Fighting Force 2

Fighting Force 2

18.10.2013 03:00:15

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A game from Eidos
For the Playstation
By JonL
ICQ: 74360442
Version 1.7
6 January 2000
2:29 p.m.

This FAQ may be reproduced electronically, printed, or copied FOR PRIVATE
AND PERSONAL USE ONLY and may not be altered in any way. It may not be
printed in a magazine, placed in a CD or disket, or anything else than
above. This FAQ is Copyright 2000 JonL. Please e-mail me when you read this
FAQ or if you want to correct some errors or mistakes. If you e-mail me to
correct any mistakes or errors, your name will be listed at the credits
section. The latest version of this FAQ can be found at, and My ICQ uin is 74360442.

Table Of Contents

A. Version
B. Introduction
C. Important Stuff
D. Frequently Asked Questions
E. Controls
F. Main Menu
G. Tips
H. Walkthrough
I. Weapons
J. Cheats
K. GameShark Codes
L. Needed!
M. Credits

A. Version

This is my version history. These dates are Malaysian dates.

Version 1.0 (06/01/2000)- The almost complete FAQ. Need more questions at
the Frequently Asked Questions section!
Version 1.1 (12/01/2000)- Corrected some walkthrough mistakes. Added some
part of the walkthrough.
Version 1.2 (20/01/2000)- Sorry for the late update. No walkthrough updates
this time. New stuff are added into the FAQ
instead. Sorry, guys.
Version 1.3 (31/01/2000)- Sorry for the late update...added the Important
Stuff section. You MUST see this section before you
read my FAQ.
Version 1.4 (08/02/2000)- Nobody answered to my help...PLEASE read the
Important Stuff section. Anyway, this is a
'walkthrough and some other stuff' update.
Version 1.5 (13/02/2000)- Whew! Finally finished the ASCII art and updated
some stuff in my walkthrough.
Version 1.6 (24/02/2000)- Corrected some mistakes. Added 'Cheats' and
'Needed!' section too.
Version 1.7 (16/05/2000)- Note that I changed my ICQ number.

B. Introduction

The sequel to the beat them up game, Fighting Force 1. But sadly, this game
does not support two players. You can only use one character, Hawk Manson.
Plus, new features such as better graphics!!!!! This game's camera view is
something like Tomorrow Never Dies and Syphon Filter. With new features
added like now the player can use first person view and look at its
surroundings! But the AI is VERY lousy. I think Eidos is concentrating way
too hard on the graphics and too little on the AI.

C. Important Stuff

These are the important stuff you need to know before you read the

- Please do not ask me about bosses and other levels. Please refer to the
walkthrough. If it is not written there, then wait for me to update my
walkthrough. If you are impatient, then you can just try to finish the game
or help me finish the Walkthrough (Help is REALLY, REALLY needed!). If you
found a secret level or any other secrets, please tell me.

- Help is really needed! I need someone to help me out with my FAQ and
Walkthrough. I will accept any walkthroughs that are sent to me as long as
your grammar is good and your walkthrough is easy to understand. Your name
will be written in the credits section if you contribute anything about
Fighting Force 2 to me. Thanks!

- I know the walkthrough is very confusing, so let me explain a bit about
the walkthrough. When I mention that there are two options that means you
can go two places: The first option is a place where you can collect
weapons and items. It has nothing to do with finishing the mission. Avoid
the first option if you want to finish the mission quickly. The second
option is continuing with the walkthrough. NOTE: If there are three
options, then the first and second one is collecting items or weapons and
the third option is continuing with the walkthrough.

- Oh yeah, anyone seen this FAQ/Walkthrough being sold please inform me.
And if you guys see someone ripped of my FAQ/Walkthrough, please inform me
also. Thank you very much!

- Well, this is not REALLY important. Visit my other FAQ, the Army Men: Air
Attack FAQ/Walkthrough or DavidF's Digimon World mini-FAQ.

- I want to repeat this. Any contributions, suggestions or whatever which is
about Fighting Force 2 and ONLY Fighting Force 2, please send it to or you can contact me through ICQ. My ICQ uin is:
60046831. Thank you for your co-operation and that's all.

D. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do you climb a ladder?
A: First, face one side of the ladder. Then, press punch to grab the ladder.
Press up or down on the D-pad to go up or down.

Q: Is it possible to carry two guns at once?
A: Yes, but only one in your hand and one in your inventory.
-by DavidF-

Q: In the first Fighting Force you could pick the guys up and throw them,
can you do that in this game?, how?
A: Well, as far as I know, you can't.

Q: How do you use the coded numbers in PlayStation to get the weapons?
A: You need a GameShark.
-by Kim Belford-

Q: Does this game support two players?
A: No.

Q: Can you use other characters in this game like in Fighting Force 1?
A: No, you can only use one character, that is Hawk Manson.

Q: How do you save the game?
A: You must win a level first, then a menu will pop out, asking whether you want to save or not.

E. Controls

D-Pad- Move Hawk.
L2- Strafe. Hold left or right on the D-pad to strafe left or right.
R2- Special. If you run (while holding R2) and press punch, Hawk will roll.
If you press kick, you will do a flying kick.
L1- Hold this button and press the D-Pad to walk.
R1- First person view. Useful when gun in hand. Oh yeah, and if you hold L2
while pressing the D-Pad, you can move around in first person view! This
is useful in shooting guys who are around corners or behind something.
Square- Jump.
Circle- Kick.
X- Punch.
Triangle- Equip and unequip selected weapon. Hold this button to bring up
the inventory.

F. Main Menu

Start Game- Starts your game.
Load Game- Loads your saved game.
Options- Configure your game.
a. Vibration (Dual Shock controllers required)- Configure your vibration
(weak or strong).
b. CD Audio- Set your volume for CD audio.
c. Sound FX- Set your volume for Sound FX.
d. Screen Adjust- Adjust your screen.
e. Normal Mode/Expert Mode- Select wether you want Normal Mode or Expert
Mode. Note: If you're a beginner to this game, it
is advicable to use Normal Mode instead of Expert

G. Tips

- When you are on a ladder, press Circle to slide down.

- You can grab on to a ledge by jumping towards it.

- Make use of the lousy AI. Avoid enemy attacks by standing on tables and
climbing tables. Avoid grenades by standing near an enemy and...

- To get the cheap enemies with guns hiding out in the corner when you enter
a room, enter closest to where he is standing so he can't shoot you. Then,
turn your front towards him so that you will be face to face with the
enemy when you strafe. Then, shoot him before he react.

- There is some places where there is a soldier behind a door with a gun, so
that once you enter a room, they always have the first shots, you get hit
five times, you get knocked back, and the doors close. To overcome this
problem, just jump through.

H. Walkthrough

I haven't completely won the game yet, so I only know the walkthrough for
some parts of the game. In about a week or so, new information will be
added in this FAQ. Those who have won the game can assist me with the
walkthrough. Just e-mail me at or contact me by ICQ.
My ICQ uin is 60046831. Check GameFaqs often and check out my FAQ every week
to check out my latest versions. On the way through the walkthrough, you can
destroy crates, barrels, computers and much more to get health boxes and

Steel Mill

Kill the guard to get a key. Go through the door. There are 2 doors here-
one at the north and one at the east. You have 2 options:
1. Go through the door at the east and kill the soldier. Go up the ladder
and destroy the crate to get a gun. Go back to the door you came in from and
continue to option 2.
2. Go through the door on the north. Kill the soldiers to get a key. Go
through the other door and kill the soldiers to get a key. Go through the
other door. Kill the big soldier to get a key. Go through the door. Kill the
soldiers to get a key. Go through the other door. You will come into a room
with lots of computers. Go through the door at the east and destroy the
safe. You will get 2 objects. Go through the door and kill the soldier to
get a key. Destroy the alarm if it is very irritating (the panel on the wall
with the blinking red light). Go through the door. Destroy the vending
machine to boost the rage meter and a lot of cans will come out. Press X to
drink the can drinks. Continue on and you will find another door. Go through
that door. Kill the big soldier and destroy ALL computers to stop the
conveyor belt. You have 2 options:
1. Go through the door with the black panel on it and destroy the red box
on the wall to get an axe. Continue on to option 2.
2. Get on the conveyor belt and get through the smashing thing. Destroy the
crates to get a key. Go up the ladder and kill the soldier. Go through the
door. Kill the big soldiers and go through the door. Don't bother to go
through the door with the black panel on it. Go towards the computers and
press X. Now it will load. The door behind you will open.Kill the soldiers
to get a key. Go in the door. Kill the soldiers to get a key. Go in the
door. Kill the big soldier to get a key. Go up and through the door.
Continue up and go through either the left or right lane. Go up the stairs.
Becareful of the grenades. If you have a gun, shoot the soldier on the
second floor throwing grenades. Go up the ladder. Now you're on the second
floor. Continue going up. Follow the left ledge and go through the door.
Becareful, if you fall, it's game over. Kill the soldier to get a key. Go
through the door. Kill the big soldier. Go down the ladder. Kill the soldier
or go down the ladder unnoticed. Kill the soldiers to get a key. Go through
the door. Kill the soldiers to get a key. Go through the other door. Kill
the soldiers to get a key. Go through the door. Now you have 2 options:
1. Go through the door and kill the 2 big soldiers. Destroy the crates and
you will get a warhammer. Continue on with option 2.
2. Do you see a black fence (or whatever you call it) covering a path?
Destroy the fence and go through the path. Destroy the other fence and go
through the path. Go down the ladder. Becareful here. Go through the
spinning thing while avoiding the electric. Destroy the fence and go through
the path. Destroy the other fence and go through the path. Now you will see
a green thing flashing. Press Start to see the mission briefings. Press
Start again to continue. Destroy the fence and go through the path. Destroy
the big white box in the middle and go through the hole where the fan used
to be. Go through the door with two black boxes on it. Go straight to the
computer and press X when the message appears to unlock. Now it will load.
Go through the new door that just opened. Kill the soldier to get a key. Go
through the door.Kill the soldiers to get a key. Go through the black door
with an arrow pointing up on it. Kill the soldiers to get a key. Go through
the two-sided door and kill the soldiers to get a red key. Get out and go
through the other door. Kill the soldiers to get a key.Go through the door.
Kill the soldiers to get a key. Go through the door. Go through the other
door. Go through the other door. Go up and kill the soldiers to get a key.
Go through the door. Go through the other door. Kill the soldiers to get a
key. Go through the door. Careful, the blue colour liquid is acid. Go below
the monkey bar (or ladder, if you call it that) and press Square (Jump).
Hawk will jump and hang on the monkey bar. Go towards the other side and
kill the big soldier. Go up the ladder and destroy the barrel to clear up
the path (If you don't have a gun, go down the ladder again and destroy the
crate beside it. There should be a gun inside). Kill the soldier and go
through the door. Go on the monkey bar and to the other side. Go through
the door. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, now the soldiers uses taser (An electric-
shooting device) if you didn't realise it just now. Now you have 2 options:
1. Blow the barrel to clear the path. Go to the other side and destroy the
crates to get health. Proceed to option 2.
2. Go down the ladder. Hang on the monkey bar and get to the other side.
Kill the soldier. Go to the door on the corner and kill the big soldier.
Destroy the crate to get a key. Go back and go through the black door. Kill
the soldiers. Go through the other. Kill the big soldier to get a key. Now
there is a flashing monitor on your screen. Press Start and see the urgent
update. Go through the door. Go towards the computers and press X to unlock.
That's all for now. Check gamefaqs next week or so for more additions.

I. Weapons

These are the weapons that I know. I will add more when I go further in the

Uzi- It is also called a Uzi-2. One of the weapons you will get in the first
mission. The Uzi-2 was a complete redesign 30 year old designed by the
Israeli army. Using modern construction techniques, the new gun has
maintained its small dimensions, lightweight and heavy rate fire, but
now features many improvements that were previously only available as
bolt-on extras. Night sights, grenade launchers and ACT (Adaptive
Cartridge Technology) have upgraded the gun into the next century.
Stun Baton- A Dodge Riot Baton. This is a carbon fibre baton designed to
deliver an electric shock on contact with an earthed object. A
favourite with security forces in the USA but banned in many
other countries, the baton is used in riot control and
siege-breaking operations.
Shotgun- Quite powerful. One blow and the enemy dies.
Grenade- Use this weapon when the enemy is not suspecting.
Combat Knife- You have this knive in the beginning of this game. Very useful
when you have no weapons.
Axe- Better than the 'traditional' pipe.
War Hammer- A very useful weapon. Keep this weapon for emergencies.
Pipe- The 'traditional' weapon is back!
Rocket Launcher- One of the coolest weapons of the game! Has a homing device
on it with a squared radius as its open field and makes a
sound when you gets close to an enemy or something to
Sword- I didn't know they have these kinds of weapons in the game...
Sniper Rifle- Useful for long-ranged shots.
M-16 Rifle- Has automatic shots. Shoots rapidly until ammo is out.
Scope Rifle- Can kill an enemy with one shot directly at the head.
Shotgun Grenade Launcher- Shoots like a shotgun propel sound and explodes on
Flamethrower- One shot can catch an enemy on fire and you can see its life
run down fast.
Tazer- Dorling Industries MK-3000. This stun gun a directed charge of 18000
Volts, paralysing the enemy. Repeated shots will have a fatal effect
on the target, and all police forces are aware of the controlversial
nature of this weapon.

J. Cheats

Cheat Mode

Hold L1+L2+R1+Triangle+X+Left when 'Press Start' appears at the opening
screen. Select 'Start Game' option and choose a level. Your character will
have unlimited ammunition and invincibility during the game. Note: Enabling
this cheat disables the high scores.

K. GameShark Codes

You need a GameShark to use these codes. Some of these codes (Infinite
Health, Infinite Ammo (All Guns), Have All Keycards) have been tested using
a GameShark Version 9.9.

Infinite Health D00C69C2 0100
80117244 03FC
Maximum Money D00C69C2 0100
Infinite Rage Meter (Upon Fillup) 80070F36 2400
Infinite Ammo (All Guns) 80073B86 2400
Have All Keycards 800CE284 0101
800CE286 0101
Infinite Continues D00C69C2 0100
800CDC3C 0009
Level Modifier 800CBBBC 00??

Quantity Digits to Accompany Level Modifier Code
01- Steel Mill
06- Research Lab
0A- Tank Factory
0F- Polar Research Base
12- Jungle Temple
16- Chemical Plant
1A- Prison Island
1F- Undersea Base
23- Skyscraper HQ
28- Credits

All of these codes can be found at

L. Needed!

These are the list of things needed in this FAQ.

1. More questions (For the 'Frequently Asked Questions' section).
2. More tips and cheats (If there is more).
4. Does anybody know what is the money displayed on the screen for?

M. Credits

These are all the people who I would like to thank:
- The people at Eidos who created this game.
- Http:// (CJayC) for putting up this FAQ. And for creating
a great cheat site! My number one cheat site! Thanks!
- Http:// for providing me the GameShark codes.
- Http:// for the cheats.
- Http:// for some weapons info.
- My friend, DavidF (Foo Brian Lu) for helping me on some things in the FAQ.
- And of course YOU for reading this FAQ.

And these are the people who contributed something to my FAQ who I want to
thank (Questions, info and stuff):
- for the weapons list.
- Pyroboy Chris for the tips.
- Terry Stone for telling me another cool move.
- Aaron Bell for telling me some cool moves.
- Kim Belson for the question.
- for the question.
- J. Jared for telling me about the bazooka.
- DavidF for the info, question and more!
- People who I forgot (Sorry, forgot your names). Thanks!
This FAQ finished at 16 May 2000, 5:05 p.m.

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18.Oktober 2013
+6 Trainer für die spanische/italienische PAL Version.

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +6 Trainer für die [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

18.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +3 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020