SD Gundam Generation-F

SD Gundam Generation-F

18.10.2013 01:41:21
written by: Durendal

FAQ V 3.00A 03-29-02

*This FAQ/Guide is free to distribute as long as none of the contents are
removed or change in any way. Any comments, question, suggestions and
violent reactions should be forwarded to
Any corrections and contributions would be greatly appreciated.
I worked hard for the contents of this FAQ. Anyone who rips off any of the
contents shall taste the Fist of Justice from Durendal.

After a long break, I finally get to write this FAQ. Took me long enough
because my PS broke down. At least now I can continue with the Ggen project.


I. Introduction
II. Things you should know
III. Super Challenge Mode
VI. Battle Match Selection
V. Gundam Fight EX
VI. Customized Room
VII. Perfect Profile
VIII. CG Gallery
IX. Battle Simulator
X. Map Demo
XI. 2D Situation Demo
XII. Movie Collection
XIII. Option
XIV. Credits

This Game is recommended if you have a save file for G-Generation-F. If you
don't, then, I suggest you finished GGen-F first, since this game is intended
for hard core GGen-F gamers.

As always, I don't own a gameshark so don't expect any from me.

I. Introduction
SD Gundam G-Generation-F.I.F is a supplementary game for the
G-Generation Series. More specifically G-Gen-F. This game can also be
played as a stand alone game, provided that you are extremely good at
strategy, since this game recommends that you use your save data from the
G-gen series. Features Hi-level stages and Complete database.

II. Things You Should Know
First of all, as I mentioned before, play Ggen-F first before playing this
game. This game is very hard If you try to play it without a save file
from Ggen-F. Meaning, that you have finished the game, and don't find the
stages in Ggen-F challenging.

*Also take note that the file you saved in this game can also be used in
G-Gen-F. Which means you can tweak up your units before you finish the
G-Gen-F game itself.

Beginners start - This can be a stand alone game, and you can play it without
the save file from Ggen-F. Choosing this option will let
you start the same as you start Ggen-F: 0 credits, 1 mother
ship, and 3 Tornado Gundam. everything's the same except
that instead of getting 30000 credits, you get 0.
Data load - Lets you load your Ggen-F save file. It is as if you are playing
Ggen-F, with all your characters, MS/WS, and credits intact. You
can also save your game in Ggen-F.I.F and load it in Ggen-F.
Continue - Continue your game in the Super Challenge Mode.

This is like the Ggen-F game, so you should look for my GGen-F FAQ for more
details, I will only be discussing in this FAQ the details of whats in this

Whether you choose beginners start of choose to load you game data, you will
go into the submenu and choose from the following:

Super Challenge Mode
Battle Match Selection
Gundam Fight EX
Customized Room
Perfect Profile
CG Gallery
Battle Simulator
Map Demo
2D Situation Demo
Movie Collection

below are details of the following menu...

III. Super Challenge Mode
This is the situation mode, you get to choose your group and finish the the
given situation with a certain time limit. You must finish the condition
within the given time limit or else you lose.
(some translations might be off)

With 1 group, finish the stage within the set time limit.
With each stage, the situation gets harder, but you get more reward.

The three rules written in the screen are as follows:

I. 1 group friendly troop shall annihilate all enemies.
II. When time limit is over, friendly group has failed.
III. The shorter turn the stage is finished, the higher the prize money.

==Stage 1
ZAKU TO IU NA NO MS (MS called Zaku)
Stage Class: C1
Turn Limit: 15
Reward Credits: 10000
Map: Land
Stage Note: Easy stage
Guest Units: Perfect Gundam
Stealable units: Zaku II J, Zaku Cannon, Zakutank, Zaku I, Zaku Diver,
Zaku Mariner

==Stage 2
RYOSENGATA NO KYOFU (the terror of mass production)
Stage Class: C2
Turn Limit: 15
Reward Credits: 15000
Map: Space
Stage Note: Enemies will keep on appearing until enemy mothership appears
Guest Units: Aoyagi Space Battle Ship (Daughtress Neo) x 2
Stealable units: Gyan Kai, Mass Product Z Gundam, Mass Product Gundam ZZ,
Mass product Nu Gundam, Mass Product Hanma Hanma,
Zodi Ack Mass Product,

==Stage 3
HIKYO TO YOBARETA KOTOU (Island called secret baoundary)
Stage Class: C3
Turn Limit: 13
Reward Credits: 20000
Map: Land, Under Water
Stage note: All independent enemies are ACE level
Guest Units: The O
Stealable units: Gundam Mk II, Core Fighter ZZ, Gundam NT-1, G Fighter,
Hover Tank, Rigerugu, V Gundam

==Stage 4
ZABIKEN, SAIGO NO TATAKAI (Zabi clan, Last fight)
Stage Class: B1
Turn Limit: 13
Reward Credits: 30000
Map: Space
Stage Note: All independent units are Kai level 8, Special units Kai
Level 15.
Guest Units: White Base (Gundam, Guntank, Gun Cannon, G Fighter),
Salamis (GM, Ball) x 3, Mazeran (GM, Ball, Paburiku)
Stealable units: Zaku I, Zaku II F, Rig Dom, Biguro, Gelgog, Jiko, Gatoru

==Stage 5
KAKU NO ARASHI, JABURO KO BO SEN (Storm of ----, Battle at Jaburow)
Stage Class: B2
Turn Limit: 9
Reward Credits: 35000
Map: Sky, Land, Under water
Stage Note: All independent units are minimum of kai level 10,
Beware of Gigantic'c Atomic Bazooka
Guest Units: N/A
Stealable units: N/A

==Stage 6
Stage Class: B1
Turn Limit: 25
Reward Credits: 40000
Map: Space, Moon
Stage Note: All independent units are minimum of kai level 5,
Beware of map weapons, 2 groups of enemies,
Enemies are equiped with barrier field (map weapon has no effect)
Guest units: N/A
Stealable units: N/A

==Stage 7
DAI NANA JI UCHU SENSO SAIGO NO HI (The seventh space war, last day)
Stage Class: A1
Turn Limit: 12
Reward Credits: 50000
Map: Space, Air, Land
Stage Note: All independent units are minimum of kai level 10,
Beware of map weapons, beware of colony drop
Enemies are equiped with barrier field (map weapon has no effect)
Guest Units: N/A
Stealable units: N/A

==Stage 8
Stage Class: A2
Turn Limit: 10
Reward Credits: 55000
Map: Space, Colony
Stage Note: Enemies kai level 20, 2 groups of enemies,
All series ace pilots and rivals.
Guest Units: N/A
Stelable units: N/A

==Stage 9
Stage Class: A3
Turn Limit: 15
Reward Credits: 70000
Map: Air, Land
Stage Note: All enemis are kai level 50.
Guest Units: N/A
Stealable units: N/A

==Stage 10
WAKUSEI HAROHARO DAISHINGEKI (Planet Haro Haro Great big battle)
Stage Class: S
Turn Limit: 20
Reward Credits: 86860
Map: Space
Stage Note:
Guest Units:
Stealable Units:

IV. Battle Match Selection
The Battle Match Selection is much like the previous version, you play against
the computer of a friend. You can either choose to use the pre-defined teams
or you could use your own teams from the Memory card.

System - Choose the system you will be playing
Turn limit
Participating Player - 2 to 4
Base - Available / none
Stage Map - The setting for the battle
Player - Selects your team player
You can choose your favorite side or use your memory card
Next - Proceed with the game

V. Gundam Fight EX
Gundam Fight is a special stage where you pit your unit against other enemies
in a one on one fight. You enter to get special options parts which are not
normally available in the situation mode.

Gundam Fight international 7 clause

Clause 1. Within 11 turns, 10 units shall be survival
Clause 2. Representative shall have 1 unit perticipating
Clause 3. Representative shall have 1 character participating
Clause 4. When your own unit is destroyed, you have failed
Clause 5. Every enemy unit destroyed shall have a corresponding repair points
Clause 6. Every turn, the fight shall be a one on one basis
Clause 7. Mass attacking power (Map) weapons are not usable

The parts you get depend on how many units you destroyed within 11 turns and
also depending on the difficulty level. Below are the items you will get
depending on the difficulty level.

Ex-Level C
4 - Giga Booster (option parts)
=Movement plus 10
5 - Shuffle Crest (option parts)
=Leadership plus 10
6 - Computer Virus (option parts)
7 - Halo Virus (customize option)
=Unknown, Various changes to unit or character
8 - Neo Gundarium Alloy (option parts)
=UD plus 30
9 - Berserker System II (option parts)
=Tension always full, uses energy
10 - Tohou Fuhai Ryu Trace System (option parts)
=UA plus 20, Melle plus 20, Evasion plus 20

Ex-Level B
3 - Chobom Armor (option parts)
=enables FA system, 1 use
4 - Super High Sensitive Disc Redome (option parts)
=Gives EWAC ability of 5 squares
5 - Barrier Field (option parts)
=Evade map attacks, unlimited use
6 - Tim Rei Hand Made Part (option parts)
=Reduce UA and UD to 1
7 - High Output Limiter (option parts)
=UA plus 25, uses EN
8 - Battle Ability Awakening (customize option)
=Long range, Melee and evasion plus 5
9 - Psycho Frame Kai (option parts)
=NTL plus 5
10 - King of Heart Acquisition (customize option)
=Melee and evasion plus 15

Ex-Level C
2 - Giga Booster (option parts)
=Movement plus 10
3 - Super High Sensitive Disc Redome (option parts)
=Gives EWAC ability of 5 squares
4 - Propellant Tank (option parts)
=EN use reduced by 50%
5 - Computer Virus (options parts)
6 - Kai Level Up (customize option)
=Kai status increas 5 levels
7 - Tim Rei Hand Made Part (option parts)
=UA and UD reduce to 1
8 - AI Science Unit Ability (option parts)
=Experience required reduced by 20%
9 - Halo Virus (customize option)
=Unknown, Various changes to unit or character
10 - Gundam the Gundam Acquisition (customize option)
=Plus 30 points in MS customization

VI. Customize Room
In this selection, you can customize most of your units, be it MS or your
pilots. You can even get save files from G-gene and G-Zero.

*Unit Customize - Lets you customized your units, for a price.
Kaizou Lv UP - The first option lets you give 1 level up to your kai units
ACE Ka - Lets you ACE MS instantly
SenyouKi Seisan - Lets you buy Custom units

*Character Customize - Lets you customize your pilots.
Shagekichi modify - adds 1 to pilots long range skill
pilot type: All type
Kakutochi modify - adds 1 to pilots melee skill
pilot type: All type
Kaihichi modify - adds 1 to pilots evasion
pilot type: All type
Sentou Noryoku modify - adds 1 to battle ability
pilot type: Kyoka ningen (enhance human)
Shikichi modify - adds 1 to leadership skill
pilot type: all type
Tsushin Noryoku modify - adds 1 to operator skills
pilot type: all type
Souda Noryoku modify - adds 1 to driver skills
Pilot type: all type
Seibi Noryoku modify - adds 1 to mechanic skills
pilot type: all type
Character NT ka - Makes pilot into newtype pilots (not enhance human)
pilot type: Normal
Rank up - Adds 1 to your pilots rank
pilot type: all type
Rank down - reduce your pilots rank to the lowest
pilot type: all type
Gyakukyoka - turns you enhance human to normal type
pilot type: enhance human
Namae Saihenkou - Change your pilots name
pilot type: all type

*Special Team Data - lets you save special team to your memory card

*Premium Save Data - Lets you save the secret data from G-gene and G-Zero

*exit - go back to previous menu

VII. Perfect Profile
This is the list of all the MS / Ships / Support units / Characters in the
whole game. You can view them all. a green bar at the side of the units
name (mitoroku) will be there if you still have not yet uncovered the unit

VIII. CG Gallery
A special menu which lets you view the CG of the game.

The menus are self explanatory.

IX. Battle Simulator
This is a great selection if you want to view all the battle animation in
the game. You no longer need to enter situation mode to see the battle
animation of your favorite MS.

Unit: select the attacking MS
Weapon: Select weapon of the MS
Hit count: No of hits (available if you chose a multi hit weapon)
Character: Pilot of the MS
Tension: Type of tension (you will see -cut in animation- if pilot has it)
SFS: Select the type of SFS MS is using
Background: Duh!

Unit: select the defending unit
Weapon: Select weapon of the MS
Hit count: No of hits (available if you chose a multi hit weapon)
Character: Pilot of the MS
Tension: Type of tension (you will see -cut in animation- if pilot has it)
SFS: Select the type of SFS MS is using
Background: Duh!

Press Triangle to see the status and start to begin
After you begin a new window will prompt you.
First row: Action start
Second row: Chose the outcome of the attack
(hit & counter, hit & destroy, hit & end, evade & counter,
evade & end, Defend & counter, Defend & destroy, Defend & end)
Third row: available action depending on second action
(hit & end, hit & destroy, evade & end)

Press start to see the battle

X. Map Demo
View all available map weapons of every units. Some units has several map
demo, depending on the pilot. Just select the unit and select the map
weapon which you want to view.

Pretty much self explanatory

XI. 2D Situation Mode
View all the event movie from G-Generation F.

XII. Movie Collection
Lets you view all the movies from the First G-Gene to GGF. Requires that you
have the previous games itself.

XIII. Options
Select game options like stereo, vibration and see the staff roll.

XIV. Credits
Alden Fortuno ( - Not possible without his
help. He found me this game.
My Play Station - My PS just gave up on the game. The real reason why this
FAQ was delayed!
whoever this is ( - Thanks for stealing my E-mail!!!!

This FAQ/Guide copyright 2002 by Durendal
Gundam copyright Bandai, Sotsu Agency.

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