Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction

18.10.2013 06:49:26
Diablo 2 Expansion - Lord of Destruction
Crafted Item FAQ
Version 2.0, 09/12/2001
by Brian Kern


This FAQ is copyrighted material.

LIMITED REPRODUCTION LICENSE: This FAQ may be posted, emailed, or saved to a
disk without express permission, provided that the FAQ remains unaltered, and
the full copyright notice is in place. Removing the copyright notice and
rights disclaimer voids any rights assigned.

Exclusions: This FAQ may not be used for promotional purposes, nor may it be
incorporated in guides, magazines, secured websites, or in any state or place
where a fee is charged in order to obtain the information contained within.
All professional use rights are retained by the author.

All copyrights and trademarks are held by their respective owners, when not
specifically mentioned.

Diablo 2 is (c) 2000 Blizzard Entertainment.

Future revisions of this FAQ may be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com .


Table of Contents

1. Revision History
2. Introduction
3. Quick intro to Crafted Items
4. Crafted Item Breakdown

4.1. Changes since the 1.09 patch
4.2. Crafted Item Theory
4.3. Known Rune and Gem Functions

5. Crafted Item Recipes

5.1.1 Normal Blood Recipes
5.1.2 Elite Blood Recipes
5.2.1 Normal Caster Recipes
5.2.2 Elite Caster Recipes
5.3.1 Normal Hit Power Recipes
5.3.2 Elite Hit Power Recipes
5.4.1 Normal Safety Recipes
5.4.2 Elite Safety Recipes
5.5 Deadly Recipes

6. Credits and Contact Info


1. Revision History

v2.0, 09/12/2001, 3:00pm
As I stand in shock of the recent events in the town where I work (DC), my
heart goes out to those who have lost today.
Updated all of the recipes for 1.09 and fixed the 'Recipes/recipes' spelling
problem. Blizzard sure does enjoy nerfing things..

v1.4, 07/21/2001, 9:00pm
There are conditions that affect whether or not crafting will work and
they're *weird*. Check out Section 4.1.2. Renamed Counter items to
Hit Power items to bring them into line with what people expect. Same goes
for Safety -> `Safety`. Noted that non-magical weapons will craft properly.

v1.3.2, 07/11/2001, 7:00pm
Amended the Single-Player warning.

v1.3.1, 07/11/2001, 11:30am
Added the warning about Single-Player mode.

v1.3, 07/09/2001, 10:30am
Fixed a few more Recipes and recodified the Deadly class. Took out the word
'magical' from item requirements, posted a note about that action, and
did some reformatting. Just enough to push up the version number. :)

v1.2.2, 07/08/2001, 11:00pm
It's the hour of FAQ updates! Added a paragraph about what happens if you
put extra jewels, gems, or runes into a crafting Recipe.

v1.2.1, 07/07/2001, 1:27a
Corrected the `Caster` Belt Recipe.

v1.2, 07/04/2001, 9:33pm
Corrected a problem with the formula for Safety Boots.

v1.1, 07/04/2001, 6:00pm
Formatted everything for posting and submitted to GameFAQs.

v1.0, 07/04/2001, 5:00pm
This is actually the reason I started writing FAQs this afternoon.. I was
assembling a big listing of all my info on crafted items, and correcting
inaccuracy after innacuracy on a certain unnamed website (who refused my
help!). hmph. I'll just put up my own info. :)


2. Introduction

Welcome to the D2 Expansion Crafted Items FAQ. While I was compiling various
information that I've acquired on D2, I realized that fully half of everything
you read about crafted items is complete crap. To that end, I'm establishing
this FAQ as the central resource for crafted item knowledge.

I'm pretty sure I have a handle on how they work, which I'll explain later,
but if anyone catches an inaccuracy, please email me about it. My email's down
in the Credits and Contact Info section, and I request that screenshots be
sent in to back up your points. :)

Okay, now that the happy intro is aside, let's get down to business.

- Brian


3. Quick intro on Crafted Items

A Crafted Item is a new class of item for the D2 Expansion. Their names are
orange in color, and they have been around since the Beta was released.

Crafted Items fall somewhere between Rares and Sets. Like Set items, certain
modifiers will always be the same.. and like Rares, you will never have two
that are completely alike, as there are many random factors that get thrown
on, too.

A Crafted Item gets between one and five preset modifiers, and up to five more
random affixes that can alter the magical properties. These affixes aren't
shown - only the item's name is listed, like with Rares.

The real draw for Crafted Items is a way to use Runes, Gems, and Jewels all
together to create something truly useful for play. How they'll stack up to
Rares depends entirely on the mods.. Think of them as Rares that you can kind
of weight the deck a little for, demand that certain modifiers be on them.


4. Crafted Item Breakdown

Now that we know what crafted items are, let's talk about how they're made.

| 4.1: Changes since the 1.09 patch |

*sighs*, where to begin.

Blizzard reorganized some of the equipment in the crafting sets, so that it's
a little more uniform. Plate Mail is no longer part of the Caster set, since
most low-level Casters can't wear it, for example.

While doing this, Blizzard completely rearranged what runes are used in the
crafting process, forcing a rewrite to occur.

On top of that, the effectiveness of several of the crafting preset mods has
been reduced. It could be argued that this was a rounding off of the numbers
(read as `rounding *down*`).. but that doesn't hold for, say, the Safety
recipes, where the resistance bonuses went from 5-15% down to 5-10%.

I guess that would matter more if crafting normal items didn't suck to begin
with, but it just makes it an even more futile action now. gooooooo Blizzard.

** Other New Notes **
The elite recipes aren't ready yet. Likewise, the Deadly items haven't been
updated. I don't know if the old recipes are functional or not, but I've
listed them as non-functional just to be safe. Nothing is sacred after 1.09.

| 4.2: Crafted Item Theory |

A crafted item is made in the following fashion:
In a Horadric Cube, combine 1 magical item (weapon, armor, or jewelry), 1
perfect gem, 1 rune, and 1 jewel.

The choice of Perfect Gem controls what form of Crafted Item you're going to
make. All `Blood` items are made with Perfect Rubies, whereas all `Deadly`
items are made with Perfect Skulls, and so on.

The Rune that you use is varied. The jewel used can be any jewel, and has
no effect on the crafting process.

Elite items can also be crafted, but the Recipes are different for them.

When the Recipes say, for example, `8-15% chance of Deadly Strike`, it means
your crafted item will get a modifier between 8 and 15, such as 9% chance of
Deadly Strike. You will not get the range, 8-15.

Some crafted items can be re-crafted. Try doing that to increase the modifiers
that you recieve.

| 4.3: Known Gem Functions |

Gem type | Crafted type
Ruby | Blood
Amethyst | Caster
Sapphire | Hit Power
Emerald | Safety
Topaz | ?
Diamond | ?
Skull | Deadly


5. Crafted Item Recipes

Just one more time, in case you missed it above -

unless otherwise specified.

As I go through and updated for the 1.09 Recipes, I will keep old Recipes
that I haven't found current compliments for.

Old Recipes will be marked with >> 's.


New Recipe blah blah
>> Old Recipe blah blah

| 5.1.1: Normal Blood Recipes |

Blood items all have bonuses to life, life leeching ability, and most have an
added chance of Deadly Strike. Nice for Melee chars, especially the Elite
forms. Even if Leech is messed up in the Expansion, who cares if you have 40%
of it?

Helm Blood Helm
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ral Rune 1-3% Life Leech
+ Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
5-10% chance of Deadly Strike

Light Plated Boots Blood Boots
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Eth Rune 1-3% Life Leech
+ Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
+5-10 Regenerate Life

Heavy Gloves Blood Gloves
+ Jewel 1-3% Life Leech
+ Nef Rune +10-20 Life
+ Perfect Ruby 5-10% Crushing Blow

Belt Blood Belt
+ 1 Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Tal Rune 1-3% Life Leech
+ Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
5-10% Open Wounds

Spiked Shield Blood Shield
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ith Rune 1-3% Life Steal
+ Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
Attacker takes 4-7 damage.

Plate Mail Blood Body Armor
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Thul Rune 1-3% Life Steal
+ Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
1-3 Demon Heal

Amulet Blood Amulet
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Amn Rune 1-3% Life Steal
+ Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
5-10% Faster Run/Walk

Ring Blood Ring
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Sol Rune 1-3% Life Leech
+ Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
+1-5 Strength

Axe Blood Weapon
+ 1 Jewel Preset Mods:
+ 1 Ort Rune 1-4% Life Leech
+ 1 Perfect Ruby +10-20 Life
+30-60% Damage

| 5.1.2: Elite Blood Recipes |

>> Spired Helm Elite Blood Helm
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Amn Rune (#11) 2-6% Life Steal
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> 8-15% Chance of Deadly Strike

>> Mirrored Boots Elite Blood Boots
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Sol Rune (#12) Life Leech 2-6%
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> +8-15 Regenerate Life

>> Vampirebone Gloves Elite Blood Gloves
>> + Jewel 2-6% Life Leech
>> + Shae Rune (#13) +15-20 Life
>> + Perfect Ruby 8-15% Crushing Blow

>> Mithril Coil Elite Blood Belt
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Dol Rune (#14) 2-6% Life Leech
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> 8-15% Open Wounds

>> Aegis Elite Blood Shield
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Hel Rune (#15) 2-6% Life Leech
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> Attacker takes 8-15 damage

>> Kraken Shell Elite Blood Body Armor
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Io Rune (#16) 2-6% Life Leech
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> 1-3 Demon Heal

>> Amulet Elite Blood Amulet
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Lum Rune (#17) 2-6% Life Leech
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> Faster Run

>> Ring Elite Blood Ring
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Ko Rune (#18) 2-6% Life Leech
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> +8-15 Strength

>> Any Weapon Elite Blood Weapon
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Fal Rune (#19) 2-6% Life Leech
>> + Perfect Ruby +15-25 Life
>> 40-80% Increased Damage

| 5.2.1 : Normal Caster Recipes |

The Caster Recipes favor mages and other mana-dependant classes, but most
everyone can find some benefit from having added Mana Regen and Mana Steal.

Mask Caster Helm
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Nef Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
1-3% Mana Steal

Boots Caster Boots
+ 1 Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Thul Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+2-5% Max Mana

Leather Gloves Caster Gloves
+ 1 Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ort Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+1-3 Mana Per Kill

Light Belt Caster Belt
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ith Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+5-10% Faster Cast Rate

Small Shield Caster Shield
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Eth Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+5-10% Increased Blocking

Light Plate Caster Body Armor
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Tal Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+1-3 Mana Per Kill

Amulet Caster Amulet
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ral Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+5-10% Faster Cast Rate

Ring Caster Ring
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Amn Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+1-5 Energy

Rod* Caster Weapon
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Tir Rune Regenerate Mana 4-10%
+ Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
+1-5% Max Mana

* Where `rod` = Staves, Scepters, or Wands

| 5.2.2 : Elite Caster Recipes |

>> Demondhead Mask Elite Caster Helm
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Amn Rune (#11) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> 2-6% Mana Steal

>> Wyrmhide Boots Elite Caster Boots
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Sol Rune (#12) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> +8-15% Max Mana

>> Vambraces Elite Caster Gloves
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Shae Rune (#13) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25, Mana
>> +2-5 Mana Per Kill

>> Troll Belt Elite Caster Belt
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Dol Rune (#14) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> Faster Cast

>> Luna Caster Shield
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Hel Rune (#15) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> +8-15% Increased Blocking

>> [Class Specific]
>> Demon Head Necromancer's Caster Shield
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Eth Rune (#5) Regenerate Mana 4-12%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +10-20 Mana
>> +5-10% Increased Blocking

>> [Class Specific]
>> Bloodlord Skull Necromancer's Elite Caster Shield
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Hel Rune (#15) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> +15-25% Increased Blocking

>> Hellforge Plate Elite Caster Body Armor
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Po Rune (#16) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> +2-5 Mana Per Kill

>> Amulet Caster Amulet
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Lum Rune (#17) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> Faster Cast

>> Ring Caster Ring
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Ko Rune (#18) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> +8-15 Energy

>> Any Weapon Elite Caster Weapon
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Fal Rune (#19) Regenerate Mana 7-21%
>> + Perfect Amethyst +15-25 Mana
>> +40-80% Increased Damage

| 5.3.1: Normal Hit Power Recipes |

This class of crafted items is pretty interesting; most everything comes with
penalties should the enemy dare to strike you. While this could be really cool
in PvP, I doubt that it will have much, if any, effect on gameplay.

Full Helm Hit Power Helm
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ith Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-7 damage
+20-50 Defense vs Missiles

Chain Boots Hit Power Boots
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ral Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-7 damage
+25-50 Defense vs Missiles

Chain Gloves Hit Power Gloves
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ort Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-7 damage

Heavy Belt Hit Power Belt
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Tal Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-7 damage
5-10% of Melee damage to Mana

Gothic Shield Hit Power Shield
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Eth Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-7 damage
+5-10% Increased Blocking

Field Plate Hit Power Body Armor
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Nef Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-7 damage
10% Faster Hit Recovery

Amulet Hit Power Amulet
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Thul Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-10 damage
5-15% Hit causes monster to Flee

Ring Hit Power Ring
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Amn Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-6 damage
+1-5 Dexterity

Blunt Weapon* Hit Power Weapon
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Tir Rune 5% chance of Level 4 Frost Nova when hit
+ Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 3-7 damage
+35-60% Increased Damage

* Blunt Weapons include Clubs, Hammers, Maces, Scepters, Staves, and Wands.
Hammers include War Hammers, Mauls, and Great Mauls.
Clubs include the Club and the Spiked Club.

| 5.3.2: Elite Hit Power Recipes |

>> Giant Conch Elite Hit Power Helm
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Amn Rune (#11) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> Knockback

>> Boneweave Boots Elite Hit Power Boots
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Sol Rune (#12) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> +20-35 Defense vs Missile

>> Bramble Mitts Elite Hit Power Gloves
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Shae Rune (#13) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> +20-35 Defense vs Melee

>> Vampirefang Belt Elite Hit Power Belt
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Dol Rune (#14) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> 20-35% of Melee damage to Mana

>> Ward Elite Hit Power Shield
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Hel Rune (#15) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> +8-15% Increased Blocking

>> Archon Plate Elite Hit Power Body Armor
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Po Rune (#16) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> 20-35% monster flees on hit

>> Amulet Elite Hit Power Amulet
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Lum Rune (#17) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> Faster Hit Recovery

>> Ring Elite Hit Power Ring
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Ko Rune (#18) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> +8-15 Dexterity

>> Any Weapon Elite Hit Power Weapon
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Fal Rune (#19) 7% chance of Level 12 Frost Nova when hit
>> + Perfect Sapphire Attacker takes 8-20 damage
>> +40-80% Enhanced Damage

| 5.4.1: Normal Safety Recipes |

These Recipes really present an interesting opportunity for players.. If we
can figure out how to make it work with most anything, imagine having some
Elite Armor w/ +50% Enhanced Defense! And up to eight other mods, besides.

Crown Safety Helm
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ith Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+5-10% Lightning Resistance
+10-30% Enhanced Defense

Greaves Safety Boots
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ort Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+5-10% Fire Resistance
+10-30% Enhanced Defense

Gauntlets Safety Gloves
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Ral Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+5-10% Cold Resistance
+10-30% Enhanced Defense

Sash Safety Belt
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Tal Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+5-10% Poison Resistance
+10-30% Enhanced Defense

Kite Shield Safety Shield
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Nef Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+5-10% Magic Resistance
+10-30% Enhanced Defense

Breast Plate Safety Body Armor
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Eth Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
Half Freeze Duration
+10-30% Enhanced Defense

Amulet Safety Amulet
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Thul Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+1-10% Increased Chance of Blocking

Ring Safety Ring
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Amn Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+1-5 Vitality
+10-30% Enhanced Defense

Spear Safety Weapon
+ Jewel Preset Mods:
+ Sol Rune 1-4 Reduced Damage
+ Perfect Emerald 1-2 Reduced Magic Damage
+5-10% Enhanced Defense

| 5.4.2: Elite Safety Recipes |

>> Corona Elite Safety Helm
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Amn Rune (#11) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> +10-25% Lightning Resistance
>> +20-50% Enhanced Defense

>> Myrmidon Greaves Elite Safety Boots
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Sol Rune (#12) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> +10-25% Fire Resistance
>> +20-50% Enhanced Defense

>> Ogre Gauntlets Elite Safety Gloves
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Shae Rune (#13) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> +10-25% Cold Resistance
>> +20-50% Enhanced Defense

>> Spiderweb Sash Elite Safety Belt
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Dol Rune (#14) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> +10-25% Poison Resistance
>> +20-50% Enhanced Defense

>> Monarch Elite Safety Shield
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Hel Rune (#15) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> +10-25% Magic Resistance
>> +20-50% Enhanced Defense

>> Great Hauberk Elite Safety Body Armor
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Po Rune (#16) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> Half Freeze Duration
>> +20-50% Enhanced Defense

>> Amulet Elite Safety Amulet
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Lum Rune (#17) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> Faster Block Rate

>> Ring Elite Safety Ring
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Ko Rune (#18) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> +8-15 Vitality

>> Any Weapon Elite Safety Weapon
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Fal Rune (#19) 6-15 Reduced Damage
>> + Perfect Emerald 3-10 Reduced Magic Damage
>> +40-80% Increased Damage

| 5.5: Attack (`Deadly`) Recipes |

All Deadly Items must be made during certain days of the month. If you don't
create the item during the correct window, you will have to wait till next
month to make one.

>> War Hat Deadly Helm
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Lem Rune (#20) 2-10% chance of Crushing Blow
>> + Perfect Skull 2-10% chance of Deadly Strike
>> * 1st-8th of the month +5-15% Defense

>> Demonhide Boots Deadly Boots
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Pul Rune (#21) 2-10% chance of Crushing Blow
>> + Perfect Skull 2-10% chance of Deadly Strike
>> * 9th-14th of the month +5-15% Defense

>> Sharkskin Gloves Deadly Gloves
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Um Rune (#22) 2-10% chance of Crushing Blow
>> + Perfect Skull 2-10% chance of Deadly Strike
>> * 15th-22nd of the month +5-15% Defense

>> Demonhide Sash Deadly Belt
>> + Jewel Preset Mods:
>> + Mal Rune (#23) 2-10% chance of Crushing Blow
>> + Perfect Skull 2-10% chance of Deadly Strike
>> * 23rd-31st of the month +5-15% Defense


6. Credits and Contact Info

- Credits

Blizzard Entertainment, for some of the finest games around. A good part of
my life has been devoted to Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo.

GameFAQs.com, for providing the best online gaming resource that we have in
this troubled day and age. :)

MoonlightOwl, my darling wife, for catching my mistake on the caster belt

Tien Ryuu, and others, for letting me know that Single Player *does*
allow crafted items.

The many people who told me my recipes sucked, and made me update again.

- Contact Info

Do you have additions or corrections for this FAQ? Send an email over to
. If you're correcting information about modifiers, or
showing off a new class of Crafted that I don't have listed yet, please send a
screenshot with your email. List the original item type and whether it's
normal, exceptional, or elite. Also list the formula used, and I'll read the
modifiers off the screenshot. That's the only way to keep good and current
information. :)

Don't know how to take a screenshot? Hit Print Screen while in D2, and you'll
find it saved as Screenshot001.jpg in your Diablo 2 game directory. Mail that
JPG to me, and corrections will happen ASAP. Full credit will be given to the
people responsible for contributions or corrections.

(c) 2001, by Brian Kern
Limited reproduction rights as assigned.

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Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Concentrator Guide
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Encyclopedia of Character Sub-classes
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer für Mana, HP und Statuspunkte (für dt. v1.09d)

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013
PvP Barbarian Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
PvP Paladin Guide Version 2
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Spezial-FAQ für den Druiden
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Amazon (Bowazon) FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Prefix- und Gegenstände Liste
Engl. Hinweise

18.Октябрь 2013
Erlaubt das Editieren von Erfahrungspunkten, Statuspunkten und Fertigkeitspunkte (für v1.09d)

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019