Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross

15.10.2013 15:46:57
Chrono Cross Walkthrough and FAQ version 1.22
For Playstation(tm) (US version)
By: “A” Tadeo
Created: August 23, 2000
Date last Updated: January 11, 2001
Mail me at:
ICQ#: 12218741
Home Page:

\ Very Special thanks to DjellyBean ( He is one \
\ of the best guide writers at GameFAQs. He helped me to find the different \
\ characters in the game. I really appreciate his response and help. He \
\ also has a guide for this Game. I recommend you check it out also. \

\ Very Special thanks to Allan Ancaja ( for his \
\ info about the endings of the game. Give him a round of applause. He is \
\ also one of the BEST RPG gamers out there. Best of all, we are true to \
\ life friends and we are planning on creating more guides in the future. \
\ Endings he contributed are #2-#6.


This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it for
anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, Commercial
Web Sites. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this Walkthrough/FAQ
and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of
“plagiarism”, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of
another as one’s own without crediting the source.

You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own
Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself or
have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can
copy the layout though.

You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web site
provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you MUST
have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of the
entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal
purposes. Remember “You don’t have to steal, just ask.” - B.O.F.III


Hello everyone! To those of you who know me, welcome back! :) For your
information, I also have a guide for the Prequel of this game, the Chrono
Trigger for SNES. Basically, Chrono Cross is the sequel, which gave it the
title Chrono Trigger 2. By the way, Chrono Cross happened 20 years after the
first adventure, so I presume that Chrono Cross happened in the year 1020. The
change in platform (from SNES to the PSX), made way for new innovations.
Chrono Cross has better graphics (of course), Chrono Cross has the Element
system contrary to the Techniques from Chrono Trigger, New attack mode in
Chrono Cross. The same thing for both is, I say the flow of the story. You
travel through time, fixing skewed timelines and dimensions.

Let’s talk about the game now. As stated above, Chrono Cross happened 20 years
after the first adventure. Our new hero, Serge, faces a more complex
disruption in time. Throughout his journey, he’ll meet friends that will join
him in his quest. At the end, they still have to discover who is doing this
mess. With the new battle system, Chrono Trigger fans will find it somewhat
confusing in the beginning. But I guarantee that after you’ve played a while
you’ll see how good the system is. This the moment we’ve been waiting for, the
Chrono Cross Guide.


i. E-Mail Policy
I. Updates/Revisions
II. Game Information
A. Game Controls
B. Game Menu
C. Game Basics
- moving about
- attacking and Battle system
- elements and innate system
- using Summon Elements
- Items and Key Items
- Weapons, Armors and Accessories
D. Character Stats
E. Status Ailments/Abilities
III. Character Information
A. Main Characters
B. Supporting Characters
C. Arch-Enemies
IV. Walkthrough
V. Endings
VI. Element List
A. Normal Elements
B. Trap Elements
C. Summon Elements
VII. Tech List
VIII. Level 7 Techs
IX. Items and Key Items List
X. Weapons
XI. Armors
XII. Accessories
XIII. Enemy List
XIV. Shops
XV. New Game+ Information (New!)
XVI. The Bend of Time
XVII. Chrono Trivia
XIX. Gameplay Tips
XX. Lyrics
XXI. Credits


For the past few months, I’ve been receiving such a great number e-mails and
some of them are quite annoying (very few though, just 2). So, I decided to
put up this e-mail policy as a guide for you if you want to send an e-mail to
me. Here are the things that you must do/must not do in sending an e-mail
regarding this guide and any of my other guides:

1. Send me a question which cannot be found on my guide. I will be more that
happy to help you.
2. Try to be specific in order for me to understand what you’re trying to ask
3. You can send in your questions/contributions/other e-mails in text or HTML
format. No executables.
4. Check first the latest version of the guide before sending questions,
contributions, etc. If you use later versions, the answer/s to your questions
might have been answered already and will be most likely to be ignored.
5. If I happen to forget you, just e-mail me nicely and I’ll respond to you

1. Don’t send any questions which can be answered from my guide. And don’t be
persistent in doing so.
2. Don’t send nonsense e-mails like “I want to marry you!”, “Can you buy me
this or that?”, etc.
3. Don’t say bad words. F$#k Y%u! and the likes.
4. And, don’t send Chain letters! Please!
(Doing this, your e-mail will be most likely to be ignored)
5. Don’t send executable files (.exe, .com) as an attachment. I don’t want any
Trojans wandering around.
6. Don’t Spam (repeated messages)

Change topic, for those who will send their contributions, I’ll always credit
anything that is from you. I will always make sure of that. If I ever forget,
please remind me nicely. :) I’ll always be there for all you gamers out there.


Version 1.22 (Started: January 11, 2001)
More to come. :)
- Summon Elements Update
- More Level 7 Techs
- Items List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Enemy List Update
- Shop List Update

Version 1.21 (Started: January 4, 2001)
- Character List Complete
- Tech List Update
- Enemy List Update

Version 1.20 (Started: November 31, 2000)
I’m now at Chronopolis despite playing Final Fantasy IX and Lunar 2 most of
the time. I’m giving it my all!
- Enemy List Update
- E-mail Policy Revised

Version 1.19 (Started: November 25, 2000)
- Level 7 Techs Section (new)
- Credits Section Update

Version 1.18 (Started: November 20, 2000)
- Radical Dreamers (ending song) real lyrics + English Translation
I told ‘ya I have lots of errors :)
- New Chrono Trivias (Anonymous Contribution)
- Credits Section

Version 1.17 (Started: November 12, 2000)
I sincerely apologize for the very late update. I’ve been so hooked up in
Final Fantasy IX and I can only play Chrono Cross little by little. I’m in a
new game+ (again for the nth time) to update the lists including enemy list,
shop list, character list, equipment list, etc.
- Walkthrough Update:
- Getting Poshul early in the game
- Medical Book at Tower of Geddon
- using Mastermune to go to Lucca’s House
- Character info update
- minor modification on FAQs
- FAQ #1 update (new sites)
- Credits Section Updated
- E-mail Policy revised

Version 1.16 (Started: November 8, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Acquiring Glenn & Macha
(not saving Kid from the Hydra Poison)
- Status Abilities/Ailments update
- New Supporting Characters
- Lyrics for Radical Dreamers
(I included this because I love the song. I admit that there are
A LOT of mistakes in the lyrics as I’m not used to writing Japanese
Lyrics while hearing the song at the same time(although I studied
how to read and write in Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji as well as the
grammar). All suggestions/corrections are more than welcome!)

Version 1.15 (Started: November 7, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Lucca’s House Update
- Rainbow Shell from Kid inside the clock
- Pictures of Crono and co.
- Getting Mel into your party
- New characters (Mel and Skelly – forgot to put him :)
- New Techs as well
- FAQ #1 update, new site
- Weapon List Update

Version 1.14 (Started: October 31, 2000)
(I apologize for a late update. If you’re watching CNN, you’ll know that 2
storms (one of which is a direct-hit) passed through Manila, Philippines
(where I’m at) and that’s the reason I wasn’t able to update. Major blackouts
occurred here and the electricity ran normally just today(11/4). Anyway,
here’s the update!)
- Battle system Update
- Fixed Accessory List
- FAQ #1 update, new site
- New Chrono Trivia
- Credits Section Updated

Version 1.13 (Started: October 27, 2000)
- New Characters! (Janice and Turnip)
- Includes new Techs as well
- Weapon List Updated

Version 1.12 (Started: October 24, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Included the use of the Chrono Cross item in the Temporal Vortex
to regain the characters acquired from the previous game.
- Included how to acquire the characters (see character list)
- Weapon List Updated
- Major Spelling Check

Version 1.11 (Started: October 18, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Info on Criosphinx
(Found after Terra Tower)
- Getting Razzly
- Turn Green at Viper Manor
- New Character (Techs as well)
- small update on weapon list
- FAQ #1 edited
- New Gameplay Tip

Version 1.10 (Started: October 17, 2000)
- A lot of updates in a day. I enjoyed it :)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Guile’s Scenario at Viper Manor
- New Section! (Bend of Time)
- New Contact Information, Check the top of the page
- New e-mail address dedicated to Chrono Cross
- You can chat with me when you see me (aaron020) on DalNet (IRC)
go to #chrono_games which is my channel
- New Supporting Character
- Correction on Shiny Items (Check item list)
- Chrono Trivia Updated
- New FAQ
- Credits Section Updated!
- Major Spell Check (Manual)

Version 1.09 (Started: October 6, 2000)
(As I promised, I’ll always update this guide. I’ve been very busy and I’m
having trouble updating. I restarted the game again (for the 5th time!) and
I’m taking note of the details that I missed, especially about endings. Now, I
have a sad news. I lost e-mails from Septermber 17, 2000 up to October 20,
2000 because I upgraded my e-mail and they were deleted! I sincerely apologize
for that.)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Additional Info. Check beginning of Walkthrough
- Vita Uno and Vita Tres
- Plates stolen from the 6 Dragons
- New Character
- E-mail policy. New!
- Weapons Section updated!
- Chrono Trivia Section Updated!
- Correction about Toma
- New FAQs
- New Gameplay Tip
- New Sites! Check FAQ #1
- Credits Section Updated
- Included my Home Page on top of this guide!

Version 1.08 (Started: September 24, 2000)
(I apologize once more for a late update. I re-formatted my hard drive and my
Guides are lost. Luckily, I was able to input just a few and I was able to re-
type it again. With regards to this, my Inbox from September 26 to October 3
(Philippine Date) was lost too. Sorry but I needed to re-format due to Hard
Disk Failures (stupid me, forgot to set the jumpers for primary IDE. I placed
the HD on Secondary and it generated Bad Clusters). Anyway, Here’s the update.
I can now reply to e-mails as fast as I once did back in July.)
- Walkthrough Update
- Nikki’s Scenario at Viper Manor Complete
- Enemy List Updated

Version 1.07 (Started: September 15, 2000)
(I’m really sorry to those who sent in their e-mails. I’ve got very urgent
business to take care of and there’s practically no more time to update. But
here it is now. My current status is: Finished ENTIRE game 4 times already,
listing every enemy that I see and info about it, Updating infos on bosses,
locating chests that I missed.)
- Walkthrough Update:
included the HP, and some more info of the Bosses.
-Fixed guile, Nikki and Pierre Events again (not complete yet)
-How to get Glenn. (not complete yet)
-finally, the WATER DRAGON’s ICE BREATH!!! (Protection for
Mt. Pyre)
- New Characters and Techs
- Element List Updated
- Dual Techs! (New!) I’ve no Triple Techs discovered yet.
- Key Items Updated
- Shops List Updated
- Equipments Updated
- Chrono Trivia Updated!
- GamePlay tips Updated
- Credits Section Updated!

Version 1.06 (Started: September 13, 2000)
(My apologies to those who sent their messages through ICQ. I rarely check my
ICQ. Let say, once in a blue moon. I’ve been able to use my excess hours from
my Internet account to log in a few days ago. I wish to congratulate those who
say me online. Before that, it was almost 1 year since I used ICQ so please
understand. If you want a quicker response from me, e-mail me at my address
above. Thank you.)
- Walkthrough Update:
Fixed some choices in the walkthrough:
- Choosing whether you want Kid to join your or not during your
first meeting with her at Cape Howl
- Choosing how to get to Viper Manor (between Guile, Pierre, Nikki)
- New Ending!
- How to get the Shiny items (included in the Item List)
- How to use Summon Elements (included in Game Basics)
- Weapon List Updated
- Accessories Updated
- Credits Section Updated
- MAJOR Spelling/Grammar Check (again)
(This time, with the spell/grammar checker. Only the some of the
pronouns are mistakes. I.e. I used the word ‘His’ for a female
character. It took 25 minutes to finish the spelling/grammar

Version 1.05 (Started: September 11, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
Walkthrough is finished! At last!
- New Ending
- Enemy List Updated (just a bit)
- New Characters and Techs
- New Supporting Characters and Arch-Enemies.
- Spelling/Grammar Check (again)

Version 1.04 (Started: September 8, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
Walkthrough typing, finished up to the end of the quest for the
6 Dragon Relics.
- New Endings!!!
- New characters
- New Techs as well
- Rainbow Shell equipments included
- Check out at the top of the guide (Special Credits)
- New FAQs
- There’s a new site where you can find this guide. Check it out at
FAQ #1.
- Major spell/grammar check (with spell checker)

Version 1.03 (Started: September 6, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
I’ve finished typing my walkthrough up to the Rescue of Riddel.
More walkthrough updates on the way. I’m still transferring it
From paper to MS Word.
- New characters and Techs!
- MAJOR info at Chrono Trivia!!! CT fans check it out. Trivia #1
- Major spelling/grammar check (w/o spell checker)

Version 1.02 (Started: September 3, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
I started the game once more, now in New Game+ mode so I it was
not that hard to re-create what I missed. For ze walkthrough, I
finished typing up to ze beginning of ze Fort Dragonia. Oi! I’m
beginning to zound like ze Harle character! I’m glad to tell
everyone that I’m almost finished with writing the walkthrough in
paper. I have typed up to Fort Dragonia as of now. Please bear
with me. I still did a MAJOR facelift for the guide. The next
update will come again very soon. Until then.
- Characters section updated! (New characters!)
- Endings Section (New!)
- New Game+ Information included
- New Items and Key Items
- New Elements (also, previous Element List Updated!)
- New equipments
- New Layout for Weapons, Armors, Accessories! (AGAIN?! Well, even I
am confused when I see the list. I changed it so that it would
be easier understood.
- New Layout for Elements also!

Version 1.01 (Started: August 27, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
To those who will view this guide, I apologize for a quite late
Update. A question hinders me to complete the walkthrough. “Where
is that damn paper?!”. I was typing this guide, when unfortunately,
the next part of the walkthrough that I wrote is missing. As for
the game, I’m already at Disk 2 at Chronopolis. Again, I sincerely
apologize. BTW, below are the updates that I’ve made & I did these
now so that I’ll have less things to worry about in the future.
- Characters’ Section Major Update!
- New Layout of Elements Section
- Tech List (NEW!)
- Trap Elements and Summon Elements (NEW!)
- Elements List Updated
- Weapons, Armors and Accessories Updated
- New layout on equipments
- Items and Key Items lists Updated
- GamePlay Tips Updated



_____ _____
| L1,2| | R1,2|
-------- ---------
/ _ \____________/ \
| _| |_ ___ ___ Tr |
| |_ _| |sel| |str| Sq Ci |
| |_| __ __ X |
| / \ / \ |
\ | AL |----| AR | /
\ / \__/ \__/ \ /
\___/ \___/

Here’s a not so perfect but efficient image of the Analog Controller of the
Sony Playstation console. Here are the descriptions of the different uses of
each of the buttons.

Start Button - Start the Game
- Pause the game anytime
Select Button - Change the leader of the party
Directional Pad - move the characters on screen
- select options
- Browse menus/Inventory
X Button - Ok and Examine Button
Circle - Cancel, Run Button
Triangle - Open the menu screen
Square - Open Key Item Window
L1, R1 - The same as X and O buttons, respectively
L2, R2 - Most of the time, not used

Of course, you can always change the settings according to your needs in the
Customize sub-menu.


You can open up the game menu by pressing the Triangle Button. Here’s a brief
description of the main menu and its contents.


| | | | ---- |
| | | | | C1 | |
| | | | ---- |
| P1 |P2 |P3 | ---- |
| | | | | C2 | |
| | | | ---- |
| | | | ---- |
| | | | | C3 | |
| | | | ---- |
| | | | |
|---- --- --- Status |
| Elements |
| Equipments |
| Items |
| Customize |
| Save/Load (TD)|
| |
| |
| G.I. |
| |

P1,P2,P3 = they are the picture of the three members of your current Party.
C1,C2,C3 = they are the Character Stats of the three members of your current
Party. Below is a representation of this.
| | -- |
| Name | --- |
| ----------|
| HP 100/100 Innate |
| Str. 10 Acc. 8 Mag. 20 |
| Res. 7 Agl. 2 M.Res. 7 |
HP - Total Hit Points or life of the character
Innate - Elemental Affiliation of a Character
Str. - Strength or power of physical attacks of the character
Acc. - Accuracy or the Chance to Hit
Mag. - Magic Power of the Character
Res. - Resistance or Evade
Agl. - Agility or Speed
M. Res.- Resistance against Magic
(There's a brief explanation of these in the Character Stats Section)

TD = is the time dial you can find on the lower right side, used to select
From the different sub menus.
Status, elements, Equipments, etc. are Sub menus. To select one, use the time
dial and press X to select it.
G.I. = Represents the Game Information. The Star Level, Time Elapsed, and the
Total amount of G your party currently has.


| ------- |
| | | |
| | C | |
| | | |
| ------- |
| |
| ------- |
| | | |
| | | AP |
| | | |
| | | |
| | P | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| ------- |
| |
| |
| G.I. |
| |

Here’s the description of each.

AP = The full body, actual picture of the currently selected character
G.I. = is the game information, also the same as the one in the main menu
C = Character Stats. The same as the one in the main menu with the exception
Of the Stamina Recovery Stat which is now included.
P = the profile of the Character
(Sample Profile of Serge)

| Profile |
| |
| Silent Protagonist (char)|
| Age: 17 (M) |
| Origin: Arni |
| Height: 5’7” |
| Weight: 128 lbs. |
| Built: Ordinary |
| Right-Handed |


If you select Elements, the time dial will now have 2 options. One is Use and
one is Allocate.

-Use Menu-

| | | |
| | | |
| C1 | | |
| | | |
|--------| | EL |
| | | |
| | | |
| C2 | | |
| | | |
|--------| |-------------|
| | | |
| | | |
| C3 | | ED |
| | | |
|-------- -------------|
| |

Here’s the description for each.

C1, C2, C3 = The Character Stats of the 3 party members. It’s the same as the
One that you’ll see in the Status Sub-Menu
EL = It is the current elements available for use.
ED = The Description of the Element that is currently selected. It has info
About the Level of the Element, if it is consumable or not, How many and
Who will be affected by the element if it is used (whether Ally or
Enemy), and the description of how it will work.

-Allocate Menu-

| | |
| | |
| | |
| ASL | EL |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |------------|
| | |
| | ED |
| AS | |
| ------------|
| |

Here’s the description of each.

EL = It is the current elements available for Allocation.
ED = The Description of the Element that is currently selected. It has info
About the Level of the Element, if it is consumable or not, How many and
Who will be affected by the element if it is used (whether Ally or
Enemy), and the description of how it will work.
ASL = (not Age,Sex,Location) Allocation Space Levels
AS = Allocation Spaces that are available


| | |
| CS1 | |
| | |
|-----------| |
| | |
| WS2 | W,A,Ac |
| | |
|-----------| |
| W1 | |
|-----------| |
| A1 | |
| | |
| AC | D |
| | |
|----------- --------------|
| |

Here’s the description for each.
CS1 = It is the character stats for the currently selected party member
WS2 = It is the Stats of the equipment currently selected
W1 = The weapon that is currently equipped
A1 = the armor that is currently equipped
AC = the 3 accessories that are currently equipped
W,A,Ac = You select the equipments here
D = Description of the equipment currently selected


| | |
|--------| |
| | |
|--------| |
| L | |
|--------| |
| I | PIC |
|--------| |
| S | |
|--------| |
| T | |
|--------| |
| | |
|--------| |
| | |
|--------| D |
| | |
|--------| |
| | |

Here’s the description for each.
List Column = it contains the list of the Key Items
PIC = it is the image/picture of the Key Item currently selected
D = Description of the Key Item currently selected


| | | |
| Sound | Stereo | Mono |
| Window Frame | Default | Custom |
| Cursor Position | Default | Memorize |
| Accuracy Selection | Manual | Auto |
| Controller | Default | Custom |
| O Button Pressed | Run | Walk |
| Vibration Function | Off | On |
| Left Stick Sensitivity | Digital | Analog |
| | | |

For the Window Frame, you can select 3 types. The default one is the Arnian
Wood. The other 2 are the Simple Line and the Iron Plate.

To select one, just use the Directional Pad. Here’s the menu for the
Controller Custom Setup

-Controller Menu-

| |
| X Choose/Confirm/Talk |
| O Cancel/Hold down to run |
| Open/Close Key Item window |
| Open Menu |
| L1 Same as X |
| R1 Same as O |
| L2 Not used |
| R2 Not used |
| |
| Analog |
| Left Run/Choose |
| Right Change direction on spot |
| L3 Same as X |
| R3 Same as O |
| |

Just use the buttons to arrange it according to your convenience. To exit this
menu, press Start.


Graphical representation need not be shown as it is very self-explanatory.
I’ll just give you info about it.

To save, select save. You can only save a game when you’re in the world map or
at Save Point. After selecting save, select the Memory Card Slot to use and
the Memory Card Block where the data will be saved. Note that Chrono Cross
needs only 1 Memory Card Block to save. Same process is done in loading saved


Here are the basic things that you should do in order to survive the world of
Chrono Cross.

1. Moving About

It is the basic thing you must do in the game. You have to explore the world
to advance through the story. In the world map, you can easily walk around by
using the Directional Pad. You can also use the Left Analog stick of your
controller to walk (I think the Analog option is very convenient to use).

When you’re inside dungeons, caves, towns, villages, etc. You can select your
own configuration. You can check the customize sub menu to specify how your
characters walk. You can use the Directional pad or the Analog Stick. You can
also customize the Cancel Button whether you want to run or walk while
pressing the Cancel button. That’s about it regarding moving around.

2. Attacking and Battle System

The way of attacking the enemies is VERY UNIQUE and INNOVATIVE. It is the
first RPG to use it. During Battles, your party won’t have time bars as with
other square games. The battle system in Chrono Cross is Real-time turn-based
system. Real-Time in the sense that you can attack whenever you like as long
as it’s your turn. Turn-based in the sense that once you finish your turn, you
cannot attack until the enemy finished his/her/its turn.

When the battle menu appears, you can select from 4 options. 1, 2, 3, element.
1-3 options have a percentage to its right. It is the probability of hitting
the opponent. If #1 has 99%, it means that there is a 99% chance of that
attack to be successful. Now, you’ll notice that most of the time, #3’s
probability is lower than #1 and #2. As for #2, it is lower than #1. It is
because #3 is a level 3 physical attack. We can conclude now that there are 3
levels of physical attacks. Level 1, is the weakest attack. Level 2, is the
medium attack. And Level 3 is the strongest attack.

In attacking, we also take into consideration the stamina of the characters.
You’ll see the stamina of the characters in the character box. It is labeled
Sta. The number to its right is the stamina and it determines the number of
attacks you can do. Example, if the stamina is at 7.0, you can use Level 1
attacks 7 times. It means that, the stamina will decrease depending from the
level of the attack you made. Another example, if you have a stamina of 4.0,
you can use Level 2 Attacks 2 times. That’s all about attacking. The stamina
will, however, recover. The amount depends on your Stamina Recovery.

After the battle, you will be asked if you want to use your elements to heal
your characters. Do so, but I suggest not using the consumable elements. This
will prepare you for future battle that cannot be avoided.

Here’s a tip. Use level 1 then Level 2 then finally Level 3 Attacks. Their hit
percentage will go up faster.

Another note in attacking. Unlike in other Square games, wherein there is a
time bar, the enemies in Chrono Cross won’t attack you until you finish your

3. Elements and Innate system

Chrono Cross adds a new twist to the elemental system. Here, the Innate of a
character or an enemy determines the elemental affiliation of that particular
character or enemy. Example, Serge’s Innate is White, therefore, Serge’s
elemental affiliation is also white.

Here is the list of the opposites of each Innate
White - Black
Red - Blue
Yellow - Green

There is another system, which is the element system. Elements in Chrono Cross
is what we may call Abilities (compared to other games, it is like Magic. In
Chrono Trigger, it was called Techs). Elements have 2 types, Consumable and
non-Consumable. Consumable Elements disappears after its use as the non-
Consumables doesn’t.

There are also 2 kinds of Elements depending on where it can be used. The
first one are the elements that can only be used during battle, specifically
Attack Elements (Elements that damage your enemy) and Support Elements
(Elements that alter the characteristics of a character/enemy. I.E. Weaken,
HiRes, LoRes, etc.). Second, are the ones that can be used during or outside
of battles, specifically Curative Elements (Elements that restore HPs and heal
status effects).

To use Attack elements, you have to Allocate them to your characters. Use the
Allocate command in the Element Sub-menu when you press Triangle. Just
allocate the Element to any vacant Allocation space to the left. Remember
that, the Allocation spaces also have levels. The higher the level, the
stronger the effect of the Element. Example, Cure Element in Level 4
Allocation Space heals more HP than a Cure Element in Level 1. The Level of
Innate you can use is the one denoted above the word Lv. In the battle menu.
It has those tine bars, just like an equalizer for a sound system. Example, if
your Lv. Is at 4 and you used Level 2 Elements, you can still use another
Level 2 elements as 2 will be left.

The elements also have what we call a Level Range. Example, the Aerosaucer
Elements. It’s Element Level is 2 and the Level Range is +-6. It means that
you can place this particular level from 1 to 8. How did I get to this? Here’s
how. +-6 is the range. 2-6 = -4 but there is no Level -4 so the least level is
1. Then 2+6 = 8. So, you can put this element anywhere from Level 1 to Level 8
in the Element Allocation Grid.

Remember that you can only use non-Consumable Elements once per battle. It
will be available again in the next one.

Here’s another important information regarding Elements. Each of the Elements
has their own Innates. You can use these to your advantage. If you use an
Attack element, which has opposite Innate with your enemy, you will do more
damage. Example, If you have PhotonRay, which is White Innate, and you used it
against a Black Innate opponent, you will do much more damage than usual.

There is also another concept about elements. The Field effect. During
battles, you’ll see a “field” in the upper left hand corner of the screen
together with 3 concentric circles. The element you use will fill the field
effect. If you happen to fill the field effect with the same color, that
Innate will become much more stronger. And it’s opposite will get weaker.
Example, if you managed to fill the field effect with White, all White Innate
Elements will be much stronger when used. The Black Innates will definitely
get weaker and more susceptible to the white. You can use this as a strategy
to beat your opponents faster.

To find elements, you can just buy them from Element Shops in town or receive
them from enemies. Some of the most powerful Elements can be achieved by
trapping them.

4. Using Summon Elements

Using Summon Elements is easy. Here’s what you should now if you want to use
the Summon Elements.

- Summon elements can be put on the Element Grid of a character, if and only
if, he or she has the same Innate Color as the summon. I.e. Sonja, who has,
a Green Innate, can only be used by Green Innate Characters.
- Summon elements can only be used if the entire Field Effect is filled with
the same color as the Summon. I.e. Sonja can only be used if the field
effect is filled with Green Color.

Don’t worry, Summons are non-consumable. They can only be used once per battle
like other non-consumable elements though.

5. Items and Key Items

Chrono Cross adds yet another twist to the Items. Items are those that you use
to Forge weapons, armors and accessories (these 3 are explained later). The
Key Items however, are those that are essential for the story of the game.

Items can only be used during forging of equipments. To use the Key Items,
press the Square Button and a menu will shop up. It will display all the key
items you have. To select/use one, just press the X button.

6. Weapons, Armors and Accessories

The equipment system in Chrono Cross is much like the ones in Vagrant Story.
In Chrono Cross, you have to get particular items so that the Blacksmiths
(more like a weapon shop) can forge a weapon for you. You cannot buy weapons,
armors and accessories. You have to let the Blacksmiths Forge a weapon for
you. And remember that there is a payment for forging equipments.

You can also Disassemble a weapon into its items. This will be useful if you
want a stronger weapon wherein one of its item requirement is included in your
current weapon.

For a list of weapons, armors, accessories, refer to its section in the later
parts of this Guide.


Here are the brief descriptions of the Character Stats in the game.

In the main menu, you’ll see the character Stats in the upper right correct?
Here are the descriptions of Each.

Innate - the Elemental Affiliation of the Character. It is indicated by a
colored Circle
HP - Stands for Hit Points. The total amount of damage a character can
receive. If it drops to 0, that character is considered dead.
Str. - Stands for Strength. It determines how strong the physical attack
of the character is. It is the same at Atk. Or Attack.
Acc. - Stands for Accuracy. It determines the chances your character can
successfully attack an opponent. If it is at 99%, it means that
there is a 99% chance that your attack will be successful. It is the
same as Hit%
Mag. - Stands for Magic. It determines how strong your character can use
the elements. The higher the Magic is, the stronger the Element.
It is the same as Mgc.
Res. - Stands for Resistance (same as Evade from Chrono Trigger). It
determines the chances of your character to resist a physical attack.
If it is at 0%, it means that there is 0% chance of evading an
Agl. - Stands for Agility. In simple terms, Speed. This determines how fast
your characters’ time bar fills during battle. Although, you can’t see
the time bar unlike in Chrono Trigger.
M. Res. - Stands for Magic Resistance. Same as Resistance, the difference is
that it is concerned about Magic. If it is at 50%, it means that
there is a 50% chance of evading a Magic attack.

In the status screen, one additional information can be seen. The Stamina
Recovery, which indicates how much stamina, is recovered after one turn.

I haven’t discovered the Maximum Character stats yet. If you have any
information, please send it through my e-mail found at the very top of this
Walkthrough/FAQ. You will be duly credited, as always. :) Thank you.


Status Ailments can also be called Abnormal Status in the sense that it makes
your character do unnecessary moves or even lower the characters ability to
fight. Status abilities, on the other hand, raise the capabilities of your
characters during battle. Here are the list of Status Ailments and Abilities.

these may make your character’s life miserable. Ailments will hinder you from
playing well, especially in battles.

Name Effect on Character Cure/Remedy/prevention
Blind During this condition, your Black Out Element
(Black) character’s hit% will be halved Panacea Element, Holy Healing

Burns ---

Diminish Decreases the damage done by No cure
(Black) elements to 50%

Flu You cannot control your charac- Medicine/Purify/Panacea Element
(Blue) ters well in the field. Like a Star Fragment Accessory
person with a flu, you cannot Holy Healing
walk straight.

Imbecile Your character’s element attacks’ I’m not sure about the cure.
(Black) damage will be temporarily havled

Poison Slowly depletes you character’s Antidote/Purify/Panacea Element
(Green) Hit Points. It will still be in Star Fragment Accessory
effect after the battle so you Holy Healing
have to cure it right away.

Sprain The speed of your characters Brace/Purify/Panacea Element
(Yellow) Will decrease. Also, you cannot Star Fragment Accessory
Run in the field/world map. Holy Healing

Weaken Your character’s attack will be I’m not sure about the cure.
(Yellow) temporarily decreased

These abilities temporarily boosts your characters stats/ability during
battles. You can achieve some of them from Elements, and most of them from

Name Effect on Character
Genius (Black) this will temporarily increase your character’s element

Magnify (White) This will multiply the damage done by elements by 1.5


* - In alphabetical order, except for Serge and Kid.

Weapon: Swallow
Innate: White
A young boy from the town of Arni. He never realized he will be on an
adventure to discover who he really is and who is trying to disrupt him
through time and space. (We, Chrono Trigger fans, thought the main character
will finally talk. Unfortunately, he still makes decisions only. )

How to Acquire: Automatically Acquired

Description: Silent Protagonist
Age(Sex): 17 (M)
Origin: town of Arni
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Build: Ordinary

Weapon: Dagger
Innate: Red
A young mysterious girl that helped Serge all the way. From escaping the
Dragoons to discovering the whole truth about Serge.

How to Acquire: Automatically Acquired

Description: Mysterious Traveler
Age(Sex): 16(F)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 99 lbs.
Build: Slender

Weapon: Shots
Innate: White
The frustrated Doctor from Guldove. He was scared that another life will just
pass by him (Kid’s). He will also join you later on.

How to Acquire: Choose not to save Kid from the Poison and then talk to him.
He will now join your party.
Description: Village Physician
Age(Sex): 27(M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 146 lbs.
Build: Ordinary


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Red
Just hatched at Fort Dragonia from the Big Egg. It will think that you can
find it’s parents so it will join your party.

How to Acquire: On your first visit to the Fossil Valley, get the Big Egg Key
Item from the Bird’s Nest. And then, when you are at Fort
Dragonia for the second time (after fighting Dark Serge), use
the elevator at the back to go to the floor below. Now,
examine the middle incubator using the square button and
selecting the Big Egg, Draggy will now be born. Then, let him
join your party

Description: Cute Baby Dragon
Age(Sex): 0(M)
Origin: Fossil Valley
Height: 2’2”
Weight: 265 lbs.
Built: Tiny


Weapon: Sword
Innate: Blue
As the captain of the ship S.S. Invincible, although at high rank, he’s also
high in cheating. An arch-rival of the manor, he disguised the ship as the
ghost ship to prevent being seen. He’ll be disturbed about what really is
happening to Serge, he’ll help you in your quest.

How to Acquire: you’ll automatically get him after saving Miss Riddel at
the Viper Manor.

Description: Pirate Captain
Age(Sex): 40(M)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 163 lbs.
Built: Macho


Weapon: Axe
Innate: Yellow
He accidentally joined your party when you gave him the Mushroom. He was once
in human form, but changed into a Mushroom Man. He hopes that he can return
back to his human form when you get the Frozen Flame.

How to Acquire: At the Shadow Forest in the Another World, go to the place
behind the small waterfall (while you’re saving Nikki at the
beginning of the game), and talk to the man. Next, talk to
him again using the Mushroom (from another Man at the end of
the Forest). He will eat it and will turn into a Mushroom man.
He will now join you and demands that you find a cure for him.

Description: Mushroom Man
Age(Sex): Unknown(M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 66 lbs.
Built: Light


Weapon: Sword
Innate: Green
He is the brother of the Dario, the best swordsman among the 4 Devas. After
Dario’s death, Glenn took the role as one of the best swordsmen of the Viper
Manor. Puzzled by what is happening, he will join in you to see for himself
what really is happening between Viper and Lynx.

How to Acquire: You’ll automatically acquire him at Termina if you choose
not to save Kid from the Hydra Poison.

Description: Noble Knight
Age(Sex): 20(M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 141 lbs.
Built: Average


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Red
He lives at Termina, in the old near Dario’s resting place. He is such a
helpful guy so, he’ll join and help Serge and company.

How to Acquire: Go to Termina before going to Viper Manor to Meet Norris.
Now, head to where you saw Miss Riddel for the first time.
On your way, you’ll see Greco serve a funeral. Follow him
inside the house and talk to him and then allow him to
join your party.

Description: Psychic Ex-Wrestler
Age(Sex): 33(M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 271 lbs.
Built: HeavyWeight


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Black
Although a Cyborg, he can still think and act on his own. He never accepts
orders from those weaker than him even officers. He’ll find Serge and company,
very strong, so he decides to join the group.

How to Acquire: Right After saving Miss Riddel in the Viper manor, you’ll
Automatically get him after the Small Dragons’ rampage.

Description: Cyborg Assassin
Age(Sex): 26(M)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 6’8”
Weight: 401 lbs.
Built: Bionic

Weapon: Rod
Innate: Black
A very mysterious Magician from Termina. He helped our hero to arrive at Viper
manor and end up helping them in their true quest.

How to Acquire: When you reach Termina for the first Time, you can choose 3
characters here. To have Guile in your party, go to the bar
and ask him to join you.

Description: Masked Magician
Age(Sex): 26 (M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 152 lbs.
Build: Slender


Weapon: Shot
Innate: Black
Although very young, she already has great abilities! You’ll get to call her,
Harle, for short. She will join you later after the Swap of Serge and Lynx.
You’ll never know, maybe she really has something to do with what REALLY is
happening :)

How to Acquire: You’ll automatically get her at the Temporal Vortex

Description: Enigmatic Jester
Age(Sex): 18(F)
Origin: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Built: Unknown


Weapon: Pick
Innate: Blue
She was the mermaid who was heard every night, crying at Marbule. She will
then join Serge to the S.S. Zelbess. She is a demi-human who is actually the
sister of Zelbess, wife of the captain of S.S. Zelbess, which is Fargo. She
still hopes that one day, humans and demi-humans can live together in peace.

How to Acquire: Rest on the house near the entrance of Marbule and choose to
Investigate the noise outside. When morning comes, she will
Join your party. But, you must visit Nikki’s Ship afterwards
Right after beating the Sage of Marbule. This time (on Nikki’s
Ship) talk to Irenes and let her join you.

Description: Late Zelbess’s Sister
Age(Sex): 16(F)
Origin: The Ocean
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Built: Mermaid


Weapon: Carrot
Innate: Red
She is the girl with the bunny costume at the Grand Slam in S.S. Zelbess. She
is pretty good at training monsters so watch out for her.

How to Acquire: You must beat her 3 times in a row in the Grand Slam. After
that, she’ll join your party. Note: She has tough monsters
on her side, to the best way to win is to be able to get
the toughest monsters in the game using the Forget-me-not-
pot. Try to get the monsters from the areas around the
Dragon Gods as they are very strong against Janice’s.

Description: Bunny-Girl Trainer
Age(Sex): 22(F)
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 104 lbs.
Built: Plumpish


Weapon: Axe
Innate: Green
One of the 4 Devas of the Viper Manor. He was the first one to meet Serge in
the Other World. After a while, he joins Serge, together with the other Devas,
as gratitude for helping their lady, Miss Riddel.

How to Acquire: You’ll automatically get him during or after Riddel’s Rescue.

Description: One of the 4 Devas
Age(Sex): 27(M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 159 lbs.
Built: Solid


Weapon: Lure
Innate: Blue
A young boy from Guldove. Known as the naughty kid. He is very good in
handling boats but quite poor in fishing. At the end, he’ll join Serge’s
forces in solving the mysteries of Time and Space.

How to Acquire: To have him permanently join your party, just choose to save
Kid from the Poison and he will gladly join you.

Description: Fisherman and FerryMan
Age(Sex): 16(M)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 123 lbs.
Built: Thin


Weapon: Axe
Innate: Yellow
This Kid is super strong! She’s almost as strong as Ayla from Chrono Trigger!
Although she has a lot in common with Ayla, she’s just a simple girl living at
Gaea’s Navel. She’ll join you, hoping to see her family.

How to Acquire: You’ll automatically get her when you reach Gaea’s Navel
during the quest for the 6 Dragon Relics.

Description: Cave Girl
Age(Sex): 6(M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 3’5”
Weight: 71 lbs.
Built: Infantile


Weapon: Utensils
Innate: Blue
She is the childhood friend of Serge in the Home World. The other Leena, in
the Another World, will join your party to help you in your quest.

How to Acquire: In the beginning of the Game, choose NOT to go with Kid
After fighting with Karsh, Solt and Peppor. Leena will join
you when you wake up.

Description: Sweet Country Gal
Age(Sex): 16(F)
Origin: Arni
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 93 lbs.
Built: Ordinary


Weapon: Shot
Innate: Black
She is General Viper’s Scientist. She has a resemblance to Lucca, the
scientific genius of Chrono Trigger. Although, not related, they know each

How to Acquire: 1. You have to release Pip the first time you get to Viper
Manor. After you return from Guldove, go back to the Manor
however you want. Go back to Luccia's lab, and ask her to
join you. She says "I have nothing here now that Pip is
gone", and then she joins your party!
2. After beating FATE, you can go back to Viper Manor. The
Porre soldiers will be gone now and you may talk to
Luccia, she will then join your party.

Description: Scientific Genius
Age(Sex): 28(F)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 97 lbs.
Built: Thin

Lynx (Serge)

Weapon: Swallow
Innate: Black
The time will come that Lynx will swap bodies with Serge. You will gain every
ability (Techs) of Lynx and your Innate will be black. But, Lynx’ really did
this on purpose, because, I won’t spoil it! :)

How to Acquire: You’ll automatically acquire Lynx

Description: Feline Demi-Human
Age(Sex): 17(M)
Origin: Arni
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 178 lbs.
Built: Solid


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Blue
One of the 4 Devas of the Viper Manor. You really can’t underestimate her
powers and abilities even though how puny she looks. Once an enemy, together
with the 3 other devas, they joined forces with Serge as gratitude for their

How to Acquire: You’ll automatically get her after Riddel’s Rescue.

Description: ‘Diva’ of the 4 Devas
Age(Sex): 9(M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 4’9”
Weight: 84 lbs.
Built: Smallish


Weapon: Boomerang
Innate: Yellow
She is the naughty sister of Korcha. She’s cute but she’s so naughty. She’ll
do everything so that everyone will notice her.

How to Acquire: You must satisfy these 3 conditions. First, you must save Kid
from the Hydra Poison. Second, you must chase Mel after she
steals the elements of Kid. Lastly, you must be good to her
even after what she did. If you meet these 3 conditions,
go to Guldove in “Another” World before after the scene at
Lucca’s House onwards. Bring Kid with you and talk to Mel.
Eventually, she’ll join your party.

Description: Doodling Brat
Age(Sex): 10(F)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 4’3”
Weight: 84 lbs.
Built: Thin


Weapon: Gloves
Innate: Red
The main dancer of the Magical Dreamers. She’ll play a major role in the
concert of Nikki. She will join your party after the concert.

How to Acquire: After Nikki’s concert, go to the bar in the S.S. Invincible.
talk to Miki and have her join your party.

Description: Dancer Extraordinaire
Age(Sex): 19(F)
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 95 lbs.
Built: Slender


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Black
He’s a Straw Voodoo doll at Kiki’s house in Arni in the Another world. He will
join your group if your intentions are for the cause of good.

How to Acquire: To get Mojo, talk to the fisherman in home world, and he'll
give you the shark tooth. Give it to him in another world and
Mojo will join you before you leave.

Description: Cursed Voodoo Doll
Age(Sex): Unknown(M)
Origin: Far East
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 20 lbs.
Built: Waistless
Dominant Arm Unknown

Weapon: Gloves
Innate: Green
A small flower girl living at Viper Manor.

How to Acquire: Give her the Life Sparkle after beating Chronopolis and
she will join you.

Description: A ‘Flower Child’
Age(Sex): 5 (F)
Origin: Viper Manor
Height: 4’0”
Weight: 44 lbs.
Build: Undefinable

Weapon: Pick
Innate: Blue
He is the lead singer of the Magical Dreamers. He has a heart for the Demi-
humans at Marbule and follows the steps of his father, Fargo and his Demi-
Human mother, Zelbess.

How to Acquire: When you reach Termina for the first Time, you can choose 3
characters here. To have Nikki in your party, save him at the
Shadow Forest.

Description: Rockin’ Bard Superstar
Age(Sex): 19 (M)
Origin: S.S. Zelbess
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Build: Thin


Weapon: Gun
Innate: Yellow
A young soldier from Porre. Idolizes Lynx, but finally knew the truth behind
Lynx’s plans therefore, joins Serge and his company.

How to Acquire: He’ll automatically join you when you first meet him.

Description: ‘Black Wind’ Leader
Age(Sex): 26(M)
Origin: Porre, Zenan
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 137 lbs.
Built: Average


Weapon: Frypan
Innate: Red
He was one of the best cooks in Viper Manor. He turned into a monster way
back. He will voluntarily join Serge’s group afterwards to help.

How to Acquire: He’ll join your party after beating him as Hell’s Cook during
the rescue of Riddel.

Description: Fiery Cook
Age(Sex): 44 (M)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 203 lbs.
Built: Chubby


Weapon: Glove
Innate: White
She a very strong Barkeeper from Guldove. She offers her aid to you when you
Serge returns to his original state. Orlha is one heck of a strong woman!

How to Acquire: After returning to Serge’s own body, go to Guldove in the
“Another” World and talk to Orlha using the Sapphire Brooch.
She will now join your party.

Description: Gladiatrix Barkeep
Age(Sex): 23(F)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 119 lbs.
Built: Muscular


Weapon: Sword
Innate: Blue
A young and famous Hero. First, joined Serge in entering the Viper Manor and
ended up together in the real adventure of Serge.

How to Acquire: When you reach Termina for the first Time, you can choose 3
characters here. To have Pierre in your party, go to the Smith
Shop and talk to Pierre. After talking to him, go outside
using the south door and talk to the Kid who is running. She
will give you the Hero Medal. Now give it to Pierre and he
will let you join him.

Description: Self-proclaimed Hero
Age(Sex): 23(M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Built: Weakling


Weapon: Glove
Innate: White
He has been experimented at the Viper Manor. You’ll catch him as a stow away
in Fargo’s Ship. He will then join your party to aid you in your quest. He’s
not as frail as he looks.

How to Acquire: On the S.S. Invincible, during the appearance of the ghosts,
you’ll see Pip on one of the rooms behind the door you opened
with the key. Examine it and it will run. Just follow it and
it will eventually join your party.

Description: Guinea Pig Experiment
Age(Sex): Unknown(M)
Origin: Viper Manor Lab
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Built: Unknown
Dominant Paw Unknown


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Yellow
A dog from Arni. She will join your party, together with Leena, in the another
world. She is quite big for a dog.

How to Acquire: In the beginning of the Game, choose NOT to go with Kid
After fighting with Karsh, Solt and Peppor. Poshul will join
you when you wake up.

Description: The ‘Wonder Dog’???
Age(Sex): Unknown (F)
Origin: Arni
Height: 3’8”
Weight: 26 lbs.
Built: Roly-Poly
Dominant Paw Unknown


Weapon: Staff
Innate: Green
The respected Leader of Arni Village in the home World. He was one of the 4
Great Acacia Dragoons. He and the Masamune blade had a close encounter that
led to something tragic.

How to Acquire: He will automatically join you after your visit to Serge’s
mom after Serge turned into Lynx.

Description: Arni Village Chief
Age(Sex): 62(M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 119 lbs.
Built: Thin


Weapon: Rod
Innate: Green
She is one of the fabled fairies at the Water Dragon Isle. Serge and company
will save her and then she will join your party hoping she could return to her

How to Acquire: during the quest for the Hydra Humour, go to where the Beebas
Are found and continue going north and beat the Wingapede.
Then, go step on the crack and examine the cage below.
Beat the Pentapus and release Razzly from the cage.

Description: Forest Fairy
Age(Sex): Unknown(F)
Origin: Water Dragon Isle
Height: 3’7”
Weight: 11 lbs.
Built: Tiny
Dominant Arm Unknown


Weapon: Rod
Innate: White
The daughter of the most powerful man in El Nido, she joins your group to lend
a hand in Serge’s Quest.

How to Acquire: She will automatically join you at the Hermit’s Hideaway after
rescuing her.

Description: Lady of Viper Manor
Age(Sex): 24(M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 104 lbs.
Built: Slender


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Black
He a skeleton with its spirit still inside it. His grandmother missed him so
much so he wants to be put back together again so he could meet his Grandma

How to Acquire: You must collect his bones first. You must have the Heavy
Skull, Good Backbone, Sturdy Ribs, Mixed Bones, Angry
Scapula and the Pelvic Bone. After that, head to Termina
and go to his Grandma you’ll now see Skelly together again.
After that just ask him nicely so that he’ll join you.

Description: Skeleton Clown
Age(Sex): 32(M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 51 lbs.
Built: Boney


Weapon: Shot
Innate: Yellow
He was a magician at S.S. Zelbess. With his magic skills, you were able to
reveal the secret of Fargo. He will then join your party when he reaches a
winning streak at the casino.

How to Acquire: After discovering the cheating of Fargo, go to the Casino.
After seeing Sneff will continuously, go to his room (not
the room which he used as the stage for his acts). Here,
you’ll see him bid goodbye to his friends and he will now
join you.

Description: Aged Illusionist
Age(Sex): 53(M)
Origin: Unknown
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 139 lbs.
Built: Ordinary


Weapon: Staff
Innate: Green
She’s an odd old lady. She has not seen the world for years due to what
happened to her on the other dimension. She’ll help you to get out of the
Dimension and she will come and aid you in your quest.

How to Acquire: You’ll automatically get her at the Temporal Vortex

Description: Lovable Old Lady
Age(Sex): 224(M)
Origin: Dimension Vortex
Height: 4’4”
Weight: 86 lbs.
Built: Dwarfish


Weapon: Gun
Innate: White
Starky is perhaps the cutest character in Chrono Cross. You’ll find him in the
sky Dragon Isle. He will then join you to find his lost spacecraft. Although,
puny, he is a very valuable asset to the party.

How to Acquire: Get the Star Fragment at the El Nido Triangle in the Home
World. Now, go to the Sky Dragon Isle in the “Another” World
and go to where the Sky Dragon was. You’ll see Starky here.
you have to fight him first. After that, you must chase him
and he’ll now join your party.

Description: Stray “Gray” (Goes by “Starky”)
Age(Sex): Unknown(M)
Origin: Another Planet
Height: 2’11”
Weight: 11 lbs.
Built: Alien


Weapon: Sword
Innate: White
This young and pretty woman is the chief of Guldove in the Home World. She
knows different things about the world, about the Dragons and about Fate.
Eager to help, she’ll join your party to aid you using her sword skills.

How to Acquire: After giving the Dragon Tear to you, she will automatically
join your party.

Description: Shrine Maiden
Age(Sex): 24(M)
Origin: Guldove
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 110 lbs.
Built: Tall and Slender


Weapon: Sword
Innate: Green
It will sprout out of the ground at Hermit’s Hideout. Although he has an
uncanny resemblance to Frog back at Chrono Trigger, it is a totally different

How to Acquire: After saving Kid at Lucca’s House, go to the Hermit’s Hideout
in the another world. Use the Ice Gun when you see that the
ground is hot and vegetation won’t grow. After using the
ice gun on the ground, go to the Hermit’s Hideout in the
“Home” World. Now, you’ll see a small vegetable on the ground,
and you must pull it. The only one who can pull it is Poshul.
After pulling it, it will join your party.

Description: A total Vegetable
Age(Sex): 3(M)
Origin: Hermit’s Hideout
Height: 4’9”
Weight: 62 lbs.
Built: Round


Weapon: Boomerang
Innate: Green
Besides being smart, he also loves paintings. Although they were not that rich
back in the Home World, Van tries to make up to it by joining Serge in his

How to Acquire: Go to Termina in the home World and go to his small house
to the north of the Smith Shop. Talk to his father and then
go to the right room and talk to Van. Eventually, he’ll join
your party.

Description: Penny-Wise Artist
Age(Sex): 14(M)
Origin: Termina
Height: 4’11”
Weight: 88 lbs.
Built: Smallish


Weapon: Sword
Innate: Yellow
The most powerful man in El Nido. Fooled by the traitor, Lynx. Although quite
old, his built is more than useful in Serge’s campaign.

How to Acquire: He’ll automatically join you after saving Riddel.

Description: Lord of El Nido
Age(Sex): 57(M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 216 lbs.
Built: Solid


Weapon: Hammer
Innate: Red
He’s the blacksmith at Termina. He’ll give you the Smith Spirit, which can
call a blacksmith anytime you want. He’ll also join Serge in his quest.

How to Acquire: Go to Termina in the Home World. Talk to Zappa in the Smith
Shop and he’ll join your party.

Description: Obstinate Blacksmith
Age(Sex): 52(M)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 181 lbs.
Built: Solid


Weapon: Glove
Innate: Yellow
Another one of the 4 Devas. He joined Serge, together with the other Devas, as
gratitude for helping Miss Riddel

How to Acquire: He’ll automatically join your party during or after the rescue
of Riddel.

Description: One of the 4 Devas
Age(Sex): 28(M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 203 lbs.
Built: Solid


He is one of the 3 Guru’s of the Zeal Kingdom. He was thrown in the future
after the incident with Lavos in 12,000 BC. His knowledge will be very
valuable to your quest.

As the mother of our hero, she will give you some advice during your quest.

Chief Direa
The chief of Guldove at the “Another” World. She will be glad to share to you
her knowledge about the Dragons. She will also give you the dragon Emblem so
that the Chief at the Home World will entertain you.

The Father of Leena. He was with Wazuki, the Father of Serge, during the Night
of the Storm. Due to the storm, he was stuck in the Sea of Eden until FATE
began operations again. He wasn’t able to go out anymore.

Crono, Marle and Lucca
They are the 3 kids that you’ll see in this game. They will help you
understand the story better, why did this thing happen, and so on. They are
the same Heroes in the previous game.


A Super computer interface that intervenes with the lives of people. Created
from the Mother Brain from the future.

A very mysterious cat-man. Imbued with the powers of the Dark Elements, he
will be one of your most formidable foes. Rumor has it that somehow, He and
Serge are related. You’ll know who he really is once you play the game, I
won’t spoil it.

Solt and Peppor
These 2 weirdoes are members of the army of Viper. They insist on being able
to beat you, but unfortunately for them, they only have an ounce of a brain
and can’t think right making them very much vulnerable than you are. They
can’t even hurt you. Except for their friend, Ketchop.

The 6 Dragon Gods
The six dragons, which gave you their relics to be able to enter the sea of
Eden. But there is something beneath the fact that they are helping you. It
seems they have other plans that you’d never expect.


Note: There are a lot of Characters in chrono Cross. But, you cannot get all
of them in a single game. Just remember that, if you want a certain character
to join your party, you have to refuse others. This is applicable to some
characters only, not all.


Right after you press start in the main menu, you can select a New Game or
continue a saved game. If you selected a new game, you will be asked whether
you want the Vibration Function (Analog controllers only) on or off. After
selecting, you’ll then be asked, the name of our hero. The default name is
Serge. Then, the opening FMV will be shown.


After the FMV, you’ll be inside the tower featured in the FMV. You’ll be with
2 girls, namely Kid and a third party member (the third party member will be
at random. The game will choose from all the characters that can join you
later in the game). After their talk, there are 2 paths to take. Take the left
one first. Your party will see a pillar and a switch. Unfortunately, you’re on
top of a balcony so head back and take that right path. In this area, walk/run
up the set of stairs that you see. Fight the Cybot here if you want. Then,
head down the next set of stairs on to the next screen. Now, climb the stairs
to the left towards another screen. In this new area, keep on moving forward.
Ignore the stairs for now and enter the door at the end. This room contains
the pillar you saw earlier. Head up to it and examine it. The pillar will
disappear. Now, head back out. Climb up the second set of stairs that you’ll
see so that you can reach the Teleporter in the middle. Move your characters
in the middle of the Teleporter then press X to examine it. On top, walk
forward. An FMV will be shown afterwards.

Key Item:
Shark Tooth
Heckran Bone

After the FMV, your mom will wake you up at your house in the Village of Arni
(Much like Chrono Trigger). After talking to her, exit your room and talk to
your mom. She’ll tell you about your meeting with Leena and that you shouldn’t
disappoint her. So, head right to exit the house. You’ll be in the village.
You can talk to the woman in the middle to shop for Elements and forging of
Weapons, Armors and Accessories. You can talk to everybody in this area if you
want. Now, after you’ve done what you want, go to the second house from the
right. Go down the basement and talk to the man inside. He’ll give you the Key
Item, Shark Tooth. Now, exit the house and go north to the pier and talk to
Leena. She will scold you because you didn’t come on time. After a few words,
she will order you to go to Lizard Rock and collect Komodo Dragon Scales so
that she can create a necklace. But before you do, head back to where the
woman who sells Elements. Don’t talk to her, just head all the way to the
left. You’ll be in an open space in the town. You’ll meet the chief of Arni,
Radius. If you talk to him, he will teach you the basics about the Battle
System and he will also give you some strategies. After learning valuable
information from him, head back one screen and then go all the way to the
right until you exit to the world map.

You can also get another character to join Serge. Go to the restaurant, which
is the rightmost hut, and use the door at the back. Examine the bed and you’ll
be able to get the Heckran Bone. After getting the Heckran Bone, return to
where Radius is. Now, talk to the running Pink dog by using the Heckran bone.
The dog, Poshul, will now join Serge. Now, in the world map, head South West
to reach Lizard Rock.

3 Komodo Dragon Scales Ivory Helmet
Bone Silver Loupe

After you get inside, examine the pink rock to push it out of your way. Now,
fight the green enemy that you see. Then, get the chest for an Element, the
Fireball. After getting the chest, it’s now time to get the first Dragon
Scale. From the chest, go left and you’ll see the Komodo Dragon. It will run
the instant that it sees you. Now, after it ran, push the rock from the left
so that it will cover the cave-like opening. Then, go around to the right and
go near the Komodo Dragon again. It will runs through the cave-like opening
but it won’t be able to escape because you blocked its path. Now, go to it and
fight it. You’ll get a Komodo Dragon Scale if you win. Now, let’s move on.
Exit this area by using the Upper Leftmost path. You’ll see a Komodo Dragon.
There is only one thing to do, run after it. Remember that you always should
run in a counter clockwise direction. If you try to run in a clockwise
direction, you’ll never be able to climb the small cliffs. After you finally
caught up with it, beat the Dragon. You’ll get the second Komodo Dragon Scale
afterwards. Now, notice that there are chests in this area. To get it, first,
jump into a hole, which is found in the rightmost part of this area. You will
get an Ivory Helmet (by going through a cave to the north), and a Bone (in the
small island in the middle). There is also another chest under the wooden
bridge. To get it, climb down a small set of ladder at the end of the bridge.
You’ll get a Tablet from it. Now, to get the last Komodo Dragon, use the
southernmost exit in this Area (from the wooden bridge, it’s to the lower
right). In this next area, defeat the monster guarding the pink stone first.
Then, push the stone until it sinks and the chest slowly goes ashore. It
contains a Silver Loupe. After that beat the enemy that is on the Bamboo-like
tree. From there, go up. You’ll arrive in the first section again, the
difference is that you’re above it. Now, beat the enemy here then go south
from there. You’ll be back to the area where the Komodo Dragon is. Go to the
end of the cliff. It will tell you to push X to jump. Time it right that the
Komodo Dragon will be right below you right after you jump. You have to be
exact. Now, after beating the Dragon, the Mother will come and attack you.

HP: 160
Spoils: ?
+1 Growth Level

This battle will be very easy. Use a level 1,2 then 3 attack at least 3 times
to beat it. Use Cure Element if you need healing.

After defeating the dragons, head to area where you got the second Komodo
Dragon Scale. Exit to the world map by using the left exit. In the world map,
head south and enter Opassa Beach.


Upon entering, walk/run left and then Leena will come to you. You’ll give the
Dragon Scales to her and she will be delighted. There will be a touching scene
here. After that touching scene, something strange will happen. It seems time
and space has been disrupted. An FMV will be shown.

Now, after that event, a man will wake you up. After you regain control of
Serge, head back to the World Map. You’ll notice that the song is different.
It is because you’re in the alternate world. Now, head to Lizard Rock.

Feather Bone
Ivory Helmet

There are new enemies here once you enter. Remember that your goal here in
Lizard Rock is to exit to the right so that you can reach Arni. Before
exiting, you can get new items here. You can get a Feather from where you got
the bone in the chest in the other world. There are also 2 more chest
scattered, containing a Bone and another Ivory Helmet. Move on and exit to the
World Map. Go to Arni Village.


When you enter the village, no one will recognize you. Even Gonji doesn’t
recognize you. Remember that you spoke to Gonji, who was beside Radius in
Serge’s real world. Well, he is now the chief and he doesn’t even remember
Radius. Now, go talk to Leena at the pier. She won’t recognize you either. No
matter what option you selected she will not believe you. She will then tell
you that the Serge she knew is buried at Cape Howl. She suggested that you go
there and visit the grave. So, exit to the world map and head north of Lizard
Rock to the Cape Howl.


Upon entering, just move forward. Get 2 chests on the way that contains an
Electrojolt and a Bone. Continue moving north until you come to the grave.
Examine it. 3 men will suddenly appear and tried to arrest you. Not until a
girl comes in and joins you into battling the 3 weirdoes.

Karsh’s HP: 115
Solt’s HP: 52
Peppor’s HP: 60
Spoils: Bone Axe, Ivory Vest, And Ivory Helmet
+1 Growth Level

These 3, although stupid, can kill you because of their strong attacks,
especially when Sols and Peppor combines. So, attack Peppor first, then Solt,
then finally Karsh. You can use Cure to heal your HPs. You can also use some
Attack Elements but I prefer the Level 1, 2 then 3 physical attack

After the fight, you’ll name the girl. The default name is Kid (she was the
one who was with you in the opening of the game). Then, she will ask you if
she could travel together with you. Accept her help as her attacks are quite
powerful. (If you decided not to go with Kid, Leena and Poshul will join you
instead. You can get Kid later at Termina) You will then agree to spend the
night in Arni. After waking up, Kid will give you the Tele-Porter Key Item.
She will then suggest that you go to Termina. So, leave the house then leave
the Village. In the World Map, go north of Arni and enter the Fossil Valley.

Key Items:
Heavy Skull Big Egg

Upon entrance, the 2 men will talk to you. Now, move on and go up to the man,
which is in front of the ladder. Talk to him and tell him that you are the
exorcist. He will let you go up the ladder. On top, talk to the men again.
There are 2 paths to take. Go north first and you’ll see a skull come to you.
It will join you then you’ll receive the Heavy Skull (more like Norstein
Bekkler from Chrono Trigger). Now, back at the intersection, head west. Go up
and fight the monster there. After the fight, continue moving up and get the
Bellflower. From here, you can go south using the skeleton. You’ll see a big
bird there. Fight it then examine the Egg and you’ll now have the Key Item Big
Egg. Now, go back all the way up then down the ladder. After going down, head
left. You’ll see Solt and Peppor again. You have to fight them again. Not to
worry, they will make another mistake. It will be an easy battle. After
fighting them, you’ll receive the Uplift Element. They will then, escape.
Follow them and you’ll exit to the World Map. Go to Termina, which is west
from where you are.

Key Item:
Hero Medal

This has got to be one of the biggest cities I’ve seen. Now, right after you
enter, you’ll see a short scene of a man who wants to buy flowers from the
lady. She has none of that flower so the man left. After you regain control of
your characters, you can talk to the Lady and she will tell you that the man
you saw is Glenn. After talking to the Lady, go right and you’ll see the Inn.
You can sleep here for 100G. There is also a Record of Fate, or Save Point,
inside. After resting, save then leave the Inn. Now, head up the set of
stairs. Enter the bar. Just talk to the people here to gain information. A man
named Guile is here also. After talking to the people here, leave the Bar.
Now, go right and enter Lucy’s Store. You can buy new Elements here. If you
try to go through the door inside the store, you’ll arrive in another room
with a man. He will give you a hint about Viper Manor. After buying Elements,
exit the Store. Go right until you reach the next area. In the area, there is
an intersection. Go Up first. You’ll see the Smithy blacksmith shop here.
Enter the shop. Talk to the woman in the counter to buy weapons. There a lot
of strong weapons here but unfortunately, there aren’t enough iron to forge
these weapons. Not even copper. Now, go past the lady in the counter and talk
to the blacksmith. After talking to him, there is a door to the south west.
Enter it. You’ll be in a room where a man is. His name is Pierre. He will tell
you that he will go to the Viper Manor but he lost his Medal that proves that
he is a hero. After talking to Pierre, use the South door. You’ll be just
outside the blacksmith shop. Talk to the girl who is running. She will tell
you that she found something. Kid will tell that girl that she knows someone
who is looking for it. She won’t give it to you now so let’s move on. There is
a large house, north from the blacksmith shop. Enter it and talk to the Maid.
Enter the room on the second floor. You’ll see Van here. Talk to him, then his
father, Gogh, will come in. After talking, leave the house and go back to the
intersection. Now go right. Examine the dark tent and an elder will come out.
It will offer to read your fortunes. He will say something disturbing about
Serge and a bit weird for Kid. After reading the fortunes, continue
walking/running right. You’ll see a mermaid show. Suddenly, a boy comes up and
throws stones to the customers. The man will get mad and the boy will run away
by boat. The boy’s name is Korcha. After that scene, head right and go down
the set of stairs that you see.

In this new area, move on. Go past the house and go to where the man and a
lady are. The man will come to you ask asks you if you can give the Bellflower
to him. You can give it for free, name a price, or don’t give it to him. Give
it to him for free. Both of them will thank you for your kindness. After a
short scene, Glenn and Miss Riddel will leave. Now, head all the way back
where the Inn and the Bar is. Go all the way up the stairs until you reach the
statue of Viper. Talk to man polishing the statue. He’ll talk about Viper and
his Manor. Kid then, suggest that you go there to discover why Karsh and co.
wants you badly.

From here, you can reach the Viper Manor in 3 ways (note that you can only
choose 1):

1. Now, go to Korcha. To reach him, go to the grave where Glenn and Miss
Riddel were. From there, go under the house and around, and you’ll reach
Korcha. You’ll ask him if he can take you to the Manor but he doesn’t know how
to get there. So, there’s one person in mind, Guile. Go back to Guile in the
bar. Talk to him and he will join your party. Now, head to Korcha and he will
give you a ride to the back of Viper Manor. Go to Viper Manor part 2a.

2. Go back to Pierre and talk to him again. Now, go outside and talk to the
running girl. She’ll finally give the Hero Medal to you. Now, go back to
Pierre and talk to him using the Square button. Give him the Hero Medal. He
will then go to Viper Manor. He also doesn’t want to go alone and will ask you
if you want to go with him. Accept his offer. Now, put him in the lead of your
party. Use the Select button. Now, don’t go back to Korcha. He won’t be there.
Instead, exit to the World Map from where you came in. In the world map, head
a bit north east to Viper Manor. Go to Viper Manor part 1a.

3. From the Bar, head left towards the next screen. Go to the ship to the
north. Go in the door below. You won’t be allowed to have access to the top
door. Inside the room, Miki will come in and tells you that Nikki has headed
off to the Shadow Forest. Miki will have a proposal to you. She will try to
make a diversion for you so that the guards at Shadow Forest won’t be a
trouble for you to enter the forest. After that, leave Termina and head to the
east to the Shadow Forest. Go to Viper Manor part 3a.

Key Items:
Manor Key
Aroma Pouch
Copper Bone
Bronze Sword PenDragon Sigil C
Silver Pendant Hero’s Shield
Silver Earring Dragoon Gauntlet
Dragoon’s Honor 2 Bronze Mails
Bronze Helmet Iron Vest
Knee Pad
IceBlast Meteorite
Brace Turn Yellow
Recover All Revive
AeroSaucer 2 Uplifts
ElectroJolt Heal
Magma Bomb TurnGreen

Note: 1a. follows 1. it depends on your choice back at Termina. 2a follows 2
and 3a follows 3. 4 will be where these events meet together.

1a. With Pierre in your party
With Pierre in the lead, move forward. The guards won’t allow you even with
Pierre’s Medal. Now you can come up with a plan or just charge in! Choosing
any of the two won’t make a difference except, when you chose to plan you’ll
fight an extra batch of enemies. The 2 Acacia SGTs. Will give you +1 Growth
Level. Move forward and you’ll fight Solt and Peppor gain, now with

Solt’s HP: 80
Peppor’s HP: 90
Ketchop’s HP: 260
Spoils: Brace, Silver Earring
+1 Growth Level

This is very surprising. On the first move, Ketchop will KILL your lead
character. He will do 400+ damage. After that, Peppor will Revive that
character so that they can see what Ketchop can do. I agree with Solt, what
Peppor did was stupid. Now, head the Revived character. Then, attack and use
Elements to beat Solt. In while, Solt will notice that they are losing again.
He’s right. Ketchop will pound Solt then uses Peppor as a bat. It will hit one
of your characters. But, Solt and Peppor will be killed also. Now, it a
showdown between you and Ketchop. Just attack him with the Level 1,2 then 3
combination. You can also use Elements. Use Red Elements as it damages more.

After that fight, get the chest behind the gate for a TurnYellow. Move
forward. Your party will then suggest to wait for the night. At nightfall,
you’ll find yourself near the front door of the Manor. Head north first, beat
the guards there, if necessary, and then get the chest for an Ointment. Then,
go all the way to the south past the main door then go to the door on the
lower right. In the next area, go all the way to the right. There is a door
there. Go in and take the chest for a Turn Blue. Exit this small room and go
north. Try to get past the green light without being seen. Enter the large
door to the north. You’ll see a Save Point here. Save your game. Go to part 4.

2a. Infiltrate Viper Manor with Guile (Sonic Boom!!! ... nah)
As soon as you reach the shore, go up the set of ladders that you’ll see until
you reach the next area. Keep on moving until you reach the ladder to the
right where water shoots out. If you climb up that ladder and let yourself be
washed away by the water, you’ll be able to get a tablet. Now, head to the
ladder again and time it right that you climb up just as the water stops
shooting out. After climbing this ladder, you’ll see 3 sets of stairs that
lead up. If you go up the leftmost ladder, you’ll find a Meteorite element on
top. Now, go back down and then up the middle ladder. Move on until you reach
the next area.

Here, you can climb 2 sets of stairs. Go up the left one first and then take
the next left ladder. You’ll get a Freefall Trap element. Now, go back down 2
stairs and then go up the right one. Move on until you see another ladder to
your left and a ladder above which shoots out water. Go down the ladder which
is to the left. Then, go to the far left and go up the leftmost ladder. On
top, you’ll be attacked by Acacia PVTs. They are not that hard. They will give
you +1 Growth also. Now, the lone Acacia PVT will throw a stone at you which
fortunately missed. But, the stone went to the nest on the upper right and
woke up the Kingmoaman. It will attack the Acacia PVT. Now, go up to it and
fight it in order to move on.

Boss: KINGMOAMAN, BLUE AND RED MOAMAN Innate: Green, Blue and Red
Kingmoaman’s HP: 350 (approximately)
Blue Moaman’s HP: 300 (approximately)
Red Moaman’s HP: 300 (approximately)
Spoil/s: Power Glove, 2 Feathers
+1 Growth Level

They are quite difficult in low levels. First, attack the Kingmoaman as it can
deal a much more greater damage to your party than the other 2 moamans. Use
your blue elements on the Red Moaman and the red elements on the Blue ones.
You can use any attack on the Kingmoaman though.

After this, you’ll move on. Now, you will wait until nightfall. Go to part 4.

3a. Save Nikki
Upon arriving at the Shadow Forest, head left immediately to the next screen.
Here, get the chest for an AeroSaucer. Go down and then left. You’ll see a man
here (Nikki) trying to persuade the monster by singing. After this, he’ll
leave. Follow him. Get the chest on the way for an Uplift then continue
following him. Now, when you reach the man, he will be attacked by monsters.
Help him defeat the monsters. You’ll get +1 growth after afterwards. After
saving him, he will leave immediately and go behind the small waterfall to the
right. Follow him again. Now, talk to him. Your party members will be
disappointed at first because not even a word of thanks came out from the
man’s mouth. After thanking you, Nikki will now join your party. After
joining, you’ll talk about how to lure the small monsters to remove the
monster that is blocking the path. So, you have to get the scent from the
bushes that are outside and bring it near the small monsters. It will follow
you and lure it to the big monster. To do this, get the Aroma Pouch from the
chest first. Then, exit the waterfall. Go to the bush that is above the
waterfall. Examine it and you’ll see the scent follow you. After that, return
back behind the waterfall. Go around the monster so that the scent will be
near enough to lure it. Once it moves, leave the waterfall immediately.
Outside, RUN to the big monster to the left and watch as the small monster is
killed by the big ones. After that, defeat the big monster (it’s easy). Then,
go left to the next screen. Here, you’ll be attacked by Solt, Peppor and one
of the 4 Devas, Zoah.

Boss: SOLT, PEPPOR AND ZOAH Innate: Yellow
Solt’s HP: ?
Peppor’s HP: ?
Zoah’s HP: ?
Spoil/s: Electrojolt, Uplift
+1 Growth Level

Beat Solt and Peppor first by using physical attacks and Green Innate
Elements. They might annoy you. After beating the two, use your most powerful
elements (except Yellow ones) and heal if necessary. Just beware of Zoah’s
physical attacks and Techs because it’s pretty strong.

After beating them, get the chest that is partially hidden to the north east
for a Heal. Then, enter the big tree in the middle. In here, move north. On
the way, get the chest for a MagmaBomb. Then, continue heading north to the
next screen. In here, you can’t get past the water because of the current and
the enemies. So, you have to defeat a wraith on the left cliff and then push
the stone to stop the enemies from gushing out. Now, go back to the water and
continue heading north to the next screen. Here, there’s nothing much to do,
so continue heading north and climb the vines at the end. You’ll now find
yourself in the premises of the Viper Manor. From the well, head right to the
next screen. In this area, go all the way to the right. There is a door there.
Go in and take the chest for a Turn Blue. Exit this small room and go north.
Try to get past the green light without being seen. Enter the large door to
the north. You’ll see a Save Point here. Save your game.

4. The Meeting Point
Now, go up and talk to the man that you’ll see. Tell him that you are the
helpers. He will then, give you the Manor Key in exchange for your services.
Specifically, you have to feed the dragons (they more or less look like a
deformed cow to me). Here’s what you have to do. You have to go to the
leftmost feed station and press X to gather feeds. You are allowed to carry 3
servings at a time. Then, go to a Hungry Dragon and feed it to that dragon by
pressing X. You’ll know if a dragon is hungry when it starts to growl and
shake its head. Now, if you were not able to feed a dragon, it’s color will
turn reddish. If you failed to feed that same dragon for 4 times, the man will
stop you. You can select the number of times you have to feed the dragons.
There is a prize waiting for you for each number. Here’s the number of times
you have to feed the dragon and its corresponding prize.

10 times = Knee Pad
20 times = Bronze Helmet
30 times = Bronze Mail
40 times = RecoverAll (element)
100 times = Iron Vest

Although the man will tell you that 100 times is impossible, I myself was able
to get to 100! Here’s the strategy I did. Every time I’m at the feed station,
I always get 3 servings. Now, to make it easier, I always make sure that the 2
leftmost Dragons must be fed quickly. I mean, I should prioritize them more
than the first 3 as they are near the feed Station. I almost fainted trying to
get to 100 times, and after about an hour and a half, I finally made it. My
rightmost dragon is already dark red!

After feeding the Dragons (you can choose any of the 5 choices of number of
times to feed the dragons), the man will tell you that you can now get the
Manor Key from the cupboard behind him. Get the Keys. You can now open the
Main Door. But first, you can choose all 5 choices to win every prize. You can
do the feeding as many times as you want. But, you cannot win the prize that
you’ve already won. If you already won in each of the 5 choices, there’s no
more point in doing the feeding anymore. After that little, let’s say Mini-
game, head back out and go all the way back to the Main Door of the Manor.
Examine it to use the Manor Key. Inside, you’ll see a panel to the north and 2
steel doors to your left and right. Examine the panel, it will ask you to turn
it to the left and to the right. The code here is random so just try your
luck. If you were not able to get the correct code, which I doubt you’ll get
in your first try, a hole will appear below you and you will drop inside a
cage. Kid will tell the guards here that they are chicken! This will agitate
the guard and opens the cage. Go out and you’ll have a fight with the 3
soldiers. After you win, you will wear the uniforms as a disguise. Now, head
to the left steel door. Examine it to open it up. Move in and enter the first
door you’ll see. Inside, talk to Glenn (the one you saw at Termina with Miss
Riddel) until he leaves. After he leaves, there is a chest to the north, which
contains a Dragoon’s Honor. Then, go left to the kitchen and examine the
cabinet behind the cook. You can get a TurnGreen Element. Now, leave this
room. Now, head left and enter the door nearest the ladder that you’ll find to
the left. You’ll see Glenn here. Go to the north wall and examine it. The code
for the panel in the main room is written here. After knowing the code, head
left to the other side of this room and get a Revive element from the chest.
Next, use the Save Point near the door. Leave the room then go up the steps to
your left. Now, enter the door nearest the stairs. You’ll see Harlequin or
Harle sleeping. There are 2 chest to the north. Get the Big One (right) for a
Turn Black Element. Next, examine the small chest. Here’s something new!
You’ll enter in a battle wherein your enemies are a small and a large chest.
They will tell you to choose from one of them. One of them contains treasure.
If you got the other one, you’ll have to fight the chests and you’ll get only
Gs after the fight. Now, exit this room. Now, go back to the floor below and
use the save point (where you saw the code to the panel) again. After saving,
go to where the cage is. Examine the right steel door and move in. Talk to the
2 guards here. They will ask a code from you. Answer with the top option (“I
don’t know”) and they’ll let you in. If you made a mistake, you’ll have to
fight them. Now, go inside. Get the small chest near the entrance. Then, go
all the way to the left. Examine the sword, armor and shield. You’ll get a
Bronze Sword, Bronze Mail and Hero’s Shield. Now, check the shining medal on
the side wall. Choose to get it (any way you want, just get it). You’ll
receive a Silver Pendant but you’ll get caught in a trap. You’ll be in room
inside wherein you’re inside another cage. You’ll meet Luccia here. Oddly, she
will let you go. But you’ll have to fight her experiment, the Bulbs. They are
just moderately hard. Use your most powerful Elements and don’t forget to
restore your HPs if needed. You’ll get +1 Growth after you win. After the
battle, Luccia will set you free. Right before you exit, she will tell you
that you can come to her anytime if you need help. Now exit the room. Outside,
beat the door, which has an enemy on it. After beating it, go inside. If you
have very Low HPs, I suggest that you do not go here yet, or restore the HPs
of your characters. Inside, you can get a Bronze Helmet, then a Decor Shield
off a wall. At the back of the room, you’ll see 5 knights. One of them has no
shield. If you use the button and use the décor shield on it, the 5 knights
will come to life and attacks you. Mind you, they are quite hard. Their
attacks slice quite a big chunk of HP. After the fight, you’ll notice 2
statue-like panels here. Push the one on the left to the small square near the
one on the right. Do this so that the 2 panels will be beside each other. Now,
the wall will open. You can’t get the treasure in there yet so exit the room.
Outside, use the stairs on the right. Now, fight the enemy on the door, which
is nearest the stairs where you came from. Go in. you’ll see Zoah sleeping
inside. Examine the chest, Zoah will then wake up. Talk to him. You can learn
from him about the 4 Devas and their leader, Dario. After talking to him,
leave the room as you can’t get the chest now. In the next room to the left,
fight the enemy and then go in. Go in and talk to Karsh (he’s the one who
tried to capture Serge back at Cape howl). You can talk to him about Serge,
General Viper and a small info about the Frozen Flame. After talking to him,
examine the chest 20 times to get the Dragoon Gauntlet. Now, leave the room.
Go to left until you reach the main room. Examine the panel to the north and
use the code you saw from a wall. This will open the door. Go in. When you
reach another room, go left and go through the steel door to the left. Don’t
go up yet. Move on until you reach another tower. In here, go up the spiral
ladder. Talk to Marcy (the girl). Then, the prophet will come in. He will then
try to explain what happened to Serge. Then, after talking, you’ll fight

Boss: MARCY Innate: Blue
HP: 525
Spoil/s: Ice Blast Element
+1 Growth Level

Marcy is quite hard. But, you can take advantage of her Innate, which is Blue.
Remember that Kid’s innate is red and Red Elements can beat the Blue Innates.
So, try to fill the field effect with Red. This will weaken Marcy’s Blue
Elements and will turn the tide of battle to your advantage.

After the fight, talk to the prophet and he will tell you something about the
pillar in the large room. After that, return to the other tower. You’ll see
Harlequin here. After some dialogues, she will exit the room. Now go up.
Examine back of the pillar, which is second to the left of the center of this
room. A chair will come down and the guards will come at you. After beating
them, go to the chair. Examine it, then push the switch. Go to the door on

In here, you’ll see 2 doors, a ladder to the right, and a save point to the
left. Save you game first and prepare you characters for another boss fight. I
suggest that you allocate white attack elements for each of your characters
(use these elements: PhotonRay, Meteorite, RecoverAll, Revive). After
preparing, eliminate the enemy on the right door. Go in. Examine the shining
blue crystal in the table. General Viper and Lynx will come in. Kid recognizes
him and wants revenge. After the talk, you’ll fight Lynx.

Boss: LYNX Innate: Black
HP: 820
Spoil/s: Pendragon Sigil C
+1 Growth Level

He’s a tough one. You’re only advantage here is Serge’s Tech (Dash & Slash)
and other White Elements (Photon Ray, Meteorite). The problem is, Lynx will
use the AntiWhite element that temporarily disables your character to use
White elements. Just make sure that your HPs are above 70.

About his attacks, there is one that can cause instant death, the Hell Bound
Element. So, make sure you have the Revive Element (I told you that back at
the save point). Also, when his HP is low, he will restore 200 HPs. So, be
sure that you can pound him with strong attacks or else, you’re done for.

After the fight, an FMV sequence will commence. Back in the room, Miss Riddel
will come in. Kid will take Miss Riddel as a hostage so that they can get
away. Kid will bring Miss Riddel to the balcony. Lynx will be able to fool Kid
into looking down. He will then release a sword and it will hit Kid. She will
fall down. Serge and Pierre will then follow. When the menu comes up, you can
save the game.

Key Items:
Astral Amulet
Pelvic Bone

After saving, you’ll wake up in a house in Guldove. The woman here will tell
you that your party is waiting outside. Now, go out the door (not the ladder).
Outside, Kid’ll greet you. She will keep on talking until he finally fades
away. In the doctor’s house, the doctor will tell you that Kid has been
inflicted with “Hydra Poison”.

From here one, you can do 2 things. Either Save Kid from the Poison or not.
Follow the sequence below. I separated the 2 events. You’ll also get different
characters for your party.

I. You plan to save Kid from the Poison
After that, Harle will come in. She will tell you a hint on how to find the
cure. After you regain control of Serge, talk to Kid. She will give you the
Astral Amulet. Remember the event in Opassa Beach? You’ll be able to use the
amulet there. Now, back to Kid. After your talk with kid Korcha will now come
in. Have him join your party. After that, you’ll be outside the doc’s house.
Now, Korcha will give you time to prepare yourselves, let’s do so. Now, you’ll
see a person here, he will trade your elements with items. After
talking/trading with him, he’ll give you the Pelvic bone (this has something
to do with the Heavy Skull you got back at Fossil Valley. We’ll deal with
these later). After receiving the Bone, head left and you’ll find the
Equipment Shop. After buying equipments, if necessary, head left on to the
next screen. In this new screen, go to the upper left and go up the ladder. On
top, head left to the next screen. Go inside the large tent, which is the
Dragon Shrine. Inside, talk to both Chief Direa and Shrine Maiden Steena.
Steena will give a hint on how to get the Hydra Humour. Apparently, the only
way to get the Humour is to return to the Home World. After talking to both,
head back to Korcha and talk to him. Tell him that you are now ready to leave.
Korcha will then give you a ride on his boat to Termina. Go to walkthrough
part Ia.

II. You don’t want to save Kid from the Poison
Now, choose NOT to save Kid. Tell Korcha that you can’t do anything. Korcha
will be pissed at your decision not to save Kid. So, he’ll tell you to leave
the Astral Amulet in Kid’s room. Now, once you regain control of your
characters, go to the residential area. From the Clinic, head left to the next
screen. In here, climb up the ladder to the left and on the second floor, go
right to the next screen. This is the residential area. Now, go inside the
door (don’t go down the right ladder). Inside, you’ll see Korcha. Talk to him.
You’ll want to borrow his boat but he still won’t let you. Then Macha,
Korhca’s Mom, will come in. Macha can’t persuade Korcha to let you borrow the
boat, so she borrowed it for you!

After that scene, go back to the docks (near the clinic). You’ll see Macha
here. Talk to her and she’ll tell you to visit the shaman. So, head back to
the right one screen and climb the ladder again. But now, go left. You should
see a big tent, which is the Dragon Shrine, then go in. You’ll automatically
talk to Chief Direa and Steena. They will tell you that you might find a clue
where it all started, “Where Angels lose their way”. But you don’t need to as
you decided not to find the cure. So, leave the Dragon shrine and head back to
the docks. In the docks, talk to Macha and tell her that you’re ready. She
will then give you a ride to Termina.

TERMINA (Another)

Once you arrive in Termina, Macha will bribe the Port Manager. Now, when you
regain control of your characters, go to the entrance of Termina, where you
saw Glenn for the first time. You’ll see Glenn talk to the Flower Lady about
Fort Dragonia and that Viper and Lynx went there too. Now, Glenn will leave
for Fort Dragonia. You now know where to go next, so head back to the docks to
borrow Macha’s boat. When you talk to Macha, tell her that you want to
Straighten Things Out. So, she will let you borrow the boat. Then, Glenn will
come in. Apparently, he also needs a boat to reach Fort Dragonia. Glenn will
now try to borrow it from you. But Macha suggests that you go together. And
then, Glenn will agree and will join your party. After that, Macha will now
offer you to let her join. Have her in your party! Now, let’s go to that
island which Glenn talked about. So, on the world map, from Termina, go north
to the first intersection of the waterways. Then, go all the way to the right
until you see an island with a huge black smoke. Go to its shore and then
press X. You’ll be in the Hermit’s Hideaway. Now continue at Meeting Place #2
in the walkthrough.



After Korcha bribes the Port Manager, he will temporarily join your party.
After that, you can wander around and buy Elements or upgrade equipments if
you need it. Now, go to where you first saw Riddel and Glenn (the place where
the sacred sword where the dragoons lie). When you reach the hut a scene of a
funeral will commence. After that, you’ll see Greco head to the hut. Follow
him inside. Talk to Greco and he will now join you party. When you’re ready,
leave Termina. In the world map, don’t forget to fill in the Element Grid of
Korcha. Now, save your game. Go to Opassa Beach and head to the Home World. In
the home world head for Arni.

Key Item:
Heckran Bone

In here, go to the restaurant, which is the first house from the entrance. Go
directly to the back room. Examine the bed that you see and you’ll receive the
Heckran Bone. Leave the restaurant. You can buy elements or upgrade equipments
if you want, then leave Arni. In the World Map, head to the right and enter
the Hydra Marshes.

Key Items:
Hydra Humour
Feather x3
Brace CurePlus
BushBasher AeroSaucer
3 Tablets Uplift
Bronze Helmet

Inside, to the man. He will recognize Serge and will let you through. In the
first intersection, go right then around to get a chest containing a Feather.
Go back to the intersection again then head left. There will be an automatic
scene with a ghost here, then your characters will have a short dialogue.
After that, follow the ghost to the left to the next screen. You’ll see a
Wingapede pass through. After that, continue moving left. You can also get the
chest here for a Brace. Go left to the next screen. Korcha will notice
something, it’s a Beeba! It will then attack you. You’ll get a Cure Plus and 2
Feathers after the short battle. If you win, he’ll give you the Beeba Flute
that can call on the Wingapede. He will then tell you that you can use it at a
large space. After this Beeba leaves, save your game. Head to the upper right
on to the next screen. You’ll see another Beeba here. Challenge him (tell him
you’re as strong as Mr. Universe) and then beat him. You can now get the chest
behind him for a BushBasher. After that, there’s still no point in moving to
the right now because your characters are still weak on your first play. So,
head all the way back where you saw the ghost.

If you want to get Razzly (if not go to Continuation...):
If you’re confident and strong enough, move on to the right. Now, you’ll see a
wide area the Beeba was talking about. Use your Beeba flute by pressing the
Square button. Now, a Wingapede will come and attack you.

Boss: WINGAPEDE Innate: Green ? (I forgot)
HP: ?
Spoil/s: ?
+1 Growth Level

The wingapede isn’t as tough as it looks. Just concentrate on using physical
attacks and use your characters’Techs. Heal your party when deemed necessary.
You’ll eventually beat it.

After beating the wingapede the floor will crack. Now, don’t be afraid and
step on the crack. Your party will fall down. Here, you’ll see a big Pentapus.
Now, go a little bit to the south and you’ll see a fairy inside a cage. Free
the fairy and the Pentapus will attack your party.

Boss: PENTAPUS Innate: Blue
HP: ?
Spoil/s: Aquaball
+1 Growth Level

She’s rather tough on low levels. Make sure you are equipped with a lot of Red
Innate Attack elements so that you can quickly finish her off with minor
damage to your party. If any of your party members’ HP drops to 0, heal
him/her/it at once.

After beating the Pentapus, Razzly will now join your party. After having one
of the cutest character for party, head north and up the ladder to reach the
next area. Continue at Continuation #2...


Move north. You can also get the chest to the right for a Bone. After that,
move north to the next screen(you can’t go to right as the current of the mini
falls is strong). Continue at Continuation #2...

Continuation #2...

In this area, go up the fallen tree trunk and examine the green plant. It will
then lower it’s body down the water. Pass through it. On the way, you can get
a chest for an AeroSaucer. Now, go to the upper left towards the next screen.
In this new area, just head right to reach another area. You can now save here
using the Save Point. After saving, head to the right to meet the dwarves.
They will then engage you in battle.

Boss: DWARVES Innate: ?
HP: ?
Spoil/s: Uplift, Bronze Helmet, 3 Tablets
+1 Growth Level

Here’s another tough battle for you. Although you’ve seen 3 dwarves only,
you’ll actually battle 6 of them. They are quite strong, especially when they
combine their attack. For the strategy, Concentrate Serge in attacking one of
the dwarves. Then have the 2 other characters heal. If your HPs are already at
Max, that’s the time you use the other 2 characters to attack. You can also
use elements that damage every foe, i.e. MagmaBomb. This way, you’ll wore out
more HPs.

After the battle, the chief dwarf will head right. Save first as another
battle awaits you. After saving, follow the chief dwarf. Your party will be
shocked at what they will see. A real Hydra! You’ll now have a battle with it!

Boss: HYDRA Innate: Green
HP: 700
Spoil/s: ?
+1 Growth Level

This battle will not be too tough nor it would be too easy. Just keep on using
the Level 1, 2 then 3 attack and use every attack element in your Grids.
You’ll eventually beat him without hassle.

After that battle, the chief will say something about the consequences of what
you did. After that, he will leave and so are the other dwarves. Examine the
dead Hydra. You’ll now get the Hydra Humour that will cure Kid. Now, go back.
On the way, you’ll see a very short scene then you’ll be taken automatically
to the first section of the Marsh. Exit to the World Map. Go to Cape Howl


In here, you’ll get 2 chests. One contains a Heal element and the other, a
bone. After getting these items, head back out to the world map again. Go to
Opassa Beach and head for the Another World again. In the world map of the
Another World, head to Termina.


In Termina, head back to Korcha’s boat. Examine it and then choose to return
to Guldove. The boat will then leave and you’ll arrive at Guldove.


After you regain control, go to the doc’s clinic. Inside, go to Kid’s room,
which is to the right. Talk to the Doc using the square button and using the
Hydra Humour. After a few moment, Kid will ask for you. Go to her and talk to
her. In the next scene, the Doc still can’t believe how you got the Humour.
The assistant will then tell the doc not to worry about that thing, what is
important is that Kid is alright. During the night, you’ll see Mel snooping
around Kid’s room then she will leave the room. The next morning, your party
will have a conversation and a short FMV sequence kicks in. After a few
moments, Kid will notice that her Elements are gone. You’ll then go to the
next room to ask the doc. In here, you’ll see Mel. She will challenge Kid to
find her if Kid wants her elements back. When Kid asks you, always choose to
go after Mel and that Kid needs those elements. When you regain control of
your characters, head outside the house and go left to the next screen. In
here, go left and climb up the ladder. Go left to the next screen. In here,
talk to the man guarding the Dragon Shrine. Korcha will ask him if he saw Mel.
He didn’t see her. So, the only place to go is the Residential Tower. Go to
the right to the next screen. You’ll see Mel here. Now, go right again to the
next screen. In here, you finally got Mel trapped. Afterwards, your party will
finally get Mel. After the scenes with Mel and the party, you can choose your
party members. Korcha will tell you then that he will be on the boat. Mel will
now be a friend of Serge. Now, head back to Korcha’s Boat. It doesn’t matter
if you use the ladder or the door, it leads to the same way. When you reach
Korcha, he will leave your party then sends you off to Termina.


Try to leave Termina. There will be an automatic scene right before you leave.
You’ll see Glenn and he will speak about the plans of Viper and Lynx. They are
headed for Fort Dragonia because Porre already knows about the Frozen Flame.
When he finally speaks to your party, he will suggest that you speak to a man,
who lives in an island north east of Termina. After that, Glenn will leave.
Now, go back to Korcha. You will borrow his boat but he will give 2
conditions. First, you must give him the Dragon Tear if you find it. Second,
he wants Kid to be his wife! Kid will refuse! When 2 options appear, choose
“just tell him you will”, Kid will then kick Serge in the b#@%$ (Ouch!). After
Kid settles it, Korcha will agree. Then, he will ask you if he could join you,
so, take him with you! Then, examine the boat. You’ll now be in the World Map
and you can control the boat. To go to where the old man Glenn is talking
about, from Termina, go north to the first intersection of the waterways.
Then, go all the way to the right until you see an island with a huge black
smoke. Go to its shore and then press X. You’ll be in the Hermit’s Hideaway.
Just continue at Meeting Place #2.

Meeting Place #2...
If you didn’t choose to find the Hydra Humour, you’ll end up here.

Photon Beam

Inside the Burned down Hermit’s hideout, you’ll see Harle again. He will tell
you why she burned down the place. She burned it by Lynx’ orders. And that she
wants to teach you a lesson. Then, you will engage Harle. She is not touch.
Just quite like an ordinary foe. When you beat her, you’ll get the PhotonBeam.
After the battle, Harle will leave. Radius will now enter the scene. After a
short talk, follow radius to his house. Inside, talk to Radius and he will
talk about the Frozen Flame, about Viper and Porre. Then finally, he will
bring up the topic about the Ghost Ship. After that dialogue, you’ll sleep.
The next morning, leave Hermit’s Hideaway and board your boat. In the world
map, head south west until you see a thick fog. Choose to go through it.
You’ll then see a scene with the ghost ship.

MagmaBurst AquaBall
Meteorite FirePillar
Panacea 2 Capsules
Gravitonne PhotonBeam

After the scene, you’ll find yourselves on the deck of the ship. Captain Fargo
will then come in. After explaining your situation to him, Fargo will test
your skills. First, you’ll fight an easy battle with 3 Man-of-Wars. Then,
Fargo will call on his pet, Polly the giant bird. This battle isn’t too tough
either. You’ll get MagmaBurst as spoils. Then, finally, you’ll fight Fargo.
You’ll get a Meteorite after this fight. After those fight, you’ll feel
sleepy. It’s because Fargo discreetly inflicted you with tranquilizers. You’ll
see also a FMV with a Black Panther. Then, you’ll wake up in a room with a
Save Point. Afterwards, you’ll see a scene on the deck where the REAL Ghost
Ship appears!

Back to Serge and co. They will head noises above then suddenly a skeleton
comes in and attacks. After the fight Save your game then leave the room. The
door to your right is locked so go left. Talk to the man sitting here. Then,
head to the room to the left of the room with the Save Point. Get the chest
here for an AquaBall then leave the room. Outside the room, head left past the
stairs and get the chest for a FirePillar. I’ll warn about the Wraiths. They
always appear out of nowhere so beware of them because they are quite strong.
Now back to the walkthrough, head right again and go up the ladder. Up in
here, you can’t go to the 2 rooms to the left so go right and enter the only
door where you can enter. Talk to man and beat the Wraith to get the Panacea.
In the upper right corner of this room, examine the Ducts so that you can pass
through here to reach the other room to the right. In this new room, get the
chest for a Capsule. Then, leave the room and go to the right. Talk to the man
blocking the path, TWICE. Then, talk to man who told you that he was the one
assigned for the key. He will then give it to you. After getting the key, go
back to the room with the Save Point and save your game.

Now, leave the room and examine the right door. It will now open. Move on and
go down the stairs to the next screen. Go past the cannons and exit through
the door. The man here will offer a drink. Don’t accept it because it will
just poison your characters. Now, go left and gown down the ladder. Below, go
all the way to the right and enter the room at the end. In this new room, go
around to the left. You’ll see a small cat-like creature. Examine it and it
will run away to the left. Follow it then examine it again. It will now run to
the south. Now, check below the boxes, which are nearest the ladder. Examine
it there and it will run again to the right. Get the chest that you see here
for another Capsule. Now go to the bottom left and you’ll find the creature
here. It will tell you to leave him alone. He wants to see the world and as
you are not bad guys, he will offer to join your group. Name him Pip. Note: he
was at Luccia’s room at Viper Manor before. Now, back to the walkthrough. Get
the chest here for a Gravitonne. Now, go right and up the ladder. You’ll now
be in the room opposite the Cannons. Get the chest here for a PhotonBeam.
Then, leave the door through the south door. Here, save your game then head
left and up the ladder. You’ll see a scene on the deck then you’ll fight a
wraith. Then, Fargo will need some help and your party will automatically go
left. When you see Fargo, he will beat 2 Wraiths. Then suddenly, his arms are
injured and cannot fight anymore (I can’t figure out if he just feigned or
not). When an option appears, choose ‘Aye, Aye, captain’. Go left and fight
the boss.

Boss: DEAD HEAD Innate: Black
HP: 700
Spoil/s: HellBound
+1 Growth Level

Those little things are pathetic. But, when their powers combine, they will
sure give you a hard time. For this battle, take advantage of Serge’s
Elements/Techs. As for the other 2 characters, have them attack physically. If
the party gets low on HP, have the 2 characters heal the party. Basically,
Dead Head is an average boss. You might have troubles with him, but you’ll
eventually get the hang of it and beat it.

After the battle, Fargo will suggest to you that you go find the Water Dragon
for protection because Mt. Pyre is so hot and you’ll get burned (it is really
hot in there!). After talking with Fargo, you’ll find yourselves back at the
world map. Finally, let’s head to the Water Dragon Isle in the Home World to
acquire the protection from the lava at Mt. Pyre. So, head to Opassa, go to
the Home World. Then go Arni.


Here, go to the docks. Talk to the man here near the boats. You’ll be asking
him if he can give you a ride to the Water Dragon Isle (because the boat in
the world map is not present), then he’ll agree for 100g (small price to pay).
After paying up, he’ll transport you to the Water Dragon Isle.

Key Item:
Ice Breath

Upon arriving, move forward. You’ll see the drawves attacking the fairies.
They want to claim this area for themselves. Now, after regaining control of
your characters, climb the middle ladder and go on to the next screen. Here,
go left and you’ll see different paths. 2 doorways and 2 ladders. Head down
the lower ladder until you reach the next area. Here, save your game. Continue
heading down. Move on, until you reach a point where the dwarves will attack
you with their most powerful weapon...

Boss: HI-HO TANK Innate: Yellow
HP: ?
Spoil/s: Knee Pad
+1 Growth Level

This battle will be average. Just use your most powerful Green Elements.
Radius and Glenn is a Plus here. Just concentrate on attacking and heal your
party members’ HP if needed.

After battling the tank, move on to the right to the next screen. Here, you’ll
see the Blue dragon. Talk to him. He’ll give you the Ice Breath which can
freeze even gushing magma. He’ll also give you his underling, the Frog Prince,
which is a summon element. After receiving the Ice Breath, you can now head
back to the Another World and enter Mount Pyre. So, head to Opassa once more
and in the another world, board your boat. Head to where the fog was. To the
small cave to the left of Fargo’s Ship which is the Pyre Shore. Now, enter Mt.

Magmaburst Capsule
Tablet Inferno Trap
Eagle Eye
Sky Djinn ring Magic Ring
Iron Mail Gold Earring
Dancing Shoes

In here, you’ll see Laval all over the place. There’s no other way through
here except by going through it. Unlike the poisoned Marshes, the Lava will
deplete your HP to 1 VERY VERY FAST! So try to run as fast as you can. In this
first area, you’ll be able to get a MagmaBurst and a Tablet. Then, move go
onto the next screen. You’ll see Solt and Peppor once more! You’ll engage them
in battle.

Boss: SOLT AND PEPPOR Innate: Yellow
Solt HP: ?
Peppor HP: ?
Spoils: Sky Djinn Ring, Iron Mail
+1 Growth

This time, they will be talking about Summon and Trap Elements. Surely, if
they are successful in their plans, its more likely that you’ll lose. But
here’s what will happen, Solt will make a mistake again! He’ll trap Peppor’s
Strong element. They won’t be able to use it now. It’s now time to beat them!
After beating them. Plain attacks and some powerful elements (Level 3 up) will
do them in.

After the battle, head north first as you may have troubles if you head right.
In this new area, you can get an Inferno Trap Element from the left chest and
a Capsule from the right chest. Now go up using the ladders in the middle.
You’ll reach a Save Point. Prepare your characters for tough battles ahead
then save. Now, go to the right onto the next screen. In here you’ll fight the
Red Mini-Dragon.

Boss: RED MINI DRAGON Innate: Red
HP: 850
Spoils: Magic Ring
+1 Growth

This battle is not as hard as it looks. Just make sure that you have Blue
Attack elements in your grids. Now, use 2 characters for attack. I suggest
Serge and Kid for this purpose. The other party member should just serve as
the healer. You won’t have any major problems for this battle.

After the fight return to the Save Point and prepare for yet another tough
battle. This time it’s tougher. After preparing and saving, head to where you
fought the Mini Dragon. Move on and you’ll see very familiar faces. You’ll now
fight the Acacia Dragoons!!!

Boss: ACACIA DRAGOONS (KARSH,MARCY,ZOAH) Innate: Green,Blue,Yellow
Karsh’s HP: 370
Marcy’s HP: 300
Zoah’s HP: 436
Spoils: Eagle Eye, Gold Earring, and Dancing Shoes
+1 Growth

This is one heck of a difficult battle. Having Acacia dragoons as your
opponents is, no doubt, very hard. To beat them, take advantage of their
elements. Use Yellow for Karsh, Green for Zoah and Red Elements for Marcy. Try
to retain at least Level 2 in your grid. You can’t tell when you may need to
heal. Concentrate on attack Karsh first, then Zoah and then finally Marcy.
Good Luck! You’ll need it.

After ze battle they vill leave ze place. (I’m beginning to sound like Harle!)
Actually, you’ll see Harle here. After the short talk you’ll see a FMV of Fort
Dragonia and then another disturbing FMV where Serge actually stabbed Kid.
After those scenes, head north. You’ll now be in the world map near Fort
Dragonia. Save and then enter the Fort.

Carapace Iron
ElectroBolt AquaBeam
Antidote Heal All
BushBasher AeroBlaster
MagmaBurst Volcano Trap
Fire Pillar Gravitonne
Earth Charm Flame Charm
Sea Charm Angel Charm
Daemon Charm Dragoon Gauntlet
PenDragon Sigil B

Once you get inside, keep moving north until you come into a large room with a
save point. Save first as you’ll be dealing with puzzles and mazes here. Now,
let’s head for the leftmost door first.

In here, move on until you see an eerie blue symbol on the ground. Your main
goal here is to examine the pillar in the middle (just as you did way back in
the beginning of the game, remember the black pillar you examined at the
Unknown place?). Now, this is quite confusing so listen carefully. First,
let’s call the leader of your current party, the HEAD. The middle party
member, the BODY. And the last member, the TAIL. If you can see who is the
leader, run/walk straight. You’ll then see the arrangement. Now, step on the
Blue Symbol. After stepping, your party will be re-arranged randomly. Now
determine of the new leader of the party is the Head, Body or Tail of the
previous arrangement. To make it a bit clearer, here’s an example:

Let’s say, before you step in the blue symbol, the party leader is Serge.
Therefore he is the HEAD. Then, the middle one is Kid, therefore she will be
the BODY. Finally, the last one, is Pierre (for example), therefore he will be
the TAIL. Now, after stepping on the blue symbol, your party will be re-
arranged. Example, the leader now is Pierre, the middle is Serge, and the last
is Kid. Therefore, your arrange now is TAIL, HEAD then BODY. Because Pierre,
Serge, Kid are TAIL, HEAD and BODY of the previous party, respectively.

Now, after stepping and determining the arrangement of your party, go to the
room on the left. Examine the panel. When you examine this panel, a stone will
move outside, where the pillar is, according to the arrangement of your party.
First, get a HEAD, BODY, and then TAIL arrangement. Then, examine the panel.
The stone will move in the previous room. So, go back. You’ll see right away
that a stone wall gave you access to the blue switch. Go and press the switch
and the ladder to the right will open. Now, arrange your party so that their
arrangement is now HEAD, TAIL, then BODY. Note that if you cannot make this
arrangement, you can go back to the blue symbol and your party will be
rearranged again. You can also use the select Button to change the arrangement
of your party. Now, after getting the HEAD, TAIL and BODY arrangement, examine
the panel in the left room again. The Stone wall will now give you access to
the Chest with an Earth Charm. Use the newly opened ladder if you cannot reach
something. After getting the Charm, create a TAIL, HEAD then BODY arrangement
then head to the panel again and examine it. This will now give you access to
another chest, which contains an ElectroBolt. Now, create a TAIL, BODY then
HEAD arrangement. You can now access switch that will lower the platform where
the pillar is. Examine the Pillar and it will disappear. A room will be shown
also after you’ve examined a pillar. Now, head back to the big room with the
Save Point. After saving, let’s head to the 2nd to the left room.

Here, continue walking/running until you reach 2 chests side by side. Examine
any one of them, and the path way will move to your location. Cross through
it. Now, you’ll see the 2nd pair of chests. Examine just one of them and the
path below you will move in front of a door. Now, walk/run to the upper left
and you’ll reach the 3rd pair of chests. Examine them both, once each. Then,
cross the path. When you reach a room, get the Sea Charm in there. Now, head
back to the 2nd pair of chests. Examine one of them and the path below will
now point to the south. Go back to the 3rd pair of chests. Don’t examine them,
instead, cross the path. Push the switch at the end to lower the ladder. Now,
go through the Big Door. You’ll have to fight the Giant gloop here.

Boss: GIANT GLOOP Innate: Blue
HP: 800
Spoils: AquaBeam
+1 Growth

With Kid on your party, you won’t have a hard time against the gloop. Use your
Red Innate elements to finish this Gloop once and for all. Don’t forget to
heal when your characters are low in HP.

After the battle, examine the Pillar. Now, head back to the Big Room with the
Save Point. Use the newly opened ladder now, you don’t have to examine the
chests again. Now, save your game. Let’s head for the next one. The door,
which is 2nd from the right.

In here, walk past the first ladder that you’ll see. Move on until you reach
the next screen. Go down the ladder. You’ll now notice that there are 3
ladders here. First, go to the rightmost one. Climb the ladder and move on
until you reach the next screen. You’ll receive an Antidote. Now head back to
there the 3 ladders are. Now, go to the southwest most one. You’ll get 2
chests here, a HealAll and a BushBasher. After that, go back all the way to
the very first ladder that you just passed by when you first entered this from
the Big room. Go up to that ladder and move on until you reach a new screen.
In here, go around to the left until you reach an intersection where you can
go North or South. Now, go to the north and move on until you reach yet
another new screen/area. In this new area, you’ll see 2 more ladders. Go down
the south ladder first and get the AeroBlaster. Go back and now, go up the
north ladder. Continue walking/running until you see another one of the blue
switches. Push the switch. The ladder will now be accessible. But before going
through that ladder, go left first then north, move on until you see a Big
Room. Enter the Big Room. You’ll now fight a giant version of the Cybots.

Boss: TAURUSOID Innate: Green
HP: 1,200
Spoils: Carapace
+1 Growth

He is quite challenging. He is very good at physical attacks. So prepare to
use your Healing elements. Although challenging, it’s quite simple. Just
attack, then use elements, then Heal if necessary. You’ll eventually beat him.

After the battle, go back to the Big Room using the ladder beside the blue
switch. Save your game once more. Let’s now head for the last room, the
rightmost one.

Now, move on inside until you reach the WatchKeeper. There are four holes
here, lets call them the North Hole, East Hole, West Hole and South Hole. Now,
examine the plate below the dragon. Now, notice where the dragon is facing.
The plate says that the watchkeeper is facing north. So let’s assume that the
direction the dragon is facing, is north. Example, if the dragon is facing to
the South, then assume now that it is pointing to the north temporarily. Now
to enter the East Hole, you must choose WEST. Because the East Hole is to the
West from the Dragon’s point of view. Got it. Now, here are the descriptions
of each hole. In the West Hole, you’ll see a Red Save point. Actually it’s not
a save point, it will actually heal your party’s HP and MP. Now, go to the
exit. You’ll be in a place with 4 doors, one of which is where you came from.
Now, go left then up the ladder. You’ll be familiar with this place. Go right
and go to the Dragon again. Take note again to where the dragon is facing. In
the South Hole, you’ll find a Flame Charm, a Volcano Trap Element, MagmaBurst
and a FirePillar. Go back again. The north Hole only has enemies so don’t go
there unless you want to fight. The West Hole will bring you to the Pillar.
Examine it and then you’ll see a new room rise up in the big room. Go back to
the Big Room and then Save. Enter the New Door in the middle.

Inside, you’ll fight a quite strange enemy that is in front of the white

Boss: SUNOFAGUN Innate: White
HP: 365
Spoils: Iron
+1 Growth

This battle will be funny. But keep in mind that he is powerful. Now,
Sunofagun will change his mood every time, from happy to sad to angry. His
attacks will depend on his mood. Of course, expect the strongest attacks when
he is angry. Just prepare your Curative elements. Then when you get a chance
kick in some powerful or medium strength attack elements. Just be patient.

Now, Examine the White Pillar. An elevator will be lowered at the back. Use it
to go up. Now, you’ll see a VERY FAMILIAR place! It’s the unknown place where
you started the game. So, it is Fort Dragonia. Now, head to the Black Pillar.
You can also get the chest scattered around for Angel and Daemon Charms. In
front of the Black Pillar, you’ll have to fight another Boss.

Boss: BUNYIP (2 forms) Innate: Red, then Black
HP: 400 (1st form), 1,200 (2nd form)
Spoils: Gravitonne
+1 Growth

His first form is a little bit pathetic. After inflicting a certain number of
HPs, he will revert to a new form and will change to Black Innate. He is
Powerful! Have Serge Attack with White Elements and his Techs. Have Kid for
support attack and the third character as the healer. Red Elements can also
inflict a little more damage. The most important thing, keep your HP up!

After fighting Bunyip, examine the Pillar. The teleporter is now ready. Head
back to the previous room and go to the Teleporter. Examine it and you’ll be
taken to the top of the Fort. Here, move forward and examine the door. An FMV
will kick in once more. This FMV keeps on troubling me. Now, inside the room,
you’ll see Viper and Lynx. Viper will then attack your party.

Boss: VIPER Innate: Yellow
HP: 820
Spoils: Dragoon Gauntlet
+1 Growth

This person is big! Actually 6’7”. Concentrate on attacking rather than
healing. He’s got quite a few HPs compared to other bosses. Just heal when

After that fight, you’ll see something terrible. Lynx will stab Viper. After
disabling Viper, Lynx will now attack you.

Boss: LYNX Innate: Black
HP: 1,000
Spoils: PenDragon Sigil B
+1 Growth

He is now harder than when you fought him back at Viper Manor. He’ll use his
new Tech to you. The Feral Cats. Use Serge as the front liner for the attack.
Have your 2 characters Heal the party. He will eventually go down.

After a short dialogue, a FMV of a panther will be shown. Then, suddenly,
Serge loses it! Then you’ll see an evil grin on his face. Serge will now tell
kid that it is her chance to kill Lynx. Now, a new battle begins.

Boss: SERGE, KID, Third Party Member Innate: White, Red, N/A
HP: about 3500 EACH!
Spoils: none

Now, this is weird. You’ll be fighting as Lynx. By now, you should know that
Lynx and Serge actually swapped bodies. Now you’ll have to defeat your party!
They are strong! And they have a very high HP. Don’t waste your elements as
there’s no difference if you win or now.

I managed to beat them (of course, I’m in the New Game+ mode). The same thing
happens. Kid will hesitate on killing Lynx then Serge will come in and stab
Kid so hard, that she immediately dropped to the ground. Serge, I mean Lynx in
Serge’s Body will tell you to go to the Sea of Eden if he really want to fix
everything up. Then you’ll see a FMV of Kid. After a while, you’ll find
yourself on an eerie place.

2 Mythrils
PenDragon Sigil B

Upon regaining control of Lynx, go around down to the left. You’ll see a door
here, but it’s locked. Cross the fallen branch and head all the way up. It’s
pretty easy. On top, you’ll see a door and a stone. Push the stone down. It
will fall on the left side of the falls. Go down to the falls and pass through
it to get to the stone. Push it down once more and it will remove the stone
blocking the chest. Go back to the first door you saw and go around to the
left to get that chest for a Revive (very useful). Now cross the branch again.
Notice the fruit hanging from a branch to the right? Go near it and a fruit
will fall. The first door you saw will now open and a strange creature will
come out. Use this opportunity to go in while the creature is getting the
fruit that fell from the branch. Once you get inside, the creature will talk
to you. She is Sprigg, a very old woman living here for years. After a short
talk, Lynx will sleep. Upon waking up, try to exit the house. Sprigg will call
your attention. She will then join you hoping that she can finally leave the
place. Then, go down the ladder inside the house first. You’ll now be in the
save point that you saw earlier. Save your game now. After saving, leave the
house and go inside the door at the very top. Inside, you’ll meet Harle once
more. When an option appears, choose any. Then Harle will talk to you for a
while trying to persuade you that you are Lynx now. And she is correct. Nobody
will immediately believe that he is Serge. So Serge must accept the truth.
Serge’s body will now appear on the top floor. To pass this test, if the body
of Serge goes in the North room, go also to the North room at the lower floor
(remember that you’re at the lower floor). After following Serge’s body 3
times, you’ll end up in a new area. In here, Harle will finally join your
party! Now, move on and hit the switch that you’ll see. You’ll see the paths
below. They will change. Move on and get the chests in this area for a
PenDragon Sigil B and a Mythril. Go back up and hit the switch once more. The
path will change again. Move on. You’ll see another Mythril here. Now, head
down the Big set of stairs. Move on until you see a Big hole on the ground.
Examine it and you’ll jump in. you’ll be teleported to a VERY FAMILIAR place.
It’s the Hydra Marsh in the Home World. Now after a few dialogues from your
party, exit to the World Map. Head to Opassa Beach.


In here, you’ll see something very shocking. WHERE IS THE PORTAL?! Harle will
then tell you that the missing piece in this world was found therefore the
Portal Close. But what about Serge? His body? Sprigg will tell you to go back
to your Movver (Ahem.. Mother). So, exit to the world map and head to Arni.


Upon entering, the man will be shocked to see a demi-human. After that short
scene, go to Serge’s house and talk to Marge. Of course, she will not believe
right away that you really are Serge. But after explaining, she’ll understand.
Then, Marge will tell you a short story about the Storm and about your father,
Wazuki and his friend, Miguel (Leena’s Dad). You’ll see that Wazuki is
carrying you in a place with an advanced technology. After telling you the
story, Radius will come in. He is the chief of Arni. He will then recognize
you as Lynx and will begin to fight you.

Boss: RADIUS Innate: Green
HP: 750
Spoils: Heal
+1 Growth

He is quite easy. There’s nothing to worry about. Just use your physical
attacks and some Elements and you’ll beat him in a short while.

After fighting with him, he’ll sense no Malice, or evil in your attacks and
then finally believes at what you are saying that he is Serge in Lynx’ body.
Now, Radius will join your party. It’s now time to replace Sprigg. He only has
4 Grids :( After having Radius in your party, leave Arni and go north to the
Fossil Valley once more.

2 Mythrils
Infrared Vision Frame

Basically, you really have to pass through here again. Because the Fossil
Valley you passed through earlier in the game was in the other world. Now,
inside, you’ll get new items from chest. Behind the big skeleton where you
found Skelly, there is a neat item there, the Infrared Vision Frame. It’s time
go change the menu! There is also a Mythril from a Chest to the west of that
big skeleton. Go to where you got the Big Egg, you’ll get another Mythril from
a chest. Now, leave Fossil Valley through the left. Go to Termina.

Key Item:
Smith Spirit

You’ll now see a very different Termina. Go to the left of the bar. The
soldier won’t let you pass. He’ll tell you that you can meet the Commander,
Norris, at the Viper Manor. After this, go to the Black Smith Shop. Talk to
the Blacksmith twice. He’ll give you the Smith Spirit. With this item, you can
forge equipments on the world map without the need to go to blacksmith shops
and equipment shops. After giving you the item, Zappa, the blacksmith, will
now join your party. Now leave Zappa’s house and head north to the small
house. You’ll see a man, painting. He is Gogh. He’ll tell you that his son,
Van, is on the other room. Go to the right room. You’ll see Van inside. When
an option appears, choose to hire him. After that, a scene between the
landlord and Gogh will commence. The landlord will now ask Gogh for the
payment but they are poor. Van will then bring up the topic about the Frozen
Flame, that he will find it. When another options appears, choose to be
serious about the Frozen Flame. The landlord will laugh but will still give
Van and Gogh a chance. After that, a scene with Van will come in. You’ll see
him prepare his things, just like preparing for an adventure. His father will
allow Van to go with you. Then, have him join your party. After getting Van,
leave Termina, have radius in your party then head to the Viper Manor.

Key Item:
Carnivore Trap

Upon entering you’ll see a scene with Radius. The place is in shamble. Now,
head to the Well to the south. Go in. Upon entering the sewers, go south first
to the next screen. You’ll see a kid here and a monsters in front of a hole.
Go to it and beat the monster. The father of the kid will now be free. He’ll
give you the Mushroom Key Item. Go south to the next screen. Here, you can
find a chest with a Carnivore Trap element. Then, head south once more towards
the next screen. In this area, you can see a small waterfall to the right.
Notice that there is a hole inside. Go through the waterfall and inside a
small cave. You’ll see a man here. Talk to him and you’ll give him the
Mushroom that he oh so loves. But, he will turn into a Mushroom man for some
odd reason. Then, Harle will tell him about the Frozen Flame that has the
ability to change him back. He will then join your party. Name him Funguy
(default). It think, it’s not pronounced as Fun Guy, but Funguy like Fungi.
Mushrooms are fungi, FYI. After joining the party, you can get the chest for a
Forest Charm. Leave the waterfall then head back to the place below the well,
where the 2 soldiers are. There is a waterfall to the left. You can go up to
it and enter the sewers by using the steps beside it. Inside, you’ll find
yourselves in the sewers of the Viper Manor. In this area, you can get a
Mythril Helmet. After getting that helmet, go around to the left and go up the
ladder at the top left area of this area. Now, go to Norris. He will be amazed
that you are actually not Lynx. He will then tell you how Lynx came in contact
with Porre and that he is the one sent by Porre. He will tell you also that
Lynx went to the Dead Sea. He suggest going to Marbule to gain more info about
the Dead Sea. He will then join your party. After joining, you’ll be taken
automatically to the port area of Termina. Board the boat to the left, not the
Ship. In the world map, go to Marbule, which is an island to the South East of
the map.


Upon entering Marbule you’ll see a few people inside. One of them is the Great
Explorer Toma Levine (He was also the great adventurer from Chrono Trigger).
You can ask about the Village, about the monsters that are lurking around,
also about the Dead Sea. He will also tell you about the sound of a crying
woman outside. After talking to Toma, head to the small house and sleep there.
During the night, your party will hear the woman. Choose to check it out. Once
you get out of the house, you’ll see a silhouette of a mermaid. Then, Toma
will come in. He will talk about S.S. Zelbess and about it’s captain, Fargo.
He will hint you about the attitude of Fargo. After that scene, you’ll wake up
in the house. Leave the house and you’ll see the Mermaid. She will go with you
to the ship. Although, she will not join your party yet. Now, leave Marbule
and use your boat to go to the ship S.S. Zelbess.

Key Item:
Fiddler Crab
Mythril Helmet

Once you reach the ship, go up to the deck then head right and down the ladder
to the cabins. Below, enter the first door that you’ll see. You’ll meet Miki,
the backup dancer of Nikki. After that, leave the room and head left and go
down the ladder. To the left of you is the Inn, you can sleep or save there.
After saving, if necessary, go to the room, which is on the right of the
ladder. Inside, go near the stage and you’ll automatically watch a magic show.
Sneff will first show his levitation magic with the woman volunteer. After
that, a man still won’t believe him. So he turned him into a cat. After the
show, leave the room. Go right and enter the 3rd door. The room next to the
magic show room will be locked. After entering the third door, ask for the
sage of Marbule. A demi-human will leave the room. Leave the room too. You’ll
see the demi-human go through the door. You can’t follow him because you must
have permission to do so. The man will also tell you that the man you saw was
actually the Sage of Marbule himself. After knowing that, go left and up the
ladder again. Above, go left and go to the room on top. Talk to Fargo. You’ll
then see a scene between him and the mermaid, Irenes. After the scene, talk to
Fargo and you will now ask for permission to go to the Grand Slam. He won’t
give you permission yet. You must defeat him at the casino. Accept his
challenge, then follow him to the casino, which is the door, just below the
captain’s room. You have to win the roulette. The one who ends in South will
lose. You will not win in this match. Fargo will then take your boat as prize.
After Fargo leaves, your party will smell something fishy about the roulette.
Go to the Inn. You’ll notice that there is a ladder behind the counter and the
man in charge of the Inn comes up the ladder often. You have to be small and
sleek in order to go up without being noticed. So, go back to Sneff. You’ll
now volunteer and you’ll all be turned into cats. After you regain control,
Sneff will catch you. You’ll find yourselves in the staff room of Sneff. Sneff
will apologize to you because he has a bad back and cannot stand up,
therefore, he can’t change you back to normal. After you regain control, you
can go through the wall to the Magic show room. You’ll see the hole when you
reach the other room. Now, leave the room and head to the Inn. Go behind the
counter and go up the ladder. You’ll see a scene where Sneff loses again.
Then, you’ll see that the Casino Table is controlled below. Go to it and
examine the shining handle. You’ll now receive the handle as proof that there
is cheating. Go back to the Staff room of Sneff through the hole in the Magic
Show Room. He can now stand up and he’ll turn you back to normal. Go back to
the Inn and Save. After saving, head back to Fargo’s room and challenge him
again. Now, go to the casino. He will now lose. He will then notice that you
have discovered his secret. He will now give you back your boat and his
permission so that you can go to the Grand Slam.

From now on, you can play in the Casino for prizes. The rules are:
If the pointer is to the North, your points will be doubled
If the pointer is to the East, you’ll receive 50 points
If the pointer is to the West, you’ll be deducted half of your points
If the pointer is to the South, you lose

Here are the prizes:
Rank 1 (from 10000 pts. Onwards): Rainbow Shell
- when you win again, you’ll receive Denadorites instead.
Rank 2 (between 5001 to 10000 pts.): Mythril
Rank 3 (between 1501 to 5000 pts.): Iron
Rank 4 (between 500 to 1500 pts.): Copper

Leave the Casino and head to the right and you can now enter the door to the
Grand slam. In this area, you’ll see 3 doors to the south. Go in and out of
the 3 doors and catch the Sage. When you finally caught up to him, ask about
the Sea of Eden. Then, tell him that you’ll have to use Brute Force if that’s
what’s needed. Now you’ll have to fight the Sage.

Boss: SAGE OF MARBULE Innate: White
HP: 1,500
Spoils: Mythril Helmet
+1 Growth

He has a quite nasty collection of Elements. There will be times that he will
use a TurnX Element on your party members and will use an attack element which
has opposite Innate. Just concentrate on attacking. He only has a low HP so
you really don’t have to worry about him. Attack, then Heal if necessary.

After your battle, Nikki will come in. He will ask the sage if he could teach
him how to sing the Song of Marbule. Note: Nikki is a HE not a SHE. Thought he
was a girl eh? Now, the Sage will tell Nikki that he still have to mop the
floors, while humming a song. Nikki will be delighted to know that. Then,
Nikki turns his attention to your party and invites you on his ship. So, save
your game at the Inn. Head all the way up to the Deck of the ship. Do not
leave Zelbess yet. Go left and go up the ladder and you’ll see a man up there.
Talk to him and he will let you hop on the platform. You’ll now be on Nikki’s

Go to the first door that you’ll see. Everyone is here, the Sage, Nikki, Miki
and Irenes. Nikki will then plan on how to liberate Marbule from the monsters
that are lurking around. They will sing the song of Marbule together with the
other demi-humans on Zelbess. That time, you and your party will have to
terminate ALL monsters at Marbule. But you’ll have a problem, Fargo won’t let
go of Nikki’s ship. So you have to come up with a plan as to whom will Fargo
succumb. After Nikki leaves, talk to Irenes. Have her join your party. Have
her in your main party. Then, have her lead the party. Try to talk to Fargo.
He still won’t be persuaded to release Nikki’s ship. Then, go to the casino.
You’ll see Sneff on a winning streak! He can now pay off his debt to the
captain. After that, have him join your party also and bring him with your
main party. Talk again to Fargo and still, you can’t persuade him. After doing
that, it seems that no one can persuade him so go back to your boat and leave
S.S. Zelbess. We’ll come back here later. In the world map, go to the Sea of
Eden. It is to the east. The place where a big whirlpool is. Enter from the
south of it. But it is blocked. Remember what the sage gave you? Now, press
the square button and use the fiddler crab when you see the words “Sea of
Eden” on screen. The path will now open up and you can go in Death’s Door.


Before entering, bring Radius with you. Inside, you’ll see the Masamune, which
won’t allow you to come in. Radius will tell you that the Einlanzer is the
only sword that can match up with the power of the Masamune. But before
getting the Einlanzer, Radius will tell you that you must head first to the
place where he and Garai once trained. Then, after getting that item, you can
head to the Isle of the Damned for the Einlanzer. Leave Death’s Door and head
to the Hermit’s Hideaway.

Key Item:
Garai’s Keepsake

Upon entering, you’ll see flashbacks of Garai and Radius training in the
field. You’ll also see another scene where Radius took the Masamune Blade.
Radius will then tell your party what the purpose of the Masamune is, that it
brings out the hatred and sorrow of whoever touches it. After that, Radius
will tell you to wait for him. Just wait for him, don’t move. He will then
come back with Garai’s Keepsake. Then, you’ll be taken to the world map. Board
your boat and go east to the Isle of the Damned.

Dragoon’s Honor
Earth Charm
Key Item:

In here go to where the fiery enemy is. Have a fight with it. After you win,
you’ll notice that it explodes! It can open blocked doors! In this area,
there’s another blocked door to the North West. Go near the fiery enemy and
have it follow you to the blocked door. Just stand in front of the cave and
wait for the enemy to come to you. After beating it, the cave will open and
you can get the Chest for an Earth Charm. After getting that equipment, go to
first door that was opened here, it’s to the west, then to the next screen. In
this area, you’ll see a large skeleton to the left. Walk INSIDE the RIBS. Go
south in there to the next area. Move on north until you see a mirror. Stand
in front of it and use the Square button and select Garai’s Keepsake. The
mirror will turn into a liquid like thingy and you can now pass through it to
the next screen. In here, go in the fiery cave. In the next area, you’ll now
see the Einlanzer. Examine the tablet on the ground. Then, a flashback to what
really happened to Radius and Garai. Radius has the Masamune and it brought
out the jealousy of Radius. It drove him mad and he stroke Garai from behind.
Garai fell on the spot. After this, Radius throws the Masamune and he will
grieve for what he has done. Then, in front of your party, Garai will show up.
You’ll have to fight him to prove that you are worthy for the Einlanzer.

Boss: GARAI Innate: White
HP: 1,987
Spoils: Dragoon’s Honor
+1 Growth

He is big and strong. With the Einlanzer, he packs physical attack so hard on
your party that one of them might be incapacitated. Have Lynx use his Techs as
he will be in an advantage over Garai. Have Radius support the attacks of
Lynx. Meanwhile, have the third party member, whoever he/she is, ready to heal
the party anytime.

After you win, you’ve proved your worth to Garai. The Einlanzer will be yours.
Leave the Isle. Then, go back to Death’s Door.


Inside, move forward to where the Masamune is. Radius will use the Einlanzer
and the Masamune will be gone...for now. Go north and you’ll finally see the
Sea of Eden. This is just like the world map so you can save your game now.
After saving, go right to the Highway Ruins.


Upon entering, go up the ladder. There is an intersection there where you can
either go North or South. Go south first and get the chest there for a
capsule. Then, go back to the intersection and go north towards the next
screen. Move on to the right and you’ll have to fight Highway man.

Boss: HIGHWAYMAN Innate: Black
HP: 2,000
Spoils: Nimble
+1 Growth

He is pretty easy, even is Lynx has a Black Innate. You can give him high
damage from your physical attacks. You can also use your White Innate Attack
Elements as support. And don’t forget to heal from time to time. Make sure
your HPs are at MAX, or just near it, and you’ll have no trouble at all.

After that battle, move on and you’ll reach the other side of the Highway
Ruins in the Sea of Eden. On the map, you can get an AntiYellow element. After
getting the element, go to the City Ruins.


Upon entrance, go to the right for a Resistance Belt. Then, go inside the
small dome in the lower right area. Inside, press the Examine button (X) and
you’ll get a pair Kung-Fu Shoes. Now move southward until you exit to the Sea
of Eden again. In this area, you can go to the Tower of Geddon now. But before
doing so, get the chest in this area for an AntiGreen. Go to the Tower of

Key Item:
Prop Sword
Medical Book
Purify SealAll
2 Feathers
2 Mythrils
Trashy Tiara

Inside, always remember that there are 3 floors in this area alone. Now, go up
the escalators and on the 2nd floor, head left, go around and get the feather.
Return to the escalators. Now, go to the 3rd floor and go left. Examine the
switch at the end. Pick 1F. The elevator to the left will now go down to the
first floor. Go back to the escalators. Down go down yet. Head right and get a
Mythril at the end. Then, head back to the escalators and head to the 1st
floor. Go left and go to the elevator and examine the chest inside it for a
Trashy Tiara. Go to the escalators again and go to the 2nd floor. Go right and
enter the door at the end. In this area, go to the right and go up the train
using the small ladder to get the Purify Element. In here, talk to the ghost
at the bench. After talking to the ghost, it will disappear. Now, examine the
place where the ghost disappeared and you’ll get the Station Pass. Now, you
can go up the train and use the station pass on the doors on top. Now, go to
the upperleft door and enter it. You’ll see a chest here, examine it and
you’ll receive the Medical Book.

Now, go back to the escalators. Go to the 3rd floor and enter the opening at
the end to reach the next area. In this new area, go left. Lynx will see a
girl (from her appearance, it must be Marle from Chrono Trigger). Go all the
way to the left, up the ramp and around to the left to get the Feather. Go
back down. Go right to the rightmost intersection, then go up to where the Kid
ran a while ago. Go north to the stage. Examine the sword to get the Prop
Sword. Now, head back a little, to the intersection, which looks like an X
(upper right path leads to the stage). Now, use the lower left path to get a
chest with a HealAll Element. Head back to the X intersection. Use the upper
left path to reach the next screen. In here, Lynx will see a girl walking on
top (again, from it’s appearance, it’s also from Chrono Trigger. But now, it
is Lucca). Now, go left and up the ladder. There’s another ladder up here.
You’ll get a Mythril if you press X on top. Now, try to follow the kid you
saw. You’ll be at a dead end. Get the chest here for a SealAll element. Go
back down the ladder. Go right a little bit and you’ll be in a bluish
structure or something. Go up from there (you can actually climb up this
structure). Go through the door with Purple light to reach the next area. In
here, you’ll see a lot of people. All the dragoons are here, Riddel and some
other people. These will also include another one of the Kids (Now, it’s
Crono. The hero of Chrono Trigger). The kid will go through a portal of some
sort. When you regain control of your characters, follow the 3 kids inside the
portal. In this new area, use the Save Point. To the right, from the entrance,
you’ll see an Enertron. If you use the Enertron, you’ll have a good night
sleep for just a very short period of time. But, like sleeping, you’ll still
be hungry afterwards. Head north. You’ll see the 3 Kids again. After leaving
to the north, get the 2 chests here for a HellBound and a Screwy Dress. Now,
follow the 3 Kids to the north. In this area, examine the plate below the kid
who is sitting. You’ll see it’s Nadia’s Bell! Then, the 3 kids will start to
blame you for what is happening. Then, Miguel will come in. Remember, Marge
told you about him, back at Arni? Then you’ll see a scene with Wazuki and
Miguel. Then, when Miguel asks you to just accept Fate, refuse! There are
still other things in store and other things to do (first and foremost to
return back to Serge’s Body). After refusing, you’ll have a fight with Miguel.

Boss: MIGUEL Innate: White
HP: 1,950
Spoils: Dreamer’s Scarf
+1 Growth

He is not that hard. What annoys me is that when he uses the TurnX (X is any
color) Element, he immediately uses an Attack Element opposite to the color
that you’ve been turned into. And that took off quite a big amount of HP on my
characters. The bottom line is, heal if necessary and then attack, attack,

After the battle, Miguel will tell you something about Lavos and the teenage
group that was able to stop him. Then the 3 kids, who were the heroes of the
first adventure, will appear and will start telling their tales. After that,
the ground will shake, the place will now be destroyed by Fate. Leave this
area, Miguel will then tell you that you are the Chosen one by Fate. It now
seems that you can no longer leave the place. But the Sky Dragon will come in
and rescue you. You will now see a FMV of the destruction of the Tower of
Geddon. As well as the other structures at the Sea of Eden. After the FMV you
will know that you need the 6 Dragon’s Relics in order to enter the Pearly
Gates. After the short talk, you’ll find yourselves in the World Map, near
Marbule. Now, go to Opassa and head to the Another World. Upon entering the
other Opassa beach, you’ll see a boy chased by spirits. Your party will then
be able to disperse the spirits. The boy will now tell you about a certain
Serge that seeks the destruction of El Nido. After that, leave Opassa Beach
and head to the Fossil Valley. Just pass through here to reach Termina.


In Termina, go to the Bar. The bartender will open the door to the left.
Inside, examine the wall to reach an area behind the bar. Inside, you’ll see
Karsh and Zoah of the Acacia Dragoons. They will believe who you really are
because they saw and know what happened at Fort Dragonia. They will then join
forces with you, temporarily, to save Riddel. They also tell you that Marcy is
with Viper right now who is resting. Now, choose from Karsh or Zoah. Either of
them will do. After that, try to leave Termina. On your way to the exit,
you’ll see Norris. You’ll have a short talk then when you regain control of
your party, you can now leave Termina. Head to the Viper Manor.

Turn Black FreeFall
2 Mythrils
Elbow Pad

With Lynx with your party, you are allowed to enter the Manor. Go to the Main
Door. You’ll see a scene wherein Riddel is under the custody of a Porre
Officer. Norris is also in this room. You’ll also see Grobyc, an android from
Porre. After regaining control of your characters, go to the left steel door.
Enter the leftmost wooden door. You’ll see Norris inside. You will now talk
about Serge and Lynx and then the plan to rescue Riddel. Norris will give you
the prison key. Your party and Norris will then agree on meeting at the main
hall after the rescue. After Norris leaves, get the chest for an TurnBlack
Element. Leave the Room. You’ll see a scene where the cook turns into the Hell
Cook. After that scene, go down the stairs to the left. Below, you’ll see 3
doors and a Grate. Examine the Grate and choose to go down. Go right into the
waterway. You’ll be swept due to the strong current, so, you’ll have to
minimize the current somehow. Now, in this area, go up the first 2 sets of
stairs. You can choose to either go right or to the lower right to the
waterways. Go right first and head all the way to the north to get a Humour
from the chest. Now, go left from the chest and push the barrel that you see
here. Now go back and go to intersection and into the waterway. In the water
ways, go right and you’ll see an intersection of waterways, to the right, to
the North and to the South. Go right first until you come into a new area.
Examine the bars and the monster will panic and the chest will fall into the
water. Now head back to the waterway intersection. Go all the way to the north
and push another barrel into the water. Go back to the where you pushed the
first barrel, it is still on the ground, push it into the water. You’ll now
see the 2 barrels lining up to make a path for you. Go to the 2 barrels and
walk over them. Head left to the next screen. Here, examine the valve and
tighten it. The waterways will now be partially blocked. Now, head right to
the previous screen. See the ladder to the north? That’s our next destination.
Head down to the waterways and go around to reach that ladder. When you reach
the ladder, get the chest just a little bit to the south of it for a
Denadorite. It is somewhat hidden below the waters. Go up the ladders. Above
the ladder, you’ll see the prison area itself, but you cannot enter it from
there. So go up the ladder to the left (go up, not the ones from the sewers).
Now, in this area, you’ll see the cage where you fell in early on in the game.
Go left through the steel door and go down the grate again. Now, the water
flow is mild. Here’s a diagram to where you must cross the water.

------ WW
Grate | WW
| WW
-- --- WW
| * L WW
| L WW
| L WW S
| L WW S
------- GGGG

Here’s the explanation. Grate is where you came in (the grate of course). Now,
the asterisk (*) is where you should be. The L’s will be the steps. WW is the
water. GGGG is where the gate you closed by using valve. The S is the place
that you must reach. From the Asterisk (*) RUN to the right while pressing the
UP button on the Directional Pad. You’ll be able to cross the waterways and
reach a new section of the sewers. Whew!

Now, move on until you reach a place with a big intersection. There are 2
doors to the right. 2 Ladders to the left and a path leading to the upper
left. The waterway is in the middle. Go to the upper left path first and
examine another Valve. Now, Open it. Now, return to the intersection and head
to the ladder to the Upper Right. In here, tighten the valve that you’ll see.
You will see the gate move below. Then, go back to the intersection. Go to the
lower left ladder. You’ll reach the place where the valve you just opened so
that you can now go to the waterway. Go into the water. Go right all the way
to the next area. In this area, the waterway will be blocked. Go up the 2 sets
of stairs. Now, go to the lower right and get the chest for a Nimble. Now go
into the water again. Go left and go up the ladder that you’ll see. You’ll be
in front of the valve when you get on top. Examine the valve and open it. The
gate will move again revealing a new path. Go down the ladder and to the new
path. There is a ladder here, but you’ll have to fight the Roahcester first.

Boss: ROACHESTER Innate: Blue
HP: 1,245
Spoils: Elbow Pad
+1 Growth

This one is eeky! Yet so strong! Beware when it uses its Jitterbugs. They are
harmful. Use Red Innate Elements and prepare to heal numerous times. You can
also use your character’s Techs. They deal quite a decent amount of damage to
the Roachester.

After the battle, go up the ladder. You’ll see yet another 3 ladders. Go up to
the rightmost ladder. You’ll see Fargo. He’ll thank you for saving him and
will help the other prisoners out. Leave the jail cell through the door. Don’t
go back down. Now, go right and SAVE! No, go in and you will see Riddel. But,
you’ll have to fight the Hell Cook first!

Boss: HELL’S COOK Innate: Red
HP: 2,800
Spoils: Gold Pendant
+1 Growth

He is not that hard. Same strategy applies. Level 1,2 then 3 physical attacks.
Use elements if you have the chance and heal when the HP gets low. There’s no
problem in beating him.

After the battle the soldiers will run out. Orcha, the cook, will then join
your party. He was given some spices that when you hear a bell, you’ll go
nuts! After saving Riddel, you’ll automatically be taken to the Main Hall of
the Manor. Riddel will tell you to go to the Hermit’s Hideaway. Then, Norris
will tell ask you to distract the soldier for them to make an easy escape.
Norris and co. will now leave. After regaining control of you characters, go
up the big room. In here, you’ll fight 3 pathetically pitiful soldiers! Heh!
But, after that you’ll have to fight the Bionic Grobyc.

Boss: GROBYC Innate: Black
HP: 2,800
Spoils: FreeFall
+1 Growth

Although Grobyc is very strong, you can just beat him by using the Level 1, 2,
then 3 attack technique. You can also add in some Elements. Use your white
elements, especially PhotonBeams.

After beating Grobyc, the Porre officer will panic and will call for a big
reinforcement, and I do mean BIG! Fight Guillot!

Boss: GUILLOT Innate: Yellow
HP: 1,101
Spoils: Mythril
+1 Growth

Just when you thought you are facing a weaker enemy. He is incredibly strong!
With that flaming sword, it can easily cut of half or more than half of your
characters’ total HP. Although Guillot has a quite few HPs, use your most
powerful elements to tear him down and you’ll eventually beat him. Heal every

After beating Guillot, your party will start to leave. But, to your surprise,
Guillot stood up again. You will then automatically run to the right towards
the tower where you saw Marcy and the prophet. When your party reaches the
higher floors, Guillot will catch up with you and you’ll have to fight it. Not

Boss: GUILLOT Innate: Yellow
HP: 1,101
Spoils: Mythril
+1 Growth

Just like before, use your most powerful elements to tear him down and you’ll
eventually beat him. Heal every time!

After beating Guillot, it won’t give up yet. You’ll then climb up the ladder.
Suddenly, Guillot jumps up and threatens your party once more. Grobyc will now
enter the scene and helps you by cutting the rope, plunging Guillot and Grobyc
to the ground. Then, Porre soldiers will come in. You’ll have to jump through
the window to escape. Do so. You’ll fall in the Dragon’s Stables. The man here
will also help you leave the place. He will let loose the dragons and they
will stampede and crush the soldiers outside. After that scene, Grobyc will
now join your party, seeing that you are strong. After that, you’ll be
automatically taken to the world map. Now, use your boat to go to the Hermit’s


Inside, go down the ladder to Radius’ house at the end. In here, if you have
Radius, he will have a short talk with the other Radius from the other world.
After that, talk to Zoah, Karsh, Marcy and then finally, Riddel. She will then
join your party. After joining, she will ask if you want to rest. Do so. After
resting, you’ll hear a loud sound outside and you’ll also hear a VERY FAMILIAR
voice. It’s Kid! Serge will now go outside. You’ll see Kid trying to kill
Serge. Then Dark Serge or Lynx will enter. He will tell you that, there is no
escape. Suddenly, Fargo will come in with his pet, Polly. They will carry you
out of Hermit’s Hideaway. After that, you’ll find yourselves at the ship of


You’ll see a scene where Serge will be alone on the deck. He will be
reminiscing the times when he was still with Kid. After that scene go down to
the cabins. You’ll see Fargo and Viper ready to square off. Viper will then
see Serge and will talk to him. He will tell you that Lynx has made it to the
Sea of Eden. He will then join you. So do Fargo, Marcy and Zoah. After
joining, you’ll automatically be brought to the Sea of Eden. In here, you will
be told that this is the Pearly Gates. You need the blessings/relics of the 6
dragons so that you will be allowed to enter. Also, you will know that the
entrance through the pearly gates is found in the other world. After this,
Harle will ask you something. It doesn’t matter how you answer. She will be
talk to herself at the deck of Fargo’s Ship and she will leave your party
permanently. Now, go back to the Home World and go to Fargo’s Ship and bring
the Fargo in your party.


With Fargo in your party, go talk to the Fargo in this ship. Your Fargo will
be able to convince the Fargo of this world to head to Marbule. Now, S.S.
Zelbess will tag along the ship of the Magical Dreamers to Marbule. You’ll see
a scene where the Sage of Marbule and the other Demi-Humans sing the song of
Marbule. After that, the concert of Nikki will start. I’ll just give you a
brief description of the concert. The concert’s plot is, in my opinion, the
same as what happened to Fargo and Zelbess. Zelbess once thought that humans
and Demi-humans can live together in harmony. Then she met Fargo in a ship.
Just as the play did. And the song of Marbule will be taught. You’ll also see
Nikki, put a much more lively rhythm of the Song of Marbule (the Song of
Marbule was already lively). That’s basically the concert. After the concert
of Nikki, your party will be heading towards the boat to go to Marbule. Fargo
will then receive his Tech, Invincible. Once you board the boat, you’ll be
taken automatically to Marbule. Here, you’ll have to beat ALL the blue
monsters (Lagoonates), to finally liberate Marbule. There are 9 of them. 7 are
in the first area, and the other 2 are the back. You’ll hear the sound of the
dragon after you’ve beaten every monster. After that, you’ve liberated
Marbule!! Now, exit to the World Map. Save, and head to Opassa to the ‘Another
World’. Then, use the boat and head to Guldove.

Key Item:
Sapphire Brooch
Pelvic Bone

upon entering, you’ll see Orlha fight off Porre soldiers. Their leader will
tell you to help them beat the girl. They thought that you are really Lynx.
Then, Orlha will come in and fight you.

Boss: ORLHA Innate: Blue
HP: 1,800
Spoils: Mythril
+1 Growth

She is much tougher than she looks. Just concentrate on attacking and using
strong Red elements against her. She’ll go down in no time.

After fighting, you’ll order the Porre Officer to pull back. Then, a scene
with Orlha will commence. You will explain to her how you got your body and
that you are really Serge. She will give you the Sapphire Brooch. When you
return to your body again, show it to her and she’ll help you in your journey.
Now leave the clinic and head to the Dragon Shrine. Talk to Direa and Steena
about the Dragons. Now after receiving info, head back to the boat. Before
leaving, talk to the trading man here and he’ll give you the Pelvic bone. Now
leave Guldove. Let’s start the quest for the 6 Dragons. In the world map, head
to the Hydra Marsh once more.

Key Items:
Ancient Fruit Good BackBone
Safety Gear Life Sparkle
Hydra Shadow (Tech)

Go to the area where you saw the Beeba who gave you the Beeba Flute. You’ll
see the Beeba in trouble so help him. After saving his life from the other
monsters, he will give you the Ancient Fruit that can tame even the wildest
among the Wingapedes. After receiving the Ancient Fruit, go to the area to the
right. Get the chest in this area for an Electrojolt then head to the upper
right until you reach yet another area. Talk to man here and he will give you
his spare Safety Gear. Now, you don’t have to worry about walking through the
poisoned marshes. Now, see the big hole in the middle? Jump in! At the bottom,
you’ll fight the De-Hydrate.

Boss: DE-HYDRATE Innate: Black
HP: ?
Spoils: Freefall
+1 Growth

He isn’t tough. Just use the regular Level 1, 2, then 3 combo and punch in
some nasty elements to easily beat this monster. Try to use as much white
elements as you can. Also, you can trap a BlackHole Element from it.

After the battle with the de-hydrate, you’ll receive the Hydra Shadow Tech.
After that, get the chest at the bottom for a Pendragon Sigil B. Now, leave
this area and you’ll be back at the Marshes. Move on to where you fought the
Hydra way back in the beginning when you were trying to save Kid from the
poison. Fight the enemies here. Get the Life Sparkle from the chest in the
middle. You’ll need it to get one of the characters in the game. After
retrieving the Life Sparkle, head back to the Save Point. Then, go south to
the next area. In here, go south to the 2nd intersection where you can go
either North, East, South, or West. Go east first and go inside a small cave
opening. Once inside, press the examine button (default is X). You’ll get the
Good Backbone. You’ll also see a chest here, right? There is a Tablet inside.
From this chest, head south until you reach the next screen (don’t go back to
the intersection). Get the chest here for a Copper then go down the small
waterfall to the left. You’ll now be able to exit the Hydra Marsh. Do so. In
the world map, go to Opassa and head once more to the Hydra Marsh at the Home


Go to where the Beeba once more. Move on and save at the save point. Go to
area where you got the Safety Gear (it is a wide-open space). In here, blow
the Beeba Flute by using the square button and selecting Beeba Flute. The
wingapede will come and attacks you.

Boss: WINGAPEDE Innate: Green
HP: 430
Spoils: AeroSaucer

Another weak boss. Just attack! Attack! And attack again! :) He won’t give you
any problems at all.

After beating the Wingapede, the floor will crack. Walk over it and you’ll
fall down. In here, you’ll see the monster. Fortunately, it was knocked
unconscious by your fall. After regaining control of your characters, get the
chest in this area for a RecoverAll. Now, leave the Hydra Marsh just as you
did a while ago. When you reach the world map, go in Hydra Marsh once more!

Go back to where the Beeba was. You’ll fight another set of Beebas here. After
fighting it, it will tell you to go to his friend at the next area. Save first
then go right to the next area. There’s a new Beeba here. Talk to it and it
will tell you that you can blow the flute here. After talking with the Beeba,
blow the flute right away. The wingapede will now come in. This time, you will
be able to tame it. On the world map, you’ll be riding the wingapede. Just
press left and you’ll head to Gaea’s Navel. When you are already on top of
Gaea’s Navel, press X to enter it.

Key Items:
Green Relic
Green Brooch
Resistance Ring
6 Denadorites

Upon entering, you’ll be greeted by a Cave Woman by the name of Leah. She
reminds me of Ayla from Chrono Trigger. After a short talk, she will join your
party. To get the chest that you see here on top of a ledge, you have to go
right. The tree will cover your party. During this time, press up and left to
go around and get up the ledge. Get the chest for a Denadorite. Now, head back
to the large area where the Wingapede dropped you off. Go left and go up the
ladder to where Leah jumped from and get the chest for a Green Brooch. You’ll
have to fight Pterodacts here. Go back down. To be able to reach the Dragon,
you have to fight as many enemies as you can in this place. So, just keep on
pounding every enemy you meet. Now, from the ladder, head left towards the
next screen. In here, save your game. Then, get the chest to the north for
another Denadorite. Now head left (don’t go back down to the save point) and
go down the Stone Ladder (I’ll use this term for the ladders here at Gaea’s
Navel). After getting down the stone ladder, go right and get another chest
for yet another Denadorite. After that, go all the way to the left to the next
screen. In here, go left past the ladder and get another Denadorite. Go back
and climb up that Stone Ladder. Then, go right to the next screen. Get another
Denadorite (there sure are a handful of them!). Go left back to the previous
room. Go up the Stone ladder that you see here. Get another Denadorite and
fight another batch of Pterodacts. Go down this stone ladder. Go around to the
right, up the ramp, so that you can cross the bridge that you see to your
left. You’ll reach another area after crossing that bridge. In this area, go
up the stone ladder. Head left to the next screen. In this new screen, which
is where you started, go down the vines. Now, go left again to the save point.
Before saving though, head up the stone ladder just beside the save point. Get
another Denadorite and fight another batch of Pterodacts. Go down and Save
your game. Now back right to the first area. You’ll notice that it’s quite
quiet around here. Then, you’ll have to fight a boss.

Boss: TYRANO & PTERODACT Innate: Red
HP: 1,600 (Tyrano)
Spoils: Resistance Ring, Inferno
+1 Growth

Although considered a boss, they are pretty easy. Tyrano’s advantage is his
HP. Just use physical attacks and you can beat them easily. Use your Curative
Elements if every you need it only. Tyrano is quite small here compared to the
ones in Chrono Trigger

After that fight, Leah will notice something and runs to the north. After
regaining control your characters, I suggest you save first as a VERY tough
battles lies ahead of you. After preparing, follow Leah. In this new area,
you’ll see the Green Dragon God. Go to him and tell him that you’re seeking
the blessing of the Dragon. Now fight!

Boss: GREEN DRAGON Innate: Green
HP: 3,700
Spoils: Genie
+1 Growth

This boss is really rough! If you’ve played FF8. Which attack from a NORMAL
enemy (not bosses) scared you most? Of course, Malboro’s Bad Breath! This
dragon has this attack also! Although compared to the Bad Breath, this one
causes a random status ailment while Bad Breath inflicts ALL status ailments.
After the first or second Bad Breath you will start to lose accuracy, not
being able to use elements, decrease in your evade, Poison, Burns, etc. But
all you have to do really is attack. Try to retain at your element level so
that you can use at least level 3 elements. Just heal your party members,
which I think you’ll do the most. You can trap a Carnivore Element from the
Dragon though.

Note: You can steal a Green Plate from the dragon. It will protect you from
Green Innate Attack elements.

After the fight, seeing that you truly deserve the dragon’s blessing, the
dragon will give you the Green Relic. After a little chat, Leah will
officially join your party. Now, head back one screen. If you happen to forget
where you should use the Flute, stay beside the Yellow Rock (stand to the
right of it) and blow the Beeba Flute there. Once you reach the hydra marsh,
just leave this place. In the world map, save your game. Now go to the Water
Dragon Isle to the south of Arni to get another Relic.

Key Items:
Blue Relic
Scaley Dress
Magic Ring

Upon entering, you’ll see a couple of big leaves and small islands. Your goal
here is to be able to reach the end by stepping on the leaves. Here’s what you
should do. Jump to the first leaf. It will take you to the next island. In
this island, use the northern leaf. In the next island, Go to the lower right
leaf first. You’ll get an Ice Blast from a chest. Now go back 2 islands. Hop
on the upper right leaf. You’ll reach a save point. Save your game. Head up to
the next screen. You’ll see a couple of blue monsters here (Lagoonates). At
the end, you can go up to either 1 of the 3 ladders. Go up using the middle
ladder and you’ll reach another area. In this particular area, there are 2
doorways and 2 ladders (one of which leads to the northern door. Go down the
southern ladder. Move on south until you reach a Save Point. Save your Game.
Go down the ladders. You’ll see a blue monsters behind the waterfall. Defeat
it and go inside to the back and get the Scaley Dress. After that, return to
outside and continue going down. At the end, beat the big monster blocking the
door. After beating it, go inside. You’ll see the Water Dragon God. Go to it
as near as possible, then press examine button. Ask also for the blessing of
the Dragons and the dragon will test you.

Boss: WATER DRAGON Innate: Blue
HP: 2,800
Spoils: BlueWhale
+1 Growth

As with the previous dragon. This will be a tough one (but not as tough as the
Green Dragon). Use Lynx or a Red Innate character (if you have one in your
party) be the attacker. Have the 2 other characters heal your party. If you
have a chance, have the other 2 attack also.

Note: You can steal a Blue Plate from the dragon. It will protect you from
Blue Innate Attack elements.

After the fight, the Water Dragon will give you the Blue Relic. Leave its
chamber and head back up to the Save Point and save. At the area where there
are 2 doors and 2 ladders (one of which leads down to the save point), go to
the top door and get the Magic Ring. Now, leave the place. In the world map,
save again if you wish. Now, go to the Earth Dragon Isle, which is to the
north of Termina.

Key Item:
Yellow Relic
2 Mythrils
2 Denadorites

Upon entering, you’ll see a quicksand at the north. Go in! Press and hold the
right button at the same time RUN. When you reach the area below, you have to
go to the right. After that, fight the enemy that you see for a chest
containing a Mythril. Go to the right and jump down the hole at the end.
You’ll be taken back outside. The man outside will be shocked that you
actually survived the quicksand. Talk to him and he’ll tell you that they have
to prepare so to remove the big thing blocking the way at the bottom (we need
not go there a while ago to save time). In the world map, save and then go in
the Isle once more. Go in the quicksand again. Now, go left again here.
There’s a chest is press left. It contains another Mythril. Then, continue
down. Go south and talk to man here. He will explain to you how to remove
those big things, the RockRoaches, out of the way. He will then give you the
Explosives. Go south to the next area. Get the chest to the left for a
Denadorite. Now go all the way to the right until you reach a stagnant
RockRoach. Stand directly in front of it and use the square button and select
Explosive. The RockRoach will fall down and cover the hole. Now, go down the
ladder here and talk to another man. He will explain to you how to be able to
blast the RockRoach. First, you must defeat it when it is at the end of the
cliff then you’ll be able to make it a stagnant one and push it to the bottom.
So, when the RockRoach is at the cliff, quickly run to it and defeat it. After
beating it, it will remain stationary and you can push it over the cliff to
cover yet another hole. Now, go south and talk to another man. He will tell
you that something might happen if you cover the 3 holes. After that, head
right first and get a chest for a Denadorite. Now go left and go down the
ladder there. You’ll be at the bottom floor now. In here, go right, beat the
RockRoach, and push it to another Hole. Now go to the new sand boil. After
landing on top, move on south to the next area. Now you’ll meet the Yellow
Dragon. Talk to it and ask again for the blessing of the Dragons and it will
begin to test you by attacking.

Boss: YELLOW DRAGON Innate: Yellow
HP: 3,100
Spoils: ThundaSnake
+1 Growth

Just use the same strategy you did on the Water Dragon. Except now, use Green
Innate characters. Radius will be a good choice here.

Note: You can steal a Yellow Plate from the dragon. It will protect you from
Yellow Innate Attack elements.

After the fight, it will give you the Yellow Relic. Now, go back and use the
sand boil again and then, leave the Earth Dragon Isle. In the world map, go to
Opassa Beach and head for the Another world. Once you are in the Another
World, go to Marbule.

Key Items:
Black Relic

In here, all you have to do is go to the back and beat the Black Dragon. This
battle will be hard.

Boss: BLACK DRAGON Innate: Black
HP: 3,900
Spoils: GrimReaper
+1 Growth

Another tough battle. This Dragon has a very high attack rating and simple
attack from him will surely shock you. He also some very nasty Elements
especially its gravity attacks. For this battle, just prepare EVERYBODY so
that they can heal the party anytime. Use Physical attacks and White Attack

Note: You can steal a Black Plate from the dragon. It will protect you from
Black Innate Attack elements.

After the battle, it will give you the Black Relic and will leave Marbule. Now
go back out to the world map. You can now go back to the Home World and get
Miki at the Restaurant in S.S. Zelbess. It’s very optional though. After
getting her, or not, go to Mt. Pyre at the Another World.

Key Items:
Red Relic

Inside, go to where you fought Solt and Peppor before. There are 2 paths to
take there. To the north and to the right. Go to right to the next screen. In
here, there are 2 paths to take (note that you really have to walk on lava),
take the left one. Get the chest here for a MagmaBomb. Move on to the next
area. Now move on again until you reach another area. In here, you’ll see the
big salamander and the mini-dragon you fought earlier. Talk to the mini-
dragon. You’ll have to fight him again. But now, he’ll show his true form.

Boss: RED DRAGON Innate: Red
HP: 3,400
Spoils: Salamander
+1 Growth

This dragon now has 2 forms. First is the little and pathetic form. You can
easily beat it by using physical attacks. Then, he will transform into a real
mean dragon. It’s fire attacks are really strong. Just concentrate on
attacking physically and using Blue Attack Elements. Heal at once if your HPs
get low.

Note: You can steal a Red Plate from the dragon. It will protect you from Red
Innate Attack elements.

After the fight, you’ll receive the Red Relic. Now, leave Mount Pyre. With all
the 5 Dragon Relics, go to the Sky Dragon Isle to the West of the World Map
(North of Gaea’s Navel).

Key Item:
White Relic

After entering, move on and up the large set of stairs to the next screen.
Here, you’ll see the Sky Dragon. Talk to it and it will give you the final
test of the Dragons. (Of course, another fight! Duh!)

Boss: SKY DRAGON Innate: White
HP: 3,800
Spoils: Saints
+1 Growth

Another weak boss. Just attack! Attack! And attack again! :) He won’t give you
any problems at all.

Note: You can steal a White Plate from the dragon. It will protect you from
White Innate Attack elements.

After the battle, you’ll receive the White Relic. The Relics are now complete.
Leave to the world map. If you try to go to the Dead Sea at the Home world,
you won’t be able to enter. You must gain Serge’s real body back first. So
don’t go there yet. Instead, go to Guldove.

Key Item:
Dragon Emblem

In here, go straight to the Dragon Shrine. Go in and use the Tear of Hate by
pressing the square button at Direa. Direa will be shocked to see the shard of
Dragon Tear. She will give you now the Dragon Emblem. This has been in the
tribe for generations. This will help you gain the trust of the Shaman in the
other world (HOME). So, leave Guldove, go to Opassa and head to Guldove in the
Home World.

Key Item:
Dragon Tear

Go to the Dragon Shrine. Talk to the guard by pressing the square button and
using the Dragon Emblem. The Shaman will let you enter. She knows you
somehow... because She’s Steena!! She will now give you the Whole Dragon Tear.
As an addition, she will join your party. Now, after having her join your
party, leave Guldove and enter Pyre Shore.


In here, you just have to pass through Mt. Pyre to Fort Dragonia. If you
haven’t passed through here before, just go through. Our main goal is to Fort

PenDragon Sigil A

Upon entering Fort Dragonia, Steena (if she not in your main party) will tell
you to put the Dragon Tear on the Tablet. This will open all the dragon
switches here. You don’t have to go through the puzzles anymore. If she’s with
your party, just put the Dragon Tear on the tablet. The same thing will
happen. Now, go to the Big Room where the save point is. Save, then head to
the door in the middle. Upon entering, you’ll meet Dark Serge (Lynx). You’ll
now have to fight him.

Boss: DARK SERGE Innate: Black
HP: 3,000
Spoils: PenDragon Sigil A
+1 Growth

He’s moderately hard. He has the same Techs as Serge do. Just use White Attack
Elements and heal if necessary. Beware of Dark Serge’s Feral Cats. It will
deal quite a big amount of damage.

After beating Dark Serge, he will leave. If you have the Big Egg Key Item, use
the elevator to go down. Below, examine the middle incubator with the Square
button and use the Big Egg. You’ll see the Egg hatch. Here comes Draggy!!!
This Dragon is cute! He will think Serge is his mother for a while. Then, he
will join your party, hoping that you could find his real parents. Now, use
the Elevator to go all the way up. Further up from where you fought Dark
Serge. In here, you’ll be back, again, in the place you first saw in the game.
Go on and use the Teleporter. It is on. On top, move on. Steena will tell you
that you must go on alone. So, Serge leaves for the room and leaves the party
behind. When in control of Serge, examine the thing in the middle. It will
show you the Evolution. From water, the creatures started to come out and
dominated the land. Until one day, Lavos came and brought destruction. The
humans evolved into a more intelligent ones after survive Lavos’ arrival.
After that, you’ll see an FMV where Serge was reborn again. Finally, back to
good ‘ol Serge. Serge will now come out of the room to meet his friends again.
(WHERE THE H@#L DID HE GET HIS CLOTHES?) After returning, you’ll also get the
other Dragon Tear shard, the Tear of Love. Now, leave Fort Dragonia. In the
world map, prepare the Elements of Serge and then save. Time to go to the Sea
of Eden.

Earring of Light

Once inside, you’ll find yourself in a place like the world map. Here, examine
either one of the 3 Fate Distortions. A new map will show up. It’s the real
Sea of Eden. There are 4 islands here. One in the middle, which is elevated,
and 3 small islands forming a Triangle. Go to the top left island and enter
the Past Island. Inside, examine the Triangle in the middle (Atropos). Next,
head to the Present Island below the elevated ones and examine another
triangle (Clotho). Finally, head left to the Future Island. Examine the
triangle again (Lachesis). This time, you have to fight them.

HP: 2,500
Spoils: Earring of Light
+1 Growth

They pack quite a punch! Their elements will surely deal a great amount of
damage to your party. Take advantage of it’s Green Innate. You can use Black,
Red and Yellow elements against it. I saw that these 3 color does a decent
damage to it. Just heal your characters if their HP reaches half already.

Note: if you last chose the Future, you’ll fight Vita Duo, if Past, Vita Uno,
if Present, Vita Tres.

After beating Vita Duo, the Island in the middle will come down. Leave this
island and go to the middle island (Future ruins) and enter Chronopolis.

Key Items:
Card Key
PhysNegate HellBound
Yellow Brooch Magic Seal
Forget-Me-Not Pot

Upon entering, move on. You’ll listen to the conversation of the 2 shadows at
the right. You’ll notice that they are talking about FATE and about
experimenting time. Move on, at the end you’ll fight one of the HARDEST
enemies in Chrono Cross.

Boss: POLISPOLICE Innate: White
HP: 3,200
Spoils: PhysNegate
+1 Growth

As I’ve said, this is one of the Hardest bosses in the game. It can KILL any
party member in one turn with its Bazooka. It does around 700+ HP damage to
you (of course, it’s a different story in the New Game+ mode). The best way to
beat it is to use your most Powerful elements and hopefully you will be able
to beat it as fast as possible. Beware also of its MegatonPunch. It will deal
a VERY BIG damage also. Things you need? 80% Luck (hoping he won’t use
Bazooka), and 20% strategy (Elements). In my first game, it did its Bazooka 2
times!!! Only Serge is left with only one Revive! How can I win? :)

After beating that damn robot, go down the ladder to your left. Go around and
get the chest for a Yellow Brooch. Now, head back up and enter the door at the
end to the next screen. In here, the path will be closed. So, go right.
Examine the cabinet here for a Nostrum. Then, examine the Hatch and go down.
Upon entering, go up and examine the switch. It will reveal a path. But
another path is missing, so go left. Examine the computer and you’ll be able
to control the Robo-Sewer-Wash. You can control it by using the Directional
Pad. It can also walk or run. Be careful and don’t let it fall into the water.
Just follow the paths. To quit, just press Triangle Button. You can also get a
White Brooch and a CureAll here. It’s pretty easy. Your goal is to reach the
other side to able to switch on the opposite switch you press a while ago.
This will reveal another path. Quit by pressing Triangle. Now, when you regain
control of your characters, go right and walk/run through the new paths. Go up
the ladder at the end. You’ll be in the opposite room of the hatch you came
down before. Examine the computer here, and the door that was closed will now
open. Now, go to the North to the next screen. You’ll be in a large building
of some sort with an elevator in the middle (which is locked), and 2 doors at
the left and right sides.

Go to the right door. In here, don’t go up the ladder yet. Go around it and
get the Forget-Me-Not Pot from the chest. After getting it, go up the ladder
up to the 2F. Go through the left door. In this new area, you’ll reach a laser
door. Just go through it. Beware of a robot also (nothing to worry about).
Now, go through the lower left door to the next area because the door north of
it is locked. In this area, go left past the elevator and enter the room
there. In here, you’ll see a LARGE map of El Nido on the floor. Now, talk to
the shadow standing on the map. It will tell you that El Nido was originally
only an Ocean (I compared it’s location in Chrono Trigger and it really is an
Ocean). El Nido was created by FATE. FATE scattered the Records of Fate to
know what is happening to its people (so that’s the reason why there are
Records of Fate). FATE continued on watching El Nido until 14 years ago, when
a boy came in contact with the Frozen Flame during the night of the storm
(remember what Miguel told you? It was Serge). After knowing about FATE, go up
and examine the Terminal next to the shadow at the top left. This will
activate the Elevator in this building. Leave this room. Go to the elevator to
the right and go up to the 4th floor. Upon reaching the 4th floor, go to the
right and enter the door there. Upon entering, you’ll see an automatic scene
with the shadows in this room. First, they will be talking about the “Time
Egg” which was supposedly able to affect time and space. They will also talk
about Lucca and her genius theory about space and time. And then, you’ll be
able to use the Time Gates to be able to move through time and space back and
forth. After that, leave the room. Go to the elevator and go up to the 3rd
floor. Upon arriving at the 3rd floor, go inside the left room. You’ll gain A
LOT of info here. You’ll see Lavos shown in a screen. You can examine the
different computers here for the info. There’s info regarding the following:

An alien life-form believed to have arrived on the planet at 65,000,000 BC. He
stayed there, sucking up the life forces out of the planet in order to sustain
itself. He’s also responsible for the Day of the Apocalypse at the year 1999
AD. It was because of the contact of the kingdom of Zeal with Lavos. Even
though, a young band of heroes traveled through time. Knowing what the future
will be, they did everything in their knowledge and power to beat Lavos and
stop the Day of Apocalypse.

The reptites are believed to have a more advanced technology than the first
humans. Most of them are killed during the arrival of Lavos. This marked the
beginning of the evolution of man.

The human body contains 50 to 60 million cells. Each body contains Genes that
carry important genetic information about the body. There are also Chromosomes
(46 total) and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid). These are facts.

After learning these things, go up and enter the door on the upper left. Get
the Rainbow Shell inside. Leave the room. Go right past the elevator and go
inside the room to the right of the elevator. If you go inside, the shadows
will reveal to you that they control the humans through a Neurotransmitter
implanted in the brain. After knowing that fact, go to the door to the right
of the entrance. Beat the robot and get the chest for a HellBound. Leave the
room, where the brains are. Go to the elevator and go to the 1st floor. In
this floor, go through the left door. In here, talk to the shadow at the end
first. After it leaves, Save your game. After that, return back to the
elevator and go up to the 4th floor. In here, go to the room to the left of
the elevator. In this room, go to the left side and beat a robot there. Then,
get the chest for a Card Key. Now, return back to the elevator and you can now
go down to floor B1. Move on and fight just one of the robots. You pass
through them after wards. Furthermore to left, examine the terminal beside the
door. You will be allowed to enter! You are the Arbiter! So, that’s why Lynx
wanted to use your body. He wants to go in and control FATE or even become
FATE itself. Now, go inside the Door. You’ll see the Frozen Flame here and
Kid! Then, Lynx will talk to you. He’ll tell you that he is the incarnation of
FATE, in short, he is FATE himself. He will then tell you about Miguel and
Wazuki at the night of the storm. Here’s what happened, a black panther at
Arni attacked you. Miguel and Wazuki tried their best to find a good doctor to
heal you. Instead, due to the storm, they arrived at the Sea of Eden. That was
then the time Serge made contact with the Flame. It healed you but it damaged
the FATE computer. He will also tell you that FATE was actually planned by
Lucca. With her expertise in science and technology, she was able to create a
more powerful computer than the Mother Brain computer from the future. Then,
you’ll hear the voice of Prometheus (He is actually Robo from Chrono Trigger).
He will plead to you to destroy FATE. Then, the real fight between FATE

Boss: FATE Innate: Black
HP: 5,000
Spoils: Magic Seal
+2 Growth

You’ll think at first that this battle will be hard. It is :) Have Serge as
the main attacker with his Techs and White Attack Elements. Have the others
Heal the party when needed. FATE will start counting down from 5 to 0. The
problem here is that while FATE counts down, it is attacking! When it reaches
0, it will use the DarkEnergy and it will give you a beating.

After beating FATE, Kid will wake up again. She will now try to destroy the
Frozen Flame. Then suddenly, Harle will come in and will try to stop Kid from
doing so. But Kid didn’t listen and tries to destroy the Frozen flame. Then,
you’ll see a scene with the dragons. They seem to be happy with the
elimination of FATE. Then, you’ll see an FMV of the Terra Tower. Kid will now
explain what happened. There has been a Time Crash in the year 2400 AD, where
Chronopolis was hurled back 10,000 years. You will then know that this was a
backup plan of Lavos, incase he will be beaten. In this case, he was beaten by
Crono and co. But then, another city was hurled to the past of this reality.
It’s Dinopolis. The descendants of Azala, the leader of the Reptites, control
this city, which is also known as the Terra Tower. After that, you’ll see a
FMV of the merging of the 6 Dragons. Then, after a few scenes, you’ll find
yourself in the Ship of Fargo together with some of your party members, the
Dragoons (Zoah, Karsh, Marcy), Viper and Riddel, and Fargo. They will talk
about what happened back at the Sea of Eden. Then, Riddel will tell you that
Kid is resting up at Hermit’s Hideaway with Radius. Then, you’ll be asked to
choose your party. After choosing, you’ll be taken to the World Map in the
Another World beside S.S. Invincible. From here, let’s go to the Divine Dragon
Falls. It is not marked in the map so I’ll explain how to get there. From
Arni, head east and you’ll see a lake right? Directly to the north of this
lake is a falls. Go there and press the examine button. You’ll be able to
enter the Divine Dragon Falls.


Inside, just move on until you reach a small room with 2 small pillars. Use
the square button and put the 2 Tears that you have, one on each pillar. It
doesn’t matter which Tear you put on a pillar, what’s important is that you
put one on each. Then, you’ll see the lights combine and you’ll now get the
Chrono Cross! After getting the Chrono Cross, go out to the world map. From
here on, you can go to the Temporal Vortex (note: you can also do this anytime
if you have the Chrono Cross). So, go to the Home World and go to the Hydra
Marshes and enter the Temporal Vortex (the Dimension of Sprigg).

Party Members!

After arriving here at the temporal vortex, a pop-up window will appear
telling you that the Chrono Cross is having reactions because of the unstable
conditions in the vortex. Then, right away, use the Chrono Cross item by
pressing the square button. You’ll now see Serge stand in the middle and then
the Chrono Cross will teleport all the characters you acquired in your
previous game. After doing this, you can now have the complete collection of
characters. Now, head back out to the world map. Go to the “Another” World and
head to Hermit’s Hideaway.


Inside Hermit’s Hideaway, go to the beds and examine Kid. The Chrono Cross
will shimmer. You will then find yourself (only Serge) at Lucca’s House! (It
is really the house of Lucca in Chrono Trigger!).

Note: You can also use the Mastermune here. If you use it, you can bring your
2 party members with you at Lucca’s House.

Key Item:
Ice Gun
Stardust Cape
Diva Dress
Rainbow Shell

Upon arriving at Lucca’s House. Talk to the robot, Gato. It will tell you that
there are persons trapped in the flame. Now, beat the fire monster in front of
the door. After beating it, examine the clock to the right and a Kid will come
out. He will give you a Rainbow Shell for freeing him. After that, go inside
the door. Here, don’t go up the ladders yet. Go inside the North room. Get the
Stardust Cape inside and then leave the room. Now, go up the left stairs. In
this room, get the Ice Gun from the Green Plate at the top right corner of the
room. Then, go to the south door (don’t go down the ladders yet). In here,
you’ll be at the second floor overlooking the first floor. Get the Diva Dress
and return back inside the room and head down the stairs. Head up the right
stairs. In here, go around to the left and go through the south door. Save the
kid from the monster. Talk to him and he will tell you that there are some
other kids trapped in the house. Then you’ll receive a Nostrum. Return to the
previous room. Now, go to the upper right corner and go down the hatch/panel.
Now, in this area, just head south until you reach another area. This new area
is fiery!

Now, you’ll see pictures on the wall. These are the pictures of Crono and
company from Chrono Trigger. You’ll see Crono, Marle, Lucca, Robo, Ayla, and a
picture of Lucca with Kid. That’s all there is. By the way, the door where you
came has Lucca’s picture on it.

To the North room. To remove the fires, go near it and use the Square button
then the Ice Gun. After the flame is vanquished, go to the north door. You’ll
see a FMV of the burning pictures of Crono, Marle and Lucca. And then, you’ll
see Harle and Lynx. They will leave immediately. After that, you’ll save Kid
(the kid here is Kid herself). After that, you’ll see a Sad scene between
Serge and Kid outside the house of Lucca. The powers of the Chrono Cross will
start to fade and Serge will come back to Hermit’s Hideaway. Here, Radius will
tell you because of the love of Serge for Kid. After Kid wakes up, she will
now officially, permanently, happily, join your party. Whatever... Before you
leave, Radius will tell you that Luccia is looking for you. She has a message
for Kid. Now, go to the World Map, have Kid in your party, and then save.

From here on, you can get Mel into your party. You must meet the following
conditions to get her. First, you should have cured Kid from the Hydra Poison.
Second, you should have chased Mel after she stole Kid’s elements. And
finally, you must not scold Mel. I mean, you should still be good to her after
what she did.

If you think you’ve done these 3, then go to Guldove in the “Another World”.
If not, skip the next part about Guldove and continue at the Viper Manor.


Now, make sure you have Kid in your party. And then, go directly to the
residential area. Talk to Mel. She will ask Kid if they could talk alone. I
don’t understand what they talked about. But after that, she will now join
your party. After joining, you can now go to the Viper Manor.

Sight Scope
Rainbow Shell

Once you arrive at the Viper Manor, go in the main door. In the main hall, go
through the right steel door and head down the ladder at the end. In here, go
to the door, which is 2nd from the right. In here, talk to Luccia. She will
give you Lucca’s letter to Kid. Remember? Kid was in Lucca’s house. Lucca made
her house to an orphanage of some sort. The contents of the letter are mainly
to ask how Kid is doing. Lucca will be talking about Janus also. I wonder, is
Serge related to Janus somehow? (In Chrono Trigger, Janus is the sister of
Schala during the Dark Ages, 12,000 BC. Janus is actually Magus. Janus was
transported to the year 600 AD by Lavos and was known during that time period
as Magus). After that get the Rainbow Shell. Then, go back up to the main
hall. Go North through the top door. In here, you can now access the steel
door to the right, which was guarded by a Robot a while ago. Go in and head to
the right tower. In this room, you’ll see 4 pillars and 4 squares. Push those
pillars into the squares. It doesn’t matter which pillar you put in the
squares, there’s no particular order. After that, you’ll see a Chest in the
middle. Examine it from behind. You will find a letter from Solt and Peppor.
They took the contents for some good reason. They want to see you with Karsh
in your party at the Isle of the Damned. After reading the letter, head back
to the main tower. In here, go north and examine the Arm Rest again. Go up.
Upon reaching a save point, you may save your game, then head right on to the
next area. In here, you’ll see a small creature in the pond. Examine it using
the Life Sparkle Key Item and it will join you. You can name it. The default
is NeoFio. Before leaving the manor, go to the upper right and go up the
ladder. Get the Sight Scope from the chest. After that, leave the Manor and
head to the World Map. Save your game. Bring Karsh with your party and head to
the Isle of the Damned.

Axiomatic (Tech of Karsh)
Key Item:
Momento Pendant
2 Denadorites

In here, it’s pretty much the same as when you came here earlier in the game.
Just head to the place where you fought Garai for the Einlanzer. There, you’ll
find Solt and Peppor. They will tell you about the murder of Dario. Then,
you’ll see a flashback at Termina where Dario and Karsh were practicing.
Riddel will come in with flowers. She will give each to Glenn, Dario and
Karsh. Then, the scene will change into them, being grown ups. Dario and
Riddel will decide to get married. You’ll now see that Karsh has feelings for
Riddel also. Maybe this is the reason of Dario’s murder. Not... :) We’ll see
about that later, the Masamune sure has something to hide :) (remember what
happened to Radius and Garai?) Now, you’ll have to fight Solt and Peppor for
the last time.

Boss: SOLT AND PEPPOR Innate: Yellow
HP: ?
Spoils: 2 Denadorites
+2 Growth

They are pretty easy, just as the way they were a while back when you fought
them. This time, they won’t make a mistake. They will now combine their
attacks for their Dual Tech, CrossCut! It deals quite a big amount of HP on
your character. But nothing much to worry about. Just attack and heal if
necessary. This fight won’t take long.

After the fight, Karsh will receive his Level 7 Tech, Axiomatic. Then, Solt
and Peppor will be sorry and will give you the contents of the Chest back at
Viper Manor. It’s the Momento Pendant! Now, leave the world map and SAVE! I
mean it! Head to Opassa first and head for the HOME WORLD. Now, we will go to
another unmarked location in the world map. At Hermit’s Hideaway, there is a
strong current of water there right? To the left of it, you’ll see a very
small island with white smoke. That’s where were going. Go near it and press
the examine button. Bring Riddel with your main party. Now, enter it. It will
be marked later with the name, Forbidden Island.


In the island, there is a small house to the left. Before entering, prepare
your characters’ elements. Make sure you have the best equipment for your
party. Now, go inside the house. You’ll see Dario! He’s still alive. At first,
he will forget who Riddel is. Not until Riddel shows the Momento Pendant to
Dario. After Dario remembers, the Masamune will take control of him. Karsh
will now tell you the whole story. Dario, Karsh, Solt and Peppor were at the
Isle of the Damned. Dario saw the Masamune and touched it. He was easily taken
in by the Dark powers of the Masamune. Dario will begin attacking Karsh. Karsh
has no other options but to try and defend himself. With one swing of Karsh’
Axe, he was able to hit Dario throwing him away. Then suddenly, Lynx will come
in. He convinced Karsh not to tell what happened. Then he took the Masamune.
It has no effect on Lynx. Of course, he is a bad person already and is much
stronger than the Masamune. He’s FATE remember? So, Karsh really thought that
Dario is dead and was able to keep the secret until now. After that, outside
the house, you’ll see Dario approaching your party. You will then have to beat

Boss: DARIO Innate: Black
HP: 3,500
Spoils: Dreamer’s Scarf

He is extremely hard. His normal physical attacks to more than 100 HP damage
each. And the worst thing is, he also attacks numerous times in one turn. His
Tech, like the PolisPolice at Chronopolis, can KILL one party member
immediately. Always use your most powerful elements, especially Serge’s Techs.
You should have Flying Arrow by now. Just remember to heal EVERYTIME Dario
attacks your party. Be patient.

After beating Dario, you have successfully cleansed the Masamune from evil.
Masa and Mune will talk to each other and they will form the New Mastermune,
the strongest weapon for Serge. After that, you’ll be taken automatically to
the Viper Manor. Here, Dario gives the SnakeFangs Tech of Riddel. After a few
scenes, you’ll be taken automatically to the world map. Now, head for Arni.

ShellFish Frame
Key Item:
Komodo Dragon Scale

Here, talk to the lady who sells elements. She will give you the ShellFish
Frame. You can also get a Komodo Dragon Scale from the man beside the big
Sawfish to the left of the Elements Shop. After getting these items, head back
out to the world map and go to Nikki’s Ship near Marbule. Have Kid in your
party. Talk to Nikki and he will have a short dialogue with Kid. After that,
head to Marbule and you’ll see that it is now a very lovely and beautiful

Key Item:
Master Hammer

This is like a new place! The G Shop has it’s own small hut. Now, after
roaming around and viewing the place, head to where you fought the Black
Dragon. Talk to a guy here (to the left of Toma) and he will sell you the
Master Hammer for 10,000 G. It well worth it. Now, leave Marbule. In the world
map, go to El Nido Triangle. It is located to the mid-South of the map. You’ll
see 3 small island forming a triangle and a place somewhat like the Fate
Distortion you saw at the Sea of Eden.

Key Item:
Star Fragment

It basically very easy to navigate here. In the first area, just move on and
climb the ladder (which is to the north) down towards the next area. In this
area, you MUST get the Star Fragment in a chest here. There is also a Mythril
here. After getting these items, head back out to the world map. Now, go to
the Sky Dragon Isle.


Here, go to where you fought the Sky Dragon. Examine the chest in the middle.
An alien will notice your Star Fragment and will attack your party.

Boss: MEGASTARKY Innate: White
HP: 2,800
Spoils: MagNegate

MegaStarky is very easy. His normal attacks do little damage only. Use your
most powerful Black Elements. Namely, FreeFall and BlackHole. This will make
the battle short. Again, heal if necessary.

After that fight, you have to chase Starky. Once you catch him, press the
examine button. He will now join your party! Now, leave the Isle and head to
Opassa and go to the Another World. Now, have Zappa in your party and head for


Go to Zappa’s house. There will be a short scene with a soldier. After that,
talk to Zappa and your Zappa will show the Rainbow Shell. After forging an
Axe, Zappa will now be able to forge the strongest equipments in the game, the
Rainbow Shell Equipments. You can forge weapons also by using the Smith Spirit
Key Item. But before that, talk to Zippa twice to be able to buy forged
equipments. After buying equipments, leave Termina. Rainbow Shell equipments
has A LOT of item requirements, I’ll make a separate section for that after
I’ve discovered the locations of the Shiny Items. In the world map, bring
Starky with you. Then, head for the El Nido Triangle.


Now, go to the place where you got the Star Fragment in the Home World. Here,
you’ll see the ship of Starky. But you’ll see a big jelly fish blocking the
entrance. Before engaging it, make sure you have a lot of Red Innate Attack
Elements. Now, defeat it.

Boss: ROYAL JELLY Innate: Blue
HP: 1,657
Spoils: Resistance Belt
+1 Growth

He is VERY easy. The only problem is that you can only harm it using Red
Innate Attack elements. Physical attacks and other color innate attack
elements will have no effect on it.

After the fight, you’ll go in the ship. Starky will be happy to see his ship.
Then, Starky will find a way on how to get you up on the Terra Tower. Then,
you’ll be taken automatically to Chronopolis. After Starky finished installing
the anti-gravity device, talk to Kid at the boat and you’ll now fly to Terra
Tower in FMV style.

Pack of Lies Spectral Glove
Defender Plus Earring of Hope
2 Nostrums Heal Plus
Yellow Field Red Field
Holy Healing 2 Black Holes
Green Field UltraNova
Blue Field
3 Rainbow Shells

Upon your arrival at the Terra Tower, save you game using the save point here.
Now, go up the set of stairs and into the room. Here you’ll fight a boss.

Boss: TERRATOR Innate: Yellow
HP: 2,200
Spoils: Yellow Field
+1 Growth

This boss is near difficult. It uses the Omega Yellow Element, which is the
most powerful Yellow Innate Attack Element. Besides this one, you shouldn’t
have any problems at all. Just attack with Green Elements. You can also use
Sonja or Genie here. Just heal every time the party’s HP gets low (about half
to make sure).

After beating it, move on to the next area. Here, go around to the right first
and get the Nostrum. Go back and head left from the door where you came in.
Examine the pillar and it will fall, making a path. Continue left and enter
the door that you’ll see. In here, head down the ladders until you reach a
small waterfall. Don’t go there yet, go right, beat the enemy, and climb down
the red vine here onto the next area. Here, get the Nostrum the head south
east to a door there to the next area. Here, move on. You’ll see a wooden
branch above. Go to it, and let yourself fall. Now, continue moving left until
you see a Big Face. After a short talk, continue left on to the next area.
Here, move on until you reach a door to the right. Go in and get the Pack of
Lies. Go back to the previous area. Now move on to the left and up until you
reach an intersection going either to the right or left. Go left first and get
the Defender Plus. Go back to the intersection and head right to a new area.
Here, walk in the water and climb up the rightmost red vine. Then, get the
chest behind the waterfall for a Rainbow Shell. Then, go up the rightmost red
vine again. From here, just continue heading up the red vines until you get to
a door on the top right. Go in. You’ll be in the area where you pushed the
small pillar before. But now, you’ll be on the second floor. Now, go right and
push the 2 small pillars here. You can now use the 2 paths to reach the
ladders to the north west. Before heading up, I suggest going back to the save
point to save and prepare your characters. Don’t worry about Terrator, he
won’t come back. After saving, head back to the 2 paths of pillars and go up
the stairs. In this area, on the first intersection, head right. On the second
intersection, you can see the next boss to the right. Head left first. Go
around and get the very useful Heal Plus Element. After getting it. Go and
defeat the boss (it’s like an orb, just the same as Terrator).

Boss: PYROTOR Innate: Red
HP: 2,400
Spoils: Red Field
+1 Growth

He is quite hard. He can use Tablets 3 times in a row, thus, giving the field
effect advantage to him. Try to beat him as fast as you can because he also
has an Omega element. The Omega Red (MARVELous!). Always be prepared to heal
the party anytime. Just use Blue Attack elements. IceBerg and Deluge are good

After the fight, head to the door on the upper left to the next area. This
area is pretty much basic. All you have to do is to climb the ladders to reach
a red vine on top. On the way up, you can get a Rainbow Shell and the Spectral
Glove. Continue on to the Red Vine to the next area. Here, go up the rightmost
ladder. Then, go up. You can go left from here, but first, head all the way up
first for another Rainbow Shell. Now, head bath to the left path that you
passed through. Here, go down the middle ladder for a Holy Healing. Then, move
up this ladder and then go to the leftmost ladder and climb up. Move on to the
top left door. You’ll be in a place just like the ones at viper Manor.
Continue on to the left tower. Here, talk to the prophet who turns out to be
Belthasar himself (the Guru of Reason). He will talk about many things. About
Lavos and how he affected time. He will also tell you that Chronopolis was
hurled back from 10,000 years ago due to a time crash. You’ll also know that
the entire El Nido was once the Sea of Eden itself. You also know that FATE
divided a strong entity into the 6 Dragons that you fought. These dragons
wants to destroy the time balance and the Frozen Flame so that’s why FATE
divided them into 6 weaker dragons. And, there are 7 dragons. The other one if
Harle. The 6 dragons sent Harle to destroy FATE so that the 6 dragons can
become one again. After that, the Kids will tell you about the Harmony of the
six elements contained in the Chrono Cross. After that, head all the way up.
Push the switch on the bookshelf near the ladder, and the ladder will be
available now. Go up and get the Chest for a Black Hole. Leave this tower and
head back to the Terra Tower. Here, there’s a new door to the north. Go on to
the next area. You’ll see 6 big crystals here. Just move on to the north to
the next area. Here, you’ll see a teleporter guarded by another boss. Defeat

Boss: ANEMOTOR Innate: Green
HP: 2,500
Spoils: Green Field
+1 Growth

Almost the same as the other 2 bosses, just use your most powerful Yellow
elements against it. Serge’s Techs and white elements prove to be useful also.
Beware again of his Omega Green attack, which will cause big damage. Just heal
when your HPs reach half.

After beating Anemotor, use the circle teleporter. Now, you’ll see a short
scene. You’ll have to disable the beams to be able to remove the shield
guarding the tower. After regaining control of your characters, save your game
first. The North door will be locked and there 2 two paths to either left or
right. Let’s head left first to the next area. In this screen, just continue
moving left and use the circle teleporter at the end. You’ll be taken to where
the left beam originates. You’ll see a large boss here. Defeat it in order to
disable the beam.

Boss: GRAVITOR Innate: Black
HP: 3,000
Spoils: Black Hole
+1 Growth

This one’s entirely different from the other bosses you’ve fought here at
Terra Tower. He has a VERY high physical attack rating and his punches will
really give you a headache. He also has Omega Black that will most likely beat
the H$#l out of Serge. Prepare to use your Revives and your most powerful
Curative elements. Try to use ALL of Serge’s Techs. They damage Gravitor most.

After beating Gravitor, the crystal will be disabled and the laser beam will
go off. Head back to the Save point. Save and prepare for another tough match.
Now, head to the right door to the next area. Here, just move on to the right
and use another circle teleporter. Beware of the wind. It will blow you either
up or down and it can lure you to the enemies that are on guard. The best
thing to do? Run! When you reach the source of the beam, you’ll see the boss
you have to face. You must defeat it in order to advance.

Boss: LUXATOR Innate: White
HP: 3,000
Spoils: Ultra Nova
+1 Growth

He’s basically just like Gravitor. He also has a VERY high physical attack
rating and his punches will really give you another headache. He also has
Omega White element. Prepare to use your Revives (again) and your most
powerful Curative elements. Use all your FreeFalls and Black Holes. Try to
beat him as fast as you can.

After the fight, the right beam will now be disabled. Head back to the save
point. Save your game and prepare your characters for another match (it’s
easier this time). Now, go to the north door. In here, you’ll see the blue
orb. Defeat it.

Boss: AQUATOR Innate: Blue
HP: 2,800
Spoils: Blue Field
+1 Growth

He is much more easier than Gravitor or Luxator. Just Red innate Attacks
elements do make short work of him. Try to use also your Salamander Summon to
make shorter work of him. Just heal your party if it reaches to about 1/3 of
the total HP. You can also trap an IceBerg here.

After beating the 6 bosses, the big circle teleporter will now be activated. I
suggest that you head back again to the save point. Save your game and prepare
for the toughest match here at Terra Tower. Now, go back to the area where you
fought Aquator. Go up the steps and use the newly opened circle teleporter. In
this new area, move on past the door. Go up the stairs. Here’s you’ll
automatically walk up the stairs. You’ll here something speak. Telling you to
come forth. After that, your party will run towards the next area. Here,
you’ll see the real Frozen Flame. Then you’ll see an FMV of the Frozen Flame.
Then, you’ll have to fight Time Devourer which are the 6 Dragons combined into

Boss: TIME DEVOURER Innate: Alternate
HP: 12000
Spoils: Earring of Hope
+1 Growth

Although this one is not that hard, It has a very high HP. All you have to
worry about is it’s physical attacks. Especially the flying attack that
damages all your party members. He will use pathetic elements, actually,
they’re level 1 elements only. When he uses the elements, you will see the
sequence of the Chrono Cross (more to it later). Then, after every 2000 HP
damage to him, he will change in innate color. Again, try to notice the
pattern. Just use the Elements opposite its innate color and you’ll eventually
beat it.

After beating the Time Devourer, Belthasar will come in. Belthasar will tell
you that the one you fought was only a temporary form so that it can appear in
this world. He will tell you that you can most probably meet the actual time
Devourer where it all began. Where Angels Lose their way. (Opassa!) Now, all
you have to do is to wave the thread of time together and fix everything once
and for all. Belthasar will now give you the Time Egg that you can use to go
to where Time Devourer is. Then, you’ll see the transformation of Terra Tower
into a Phoenix in FMV fashion. After regaining control of you characters
afterwards, head to Opassa Beach.

You can also do the Quest of the Criosphinx before going to Opassa Beach. If
you want to do it, go to the Earth Dragon Isle in the Another World.


This place is basically just the same as the Earth Dragon Isle in the Home
World. This time, you don’t have to use the explosives as the holes are
already open. So, go right away to where the Yellow Dragon was supposed to be.
Your party won’t find the Yellow Dragon, instead you’ll see a different and
strong looking monster come at you. It will then commence attack.

Boss: CRIOSPHINX Innate: Yellow
HP: ?
Spoil/s: Sun Glasses
2500 G
+1 Growth Level

Criosphinx is arguably the hardest enemy in the game. He can lounge at most 4
Element Attacks in one turn! Even if your characters are MAXed out, you’ll
have trouble defeating it.

There is an alternative though. You can solve his riddles and he won’t hurt
you. But you won’t get the Sunglasses Accessory (Increases the all-around
offense and defense of the character it is equipped with). I’ll separate the 2
options for you.

#1: You choose to fight to the end

This will be very hard. Make sure you have A LOT of healing elements in your
grids. Criosphinx usually attack 2-4 times per turn so beware. Here are my
suggestions for your party.

Party: Serge, Glenn, anyone
Have everyone equipped with Prism Helmets, Prism Mails, Defender Pluses, any
other accessories, Rainbow Shell Weapons (Except for Glenn. Equip him with the
2 Einlanzers).
Have each party member a RecoveAll, CurePlus, HealAll. Have Healplus on Glenn.
Equip the most powerful elements in your inventory, especially summon elements
(Green Innate preferred).

Now, for the battle. Use your most powerful elements at once after the fight
starts. This will contribute into finishing him quickly and to avoid being
killed at once. After Criosphinx does 2 Element Attacks in a row, heal your
party at once. You’ll never know when he’ll use the Dreaded Omega Yellow
Element. This will be a long and tough battle so try to be patient.

#2: you choose to live and answer the riddles

to do this, just use the Defend option ALWAYS. Now, here are the riddles and
their answers. Remember that, after a riddle, you must use a particular type
of element on Criosphinx. It will serve as your answer. Right after you
answer, he’ll start the next riddle at once. Let’s begin.

Riddle no. 1: Auburn nay the burn, Iron Pyrite nay the fool, all that
Glitters is nay. But silence be.
Clue: Auburn (Brown) nay the burn (not burnt). When Yellow is burned, it
turns brown most of the time. If you do not burn it (nay the burn)
it stays Yellow.
Answer: Use any Yellow element on Criosphinx

Riddle no. 2: In my anger, I see... both the rag to charge at, and the flag
To stop at. Blushing, I walk the royal carpet.
Clue: Royal Carpet (Red Carpet is used to honor great persons).
Answer: Use any Red element on Criosphinx

Riddle no. 3: It isn’t easy being... A friend of the Planet, with the
shallow monster’s eyes. Giving me a sign to Proceed.
Clue: Friend of the Planet (Green is often referred to as the color of the
Answer: Use any Green element on Criosphinx

Riddle no. 4: Mare et Caelum et viola, Give me a melancholy glow. But a
First prize ribbon, makes me feel I’ve Royal Blood.
Clue: Royal Blood is also referred to as Blue Blood.
Answer: Use any Blue element on Criosphinx

Riddle no. 5: Like Pontoon nay the knave, or jolly roger nay the bones,
even the top-rank of self-defense, be no protection from
the plague.
Clue: Black is commonly associated with bad luck, sickness, bad omen.
As with this one, it the plague.
Answer: Use any Black element on Criosphinx

Riddle no. 6: What the extorted one is bled, with knuckles of fear. The
image of a coward when faced with the hottest of heat.
Clue: White is commonly used to denote courage (Courage is the deep meaning
Of this riddle)
Answer: Use any White element on Criosphinx

After answering all of the riddles correctly, the Criosphinx will leave your
party. You have survived but you didn’t get the Sun Glasses from it.


After beating the Criosphinx, or solving all of the riddles, you may now head
to Opassa Beach for the conclusion of the game.


At the beach, you’ll see 3 kids here. They are actually Lucca, Marle and Crono
again from Chrono Trigger. Lucca (violet haired) will tell you what happened
14 years ago. A panther attacked you and you where brought to Chronopolis by
accident. You came in contact with the Frozen Flame. It healed you but it
disrupted FATE. She will also tell you that once, during the Zeal Era in
12,000 BC, Schala was sucked into time together with Lavos therefore binding
them together. Schala however manages to retain half of her sanity. The other
half tends to destroy everything. When Schala heard your cries, she has shown
pity for you. To retain her good nature, she created a clone of herself. And
the clone is Kid. Kid doesn’t believe what Lucca is saying and that’s how it
should be according to Schala. Then, Lucca will plead to you to finally
release Schala from Lavos. When you talk to Crono (Red haired), he will tell
you something also. The 6 dragons sent Harle into joining forces with Lynx so
that she can reach the Frozen Flame and destroy it. About Lynx, he was
actually Wazuki, Serge’s father. When you reached Chronopolis, Wazuki was able
to return you back to El Nido but then, he succumbed to FATE. He was turned
into an image Serge feared the most, a panther. Next, when you talk to Marle
(the girl dressed in white), she will tell you about the prophecies of
Belthasar that these things will happen. He came from the future after being
sent there by Lavos and Zeal. He studied about time and tried to prevent
things from happening. Now, after talking to the 3, if you’re ready, use the
Time Egg by pressing the Square button on the Red Vortex. This will leave you
to the Darkness of time where you will fight the final boss of the Game.
Before entering, your party members will say their speeches (excluding Serge)
and you will be brought to the Darkness of Time and fight Time Devourer that
is Lavos and Schala in one.

Boss: TIME DEVOURER Innate: White
HP: 15000?
Spoils: none

Unlike the Time Devourer you fought earlier, this one uses much stronger
elements. With its high HP and high defense, this will take you a while to
beat. Try to use EVERY strong attack element in your arsenal. Heal your party
from time to time to prevent being Ko’d. Be patient with this battle. And Good
luck in finishing the Final Boss of the game!

Beating him with Chrono Cross:
If you have the Chrono Cross Element, you can use it to free Schala from
Lavos. The pattern should be Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Black, White then you
can use the Chrono Cross. If you used the Chrono Cross with any other
combinations, it will have no effect at all and you just wasted it. You can’t
get it back anymore. If you managed to use the Chrono Cross properly, you’ll
get Ending #1 of not Ending #7.


As with its predecessor, Chrono Cross has numerous endings. Here are the ones
that I’ve discovered so far. I don’t know the best ending yet. I’ll discover
it when the time comes.

Ending #1: Condition/s for this ending:
- After beating Time Devourer for the first time in Terra Tower,
go to Opassa Beach and battle Time Devourer for the last time.
And use the Chrono Cross Element.

This ending is quite hard. You’ll have to arrange the elements so that you can
use the Chrono Cross. From 1st to last, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Black, White
then the Chrono Cross. The battle will be over and you’ll new see the ending.
First you’ll see a letter from Schala (Kid). You’ll then be shown a short
synopsis of the story. Then, you’re characters will say goodbye to Serge
(everyone in the ‘Another World’ will never see Serge again because Serge will
return to the Home World once and for all). After that scene, you’ll see the
Credits in FMV where you’ll also see some scenes from the game. You’ll also
notice that there are scenes wherein Kid is a real woman searching for Serge
(it includes the city streets of Japan). During this FMV, a nice Japanese Song
will be played in the background. Then, finally, you’ll see Kid holding the
Amulet. Finish!

Ending #2: Condition/s for this ending:
- Defeat Time Devourer after getting Harle

You will see a scene just like the New Marbule in Another. Then serge(still in
Lynx’s body) and Harle will come out in one of the house. Then he will be
chosen by the chief of Marbule to be the new leader of demi-humans. Then you
can also see a scene in the entrance of Sea of Eden. Zappa, Radius and Fargo
are there to fight Lynx (still in Serge’s body). But Kid will enter the screen
to fight the 3.

Ending #3: Condition/s for this ending:
- Defeat Time Devourer after Harle leaves the party permanently
(right after you see her at the deck of S.S. Invincible)

Harle went to Chronopolis to stop Lynx. But then, Kid stops and fight her. So
Lynx was able to go straight to the laboratory saying he will become FATE
himself. Then the record of fate in Arni turns black.

Ending #4: Condition/s for this ending:
- Defeat Time Devourer after you defeat Fate at the Sea of Eden

The Dragon God is shown in the Sky Dragon Isle with the Marbule chief and the
elf chief. They are planning a revenge on the humans. Then Harle is shown in
Arni. There are no more humans in Arni. Then Harle picks up a flower then goes
to cape howl to bring flower to Serge's grave.

Ending #5: Condition/s for this ending:
- Defeat Time Devourer with Serge alone

You will be at the lobby of Viper's Mansion the Peppor and Solt will welcome
you. There's a lot of characters here that you can speak to but their names
are changed to the name of the developers of the game. I guess they made this
ending to say thanks to the people who played the game =Þ.

Ending #6: Condition/s for this ending:
- Defeat Time Devourer after getting Poshul (Serge and Leena’s

Leena welcomes Serge at the pier after he went training to become a fisherman.
Then Kid is shown staying at Viper’s Manor. There, she defeats Lynx alone then
she wished to be El Nido's lord from the Frozen Flame. Then she is shown with
the 3 divas and defended El Nido from Porre's attack. As a conclusion, she
conquered other lands easily with the help of the Frozen Flame.

Ending #7: Condition/s for this ending:
- Defeat Time Devourer (Lavos and Schala) at the Darkness of time
without using the Chrono Cross

This is a pretty bleak ending. All you’ll see is that Lavos and Schala were
defeated and you didn’t release her from Lavos. After that, the Credits, in
FMV with a small screen on the right will show up. After that, it’s the end.

Ending #8: Condition/s for this ending:
- Defeat Time Devourer at the Darkness of time after Lynx poisons
Kid with the Hydra Poison in the beginning. Don’t choose to
find the Hydra Humour and you should have Leena with your

In this ending, you’ll see Serge find a job at Lisa’s Element shop at Termina.
Leena will be jealous. She will wonder why Serge didn’t accept the job offer
at Arni. Then, you’ll see Kid at the Viper Manor with Norris. Norris saved Kid
from the Hydra Poison. After that scene, you’ll see Solt, Peppor and Pierre
charge at Fort Dragonia! It looks like Serge and co. during the beginning
sequences of the game. It’s hilarious.



The elements are arranged in alphabetical order. Here the description and
explanation of the elements:

Name of element (type: Attack, Support, Curative)
- description of the Element

Innate: Innate Color Consumable: yes/no
Level: element level Area of Effect: Who are affected
Level Range: +- Price: if it can be bought
Location: Shop/Chest/Spoils



- shoots a sonic blast at your foe

Innate: Green Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: 240 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- throws blades of razor-sharp air to slice foe

Innate: Green Consumable: No
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-6 Price: 80 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


ANTIBLUE (Support)
- Only if innate color Red. Temporarily seals Blue elements

Innate: Red Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: ?
Location: Marbule


ANTIDOTE (Curative)
- heals poison and green status effects

Innate: Green Consumable: Yes
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 15 G
Location: Termina and Arni Element Shops


- Only if innate color Yellow. Temporarily seals Green elements

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: ?
Location: Marbule


- hurls a large sphere of water at opponent

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: 100 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- blasts foe with high pressure water stream

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 1 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-7 Price: 50 G
Location: Termina and Arni Element Shops


BLACKOUT (Curative)
- removes black status effects

Innate: Black Consumable: Yes
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 15 G
Location: Termina Element Shop

BRACE (Curative)
- heals sprains and yellow status effects

Innate: Yellow Consumable: Yes
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 15 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- encases foe in a cage of thorny brambles

Innate: Green Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: 100 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- slices foe with a cloud of whirling leaves

Innate: Green Consumable: No
Level: 1 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-7 Price: 50 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


CAPSULE (Curative)
- restores HP (medium)

Innate: Yellow Consumable: Yes
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: ?
Location: Termina Element Shop


CURE (Curative)
- restores HP (small)

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 1 Area of Effect: Single Ally/Enemy
Level Range: +-1 Price: 100 G
Location: Arni and Termina Element Shops


CURE ALL (Curative)
- only if innate color Blue. Restores HP (large)

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 5 Area of Effect: All Allies
Level Range: +-3 Price: -
Location: -


CURE PLUS (Curative)
- Restores HP (medium)

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Ally or Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: 220 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


DIMINISH (Support)
- temporarily halves element damage

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 6 Area of Effect: All Allies and Enemies
Level Range: +-2 Price: 1,670 G
Location: Guldove


- hurls a lightning bolt down on your opponent

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: 240 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- shocks foe with an electrical discharge

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-6 Price: 80 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- hurls sphere of flame at enemy

Innate: Red Consumable: No
Level: 1 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-7 Price: 50 G
Location: Arni and Termina Element Shops


- burns enemy on a pillar of flame

Innate: Red Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: 100 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


GENIUS (Support)
- temporarily increases your Magical Power

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-4 Price: 430 G
Location: Guldove


- crushes foes with a supergravity field

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: All Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: ?
Location: Termina Element Shop


- blows away foe with a ball of pure gravity

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 1 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-7 Price: 60 G
Location: Guldove


HEAL (Curative)
- restores HP (small)

Innate: Green Consumable: No
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally or Enemy
Level Range: +-6 Price: 100 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


HEAL ALL (Curative)
- Restores HP (medium)

Innate: Green Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: All Allies
Level Range: +-4 Price: 300 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- attempts to remove the soul from one’s body

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-0 Price: 100 G
Location: Guldove


HIRES (Support)
- temporarily increases your defense

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-4 Price: ?
Location: Marbule


- freezes your foe in a cage of ice

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: 240 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- hurls an icicle spear at unsuspecting foe

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-6 Price: 80 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


IMBECILE (Support)
- temporarily decreases foe’s Magical Power

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: 430 G
Location: Guldove


- (Only if Innate color Green)
Detects your opponent’s HP data

Innate: Green Consumable: No
Level: 6 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-2 Price: 880 G
Location: Guldove


LORES (Support)
- temporarily decreases opponent’s defense

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: ?
Location: Marbule


- makes lava gush out from beneath foe

Innate: Red Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: 240 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


- (Only if Innate Color White)
Temporarily nullifies foe’s magic attacks

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 6 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-2 Price: 2,880 G
Location: Guldove


MAGNIFY (Support)
- temporarily increases element damage by 1.5

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 6 Area of Effect: All Allies and Enemies
Level Range: +-2 Price: 1,670 G
Location: Guldove


MEDICINE (Curative)
- heals the flu and blue status effects

Innate: Blue Consumable: Yes
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 15 G
Location: Arni and Termina Element Shops


- drops comet down on an unsuspecting foe

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-6 Price: ?
Location: Termina Element Shop


NIMBLE (Support)
- Temporarily increases physical evade%

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-4 Price: -
Location: Marbule


- (Only if innate color Red)
Temporarily keeps hit% of basic attacks at 99%

Innate: Red Consumable: No
Level: 6 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-2 Price: 2,880 G
Location: Guldove


NOSTRUM (Curative)
- restores HP (large)

Innate: Black Consumable: Yes
Level: 6 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 60 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


NUMBLE (Support)
- temporarily decreases physical evade%

Innate: Blue Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: -
Location: Marbule


OINTMENT (Curative)
- heals burns and red status effects

Innate: Red Consumable: Yes
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 15 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


PANACEA (Curative)
- Removes all status effects

Innate: White Consumable: Yes
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: -
Location: -


- (Only if Innate color Yellow)
Temporarily nullifies foe’s physical attacks

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 6 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-2 Price: 2,880 G
Location: Guldove


PURIFY (Curative)
- removes all status effects

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-4 Price: 210 G
Location: Guldove


RECOVER ALL (Curative)
- restores HP (medium)

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: All Allies
Level Range: +-5 Price: 380 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


REVENGE (Attack/Curative)
- Shifts your status effect onto enemy

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 5 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-3 Price: 600 G
Location: Guldove


REVIVE (Curative)
- recovers friend from incapacitated status

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 1 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-7 Price: -
Location: ?


SEAL ALL (Support)
- Only if innate color black. Temporarily stops everyone’s element

Innate: Black Consumable: No
Level: 6 Area of Effect: All Allies and Enemies
Level Range: +-2 Price: ?
Location: Marbule


- Temporarily increases your attack power

Innate: Red Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-4 Price: ?
Location: Marbule


- temporarily increases your Magical Defense

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-4 Price: 430 G
Location: Guldove


TABLET (Curative)
- Restores HP (small)

Innate: Red Consumable: Yes
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 10 G
Location: Arni and Termina Element Shops


- spears foe with shards of shattered earth

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 3 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-5 Price: 100 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


UPLIFT (Attack)
- lifts out and drops block of stone on foe

Innate: Yellow Consumable: No
Level: 1 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-7 Price: 50 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


WEAKEN (Support)
- Temporarily decreases foe’s attack power

Innate: Red Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: ?
Location: Marbule


- temporarily decreases foe’s magic defense

Innate: White Consumable: No
Level: 4 Area of Effect: Single Enemy
Level Range: +-4 Price: 430 G
Location: Guldove


WHITEOUT (Curative)
- removes white status effects

Innate: White Consumable: Yes
Level: 2 Area of Effect: Single Ally
Level Range: +-0 Price: 40 G
Location: Termina Element Shop


Note that ALL trap elements are Consumables and affect only one enemy. If you
try to use multiple traps on one enemy, the last one you made will be the only
trap that is activated. Example, if you set a Unicorn Trap element at a foe,
then you set FrogPrince Trap Element, the Unicorn will be removed/discarded
and thus, FrogPrince will be the current Trap.

Note: You can buy most of these traps at Marbule. I’ll include the price on
the next update. As of now, Marbule is the only place I remembered where you
can get these trap elements.

Note on trap elements: All of them are consumable, +-0 Level Range and affects
a single enemy only. Their respective names are the actual name of the element
that they are trapping. I just added the (S) to those that trap Summon
Elements. About the location, I’ll also include the spoils and chest

Name Level Price Element to Trap Where Innate
Carnivore 5 - Carnivore Marbule Green
Deluge 5 - Deluge Marbule Blue
EarthQuake 5 - EarthQuake Marbule Yellow
FreeFall 5 - FreeFall Marbule/Mt. Pyre Black
FrogPrince 7 - (S)FrogPrince Marbule Blue
Golem 7 - (S)Golem Marbule Yellow
HolyLight 5 - HolyLight Marbule White
Iceberg 6 - Iceberg Marbule Blue
Inferno 5 - Inferno Marbule Red
MotherShip 7 - (S)MotherShip Marbule Black
RedWolf 7 - (S)RedWolf Marbule Red
Sonja 7 - (S)Sonja Marbule Green
ThundaStorm 6 - ThundaStorm Marbule Yellow
Tornado 6 - Tornado Marbule Green
UltraNova 6 - UltraNova Marbule White
Unicorn 7 - (S)Unicorn Marbule White
Volcano 6 - Volcano Marbule Red


- (only if innate color Blue) Calls on Neptune’s anger to create a tsunami

Innate: Blue Location: Blue Dragon (Water Dragon Isle)
Level: 8 Area of Effect: All Enemies
Level Range: +-0

- (only if innate color Blue)

Innate: Blue Location: Blue Dragon (Water Dragon Isle)
Level: 7 Area of Effect: All Enemies
Level Range: +-0

- (only if innate color Green) A wind djinn blows your foes away with a

Innate: Green Location: Green Dragon (Gaea’s Navel)
Level: 8 Area of Effect: All Enemies
Level Range: +-0

- (only if innate color Black)

Innate: Black Location: Gravitor (Terra Tower)
Level: 7 Area of Effect: All Enemies
Level Range: +-0

- (only if innate color White) Army of angels attacks foes and heals party

Innate: White Location: Sky Dragon (Sky Dragon Isle)
Level: 8 Area of Effect: All Allies and Enemies
Level Range: +-0

- (only if innate color Red) Use salamander’s breath to incinerate foes

Innate: Red Location: Red Dragon (Mount Pyre)
Level: 8 Area of Effect: All Enemies
Level Range: +-0

- (only if innate color Yellow) an electric serpent zaps anything in its

Innate: Yellow Location: Yellow Dragon (Earth Dragon Isle)
Level: 8 Area of Effect: All Enemies
Level Range: +-0



Techs are special elements that can only be used by its owner. No one else.
Here are the Techs of each of the characters in alphabetical order
Here’s the description of the columns:
Level = Level needed to learn/use
Area = Effect Area (How many Allies/enemies are affected)
1A = 1 ally
AA = All Allies
1E = 1 enemy
AE = All enemies
1O = 1 enemy or ally
AO = All enemies or allies
Description = What does this Tech do

DOC Level Area Description Innate = White
High Five 3 1E Throw your weapons high up in the air
Gnarly 5 1E A chiropractic attack that crushes foe’s bones

DRAGGY Level Area Description Innate = Red
CoughDrop 3 1E Cough up a little breath of fire
CoughMix 5 AE Cough up fireball, then beat wings to magnify it

FARGO Level Area Description Innate = Blue
Pillage 3 1E Plunder opponent’s treasure
Cannon Balls 5 AE Call for support fire from the S.S. Invincible

FUNGUY Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
Lumber Jack 3 1E Make like a wood cutter and chop foe to pieces
Spore Cloud 5 1E Shoot a cloud of spores from your mushroom cap

GLENN Level Area Description Innate = Green
Dash & Gash 3 1E Build up momentum for a stronger slash attack
Sonic Sword 5 1E Technique taught to him by his late big brother
Dive & Drive 7 1E Pierce foe from above and finish with a kick

GRECO Level Area Description Innate = Red
Clothesline 3 1E Charge with outstretched arm to knock foe flying
Flip-Flop 5 1E Do a gymnastics lead up to a spinning drop kick

GROBYC Level Area Description Innate = Black
RocketFist 3 1E Shoot off left arm to punch a foe in the face
HairCutter 5 AE Power up cyborg hair to generate laser saber

HARLEQUIN Level Area Description Innate = Black
Moon Beams 3 AE Use Lunar Energy to create blades of light
Moon Shine 5 AA Use Lunar Energy to protect your party
Lunairetic 7 AE Create a Lunar Eclipse that causes destruction

IRENES Level Area Description Innate = Blue
Water Breath 3 1E Exhale a powerful blast of salt water
MerMelody 5 1A Play a tune on your harp to heal a party member

JANICE Level Area Description Innate = Red
BeatIt 3 1E Beat enemy with your trusty bunny-drum
24Carrots 5 1E Bounce carrots off drum as true “Beater Carotene”

KARSH Level Area Description Innate = Green
Dragon Rider 3 1E Jump on your dragon to make a charge attack
Axial Axe 5 AE Send Aura into Axe and throw it in a circle
Axiomatic 7 1E Spin axe around to build up power for final blow

KID Level Area Description Innate = Red
- 3 1E -
Red Pin 5 1E -
HotShot 7 1E The death-blow machine created by Lucca

KORCHA Level Area Description Innate = Blue
Headbutt 3 1E Swim in the air and dive head-first at opponent
Hook&Sinker 5 1E Snag a foe on fishing line and reel him in

LEAH Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
RockThrow 3 1E Hurl huge boulders at opponent
TailSpin 5 1E Swirl tail around to create a tornado attack
TripleKick 7 1E Leap up and kick from different directions

LEENA Level Area Description Innate = Blue
Maiden Hand 3 1E A real slap in the face to body and soul
Maiden Heart 5 self Virgin’s prayer to recharge Element’s Power

LUCCIA Level Area Description Innate = Black
Pin-Up Girl 3 1E Practice the pinning of a specimen on your foe
Mix & Match 5 1E Chemical compound causes multiple status effects

LYNX (SERGE) Level Area Description Innate = Black
GlideHook 3 1E Slice opponent as you gently fly past him
Feral Cats 5 AE Invokes a pack of magical cats to attack
ForeverZero 7 AE All things become eternal nothingness

MARCY Level Area Description Innate = Blue
Cat’s Cradle 3 1E Pierce the enemy with your secret strings
String Phone 5 AE Send a cold signal down you secret string line

MEL Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
Snatch 3 1E Steal your opponent’s possessions
Doodle 5 1E Use your opponent as a piece of drawing paper
Tantrum 7 AE Stump on the ground so hard it causes quakes

MIKI Level Area Description Innate = Red
HeadPopper 3 1E A dance that’s bound to make heads turn
Sexy Wink 5 1E A lusty look that’ll make any foe go gaga
DanceOnAir 7 AE Dance in the sky while attacking with airwaves

MOJO Level Area Description Innate = Black
Voodoo Dance 3 1E Perform a mystic dance that curses your foe
Cartwheel 5 AE Turn yourself into a living Catherine Wheel

NEOFIO Level Area Description Innate = Green
PopPopPop 3 AE Shoot forth a barrage of flower seeds
SlurpSlurp 5 1E Send out tendrils to soak up foe’s HP

NIKKI Level Area Description Innate = Blue
Grand Finale 3 1E Break beloved Guitar on foe at performance’s end
Chill Out 5 1E Play a cool tune that’ll freeze your worst critic

NORRIS Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
Spiral Ray 3 1E Pierce the enemy with your secret strings
String Phone 5 AE Send a cold signal down you secret string line

ORCHA Level Area Description Innate = Red
Spice of Life 3 AA Scatter secret spice to make party healthy
MysteryMenu 5 1E Turns your foe into the main course!

ORLHA Level Area Description Innate = Red
Multipunch 3 1E A chain attack inherited by a single child
Punch Drunk 5 1E “Drunken Master” attack taught by her parents

PIERRE Level Area Description Innate = Blue
Medalsome 3 self Pray upon the legendary Hero’s Medal for help
Foiled Again 5 1E Gracefully score a double touché on foe

PIP Level Area Description Innate = Red
Pounce 3 1E Hurl body at foe with all one’s might
Soothe 5 AA Gently calm party to restore Stamina and HP

POSHUL Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
K9-Ball 3 1E Curl up into a ball and bounce at foe
DoggyDunnit 5 AE Kick up the dirty stuff from Pooch’s sand box

RADIUS Level Area Description Innate = Green
Long Shot 3 1E Hit foe from afar with Chi Aura
Quick Draw 5 1E Swing your staff faster than the eyes can see
Vital Energy 7 1E Send wave of “Chi” Aura flying at foe

RAZZLY Level Area Description Innate = Green
Raz-Star 3 1E Catch a falling star
Raz-Heart 5 1A A gift from the heart

RIDDEL Level Area Description Innate = White
Snake Eyes 3 AA Use the power of a White Cobra to heal your party
Snake Skin 5 1A Use the power of a White Cobra for protection

SERGE Level Area Description Innate = White
Dash & Slash 3 1E Charge at foe for extra powerful Blade Strike
Luminaire 5 AE Build up and release a burst of “chi” energy
Flying Arrow 7 1E Focus energy on Swallow and hurl yourself at foe

SNEFF Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
Big Deal 3 1E Swiftly and forcefully throw your pack of cards
HP Shuffle 5 self Reorder the digits that make up your HP value
Sword Trick 7 1E A new magic trick like never seen before!

SPRIGG Level Area Description Innate = Green
DoppelGang 5 self Transform yourself into a previously met foe

STEENA Level Area Description Innate = White
Direa Shadow 3 1E Summon the Eidolon of the last shrine maiden
Hydra Shadow 5 AE Summon the Eidolon of the Hydra

TURNIP Level Area Description Innate = Green
VegeChopper 3 1E Lean in air and put all force behind massive cut
VegeMight 5 1E Burrow into the ground to do uppercut from below

VAN Level Area Description Innate = Green
Jump Throw 3 1E A technique learned from a correspondence course
Wet Paint 5 AO throw artist’s paint dots all over the place
PiggyBoink 7 1E Set your precious piggy bank onto your foe

VIPER Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
G-Force 3 1E Utilize Gravity’s Pull to swing sword harder
Airforce 5 AE Make huge blades of thin air and hurl them at foes

ZAPPA Level Area Description Innate = Red
HammerBlow 3 1E Beat the earth to rattle your foe
HammerThrow 5 AE Spin like a top to knock foes flying

ZOAH Level Area Description Innate = Yellow
Dragon Rider 3 1E Jump from your steed to do an elbow-crush dive
Gyronimo 5 1E Fly like a helicopter to make a spinning dive

Here are the dual techs of the game that I’ve discovered so far. Dual Techs
can be accomplished if two characters’ Techs can be combined into one. There
are 44 characters and you might think that each character has 43 Dual Techs
with other characters. That’s way too many. They must be compatible in attacks
(not necessarily weapons), or related to each other. Take note that both
characters must be able to use their respective Techs and then the Dual Tech
will replace them in your character’s element grid. I.E. Serge’s Dash & Slash
Tech and Glenn’s Dash & Gash Tech. They are level 3 Techs so you must attack
until both characters can use level 3 elements. When this is achieved, X
Strike will take the place of the Elements and you can use it.

Here are the Dual Techs:

Char. #1 |Move |Char. #2 |Move |Dual Tech |Innate
Serge |Dash & Slash |Glenn |Dash and Gash |X Strike |Red


In this section, you’ll see the Level 7 Techs of the Characters and how to get

* Listed in Alphabetical Order
DOC Level 7 Tech: Hang Ten

- Give the Medical Book to Doc in the Home World and then he’ll be able to
learn the Tech.
FARGO Level 7 Tech: Invincible

- Right after the Concert of Nikki, and right before liberating Marbule, Fargo
will automatically receive it before you board your boat and go to Marbule.
GLENN Level 7 Tech: Dive & Drive

- Just like Serge, Glenn will acquire it when he reaches level 45 or so.
GROBYC Level 7 Tech: Strong Arm

- Take Grobyc with you in Chronopolis. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor and
then go right and enter the door. There will be a box. Open it and you’ll
acquire the “StrongArm” Tech.
HARLEQUIN Level 7 Tech: Lunairetic

- Just as Serge, Harle will acquire it when she reaches 45 stars or so.
IRENES Level 7 Tech: Siren Song

- Talk to the witch doctor at Marbule in the Home World. He’ll give you a
package for Irenes. Take the package to Irenes in the Sage’s House. She will
then acquire the “SirenSong”.
KARSH Level 7 Tech: Axiomatic

- Get it at the Isle of the Damned. Examine a chest which is inside a room
which is all the way to the right from the library. There, Solt and Peppor
left a note. Go to Island of the Damned and defeat Solt and Peppor and you’ll
receive the Tech.
KID Level 7 Tech: Hot Shot

- While at Lucca’s House, examine the books to the lower left of the room
where you got the Ice Gun. Lucca told in a note that she changed the control
buttons for the machine. And the password is just the same. Go to the first
room of Lucca’s house where you see the robot (Gato) and examine the machine
to the left of the clock. Examine it using L1 and then Triangle, then R1, then
finally, Triangle. You’ll now acquire the Tech.
LEAH Level 7 Tech: Triple Kick

- Leah will automatically acquire it right after she joins your party in
Gaea’s Navel.
LYNX Level 7 Tech: Forever Zero

- Lynx will automatically acquire it when he reaches 45 stars.
ORLHA Level 7 Tech: Sister Hoods

- Take Orlha to Doc in the Home World. There will be a scene where she meets
here twin sister. Her sister dies and she receives the “SisterHoods” Tech
skill. Also, she’ll receive the other half of the Sapphire Brooch that turned
out to be the Blue Brooch.
RADIUS Level 7 Tech: Vital Energy

- Radius will automatically acquire it when you get him in your party.
SERGE Level 7 Tech: Flying Arrow

- Serge will automatically get it when you reach 45 Stars.
SNEFF Level 7 Tech: Sword Trick

- Sneff will automatically acquire it when you get him in your party.
VAN Level 7 Tech: Piggy Boink

- Van will automatically acquire it when you get him in your party.


These items are mainly for forging of equipments. “Where to get it” tells you
the most common way of getting that particular item.

Items: Where to get it
Bone Komodo Pup (Lizard Rock)
Carapace Trading Posts
Denadorite Gaea’s Navel
Eyeball Trading Posts
Fang Trading Posts
Feather Komodo Pup (Lizard Rock)
Fur Trading Posts
Humour Beach Bum (Lizard Rock)
Rainbow Chronopolis and Terra Tower
Shiny Dew Beat enemies with BlueWhale
Shiny Ember Beat enemies with Salamander
Shiny Leaf Beat enemies with Genie
Shiny Salt Beat enemies with Saints
Shiny Sand Beat enemies with ThundaSnake
Shiny Soot Beat enemies with GrimReaper
Scale Opah Fish (Lizard Rock Alternate)
Screw Trading Posts
Seed Trading Posts

Thanks to for his info regarding the Shiny Materials.

Note: These are all that I know as of know. I’ll update it and include the
“Where to get it” info.

Key Items: Description
Angry Scapula These shoulder-blades obviously bore a lot of hatred.
Perhaps the owner hated himself...while alive.
Aroma Pouch When worn, it has the power to make seeds and fruit
Cling to you upon examining plants.
Astral Amulet A small, star-colored Talisman.
Beeba Flute A mysterious flute handed down in the Beeba Tribe.
It allows you to tame the wildest of wingapedes!
Big Egg A Huge Egg found in the Fossil Valley. What kind of
Egg it is remains yet unknown!
Black Relic A Special Treasure received from the Black Dragon God
at Marbule.
Blue Relic A Special Treasure received from the Blue Dragon God
at Water Dragon Isle.
Decor Shield A beautiful shield made of completely ornamental
Purpose. Not of any use in a real battle.
Dragon Emblem A traditional crest passed down the generations at the
Dragon Shrine. The design looks familiar.
Einlanzer The Legendary Dragon Sword Garai once wielded. It is
The only sword able to beat Masamune’s Evil Power.
Explosive An explosive device used by excavation teams.
= Handle with care! =
Fiddler Crab A sculpture of a fiddler crab with a claw that shines
Like a blue jewel. Said to be able to control the tide
Garai Keepsake Just an old mirror. Why it is said to be a momento of
Garai will never be known.
Good Backbone A spine with a good posture that must have come from
a Grandma’s loving training in its former life.
Green Relic A Special Treasure received from the Green Dragon God
at Gaea’s Navel.
Handle A detachable crank-handle that serves as proof that
The casino table is rigged.
Heavy Skull A human skull painted with a Clown’s make-up. It says
It is searching for its body and lost memories.
Heckran Bone The leg bone of a wild Heckran. Perfect for making
Stock to be used in soups and stews.
Hero’s Medal One piece of the three-piece Hero’s Collection. Said
To prove the wearer is a true hero.
Hydra Humour Refined from the body liquids of a Hydra, this liquid
Is the only known antidote for Hydra Poison.
Ice Breath The cold breath of the Water Dragon has the power to
Freeze even the piping-hot magma.
Life Sparkle A Botanical energy that will give life to the Neofio,
a man-made half-human, half-plant, life form.
Manor Key The key to the front door of Viper Manor borrowed from
Old stableman. Bears Viper’s Insignia.
Medical Book = “Cray’s Anatomy” =
Revealing the wonders of the body of the human body.
(Rated R).
Mushroom An expensive delicacy found only in Guardia region.
It’s sort of like Truffles without chocolate.
Pelvic Bone Even from the pelvis, you can see this person had a
Good posture. It is important to have a good posture!
Prison Key A key that opens the dungeon-like prison beneath
Viper Manor.
Prop Sword A sword stage prop found in the ruins of a theater
Red Relic A Special Treasure received from the Red Dragon God
at Mount Pyre.
Relief Charm No need to participate in battles when friends can
Fight or you!
Safety Gear Poison-Resistant clothing that an exploration party
Had spared to lend to Amateur Adventurers.
Sapphire Brooch A brooch that has a blue stone, which appears to have
Been broken in two, set inside of it.
Shark Tooth An Amulet, Kiki’s Father made from a Lion Shark Tooth
10 years ago when he decided to be a fisherman.
Smith Spirit Whenever there’s a customer, a blacksmith will be
there! Just summon the Master Smith’s Spirit...
Star Fragment It looks just like an ordinary starfish, but is said
To have a Secret Power.
Station Pass Without this pass, it is impossible to proceed through
The stations turnstiles.
Sturdy Ribs The owner must have done various Gymnastics and
Aerobics in order to build a body this solid.
Tear of Hate A shard of the shattered Dragon Tear.
Tear of Love A shard of the shattered Dragon Tear.
Tele-Porter Let’s you change party members on the world map or
When standing in reach of Records of Fate (Save pts.)
Time Egg A legendary item that is a complete enigma. It is
Believed to break the bonds of time.
Time Shifter Controls the flow of time...
R2 Button = Fast Forward
L2 Button = Slow Motion
White Relic A Special Treasure received from the White Dragon God
at Sky Dragon Isle.
Yellow Relic A Special Treasure received from the Yellow Dragon God
at Earth Dragon Isle.


Here are the weapons found in the game. Basically, as you progress in the
game, the different Blacksmiths/shops that forge equipments will upgrade also.
Here’s a sample and the description.

Type = it is the type of the weapon. Also includes the characters that can
Use this particular weapon type
Name = The name of the weapon
Requirements/Location = The item requirements will be shown if it can be
Forged. The location, on the other hand, will show
Where to get the weapon, be it a chest or Spoils.

character/s that can use the weapon:
character1, character2, etc.


Requirements/Location G needed to forge

- arrange by type of weapon

character/s that can use the weapon:
Karsh, Leah, Funguy


1 Copper : 1 Humour : 1 Iron : 1 Fang 560 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Copper : 1 Fang : 1 Humour 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Copper : 1 Mythril : 1 : Fang : 1 Screw 2,000 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Copper : 1 Screw : 2 Fangs 7,980 G

character/s that can use the weapon:
Van, Mel


1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Fur : 1 Scale : 1 Feather 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Denadorite : 1 Fur : 2 Feathers : 2 Scales 7,980 G

1 Iron : 1 Feather : 1 Scale 420 G

1 Mythril : 1 Feather : 1 Scale : 1 Fur 1,600 G

character that can use the weapon:


You’ll automatically get it when Janice joins your party 150 G

character/s that can use the weapon:


1 Copper : 1 Feather : 1 Humour 150 G

1 Denadorite : 2 Humours : 1 Feather : 2 Fangs 7,980 G

1 Iron : 1 Fang : 1 Humour 420 G

1 Bone : 1 Fang 40 G

1 Mythril : 1 Humour : 1 Fang 1,200 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Fang : 1 Feather 21,600 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

character/s that can use the weapon:
Greco, Grobyc, Marcy, Orlha, Pip, Zoah, Miki, Draggy, Skelly


1 Bone : 1 Leather 40 G

1 Copper : 1 Humour : 1 Leather 150 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Humour : 2 Leathers : 2 Fangs 7,980 G

1 Iron : 1 Humour : 1 Leather 420 G

1 Mythril : 1 Humour : 1 Leather : 1 Fang 1,600 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Leather : 1 Humour : 1 Fang 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

character/s that can use the weapon:
Norris, Starky


1 Copper : 1 Mythril : 1 Eyeball : 1 Humour 2,000 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Copper : 2 Scales : 2 Screws 7,980 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Scale : 1 Screw : 1 Copper 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

character/s that can use the weapon:


You will automatically receive it when you get Zappa into your party.


Liberate Marbule from the monsters. After beating FATE, you 10,000 G
can go back to the New Marbule and buy it from the guy who
is in the place where you fought the Black Dragon at the back
of Marbule.

character/s that can use the weapon:


1 Bone : 1 Scale : 1 Iron : 1 Seed 560 G

1 Bone : 1 Mythril 1,600 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Bone : 1 Seed : 1 Scale 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Bone : 1 Denadorite : 2 Scales : 2 Seeds 7,980 G

character/s that can use the weapon:
Irenes, Nikki


1 Copper : 1 Fur : 1 Feather 150 G

1 Iron : 1 Fur : 1 Feather 420 G

1 Mythril : 1 Eyeball : 1 Feather : 1 Fur 1,600 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Eyeball : 2 Feathers : 2 Furs 7,980 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Feather : 1 Fur 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

character/s that can use the weapon:
Guile, Riddel, Razzly


1 Copper : 1 Eyeball : 1 Humour 150 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Eyeball : 1 Humour : 1 Feather : 2 Screws 7,980 G

1 Iron : 1 Eyeball : 1 Humour 420 G

1 Mythril : 1 Eyeball : 1 Screw : 1 Humour 1,600 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Screw : 1 Eyeball 21,600 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

character/s that can use the weapon:
Harle, Sneff


1 Copper : 1 Humour : 1 Feather 150 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Feather : 1 Scale : 1 Humour 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Mythril : 1 Humour : 1 Feather : 1 Scale 1,600 G

1 Iron : 1 Humour : 1 Feather 420 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Scale : 2 Feathers : 2 Humours 7,980 G

character/s that can use the weapon:
Radius, Sprigg


1 Mythril : 1 Eyeball : 1 Humour 1,200 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Eyeball 19,200 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Denadorite : 1 Eyeball 2,660 G

Character/s that can use the weapon:
Serge, Lynx


1 Copper : 1 Humour 100 G

1 Mythril : 1 Eyeball : 1 Humour: 1 Iron 1,600 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Scale : 1 Feather 21,600 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Copper : 1 Humour : 1 Fang 420 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Humour : 2 Feathers : 2 Scales 7,980 G

character/s that can use the weapon:
Pierre, Steena, Viper, Turnip, Glenn, Fargo


1 Copper : 1 Leather : 1 Humour 150 G

Defeat Garai at the Isle of the Damned - G

1 Mythril : 1 Humour : 1 Leather 1,200 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Leather : 1 Humour : 1 Screw 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Iron : 1 Leather : 1 Humour 420 G

1 Denadorite : 2 Leathers : 2 Humours : 1 Screw 7,980 G

character/s that can use the weapon:


1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Fur : 1 Carapace : 1 Humour 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Copper : 1 Carapace : 1 Humour 150 G

1 Mythril : 1 Humour : 1 Fur : 1 Carapace 1,600 G

1 Iron : 1 Carapace : 1 Humour 420 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Fur : 2 Humours : 2 Carapaces 7,980 G

1 Bone : 1 Leather 40 G


Here are the armors found in the game. Basically, as you progress in the game,
the different Blacksmiths/shops that forge equipments will upgrade also.
Here’s a sample and the description.

Name = The name of the armor
Description = the in-game description of the weapon
Requirements/Location = The item requirements will be shown if it can be
Forged. The location, on the other hand, will show
Where to get the weapon, be it a chest or Spoils.
Character/s = the character/s that can be equipped with this armor


Requirements/Location G needed to forge

- arranged in alphabetical Order


1 Bone : 1 Humour : 1 Copper : 1 Fur 200 G

1 Copper : 1 Fur 100 G

1 Copper : 1 Humour : 1 Iron : 1 Leather 560 G

1 Iron : 1 Fang : 1 Fur 420 G

1 Bone : 1 Humour : 1 Scale 60 G

1 Bone : 1 Fur 40 G

1 Mythril : 1 Iron : 1 Humour : 1 Leather : 1 Carapace 2,000 G

1 Mythril : 1 Fur : 1 Fang 1,200 G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Denadorite : 1 Leather : 1 Carapace 24,000 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Soot : 1 Shiny Leaf
1 Shiny Ember : 1 Shiny Salt

1 Mythril : 1 Denadorite : 1 Humour : 2 Leathers : 2 Carapaces 9,310 G

1 Denadorite : 1 Fur : 1 Fang 3,990 G


Here are the different accessories found in the game. Basically, as you
progress in the game, the different Blacksmiths/shops that forge equipments
will upgrade also. Here’s a sample and the description.

Name = The name of the Accessory
Abilities = Status Abilities of Accessory
Requirements/Location = The item requirements will be shown if it can be
Forged. The location, on the other hand, will show
Where to get the weapon, be it a chest or Spoils.
Character/s = the character/s that can be equipped with this armor


Requirements/Location G needed to forge

- Arranged in Alphabetical Order

No Status Abilities

1 Copper : 1 Screw 40 G
Protection against AntiBlack and Black status effects

Fort Dragonia (Another) - G
Improves Evade%

Mt. Pyre (Another) – Spoils (Solt and Peppor) - G
Improves Defense, Evade%, Magic Def.

Viper Manor (Another) – Spoils (Grobyc) - G
Starts you off in battle with your element power level increased by 1

Tower of Geddon – Spoils (Miguel) - G
Protection against AntiYellow and Yellow status effects

Fort Dragonia (Another), Isle of the Damned (Home) - G
Improves Defense

Viper Manor (Another) – Spoils (roachester) - G
Protection against AntiRed and Red Status effects

Fort Dragonia (Another) - G
Increases the amount of HP you have during battle

Mt. Pyre (Another) – Spoils (Acacia Dragoons) - G
A glittering headdress. Increases your defense against Magic

? - G
Protection against AntiGreen and Green Status Effects

? - G
No Status Abilities

1 Iron : 1 Screw : 1 Fang 100 G
No Status Abilities

1 Bone : 1 Screw 40 G
Increases Defense

Viper Manor (Another), Spoils (Hi-Ho Tank) - G
Improves Evade%

? - G
Increases Magic Power (Mgc. +1)

Mt. Pyre (Another) - spoils (Red Dragon) - G
No Status Abilities

1 Mythril : 1 Leather : 1 Fang 1,600 G
Shifts attribute of element attacks received to weapon
(Low to High Level elements only)

Fort Dragonia (Home) – Spoils (Dark Serge) - G
Shifts attribute of element attacks received to weapon
(Low to Mid Level elements only)

Fort Dragonia (Another) – Spoils (Lynx) - G
Shifts attribute of element attacks received to weapon
(Low Level elements only)

Viper Manor (Another) - Spoils (Lynx) - G

1 Rainbow Shell : 1 Fur : 1 Carapace : 1 Humour 16,800 G
1 Shiny Dew : 1 Shiny Sand : 1 Shiny Leaf : 1 Shiny Ember
Decreases the time that status effects last

Gaea’s Navel (Home) – Spoils (Tyrano) - G
Protection against AntiBlue and Blue status effects

Fort Dragonia (Another) - G
Improves Hit%

Viper Manor (Another) - G
Increases the amount of HP you have during battle

Viper Manor (another) - G
Increases HP slightly in battle

Spoils: Ketchop - G
Increases Stamina Recovery Rate

Win at Grand Slam - G
Protection from the Flu, Burns, Sprains, and poison status effects

El Nido Triangle (Home) - G
No Status Abilities

1 Denadorite : 1 Scale : 1 Leather : 1 Fang : 1 Screw 6,650 G


Sample Enemy:
Name(SEX) = of course, the name and the sex of the enemy
Innate = Innate Color
HP = total approximate HP value (I still don’t know how to see the HPs)
Location = where can this enemy be found
Item/s = Items/Equipments/Elements received after winning against it
Stolen Item/s = Items received through stealing (Kid’s Pilfer and
Fargo’s Pillage)
Special Attacks = Attacks that are unique to this enemy. We can consider
These attacks as Techs of the enemy.
Rating = How difficult it is. (Ratings are: Pathetic, Average, Difficult,
IMPOSSIBLE-there are some)

Name (SEX) G: Innate:

HP: Item/s:
Location: Stolen Item/s:
Special Attacks:

- Here’s the enemy list in Alphabetical order

ACACIA PVT (Male) G: 365 Innate: Red

HP: 439/439 Item/s: LoRes
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
AERO-GUARD (Female) G: 780 Innate: Blue

HP: 1026/1026 Item/s: Screw
Location: Chronopolis Stolen Item/s: Denadorite
Special Attacks: Ice Blast, Ice Lance
Rating: Difficult
AERO-GUARD (Male) G: 780 Innate: Blue

HP: 1134/1134 Item/s: Screw
Location: Chronopolis Stolen Item/s: Denadorite
Special Attacks: Ice Blast, Ice Lance
Rating: Difficult
ALPHABAT (Female) G: 64 Innate: Black

HP: 190/190 Item/s: Gravity Blow
Location: Fort Dragonia (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Dark Beam
Rating: Pathetic
ALPHABAT (Male) G: 64 Innate: Black

HP: 210/210 Item/s: Gravity Blow
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Dark Beam
Rating: Pathetic
BEACH BUM (Male) G: - Innate: Blue

HP: 58/58 Item/s: Bone
Location: Lizard Rock (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Squirt Gun
Rating: Pathetic
BUBBA DINGO (Female) G: 8 Innate: Red

HP: 266/266 Item/s: Leather
Location: Fossil Valley (Home) Stolen Item/s: Tablet
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Pathetic
BULB (Female) G: 130 Innate: Green

HP: 532/532 Item/s: Seed
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Bush Whacker
Rating: Average
BULB (Male) G: 130 Innate: Green

HP: 588/588 Item/s: Seed
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: Heal
Special Attacks: Bush Whacker
Rating: Average
CATBURGLAR (Male) G: - Innate: Red

HP: 1234/1234 Item/s: Fur
Location: Mt. Pyre (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Difficult
COMBAT (Male) G: 120 Innate: Black

HP: 420/420 Item/s: Imbecile
Location: Fort Dragonia (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Gravity Blow
Rating: Average
COMBOT (Male) G: 1400 Innate: Red

HP: -/- Item/s: Inferno
Location: Chronopolis Stolen Item/s: Denadorite
Special Attacks: GoBallistic, GunnerGetya
Rating: Difficult
CROSSBONES (Female) G: 164 Innate: Black

HP: 285/285 Item/s: Bone
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
CROSSBONES (Male) G: 164 Innate: Black

HP: 315/315 Item/s: Bone
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
CUPOID (Female) G: 750 Innate: White

HP: 1,083/1,083 Item/s: Panacea
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Slash All, Holy Light
Rating: Difficult
CUPOID (Male) G: 750 Innate: White

HP: 1,197/1,197 Item/s: Panacea
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Slash All, Holy Light
Rating: Difficult
CUSCUS (Female) G: 24 Innate: Green

HP: 380/380 Item/s: Eagle Eye
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: Capsule
Special Attacks: Info Scope
Rating: Average
CUSCUS (Male) G: 24 Innate: Green

HP: 420/420 Item/s: Strengthen
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Info Scope
Rating: Average
CYBOT (Male) G: - Innate: Yellow

HP: 659/659 Item/s: Screw
Location: Fort Dragonia (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Beaten Earth
Rating: Average
CYTOPLASM (Female) G: 210 Innate: Blue

HP: 855/855 Item/s: Nostrum
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Plasma Beam, Aqua Ball, Ice Blast, Cure Plus, Ice Lance
Rating: Average
CYTOPLASM (Male) G: 210 Innate: Blue

HP: 945/945 Item/s: Nostrum
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Plasma Beam, Aqua Ball, Ice Blast, Cure Plus, Ice Lance
Rating: Average
DAFFY DWARF (Male) G: 100 Innate: Yellow

HP: 273/273 Item/s: ElectroJolt
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Hi-Ho Chorus
Rating: Average
DAGGY DWARF (Male) G: 100 Innate: Yellow

HP: 294/294 Item/s: ElectroJolt
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Hi-Ho Chorus
Rating: Average
DEAD BEAT (Female) G: 140 Innate: Black

HP: 171/171 Item/s: Iron
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Pathetic
DEAD BEAT (Male) G: 140 Innate: Black

HP: 189/189 Item/s: Iron, Eyeball
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
DODO (Female) G: 98 Innate: White

HP: 950/950 Item/s: Feather, StrongMinded
Location: Fossil Valley (Home) Stolen Item/s: Mythril
Special Attacks: Peck
Rating: Difficult
DRAGOON (Male) G: 390 Innate: Red

HP: 735/735 Item/s: Ointment
Location: Fort Dragonia (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Difficult
DRONGO (Female) G: 24 Innate: Green

HP: 380/380 Item/s: Mythril, Carapace
Location: Fossil Valley (Home) Stolen Item/s: Carapace
Special Attacks: Pea Shooter
Rating: Average
DUFFY (Male) G: 888 Innate: Yellow

HP: -/ - Item/s: Scale
Location: El Nido Triangle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Needle Work
Rating: Average
DWARF (Male) G: 150 Innate: Yellow

HP: 315/315 Item/s: Upheaval
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Hi-Ho Chorus, HiRes
Rating: Average
ECTOPLASM (Female) G: 210 Innate: Red

HP: 855/855 Item/s: Nostrum
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Strengthen, Fire Pillar, Plasma Beam, Magma Bomb
Rating: Average
ECTOPLASM (Male) G: 210 Innate: Red

HP: 945/945 Item/s: Nostrum
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Strengthen, Fire Pillar, Plasma Beam, Magma Bomb
Rating: Average
GEOS (Female) G: 350 Innate: Black

HP: -/ - Item/s: Eyeball
Location: City Ruins (Sea of Eden) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Heart Color, Genius, Imbecile
Rating: Average
GERRIDAE (Female) G: - Innate: Blue

HP: 494/494 Item/s: -
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
GERRIDAE (Male) G: 216 Innate: Blue

HP: 546/546 Item/s: Aqua Ball
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: Cure Plus
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
GIZMOTOID (Female) G: 492 Innate: Red

HP: 950/950 Item/s: Denadorite
Location: Chronopolis Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: High Beam
Rating: Difficult
GIZMOTOID (Male) G: 492 Innate: Red

HP: 1050/1050 Item/s: Denadorite
Location: Chronopolis Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: High Beam
Rating: Difficult
GLOOP (Female) G: 250 Innate: Blue

HP: 380/380 Item/s: Cure Plus
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
GLOOP (Male) G: 250 Innate: Blue

HP: 420/420 Item/s: CurePlus
Location: Shadow Forest (Home) Stolen Item/s: Numble
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
GOO GHOUL (Female) G: 105 Innate: Yellow

HP: 342/342 Item/s: Eyeball
Location: Fort Dragonia (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Gnash
Rating: Average
GREMLIN (Female) G: 394 Innate: Green

HP: 532/532 Item/s: Humour
Location: Sea of Eden (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Toxic Breath
Rating: Average
GREMLIN (Male) G: 394 Innate: Green

HP: 588/588 Item/s: Leather
Location: Sea of Eden (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Toxic Breath
Rating: Average
GYRO BLADE (Male) G: 1526 Innate: White

HP: -/- Item/s: Meteor Shower
Location: Chronopolis Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Photon Beam, Photon Ray
Rating: Difficult
GYRO BLADE (Female) G: 1526 Innate: White

HP: -/- Item/s: Meteor Shower
Location: Chronopolis Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Photon Beam, Photon Ray
Rating: Difficult
HOTDOGGITY (Female) G: 420 Innate: Red

HP: 792/792 Item/s: Fang
Location: Mt. Pyre (Home) Stolen Item/s: RedWolf (Trap)
Special Attacks: Gnaw Bones
Rating: Average
KOMODO PUP (Female) G: - Innate: Blue

HP: 43/43 Item/s: Bone, Feather
Location: Lizard Rock (Home) Stolen Item/s: ?
Special Attacks: Squirt Gun
Rating: Pathetic
KOMODO PUP (Male) G: - Innate: Blue

HP: 58/58 Item/s: Bone
Location: Lizard Rock (Home) Stolen Item/s: ?
Special Attacks: Squirt Gun
Rating: Pathetic
LAGOONATE (Female) G: 550 Innate: Blue

HP: 969/969 Item/s: Scale
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: Capsule
Special Attacks: Just4Kicks, Trap (Black Element), Numble
Rating: Difficult
LAGOONATE (Male) G: 550 Innate: Blue

HP: 1071/1071 Item/s: Scale
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: Capsule
Special Attacks: Just4Kicks, Nimble, Trap (Black Element)
Rating: Difficult
LANTERN SAW (Male) G: 564 Innate: Red

HP: 609/609 Item/s: Capsule
Location: Viper Manor (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Magma Burst
Rating: Average
LAVA-BOY (Male) G: 700 Innate: Red

HP: 1289/1289 Item/s: Inferno
Location: Mt. Pyre (Home) Stolen Item/s: Flame Charm
Special Attacks: Lava Breath
Rating: Difficult
MAMA DINGO (Male) G: 10 Innate: Red

HP: 525/525 Item/s: Strengthen
Location: Fossil Valley (Home) Stolen Item/s: Poultice Cap
Special Attacks: Bite
Rating: Average
MAN-OF-WAR (Male) G: - Innate: Black

HP: 210/210 Item/s: -
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
MANNEQUEEN (Female) G: 326 Innate: Yellow

HP: 380/380 Item/s: Mythril
Location: Tower of Geddon Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Info Scope
Rating: Average
MANNEQUEEN (Male) G: 326 Innate: Yellow

HP: 420/420 Item/s: Mythril
Location: Tower of Geddon Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Info Scope
Rating: Average
MANTARREY (Female) G: 510 Innate: Blue

HP: 950/950 Item/s: Leather
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Fly Low
Rating: Difficult
MANTARREY (Male) G: 510 Innate: Blue

HP: 1050/1050 Item/s: Leather
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Fly Low
Rating: Difficult
MYXOMYCETE (Female) G: 800 Innate: White

HP: 1,140/1,140 Item/s: Angel Charm
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Meteorite
Rating: Difficult
MYXOMYCETE (Male) G: 800 Innate: White

HP: 1,260/1,260 Item/s: Angel Charm
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Meteorite
Rating: Difficult
PAPER BOY (Female) G: 300 Innate: Yellow

HP: 313/313 Item/s: Capsule
Location: Fort Dragonia (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: PaperMoon
Rating: Average
PAPER BOY (Male) G: 300 Innate: Yellow

HP: 346/346 Item/s: Capsule
Location: Fort Dragonia (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: PaperMoon
Rating: Average
PORRE SGT (Male) G: - Innate: White

HP: 840/840 Item/s: IceBlast
Location: Viper Manor (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Bayonet Plus
Rating: Difficult
PORRE PVT (Male) G: - Innate: White

HP: 735/735 Item/s: AquaBall
Location: Viper Manor (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Bayonet Gun
Rating: Average
POTPOURRI (Female) G: - Innate: Green

HP: - /- Item/s: Aero Saucer
Location: Hydra Marsh (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
PREHYSTERIC (Female) G: 650 Innate: Yellow

HP: 1045/1045 Item/s: Denadorite
Location: Gaea’s Navel (Home) Stolen Item/s: Earth Charm
Special Attacks: Jurassic Beat, Turn Yellow
Rating: Difficult
PREHYSTERIC (Male) G: 650 Innate: Yellow

HP: 1155/1155 Item/s: Denadorite
Location: Gaea’s Navel (Home) Stolen Item/s: Earth Charm
Special Attacks: Jurassic Beat, Turn Yellow
Rating: Difficult
PREYMANTIS (Female) G: 589 Innate: Green

HP: 1159/1159 Item/s: Feather
Location: Gaea’s Navel (Home) Stolen Item/s: Forest Charm
Special Attacks: Stinger
Rating: Difficult
PREYMANTIS (Male) G: 589 Innate: Green

HP: 1281/1281 Item/s: Feather
Location: Gaea’s Navel (Home) Stolen Item/s: Forest Charm
Special Attacks: Stinger
Rating: Difficult
PTERODACT (Female) G: 638 Innate: Red

HP: 1420/1420 Item/s: Inferno
Location: Gaea’s Navel (Home) Stolen Item/s: Cloud Cape
Special Attacks: Flap
Rating: Difficult
PTERODACT (Male) G: 638 Innate: Red

HP: 1575/1575 Item/s: Golem Trap
Location: Gaea’s Navel (Home) Stolen Item/s: Cloud Cape
Special Attacks: Flap
Rating: Difficult
PUFFY (Female) G: 888 Innate: Yellow

HP: 570/570 Item/s: Scale
Location: El Nido Triangle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Needle Work
Rating: Average
QUADFFID (Male) G: 700 Innate: Green

HP: 672/672 Item/s: Bush Basher
Location: Hydra Marsh (Home) Stolen Item/s: Capsule
Special Attacks: Bush Whacker
Rating: Average
ROBO DUCKY (Female) G: 433 Innate: White

HP: 855/855 Item/s: Screw
Location: Sea of Eden (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Difficult
ROBO DUCKY (Male) G: 469 Innate: White

HP: 945/945 Item/s: Screw
Location: Sea of Eden (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Difficult
ROCKROACH (Female) G: 650 Innate: Yellow

HP: 978/978 Item/s: Carapace, Denadorite
Location: Earth Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: Sonja Trap
Special Attacks: Trap (black), LoRes, Spin Off
Rating: Difficult
ROCKROACH (Male) G: 650 Innate: Yellow

HP: 1081,1081 Item/s: Carapace, Denadorite
Location: Earth Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: Sonja Trap
Special Attacks: Trap (black), LoRes, Spin Off
Rating: Difficult
SANDSQUIRT (Female) G: - Innate: Blue

HP: 49/49 Item/s: Fang
Location: Lizard Rock (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Squirt Gun
Rating: Pathetic
SANDSQUIRT (Male) G: - Innate: Blue

HP: 54/54 Item/s: Fang
Location: Lizard Rock (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Squirt Gun
Rating: Pathetic
SCHOOLMATES (Female) G: 741 Innate: Blue

HP: 760/760 Item/s: Scale
Location: El Nido Triangle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
SCHOOLMATES (Male) G: 741 Innate: Blue

HP: 840/840 Item/s: Scale
Location: El Nido Triangle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
SHADOW CAT (Female) G: 476 Innate: Black

HP: 665/665 Item/s: MotherShip (Trap)
Location: Fossil Valley (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Shadow
Rating: Average
SHADOW CAT (Male) G: 476 Innate: Black

HP: 735/735 Item/s: Fur
Location: Fossil Valley (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Shadow
Rating: Average
SIDESTEPPA (Female) G: 854 Innate: Blue

HP: 1292/1292 Item/s: Carapace
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: Anti Red
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Difficult
SIDESTEPPA (Male) G: 854 Innate: Blue

HP: 1428/1428 Item/s: Carapace
Location: Water Dragon Isle (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Difficult
SNIB GOBLIN (Male) G: 152 Innate: Green

HP: 231/231 Item/s: Aero Saucer
Location: Hydra Marsh (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Bush Basher
Rating: Average
SNOB GOBLIN (Male) G: 150 Innate: Green

HP: 252/252 Item/s: Carapace
Location: Hydra Marsh (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
SPEAR FISHER (Female) G: 140 Innate: Blue

HP: 925/925 Item/s: Nimble
Location: Viper Manor Sewer (Anoth.) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Ice Blast, Ice Tongs, Turn Blue, Numble, Nimble
Rating: Difficult
SPEAR FISHER (Male) G: 140 Innate: Blue

HP: 1022/1022 Item/s: Nimble
Location: Viper Manor Sewer (Anoth.) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Ice Blast, Ice Tongs, Turn Blue, Numble, Nimble
Rating: Difficult
SWARMP BUG (Male) G: 140 Innate: Blue

HP: 168/168 Item/s: Carapace
Location: Hydra Marsh (Home) Stolen Item/s: Medicine
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Pathetic
TERRA TERROR (Female) G: 900 Innate: White

HP: 1,330/1,330 Item/s: Nostrum
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: WeakMinded, Meteorite
Rating: Difficult
TERRA TERROR (Male) G: 900 Innate: White

HP: 1,470/1,470 Item/s: Nostrum
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: WeakMinded, Meteorite
Rating: Difficult
TOTAL CHAOS (Female) G: 520 Innate: Black

HP: 437/437 Item/s: Gravitonne, Mythril
Location: Temporal Vortex Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
TOTAL CHAOS (Male) G: 520 Innate: Black

HP: -/ - Item/s: Gravitonne
Location: Temporal Vortex Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
TRAGEDIENNE (Female) G: 480 Innate: Red

HP: 722/722 Item/s: AquaBall, Deluge
Location: Tower of Geddon Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Various Elements (Tornado, Volcano, Deluge, etc.)
Rating: Moderately Difficult
TUTANSHAMAN (Female) G: 800 Innate: Red

HP: 570/570 Item/s: Elbow Pad
Location: Fossil Valley (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Fire Pillar
Rating: Average
TUTANSHAMAN (Male) G: 800 Innate: Red

HP: 630/630 Item/s: Weaken
Location: Fossil Valley (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Weaken
Rating: Average
TZETZE FLY (Female) G: 240 Innate: Black

HP: 304/304 Item/s: Humour
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
TZETZE FLY (Male) G: 240 Innate: Black

HP: 336/336 Item/s: Humour
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
WILL’O WISP (Male) G: - Innate: Red

HP: 420/420 Item/s: Fire Pillar
Location: Isle of the Damned (Home) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
WRAITH (Female) G: 520 Innate: Black

HP: 399/399 Item/s: Leather
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average
WHOOT (Female) G: 840 Innate: Yellow

HP: 1,140/1,140 Item/s: Earth Charm,
Yellow Brooch
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Owl Eyes, LoRes
Rating: Difficult
WHOOT (Male) G: 840 Innate: Yellow

HP: 1,260/1,260 Item/s: Earth Charm,
Yellow Brooch
Location: Terra Tower Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: Owl Eyes, LoRes
Rating: Difficult
WRAITH (Male) G: 520 Innate: Black

HP: 441/441 Item/s: Gravity Blow
Location: Fargo’s Ship (Another) Stolen Item/s: -
Special Attacks: -
Rating: Average


Here is the list of the shops found around the world of Chrono Cross. For the
equipments shops, they have no definite equipments. It means that, as you
progress through the game, the equipments that are on sale are automatically
upgraded so there is no need to put them here. Only the elements.

Arni Village (HOME)

Tablet 10 G
Cure 100 G
Fireball 50 G
AquaBeam 50 G
Medicine 15 G
Antidote 15 G

Termina (ANOTHER)

Inn - 100 G per night

Tablet 10 G
Medicine 15 G
Antidote 15 G
Cure 100 G
Fireball 50 G
MagmaBomb 80 G
Aqua beam 50 G
Ointment 15 G
Brace 15 G
Heal 100 G
Ice Lance 80 G
Bushwhacker 50 G
Aerosaucer 80 G
Uplift 50 G
Electrojolt 80 G

Guldove (HOME)

Element Shop
Tablet 10 G
Capsule 25 G
Nostrum 60 G
Panacea 500 G
Purify 200 G
Recover All 380 G
Ninety-Nine 2,880 G
Infoscope 850 G
PhysNegate 2,880 G
MagNegate 2,880 G
Genius 430 G
Imbecile 430 G
Strong Minded 430 G
Weak Minded 430 G
Magnify 1,670 G
Diminish 1,670 G
Seal All 2,880 G
Revive 600 G

Guldove (ANOTHER)

Trading Post
Eyeball 12 (all elements colors)
Humour 10 (all elements colors)
Feather 22 (all elements colors)
Scale 20 (all elements colors)
Fur 16 (all elements colors)
Leather 18 (all elements colors)
Fang 28 (all elements colors)
Carapace 32 (all elements colors)
Screw 20 (all elements colors)
Seed 14 (all elements colors)


New Game+ is one of the best qualities of the game. As with it’s Prequel,
Chrono Trigger, after you beat the story for the first time, the New Game+
Option will be available to you.

To enable the New Game+ Mode, right after you beat the game, save your file (I
recommend using another Memory Card Slot, if there’s any). After that, in the
main menu of the game, choose continue. Now, select the slot where you saved
the game you just finished (if the color of the star is yellow, it is the game
ending that you saved). After loading, a new menu pops up. You can now select
between New Game+ and Continue+ modes.

In the New Game+ mode, all your weapons (except those that are in the story,
i.e. Mastermune) will be in your inventory. And so are your Elements (with the
exception of the Summons) and your items. As for the Key Items, you’ll have
the Time Egg in your inventory as well as 2 new Key Items. The Relief Charm
and the Time Shifter. The Relief Charm allows another character to replace
Serge in battle. So, you can discover new Dual and Triple Techs. As for the
Time Shifter, it helps you a lot in the New Game+ Mode. When you press the R2
Button, the actions of the characters will increase! Even the stories and
dialogues! And also for battles.

I think, the main reason for the New Game+ mode is the easier discovery of new
endings. With much more powerful characters, all battles can be won easily.


The Bend of Time is located on Both worlds. It is a small Bluish Island to the
West of the Sea of Eden, also to the NorthWest of Marbule. It is unmarked in
the World Map, so just place the boat on the shore of that island and press
the X button. The Screen will fade and you’ll be taken to the Bend of Time.

In Chrono Trigger, there is also the End of Time. There are also pillars of
light which lead to different eras. The Bend of Time is the appearance of the
End of Time on the year 1020 (Chrono Cross Time). They are the same but from
different eras. Let’s go back to the Bend of Time.

Inside, you’ll see a monster which looks like the one which followed you at
the Shadow Forest. If you talk to it, it will tell you that this place is the
Bend of Time and you can fight different monsters you’ve missed throughout the
game. The pillars of light contains different types of enemies from different
places in the game. I’ll try to make a breakdown of monsters for each pillar.

Now, there is a door at the back. You cannot open it on your first game. You
can only open it on the New Game+ Mode. If you tried it on your first game,
the monster will tell you that the door won’t open, whatever you do. So, go
back here when you’re in the new game+ mode.

When you finally get the chance to open the door, prepare your characters for
a very difficult Match. First, talk to the BIG monster in the middle. Now, he
will order you to run around the from Clockwise, 3 times starting from the
wall. Always take note that when running, stay very close to the wall so that
the lap will be counter. You’ll hear a bell when you completed a lap.

After completing the 3 laps, the monster will allow you to fight the 3
Mystical Nights! They are the same Trio from Chrono Trigger!

Boss: OZZIE, SLASH, FLEA Innate: Green, Blue, Red
Ozzie’s HP: ?
Slash’ HP: ?
Flea’s HP: ?
Spoils: Ozzie Pants, Dreamers Sash, Slasher
G: 100
+1 Growth

This battle will be most remembered! Ozzie has this very annoying Tech. The
MaxDefense. It will give 100% evade to Ozzie, Slash and Flea (if they’re
alive). You cannot hit them physically or magically! So, you must DEFEND in
order to survive.

Flea, on the other hand, also has this annoying tech. The Stare. It will
confuse all of your characters. This is bad when the 3 are powered by the
MaxDefense. Why? The confused character cannot defend and will receive full
damage from the attack of the enemy. So, I suggest that you beat Flea first
before the other 2. Flea also has a very high Magical Defense so concentrate
on using Physical attacks on her.

Next, Slash. He’s the strongest physical attacker of the 3. Just use your most
powerful elements on him. Beat him after beating Flea.

Also, you might want to take precautions as Ozzie can also use other elements,
especially Omega Attack Elements! The same goes for Flea!

After finishing that very tedious battle, you’ll get their special items. Now,
the monster in the middle wants to give you something, but you must do a
guessing game first.

It will randomly select a number from 20 below and you must guess it right by
doing laps around the room. It’ll give you 3 hints only to guess the game.
Let’s try to do an example.

Let’s say he chose 10. Now, for example, you walked around the room 5 times
(you must hear 5 bells), then talk to him he will say “Keep on moving around
and around” (I don’t remember the exact words). That’s it. You can talk to it
up to 3 times only. On the 4th time, it will stop the guessing game and you

If you managed to guess the number, he will give you the Dreamer’s Sarong,
which starts you off at Level 8! After that, the monster will leave. You’re
finished in the Bend of Time! :)


As a guide creator also for the sequel of the game, Chrono Trigger, I can see
A LOT of similarities between the 2 games. So, I called it “Chrono Trivia”.
Here’s the list of what I saw, as of now.

1. Here’s a GREAT discovery. In Chrono Trigger, there is a whirlpool, right? I
you don’t remember, it’s the exit from Heckran Cave in 1000 AD and it is to
the right of Lucca’s House. Now, if you put the Epoch on top of the whirlpool
and head to 2300 AD, you’ll be on top of Arris Dome! In Chrono Cross, the Sea
of Eden HAS a whirlpool and ARRIS DOME IS THERE!!! Basically, there is a major
connection between the 2. Thanks to Joe Rivera ( for bringing up
this topic. I was the one who discovered it and Joe told me that there really
is some connection.

2. In the beginning, Serge wakes up in his room. Then her mom told Serge to
meet Leena. In Chrono Trigger, the same thing happened to Crono, the Hero. He
also woke up in his room and her mother told her to meet Lucca.

3. The name “Glenn” was used in Chrono Trigger. It was the real identity of
Frog. The same also goes for Pierre, which a lawyer in Chrono Trigger.

4. Chrono Trigger fans will think of this as Gross. The “Heckran” Bones used
to make the Viper Churros in Termina. Heckran is a gross-looking monster for
crying out loud.

5. Techs are used in both games.

6. Porre and Guardia kingdoms mentioned in Chrono Cross is the same as Porre
Village and Guardia Kingdom back in Chrono Trigger, respectively.

7. Arris Dome on both Chrono games are the same. Except that, the ones in
Chrono Trigger is already in the future.

8. There are also some names that are almost the same on both games. Lucca and
Luccia (Both geniuses). Marle and Harle (Both of them are naughty).

9. The Epoch found at Viper Manor is the actual Epoch used by the heroes of
Chrono Trigger.

10. Toma the adventurer that you met at Marbule is like Toma Levine from
Chrono Trigger. But they are 2 different and distinct characters. They’re just
similar in their way of living. Thanks to Webdoctor for correcting me.

11. Serge and Glenn’s X Strike Double Tech has a similarity with the X Strike
Dual Tech of Crono and Frog. Remember that Frog’s real name is Glenn.

12. Serge and Crono both got 200 G at the beginning of the game. Serge, below
his bed. While Crono, from his mom.

13. Both Serge and Crono lives only with their moms.

14. when you have the Mastermune for Serge, and used the Flying Arrow Tech,
the character behind Serge is Masa and Mune’s combined form in Chrono Trigger.

15. Pierre is a lot like the hero wannabe, Tata, from Chrono Trigger. Both of
them also had the Hero Medal.

16. Both Dario and Cyrus encountered their destiny from the Masamune Blade.
Both of them died with the Masamune. Dario, was killed by it. Cyrus, wasn’t
able to beat Magus with it.

17. In Guldove “Want to become the wind?”, is Masa’s Motto just like in Chrono

18. Ozzie, Slash and Flea at the Bend of Time, is the same Trio from Chrono

19. Ozzie Pants is considered a Helmet in Chrono Trigger, so the description
of it in Chrono Cross is “you can wear them on your head.”

20. Spekkio at the End of Time in Chrono Trigger, also ordered the party to
circle around the room clockwise from the Door. In the Bend of time (which is
most likely the Past of the End of Time - explained on Bend of Time section),
the big monster will order you also to run around the room clockwise from the

21. Turnip looks a lot like Frog. The way it speaks and the way it dresses.
The same goes for their weapon, they use swords. The only difference is Frog
is a Frog and Turnip is a Vegetable.

22. Both Crono and Serge can use the Luminaire Tech.

23. The Final Boss in both Chrono Games is Lavos. Although in this game, Lavos
is with Schala.

24. Gato is also found in both games. In Chrono Cross, it’s the robot that
you’ll see at Lucca’s house. In Chrono Trigger, it’s the robot at Leene’s
Square where you can practice and earn Silver Points. Need I say, both are
created by Lucca?

25. Both Games have New Game+ (sheesh! It’s the most obvious thing and I
forgot to put it here) and it does the same thing. Start another game with
equipments, items, money, level from the previous game.

26. Chrono Cross plays the theme of Crono in the Home World at the World Map.


1. Where can I find this Walkthrough/FAQ?

This walkthrough/FAQ will be updated and posted mainly at
http://WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM. You can also see an updated copy of this walkthrough
on the following site/s. Note that I gave permission to the site/s below so
that they can publish my work in its original and unaltered form.

2. Do you have any other projects in GameFAQs?

Yup. The prequel of this game. Chrono Trigger for the SNES. In some points of
Chrono Cross (which is, FYI, 20 years after the first adventure), some of the
storyline of Chrono Trigger is mentioned. Chrono Trigger is extremely
fantastic and that made me exhilarated so much into playing Chrono Cross.

3. How often do you update?

As long as there is a need to update. I always do it right away. I make sure
all are up to date.

4. Can I just search for text in your guide? It’s quite hard to find an info
about something by looking at every page.

It’s easy, just press Ctrl-F while reading and there will be a small pop-up
window with the Search/Find option. Just type in the text box what you want to
search for and you’ll be taken automatically to the location of the first
successful search.

Thanks to Dingo JellyBean ( for telling me this
handy tool.

5. What are you planning to do next with your guide?

I will be concentrating on the Walkthrough more and more. I’ll also fix the
shops list. And I’ll always continue on receiving e-mails regarding the game.
Just don’t ask the same thing again and again. That’s all...for now.

6. What is the use of Frames?

Just like in real pictures, the Frames in Chrono Cross is much like the
Picture Frame. In Chrono Cross though, it is the frame of the different Game

7. What’s the deal with the real person in the movie sequence at the end of
the game?

It’s no big deal. Square just wants to emphasize that Kid is really trying
everything she could to find Serge. Wherever and Whenever it leads her to.

8. How many character are there all in all?

There are 45 characters. Two of them are Serge and Lynx. I said it because you
might be wondering why I have 45 because there are only 44 character boxes in
the character select screen.

9. The 6 Dragons together is Time Devourer. What’s the relation between the
dragons and Lavos? How is Schala Involved?

Well, first of all, the 6 dragons is just the same as Time Devourer (Lavos and
Schala). The dragons are just temporary forms so that Time Devourer can have a
physical form. Now, Time Devourer is actually Lavos and Schala together as

In Chrono Trigger, there was an incident in the Ocean Palace in 12,000 BC,
where Lavos was awakened by Schala’s Mother. Queen Zeal. During this time,
Lavos was attacked by Crono and company. From what I remember, Crono and party
attacked Lavos so, Lavos tried to hurl everyone into oblivion (a.k.a the
Darkness of Time). Crono managed to save the party. Now, without control,
Lavos begins to send everyone, including itself into the Darkness of Time.
Schala saved Crono’s Party and was hurled into the Darkness of Time together
with Lavos, wherein they combined physically.

10. did the Sea of Eden exist in Chrono Trigger?

The Sea of Eden existed in Chrono Trigger although it is all Ocean back then.
But it’s the same location on both games.

11. I brought the Fargo from the another world to the Fargo in the Home world.
But all he said was “hey you, the concert is over”. Can I still bring S.S.
Zelbess to Marbule?

This is a point in the game where you can’t turn back anymore. You should
bring the Fargo from the “Another” World before you go to the Sea of Eden for
the first time. If you missed this opportunity, you cannot liberate Marbule

12. Is Luccia the same person as Lucca?

Although they are alike in many ways, hair, glasses, intelligence. They are 2
very distinct persons. Let’s also consider the fact that they maybe be related
to each other.

13. Is the mother brain from Chrono Cross the same as the Mother Brain in
Chrono Trigger?

Yes. Lucca and Belthasar created fate by the use of the Mother Brain from the

14. Is Guile and Magus the same?

In my OPINION, they are both the same person. There are clues. The violet
hair. Their face looks almost the same. (The graphics of the playstation made
the difference) They move the in the same way (both have the same style in
flying). And if you have 3 Games Saves on your Memory Card, the image of the
third save would be the face of Guile, *cough* ...Magus . Well, that’s only my

15. Is Kid, Schala? How and Why?

Genetically Speaking, Yes. Kid is a clone of Schala therefore, we can assume
that she is the physical manifestation of Schala which is together with Lavos.
When Lavos united with Schala, Schala turned into the Dark Side. To preserve
her good nature, she created a clone of herself, Kid.



1. Always remember, when attacking, use Level 1 then Level 2 then finally
Level 3 physical attacks to increase the Hit percentage more. This will also
cause much more damage.

2. Always try to fill the Field Effect with the elements/innate of your
characters. It will be to your advantage as it will increase that particular
element/innate’s power and the opposite innate will get weaker.

3. Sometimes, it’s better to escape, and then fight another day. It is because
you might encounter someone or something that is far more powerful than you
are. If you try to escape, there is always a very big chance it will be

4. Always use the most powerful Elements/Techs of your characters early in the
game. This will shorten the time of the battle. If a strong enemy shows up and
you tend to use the low level elements first, your characters will die first.

5. With Kid’s Pilfer Tech, Fargo’s Pillage Tech and Mel’s Snatch Tech, you can
get some of the rarest items/equipments and elements in the game including the
Plates which will protect you from certain types of elements.

6. Having trouble with a certain innate color? Use the plates! You can steal
them from the 6 dragons by using Fargo’s Pillage Tech. This will negate any
damage to you. Example, a Red Plate protects your character from Red Innate
Attack Elements.

7. Try to retain at least level 3 elements after a battle. This will let you
heal your character/s if you got damaged in battle.


Sung by: Noriko Kitase

Osanai te ni tsutsunda
Furueteru, sono hikari o
Koko made tadotte kita
Jikan no fuchi o samayoi

Sagashitsuzukete kita yo
Namae sae shiranai keredo
Tada hitotsu no omoi o
Anata ni tewatashitakute

Toki wa ai mo itami mo
Fukaku dakitome
Keshite yuku kedo
Watashi wa oboeteiru

Watashi no mune no oku ni
Itsukara ka hibiiteita...
Yogiri no shizuku yori mo
Kasuka na sasayaki da kedo

Itetsuku hoshi no yami e
Tsumugu inori ga
Tooi anata no sora ni todoku you ni...

RADICAL DREAMERS (English Translation)

Held in young hands,
That light is shivering
I've come all this way
Wandering the edge of time

I came, still searching
I don't even know your name, but
One little feeling
I just wanted to hand over to you

Sometimes I catch and hold
Love and pain, tightly in my arms
It will fade away, but
I'll remember

It'd been echoing in my chest
For who knows how long...
Though it's a whisper tinier
Than a drop of evening fog

Toward the darkness of the frozen stars
A spinning prayer
May it reach to your distant skies...

At last! The real lyrics for the song! The english translation is also
included! Super Thanks to Matthew Bell for this contribution.


If you’re wondering why there are peeps up there at the top of the guide, it’s
because those people really took A LOT of time, and I DO MEAN A LOT, to help
and contribute to this guide.

- Thanks to Square for making this wonderful sequel to the phenomenal Chrono
Trigger. It’s one of the best RPGs for the Sony Playstation Console.

- Thanks to my Mom and Sis for waiting patiently for me to finish my session
of gaming. (They’re waiting for me so that they can watch TV)

- Very Special thanks to Jordan Frydman ( for his info
about the total HP of almost every boss in the game. He saved me a lot of

- Very Special thanks to B U R P ( for reminding and
correcting me about the battle system.

- Special thanks to for telling me how to get Mojo at

- Special thanks to Joe Rivera ( for bringing up the topic about
the whirlpool at Sea of Eden and its connection to the whirlpool in Chrono

- Here’s the people who sent their info about the Water Dragon Isle after the
Ghost Ship event. Thanks for your effort.

Thespian Net (
Melody Laroco ( A fellow Filipino!
Marshall Tucker (
Jason McNulty (
Depressed Angel (

- Special thanks to Miles ( for his Chrono Trivias!
It sure is informative!

- Special thanks to for his info on how to get the Shiny
Materials for the Rainbow Shell Equipments. Also for reminding me to tell the
readers how to use the Summon Elements. I forgot it and he told me through e-

- Special thanks to for his info about the items that I missed
at the Isle of the Damned.

- Special thanks to Jesse Palmer ( for his very deep
questions about CC. Check it out on the FAQs Section.

- Special thanks to MaStaChilla ( for his Chrono Trivia
contributions. Also for reminding me about Vita Uno and Tres. Also, for
informing me about the plates that can be stolen from the Dragons. Also, for
the info about the Bend of Time.

- Special thanks to for reminding me to put a note
regarding the characters. Also, for correcting me about Toma in the Chrono
Trivia section.

- Special thanks to “Young Chang” for reminding me
about Starky. (Here’s your Starkey! :)

- Special thanks to Myrddraal ( for his
contributions for the character section. Specifically, Luccia. Also, how to
get Mojo.

- Special thanks to ( for his info about getting
Poshul early in the game. Also, for his info on some of the Level 7 Techs of
the characters.

- Special thanks to Matthew Bell ( for his contribution for
the Song Lyrics and English Translation (Radical Dreamers)

- thank to these people who sent in questions applicable to the FAQs section:
Jesse Palmer (
Parinya Pinyo (
MaStaChilla (
Adam Lou (

- And last but absolutely not the least, thanks to GameFAQs where you can view
and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given to
him. Congratulations!

These are all that I would like to thank as of now. If I happen to forget
anyone, please inform me. I’ll check it out on my inbox if you really have
something to be credited (I never delete important ones). Note, that if there
are same info sent to me, it is on a first come first serve basis. Any
suggestions, comments, additions, etc. will be duly credited to you once
you’ve submitted one to me through my e-mail address written at the very top
of this Walkthrough/FAQ. Thank you very much!

Chrono Cross(tm)
is a registered trade mark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd.

Chrono Trigger(tm)
is a registered trade mark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd.

Playstation(tm) and its accessories
are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America

The Chrono Cross Walkthrough/FAQ
Copyright August 2000
“A” Tadeo

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Ending Song Translation FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
The Complete Walkthrough

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Character Recruiting Guide

11.Oktober 2013
All Charakterw, Waffen, Rüstungen und Accessoires und 99 von jedem Gegenstand.

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ultimania Translations

17.Oktober 2013
Dead Sea / Sea of Eden

12.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Complete Script Guide

16.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Oktober 2013
New Game and Continue

11.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Magic Guide

13.Oktober 2013
Resource List

13.Oktober 2013
Prism Equipment Guide

17.Oktober 2013
North American Version FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
English Changes FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
No Nonsense Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Dropped/Steal Item Guide

12.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
No Nonsense Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Ending FAQ

12.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version (WIZ)

17.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ 1
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ 2
10.Oktober 2008
Beliebte Cheats
01.Dezember 2014
25.September 2015
07.April 2014
07.Juli 2015
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020