New Japan Pro Wrestling 2

New Japan Pro Wrestling 2

11.10.2013 15:40:37

FAQ for Toukon Retsuden 2--New Japan Pro Wrestling 2
Version 1.1--Final version
By Brian Slattery, Jeff Schultz, and Jason Adams
with a gracious head nod to Wayne Baker who made the original Toukon Retsuden FAQ.

INTRODUCTION- Toukon Retsuden 2 is the sequel to one of the most popular
wrestling games ever made. Although it was altered when the American
version was made (under the name of Power Move Pro Wrestling,)
the game still maintained its wonderful polygon graphics, large range
of moves, and smooth game control. What the game lost in its American
version, was actual wrestlers. The American game took such wrestlers
as Masahiro Chono, Shinya Hashimoto, and Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger, and
turned them into wrestlers such as Area 51, Da Judge, and King Og. The
new game has all of the old favorite wrestlers, plus new wrestlers like
Chris Benoit, Tiger Mask, and Antonio Inoki. Tag Team and Battle Royal
modes have also been added. New moves, arenas, and new situation moves
(like running tackles) have added to the game.

1. Game Mode (Single Match/Tag Match/Battle Royal)
2. Division (Heavyweight/Jr. Heavyweight/All wrestlers)
3. Mode *Changes by division but mostly* (In All)
(Fight All/Special Match/IWGP/GI Climax/GI Climax Tourney)
4. Difficulty (Training/Strong/Cement)
5. Time Limit (5-60, with a no time limit option)
6. Arena (Six to choose from)
7. Referee's Decision on time limit draws (Off/On)
*Selecting "ON" will turn *OFF* ref's decision*
8. Knockout option (Off/On)
9. Ring (Six to choose from)
10. Camera Angle (Auto/Ringside/Second Floor)
11. Sound (Stereo/Mono)
12. Options Menu (Title Histories/Best Bout*view saved matches*
/???/Background Music sampler/Memory Card Erase?/Mini Menu)

WRESTLER SELECTION SCREEN*With all hidden characters* Top to Bottom,
Left to Right.

1. Tatsumi Fujinami 2. Riki Chosyu
3. Osamu Nishimura 4. Shino Koshinaka 5. Satoshi Kojima
6. Keiji Mutoh 7.Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger 8. El Samurai 9. Kensuke Sasaki
10. Great Muta 11. Young Lyger 12. Wild Pegasus 13. Pegasus Kid ...
... 14. Hiroyoshi Tenzan 15. Power Warrior 16. Tiger Mask
17. Shinya Hashimoto 18. Koji Kanemoto 19.Shinjiro Otani 20. Masahiro Chono
21. Tiger Hattori 22. Hiroshi Hase 23. Kero-Chan (Hidekazu Tanaka)
24. Antonio Inoki 25. Seiji Sakaguchi
26. Young Antonio Inoki


Directional Pad: Move around ring/Helps in move selection

Start: Pause game (Pause Menu {Announcing (On/Off)}
{Camera Flashes (On/Off)} {Skip Match(forfeit)})

Triangle (To be known as T) Submission Holds-see moves list

Circle (To be known as C): Throw opponent from turnbuckle
Place dazed opponent on turnbuckle
Hold down opponent at head or feet
*useful in tag/battle royals for team beatings*
Pin Opponent (from side)
Tackle Opponent (when running)
Power Move-see moves list

X: Cancel jump from turnbuckle
Dive over top rope to floor (if possible for wrestler)
Climb turnbuckle (Towards corner on Direction Pad)
Punch/Kick opponent off of turnbuckle
Punch/ Kick -see moves list

Square: Run (With direction pad)
Irish Whip (Neural pad and near opponent)
Pick up down opponent (Neutral pad, when near head)
Drag opponent by head (Direction on pad, when near head)
Shift opponent's body (neutral pad near feet or arm)
Step over opponent (Forward on pad, when near side)
Release Submission Hold
Release Pin
Back away (press twice quickly)
Grab opponent when dazed from behind
*useful in tag and battle royal modes for team beatings*
Tag (Direction towards corner) *Tag mode only*
Reach for tag (must be on apron) *Tag mode only*
Roll opponent into ring
Turnbuckle/ Steel railing smash (*when your wrestler's back
is towards turnbuckle or ring barrier*)
Turn around dazed opponent (Direction pad towards opponent)
Pull opponent into dazed position from turnbuckle or ring barrier
Roll over down opponent (tap twice quickly near side)
*Note on L and R buttons*
In tag/battle royal mode, wrestlers must look at who they are
attacking. This is done using the L and R buttons. Each button
corresponds to a different wrestler/player. If you press the
button R2 for example, you will look at player 4. If you press
the button that corresponds to your own wrestler, you will do
one of your wrestler's taunts. In Single Match mode, all four
L and R buttons are for taunting.

L1-Player 1 button
L2-Player 2 button
R1-Player 3 button
R2-Player 4 button

RULES: (most are obvious, sorry)

*Matches can be won by a pinfall, submission, countout, DQ,
ref's decision, KO, or forfeit (by quitting match)
*A wrestler has five seconds to break a hold if the ref asks for a break,
or else he is disqualified
*Countouts are for 20 seconds
*In tag mode, the illegal wrestler cannot be in the ring for five seconds
or more, or else his team is disqualified.

In Toukon Retsuden 2, a counter system is used. Basically,
if two wrestlers do a move at the same time, one overrides, or counters,
the other. It works like this:

Punch counters Power Moves
Power Moves counter Submission Holds
Submission Holds counter Punches

Wrestler's moves in Toukon Retsuden 2 are decided by a combination
of button presses, and directions on the D-Pad. This determines what
move is used. For example, a wrestler just pressing T, with no direction,
might execute a headlock, but if T plus a direction is pressed, he will
execute a swinging neckbreaker. In this FAQ, this will be noted as
"T" or "T+"

When in a submission hold, press all of the buttons, and hold
the D-Pad in a direction towards the nearest rope. If the wrestler
reaches the rope, the ref will ask for the hold to be broken.

In this FAQ, "dazed" indicates when a wrestler is stunned and
breathing heavily, "dizzy" is when he is actually swaying around in the
ring, and "SUPER superplexes" are when you prop your opponent on the top
rope while he is dizzy.

When a wrestler gets beaten to a pulp, the crowd will inspire
the wrestler to do better. This is called "Rush Mode" (by Wayne
Baker, author of the FAQ for part one.) Wrestlers can do special moves
in this mode. I got a hold of a Japanese hint booklet for the original
Toukon Retsuden recently...and this may surprise many of you, but there
are actually very few "new" moves for Rush Mode. In fact, the only new
move is Lyger's (also shared by Young Lyger and Tiger Mask) Skyscraper
Press. Other than that, Rush Mode moves are simply the moves that light
up your name bar in yellow when your character is in Rush Mode
(Ex...Chosyu's Lariat, Chono's STF) Sorry for the lack of excitement,
but that is all they are. These moves simply do more damage than normal.


The easiest way to get the hidden characters is to press any button
(L1,L2,R1,R2, X,T,C, or Square) eight times, followed by select. This
will get you the hidden characters: Tiger Mask, Young Lyger, Pegasus Kid,
Hiroshi Hase, Kero-chan, Tiger Hattori, Seiji Sakaguchi, and Young Inoki.
I'm not sure how to save them yet.

The other way is to beat the game in the all mode, on the first mode.
After beating Inoki, with certain characters, you will get the hidden

WRESTLER MOVES LIST--Now for what you all have been waiting for, and
what took me forever. If you notice a name is called incorrectly, let
me know. I'm sure I will be adding to this section in the future, when
more moves are found, or the game interface is noticed to be different.

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam
X--Low Kick
X+--European Uppercut

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Vertical Suplex
X+--Heart Punch

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Small Package
C--Butterfly Suplex
C+--Dragon Screw Legwhip
X+--Enzuigiri to the Face

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch Pin Combo
C--Belly to Back Suplex
X--Low Kick
X+--Low Kick

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Royal Octopus Hold
T+--Royal Octopus Hold
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging Dragon Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Fujiwara Armbar
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Indian Death Lock
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Dragon Sleeper
T near shoulder--Dragon Sleeper
T near feet--Figure Four Leglock
T near knee--Scorpion Death Lock
X by side--Stomp

Running Opponent:
T--Drop Toe Hold
T With Irish Whip--Abdominal Stretch
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Missle Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Bodypress
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Standing Top Rope Superplex

Running Moves
X with opponent in ring--Toe Kick
X with opponent in corner--Toe Kick
X with opponent outside ring--Suicide Dive
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Suicide Dive
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Clothesline

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Hanging Body Slam
X--Toe Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Elbow Breaker
C--Headlock Takedown
C+--Vertical Suplex
X+--Running Punch

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C+--Running Powerslam
X--Enzuigiri to the face

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Belly to Back Suplex
X+--Forearm to Back

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Royal Octupus Hold
C--Back Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Hammerlock
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chinlock
T near shoulder--Arm Scissors
T near feet--Scorpion Death Lock
T near knee--Scorpion Death Lock
X by side--Stomp

Running Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Power Slam
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X with Irish Whip--Shoulder Block

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Double Axhandle
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Standing Top Rope Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Lariat
X with opponent in corner--Lariat
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Lariat
X with opponent dazed--Lariat
X with opponent dizzy--Lariat

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Overhead suplex
X+--Forearm Smash

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Tiger Driver
C+--Bridging Fisherman Suplex
X--Dropkick to Knee
X+--Middle Kick

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Small Package
C--Bridging Butterfly Suplex
C+--Bridging Northern Lights Suplex
X+-- Dropkick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch Pin Combo
C--Release German Suplex
C+--Bridging Dragon Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Indian Death Chinlock
T near knee--Reverse Achilles Tendon Lock
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Cross Armbar
T near shoulder--Arm Scissors
T near feet--Figure four leglock
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Legdrop

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Drop Toe Hold
C--Overhead Suplex
C with Irish Whip--Back Bodydrop

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Standing Top Rope Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Dropkick
X with opponent in corner--Dropkick
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Dropkick
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Dropkick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Body Slam
C+--Snap Suplex
X+--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Dropping Elbow Breaker
C--Inverted Atomic Drop
X--Low Kick

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Small Package
C--Jacknife Power Bomb
C+--Delayed Pinning Power Bomb
X--Hip Smash to Face

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Bridging German Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T+--Backflip Cradle
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging Dragon Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Fujiwara Armbar
T near shoulder--Camel Clutch
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chinlock
T near shoulder--Cross Armbar Submission
T near feet--Texas Cloverleaf
T near knee--Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Butt Smash
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Double Stomp
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Butterfly Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Butt Smash
X with opponent in corner--Butt Smash
X with opponent outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent dazed--Butt Smash
X with opponent dizzy--Butt Smash

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Hanging Body Slam
C+--Vertical Suplex
X+--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C+--Running Powerslam
X--Toe Kick
X+--Forearms to Back

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Gatelatch Falconwing Squeeze
C--Jacknife Power Bomb
C+--Power Bomb

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Release German Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch
C--Back Suplex
C+--Pumphandle Slam Pin Combo

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Boston Crab
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chinlock
T near shoulder--Reverse Chinlock
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Somersault Back Splash

Running Opponent:
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Spinebuster Powerbomb
X off of Irish Whip--Reverse Knife Edge

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Double Axhandle
X with opponent face up horizontal--Moonsault
X with opponent face up vertical--Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Elbowdrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Standing Top Rope Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Clothesline
X with opponent in corner--Flying Punch
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Clothesline
X with opponent dizzy--Clothesline

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Jumping Spike Piledriver
C+--Snap Suplex
X--Reverse Knife Edge
X+--Low Kick

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Dragon Screw Legwhip
T+--Small Package
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Belly to Back Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--Toe Kick

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Royal Octopus Hold
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging Dragon Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Indian Death Lock
T near knee--Indian Death Facelock
X by side--Legdrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Dragon Sleeper
T near shoulder--Arm Scissors
T near feet--Figure Four Leglock
T near knee--Figure Four Leglock
X by side--Elbow Drop

Running Opponent:
T--Drop Toe Hold
T with Irish Whip--Abdominal Stretch
C--Hurricanrana with pin
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Springboard Missle Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Moonsault
X with opponent face up vertical--Moonsault
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Top Rope Dragon Screw Legwhip
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Hurricanrana

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Flying Forearm
X with opponent in corner--Flying Forearm
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Handspring Elbow
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Flying Forearm

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X+--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Suplex
C+--Tombstone Piledriver
X--Double Punches
X+--Roundhouse Right

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Jacknife Power Bomb
X+--Dropkick to Knee

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Small Package
T+--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
C+--Running LygerBomb
X--Rolling Capo Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Mexican Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Cross Face Chicken Wing
T+--Victory Roll
C--Release German Suplex
C+--Cradle German Suplex
X--Dropkick to Knee
X+--Rolling Capo Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--La Majestra Cradle
T near shoulder--Camel Clutch
T near feet--Bow and Arrow Submission *press T again to modify move*
T near knee--Bow and Arrow Submission *press T again to modify move*
X by side--Elbowdrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Chickenwing
T near shoulder--Guri-Guri
T near feet--Figure Four Leglock
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Somersault Back Splash

Running Opponent:
T--Hurricanrana with pin
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C with Irish Whip--Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker
X--Rolling Capo Kick
X with Irish Whip--Roundhouse Right

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Bodypress
X with opponent face up horizontal--Shooting Star Press
X with opponent face up vertical--Diving Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Somersault Senton Splash
X front superplex--Top Rope Hurricanrana
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Super Fisherman's Buster

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Dropkick to Knee
X with opponent in corner--Rolling Capo Kick
X with opponent outside ring--Back Handspring Taunt
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Clothesline
X with opponent dizzy--Rolling Capo Kick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha
X with dizzy opponent--Asai Moonsault

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Snap Suplex
X--Reverse Knife Edge
X+--Low Kick

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
T+--Small Package
C--Tombstone Piledriver
C+--Power Bomb Pin Combo
X+--Dropkick to Knee

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Abdominal Armbar Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch
C--Reverse DDT
C+--Reverse Suplex
X--Dropkick to Knee
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Russian Legsweep into a Head Scissors
T+--Victory Roll
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Inverted Brain Buster

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--La Majestra Cradle
T near shoulder--Camel Clutch
T near feet--Bow and Arrow Submission
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Cross Armbar
T near shoulder--Arm Scissors
T near feet--Figure Four Leglock
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Back Splash

Running Opponent:
T--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
T with Irish Whip--Drop Toe Hold
C--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Missle Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Diving Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Plancha
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Hurricanrana

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Dropkick
X with opponent in corner--Dropkick
X with opponent outside ring--Suicide Dive
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Somersault Senton Splash
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Clothesline
X with opponent dizzy--Flying Forearm

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
C--Body Slam
C+--Vertical Suplex
X+--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Brain Buster
C+--Jacknife Power Bomb
X--Toe Kick
X+--Heart Punch

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Northern Lights Brain Buster
C+--Power Bomb Pin Combo
X--Middle Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C+--Belly to Back Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--Toe Kick

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch
C--Release German Suplex
C+--Release German Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Power Special Strangle Hold
T near shoulder--Power Special Strangle Hold
T near feet--Reverse Achilles Tendon Lock
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Armbar with Knee Behind Head
T near shoulder--Reverse Chinlock
T near feet--Scorpion Death Lock
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Elbow Drop

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C with Irish Whip--Powerslam
X with Irish Whip--Shoulder Block

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Clothesline
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Super Powerslam

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Clothesline
X with opponent in corner--Clothesline
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with dizzy opponent--Clothesline

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Inverted Atomic Drop
C+--Snap Suplex
X--Low Kick

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Reverse Neckbreaker
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Jumping Spike Piledriver
X+--Green Mist

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Belly to Back Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Royal Octopus Hold
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Indian Death Facelock
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Eye Gouge
T near shoulder--Eye Gouge
T near feet--Figure Four Leglock
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Elbow Drop

Running Opponent:
T--Drop Toe Hold
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X--Green Mist
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Springboard Missle Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Moonsault
X with opponent face up vertical--Moonsault
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Hurricanrana

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Running Toe Kick
X with opponent in corner--Running Toe Kick
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Handspring Elbow
X with opponent dazed--Clothesline
X with opponent dizzy--Dropkick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

**The Great Muta's mist taunt can be used as an offensive weapon to stun

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Suplex
C+--Snap Mare
X--Double Punch
X+--Roundhouse Right

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Jacknife Power Bomb
C+--Tombstone Piledriver
X+--Dropkick to Knee

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
X--Rolling Capo Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Mexican Abdominal Stretch
T--Abdominal Stretch
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Belly to Back Suplex
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Cross Face Chicken Wing
T+--Victory Roll
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Dropkick to Knee
X+--Rolling Capo Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Reverse Achilles Tendon Lock
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chin Lock
T near shoulder--Chickenwing
T near feet--Figure Four Leglock
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Back Splash

Running Opponent:
T--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
C with Irish Whip--Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
X--Rolling Capo Kick
X with Irish Whip--

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Missle Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Missle Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Shooting Star Press
X with opponent face up vertical--Diving Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Plancha
X front superplex--Top Rope Standing Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Hurricanrana

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Dropkick to Knee
X with opponent in corner--Rolling Capo Kick
X with opponent outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Clothesline
X with opponent dizzy--Rolling Capo Kick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Hanging Body Slam
C+--Snap Suplex
X--Reverse Knife Edge
X+--Toe Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbw Breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Tombstone Piledriver
C+--Jacknife Power Bomb
X--Heart Punch
X+--Forearms to Back

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Dragon Screw Legwhip
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Bridging Northern Lights Suplex
C+--Power Bomb Pin Combo

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+-Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Release German Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Low Kick
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
C--Release Triple German Suplex
C+--Bridging Dragon Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chinlock
T near shoulder--Leg Scissors
T near feet--Boston Crab
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Elbow Drop

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Samoan Drop
C with Irish Whip--Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Legdrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Swan Dive Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Diving Headbutt
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Super Tombstone Piledriver

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Clothesline
X with opponent in corner--Clothesline
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Shoulder Block

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Body Slam
C+--Snap Mare
X--Reverse Knife Edge
X+--Toe Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Elbow Breaker
C--Overhead Suplex
C+--Snap Suplex
X--Heart Punch
X+--Forearms to Back

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
T+--Small Package
C--Tomestone Piledriver
C+--Power Bomb Pin Combo

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Back Suplex
C+--Back Suplex
X--Low Kick
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Dragon Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Achilles Death Facelock
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chinlock
T near shoulder--Leg Scissors
T near feet--Surfboard
T near knee--Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Samoan Drop
C with Irish Whip--Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Legdrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Swan Dive Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal-Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Headbutt
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Flying Dropkick
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Suplerplex
X SUPER superplex--Standing Top Rope Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Clothesline
X with opponent in corner--Clothesline
X with opponent outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Suicide Dive
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Shoulder Block

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swingings Neckbreaker
C--Hanging Body Slam
C+--Snap Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X+--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Jacknife Power Bomb
C+--Inverted Atomic Drop
X+--Mongolian Chop

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Bear Hug
C--Power Bomb Pin Combo
C+--Inverted Piledriver (T.T.D.)

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Belly to Back Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Mongolian Chop

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Boston Crab
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Headbutt

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Eye Gouge
T near shoulder--Reverse Chin Lock
T near feet--Boston Crab
T near knee--Leg Scissors
X by side--Headbutt
X by feet--Headbutt to Groin

Running Opponent:
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Fireman's Carry Drop
X with Irish Whip--Reverse Knife Edge

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Mongolian Chop
X with opponent face up horizontal--Moonsault
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Headbutt
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Super Samoan Drop

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent in corner--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Clothesline
X with opponent dizzy--Spinning Wheel Kick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
C--Body Slam
C+--Vertical Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X+--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Horizontal Backbreaker
C--Gorilla Press Slam
C+--Running Power Slam

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Over the Shoulder Backbreaker
C--Jacknife Power Bomb
C+--Power Bomb Pin Combo
X--Heart Punch

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C+--Back Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Release German Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Power Special Strangle Hold
T near shoulder--Power Special Strangle Hold
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Reverse Achilles Tendon Lock
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chin Lock
T near shoulder--Reverse Chin Lock
T near feet--Scorpion Death Lock
T near knee--Boston Crab
X by side--Elbow Drop

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Bearhug
C with Irish Whip--Powerslam
X with Irish Whip--Knee to Midsection

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Clothesline
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Standing Top Rope Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Clothesline
X with opponent in corner--Clothesline
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Clothesline

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T--Headlock/Tiger Spin Submission Hold
T+--Flying Head Scissors Submission
C+--Snap Suplex
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Soviet Suplex
C+--Tiger Driver
X+--Spin Kick

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Small Package
C--Butterfly Release Suplex
C+--Tombstone Piledriver
X--Spinning Thrust Kick
X+--Moonsault Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Mexican Abdominal Stretch
T--Abdominal Stretch
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T+--Victory Roll
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging Tiger Suplex
X--Spinning Thrust Kick
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Bow and Arrow Submission Hold
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Chickenwing
T near shoulder--Reverse Chin Lock
T near feet--Spinning Leglock
T near knee--Surfboard
X by side--Moonsault knee drop

Running Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C with Irish Whip--Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker
X--Jumping Spin Kick
X with Irish Whip--Jumping Spin Kick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Body Press
X with opponent face up horizontal--Twisting Moonsault
X with opponent face up vertical--Diving Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Double Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--
X front superplex--N/A
X back superplex--N/A
X SUPER superplex--N/A

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Flying Cross Chop
X with opponent in corner--Flying Cross Chop
X with opponent outside ring--Fake Dive
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Dropkick
X with opponent dazed--Flying Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Flying Cross Chop

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
C--Hanging Body Slam
C+--Belly to Belly Suplex
X--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Falling Elbow Breaker
C+--Jumping DDT

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Fisherman's Buster
C+--Brainbuster (Vertical DDT)
X--Series of Kicks to Midsection
X+--Spinning High Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Belly to Back Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
C--Reverse DDT
C+--Bridging German Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Legscissors Armbar
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Reverse Achilles Tendon Lock
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Figure Four Sleeper
T near shoulder--Figure Four Sleeper
T near feet--Leg Scissors
T+ near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Jumping Back Splash

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Jumping DDT
C with Irish Whip--Power Slam
X with Irish Whip--Uppercut

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Double Stomp
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Suplerplex
X SUPER superplex--Super DDT

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent in corner--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick
X with opponent dizzy--Spinning Wheel Kick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Swinging Neckbreaker
T+--Small Package
C--Snap Suplex
C+--Tombstone Piledriver

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Dragon Screw Legwhip
T+--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Cross Face Chicken Wing
C--Release German Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X+--Dropkick to Knee

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Victory Roll
T+--Backflip Cradle
C--Release Tiger Suplex
C+--Tiger Suplex
X--Jumping Spin Kick
X+--Spinning Thrust Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Hammerlock
T near shoulder--Camel Clutch
T near feet--Half Boston Crab
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Guri-Guri
T near shoulder--Cross Armbar Submission
T near feet--Half Boston/Neck Stretch
T near knee--Spinning Leglock
X by side--Slaps/Stomp to Chest

Running Opponent:
T--Huricurana Pin Combo
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Huricurana Pin Combo
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X--Jumping Spin Kick
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Moonsault
X with opponent face up vertical--Springboard Somersault Back Splash
X with opponent face down horizontal--Moonsault
X with opponent face down vertical--Springboard Somersault Back Splash
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Plancha
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Suplerplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Hurricanrana

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent in corner--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent on railing--Dropkick
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick to Knee
X with opponent dizzy--Dropkick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam
X--Reverse Knife Edge
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Headlock Takedown
C+--Snap Suplex
X--Heart Punch

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Small Package
T+--Huricurana Pin Combo
C--Tombstone Piledriver
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Cross Face Chicken Wing
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Dropkick to Knee
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Victory Roll
C--Release Dragon Suplex
C+--Bridging Dragon Suplex
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Reverse Achilles Tendon Lock
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Elbow Drop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Guri-Guri
T near shoulder--Cross Armbar Submission
T near feet--Leg Scissors
T near knee--Half Boston/Neck Stretch
X by side--Stomp

Running Opponent:
T--Huricurana Pin Combo
T with Irish Whip--Sleeper
C--Huricurana Pin Combo
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X--Jumping Spin Kick
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Springboard Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Springboard Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Plancha
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Hurricanrana

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent in corner--Dropkick
X with opponent outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Baseball Slide
X with opponent on railing--Dropkick
X with opponent dazed--Dropkick to Knee
X with opponent dizzy--Dropkick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam
X--Reverse Knife Edge
X+--Toe Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Snap Suplex
C+--Inverted Atomic Drop
X--European Uppercut

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Double Armbar
T+--Small Package

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Belly to back Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--Toe Kick

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Royal Octopus Hold
C--Reverse DDT
C+--Reverse DDT
X--Forearm to Kidney

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Camel Clutch
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--STF
T near knee--STF
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chin Lock
T near shoulder--Eye Gouge
T near feet--STF
T near knee--STF
X by side--Stomp
X by feet--Headbutt to Groin

Running Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T with Irish Whip--Drop Toe Hold
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Samoan Drop
X--Yakuza Kick
X with Irish Whip--Shoulder Block

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Diving Shoulderblock
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Yakuza Kick
X with opponent in corner--Yakuza Kick
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Yakuza Kick
X with opponent dazed--Yakuza Kick
X with opponent dizzy--Yakuza Kick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T--Dragon Screw Legwhip
T+--Small Package
C--Dragon Screw Legwhip
X+--Jumping Spin Kick

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
C+--Bridging Northern Lights Suplex
X--Spin Kick
X+--Flying Cross Chop

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Swinging Neckbreaker
T+--Headlock/Tiger Spin Submission Hold
C--Tiger Buster
C+--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
X+--Spinning Wheel Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T+--Mexican Abdominal Stretch
C--Bridging Dragon Suplex
C+--Release Tiger Suplex
X+--Dropkick to Knee

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Backflip Cradle
T+--Cross Face Chicken Wing
C--Bridging Tiger Suplex
C+--Bridging Tiger Suplex
X--Jumping Knee to Back

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Power Special Strangle Hold
T near shoulder--La Majestra Cradle
T near feet--Rolling STF
T near knee--Indian Death Facelock
X--Back Splash
X by side--Somersault Back Suplex

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Figure Four Sleeper
T near shoulder--Guri-Guri
T near feet--STF
T near knee--Surfboard
X--Moonsault Kneedrop
X by side--Legdrop
X by feet--Elbow Drop

Running Opponent:
T--Dragon Screw Legwhip
T with Irish Whip--Hurricanrana Pin Combo
C--Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker
C with Irish Whip--DDT
X--Spin Kick
X with Irish Whip--Moonsault Kneedrop

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Body Press
X with standing dizzy opponent--Springboard Dropkick
X with opponent face up horizontal--Shooting Star Press
X with opponent face up vertical--Swan Dive Headbutt
X with opponent face down horizontal--Twisting Moonsault
X with opponent face down vertical--Springboard Somersault Back Splash
X with opponent outside ring--Somersault Senton Splash
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Flying Dropkick
X front superplex--Standing Fisherman's Buster
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Dragon Screw Legwhip
X SUPER back superplex--Soviet Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Handspring Elbow
X with opponent in corner--Moonsault Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--Suicide Dive
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Handspring Elbow
X with opponent dazed--Rolling Capo Kick
X with opponent dizzy--Handspring Crossbody Block

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha
X with dizzy opponent--Asai Moonsault

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Headlock Takedown
X+--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Overhead Suplex
C+--Snap Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X+--European Uppercut

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Small Package
C--Soviet Suplex
C+--Bridging Northern Lights Suplex

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T+--Abdominal Stretch
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--European Uppercut

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T+--Royal Octopus Hold
C--Release German Suplex
C+--Bridging Dragon Suplex

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Legscissors Armbar
T near shoulder--La Majestra Cradle
T near feet--Indian Death Facelock
T near knee--Indian Death Lock
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Reverse Chin Lock
T near shoulder--Arm Scissors
T near feet--Scorpion Death Lock *occasionally will do a Giant Swing instead*
T near knee--Figure Four Leglock
X by side--Somersault Back Splash

Running Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
T with Irish Whip--Drop Toe Hold
C--Overhead Suplex
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X with Irish Whip--Crescent Heel Kick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Missle Dropkick
X with standing dizzy opponent--Missle Dropkick w/ taunt
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Double Kneedrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Elbowdrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--Superplex
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Overhead Superplex
X SUPER back superplex--Soviet Superplex

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Clothesline
X with opponent in corner--Clothesline
X with opponent outside ring--Hip Wiggle Taunt
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Hip Wiggle Taunt
X with opponent on railing--Clothesline
X with opponent dazed--Yakuza Kick
X with opponent dizzy--Clothesline

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T--Double Armbar
C--Fireman's Carry Drop
C+--Fisherman's Buster
X--Double Punches

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Horizontal Backbreaker
T+--Lifting Choke
C+--Running Side Suplex
X--Yakuza Kick

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Sleeper Takedown
T+--Over the Shoulder Backbreaker
C--Spinebuster Power Bomb
C+--Running LygerBomb
X--Flying Shoulderblock

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Royal Octopus Hold
T+--Russian Legsweep/Three Limb Break
C--Release German Suplex
C+--Throwing German Suplex
X+--Spinning Thrust Kick

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Royal Octopus Hold
T+--Royal Octopus Hold
C--Bridging German Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Spinning Thrust Kick
X+--Spin Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Legscissors Armbar
T near shoulder--Fujiwara Armbar
T near feet--Bow and Arrow Submission *press T to modify move*
T near knee--Reverse Achilles Tendon Lock
X by side--Chop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Armbar with knee behind head
T near shoudler--Lifting Choke
T near feet--Standing Boston Crab
T near knee--Scorpion Death Lock
X--Somersault Back Splash
X by side--Jumping Back Splash

Running Opponent:
T--Bear Hug
T with Irish Whip--Small Package
C--Soviet Suplex
C with Irish Whip--Inverted Piledriver (TTD)
X--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with Irish Whip--Mongolian Chop

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Flying Clothesline
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Mongolian Chop
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Double Kneedrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Moonsault
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Legdrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Diving Headbutt
X with opponent outside ring--Plancha
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Flying Shoulderblock
X front superplex--Top Rope Huricurana
X back superplex--Belly to Back Superplex
X SUPER superplex--Top Rope Powerslam

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Legsweep
X with opponent in corner--Legsweep
X with opponent outside ring--Suicide Dive
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--Somersault Senton Splash
X with opponent on railing--Handspring Crossbody Block
X with opponent dazed--Spinning Wheel Kick
X with opponent dizzy--Falling Headbutt

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:
X--Slingshot Plancha
X with dizzy opponent--Springboard Plancha

Facing Standing Opponent:
T--Armbar Takedown Submission
C--Snap Mare
C+--Body Slam
X--Low Kick
X+--Inoki Slap

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Swinging Neckbreaker
T+--Reverse Neckbreaker
C--Headlock Takedown
C+--Vertical Suplex
X--Triple Punch

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Small Package
C+--Butterfly Release Suplex
X--Rolling Capo Kick
X+--Enzuigiri to the Face

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch Pin Combo
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Belly to Back Suplex
X--Low Kick
X+--Low Kick

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Royal Octopus Hold
T+--Sleeper Takedown
C--Belly to Back Suplex
C+--Bridging German Suplex
X--Rolling Capo Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Fujiwara Armbar
T near shoulder--Hammerlock
T near feet--Indian Death Lock
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Cross Armbar
T near shoulder--Arm Scissors
T near feet--Leg Scissors
T near knee--Figure Four Leglock
X by side--Kneedrop

Running Opponent:
T--Sleeper Takedown
T with Irish Whip--Drop Toe Hold
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Back Body Drop
X--Rolling Capo Kick
X with Irish Whip--Dropkick

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--N/A
X back superplex--N/A
X SUPER superplex--N/A

Running Moves:
X with opponent in ring--Rolling Capo Kick
X with opponent in corner--Rolling Capo Kick
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X with opponent on railing--Rolling Capo Kick
X with opponent dazed--Shoulder Block
X with opponent dizzy--Dropkick

Dive Over Top Rope to Outside:

Facing Standing Opponent:
T+--Swinging Neckbreaker
C--Snap Mare
C+--Hanging Body Slam
X--Reverse Knife Edge

Facing Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Elbow Breaker
T+--Horizontal Backbreaker
C+--Vertical Suplex
X--Heart Punch

Facing Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Lifting Choke
T+--Over the Shoulder Backbreaker
C+--Spike Piledriver
X--Forearms to Back
X+--Toe Kick

Behind Standing Dazed Opponent:
T--Abdominal Stretch
T+--Abdominal Stretch Pin Combo
C--Back Suplex
C+--Back Suplex
X--Forearm to Kidney
X+--Forearm to Kidney

Behind Standing Dizzy Opponent:
T--Royal Octopus Hold
C--Atomic Drop
C+--Atomic Drop
X--Toe Kick
X+--Toe Kick

Opponent Face Down on Mat:
T near head--Hammerlock
T near shoulder--Camel Clutch
T near feet--Boston Crab
T near knee--Indian Death Lock
X by side--Stomp

Opponent Face Up on Mat:
T near head--Cross Armbar Submission
T near shoulder--Reverse Chinlock
T near feet--Surfboard
T near knee--Half Boston Crab
X by side--Kneedrop

Running Opponent:
T--Drop Toe Hold
T with Irish Whip--Abdominal Stretch
C--Back Body Drop
C with Irish Whip--Running Side Suplex
X--Toe Kick
X with Irish Whip--Running Knee

Top Rope Moves:
X with standing opponent--Double Axhandle
X with standing dizzy opponent--Double Axhandle
X with opponent face up horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face up vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down horizontal--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent face down vertical--Flying Kneedrop
X with opponent outside ring--N/A
X with opponent dizzy outside ring--N/A
X front superplex--N/A
X back superplex--N/A
X SUPER superplex--N/A

Running Moves:
X w

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