Tekken Tag Tournament

Tekken Tag Tournament

16.10.2013 01:59:24
Ogre, Proud like a God - for Advanced and Beginners, Final Revision 5.02
- by Renick(renickironfist@hotmail.com)

To check if this FAQ is organised as it's supposed to be, please check
underneath if the points and numbers line up properly:



First of all, this guide is for personal use only. If you wanna use
this publically, you can only do that if the credit goes to me. No dirty
tricks by stealing someone elses work. If you DO try and steal my work and
use it for your own profit, you are bananis my friend, because I'll find
out, and I will shut you down. This guide and everything displayed in this
text document is also owned by Renick. If there is any content of a copy of
this guide passed on to any website or profitable company without permission
of Renick, legal action will be taken against the indicated person. And for
the legal blah-blah-blah, Ogre and all characters in Tekken Tag Tournament
belong officially to Namco, All rights reserved 1999, 2000.

What's new?

- 2/24/00:

In all my haste I've made some big mistakes on the layout and text formats.
I also added Sauer Krauts awesome site into the Sites section. Thanks to
everyone who e-mailed me to noticed the flaws I made. That's why this
revision will be the final revision instead of the last. Corrected some
horrible spelling mistakes as well, and added some stuff in the moves
section. I also forgot to add the miup surrounding 1,1 in the MIXING UP

- 2/14/00:

As you probably noticed, this guide has been almost completely rebuilt. The
reason why, is because the layout of my Bryan FAQ turned more satisfactory,
and the previous revision of this FAQ had a lot of flaws, so you can expect
a clean sweep here. Have fun...!



A - Introduction

B - Conventions

C - Move Analysis

D - Blocking and Hit-ranges

E - Okizeme

F - Sidestepping

G - Versus Character Strategy

H - Tagging and Tag Strats.

I - Poking

J - Combo's/Juggles

K - Custom Strings

L - Throwing and Counters

M - Buffering

N - Recovery

O - Countering

P - Mixing Up

Q - Conclusion

R - Sites

S - Thanks section



The reason why I do a guide on Ogre is the fact that he has been kind of a
scapegoat among characters due to the fact that his arsenal actually
consists of several popular moves of each sub-boss in Tekken2. But the
combination of those moves make him unique in his own way. His description
is that he is some kind of tall Alien Aztec Monster (I still like the
classic green outfit best) with gold armor and a huge cool looking pony tail
behind his head, and makes very cool almost animal like sounds as he fights
(his voice is a lot higher now), and he excaims some unknown speeches in his
winning stances, and he can fly (I wish he could fly during gameplay!). He
was a boss-charater in Tekken3, where he was introduced the first time, and
quickly was considered one of the cheapest and most powerful characters in
the game. In TTT he has been toned down and most of his borrowed moves are
less good than the versions of the characters where they officially belong
to. His arsenal consists mainly of:
Kazuya's punching strings
Wangs powermoves and throw
Baek and Lee's kicks
Bruce's elbows
Armor Kings aerial attacks
The big characters throws
Kunimitsu's stabs
Anna's FC attacks
Combining these features, Ogre is a potential force to recon with. Many
people consider Ogre sort of slow, while he is actually a pretty fast and
powerful character. He has the best sidestep in the game, has some great
moves off the crouch and can to lots of damage in a short period of time,
and his okizeme is some of the best in the game. But even now in TTT, he has
been weakened a lot. Why Namco? Why did you weaken him? He is the God of
Fighting ferchrissakes. His main flaws are still his slow pokes and size
(kinda inbetween the Jacks and Mishima's size), and NOW his guaranteed
followups after a blocked uf+3,4(3) are gone, his WS+2 gutpunch is a lot
slower now, his 1,1>2 is not guaranteed anymore, his df,DF+2+4 is escapable
now, his damage rating has been watered down, his standing 4 is slower,
practically EVERY GOOD MOVE HE HAD HAS BEEN RAPED!!! Why the hell is the
great Toshin such a pathetic underdog character now? He has gained only one
new move, the SS+4 which is clearly not enough. Ogre can now be overpowered
as long as you just stay in his face, so it's very hard to win with him now.
You will have to rely heavily on his df+1, uf+4, ws+2 and 1,1>2 to survive,
despite that some of his primary moves have been raped so bad (I really hate
what namco did too him, but at least I finally realize it). People say Nina
had the biggest raping job, but I think Ogre has been raped the most.
Because Ogre will most likely lose in poking wars, it's vital to use Ogre
attack range to keep the opponent at bay out of jabbing range. If Ogre can
utilize his sidestep and crouching game safely without much fear of
retaliation he can still give a hard fight. I hope after reading this guide,
you'll reconsider using Ogre more, and understand what his game is all

So let's this FAQ started, if you have any questions, feedback or comments
on my work, my e-mail is renickironfist@hotmail.com, your opinions mean a
lot to me, so let me know if you have some wisdom you'd like to share. Have
fun with the FAQ...!



Joystick Layout (facing right) :
\ | / B - backward
\ | / UB - up/backward
B ---- + ---- F U - upward
/ | \ UF - up/forward
/ | \ F - forward
DB D DF DF - down/forward
D - downward
DB - down/backward

Buttons: Layout:
1 - left punch [1] - [2] - [5]
2 - right punch ----------->
3 - left kick [3] - [4]
4 - right kick
5 - tag button

Other terms:
CD - Crouch-dash(f,n,d,df)
RD - Rolldash (d,df,f)
WS - While rising
FC - Full chrouch position
CH - Counter hit
MC - Major Counter
SS - Sidestep
QCF - Quarter circle forward
QCB - Quarter circle backward
C.O.M - Chains of Misery
(E)WGF - (Electric)Wind God Fist

Small letter - Tap button command/joystick motion
Capital letter - Hold button command/ joystick motion

Con: + - Occurs when button commands/joystick motions have to be
pressed simultaneously.

Con: , - Occurs when button commands/joystick motions have to be
pressed before/after each other.

Con: ~ - Occurs when button commands/joystick motions have to be
pressed fast before/after each other.

Con: N - Neutral motion. There should be no joystick motion for about
1/2 a second.

Con: () - If a command is shown between this convention, it means it's
optional wether or not to pull it off.

Con: _ - Occurs when there are more options possible after a certain

Con: > - Occurs when hits can be delayed.



Ogre is not a hard character to learn, but it takes some good general
knowledge and experience to utilize his popular moves in a proper way. This
takes a lot more skill than when you use a character like Law, who is very
beginners friendly. Also, he has a limited arsenal compared to other
characters in the game. But even considering that most of Ogres moves are
somewhat slow, he can get lots of frame advantage when he connects them,
which means he can maintain pressure on the opponent quite easily. But the
main thing with Ogre is damage. even with some of his popular moves watered
down in damage, he can still pack a lot of wallop. With moves such as WS+2
it takes a lot of anticipation to connect safely in high level play, just
like any other move that leads to big damage. In the end, THAT makes Ogre a
pretty hard character to use.

This section will display analysis on most of Ogres attacks, and jow to
utilize them and so on, so you cannot consider it a real movelist. To find
great movelists, check out Catlords movelist or http://www.tekken.net, those
are the main locations for the good stuff.

Okay, on the with the move analysis.

Throws and Specials

This is one of Ogres two basic frontal throws. This throw is important
because it's taggable, making it one of the safest ways to tag-in your
partner without getting countered. Once you connect the throw, the opponent
is vulnerable grounded for a guaranteed FC+3. This is the most useful of his
two basic frontal throws. This throw can be escaped at the start-up with 1.
Jack-2. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

The second and least useful of his two basic throws. It has a high piss-off
rating since it endures pretty long if you connect it. However the opponent
recovers fast once you connected it, making a guaranteed followup
impossible. When you expect the opponent to roll away from you afterwards
use d+4,4 or f,f+1+2 for some good damage afterwards. At the start-up of
this throw, it can be escape with 2. Kuma. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

1+3/2+4(from the side):
You can try a sidethrow after a successfull sidestep, or any other situation
when the opponents side is vulnerable to you. Against smaller characters
like Lei or Ling you may whiff it due to the fact that Ogres SS travels
extremely far, so be cautious with them. None of Ogre sidethrows have
guaranteed followups that I know of. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

1+3/2+4(on backturned opponent):
Like all backthrows, Ogres is not escapable. Backthrows can be utilized in
those uncommon moments when the opponents back is vulnerable to you. This
happens a lot against Devils lasers or other moves that reach up high. Also,
you can try a backthrow after a successful sidestep, especially if it's a
linear move that travels a good distance, like a shoulder dash. Most of the
time it's pretty obvious when you have a good backthrow opportunity. After
the bacjthrow is successful a FC+3 afterwards can be followed for extra
ground damage. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This is Ogres only special throw, and it's also his best throw. Once you
have connected this throw it sets up some big damage combined.
But it seems it's escapable now with 1+2 unlike in Tekken3 (unfortunately).
Still this throw is best used if you buffer it with your attacks since you
are pretty vulnerable when you initiate this throw. Follow it after a WS+2
double over stun for example, is a good opportunity to connect it safely.
This throw is also not guaranteed anymore after the uf+3,4(3) blockstagger,
unfortunately. Still, this is his best throw, and has to be used often. But
the escape has watered this throw down a lot, so it's not such a "turtle
killer" anymore. Wang Jinrey. Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

This basically defines Ogres high attack counter, and it's actually pretty
useful when you use it sparingly. There is no animation shown when you
initiate this command normally, only when you time it accurately with the
opponents high attack or throw, making it sort of a taunt and counter at
once. If you can anticipate when the opponent does a high attack or throw
attempt and stick this in, you will gain some spacing. It even works well
inbetween certain strings with lag time. It's actually pretty cool if you
can anticipate a throw attempt fast enough, use the God Stance to counter
the opponent without putting up a guessing game for a throw escape, but it
needs to be time very accurately right before the opponent connects the
throw. The B+1+2 counter also works in backturned position to suprise the
opponent before he attacks or throws you from behind. There are two versions
of this move: The first animation (on a high punch counter) shows Ogre
rapelling a strange shield around the opponent to keep him out of reach and
stunned for a brief second. The second (on a high kick counter) shows Ogre
glowing and the opponent wil lose a chunk of life when he attacks. This is a
very fun move for Ogre and it actually proves useful against characters like
Lee or Baek, who have a lot of attacks/strings that start up high. It's
pretty hard to connect the god stance since your timing has to be extremely
accurate. During the godstance animation, Ogre is invincible and immobilzed
temporarely. When the animation is over, Ogre recovers fast enough to block
on time. The b+1+2 is pretty cool, and functions as a counter and taunt at
the same time. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10


This is literally Ogres fastest move. It runs 8frames and when connected it
gives you a 9frame advantage, making this his main move to set up Ogres
moves off the crouch without much fear of retaliation. Moves like ws+2,
FC+3,3,3_N+3, ws+4,4, or a throw are pretty safe because of the framing
advantage you've gained, making it the safest move to get into crouch
position, where most of Ogres deadliest attacks can be initiated. You can
use this as an interrupt set-up move, juggle extension and many other good
tactics. Still, like all lowjabs, this hits Special Mid, making it blockable
in both standing and crouching positions. Because Ogre hasn't got that much
of a poking game, it's important for him to rely on a simple lowjab. Kazuya
Mishima. Use-O-meter: 10 outta 10

This is a very good poke with Ogre, but it hits 10frames, which is slower
than the common 8frames jab. But it is a great move for interrupts, ad it
traveling distance gives it an extra forward momentum, making it an awesome
poke to stay in the opponents face for custom strings and such. When you mix
this up with 1,1>2 and with a throw or d+4(4) afterwards, there is a mean
tactic surrounding this attack (see MIXING UP) to realize this is a great
move in Ogre's arsenal. Kazuya Mishima. Use-O-meter: 10 outta 10.

A simple 1,2 punch combo is a pretty good set-up for Ogre. When 1 hits the 2
is always guaranteed, and you can followup a uf+4 or df+1 without too much
fear of getting countered. For a single standing 1, you can press f+1
instead for a more damaging version. It's a pretty safe move by itself, even
though Ogre's standing jabs are somewhat slow compared to most characters. A
good move in combo's or custom strings. Kazuya Mishima. Use-O-meter: 9 outta

This is one of Ogres best moves, especially as a counterhit attack after you
sidestepped the opponent, but it's not a good attack anymore to use as a
minor counter after blocking the opponents attack, since the 3rd punch can
be blocked ven when the first two connect (which sucks, cuz the Mishima's
still have all three hits guaranteed). The reason why you should use it for
MC only is because all three hits ARE guaranteed on CH (see COUNTERING). You
can also delay the last mid-hitting punch, which is vital since if the last
punch is blocked, the recovery isn't good. In that case use the 1,1 alone if
it's blocked, either throw, d+1 or do nothing. If it connects, the delay of
this attack makes it easy to follow the rest of the 1,1>2 string. That mixup
(more on it in the MIXING UP section) by itself makes this one of Ogres
primary moves. Kazuya Mishima. Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

This attack is not as good as 1,1>2 but does some good damage and all hits
are guaranteed on counterhit. But it all hits high, and the last punch
leaves you vulnerable if blocked. This is however, and easy and strong
juggle finisher, for some good and easy damage. Kazuya Mishima. Use-O-meter:
7 outta 10

Basically this displays the last 2 hits of the 1,2,2, but it's easier to get
countered with this attack. Both punches are guaranteed by impact and both
hits combined will do good damage on CH, so I wouldn't say it's a bad move.
Good and easy juggle finisher. Kazuya Mishima. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

Another one of Ogres primary attacks. Connect this midhitting elbow attack
and you'll get an 8frame advantage, which means you get a GUARANTEED d+1,
and that sets you up for a lot of shit, like the ws+2 or the Snake Kicks.
Because if that fact, the df+1 is awesome for custom strings and sorts, to
keep pressure on a defending opponent. You can follow 1,1>2 afrerwards as
well, which is uninterruptable if iniated after a successfull df+1, heck you
can even try a throw attempt. This is also a great attack to counter move
like Jins b,f+2,1,2_d+2 stun punch combo from small distances as well as a
reliable juggle extender. Also it recovers suprisngly quick when blocked. On
top of that, this attack is unparryable, unduckable and unreversable. Still
you must set this move up since it can be briefly interrupted by standing
jabs and such. If you utilize this move correctly you have the ability to
kick some ass. Bruce Irvin. Use-O-Meter: 10 outta 10.

I wish they had put in Bruce's version instead, since that version juggles.
Because Ogres version doesn't juggle there is frankly nothing really special
about this attack. It is a pretty solid move on standing position pretty
good to counter the opponents crouch or as a juggle extension. But the
second hit doesn't come fast enough after the first connects, so it can be
blocked, and the recovery isn't too good. Not a bad move by itself, but if
it was a launcher like Bruce's this move would've been a lot better. Stick
with the single df+1. Bruce Irvin. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This is not a bad move, this uppercut hit's mid, and the stagger it causes
will allow you to gain the spacing needed to tag in your partner with less
fear of retaliation. Be sure to use this move is harmony with your fast
pokes to connect it safely. On CH, it juggles, so it's a good move to hit
the opponent with as he tags in his partner recklessly. I especially like to
do this move when I successfull Sidestepped the opponent and counter with a
juggle. Also, if you connect this on a big character (every Jack, Kuma,
Ganryu, not True Ogre though) it'll cause a lift stun on them which means
guaranteed followups. It's con is that it's pretty slow for a regular
uppercut. Kazuya Mishima. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

Standing 4:
In Tekken3 this was the cheapest attack in the game, but in TTT the standing
roundhouse has been toned down. It's noticably slower, it;s range has been
reduced and it's not guaranteed anymore after the uf+3,4(3) blockstagger,
but the damage it still does is too good. This is best used as a juggle
extender because of that damage, but you can use it normally as well, but
don't blame me if you are called a cheap shot. It can be ducked pretty
easily and that leaves you open to get juggles or thrown. Kazuya Mishima.
Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

The single d+4 is one of Ogres best low hitting pokes, due to it's speed and
suprising range. Believe it or not, this reaches 1 and a half character
distance. This is a pretty good move to pester the opponent with and eat
away some quick chipping damage. Great attack for custom strings and keep
away tactics. Lee Chaolan. Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10.

This move is very important for Ogres standing game. I personally use this
alot as and easy combo finisher, but it's also very useful to hit rolling
opponents with after a knockdown. Also, if you counter an aerial attack with
df+1 (like Kings uf+1+2) this move is guaranteed. It's not exactly a low
risk move by itself, since the second kick can still be ducked or parried
when the first connect, but both hits ARE guaranteed on a CH though. Also if
the first Kick whiffs, some players tend to rush in on you, and if you
initiate the second kick, it will cause a knockdown. Pretty solid move. Lee
Chaolan. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This is one of Ogres PRIMARY moves, and people underestimate this as a
regular df+4 toekick, but it's actually one of the fastest kicks in the game
(12frames), making this his primary poke from a distance. And by impact
it'll give you an added 7frame advantage, which means you can interrupt the
opponent with this and gain the initiative on your offensive game as well.
This move has very fast recovery and has very little risk, and should be
used often. Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

In my opinion, this is the best hopkick in the game along with Pauls, and
Ogres most reliable jugglestarter. It comes out almost instantly, does good
damage, great priority, and recovers fast enough to make it suitable as a
juggle extender as well. This move is awesome to minor counter your opponent
and punish his errors. If you are good enough, you will be able to punish
many blocked attacks with a good juggle opportunity. This move is another
must for Ogre, prepare to use it a lot. It's best use as a minor counter
since you can get punished when the opponent blocks this attack.
Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

At first glance this move looks useless since it's very slow and lacks the
range needed to be an offense treat to the opponent. But when this move is
blocked you'll gain 11frames of advantage, and that means un-interruptable
shit. It also does pretty good damage. Still apart from that, not much
special things about things about this move. Use-O-meter: 6 outta 10

This is Ogres safest option off the crouch because of it's great speed,
recovery and priority. When the first hit connects, the second is always
guaranteed combining good damage. This is a good move to discourage opponent
from to counter your crouching game. This is also a very good attack to
interrupt your opponent with since it's speed is awesome, the first hit runs
11frames, which is pretty darn quick for a ws-move. Like 1,1>2 is your
interrupt of choice from standing position this will do the job from your
crouch. You can also pull this off after blocking low attacks, since it
somes out a lot faster than ws+2, so it's a good alternative. This is
another very important move for Ogre. Lee Choalan. Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

Splits kick. Even though d+4,4 is guaranteed once this attack hits on MC,
but it comes out incredibly slow, so the risk that you will get thrown or
poked out of it is pretty big. I almost never use this move. Kazuya Mishima.
Use-O-meter: 6 outta 10.

Well, I'd say this move can kinda be used the same way as the ws+4,4, but it
recovers slower. But unlike the WS+4,4 the first two Infinity kicks
afterwards are guaranteed, which puts this move a little on top.
Also it runs 10frames, which is a little faster than the ws+4,4. When this
attack is blocked, leave the infinity kick starter alone, since players will
look out to counter it after you pulled the ws+3,3. Still this move does
good damage by itself, and if you add the two guaranteed Infinity Kicks
(D+3,3) afterwards you'll deplete about 33% of your opponents lifebar away,
which is pretty good (but cheap) if you ask me. Lee Chaolan. Use-O-meter: 9
outta 10

Well the infinity kicks stay one of the favorite moves of the average button
masher. If you initiate d+3 during the ws+3,3, you can keep mashing 3 (with
D, U or Neutral) to do the infinite. I wouldn't use this in high level play,
since players will SS to the left and counter you. I recommend using the
first 4 hits alone (WS+3,3,D+3,3) since they are all guaranteed once the
first hit connects, which is pretty cheap, but useful nonetheless. I
personally barely use it. Lee Chaolan. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

The lowhitting Snake Kicks can prove pretty annoying to your opponents. This
version is often listed as FC+3,3,3, but that's a false command, you must
initiate d+3 fast after the second hit. This version ends with a low ender.
This attack and recovers in FC position, so it's pretty decent to utilize
the Snake Kicks effectively after ducking certain attacks. Be sure not to
get yourself lowparried using this, I recommend setting this move up with a
d+1, and sometimes stick with the first two hits alonem since the opponent
migh expect the third hit, and might leave him open while crouching or
standing. If you mix up the first two hits with juggle and lowhitting
version, this can be a potentially effective tactic. The recovery has
decreased a bit since Tekken3, but it still isn't too good. It can be used
pretty effectively on a grounded opponent as well. Baek Doo San.
Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

Same as the previous mentioned, but ends with a midhitting kick that
juggles. The three hits combined do over 50 points of damage, and the last
hit juggles high enough to set up a tag combo. Be sure not to do the full
three hits everytime, that might prove in your advantage (see MIXING UP),
and mix up the last hit of this move up with the low hitting ender evenly
divided. Ogre most damaging combo's are executed from this move. Still, all
three kicks come out sort of slow, so it's best not to overuse this attack.
Baek Doo San Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

I never use this for attacking purposes, simply to get into range if the
opponent is at running distance. The safest thing to do is to go in full
chrouch position after the final frames of this moves. This move can easily
be anticipated, even tho it blockstaggers, people will sidestep it, duck it
or counter it, and you will be vulnerable in all cases. I wouldn't recommend
using this move much. Bruce Irvin. Use-O-meter: 5 outta 10

This will hit grounded opponents from a forward dash distance. This move is
very useful for okizeme, great to counter those who like to rise quick from
a knockdown. Still, don't use on standing opponents since you might get
countered up close and fall prey into the opponents set-up tactics. But the
f,f,N motion gives it that extra range, making it his main okizeme move.
This will hit a grounded opponent, a rolling opponent, a rising opponent,
sometimes even opponents who get up with sweeps or anklekick. This is
literally his best okizeme attack (see OKIZEME). Baek Doo San. Use-O-meter:
9 outta 10.

This is pretty much Ogres primary offensive weapon. When this hits clean, it
causes a double over stun on the opponent, and you and easily follow an uf+4
or df,DF+2+4 to set-up some big added damage. When blocked, your best bet is
to try a d+1 afterwards since players will often try to throw or jab you in
this situation. But this move has been toned down drastically, at first
glance, you will already notice this move is a lot slower, which means
players can interrupt it or backdash out of range even easier than in
Tekken3. Because of this fact, it's even harder to utilize this move. Still
the price of connecting this move is too high, so it's still a move you
shouldn't leave out, I still rate it high because it's practically his only
way to do good damage without any risk. Kazuya Mishima (I wish Ogre had his
version). Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

This is one of Ogre FC-moves, and the least useful of the three. When
connected it causes a brief stagger on the opponent and can set up some fine
okizeme, but this move is easily countered, and recovers slow. This is, like
other moves from FC-position crouchbufferable. Anna Williams. Use-O-meter:
6 outta 10

This is one of the better power attacks Ogre has. When you crouchbuffer it
with a lowjab, this actually comes out pretty quick, and does great damage
on the opponent. When this counters it causes a small stagger on the
opponent, and you can get a d+4,4 (i.e.) for free. Pretty good move by
itself, be sure to buffer a chicken with it though (see THROWS AND COUNTERS
and BUFFERING), against reversal happy players. You can even use this as
okizeme on big characters, it's a lot quicker than f,f+1+2. It's only
problem is the slow recovery it has when blocked. This attack functions fine
as a juggle finisher when crouchbuffered with a d+1, so there is always a
way to utilize it. Anna Williams (Blimey, I wish Ogre had that auto-parry
built in). Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

Another nice addition of Ogres crouch arsenal. Ogre slides forward a low
handswipe that kinda juggles like Bryans df+3. Now that I mention it, this
move is not used that much differently from Bryans df+3. It comes out fairly
quick, hits low, avoids high and -some- mid attacks, is crouchbufferable and
can be used for okizeme. Also when you connect this, the f,f+1+2 is
guaranteed, and it's untechable strangely enough. It's only weakness is it's
recovery time when blocked. This is an awesome attack, but not one to
overuse, since good players will try to anticipate and parry it. If you know
how and when to utilize this attack, this can be one of Ogres better moves.
Anna Williams. Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

This is one of Ogres flashier moves in the game. It has a slight start-up,
but it reaches very far off and does good damage. Also, this attack juggles
on CH, and allows you to do some good damaging combo's, you can even tag in
your partner for some cool buddy combo's. A good time to get the counter is
when the opponents tags recklessly. Not a bad move to throw out once in a
while, be sure to buffer than chicken though. Lee Chaolan. Use-O-meter: 8
outta 10

This is Ogres only new move, which is simply disappointing. They should've
at least give him one more new attack, like a Mishima f,f+1+2 headbutt throw
would really come in handy. Still this is really not a bad addition to Ogres
arsenal, since it hits low, juggles, hits grounded opponents and comes off
his huge sidestep. This moves recovery and speed is not exactly fast, but
that's actually not such a big problem, since it's best used as a CH move
off the sidestep. Only use it when you are certain for impact, since this
move can be lowparried fairly easy. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This is a good move to do on a grounded opponent only, after a juggle or
knockdown to add some extra damage, especially against players who constanly
get up with sweeps or ankle kicks, or recover crouching. However, this
version can not be pulled instantly with uf like Jins version. If the
opponent manages to tech away from this attack, you are left vulnerable
grounded for okizeme. Kazuya Mishima. Use-O-meter: 7 outta 10

This move was excellent in T3, it was more dangerous blocked than when
it hit, since the standing 4, 1,1>2, uf+4 and df,DF+2+4 were all guaranteed
after the blockstagger. But the guaranteed followups have been taken out in
TTT, unfortunately. Still a pretty good offensive move, not too much risk,
but it can be anticipated if you overuse it. The second hit is unblockable
when blocked neutral, but when blocked active , the third hit won't come
out. Baek Doo San. Use-O-meter: 7 outta 10

I listed the ub+3 as a single move since it's better as stand alone move
than the full ub+3,2. It's a great attack to counter an advancing opponent
or when someone tags in. This attack can get you out of sticky situations,
and discourage your opponent to take it up close. Jun Kazama. Use-O-meter: 8
outta 10.

I don't care what anyone says, I think this move is useless with the
tooth fairy part. It's easily counterable, sidestepped and punch parried and
has horrible lagtime if you block the tooth fairy upper. The only good thing
I have to say about this move is that it's taggable if you juggle with the
tooth fairy. In other cases, stay away from it, to use this move is asking
to be punished. I recommend using the backflip part only since that's a
decent way to counter running opponents, but leave the tooth-fairy part
alone. Jun Kazama. Use-O-meter: 5 outta 10

This is one of Ogres powermoves, what he does is step forward with his arm
extended delivering a punch with his palm. This move as extra range because
of the little forward step he takes with the punch motion, but during it's
mid frames this move is pretty easily countered that way. Ogre can even be
thrown during this move. Still it does pretty good damage, hits mid, and
causes a fast knockdown so it's not a really bad move either. Pretty solid
attack with some priority, but not really a move to overuse. I use it off a
sidestep at times, or as an easy and damaging juggle filler. Not a bad
attack, but not exactly low risk either. Wang Jinrey. Use-O-meter: 8 outta

Even though this move comes out slow it is one of Ogres best okizeme moves.
It's power and reach are awesome, and can catch a rolling opponent pretty
easily. It also goes under most high attacks. A good time to use this attack
is after a successfull FC,df+2 for guaranteed damage. I recommend using it
on ar grounded opponent only as okizeme tool, or as a juggle finisher. Wang
Jinrey. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This is NOT a good move, it can be countered or sidestepped very easily, and
because Ogre takes a large jump forward before actually hits the opponent,
and you can easily be punished in midair. Stay away from this at all costs.
Armor King. Use-O-meter: 4 outta 10

This move is actually pretty good, since it travels a long distance, does
good damage and is a potentially great tool for wake-up games. When this
attack is blocked, you'll go right through your opponent, who staggers,
allowing a free tag-out. This is a great move to counter a tagging or
running opponent with, and Anna is the only character that can reverse this
move. It's main weakness is the fact that it can be anticipated from the
beginning, and Ogre will be vulnerable if the opponent sidesteps this move.
Armor King. 8 outta 10

This another one of Ogres lesser moves. This move seems to whiff more than
it hits, and leaves you vulnerable grounded if you failed to connected.
Also, a simple jab will counter Ogre easily while in mid-air, and the damage
isn't worth it either. You may want to use this move when the opponent tags
in, but there are lots of better options in that case, like a df+2. Armor
King. Use-O-meter: 4 outta 10

This is one of his better okizeme moves, simple because of it's range.
Thanks to the f,f,N motion you can even catch an opponent with this before
they go off screen after tagging from a knockdown with this slide attack.
There are some great okizeme tactics surrounding this move, you can quickly
press 3 afterwards for guaranteed ground damage, since you will recover
faster from the ground than the opponent. You and catch a rolling opponent
with this but it's hard to time this move to gain the full impact because
of the slight start-up. Lee Chaolan. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10


Personally I don't think this is an actual unblockable, since the first hit
can be blocked and the second can be escaped with a Sidestep(u,N_d,N) or
backdash (b,b). This is actually a pretty useful attack, if the opponent
fails to escape it since you can follow a free d+4,4 or a d+1 to start a
combo. Still, this attack is pretty hard to utilize, and easy to interrupt
on close quarters. But this is one of the few moves that's unique to Ogre.
Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This is one of Ogres better unblockables. It starts up slow, but once Ogres
arm reaches out it's very hard to counter, making this move better from a
dashing distance. This move also track extremely well and sometimes even
avoids high attacks. When you connect this on big characters, d+4,4 is
guaranteed. If you are able to keep the opponent at a small distance this is
the perfect attack to use in the particular situation. You can also try this
off a sidestep. It's only weakness it that it starts up slow and recovers
slow when missed. Kunimitsu. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This is Ogres best unblockable IMO. It has good range and speed, and is best
used for longer range attacks. Great attack in mix-up with his other f,f(N)
attacks. Whe you connect this, you can do some guaranteed ground damage
afterwards, and on big characters this can set-up a combo. This is also a
good striking move when the opponent backdashes a lot when you are in a
range, or when they rise from a knockdown or crouch. Like with b+2 a pretty
useful attack to try after a successfull sidestep as well. Still you have to
watch out not to end up getting countered pulling this move, don't be
reckless with it. Kunimitsu. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

This unblockable tracks very well, but the start up is very slow and you are
easily countered during the opening frames. But once the "charge up" is
done, the rest of this unblockable is very fast. But I still wouldn't use it
since it takes forever for this move to come out. The damage really sucks
for such a slow start-up, so this move is not really worth it. Anna
Williams. Use-O-meter: 3 outta 10

Looks pretty flashy but it is a useless attack, because you are completely
vulnerable when executing it. That's reason alone is enough for me to rate
this unblockable the lowest of all of Ogres attacks. Stay away from this
unless you have a knack for showing off. Armor King. Use-O-meter: 2 outta

This is not really a bad attack actually, since Ogre leans backward a bit at
the startup, giving it an extra evasive momentum. The charge up of this move
is faster than many other unblockables, but still slow enough to be
vulnerable. If this unblockable was cancellable like Hwoarang and Baeks, ths
move would've been a lot better. Stil, the damage and range are both good.
This is perhaps good as desperation move when you are low on health. Other
than that I don't see that much use in it. Bruce Irvin. Use-O-meter: 6 outta

This attack can instantly kill your opponent when connected, but the only
safe chance to do so is when your competition is having a bathroom break.
This move is way to slow, and way too risky to use in high level play. Wang
Jinrey. Use-O-meter: 3 outta 10



Blocking is something you cannot leave out in your basic Tekken game. If you
cannot block, you might as well stop playing Tekken. Even if you have an
offensive style of play, there are always situations where your defense has
to be organised, and blocking is the basis of it all. Wether it's for high
level play or basic strats, blocking is something in which you have to
involve your Tekken game in constantly. There are two types of blocking:
Neutral Guard and Active Guard

- Neutral Guard: If you keep your joystick into Neutral state, you will
automatically block high, mid and special mid level attacks. But you have to
use Active Guard to block low level attacks (hold DB). This isn't really
reliable since the Neutral guard will prove ineffective against set-ups
(i.e. a shin kick connected on you, followed by fast pokes, which will hit
you if you don't use active guard), guardbreaking moves, certain attack
strings that are very varied in hit ranges (like tenstrings), which are very
commonly used in high level play.

- Active Guard: This is the most common of blocking types. This is done by
holding the joystick back (standing) or downbackward (ducking) away from the
opponent timed with their attack. The Active block is the blocking method
that's used in high level play. Wether it's tenstrings, set-ups,
customstrings, low hitting moves, this is the most reliable way of

A good way to learn how to block the popular attacks and strings in the game
is to learn the hit ranges. The hit ranges indicate how you have to block
certain attacks, wether it's blocking or standing, or wether you can duck or
jump over certain attacks or not. In order to have an organised defense,
you must know the hit ranges of each attack in Tekken Tag Tournament (it's a
long learning curve, but if you wanna learn how to play, the basic parts
must be known first). There are four different types of hit ranges: high,
mid, special mid and low level attacks.

- High level attacks: Pretty much explains by itself actually. High attacks
are the only attacks that can be ducked (along with throws), and can only be
blocked standing. If you learn how to anticipate the popular high hitting
moves your opponent, and learn how to duck and counter them, you are one
step in the right directions. Also, learn the parts of popular strings that
hit high is very recommendable (DUH). Examples: Standing jabs, 4's, Mach
Punch, Jin's WGF/EWGF

- Mid level attacks: Most of the attacks in Tekken Tag Tournament hit mid.
This means they can only be blocked standing, and cannot be ducked.
Unfortunately, most of the priority moves that are mid hitting attacks. You
have to be aware of overheads when ever you chrouch or when you try a WS
move or lowjab, since many will try to punish your chrouch. The best way to
deal with this is be familiar with blocking points of certain
attacks/strings, or find a something that's effective as an interrupt like a
d+1, which will beat almost anything.
Examples: df uppercuts, Deathfists, toekicks, hopkicks

- Special Mid level attacks: This is the least common of hitranges. Special
mid attacks will hit a chrouching or standing opponent, but can also be
blocked both standing and chrouching. Special mid attacks can be lowparried
and reversed. The most common special mid attacks are the basic ducking jabs
(d+1/d+2). Another well known example is Kazuya's Wing God Fist.

- Low Attacks: The low attacks are pretty obvious as well since they can
only be blocked ducking. These are IHMO the most useful of hit ranges,
simply because it proves neutral guard non-effective, but also if you mix up
your hit ranges very balancing the low attack are the most eaten of all hit
ranges. Examples: Shin kicks, Yoshi's d,DF+3 , Kings AliKicks, Lei's db+4.

Blocking is IMO the most important thing you have to do when playing. If you
are unfamiliar with blocking and hitranges, learn or don't play. Know how to
block popular strings, and know which moves are punishable when you block
them. Learn to recognise the hitrangesand blocking points in combat, no
matter how offensive some players might be, blocking is always an important
aspect to do among your other basic skills.



Okizeme is basically doing as much damage as possible on a grounded (or when
recovering from the ground) opponent. This is very much used as high level
play, but it's often called cheap since the opponent is defenseless if they
get pummeled on the ground, but isn't that the same with juggles? Ogre has
some of the best okizeme in the game, maybe Xiaoyu and True Ogre are a
little better, but Ogre certainly is one of the oki-greats. He has lots of
attacks that hits grounded opponent and attacks that reach far or close
enough to catch a grounded/recovering opponent off guard. Ogre has a lot
more advanced okizeme game than most characters because of that. The
important thing you have to remember about okizeme is to know which move you
have to hit the grounded opponent with at what time, depending how the
opponent recovers.
- Good moves that set-up okizeme:
Basic throws/f+2/juggles/f,f,N+2/b+2/SS+4/1,1>2/f,f,N+3+4/f+1+4
- Ogres okizeme arsenal:
- If they stay grounded:
When the opponent stays grounded after a knockdown, Ogres has too many
options that work well. From close range, the d+3 is more than enough to do
the trick, when you have good timing, you can even try d~DB+4. From longer
range f,f,N+4 and f,f+1+2 are his best two options, you and also try 4~3
after a combo, but if the opponent avoids it you will be in a disadvantage.
- When they roll:
Especially at intermediate level players will try to roll out of range after
a juggle or throw. Most okizeme moves, if not all will hit an opponent in
this state. At close range, you can use d+4,4 when the opponent rolls, and
it sets up even more damage. At long range, you can practically have a lot
of options: f,f,N+4 is always good, same with f,f+1+2, the FC,f+2 takes off
great damage and has great reach, FC,df+2 works decent at dashing distance
and the f,f,N+3+4 has even more distance. Plenty of options as you see. Whe
the opponent constantly rolls away and you use this okizeme properly he will
probably never recover, especially is he uses a big character.
- When they stand up regularly (recover standing):
His f,f,N+4 is Ogres most versatile okizeme tool, and should be used here as
well. You will have to anticipate and time well. The f,f,N+2 is also
suprisingly good for this situation and sets up a whole new okizeme
opportunity. Because both moves start with f,f,N this can be quite a good
okizeme tactic that will add even more confusion. With these moves, you must
initiate the f,f,N motion IMMEDIATELY after the knockdown, to use them as
okizeme effectively. The FC,f+2 is another great option from long range, it
does the CH damage (which is a lot), and delivers a powerful knockdown, and
allows you more okizeme afterwards. Many players tend to block standing afer
they rise, and that's the FC,df+2 is another good option that tends to
connect pretty often. The f+1+4 will also hit strangely, but it requires
some good anticipation, if you guess wrong, you might end up vulnerable
- When they recover crouching:
Yes, AGAIN f,f,N+4 is a very good option from a distance. It's hard to
anticipate when the opponent recovers crouching, but regardless of what
happens, the f,f,N+4 is aways the safest and will hit on many occasions.
Other options are FC,f+2 for big damage, you can also go for 4~3, but it's
not really safe, or f+1+4, for the same reason as when you use it on an
opponent who recovers standing.
- When they recover with an ankle kick (d+4) or sweep(3):
This is the best time for the 4~3, since it'll go over the ankle kick or
sweep. The f,f,N+4 will hit at this occasion someties, but 4~3 is the best
option. I have met some players who constantly get up with d+4, and I once
hit 4~3 3 times in one match.
- When they tag recover:
When you knock the opponent down who has little life left, you will almost
certainly expect him to tag recover. The f,f,N+3+4 has the range to catch an
opponent before they roll of screen, but you have to initiate the slide as
fast as possible once you've knocked down, since the opponent might
tagrecover on time before f,f,N+3+4. You have to kinda plan ahead on this
one, but it's very useful if you think rationally, and it's well worth it.
- When they techroll:
To be perfectly honest I haven't found a good attack with Ogre to punish
techrollers, like I do with Bryan's f,f-moves. You need to have an attack
that tracks well, the f,f,N+2 is still Ogres most effective option.

How to utilize okizeme

To use okizeme effectively you have to be familiar with your ATTACK RANGE.
Estimate which attacks reach the distance the opponent's at to use okizeme
with great effect. To utilize okizeme, it's also extremely vital to forward
dash (f,f) a lot if you are out of range, to be quick enough to get within
range to do more ground damage. That's why okizeme moves like f,f,N+4 and
f,f+1+2 are so effective for Ogres okizeme game, because they come off a f,f
motion to increase it's reach, and that's one of the important reasons why
Ogre has the best okizeme in the game. I don't know many other characters
that have okizeme moves off a forward dash. It's just too good. Another
important thing about okizeme is ANTICIPATION. After a successfull
knockdown, you must anticipate how the opponent will recover, and at the
same time you must execute the appropriate okizeme quickly that's suited to
punish the way the opponent recovers from the ground. Okizeme is an advanced
tactic that should be practiced as much as juggles, poking or whatever else,
since it's used extensively in high level play. Be sure to know Ogres
okizeme game, and know what attacks are best to punish the opponents
recovery, and it can be used with great effect to use as yet another way to
eat away chunks of the opponents lifebar, oki doki?



The essence of a well timed sidestep has been more and more of a value in
Tekken, simply because a successfull sidestep sets you up for free hits.
Sidestepping is done by pressing u,N (to the left) d,N (to the right). Ogre
especially has to rely on his SS, since he has the best sidestep in game due
to the long distance it travels. That’s why the sidestep is one of the most
important ways to counter the opponent. He has gained a specific move off
his sidestep, the SS+4, which hits low and juggles, but it isn’t always
reliable. That’s why you must use other attacks that can be used after a
Sidestep to keep your game varied.

How to utilize the sidestep

Sidestepping effective will takes two important things: Anticipation and
timing. You need to anticipate your opponents attack, and time exactly right
so you won't get hit by it and avoid it safely. When the opponents attack is
somewhat slow, you might want to sidestep during the midframes of the
attack, when the attack is faster, you might want to time your sidestep
during the opening frames, it all takes precision in timing and
anticipation, but not as for timing, it doesn't always depend on how fast or
slow moves come out, but also in what distance the opponents attack is
executed from you. If a move is executed up close, you might want to time
your sidestep earlier than when the attack comes from a dashing distance for
example. Sidestepping your opponent to it's full effectiveness is best used
against moves that travel in a straight line i.e. Thunder Godfists, Kings
f,f+1+2, Laws f+2~1, Heihachi's f,n,d,df+3, Julia/Michelles Bow& Arrow
mixups, Armor Kings f+1+4, Jins b,f+2,1,2_d+2, Nina's uf+4,3,4 and the list
goes on and on. You'll most likely end to their back or side, to do a
SideStep-move, but they aren't really safe moves, so I'd recommended to look
for some alternatives as well. Ogres sidestep travels extremely far, he has
the ability to end up at an opponent back SS-ing only twice. You can cancel
any sidestep holding the joystick away allowing you to block safely against
an opponent within range. If you SideStep the opponent, you'll either end up
at their back or at their sides, and to minor counter their whiffed attack,
here are some recommendable moves (apart from the sidestep moves) to do in
these positions:

- At the opponents side:
If you end up at the opponents side after a successfull SS there are
numberous attacks you can do. The 1,1>2 seems obvious but he last punch is
blocked often leaving you open to attack. My fav is df+2, if you counter
with it, you can do a juggle. Other options are SS+4, d+4,4, f+2, or a fast
unblockable. Sidethrowing is also decent, but I recommend that on big
characters only since they tend to whiff on smaller characters.

- At the opponents back:
This happens a lot against moves that travel longer distances. Good move off
your sidestep in these situations is f+2, which does good damage and travels
far enough. A simple df+4 will do the trick if the opponents recovery is
faster, the Hunting Hawk (uf+3,4,3) is actually pretty good as well due to
it’s traveling distance. If the opponent is vulnerable at closer range
1,1>2, uf+4, df+2 or a backthrow will do the trick just fine. It all depends
on how long the opponent recovers from the attack you sidestep, and at what
distance you end up.

General Tips on Sidestepping

- If you have trouble sidestepping attacks and feel you time right, an easy
way to sidestep is this: Sidestep left limb attacks to the left, and right
limb attacks to the right. It seems to work much better, and will grant you
a lot more succestful sidesteps, if you know when and how to use the
sidestep effectively.
- Sidestepping moves that travel horizontal (Bruce's f,f+3, Pauls
d+4,2(first hit), Lei's db+4, Kuma's f+1+2) is a bad idea.
- Don’t try to sidestep if you are too close to the opponent since you’ll be
jabbed during the neutral motion. always stay and least a half a character
distance to sidestep safely.



TTT is in my opinion more balanced in characters than in T3, every character
has the ability to kick ass on any other character, and the tag feature
makes that an even more open theory.. Characters that were overpowered in T3
have been toned down (Nina, Law, Paul and Ogre) and characters that were
weaker have been made a lot stronger (Julia, Kuma, Hwoarang and GunJack).
Ogre, as said before has been toned down a bit, he is less damageing, a bit
slower and most of his moves lost priority. But I believe any character in
this game can hold on his own, even Roger and Jun can be quite good (what
some people underestimate). And Ogre is no different despite his weaknesses.
In this section I will give you some strats what to do to fight other
characters in the game with Ogre.

(Side note: I'm NOT going to do the detailed strategy against other
characters anymore like in my Bryan FAQ, since I think this section would
otherwise take far too much space of the rest of this guide. That's why I'll
give a more simple minded explanation on how to beat each character instead
of telling what to do against each move the character you are up against
has. That simply consumes too much time.)

Vs. Jin

Attacks to watch out for:
- Mostly played: offensive
- f,n,d~DF+2(EWGF)/b+4/ws+2/1,1>2/f,f+1+2
It's very hard to beat Jin with Ogre since he has so many useful attacks and
very few weaknesses. Most players will stay offensive on you and if you stay
too defensive they'll try and throw you with f,f+1+2. It's best to try and
attack cautiously, don't make any reckless errors since Jin can punish
everything you whiff with an EWGF. Use your uf+4 to counter whiffed godfists
or other blocked recovery and punish with a juggle. Also try to poke him a
lot, so set up a throw or ws+2. Jin has gained a new b+4, which causes a
long stun when players connect it. I recommend relying on your fast attacks
and throws a lot since many of Ogres other attacks are too risky, use your
ws+2 and uf+4 occasionally as well. Your best bet is to interrupt his
attacks, and hope for a juggle opportunity as soon as possible to get a
headstart in damage. Don't let him WS+2 or EWGF you at all costs, if that
happens, you are more or less screwed.
- Difficulty: Hard.

VS. Hwoarang

- Mostly played: offensive~defensive (AKA hit-and-run tactics)
- Attacks to watch out for: df+4-LFF/RFL,4/d+3,4,4/df+3,4/f+4~4-RFF/f,f+2
Hwoarang has been strengthened a bit, and he relies a lot on his RFL now,
more than his LFL. He will often try to use fast pokes to gain the framing
needed to get in his RFL(f,N+4), minimizing fear of retaliation. They will
often try to double sidestep (Poking->RFL->Dbl SS) afterwards hoping to
counter you with RFL,b+3 or RFL,4 which both set up a combo. That's why you
shouldn't rush in on Hwoarang while he's in his Flamingo faints, he'll
counter with the previous mentioned or jabs out of his FL stance to
interrupt you. To avoid getting pestered by his annoying hit-and-run tactic,
you must try to counter him as soon as possible and stay in his face with
custom strings and an occasional jugglestarter or throw to keep him from
using his stances. If you have an organised offense you should have him
nailed pretty fast.
- Difficulty: Medium.

Vs. King

- Mostly played: defensively
- Attacks to watch out for: Throws/2,1/d+1~N+2/df+3/f+4/Kick Reversal
The first thing you must know against a King player is to know all the
breakouts of his throws and multi's, because King is undeniable grappling
oriented. Stay out of throw range and punish all whiffed throws with an uf+4
juggle. But apart from his throws also watch out for his mean pokes. The 2,1
has lost priority since T3, all the guaranteed followups are gone. He can
still chain his throws afterwards fairly quick, so still it's a move to be
aware of. He also has an unchickenable kick reversal, so don't go
predictable on kick-based moves. King players love to use his f+4 kick,
which does great damage by itself and has guaranteed followups when it
counters, but because the f+4 and most of his throws are duckable, King
isn't much of a treat for your crouching game, so executing from a crouch is
not a bad idea. Punish him through interrupts and with d+1's, or an
occasional ws+2 attempt is not too risky either, and you should be okay.
- Difficulty: Medium

Vs. Bruce

- Mostly played: offensively
- Attacks to watch out for: df+2/1,2,4_d+4/3,2,1
Bruce is a cheap and easy character to learn, with lots of quick and
damaging attacks. Players like to pester you with 1,2,4_d+4, which are quick
and damaging, and have insane priority, since they start with Bruce's left
jab, which runs 8frames, which beats anything you can throw at him from a
standing position. Because the 1,2-mixups starts up so fast, Bruce can
counter you without a sweat with these strings, and on top of that Bruce has
some of the most damaging jabs in the game. These string alone will give
Ogre a very hard fight. Bruce can also counter you with 3,2,1, which one of
the best strings in the game, since it juggles on CH and it's priority and
quickness is nearly unmatched. He also has the df+2, a fast elbow attack
which juggles up high with damaging results, and Bruce can easily stick it
as bend-in move with his pokes and in custom strings. Bruce can kill Ogre
just by using these three attacks. Your best bet is to counter him early on
and stay offensive with custom strings and throws to do as much damage as
possible, since he hasn't got many defensive oriented attacks. Punish every
blocked recovery attack with an uf+4 juggle without mercy. Keep him out of
jabbing range when he uses the 1,2-mixups a lot, if he carries on his string
mixup he will be left more vulnerable if he whiffs the first one or two
hits, allowing you to interrupt him. Use your popular attacks cautiously,
and hope you will get a headstart in damage.
- Difficulty: Hard

Vs. Roger/Alex

- Mostly played: offensively
- Attacks to watch out for: df+1/2,1/standing 1/f,N+1/throws
Roger is the most underrated character in the game, his main weakness is his
lack of range which gives him trouble fighting other characters. But a good
Roger can give Ogre a really hard fight actually. Roger players like to poke
you up close with 2,1 and standing 1, which he can link to his throws very
easily (his throws cannot be ducked once the 2,1 connect so you have no
choice but to escape them). His standing 1 is one of the fastest jabs in the
game and when he counters you with it, the d+1~N+2 is guaranteed. Because he
lacks the range and is forced to take it up close, there ares ome good
tactics to dispose of him more easily. You can keep him at bay with df+4 or
ws+4,4 to keep him out of range, and when he whiffs an attack, quickly
punish with an uf+4. If you keep Roger from utilizing his close quarter
attacks, you should overwhelm him without too much problems.
- Difficulty: Easy

Vs. Baek

- Mostly played: offensive~defensively (AKA hit-and-run style)
- Attacks to watch out for: b+2/f,f+2/d+4,3,3,d+3/f+4>3/punch parry/3,4>3
Bay must not be seen as an easy opponent using Ogre. He can delay a lot of
his kicking strings to discourage you to attack him. Players will try to
bait you into a counterhit with Baeks flamingo delayals. His f+4>3 for
example, is obviously one of his best moves, Baek players will delay the
second hit after connecting the first to bait you into the big CH stun. If
you block the first hit the second hit wil most likely be cancelled, and
Baek can triple SS around you when they cancel it into flamingo faints to
juggle or throw you, so there is always an option surrounding the f+4>3.
Baeks main weakness that a lot of his kick strings start up high, so if you
duck a lot you should be able to hurt him with your d+1 ,FC,df+2 into
f,f+1+2 or WS+2. Baek doesn’t have any good mid attack to stop a d+1 attempt
up close to set-up your crouching game. You should be able to hold him off
if you execute from your crouch and sidestep properly.
- Difficulty: Easy

Vs. Julia

- Mostly played: offensively (off the counter mostly)
- Attacks to watch out for: 1~1,1/QCB,f+2(Mad Axes)/4,4/FC,df+2
Julia is the hardest character you’ll face with Ogre IMO. Her 1~1,1 start-up
with her 8frame jab, and the juggle is guaranteed if she counters you with
it, and this is not that hard for her since it beats every move you have
from your standing game, and that’s a big disadavantage for you. If you try
to attack and do damage she will look out to counter you with 1~1,1, but if
you turtle, Julia will find ways to buffer into Mad Axes (escape: 1+2) to do
damage instead, so it’s practically impossible to fight Julia with Ogre
without any risks. Her two weaknesses are the recoverytime of some of her
powerattacks, and many of her attacks are not that hard to sidestep. Use the
uf+4 whenever she misses or recovers from her attack, you can also try to
sidestep some of her popular strings if she executes them from a longer
distance. Don’t try to fight her up close, instead use df+4 to counter her
when she is within jab range or throwing range, you have a range advantage
over her and you should take advantage of that. My best advice is to just
tag away when you are safe, since a good Julia is almost unbeatable with
- Difficulty: Hard

Vs. Bryan

- Mostly played: offensively (off counters)
- Attacks to watch out for:
Bryan can be a pretty hard character to defeat since he has lots of powerful
moves and great mixups. Be sure not to use attacks that recover slow since
he can minor counter with his Mach Punch (f,f+2) pretty easily. His awesome
mixup ability can be hard to defend against and you must not attack
recklessly, since one counter with ws+3 is all Bryan needs to deplete half
your lifebar if you don’t watch out. Also be aware of his punchparry with
guaranteed followups. He is very dangerous from the crouch like you, players
can lowjab you and follow a WS-move or Cains of Misery (escape: 1+2) throw.
The best way to fight Bryan is to execute from your sidestep and crouch. Be
sure to use df+1 a lot, since Bryan can’t reverse it and it will set-up a
free d+1, so you can execute from your crouch with less risk to get
countered by a juggle. Be sure to poke a lot from long range as well, df+4
and ws+3,3 beats alost every kick attack he has. Don’t be afraid to punish
Bryans recovery with uf+4, and try to counter his popular moves and you
should overwhelm him in a tough battle.
- Difficulty: Medium



Tagging is the new feature in TTT that has made it unique from it's
predecessors. It allows you to choose two characters, with whom you can
switch between during level gameplay. With Tekken already having the deep
gameplay, tagging will give it a even larger push. With tagging, there are
so many possibilties, I doubt everyone who loves Tekken will find out
EVERYTHING about this game, I mean, hey, I'm sure we haven't found every
combo possible in T3 alone, most maybe, but certainly not all, and I'm sure
we will have a harder exploration time with TTT which makes it even more
fun. The whole gameplay scene in Tekken is opened up a lot because of this
one feature: Tagging.

Tagging ingeneral

The most obvious reason to use the tag button is to switch between your two
characters, but tagging can also be used in lots of other ways. A good
example is to recover from the ground. If you press the tag button once
knocked down, you can recover while pressing the tag button to prevent
getting okizeme-ed, you'll roll or walk off screen as you tag in your
partner. The tag recover can be an advantage or disadvantage, if you tag
recover after you are juggled or whatever, the opponent can just wait to
counter your partner once he tags in instead of trying to okizeme you. Still
other than that you must only tag recovery against those who try to okizeme
you. The tagbutton is a great manuever as well to escape stuns like
Hwoarangs RFL,4(CH) and Bryans WS+3, to spare you from eating a high damage
combo. The tag-escape I still find sucky overall, matches are less
entertaining because of the tag-escape, there's less chance of landing some
madd combo with Bryan off his WS+3(ch) as a crowd-pleaser or so to be said
(including me).

Tag throwing

Another option with the tag button in TTT is the tag throw. This allows you
to throw your opponent with both your characters, with some savage-ass
results. Tag throwing can be done pressing the tag nutton once you connected
your throw. Ogre can tag with his 1+3 throw but there are no team specific
buddy throws that I know of. A buddy throw is also one of the safer ways to
tag in your partner. What I don't like about TTT is the fact that if one of
your characters is dead, you've lost! C'mon Namco, what's the point here!
The matches are less fun then, are less long and less entertaining. This
simply disappoints me. During all the previews on TTT, I was thinking about
how cool it would be to beat both your opponents characters while you are
only using one. That
would be so humiliating, hehe.

Tag Combo’s

Tagging also allows you to combo with your tag-partner, allowing a
tag-combo. The following of Ogres moves are taggable, thus making it
possible to tag combo off it: the d,DB+4(ch), D+3,3,N+3 and the ub+3,2. None
of these tag starters are low risk, which sucks, so Ogre has to rely heavily
tagging his tag partner in via tag throws. His ub+3,2 tag starter is far
from being good, and even though the d~DB+4 starter looks flashy it’s hard
to get a CH with it in high level play. I’d say the Snake Kicks are the best
option to start a combo, you can do some of the most damaging combinations
off it. But even that option is not low risk. I’d say use your tag-partner
to start a tag combo and use Ogre to finish them.

Tag Cancelling

You can confuse the opponent by canclling while you tag out, with a tag
cancel. Tag cancelling is done by pressing Up/Backward right after you tag
(5~U/B) and will cancel your character from tagging out for your partner.
The best way to use the tag cancel is when you're under pressure with custom
strings and pokes. Remember that it can be vital to cancel your tag-recovery
from a knockdown. This will allow you to keep using Ogre AND you'll gain
some spacing.

General Tagging Tips

Here are some general tips you need to know when using the tag feature

- Always tag away when low on health, you will gain it back slowly while you
are fighting with your other character.
- Be sure that if you want to tag your partner in, you have got to make sure
the opponent is knocked down or immobilized in some way, since your partner
is very vulnerable when he/she tags in to get juggled or thrown. With a
knockdown or stun, you can tag in your partner more safely as the opponent
recovers. The best way is via a tag combo or tag throw.
- Be sure to counter everytime when the opponent tags in recklessly, either
a juggle or throw, or a fast knockdown.
- Because Ogre doesn’t have many good opions to tag his partner in, it’s
best to pick your partner FIRST before you pick Ogre, so you can tag more
easily as your partner starts minimizing the chance to get into trouble
early in the match.
- There is no netsu powerup when Ogre’s on the team.
- It's a good idea to tag everytime when you've got around 50points of
damage left (with both characters) everytime to stay longer in the match.
Example: You start with Ogre and Bryan against a Julia and Wang player, and
your Ogre gets hit by the opponents Wangs juggle which does around 50 points
of damage. You use a 1+3 and tag in Bryan fot a tag-throw. Now your Bryan
has full health and Wang lost around 30points, which puts you in advantage
in that situation. Wang cannot tag since he may be afraid your Bryan will
counter his Julia with a b+1 juggle, so if you manage to hurt Wang some
more, lets say a f+4(ch)f,f+2, his life will be around 46points of damage
and by that time, your Ogre might be fully healed to 100points due to the
health recovery the tagged out partner gains to finish the job. What I'm
trying to say is, if you use the tag feature and health recovery in your
advantage if you think rational, you might win without comparing how strong
yours and the opponents characters are against each other, but your largest
weapon in Tekken is not always your skill or knowledge, but the most obvious
thing you can imagine: THINKING. Damn straight. Your state of mind is your
largest weapon, even greater than your knowledge or skill, I believe that if
you know how to deal with ANY situation, in ANY game, THINKING is your best

Tag partners

Okay, a lot of people are gonna hate me when I say this but I still am true
to my point: Try other teams than just Jin/Heihachi! Just because Jin can do
the Possession then, that doesn't mean everyone suddenly has to pick this
particular team!? I've seen so many, TOO many Jin/Heihachi's in the arcades
I've visited, it gets me all stressed out. I know it's a great team and all,
but please guys, face it, there are more than 30 characters in the entire
game and you only use one team? C'mon, experiment! Isn't it boring to see
the same styles over and over (Jin....yaaaawwwwwnnnn), while you have very
good other combinations? I hope even the below average players will start to
explore more characters than just two or three, there are some deadly other
combinations of characters out there whose styles will gel together well,
not just Jin and Heihachi everytime. Just experiment, explore, and look for
more good combinations that suit your playstyle well, I just hope the
Mishima's won't get the trademark of being overly picked like Ryu, Ken and
Akuma in the SF series. Anywayz, back to my point. Ogre is the character I'm
writing about, so I have to change the Sub-J. You have to find characters
that play very well with Ogre. Here are good tips of picking a good team:
- It's handy to pick a partner that doesn't have the weaknesses Ogre has.
Example: Ogre lacks fast poking attacks attacks, so find a character who has
very good poking ability.
- Use a partner that suits your gamestyle.
- Pick a partner who is played in a completely different way than Ogre to
force the opponent to play a different style against each character,
sometimes this affects their strategy. Some strategies that work well
against Ogre but not against your partner, which could be an advantage to
- Have fun, experiment and be a good sport, even if you don't have good day
and play like shit.

Teams recommended with Ogre

- Ogre/Bryan:

This is still my main team, and I still think this is one of the better
teams. Bryan has the pokes, jugglestarters, mixups to back Ogre up, and
Ogres backs up Bryans lack of low attacks, and his df+1 is quite better than
Bryans df+2 (I wish Bryan had Ogres elbow, but his df+2 is still awesome
though) because the d+1 is guaranteed afterwards. Both characters have a
great WS game, Ogre with his WS+2 and Bryan with his WS+3. Both characters
can be very damaging and have a good offensive game, but Ogre doesn’t have a
good move of the forward dash to punish the opponents recovery like Bryan
has in his f,f+2. Both characters back each other up pretty well but the
main weakness they both have is that they only have one special throw, and
that’s only two special throws combined. But for the rest, this team suits
my playstyle a lot, cuz myself as a player likes to sway, crouch and
sidestep a lot. If you like a mobile styled game, this team is
recommendable. If you want to find more Bryan, you can check out my Bryan
FAQ, which is also released. Team rating: ****

- Ogre/True Ogre:

If you like Ogre this is your team of choice. True Ogre plays almost the
same as Ogre, but with a few added moves. But True Ogres main flaw is his
size which leaves him very vulnerable grounded and when he sidesteps unlike
Ogre. His advantage is that his range is far better than Ogres, his ws+2 is
a lot better this way, since players’ll have more trouble backdashing out of
range. He can also do followups after df,DF+2+4 more easiliy due to his
attacks range. True Ogre can also reverse Low, Mid and Special Mid punches
with a Man-Eater(Kuma)throw, timing DF with the opponents attack, but can be
escaped like a throw with 1+2. Despite the fact that they are very similair,
they have different strengths and weaknesses, and that’s why they have to be
played a little differently from each other. I just wish Ogre could morph in
True Ogre like Kazuya can morph in Devil when you press the tag button. Like
Ogre, True Ogre doesn’t have reliable taggable moves, and that’s why this
team is not good enough to beat a good Jin/Heihachi or Julia/Michelles. Team
rating: **

- Ogre/Bruce:

This must be one of the cheapest teams in the game. Bruce is a very good
partner for Ogre, since he has damaging attacks, a whole shitload of
taggable moves and great quickness. His jabs are extremely fast and
damaging, and must be uses a lot. His 1,2 starts up 8frames, and he has tons
of options to link afterwards, 1,2,4 the 1,2,d+4(4), the 1,2,f+4, the 1,2,3
and the 1,2,1,2. Bruce’s high amount of taggable moves allows you to tag
Ogre in a lot. I recommend picking Bruce first to do the big damage and tag
in Ogre to finish the job. Your Ogre will back up Bruce’s lack of good
WS-attacks as Bruce backs Ogre up with his speed and combo options. Apart
from Bruce’s multi, this team has only one special frontal throw
(df,DF+2+4), which is really not enough. The main use for this team is to do
big damage as fast and easy as possible. More great Bruce stuff can be found
in Nick Noreaga’s FAQ. Team rating: ***

- Ogre/Roger:

I think this team is best used as a fun team. Roger has some good pokes in
2,1, standing 1, d+1,N~2 and df+1. I think Ogre backs up Rogers lack of
attack range as well, while Roger backs Ogre up with his fast jabs and good
arsenal of throws. Roger has the best left jab in the game, it’s fast and
has guaranteed followups when it counters. Also, standing jabs seem to whiff
more often on Roger than any other character in the game. Ogre has better
damage and stamina, so I recommend using him most of the time if possible.
This is more of a fun team to use in friendly matches, than a hardcore team
to use in tournament play. Still these two characters ge fairly well
together. If you want to learn more about Roger, check out the Roger FAQ by
Grim Walker and Synner. Team rating: ***

- Ogre/Kuma:

This team is actually pretty good. Kuma has some great pokes in 2,1. f+2 and
f+1, which are a lot better than most of what Ogre has. Kuma has some good
long range attacks, and his f,f+2 uppercut launches high enough for a
guaranteed b,f+2+3. Like Ogre, Kuma has do great damage in little time, and
has some great attacks in f+1,1,1 and WS+1,2. Kuma has a lot more speed than
many estimate, and also has a good set up throws to back up Ogres lack in
them. Ogre lacks a good dashing game which Kuma backs up as well. Ogre’s
crouching and sidestepping game blends well with Kuma’s power attacks, they
both can put pressure on an opponent fairly well. Kuma has a good new
addition in his ManHuntStance. Ogres fast and long range kicking attacks are
a good help for Kuma since many of his kick attacks are very short and slow,
except for his standing 4, which can be followed up woth f+1+2 on CH. A very
solid team. More on Kuma in abrar’s awesome FAQ on him. Team rating: ****



Probably the only thing that's still as effective in TTT as in T3 is poking,
one of the most essential techniques in Tekken today. Poking is basically
making use of attacks with come out fast and recover fast, like basic jabs.
Poking is a wide term, since it has more than one sole purpose. But poking
is essential for the good allround Tekken game, you cannot really compete in
higher level play without a solid poking game. There are all sorts of
different ways to use poking effectively depending on what kind of situation
you're in. There are different poking techniques which every play will be
confronted with sooner or later in high level play. These techniques will be
displayed underneath.

Basic poking techniques

- Offensive poking:

The most commonly used poking tactic, and Ogres strongest point is poking.
Basically, offensive poking refers to chaining fast attacks with fast
recovery to each other for one sole purpose: pressure. If you keep staying
in the opponents face with fast pokes and basic jabs, you will have less
risk of retaliation, since the opponents counterattempts will most likely be
interrupted with offensive poking. If you keep offensive with fast attacks,
the frame advantage will always allow to to attack faster than the opponent
unless you use slower attacks with longer recovery. Offensive poking and
Set-up poking are often used in harmony which actually comes to the
definition of custom stringing, which will be explained later in this guide.

Suitable attacks for offensive poking:

- Set-up Poking:

Setting up is basically using fast pokes to connect, to get the framing
advantage needed to follow a attack for damage purposes (like a juggle
starter, throw or powermove) without having much fear of retaliation. A good
example is the df+1, which comes out fast AND recovers fast, so if you
connect you will have the opportunity for a followup before the opponent can
counter (like the d+1, which is guaranteed), because the recovery of the 2
will be faster than the recovery of the opponent from the impact, allowing
you to punish that recovery with a throw or fast jugglestarter, before the
opponent can interrupt you. If the opponent blocks you on time that's not a
real problem either unless you've set up an attack with slow recovery which
can be punished. The most important thing you need to know is that you must
set-up an attack which is pretty safe in speed and recovery since it happens
that the opponent might counter the move you've set up on time if your
attempt comes out too slow. Set-up your fast jugglestarters, powermoves and
throws and you should be able to use your set-up game without much risk of
getting punished.


Moves to set-up:
4/f,f,N+2/b+2/ws+4,4/ws+3,3/f,f+2/f+2/f+4/WS+2/any throw

- Interrupting:

Interrupting is actually more of a semi-definition of poking. Basically,
interrupting is to stop the opponents attack with fast pokes. This can be
either during the lagtimes between some (ten)strings or attacks that have a
start-up. Interrupting is best done with fast pokes, and it also depends on
the distance you are in, use long range pokes to interrupt attacks from a
distance and shorter range pokes to interrupt up close. Estimate the speed
of your interrupts and your opponents attack to interrupt their attacks
safely, be sure to time right as well, since these days every whiffed attack
can be punished no matter how good the recovery is. Interrupting occurs very
commonly in harmony with offensive poking since it happens a lot that you'll
interrupt the opponents counter attempt when you stay in his face with
custom strings and set-ups due to the framing advantage you have gained.

Interrupts: 1(2)/1(1)/2/d+1/d+4/df+1/ws+4,4/ws+3,3/df+4/

- Keep away:

Keep away is not really considered a poking tactic, but most of the time,
keep away is actually used as a defensive way of poking. The best way to
indicate keep away tactics is keeping the opponent at a certain distance by
constantly using (long range) pokes to discourage him to get into a hostile
range. A good example is to keep a Paul player out of falling leaf range by
constantly countering him with a fast long range attack everytime he tries
to rush in to keep him at bay. A good keep away move is the df+4, because it
has awesome range and speed and give you framing advantage once connected
for you to either gain some spacing or quicky rush in with a fast poke or
throw to gain pressure. The d+4 is great as well since it hits low and
reaches a suprising distance, and forces the opponent to try and block low
on you when they rush in next leaving them vulnerable from he crouch for a
df+4 or other fast mid-hitting attack. Great keep away moves from your
crouch are the WS+4,4 amd WS+3,3, which keep the opponent at a distance to
avoid getting countered whenever you try to execute from a crouch, like
after a d+1 attempt. Apart from those attacks Ogres keep away game isn’t
really good, since most of his long range attacks are pretty slow.I would
concetrate more on gaining pressure with custom strings, which is Ogres
stronger point

Poking is essential in Tekken, but you don't have too see all these poking
techniques as loose definitions. You can use all these poking techniques in
harmony and blend them up. For instance, if you interrupt your opponent, you
already have a set-up allowing you to stay offensive on the opponent with
fast pokes and custom strings. Poking is the safest way to do your popular
moves(throws, jugglestarters, powermoves, unblockables) without risk of
getting punished, and without necessairily waiting for counterhit
opportunity. That's the main reason why I think it's one of the most
important features in the entire game. Ogre isn’t as good of a poker
compared to many other characters since his jabs are slow and he hasn’t got
much else to compete up close against a Bruce or Law player. Still you need
to use Ogres fast attack to gain the pressure needed to utilize his reliable
options of doing damage, like the WS+2, uf+4 and throwing.



Comboing is a term that's used pretty much used in every fighting
game. For those who still don't know, a definition of a combo is a
combination of certain attacks which link together doing damage combined.
Combo's are used in just about every fighting game I've played. Some combo
systems are cheap (Killer Instinct, though I loved to play it really), some
systems plainly suck (Mortal Kombat, the most krappiest kombo system of all
beat 'em ups) and some have great quality (Tekken, Street Fighter, tha real
work). Fortunately, comboing in Tekken is vital as far as doing damage goes,
and in every match, you will be confronted with combo's wether you pull 'em
or eat 'em wether it's a simple 2 punch combo, or a monstrous 120+ combo off
one hellsweep by a crazy, coffee and coke addicted Jin-nutshell, comboing
will stay in Tekken, and probably in every other popular beat'em ups, one of
the most deep features ever. Ogre is not a combo character like the
Mishima’s but most of them are quite damaging and easy to do.

Ogres Combo starters:
- ws+2 - Stuns opponent on clean hit/counter -
- uf+4: - Juggles opponent -
- uf,n,3 - Stuns opponent -
- f,f+3 - Juggles opponent -
- f,f+2 - 2nd hit staggers opponent, escapable with b,b -
- d,db+4 - Juggles opponent on MC, taggable.
- D+3,3,n,3 - Juggles opponent, taggable -
- FC,f+2 - Staggers opponent -
- SS+4 - Juggles opponent, hits grounded opponents -
- df+2 - Staggers big characters, Juggles small characters on CH -
- FC,df+2 - Juggles opponent -
- ub+3,2 - Juggles opponent, second hit juggle is taggable -

- Side tip for beginners: In order to juggle effectively you must find good
juggle extensions, which will keep your opponent in the air long enough to
do more air damage. Good options are basic jabs and the df+1. Also, damaging
juggle finishers are also important if you want to do good guaranteed
damage, good attacks for Ogre here are the f+2, the Standing 4 and the f+2.
Experiment with different combinations of different attacks after a
jugglestarter (see above) to see what is effective and what doesn't. It's
important to have good combo's with solid damage that are easy to remember,
since good arcade players won't easily allow juggle opportunities after one
or two tries, so make sure you have some good combo's ready, to take
advantage of every juggle opportunity without getting startled everytime.

Combo List

Most of them are quite easy to do in the heat of battle, and most have them
still do enough damage to get a good headstart in damage or come back pretty
decently after you are behind in the match. If there are any errors in the
list, please let me know, any notices of corrections will be thanked and
credited. If the word “big” is listed behind a combo it means it can only be
done on te bigger characters in the game (Ganryu, Jack-2, P.Jack, Gunjack,
Kuma, True Ogre). On with the list......




(Side note: all uf+4 combo’s can be followed after ws+2 stun making them
more damaging combo’s)







Total amount of combo’s listed: 56

Hopefully you will find some use is these combo’s, and if you have to add
some combo’s or correct some stuff if there happen to be flaws in there, you
can e-mail me anytime.



The essence of custom strings is growing larger in Tekken everytime.
Custom strings basically are fast attacks with fast recovery glued together
to keep the opponent from attacking you. You are more or less playing a
"block or get hit" game with your opponent. The best way to use custom
strings is after interrupts or when the opponent is immobilized. Custom
strings are also great to set up certain attacks/throws with fast pokes,
those attacks are displayed at the end of each "string". The following
custom strings I tend to use are:

1,1->df+1->d+1->buffer into 1+3(~5)
1,1->df+1->1,2->buffer into df,DF+2+4
1,1->df+1->buffer into 1+3(~5)

I use the 1,1 a lot to start custom string because it’s the fastest attack
Ogre has from standing position (10frames) and puts you in range by impact
making followups very easy. Especially the df+1 afterwards works well since
it recovers fast and puts you close enough by impact, to follow a guaranteed
d+1, which is Ogres main attack to set-up his crouching game.

df+1->df+1->d+1->buffer into 1+3(~5)
df+1->df+1->1,1->buffer into 1+3(~5)
df+1->1,1->df+1->d+2->buffer into df,DF+2+4
df+1->1,1->df+1->buffer into 1+3
df+1->1,1->buffer into 1+3
df+1->d+1->buffer into 1+3(~5)
df+1->d+1->FC+4->(hold FC)df+2_f+2

The df+1 is Ogres best pressuring move, and custom stringing is all about
putting pressure on a defending opponent. This is ideal since it’s
unparryable, unduckable, recovers quick and sets up very well, allowing a
free d+1 to set up your WS and FC-moves., and it recovers extremely quick.
The df+1 is a must if you want to maintain offensive without risk to get

I credit ETP and some other players for their custom string idea’s, which
inspired me to put up this section.



This section will display in more detail than the move analysis how to use
Ogres throws, special counters and escapes effectively, and several
strategies around them. You cannot always rely on fast pokes and your string
mixups everytime, that's when your throws and counters often become you most
useful weapons.


Apart from punches and kicks, throwing is another important attack method in
TTT. Even with characters who lack throws should use them, since most throws
can only escaped at the start-up. If you cloak your throw attempt well with
your fast pokes and attack strings, you should be able to suprise your
opponent before they get the reaction to hit the escape. A very good example
is to buffer your throw with your fast pokes, not only for a faster
execution, but if your poke connects, it'll often set you up for your throw
attempt. You can throws after a stun or even during the mid frames of some
moves. Throws can be executed standing or chrouching, even off a rolldash or
sway. Be sure to estimate the distancing of Ogres throw range, since a
missed throw attempt will be punished. Still I wish Ogre has at least one
more special throw, since I think he still lacks in amounts of throw, and it
would've been great to give Ogre a new throw. Here is a small summary on all
of Ogre throws.

- Regular Throws

1+3/2+4(front): Ogres basic frontal throws are probably the throws you'll
use the most. Mix them both up well to force the opponent into a guessing
game with the escape. These throws can be done off a ducking position as
well, many opponents don't seem to expect that, which is a good thing.
After the 1+3, a d+3 is guaranteed, and it’s taggable. The 2+4 is far less
useful, but should still be mixed up with 1+3 so the opponent is forced with
a guessing game with the escape.
1+3 - Escape: 1
2+4 - Escape: 2

1+3/2+4(from the opponents side): Because Ogres sidestep is so huge it
happens often your sidethrows will not reach, and you cwill be vulnerable to
be punished . None of Ogres sidethrows have guaranteed followups but they
both look painful. Using Ogre you won’t get a sidethrow attempt a lot
against good players.

Left Sidesthrow - Escape: 1
Right Sidesthrow - Escape: 2

1+3/2+4(on backturned opponent): Backthrowing is something which occurs in a
select few situations, like to counter moves such as Devils lasers,
Hwoarangs f,f+4, P.Jacks 3+4, Yoshi's Deathcopter, Julia's Earthquake Stomp
and after sidestepping moves that are linear and travel a long distance,
like a Thunder Godfist or Kings f+2+3, just about any situation where the
opponents back is vulnerable to you. Connect a backthrow, and your opponent
loses big of damage, and on top of that, the FC+3 is guaranteed afterwards,
so if you tag off it, the already heavy damage will be increased even more,
and the character you've tagged in via the tag throw should be able to
finish the job if the opponent isn't dead yet, since such a headstart in
damage should be taken advantage of. Still whatever you do, don't try
backthrowing on Lings and Lei's, you'll most likely end up thrown or

Escape: n/a

- Special Throws:

This throw is escapable now, unlike the previous versions of this guide say,
which really sucks. Still it’s a two button escape, and that’s always harder
for an opponent to escape. But it still sets up some good added damage when
you connect this throw, and that’s why it should be used often. because you
are vulnerable during the execution time of this throw, I’d recommend
buffering it. This is together with uf+4 the best followup after the ws+2
double over stun, so that’s anothe good situation to pull this off. Like
with all throws, you should mix it up with his basic throws, to keep the
opponent guesing for the breakout. This is Ogres best throw.



Chickens are used to counter the opponent's high mid attack-reversals
(Jin, Wang, Jun, Paul, Nina and Anna). This has to be done fast, so you
might not get the timing everytime. An easy trick for that is to buffer your
attack with either f+1+3(left limb reversal) or f+2+4 (right limb reversal)
if you feel you'll get reversed.
Important moves to chicken:
f+2 - Chicken: f+2+4
1,1>2 - Chicken: f+2+4(last hit)
ws+3,3,d+3,3... - Chicken: f+1+3(any)
uf+3,4,3 - Chicken: f+1+3 (first hit)
f,f+3 - Chicken: f+1+3
ws+4,4 - Chicken: f+2+4 (second hit)
uf+4 - Chicken: f+2+4
FC,f+2 - Chicken: f+2+4
FC,f+1 - Chicken: f+1+3
D+3,3,N+3 - Chicken: f+1+3 (last hit)
d+4,4 - Chicken: f+2+4 (last hit, if the first whiffs)
ub+3,2 - Chicken: f+2+4 (last hit)
4 - Chicken: f+2+4
d,db+4 - Chicken: f+2+4
f,f,N+4 - Chicken: f+2+4
df+2 - Chicken: f+2+4
f+4 - Chicken: f+2+4
f,f+4 - Chicken: f+2+4
Against reversal happy players, it's a good tactic to bait them into a
Chicken everytime, especially since the chicken does damage to the opponent.
By buffering your Chicken it allows you to execute faster, and lets you gain
some spacing again, since the opponent canot tag out during their recovery
of a chicken. In the "Buffering" section more on how to exactly buffer a

Throw Escapes

Escaping throws is more common the more you do it. Most throws have
single button escapes(1 or 2), some are escaped with two buttons pressed
simultaneously (1+2). Throw escapes are the main reason why throwing
shouldn't be called cheap. Escaping throws can be tricky at times, you have
to have good anticipation, since most throws can only be escaped at the
start-up. There are some tricks for throw escapes:
- If the throw is executed with a right attack (i.e. Baek/Hwoarangs
f,f+2, King/Armor Kings db,f+2) the escape is most likely 2.
- If the throw is executed with both punches simultaneously(1+2) attack
(i.e. Yoshi's qcb+1+2, Kuma's hcb,f+1+2) the most common escape is a 1+2.
- If the throw is executed with a left attack (i.e.GunJacks qcf+1
Roger/Alex' hcf+1) the most common escape is 1.
- All basic front throws are escaped with either 1 (1+3) or 2 (2+4).
- All tackles are escaped with 1+2.

But there are lots of exceptions to this rule underneath, it was pretty time
consuming to test these out, I couldn't confirm all escapes so any help will
be credited. I'm sure I didn't post all throw-escapes, so mail me if I
forgot something. Here are the exceptions:

f,f+1+4 - escape: 1+2

df+2+4 - escape: 2

df,df+1 - escape: 1+2
qcf+1+2 - escape: 2
uf+3 - escape: 2 (unconfirmed)

df,DF+2+4 - escape: 1+2

db+1+3 - escape: 1+2

df+2+3 - escape: 2

df+1+2 - escape: 2
d,db+1+3 - escape: 2
qcb,f+2 - escape: 1+2

Prototype Jack:
db+2+3 - escape: 1+2

df+2+3 - escape: 2
qcb+1+2 - escape: 1

Gun Jack
db+2+3 - escape: 2
f,f+2+3 - escape: 2
df+2+4 - escape: 2
d+1+3 - escape: 1+2

df+1+2 - escape: 2

df,df+1 - escape: 1+2
qcf+1+2 - 2(?)

b+2+3 - escape: 2

df+2+3 - escape: 2

f+2~1 - escape: 1+2

f,f+2+3 - escape: 1+2

qcb+3 - escape: 2
d,db+1+3 - escape: 1+2

f,f+3+4 - escape: 1

db+1+3 - escape: 1+2

- Side tactic:
A lot of times you have to put up a guessing game with throw escapes, there
are some easy tricks for that. A well known one is to press
1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2...etc. which gives you a fifty fifty chance of an escape. If
you are not sure wether it'll be a two button or 1 button escape, a good way
is to buffer it with a standing jab (i.e. 1(hold 2)1). If you do it fast
enough and the 1 button won't do, the buffer will escape the throw (if it
requires a 1+2 escape).



Buffering is an advanced tactic which allows you to execute moves
differently and faster, by cancelling them into each other. Buffering is a
very wide term, like poking, since it can be used in so many different
forms. Buffering is used during custom strings, escaping, juggles and
multiparts. Dashbuffering, Crouchbuffering and Buttonbuffering are the most
common forms, but you can also buffer with lowparries, throwing, multiparts,
throw escapes, chickens and unblockables, even taunts. This section will
give you info on the most common forms of buffering in high level play.

Button Buffering

Button Buffering is the most common buffering method in TTT. Basically is
cancelling attacks with single button commands (standing jabs, for instance)
with double button commands (basic throws i.e.).

A small example:

1 into 1+3 -> 1(hold 1)3.

Basically if you hold the 1 and initiate the 3, so you’ll press both buttons
together, and then you’ll pull the 1+3. The 1 will allow the throw to come
out easier and if the 1 hits the chance of retaliation is minimized as well.
Button buffering is a quick and easy way to pull moves that require two or
three button pressed simultaneously, and is used very often during combo’s
and sorts.

- More examples

FC,df+2,f,f+1+2 ---> FC,df+2(hold 2)f,f+1 - The f,f+1+2 is always guaranteed
once the FC,df+2 hits, but if you buffer it makes the execution far easier.

ws+2(s)df,DF+2+4 ---> ws+2(hold 2)df,DF+4 - If you want to execute the
waning moon faster off the gutpunch stun, than you must buffer it this way.

df+1 into 1+3 ---> df+1(hold 1)3 - Throw buffer.

1,2 into df,DF+2+4 ---> 1,2(hold 2)~f,f~df,DF+2+4 - You must rush in to make
the df,DF+2+4 reach.

df+2(on big characters)into df,DF+2+4 ---> df+2(hold 2)~F,df,DF+2+4 - Must
initiate the “F” to connect the throw. Must be pulled fast. I still am not
sure if the Waninbg Moon is guaranteed or not.

df+4 into f+1+4 ----> df+4(hold 4)f+1 - Yeah, I know this one looks weird,
but I actually use it at times, since the framing you gain from df+4 makes
it harder for the opponent to attack you and will block the f+1+4 very often
allowing a free tag-out.

- How to buffer Chickens:

Remember the part about chickening in the "Throws and Counters section",
well here, it'll be shown how to buffer them easily. If you feel your get
attack reversed, you must buffer your Chicken the same way as you would with
throws but faster:
Attack Chicken Buffer
f+2 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->f+2(hold f+2)4
1,1>2 - Chicken: f+2+4(last hit)---->1,1>2(hold 2)f+4
ws+3,3,d+3,3... - Chicken: f+1+3-------------->any 3(hold 3)f+1
uf+3,4,3 - Chicken: f+1+3(first hit)--->uf+3(hold 3)f+1
f,f+3 - Chicken: f+1+3-------------->f,f+3(hold 3)f+1
ws+4,4 - Chicken: f+2+4(second hit)-->ws+4,4(hold 4)f+2
uf+4 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->uf+4(hold 4)f+2
FC,f+2 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->FC,f+2(hold 2)f+4
FC,f+1 - Chicken: f+1+3-------------->FC,f+1(hold 1)f+3
D+3,3,N+3 - Chicken: f+1+3(last hit)---->,N+3(hold 3)f+1
d+4,4 - Chicken: f+2+4(last hit)---->d+(4)4(hold 4)f+2
ub+3,2 - Chicken: f+2+4(last hit)---->ub+3,2(hold 2)f+4
4 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->4(hold 4)f+2
d~DB+4 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->d~DB+4(hold 4)f+2
f,f,N+4 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->f,f,N+4(hold 4)f+2
df+2 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->df+2(hold 2)f+4
f+4 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->f+4(hold 4)f+2
f,f+4 - Chicken: f+2+4-------------->f,f+4(hold 4)f=2


Ogre strongest buffering game is in the form of the crouchbuffer.
Crouchbuffering can be done in every FC-move n the game, it's done by
cancelling moves that END in FC-position (recover in a chrouch) and moves
that BEGIN in FC position (executed FROM a crouch). A good and wellknown
example is the simple d+1 lowjab. Examples of moves executed from FC are
Julia's FC,df+2 and Bryans FC,df,d,DF+1+2. If they are cancelled into each
other with a low jab, you'll get d+1,df+2(Julia) d+1,df,d,DF+1+2(Bryan).
This is a schemtic display of the execution of a crouch buffer:

Moves that recover in FC(i.e.d+1) -----> Moves that begin in FC(i.e.FC,df+2)

You can more or less say the FC-position can be used as a transmission
medium to cancel two moves in one, which defines, of course, the
crouchbuffer. Ogre has numberous most which are executed recover in the FC
position so, it can make an important part in his offense:

Moves that recover in FC position:
d+1, d+2 and D+3,3,d+3

Moves that begin in FC position:
FC,f+2, FC,f+1 and FC,df+2

Now all you have to do is link these together (d+1 used as example):

d+1 into FC,f+2 -----> d+1,f+2
d+1 into FC,df+2 -----> d+1,df+2
d+1 into FC,f+1 -----> d+1,f+1

Mix these up with your WS-moves after a d+1 to define some great tactics
surrounding Ogres crouch. But if the lowjab is blocked the followup is
blocked often too, so you best option is to leave it alone or buffer into a
throw (a better option IHMO).

The indicated combo’s can not be pulled without a crouchbuffer:


As you can see, crouchbuffering is a very versatile form of buffering, and
can suprise the hell out of the opponent, since it's an awesome method to
cloak your attacks ina particular execution your opponent might not expect.



Recovery is another essential part of the all-round Tekken game. To recover
from the ground the safest way depends a lot on what the opponent does.
There are lots of ways to recover, and I'll display how I think the
different ways to recover from the ground should be used.

- Recover Standing:
To recover standing, you have to press up when you're grounded. This is the
safest way to recover from the ground if you're knocked down from a distance
and once you are on two feet again you can still block the opponents
additional attacks. But if be predictable with recovering standing, the
opponent might use low or attacks once you get up, or a fast juggle starter
or fast mid attack up close, like a hopkick or tilesplitter (Paul/Hei's

- Recover crouching:
To recover in your crouch press u~D once you get knocked down, this can be
useful when the opponent keeps rushing in on you from a small distance, to
counter with a ws+3 knee or ws+1 juggle starter. If they expect you to
recover standing and use sweep or so, you can block it on time with the
chrouch recovery. Watch out for overheads, you might want to use a d+1 as
interrupt if you want to recover in your chrouch safely, more than enough to
discourage an opponent to rush in for a minor counter.

- Roll backwards/forwards:
Roll backwards with b while grounded and f to roll forwards. Use this to
avoid attacks such as a regular uf+2, ground pounces, or Julia's uf+3+4, and
other mid attacks that hit grounded opponents, but rolling backwards or
forwards exposed to the opponent, he'll have a great time pummeling you with
okizeme. A lot of intermediate players seem to roll backwards almost
automatically, which is bad thing, if you roll after every knockdown you are
very vulnerable to the ranged opponent. Use at the right times. The best way
to use rolling is in harmony with the Cross Chop (f+1+2) or reverse flip

- Sideroll:
Siderolling can be done with d+1,N and will put you in face down position.
This is very safe if opponents use okizeme attacks that are too linear, this
will avoid King/Armor King/Rogers alikicks,
Heihachi/Jin/Devil/Kazuya/Ogre/True Ogres 4~3 and Yoshi's db+1 if timed
right. Great to use, pretty safe option to recover if you time right.

- Recover with sweep (3):
Recovering with the sweep it useful when the opponents whiffs an okizeme
attempt (this happens more often than some may think) for a fast knockdown .
Still, the sweep isn't really a recovery method that is reliable, since good
players will stay out of it's range and minor counter your recovery.

- Recover with mid kick (4):
Use as a mixup with the sweep but like the sweep, this can be parried, good
players will also stay out of range and punish your recovery.

- Recover with an ankle kick (d+4): A simple ankle kick can be good to keep
an opponent at bay when they rush in for okizeme. Very good for chipping
damage, and when it connects you can block safely after getting up. But
don’t overuse this at all costs, since opponents may expect the ankle if you
do it too oftenand lowparry or backdash out of range to punish you once you
get up.

- Roll ->Reverse Handspringkick:
While rolling you can press b+3+4 to jump up with a flip that'll hit the
opponent. This is great when the opponent has knocked you away with a
Deathfist or other move that knocks far away for a suprising counter. Still,
it's best used when the opponent rushes in instead of when he's just
standing still in anticipation, since you end up backturned after you flip
upwards, and if it's whiffled, you might get punished.

- Roll->Diving Punch:
During your roll press f+1+2 to do dive at your opponent with your fists
lunging forward. This is a great way to recover and connects very often,
even from smaller distances. It comes out as a sort of suprise attack, great
for wake up games. The only con this type of recovery has is the fact that
it can be sidestepped pretty easily.

- The Techroll:
Techrolling allows you to instantly recover from the ground, after a
knockdown with a quick sidewards roll. It's done pressing 1~2~3~4
immediately after a knockdown. This is very useful when you get juggled,
since you might tech away from it to spare you some damage. Techrolling is
also useful in okizeme to spare some damage. But if a skilled opponent just
waits at a distance, and you techroll, you won't be able to block on time,
since techrolls can be punished by many attacks if you don't time them right
or use them before the opponent attacks you.

- The Tag Recovery:
You can recover from the ground pressing 5 as you roll off screen to tag in
your partner. The tag recovery may be a very good way to avoid getting
okizeme, but smart players will just counter your teammate with a juggle or
whatever once he tags in. A good way to avoid that is to tag cancel (5~u/b)
before you roll off screen just to stay out of range via the tag recover,
and to maybe even fool the opponent as well.



Countering is something you'll get involved in a lot during your matches.
The word alone speaks for itself, a counterattack is an attack that hits the
opponent during their own attack, wether it's during the start-up or
recovery. A counter is usually done by fast attacks that interrupt slower
attacks, but not necessairely, it all depends on the way to time a move, and
at what distance. Many attacks in TTT will give you more frame advantage
when you land a CH than when you connect by normal impact. Some attacks,
like the df+2 or d,DB+4 , will have a different effect when it counters,
when some attacks hit normally on non-counterhit, they'll stun or juggle
when you do counter or knock down on counter like they normally don't
(standing 4's), just to give some examples, which gives countering a large
part in the incredible deepness in TTT. Some followups are guaranteed on CH
when they aren't with a normal hit, hell even some combo's are only possible
after a CH. There are two different ways to counter:

Minor Counter

A minor counter occurs when you counter the opponent during the recovery of
their attack, that means when you either block their attack or when their
attack whiffs. If the recovery of a certain attack is long, he'll be more
vulnerable for a minor counter than with faster recovery. Usually there
won't be much difference in your attack when you minor counter as in a
normal hit except that your attack might to a little more damage. Minor
Counters occur a lot when the opponent is wide open after you've successfull
blocked or sidestepped their attack, for a free hit. Depending on how fast
or slow the recovery, you must use an attack with the proper speed needed.
Attacks with faster recovery have to be punished faster attacks and attacks
with long recovery can be punished with moved that come out slower. Ogres
best move for this is the uf+4.

Major Counter

Major Counter (MC) occurs when you counter DURING the opponents move with
your own attack. This requires more anticipation than the Minor Counter, but
is a lot more rewarding. The most occurring major counter is interrupting
the opponents attack with fast pokes, but the major counter is also common
on a larger scale like with moves that juggle or stun on CH. Most of the
time you have to use faster attacks than the opponent for a major counter,
but sometimes it just takes sheer timing and anticipation, to get a major
counter out of moves such as ws+2 and df+2, especially WS+2, since the
safest way to pull it is during a Major Counter, since it’s slow enough to
get hit out of easily. Major Counter will also occur if you counter a
running opponent, chrouch/rolldashing opponent, an opponent who tags in or a
jumping opponent.

Counterattacking is especially important for Ogre due to moves such as WS+2,
df+2, d,DB+4 and 1,1>2, even df+1. This means you have to wait until a
chance to counter the opponent and stay in advantage by being offensive from
there on to play Bryan to his full effectiveness. Off one counter, Bryan can
take away a half a lifebar on his own, so waiting for a good chance to
counter is vital with Bryan. Good ways to get a counterhit is to use
block-retaliate tactics to hope for a minor counter or maybe evasive tactics
like sidestepping, (back)dashing and ducking, it's all up to you what's
best. But you have to mainly try to focus on the fact to try to counter your
opponent, wether it's a fast poke or powermove, to set your offense up with
more ease.



This section is a straight easy way how to mix-up your game, to stay
unpredictable. If you use the same tactics over and over, that's asking to
get punished. So if you learn how to vary your game, you'll stay
predictable. In this section, I'll tell you which are important attacks to
mix up. These vary from attack string to dashing moves. Here are the
displays of certain features Ogre has suitable for mixups.

The Crouch Mix-up

- Mix up:

d+1 into
- FC,f+2
- FC,df+2
- WS+2
- Infinity Kick (first 4 kicks)
- Throw

Because Ogre is know for his crouch execution, players will always try to
anticipate what Ogre will do after he goes into his crouch (most of the time
with a d+1). You must keep them guessing in this situation. Once you connect
a d+1 there are numberous ways to execute from the crouch:

-d+1->FC,df+2: Mix this one up with the other mixups listed. Once you
connect d+1, they could expect FC,f+2, ws+2 or ws+4,4 and block high. If the
opponent expects you to throw, they have to initiate the escape. In both
situations, FC,df+2 will hit, and a f,f+1+2 is guaranteed afterwards.

-d+1->FC,f+2, ws+3,3 or WS+2: If you connect the FC,df+2 or a throw after
d+1, mix up ws+4,4, ws+2 and FC,f+2, since the opponent may either try a
throw escape or block crouching, and ws+4,4, FC,f+2 and ws+2 all connect in
these situations. FC,f+2 staggers on counter with guaranteed followups and
does big damage, if ws+3,3 connects the first two infinity kicks are
guaranteed for big damage combined, and ws+2 causes the stun on a clean hit
which leads to damaging followups.

- d+1->throw. This is an alternative for FC,f+2, WS+2, and the Infinity
Kicks, if the opponent expect one of those attacks and blocks standing,
initiate the throw to catch them instead. The best throw IMO is 1+3 since
it’s bufferable with d+1, the D+3 is guaranteed afterwards and it’s

The f,f,N mixup

Mix up:


Very useful mix-up for okizeme, I saw something like this in Sauer Krauts
Tekken3 FAQ, so I will give him credit. This mixup takes use of Ogres
“f,f,N”-attacks. After you knocked down the opponent, initiate the f,f, and
during the “Neutral” motion you’ll have the time to anticipate how the
opponent recovers. If the opponent rises quick press 2 for the
unblockable(f,f,N+2). If the opponent recovers crouching or with a
seep/ankle kick press 4 for the heel kick (f,f,N+4) and if they roll away
press 3+4 for the slide kick (f,f,N+3+4). To clear things up in a more
schematic display:

A ---> 2
Knockdown->f,f->N(anticipate)B ---> 4
C ---> 3+4

- A = Opponent recovers standing
- B = Opponent recovers crouching
- C = Opponent rolls away.

This mixup requires good anticipation and timing to utilize effective. But
of you master this mixup, you can keep the opponent on the ground for

The 1,1 Mixup

Mix up:


This is a pretty good mix-up I use a lot myself in custom strings and sorts.
Simply this mix up tactic is effective because the1,1>2 is delayable. If the
opponent blocks 1,1 you can buffer it into a throw (it's not guaranteed
though, but that's actually what makes it useful in the mixup useful
->explained later), if 1,1 hits delaying the 2 of the 1,1>2 will allow a
knockdown pretty safely. The coolness is, if you over use the 1,1>2
opponents will expect to block the last hit, and attempting a throw instead
will catch them off guard or even a d+4. If the opponent expects you to do a
throw attempt after 1,1 (wether it hits or blocked or ducked) you can delay
the 3rd hit (of the 1,1>2 combo) to hit them during their throw escape
execution or crouch attempt. The 1,1->df+4 and 1,1->df+1 are too solid
alternatives of 1,1,delayed 2 as custom strings in this mixup. In both
cases, the d+1 after 1,1 is pretty safe for that matter as well, but can be
blocked standing and crouching. This tactic is best againsts offensive
character with no particular parry or attack reversal. Against those
characters, this pacing tactic works pretty well, especially if you have a
pitbull styled game.

Beginning of the round

Players are often speculated by one question: "Once the announcer says
"FIGHT" what should be my first move?". Well, the most important thing you
have to remember in this case is NOT to do the same thing everytime the
rounds starts, that'll add only to your predictability, some good players
will look at your hands before the round starts to see what buttons you have
ready. This is another form of mixing up that's more important than some may
imagine, since if you are predictable once the round starts it may prove
costly in the rest of the match. Here are some moves with Ogre you can do
once the round starts, and you will have to mix up.
- Backdash: A simple backdash is probably the safest thing to do especially
against King and Lei players who oughtta start the round with a hopkick or
whatever. You will backdash out of attack range and leaving the opponent
open for an easy counter. Still there are some attacks that can punish you
when you recover from your dash, so be sure to be unpredictable when you
plan to start with a backdash manuever as the round starts.

- uf+4: Not a bad option for the cocky player (like myself, lol), but good
players know this manuever so don’t get predictable with it (I have eaten a
lot of junk trying to pull this once the round started and I didn’t cover my
hands on the controls well enough for the players to see at the controllers
what my first move would be). Use it every once in awhile. Remember: vary
your game.

- df+4: The best option IMHO, since it comes out fast and recovers fast,
reaches far enough, and gives you some advantage in frames if it hits. The
only thing that beats this practically are basic jabs, so is a very safe
move to start out with. If the opponent rushes in and gets caught in the toe
kick, he’ll probably back away a bit, for you to gain pressure early on.

- d+4: Another great option. It hits low, reaches far enough and is pretty
fast. I haven’t seen players who plan to block crouching once the round
starts (unless this is the only attack you use in this situation), so this
is a pretty safe way to start. Don’t use it a lot, since players will try to
anticipate and parry it. Mix up with the other options listed here.

- 1,1: This beats almost anything the opponent will try once the round
starts but it lacks range, and Heihaci players can EWGF you for example if
they backdash out of range of this attack. Use this against players who like
to stay in your face right away once the timer runs.
- Sidestep: Pretty decent especially with a SS as huge as Ogres. Watch out
for throws though.

- Duck: This can be very effective, especially against cocky Jin players who
start their rounds with the (E)WGF everytime. Be careful against hopkickers
and players that like to df+2 uppercut you once the round starts.

- Throw: Good against players who stay on guard once the round, you can
usually tell against intermediates already have their joystick backwards
before the announcer says “FIGHT” (Doesn’t the annoucer suck?! I liked the
annoucer in Tekken2 a lot better). Heck, I’m not an intermediate anymore,
and I still can’t help doing it at times.

- 4: Probably cheap if the opponents keeps running/dashing in range, since
it does huge damage. But if it’s ducked or when players backdash out of it’s
range you are left vulnerable.

- Walk backward: This is the best option against players you compete with
the first few times. This allows you to kind of feel the opponent out and
anticipate his first move and stay defensive enough not to get into trouble.
If the opponent attacks you recklessly you are in good to be in posirion to
block and minor countr with a uf+4 hopkick or throw

- df+2: Not a bad option. If you connect this, the opponent will stagger
backwards a bit, which is very good, since you’ll get advantage even if the
opponent decides to attack you, and quickly hunt the opponent down with a
unblockable or df+4, before the opponent attack you. Against offensive
players, this can get you an early juggle opportunity in the game. I prefer
usuing this on bifgger and slower characaters due to the liftstun it causes
to get off a combo.

Mixing up is very important since predictability is always a downfall
against good players. 9 times out of 10 the player who varies his game the
best wins. Tekken is a game with lots of deepness and the main deal is to
use that deepness to your advantage. Besides, who wants to get a "Chicken!"
Icon? Your honor as a gamer is at stake if you don't vary your game (still,
the "Chicken!" is not entirely accurate in some cases if you ask me).

Mixing up is one of the most important, if not the most important thing you
have to learn if you want an organised offense, and Ogre has one of the
better offenses in the game despite his weaknesses.



Ogre is probably one of the more misunderstood characters in Tekken,
mainly because of the fact he's got borrowed moves from other characters.
But that's what makes him such a cool character, with all the different
styles he has combined he may not be as wellrounded as most characters can
be, but he has enough in his arsenal to kick other characters asses. He is
far from being overpowered in TTT, since almost everything he has is toned
down since Tekken3. Ogre has great balance in hit ranges and has the ability
to take it on up close and far away, and can be very dangerous off his huge
sidesteps and crouch, and has some of the best okizeme in the game. I hope
people will think less hard on Ogre from now on, I think Ogre deserves to be
respected more than he does currently despite his many weaknesses, and to
know that he's far more than a mixture of certain characters. The
combination of the T2 subboss' moves gives him the ability to be unique in
his own way, and giving him the ability to kick as much ass as every other
character in the game.



I'll credit the following sites for their hard work:


One of the best sites on Tekken. I credit drumdude for the fantastic
work on the site. Here you'll find many great info on all editions to the
Tekken-series. Also this site features the best forum on Tekken out there.
But the site is down for awhile, why I don't know, but it better be up


"The non-stop source for everything Tekken-related". If you're
beginner, intermediate or expert, who cares, this is the place to go if you
like Tekken. They have great updates, moves sections, FAQs, combo's sections
and best of all, Castel's movies are the bomb. It's a must to see those
movies if you visit, no matter what it takes. The staff keep the Tekken
Community informed on their tippy-toes with hot news and knowledge. They
deserve all the credit they can get with their hard work. Recently they've
opened a brand new message forum, and y'know what, it's already full with
discussions and interactions This site is sooper, ain't nothin' to it.


Inside Tekken, Abrar's cool new site focused on TTT. You'll find nice
updates there, good movies and neat FAQs. Also check out the great (and not
to mention ORIGINAL) articles section, which allows you to post an article
about a certain issue on Tekken you can share with the visitors. It's kinda
like an editorial, but better. check out the cool articles by ETP and
mIrAge. Also there's a cool forum there, which I also visit from time to
time. Check it out!


Official site of TTT. You'll find some great updates and game-info
here. Check out the movies as well. There's also a message board for some
"in-depth discussions".


I'd be stoopid if I forgot ol' fighters.net. Check out their great
stuff on TTT, with awesome movies on the upcoming console version, which
have to be seen to be believed. Their FAQ archives are excellent as well as
the updates that keeps any fightng game-freak informed to the max. The hard
work of the staff (tigeraid, Faceless, Three-11, Mr.MG) has resulted one of
the most well organised sites I know. There forum is also a great place to
share your knowledge with other gamerz around the globe. This site deserves
big props, tell me about it.


This is the site where you can find the best FAQ archives on videogames on
the web. Here you'll find all the info you need on whatever videogame you
like. If you're stuck on a game, if you want some codes or want to submit a
FAQ or Review, GameFAQs is your place! GameFAQs rules, they are the most
popular in FAQ archives on computer games around the web! They have the most
reliable methods on contributing FAQs, simply because of the fact that they
won't take ripoffs of other FAQs. I'm giving big props to GameFAQs!


Check out this new great site hosted by E-MAN, one of the many loyal
Tekkenplayers who shares knowledge at the Inside tekken and Tekken Salute
forums. This site will be focussed on the Fillipino Tekken scene, it
features a great movie on chrouchbuffering the Chains of
Misery(FC,df,d,df+1+2) with Bryan, with a sadistically cool sountrack from
Yhe Prodigy. Check it out yourself, this will be one of the best unofficial
tekkensites of the future, I tell ya!


This site is webmastered by Mr.MG, one of the staff members of fighters.net,
which is about the arcades in London, and the activities and so on. You have
some good info here, and also the results from the Tekken London Showdown
where some well-known players around Europe have participated in, including
myself. I'll give special credit too him, for his hard work to keep us
gamers happy, and his generosity.


This is Sauer Krauts new site on Tekken Tag Tournament, and it already
rocks!! Here you will find tips on general play, strategies, multimedia, and
tons and tons of combo's. The Kraut himself has some great wisdom on Ogre
and he still has the best Ogre Guide out there. This great site is a great
way to easily find good combo's and good strats. It's like a Manual in
pixels. A great pie-a-work and it's still under construction. Who knows what
the Kraut has in store for us Tekken players in the future. A MUST visit for
the hardcore Tekken player.



As my FAQ is thru I want to thank the following individuals for their

- Reverend C: For his great technical Tekken knowledge he has giving me the
last couple of weeks, and some fun discussions. Also check out his awesome
FAQs on Kazuya, Nina, Anna and Heihachi. Also, I'm currenty writing a
comprehensive character guide with him, so keep your eyes open for that one.
Huge credits to him.

- The contributers of the "Ask the Experts" section for submitting their
great knowledge, to bring it to a larger scale of players. Too bad I haven’t
gotten enough responses this time to make a section out of it, so my
apologies to the people who did submit for not doing the section this time.
Thanks for your time and knowledge and hopefully, my next FAQ will have
enough responnses to do another round of “Ask The Experts”

- Castel and the rest of the Tekken Zaibatsu staff for their
awesome knowledge on Tekken and doing so much for the Tekken Community, and
of course their kickass movies. You guys rule, no doubt about that!

- Fighters.net for their kewl TTT section and awesome movies.

- Catlord for his savage-ass FAQ on TTT. Keep up the work!

- Rehan, Harry, Martin, Wing, The Chief, Devilman, Amrej, Mr.MG, Ryan Hart,
Claka, KRY and others for being awesome players in the London Tourny, you
all have mad skillz, and you all proved to be some of the best in Europe. I
thought was great fun competing with you guys, we ought to play again

- Gokmen, Damsko Kazuya, King the 2nd and The Amature, for being great
fellow players from Holland, all of you guys have great skillz, I hope to
play you guys some more soon, since we only live 45minutes distance from
each other, so we oughtta meet up more.

- Red King (check out his Jin FAQ), Simone and Sandro, for being awesome
competition from Italy. You guys have amazing skills, and I'm glad to have
competed with you all in the London Tournament.

- tragic, QDogg, Gargoyle Sox, 7th Pixel, Notti, shauno, Sauer Kraut(aka
SauerChoke), Jorkie (I will definately find a way to meet up and play you
d00d), Joshic, SuperT, et3rustee, abrar (check out his Kuma FAQ, and his
awesome site, Inside Tekken), mIrAge, drumdude, Cinder, SmuvMoney (check out
his King FAQ), Dalamar (check out his Lei FAQ), my_3rd_eye, aviax, kishmomo,
Thunder Fist, Ug The Caveman, JoeKing, MC and The_Chink (sorry if I forgot
someone, but to make it short, thanks to everyone who I've interacted with
in the past) for their awesome Tekken-knowledge shared many times over
around the web, without you guys Tekken would never be as alive as now.

- Namco, for making one of the best game-series on the friggin' market. You
fella's are tha bomb!

- KoRn and Limp Bizkit, for making awesome music to listen to when and where
ever I play Tekken, to keep my blood pumped with adrenaline. I swear the
god, it's been proven you play better listening to your fav records than
when you are playing in silence. Besides, the louder the music, the less you
are distracted my the opponents trash talking phrases, lol....Look for the
ads.....I just wish most Arcades had the balls to play something else than
just that Dance or Trance or whatever that music's called...

- Myself, for writing this guide (I KNEW I forgot someone...)

- God, for helping me thru difficult times and for always answering my

- And finally, you, the one currently reading this, thanks for taking a look
at my FAQ, I hope you liked it. If you have any comments on it,
corrections or your own idea's e-mail me at renickironfist@hotmail.com to
contact me. Everyone's opinion means a lot to me ^_^

"While yer travlin' round tha world,
Jody's home with your best girl
Next time I get a three day pass
I'm gonna WS+2 ol' Jody's *peep*"

- Renick.


The End.


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Ling Xiaoyu FAQ/Walkthrough

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Swap Patch für die US NTSC Version

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King's Mulit-Throws

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