Final Fantasy 6

Final Fantasy 6

17.10.2013 09:46:58
======================================================================= ----------------------------------- Version 1.1
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Final Fantasy VI (PSX)
Final Fantasy VI (PSX) FAQ/Walkthrough
Version 1.1
By Steve Saunders
Last Updated: 1/6/01

This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be taken
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish to
use any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide:, No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us and we will be glad to put it in, assuming its correct.

-CJayC (
For his hard work and dedication to one of the greatest sites out there,
and for hopefully posting this guide!

-Prima Strategy Guide
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here,
though, right?

-Dingo Jellybean (
-I may have had my fair share of problems with him, but his FFVI guide
is the best on the net right now. I really like it and it has helped me
out, although I did not take anything from it.

-Daniel Stefano (Positively Posterior) and Dyson Turner (Dy$e Murder)
For being the two coolest guys at GameFAQs, they rock!

-Matt Hulbert
A cool guy, he inspired me to do this guide and my Final Fantasy VI one,
and he is a great friend!

Table of Contents -----------------------------------------------------
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Revision History ***UPDATED!***
1.2 Author's Information ***UPDATED!***
2.0 My Final Fantasy 6 Review ***FINISHED***
3.0 Character Guide
4.0 Walkthrough
4.1 World of Balance ***FINISHED***
4.2 World of Ruin ***UPDATED!***
5.0 Secrets ***FINISHED***
6.0 Lists
6.1 Weapons List ***FINISHED***
6.2 Armor List ***FINISHED***
6.3 Relics List ***FINISHED***
6.4 Items List ***FINISHED***
6.5 Espers List
6.6 Magic List ***FINISHED***
6.7 Enemies List ***FINISHED***
6.8 Lores/Rages/Dances List
7.0 The Colosseum ***FINISHED***
8.0 Boss Guide ***UPDATED!***
9.0 Other Information
9.1 Credits
9.2 Links
9.3 My Other Works ***UPDATED!***
9.4 Future Plans ***UPDATED!***
9.5 Author Information ***UPDATED!***
10.0 Conclusion
10.1 Final Statement
10.2 Copyright Information

1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------
Final Fantasy 6 is my all time favorite game, so of course there was going to
be a time where I was going to do a guide for this game. Needless to say, I
love this game, and had a great time writing this guide.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Also, you can use this guide on your site just so long as nothing is altered,
credit is given when due, and you do not make any monetary gain off of the
guide. No you may not use the lists...I don't care who you are, NO means NO.
If you violate any of the guidelines, I can take legal and civil action.
There, now you know.

Thanks, and enjoy the guide!

-"DaLadiesMan" Steve Saunders

1.1 Revision History --------------------------------------------------
v1.1 (January 6, 2001)
-I took yesterday off to work on some reviews and my girlfriend got out of the
hospital. Yay!
-I finished the bestiary. That is about it with this update.
-This guide is currently at 486.5K according to my word processor.

v1.0 (January 4, 2001)
-Walkthrough updated through the Tower of Fanatics.
-Added updated tags to Revision History and Author¹s Information in Table of
-I fixed some line break errors in the revision history section.
-I updated my planned guides, lists of works, and author information.
-Bestiary updated through letter U. Major update done there..
-This guide is currently at 475.1K according to my word processor.

v0.9 (January 3, 2001)
-Walkthrough updated through Colloseum.
-Colloseum guide updated.
-Bestiary updated through letter O.
-This guide is currently at 419.4K according to my word processor.

v0.81 (January 2, 2001)
I wanted to get some work done on this today but I woke up later than normal,
then I had to go to the hospital, then I started my Tiny Toons guide, which
left me with time to do basically nothing for this update. Except fix the rest
of the visible line break errors I saw last time I checked this guide just

v0.8 (January 1, 2001)
I am going to do a few updates today because I want to get the bestiary done
ASAP, then submit the guide at the end of the day when all the updates are

UPDATE 3: 5:40 PM
-I am now awake.
-This version will be submitted to GameFAQs.
-I updated the walkthrough and added the walkthrough for Doma Castle (Cyan's
-I updated the bestiary through the letter L, basically I added all the
monsters that started with the letter L.
-Fixed the final line break errors that plagued the guide.
-This guide is currently at 383.1K according to my word processor.

UPDATE 2: 5:20 AM
-I will now head off to sleep.
-But not before I got the bestiary done through the letter K. Lot of typing
here, as every enemy between the letters G and K are now in the bestiary.
-This guide is currently at 366.7K according to my word processor.

UPDATE 1: 12:10 AM
-The ball just dropped 10 minutes ago, so I am going to consider this the
first update of the new millennium! Happy new year, everyone!
-I started the bestiary and got it done through the end of the enemies
starting with F. That was a lot of typing, I can assure you!
-I fixed the rest of the line break errors that I somehow missed last time.
-This guide is currently at 344.0K according to my word processor.

v0.7 (December 31, 2000)
-I am going to finish this update for the day at 8:05 AM so I can work on my
other guides. I have gotten a lot of work done on my guides in the last two
days, it is so great.
-I finally discovered how to fix the line break errors for good.. took me tour
hours of hitting backspace but I fixed them (I hope) for good.
-I updated the walkthrough through Thamasa. Yay!
-This guide is currently at 302.4K according to my word processor.

v0.6 (December 30, 2000)
-Sorry it has taken me so long to update this guide, I was too busy worrying
about my Smackdown 2 and Final Fantasy 9 guides, but I figured this is my
second favorite game of all time, so I might as well finish what I started.
-Considering this was only an hour long update at most, I got a lot done.
-I remove unneeded filler information, like a list of web sites four times,
-I reformatted the weapons, armor, items, etc. lists by adding section
dividers, I think they look better now.
-I updated the author information.
-I finally updated the walkthrough, started World of Ruin and got done through
Kohlingen. Whew, that was a lot of work, but it was worth it.
-I updated the boss guide by adding boss strategies for Phunbaba and Tentacle.
I may decide to do a separate boss guide for the game, if I get enough boss
information (like HP) found and added.
-That's about it, this guide is currently at 283.1K according to my word

v0.51 (November 27, 2000)
-I will get back to updating the guide for real soon.
-I hopefully have solved the line break problem, hence the reason for this

v0.5 (November 24, 2000)
-Here we go, the version that will be submitted to GameFAQs!
-I got the walkthrough done through the end of the world of balance.
-I added a boss guide section and did some reshuffling of section numbers.
-I decided to do a list of enemies later on, but maybe not any statistics for
-I added all the non-game play info, finally.
-This guide is currently at 237.6K according to my word processor.

v0.4 (November 22, 2000)
-This was another pretty major update.
-I still have plans to submit the first version of the guide when it hits 0.5,
which should happen in a week or so (it could be 225K by then, too!)
-I updated the walkthrough through the Cave to the Sealed Gate, got to the
part where the airship crashes thanks to the Espers.
-I added all of the secrets I have to the guide, I may add some more later.
-I might not do an enemies list now, as it might be too much work for me.
-I decided to add a Dance List to the Lores/Rages List section, as there are a
lot of Dances for Mog to learn in this game.
-I added the armor list, it was a lot of typing but I got it done =).
-After a hard day's work, this guide is currently at 198.3K according to my
word processor.

v0.3 (November 21, 2000)
-This was a pretty major update.
-I still have plans to submit the first version of the guide when it hits 0.5,
which should happen in a week or so (it could be 225K by then, too!)
-I updated the walkthrough through Zozo. That was a lot of work =).
-I added some information about Espers and Magicite in the Espers list.
-I added the character information for Locke, Gau, and Setzer.
-I updated some formatting of the character information section. Character
name headings now get a row of lines, while skill information and lists
headings get equal signs.
-I updated the formatting of the rest of the guide, no longer is there equal
signs to separate headings in individual sections, now there are lines to do
that. It makes the guide look a lot neater, in my opinion.
-After doing the character information for Gau, I decided to add a Lores/Rage
List section, to the Lists category.
-Finally, I added some basic information about magic to the magic section.
-After a hard day's work, this guide is currently at 139.2K according to my
word processor.

v0.25 (November 20, 2000)
-I updated the walkthrough through Locke's quest.
-I added a copyright information section to the very bottom of the guide.
-I updated the disclaimer information.
-Added my email address to the top of the guide.
-I also figured how to fix those annoying character conversion errors, so when
I submit this guide to GameFAQs (v0.5!!), it will not have any of these
errors. (Yay!)
-Finally, I decided to update some formatting of the walkthrough, quest name
headings and "boss fight" heading now use a row of --'s instead of 10 or so
equal signs. I think this makes the walkthrough look a lot better.
-This guide is currently at 97.3K according to my word processor.

v0.21 (November 20, 2000)
-I decided to add new sections to the walkthrough. Before each new event
starts, in addition to the "Checklist" part, I now have a "Statistics" part,
which gives a list of the enemies and items you will find in this event.
-I updated the walkthrough to the Returners Hideout.
-This guide is currently at 82.0K according to my word processor.

v0.2 (November 19, 2000)
-When this guide gets to v0.5 I will submit it.
-I added "finished" to the finished sections in the table of contents.
-I completed the weapons list and magic list.
-This guide is currently at 76.0K according to my word processor.

v0.15 (November 18, 2000)
-I completed the item list and relics list.
-I also completed section 7.0, The Colosseum.
-Lots of work completed on the list section.
-I got the character rundown for Cyan done.
-Walkthrough updated through South Figaro.
-This guide is currently at 59.8K according to my word processor.

v0.1 (November 17, 2000)
-Started this guide officially.
-The review has been specially formatted for this guide, and is here now.
-I got the format and table of contents completely done.
-I got the character information done for the first five characters.
-I got the walkthrough done to South Figaro.
-This guide is currently at 41.2K according to my word processor.

1.2 Author's Information ----------------------------------------------

Name: Steve McFadden

My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 11/24/00
Reviews: 369
FAQs: this was my 51st

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

2.0 My Final Fantasy VI Review ----------------------------------------

Thanks to everyone who emailed me praising me for giving the game the title of
"best game ever" While there are still some of you out there who don't like
this game that much (Sunshine), I still think it is the greatest game of all
time. While Final Fantasy 7 dealt with a stupid story line and a somewhat
confusing and complicated materia system, Final Fantasy 3 had the best story
line ever and some of the coolest things to come from a RPG.

Overall, the game is better than even Chrono Trigger and Xenogears, and far
better than that Zelda 64. Final Fantasy 7 was good, but once I beat it, I had
little interest in playing it again. I did not care for the characters
(especially Cloud), while I worried about what happened to the characters in
FF6/FF3. This is why Final Fantasy 3 is the greatest game ever. While it does
have its flaws (What game doesn't?), it is still my favorite game. It is my
favorite game for a few reasons, one of them is the fact that the story line
is so awesome, but that is not the main reason.

The thing I like most about this game is not the fact that the game has the
best story line ever featured in a role playing game, nor the fact that this
is one of the best looking games to ever be released for the Super Nintendo as
a video game console. No, the simple fact that this game is so much fun to
play is the reason why I consider this to be one of the best games on the
Super Nintendo, as well as one of the greatest role playing games ever made.
The game play really is that awesome. This is truly one of the greatest games
I have ever played, bar none.

The story line in this game is unreal. You start off the game as terra, a
former member of the empire who was under control by Kefka (the main enemy) by
wearing a slave crown. Then she fights an esper and is transformed into some
weird thing, and the adventure begins! Over the course of the game, you will
find out about each individual character's history, including Cyan's dealing
with his family's death, and Sabin and Edgar's little feud about why Sabin
chose to do what he did (you'll have to find out for yourself). Unlike Final
Fantasy 7's story line, which although I beat twice I have yet to understand,
Final Fantasy 6's story line is easy to understand. This is truly the pinnacle
of RPG story lines.

The story line in the game is so great, and easy to get into, that it is a
shame that not many people will consider this game based on the console it is
on alone. I mean, this story line is the greatest ever to be featured in any
video game, so I hope more people experience this game. It will instantly draw
you into a world of greed and character development, as you watch each
character evolve before your very eyes. Will Locke finally get the courage to
ask Celes out? The game takes you through each emotion he is feeling, which is
truly a great thing. I really enjoyed reading the story line in this game.

The graphics in this game are in my opinion better than Final Fantasy 7's,
considering the platforms they are on. Everything in this game is screaming
with graphical detail. My minor complaint is the characters are too small. Or
maybe the backgrounds were just too big. Seriously, I have to point out the
fact that while the characters are larger than they are in the other games in
the series, they still are kind of short, especially when walking around on
the world map. This is just a minor compliant, however. Overall, I like Chrono
Trigger's graphics better, but who cares? I have no complaints here.

The background designs in the game are truly awesome, and is yet another
reason why I feel that this is one of the best looking games, if not the best
looking game, to ever be released on the Super Nintendo. The background
designs are very well detailed and very varied. I especially liked the
graphics in the towns, as everything is detailed so effectively, it's scary.
Like the buildings, which have peeling paint, for example. The attention to
detail in the game is truly fantastic. Then there are the forests, with the
reflections off the lakes, I really cannot describe to you how good the
background designs in the game really are. Take my word on it that they are
awesome, though.

The character and enemy designs in the game are fantastic, as well. I really
liked the character designs in the game. I already mentioned how I felt about
the size of them, so I will not bother to bring that up again. Instead, I will
now tell you how much I liked the character designs in the game. I think that
the character designer in the game did an outstanding job of designing the
characters in the game. This is truly the pinnacle of character designs on the
Super Nintendo, yes they are even better than the almighty Chrono Trigger.

On the other side of the coin, there are also enemy designs to be discussed.
The enemy designs in the game are simply awesome, as well. I really liked a
majority of the enemy designs in the game, and I felt that they were all very
well detailed and very varied. I also liked the boss designs in the game a
lot, especially the octopus Ultros and the big dude Vargas. The battle
graphics were awesome, and the animation was well done, and the character and
enemy designs just added icing on an already delicious cake.

Please someone please get me the soundtrack to this game!!!! The music in this
game is fantastic, with excellent sound effects rounding up the score. Each
character each has their own unique theme song, and each is great. The music
in each event is well done as well and captures the pace and the emotion that
the event is trying to convey, which is unlike the previous games in the
series. Also, unlike the previous games in the series, the same music doesn't
repeat itself (unless they are showing an event with a certain character and
they play his theme music). This is truly the best soundtrack ever in a video

The music in the game was really awesome, and I would sell my left foot to get
a copy of the soundtrack (well, not really) but I do have to mention something
I didn't like *gasp* about the music in this game. Quite frankly, I was
disappointed to hear upon completing my first battle that Square Soft totally
redid the battle and victory themes. There is nothing wrong with this, until
you consider the fact that I soon got annoyed by the battle theme. It was okay
but it did get annoying after a while. On the flip side, I really liked the
boss theme, and especially Atma Weapon's Floating Island boss theme.

Control in this game is perfect. Excellent control all around, and the control
also makes good use of the L and R buttons too! One flaw I have to point out
about the control is that your character walks very slowly until they get the
sprint shoes equipped. Also, your character cannot walk diagonally, which will
lead to certain complaints. You will never be able to walk at the exact speed
and direction that you want to, so you are just going to have to deal with

The game play is also outstanding. Learning magic in this game is a breeze. To
learn magic, you must equip an esper. Each esper's magic has a different
"learning-rate". The learning rate basically means that when you gain magic
points after a battle, you multiply the magic points gained times the learning
rate of the magic. Also, as an added bonus, each esper has a "Level-up bonus"
Basically, all it means is that when you level up, whatever esper you have
equipped "level-up bonus" is enforced. So if you gain a level with the Bahamut
(HP plus 50%) esper equipped, you will gain 50% more HP than you normally
would had you not equipped it. This is truly an outstanding concept.

The battle system in the game is awesome, as well, although not up to the
innovation that the esper magic system provided. The battles are turn based,
enemies usually appear on the left side, characters usually appear on the
right side, as always. The thing I like so much about the game is the amount
of different stuff you can do in this game when it comes to battles. You can
equip certain items and weapons which allow you to do more damage, which adds
strategy to the game. Another game play element that adds a strategy element
to the game is the fact that each character has their own special attacks.

How could the fact that each character has their own special attacks during
battle lead to an element of strategy? Well, the answer is simple. Each
character has their own ability, which means you may want to use certain
abilities during certain battles. Therefore, you need to make sure you bring
the right characters along at all times. Sometimes you don't have a choice but
when you do you want to make sure you have the right characters along. For
instance, if you want to steal an item from a boss you want to bring Locke
along, since he is the only character that can steal items from enemies.

The only flaw is your character's walking speed without the sprint shoes
equipped (be prepared to spend a lot of time walking putt-putt until you have
the sprint shoes quipped). Otherwise, the game features outstanding game play.

You will want to play this game a lot once you get it, trust me on this one.
The simple fact that this game is so much fun to play would lead to great
replay value alone, but you also have to consider the fact the amount of
secrets featured in the game. Once you combine those two facts, you will
realize that this game has truly outstanding replay value. I couldn't put this
game down for weeks once I started playing it. It truly is an awesome game
with great and addictive game play.

I wish I could say that this is one of the most challenging role playing games
I have ever played, but I can not say that, sadly. The simple fact it, this
game is not as challenging as I would have expected. I only got game over
about 5 or 6 times the first time through. Compare that to the 16 or 18 times
I got in FF8, and you can see why I don't consider this game to be that
challenging. It is long and lengthy, but not challenging. It is the sad truth.

This game was truly made by someone of a higher power. It's that good. Sure it
is expensive (50-60 dollars) but hell, its worth it. Trust me, if you've never
played Final Fantasy 3, you've never played the best game ever created. Final
Fantasy 7 and 8 doesn't even come close. The only games that come close are
Chrono Trigger, Final fantasy 5, and Star Ocean 2. Buy this game now! Buy a
Super Nintendo also, it is worth it to play a game like this.

And that's the bottom line, because DaLadiesMan said so!!!

Why do I like Final Fantasy 3 better than FF7?
First off, the story line in Final Fantasy 7 was TERRIBLE. I had no clue as to
what was going on half the time, nor did I care about what happened to the
characters in the game. While FF7 featured the worst characters ever to grace
the series (I hated Cloud and Barrett), FF6 had some awesome characters each
with their unique abilities and personal problems. For instance, Terra was
dealing with being half esper and half human, and throughout the game she had
to deal with this problem that has haunted her throughout her life. In
contrast, I could care less about Cloud and his stupid problems with

While it was cool to see Cloud give Sephiroth the Black Materia, the story
line quickly got old by the second disc (just like the story line gets old in
WCW :) Also, in Final Fantasy 7 ANYBODY can steal (as long as they equip the
Steal Materia), which sucks because the fun of FF6 was having the right party
available at all times (for instance do you want Locke's stealing ability or
Celes's runic ability?) Also, the music in Final Fantasy 6 is FANTASTIC!!!!
Talk about Wonderful music (which my main man Sunshine cares a lot about), FF6
has great music!!! The airship theme is catchy and great overall, and each
music piece in each part of the game is unique and great.

It definitely has the best music ever. FF7 also had great music but the music
in some places was very annoying and didn't sound good at all. Also, Final
Fantasy 7 seemed to care more about graphics and FMV scenes while FF6 dealt
with the two most important aspects of any RPG: story line and game play.
While I love Final Fantasy 7 (even with all of its flaws), it still cannot
match the power that is FF6. I personally think that FF7 was overrated and is
not the greatest RPG ever. FF7 is still one of my 10 favorite games of all
time, but FF6 is at the top of that list. That is why FF6 is better than FF7.

What are the flaws in this game?
Of course, like every other game, FF6 does have its flaws, albeit minor. For
one, your characters walk hideously slow until you get the sprint shoes
equipped. That is a problem in the early going, since you can't purchase the
sprint shoes until you get to South Figaro (about an hour into the game). This
does not affect your walking speed on the world map, but does effect your
walking speed when walking in a town, cave, dungeon, anything not related to
the world map directly.

Another flaw is that some of the characters are not that great. While FF6 does
have the best characters overall in a video game; Umaro, Strago and Relm are
not that great of characters in my opinion. I mean, I think Square Soft spent
too much time worrying about developing the other characters, while forgetting
about some of the other lesser characters in the game. Strago and Relm have
their own story line, and they develop fairly well as characters, but unlike
the rest of the game I just didn't care. Despite these flaws, FF6 is still the
greatest game ever.

Is the game too big?
One of the biggest complaints in Sunshine's review is that the game is too
big. No, it is not. The game could probably fit into one CD (actually it can
because Square Soft already released it for PSX). There are two worlds that
you must defeat, the World of Balance and the World of Ruin. And for all those
complaining about the Fanatics Tower and Phoenix Cave, just remember that YOU
airship back, you can go straight to Kefka's tower. While it is great to get
the Phoenix Espers and all of the extra secrets, you don't have to. So don't
complain about FF6 being too big, because FF7, Zelda 64, FF8, and Xenogears
are all bigger than FF6.

Why is Kefka so easy?
I have no clue. After all, Kefka is a bad guy, and for being the final boss he
sure is easy. I have never had a problem beating him. Now, about the three
bosses leading up to him....

Should I buy the Super NES version?
This is a very difficult question. Unless you don't have a Playstation, you
should probably get the Super NES version. The major difference is price. FF6
for the Anthology cost only 40 bucks (and it comes with the second greatest
RPG ever, FF5!!!!!) The only problem with the PSX version is the long loading
times. Just realize that you can get FF5 and FF6 for PSX less than you can get
FF3 for the Super NES.

3.0 Character Guide ---------------------------------------------------

Here in this section, I will give you a complete list of the characters in the
game, as well as descriptions of each of them, and the special abilities that
they possess.

"A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of

Terra is one of the two characters at the beginning of the game who can use
magic. Her knowledge of magic is limited at first but is still very useful. As
Terra's skill level grows, she will slowly learn some new spells. Her skill
will eventually be supplemented or rather enhanced with the use of Espers, but
she can still learn spells until the very end of the game, including the
powerful Ultima spell.

Terra has the power to morph, which changes her physical appearance to that of
an Esper. Doing so doubles the power of her magic. This skill is not available
to her at the beginning of the game. Morphing puts quite a strain on Terra, so
she cannot morph as often as you want. When morphing, a green bar that
represents Terra's stamina replaces her ATP bar. When the green bar is
depleted, Terra automatically reverts to her normal human form. If this
occurs, it may take several battles before Terra is rested enough to use her
Morph ability again. Also, the rate at which the stamina bar is depleted is
determined by how long since Terra last morphed. It is essential not to
overuse her Morph skill, or she will only be able to hold Esper form in boss
battles for a single turn or less.

"Treasure Hunter and trail-worn traveler, searching the world over for relics
of the past..."

Locke is a treasure hunter (a.k.a. Thief). He possesses greater dexterity and
speed than other characters but never really learns to pack much of a punch.
However, his skills as a Treasure Hunter make him a valuable asset throughout
the game.

As a Master Treasure Hunter, Locke has learned to use the Steal skill. Using
the Steal command in a battle makes Locke attempt to steal an item from an
enemy. At first, Locke's success rate will be pretty low even against weak
creatures. Eventually, you can get the Sneak Ring Relic that increases his
chances of successfully stealing items. You can also find the Thief Glove
Relic, which changes the Steal command into the Capture command.

Capture is different from Steal in that Locke also attacks the enemy while
attempting to steal an item. The same Capture action can randomly be performed
by equipping Locke with a Thief Knife and attacking enemies during battle

Stealing items from enemies is an easy way to increase your inventory of
common items. Rarer items like weapons and armor can also be stolen and then
sold or equipped. Check the enemies list for specific information on what can
be stolen from each monster.

"The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and a master designer of

Edgar and his brother, Sabin, are the heirs to Figaro Castle. He is a fair
ruler and loved dearly by his subjects. Due to his prowess with machinery,
Edgar finds useful tools that can be used in battle, and he has given Figaro
Castle the amazing ability to travel underground. As the King of Figaro
Castle, Edgar is allowed a 50-percent discount at the Castle's shops.

As the game begins, Edgar has a limited amount of Tools that he can use in
battle. The effect of these tools varies greatly, but all of them are useful.
Some Tools found in the early stages of the game may become obsolete as time
passes, but you can count on finding new Tools to take their place. Some Tools
must be found, but most others can eventually be purchased at Figaro Castle,
so be sure to check back there often.

Auto Crossbow: Shoots a flurry of arrows at all enemies in battle.
Noise Blaster: Blasts an entire group of enemies with a loud sound that leaves
them temporarily confused.
Bio Blaster: Engulfs a group of enemies in a cloud of poisonous gas that can
sometimes leave them poisoned.
Debilitator: This tool does not attack, but it does create an elemental
weakness in an enemy, which makes an enemy easier to defeat.
Flash: Blinds and damages a group of enemies with a brilliant blast of white
Drill: Drills through an enemy's defenses to cause a painful wound.
Chain Saw: This Tool is randomly used in one of two ways. The most common is a
strong spinning attack that causes damage to one enemy. The rare second is a
brutal attack that attempts to destroy the enemy in a single shot.
Air Anchor: This rare Tool can only be found in the Tower of Fanatics. An
enemy hit by its bolts will self destruct upon moving.

"Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom.."

Sabin and his twin brother, Edgar, are the rightful heirs to Figaro Castle.
Unlike his brother, who remained behind to rule, Sabin set out to find his own
path and to avenge his parents' deaths. He met up with a master of martial
arts named Duncan, who taught him the secret of the Blitz techniques.

Early in the game, Sabin is the strongest fighter. His Blitz techniques give
him a wide variety of special attacks that enable him to rely more on his bare
fists than weapons.

Blitz techniques are slowly learned throughout the game as Sabin gains
experience. He begins the game with three: Pummel, Aura Bolt, and Suplex. To
use a Blitz technique, select the Blitz command in battle, enter the proper
command using the directional pad and buttons on your controller, and then
confirm the move with the X button. If done properly, Sabin will perform the
Blitz you have chosen. If you mis-enter the command, however, Sabin will
fumble the move and miss his opportunity to attack.

Note: If you have been playing fighting games for years, using Sabin's Blitz
techniques will be straight-forward. Unlike a fighting game, it does not
matter which way Sabin is facing. The commands are always entered the same no
matter which side of the screen Sabin is on.

Pummel (Command: Left, Right, Left): Sabin attacks the enemy with a flurry of
powerful punches.
Aura Bolt (Command: Down, Down-Left, Left): Focusing his power, Sabin blasts
the enemy with a beam of Holy light. This attack best against undead enemies.
Suplex (Command: Triangle, Square, Down, Up): Sabin's mighty muscles give him
the strength to pick up an enemy and slam it into the ground.
Fire Dance (Command: Left, Down-Left, Down, Down-Right, Right): A quick chant
creates several fiery clones of Sabin that burns a group of enemies to a
crisp. This attack works best against enemies with a weakness against Fire
Mantra (Command: R1, L1, R1, L1, Triangle, Square): Sabin's purity of spirit
allows him to heal his party's wounds.
Air Blade (Command: Up, Up-Right, Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-Left, Left):
Sabin's quick movements create sharp gusts of air that are hurled into a group
of enemies. This attack works best against enemies with a weakness against
Wind magic.
Spiraler (Command: R1, L1, Triangle, Square, Right, Left): Sabin sacrifices
his life to heal the rest of the party.
Bum Rush (Command: Left, Up-Left, Up, Up-Right, Right, Down-Right, Down, Down-
Left, Left): This technique can only be learned from Duncan in the World of
Ruin. Although this is a tough technique to perform, the damage caused is well
worth the effort.

"He owes allegiance to no one, and will do anything for money. He comes and
goes like the wind..."

While he may not be the friendliest guy, Shadow is valuable to have around.
His ninja skills and faithful companion, Interceptor, make him a well-balanced
character. Unlike most characters, you do not have much control over Shadow.
He comes and goes at his own will and will not join your party again until he
is compelled by money or revenge.

Like any good ninja master, Shadow has mastered the art of throwing weapons.
He can toss weapons and special magical scrolls at enemies. His most common
throwing weapon is a Shuriken, which can be purchased at a reasonable price
from the various shops scattered throughout the world. Shadow can also throw
weapons from your inventory at enemies, but any weapon thrown for lost is
good. That is why it is usually best to throw the easily replaced Shuriken.
For an extra kick, Shadow can throw magic scrolls at enemies. They are a bit
more expensive than a Shuriken, but are also more powerful.

Although you do not have the ability to summon Interceptor into battle, there
is a random chance Shadow's dog may show up on his own. Anytime Shadow blocks
an enemy's attack, there is a small random chance that Interceptor may charge
into battle and counterattack the offending enemy. The dog's attack are very
powerful and a great help at any time.

"Product of genetic engineering, battle-hardened MagiTek Knight, with a spirit
as pure as snow..."

Celes is the second person to join your party with the ability to use magic
without the aid of Espers. She begins the game with a limited amount of spells
at her disposal, but with time and experience, she will slowly learn new
spells. Eventually, the use of Espers makes this ability somewhat obsolete.

By equipping certain swords, Celes is able to use the Runic skill. When
selected, she will absorb the next spell cast during battle whether friend or
foe casts it. By absorbing the spell, its effect is neutralized and Celes
gains the amount of MP used to cast the spell. This is a great way to gain a
little extra MP early on in the game. It also comes in extremely handy in
battles against enemies that attack solely with magic.

"Faithful retainer to his family's liege, with the courage and strength of a
hundred men..."

As the master swordsman of Doma Castle, it is no surprise that Cyan is a force
to be reckoned with. His power is equal to that of Sabin, but his attacks take
time to prepare and can sometimes delay the actions of his allies. Yet even
with this shortcoming, Cyan proves to be one of the best characters available
to you.

When equipped with the proper weapon, Cyan can use his Sword Tech ability in
battle. He begins the game with three of the eight Sword Tech skills:
Dispatch, Retort, and Slash. Over time, he gains additional skills as he
gathers experience in battle.

When the Sword Tech command is selected, a gauge will appear at the bottom of
the screen. You must wait as the gauge slowly fills to the number of the Sword
Tech skill you wish Cyan to use, and then press the X button. If the gauge
fills completely, it resets and you must wait again for it to fill to the
level you desire.

Dispatch (1): A quick and powerful attack that is best used early in the game,
when Cyan's attack power is still low.
Retort (2): Cyan waits to perform a single, powerful counterattack against the
first enemy that attacks him that turn.
Slash (3): This attack attempts to cut the enemy's HP in half and causes HP
draining seizures. Unfortunately, the attack has a low success rate.
Quadra Slam (4): With four quick attacks, Cyan flies around the battlefield,
striking down his enemies.
Empowerer (5): When Cyan is running low on HP and MP, the Empowerer can be a
lifesaver. The attack drains HP and MP from the enemy to restore Cyan's vital
Stunner (6): Not only does this attack cause damage to an entire group of
enemies, those it does not destroy, it casts stop on.
Quadra Slice (7): The Quadra Slice is nearly the same as the Quadra Slam, but
twice as powerful.
Cleave (8): With blinding speed, Cyan flies across the battlefield. Those that
taste his blade will be split into two pieces.

"Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence. A youth surviving
against all odds..."

Gau is the wild child of the Veldt. After being kicked out into the wild by
his father, he learned to live with the animals and began taking on their
actions. This gave way to his Rage skill, which imitates creatures that Gau
has followed on the Veldt. Although his attacks are powerful, his
uncontrollable behavior while using the Rage ability can make him a detriment
in some battles.

Gau's Rage ability allows him to take on the abilities, strengths, and
weaknesses of enemies that he has had the chance to run with in the Veldt.
This gives him a wide variety of attacks but also limits his usefulness in
battle. When a Rage skill is selected, Gau goes into a berserk mode where he
randomly uses the selected enemy's attacks against whatever enemy he chooses.
Once he enters Rage mode, you cannot change his attacks unless he is K.O.'ed
and revived.

Gau can learn the abilities of nearly any enemy in the game. However, he must
first encounter the enemy on the Veldt and use the Leap command, which only
appears there. When you select the Leap command in a battle, Gau will jump
into the enemy pack, and the battle will end automatically. Continue to roam
the area with your party, and Gau will eventually return to your party after a
battle. In the time he was gone, he will have learned how to mimic the
creatures he went away with and the creatures he returns with.

As mentioned earlier, Gau can learn can learn to mimic nearly any creature in
the game. However, you will only encounter creatures in the Veldt that you
have already encountered elsewhere. To maximize Gau's abilities, you must
return to the Veldt often.

Gau has a skill that enables him to learn the attacks of creatures found in
the Veldt. This is the only area in the world where Gau can learn these
attacks, and once he learns them, they can be used at any time during battle
anywhere in the world.

Teaching Gau a new attack is simple, but time confusing. Wander the Veldt
until you get into a battle. Have Gau "Leap" into an enemy(ies) you want to
learn from. The battle will end, and Gau will no longer be in your party.
Continue fighting on the Veldt, and Gau will eventually reappear with a new
"Rage" skill.

Gau learns skills from the enemies he disappears with, and from any enemies in
the battle in which he reappears. You can use a skill by selecting Gau's Rage
skill in battle, and then choose one of the monsters listed. Once Gau goes
into Rage mode, you lose complete control of him. He will continue to use the
selected beast's attack until the battle ends.

"A blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino-dwelling free spirit..."

Setzer's main contribution to your party is his Airship. With it, you will be
able to explore the world freely, visiting new locations and checking back in
at old ones. His love of gambling shows up in all aspects of his life, from
the décor of his ship, to his choice in weapons. Although he can be a powerful
ally, putting him in your party is a gamble in itself.

Setzer's Slot skill acts just like a normal slot machine, but there is no GP
to be earner. Rather, the Slot's outcome determines what type of attack Setzer
will use that turn. If you're good, you can almost always get decent results.
However, for most people it is just a little too risky to use in most battles.

Once you find the Coin Toss Relic, you can transform Setzer's Slot command
into the GP Rain command. With this attack, Setzer actually tosses your GP at
enemies. It can cause a lot of damage, but it can also drain your party dry of

Lagomorph (No Combo): A curious little creature appears and restores a very
small amount of HP for the entire party.
Flash (3 Diamonds): Attacks enemies with a flash of rainbow colored light.
Chocobop (3 Chocobos): The enemy is trampled by a wild herd of Chocobos.
Magicite (3 BARs): Summons a random esper to assist in battle.
H-Bomb (3 cups of gold): Setzer's Airship drops a bomb on the party's enemies,
toasting them to a crisp.
Mega Flare (3 Dragons): Blasts the enemy with fire from a legendary dragon.
7-Flush (3 7's): Instantly defeats all enemies on-screen.
Joker Doom (2 7's and 1 BAR): Instantly kills all enemies and allies - not

4.0 Complete Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------

This is a long game, so as you may expect the walkthrough is also quite long.
There are literally hundreds of ways to play through the game. I will go
through the game according to the way I played it, and whenever the chance
arises I will give you alternate ways to do something. I will rarely mention
save points in this walkthrough, but make sure you save as often as you
possibly can, because the thing that sucks most is going through an entire
cave and having to restart because you forgot to save at the save point. So
make sure to save often! It may seem like common sense but you would be
surprised to see how many people forget to save!

Enjoy the walkthrough!

4.1 World of Balance --------------------------------------------------

1. Narshe: the very beginning of the game!

ENEMIES: Lobo, Guard, Vomammoth, Were-Rat, Repo Man, Vaporite, Whelk (Boss),
Marshal (Boss)

ITEMS: Elixir, Phoenix Down, Sleeping Bag x2, Tonic, Tincture

LATER ITEMS: Rune Edge, Wall Ring, Sneak Ring, Hyper Wrist, Thief Knife,
Earrings, 5000GP, Elixir

WORLD OF RUIN ITEMS: Ragnarok, Cursed Shield, Moogle Charm

-Pilot the MagiTek armor through the town and into the mineshaft at the back.
-Defeat the Whelk inside the mineshaft.
-Approach the frozen esper, Tritoch.
-Flee into the mine to escape the Narshe guard patrol.
-Meet Locke and the Moogles.
-Battle the Marshal and then flee from Narshe.
-Visit the training center in Narshe.

You start off the game in top of the mountain. Sit through the scene and then
when you can finally move, head through the path (there is only one way to go,
anyways!), fighting the soldiers and dogs that attack you along the way. It is
definitely a good way to get used to the battle system of the game early on in
the game. Once you head all the way north into the top of the town, head
inside the mines.

Once you are inside the mines, get to the Save Point on the left-hand side and
save your game. It is important you do that because you are fighting a boss
soon. After saving your game, continue straight up until Terra moves ahead of
the other two soldiers. Watch the scene and then one of the Imperial Soldiers
will open the gate, which blocks access to the frozen Esper. It is now time to
fight the first boss of the game, Whelk.

This character is not that tough if you are careful. There are two parts to
the Whelk: the head and the shell. The Whelk's shell can absorb damage and
redirect it back at your party. The Whelk's head is its weak spot, so you will
only want to attack its head. When it dies, the rest of the monster dies with
it. Take things nice and slow in this battle, and attack the head with one
character at a time. Eventually, the Whelk will pull in its head into its
shell without warning. When this occurs, any attacks directed at its head
instead target its shell. Accidentally hitting the shell is not that big of a
deal, because you can quickly heal your party using the MagiTek's Heal Force
ability. However, if you have already committed your entire party to attacking
the head when the Whelk retreats into its shell, you will be lucky to survive
the flurry of three Mega Volt counterattacks. You can avoid this by attacking
the Whelk with one character at a time. Also, do not enter any new commands
until the last character's attack is finished.

After defeating the Whelk, you do not have to worry about going back to save,
because the next part of the game is just a scene featuring the Esper,
Tritoch, and the characters Vicks and Wedge. Vicks and Wedge are thrust away,
and Terra is attracted to the Esper (no, not in that way!). Now Terra is

You wake up in the single returner's house. He will show you the Slave Crown.
Make sure to head to the lower left-hand corner of the house, as the clock
houses an Elixir. Go out through the back and head into the mines, ignore the
soldiers along the way. There is a save point once you get inside the mines,
make sure to save there, because a tough part is coming up. Head north,
collecting the item along the way, and that is when you will be cornered by
the Imperial Guards. The ground breaks and you fall unconscious into the lower

Now, Locke and his moogles come along, and you have to clear out a section of
soldiers that approach you. I just say take the weakest party first, then the
next strongest. You should clear out most of the soldiers with those two
groups alone. I advise taking Locke's group of moogles along for the boss
battle with the Commander, as he is the hardest of the soldiers, so you will
want Locke and his power/abilities.

After completing this, Locke takes Terra outside, showing her a secret along
the way. Head into the Training Center if you want for some free information,
healing, and strategies, if you need it. After doing that, head outside
Narshe. Say goodbye, because you will not be coming back for a while. Head
south to Figaro Castle.

2. Overworld and Figaro Castle

ENEMIES: Leafer, Dark Wind, Sand Ray, Areneod, M-Tek Armor

ITEMS: Phoenix Down, Soft, Tonic, Antidote

-Enter Figaro Castle and speak with King Edgar.
-Find the Matron in the west wing and speak with her.
-Return to the throne room and speak with Edgar.
-Have Edgar speak with Kefka and his guards.
-Speak with Locke and then have Terra follow him.
-Talk to Kefka and then speak with the soldier waiting above.
-Head southeast to a cave leading to South Figaro.

Once you are inside Figaro Castle, you will meet up with King Edgar, who will
become a member of your party soon. Name him and then he will tell you that he
must do something, so rest in the beds. I would head outside at this point and
gain some levels in the desert, just use Terra's fire spell to win the battles
easily. You can always come back to the castle to rest if you are seriously

When you are ready, talk with the Matron in the west wing. After doing this,
return to the throne room and speak with King Edgar. You can buy tools now, so
get them all and go down to speak with Kefka. He will make some demands and
then leaves. Get all the chests, do some shopping, then save your game. Now go
to the right hand tower and sleep in the room. During the night, the Empire
will attack the Castle.

The party escapes via Chocobos and are attacked by MagiTek Guards. These guys
are simple, use magic with Terra for a funny scene. You will end up seeing
this scene the first time you use magic, though. Next, head to South Figaro
through the cave to the southeast.

3. Figaro Area Cave

ENEMIES: Hornet, Crawly, Bleary

ITEMS: Tincture x2, Phoenix Down, Recovery Spring (place, not item)

-Use the recovery spring to heal your party.
-Exit the cave and head southeast to South Figaro.

Here are some basic tips to this cave.
-There is a recovery spring just inside the cave. If you visited the
Beginner's Hall in Narshe, then you already know about these. Stop in the
middle of the spring and your entire party will be healed, plus their MP will
be restored. There is no limit to how many times you can use the recovery

-Thanks to Edgar's Noise Blaster, it is easy to stock up on healing items
while venturing through the cave. Use the Noise Blaster to confuse the
enemies, and then have Locke steal from them. If an enemy recovers, you can
eliminate them or use the Noise Blaster again. Also, take note that Edgar's
Auto Crossbow is great for eliminating the large groups of enemies that often
appear inside the cave.

-The chests inside the cave contain some very basic items that come in handy.
If, however, you are willing to hold off on opening the chest until later in
the game (I will tell you exactly when later when you get to that point of the
game), you can receive better items, such as a Thunder Rod or X-Potion.

-Here is a quick walkthrough through the cave, although it is pretty simple to
figure out, anyway. Enter the cave and head north to the recovery spring.
After leveling up here, head to the door on the right. Head to the door on the
upper left hand corner and head over to get the chest containing a Tincture.
Exit and go over to the right hand side of this room to get a chest containing
another Tincture. Head all the way over to the left if you really need a
Phoenix Down, otherwise save the chest for later. Head up the door in the
middle of the lower section of the cave to enter another door, which leads to
the exit of the cave. Now head over to South Figaro.

4. South Figaro

ENEMIES: Rhodox, Rhintaur, Grease Monkey

ITEMS: Tonic x3, Soft, Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Warp Stone, Phoenix
Down, Hyper Wrist, Running Shoes, 500 GP, 1000 GP, 1500 GP, Tincture, Elixir

LATER ITEMS: Elixir, Iron Armor, Heavy Shield, Regal Cutlass, X-Potion,
Ether, Earrings

-Meet the mysterious ninja, Shadow, at the Pub.
-Go to Duncan's House and speak to his wife to learn about Mt. Kolts.
-Sneak into Owzer's secret basement and take everything you can find.

Make sure to check out all the crates, pots, and boxes here, because a lot of
them contain basic items that could prove to be very valuable. In this town,
you will find out about Duncan, Vargas, and Sabin. Head outside the town and
head northeast to Sabin's house. Here you can rest for free (mumbles something
about a good place to level up). When you leave his house, talk to the old man
outside to learn that Sabin is in Mt. Kolts. Had back to South Figaro, buy
some Antidotes and Eyedrops for the battles on Mt. Kolts, then head northeast
to the Mountain.

5. Mount Kolts

ENEMIES: Brawler, Trillium, Tusker, Cipius, Ipooh, Vargas (Boss)

ITEMS: Tonic (Sabin's Hut), Guardian, Atlas Armlet, Tent x2

-Head northeast to Mt. Kolts.
-Follow the shadowed figure across the mountain.
-Battle Vargas and the Ipoohs.
-Meet Sabin and equip him once he joins the party.
-Continue over Mt. Kolts and head north to the Returners' Hideout.
-Visit Sabin's hut (north of South Figaro) to rest for free.

Here is a hint real quick before I take you through the walkthrough of this
place. There are Brawlers all over Mt. Kolts. These tough fighters carry
Bandanas, which Locke can steal from them. Try to get a few of them, because
they are slightly better armor than the Plumed Hats you can purchase in South
Figaro. Also, keep in mind that you can sell any extra Bandanas for additional

Now here is the walkthrough of this place. You start off by going north
through the hole. Now head up the stairs and go southeast through the next
hole. From here, head east to go through the next hole, then head south and go
through the hole to get the Guardian. Head back in and go north until you find
the bridge. Head east and keep on pushing through the wall until you head
through it, and head through the hole. Here you will find a chest containing
the Atlas Armlet.

Head south through the hole and go back to the bridge. This time, head up the
bridge and head through the hole. Go northeast, around the bend, and go
through that hole. Go through the first hole you see and then go south through
that hole to get a Tent. Go back up two and go left through the next hole.
Head right through the bridges and go through the hole. Save your game here
then head out, go around the loop until you see Vargas.

Vargas is well protected by the Ipoohs. Use Edgar's Bio Blaster and Terra's
Fire magic to quickly eliminate them so that you can begin attacking Vargas.
You must be prepared to cast Cure at all times, because Vargas' attacks are
very strong. Continue using the Bio Blaster on Vargas and, in a few short
turns, Sabin will jump into battle. To finish the fight, select Sabin's Blitz
command and quickly enter the Pummel command: Left, Right, Left and then press
the X button. If you have difficulty entering the Blitz command, access the
Main Menu and select "Config". While in the Config sub-menu, set the battle
speed to 6. This will give you a bit more time to enter Sabin's Blitz

Sabin becomes a member of your party after the battle with Vargas. Quickly
check his equipment and relics, because you may have useful items for him.
Also, examine Sabin's skills in the main menu and check out his Blitz
commands. Sabin starts with three: Pummel, Aura Bolt, and Suplex. Start
practicing them now.

After you kill Vargas, make your way out of the mountain through the open
doorway Vargas no longer blocks. Now save your game here at the save point. Go
north to find an opening in the mountain. It is on the right, and inside is
the Returner's Hideout.

6. Returner's Hideout

ENEMIES: Rhintaur, Grease Monkey, Rhodox

ITEMS: Phoenix Down x2, Antidote, Tincture, True Knight, Air Lancet, White
Green Cherry, Potion

-Enter the Returners' Hideout and speak with Banon.
-Talk to everyone inside the Hideout and collect all items.
-Return to the Hideout's entrance and answer Banon's request.
-Hurry to the raft and hop onboard.

After entering, follow the guard around until you get to Banon's room. After
talking to him, head up to the treasure room in the northwest corner and loot
everything there. Make sure to go through the hidden passage in the right wall
of this and go through the invisible path to get the White Cape relic. After
doing this, you can walk around and stop at the inn or buy stuff if you want.

Then head outside where Banon is waiting. First, tell him "no" then go back
inside and the man in the storage room will give you a Genji Glove. If you say
"no" to him three times you will view a scene and the guard will end up giving
you the Genji Glove, anyway. If you go to Banon and tell him "yes" without
getting the Genji Glove from the guy in the storage room, Banon will give you
the Gauntlet. Locke will split from the party to scope out South Figaro after
the Empire invades. Banon joins you and you head for the raft on the Lete

7. Lete River

ENEMIES: Nautloid, Exocite, Pterodon, Ultros (Boss)

ITEMS: none

-Direct the raft down the river
-Keep Banon from being K.O.'ed during battles
-Defeat Ultros the Octopus
-Choose which character's adventure to follow

There is not much here I can do in terms of a walkthrough so I will give you
some basic tips to help you along the way, just choose the right path and you
will get to Ultros soon enough.

The Lete River is a twisting mess of channels. Your goal is to figure out the
path to the end. Each time the raft stops, choose one of the listed
directions. If you choose poorly, you get returned to a point you have
previously passed, which forces you into additional encounters. Also note that
there are two save points along the way.

You can easily boost your characters' levels near the beginning of the river.
At the first Save Point, go into the sub-menu. Go to "Cmd., Set" select
"Short" and press the X button. You can now place Banon's health spell in
place of the fight command. This means that he will cast his health spell
every turn. Back on the river, select to go up the river at the first
intersection and then tape down the X button and tape the D-Pad in the up
position. The raft will then circle the area and your characters will fight
and heal automatically. Leave the game running in this fashion over night, and
the next day you will find that your character's level has increased

If Banon gets K.O.'ed at any time during your trip down the river, you will be
forced to start over from the Returner's Hideout or wherever you last saved on
the river. To prevent this from occurring, make good use of Banon's Health
skill, which heals the entire party without using MP. Also, conserve Terra's
MP to heal Banon if his HP gets too low. Edgar's Noise Blaster comes in handy
by turning away enemy attacks from Banon and the rest of the party. Make sure
you stick Banon in the back row. This will offer him a bit more protection,
which is worth it although it cuts down on the power of his attack.

After a while, you will find the boss, Ultros.

I had a lot of trouble with this guy. Ultros is a very tough Boss due to its
strong attacks. In fact, protecting Banon during this battle is not always
possible, because one of those Tentacle attacks from Ultros can easily knock
Banon dead. And if Banon dies, you will have to start over. So, expect to die
a couple of times before finally defeating him. Have Sabin use Pummel (Left,
Right, Left, and X) and have Terra use Fire magic. Both attacks will cause 300
points-plus of damage each time. If you have the Genji Glove, make sure it is
equipped on Edgar. With two swords, even the King of Figaro Castle can cause
about 300 points of damage each turn. Leave most of the healing up to Banon's
Health skill, but be prepared to use Terra's Cure magic if you have to and
encounter trouble.

--------------------------------SEPARATE QUESTS-------------------------------
- After the battle with Ultros, you must choose which character (s) you will
- control next. You will eventually take all three groups through their
- adventures, so pick your favorite character and enjoy.

Edgar, Terra, and Banon - go to #8
Locke - go to #9
Sabin - go to #11

8. Edgar, Terra, and Banon's Quest (Narshe)

ENEMIES: 1st Class, Wild Rat, Dark Side, Repo Man, Vaporite, Spectre, Rinn

ITEMS: Rune Edge (Chest in Moogle's Lair)

-Continue down the Lete River until the raft reaches the coast.
-Head northwest to Narshe.
-Use the secret door from earlier to get into the mines.
-Follow the star through the security checkpoint room.
-Find Arvis' house and speak with him.

Because of Terra's bad reuptation in Narshe, you will not be able to stroll
through the front gate. Instead, you must use Locke's secret door next to the
Training Center to get into the Narshe Mines. Before you go, you may want to
use the recovery water inside the Training Center to restore your party's HP
and MP.

You are now in the mines. There is a security point here, though. As you enter
this room, you will see a white star that resembles a Save Point. Watch the
star takes through the room, which is the only safe route. Follow the star's
path exactly to reach the opposite side, if you do not you will have to go
through a battle and then start over from the beginning.

NOTE: If you go the wrong way, a chain of light surrounds your party. When
caught, you can avoid going into battle if you "tag", press the X button, the
gold link in the light-chain that surrounds the party. If you manage to touch
the gold light, the chain is broken and your party can move on without
fighting or starting over.

This quest is over once you speak with Arvis. You will either get the chance
to choose from any remaining quests, or the story will pick up with all the
characters congregating in Narshe.

Locke - go to #9
Sabin - go to #11
Complete - go to #19

9. Locke's Quest (South Figaro)

ENEMIES: Merchant, Officer, Heavy Armor, Vector Pup, Commander

ITEMS: Elixir (Clock in secret passage), Iron Armor, Heavy Shield, Regal
Cutlass, X-Potion, Ribbon, Ether, Earrings

-Equip Locke with armor, weapons, and relics.
-Steal the clothes from the merchant in the Item Shop.
-Use the merchant's clothes to pass through the old man's house.
-Steal the clothes from the Officer on the upper level.
-Speak with the solider in town and go into the Pub.
-Steal the clothes and cider from the merchant below the Pub.
-Deliver the cider to the old man.
-Talk to the old man's grandson and choose the password "Courage".
-Enter the secret passage to Owzer's house.
-Go to Owzer's room and enter the secret passage behind the bookcase.
-Find Celes in the first room.
-Free Celes and steal the guard's Clock Key.
-Equip Celes with armor, relics, and weapons.
-Use the Clock Key to wind the stopped clock in the basement.
-Find your way through the secret section of the basement and escape from
-Head for the cave northwest of Narshe.

Locke is alone in South Figaro. This is a long scenario, it may seem, but it
is actually quite easy and profitable. First, equip Locke with weapons, armor,
and relics. Find the save point in the basement of your house you start off
right next to. Then go to the Item Shop. Find the merchant and fight him.
During the battle, select the "Steal" command and you will steal the clothes
off of him. Sometimes you can get a Guardian Knife off of this guy, as well,
but you are really looking for the clothes here.

Now Locke looks like a Merchant. Go over to the old man's house and now you
can pass through because you look like a Merchant. Now go to the basement of
café, after you buy whatever you want to buy. Inside, fight another soldier,
and steal his clothes, too. Steal his Cider from the table, and go back to the
old man's house. Give the old man his cider. Then go back downstairs and talk
to the grandson. Give him the password "Courage" and he will allow you to
pass. He will open a passage for you now.

This passage will lead to Owzer's house. Walk across his beds here and behind
the bookshelf. Take the stairs down, and when offered to change clothes, it
really does not matter which one you choose. I can tell you about a secret
here, as well. Go straight down from the place where the game asks if you want
to change clothes or not. Then go down the hidden steps inside the wall you
are in. Thanks to Shadow Fighter and his guide for this tip, as my damn
strategy guide did not mention this secret. You get Running Shoes here.

Now, go back up the stairs and then go to the first door on the right. Watch
the scene then go into the room. Release Celes then steal the Clock Key from
the sleeping soldier. Equip Celes as necessary and then go out and one door to
the right. A save point is here, so save your game. Head to the last door on
the right and go through this next section. It is a small maze of winding
hills and hidden passages. Here is a quick walkthrough of it.

Head right and go through the passage. On the other side, get the Iron Armor
and then head through the northern passage. Head up here and head right,
through the passage. Go down and right to get the two chests, containing Heavy
Shield and Regal Cutlass. Head up and left and then head south through the
passage. About halfway down, head left, about halfway across head down to go
through the secret stairs. Get the X-Potion, Ribbon, and Ether (all the way in
the south) and head up, back through the stairs. Go up the passage, then
right, then down. Go all the way down, then left. Get the earrings, and head
all the way right to go through the escape route.

10. Locke's Quest, continued (Figaro Area Cave)

ENEMIES: Primorde, Gold Bear


-Enter the cave and head for the recovery spring.
-Battle Tunnel Armor.

Did you leave the treasure chests unopened the first time you came through
this area? If so, it is time to collect. Most of the chests will now contain
much better items than they did earlier. Proof that good things come to those
who wait!

Head to the Recovery Spring and exit the mine to face the boss, Tunnel Armor.

This is an easy battle if you follow Celes' advice. Each turn, have her use
her Runic Blade, which will absorb Tunnel Armor's powerful magic attacks.
Locke can then steal from the boss, and slowly pick away at its defenses. If
the party needs to heal, have Locke use Tonics or Potions, but do not stop
using Celes' Runic Blade.

NOW WHAT? After defeating Tunnel Armor, Locke and Celes will exit the mine on
their own. You are now prompted to choose your next adventure.

Terra, Edgar, and Banon - go to #8
Sabin - go to #11
Complete - go to #19

11. Sabin's Quest (House on the Veldt)



-Go to the house near Sabin's starting point.
-Speak with Shadow and have him join your party.
-Talk to the Aged Man (Gau's Father) inside the house.
-Head south-southeast to the Imperial Camp.

You start off at the base of a river. Head east and go into the house, which
turns out to be Gau's father's house. Talk to Shadow and have him join you.
Head outside and talk to the merchant and purchase 99 Shuriken for Shadow to
use during the battle. Then head inside his house and talk to Gau's father.
Rest in his bed if you like, then head outside and head south until you reach
the patch of desert near the bridge, which is the Imperial Camp. Save before
entering it.

12. Sabin's Quest (Imperial Base vs. Doma Castle)

ENEMIES: Soldier, Leader, Doberma, Templar, Grunt, Cadet, M-Tek Armor, Kefka,

ITEMS: Star Pendant, Mythril Glove, Green Beret

-Hide behind the wall and listen to the soldiers. (As Cyan)
-Challenge the Commander of the Imperial Forces to a battle. (As Shadow and
-Sneak through the camp and listen to General Leo's conversation.
-Battle Kefka and chase him through the camp. (As Cyan)
-Find the King of Doma Castle.
-Search the room to the right of the throne room. (As Shadow and Sabin)
-Assist Cyan with defeating the Imperial forces.
-Use the Magi Tek Armor to escape the camp.
-Head for the forest to the south.

Once you are inside the Imperial Base, listen to the soldiers for a little bit
and when they are done talking, go into the tents to the left and right. The
tent on the left does not have anything in it, but the tent on the right has a
treasure chest. When you approach the treasure chest, you have one of two
choices. If you choose "Kick It" you can avoid the sentry dog and avoid a
battle. Now head out of the tent and head down the path.

Watch the scene involving Kefka. He seems to be up to no good. Then watch
another scene, this time involving Doma Castle. When you are Cyan, simply
attack the Commander. If you use the Sword Tech "Retort" you can kill him in
one hit, which makes the battle very simple. Then the camera view goes back to
the Imperial Base, with Shadow and Sabin. Keep hitting Kefka in each battle,
you have to do this a few times so don't worry too much about it. Fight the
soldier, but it is too late. Kefka, like the bastard that he is, has poisoned
Doma Castle!

The camera switches back here again, and as Cyan, you will see the King die.
Head to the basement and get the Remedy from the pot near the dead soldier.
Then go to the upper right door on the floor above, in the same area where you
saw the King die. Watch the little scenario there, then head back to Imperial
Base, this time with Cyan. Walk up and talk to Cyan to help him fend off the
soldiers. Then you will hop onto that Magi Tek armor, as it saves you again.
Leave the Base the same way you came in, you will ditch the armor at the end.

13. Sabin's Quest (The Phantom Forest)

ENEMIES: Ghost, Polium


-Enter Phantom Forest east of Doma Castle.
-Find your way through the forest to the Train Station.
-Board the Phantom Train.

This side perspective may seem odd at first, but it is not that tough to
follow. Just head to the right and look for passages in the background and
foreground. It is possible to get turned around if you take the one wrong
path, which drops you off near the entrance. Do not worry, though, because
there is a recovery spring here, so you can afford to explore. I would
recommend leveling up here if you can, although the ghosts do not give much
experience points at victory, at all.

From the entrance of the Phantom Forest, follow the path right to the end. Go
up into the next screen to find the Recovery Spring. Go right to the end and
go down into the next screen. Go right and then up into the next screen. Walk
right and take the first path up to reach the Phantom Train station.

14. Sabin's Quest (The Phantom Train)

ENEMIES: Whisper, Hazer, Bomb, Still Going, Over-Mind, Specter, Phantom Train

ITEMS: Earrings, Monster-on-a-Box, Hyper Wrist, Phoenix Down x2, Sniper Sight

-Try to exit the train the way you entered.
-Go to the caboose and save your game.
-Enter the fourth car and fight your way out.
-Climb the fourth car and jump to the fifth car.
-Enter the sixth car and detach the other cars by flipping the yellow switch.
-Flip the yellow switch again to enter the sixth car.
-Take a break in the dining car.
-Throw the two switches inside the engine's cabin and then the one on the
-Battle the Phantom Train.
-Try to speak to Cyan and then leave the forest.
-Continue through the mountains to Barren Falls.

Hop aboard the train, and watch the scene. The party decides there has to be a
way out, so try to exit the train the way you entered. Then they will realize
that there is no way out, so you have to go through the train. Go to the
caboose and save your game. Talk to the ghost inside the caboose and he will
join your party. There are two things you should know about Ghosts. First,
their Possess attack will completely eliminate an enemy. Unfortunately, it
also eliminates the Ghost, so do not use it unless you do not mind losing your
friend. Second, Ghosts take damage from healing items, so healing a Ghost
during battle is impossible. However, healing items work normally on Ghosts
outside of battle.

Now, head left and enter the fourth car. A spirit will lock you in the fourth
car. Defeat the spook and you will be placed outside, but your situation will
not improve. Climb the ladder on the side of the car and make a daring leap to
the sixth car. To leave the evil spirits behind, enter the sixth car and throw
the yellow switch on the wall. This detaches the other cars from the train.
Flipping the yellow switch again will enable you to enter the sixth car.

If you stop at the middle table of the dining car, you will be treated to a
free meal, which restore your party's HP and MP. Different party leaders give
different reactions. After doing this, head out and around to the other side
of the car to get the Earrings relic. Go left some more. Fight Ziegfried if
you want, he is a pushover but he steals the item from the chest after he
wins, anyway.

Keep heading left, save your game, then head left to the last car, the engine.
When you reach the engine, inspect the top left corner of the room to find
instructions on how to stop the train. The note tells you how to shut off the
first and third switches on the wall, and then it says to throw a switch near
the engine's smokestack outside. Doing so throws you into a battle with the
Phantom Train.

This boss is not that tough, but it has some powerful attacks. Acid Rain is
the worst of them all, because it causes about 150 points of damage to each
party member and it causes them to have HP-draining seizures. Have Sabin use
either the Aura Bolt or Pummel Blitz, have Shadow toss Shuriken, and make Cyan
use the Level 1 Sword Tech. Using these three attacks, the Phantom Train will
not last long. For a quick fight, because the Phantom Train is an undead
enemy, you can use a Phoenix Down on it to destroy it with one shot.

Now, Cyan's family departs on the Phantom Train. This is a pretty sad scene,
one of the saddest in the game. Talk to Cyan to make the scene go forward. You
will now leave the Phantom Forest. Head south, then east, then north through
the mountains until you get to Barren Falls.

15. Sabin's Quest (Barren Falls)

ENEMIES: Piranha, Rizopas (Boss)


-Walk to the edge of Barren Falls and bid farewell to Shadow.
-Walk to the edge again and jump off.
-Battle the Piranhas until Rizopas appears.
-Defeat Rizopas to reach the Veldt.
-Head east-southeast across the Veldt to Mobliz.

When you reach Barren Falls, Shadow will leave your party. There is a chance
he may even leave before that point after a battle. Either way, there is
nothing you can do to get him back for now, so do not try to do anything to
get him back. Instead, jump off the edge of Barren Falls.

After jumping off of Barren Falls, you are forced to fight 10 to 12 Piranhas
in succession. After eliminating them, an even more powerful creature,
Rizopas, will appear. This creature lacks a lot of HP, however, it does have
an extremely powerful attack called El Nino that causes about 250-300 points
worth of damage to both Sabin and Cyan. Use Blitz attacks and the Level 1
Sword Tech when possible, but keep both characters' HP high by using Potions
or Tonics.

You first meet Gau when you arrive at the Veldt, but he quickly disappears. As
you make your way to Mobliz, you are bound to run into Gau a few times. He
will beg for food, but you do not have anything to offer him. Attack him and
he will run away.

16. Sabin's Quest (Mobliz)

ENEMIES: All of the regular enemies in the game


-Talk to the townsfolk to learn about Gau and the Diving Helmet.
-Purchase Dried Meat from the Item Shop.
-Explore the Veldt and find Gau.
-Give Gau the Dried Meat to get him to join your party.
-Take Gau to Mt. Crescent Cave and the Serpent Trench, located to the
of Mobliz.
-(Optional) Mail the letter for the wounded soldier in Mobliz.

When you first enter the town, before doing anything else, make sure to talk
to everyone in the town. After speaking with everyone in the town, you will
learn two things. First, the wild child, Gau, likes Dried Meat. One villager
mentions throwing Dried Meat into a pack of animals once, which caused Gau to
appear. Second, you will hear of the Serpent Trench, which can take you to a
town known as Nikeah. Unfortunately, you need an underwater breathing device
that was recently stolen from Mobliz.

After talking with everyone, you should do three things. First, buy weapons
and armor for your characters at the Shops. Then equip your characters with
these weapons and armor. After doing this, buy one or two Dried Meats to feed
Gau (these Dried Meats restore 150 HP per character, by the way). Next, there
is a way to get the Tintinabar relic in this town. First, talk to the injured
soldier. Then go into the delivery house. Send the item. Then go to the shop
at the top of the town. Choose buy then exit the menu. Go back to the
soldier's house and read the new letter. Do this about 6 times and he will
give you the Tintinabar Relic (restores a character's HP while walking)
instead of just a letter.

There is a way to avoid the inn in this town. The Inn at Mobliz is not cheap.
Instead of wasting 100 GP to rest there, go to the Relic Shop at the back of
the town. There is a bed in the back that you can sleep in for free.

Now return to the Veldt, and save your game progress. After a battle, you will
eventually meet up with Gau. Instead of attacking him, you now can feed him,
so select the Dried Meat from your item inventory and use it on Gau. The
hungry wild child will gobble down the food and join your party in
appreciation of the kind act.

Gau has a skill that enables him to learn the attacks of creatures found in
the Veldt. This is the only area in the world where Gau can learn these
attacks, and once he learns them, they can be used at any time during battle
anywhere in the world.

Teaching Gau a new attack is simple, but time confusing. Wander the Veldt
until you get into a battle. Have Gau "Leap" into an enemy(ies) you want to
learn from. The battle will end, and Gau will no longer be in your party.
Continue fighting on the Veldt, and Gau will eventually reappear with a new
"Rage" skill.

Gau learns skills from the enemies he disappears with, and from any enemies in
the battle in which he reappears. You can use a skill by selecting Gau's Rage
skill in battle, and then choose one of the monsters listed. Once Gau goes
into Rage mode, you lose complete control of him. He will continue to use the
selected beast's attack until the battle ends.

17. Sabin's Quest (Mount Crescent and Serpent Trench)

ENEMIES: Actaneon, Anguiform, Aspik

ITEMS: Elixir, Diving Helmet, X-Potion, Green Beret

-With Gau, head southwest from Mobliz to find Mt. Crescent Cave
-Explore the area to find the Diving Helmet.
-Hop into the Serpent Trench and steer your way through the murky waters.
-Arrive at the town of Nikeah.

Head south until you reach Mount Crescent. Head in. From the entrance of this
place, head up and all the way to the left. Search inside the hole for an
Elixir. Head up and right, do not go to the northwest unless you want to lose
500 GP. Follow the path around until Gau finds something shiny. Guess what
that is? He gives it to you, so now you can conquer Serpent Trench. That is
south of here, by the way. Go down and jump off the side. You are now in
Serpent Trench.

The Serpent Trench is full of monsters, so be prepared to fight. Watch out for
Anguiforms. Their Aqua Rake attack can easily knock out injured characters.
Make sure you heal your party members in any cave you find. As you travel,
always take the right path when given a choice. There are a couple of caves to
the right that have some useful items. Caves also provide the only opportunity
for you to heal your characters in between battles. When you finally leave the
Trench, you will end up in Nikeah.

18. Sabin's Quest (Nikeah)


ITEMS: Elixir

-Visit Nikeah's shops.
-Talk to the boat's captain and travel to South Figaro.

There is not much to do in this town except shop. You should definitely
purchase armor, because there are a lot of new items to find. Do not neglect
to buy for people who are not in your party yet. They will need new equipment
soon. Also, stop by the local Pub. There is a funny scene inside between Cyan
and a dancing girl. When finished shopping, speak to the captain of the boat
docked at Nikeah. He will give you a ride to South Figaro. After you set sail,
Sabin's quest is essentially finished. After a short conversation, you are
prompted to choose your next scenario, or you will be in Narshe if you have
completed the other two scenarios.

Terra, Edgar, and Banon - go to #8
Locke - go to #9
Complete - go to #19


19. Narshe (Kefka's Assault)

ENEMIES: Trooper, Bounty Man, Heavy Armor, Fidor, Rider

ITEMS: Elixir (Clock in Elder's House), Wall Ring (Chest in Old Man's House),
Sneak Ring (Chest in Old Man's House), Hyper Wrist (Chest in Old Man's House),
Thief Knife (Chest in Old Man's House), Earrings (Chest in Old Man's House),
5000 GP (Chest in Old Man's House), Sleeping Bag (Training Center), Tincture
(Training Center), Tonic (Training Center)

-Update everyone's equipment and choose your battle parties.
-Fight your way through Kefka's troops while protecting Banon.
-Challenge Kefka to a battle.
-Meet the frozen Esper.
-Explore Narshe and then head to Figaro Castle.

Once everyone has reached Narshe safely, it is time for a decisive battle.
Save at the save point at top of the mountains. You can split up the party in
one of two ways: balance or power. With a balanced party, you can have a main
group of three characters and two guard groups with two characters apiece. A
power group focuses on a main group of four, and two guard groups with the
remaining three characters.

Either way, place your guard troops at the end of the trails so that the enemy
cannot get past without fighting. Send the main group out to plow through the
onslaught and onto Kefka.

You do not need to defeat all of Kefka's army, so a power group can easily
blast through while fighting a minimal amount of battles. Also, keep in mind
that you can heal between battles. Do not send a weak party against Kefka or
the last of Kefka's guards.

Kefka is not very tough, but he does have some powerful magic. Ideally, you
will have Celes in the party for this battle. Her Runic blade can absorb
Kefka's magic, which makes him much less threatening. Use powerful attacks
like magic, Sword Techs, Blitz attacks, and Tools to really hurt Kefka. It
helps a lot to have Cyan at Level 15. His Level 4 Sword Tech, Quadra Slam,
causes closes to 1000 points of damage.

You have won the battle and will now regroup at Narshe. De-equip all the guys
you won't take with you, then take three characters in your party (so you can
have Shadow). I recommend taking Locke, Edgar, and Sabin. Once again, you will
find a lot of new items in the shops around town. Make sure you buy only what
you can afford. The Inn is very expensive, however, you can cheat the
Innkeeper out of his money by sleeping in the back room of the weapon shop.

Also, there is always the recovery water in the training center. Do not miss
out on all of the free items. Head to the southwest house to get a bunch of
free stuff, including the Thief Knife. There is one locked chest you cannot
open yet, so do not worry about it right now. Head out of Narshe and go back
to Figaro Castle, it is in the same place as it was before.

20. Overworld and Figaro Castle

ENEMIES: Leafer, Dark Wind, Sand Ray, Areneod, M-Tek Armor

ITEMS: none

-Enter the castle and head down to the engine room.
-Ask the old man to take the castle to Kohlingen.
-Leave the castle and head north to find Kohlingen.
-(Optional) Explore the castle with Edgar and Sabin to learn more about their

Upon reaching Figaro Castle, you are supposed to go directly to see the old
man. But stay for a little while, especially if you have Sabin and Edgar in
your party. Explore the castle and take a nap in the castle's chambers. You
can get a 50 percent discount at the shop if Edgar is in your party and is the
leader, so stock up on Items here, get some new Tools here also if you do not
have them yet. Once you are done, go down to the engine room (near entrance,
left hand stairs) and talk to the old man. The castle will submerge and come
out on the other side!

21. Kohlingen

ENEMIES: Fossil Fang, Vulture, Iron Fist, Red Fang, Mind Candy, Over Gunk

ITEMS: Elixir, Green Beret, Hero Ring (Pot in House north of Kohlingen)

-Go to Rachel's house and listen to Locke's story.
-Visit the basement of the house in the northeast corner of town.
-Learn about the flying creature's visit and head south to Jidoor.
-(Optional) Head north from Kohlingen to find a lone house.

Your main purpose in this town is to find out if anyone witnessed the flying
creature. Sure enough, you will find that there are several signs of the
creature's visit. One witness will point you south towards the town of Jidoor,
so that seems to be your next stop. Before heading there, however, you can do
a few things here. Several people in town mention a house to the north. If you
head that way, you will discover a man who dreams of one day owning a
coliseum. You can also find a Relic, the Hero Ring, hidden in a pot.

Back in town, you can also learn more about Locke if you visit two of the
houses. Locke's old flame, Rachel, lived in this town and visiting her home
sparks some painful memories for Locke. There is a hidden chest in the home on
the northeast corner of town. To get it, you must enter through the back door
and then search behind the suit of armor. You will find a Green Beret inside

22. Jidoor


ITEMS: Tincture

-Enter Jidoor and talk to everyone.
-Head north to Zozo.
-(Optional) Go south to the Opera House.

There is some good shopping in Jidoor, but that seems to be about it at the
moment. The Auction House may seem intriguing, but there is nothing going on
there at this point in the game. You will also hear talk of an Opera House to
the south, but for the moment you do not need to go there unless you want to
check it out.

By talking to Jidoor's citizens, you learn that the creature was seen flying
north toward the town of Zozo. Although you do not learn much about Zozo, you
may get the feeling that it is not a very friendly place. Stock up on weapons,
armor, and healing items because you will need them in Zozo. You may want to
consider renting a Chocobo for the long journey north to conserve your party's

23. Zozo

ENEMIES: Hades Gigas, Slam Dancer, Harvester, Gabledegak, Dadaluma (Boss)

ITEMS: Tonic, Thief Glove, Tincture x2, Potion, Fire Knuckle, Chain Saw, X-
Potion, Running Shoes

MAGICITE: Ramuh, Stray, Siren, Kirin

-Go to the inn and inspect the clock.
-Talk to everyone in town to get the correct time.
-Set the Inn's clock to the proper time.
-Get Edgar's Chainsaw.
-Climb the center tower.
-Battle Dadaluma.
-Find Terra at the top of the tower.
-Rejoin your comrades and split into two parties.

Zozo is anything but a friendly town, but what do you expect with the constant
downpour and dark streets? Lying seems to be the only acceptable form of
communication, and thugs fill the streets. Expect to get attacked regularly
while walking around town. Make sure you have saved your game before entering
the town, and consider Zozo to be extremely hostile.

Here is a quick tip about stealing items from enemies in this town. Hades
Gigas: use Edgar's Noise Blaster to confuse this enemy. This gives Locke an
opportunity to steal an Atlas Armlet Relic from the enemy. It also causes the
Hades Gigas to waste its MP by casting Magnitude 8 on itself, which saves your
party a lot of damage. As a general rule you can steal a lot of good items
from the enemies in Zozo, but they also might try to steal from your party, as

Go west from the moment you enter the town until you reach the Inn. Go inside
the building to be in the clock room. Touch the clock on the wall, and it will
ask you to set the time. After I stumbled along the clues around the town, I
discovered the answer to be 6:10:50. Get the chainsaw and leave. Go south to
the entrance to the big building. Go inside, and begin climbing the steps.
When you reach the dead end, simply go back down one flight, go to the window
to jump across. Then jump to the next building, climb more steps, and then re-
cross the buildings. Go all the way up. Here you will find Dadaluma.

At the top of the tower, you will face the powerful warrior, Dadaluma. This
Boss has powerful physical attacks and uses a variety of support magic. Use
your most powerful attacks, especially Sabin's Blitz skills, Edgar's Chain
Saw, Cyan's Sword Tech, and Celes' Magic if they are in your party. As you
deplete Dadaluma's HP, it will begin to heal itself with Potions and two Iron
Fists will join the battle. If you defeat the Iron Fists, they are quickly
replaced, so you should continue to focus your attacks on Dadaluma. You can
make the Iron Fists work for you instead of against you by using Edgar's Noise
Blaster to confuse them. The Iron Fists are automatically defeated after you
defeat Dadaluma.

You are about to receive your first four Magicite crystals. Magicite is the
remains of a defeated Esper. Each character can equip one Magicite crystal in
the Skills menu. By equipping Magicite, a character can assume the lost
Esper's powers. Over time, the character will learn new spells from the
Esper's Magicite, and will no longer need to have the Magicite equipped to use
the spells. This is accomplished with Magic Points won in battle. Also, while
a character has an Esper equipped, he/she can summon the Esper into battle.
This is very handy, because each Esper has a different attack and some are
more powerful than others.

As your characters learn from Espers, they can trade Magicite crystals so that
everyone can have the same list of spells as everyone else. Note, however,
that it takes a lot of time and effort. Also, some Espers have bonuses
connected to them that characters receive when leveling up. For example,
whenever a character equipped with Ramuh levels up, that character's Stamina
increases by one point. Use these bonuses to help round out your character's
vital statistics.

At the top of the building, you will reach Terra. Approach and Ramuh will
appear. You will read more story, and you get to receive the first shards of
Magicite! Walk back one screen, and you will see the other party members
waiting for you. If you warp out, you will have to climb all the way up the
building to reach them. The reunited party leaves Zozo. Locke, Celes, and two
people of your choosing will go on the mission to beat the Empire. You can go
back to Narshe is you wish to change the party, but please note that Locke and
Celes must remain in your party for now. Head back to Jidoor on foot, and
enter the town.

24. The Opera House

ENEMIES: Sewer Rat, Vermin, Ultros (Boss)

ITEMS: none

-Go to Jidoor and speak with the Impresario at Owser's house.
-Pick up and read the letter left by the Impresario.
-Head south from Jidoor to the Opera House and find the Impresario.
-Go to the dressing room and find the Impresario.
-Go to the dressing room and speak with Celes.
-Read the score and memorize Celes' lines.
-Go onto the stage and perform.
-Return to the dressing room and read Ultros' letter.
-Find the Impresario and warn him of Ultros' plan.
-Rush to the right side of the balcony and throw the right switch.
-Rush back to the left side of the balcony and enter the door leading to the
-Cross the rafters quickly to stop Ultros.

When you reach Jidoor, grab some rest and refill your supplies of items. You
should head outside town and battle until everyone has learned the basic
spells, as they will come in handy for the Opera House. When you have learned
some spells and have refilled your items, head up to the house all the way on
the northern side of Jidoor. Pick up and read the letter left by the
Impresario, then head south from Jidoor until you reach the Opera House.

Go to the dressing room to find the Impresario. Ultros will enter here, and he
reveals a plan that the party does not know about, but oops the silly octopus
dropped his letter! Now head to the dressing room to talk to Celes. Just
remember her lines "Oh my hero...", "I'm the darkness...", and "Must I...".
That's all there is to it. Go out on stage and perform these lines. Now Ultros
gets ready to push the 6 ton weight onto Celes' head, but look it will take
him a few minutes.

Now, Locke can get up and walk around. Head down to the dressing room, before
you get there you will read Ultros' letter. Hurry back to the Impresario and
inform him of this. Run to the right side of the balcony and speak with the
man there. He will tell you to throw the switch on the right side of the wall.
After doing so, race back to the left side of the balcony and head through the
door to the rafters.

To cross the rafters, you must get past a bunch of rats. You can dodge the
rats if you cross any beams at the right time, but running into a rat
initiates a battle. Quickly eliminate any Vermin, and then destroy any
remaining Sewer Rats during a battle. If you destroy the Sewer Rats first, the
Vermin will call in reinforcements. Remember that you only have five minutes,
so you may want to run from battle or use Smoke Bombs to escape if time is

The royal octopus, Ultros, has improved a lot since your last meeting. It now
has magic attacks that can be difficult to overcome. Make sure you have a
supply of Green Cherries and Remedies before the fight begins. You may also
want to equip characters with Relics that prevent Imp and Confused statuses.
This will put a dent in Ultros' battle plan. Ultros will cast two negative
status effects on your party, Imp and Confuse. While "imped", your characters
can still attack, so this effect is not a major deal. However, when confused,
your characters can turn on each other in the worst of ways. Quickly strike a
confused character to snap him/her out of it. Also, make sure you use your new
magic abilities and summon your Espers into battle. The Espers will make this
battle a lot quicker.

Locke will get up to save Celes in the play, but then Setzer comes in with his
airship and takes Celes away! Inside the airship, he leaves her for a moment,
and Celes helps her friends in. Setzer returns and says he will help you, but
under one condition. He wants to marry Celes. The party finds a way out by
using Setzer's gambling addiction against him. They flip a coin, but both
sides are the same. So now you own the Airship.

After gaining control of Setzer's Airship, you will automatically head for
your next destination. Once there, you should jump back onboard the ship and
take advantage of its features. There are other men onboard the Airship. One
will heal your party, another will sell you items, and the last will enable
you to un-equip characters that are not in your current party so you can
redistribute equipment.

25. Albrook

ENEMIES: Giga Toad, Chitonid, Peepers, Gilmantis, Mesosaur, Black Dragon,
Guard, Osprey, Lunaris

ITEMS: Tincture, Elixir, Potion, Warp Stone

-Prepare for the journey to Vector.
-Leave the town and head east to Vector.
-(Optional) Visit the town of Tzen (far to the north) or Maranda (far to the

There is not much to do here except shop, which is fine. Take a moment to
stock up and get your party ready for the battles to come. When you are
finished, you may want to find the far-off towns of Tzen and Maranda.

26. Tzen

ENEMIES: Giga Toad, Chitonid, Peepers, Gilmantis, Mesosaur, Black Dragon,
Guard, Osprey, Lunaris

MAGICITE: Sraphim (purchase for 3,000 GP in World of Balance or 30 GP in World
of Ruin

-Purchase some new items.
-Purchase the Magicite Sraphim.
-Find the hidden Chocobo Stable.

You cannot get the Magicite right now. At this point, all you really want to
do in Tzen is purchase some new items. There are plenty of shops to visit.
Also, there is a hidden Chocobo Stable in the woods to the east of town. You
should rent one if you plan to go to Maranda before heading to Vector.

27. Maranda

ENEMIES: Giga Toad, Chitonid, Peepers, Gilmantis, Mesosaur, Black Dragon,
Guard, Osprey, Lunaris

MAGICITE: Revivify, Remedy

-Visit Laura's house.

Remember the wounded soldier in Mobliz? His lost love is here in Maranda. Make
sure to pay her a visit! There is a hidden Chocobo Stable outside of town.
Search in the southern parts of the woods to the east of Maranda.

28. Vector

ENEMIES: Guard, Garm, Commando, Proto Armor, Pipsqueak, Guardian

ITEMS: none

-Find the Returner Sympathizer.
-Sneak past the guards and into the Magi Tek Factory.

Upon arrival in Vector, you may be in serious need of rest. The Inn offers a
"free" stay, but there is a hidden cost. In the middle of the night, a thief
will steal 1000 GP from the party. Fortunately, you can avoid this. Check out
the smallest house in town. When asked about your allegiance, respond that you
are not loyal to the Empire, which prompts a fight with two Guards. After
defeating them, the house's owner will gladly restore your party's HP and MP
for free.

The entrance to the Imperial Palace is heavily guarded. If a soldier spots
your party, you will be forced into battle. Even if you do get past the
soldiers, you will find the Guardian, a large, seemingly invincible machine
protecting the entrance. Still, this is a great place to build levels and earn
GP if your characters need a level boost.

The Returner Sympathizer is hiding behind some crates near the entrance to the
Magi Tek Factory. Speak with him, and then follow his orders. Climb onto the
box and then sneak past the guards.

29. Magitek Factory

ENEMIES: Garm, Commando, Pipsqueak, Proto Armor, Trapper, General, Ifrit
Shiva (Boss)

ITEMS: Flame Sabre, X-Potion, Tincture, Thunder Blade, Remedy, Dragoon Boots,
Gold Shield, Tent, Gold Armor, Gold Helmet, Blizzard, Zephyr Cape

MAGICITE: Ifrit, Shiva

-Find Kefka and follow the Espers.
-Save your game and battle Ifrit and Shiva.
-Go to the Magitek Research Facility.

There is a lot of stuff in here, so I am going to tell you how to get all of
it in these next two paragraphs. Go down the stairs and go to where the little
hook is moving back and forth. Press A to jump onto it, get the chest and then
jump back across. Now go right and enter the second little pipe that is to the
right of the stairs. Grab the chest then climb back through the pipe and enter
the first pipe. Grab the treasure chest and go across the conveyor belt for
another two treasure chests.

Now get on the conveyor belt to go down a level. Down here you will find five
chests: one on the left side, one on the right side, one through a door just
to the left of where you entered, one at the bottom, and one in a small room
to the east of the room with the gold helmet in it. On the right wall there is
a spot where you can go between two walls to enter a pipe that leads to two
more treasure chests. That is how you get all the treasure chests in here.

When you are ready to fight the two bosses, step onto the conveyor belt to the
right of where the last belt dropped you off. You will see Kefka drop a couple
of Espers onto a conveyor belt. When you can move, follow the Espers. Save in
the room in the upper left hand corner, then head out and talk to the esper on
the left, it is now time to fight the two bosses, Ifrit and Shiva!

Use Ice magic on Ifrit and Fire magic on Shiva. Most physical attacks will not
cause much damage, unless you have equipped your characters with the Flame
Sabre and Blizzard found in the factory. Avoid using the Flame Sabre against
Ifrit, or the Blizzard against Shiva or you will heal them. As the fight goes
on, the two Espers will sense Ramuh's presence and will turn themselves into

Continue by going through the door Shiva was blocking.

30. Magitek Research Facility

ENEMIES: Rhinox, Gobbler, Trapper, Chaser, Mag Roader, 024 (Boss), Number 128
(Boss), Crane (Boss)

ITEMS: Break Blade

MAGICITE: Unicorn, Maduin, Shoat, Phantom, Carbunkl, Bismark

-Find and defeat 024.
-Throw the switch in the Esper containment chamber.
-Follow Cid out of the M.R.F.
-Save your game and then talk to Cid.
-Fight your way out of the M.R.F.
-Run into town until you meet Setzer.
-Destroy Kefka's cranes to release the Airship.

Enter the Facility and head down and all the way to the left. Before you head
up through the door, go to the far left end of the hall. Now go down next to
the holding tank and search around, you will find the Break Blade. Now head up
through the room, at the end of the next room is the first of 3 bosses in this
scenario, 024.

This Boss has a lot of powerful magic attacks and a shifting weakness. At the
start of the battle, use everything you have got against 024. Several turns
later, 024 will use Wall Change to shift its strengths and weaknesses. Use
special attacks like Cyan's Dispatch, Sabin's Pummel blitz, and Edgar's Chain
Saw. You can use Scan magic to take a peak at 024's new weakness, and take
advantage of it if you have the right kind of magic. If you keep your HP up,
this should not be a tough fight.

Now head up and go to the far north wall and press the switch. You will get
six espers: Unicorn, Maduin, Shoat, Phantom, Carbunkl, and Bismark. Kefka will
now come out of nowhere again and Celes zaps herself, Kefka, and his guards
away. Talk to Cid and follow him down, save your game, then ride the rails. As
you travel, Mag Roaders will periodically attack. Eliminate them quickly, and
make sure you keep your party's HP up because you will not get a chance to
heal between battles. As you near the end, Number 128 will challenge you.

This battle can be challenging after fighting so many Mag Roaders. If any
party member's HP is low, immediately use Cure magic or Potions for a boost.
Number 128 is comprised of three parts. The center body is the main target,
and it is also the hardest part to eliminate. You can destroy Number 128's
arms, but they will quickly regenerate. Still, it is worthwhile to destroy its
arms because it reduces the amount of damage the boss can cause to your party
each turn. Use special attacks that target all parts of the boss, such as
Sabin's fire dance. Powerful magic, for example Bolt, works especially well.
If Cyan is in your party, use his Retort Sword Tech to inflict extra damage.

You will now see Setzer, and watch the scene. You will try to escape the city
with the airship but Kefka sends two cranes after you, it is time for another
boss battle!

Kefka's Cranes are deceptively tough. Whatever you do, avoid casting a Bolt
spell on the left crane or a Fire spell on the right crane. Doing so only
powers them up. When a Crane powers up to Level 3, it casts a powerful spell
on your entire party. The Cranes also use other types of powerful magic, and
will occasionally power up each other.

Have one or two characters act as medics by casting Cure or Cure 2 on the
party. Fortunately, you now have Setzer in your party to aid you. Use his Slot
command to attack the enemy. His most common combination, Three Diamonds,
attacks the enemy with the Flash attack. This attack causes around 400 points
of damage to each Crane. You can also cast Fire on the left crane and Bolt on
the right crane. The Level 2 Bolt and Fire spells can cause as much as 1,000
points of damage.

31. Esper World


ITEMS: none

-Return to Zozo with the Espers (automatic)
-As Maduin, find Madonna and take her back to the Elder's home.
-Speak with Madonna.
-Head past the point where Maduin found Madonna, and find Madonna again.
-Speak with the Elder.
-Attempt to leave the Elder's home and speak with the Espers.
-Follow Madonna toward the gate and speak with her.
-Fly to Airship northeast to Narshe.

This is a pretty simple scenario, follow the checklist if you need any
assistance. You shouldn't need any, though, because there are no enemies or
anything to worry about. After doing this scene (Gestahl kills Madonna!), you
now have control of the airship. Now that everyone is back together, you can
change your party around if you like. To change your party, simply speak with
any one of your characters inside the ship. Remember to take the time to equip
Setzer and Terra properly.

There are a few things you can do now that you have an airship at your
disposal. First, you should revisit the town of Tzen. In the northeast corner
of town, there is a thief hiding in the woods. Talk to him, and you can
purchase a Magicite crystal, Sraphim, that he stole from the Magitek Research
Facility after your assault. The price is a little steep (3000 GP), but well
worth it. If you want, you can hold off until later in the game and get the
same piece of Magicite for 30 GP, but that opportunity is a long way off.

You can return to Mobliz and assist the wounded soldier a second time by
sending a letter to his love in Maranda.

The auction house in Jidoor is open for business. Stop by and check out some
of the auctions. You can actually win a couple of Espers at the auction, if
you are willing to pay the price. Come back here regularly.

Figaro Castle now has a new Tool for sale, the Drill. It is not cheap, but you
should definitely pick one up. Just make sure that Edgar is elading your party
so you can get the Drill for half price.

When you are done everything, head over to Narshe.

32. Narshe


ITEMS: none

-Enter Narshe and follow the guard to the Elder's house.
-Board the airship and head to the Imperial Base on the southern continent.
-(Optional) Go to the treasure house and find Lone Wolf.
-(Optional) Chase Lone Wolf through the mines.
-(Optional) Choose to save either Mog or obtain the Golden Hairpin.

Enter the town, and the guard will lead you to Banon. Talk to him, and you
should go to the Imperial Base. But stick around here for a little bit. Due to
the impending war, most of Narshe's shops have received some powerful new
items. Check out every store, and take along lots of GP!

Remember that chest you couldn't open earlier? Return to the treasure house
and check on it. Upon doing so, you will find Lone Wolf, the guy who was
locked up in Figaro Castle's prison, busy tinkering with the locked chest. He
will run away with the treasure, but all is not lost.

Chase the thief through Narshe towards the mines. Inside the mines, take the
first right and follow the path until you catch up with Lone Wolf. Now you
must make a choice. You can either get the treasure, a Gold Hairpin, or you
can save Mog. Gold Hairpins are very, _very_ rare, but Mog will join your
party if you save him. The choice is yours, but who could stomach letting a
little fuzzy guy like Mog fall off a cliff?

If you choose Mog, you can find another Gold Hairpin later in the game. If you
take the item, you will find Mog later in the game, as well. However, you will
benefit more from having Mog now than you will the Gold Hairpin.

33. Cave to the Sealed Gate

ENEMIES: Lich, Apparite, Zombone, Ing, Ninja, Kefka

ITEMS: Assassin, Tempest, Coin Toss, X-Potion, Ether, Genji Glove, Tent,
Elixir, Magicite, Ether, Atma Weapon, Magicite, Magicite

-Land outside the Imperial Base.
-Walk through the Imperial Base and continue on to the cave behind it.
-Make your way through the caved to the sealed Esper Gate.
-Use the "emergency exit" to leave the cave, and return to the airship.
-Walk to the town of Vector.

First you will enter the Imperial Base. If you enter this place and Terra is
not in your party, the guards will kick you out. So make sure to bring her
along with her, and if you do not have her, go get her from the airship! In
the building is a treasure room with a locked chest, you can some back here
soon enough though to unlock it. Make your way through to the other side of
the base and then exit. Head east and you will enter the Cave to the Sealed

In the room after the one with the moving bridges, pull the switch that you
can find on the bridge. The path opens, follow it to get the Genji Glove. Now
go back and take the path to the right. Go up and pull the switch on the left
side. A door opens, enter it, get the chest, and save your game. If you pull
the switch on the right side, you will have to fight Ninja. Pull the switch on
the next bridge and go down to the stairway it makes. Search the ground in the
area that is below the stairway, there are 4 hidden treasures here. This is
what the Ninja refers to after you kick his ass.

Go through the hole after you see the chest and hidden stuff. Step on the two
switches, and go down then left. Step on that switch and a door opens, enter
it to get some treasures. Leave the room and go back to the far right bridge,
then head up. Pull the switch, cross the bridge, then pull yet another switch.
This is fun =). Go up and left across the bridges. There is a chest, which is
really a switch, so push A next to it. Return back to your right. Grab the
chest up the stairs then go down and exit the room. Go up the stairs in the
next room and you are at the Sealed Gate.

Watch the scene and after everything happens, go back through the Imperial
Base, head back to your airship, and head to Vector. Along the way, the Espers
will attack and you lose control of the ship, crashing just outside of
Maranda. Your next stop should be Vector, but that is a long walk from the
crash site. Search the woods northwest of the crash site to find a Chocobo
Stable to rent out a chocobo if you do not feel like fighting your way to

34. Imperial Palace

ENEMIES: Commando, Mega Armor, Special Forces

ITEMS: Gale Hairpin, Revivify, Tincture, Back Guard, Potion, Soldiers

-Head to the Imperial Palace and speak with the Emperor's guard.
-Follow the guard to Gestahl's throne room.
-Search the palace and talk to as many Imperial Soldiers as possible in four
-Join Gestahl and Cid for the banquet.
-Answer Gestahl's questions.
-Battle the Special Forces, and then continue to the banquet.
-Get information on your reward from Gestahl's trooper.
-Go to the Albrook's port and speak with General Leo.
-Spend the night at the Inn.
-Return to the dock and set sail with General Leo.
-(Optional) Return to the Imperial Base and collect your reward.

You have to talk to all the soldiers here. I will tell you how to talk to as
many as possible, since I am not good at maps. First, talk to the two soldiers
outside the throne room. Then go down and talk to the other soldier. Then head
right and go through the door that leads to the long stairwell. Ignore the
first door and keep going. Go up the first set of stairs and head through the
door. Talk to the people there, then go through the door on the bottom,
towards the left.

Talk to the soldier that is standing right there where you are, leave that
area, then climb the steps up. Go out the door, talk to the soldier near you,
go to the top of Vector and talk to the two Magi Tek Armored soldiers (yes,
they count, too.) Go through the door and defeat the soldier. Go back out,
then head down and then left. Before entering the left stairwell, go up and
talk to the soldier if he did not wander down near the door. Go in the door
and talk to the soldier.

Then head down the first and second flights to the first floor. There are a
bunch of soldiers here, so talk to them all. Make sure not to miss the guy
that is lying on the bed. Then head through the upper-left door. Beat the
soldier, then leave the area. Go down the last flight and skip the door at the
bottom, there is nothing in there except treasure chests, and you can always
come back to get those later if you wish. Leave the inside of the palace.
Leave the inside of the palace.

First, take the steps left and talk to the man guarding the steps outside of
the palace. Then talk to the Armored soldier that is furthest to the right.
Talk to the Armored soldier on the left, and you have to fight him. Beat him
and then the banquet will start. During the Banquet, Gestahl will ask you many
questions. Follow the answers listed below to receive the highest score
possible. Also note that when you take a break, you should talk to Gestahl's
soldiers, who challenge you to a battle. Once the battle ends, return to the
banquet room to continue the discussion.


Each guard talked to: 1 point each (24 points total)

Each guard fought: 4 points each (20 points total)

Who to toast?
Empire: 2 points
Returners: 1 point
Hometown: 5 points

About Kefka?
Leave him in jail: 5 points
Let him go: 1 point
Execute him: 3 points

About Doma?
What's done is done: 1 point
That was inexcusable: 5 points
Apologize again!!: 3 points

About Celes?
Was she a spy?: 1 point
Celes is one of us!: 5 points
We trust Celes: 3 points

Any questions?: 2 points each
(-10 points if the same question is asked twice)

About the Espers?
They have gone too far: 5 points
But you unleashed their power!!: 2 points

Which question asked first?
Answer correctly: 5 points
Answer incorrectly: 0 points

Care for Rest?
Take a rest. - 5 points
Keep talking. - 0 points

Anything you would like me to say?
All I want is peace: 3 points
The war is over: 5 points
I am sorry: 1 point

Do me a favor?
Yes: 3 points
No: 0 points

The banquet ends now. You will be stopped by Gestahl's trooper and the party
will be rewarded. What you receive depends upon your final score:

0-39 Points: South Figaro is liberated
40-49 Points: South Figaro and Doma Castle are liberated
50-59 Points: South Figaro and Doma Castle are liberated, and the Imperial
Base's stock room is unlocked.
60-69 Points: South Figaro and Doma Castle are liberated, the Imperial Base's
stock room is unlocked, and the party receives a Tintinabar
70+ Points: South Figaro and Doma Castle are liberated, the Imperial Base's
stock room is unlocked, and the party receives a Tintinabar and Charm Bangle

If Gestahl opens the Imperial Base's supply room for you, go there before you
head to Albrook. There are a lot of rare items and GP waiting for you. Also,
don't forget about South Figaro and Coma Castle. You cannot go there right
now, but later you can get items from both places that you might have missed

Once you get to Albrook, go to the dock and get on the boat. Talk to General
Leo. After you are through there, go to the Inn and take a nap. When you wake
up, return to the ship and talk to Leo and you are on your way.

35. Thamasa and the Burning House

ENEMIES: Balloon, Flame Eater (Boss)

ITEMS: Eyedrop, Phoenix Down, Green Cherry, Soft, Echo Screen, Fire Rod, Ice

-Equip your party and travel northeast to Thamasa.
-Explore the town and observe Thamasa's citizens.
-Meet Strago and Relm.
-Spend the night at the Inn.
-Go to the house in flames and speak with Strago.
-Fight your way through the fire to the Boss, Flame Eater.
-Defeat Flame Eater and save Relm.
-Head for the Espers' Gathering Place set in a cave in the mountains west of

Once your ship lands, follow the light green path and then go out into the
peninsula to get to Thamasa. After talking to Strago, equipping your party
(including buying stuff, hint hint), take a nap at the Inn. He will wake you
up in the middle of the night. His granddaughter Relm is trapped inside a
house that is burning up on fire, so he wants you to help save him save her,
so HE will join YOUR party. Just thought I would make that clear. =)

The burning house is somewhat of a maze but it is not that bad. You will see
lots of small flames dancing on the floors inside of the building. If you get
too close to a flame, you fight Balloons. If this occurs, make sure you equip
Ice Weapons if you have them, such as the Ice Rod, which Strago wields well.
You should also equip Shiva, the Ice Esper, and be prepared to use lots of Ice
magic. Flames are very susceptible to ice attacks. By the way, do not forget
that Strago is new to your party and could use some refitting, such as Relics
and an Esper.

The maze is pretty simple. From the entrance, head up one. Then head up
through the next door. Head over and head through the door on the right hand
side, the one on the left is a trap. The door on the right here has a Fire
Rod, so grab it, but do not equip this. Head out and go through the left door.
The door on the right has an Ice Rod, grab it and equip it if you do not
already have it equipped. Head out, then through the left door. Go up through
the door and it is boss time!

When you reach the back of the house, you will face Flame Eater. This is a
tough Boss because of his strong Fire attacks. Keep up each party member's HP,
and unload on the Boss with Ice magic. Summon Shiva to battle (if sheis
equipped) and she will put a hurting on Flame Eater. Strago's skill is called
Lore, a type of magic learned from enemies in battle. He joins you with a Lore
known as Aqua Rake, which just happens to work really well against Flame
Eater. Use this attack any time the Boss calls on Balloon reinforcements.
Also, watch for Flame Eater to cast Reflect on himself. When this occurs, stop
casting magic on the Boss, if not, the magic will get reflected back at your
party. You can counter this by casting Reflect magic on your own party, and
then bouncing Ice spells off your characters and onto the Boss.

Shadow will save you and then leave again. Relm will be left behind, and
Strago will go with you. Head west to the Espers Gathering Place.

36. Espers Gathering Place

ENEMIES: Slurm, Admancht, Abolisher, Mandrake, Insecare

ITEMS: Heal Rod, X-Potion, Chocobo Suit, Tabby Suit

-Enter the cave and find your way to the Statues.
-Battle Ultros (Boss).
-Meet the Espers.
-Board the Airship.

Enter the place and head up, left, then down to get the treasure chest
containing the Heal Rod. The doors on the left and north are dead ends, so
head to the one on the right. Head up and over through the next door. Head up,
right, and then down. Examine the statues and you have to fight Ultros.

Once again, you must battle the octopus king. This battle is actually easier
than the battle at the Opera House. Use Fire 2 or Fire if that is all that you
have. This should quickly deplete Ultros' health. Near the end of the battle,
Relm will appear. Use her Sketch skill to draw a picture of Ultros, which
attacks the angry octopus. When she uses this ability successfully, which may
take a while, the battle automatically ends.

Ultros realizes he is an octopus and turns soft. There are three holes in the
floor just past the Statues. The hole closest to the stairs leads to the
Espers, while the other two holes lead to valuable treasures. You should get
the treasures before going to the Espers.

When all is said and done, you will end up in the Airship with the option to
lift off or to find the Floating Continent. Before rushing off, you should
collect your rewards from the banquet. There may be treasure at Doma Castle
and South Figaro if you missed it earlier. Also, revisit the auction house in
Jidoor and attempt to get the Zone Seek and Golem Espers if you haven't

37. Floating Continent

ENEMIES: Sky Armor, Spit Fire, Ultros (Boss), Chupon (Boss), Air Force (Laser
Gun and Missile Bay and Speck, Boss), Dragon, Brainpan, Misfit, Apokrypos,
Gigantos (Boss), Behemoth, Ninja, Wirey Dragon, Atma Weapon (Boss), Naughty,

ITEMS: Murasame, Monster-in-a-box, Beret, Elixir

-Go to the airship's deck and choose to "Find the Floating Continent".
-Battle the Imperial Forces until Ultros arrives.
-Defat Ultros and Chupon.
-Destroy the Air Force.
-Land on the Floating Continent and save your game.
-Find your way across the landscape to Atma Weapon.
-Defeat Atma Weapon and then confront Kefka and Gestahl.
-Run to the edge of the continent and wait for Shadow.
-If time is under five seconds, proceed without Shadow.

Pick a party of three and head up to the deck of the airship. Choose "Find the
Floating Continent". As the party heads for the Floating Continent, they are
attacked by the entire Imperial Air Force. You must fight a seemingly never-
ending assault of Sky Armors and Spit Fires until Ultros shows up. The battles
are not difficult, but you will want to heal between them to save time in
battle. Eventually, one of your characters will notice something strange
headed your way. Check the back of the ship to find Ultros, approach him and
the battle will begin.

Ultros is still not very tough, but the crafty octopus has brought along a
friend, Chupon. After landing a few good hits against Ultros, Chupon will join
the battle. Focus your attacks on Chupon or use attacks that hit both enemies.
Chupon uses strong magic, so prepare to heal everyone. Throw a couple of
powerful Level 2 spells at Chupon as well. The battle ends when Chupon blows
your party off the Airship.

As your party falls through the sky, they are attacked by Air Force, the
ultimate Imperial flying machine. This boss has three parts: the main body, a
Laser Gun, and a Missile Launcher. You can target each part of this boss, and
you can destroy the Laser Gun and Missile Launcher separately from the main
body. However, doing so will only cause the Boss to launch a speck, which can
absorb any magic cast during the battle no matter who it is targeted towards.
Specks are not that tough enemies, and you can easily eliminate them if Air
Force launches one. Just do it quickly, because you must rely upon Potions and
Tonics for healing while the Speck is present. Cast Level 2 spells quickly at
all parts of Air Force. This causes damage to the main body and to its other
parts, as well. After eliminating the parts, quickly eliminate any Specks the
boss launches by using physical attacks. You can then finish off the Boss with
powerful Bolt and Fire spells. Do not worry about your MP, you will have a
chance to rest as soon as you reach the Floating Continent.

You will land near a save spot. Save, then see Shadow below. Take him with
you. Go right and you will see a seemingly solid wall, but it is not as solid
as it seems. Just press up against the wall and it will magically open up.
When you come to a blue orb, examine it and you will get the sword Murasame.
Go as far as you can to the right and push along the wall until you find a
path leading to another blue orb. This triggers a battle with the legendary

In one treasure chest you will encounter a monster-in-a-box, however, this is
no ordinary monster. Gigantos is perhaps the most powerful creature you have
fought thus far. It has rapid, powerful attacks that can wipe out the party in
just a few turns! What can you do? This is by far my favorite strategy, but it
is not the only one as it relies on Cyan's presence. Begin the battle by
casting Vanish on your party members, especially Cyan. While your characters
are protected by Vanish, Gigantos cannot hurt them because it does not use
magic. Have Cyan charge his Sword Tech to Level 4, Quadra Slam. Cyan will
attack the giant 4 times, but the Vanish spell will not be broken. This way,
Cyan can stay under cover for the entire fight without becoming vulnerable to
Gigantos' powerful attacks and can single-handedly eliminate the monster. If
you do not have Cyan, you can use a similar strategy, or have one character
attack while another continues to use Vanish on him/her.

When you beat Gigantos, you get the Hardened. Now go back to your left a
little bit until you see a little mark on the upper wall. Press here and a
passage will open up. Go up and step into the center of the square. When you
reappear go down as far as you can and then press up into that little mark on
the wall. Now go right and down, then right again. Follow this path and enter
the transporter. Go down and as far as you can and then go right. Follow this
path until you encounter a fork in the road.

Go right and step on the switch. Go to your right and get the Beret from the
blue orb, then head to the path that opened when you stepped on the switch. Go
down the transporters and save your game at the save spot. The go back up and
enter the transporter. You have a choice of entering the airship again, but
would you want to go through all of that again? Head left and up until you
reach Atma Weapon.

Atma Weapon used extremely powerful magic to wear down your party, and in this
case you cannot reflect it back at the Boss. Instead, you must devote a couple
of your characters to healing your party by using Cure 2, while the other
party members attack. There is a lot of variety to the magic Atma Weapon uses,
but you can count on most of its spells causing somewhere between 200-600
points of damage. On each turn, have your two healers cast Cure 2 on the
entire party whether or not they need it. This will quickly drain their MP, so
it helps if they have the Osmose spell, which takes MP from the boss and gives
it to the person who cast Osmose. This also drains Atma Weapon's MP, which
severely limits its attacks. But with 5000 MP, it takes a long time to
completely drain it. Just keep your two powerhouse characters focused on
attacking with their special skills each turn, and you will be surprised at
how quickly Atma Weapon falls.

Watch the scene then you can control Celes. There is not a lot of ground to
cover between the statues and the Airship, but you do not have a lot of time.
Quickly equip Celes, and run along the path to the Airship. You will face a
lot of enemies along the way, so use physical attacks, especially special
skills like Sabin's or Cyan's. As you go down the stairs near the end, make
sure that you go around the long way!

At the very edge, you will have the option of jumping to the airship or
waiting for Shadow. Wait! If you leave Shadow behind, you will never see him
again. Only go on without him if there is less than five seconds and he is
still not there, or you can reload your game prior to Atma Weapon and try to
get to your airship faster next time. Choose "wait" twice then just sit there,
Shadow will come with five seconds left and jump with you. This is the end of
the World of Balance.

4.2 World of Ruin -----------------------------------------------------

1. Castaways at the Solitary Island

ENEMIES: Peepers, Black Dragon, Earth Guard


-Go to the beach and catch fish for Cid.
-Get Cid's raft and leave the island.
-Once on shore, go west to Albrook.

Here, you are Celes and you need to save Cid. The only way you can nurse Cid
back to health is by eating a certain type of fish found at the beach. The
fish you need to find are the ones that swim really fast, as they are the
yummy ones. Otherwise, do not bother to catch any, as Cid's condition will
only worsen if you give him those fish.

To fish, run Celes to the beach and go as far into the water as possible. When
the super fast fish swims by, press the X button to catch it. Make sure you
grab the correct fish by checking your inventory under Rare items. If you do
not have the yummy fish, you got the wrong one. You can also decide to keep
him alive by feeding him the fish that swim at a medium speed, but be warned
that he will not be alive for wrong if you decide to keep him alive by this

If you go to the beach and there are not any yummy fish, you can go back and
speak to Cid in the shack. This will rest the fish in the water, but it also
will make him a little worse in condition. If you keep on doing this, he will
die, so do this only when you absolutely need to.

If you save Cid (something I never did *sniff*), he will tell you about the
raft and send you on your way to find your friends. If Cid dies, Celes will
eventually find a note from Cid telling her about the raft and instructing her
on how to use it.

2. Albrook

ENEMIES: Chitonid, Peepers, Gilmantis, Mesosaur, Black Dragon, Earth Guard,
Osprey, Lunaris, Giga Toad


-Talk to everyone and learn about the new world.
-Leave town and head north to Tzen.

All you really need to do here is to buy some stuff if needed and then head
north to Tzen. Let me tell you what you can find here.

First, you need some information. Talk to everyone in town to learn a lot
about the state of the world. Kefka's located in a large tower north of
Albrook, and exacts vengeance on anyone who opposes him with something called
the Light of Judgement. You will also hear about some legendary monsters that
have been unleashed on the world. The most notable comment is about something
called Crusader and the eight dragons that guard it.

Also, there is a painter who sold a portrait of Emperor Gestahl to a man named
Owser in Jidoor. Lastly, and most importantly, you will learn that someone
like Celes was here recently looking for friends. Who can it be? A woman tells
you that he is heading north to Tzen, so Tzen is your next destination.

3. Tzen

ENEMIES: Hermit Crab, Pun Stalker, Scorpion

ITEMS: Heal Rod (Chest in Collapsing House), Pearl Rod (Chest in Collapsing
House), Tincture (Chest in Collapsing House), Hyper Wrist (Chest in Collapsing
House), Magicite (Chest in Collapsing House), Drainer (Chest in Collapsing

-Upon arriving, rush to the back of town and find Sabin.
-Enter the collapsing house.
-Find the child.
-Quickly exit the house.
-Equip Sabin and head east to Mobliz.

When you enter this town, head up the stairs. Kefka's Light of Judgement hits
the town and the townspeople go absolutely berserk! Head to the back of the
town, where you will see Sabin holding up a house (damn, is he strong or
what?). He tells you that a little child is trapped in the house, so of course
you should go in and find the child. He can only hold the house up for 6
minutes, however, so you only have 6 minutes to go in, find the child, and get

Before you head in, make sure to prepare yourself. Save outside the town, and
make sure you either have a Ribbon or Jewel Ring relic equipped. That way, the
stone status will not affect you. Some of the enemies in here have the ability
to turn you to stone, and if they connect with it, it is game over, so make
sure to have one of those two relics equipped.

Head into the house and collect the treasure chests as quickly as you can.
There are two treasure chests to avoid, which are the ones in the top left-
hand corner of the second room, and the bottom right hand corner of the room
the child is in. Escape from battles or use your strongest magic spells, find
the child (head up, left, down, left, up to find the child), and get out of
the house as quickly as you possibly can.

When you exit, Sabin will join your party. You can buy some stuff here,
including the Sraphim Esper if you didn't earlier, otherwise head out and head
east to Mobliz. Make sure to equip Sabin properly, and to save your game. You
would not want to go through all of that again.

4. Mobliz

ENEMIES: Phunbaba (Boss)

ITEMS: Phoenix Down


-Follow the child into the house.
-Reunite with Terra.
-Leave Terra and the children.
-Battle Phunbaba with Terra.
-Defeat Phunbaba with Sabin and Celes.
-Receive the Fenrir Esper.
-Leave Terra behind and follow the Serpent Trench to Nikeah.

I was guessing Terra is going to be in this town, for various reasons. Follow
the kid into the house and then go down the stairs. Here, you will find Terra.
Watch the flashback, then leave the house and Phunbaba will attack the
village. Terra tries to defeat it, but cannot. Then Sabin and Celes go at it.
It's boss time!

Terra cannot defeat Phunbaba on her own. Her defeat is inevitable, so do not
think that you have done something wrong. If you have not used Sabin and Celes
much yet, you might have a tough time with this fight. In fact, you may want
to spend more time fighting enemies outside the village to boost Sabin and
Celes' levels, and to teach them some basic spells like Cure 2 and Life. You
need to keep the party's HP over 1,000 while Sabin uses Blitz techniques to
chase Phunbaba away. During the battle, Celes can use her Runic skill to
absorb Phunbaba's powerful magical attacks. If you do so, Sabin will need the
Cure 2 ability. Otherwise, Celes will need to act as a medic while Phunbaba
uses one of its powerful physical attacks. It's best that both Celes and Sabin
have the ability to cast Cure 2. If they do, the battle should be pretty easy
and should go by pretty quickly. Otherwise, you could be in some serious
trouble, especially if you Runic Celes at the wrong time.

You will automatically get the Fenrir Esper as you leave Terra. However, Celes
and Sabin are bound to need rest after the battle. Go to the Relic Shop at the
back of town, and use the bed there. Now, leave the town. If you do not want
to walk to the Serpent Trench, there is a hidden Chocobo Stable in the forest
south of Mobliz. For 100 GP, you can ride in comfort to the town of Nikeah
instead of battling enemies every few feet. Nikeah is at the end of the
Serpent Trench, and it is a very long walk. The choice is up to you.

5. Nikeah

ENEMIES: Bloompyer, Delta Bug, Lizard, Buffalax



-Go to the Pub and speak with the thieves.
-Find Gerad near the Armor Shop and talk to him.
-Pursue Gerad back to the dock.

First, look around town and buy some stuff. The stores on Nikeah have lots to
offer, but they are pretty expensive. You should stock up on the latest in
protective wear - Diamond Vests, however, it will cost you 48,000 GP for four
of them! Add on Diamond Helms and Diamond Shields, and you are looking at a
lot of GP. Of course, if you really want to splurge, hold off until you get to
South Figaro and go for Diamond Armor instead of Diamond Vests.

Next, head to the pub and speak with the thieves. They will mention something
about their leader, Gerad. Where can he possibly be? Head by the armor shop to
find him. Is it just me or does Gerad look a lot like Edgar? He will question
you and then head off to the ship, follow him and you will board the ship and
be off to South Figaro.

6. South Figaro

ENEMIES: Nohrabbit, Sand Horse, Maliga, Latimeria



-Track Gerad to the Inn and talk to him.
-Follow Gerad and friends to the cave west of South Figaro.

There is not much to do in this town, at all. Go to the Cafe and talk to
everyone. Go into the door marked Inn and straight through to Gerad's room.
After talking to Gerad, the thieves will leave town. When you are done
shopping, head west to the Cave of Figaro. First, remember Sabin's teacher,
Duncan? Speak with his wife to learn that Duncan is alive and well, meditating
north of Narshe. Maybe this information will come in handy later. After
talking to her and shopping, head out of here and head west to the Cave of
Figaro. Make sure to save your game here before going in, just in case.

7. Figaro Area Cave

ENEMIES: Neck Hunter, Cruller, Humpty, Dante



-Speak with Ziegfried and then move on.
-Find the recovery spring.
-Follow Gerad and his thieves across the water by hopping on the turtle's
-Enter Figaro Castle.

As you will enter, you will find Siegfried (remember him?). He says to wait
there but do not listen to him. Move on until you see the thieves hop across
the turtles. Do the same. This is a new part of the cave but there is nothing
really here because all of the damn treasure chests were looted by the damn
thieves. Keep on going until you reach Figaro Castle.

8. Figaro Castle

ENEMIES: Neck Hunter, Cruller, Humpty, Dante, Drop, Tentacle (Boss)

ITEMS: Crystal Helm, Gravity Rod, Ether, X-Potion, Regal Crown, Soul Sabre


-Follow Gerad into the castle and down to the basement.
-Take the middle passage to the engine room.
-Talk to Gerad and battle the Boss Tentacle.
-Head back upstairs and ask the old man to take the castle to Kohlingen.
-Leave the castle and go west to Kohlingen.

Enter the castle and go down the stairs to the left. The old man is no longer
blocking your way. Head up and go down the stairs. Here, head down and go
through the door. Go straight down and collect the two treasure chests
(Crystal Helm, Crystal Rod). Head up and over and then head down to get two
more treasure chests (Ether, X-Potion). Head up here, through the door. Go up
the stairs here, then go up and left through the door. Get the treasure chest
here (Regal Crown). Backtrack back to the room with the four treasure chests
and go through the middle door. Go up here and head through the door, Edgar is
here and it is boss time!

This boss is pretty tough. There are four tentacles, and only three people in
your party. This spells trouble. To make matters worse, the Tentacles can grab
your party members and hold them captive while draining their HP. Edgar does
not have any Espers, so he will not know any magic unless you had him in your
party earlier in the game and he already learned some. Therefore, count on
Sabin and Celes to heal edgar. Fortunately, he is well equipped, so he can
cause lots of damage. Start the battle by having Sabin use the Fire Dance.
This will heal one of the Tentacles, but it will not matter since it has full
HP anyway, but the rest will take damage, making it definitely worth it. Then,
have Edgar use the Drill on one of the three enemies that was not healed by
the Fire Dance. Finally, have Celes follow Edgar's lead. You can Scan each
Tentacle and check its weaknesses if you want, and then blast it with magic.
Using this attack pattern takes out three Tentacles, followed by the one
healed by the Fire Dance. If a Tentacle grabs a party member, have another
party member attack the Tentacle holding your party member. This should get
the enemy to drop whoever it is holding.

When you win, check the treasure room after the thieves leave. They opened
every treasure chest, but they forgot about the statue in the middle of the
room! Check it to get a Soul Sabre. Before you leave the Castle, stop in the
Item Shop (#2) and purchase Edgar's new tool, the Debilitator. Also, take
advantage of Edgar's discount by having him in the lead when you talk to the
shop owner. When you are ready, talk to the old man and he will let you go to
Kohlingen. Exit the castle and head there.

9. Kohlingen

ENEMIES: Harpiai, Muus, Bogy, Deep Eye



-Go to the Pub and find Setzer.
-Leave town and head southwest to Darill's Tomb.

You may remember that this is where Locke's true love sleeps. Visit her and
speak with the man watching over her. He will mention that Locke has gone on a
quest to find the ultimate treasure. Head to the Pub and find Setzer. When you
are ready, head west to Darill's Tomb.

10. Darill's Tomb

ENEMIES: Orog, Osteosaur, Mad Oscar, Exoray, Power Demon, Presenter, Dullahan

ITEMS: Crystal Mail, Crystal Gown, Genji Helmet, Experience Egg, Man Eater,
Monster in a Box (Dragon Claw)


-Go down to Basement 3 and throw the door switch.
-Inspect the tombstone on the right side of Basement 2.
-Go through the door and throw the switch to flood the tomb.
-Hop on the turtle in Basement 2 and throw the switch where you are dropped
-Ride the nearby turtle and then save and rest.
-Inspect the memorial and battle Dullahan.
-Keep talking to Setzer and go get your new and improved airship.

Watch the scene at the entrance and then head in. Go down here through the
door. First, head left, and then down. Grab the chest (Crystal Mail) here, and
then head back north through the doorway. Press the switch in the pond with
the floating turtle. Then, head back to the room with the stairs going up and
the chest (Czarina Gown) in the middle. Walk down, then head right through the
hidden crack in the wall. Get the experience egg from here, then return the
way you came.

Head back to the main room, and head to the southeast. Head up through the
door and then go up again. Pull the switch here. Then, head out of this room,
and go through the door to the south and get the chest (Genji Helmet) here.
Then, head north and then go left and south. Climb the turtle across the
water. Hop on the turtle here in the room and you are now in a room with two
chests and a save point. Get the two treasure chests here, one is a Man Eater,
and one is a boss!

Just before the end of this area, you will find a monster in a box named
Presenter. This is not a tough battle, at all. For a quick one hit kill,
immediately cast Break on the enemy and watch with glee. You receive a Dragon
Claw for winning this fight.

Head up through the door and another boss will encounter you.

Once again, you are faced with an enemy that uses a nonstop assault of
powerful magic. However, Celes' Runic skill can absorb just about any spell
the Boss throws at you. Of course, that does not mean the boss is powerless
just because Celes is in your party. Aside from using Celes' Runic skill, you
must be able to heal your party. Potions won't do the trick, so you must use
Cure 2 instead. However, avoid casting Cure 2 when Celes is waiting to catch a
spell with her Runic blade, or you will end up transferring MP. If this
happens, have another character follow up with a second Cure 2. Use Edgar's
Drill, Sabin's best Blitz, and have Setzer do whatever he can to help. You may
also want to use the new Debilitator you picked up at Figaro Castle so you can
give the boss an elemental weakness and use spells to put it away.

After this battle, you get a new airship!


Fly it to Maranda.

11. Duncan's Gouse

ENEMIES: Geckorex, Spek Tor, Mantodea, Tyrannosaur, Bracheosaur, Tumble Weed,
Reach Frog, Hoover, cactrot, Crawler, Sprinter



-Put Sabin in your party.
-Locate Duncan's hideaway.
-Talk to Duncan.

Remember talking to Duncan's wife back in South Figaro? She mentioned that
Duncan was alive and well, training in a secret location north of Narshe.
Well, she was almost right. The location is actually more to the northeast.
Look for a cross that is made of five trees below a mountain range. When you
see it, you will know you are in the right spot. Duncan is ready to complete
Sabin's training. Just for bringing Sabin here, you will learn his ultimate
blitz attack, the Bum Rush.

12. Maranda

ENEMIES: Muus, Bogy, Deep Eye, Harpiai



-Land the Airship and enter Maranda.
-Go to Lola's house and speak with her.
-Read the letter on Lola's desk.
-Agree to mail a letter for Lola.
-Attach the letter to the carrier pigeon.
-Watch where the carrier pigeon flies.
-Get back in the airship and head for Zozo.

When you visit Lola, you will discover that her lover has been sending her
lots of flowers and letters. But wait - Mobliz was destroyed and her lover
passed away. Check the letters and you will soon determine who the author is.
Agree to Lola's request and take the letter outside and inspect the pigeon on
the ground. Carefully watch the map to see where the pigeon goes. This is your
next destination.

13. Zozo

ENEMIES: Hades Gigas, Gabledegak, Slam Dancer, Harvester

ITEMS: Rust Rid


-Enter Zozo and inspect the carrier pigeon.
-Purchase Rust Rid from the merchant.
-Enter the Pub and climb up to the rusted doorway.
-Use the Rust Rid on the doorway and enter to find Mt. Zozo

After inspecting the pigeon, it will fly past the Pub. This is a hint as to
where you must go. If you remember, there is a rusted door on the top floor.
Looks like you will need a bottle of Rust Rid. Go behind the Pub and talk to
the Merchant. He will sell you a bottle of Rust Rid for a measly 1000 GP. It
is no bargain, but you do not have a choice. Climb the stairs to the rusted
door, and presto, you are in!

14. Mount Zozo

ENEMIES: Borras, Ursus, Punisher, Luridan, Scrapper, Storm Dragon (Optional

ITEMS: Ice Shield, Red Cap, Thunder Shield, Aegis Shield, Gold Hairpin


-Head through the cave and find Cyan's room.
-Read the letter on the desk.
-Go out the right door and find Cyan.
-Return to the Airship and head for the Veldt.
-(Optional) Battle the Storm Dragon.
-(Optional) Return to Maranda with Cyan and visit Lola.

Enter this place and walk all around until you find the three treasure chests
(Ice Shield, Red Cap, Thunder Shield). Then go through the left door and get
the chest (Gold Hairpin). Head back and go through the right section, getting
the treasure chest (Aegis Shield) along the way. Head left, down, right, find
Cyan, watch the scene, and leave. Unless you want to fight the Storm Dragon,
which is optional.

There is a switch set in the ground near the Save Point. Stepping on the
switch opens the chest above, which contains the Storm Dragon. This is one of
the eight dragons you have been hearing so much about. You do not have to
fight it right now, you can return later when your party is powered up more.
Whatever you do, make sure you save your game and use a Tent before
challenging Storm Dragon. There is really only one safe way to fight the Storm
Dragon. Have three of your characters act as healers, while the fourth attacks
the Storm Dragon with Bolt 2. On each turn, have your healers cast Cure 2 on
the entire party. This should keep their HP high enough that the Storm Dragon
can't easily eliminate them. When their MP starts to get low (around 100),
have each one take a turn using the Osmose spell to draw MP from Storm Dragon.
Make sure at least two characters are still hearing the party, but it is even
better to have your attacker take a break and become a healer while everyone
refills. The Storm Dragon does not have an unlimited amount of MP, so when it
runs out you must attack it normally. However, this should be manageable
because it can no longer attack the entire party with a spell each turn.

After Cyan joins your party, return to the cliff where you found him. There
you will see a shiny blue spot on the edge. Inspect the spot to find the key
to Cyan's treasure chest. Open the chest to find Cyan's "Machinery Manual" and
"Book of Secrets". The two books do not serve a useful purpose in the game.
They are only rare items, and are not used.

You can tie up a loose end by taking Cyan back to see Lola. Speak with her,
and then have Cyan inspect the letter on the desk to make his final delivery.

15. The Veldt

ENEMIES: Every one that has appeared in the game up to this point.



-Fly to the Veldt and search for Gau.
-Head southwest to the Cave in the Veldt.

Gau has returned to his original lifestyle of running with the creatures on
the Veldt. To get him to rejoin your party, simply search the Veldt as you
normally would when Gau uses his Leap ability. Also, make sure you only have
three people in your party or Gau will not show up. He needs to be able to
join your party after a battle. After getting him, head on over to the Cave in
the Veldt.

16. Cave in the Veldt

ENEMIES: Toe Cutter, Allo Ver, Rhyos, Sr. Behemoth (Boss)

ITEMS: Rage Ring, Monster in a Box (Tiger Fangs), Striker


-Enter the cave and spot Interceptor.
-Follow Interceptor's path.
-Speak with the thieves.
-Pull the wall switch to move the stones blocking the path.
-Find either Shadow or Relm.
-Battle the Sr. Behemoth.
-Rush Shadow or Relm to Thamasma.

When you enter, head through the second entrance way, as the one to the south
leads to a dead end. Speak with the thieves, then collect the treasure chest
(Rage Ring). Head up, then left, and go through the secret passage to the
left. Fight the Allo Ver and get the Tiger Fangs from it. Then head haflway
back through, and head south, through the door. Go down through the next door
and go all the way south, through the next door.

Go down and get the treasure chest (Striker). Then head back north to where
you started in this room. Here, head to the right and go through the secret
passage. Head to the northeast and save your game/use a tent in the next room.
The next room down there will be a boss fight!

Although the Sr. Behemoth is tough, it is nothing compared to some of the
enemies you have already fought. Use two healers to keep the party healthy,
and attack with your most powerful skills. Celes can use the Runic ability to
stop the Boss' powerful magic, but this will not cripple the boss. It still
has powerful physical attacks. Avoid using Ice magics, the Sr. Behemoth
absorbs it, so you will only end up healing it. After defeating the Sr.
Behemoth, the ghost of the Sr. Behemoth immediately attacks from behind the
party. You can finish this battle quickly by using a revivify on the dead

Your earlier actions on the Floating Continent have a big effect on this part
of the game. If you waited for Shadow and he made it off the Floating
Continent with you, then you will find him collapsed inside the cave. However,
if Shadow didn't make it, he is gone for good. In this scenario, you will find
Relm inside the cave. If you do not find Relm here, you will still eventually
find her.. sadly. Head to Thamasa now.

17. Thamasa




-Talk to Shadow.
-Explore Thamasa.
-Head for Doma Castle.

Because of his injuries, Shadow cannot go on with the team. Leave him behind
for now, and explore Thamasa. One man will mention that there is a demon in
Doma castle that came to him while he was sleeping. Perhaps you should check
it out.

18. Doma Castle

ENEMIES: Allosaur, Parasite, Critic, Pan Dora, Parasite, Samurai, Rain Man,
Barb-e, Suriander, Plate Armor, Sky Cap, Io, Larry (Boss), Moe (Boss), Curly
(Boss), Wrexsoul (Boss), Soul Saver (Boss)

ITEMS: Remedy, X-Potion, Elixir, Ether, Phoenix Down, Beads, Genji Glove, Lump
of Metal, Flame Shield, X-Potion, Ice Shield

MAGICITE: Alexander

-Enter Doma Castle and find the "bedroom".
-Take a rest in the bedroom.
-Find two of your three missing party members.
-Battle the Dream Stooges.
-Enter the last door.
-Go through the train and solve the puzzles.
-Shut down and exit the engine.
-Follow Cyan through the mines.
-Backtrack to find the bridge.
-Go to the throne room and find Wrexsoul and Cyan.
-Defeat Wrexsoul.
-Get the Alexander Esper from the throne room.

Enter Doma Castle, and make sure you have Cyan in your party. Go to the room
on the right hand side to get some treasure chests. Enter the door south of
this room and follow the path until you reach a door, which will lead to a
couple more chests. Now return to the hall leading to the throne room. Go
south from the throne room and then head through the right door. Search the
pot for an item then head left and enter the second door. Get the chest and
then enter the door you skipped by. Take a nap in the bed and you will be in
Cyan's dream.

Upon first entering the dream world, one of your characters will be alone.
However, off to the side you will see one of your characters on the ground.
Your goal is to reunite three of your characters, and then search for Cyan.
Take the left door to find your first party member. Exit that area, then take
the high door, and then take the right door to find the next party member.
Finally, exit that area and take the door to the left to find the Dream

After reuniting three of your party members, you will fight the Dream Stooges.
These creatures support each other during battle, and have a powerful attack
that can petrify a member of your party. If this occurs, quickly cast Remedy
on the petrified party member. Begin the battle by attacking Curly (the one at
the top) with Ice magic. You should hit it first, because it has the ability
to revive its partners. With Curly out of the way, none of the Dream Stooges
can be revived once eliminated. Then focus your attacks on either Larry or
Moe. Fire works well against Larry, but avoid Ice and Wind attacks. Moe
absorbs Bolt spells, and does not have a weakness to any element. However, you
can cast Berserk to put an end to its magic. Without its bolt spells, it is
easy to defeat.

The first puzzle is easy. Flip the wall switch twice to move the second box
next to the chest. The second puzzle is a little more difficult. To stop the
moving chest, go to the end of the car and get the "Lump of Metal". Now, put
the "Lump of Metal" in the moving chest, which weighs it down so that it
cannot block your path. The next puzzle goes like this. Flip the wall switch
above the six chests. Memorize which chests close, and then go to the next
car. When you reach the end, close the three chests that were closed by the
switch on the other set of chests, and then throw the wall switch. Next puzzle
time. Throw the switches in the following order: RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, MIDDLE,
RIGHT, LEFT. This should open a path on the bottom. Do not miss the two
chests! Use the right switch and then exit the engine. This takes you to the
Narshe mines.

OK so now you are in the mines with Magitek Armor. Where do you go? If you
continue forward, you will get stuck in a loop. Backtrack a bit to find Cyan
crossing a bridge. The bridge collapses under the weight of the Magitek Armor,
which drops you into Doma Castle.

In the throne room, you will encounter Wrexsoul, Who has a hold on Cyan. At
the start of the fight, Wrexsoul will possess one of your characters, leaving
its cronies behind to attack the party. Ignore them. If you destroy either of
the Soul Savers, they will just regenerate. To make Wrexsoul reappear, you
must KO the possessed character. So, one by one, you must KO your own
characters and revive them until Wrexsoul is once again visible. After doing
so, throw your most powerful Ice magic and any other strong attacks. You do
not have long to attack, because Wrexsoul will soon possess another character.
There is a simpler way to win. After Wrexsoul has possessed a character, cast
the X-Zone spell. This may not work at first, but if both Soul Savers are
caught by X-Zone, you will win the battle.

For completing the Doma Castle event, you will receive two rewards. First,
Cyan becomes a true master of the sword and can use all eight of his Sword
Tech skills. Second, you can pick up the Alexander Esper in the Doma Castle
throne room.

19. Jidoor

ENEMIES: Nightshade, Dahling, Soul Dancer, Crusher, Wild Cat, Vindr, Still
Life, Chadarnook (Boss)

ITEMS: Moogle Suit, Relic Ring, 2000 GP, Potion, Ether, Remedy


-Follow up on the lead about Emperor Gestahl¹s painting and then head to
-Enter Owser¹s House and attempt to enter the gallery.
-Read the diary on the hall table.
-Turn on the lamp at the base of the stairs.
-Inspect the painting of a lady.
-Enter the new door.
-Enter the left moving door.
-Battle the Still Life to reveal a door.
-Talk to Owzer and Relm.
-Defeat Chardanook.
-Get the Starlet Esper from the bookcase.

Upon entering this town, you can go to the Auction House. If you did not get
the two Espers from the Auction House earlier, do so now. You are looking for
Golem and Zone Seek. There are a lot of other items for auction, some you can
buy, others you can¹t.

Enter the house to the north when you are ready. Something has taken control
of Owzer¹s art gallery! When you enter the house, walk up the stairs. You will
get stopped, but a diary will appear. After reading through it, you will learn
about the situation. To get into the art gallery, turn on the light at the
bottom of the stairs.

There is a picture of a woman at the back of the gallery. Inspect the
painting, and you will enter combat against two Dahlings. After defeating
them, you will discover a passage into Owzer¹s basement. Search the painting
of Gestahl twice to find a letter that hints at a hidden cave ­ the Phoenix
Cave. Keep this in mind for later use.

Examine the picture of a chair and then, you will be attacked by a Soul Dancer
and some Wild Cats. The left door leads to a chest. After getting the chest,
head through the right door. In a little pathway behind these doors, there is
a hidden treasure chest, which contains the Relic Ring. Head through the left
door. The other two doors take you back to the picture of the chair. Keep
going until you hit the room with the floating chests. You will have to fight
any chest that lands on you, but you can get the item they hold after the

Examine the picture and you will fight Still Life. Defeat it and a door will
open behind it. Use the save point here, head to the right and up, through the
door. Talk to Oszer and you will fight out what happened. He will ask you to
defeat Chardanook. It¹s boss time!

This boss has two forms: the demon and the goddess. Your attacks should focus
more on the demon than on the goddess, because its HP is lower and it does not
counterattack with as much force. When the goddess is present, she will attack
with different abnormal status effects. If a party member is under the
goddess¹s control, attack the affected character. When you attack the goddess,
there is a good chance she will counterattack with an attack that acts like
poison. Each time she counterattacks, the effect is added to any previous
effects, so a character may lose hundreds of HP each turn. When the demon
appears, attack it full force with Fire magic or strong attacks. Wait to heal
your party until the goddess reappears.

20. Return to Mobliz

ENEMIES: Phunbaba (Boss)

ITEMS: Ether


-Go to Mobliz and check in on Terra.
-Check the house next door and follow the dog to the hidden staircase.
-Talk with Terra.
-Rush out of the house to confront Phunbaba.
-Defeat Phunbaba and Terra joins.

This is where you can get Terra back in your party. Head back to Mobliz and
check in on here. Check the house next door and a dog will point to a
staircase or something. Check behind the bookshelf, and go down the stairs.
Talk with Terra, she will mention Phunbaba is back. So, go outside and get
ready for a boss battle!

As the fight begins, you will discover that Phunbaba is not quit so tough this
time around. Attack the demon with Bio and Poison magic or any other strong
attacks. Then, when Phunbaba¹s Hit Points get low, it will blow away two of
your characters and the battle will come to a screeching halt. Terra joins the
battle in Esper form, prepared to eliminate Phunbaba for good. Have her attack
with Bio and Poison magic. In Esper form, she can cause about 5000 HP of
damage with each Bio attack. After the battle, Terra will join you.

21. Doom Gaze

ENEMIES: Doom Gaze (Boss)



-Fly around in the airship until Doom Gaze attacks you.
-Defeat Doom Gaze to get the Bahamut Esper.

Doom Gaze is a demon that sometimes attacks the Airship as you travel from
point to point. Its appearances are not very common, so you may have to fly
around for several minutes before running into it.

At the start of every battle, Doom Gaze will use the Level 5 Doom spell.
Therefore, it is important that not all of your characters at a level
divisible by five. If they are, they are dead. You will need at least one
survivor to revive anyone who may have succumbed to the spell. After Doom
Gaze¹s opening attack, have one or two characters attack Doom Gaze with Fire 3
and Pearl magic. The others should focus on healing. Again, it is good to have
Terra in your party for these battles, because she can cause double damage
with Fire 3 and Pearl while in Esper form. After causing enough damage, Doom
Gaze will escape from battle. You will have to fight and find Doom Gaze
several times before you finally defeat it. You may remember that someone once
told the party that Doom Gaze cannot heal itself between battles, so any
damage you did in this battle will carry over to the next one. When you
finally defeat Doom Gaze, you will receive a powerful Esper, Bahamut. That
should make all of the extra flying time well worth the trouble.

22. Tower of Fanatics

ENEMIES: Magic Urn, L.10 Magic, L.20 Magic, L.30 Magic, L.40 Magic, L.50
Magic, L.60 Magic, L.70 Magic, L.80 Magic, L.90 Magic, White Dragon (Boss),
Mage Master (Boss)

ITEMS: Safety Bit, Air Anchor, Genji Shield, Stunner, Force Armor, Gem Box


-Place Relm in your party and enter the tower.
-Strago will join your party.

With Relm in your party, getting Strago to snap out of it is easy. She will
automatically call out to him, and Strago will immediately join you. There is
more to do here, but not right now.

23. Phoenix Cave

ENEMIES: Trixter, Necro Man, Phase, Chaos Dragon, Uroburos, Sea Flower,
Parasoul, Aquila, Red Dragon (Boss)

ITEMS: Wing Edge, Warp Stone, Ribbon, Dragon Horn, (Locke¹s Treasures: X-
Potion, Phoenix Down, X-Ether, Elixir, Flame Shield, Valiant Knife)


-Find the ³Mountains that form a star² near Tzen.
-Land the Airship in the center of the star.
-Break your party into two teams.
-Use teamwork to get through the cave.
-Find Locke and return to Kohlingen.
-(Optional) Battle the Red Dragon.

NOTE: I am going to refer to your first group as G1 and your second group as
G2 to save time.

Enter the cave with G1 and step on the switch. Switch to G2 and have them
enter the path that opened. When you head up, head to the left and try to get
the treasure chest. You will fall down a level. Go south and then up the
stairs. Step on the switch and now you can get a chest. Go east, heading past
the stairs, and down to a switch. Now, switch back to G1.

Enter the passage that has now opened thanks to G2 stepping on the switch.
Step on the switch as you head north. Switch back to G2 and go north since the
spikes are now gone, and then go right until you hit another switch. Now go
back to G1. The chest is empty but head down and you should find a hidden room
through the wall containing a chest with a warp stone in it. Head back to
where you were before and head south. Go left and then step on the switch,
ignore the chest as G2 already got it.

Now, turn around and go the opposite way. Keep going past the chest, and when
you get to a dead end, move back to G2. Go left, past the spikes, and head
down the stairs. Go right onto the bridge and jump across the little stones.
Press the switch, G1 time. Move G1 to the next switch and move back to G2.
Move up and press a switch, back to G1. How fun is this? LOL. Go up, across,
then down. Jump from stone to stone. At the end, move up and go through the
stairs. Pull the switch you find at the top. Now go down as far down as you
can and switch over to G2.

Go left and step on the switch. Switch back to G1 and have them go down until
you reach the Red Dragon. Come back to fight it later. Take G2 and go down and
left. Follow this path and you will come to where the lava cooled off. Walk
out and collect the chest in the center. Then head over to the left side and
go up. Follow this path until the end and switch back to G1. Go and step on
the top switch. Move back to G2, and have them jump across the stones that
appeared. Have them go down and step on one of the switches, then do the same
with G1. Take your strongest group to fight the Red Dragon.

Just before this area ends, there is a side path leading to a dragon
protecting a chest. This is one of the eight dragons of legend. You do not
have to fight it at this time, however, it is one of the easier ones to
defeat. During battle, have the entire party cast Ice 2 or Ice 3 on the
dragon, which will quickly deplete its energy. If Strago is in your party, use
his Aqua Rake Lore to cause some heavy damage. Also, Terra should undergo her
transformation if she is with you. In Esper form, she can cause around 6000
points of damage with a simple Ice 2 spell. Resist using Celes¹ Runic skill.
This consumes too much magic, and she will end up absorbing your spells.

After finding Locke, you will immediately get rushed back to Kohlingen, where
Locke¹s lost love rests. After a short event, you will receive the Phoenix
Esper and several items that Locke found in the Phoenix Cave. Remember all
those empty treasure chests? Locke is a true treasure hunter.

24. Return to Solitary Island

ENEMIES: Peepers, Black Dragon, Earth Guard



-Return to Cid¹s hut on Solitary Island.
-Go to the beach and get the Palidor Esper.

Whether or not you saved Cid¹s life, it is time to return and check on the
island. When you get to the house, head for the beach. Along the water¹s edge,
you will discover the Palidor Esper.

25. Opera House

ENEMIES: Dirt Dragon (Boss)



-Speak with the Impresario in the balcony.
-Go to the right side of the balcony and into the switch room.
-Use the second switch from the right to reach the stage.
-Battle the Dirt Dragon.

Talk to the Impresario in the balcony, and you will learn that you must get to
the stage. Now, head for the switch room you used on your previous visit.
However, instead of throwing the switch on the far right, throw the second one
from the right. This drops you onto the stage. You can also throw the
remaining two switches, but right now it is BOSS TIME!

You have located yet another of the legendary dragons, and this one is tough.
Begin the battle by casting Float on your entire party. This will protect them
from the various types of earth magic that the dragon uses. That does not make
the battle easy, but it does make it manageable. Keep everyone¹s HP up,
because the Dirt Dragon can usually KP a character with a single hit of its
powerful claws. You may want to cast Haste on your party to keep things
moving. This dragon is extremely fast and may be too quick without the Haste

26. The Colosseum




-Go to the Inn and speak with the people.
-Bet the Striker.
-Defeat Shadow in the arena.
-Shadow joins your party.

Remember the man earlier who mentioned one day owning a grand colosseum where
legendary battles would take place? Well, his dream comes true in the World of
Ruin. You will find his Testament to war in the northwest corner of the world,
just north of Kohlingen.

27. Narshe

ENEMIES: Test Rider, Nastidon, Red Wolf, Wizard, Psychot, Mag Roader, Kiwok,
Ceritops, Poppers, Anemone, Tomb Thumb, Pug, Pugs, Ice Dragon (Boss), Tritoch
(Boss), Umaro (Boss)

ITEMS: Moogle Charm, Monster-in-a-Box, Gauntlet, X-Ether

MAGICITE: Ragnarok, Tritoch, Terrato

-Check the door to the Weapon Shop with Locke in your party.
-Talk to the weapon shop owner.
-Choose to get either the Ragnarok Esper or Ragnarok Sword.
-Go to the Moogle Cave and talk to Mog.
-Put Mog in your party.
-Head for the cliff where Tritoch is located.
-Battle Tritoch to get the Tritoch Esper.
-Jump into the pit left behind after the battle.
-Find Umaro¹s lair and inspect the bone statue.
-Take the Terrato Esper.
-Battle Umaro.
-Talk to Umaro and get him to join your party.

The town of Narshe is locked up pretty tight, and hardly anyone is around,
Head over to the weapon shop, and Locke will pick the lock off the door. Speak
with the Weapon Shop owner in his bedroom. He will either give you the
Ragnarok Sword or Esper, depending on which one you choose. I would choose the
Ragnarok Esper, since the Sword is not even the strongest in the game.

Also, head to the house on the north side of the town. You will find a man in
bed here, and he will give you the Cursed Shield. When it is worn, the Shield
will cast several negative status effects on its wearer and no additional
defense. However, if one of your characters wears it for 250 battles, the
curse will be broken and the shield will become the Paladin Shield. You can
counter the negative status effects of the Cursed Shield by equipping a Ribbon
to the character who you choose the wear the shield.

Head over to the Moogle cave and talk to Mog. He will join your party. If you
have 4 guys in your party, he will go back to the airship. Search the wall
behind where he was standing to receive the Moogle Charm, which allows you to
move around at will without getting into any random battles. When Mog is in
your party, head back to the area where Terra freaked out before.

On the way to the Tritoch Esper, you will find a dragon roaming the area where
you faced Kefka¹s army. This is yet another of the fabled dragons. Equip your
party with items like the Ice Shield, which protects against Ice magic, and
you will be nearly invulnerable. Fire weapons also work real well. It also
helps if Terra is in your party, and she knows the Phoenix¹s Fire 3 spell.
Attack the Ice Dragon with constant Fire magic or weapons. If Terra morphs
into her Esper and uses Fire 3, she can nearly wipe out the Ice Dragon in a
single turn. Otherwise, just chip away at the dragon¹s health with Fire magic
and it will fall in no time.

At the cliff, the Tritoch Esper will attack the party. This battle is similar
to the one with the Ice Dragon. Just pummel the Esper with Fire magic, and the
fight will quickly end. When the battle is won, the Tritoch Esper will join
you and a new passage will be opened.

After defeating the Tritoch Esper, a hole will open in the cliff, providing
access to Umaro¹s cave. The cave is fairly small, and not too difficult to
navigate. Just watch for the random holes in the floor. You must fall through
some of the holes, but must douge others. At the back of the cave, examine the
Terrato Esper and Umaro will attack your party.

This fight is dependent on fire magic. Just immediately hit this Boss with
Fire magic (especially Fire 3) and Umaro will soon give up. When this Boss
eats a Green Cherry, it boosts Umaro¹s abilities to insane proportions.

28. Triangle Island

ENEMIES: Zone Eater, Harpy, Gloom Shell, Prussian, Tap Dancer, Covert, Wart
Puck, Ogor, Karkass, Woolly

ITEMS: Ether, Red Jacket, Magical Brush, Genji Armor, Fake Mustache, Zephyr
Cape, Hero Ring, Tack Star, Thunder Shield


-Go to the Triangle Island and find a Zone Eater.
-Get eaten by the Zone Eater.
-Cross the bridges while dodging the people on them.
-Time your way past the smashing rock ceiling.
-Bounce across the chests to the door on the other side.
-Talk to Gogo.
-Return to the entrance and step into the light to exit.

This may sound crazy, but your goal here is to get everyone eaten. Zone Eaters
will eat your party one by one. If you destroy the Zone Eater, the eaten party
members are safely returned. However, if you allow a Zone Eater to munch on
your entire party, they will end up in the Zone Eater¹s belly. As nasty as
that might sound, these creatures eat a lot and there is plenty to do in one¹s

To get out of here, walk up to the light. To get Gogo, head down then left.
Get knocked over by the guys once to gain treasure, then head across the
bridge, getting the Magical Brush along the way. Once you get past the save
point you will come to a room with a moving wall. If you get caught by the
wall, you will die. Stop behind the first chest and make a break for it when
you can. Do the same for the second. For the third chest, it is a bit more
tricky. Go down from it, then when you can move up, move up and get the chest
then head quickly down.

Here, there is a room with open chests. Press A to jump into a chest then
across one. When you can do this, jump across to the switch, now you can reach
the treasure chest on the far side of the room. Head through the door and get
Gogo to join your party. Use a warp stone or spell or head out the normal way.

Gogo is a very special character. It has the ability to mimic the attacks of
other characters during battle. When you select the Mimic ability during
battle, Gogo will perform the same action as the person who last attacked. For
example, if Sabin uses the Fire Dance Skill just before Gogo uses the Mimic
skill, then Gogo will also use the Fire Dance Skill. This is great because
miming an action does not cost Gogo any MP, and Gogo does not have to charge
Sword Techs or worry about doing a proper button combination for blitzes.

Gogo has a hidden ability to equip any type of battle commands. Go into Gogo¹s
status screen, and select a blank space in its battle commands list. A menu
will appear with every command that you currently have available. You can then
customize Gogo¹s commands however you wish. So basically Gogo can have Sabin¹s
Blitz skill, Cyan¹s Sword Tech skill, and Gau¹s rage skill at the same time,
or any other combination you see fit.

29. Tower of Fanatics

ENEMIES: L.10 Magic, L.20 Magic, L.30 Magic, L.40 Magic, L.50 Magic, L.60
Magic, L.70 Magic, L.80 Magic, L.90 Magic, Magic Urn, White Dragon (Boss),
Mage Master (Boss)

ITEMS: Safety Bit, Air Anchor, Genji Shield, Stunner, Force Armor, Gem Box


-Climb the tower.
-get the Gem Box Relic from the top floor.
-Exit the top room and confront Kefka¹s followers.
-Battle the Mage Master.
-(Optional) Fight the White Dragon.

For whatever reason, anyone inside the Tower of Fanatics is restricted to
using magic. That means no physical attacks, no special skills, and no items.
It helps to equip characters with Relics like the Gold Hairpin or Economizer
because they reduce the cost of casting spells. Wall Rings also work well,
because they reflect most of the magic used by the enemies in the tower. The
down side is that you will have trouble healing your characters. If nothing
else, make sure each character can use the Osmose ability to draw MP from

I would just put Mog in the lead and have him equipped with the Moogle Charm
to save the trouble. If you decide to take the hard way up, watch out for two
monsters. Namely, L.20 Magic and L.90 Magic. These two enemies are protected
by Reflect magic. To attack them, you can cast Reflect on your own party
members and bounce spells of your characters, or you can use Magic like
Ultima, which cannot be reflected.

There is a hidden switch on the wall to the right of the treasure chest in the
first room. Go back outside and you will see a new door on the floor below.
Inside you will find a treasure chest containing the Air Anchor, which Edgar
can use as a Tool.

On the third floor, you will encounter another one of the eight legendary
dragons. You can easily win this fight by casting Reflect on your party. You
can then pund the White Dragon into submission with the spells of your choice.
Just avoid using Pearl, as it heals the White Dragon.

As you attempt to leave the top floor of the tower after getting the Gem Box
Relic, the Mage Master will attack. Each time you hit the Mage Master with a
spell, it changes its magical strengths and weaknesses. This makes it very
difficult to cause damage to the Boss. You can counter this by using spells
like Ultima and Meteor, which cannot be blocked by the Mage Master¹s magical
defenses. Or, you can cast Berserk on the Boss so that it cannot change its
defenses or use magic. Just make absolutely sure you cast Berserk immediately,
or the Mage Master may just change its defenses in a way that leaves your
characters powerless. If this occurs, you can always cast Dispel on the Boss
to remove the Berserk effect. When the Mage Master changes defenses again, hit
it with Berserk again. You can use Scan to check what the Mage Master¹s
weakness is at any time. You MUST first cast a Life 3 spell on at least one of
your party members (contained in the Phoenix Esper). If you do not have Life
3, you cannot defeat the Mage Master. After weakening the Mage Master enough,
he will cast one final spell: Ultima. The Ultima spell will destroy not only
the Mage Master, but also the entire party, as well. However, if you cast life
3 on one or more party members, they will come back after the battle, enabling
the player to win this battle.


5.0 Secrets -----------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: These secrets come straight from Prima's Strategy Guide of the game, as
they did a great job with listing the secrets of the game.

The following pages contain many secrets from Final Fantasy VI. Many can be
considered spoilers, so you should not dive into this section right away. This
is best viewed once you have already played through the game. Those of you who
cannot wait will have to pay the price of knowing a bit more than you probably

Anytime you complete Final Fantasy VI, be sure to wait through the credits and
you will get a special surprise. The game will create a "System File" on your
memory card that will allow you to see all of the features in the Bonus Menu.
You can then access the Bonus Menu when you first load the game. The new menus
allow you to watch the game's cinemas, peek at the bestiary, look at
production art, and much more. You will need one empty block on your memory
card for the System File.

Spells like Doom and X-Zone do not seem to be very valuable since they usually
fail to do what they are supposed to do. If you combine these spells with the
Vanish spell, however, they almost always work. In battle, cast Vanish on your
enemy. This makes the enemy invisible and protects it from physical attacks
but makes it vulnerable to nearly any type of magic. Follow up with either
Doom or X-Zone, and you are almost guaranteed they will work! This trick works
on just about every enemy, including some Bosses! You can also use the Vanish
trick to make it easier to transform enemies into items when using the
Ragnarok Esper in battle.

In Narshe, during the World of Ruin, you will find a man hiding in his house
who will give your party a Cursed Shield. You must have Locke in your party to
unlock the door to his house. Anyone who wears the shield will suffer from
several abnormal status effects in battle, and the shield fails to provide any
additional protection. Why would anyone equip such a thing? If you are willing
to equip the Cured Shield for 255 battles, the curse will be broken. Once the
curse is gone, the Cursed Shield becomes the Paladin Shield, which is arguably
the best shield in the game. Should you choose to take on this challenge, be
sure to equip the character that will be using the shield with a Ribbon, which
will counter most of the abnormal status effects. Then you will want to go
somewhere like Solitary Island and fight a bunch of easy battles to help you
quickly reach the necessary 255.

Believe it or not, even Final Fantasy VI has Limit Breaks. When a character's
HP is extremely low, there is a chance that a character can perform an
unusually powerful attack in place of its normal fight command. Such
occurrences are rare, but you should see it happen at least once during your

Sometimes, in battle, an enemy will curse your characters. Should this happen,
a timer will appear over the cursed character's head. If it reaches zero, the
character is petrified. Should time be running short on a character's life,
you can always give it a small boost. Quickly select each of your characters'
attacks, but have the last character open the Magic menu and wait. As long as
the menu is open, the timer will not move. But your characters that have
already selected an attack will still be able to act. This may not be useful
all the time, but it can help if you have almost got the battle won.

This is an item that may seem a bit useless to you. If a character has this
item equipped, you can actually use a Doom spell as a healing spell. Cast Doom
on the character equipped with the Relic Ring, and suddenly you will
understand just what a great thing the Relic Ring can be.

Try these Relic combinations. Equipping the Genji Glove and Offering on a
character allows the character to attack a total of eight times each turn. The
Offering also works well with Locke's Thief Glove Relic, allowing him to
attack and steal four times. Give a powerful spell caster like Terra the Gem
Box Relic and an Economizer Relic. Now the equipped character can cast two
spells each turn for one MP each. If your character has learned the Quick
spell, it can cast Ultima and then Quick to get two more turns immediately.
So, you can cast Ultima four more times for only 6 MP.

There are many enemies in the game that use a freezing attack to paralyze your
characters. As long as one character is not frozen, you can counter this by
casting a weak fire spell on your party. You can also counter other abnormal
status effects by attacking your own characters. Hitting a sleeping character
with a physical attack wakes them. Doing the same with a confused character
snaps them out of the daze. Casting Imp on a character that has been turned
into an Imp changes the character back to normal.

Undead creatures can be killed instantly by using certain healing magic and
items. Magic with this effect includes Life and Life 2. Items include Phoenix
Down, Revivify, and X-Potions. Keep in mind that things that normally cause
death will heal the undead.

In the World of Ruin, there is a forest north of the Veldt that looks like a
dinosaur head. In the forest, you will encounter tough enemies like the
Tyranosaurs and the Brachosaur. Tyranousaurs are hard to beat, but the
Brachosaur is the worst. Use the Vanish/X-Zone trick to quickly win these
battles. Not only do you get 10 Magic Points, but you can also randomly find
an Economizer. These rare Relics cut casting costs down to one Magic Point for
any spell. You can also steal extra Ribbons from them if you are brave enough
to try. Always be sure to save before wandering into the dinosaur forest.

In any area where you must split your characters into two or more groups, you
can perform a useful trick with Save Points. Having a Party use a Tent on a
Save Point heals that party but not others. If you switch to the other groups,
however, they can also use a Tent as long as one of the other parties is still
standing on a Save Point.

You can easily boost your characters' levels near the beginning of the river.
At the first Save Point, go into the sub-menu. Go to "Cmd., Set" select
"Short" and press the X button. You can now place Banon's health spell in
place of the fight command. This means that he will cast his health spell
every turn. Back on the river, select to go up the river at the first
intersection and then tape down the X button and tape the D-Pad in the up
position. The raft will then circle the area and your characters will fight
and heal automatically. Leave the game running in this fashion over night, and
the next day you will find that your character's level has increased

If you really want to gain a lot of Magic Points and GP quickly, you will want
to seek out the elusive Cactrot. It can be found in a desert southwest of
Maranda in the World of Ruin. Defeating the Cactrot is not easy. Its evading
skill is unmatched, and most magic is not effective against it. You can
whittle away at its HP by using a character's special skill. Edgar's Drill,
Sabin's Pummel Blitz, and Cyan's Disptach Sword Tech all work well. You can
equip a character with the Sniper Sight Relic, which ensures you will hit the
spiny little beast. For defeating a Cactrot, you are given 10 Magic Points and
10,000 GP.

If you want to learn more about the mysterious ninja, Shadow, you must have
him in your party when you stay at Inns. Each time you do, there is a fair
chance you will see one of several flashbacks into Shadow's past.

6.0 Lists -------------------------------------------------------------

The following contains lists of Weapons, Armor, Relics, Magic, Espers,
enemies, and items found in Final Fantasy VI.

Weapons: Nearly every character can use weapons. They strengthen a character's
attack and often have special properties that can be advantageous if used

Armor: Most characters can also equip armor to increase their defense against
both physical and magical attacks.

Relics: Every character can equip two of these at a time. They give special
bonuses that can drastically alter a character's performance.

Healing Items: These items can be used to restore HP, MP, or to cure abnormal
status ailments.

Misc. Items: These rare items have unusual uses.

Tools: Only Edgar can use these items with his "Tool" command.

Throwing Weapons: Only Shadow can use these items with his "Throw" Command.

Price: The cost of such an item if it can be purchased at a shop.

Effect: If an item has a special property, you will find it noted here.

Users: A list of all characters that can make use of a piece of armor or
weapon. Not all items have such restrictions.

6.1 Weapon List -------------------------------------------------------

Weapons: Nearly every character can use weapons. They strengthen a character's
attack and often have special properties that can be advantageous if used

Price: The cost of such an item if it can be purchased at a shop.

Effect: If an item has a special property, you will find it noted here.

Users: A list of all characters that can make use of a piece of armor or
Not all items have such restrictions.


Weapon Name: Air Lancet
Price: 950
Effects: Wind-elemental
Users: Locke, Strago, Gogo, Relm
Weapon Name: Ashura
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Assassin
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly dispatches an enemy
Users: Shadow, Locke
Weapon Name: Atma Weapon
Price: N/A
Effects: Transforms at Level Up, grows stronger as HP increases
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Aura
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Aura Lance
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Edgar
Weapon Name: Blizzard
Price: 7000
Effects: Randomly casts "Ice"
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Blossom
Price: 3200
Effects: none
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Bone Club
Price: N/A
Effects: Intricately carved
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Boomerang
Price: 4500
Effects: Same damage from back row
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Break Blade
Price: 12,000
Effects: Randomly casts "Break"
Users: Celes, Edgar, Terra
Weapon Name: Cards
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Setzer
Weapon Name: Chocobo Brush
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Relm
Weapon Name: Crystal
Price: 15,000
Effects: none
Users: Celes, Edgar, Terra
Weapon Name: Darts
Price: 10,000
Effects: none
Users: Setzer
Weapon Name: Da Vinci Brush
Price: 7000
Effects: none
Users: Relm
Weapon Name: Dice
Price: 5000
Effects: none
Users: Setzer
Weapon Name: Dirk
Price: 150
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Weapon Name: Doom Darts
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly dispatches an enemy
Users: Setzer
Weapon Name: Dragon Claw
Price: N/A
Effects: Holy-elemental
Users: Sabin
Weapon Name: Drainer
Price: N/A
Effects: Absorbs damage as HP
Users: Celes, Edgar, Terra, Locke
Weapon Name: Enhancer
Price: 10,000
Effects: Magic power up
Users: Terra, Celes, Edgar
Weapon Name: Epee
Price: 3,000
Effects: none
Users: Celes, Edgar, Terra
Weapon Name: Excalibur
Price: N/A
Effects: Holy-elemental
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Falchion
Price: 17,000
Effects: none
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Fire Knuckle
Price: 10,000
Effects: Randomly casts "Fire"
Users: Sabin
Weapon Name: Fire Rod
Price: 3,000
Effects: Casts "Fire 2" when used as an item, and then breaks
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Fixed Dice
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Setzer
Weapon Name: Flail
Price: 2,000
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago, Celes, Terra
Weapon Name: Flame Sabre
Price: 7,000
Effects: Randomly casts "Fire".
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Forged
Price: 1,200
Effects: none
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Full Moon
Price: 2,500
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Gold Lance
Price: 12,000
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Edgar
Weapon Name: Graedus
Price: N/A
Effects: Holy-elemental
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Weapon Name: Gravity Rod
Price: 1,300
Effects: Casts "Quarter" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Guardian
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly evades an enemy's attack.
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Hardened
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Hawk Eye
Price: 6,000
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Heal Rod
Price: N/A
Effects: Recovers target's HP
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Ice Rod
Price: 3,000
Effects: Casts "Ice 2" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Illuminia
Price: N/A
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Imp Halberd
Price: N/A
Effects: ?? if equipped while an Imp
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Weapon Name: Imperial
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Kaiser
Price: 1,000
Effects: none
Users: Sabin
Weapon Name: Kodachi
Price: 1,200
Effects: none
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Kotestu
Price: 800
Effects: none
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Magical Brush
Price: 10,000
Effects: none
Users: Relm
Weapon Name: Magus Rod
Price: N/A
Effects: Magic power up
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Man Eater
Price: 11,000
Effects: Doubles damage to a human opponent.
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Weapon Name: Metal Knuckle
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Sabin
Weapon Name: Morning Star
Price: 5,000
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago, Celes, Terra
Weapon Name: Murasame
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Mythril Blade
Price: 450
Effects: none
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Mythril Claw
Price: 800
Effects: none
Users: Sabin
Weapon Name: Mythril Knife
Price: 300
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Weapon Name: Mythril Pike
Price: 800
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Edgar
Weapon Name: Mythril Rod
Price: 500
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Ninja Star
Price: 500
Effects: Used with "Throw" command
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Ogre Nix
Price: N/A
Effects: Consumes MP to inflict mortal blow
Users: Celes, Edgar, Terra
Weapon Name: Partisan
Price: 13,000
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Edgar
Weapon Name: Pearl Lance
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly casts "Pearl"
Users: Mog, Edgar
Weapon Name: Pearl Rod
Price: 12,000
Effects: Casts "Pearl" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Poison Claw
Price: 2,500
Effects: Randomly poisons an enemy
Users: Sabin
Weapon Name: Poison Rod
Price: 1,500
Effects: Casts "Poison" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Punisher
Price: N/A
Effects: Uses MP to inflict mortal blow
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Ragnarok
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Rainbow Brush
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Relm
Weapon Name: Regal Cutlass
Price: 950
Effects: none
Users: Celes, Edgar, Terra
Weapon Name: Rising Sun
Price: N/A
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row.
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Rune Edge
Price: 7,500
Effects: Consumes MP to inflict mortal blow
Users: Celes, Edgar, Terra
Weapon Name: Scimitar
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly dices up an enemy
Users: Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Weapon Name: Shuriken
Price: 30
Effects: Used with "Throw" command
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Sky Render
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Sniper
Price: 15,000
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Soul Sabre
Price: N/A
Effects: Absorbs damage as MP, randomly casts "Doom"
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Stout Spear
Price: 10,000
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Edgar
Weapon Name: Strato
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Striker
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly dispatches an enemy
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Stunner
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly casts "Stop"
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Sword Breaker
Price: 16,000
Effects: Randomly evades an enemy's attack
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago, Shadow, Locke
Weapon Name: Tack Star
Price: N/A
Effects: Used with "Throw" command
Users: Shadow
Weapon Name: Tempest
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly casts "Wind Slash"
Users: Cyan
Weapon Name: Thief's Knife
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly steals an enemy's item.
Users: Shadow, Locke
Weapon Name: Thunder Blade
Price: 7,000
Effects: Randomly casts "Bolt"
Users: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
Weapon Name: Thunder Rod
Price: 3,000
Effects: Casts "Bolt 2" when used as an item, then breaks.
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Weapon Name: Tiger Fangs
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Sabin
Weapon Name: Trident
Price: 1,700
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Edgar
Weapon Name: Trump
Price: 13,000
Effects: Randomly casts "Doom"
Users: Setzer
Weapon Name: Valiant Knife
Price: N/A
Effects: Gains power as HP increases
Users: Locke
Weapon Name: Wing Edge
Price: N/A
Effects: Same damage from back row as front row
Users: Locke

6.2 Armor List --------------------------------------------------------

Armor: Most characters can also equip armor to increase their defense against
both physical and magical attacks.

Price: The cost of such an item if it can be purchased at a shop.

Effect: If an item has a special property, you will find it noted here.

Users: A list of all characters that can make use of a piece of armor or
Not all items have such restrictions.


Armor Name: Aegis Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly evades magic attack
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Bandana
Price: 800
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Bard's Hat
Price: 3000
Effects: Raises MP a little
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Behemoth Suit
Price: N/A
Effects: Made of behemoth hide
Users: Relm, Strago
Armor Name: Beret
Price: 3500
Effects: Raises success rate of "Sketch"
Users: Relm
Armor Name: Buckler
Price: 200
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Cat Hood
Price: N/A
Effects: Doubles GP earned in battle
Users: Relm
Armor Name: Chobobo Suit
Price: N/A
Effects: Feel like a chocobo!
Users: Relm, Strago
Armor Name: Circlet
Price: 7000
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Coronet
Price: N/A
Effects: Raises success rate of "Control"
Users: Relm
Armor Name: Cotton Robe
Price: 200
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago, Terra
Armor Name: Crystal Helm
Price: 10,000
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Terra
Armor Name: Crystal Mail
Price: 17,000
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra
Armor Name: Crystal Shield
Price: 7,000
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Armor Name: Cursed Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: Causes several abnormal status effects.
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Czarina Gown
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Relm
Armor Name: Dark Gear
Price: 13,000
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Gau, Setzer, Sabin, Shadow, Locke
Armor Name: Dark Hood
Price: 7,500
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Gau, Mog, Sabin, Shadow, Locke
Armor Name: Diamond Armor
Price: 15,000
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Armor Name: Diamond Helm
Price: 8,000
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Armor Name: Diamond Shield
Price: 3,500
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Armor Name: Diamond Vest
Price: 12,000
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Shadow, Gogo
Armor Name: Flame Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: Absorbs fire elemental attacks
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Gau
Armor Name: Force Armor
Price: N/A
Effects: Magic defense up
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra
Armor Name: Force Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: Protects against magic attacks
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Gaia Gear
Price: 6000
Effects: Absorbs earth elemental attacks
Users: Sabin, Terra, Locke, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm,
Armor Name: Genji Armor
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Celes, Setzer, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra, Shadow
Armor Name: Genji Helmet
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Genji Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Gold Armor
Price: 10,000
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Armor Name: Gold Helmet
Price: 4,000
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Armor Name: Gold Shield
Price: 2,500
Effects: none
Users: Mog, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra
Armor Name: Green Beret
Price: 3,000
Effects: Raises HP a little
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Hair Band
Price: 150
Effects: none
Users: Relm, Celes, Terra
Armor Name: Head Band
Price: 16,000
Effects: none
Users: Gau, Mog, Sabin, Shadow, Cyan, Locke
Armor Name: Heavy Shield
Price: 400
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra
Armor Name: Ice Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: Absorbs ice elemental attacks
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm Gogo
Armor Name: Imp's Armor
Price: N/A
Effects: ?? if equipped while an Imp
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Iron Armor
Price: 700
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra
Armor Name: Iron Helmet
Price: 1,000
Effects: none
Users: Gau, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra
Armor Name: Kung Fu Suit
Price: 250
Effects: none
Users: Gau, Sabin, Shadow, Locke
Armor Name: Leather Armor
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow,
Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Leather Hat
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow,
Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Light Robe
Price: 11,000
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Armor Name: Magus Hat
Price: 600
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Mog, Relm, Strago, Setzer, Terra
Armor Name: Minerva
Price: N/A
Effects: Raises MP by 1/4th
Users: Celes, Terra
Armor Name: Mirage Vest
Price: N/A
Effects: Creates an illusion
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Moogle Suit
Price: N/A
Effects: Be a moogle! Kupo!!
Users: Relm, Strago
Armor Name: Mystery Veil
Price: 5,500
Effects: none
Users: Relm, Celes, Terra
Armor Name: Mythril Helm
Price: 2,000
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Gau, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Shadow, Cyan, Locke, Terra
Armor Name: Mythril Mail
Price: 3,500
Effects: none
Users: Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra
Armor Name: Mythril Shield
Price: 1,200
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Mythril Vest
Price: 1,200
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Ninja Gear
Price: 1,100
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Gau, Setzer, Sabin, Shadow, Locke
Armor Name: Nutkin Suit
Price: N/A
Effects: A squirrel costume
Users: Relm, Strago
Armor Name: Oath Veil
Price: 9,000
Effects: none
Users: Relm, Celes, Terra
Armor Name: Paladin Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: Cured Shield after "curse" is broken
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Plumed Hat
Price: 250
Effects: none
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Power Sash
Price: 5,000
Effects: none
Users: Gau, Sabin, Shadow, Cyan, Locke
Armor Name: Red Cap
Price: N/A
Effects: Raises HP by 1/4
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Red Jacket
Price: N/A
Effects: Houses legendary grappler's spirit
Users: Sabin, Edgar
Armor Name: Regal Crown
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Sabin, Edgar
Armor Name: Silk Robe
Price: 600
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Mog, Relm, Strago, Celes, Terra
Armor Name: Snow Muffler
Price: N/A
Effects: none
Users: Gau, Mog
Armor Name: Tabby Suit
Price: N/A
Effects: Resembles a tabby cat
Users: Relm, Strago
Armor Name: Tao Robe
Price: 13,000
Effects: none
Users: Gogo, Relm, Strago
Armor Name: Thornlet
Price: N/A
Effects: Slkowly drains HP from wearer
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Thunder Armor
Price: N/A
Effects: Randomly casts Bolt 2, cats Bolt 3 when used as an item, and then
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Thunder Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: Absorbs thunder elemental attacks
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Tiara
Price: 3,000
Effects: none
Users: Relm, Celes, Terra
Armor Name: Tiger Mask
Price: 2,500
Effects: none
Users: Gau, Sabin, Shadow, Locke
Armor Name: Titanium
Price: N/A
Effects: Cures "Imp" Status
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: Tortoise Shield
Price: N/A
Effects: ?? if equipped while an Imp
Users: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
Shadow, Relm, Gogo
Armor Name: White Dress
Price: 2,200
Effects: none
Users: Relm, Celes, Terra

6.3 Relic List --------------------------------------------------------

Relics: Every character can equip two of these at a time. They give special
bonuses that can drastically alter a character's performance.

Price: The cost of such an item if it can be purchased at a shop.

Effect: If an item has a special property, you will find it noted here.


Item: Amulet
Price: 5000
Effect: Protects against "Poison", "Dark", and "Zombie".
Item: Atlas Armlet
Price: 5000
Effect: Increases attack power
Item: Back Guard
Price: 7000
Effect: Protects against "Back Attacks" and "Pincer Attacks".
Item: Barrier Ring
Price: 500
Effect: Casts "Shell" on a character when his/her HP runs low.
Item: Beads
Price: 4000
Effect: Increases wearers "Evade" rate.
Item: Black Belt
Price: 5000
Effect: Allows character to counterattack enemies.
Item: Blizzard Orb
Price: N/A
Effect: Allows Umaro to cast Blizzard spells.
Item: Charm Bangle
Price: N/A
Effect: Lowers random encounter rate.
Item: Cherub Down
Price: 6300
Effect: Causes character to float during battle.
Item: Coin Toss
Price: N/A
Effect: Changes Setzer's "Slot" command to "GP Rain".
Item: Crystal Orb
Price: N/A
Effect: Increases wearer's MP by 50 percent.
Item: Cure Ring
Price: 8000
Effect: Character slowly regains HP during battle (like Regen)
Item: Cursed Ring
Price: N/A
Effect: Bears a terrible curse, but increases defense.
Item: Czarina Ring
Price: 3000
Effect: Casts "Safe" and "Shell" on a character when his/her HP is low.
Item: Dragon Horn
Price: N/A
Effect: Makes character "Jump" every turn.
Item: Dragoon Boots
Price: 9000
Effect: Changes a character's "Fight" command to "Jump".
Item: Earrings
Price: 5000
Effect: Increases wearer's magic power. Effect can be doubled by equipping a
Item: Economizer
Price: N/A
Effect: Cuts spell casting cost down to one magic point.
Item: Experience Egg
Price: N/A
Effect: Doubles the amount of experience points earned after battle for
character equipped.
Item: Fairy Ring
Price: 1500
Effect: Protects wearer from "Poison" and "Dark" spells.
Item: Fake Mustache
Price: N/A
Effect: Changes Relm's "Sketch" command into "Control".
Item: Gale Hairpin
Price: 8000
Effect: Increases party's chances for a preemptive attack.
Item: Gauntlet
Price: N/A
Effect: Allows wearer to hold a weapon with both hands increasing attack
Item: Gem Box
Price: N/A
Effect: Changes wearer's "Magic" command to "X-Magic" allowing wearer to cast
two spells each turn.
Item: Genji Glove
Price: N/A
Effect: Allows wearer to equip and attack with two weapons.
Item: Goggles
Price: 500
Effect: Protects against "Dark".
Item: Gold Hairpin
Price: N/A
Effect: Cuts spell costing cost in half.
Item: Guard Ring
Price: 5000
Effect: Casts "Safe".
Item: Hero Ring
Price: N/A
Effect: Increases character's physical and magical attacking power.
Item: Hyper Wrist
Price: 8000
Effect: Increases a character's "Vigor".
Item: Jewel Ring
Price: 1000
Effect: Protects against "Petrify".
Item: Marvel Shoes
Price: N/A
Effect: Causes a variety of positive status effects when a character wears
Item: Memento Ring
Price: N/A
Effect: Protects the wearer from mortal attacks.
Item: Merit Award
Price: N/A
Effect: Allows wearer to equip heavy armor.
Item: Mythril Glove
Price: 700
Effect: Casts "Safe" on a character when his/her HP is low.
Item: Moogle Charm
Price: N/A
Effect: No random enemy encounters.
Item: Muscle Belt
Price: N/A
Effect: Increases a character's max HP by 50 percent.
Item: Offering
Price: N/A
Effect: Changes wearer's "Fight" command into "X-Fight" allowing him or her to
attack four times each turn.
Item: Peace Ring
Price: 3000
Effect: Protects wearer from "Berserk" or "Muddle" spells.
Item: Pod Bracelet
Price: N/A
Effect: Allows a character to cast Safe and Shell spells.
Item: Rage Ring
Price: N/A
Effect: Strengthens Umaro's Rage attack (Umaro Only)
Item: Relic Ring
Price: N/A
Effect: Makes wearer's body cold.
Item: Ribbon
Price: N/A
Effect: Protects wearer from all abnormal status effects.
Item: Running Shoes
Price: 7000
Effect: Casts "Haste" in battle.
Item: Safety Bit
Price: N/A
Effect: Protects wearer from mortal magic attacks.
Item: Safety Ring
Price: N/A
Effect: Protects wearer from mortal magic attacks.
Item: Sneak Ring
Price: 3000
Effect: Increases Locke's chances of stealing items during battle.
Item: Sniper Sight
Price: 3000
Effect: Increases wearer's hit ratio to 100 percent.
Item: Sprint Shoes
Price: 1500
Effect: Walk faster in towns and dungeons by pressing the "Circle" button.
Item: Star Pendant
Price: 500
Effect: Protects wearer from "Poison" spells.
Item: Thief Glove
Price: N/A
Effect: Changes Locke's "Steal" command to the "Capture" command.
Item: Tintinabar
Price: N/A
Effect: Wearer recovers HP slowly while walking.
Item: True Knight
Price: 1000
Effect: Allows character to protect other characters low on HP during battles.
Item: Wall Ring
Price: 600
Effect: Casts "Reflect" on wearer.
Item: White Cape
Price: 5000
Effect: Protects wearer from "Imp" and "Mute" spells.
Item: Zephyr Cape
Price: 7000
Effect: Increases wearer's "Evade" rate.

6.4 Item List ---------------------------------------------------------

Healing Items: These items can be used to restore HP, MP, or to cure abnormal
status ailments.

Misc. Items: These rare items have unusual uses.

Tools: Only Edgar can use these items with his "Tool" command.

Throwing Weapons: Only Shadow can use these items with his "Throw" Command.

Price: The cost of such an item if it can be purchased at a shop.

Effect: If an item has a special property, you will find it noted here.


Item: Antidote
Price: 50
Effect: Cures "Poison" status
Item: Dried Meat
Price: 150
Effect: Restores 150 HP
Item: Echo Screen
Price: 120
Effect: Cures "Mute" status
Item: Elixir
Price: N/A
Effect: Completely restores HP and MP
Item: Ether
Price: N/A
Effect: Restores 150 MP
Item: Eyedrop
Price: 50
Effect: Cures "Dark" status
Item: Phoenix Down
Price: 500
Effect: Revives a K.O.ed ally/Destroys undead enemies
Item: Green Cherry
Price: 150
Effect: Cures "Imp" status
Item: Megalixir
Price: N/A
Effect: Completely restores party's HP and MP
Item: Potion
Price: 300
Effect: Restores 250 HP
Item: Remedy
Price: 1000
Effect: Cures abnormal statuses except "Zombie" and "Imp"
Item: Revivify
Price: 300
Effect: Cures "Zombie" status/Damages undead enemies
Item: Sleeping Bag
Price: 500
Effect: Completely restores one character's HP and MP. Can be used at save
points and outdoors only.
Item: Soft
Price: 200
Effect: Cures "Petrify" status
Item: Tent
Price: 1200
Effect: Completely restores one party's HP and MP. Can be used at save points
and outdoors only.
Item: Tincture
Price: 1500
Effect: Restores 50 MP
Item: Tonic
Price: 50
Effect: Restores 50 HP
Item: X-Ether
Price: N/A
Effect: Completely restores MP
Item: X-Potion
Price: N/A
Effect: Completely restores HP


Item: Magicite
Price: N/A
Effect: Randomly summons an Esper to aid your party in battle.
Item: Rename Card
Price: N/A
Effect: Allows you to change a character's name.
Item: Smoke Bomb
Price: 300
Effect: Allows party to escape from battle.
Item: Super Ball
Price: 10,000
Effect: Causes damage by bouncing off of enemies.
Item: Warp Stone
Price: 700
Effect: Allows party to escape from battles and dungeons.


Item: Air Anchor
Price: N/A
Effect: Causes enemies to self-destruct.
Item: Auto Crossbow
Price: 250
Effect: Attacks all enemies
Item: Bio Blaster
Price: 750
Effect: Poisons enemies
Item: Chain Saw
Price: 2000
Effect: Randomly dispatches an enemy.
Item: Debilitator
Price: 5000
Effect: Creates an elemental weak point in an enemy.
Item: Drill
Price: 3000
Effect: Drills through enemy defenses
Item: Flash
Price: 1000
Effect: Blinds enemies
Item: Noise Blaster
Price: 500
Effect: Confuses enemies


Item: Bolt Edge
Price: 500
Effect: Thunder-elemental attack against multiple enemies
Item: Fire Skean
Price: 500
Effect: Fire-elemental attack against multiple enemies
Item: Inviz Edge
Price: 200
Effect: Makes thrower invisible
Item: Shadow Edge
Price: 400
Effect: Creates an illusion of the thrower
Item: Water Edge
Price: 500
Effect: Water-elemental attack against multiple enemies

6.5 Espers List -------------------------------------------------------

Magicite is the remains of a defeated Esper. Each character can equip one
Magicite crystal in the Skills menu. By equipping Magicite, a character can
assume the lost Esper's powers. Over time, the character will learn new spells
from the Esper's Magicite, and will no longer need to have the Magicite
equipped to use the spells. This is accomplished with Magic Points won in
battle. Also, while a character has an Esper equipped, he/she can summon the
Esper into battle. This is very handy, because each Esper has a different
attack and some are more powerful than others.

As your characters learn from Espers, they can trade Magicite crystals so that
everyone can have the same list of spells as everyone else. Note, however,
that it takes a lot of time and effort. Also, some Espers have bonuses
connected to them that characters receive when leveling up. For example,
whenever a character equipped with Ramuh levels up, that character's Stamina
increases by one point. Use these bonuses to help round out your character's
vital statistics.


6.6 Magic List --------------------------------------------------------

As the game progresses, your characters will begin to learn the arts of
casting spells. In the following section, you will find a complete listing of
those spells and information about each one. Keep this section handy to help
you determine which Espers to equip and what spells to learn first.


NAME: Cure
EFFECT: Restores a small amount of MP
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Starlet x20, Sraphim x20, Kirin x5, Shiva x3
NAME: Cure 2
EFFECT: Restores three times as much HP as Cure
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Starlet x16, Sraphim x8, Golem x5, Unicorn x4, Kirin x1
NAME: Cure 3
EFFECT: Restores seven times as much HP as Cure
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Phoenix x2, Starlet x1
NAME: Antidote
EFFECT: Cures a character of the poison status
RANGE: Single
NAME: Life
EFFECT: Revives wounded and destroys undead enemies
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Phoenix x10, Sraphim x5, Bismark x2
NAME: Life 2
EFFECT: Revives wounded allies and completely restores their HP
RANGE: Single
NAME: Life 3
EFFECT: Similar to Life, but this spell is cast on a fighter before they are
knocked out during the battle. If the character is critically wounded later on
in the battle, they are automatically revived.
RANGE: Single
NAME: Remedy
EFFECT: Cures all abnormal status effects except Zombie and Imp
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Starlet x20, Alexander x15, Sraphim x4, Unicorn x3
NAME: Regen
EFFECT: Slowly restores a character's HP over time
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Starlet x20, Sraphim x10, Kirin x3


NAME: Fire
EFFECT: This small blast of heat causes limited damage to opponents
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Bismark x20, Ifrit x10, Siren x6
NAME: Fire 2
EFFECT: A larger blast of heat that causes three times as much damage as the
Fire spell
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Ifrit x5, Maduin x3
NAME: Fire 3
EFFECT: Bombs the enemy with an explosive blast that causes six times the
damage of Fire
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Phoenix x3, Tritoch x1
NAME: Bolt
EFFECT: Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt.
ELEMENT: Lightning
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Bismark x20, Ramuh x10
NAME: Bolt 2
EFFECT: Enemies are shocked with a larger lightning bolt that causes three
times the amount of damage as Bolt
ELEMENT: Lightning
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Maduin x3, Ramuh x2
NAME: Bolt 3
EFFECT: Blasts the enemy with a huge lightning bolt that causes six times the
amount of damage as Bolt
ELEMENT: Lightning
RANGE: Single/All
EFFECT: Freezes enemies with a blast of cold air
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Bismark x20, Shiva x10
NAME: Ice 2
EFFECT: Ice engulfs the enemy, causing three times as much damage as Ice
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Shiva x5, Maduin x3
NAME: Ice 3
EFFECT: Huge ice boulders crash down on the enemy, causing six times as much
damage as Ice
RANGE: Single/All
EFFECT: A more powerful version of the Poison spell that can target multiple
RANGE: Single/All
NAME: Poison
EFFECT: Engulfs the enemy in poisonous gas that causes damage and the Poison
status effect.
RANGE: Single
NAME: Drain
EFFECT: Sucks HP from an enemy and transfers it to the spell caster
RANGE: Single
NAME: Break
EFFECT: This spell attempts to petrify enemies
RANGE: Single
NAME: Pearl
EFFECT: Showers an enemy with holy light
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Alexander x2
NAME: Demi
EFFECT: This magic attack cuts an enemy's HP in half
RANGE: Single
NAME: X-Zone
EFFECT: Sends enemies to a different dimension from which they can never
NAME: Doom
EFFECT: Summons the Grim Reaper whose touch brings instant death
RANGE: Single
NAME: Flare
EFFECT: A powerful explosive blast focused on a single enemy
RANGE: Single
NAME: Quarter
EFFECT: This is stronger version of the Demi spell that cuts an enemy's HP
to one quarter
NAME: Meteor
EFFECT: A meteor shower rains down from above
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Crusader x10, Odin x1
NAME: Ultima
EFFECT: This is the ultimate attack spell, which causes massive damage to
groups of enemies
NAME: W.Wind
EFFECT: Creates a powerful tornado that saps 90 percent of everyone's HP.
RANGE: All (Enemies and Allies)
NAME: Quake
EFFECT: Causes a massive earthquake that damages everyone with their feet on
RANGE: All (Enemies and Allies)
NAME: Merton
EFFECT: This powerful magical attack effects everyone within its path
RANGE: All (Enemies and Allies)


NAME: Scan
EFFECT: Displays an enemy's level, HP, MP, and elemental weaknesses
RANGE: Single
NAME: Rasp
EFFECT: Reduces an enemy's total MP
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Zone Seek x20, Shiva x4
NAME: Safe
EFFECT: Increases the target defenses against physical attacks
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Alexander x10, Golem x5, Carbunkl x2, Unicorn x1
NAME: Muddle
EFFECT: Confuses the target, making use of random commands against random
RANGE: Single
NAME: Haste
EFFECT: Raises target's speed so that it takes less time between actions in
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Palidor x20, Carbunkl x3
NAME: Haste 2
EFFECT: Speeds up the entire party, so everyone takes less time between
NAME: Shell
EFFECT: Increases the target's defenses against magic attacks
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Alexander x10, Zone Seek x5, Carbunkl x2, Unicorn x1
NAME: Reflect
EFFECT: Creates a magical barrier that blocks most magic attacks. Reflected
spells are bounced back at the caster's party. Reflect cannot block a spell
that has already been reflected off of another character.
RANGE: Single
NAME: Float
EFFECT: Causes the target to float in the air. Earth magic does not affect
floating characters.
RANGE: Single/All
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Palidor x5, Stray x2
EFFECT: Turns the target into an Imp, limiting its battle options. Can also be
used to cure the Imp status effect.
RANGE: Single
NAME: Berserk
EFFECT: The target loses control of its actions and can only use physical
attacks against random targets.
RANGE: Single
NAME: Vanish
EFFECT: Makes the target temporarily invisible, which makes it immune to
physical attacks. Character reappears when taking some actions or when magic
is used against it.
RANGE: Single
NAME: Mute
EFFECT: Silences the target, making it impossible for the enemy to use magic
RANGE: Single
NAME: Quick
EFFECT: Makes the target super fast, allowing it to immediately take two
additional turns
RANGE: Caster
NAME: Stop
EFFECT: Stops the target temporarily so that it cannot perform actions during
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Golem x5, Fenrir x3
NAME: Osmose
EFFECT: Absorbs MP from an enemy and transfers it to the spell caster
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Zone Seek x15, Shiva x4
NAME: Warp
EFFECT: Allows the party to escape from battles or dungeons instantly
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Fenrir x10, Carbunkl x2
NAME: Dispel
EFFECT: Removes some abnormal status spells from characters
RANGE: Single
ESPER/LEARN RATE: Alexander x10, Unicorn x2

6.7 Enemies List ------------------------------------------------------

Name: Enemy's name
Level: Enemy's level of experience. The higher the level, the stronger the
HP: Enemy's Hit Points or health. You must cause at least this much damage to
the enemy to defeat it.
MP: Enemy's Magic Points. The enemy has this much HP available for magic
Experience: Amount of Experience Points earned for defeating the enemy.
Experience is divided equally among party members.
GP: Gold Pieces received for defeating the enemy.
Speed: Enemy's Speed rating. Faster enemies attack more often.
Attack: Enemy's physical attack power.
Defense: Enemy's defensive powers against physical attacks.
Evade: Enemy's ability to dodge/block magical attacks.
Magic Attack: Enemy's magic attack power.
Magic Defense: Enemy's defensive powers against magic attacks.
Magic Evade: Enemy's ability to dodge/block magical attacks.
Element: The enemy is immune or protected from these elements.
Weaknesses: The enemy is vulnerable to these elements.
Steal: Items that Locke can steal from the enemy using the Steal or Capture
Drop: Items the enemy may drop after being defeated.


1st Class
Name: 1st Class
Level: 11
HP: 180
MP: 25
Experience: 117
GP: 112
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 55
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None


Name: Abolisher
Level: 24
HP: 860
MP: 82
Experience: 485
GP: 525
Speed: 35
Attack: 116
Defense: 25
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Actaneon
Level: 12
HP: 230
MP: 98
Experience: 57
GP: 125
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Adamanchyt
Level: 24
HP: 1305
MP: 50
Experience: 1450
GP: 189
Speed: 40
Attack: 22
Defense: 225
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 45
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Gold Shield
Drop: None

Air Force
Name: Air Force
Level: 25
HP: 8000
MP: 750
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 10
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Elixir
Drop: Czarina Ring

Name: Allosaurus
Level: 38
HP: 3000
MP: 300
Experience: 953
GP: 731
Speed: 10
Attack: 10
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 0
Magic Evade: 50
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Allo Ver
Name: Allo Ver
Level: 19
HP: 8000
MP: 8000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 55
Attack: 13
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 55
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Tonic, Potion
Drop: Tiger Fang

Name: Anemone
Level: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Experience: 1000
GP: 550
Speed: 33
Attack: 10
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning, Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Green Cherry

Name: Anguiform
Level: 13
HP: 315
MP: 150
Experience: 96
GP: 358
Speed: 25
Attack: 14
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 6
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Potion
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Apokryphos
Level: 26
HP: 1900
MP: 195
Experience: 1200
GP: 525
Speed: 37
Attack: 18
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Holy, Lightning
Steal: Cure Ring
Drop: None

Name: Apparite
Level: 20
HP: 781
MP: 60
Experience: 415
GP: 300
Speed: 35
Attack: 17
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Ice
Steal: Potion, Revivify
Drop: Revivify

Name: Aquilla
Level: 49
HP: 6013
MP: 820
Experience: 2781
GP: 906
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 120
Evade: 30
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Economizer, Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Areneid
Level: 6
HP: 87
MP: 13
Experience: 37
GP: 94
Speed: 30
Attack: 20
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 0
Magic Evade: 135
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Aspik
Level: 12
HP: 220
MP: 330
Experience: 48
GP: 115
Speed: 40
Attack: 2
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 2
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: X-Potion

Name: Atma
Level: 67
HP: 55,000
MP: 19,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 63
Attack: 20
Defense: 75
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 70
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Crystal Orb, Drainer
Drop: None

Atma Weapon
Name: Atma Weapon
Level: 37
HP: 24,000
MP: 5000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 67
Attack: 45
Defense: 142
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 97
Magic Evade: 10
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Elixir, Ribbon
Drop: Elixir


Name: Balloon
Level: 22
HP: 550
MP: 80
Experience: 369
GP: 300
Speed: 25
Attack: 11
Defense: 20
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice, Water
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: None

Name: Barb-E
Level: 39
HP: 3062
MP: 198
Experience: 1410
GP: 631
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Baskervor
Level: 22
HP: 750
MP: 100
Experience: 465
GP: 458
Speed: 35
Attack: 17
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Gaia Gear
Drop: Potion

Name: Beakor
Level: 11
HP: 290
MP: 30
Experience: 108
GP: 135
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Eye Drop, Potion
Drop: Potion

Name: Behemoth
Level: 28
HP: 5800
MP: 180
Experience: 2055
GP: 0
Speed: 50
Attack: 25
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Running Shoes
Drop: X-Potion

Black Dragon
Name: Black Dragon
Level: 26
HP: 4000
MP: 600
Experience: 780
GP: 502
Speed: 30
Attack: 14
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 20
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Revivify
Drop: Tent

Name: Bleary
Level: 7
HP: 119
MP: 10
Experience: 53
GP: 80
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Bloompyre
Level: 26
HP: 12
MP: 400
Experience: 510
GP: 896
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 254
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Echo Screen
Drop: Smoke Bomb

Blue Dragon
Name: Blue Dragon
Level: 66
HP: 26,900
MP: 3800
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 75
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: Scimitar

Name: Bogy
Level: 29
HP: 1318
MP: 100
Experience: 532
GP: 1200
Speed: 30
Attack: 15
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Bomb
Level: 8
HP: 160
MP: 50
Experience: 35
GP: 80
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 90
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 1
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Tonic, Potion, Muscle Belt
Drop: Potion

Name: Borras
Level: 35
HP: 4771
MP: 590
Experience: 2953
GP: 2500
Speed: 43
Attack: 23
Defense: 150
Evade: 105
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 10
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Bounty Man
Name: Bounty Man
Level: 13
HP: 285
MP: 50
Experience: 115
GP: 55
Speed: 32
Attack: 16
Defense: 75
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Boxed Set
Name: Boxed Set
Level: 45
HP: 4020
MP: 105
Experience: 1504
GP: 465
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 90
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 250
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Antidote
Drop: None

Name: Brachosaur
Level: 77
HP: 46,050
MP: 51,420
Experience: 14,396
GP: 0
Speed: 95
Attack: 55
Defense: 190
Evade: 70
Magic Attack: 25
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 50
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Ribbon
Drop: Econonomizer

Name: Brainpan
Level: 25
HP: 1300
MP: 1000
Experience: 550
GP: 600
Speed: 35
Attack: 24
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire, Lightning
Steal: Earrings
Drop: None

Name: Brawler
Level: 9
HP: 137
MP: 100
Experience: 79
GP: 84
Speed: 35
Attack: 14
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 70
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Bandana
Drop: Tonic

Name: Brontaur
Level: 50
HP: 10,050
MP: 12,850
Experience: 3000
GP: 1200
Speed: 35
Attack: 15
Defense: 130
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Dried Meat
Drop: None

Name: Buffalax
Level: 26
HP: 2252
MP: 218
Experience: 562
GP: 458
Speed: 30
Attack: 15
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Fire
Steal: Diamond Vest, Tincture
Drop: None

Name: Bug
Level: 16
HP: 310
MP: 20
Experience: 165
GP: 210
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice, Water
Steal: Potion, Soft
Drop: None


Name: Cactrot
Level: 27
HP: 3
MP: 60,000
Experience: 0
GP: 10,000
Speed: 39
Attack: 1
Defense: 255
Evade: 250
Magic Attack: 50
Magic Defense: 225
Magic Evade: 250
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Soft
Drop: Soft

Name: Cadet
Level: 13
HP: 380
MP: 48
Experience: 0
GP: 144
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Cephaler
Level: 21
HP: 420
MP: 100
Experience: 214
GP: 280
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Potion, Remedy
Drop: None

Name: Ceritops
Level: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Experience: 1000
GP: 850
Speed: 34
Attack: 10
Defense: 130
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Chadarnook
Level: 41
HP: 30,000
MP: 7600
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 61
Attack: 18
Defense: 135
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Fire, Holy
Steal: None
Drop: None

Chaos Dragon
Name: Chaos Dragon
Level: 44
HP: 9013
MP: 1300
Experience: 4881
GP: 1000
Speed: 30
Attack: 15
Defense: 5
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 85
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Chaser
Level: 19
HP: 1202
MP: 140
Experience: 691
GP: 380
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 200
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Bio Blaster
Drop: None

Name: Chickenlip
Level: 18
HP: 545
MP: 144
Experience: 190
GP: 279
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Sleeping Bag, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Chimera
Level: 22
HP: 2237
MP: 100
Experience: 1144
GP: 760
Speed: 45
Attack: 25
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Hyper Wrist
Drop: Gold Armor

Name: Chitnoid
Level: 26
HP: 1111
MP: 60
Experience: 321
GP: 356
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 80
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Potion
Drop: Remedy

Name: Chupon
Level: 26
HP: 10,000
MP: 40,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 10
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 55
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Dirk
Drop: None

Name: Cipius
Level: 10
HP: 134
MP: 100
Experience: 82
GP: 103
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tonic, Antidote
Drop: None

Name: Cluck
Level: 38
HP: 2366
MP: 185
Experience: 770
GP: 422
Speed: 33
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Coelecite
Level: 20
HP: 480
MP: 15
Experience: 290
GP: 270
Speed: 35
Attack: 20
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Potion, Antidote
Drop: Potion

Name: Commander
Level: 10
HP: 102
MP: 50
Experience: 85
GP: 153
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Commando
Level: 18
HP: 580
MP: 35
Experience: 252
GP: 273
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 210
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
Steal: Mythril Vest, Tent
Drop: Tent

Name: Covert
Level: 44
HP: 4530
MP: 240
Experience: 1757
GP: 1768
Speed: 35
Attack: 25
Defense: 100
Evade: 50
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Tack Star, Shuriken
Drop: None

Crane (Left)
Name: Crane (Left)
Level: 23
HP: 1800
MP: 447
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 14
Defense: 145
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: Noise Blaster
Drop: None

Crane (Right)
Name: Crane (Right)
Level: 24
HP: 2300
MP: 447
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 14
Defense: 125
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Debilitator, Potion
Drop: None

Crass Hopper
Name: Crass Hopper
Level: 11
HP: 243
MP: 80
Experience: 89
GP: 145
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind, Fire
Steal: Antidote
Drop: Potion

Name: Crawler
Level: 51
HP: 3200
MP: 620
Experience: 1456
GP: 1224
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Remedy
Drop: None

Name: Crawly
Level: 7
HP: 122
MP: 0
Experience: 71
GP: 120
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 45
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Remedy, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Critic
Level: 40
HP: 1200
MP: 330
Experience: 1323
GP: 531
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 125
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Cruller
Level: 28
HP: 1334
MP: 100
Experience: 419
GP: 797
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 110
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 70
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Crusher
Level: 36
HP: 2095
MP: 340
Experience: 788
GP: 577
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 145
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 85
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Super Ball
Drop: Super Ball

Name: Curley
Level: 47
HP: 15,000
MP: 2000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 1
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: None
Drop: None


Name: Dadaluma
Level: 22
HP: 3270
MP: 1005
Experience: 0
GP: 1210
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 85
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 143
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: Sneak Ring, Jewel Ring
Drop: Thief's Knife, Head Band

Name: Dahling
Level: 37
HP: 3850
MP: 500
Experience: 1151
GP: 1260
Speed: 35
Attack: 1
Defense: 110
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Moogle Suit
Drop: None

Name: Dante
Level: 28
HP: 1945
MP: 200
Experience: 1150
GP: 712
Speed: 40
Attack: 17
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Diamond Helm
Drop: Gold Shield

Dark Force
Name: Dark Force
Level: 55
HP: 8940
MP: 700
Experience: 2950
GP: 600
Speed: 35
Attack: 12
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Crystal
Drop: None

Dark Side
Name: Dark Side
Level: 13
HP: 255
MP: 85
Experience: 165
GP: 138
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Potion

Dark Wind
Name: Dark Wind
Level: 5
HP: 34
MP: 0
Experience: 28
GP: 41
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 55
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Deep Eye
Name: Deep Eye
Level: 28
HP: 1334
MP: 100
Experience: 385
GP: 485
Speed: 30
Attack: 14
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Eye Drop
Drop: None

Delta Bug
Name: Delta Bug
Level: 26
HP: 612
MP: 80
Experience: 288
GP: 211
Speed: 30
Attack: 110
Defense: 220
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 5
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Sleeping Bag

Name: Didalos
Level: 59
HP: 12,280
MP: 100
Experience: 3500
GP: 0
Speed: 37
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Flare
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Dirt Dragon
Name: Dirt Dragon
Level: 53
HP: 28,550
MP: 16,550
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 55
Attack: 23
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Wind
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: Magus Rod

Name: Displayer
Level: 38
HP: 3826
MP: 1327
Experience: 1510
GP: 393
Speed: 44
Attack: 13
Defense: 150
Evade: 30
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Doberman
Level: 12
HP: 465
MP: 10
Experience: 0
GP: 83
Speed: 35
Attack: 10
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Potion

Name: Doom
Level: 73
HP: 63,000
MP: 4800
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 61
Attack: 60
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice, Poison
Weaknesses: Fire, Holy
Steal: None
Drop: None

Doom Dragon
Name: Doom Dragon
Level: 54
HP: 18,008
MP: 10,000
Experience: 8500
GP: 2700
Speed: 48
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 13
Magic Defense: 9
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Pod Bracelet
Drop: None

Doom Gaze
Name: Doom Gaze
Level: 68
HP: 55,555
MP: 38,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 95
Attack: 35
Defense: 150
Evade: 30
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 170
Magic Evade: 30
Element: Ice, Poison
Weaknesses: Fire, Holy
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Dragon
Level: 29
HP: 7000
MP: 850
Experience: 2931
GP: 0
Speed: 55
Attack: 45
Defense: 130
Evade: 40
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Genji Glove, Potion
Drop: None

Name: Drop
Level: 27
HP: 1000
MP: 80
Experience: 398
GP: 427
Speed: 30
Attack: 6
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
Steal: Tincture
Drop: Tincture

Name: Dueller
Level: 53
HP: 7200
MP: 1600
Experience: 2500
GP: 800
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 185
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Chain Saw
Drop: None

Name: Dullahan
Level: 37
HP: 23,450
MP: 1721
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 55
Attack: 55
Defense: 130
Evade: 10
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Genji Glove, X-Potion
Drop: None


Earth Guard
Name: Earth Guard
Level: 23
HP: 1
MP: 18
Experience: 1
GP: 0
Speed: 45
Attack: 6
Defense: 5
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 5
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: Megalixir
Drop: None

Name: Eland
Level: 37
HP: 2470
MP: 145
Experience: 775
GP: 550
Speed: 32
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 10
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Enuo
Level: 46
HP: 4635
MP: 280
Experience: 1429
GP: 968
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: None

Evil Oscar
Name: Evil Oscar
Level: 56
HP: 7000
MP: 500
Experience: 2800
GP: 1320
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 6
Magic Defense: 105
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice, Lightning, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: None

Name: Exocite
Level: 11
HP: 196
MP: 100
Experience: 162
GP: 153
Speed: 30
Attack: 19
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Lightning, Fire
Steal: Mythril Claw, Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Exoray
Level: 29
HP: 1200
MP: 112
Experience: 449
GP: 370
Speed: 33
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 105
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Revivify


F-Boss 1 (Face)
Name: F-Boss 1 (Face)
Level: 74
HP: 30,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 44
Attack: 63
Defense: 140
Evade: 10
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

F-Boss 1 (Long Arm)
Name: F-Boss 1 (Long Arm)
Level: 73
HP: 33,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 39
Attack: 35
Defense: 110
Evade: 5
Magic Attack: 30
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

F-Boss 1 (Short Arm)
Name: F-Boss 1 (Short Arm)
Level: 73
HP: 27,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 37
Attack: 50
Defense: 115
Evade: 10
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

F-Boss 2 (Hit)
Name: F-Boss 2 (Hit)
Level: 73
HP: 28,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 33
Attack: 6
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

F-Boss 2 (Magic)
Name: F-Boss 2 (Magic)
Level: 72
HP: 30,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 1
Defense: 145
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Earth
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

F-Boss 2 (Tiger)
Name: F-Boss 2 (Tiger)
Level: 70
HP: 30,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 21
Attack: 13
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Earth
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

F-Boss 2 (Tools)
Name: F-Boss 2 (Tools)
Level: 73
HP: 24,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 29
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

F-Boss 3 (Girl)
Name: F-Boss 3 (Girl)
Level: 58
HP: 9999
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 41
Attack: 73
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Ice, Earth, Lightning, Poison, Water, Wind, Holy
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Ragnarok
Drop: None

F-Boss 3 (Sleep)
Name: F-Boss 3 (Sleep)
Level: 71
HP: 40,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 46
Attack: 63
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 6
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Atma Weapon
Drop: None

Name: Fidor
Level: 13
HP: 355
MP: 80
Experience: 160
GP: 180
Speed: 35
Attack: 25
Defense: 55
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 170
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion, Phoenix Down
Drop: None

Name: Figaliz
Level: 45
HP: 4220
MP: 140
Experience: 1219
GP: 554
Speed: 30
Attack: 29
Defense: 90
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 250
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Nine
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Flame Eater
Name: Flame Eater
Level: 26
HP: 8400
MP: 480
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 34
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Flame Sabre
Drop: None

Name: Flan
Level: 19
HP: 255
MP: 110
Experience: 160
GP: 120
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 12
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Magicite, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Fortis
Level: 54
HP: 9800
MP: 700
Experience: 3500
GP: 250
Speed: 35
Attack: 5
Defense: 160
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Drill
Drop: None

Fossil Fang
Name: Fossil Fang
Level: 20
HP: 1399
MP: 219
Experience: 380
GP: 1870
Speed: 35
Attack: 25
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 165
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Water, Holy, Ice, Fire
Steal: Remedy, Revivify
Drop: None


Name: Gabbledegak
Level: 15
HP: 350
MP: 20
Experience: 104
GP: 126
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 85
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Eye Drop, Phoenix Down
Drop: None

Name: Garm
Level: 19
HP: 615
MP: 45
Experience: 228
GP: 343
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 220
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Phoenix Down, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Geckorex
Level: 54
HP: 5000
MP: 1020
Experience: 2400
GP: 1120
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 135
Evade: 10
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 10
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Tortoise Shield
Drop: Tortoise Shield

Name: General
Level: 19
HP: 650
MP: 30
Experience: 232
GP: 308
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 155
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 105
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Mythril Shield, Tonic
Drop: Green Cherry

Name: Ghost
Level: 10
HP: 226
MP: 70
Experience: 48
GP: 75
Speed: 30
Attack: 1
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 1
Magic Defense: 151
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Ghost Train
Name: Ghost Train
Level: 14
HP: 1900
MP: 350
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 30
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 210
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Wind
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire, Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: Tent

Giga Toad
Name: Giga Toad
Level: 26
HP: 458
MP: 20
Experience: 235
GP: 340
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: None
Drop: Sleeping Bag

Name: Gigantos
Level: 25
HP: 6000
MP: 1120
Experience: 7750
GP: 0
Speed: 50
Attack: 20
Defense: 1
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 1
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: Hardened

Name: Gilomantis
Level: 26
HP: 1412
MP: 110
Experience: 559
GP: 756
Speed: 35
Attack: 16
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Poison Claw
Drop: None

Gloom Shell
Name: Gloom Shell
Level: 41
HP: 2905
MP: 175
Experience: 1096
GP: 421
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Gobbler
Level: 19
HP: 470
MP: 63
Experience: 438
GP: 250
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 170
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Goblin
Level: 46
HP: 5555
MP: 1150
Experience: 2189
GP: 960
Speed: 30
Attack: 18
Defense: 70
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 250
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Mythril Glove
Drop: None

Name: Goddess
Level: 68
HP: 44,000
MP: 19,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 50
Attack: 13
Defense: 65
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 14
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning, Holy
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Minerva
Drop: Excaliber

Gold Bear
Name: Gold Bear
Level: 13
HP: 275
MP: 0
Experience: 160
GP: 185
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 40
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Potion

Gold Dragon
Name: Gold Dragon
Level: 62
HP: 32,400
MP: 4000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 75
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: None
Drop: Crystal Orb

Grease Monk
Name: Grease Monk
Level: 8
HP: 132
MP: 100
Experience: 53
GP: 256
Speed: 35
Attack: 15
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Potion
Steal: Buckler, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Grenade
Level: 17
HP: 3000
MP: 500
Experience: 190
GP: 500
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 0
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Fire Skean
Drop: None

Name: Grunt
Level: 12
HP: 100
MP: 10
Experience: 0
GP: 48
Speed: 35
Attack: 11
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Gt. Behemoth
Name: Gt. Behemoth
Level: 58
HP: 11,000
MP: 700
Experience: 4100
GP: 2900
Speed: 35
Attack: 7
Defense: 90
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tiger Fangs
Drop: None

Name: Guard
Level: 5
HP: 40
MP: 15
Experience: 48
GP: 48
Speed: 30
Attack: 16
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 0
Magic Defense: 6
Magic Evade: 140
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tonic, Potion
Drop: None

Name: Guardian
Level: 67
HP: 60,000
MP: 5200
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 80
Attack: 13
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 25
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Force Armor, Ribbon
Drop: None


Hades Gigas
Name: Hades Gigas
Level: 16
HP: 1200
MP: 60
Experience: 550
GP: 600
Speed: 40
Attack: 18
Defense: 125
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 115
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Earth
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Atlas Armlet
Drop: None

Name: Harpiai
Level: 29
HP: 1418
MP: 100
Experience: 449
GP: 909
Speed: 30
Attack: 19
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: None

Name: Harpy
Level: 42
HP: 3615
MP: 233
Experience: 1994
GP: 1221
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: None

Name: Harvester
Level: 16
HP: 428
MP: 85
Experience: 291
GP: 314
Speed: 50
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Dragoon Boots, Goggles
Drop: Barrier Ring

Name: Hazer
Level: 12
HP: 120
MP: 100
Experience: 35
GP: 101
Speed: 25
Attack: 5
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Potion
Drop: Tonic

Heavy Armor
Name: Heavy Armor
Level: 13
HP: 495
MP: 150
Experience: 80
GP: 195
Speed: 40
Attack: 53
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Iron Helmet, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Hemphyte
Level: 56
HP: 6800
MP: 1600
Experience: 3090
GP: 200
Speed: 40
Attack: 12
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 14
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tack Star
Drop: None

Hermit Crab
Name: Hermit Crab
Level: 26
HP: 305
MP: 35
Experience: 267
GP: 400
Speed: 10
Attack: 5
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 80
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: Potion
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Hidon
Level: 43
HP: 25,000
MP: 12,500
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Earth, Holy, Fire
Steal: Thornlet, Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Hidonite
Level: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Water, Earth, Holy
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Hidonite
Level: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 85
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Wind
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Hidonite
Level: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 95
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Wind
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Hidonite
Level: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 95
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Holy, Lightning, Wind, Poison, Earth, Water
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Hipocampus
Level: 37
HP: 2444
MP: 82
Experience: 981
GP: 669
Speed: 37
Attack: 15
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Hoover
Level: 49
HP: 12,018
MP: 10,500
Experience: 7524
GP: 10,000
Speed: 54
Attack: 54
Defense: 130
Evade: 130
Magic Attack: 30
Magic Defense: 22
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Remedy
Drop: None

Name: Hornet
Level: 6
HP: 92
MP: 0
Experience: 48
GP: 64
Speed: 30
Attack: 16
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Humpty
Level: 27
HP: 800
MP: 100
Experience: 421
GP: 326
Speed: 30
Attack: 8
Defense: 145
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Green Cherry
Drop: None


Ice Dragon
Name: Ice Dragon
Level: 74
HP: 24,400
MP: 9000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 60
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Force Shield

Name: Ifrit
Level: 21
HP: 3300
MP: 600
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 25
Defense: 215
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 115
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Inferno
Level: 67
HP: 30,800
MP: 9700
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 45
Attack: 13
Defense: 130
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Ing
Level: 21
HP: 1100
MP: 50
Experience: 740
GP: 442
Speed: 35
Attack: 18
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Poison
Weaknesses: Water, Holy
Steal: Amulet
Drop: Revivify

Name: Innoc
Level: 52
HP: 6600
MP: 390
Experience: 2400
GP: 1950
Speed: 33
Attack: 13
Defense: 155
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Bio Blaster
Drop: None

Name: Insecare
Level: 23
HP: 977
MP: 80
Experience: 292
GP: 410
Speed: 35
Attack: 15
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind, Fire
Steal: Echo Screen
Drop: Smoke Bomb

Name: Intangir
Level: 26
HP: 32,000
MP: 16,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 50
Attack: 25
Defense: 150
Evade: 50
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Magicite
Drop: Antidote

Name: Io
Level: 39
HP: 7862
MP: 1550
Experience: 3253
GP: 1995
Speed: 60
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Holy, Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Ipooh
Level: 11
HP: 360
MP: 60
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 18
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Iron Fist
Name: Iron Fist
Level: 15
HP: 333
MP: 65
Experience: 144
GP: 249
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 75
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Headband, Tonic
Drop: Mythril Knife

Iron Hitman
Name: Iron Hitman
Level: 52
HP: 2000
MP: 800
Experience: 2000
GP: 700
Speed: 31
Attack: 13
Defense: 20
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 25
Magic Defense: 165
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning, Water
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Auto Crossbow
Drop: None


Name: Joker
Level: 17
HP: 467
MP: 90
Experience: 194
GP: 320
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 125
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison, Lightning
Steal: Green Beret, Tonic
Drop: Mythril Rod

Name: Junk
Level: 53
HP: 2000
MP: 200
Experience: 2200
GP: 1100
Speed: 35
Attack: 2
Defense: 190
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 170
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Noise Blaster
Drop: None


Name: Karkass
Level: 43
HP: 3850
MP: 185
Experience: 1399
GP: 826
Speed: 33
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy Fire
Steal: Soul Sabre, Mythril Blade
Drop: None

Katana Soul
Name: Katana Soul
Level: 61
HP: 37,620
MP: 7400
Experience: 0
GP: 30,000
Speed: 75
Attack: 25
Defense: 115
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 175
Magic Evade: 1
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Murasame, Strato
Drop: Offering

Kefka (Narshe)
Name: Kefka (Narshe)
Level: 18
HP: 3000
MP: 3000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 45
Attack: 25
Defense: 55
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 30
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Elixir, Tincture
Drop: Peace Ring

Kefka (Final)
Name: Kefka (Final)
Level: 71
HP: 62,000
MP: 38,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 72
Attack: 80
Defense: 117
Evade: 45
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Megalixir
Drop: None

Name: Kiwok
Level: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Experience: 1000
GP: 750
Speed: 33
Attack: 10
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: None
Drop: White Cape, Green Cherry


L.10 Magic
Name: L.10 Magic
Level: 48
HP: 1000
MP: 3000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 33
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 22
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Tincture
Drop: Tincture

L.20 Magic
Name: L.20 Magic
Level: 51
HP: 2000
MP: 500
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 21
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tincture
Drop: Tincture

L.30 Magic
Name: L.30 Magic
Level: 54
HP: 3000
MP: 700
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 36
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 20
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Holy
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tincture
Drop: Tincture

L.40 Magic
Name: L.40 Magic
Level: 55
HP: 4000
MP: 1000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 38
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 19
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Tincture
Drop: Tincture

L.50 Magic
Name: L.50 Magic
Level: 57
HP: 5000
MP: 2000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 45
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 18
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Fire, Holy
Steal: Ether
Drop: Tincture

L.60 Magic
Name: L.60 Magic
Level: 58
HP: 6000
MP: 5000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 17
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Ether
Drop: Tincture

L.70 Magic
Name: L.70 Magic
Level: 56
HP: 7000
MP: 3000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 16
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Ether
Drop: Tincture

L.80 Magic
Name: L.80 Magic
Level: 53
HP: 8000
MP: 2800
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 37
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 15
Magic Defense: 115
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Wind
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Ether
Drop: Tincture

L.90 Magic
Name: L.90 Magic
Level: 55
HP: 9000
MP: 9000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 38
Attack: 10
Defense: 200
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 14
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Wind
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Ether
Drop: Tincture

Land Worm
Name: Land Worm
Level: 59
HP: 12,000
MP: 1300
Experience: 4600
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Earth
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: None

Name: Larry
Level: 47
HP: 10,000
MP: 2000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 2
Defense: 90
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice, Wind
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Laser Gun
Name: Laser Gun
Level: 24
HP: 3300
MP: 335
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 130
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: X-Ether
Drop: None

Name: Latimeria
Level: 27
HP: 1700
MP: 100
Experience: 612
GP: 971
Speed: 35
Attack: 15
Defense: 125
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Gaia Gear
Drop: Antidote

Name: Leader
Level: 12
HP: 456
MP: 20
Experience: 0
GP: 50
Speed: 35
Attack: 18
Defense: 5
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: Phoenix Down, Black Belt

Name: Leafer
Level: 5
HP: 33
MP: 0
Experience: 24
GP: 45
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 60
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: Ice
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Water, Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Left Blade
Name: Left Blade
Level: 21
HP: 400
MP: 150
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 20
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tincture
Drop: Phoenix Down

Lethal Weapon
Name: Lethal Weapon
Level: 47
HP: 9200
MP: 1956
Experience: 5848
GP: 1189
Speed: 55
Attack: 18
Defense: 190
Evade: 10
Magic Attack: 15
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 10
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Debilitator
Drop: None

Name: Lich
Level: 20
HP: 590
MP: 90
Experience: 374
GP: 350
Speed: 35
Attack: 1
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 190
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Poison
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Poison Rod, Green Cherry
Drop: Green Cherry

Name: Lizard
Level: 26
HP: 1280
MP: 70
Experience: 297
GP: 356
Speed: 30
Attack: 14
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Drainer
Drop: Soft

Name: Lobo
Level: 5
HP: 27
MP: 5
Experience: 37
GP: 30
Speed: 35
Attack: 20
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Lunaris
Level: 26
HP: 582
MP: 25
Experience: 308
GP: 247
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 155
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Luridan
Level: 34
HP: 2079
MP: 122
Experience: 707
GP: 1000
Speed: 33
Attack: 12
Defense: 210
Evade: 25
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind, Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: None


Mad Oscar
Name: Mad Oscar
Level: 30
HP: 2900
MP: 980
Experience: 780
GP: 2292
Speed: 30
Attack: 20
Defense: 95
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: Remedy, Revivify

Name: Madam
Level: 53
HP: 8150
MP: 900
Experience: 2200
GP: 700
Speed: 35
Attack: 8
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Goggles
Drop: None

Mag Roader 4
Name: Mag Roader 4
Level: 32
HP: 1380
MP: 70
Experience: 647
GP: 284
Speed: 33
Attack: 14
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Drop: Fire Skean

Mag Roader 3
Name: Mag Roader 3
Level: 32
HP: 1777
MP: 100
Experience: 621
GP: 352
Speed: 33
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Drop: Water Edge

Mag Roader 2
Name: Mag Roader 2
Level: 18
HP: 250
MP: 100
Experience: 198
GP: 300
Speed: 25
Attack: 10
Defense: 20
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 1
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Drop: Water Skean

Mag Roader 1
Name: Mag Roader 1
Level: 19
HP: 420
MP: 100
Experience: 232
GP: 277
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 25
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 1
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Drop: Water Edge

Mage Master
Name: Mage Master
Level: 68
HP: 50,000
MP: 0
Experience: 0
GP: 90
Speed: 1
Attack: 250
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 100
Magic Defense: 25
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Elixir, Crystal Orb
Drop: Megalixir

Magic Urn
Name: Magic Urn
Level: 31
HP: 100
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 5
Defense: 220
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 35
Magic Defense: 190
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Ice, Holy, Lightning, Poison, Earth, Water, Wind
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Elixir, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Maliga
Level: 26
HP: 952
MP: 100
Experience: 360
GP: 576
Speed: 30
Attack: 15
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning, Ice
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Mandrake
Level: 23
HP: 1150
MP: 104
Experience: 378
GP: 450
Speed: 30
Attack: 16
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Poison
Drop: Remedy

Name: Mantodea
Level: 54
HP: 4500
MP: 420
Experience: 4612
GP: 501
Speed: 45
Attack: 180
Defense: 145
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Imp Halberd
Drop: None

Name: Marshal
Level: 8
HP: 420
MP: 150
Experience: 0
GP: 350
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Mythril Knife
Drop: Potion

Master Pug
Name: Master Pug
Level: 73
HP: 22,000
MP: 1200
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 45
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 165
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Megalixir, Elixir
Drop: Graedus

Mega Armor
Name: Mega Armor
Level: 21
HP: 1000
MP: 50
Experience: 350
GP: 0
Speed: 45
Attack: 19
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Merchant
Level: 5
HP: 119
MP: 20
Experience: 26
GP: 60
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Plumed Hat, Guardian
Drop: None

Name: Mesosaur
Level: 26
HP: 1112
MP: 130
Experience: 459
GP: 456
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Antidote
Drop: None

Mind Candy
Name: Mind Candy
Level: 15
HP: 290
MP: 100
Experience: 128
GP: 168
Speed: 30
Attack: 14
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 165
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind, Fire
Steal: Tonic, Soft
Drop: Soft

Name: Misfit
Level: 26
HP: 1750
MP: 140
Experience: 750
GP: 786
Speed: 35
Attack: 26
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Back Guard
Drop: None

Missile Bay
Name: Missile Bay
Level: 25
HP: 3000
MP: 7000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 20
Attack: 12
Defense: 135
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice, Lightning
Steal: Debilitator
Drop: None

Name: Moe
Level: 47
HP: 12,500
MP: 2000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 25
Attack: 4
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 6
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Mover
Level: 51
HP: 120
MP: 10,500
Experience: 1500
GP: 0
Speed: 85
Attack: 20
Defense: 115
Evade: 225
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 254
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Super Ball
Drop: Magicite

M-Tek Armor
Name: M-Tek Armor
Level: 8
HP: 210
MP: 250
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 25
Attack: 18
Defense: 30
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Potion

Name: Muus
Level: 28
HP: 900
MP: 100
Experience: 189
GP: 287
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Magicite
Drop: None


Name: Nastidon
Level: 32
HP: 1877
MP: 100
Experience: 697
GP: 298
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 145
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 105
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Eye Drop

Name: Naughty
Level: 24
HP: 3000
MP: 195
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 48
Attack: 11
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Holy, Lightning, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Nautloid
Level: 11
HP: 236
MP: 100
Experience: 216
GP: 173
Speed: 35
Attack: 18
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Eye Drop

Neck Hunter
Name: Neck Hunter
Level: 28
HP: 1334
MP: 150
Experience: 558
GP: 1330
Speed: 30
Attack: 5
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Dark Hood
Drop: Peace Ring

Name: Necromancer
Level: 48
HP: 3525
MP: 900
Experience: 1510
GP: 791
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Revivify

Name: Nerapa
Level: 26
HP: 2800
MP: 280
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 48
Attack: 11
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Holy, Lightning, Ice
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Nightshade
Level: 37
HP: 2200
MP: 305
Experience: 872
GP: 767
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Nutkin Suit
Drop: None

Name: Ninja
Level: 27
HP: 1650
MP: 130
Experience: 694
GP: 520
Speed: 37
Attack: 22
Defense: 135
Evade: 50
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Lightning
Steal: Cherub Down
Drop: Ninja Star

Name: Nohrabbit
Level: 26
HP: 75
MP: 200
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 7
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 30
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: Remedy
Drop: Potion

Number 024
Name: Number 024
Level: 24
HP: 4777
MP: 777
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 20
Defense: 170
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Drainer, Rune Edge
Drop: Flame Sabre, Blizzard

Number 128
Name: Number 128
Level: 23
HP: 3276
MP: 810
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tempest
Drop: Tent


Name: Officer
Level: 7
HP: 102
MP: 25
Experience: 33
GP: 66
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Ogor
Level: 44
HP: 4211
MP: 219
Experience: 1583
GP: 869
Speed: 32
Attack: 19
Defense: 100
Evade: 30
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 30
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison, Lightning
Steal: Murasame, Ashura
Drop: Revivify

Name: Opinicus
Level: 38
HP: 3210
MP: 514
Experience: 1270
GP: 519
Speed: 38
Attack: 22
Defense: 135
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Orog
Level: 30
HP: 1584
MP: 250
Experience: 510
GP: 716
Speed: 33
Attack: 45
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Amulet
Drop: Amulet, Revivify

Name: Osprey
Level: 26
HP: 850
MP: 100
Experience: 249
GP: 596
Speed: 25
Attack: 12
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: None
Drop: Echo Screen

Name: Osteosaur
Level: 30
HP: 1584
MP: 143
Experience: 770
GP: 542
Speed: 33
Attack: 45
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Remedy
Drop: Revivify

Name: Outsider
Level: 18
HP: 8050
MP: 400
Experience: 2600
GP: 2800
Speed: 40
Attack: 15
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Break Blade
Drop: None

Name: Over-Gunk
Level: 15
HP: 492
MP: 100
Experience: 219
GP: 365
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 125
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Remedy, Potion
Drop: None

Name: Over-Mind
Level: 13
HP: 390
MP: 190
Experience: 65
GP: 228
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 55
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: Revivify, Green Cherry


Pan Dora
Name: Pan Dora
Level: 39
HP: 1522
MP: 350
Experience: 622
GP: 461
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 80
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Parasite
Level: 39
HP: 1000
MP: 230
Experience: 455
GP: 461
Speed: 20
Attack: 1
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 1
Magic Defense: 5
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Paraoul
Level: 47
HP: 2077
MP: 500
Experience: 1620
GP: 674
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Peepers
Level: 23
HP: 1
MP: 19
Experience: 2
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 7
Defense: 5
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 5
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Elixir
Drop: None

Name: Phase
Level: 47
HP: 4550
MP: 1700
Experience: 2600
GP: 890
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Phunbaba (1st)
Name: Phunbaba (1st)
Level: 31
HP: 28,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 15
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 6
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: None
Drop: None

Phunbaba (2nd)
Name: Phunbaba (2nd)
Level: 31
HP: 26,000
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 15
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 6
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Pipsqueak
Level: 18
HP: 250
MP: 50
Experience: 115
GP: 100
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 200
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Piranha
Level: 9
HP: 10
MP: 60
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: Tonic

Pluto Armor
Name: Pluto Armor
Level: 39
HP: 2850
MP: 220
Experience: 853
GP: 629
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: None

PM Stalker
Name: PM Stalker
Level: 26
HP: 265
MP: 190
Experience: 258
GP: 491
Speed: 20
Attack: 9
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 6
Magic Defense: 115
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: None

Name: Poltergeist
Level: 67
HP: 58,000
MP: 18,900
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 53
Attack: 15
Defense: 180
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 13
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Wind
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Red Jacket
Drop: Air Lancet

Name: Poplium
Level: 11
HP: 145
MP: 25
Experience: 55
GP: 55
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 55
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: Tonic

Name: Poppers
Level: 33
HP: 1000
MP: 100
Experience: 800
GP: 350
Speed: 34
Attack: 5
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Green Cherry

Power Demon
Name: Power Demon
Level: 29
HP: 2058
MP: 360
Experience: 485
GP: 385
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 145
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Diamond Vest, Potion
Drop: Amulet, Revivify

Name: Presenter
Level: 31
HP: 9845
MP: 1600
Experience: 0
GP: 1000
Speed: 35
Attack: 75
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice, Water
Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: Dragon Claw

Name: Primordite
Level: 11
HP: 145
MP: 10
Experience: 90
GP: 115
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Tonic, Eye Drop
Drop: None

Name: Prometheus
Level: 56
HP: 14,500
MP: 2050
Experience: 5200
GP: 1300
Speed: 47
Attack: 13
Defense: 170
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Debilitator
Drop: None

Proto Armor
Name: Proto Armor
Level: 19
HP: 670
MP: 125
Experience: 499
GP: 296
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 230
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Mythril Mail, Potion
Drop: Bio Blaster

Name: Prussian
Level: 41
HP: 3300
MP: 188
Experience: 1396
GP: 773
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Full Moon
Drop: None

Name: Psychot
Level: 32
HP: 900
MP: 55
Experience: 347
GP: 275
Speed: 33
Attack: 14
Defense: 165
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Pteredon
Level: 12
HP: 380
MP: 70
Experience: 464
GP: 325
Speed: 45
Attack: 25
Defense: 65
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 180
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire, Ice
Steal: Guardian, Mythril Knife
Drop: Potion

Name: Pug
Level: 27
HP: 8000
MP: 15,500
Experience: 1200
GP: 3333
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 150
Evade: 50
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 180
Magic Evade: 50
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Lightning, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Tintinabar

Name: Pugs
Level: 99
HP: 14,001
MP: 11,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 70
Attack: 5
Defense: 100
Evade: 150
Magic Attack: 1
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 1
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Minerva
Drop: Minerva

Name: Punisher
Level: 35
HP: 2191
MP: 136
Experience: 1242
GP: 3000
Speed: 35
Attack: 28
Defense: 100
Evade: 115
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 115
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Bone Club, Rising Sun
Drop: None


Rain Man
Name: Rain Man
Level: 39
HP: 2722
MP: 180
Experience: 890
GP: 485
Speed: 34
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 30
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice, Holy
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Ralph
Level: 17
HP: 620
MP: 10
Experience: 255
GP: 345
Speed: 35
Attack: 14
Defense: 135
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tiger Mask, Tonic
Drop: Potion

Reach Frog
Name: Reach Frog
Level: 52
HP: 3511
MP: 220
Experience: 1550
GP: 2600
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 130
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Tack Star, Potion
Drop: None

Red Dragon
Name: Red Dragon
Level: 67
HP: 30,000
MP: 1780
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 75
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: None
Drop: Strato

Red Fang
Name: Red Fang
Level: 14
HP: 325
MP: 20
Experience: 135
GP: 185
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 95
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Dried Meat

Red Wolf
Name: Red Wolf
Level: 32
HP: 1510
MP: 110
Experience: 687
GP: 412
Speed: 25
Attack: 10
Defense: 155
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Repo Man
Name: Repo Man
Level: 5
HP: 35
MP: 0
Experience: 25
GP: 25
Speed: 35
Attack: 19
Defense: 90
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Potion
Drop: Tonic

Name: Retainer
Level: 59
HP: 7050
MP: 2600
Experience: 2300
GP: 2000
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 40
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 180
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Aura
Drop: None

Name: Rhinotaur
Level: 8
HP: 232
MP: 100
Experience: 246
GP: 186
Speed: 35
Attack: 25
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Mythril Claw, Tonic
Drop: Potion

Name: Rhinox
Level: 19
HP: 800
MP: 35
Experience: 592
GP: 400
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Flash
Drop: None

Name: Rhobite
Level: 10
HP: 135
MP: 40
Experience: 53
GP: 110
Speed: 30
Attack: 9
Defense: 70
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: Potion
Drop: Tonic

Name: Rhodox
Level: 7
HP: 119
MP: 100
Experience: 59
GP: 80
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tonic, Antidote
Drop: None

Name: Rider
Level: 14
HP: 1300
MP: 170
Experience: 400
GP: 1290
Speed: 45
Attack: 48
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison, Fire
Steal: Elixir, Mythril Vest
Drop: Remedy

Right Blade
Name: Right Blade
Level: 22
HP: 700
MP: 470
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tincture
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Rinn
Level: 11
HP: 110
MP: 35
Experience: 95
GP: 100
Speed: 25
Attack: 10
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 75
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Rizopas
Level: 13
HP: 775
MP: 39
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 14
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 175
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: Remedy

Name: Rough
Level: 69
HP: 8000
MP: 770
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 190
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Flame Shield
Drop: None

Name: Rhyos
Level: 36
HP: 7191
MP: 354
Experience: 4928
GP: 1889
Speed: 60
Attack: 40
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 15
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Gold Lance
Drop: None


Name: Samurai
Level: 40
HP: 3000
MP: 500
Experience: 1545
GP: 791
Speed: 20
Attack: 13
Defense: 10
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 20
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: None
Drop: None

Sand Horse
Name: Sand Horse
Level: 27
HP: 1025
MP: 100
Experience: 475
GP: 726
Speed: 30
Attack: 15
Defense: 135
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Sand Ray
Name: Sand Ray
Level: 6
HP: 67
MP: 10
Experience: 41
GP: 54
Speed: 30
Attack: 20
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Antidote
Drop: Antidote

Name: Scorpion
Level: 26
HP: 290
MP: 19
Experience: 199
GP: 336
Speed: 20
Attack: 10
Defense: 5
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 215
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Scrapper
Level: 34
HP: 1759
MP: 69
Experience: 797
GP: 2000
Speed: 37
Attack: 10
Defense: 125
Evade: 120
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Thief¹s Gloves
Drop: Air Lancet

Name: Scullion
Level: 57
HP: 27,000
MP: 9000
Experience: 9000
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 175
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 15
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Air Anchor
Drop: None

Sea Flower
Name: Sea Flower
Level: 47
HP: 4200
MP: 200
Experience: 1315
GP: 670
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Water
Weaknesses: Lightning, Ice
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Sewer Rat
Name: Sewer Rat
Level: 16
HP: 299
MP: 20
Experience: 108
GP: 156
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Shiva
Level: 21
HP: 3000
MP: 500
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 15
Defense: 200
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 110
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Skull Dragon
Name: Skull Dragon
Level: 62
HP: 32,800
MP: 1999
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 57
Attack: 15
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Fire, Holy
Steal: None
Drop: Muscle Belt

Sky Armor
Name: Sky Armor
Level: 24
HP: 900
MP: 170
Experience: 350
GP: 400
Speed: 30
Attack: 16
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind, Lightning
Steal: Tincture
Drop: None

Sky Base
Name: Sky Base
Level: 52
HP: 6000
MP: 550
Experience: 2300
GP: 670
Speed: 35
Attack: 10
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Flash
Drop: None

Sky Cap
Name: Sky Cap
Level: 40
HP: 3262
MP: 200
Experience: 1253
GP: 441
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Wind, Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: None

Slam Dancer
Name: Slam Dancer
Level: 15
HP: 392
MP: 120
Experience: 224
GP: 296
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Thief¹s Knife, Potion
Drop: None

Name: Slatter
Level: 37
HP: 2600
MP: 97
Experience: 830
GP: 415
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 125
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 10
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Name: Slurm
Level: 23
HP: 505
MP: 20
Experience: 232
GP: 270
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 50
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: None

Name: Solider
Level: 11
HP: 100
MP: 15
Experience: 0
GP: 48
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Soul Dancer
Name: Soul Dancer
Level: 22
HP: 2539
MP: 100
Experience: 1531
GP: 769
Speed: 30
Attack: 1
Defense: 60
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 30
Magic Defense: 170
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Moogle Suit
Drop: None

Soul Saver
Name: Soul Saver
Level: 41
HP: 3066
MP: 566
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 15
Attack: 50
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 175
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Holy
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: None
Drop: None

Special Force
Name: Special Force
Level: 21
HP: 700
MP: 20
Experience: 200
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Magicite

Name: Speck
Level: 25
HP: 420
MP: 285
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 15
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 180
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Amulet
Drop: None

Name: Specter
Level: 19
HP: 1500
MP: 10,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 15
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 180
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Hyper Wrist

Name: Spectre
Level: 13
HP: 235
MP: 120
Experience: 220
GP: 138
Speed: 35
Attack: 1
Defense: 0
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Ice Rod, Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Spek Tor
Name: Spek Tor
Level: 50
HP: 250
MP: 20
Experience: 1356
GP: 1524
Speed: 70
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Evade: 50
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 200
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: None

Spit Fire
Name: Spit Fire
Level: 25
HP: 1400
MP: 180
Experience: 550
GP: 300
Speed: 35
Attack: 17
Defense: 155
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind, Lightning
Steal: Elixir, Tincture
Drop: Tincture

Name: Sprinter
Level: 53
HP: 4500
MP: 350
Experience: 2293
GP: 1420
Speed: 55
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: Imp¹s Armor

Sr. Behemoth
Name: Sr. Behemoth
Level: 43
HP: 19,000
MP: 1600
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 60
Attack: 11
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 130
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Poison, Fire
Steal: Murasame
Drop: Valiant Knife, Oath Veil

Sr. Behemoth
Name: Sr. Behemoth
Level: 49
HP: 19,000
MP: 9999
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 39
Attack: 27
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Fire, Holy
Steal: None
Drop: Behemoth Suit

Name: Steriodite
Level: 54
HP: 25,000
MP: 350
Experience: 4200
GP: 100
Speed: 45
Attack: 13
Defense: 5
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 15
Magic Defense: 70
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Thunder Shield
Drop: None

Still Going
Name: Still Going
Level: 12
HP: 200
MP: 84
Experience: 54
GP: 135
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Potion

Still Life
Name: Still Life
Level: 37
HP: 4889
MP: 390
Experience: 2331
GP: 1574
Speed: 45
Attack: 13
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Fake Mustache
Drop: None

Storm Dragon
Name: Storm Dragon
Level: 74
HP: 42,000
MP: 1250
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 65
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Wind
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: Force Armor

Stray Cat
Name: Stray Cat
Level: 10
HP: 156
MP: 30
Experience: 42
GP: 90
Speed: 30
Attack: 9
Defense: 10
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Potion
Drop: Tonic

Name: Striker
Level: 67
HP: 11,000
MP: 2600
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 26
Attack: 13
Defense: 75
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 185
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Flame Shield
Drop: None

Name: Suriander
Level: 40
HP: 2912
MP: 228
Experience: 1150
GP: 435
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: None
Drop: None


Tap Dancer
Name: Tap Dancer
Level: 43
HP: 4452
MP: 270
Experience: 1727
GP: 526
Speed: 39
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Sword Breaker, Dirk
Drop: None

Name: Telstar
Level: 14
HP: 1800
MP: 250
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 20
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 13
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: Green Beret

Name: Templar
Level: 11
HP: 205
MP: 50
Experience: 0
GP: 90
Speed: 30
Attack: 16
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Potion

Name: Tentacle
Level: 33
HP: 5500
MP: 600
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning, Water
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Tentacle
Level: 31
HP: 7000
MP: 800
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 25
Attack: 13
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice, Water
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Tentacle
Level: 34
HP: 4000
MP: 500
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water, Earth
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Tentacle
Level: 32
HP: 6000
MP: 700
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 8
Magic Defense: 153
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice, Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Test Rider
Name: Test Rider
Level: 32
HP: 3100
MP: 220
Experience: 1947
GP: 520
Speed: 40
Attack: 27
Defense: 135
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Partisan
Drop: Spear

Toe Cutter
Name: Toe Cutter
Level: 36
HP: 2500
MP: 187
Experience: 1753
GP: 726
Speed: 40
Attack: 21
Defense: 125
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 12
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Wind, Fire
Steal: Poison Rod
Drop: Poison Rod

Tomb Thumb
Name: Tomb Thumb
Level: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Experience: 500
GP: 150
Speed: 32
Attack: 10
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 120
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: None
Drop: Green Cherry

Name: Trapper
Level: 19
HP: 555
MP: 80
Experience: 235
GP: 200
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 180
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Lightning
Steal: Auto Crossbow
Drop: None

Name: Trillium
Level: 9
HP: 147
MP: 100
Experience: 97
GP: 134
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 102
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 170
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Remedy, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Trilobiter
Level: 12
HP: 150
MP: 20
Experience: 105
GP: 135
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 90
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Tonic, Antidote
Drop: None

Name: Tritoch
Level: 62
HP: 30,000
MP: 50,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 19
Defense: 254
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 70
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Trixter
Level: 49
HP: 3815
MP: 9900
Experience: 1698
GP: 826
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 165
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Trooper
Level: 13
HP: 255
MP: 60
Experience: 90
GP: 96
Speed: 25
Attack: 15
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 125
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison
Steal: Tonic, Mythril Blade
Drop: None

Tumble Weed
Name: Tumble Weed
Level: 55
HP: 6200
MP: 600
Experience: 2554
GP: 1333
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 90
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Titanium
Drop: None

Tunnel Armor
Name: Tunnel Armor
Level: 16
HP: 1300
MP: 900
Experience: 0
GP: 250
Speed: 40
Attack: 10
Defense: 29
Evade: 100
Magic Attack: 15
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning
Steal: Bio Blaster, Air Lancet
Drop: Elixir

Name: Tusker
Level: 10
HP: 270
MP: 100
Experience: 163
GP: 102
Speed: 30
Attack: 28
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 135
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Soft

Name: Tyranosaur
Level: 57
HP: 12,700
MP: 420
Experience: 8800
GP: 0
Speed: 55
Attack: 33
Defense: 125
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 16
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Imp¹s Armor
Drop: Imp Halbred


Ultros (Airship)
Name: Ultros (Airship)
Level: 26
HP: 17,000
MP: 8000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 20
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 3
Magic Defense: 10
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire, Poison
Steal: Dried Meat
Drop: None

Ultros (Esper)
Name: Ultros (Esper)
Level: 25
HP: 22,000
MP: 750
Experience: 0
GP: 3
Speed: 35
Attack: 22
Defense: 95
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water
Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
Steal: White Cape
Drop: None

Ultros (River)
Name: Ultros (River)
Level: 19
HP: 3000
MP: 640
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 40
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Lightning, Fire
Steal: None
Drop: Dried Meat

Ultros (Opera)
Name: Ultros (Opera)
Level: 19
HP: 2550
MP: 500
Experience: 0
GP: 2
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 105
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 4
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Water, Lightning
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None

Name: Uroburos
Level: 48
HP: 50
MP: 760
Experience: 1780
GP: 390
Speed: 40
Attack: 13
Defense: 252
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 252
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Name: Ursus
Level: 34
HP: 2409
MP: 74
Experience: 882
GP: 2000
Speed: 34
Attack: 15
Defense: 165
Evade: 110
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 40
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Sneak Ring
Drop: None


Name: Vaporite
Level: 5
HP: 15
MP: 0
Experience: 23
GP: 29
Speed: 13
Attack: 30
Defense: 95
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Lightning
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Vargas
Level: 12
HP: 11,600
MP: 220
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 13
Attack: 30
Defense: 85
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind
Steal: Mythril Claw, Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Vectagoyle
Level: 57
HP: 7500
MP: 880
Experience: 2900
GP: 900
Speed: 37
Attack: 22
Defense: 110
Evade: 30
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Sword Breaker
Drop: None

Name: Vectaur
Level: 59
HP: 2800
MP: 1800
Experience: 1400
GP: 350
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 7
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Ice
Steal: Ninja Star
Drop: None

Vector Pup
Name: Vector Pup
Level: 11
HP: 166
MP: 10
Experience: 128
GP: 83
Speed: 25
Attack: 14
Defense: 80
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Name: Vermin
Level: 16
HP: 499
MP: 40
Experience: 145
GP: 235
Speed: 35
Attack: 20
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 190
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Antidote, Potion
Drop: Potion

Name: Veteran
Level: 51
HP: 10,000
MP: 300
Experience: 2820
GP: 0
Speed: 30
Attack: 11
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 17
Magic Defense: 145
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Earrings
Drop: None

Name: Vindr
Level: 36
HP: 885
MP: 87
Experience: 653
GP: 497
Speed: 30
Attack: 14
Defense: 100
Evade: 90
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Chocobo Suit
Drop: None

Name: Vommamoth
Level: 1
HP: 115
MP: 30
Experience: 50
GP: 90
Speed: 25
Attack: 110
Defense: 75
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 0
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Potion, Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Vulture
Level: 15
HP: 412
MP: 60
Experience: 160
GP: 485
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind
Steal: Phoenix Down, Potion
Drop: Phoenix Down


Name: Warlock
Level: 38
HP: 1300
MP: 1250
Experience: 970
GP: 333
Speed: 39
Attack: 10
Defense: 180
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 225
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison, Lightning
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: Warp Stone

Wart Puck
Name: Wart Puck
Level: 44
HP: 3559
MP: 330
Experience: 1595
GP: 1169
Speed: 35
Attack: 15
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Dried Meat, Flail
Drop: None

Weed Feeder
Name: Weed Feeder
Level: 17
HP: 480
MP: 20
Experience: 278
GP: 234
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 115
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Wind, Fire
Steal: Antidote
Drop: Echo Screen

Name: Were-Rat
Level: 4
HP: 24
MP: 0
Experience: 21
GP: 11
Speed: 30
Attack: 13
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: Tonic

Name: Whelk
Level: 6
HP: 1600
MP: 1000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 45
Attack: 22
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 155
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: Tincture, Potion

Name: Whisper
Level: 12
HP: 230
MP: 90
Experience: 42
GP: 125
Speed: 30
Attack: 12
Defense: 95
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Potion
Drop: Soft

White Dragon
Name: White Dragon
Level: 71
HP: 18,500
MP: 12,000
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 55
Attack: 13
Defense: 110
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 9
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: X-Potion
Drop: Pearl Lance

Wild Cat
Name: Wild Cat
Level: 36
HP: 1115
MP: 78
Experience: 701
GP: 416
Speed: 30
Attack: 17
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 140
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Water, Fire
Steal: Tabby Suit
Drop: None

Wild Rat
Name: Wild Rat
Level: 12
HP: 160
MP: 10
Experience: 135
GP: 135
Speed: 30
Attack: 10
Defense: 85
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 100
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Tonic
Drop: None

Wirey Dragon
Name: Wirey Dragon
Level: 26
HP: 2802
MP: 200
Experience: 895
GP: 1300
Speed: 31
Attack: 35
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 115
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: Dragoon Boots
Drop: None

Name: Wizard
Level: 32
HP: 1677
MP: 200
Experience: 587
GP: 388
Speed: 33
Attack: 13
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 160
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Poison, Lightning
Steal: Ice Rod, Thunder Rod
Drop: Fire Rod

Name: Woolly
Level: 43
HP: 3609
MP: 300
Experience: 1385
GP: 826
Speed: 32
Attack: 17
Defense: 105
Evade: 20
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice, Lightning, Poison, Earth, Water, Wind
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: Imperial
Drop: None

Name: Wrexsoul
Level: 53
HP: 23,066
MP: 5066
Experience: 0
GP: 0
Speed: 40
Attack: 27
Defense: 70
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 5
Magic Defense: 220
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Fire, Holy
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Safe Ring
Drop: Pod Bracelet

Name: Wyvern
Level: 18
HP: 892
MP: 95
Experience: 484
GP: 434
Speed: 30
Attack: 15
Defense: 140
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: Ice
Steal: Dragoon Boots, Tonic
Drop: None


Name: Yeti
Level: 33
HP: 17,200
MP: 6900
Experience: 0
GP: 10
Speed: 45
Attack: 25
Defense: 100
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 11
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Fire
Steal: None
Drop: None


Name: Ziegfried
Level: 7
HP: 100
MP: 5
Experience: 0
GP: 1
Speed: 30
Attack: 1
Defense: 50
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: None
Weaknesses: None
Steal: None
Drop: Green Cherry

Name: Zombone
Level: 21
HP: 1991
MP: 160
Experience: 1072
GP: 309
Speed: 40
Attack: 29
Defense: 150
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Poison
Weaknesses: Holy, Fire
Steal: Potion, Phoenix Down
Drop: Phoenix Down

Zone Eater
Name: Zone Eater
Level: 51
HP: 7700
MP: 57,000
Experience: 2000
GP: 2000
Speed: 60
Attack: 23
Defense: 120
Evade: 0
Magic Attack: 10
Magic Defense: 150
Magic Evade: 0
Element: Ice
Weaknesses: Holy
Steal: Warp Stone
Drop: None

6.8 Lores/Rages/Dances List -------------------------------------------


7.0 The Colosseum ------------------------------------------------------

The following is a list to assist you with your battling in the Colosseum.
With each item, you will find the name of the monster you will be fighting
when the item is bet and what you stand to win if your fighter is victorious.
Take special care when betting rare items. There is never such a thing as a
sure win.


Bet: Blizzard
Challenger: Scullion
Prize: Ogre Nix
Bet: Assassin
Challenger: Test Rider
Prize: Sword Breaker
Bet: Strato
Challenger: Aquila
Prize: Pearl Lance
Bet: Atma Weapon
Challenger: Gt. Behemoth
Prize: Graedus
Bet: Fixed Dice
Challenger: Trixter
Prize: Fire Knuckle
Bet: Trump
Challenger: Allosaur
Prize: Trump
Bet: Striker
Challenger: Chupon
Prize: Striker
Bet: Magus Rod
Challenger: Allosaur
Prize: Strato
Bet: Wing Edge
Challenger: Rhyos
Prize: Sniper
Bet: Ogre Nix
Challenger: Sr. Behemoth
Prize: Soul Sabre
Bet: Stunner
Challenger: Test Rider
Prize: Strato
Bet: Graedus
Challenger: Karkass
Prize: Dirk
Bet: Crystal
Challenger: Borras
Prize: Enhancer
Bet: Aura Lance
Challenger: Land Worm
Prize: Sky Render
Bet: Imp Halberd
Challenger: Allosaur
Prize: Cat Hood
Bet: Hardened
Challenger: Phase
Prize: Murasame
Bet: Thunder Blade
Challenger: Steroidite
Prize: Ogre Nix
Bet: Scimitar
Challenger: Covert
Prize: Ogre Nix
Bet: Doom Dart
Challenger: Opinicus
Prize: Bone Club
Bet: Sniper
Challenger: Borras
Prize: Bone Club
Bet: Soul Sabre
Challenger: Opinicus
Prize: Falchion
Bet: Tiger Fang
Challenger: Mantodea
Prize: Fire Knuckle
Bet: Thief
Challenger: Wart Puck
Prize: Thief Glove
Bet: Dragon Claw
Challenger: Test Rider
Prize: Sniper
Bet: Fire Knuckle
Challenger: Tumble Weed
Prize: Fire Knuckle
Bet: Punisher
Challenger: Opinicus
Prize: Gravity Rod
Bet: Valiant Knife
Challenger: Woolly
Prize: Assassin
Bet: Heal Rod
Challenger: Pug
Prize: Magus Rod
Bet: Falchion
Challenger: Outsider
Prize: Flame Shield
Bet: Drainer
Challenger: Enuo
Prize: Drainer
Bet: Break Blade
Challenger: Lethal Weapon
Prize: Break Blade
Bet: Flame Sabre
Challenger: Evil Oscar
Prize: Ogre Nix
Bet: Pearl Lance
Challenger: Sky Base
Prize: Strato
Bet: Bone Club
Challenger: Test Rider
Prize: R. Jacket
Bet: Aura
Challenger: Rhyos
Prize: Strato
Bet: Sky Render
Challenger: Scullion
Prize: A. Lance
Bet: Murasame
Challenger: Borras
Prize: Aura
Bet: Rising Sun
Challenger: Allosaur
Prize: Bone Club
Bet: Illumina
Challenger: Scullion
Prize: Scimitar
Bet: Ragnarok
Challenger: Didalos
Prize: Illuminia
Bet: Rainbow Brush
Challenger: Test Rider
Prize: Gravity Rod


Bet: Air Anchor
Challenger: Bronotaur
Prize: Zephyr Cape
Bet: Elixir
Challenger: Cactrot
Prize: Rename Card
Bet: Tack Star
Challenger: Opinicus
Prize: Rising Sun
Bet: Ninja Star
Challenger: Chaos Dragon
Prize: Tack Star
Bet: Phoenix Down
Challenger: Cactrot
Prize: Magicite
Bet: Megalixir
Challenger: Ziegfried
Prize: Tintinabar
Bet: Rename Card
Challenger: Doom Dragon
Prize: Marvel Shoes


Bet: Imp's Armor
Challenger: Rhyos
Prize: Tortoise Shield
Bet: Ice Shield
Challenger: Innoc
Prize: Flame Shield
Bet: Aegis Shield
Challenger: Borras
Prize: Tortoise Shield
Bet: Thornlet
Challenger: Opinicus
Prize: Mirage Vest
Bet: Paladin Shield
Challenger: Hemophyte
Prize: Force Shield
Bet: Crystal Helmet
Challenger: Dueller
Prize: Diamond Helmet
Bet: Crystal Mail
Challenger: Covert
Prize: Ice Shield
Bet: Genji Helmet
Challenger: Borras
Prize: Air Anchor
Bet: Tort Shield
Challenger: Sterdite
Prize: Titanium
Bet: Tabby Suit
Challenger: Vectaur
Prize: Chocobo Suit
Bet: Titanium
Challenger: Brachosaur
Prize: Cat Hood
Bet: Snow Muffler
Challenger: Retainer
Prize: Charm Bangle
Bet: Chocobo Suit
Challenger: Veteran
Prize: Moogle Suit
Bet: Tao Robe
Challenger: Test Rider
Prize: Tao Robe
Bet: Nutkin Suit
Challenger: Opinicus
Prize: Genji Armor
Bet: Cat Hood
Challenger: Hoover
Prize: Merit Award
Bet: Coronet
Challenger: Evil Oscar
Prize: Regal Crown
Bet: Force Armor
Challenger: Sr. Behemoth
Prize: Force Armor
Bet: Force Shield
Challenger: Dark Force
Prize: Thornlet
Bet: Czarina Gown
Challenger: Sky Base
Prize: Minerva
Bet: Flame Shield
Challenger: Iron Hitman
Prize: Ice Shield
Bet: Behemoth Suit
Challenger: Outsider
Prize: Snow Muffler
Bet: Minerva
Challenger: Pug
Prize: Czar Gown
Bet: Mirage Vest
Challenger: Vectagoyle
Prize: Red Jacket
Bet: Moogle Suit
Challenger: Madam
Prize: Nutkin Suit
Bet: Thunder Shield
Challenger: Outsider
Prize: Genji Shield
Bet: Red Cap
Challenger: Rhyos
Prize: Coronet
Bet: Red Jacket
Challenger: Vectagoyle
Prize: Red Jacket
Bet: Regal Crown
Challenger: Opinicus
Prize: Genji Helmet


Bet: Rage Ring
Challenger: Allosaur
Prize: Blizzard Orb
Bet: Safe Ring
Challenger: Chupon
Prize: Safe Ring
Bet: Gauntlet
Challenger: Vectagoyle
Prize: Thunder Shield
Bet: Gale Hairpin
Challenger: Evil Oscar
Prize: Dragon Horn
Bet: Crystal Orb
Challenger: Borras
Prize: Gale Hairpin
Bet: Experience Egg
Challenger: Steroidite
Prize: Tintinabar
Bet: Merit Award
Challenger: Covert
Prize: Rename Card
Bet: Genji Glove
Challenger: Hemophyte
Prize: Thunder Shield
Bet: Relic Ring
Challenger: Sky Base
Prize: Charm Bangle
Bet: Economizer
Challenger: Vectagoyle
Prize: Dragon Horn
Bet: Safe Bit
Challenger: Pug
Prize: Dragon Horn
Bet: Gem Box
Challenger: Sr. Behemoth
Prize: Economizer
Bet: Charm Bangle
Challenger: Retainer
Prize: Dragon Horn
Bet: Tintinabar
Challenger: Dark Force
Prize: Experience Egg
Bet: Sneak Ring
Challenger: Tap Dancer
Prize: Thief Glove
Bet: Thief Glove
Challenger: Harpy
Prize: Dirk
Bet: Cursed Ring
Challenger: Steroidite
Prize: Air Anchor
Bet: Dragon Horn
Challenger: Rhyos
Prize: Gale Hairpin
Bet: Blizzard Orb
Challenger: Allosaur
Prize: Rage Ring
Bet: Hero Ring
Challenger: Rhyos
Prize: Pod Brace
Bet: Muscle Belt
Challenger: Allosaur
Prize: Rage Ring
Bet: Pod Brace
Challenger: Hemophyte
Prize: Hero Ring
Bet: Marvel Shoes
Challenger: Tyranasaur
Prize: Tintinabar
Bet: Moogle Charm
Challenger: Outsider
Prize: Charm Bangle
Bet: Ribbon
Challenger: Dark Force
Prize: Gale Hairpin

8.0 Boss Guide --------------------------------------------------------

This character is not that tough if you are careful. There are two parts to
the Whelk: the head and the shell. The Whelk's shell can absorb damage and
redirect it back at your party. The Whelk's head is its weak spot, so you will
only want to attack its head. When it dies, the rest of the monster dies with
it. Take things nice and slow in this battle, and attack the head with one
character at a time. Eventually, the Whelk will pull in its head into its
shell without warning. When this occurs, any attacks directed at its head
instead target its shell. Accidentally hitting the shell is not that big of a
deal, because you can quickly heal your party using the MagiTek's Heal Force
ability. However, if you have already committed your entire party to attacking
the head when the Whelk retreats into its shell, you will be lucky to survive
the flurry of three Mega Volt counterattacks. You can avoid this by attacking
the Whelk with one character at a time. Also, do not enter any new commands
until the last character's attack is finished.

Vargas is well protected by the Ipoohs. Use Edgar's Bio Blaster and Terra's
Fire magic to quickly eliminate them so that you can begin attacking Vargas.
You must be prepared to cast Cure at all times, because Vargas' attacks are
very strong. Continue using the Bio Blaster on Vargas and, in a few short
turns, Sabin will jump into battle. To finish the fight, select Sabin's Blitz
command and quickly enter the Pummel command: Left, Right, Left and then press
the X button. If you have difficulty entering the Blitz command, access the
Main Menu and select "Config". While in the Config sub-menu, set the battle
speed to 6. This will give you a bit more time to enter Sabin's Blitz

I had a lot of trouble with this guy. Ultros is a very tough Boss due to its
strong attacks. In fact, protecting Banon during this battle is not always
possible, because one of those Tentacle attacks from Ultros can easily knock
Banon dead. And if Banon dies, you will have to start over. So, expect to die
a couple of times before finally defeating him. Have Sabin use Pummel (Left,
Right, Left, and X) and have Terra use Fire magic. Both attacks will cause 300
points-plus of damage each time. If you have the Genji Glove, make sure it is
equipped on Edgar. With two swords, even the King of Figaro Castle can cause
about 300 points of damage each turn. Leave most of the healing up to Banon's
Health skill, but be prepared to use Terra's Cure magic if you have to and
encounter trouble.

This is an easy battle if you follow Celes' advice. Each turn, have her use
her Runic Blade, which will absorb Tunnel Armor's powerful magic attacks.
Locke can then steal from the boss, and slowly pick away at its defenses. If
the party needs to heal, have Locke use Tonics or Potions, but do not stop
using Celes' Runic Blade.

This boss is not that tough, but it has some powerful attacks. Acid Rain is
the worst of them all, because it causes about 150 points of damage to each
party member and it causes them to have HP-draining seizures. Have Sabin use
either the Aura Bolt or Pummel Blitz, have Shadow toss Shuriken, and make Cyan
use the Level 1 Sword Tech. Using these three attacks, the Phantom Train will
not last long. For a quick fight, because the Phantom Train is an undead
enemy, you can use a Phoenix Down on it to destroy it with one shot.

After jumping off of Barren Falls, you are forced to fight 10 to 12 Piranhas
in succession. After eliminating them, an even more powerful creature,
Rizopas, will appear. This creature lacks a lot of HP, however, it does have
an extremely powerful attack called El Nino that causes about 250-300 points
worth of damage to both Sabin and Cyan. Use Blitz attacks and the Level 1
Sword Tech when possible, but keep both characters' HP high by using Potions
or Tonics.

Kefka is not very tough, but he does have some powerful magic. Ideally, you
will have Celes in the party for this battle. Her Runic blade can absorb
Kefka's magic, which makes him much less threatening. Use powerful attacks
like magic, Sword Techs, Blitz attacks, and Tools to really hurt Kefka. It
helps a lot to have Cyan at Level 15. His Level 4 Sword Tech, Quadra Slam,
causes closes to 1000 points of damage.

At the top of the tower, you will face the powerful warrior, Dadaluma. This
Boss has powerful physical attacks and uses a variety of support magic. Use
your most powerful attacks, especially Sabin's Blitz skills, Edgar's Chain
Saw, Cyan's Sword Tech, and Celes' Magic if they are in your party. As you
deplete Dadaluma's HP, it will begin to heal itself with Potions and two Iron
Fists will join the battle. If you defeat the Iron Fists, they are quickly
replaced, so you should continue to focus your attacks on Dadaluma. You can
make the Iron Fists work for you instead of against you by using Edgar's Noise
Blaster to confuse them. The Iron Fists are automatically defeated after you
defeat Dadaluma.

The royal octopus, Ultros, has improved a lot since your last meeting. It now
has magic attacks that can be difficult to overcome. Make sure you have a
supply of Green Cherries and Remedies before the fight begins. You may also
want to equip characters with Relics that prevent Imp and Confused statuses.
This will put a dent in Ultros' battle plan. Ultros will cast two negative
status effects on your party, Imp and Confuse. While "imped", your characters
can still attack, so this effect is not a major deal. However, when confused,
your characters can turn on each other in the worst of ways. Quickly strike a
confused character to snap him/her out of it. Also, make sure you use your new
magic abilities and summon your Espers into battle. The Espers will make this
battle a lot quicker.

Use Ice magic on Ifrit and Fire magic on Shiva. Most physical attacks will not
cause much damage, unless you have equipped your characters with the Flame
Sabre and Blizzard found in the factory. Avoid using the Flame Sabre against
Ifrit, or the Blizzard against Shiva or you will heal them. As the fight goes
on, the two Espers will sense Ramuh's presence and will turn themselves into

This Boss has a lot of powerful magic attacks and a shifting weakness. At the
start of the battle, use everything you have got against 024. Several turns
later, 024 will use Wall Change to shift its strengths and weaknesses. Use
special attacks like Cyan's Dispatch, Sabin's Pummel blitz, and Edgar's Chain
Saw. You can use Scan magic to take a peak at 024's new weakness, and take
advantage of it if you have the right kind of magic. If you keep your HP up,
this should not be a tough fight.

This battle can be challenging after fighting so many Mag Roaders. If any
party member's HP is low, immediately use Cure magic or Potions for a boost.
Number 128 is comprised of three parts. The center body is the main target,
and it is also the hardest part to eliminate. You can destroy Number 128's
arms, but they will quickly regenerate. Still, it is worthwhile to destroy its
arms because it reduces the amount of damage the boss can cause to your party
each turn. Use special attacks that target all parts of the boss, such as
Sabin's fire dance. Powerful magic, for example Bolt, works especially well.
If Cyan is in your party, use his Retort Sword Tech to inflict extra damage.

Kefka's Cranes are deceptively tough. Whatever you do, avoid casting a Bolt
spell on the left crane or a Fire spell on the right crane. Doing so only
powers them up. When a Crane powers up to Level 3, it casts a powerful spell
on your entire party. The Cranes also use other types of powerful magic, and
will occasionally power up each other. Have one or two characters act as
medics by casting Cure or Cure 2 on the party. Fortunately, you now have
Setzer in your party to aid you. Use his Slot command to attack the enemy. His
most common combination, Three Diamonds, attacks the enemy with the Flash
attack. This attack causes around 400 points of damage to each Crane. You can
also cast Fire on the left crane and Bolt on the right crane. The Level 2 Bolt
and Fire spells can cause as much as 1,000 points of damage.

When you reach the back of the house, you will face Flame Eater. This is a
tough Boss because of his strong Fire attacks. Keep up each party member's HP,
and unload on the Boss with Ice magic. Summon Shiva to battle (if sheis
equipped) and she will put a hurting on Flame Eater. Strago's skill is called
Lore, a type of magic learned from enemies in battle. He joins you with a Lore
known as Aqua Rake, which just happens to work really well against Flame
Eater. Use this attack any time the Boss calls on Balloon reinforcements.
Also, watch for Flame Eater to cast Reflect on himself. When this occurs, stop
casting magic on the Boss, if not, the magic will get reflected back at your
party. You can counter this by casting Reflect magic on your own party, and
then bouncing Ice spells off your characters and onto the Boss.

Once again, you must battle the octopus king. This battle is actually easier
than the battle at the Opera House. Use Fire 2 or Fire if that is all that you
have. This should quickly deplete Ultros' health. Near the end of the battle,
Relm will appear. Use her Sketch skill to draw a picture of Ultros, which
attacks the angry octopus. When she uses this ability successfully, which may
take a while, the battle automatically ends.

Ultros is still not very tough, but the crafty octopus has brought along a
friend, Chupon. After landing a few good hits against Ultros, Chupon will join
the battle. Focus your attacks on Chupon or use attacks that hit both enemies.
Chupon uses strong magic, so prepare to heal everyone. Throw a couple of
powerful Level 2 spells at Chupon as well. The battle ends when Chupon blows
your party off the Airship.

As your party falls through the sky, they are attacked by Air Force, the
ultimate Imperial flying machine. This boss has three parts: the main body, a
Laser Gun, and a Missile Launcher. You can target each part of this boss, and
you can destroy the Laser Gun and Missile Launcher separately from the main
body. However, doing so will only cause the Boss to launch a speck, which can
absorb any magic cast during the battle no matter who it is targeted towards.
Specks are not that tough enemies, and you can easily eliminate them if Air
Force launches one. Just do it quickly, because you must rely upon Potions and
Tonics for healing while the Speck is present. Cast Level 2 spells quickly at
all parts of Air Force. This causes damage to the main body and to its other
parts, as well. After eliminating the parts, quickly eliminate any Specks the
boss launches by using physical attacks. You can then finish off the Boss with
powerful Bolt and Fire spells. Do not worry about your MP, you will have a
chance to rest as soon as you reach the Floating Continent.

In one treasure chest you will encounter a monster-in-a-box, however, this is
no ordinary monster. Gigantos is perhaps the most powerful creature you have
fought thus far. It has rapid, powerful attacks that can wipe out the party in
just a few turns! What can you do? This is by far my favorite strategy, but it
is not the only one as it relies on Cyan's presence. Begin the battle by
casting Vanish on your party members, especially Cyan. While your characters
are protected by Vanish, Gigantos cannot hurt them because it does not use
magic. Have Cyan charge his Sword Tech to Level 4, Quadra Slam. Cyan will
attack the giant 4 times, but the Vanish spell will not be broken. This way,
Cyan can stay under cover for the entire fight without becoming vulnerable to
Gigantos' powerful attacks and can single-handedly eliminate the monster. If
you do not have Cyan, you can use a similar strategy, or have one character
attack while another continues to use Vanish on him/her.

Atma Weapon used extremely powerful magic to wear down your party, and in this
case you cannot reflect it back at the Boss. Instead, you must devote a couple
of your characters to healing your party by using Cure 2, while the other
party members attack. There is a lot of variety to the magic Atma Weapon uses,
but you can count on most of its spells causing somewhere between 200-600
points of damage. On each turn, have your two healers cast Cure 2 on the
entire party whether or not they need it. This will quickly drain their MP, so
it helps if they have the Osmose spell, which takes MP from the boss and gives
it to the person who cast Osmose. This also drains Atma Weapon's MP, which
severely limits its attacks. But with 5000 MP, it takes a long time to
completely drain it. Just keep your two powerhouse characters focused on
attacking with their special skills each turn, and you will be surprised at
how quickly Atma Weapon falls.

Terra cannot defeat Phunbaba on her own. Her defeat is inevitable, so do not
think that you have done something wrong. If you have not used Sabin and Celes
much yet, you might have a tough time with this fight. In fact, you may want
to spend more time fighting enemies outside the village to boost Sabin and
Celes' levels, and to teach them some basic spells like Cure 2 and Life. You
need to keep the party's HP over 1,000 while Sabin uses Blitz techniques to
chase Phunbaba away. During the battle, Celes can use her Runic skill to
absorb Phunbaba's powerful magical attacks. If you do so, Sabin will need the
Cure 2 ability. Otherwise, Celes will need to act as a medic while Phunbaba
uses one of its powerful physical attacks. It's best that both Celes and Sabin
have the ability to cast Cure 2. If they do, the battle should be pretty easy
and should go by pretty quickly. Otherwise, you could be in some serious
trouble, especially if you Runic Celes at the wrong time.

This boss is pretty tough. There are four tentacles, and only three people in
your party. This spells trouble. To make matters worse, the Tentacles can grab
your party members and hold them captive while draining their HP. Edgar does
not have any Espers, so he will not know any magic unless you had him in your
party earlier in the game and he already learned some. Therefore, count on
Sabin and Celes to heal edgar. Fortunately, he is well equipped, so he can
cause lots of damage. Start the battle by having Sabin use the Fire Dance.
This will heal one of the Tentacles, but it will not matter since it has full
HP anyway, but the rest will take damage, making it definitely worth it. Then,
have Edgar use the Drill on one of the three enemies that was not healed by
the Fire Dance. Finally, have Celes follow Edgar's lead. You can Scan each
Tentacle and check its weaknesses if you want, and then blast it with magic.
Using this attack pattern takes out three Tentacles, followed by the one
healed by the Fire Dance. If a Tentacle grabs a party member, have another
party member attack the Tentacle holding your party member. This should get
the enemy to drop whoever it is holding.

Just before the end of this area, you will find a monster in a box named
Presenter. This is not a tough battle, at all. For a quick one hit kill,
immediately cast Break on the enemy and watch with glee. You receive a Dragon
Claw for winning this fight.

Once again, you are faced with an enemy that uses a nonstop assault of
powerful magic. However, Celes' Runic skill can absorb just about any spell
the Boss throws at you. Of course, that does not mean the boss is powerless
just because Celes is in your party. Aside from using Celes' Runic skill, you
must be able to heal your party. Potions won't do the trick, so you must use
Cure 2 instead. However, avoid casting Cure 2 when Celes is waiting to catch a
spell with her Runic blade, or you will end up transferring MP. If this
happens, have another character follow up with a second Cure 2. Use Edgar's
Drill, Sabin's best Blitz, and have Setzer do whatever he can to help. You may
also want to use the new Debilitator you picked up at Figaro Castle so you can
give the boss an elemental weakness and use spells to put it away.

There is a switch set in the ground near the Save Point. Stepping on the
switch opens the chest above, which contains the Storm Dragon. This is one of
the eight dragons you have been hearing so much about. You do not have to
fight it right now, you can return later when your party is powered up more.
Whatever you do, make sure you save your game and use a Tent before
challenging Storm Dragon. There is really only one safe way to fight the Storm
Dragon. Have three of your characters act as healers, while the fourth attacks
the Storm Dragon with Bolt 2. On each turn, have your healers cast Cure 2 on
the entire party. This should keep their HP high enough that the Storm Dragon
can't easily eliminate them. When their MP starts to get low (around 100),
have each one take a turn using the Osmose spell to draw MP from Storm Dragon.
Make sure at least two characters are still hearing the party, but it is even
better to have your attacker take a break and become a healer while everyone
refills. The Storm Dragon does not have an unlimited amount of MP, so when it
runs out you must attack it normally. However, this should be manageable
because it can no longer attack the entire party with a spell each turn.

Although the Sr. Behemoth is tough, it is nothing compared to some of the
enemies you have already fought. Use two healers to keep the party healthy,
and attack with your most powerful skills. Celes can use the Runic ability to
stop the Boss' powerful magic, but this will not cripple the boss. It still
has powerful physical attacks. Avoid using Ice magics, the Sr. Behemoth
absorbs it, so you will only end up healing it. After defeating the Sr.
Behemoth, the ghost of the Sr. Behemoth immediately attacks from behind the
party. You can finish this battle quickly by using a revivify on the dead

After reuniting three of your party members, you will fight the Dream Stooges.
These creatures support each other during battle, and have a powerful attack
that can petrify a member of your party. If this occurs, quickly cast Remedy
on the petrified party member. Begin the battle by attacking Curly (the one at
the top) with Ice magic. You should hit it first, because it has the ability
to revive its partners. With Curly out of the way, none of the Dream Stooges
can be revived once eliminated. Then focus your attacks on either Larry or
Moe. Fire works well against Larry, but avoid Ice and Wind attacks. Moe
absorbs Bolt spells, and does not have a weakness to any element. However, you
can cast Berserk to put an end to its magic. Without its bolt spells, it is
easy to defeat.

In the throne room, you will encounter Wrexsoul, Who has a hold on Cyan. At
the start of the fight, Wrexsoul will possess one of your characters, leaving
its cronies behind to attack the party. Ignore them. If you destroy either of
the Soul Savers, they will just regenerate. To make Wrexsoul reappear, you
must KO the possessed character. So, one by one, you must KO your own
characters and revive them until Wrexsoul is once again visible. After doing
so, throw your most powerful Ice magic and any other strong attacks. You do
not have long to attack, because Wrexsoul will soon possess another character.
There is a simpler way to win. After Wrexsoul has possessed a character, cast
the X-Zone spell. This may not work at first, but if both Soul Savers are
caught by X-Zone, you will win the battle.

This boss has two forms: the demon and the goddess. Your attacks should focus
more on the demon than on the goddess, because its HP is lower and it does not
counterattack with as much force. When the goddess is present, she will attack
with different abnormal status effects. If a party member is under the
goddess¹s control, attack the affected character. When you attack the goddess,
there is a good chance she will counterattack with an attack that acts like
poison. Each time she counterattacks, the effect is added to any previous
effects, so a character may lose hundreds of HP each turn. When the demon
appears, attack it full force with Fire magic or strong attacks. Wait to heal
your party until the goddess reappears.

As the fight begins, you will discover that Phunbaba is not quit so tough this
time around. Attack the demon with Bio and Poison magic or any other strong
attacks. Then, when Phunbaba¹s Hit Points get low, it will blow away two of
your characters and the battle will come to a screeching halt. Terra joins the
battle in Esper form, prepared to eliminate Phunbaba for good. Have her attack
with Bio and Poison magic. In Esper form, she can cause about 5000 HP of
damage with each Bio attack. After the battle, Terra will join you.

At the start of every battle, Doom Gaze will use the Level 5 Doom spell.
Therefore, it is important that not all of your characters at a level
divisible by five. If they are, they are dead. You will need at least one
survivor to revive anyone who may have succumbed to the spell. After Doom
Gaze¹s opening attack, have one or two characters attack Doom Gaze with Fire 3
and Pearl magic. The others should focus on healing. Again, it is good to have
Terra in your party for these battles, because she can cause double damage
with Fire 3 and Pearl while in Esper form. After causing enough damage, Doom
Gaze will escape from battle. You will have to fight and find Doom Gaze
several times before you finally defeat it. You may remember that someone once
told the party that Doom Gaze cannot heal itself between battles, so any
damage you did in this battle will carry over to the next one. When you
finally defeat Doom Gaze, you will receive a powerful Esper, Bahamut. That
should make all of the extra flying time well worth the trouble.

Just before this area ends, there is a side path leading to a dragon
protecting a chest. This is one of the eight dragons of legend. You do not
have to fight it at this time, however, it is one of the easier ones to
defeat. During battle, have the entire party cast Ice 2 or Ice 3 on the
dragon, which will quickly deplete its energy. If Strago is in your party, use
his Aqua Rake Lore to cause some heavy damage. Also, Terra should undergo her
transformation if she is with you. In Esper form, she can cause around 6000
points of damage with a simple Ice 2 spell. Resist using Celes¹ Runic skill.
This consumes too much magic, and she will end up absorbing your spells.

You have located yet another of the legendary dragons, and this one is tough.
Begin the battle by casting Float on your entire party. This will protect them
from the various types of earth magic that the dragon uses. That does not make
the battle easy, but it does make it manageable. Keep everyone¹s HP up,
because the Dirt Dragon can usually KP a character with a single hit of its
powerful claws. You may want to cast Haste on your party to keep things
moving. This dragon is extremely fast and may be too quick without the Haste

On the way to the Tritoch Esper, you will find a dragon roaming the area where
you faced Kefka¹s army. This is yet another of the fabled dragons. Equip your
party with items like the Ice Shield, which protects against Ice magic, and
you will be nearly invulnerable. Fire weapons also work real well. It also
helps if Terra is in your party, and she knows the Phoenix¹s Fire 3 spell.
Attack the Ice Dragon with constant Fire magic or weapons. If Terra morphs
into her Esper and uses Fire 3, she can nearly wipe out the Ice Dragon in a
single turn. Otherwise, just chip away at the dragon¹s health with Fire magic
and it will fall in no time.

At the cliff, the Tritoch Esper will attack the party. This battle is similar
to the one with the Ice Dragon. Just pummel the Esper with Fire magic, and the
fight will quickly end. When the battle is won, the Tritoch Esper will join
you and a new passage will be opened.

This fight is dependent on fire magic. Just immediately hit this Boss with
Fire magic (especially Fire 3) and Umaro will soon give up. When this Boss
eats a Green Cherry, it boosts Umaro¹s abilities to insane proportions.

On the third floor, you will encounter another one of the eight legendary
dragons. You can easily win this fight by casting Reflect on your party. You
can then pund the White Dragon into submission with the spells of your choice.
Just avoid using Pearl, as it heals the White Dragon.

As you attempt to leave the top floor of the tower after getting the Gem Box
Relic, the Mage Master will attack. Each time you hit the Mage Master with a
spell, it changes its magical strengths and weaknesses. This makes it very
difficult to cause damage to the Boss. You can counter this by using spells
like Ultima and Meteor, which cannot be blocked by the Mage Master¹s magical
defenses. Or, you can cast Berserk on the Boss so that it cannot change its
defenses or use magic. Just make absolutely sure you cast Berserk immediately,
or the Mage Master may just change its defenses in a way that leaves your
characters powerless. If this occurs, you can always cast Dispel on the Boss
to remove the Berserk effect. When the Mage Master changes defenses again, hit
it with Berserk again. You can use Scan to check what the Mage Master¹s
weakness is at any time. You MUST first cast a Life 3 spell on at least one of
your party members (contained in the Phoenix Esper). If you do not have Life
3, you cannot defeat the Mage Master. After weakening the Mage Master enough,
he will cast one final spell: Ultima. The Ultima spell will destroy not only
the Mage Master, but also the entire party, as well. However, if you cast life
3 on one or more party members, they will come back after the battle, enabling
the player to win this battle.

9.0 Other Information -------------------------------------------------

This is a list of the people and websites I want to credit, Links to some
sites that are allowed to use this guide, some of my other works, some of the
works I plan to do in the future, and more!

9.1 Credits -----------------------------------------------------------
-CJayC (
For his hard work and dedication to one of the greatest sites out there, and
for hopefully posting this guide!

-Prima Strategy Guide
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here, though,

-Dingo Jellybean (
-I may have had my fair share of problems with him, but his FFVI guide is the
best on the net right now. I really like it and it has helped me out, although
I did not take anything from it.

-Daniel Stefano (Positively Posterior) and Dyson Turner (Dy$e Murder)
For being the two coolest guys at GameFAQs, they rock!

-Matt Hulbert
A cool guy, he inspired me to do this guide and my Final Fantasy IX one, and
he is a great friend!

9.2 Links -------------------------------------------------------------
======================================================================= : GameFAQs : Final Fantasy Chamber

If you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to
host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other ones without my

The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

1. GameFAQs (
2. Game Winners (
3. Video Game Strategies (
4. Cheat Code Central (
5. Happy Puppy (
6. Game Revolution (
7. Gaming Planet (
8. PlayStation Pit (
9. X Cheater (
10. Phat Games (
11. The Cheat Empire (
16. Game Castle (
19. : Final Fantasy Chamber

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you
happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. if you see
this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP, especially
Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to host these
guides, especially after hosting some of my other ones without my permission!

9.3 My Other Works ----------------------------------------------------

Reviews: 362
FAQs: 62

WWF Smackdown! 2 (PSX) Guides
Complete Guide
D'Lo Brown
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Royal Rumble (DC) Guides
Complete Guide
Al Snow
Big Show
Chris Jericho
DLo Brown
Kurt Angle
Triple H

WWF ATTITUDE Character Guides
Al Snow
D-Lo Brown
Triple H

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guides
Big Show
Blue Meanie
Complete Guide
Gerald Brisco
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Smackdown Guides
Al Snow
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Complete Guide
D-Von Dudley
Dudley Boyz
D-Lo Brown
Finisher Move Guide
Hardcore Holly
Triple H

Nintendo Entertainment System
Dragon Warrior
Fester's Quest
Tiny Toon Adventures
Yo! Noid

Nintendo 64
The World is Not Enough

Sega Genesis
Phantasy Star 4 Shop Guide

Super Nintendo
Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 5 Boss Guide

Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 6 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Boss Guide
NHL '99 Complete Guide
Parasite Eve Boss Guide
Parasite Eve Complete Guide
WCW vs. the World Complete FAQ/Move List

My Guides will only be found on
The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

1. GameFAQs (
2. Game Winners (
3. Video Game Strategies (
4. Cheat Code Central (
5. Happy Puppy (
6. Game Revolution (
7. Gaming Planet (
8. PlayStation Pit (
9. X Cheater (
10. Phat Games (
11. The Cheat Empire (
16. Game Castle (
19. : Final Fantasy Chamber

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you
happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. If you see
this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP, especially
Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to host these
guides, especially after hosting some of my other ones without my permission!

9.4 Future Plans ------------------------------------------------------
-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Tiny Toon Adventures 2 (NES) Complete Guide
-Sonic Blastman 2 (SNES) Complete Guide
-WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) Complete FAQ and Move List
-Character Guides for WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) and WWF No Mercy (N64)
-Updating a lot of my older FAQs, especially the WWF Smackdown Complete
guide, FAQ, and move list.

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2.
-Also, finishing my Super Nintendo review updates.

-Some here and there, not much though.

9,5 Author's Information ----------------------------------------------

Name: Steve McFadden

My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 11/24/00
Reviews: 369
FAQs: this was my 51st

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

10.0 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------
Hello, everyone, and thanks for reading my guide to Final Fantasy VI! I know
it really sucks right now, but I am going to update it a lot. I just wanted to
get it posted so I can work on it at my own pace without worrying if it will
be posted or not, you know?

The Shortest Copyright Line Ever

Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 Steve McFadden (SMcFadden)

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| _ \ __ _ | | __ _ __| (_) ___ ___ | \/ | __ _ _ __
| | | |/ _` | | | / _` |/ _` | |/ _ \/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
| |_| | (_| | | |__| (_| | (_| | | __/\__ \ | | | | (_| | | | |
|____/ \__,_| |_____\__,_|\__,_|_|\___||___/ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|

-Steve Saunders

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION --------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.
This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be taken
Directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish to
Use any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide:, No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us and we will be glad to put it in, assuming its correct.
------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.

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