WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It

14.10.2013 16:56:19
WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It! Sony PlayStation2 Create-A-Wrestler FAQ,
Version 1.0
Updated Last: 11/23/01
Author: DuaneG
E-Mail Address: rdg@mindwipe.net

-Disclaimer: The works of this FAQ are copywritten by myself and the various
others who have contributed it. Do not post this FAQ on your website without
first acquiring permission from me.

I. Introduction
II. Latest Updates
III. WWF/WCW/ECW Wrestlers
A.) Billy Kidman
B.) Booker T
C.) Tommy Dreamer
D.) Ric Flair
E.) Hurricane Helms (3)
F.) Stacy Keibler (2)
G.) Shawn Michaels (2)
H.) New Jack
I.) 'Ravishing' Rick Rude
J.) Sabu
K.) Sting
L.) Lance Storm
M.) Rob Van Dam (4)
N.) Mikey Whipwreck
IV. Japanese Wrestlers
A.) Kenta Kobashi
B.) Mitsuharu Misawa
C.) Keiji Mutoh
D.) Kensuke Sasaki
V. Celebrities/Video Game Characters
VI. Credits


This is my first crack at an FAQ for GameFAQs, and I'm hoping it'll turn out
well. I was inspired to create this Create-A-Wrestler (herein referred to as
"CAW") FAQ after struggling to find good quality CAWs on the web. I'm not an
extremely good creator of wrestlers in this game myself, although I have
created a few, which are enclosed in this FAQ. Many of the CAWs you will see
here have been taken from members of the GameFAQs WWF Smackdown: Just Bring
It! Message board, and have given their permission to have their CAWs posted
on this FAQ. If you would like to submit a CAW for this FAQ, send an email
with the specifics of your creation to me (rdg@mindwipe.net). The subject for
the CAW -MUST- be as follows:

"WWF Smackdown: JBI CAW for GameFAQs"

If your CAW is already listed on here, feel free to send it anyway. I will be
posting multiple versions of wrestlers - after all, there's always more than
one good version of a CAW. Please do not e-mail me asking for pictures of
these CAWs, as I do not presently have the capabilities to provide such


10/23/01 (Version 1.0): First created FAQ

III. WWF/WCW/ECW Wrestlers

With everything going on inside the World Wrestling Federation (One week we
have WCW, the next ECW, then the Alliance, then god knows what), I'm simply
going to group all of these wrestlers into one category together. They are
listed in alphabetical order here.

---BILLY KIDMAN (Credit to Ultimate Bane of GameFAQs)

Eyebrow 003
Head 001
Eyes 004
Nose 011
Jaw 055

Eye 003
Cheeks 004
Mouth 002
Skin 004
Hair 002(0,0, -2
No F Hair
B Hair 014 (0, 0, -27)
Underwear 001
Elbow Pad- Both 003 (0,0,0, -87)
Wristband 001 (6,0,0, -127,127)
Tights 044 (25,0,17,127, -90)
Kneepad- Both 001 (0, 0, 0, -64)
Boots 031- Both (16,0,0,0, -110)

Height (-25)

Unknown Moveset 07 (It has the Unprettier and Shooting Star Press as

---BOOKER T (Credit to slider423 of GameFAQs; Based on a model from DuttyMan
of GameFAQs)


General Appearance
Head: 001
Eyes: 004
Nose: 004
Jaw: 039

Body Parts:
Eyebrow: 005 (Brightness -77)
Eye: 017 (Shade 23, Brightness -33)
Cheeks: 003
Mouth: 041 (Brightness -76)
Skin: 004
Body: 004
Hair: 060 (Brightness -44)
F.Hair: 063 (Brightness -44)
B.Hair: 089 (Brightness -44)
Underwear: 003 (Shade -127, Brightness -11)
Hand: 017 (Brightness -103)
Both Kneepad: 002 (Brightness -51)
Right Kneepad: 046 (Brightness -3)
Facial Hair: 073 (Brightness -44)
Boots: 058, Type 001 (Length 29, Brightness -24)
Skin Color: 7
Height: 39
Length Shoulder: 101

Name: Booker T
Ring Name:
Biography: Man, Heavyweight
Moveset: Unknown 02 NCBT
Entrance Moves: Booker T Moveset
Entrance Movie: None
Entrance Music: Rikishi01

---TOMMY DREAMER (Credit to Les Claypool of GameFAQs)

BODY PARTS (Figure: Head 2, Eyes 57, Nose 34, Jaw 23)

Eyebrow: 7 (0, 0, 0, -57)
Eye: 13
Cheeks: 4
Mouth: 47
Hair: 2 (0, -127, -14)
T-Shirts: 4 (48, 0, 0, -127, -97)
Boots: 30 (48, 0, 0, -127, -28)
Facial Hair: 72 (0, 0, 0, -33)
Facial Hair: 13 (0, 0, 0, -24)
Facial Hair: 15 (0, 0, 0, -33)
Hand: 8 (0, 0, 0)
Pants: 11 (0, -127, -69)

Place the following on the CHEST (Lower body, Letters, Alphabet)

ALPHABET_E 57 (Place on the CAW's RIGHT, from his point of view) (0, 83, -5,

ALPHABET_C 55 (Place on the CAW's LEFT, from his point of view) (0, 83, -5,

ALPHABET_F 6 (Place on the CAW's MIDDLE RIGHT, from his point of view) (0,
83, -5, 0)

ALPHABET_N 14 (Place on the CAW's MIDDLE LEFT, from his point of view) (0,
83, -5, 0)

ALPHABET_W 75 (Place on the CAW's BOTTOM MIDDLE, from his point of view) (0,
83, -5, 0)

Place the following on the BACK

ALPHABET_W 23 (Place on the CAW's LEFT, from YOUR Point of view) (0, 0, -127,

ALPHABET_A 1 (Place on the CAW's MIDDLE, from YOUR Point of view) (0, 0, -
127, 0)

ALPHABET_W 18 (Place on the CAW's RIGHT, from YOUR Point of view) (0, 0, -
127, 0)


FORM (Both on ALL)

---RIC FLAIR (Credit to Melchiah of GameFAQs)


Eye-12(s=-59, b=-34)
shirts-3(l=96, s=-88, b=30)
socks-1(s=-127, b=-65)
shoes-1(s=-78, b=-43)
accessories-12(c=-30, b=-62)

Jackets-12 (b=-27)
Pants--1 (s=-127, b=-79)

---HURRICANE HELMS (Credit to zurick of GameFAQs: Credit for Hurricane
Create-A-Taunt to xxRDOGGxx of GameFAQs)

Body Parts:

Face Figure:
Head: 014
Eyes: 001
Nose: 001
Jaw: 001

1: No Eyebrow 001
2: Eye 003
3: Cheeks 002
4: Mouth 001
5: Skin 001
6: Hair: 005 0,-21,-71
7: No F_Hair
8: B_Hair 058 72,18,-15
9: Underwear 001
10: Mask 018 0,56,84,-5
11: T-Shirts 059 9,0,15,0,0
12: Elbowpad 001 0,0,-127,-53
13: Hand 008
14: Tights 001 56,0,0,-89,-58
15: Kneepad 002 0,0,-127,-50
16: Boots 035 32,0,0,0,0
17: Facial Hair 012 0,0,0,-26
18: Pattern_A 182 0,0,-127,0 Raise it to where it is in the center of his
19: Pattern_A 132 0,-82,46,-32 Same as above
20: Alphabet_H 008 -27,29,20,18 Same again
21: Alphabet_o 041 0,94,-63,-38 Put on right arm near top center
22: Pattern_A 069 0,-66,-21,-27 Above the circle
23: Pattern_A 069 0,-66,-21,-27 Below the circle

Give him moveset Unknown 08 NCHH

base 1- others #25
base 2- turning #1
base 3- others #25

after base go to modify if u did it right there will 45 frames. don't mess
with frames 1-16! starting on frame 17 use pose 320...use it from 17 through
31 and there u have it! the famous hurricane spinning taunt!

---HURRICANE HELMS #2 (Credit to Ultimate Bane of GameFAQs)

No Eyebrows

Head 001
Eyes 003
Nose 001
Jaw 055

Eye 001
Cheeks 010
Mouth 002
Skin 002
Hair 004 (-12, -46, -52)
No F Hair
B Hair 091 (-22, 52, -6)
Paint 009
Facial Hair 029(0,13, -16, -35)
No Sleeve 026 (0, -80,8, -79)
Both Elbow Pad 005(0,0, -5, -92)
Gloves -Both Hand 008
Tights 016(96,0,53, -4, -56)
Kneepads 002 Both (0, -67, -40, -15)
Boots 052
Upperbody Pattern_A 179- Chest (0, -92,63, -26)
Height -36

Moveset Unknown 08 (Final Cut and Vertebreaker are as finishers! Woo)

---HURRICANE HELMS #3 (Credit to Les Claypool of GameFAQs)

BODY PARTS (Figure: Head 2, Eyes 5, Nose 1, Jaw 51)

Eye: 3
Cheeks: 2
Mouth: 4
Skin: 5
Hair: 5 (0, -21, -71)
B_Hair: 48 (0, 12, -5)
Mask: 18 (0, 56, 84, 6)
T-Shirts: 59 (15, 0, 0, 0)
Elbow Pad (Both): 1 (0, 0, -127, -52)
Hand (Both): 8
Tights: 17 (96, 0, 97, 62, -19)
Pattern_A (LowerBody Parts, Pattern, Type A) : 132 (Center the logo, 0, -82,
46, -32)
Kneepad (Both): 2 (0, 0, -127, -46)
Boots: 35 (32, 0, 0, 0)
Facial Hair: 10 (-22, 0, -127, -50)

---STACY KEIBLER (Credit to DuaneG)


General Appearance
Head: 001
Eyes: 001
Nose: 001
Jaw: 027

Body Parts
Eyebrow: 019
Eye: 008
Cheeks: 009
Mouth: 014
Skin: 001
Hair: 064 (0, 57, -24)
F.Hair: 071 (0, 40, 31)
B.Hair: 007 (0, 52, 25)
Underwear: 36
Underwear: 04
Shirts: 007 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Pattern B: 049 (Put it on Back, right on the middle of the back. This can be
substituted with any other Dudleyz logo.)
Pattern C: 049 (Put it on Chest, right on the chest.)
Pattern C: 050 (Put it right on the left-hand side of the logo outline, where
the 'W' shape is.)
Pattern C: 051 (Put it right in the center of the logo outline, where the 'C'
shape is.)
Pattern C: 052 (Put it right on the right-hand side of the logo outline,
where the other 'W' shape is.)
Tights: 053 (12, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Boots: 034, Type 1 (27, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Name: Stacy Keibler
Ring Name:
Biography: Woman, Light Heavyweight, 'Princess'
Moveset: Ivory (Give her a dancing (gyration of hips) taunt, and a Dudleyz
Entrance Moves: Ivory or Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
Entrance Movie: Dudley Boyz
Entrance Music: Dudley Boyz

---STACY KEIBLER #2 (Credit to Ultimate Bane of GameFAQs)

Head Type 003
Eyes Type 001
Nose Type 001
Jaw Type 001

Eyebrow 002
Eye 002
Cheeks 001
Mouth 021
Skin 008 - 005
Hair 002 (25, -38,43)
F Hair 079
B Hair 083
Underwear 032
Underwear 001
T-shirts 001 (0, -6,0,0, -29)
Pattern C 048 - Back
Pattern C 049 - upper chest
Pattern C 054 - left of lower chest
Pattern C 055 - right of lower chest
Boots 057- 018- (48,0, -8,127, -85)(may need 2 unlock)
Hands - Manicure 001

Pants - Mini Skirt 039 (0, -127,0)
Pants - Accessories - Belt 013

---SHAWN MICHAELS (Credit to Jaysworld26 of GameFAQs)

Name: Shawn Michaels
Ring Name: HBK
Weight Class: Heavy Weight
Gender: Male
NickName: Shawn Michaels
Crowd Signs: Both in Other. 1.Shawn Michaels 2.Lock and Reay to unload.
Personality: 1.Speed Attack,2.Technical Attack,3.World Wrestling Federation
Powerful: Level 4,Attack 2,Defense 2.
Speedy: Level 4,Attack 3,Defense 2.
Technical: Level 4,Attack 3,Defense 3.
RoughNeck: Level 0,Attack 0,Defense 0.
Moves: Superstars "Unknown 24ZSM"
Logic: 1. Average,2. Aerial.
Eyebrow: 091,color 25,shade 127,brightness -96.
Eye: 035 * get darkish brown color*
Cheeks: 001
Skin: 008
Skin Color: 1,color 8,brightness 20.
Body: 002
Hair: 056,color 16,shade 55,brightness 16.
NoF_Hair: 001
B_Hair: 033,color 20,shade 79,brightness 4.
Underwear: 062,red heart.
Wristband: 025,length 7.
Boots: 049,type 001,color 111,shade -77,brightness -117.
Accessories: 002,color 45,shade 115,brightnes 85.
Accessories: 053
Head: type 026
Eyes: 001
Nose: 001
Jaw: 024
Hat & Cap: 004 *If you want a DX Cap*
Weapons: Steel Chair
Pants: 005,Type 001,color -27,shade -127,brightness 0.
Pattern_c 038 Left arm on shoulder.
Pattern_c 051 Left Leg
Pattern_c 051 Right Leg
*Both little above bending part of knee, facing side of pant leg*
Entrance: DX Theme
Movie: None
Entrance Moves: HHH or Unknown 5 *Unless there is a better unknown after
everything is unlocked*

---SHAWN MICHAELS #2 (Credit to Ultimate Bane of GameFAQs)

Head 002
Eyes 004
Nose 001
Jaw 001
Eye brow 018
Eye 017
Cheeks 020
Mouth 004
Skin 011
Hair 002 - (4,7,27)
F hair 077
B Hair 090
Underwear 001
Facial Hair 062 - (0,0,015)
Wristband 001 - (16,0,0,0, -71)
Tights 001 - (96,0,0, -87, -67)
Pattern C 030 - Right Leg - Knee
Pattern C 030 - Right Leg - below the knee
Pattern C 030 - Right Leg - above the knee
Pattern C 030 - Left Leg - Knee
Pattern C 030 - Left Leg - below the knee
Pattern C 030 - Left Leg - above the knee
Socks 001- (4,0,0, -127, -75)
Accessories 005
Moveset: Unknown 24
Music: D-Generation X

---NEW JACK (Credit to Les Claypool of GameFAQs)

BODY PARTS (Figure: Head 001, Eyes 002, Nose 005, Jaw 001)

Eyebrow: 004 (0, 0, 0, -127)
Eye: 19 (0, -37, -34)
Cheeks: 56
Mouth: 42 (0, -18, -40)
Accessories: 15 (0, 101, -15, -33)
Shirts: 7 (48, 0, -27, 39, 3)
Wristband (Both): 25 (42, -58, 0, -72, -61)
Hand (Right): 10 (0, -127, -127)
Ring (Left): 17 (0, 0, -127, -127)
Boots: 30 (48, 0, 0, -127, -35)
Facial Hair: 24 (0, 0, 0, -105)


Pants: 43 (-14, 0, -3)


Weapons: Trash Can (Or Guitar)

---RAVISHING RICK RUDE (Credit to Les Claypool of GameFAQs)

BODY PARTS (Figure: Head 1, Eyes 2, Nose 2, Jaw 2

Eyebrow: 6 (-10, 0, -7, -91)
Eye: 4
Cheeks: 5
Mouth: 40
Skin: 4
Hair: 8 (0, -127, -52)
B_Hair: 90 (-8, -109, -71)
Facial Hair: 2 (0, 0, -127, -80)
Facial Hair: 62
PATTERN (Upper Body, Type A): PATTERN_A 175 (Right Arm)
Tights: 31
Boots: 43 (38, 0, 13, -2, -39)
Kneepad (Both): 1 (0, 0, -127, 50)


Color 3

---SABU (Credit to Les Claypool of GameFAQs)

BODY PARTS (Figure: Head 1, Eyes 2, Nose 35, Jaw 24)

Eyebrow: 7 (0, 0, 0, -127)
Eye: 2
Cheeks: 27
Mouth: 49
Hair: 2 (0, -127, -25)
F_Hair: 26 (0, -127, -93)
B_Hair: 81 (0, -127, -14)
Facial Hair: 4 (0, -127, -127)
Wristband (Both): 1 (0, -127, 30)
Ring (Left): 16 (0, -127, -6)
Ring (Right): 14 (0, -127, -6)
Elbow Pad (Both): 18 (0, 0, -127, 0)
Shoes: 1 (48, 0, -3, -127, 3)


Pants: 1 (-59, 29, 18)
Belt: 15

Skin Colors: 4

FORM (Both on all)

Head: 1

Upper Body

Chest: 54
Abdomen: 26
Arms: 27
Forearms: 17
Hands: 30

Lower Body

Thighs: 38
Legs: 38
Ankles: 38
Feet: 38

Height: -5

---STING (Credit to Jaysworld26 of GameFAQs)

Head: 25

Chest: 44
Abdomen: 45
Arms: 6
Forearms: 7
Hands: 14

Thighs: 20
Legs: 14
Ankles: 12
Feet: 15

Name: Sting
BioGraphy: Crow
Crowd Signs: Both in others,1.I am Outsider,2.Destroyer.
Personality: 1. Submission+,2.World Wrestling Federation title+,3.Technical

Powerful: Level 4,Attack 3,Defense 3.
Speedy: Level 3,Attack 2,Defense 1.
Technical: Level 4,Attack 4,Defense 3.
RoughNeck: Level 0,Attack 0,Defense 0.
Move Set: "Unknown 32"
Logic: 1.Ground,2.Aerial.

Eyebrow: 001
Eye: 001 *make them Black*
EyeType: 011
Cheeks: 001
Mouth: 001
Skin: 001
Skin Color: 2
Body: 001
Hair: 002,Color -21,Shade -50,Brightness -11.
F_Hair: 078,Color 0,Shade 24,Brightness -85
B_Hair: 085,Color 0,Shade 0,Brightness 0.
Underwear: 001.
Mask: 032,Color 0,Shade -125,Brightness 127.
Mask: 063,Color 0,Shade -87,Brightness 127.
*2 Masks fills tan face more Note must use these 2 masks*
Paint: 067,Color 0,Shade 0,Brightnes -127.
Boots: 057,Type 001.
No Sleeves: 034,Color 73,Shade -127,Brightness -43.
Pants: 013.
Alphabet: Write Sting in White on right pant leg,facing side of pant leg.
Text: Scorpion in White Left Leg *Sti* facing front of pant leg.
Jackets: Coat 007 Black.

Weapon: Bat.
Entrance Music: 11 Unknown.
Entrance Movie: None.
Entrance Moves: Beniot *Or look through all the unknowns,I haven't unlocked
all of the unknowns so hies taunts/moves for entrance may be one of the

---LANCE STORM (Credit to The Impact Player of GameFAQs)

Body Parts (Figure/Head: 002/Eyes: 004/Nose: 002/Jaw: 001)

Eyebrow: 007
Eye: 008 (96/0/-88/-85/-25)
Cheeks: 014
Mouth: 004

Skin: 004 (Body Type: 004)

Hair: 050 (48/0/0/52/-61)
Front Hair: 001
Back Hair: 001

Underwear: 001
Tights: 069 (96/0/98/0/0)

Kneepad: 016 (48/0/0/-127/42)
Boots: 040-Type: 001 (30/0/0/0/35)
Lowerbody Accessories: 006 (96/0/0/40/0)

Right Elbowpad: 005 (48/0/0/-64/-51)
Both Hands: 009 (96/0/0/0/0)

Skin Colors
Skin Color: 2

Weapons: Steel Folding Chair

Name: Lance Storm

Gender: Man
Classification: Heavyweight
Nick Name: Superstar (they used to call him the Canadian Superstar)

Technical Attack +
Technical Defense +
Speedy Defense +

Powerful: Level 2/Attack 2/Defense 2
Speedy: Level 3/Attack 3/Defense 3
Technical: Level 4/Attack 4/Defense 3
Rough Neck: Level 3/Attack 3/Defense 3

Personaly, to avoid bugs..I make my movesets by hand. I have yet to set
Lance's though, so if your willing to wait, I will reply to this in a little
bit when the moveset is finished. If you wish to risk it, the Lance Storm
Unknown move set is: Unknown 05 ELS


---ROB VAN DAM (Credit to Tiger Jay K of GameFAQs)

Facial Hair-62(0,22,15,10)
No sleeves-21(0,70,-30,-20)
Alphabet_R on the chest(move to the left)(0,40,0,0)
Alphabet_V on the chest(move it to the middle)(0,40,0,0)
Alphabet_D on the chest(move it to the right)(0,40,0,0)
Pattern_B-49 put it on the back middle(0,65,75,40)
Hair-85 back at the top(0,60,10,15)
Accessories-5(0,0,0,-100)(for bottom body part)
Pattern_C-11 put on the chest,right beneath letter V(0,20,-20,0)
Pattern_C-94 put at back on the top(0,0,0,-122)

unknown movelist 4 is RVD's moves

Just switch his aerial down(the same moves) to Lo down
His Back move to Blue Thunder and dragon suplex
His aerial up change his missle dropkick to martial arts kick

And make his Nickname
Blue Thunder NOT FlyingMan

---ROB VAN DAM #2 (Credit to Ultimate Bane of GameFAQs)

head, eyes,nose,jaw(1,4,1,2)

eyebrow - 18
Eye - 16
Cheeks - 20
Mouth - 11
Skin - 8 - Body 1
No F Hair
B Hair - 091 - (-8,71,-62)
Underwear - 001
No sleeves - 034 - (0,-85,0,-27)
Tights - 060 - (30,0,-67,0,-11)
Hand - 008 - (0,0,-113)
Boots - 034 - 001 - (30,0,0,0,0)
Accessories - 005 - (0,0,0,-100)
Facial Hair - 062 - (0,0,0,0)
Knee Pad - 001 - (0,0,-127,-44)
Alphabet R - 018 -Positioned 2 the left of the chest
Alphabet V - 022 -Positioned in the middle of chest
Alphabet D - 004 -Positioned 2 the right of the chest

---ROB VAN DAM #3 (Credit to xaiphong of GameFAQs)

(1)Eyebrow: 18
Head 1
Eyes 4
Nose 1
Jaw 1
(2)Eye: 44
(3)Cheeks: 50
(4)Mouth: 29 |7,0,0|
(5)Skin: 11
(6)Hair: 41 |-22,46,-77|
(7)No F_Hair: 001
(8)B_Hair: 91 |-23,46,-51|
(9)Underwear: 001
(10)Facial Hair: 25 |-78,0,0,0|
(11)Hand: 8 |0,0,-112|
(12)Boots: 34 |32,0,0,0,0|
(13)Lowerbody\Accessories: 5 |0,0,0,-92|
(14)Kneepad\Both: 2 |0,0,-127,-42|
(15)Tights: 44 |27,0,10,0,-61|
(16)No Sleeves: 37 |0,-73,0,-61|
(17)Pattern_A: 174 *Back* -Position it down as far as it will go and center
it between the two designs on the back of his tights- |0,-53,0,-27|
(18)Pattern_B: 49 *Chest* -Position it down as far as it will go and center
it- |0,117,80,-24|
(19)Alphabet\English: 18 *Chest* -Ok we are spelling RVD diagnally from top
left to bottom right, So this is kind of at the top left corner of the front
(but stay inside the tights of course)- |0,-126,0,0|
(20)Alphabet\English: 22 *Chest* -Now this is at the lower right of the "R"
we just made, should be middle of his tights- |0,108,0,0|
(21)Alphabet\English: 4 *Chest* -Put this at the lower right of the "V" we
just made, should be near bottom right of the front of his tights- |0,-

---ROB VAN DAM #4 (Credit to Les Claypool of GameFAQs)

BODY PARTS (Figure: Head 1, Eyes 1, Nose 1, Jaw 2)

Eyebrow: 11 (-41, 0, 0, -127)
Eye: 4
Cheeks: 9
Mouth: 11
Skin: 8 (Body 1)
Hair: 53 (-18, -32, 1-3)
Back Hair: 91 (-59, 34, -89)
Facial Hair: 62
No Sleeves: 28 (0, -120, 0, 15)
Tights: 1 (24, 0, 0, -127, -127)

Get the following by going to Lower Body, Alphabet

Alphabet_R (Place on Right): 70
Alphabet_V (Place in Middle): 74
Alphabet_D (Place in Left): 56

Get the following by going to Lower Body, Numeral (Place under "RVD" logo)

Numeral_L (Place in Right): 127 (0, 115, 0, 127)
Numeral_L (Place in Middle): 125 (0, 115, 0, 127)
Numeral_L (Place in Left): 123 (0, 115, 0, 127)

Hand (Both): 8 (0, -127, -98)
Kneepad (Both): 1 (0, 0, -127, -52)
Boots: 36 (36, 0, 0, -127, -96)
Accessories (Lower Body): 4 (0, 0, -127, -19)
Tights: 52 (18, 0, 55, 32, 7)
Pattern_A (Place in Right): 138 (0, 4, -28, 19)

---MIKEY WHIPWRECK (Credit to Les Claypool of GameFAQs)

BODY PARTS (Head: 015, Eyes 001, Nose 001, Jaw 023)

Eyebrow: 028
Eye: 27 (39, 0, -39)
Cheeks: 026
Mouth: 011
Hair: 036
F_Hair: 067 (-14, 39, -22)
Facial Hair: 016 (-78, 3, -127, 13)
T-Shirts: 010
Hand (Both): 008
Shoes: 13

Pants: 027 (-82, 0, 0)

FORM (Both on all)

Head - 22, 22, 30


Chest: 49, 49, 49
Abdomen: 49, 49, 49
Arms: 23, 23, 23
Forearms: 18, 18, 18
Hands: 27, 27, 27


Thighs: 19, 19, 19
Legs: 24, 24, 24
Ankles: 22, 22, 22
Feet: 18, 18, 18

Height: -44

IV. Japanese Wrestlers

I've had quite a few Japanese wrestlers sent to me, so I'll be posting them
on here as well. I cannot verify the authenticity of these, as I do not watch
Japanese wrestling.

---KENTA KOBASHI (Credit to Tigermuppetcut of GameFAQs)

"The Burning"

Eyebrow 54 (0,0,0,-59)
Head Type 003
Eyes Type 063
Nose Type 001
Jaw Type 001
Eye 10 (63,-11,-29)
Cheeks 049
Mouth 004
Skin 001
Body 001
Hair 064 (0,0,-116,-114)
F_Hair 025 (0,0,0,-69)
Underwear 003 (0,-127,-58)
Facial Hair 074 (-27,0,0,-79)
Facial Hair 064 (0,0,0,-58)
Wristband 002 (8,0,0,-35,3)
Boots 047 (23,0,0,0,-21)
Kneepad 003 (0,7,-97,-59)
Height 6
Form Head 34,34,34
Form Chest 118,118,64
Form Abdomen 6,6,23
Arms Both 29,29,29
Forearms Both 38,38,38
Hand Both 19,19,19
Skin Colour 01 (8,0,20)
Moveset Unknown 48 NJKK
Logic Grapple, Attack
Power A4, D4
Speedy A2, D2
Technical A3, D3
Roughneck A4, D3
Powerful Attack +
Powerful Defense +
Speedy Defense +

--- MITSUHARU MISAWA (Credit to Tigermuppetcut of GameFAQs)

"The Tiger"

Eyebrow 40 (0,0,0-69)
Head Type 002
Eyes Type 001
Nose Type 037
Jaw Type 032
Eye 34 (2, -68, -25)
Cheeks 032
Mouth 010
Skin 003
Body 001
Hair 064 (0,0,-110)
Facial Hair 046 (7,0,0,0)
Wristband 002 (7,0,0,-29,0)
Elbow Pad (right only) 071 (0,0,-83,-67)
Tights 017 (75,0,94,-32,0)
Boots 035 (22,0,0,-35,2)
Height 0
Length Neck -64
Length Chest 39
Length Shoulder -15
Length Arms 0
Length Legs 49
Form Head 24,29,29
Form Chest 18,18,64
Form Abdomen 0,0,81
Arms Both 41,41,68
Hand Both 18,18,18
Skin Colour 01 (7,-7,5)
Moveset Unknown 50 NOMM
Logic Attack, Grapple
Power A4, D3
Speedy A2, D2
Technical A4, D4
Roughneck A3, D3
Roughneck Attack +
Technical Defense +
Technical Attack +

---KEIJI MUTOH (Credit to Tigermuppetcut of GameFAQs)

"The Magician"

Eyebrow 23
Head Type 001
Eyes Type 002
Nose Type 027
Jaw Type 002
Eye 47 (65, 0, -26)
Cheeks 015
Mouth 007
Skin 002
Body 001
No Hair
Facial Hair 009 (-41,0,0,-52)
Wristband 002 (11,0,-2,-29,0)
Accessories Hair 076 (-34,0,0-29)
Accessories Hair 077 (-48,0,0-44)
Tights 092 (96,0,0,0,0)
Boots 039 (23,0,0,0,-21)
Kneepad 044
Height -1
Length Neck -64
Length Chest 2
Length Shoulder 18
Length Arms -11
Length Legs 23
Form Chest 48,48,97
Form Abdomen -7,-7,60
Arms Both 22,22,81
Forearms Both -8,-8,-8
Hand Both 53,53,49
Skin Colour 02 (4,0,-6)
Moveset Unknown 43 NJKM
Logic Average, Ground
Power A3, D3
Speedy A4, D3
Technical A4, D3
Roughneck A2, D2
Powerful defence +
Speedy Attack +
Technical Attack +

KENSUKE SASAKI (Credit to Tigermuppetcut of GameFAQs)

"The Warrior"

Eyebrow 93 (0,0,0,-87)
Head Type 001
Eyes Type 061
Nose Type 037
Jaw Type 002
Eye 11 (72,-13,-27)
Cheeks 004
Mouth 014 (0,-31,0)
Skin 003
Body 001
Hair 041 (0,0,-107)
B_Hair 081 (103,61,-21)
Underwear 073 (0,0,-94)
Facial Hair 074 (0,0,0,-79)
Facial Hair 064 (0,0,0,-107)
Facial Hair 019 (-33,0,0,-52)
Boots 034 (19,0,0,0,0)
Height -5
Length Neck -19
Length Chest -43
Length Shoulder -49
Length Legs -29
Form Head 15,15,15
Form Chest 76,76,31
Form Abdomen 19,19,53
Arms Both 31,31,31
Forearms Both 37,37,37
Hand Both 18,18,18
Skin Colour 01 (8,0,20)
Moveset Unknown 39 NJKS
Logic Ground, Grapple
Power A4, D4
Speedy A4, D4
Technical A3, D2
Roughneck A2, D2
Powerful Attack +
Technical Defence +
Speedy Attack +

V. Celebrities/Video Game Characters

I have yet to receive any of these. If you'd like to submit any for this FAQ,
simply follow the instructions detailed above.

VI. Credits

Many thanks go out to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Also, I'd like to thank
the entire GameFAQs Smackdown: JBI board, for being so cooperative during the
making of this FAQ. And finally, thanks to Yukes and THQ for bringing out a
solid game.
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