All Missions:
While game is paused: Left, square x4, Up, triangle x3, Right, circle, Down, X,
triangle x3, and Up x3
Ground Crash:
While game is paused: Left, square x4, Up, triangle x3, Right, circle, Down, X,
square, X x2, and square
Turn Off Displays:
While game is paused: Left, square x4, Up, triangle x3, Right, circle, Down, X,
and L1/R2 simultaneously
Cheryl Marie Boudreau Dance:
While game is paused: Left, square x4, Up, triangle x3, Right, circle, and
Down/X x6
All Missions Complete:
While game is paused: Left, triangle x4, Up, triangle x3, Right, circle, Down,
X, Select, X x3, Select, triangle x3,Select, and X x3
5433 - This password sets first 3 missions as complete and opens missions 4 and 5
7154 - This password sets all misions at completed and opens the final mission,
called Area 51
This next cheat is an invincibility code. It allows you to not take any damage
but you can still run out of fuel so you have to keep an eye out on your fuel.
Pause the game and press the following: Left arrow, Triangle 4 times, Up arrow, Triangle 3 times,
Right arrow, O, Down arrow, X, Triangle 3 times and
Max Fuel And Armor:
Pause the game then: LEFT, (Square x 4), UP, (Triangle x 3), RIGHT, (CIRCLE),
DOWN,(x) (Triangle x 3), (circle)
Max Weapons:
While game is paused then: (999) LEFT, (Square x 4), UP, (Triangle x 3), RIGHT,
(CIRCLE),DOWN,(x) (Right1 x 4), (Left1 x 4), (Right2 x 4), (Left2 x 4)
B1 Airstrike:
While game is paused then: LEFT, (Square x 4), UP, (Triangle x 3), RIGHT, (CIRCLE), DOWN, ((X) x 6)
Mesh Fog Editor:
While game is paused then: LEFT, (Square x 4), UP, (Triangle x 3), RIGHT,
(CIRCLE), DOWN,(x) Down, Down, Down, (Triangle x 3)
Audio CD:
During the game, open the lid and insert your own CD. It will ask what track to play 1-99 and when
the level is over, ask for the
original back.
Overhead Map Translucency:
While game is paused then: LEFT, (Square x 4), UP, (Triangle x 3), RIGHT, (CIRCLE), DOWN,(x) (Circle
x 5)