Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

17.10.2013 07:23:02

This FAQ contains all sorts of stuff about Metal Gear Solid.

1. Updates
2. Controls
3. Weapons Descriptions
4. Items Descriptions
5. Stealth / Sneaking Techniques
6. Boss Strategies
7. Extra Information
8. Secrets
9. Credits

1/1/99 - I added Boss Strategies and Extra Information Sections.



D-Pad - Move Snake.
D-Pad Against Wall - Lean On Wall.
D-Pad - Move Snake While Leaning On Wall.
O - Tap On Wall.
X - Crouch While Leaning On Wall.
Triangle - First Person Perspective View While Leaning On Wall.
Square - Put Guard In Choke Hold.
Square Repeatedly - Break Guard's Neck.
Hold Square Then D-Pad - Drag Guard Back. Can Be Used As Shield.
D-Pad Then Square - Throw Guard.
X - Crouch Onto Knees.
Triangle - First Person Perspective While On Knees.
D-Pad - Low Crawl.
Triangle - First Person Perspective While Laying On

O - Punch
O, O - Punch, Punch
O, O, O - Punch, Punch, Kick
Triangle - First Person Perspective.
Hold Triangle then D-Pad - Look Around In First Person
L2 - Bring Up Items Menu.
L1 - Bring Up Last Item Activated.
R2 - Bring Up Weapons Menu.
R1 - Bring Up Last Weapon Activated.
Select - Bring Up CODEC.
Start - Pause Game.
Select + Start + L1 + R1 - Quick Reset


With SOCOM Pistol:
Hold Square - Aim With Laser Sight.
Let Go - Shoot.
X Then D-Pad - Run While Aiming Gun.

With FA-MAS Machine Gun:
Square - Shoot.
Hold Square - Automatic Shoot.
X Then D-Pad - Run While Shooting Automatically.

With PSG-1 Sniper Rifle:
D-Pad - Aim Cross Hair.
Square - Shoot.

With Stinger Missile Launcher:
D-Pad - Aim.
Square - Launch Missile.

With Nikita Missile Launcher:
Square - Launch.
D-Pad - Steer Missile.
Triangle - First Person Perspective.
D-Pad - Steer Missile In First Person Perspective.

With Stun, Chaff And Regular Grenades:
Square - Release Pin And Throw.
Hold Square - Release Pin And Hold.

With C-4 Explosive:

Square - Attach To Ground.
Square (Near Guard) - Attach To Guard.
D-Pad Toward Wall And Square - Attach To Wall.
Crouch, D-Pad Toward Wall And Square - Attach To Lower Part Of Wall.


Laser-Sighting, One-Handed, Automatic Pistol. This is your most used weapon.
It auto aims if you're pointed in the direction of a enemy. When you get a
Suppressor / Silencer, you can take down guards with no problem.
Important Accessory - Suppressor, makes gunshot noises lower.

Lightweight Machine Gun. This is a loud weapon so if you plan on shooting
enemies while other enemies are around, you're in for a surprise. This gun
withstands water, mud, snow and everything else. The last 3 bullets in the
clip are tracer bullets which locate enemies with trailing lasers.

Silenced, Scoped Sniper Rifle. This is a very useful weapon in taking down
unsuspecting enemies. You can clearly shoot enemies from the maximum of 600
Important Accessory - Diazepam, slows heartbeat rate down which will give you
a more steady and clear shot. Thermal Goggles, makes enemies easier to see.

Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher. This is useful in blowing up big things and
cameras. It locks onto heat-filled items such as animals, humans, cameras,
etc. This is very loud and definitely will attract guards.

Remote-Controlled Missile Launcher. This is useful in blowing up big things
and cameras also. With this you can scope out areas that you don't want to go
into first. It is also very loud and can attract guards.

Volatile, Plastic, Attachable Explosive. This is also a useful weapons in
locating special items because it can blow up weak walls that lead to hidden
areas. 16 can be laid down and once and they are detonated 1 at a time.


Weight Sensitive Land Mines. These are useful in ambushing. 8 can be laid down
and they are set off by being stepped on. To locate Claymores, use the Mine
Detector or the Thermal Goggles and crawl over them to pick them up.

Sensory System Jamming Grenades. These are also useful in getting past
security cameras because they blow up and dispel metal chips in the air
effectively jamming all cameras for 30 seconds. These are very useful but they
also jam your radar.

Enemy Stunning Grenades. These are pretty cool but I don't use them that much.
You throw one out and it explodes stunning all enemies for a few seconds while
you can get away into a hiding spot.

Hand Grenades. Chuck these bad boys out and KA-BAM, dead enemies. Use these to
take out vehicles and enemies. They are very loud and usually alert enemies
around. Use with caution!

RATIONS - Nourishment. These replenish Snake's health meter. If you have these
equipped, they are automatically used when your health meter is diminished.
These can get frozen in the snow and have to be heated up to be used. These
are found in almost every level.

SCOPE - High-Powered Search Binoculars. Use these to scope out new places to
look for things. These are in Snake's Inventory at the beginning.

CIGARETTES - Snake's Favorite Cigarettes Smuggled Into Shadow Moses Island.
You would think these have no use but to diminish Snake's health but think
again because these smokes can find laser trip lines which will help a lot in
avoiding traps. These appear in Snake's inventory at
the beginning.

THERMAL GOGGLES - Infrared Goggles. These sense heated things and you view
them as red silhouettes. These are needed in MGS throughout the game. They
find Claymores, light up dark rooms, etc. These are found in the Tank Hangar.

SUPPRESSOR - SOCOM Silencer. This is screwed on the barrel of the SOCOM to
lower noises, which would mean less alerting while shooting guards. This is
found in the Tank Hangar.

CARDBOARD BOX A. - If you hide in this, guards will look at you then walk
past. If you don't maintain the same position, they will flip the box and
alert. BOX A. has a red stripe on it and is Marked, To Heliport. You can ride
on Cargo Trucks to different areas that the box is marked for
instead of backtracking. BOX A. is found in the Tank Hangar.

MINE DETECTOR - This is used for detecting mine placement which also allows
you to pick them up. They find the sensory arc (stepping area) of the mine.
These are useful in extending your Claymore quantity. This is found in the
Tank Hangar.

CARDBOARD BOX B. - Same use as CARDBOARD BOX A. but it has a blue stripe at
the bottom and is Marked, To Nuke Building. This is found in the Nuke Building

MEDICINE - Later in the game if you find yourself sneezing or coughing, take
some MEDICINE because you caught the Alaskan flu. You either caught it from
being in the cold too much or being around a sick guard. Sneezing and Coughing
are heard by guards so the flu should be taking care
of immediately. This is found in the Nuke Building B1.

DIAZEPAM - While using the PSG-1 Rifle, you will probably notice the shaking
and heartbeat of Snake. DIAZEPAM slows the heartbeat down and calms Snake for
about 1 minute thus allowing and very accurate shot. These are found in
different places.

NIGHT VISION GOGGLES - Another pair of goggles you will find are NIGHT VISION
GOGGLES, which brighten darkened areas for more vision. THERMAL GOGGLES do the
same thing but are even better. When in use the whole screen is green. These
are found in Nuke Building B2.

BODY ARMOR - Makes enemy shots do less damage. This is only useful until about
12 shots or so then it becomes useless so save it for bosses. This is found in
Nuke Building B2 and the Blast Furnace.

GAS MASK - These are useful when gas is extracted in an area and you want to
be safe. Gas is usually released when a trip wire is activated so watch out.
When viewing in First Person Perspective with these on, the screen has two eye
holes which is irritating. This is found in Nuke Building B2.

KETCHUP - Used for faking suicide in the cell. Octagon gives this to you after
the guard leaves when you are locked up in the cell.

SCARF / HANDKERCHIEF - If you put this on while you are in the caves the
wolves will fall in love with you. This is also placed on Sniper Wolf's face
after the rematch. Octagon gives you this after the guard leaves when you are
locked up.

CAMERA - Use this to take pictures of different things on Shadow Moses Island.
Some special locations have haunted ghosts in them and can be seen in a
picture. Can you find them? This is the part of COMM. TOWER A that you get to
when you blow open the cement wall by where you fought Revolver Ocelot.

ROPE - Non-Breakable, Nylon Fiber, Rappelling Rope used for sliding down the
Comm. Tower. Guaranteed not to snap. This is found in COMM. TOWER A.

CARDBOARD BOX C. - Same use as the other boxes but this has a green stripe at
the bottom and is Marked, To Snow Field. This is found in the Snow Field.

BANDANA - When in use you get infinite use of bullets with any gun you have.
This is giving to you by Meryl after you beat the game.

STEALTH - When in use you are invisible. You can't be seen by guards, cameras,
trip lines, etc. This is useless against bosses though. This is giving to you
by Octagon when you beat the game.

KEY CARDS: When in use, they can open doors automatically when you're near
LEVEL 1 - This can open Level 1 doors. Giving to you by the fake DARPA Chief.
LEVEL 2 - This can open all doors, Level 2-1. Giving to you by Baker.
LEVEL 3 - This can open all doors, Level 3-1. Obtained after defeating the
Tank Boss.
LEVEL 4 - This can open all doors, Level 4-1. Obtained after defeating the
LEVEL 5 - This can open all doors, Level 5-1. Giving to you by Meryl.
LEVEL 6 - This can open all doors, Level 6-1. Giving to you by Octagon while
locked in the cell.
LEVEL 7 - This can open all doors, Level 7-1. Obtained after defeating Vulcan

TECHNIQUE 1 - Running Without Being Seen.
Use your radar to spot guards and to remember their route so you can run by
effectively. You should always look for hiding spots and shadows to hide in
while your enemy passes by. Watch out for foot prints you leave behind and
noises from the surfaces you walk on.

TECHNIQUE 2 - Perfecting The Low Crawl.
Low Crawling is a very useful technique of traveling. Low Crawling prevents
noises on different surfaces that alert guard when running on it. This
technique is also useful in crawling under obstructions like desks, machines,
trucks, etc. Use this also to hide from being shot at.

TECHNIQUE 3 - If You Are Caught, Assess Threat.
When you are located you might just want to kill the guard(s) around you to
get rid of them. You probably will get shot at and beaten if you don't take
care of the guards. To get away from guards, you should punch and kick them to
get them away.

TECHNIQUE 4 - Corner Peeking.
You may want to use a different technique then looking in first person down a
hall / corridor because you probably will be seen. If you lean on a wall at
the corner the camera will change giving you a view down the hall. This will
give you a lead to what is down the hall / corridor
before you go full speed running around a corner.

TECHNIQUE 5 - Strafe Peeking:

Another technique of looking around is to aim yourself toward the corner of a
wall and hold the shoulder buttons L1 and R1. This will peek your head out and
look down the hall. Caution! You can be seen by guard though so I would rather
use the Corner Peeking.

TECHNIQUE 6 - Tap Lure.
You can lure guards away form their posts by tapping on the wall. When they
are lured away you can perfect the strategy of strangulation while they are
walking. If you tap on a wall and run to the other side of the hall and you
can catch them off guard. You should master the
strangulation from lure strategy.

TECHNIQUE 7 - Quick Reloads.
You can quickly reload guns and tapping R1 to flick off your gun then tapping
R1 to flick it back on. This will reload your gun without Snake wasting time
pulling out the clip and reloading it.

TECHNIQUE 8 - Human Shield.
If you grab a guard by his neck you can drag him backwards by holding square
and hold a directional button while choking periodically to prevent dropping
the guard. If you hold the guard in front of gunfire he will take 3 bullets
for you.

TECHNIQUE 9 - Domino Effect.
If you punch, punch, kick a guard he will fly back some. If the guard hits
more guard he will knock them down too. This is useful in escaping from
guards. This also works if you throw guards at other guards.

TECHNIQUE 10 - Instant Deaths.
If you want to save time and bullets use an instant way of killing where you
simply punch, punch, kick, or throw and guard off of a high place. When they
land they instantly die. This is a really good way of taking out enemies
guarding the high places.

AMBUSH SQUAD - After Meryl lets you out of the cell, tri-squads of enemies run
out. To get by this quick. Hide on the right side of the door with your gun
aimed and fire when they run out. You'll take them out quick.

REVOLVER OCELOT - Ocelot mostly runs around when you run after him so what you
should do is run while you have your gun aimed and when you turn a corner
shoot quickly and you'll probably hit him which will make him stop for a
second. That gives you time to run up with him then when he tries to run,
shoot again, and again. Don't worry about your life because you have more if
you have two rations equipped. He'll be dead in no time.

TANK GUNNER - First off, run to the right side of the screen and follow up
near the wall. Throw a Chaff Grenade out and when it explodes run toward the
Tank with Grenades equipped. The Tank with start moving around and stuff
allowing you get near him without getting blown back. Throw a Grenade right
onto the Turret and it will probably blow the first guard right out the Tank.
Repeat that to blow the second guard right out.

NINJA - When you start the battle there is no guns. Don't bring your guns back
yet or he will pull out his sword which does massive damage. Keep on punch,
punch, kicking him then he will start hiding with stealth. To cope with this,
just put on your Thermal Goggles and you'll find him easily. Sometimes he will
disappear then fall kick you in the head, so watch out. Near the end, when you
try to hit him he will disappear behind you or to the side. To hit him you
should run around him and when he appears hit him. After that he will start
exploding or something and you'll see a orb glowing around him. Now you can
pull out your weapon and shoot him. Watch out for the orb though because it
can hurt you.

PSYCHO MANITS - There is two ways to beat him. The easy way is to plug the
controller into port two and then he can't read your mind. Now all you have to
do follow his view by holding triangle and wait until he stops, then shoot at
him. After two or three times of losing to Mantis, Colonel contacts you and
tells you that the Mantis Statues on both sides of the room are now able to be
destroyed. Then when facing Mantis, shoot the statues until they explode. Now
Mantis is easier.

SNIPER WOLF - Okay, this a pretty hard battle. There is many ways to beat her
but I like way the best. First off, go get the PSG-1 Sniper Rifle. Now wait to
side, then when you see her run by leaning on the wall. Run to the back near
the wall and lean against it. Start walking while leaning on the wall and you
will see her laser going back and forth trying to hit you. When you see the
laser disappear, quickly arm the PSG-1 and get a shot at her. Use a Diazepam,
then equip the Thermal Goggles. You have to follow her so she can't shoot you
first. Keep on firing at her until she is dead. If your life get low, take off
the Thermal Goggles and equip the Rations.

HIND D - First off, put your Stinger on then take it off so you can quickly
flick it on and off. Now you should run out near the square metal thing near
the door and hide near it. Use your radar you see where it is and run out
there, flick on your Stinger, lock on, shoot, then flick it off and run behind
the metal thing. Do that until he starts hiding around the building, that is
when you have to follow him and get into position so when he pops up you lock
on, fire, flick off the stinger, and run back behind the metal thing. Your
main strategy is fire, flick off, hide so use that a lot.

STEALTH AMBUSH SQUAD - This battle is very easy if you know what to do. First,
put on your Thermal Goggles so you can see them. Then throw one of the guard
and the others, then grab the first one to get up and choke him to death. Then
do that for the others. Use them as shields also.

SNIPER WOLF REMATCH - This battle is also very easy. Go to the right side of
the screen and stand in front of the small incline in the hill. Put on your
Nikita and shoot one. Use the First Person Perspective on the missile and the
missile will automatically sight Sniper Wolf with two squares. Follow these
squares and hit Sniper Wolf. This is much easier than using the PSG-1.

VULCAN RAVEN - You should use your radar to find out where Raven is. Next
follow his move and watch for when he sticks out his gun and should toward
another way. If you put on the Stinger you can lock onto him and he walks out
into the open, shoot. After doing that repeatedly, he will start running
around toward you. This is when you should use C-4 or Claymores. If you use C-
4, wait for him you run where you are then run away and watch your radar to
set it off when he walks over it.

METAL GEAR REX - First off you should run inward towards him so you can't get
hit by the missiles but you shouldn't go to far or you'll get hit by the
laser. Throw a Chaff Grenade then run outward and shoot his left arm shield-
looking thing. Keep on repeating this until he opens his mouth. Then just use
the same tactic of running in and out.

HAND-TO-HAND WITH LIQUID SNAKE - This is pretty easy also. Run up to him and
use your punch, punch, kick combo. When he runs away from you, follow his ass
and beat him again. Watch out for his bull rush. He'll soon be dead.

ESCAPE ROUTE - The easiest way to use the Gatling Gun on the back of the Jeep
is to hold Triangle and Square, now you can shoot much, much easier. When
Liquid comes up behind you, it is much easier to hit him in the head.

CODEC FREQUENCIES: Here are Frequencies of people seen through the CODEC.
140.85 Roy Campbell - Mostly gives information on what you should
do next.
140.85 Naomi Hunter - Mostly gives information on what you should
do next.
140.96 Mei Ling - This is where you save, she also tells you old
Chinese sayings.
141.80 Master Miller - Gives information and tactics on your
141.52 Natasha Romanenko - Tells you about the nukes and weapons
in the games.
140.15 Meryl Silverburgh - Helps you unlock the tank hangar door.
140.48 Deepthroat - Warns you about traps and stuff.
141.12 Hal Emmerich / Ocatgon - Helps you through the end of the
141.12 Sniper Wolf - Interferes when speaking to Otagon, has no
140.85 Jim Houseman - Interferes when speaking to Campbell at the

Solid Snake - Expert Infiltrator and Spy. The first son.
Roy Campbell - Old Friend of Snake. Expert in Tactical Planning Skills.
Mei Ling - Developer of Communication Equipment for the Mission.
Naomi Hunter - Freelance Agent and Medical Chief of the New Fox-Hound.
Meryl Silverburgh - Campbell's Niece. Held Hostage on Shadow Moses Island.
Natasha Romanenko - Military Hardware Analyst. Assists Snake with Important
Master Miller - Combat Veteran Specializing in All Forms of Warfare.
Jim Houseman - Controller of the Entire Operation.

Donald Anderson - the DARPA Chief. Snake was sent to retrieve him.
Kenneth Baker - Armstech President. Snake was sent to retrieve him also.
Hal Emmerich / Octagon - A Hostage on the Island. He is a Computer Expert that
Helps A lot.
Genome Soldiers - Armed Soldier that Face a Threat to Snake.
NBC Warfare
Light Infantry
Arctic Warfare
Heavily Armed
Decoy Octopus - An Expert Shape-Shifter. He Imitates his Targets to Perfect
Revolver Ocelot - Expert Gunslinger and Sharpshooter. He is also an
Ninja - Superhuman with Stealth Camouflage. Extremely Skilled Combat
Psycho Mantis - Mind Reader and Controller with Extremely Dangerous Powers.
Sniper Wolf - Highly Skilled Sniper and Assassin with Extreme Patience waiting
for Enemies.
Vulcan Raven - Extremely Strong With-Doctor who is a Mercenary for Fox-Hound
Liquid Snake - Renegade Leader and Commander of the Sons of Big Boss. Extreme
Skilled in Different Fields. The second son.
Big Boss - A Highly Decorated and Supremely Talented Combatant. Leader of Fox-
Solidus - The President of the United States. Other Information is Unknown.
The third son.


When you beat the game, if you leave with Octagon, he will give you a
prototype of item called Stealth which allows you to walk near, through,
around guards, through trip lasers, and in the field of vision of cameras
without alerting. This appear in your inventory when you start
your second game.

When you beat the game, if you leave with Meryl, she will give you a prototype
of the item called Bandana which allows you to infinite bullets with any
weapons you have. This appears in your inventory when you start your second

Every second time you start your infiltration epic, the initial cut scene when
Solid Snake emerges from the water is from a different angle. This alternate
start is repeated back and forth with the original cut scene from the
beginning onward.

The third time you begin your mission (your load game should be in red), when
you enter the elevator in the Cargo Dock and remove your scuba gear, you
change into a fashionably cut suit.

After completing the game twice (your load game should be in red), in any
interaction with Gray Fox, the Ninja clad in a newly advanced actuator,
colored crimson and blue. Your save data icon becomes that of the Ninja.

During the end credits the third time you successfully complete your mission,
the Celtic folk tune changes to the main theme of METAL GEAR SOLID.

In the Women's Restroom where you meet up with Meryl prior to the Psycho
Mantis confrontation, if you follow Meryl straight in and move up to the top
stall within five seconds. Meryl will not have time to properly change, and
spends the first part of the conversation without her combat pants on.

Sneezing every minute can attract guards. Combat this with medicine, but to
achieve a sneezing fit every time, fail in Revolver's torture room and come
into close contact with Sasaki in order for the cold to be transferred. It
helps if you are rescued by the Ninja for maximum
exposure to the Sasaki flu.

While crawling along the duct in the Holding Cells, you may look down to see
Meryl in her cell exercising. Should you leave the duct immediately (down the
ladder), and re-enter it again. Meryl adopts a series of power workout moves
each consecutive time you view her. They are: A) sit- ups, B) single-arm
push-ups, C) stretching, D) sit-ups in underwear, E) single-arm push-ups in
underwear, F) stretching in underwear, G) sit-ups (same as A, and continuing
with these from now on.)

Attacking Miss Silverburgh is unwise. Should you shoot, punch or strangle her,
she'll return the favor with a gigantic hand slap you are powerless to stop...
unless you hit her when she's on the other side of s corner divider in the
computer room. She'll miss if you're positioned quickly. Note that you can
kill Meryl by constant gun fire.

When walking around with Meryl, if you keep staring at her in first-person
mode. Meryl starts blushing, turning embarrassed and tapping her gun to her
leg. Keep looking at her, and she turns more and more red, whispering
embarrassed little questions.

The maximum number of times you are tortured by Ocelot is five. This is
achieved by constantly failing to escape your cell. If you endure all five
rounds of torture, any items that use diminishing stock (i.e., weapons and
Rations) are restored.

Just after trekking through the Caves for the first time, and before you and
Meryl enter the Underground Passage to Comm. Tower A, stand facing Meryl with
the wolf dogs yapping nearby. Slap Meryl roundly in the face. Meryl whistles
and the dogs attack you for such an action. However, if you place a Cardboard
Box over you immediately after slapping Meryl, the wolf dog puppy investigates
the box. Cocking its leg against the side of it, a stream of wolf dog urine
splashes you and the box. You now smell of the wolf dogs, and the hounds now
leave you alone on subsequent trips through their lair.

Should your Rations become frozen, another way to warm them up is to retrace
your steps to the Restrooms near the Commander's. The hand dryer thaws out
this foodstuff almost as quickly as a microwave.

If you contact Mei Ling by pressing select (CALL) and do not save the game
three times in a row, Mei seethes the third time. Her facial expressions
change the fourth time. Every third time from there on, she sticks her tongue

The Mantis reacts with startlingly correct witticisms depending on the save
games of other Konami games you have on your memory card. Try confronting him
with a Castlevania, ISS Soccer, Suikoden or Silent Hill save game on your
memory card for startling revelations.

This FAQ was written me, KoRn, with the help from other sources. Most of the
secrets and techniques were from Millennium's Metal Gear Solid Official
Mission Handbook. The weapons and items descriptions were all from me and the
information I know about each. If you have any
questions, comments, or corrections then send them to

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