 15%
LS Accel: 50% 62.5%
LS Decel: 50% 47.5%

Gear Ratio
Auto Setting: 50% Sports-Wide
1st: +10
2nd: +0
3rd: -10
4th: -20
5th: -30
6th: -40 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
7th: -50 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
Final: 35-50% (you Judge)

OTHER SETTINGS (Not Required) Front Rear (If Appliable)
Downforce: 75% 25%
ASM: Level 10
TCS: Level 5

TIRE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Tires: Racing Super-Soft Racing Super-Soft

Other Notes
You Can Toy with the Camber Angle..Generally, The higher you set it,
The Better you turn, but it will slow braking if you push it to hard.

Brake Settings Can be varied...but the higher you set them, the
faster you will brake, however, the less youll be able to turn at
high speeds.

The Limited Slip Settings Are Critical to this design. I would only
suggest Toying with them if you know what your doing..Otherwise keep
them set.

Gear Settings Help to keep you from going to fast..
The Final is more of an Acceleration Setting, If its more toward
50%, you will Accel a bit Faster, But if its more toward 35%, you
will Peak more speed.

The Downforce is a Great thing to have In this type of setup because
you can make the front rear blunt, so the wind "bounces" and the rear
sharp as a knife..It cuts the wind, and so It helps Oversteer.

ASM and TCS Can be modified generally up and down here, pick out what
you want..

The Tires Dont seem to have as much as an effect as I would have
thought, Try Keeping it Above Medium Racing though. Also, You can
Make the Front Tires More Grippy than the Rears for Extra Effect.

A Nice Setting in My opinion, This setting tends to make use of the
Handbrake more-so then your basic Brakes, so try using that,
experiment, sometimes, With this setting, you can bounce of the wall
on a Pin-Corner and make it faster than just taking it all slow and

Spinouts Are indeed common, as one would guess..But they can be
avoided if you drive careful enough. If you find that you are
spinning Out too much, Try switching the Tires to a more-Grippy type
and also use the Regular brake more often. Dont be afraid to let up
on the Gas either.

6-Tuning For "Pure Acceleration"

This is an Ideal setting for a Track with Rough Turns and Lotsa Dirt.
Tracks that you find yourself on Screwing up on A bit Too Much.

Front Rear (If Appliable)
Spring Rate: 75% 75%
Ride Height: 0% 0%
Shock Bound: 70% 70%
Shock Rebound: 70% 70%
Camber Angle: 4.5 2.5
Toe Angle: 0.0 0.0
Stabilizers: 50% 50%

BRAKE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Brake Balance: 45% 45%

GEAR SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
LS Initial Torque: 50% 15%
LS Accel: 50% 62.5%
LS Decel: 50% 47.5%

Gear Ratio
Auto Setting: 100% Wide
1st: -250
2nd: +45
3rd: +38
4th: +40
5th: +32
6th: -10
7th: -20
Final: 49.5% (Critical)

OTHER SETTINGS (Not Required) Front Rear (If Appliable)
Downforce: 25% 75%
ASM: Level 5
TCS: Level 5

TIRE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Tires: (CRITICAL) Racing Super-Soft Racing Super-Soft

Other Notes
The Spring Settings are pretty straight-forward...

Brake Settings Should stay the same..but the higher you set them, the
faster you will brake, however, the less youll be able to turn at
high speeds.

Limited Slip Isnt Increadibly Important..but those seem to work the

The Gear setting is main part of the Acceleration Process, your max
speed will be hindered, but the values you get on accel Should be
Quite Fast for that specific car.

The TCS Setting Is Highly important here, If its set to high, your
wheels are harder to turn, if its set to low, your wheels spinout
like crazy, and you loose precious time. A Nice Average is usually

I Cannot Stress how important the Tires are here..Mixing tires i
usually recomend, but here its a big no-no. Also, Super-Softs are the
Absolute best for Accel, they stick to the pavement like glue and
your car rockets if you use them, Accel Drops as you downgrade tires.
It Drops even more if you mix them.

This setting is only for the "Hard" Tracks you have trouble with on
Recovery. It Also gives insight on how to tune a car for that extra
speed bonus when you need it.

7-Tuning For "Endurance"

Endurance Tuning Only Requires a Few Settings, Most Importantly of
which, is the tires.

Things to Change

Camber Angle: Add an Extra 2-3 On Each Side. This makes it when your
taking a corner, Your Wheel wont Change colors as Quickly. Make sure
you add equally, if you add 2 to the Front, add 2 to the Rear.

Tires: This is the most important thing to chance...Its Rather simple
First off, Make sure the tires are the Same Type, if you differ them,
One will change color at a different pace, which will offset Turning,
Accel, Max Speed, and a lot of other features, so keep them the same.
Next, Make SURE you dont go above Medium-Soft Grade Tires, I would
suggest you take Medium-Slick. The Lower Grade Tire you take, the
less turning you have, but the Longer it will last, You might think
that a Super-Soft in its worst condition is better than a Super Slick
In its best condition, but that is False. Any tire in its worse
condition is Worse than a Normal Tire, which is far worse than any
Racing Tire.

8-Tuning For "Great Car"

This is a General Thing to Apply to all Newly Bought Car, Its like
an "All-Rounder" Generally. It turns the car into an all-purpose car.
However, it also grants the car a Nice upgrade from Store-bought

Front Rear (If Appliable)
Spring Rate: 75% 75%
Ride Height: 0% 0%
Shock Bound: 45% 45%
Shock Rebound: 75% 75%
Camber Angle: 4.5 2.5
Toe Angle: 0.0 0.0
Stabilizers: 50% 50%

BRAKE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Brake Balance: 15% 15%

Gear Ratio
Auto Setting: 100% Wide
1st: +30
2nd: -20
3rd: -30
4th: -40
5th: -50 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
6th: -ALL
7th: -ALL
Final: 45-65% (you Judge)

OTHER SETTINGS (Not Required) Front Rear (If Appliable)
Downforce: Up to You
ASM: Level 5
TCS: Level 5

TIRE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Tires: Racing Medium Racing Medium

Other Notes
The Spring Settings are pretty straight-forward...Always Keep The
Ride Height as low as possible.

Brake Settings can be modified to suit you, but the higher
you set them, the faster you will brake, however, the less youll be
able to turn at high speeds.

Gear Settings Usually Work Wonders. The Final is more of
an Acceleration Setting, If its more toward 65%, you will Accel a
bit Faster, But if its more toward 45%, you will Peak more speed.

The Downforce is Really Up to you, It Depends on If you want
Oversteer or not.

Id suggest leaving the ACM And TCS Alone here, When they flash down
on your Hud, that lets you know when there working, so if you catch
one flashing a time when you didnt want it to flash, then lower the

The Tires are Pretty Variable in Both aspects here, I would suggest
keeping them the same because if there different, you will Suffer in

This is Pretty much an Ideal setting for most cars, Set it up like
this, and you should see a Base Improvement.

Email Me!
Yeah..Feedback is welcome of course..along with all that other stuff
Yes, if you have a better setting for something you can mail it to me
..But Im very i dont know if ill upgrade this..If enough get
sent in, It might convince me.. Anyway..Yeah!

* Copyrighted to Dustin M. Kulwicki 2001 *
Yes yes, Just like the website says, All my Stuff is Copyrighted. If
your just Dying to use some of my material..Simply ask..Email me,
Yes, ill probably mail you back the same day, Yes, I WILL mail you
back, i promise. Odds are ill let you use what you want..A Great
Artist once said "Good Artists Create, But Great Artists Steal" ..i
think it was of them famous guys..anyway..Thanks For
Reading this if you bothered..

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