Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon

16.10.2013 04:55:00
FAQ für/for Harvest Moon
. Harvest Moon FaQ .
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5.Power Barry



.......... Start


The Start
First You Sould Start A New Game
Then Go On That Thing In The Town
Now You Can Start The Real Work

You Can start By Laying Grass Seeds Or Laying Crops You Sould Have Corn


If You Want To Make Your Money By Having Chickings And Cows Lay The Grass Seed


If You Want To Make Your Money On Crops Then You Sould Lay Corn Seed

Or You Can Even Do Both
You Sould Have 2 Chickings And 2 Cows And 2 Crops of Corn




............. Date


The Easy One To Get Is Eve:

Location on Weekdays: Town Square, unless it is raining. She is at the Bar at night.

Saturday: She is near the Hot-springs. Eve is at the Bar at night.

Sunday: Eve is bathing in the Hot-springs, the bar is closed on Sunday.

Star Festival: She is at the Bar.

When Married: She is in the tool shed.

Flower Festival: She likes the perfume.

Gifts Eve likes: Mushrooms(not poison), Flowers, Fruit, Grapes, Cave Herbs, Milk, Eggs,
Crops, and the cake.

Disaster: Her grandfather gets trapped in the cave. You need the hammer to rescue him.

Location on Weekdays: Near the Flower Shop

Saturday: In the Cave

Sunday: She is near the mountain top. If you can not find her you are blind.

Star Festival: The summit

Flower Festival: She likes the Green purfume

Gifts Nina likes: Grapes, sweets, Full-moon plant, Flowers from the flower shop,
Mushrooms, and Tropical Fruit

Disaster: She gets trapped in the cave. You have use the hammer to pound the rocks
and then give her a herb to help her.

Location on Weekdays: In front of the Church

Saturday: She is at the church

Sunday: She is playing the organ at the church

Star Festival: At the Church

When married: In front of the silo.

Flower Festival:

Gifts Maria likes:

Disaster: She runs away to the Carpenter's house

Location on Weekdays: In the General Store.

Saterday: She is in front of the Genaral Store

Sunday:Ann is sleeping in the back row of the church.

Star Festival: She is in the Spa.

When married: She is in the tool shed

Flower Festival: She likes the Blue Perfume. Not the Pink

Gifts Ann likes: Likes everything but Poison Mushrooms and weeds

Disaster: She loses her Wind Cock. It can be found in the Chicken House.

Location on Weekdays: In front of the Livestock store

Saturday: In the livestock yard


Star Festival: She is in the Town Square

Flower Festival:

Gifts Ellen likes:

Disaster: She loses her bird P-chan. It can be found by the fishing hole, perching
on a post.



............. FaQs


Q:In the 2nd year if you make enough money a pedelar of the wind comes by the
ranch and asks you if you would like to buy a money tree for $20,000. He then
plants it and leaves, the next day a tree with bells is growing next to the
stable. When you use it it rings, but you get no money. Anyway my question is
where is the money???

A: As far as we know the money tree does not give you any money. We could be wrong

Q. How come I can't buy chickens or cows?
A. You don't have enough grass growing. Buy some grass seeds (the
green bag) at the Flower Shop and plant them in your field. Now go
talk to the Livestock Dealer again. Plant more grass if necessary.
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Q. How do I propose marriage?

A. First of all, you need to get a girl to really like you. Check
her diary (the book in the back of her house or where she works all
the time) to find out how many hearts you have. When you have about
six or more hearts, you'll probably be able to marry her. She'll
also hint around marriage when she's ready. On Saturday or Sunday,
drop by the Market and buy the Blue Feather for 2,000 GP. Put it in
your hand and give it to her when you're ready. You should be
married within a week if she really likes you.

Q. Where's that Moon Flower?

A. This very rare flower grows only once a year. Search the very
top of the Back Hill between the 10th and the 12th of Fall.

Q. What's the secret to winning the prize at the Egg Festival?

A. Try again and again. If you mess up, just reset and continue
your game from the day before. After a few trys, you'll be sure to
win the prize.

Q. How do I get through Winter?

A. Make sure to have your Silo stocked with as much fodder as you
can (999 max). Remember, each cow and chicken consume one piece of
fodder each. Just add up your cows and chickens and multiply the
number by 30 to find out how much fodder you'll need for the Winter.
If you're running low, you can either sell some animals (preferably
chickens) or even buy the packages of food from the Livestock Dealer.
He says though, that it's not as good as real fodder. The packages
work just like farm tools (pick them up and switch to it to use), but
they only last a certain amount of uses. Make sure that you're also
throwing the cave herbs (the only thing that grows year-round) in
your produce bin every day for added cash.

Q. How do I get the Watch?

A. All you need to do is upgrade your house once (to the Super Log
House) before the end of the first Summer. It will cost you 5,000 GP
and 250 pieces of wood. You can chop all the wood in one night if
you need to. Go in and out of the Hot Springs about 5 times to fill
your Stamina up completely, and keep on chopping.



.......... WALKTHROUGH


First of all, you're going to type in your name when the shipper
asks you. Next, he'll take you into town. Talk to everyone you see
(Press A to talk). Go into all of the houses and speak to the people
there. Make SURE to talk (behind the counter) to the lady in the
Flower Shop (you'll get a watering can) and to the Livestock Dealer
(you'll get some grass). You start out with 300G. The book in the
church will tell you when all of the holidays are, so just look in
there if you forget. The book in the Fortune Teller's place gives
some tips on marriage and dating. Once you're done looking around
town and talking to everyone, find the shipper and talk to him to
go back to the ranch. You'll automatically go to bed.
***** Hint: Run everywhere (hold the B button down). You'll save
tons of time by doing this. Only walk when you need to get into a
small opening or something.
***** Hint: Watch TV before you go to bed every night. You'll see
what the weather is going to be like the next day. If it's going to
rain or there's any kind of bad weather, put your animals inside.
On the second day, you'll meet up with a puppy when you walk out of
the house. This is Ellen's dog, but she can't keep it. Name it and
it's yours. You never need to feed it. Just leave it somewhere (out
or in, your choice) and don't worry about it. The L button on top of
the controller will whistle for the dog. Now you're going to have to
do some work. Run out of your farm (towards town) and go up the back
hill. Find a wild grape, and press the A button. Choose "Don't eat"
when it asks you (eating it will refill some of your stamina, which
is just about full right now). Now, run back to your ranch and throw
the fruit in your produce bin (that small thing that looks like a dog
house directly below your own house). If it's still light outside,
run up and get another one. These fruits will get you 150G apiece
(money to buy crops tomorrow). The shipper will take the fruits and
you'll find the money in your pocket the next day. You can't ship
flowers (cave herbs aren't flowers, by the way), cake, animals,
weeds, or stuff like that.
***** Hint: Never let a day go by without making money. Run up the
back hill and pick some fruits if you have no crops to harvest for
that day. This is very important to remember.
Now, pull all of the weeds (the green bushes) inside your fence and
throw them anywhere (they'll vanish when they hit the ground). Once
that's done, go to your tool shed and get the hammer (A to pick it
up), then switch (X button), and pick up the axe. Now you can use
the tool with the Y button, or switch tools with the X button. Go
outside and chop all the stumps that are inside your fence (the wood
is automatically stacked in the wood shed). After the stumps, pound
the big rocks inside your fence. One thing to remember about big
rocks and stumps is that it takes six solid hits to break them up and
if you move during those six hits, you'll have to start the six hits
all over again. The small rocks can also be pounded (just one hit),
but this wastes your stamina. Just throw them in the nearest pond
(picking up and throwing stuff doesn't eat up any stamina at all).
By the way, one stump gets you six pieces of wood in your shed. But
you'll take out two pieces from your shed for each piece of fence.
***** Hint: Read the book in the upper-right corner of your tool
shed to learn some valuable info on tools.
What you'll need to do next is to get your hoe and make areas to
plant the crops you'll buy tomorrow.
Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. XXX XXX XXX XXX
Figure 4.

There are many shapes that you can make to plant your crops in.
Figure 1., the square, is not a very good choice. When your crops
begin growing, you won't be able to access the middle plant. Not too
good. Figure 2. (the C) is a better choice, but you'll end up
sacrificing two of your possible nine plants. Figure 3., the fat C,
is a very good choice for your ranch at the beginning of the game.
The shape allows you to water eight plants. You're only giving up
one of your possible nine this time. Figure 4. shows that you'll
need a walking space around each square, so plan your ranch accordingly.
You should make about three or four fat C areas for now. Make sure
that they're all inside of your fence, or wild dogs will end up
eating them (your dog will let out a "yip-yip" if one comes inside
your fence during the night). Do as much work as you can to fix up
your ranch tonight, and take a trip to the spa (up on the back hill
in the very upper-right corner). Jump in and out about five times to
completely restore your stamina. By now, you're probably not even
hearing any music. It stops at 6:00 p.m. When you're married, you
should be in the house before the music stops every night. But since
you're single right now, work as late as you want. Remember, the day
doesn't end until you go to sleep at night. Read the diary by the
bed to go to sleep.
Once you go to sleep, the game will ask if you want to write in
your diary before you go to bed or not. Saying yes will save your
game, saying no will give you another menu. You'll be able to
continue without saving or just forget going to bed at all in the second menu.
When you wake up (it should be the 3rd of Spring), you'll need to
go into town and buy some crops to plant.
After purchasing as many potatoes as you can (the brown bag), go to
your shed, where all the things that people give you will go, and get
the crops you just purchased. Make sure you're PERFECTLY in the
middle of a "fat C" square of plowed field before you use the bag.
Now you should just keep on buying potatoes (more and more) until
you have about 10 "fat C" squares full. Keep them full and start to
save money. When you have a little more than a thousand dollars, buy
a chicken (and don't buy any more). If the Livestock Dealer says no
when you try to buy the chicken, plant some more grass (in the shape
of Figure 1.). Put it up in the upper right corner of your ranch.
Not WAY up there, but far enough away so it doesn't interfere with
your field of crops. It should be inside the fence, so chop some
wood and make your fence bigger if you need to. Once you have a
chicken, put it in the chicken coop (the building in your ranch
that's farthest to the right and right above your toolshed). Feed it
and wait for it's egg the next day.
***** Hint: It's good practice to feed your animals (cows and
chickens) every day before you do anything else. It'll save you some
time in the long run.
When you have the egg, CAREFULLY place it in the box in the bottom-
right corner of the chicken coop. It should hatch in about a week or
so. The egg doesn't need any extra food, and neither does the chick.
The full-grown chicken DOES need food to produce eggs, however. Stop
producing chickens when you have about 5 or so unless you have plenty
of fodder to feed them. You should pick out a girlfriend about now
and start giving her presents (fruit or herbs on the back hill makes
a good gift). Give her something every couple days or so.
Just keep on making money on your potatoes, and if you need a fast-
growing crop becuase you're nearing the end of the season, get some
radishes. In Summer, buy a bunch of corn and save any leftover crops
(radishes or potatoes) for next Spring. The corn will keep on going
if you water it, so you'll save some money because you won't have to
keep on buying it. Your next goal is to save up 5,000G to buy a cow.
Once you get a cow, buy the brush. Talk to, brush and feed your cow
EVERY day. Once it gets big, buy the milker and milk it everyday in
addition to talking to it, brushing it, and feeding it. It's a good
thing that time doesn't pass while you're tending your cows, because
a good portion of your day you're going to be in there.
Keep buying cows as you get money. Remember that you'll need to
have more grass planted for about every cow you buy. When Winter
comes along, make sure to have your silo just about full (999) of
fodder. If it's not, buy the bags of cow or chicken feed from the
Livestock Dealer. It's not as good as regular feed, but it'll do.
Also, in Fall and Winter when you can't grow crops, you should be
making about three trips a day to the back hill to pick stuff.
I'll put more in this section later if you guys really want.
Email me and let me know if I should or not. If you're stuck at a
point or you're not making money or something, re-read over this
whole FAQ or watch the "How to Play" demo on Harvest Moon (it really helps).



............... Power Barrys


1.Plow your ranch enough to get one berry.
2.Plow even more and get another.
3.Chop trees and you will eventually get one.
4.Break the chicken statue with a hammer, and you might find a berry.
5.Do well in the Egg Hunt festival. (like find three eggs; otherwise you'll win a
better prize)
6.After the earthquake in Winter, chop the tree stump by the pond and fall in the hole.
7.Get a fish, and throw it back into the pond.
8.Sell a chicken in the Fall, and give it to the Hawker.
9.At the harvest festival, bring a fish or moonberry as your food. This works out
well with the moonberry because it is one of the few days that it is actually growing!
10.Use the seed of the snow flower at the summit in winter, in front of the rock.

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16.Oktober 2013
Cheats für Harvest Moon

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Cheats für Harvest Moon

15.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Harvest Moon

16.Oktober 2013
Cheats for Harvest Moon

15.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Harvest Moon

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