Biohazard 3

Biohazard 3

18.10.2013 07:43:21

######## ##### ###### BIO HAZARD 3 - Last Escape ####
### ### ### ### ### Version 9 ##
####### ### ### ### JAPANESE VERSION ##
### ### ### ### ### by Alvin C WebCraft ##
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BIO HAZARD 3 - Last Escape - Version 9 - JAPANESE VERSION
by Alvin C WebCraft (

Latest Updates : 16th November 1999


In this Latest Update I have added the name of the unknown Umbrella agent
seen in both the normal game and Operation Mad Jackal. I have added
possible solutions to the music clock puzzles. I have added a strategy
guide for Operation Mad Jackal from a Contributor named Andri Kurniawan.
I have corrected a few minor errors.

I stress to please read the FAQ before anyone write to me about the game.
So that not to stress me out. I answer all mail except for those of you
AOL users who has the mail-block thingy. I will blacklist you, if
my reply is "Returned To Sender" and put your name for all to see in any
of my upcoming FAQ.

I will not do a "Well Done Man, Good Job" list. I thank you for your kind
words but that is only for me to see and not for the rest of the world.
Also, I don't feel that there is a need for a "Shortcut List for all
Items". Maybe later when the need arises. All files have been put up for
all to see at the Spoilers section. Enjoy


Unpublished work 1999 Alvin C WebCraft

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically.(Please give credit where it's due) This FAQ is NOT
to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL purposes. This includes being
incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books, guides,
etc., in ANY way. Please let me know if you want to do anything with
this walkthrough. Another thing, translating this walkthrough to another
language does not automatically make this walkthrough yours. In fact it
only proves that you're a big A-hole and I just hope you rot in hell.

This would be my third walkthrough. I'm now officially insane from the
endless nights of hard work I have put into what I've written. People keep on
asking me... Why do I do it? Hell, why not? So what if I get pirated by
Indonesean magazines or Taiwan PSX market. It's the joy of writing
something you would read and help you on those "What the @$$#!!"
moments and gives me all the satisfaction I need.

As always a HTML version will be added at a later time. As I was shocked
that the Japanese Version of Dino Crisis was totally different from the
English Version.... I will only release the HTML version once I played it.
I really had it up to here with "Why doesn't the code work?" questions.






Umbrella has taken everything from me..... My car, my dog, my home, my
clothes.... Everything.... This will be my only chance... my only hope...
My only chance to get to the year end Versace sale.... I will not give up
This will be my Last Escape. (Barf.... :P)

Okay I changed it. What's with the get up? As always Capcom has come up with
the perfect sequel for the Bio Hazard series. I strongly recommend that you
play BH1 and BH2 before going on with this game.

The number "3" in this game has almost no connection to the last Bio Hazard
game. In fact half of the game actually happened 24 hours before the start
BH2... just shortly after the events of BH1. In the middle of this game Jill
will be rendered unconscious by the .... When she wakes up it would be right
after BH2 and I guess the next 24 hours of gameplay would be at the same
time as Code Name : Veronica.

Capcom desperately tries to connect the latest installment to previous
game with familiar scenes and background. (Tim Allen stars as the bg artist
who tidies up after Claire and Leon so you would have the BH2 background)
Still confused... okay here's the story so far.

After BH1 Chris Redfield and Jill Valentino went on their separate ways 'coz
the residents of Raccoon City thinks they're nuts. Chris went on to investigate
the Umbrella Headquarters in Europe. Jill was just about to leave Racoon
City when the whole town was turned into zombies by the G-virus. After a wild
night with me and Stinger 3:16, Jill sits on the side of the bed getting
ready for some action and that's how the game starts....



a) Controls

Default Configuration.

L2 R2 -> Aim / Aim at Object
L1 R1 -> Aim / Map List
when in Map mode
(must have more
than one map)
UP TRI -> Map

LEFT <-> RIGHT SQR --> Shoot <-- CIR -> Accept

DOWN X -> Run / Cancel

SELECT -> Options START -> Inventory Menu

Most of the gameplay and controls for BH3 are the same as the previous
game. The newbies would be the new auto-targeting (object as well as
enemies), dodge enemies and the new 180 turn. Very useful when up
against the odds. I have to praise Capcom for coming out with Dual
Shock for the game as well. As we all know by now, Capcom has made the
Vibration into a form of art.

When you are in the jaws of death, do remember to bash your action button
or your life will be shortened.

Please see Game Manual A ( Spoilers - Files ) for further info on controls.

b) The Random Events

A FAQ writer's worst nightmare. This new feature was first tested in Dino
Crisis. It enables all the items such as herbs, weapons and keys to
appear randomly throughout your journey in the game. It all depends on you
and the choices you make. This increases the replay value of the game as
well as the pain in my head right now. You can finish the game eight times
and still have a few corners that you have not been yet.

i) Live Selection

During certain moments in the game, you are given choices that will effect
the turn of events as you progress. You will be given two choices as well
as a choice of not choosing any of the options given to you.

A screen will come up that will give you a certain limited time to make
your choice. If you fail to do so, the game will force you into a
situation that is not in the options that were given. Choose wisely and
you will have a much easier time.

ii) Monsters and Zombies

Somehow all the monsters in this game do not reappear at the same spot
twice. They have a van that moves them around in the game to keep you
on your toes. Try to make different choices as you play it the second
time and you will know what I mean.

iii) Puzzles

Since all the puzzles are random in order, there is no one answer that
can be used over and over again. I will provide you with the guidelines
on beating the puzzles and the know-how on getting the codes. It's pretty
easy if you get use to it.

Unfortunately this new feature has forced me not to include any location
of herbs or gun powder as I do not know how you wish to play the game.
All I can do is to include the words like

Stuff = Herbs / Gunpowder / First Aid Spray

Weapons = Guns / etc.

to help you through the game. Keep your eyes peeled for these items as
they blend into the background and are very hard to spot sometimes. As
always stick to the Capcom rules of RPG:



c) Characters

As if any hardcore Bio Hazard gamer doesn't know the characters.
I'm putting this in for those you are new to the game.

| |
| Jill Valentine |
| Age: 23 Height: 5'5" Weight: 108 lbs Blood Type: B |
| Occupation: S.T.A.R.S. Member |
| Main Character |
| |
| Info : Has this thing about living the city... in one piece. |

| |
| Carlos Oliviera |
| Age: 21 Height: 5'11" Weight: 182 lbs Blood Type: O |
| Occupation: Mercenary working for Umbrella |
| Secondary Character |
| |
| Info : Naive and young. Its amazing how he made it that far. |

| |
| Mikhail Victor & Nikolai Ginovaef |
| Occupation: Mercenary working for Umbrella |
| Character in the game |
| |
| Info : The former is bench stricken, the latter a ........ |

| |
| Brad Vickers |
| Occupation: S.T.A.R.S. Member |
| Character in the game |
| |
| Info : Carries the special key in Bio Hazard 2. |
| Flies the chopper in Bio Hazard 1 |

| |
| Nemesis |
| Occupation: Giving you a hard time |
| Character in the game |
| |
| Info : Loves to say S.T.A.R.S.!! Just wont die!! |
| You can sense him coming a mile away. If you can't, |
| that means your dead. |

d) Health and Herbs

As always your health is determined by the colour of your life-line
and the way your walk. It is always good to know your health so here's
a table on the life-line.
| | | |
| Condition | Colour | % |
| | | |
| Fine | Green | 50% - 100% |
| Caution | Yellow | 20% - 50% |
| Caution | Orange | 10% - 20% |
| Danger | Red | 0% - 10% |
| Poison | Purple | 0% - 100% |

All throughout the game you will come across potted plants that comes
in three colours: Green, Red and Blue. These are herbs that will increase
the percentage of your health. You will also come across First Aid Sprays
which comes in one and a pack of three. Using First Aid Sprays do have
an effect on your ranking at the end of the game.

You will be able to mix herbs into a number of three at one time.
The Blue and the Red herbs can only be mixed with the green herbs and
not with each other unless a Green herb is present. Only the Blue herb
and the Green herb can be used by itself. The Red herb acts as a
multiplier for the Green Herb.

Here's a table on how much to mix and how much the mix will help you
in game.

| | |
| Herbs | Amount of % it heals |
| | |
| Green (G) | 25% |
| Blue (B) | Heals poison |
| Red (R) | Multiplies the strength |
| | of the Green herb |
| G+G | 50% |
| G+B | 25% and Heals poison |
| G+R | 100% |
| G+G+G | 100% |
| G+B+R | 100% and Heals poison |
| First Aid | |
| Spray | 100% and Heals poison |

e) Saving, Mixing and Maps

On your item menu you'll get an menu bar that has FILE and MAP. When you
select an item, 3 options will come up. The first option means to USE
THE ITEM. The second means to COMBINE / MIX THE ITEM. The third option

i) Saving and Maps

Long Live The Good Ol' Type-Writer and those illusive ink ribbons.
A save room is indicated by the word "S" on the Map. As always, you
need an ink ribbon to save. As always, it only takes a block from your
memory card. Saving does have an effect on your ranking. If you want
to find out more, please head down to the Spoilers at the end of the

The Map area of the game has surely been upgraded since the last game.
It is very user friendly, only a dork would get lost with these kind of
directions. (either that or you didn't find the map)

The red area on the map is where you are located at the moment. (that's
you... the small arrow) Once you have explored an area it will turn
light blue. The dark green areas are inaccessible. The purple areas are
the key areas that you need to explore. The yellow doors can be opened.
The red doors can't. I will add a map section at the end of the

ii) Gunpowder Mixing

Since the government has put a high import tax on ammo, the S.T.A.R.S.
members have to mix their own gunpowder to make ammo. I guess the
Asian Economic Downturn did have an effect on the games made in Japan.

You will start the game with a Reloading Tool. A tool used to load mixed
material into an empty bullet. It is used to combine with the Gunpowder.
You will come across two types of gunpowder throughout the game. The
Red Gunpowder A and the Yellow Gunpowder B. You will need to mix or
combine the mixture to get the ammo you require. Here's a table on how
to get the various type of ammo in the game.

| | | | |
| AMMO | A | B | C |
| | | | |
| Gunpowder C | 1 | 1 | |
| Handgun Bullets | 1 | | |
| Shotgun Bullets | | 1 | |
| Grenade Rounds | | | 1 |
| Fire Rounds | 1 | | 1 |
| Acid Rounds | | 1 | 1 |
| Ice Rounds | | | 2 |
| Magnum Rounds | | | 3 |

If you combine the number of the same gunpowder, it will increase the
amount of ammo you will get. You can combine up to three at one time.

If you only make one type of ammo, Jill will gain knowledge in making ammo
for that particular ammo. Hence, after a certain time the Reloading Tool
will make an upgrade for that particular ammo (this does not apply
for the light mode).

As always the Storage Box is the place where you to store items. Carry
only what you need. You start with only eight slots in your item list
but that changes in the middle of the game.

f) Weapons

My interest in this game would have died if not for the vast number of
weapons you can use. Unlike the previous games, using the infinite
ammo weapons or infinite ammo itself will not have any effect on your
ranking. Please head down to Spoilers to find out the various ways on
getting these infinite weapons.


You will start with this weapon. Only use in close encounters. I used
it to make lunch for Nemesis. A waste of time in the gameplay. It is
only useful in the Mercenaries game.

M92F Custom Handgun

A custom handgun made for S.T.A.R.S. It uses 9mm parabellum rounds.

You will start with this weapon. Comes in handy when you are out of
options. It would only give Nemesis an itch.

STI Eagle 6.0 Handgun

A custom made gun for competitions. It uses 9mm parabellum rounds.

You will get this in the middle of the game but you have to earn it.
Cool weapon to blow zombie heads. Pricks Nemesis a little. I guess it's
quite useless to carry the M92F in the middle of the game.

S & W M629C Magnum

A large stainless steel revolver. A classic type, equipped with weights
to reduce the recoil. It uses .44 Magnum bullets.

Now your talking. Maximum power for a handgun. Lousy reload time so
make sure you count your shots and reload in the menu. Blows zombie
head and objects with a single blow. Able to kill bosses with a single
round (okay maybe 12). You will find it in the start of the game. The
location will vary from time to time.

M4A1 Assault Rifle

The gun is normally set in Auto mode. It uses 5.56 mm NATO rounds.

You cannot make the rounds for this weapon. Carlos's baby. Jill would
be able to buy it though if you read the Spoilers. Comes in 100% and
decreases each time you use it. Slightly better than the handgun and
it has almost the same power as the shotgun. It would take a lot to
take out Nemesis with this baby.

Benelli M3S Shotgun

An easy to carry sawed-off shotgun. It uses 12 gauge shot shells.

My favorite all round weapon. Very effective if you get zombies in
a group. I'd use this on Nemesis any day. You need to look for this
and it is a must to stay alive.

Western Custom M37 Shotgun

Equipped with a special reload system and is effective for close range
battle. It uses 12 gauge shot shells.

Makes Jill look like Arnold in Terminator 2. Slightly better than the
M39. Uses the same ammo as the shotgun. You need to earn it.

Hk-p Grenade Launcher

A small size grenade launcher developed for police use.

This will be your key in defeating bosses. Know your rounds. Plan it
well. It could save your life. This will appear at the start of
the game. The location however varies from time to time.

Mine Thrower

A prototype weapon made by Umbrella armament department. It uses special
bullets equipped with a sensor.

You will find this in the clock tower, which is in the latter part of
the game. It shoots a timed mine and will explode in a few second. Do
not use this in close proximity as the sharple can hurt you as well.

Gatling Gun

You will plow the fields with this awesome weapon. It has a lousy load
time so use only from a distance. You can buy this if you look at the

M66 Rocket Launcher

The most powerful weapon in the game. You can find it at the very end
or you can buy it if you look at Spoilers. Slower than the Gatling Gun. Able
to kill Nemesis and the most effective weapon against the Chopper.

Oil Drums and Dynamites

Raccoon City is filled with them and they are your best friend or your
worst mistake. When ignited, it will take all of its surrounding,
including you if your not careful.

g) Monsters and Bosses

The intelligence and abilities of the creatures in Bio Hazard 3 has evolved
since the last series. Monsters will surround you from all sides and leave
you little time to act. Some monsters are fast, some are slow but most of
them have the ability to hurt you in more ways than one. They can move up
stairs to get to you or jump at you from 20 feet away. It might be useful
to know a little about them so....


Your favorite monsters are back with cool FMV's to give you the chill.
They like to play possum, so make sure they're dead before sticking your
legs where it doesn't belong. You are not able to shoot them unless they
get up or move. They are faster than before. They like to attack in
a group and from all sides. The only way to be sure, is to shoot until
blood appears on the ground. This goes for all monsters.


As usual these canine have been affected by the virus and they are deadly.
The trick is to shoot them when they pounce on you. You loose less ammo
that way. The same rules apply to dogs, where you are not able to shoot
them when they're getting up from an attack. They usually growl before
attacking or they just come at you.



These critters are placed together with the Sliding Worms group... Very
Annoyinggg!! A murder of crows will cause your life to drain if you are
not careful. As usual they normally appear crashing out of windows.
Handguns or shotguns should do the trick if you just can't stand them.
I usually just run away from them. They really are not worth the time
and ammo. Their only purpose is to slow you down and to give you a
heart attack.

Sliding Worms

Another new feature to the games. Just as annoying as the Crows, these
leeches are always found in numbers. They grab on to you and suck the
blood out of you. Just point down and shoot or wiggle your way out of
it and escape. Scavengers of the dead. Do not try to kill all of them
in the drain area. A huge number of them there.


These wallcrawlers are quite strong but not deadly. They can cause you
harm if they are able to shoot poison at you. The only difference from
Bio Hazard 2 is that now they carry Baby Spiders in them. If you splatter
them with a shotgun or any other handgun, they will release their small
babies at you. The only weapon that stops the babies from coming out
from the Spiders would be the Grenade Launcher Ice Rounds or anything

Baby Spiders

Ugghh!! Able to hide from your shots. Much stronger than the Crows and
the Sliding Worms. Their sting can lower your life. Point down to kill
them. You will start to see them in the Clock Tower.

Drain Deimos

A new edition to the series. They move around like the spiders. They
are faster than the spiders and are more deadly. Two shots from the
shotguns should do the trick. These do not attack in groups but they
do have the ability to surround you if you are not careful.

Brain Suckers

These are quite similar to the Drain Deimos. They're always trying to
suck your brains by standing and walking on twos. The same rules of
engagement applies.


Making a comeback from Bio Hazard is one of the most deadly opponents
in the game. They are able to leap, attack and surround you with great
speed and strength. Do not allow them to trap you. At a latter part
they have another frog like version that does the same damage as the
predecessor. Two clean shots from the shotgun should do it and always
remember that they can jump at any time.

Grave Diggers

Grave Diggers are giant worm like creatures with claws. They can
inflict huge amount of damage so don't go to war without the proper ammo
and herbs. Fortunately, you will only meet them two times in the whole
game (maybe three but that doesn't count). The first time is more deadly
than the second if you're not careful. I will explain more in the walkthrough.


He looks like Tyrant from Bio Hazard 2. He's stronger, faster and he can
say STARS. You will meet him seven times at least. He appears with a FMV
or his own special soundtrack. Avoid him if you are playing for the first
time. It is possible to kill him but you need the time more. Look at
Spoilers to find out the secrets. If you do manage to kill him, he will
drop a Special Item (Does not apply to light mode). The best strategy
is always to run and avoid him at all cost. He carries a Rocket Launcher
and he doesn't need to be near to hurt you.

Most of the monsters will be introduced but I have decided not to put in
zombies, crows and dogs as these monsters switch places every now and then.


I have included almost every scene that will happen in this game. The
choices you make will decide how the story goes. Each task that needs
to done is judged by the distance. You are more than welcome to try
some other way of playing the game. As I stated, the choice is yours.
Each Scene will be numbered (eg Option 1). These scenes might or might
not happen. Each Scenario will be given. Make your own adventure.

As usual, I want you to train your eyes and pick up ink ribbons, notes,
diaries and photos by yourself. Judge the items that you want to
carry, for there's a lot of items you need to pick up along the way.

I will try and make it as enjoyable as possible. Mail me if you have
any other suggestions. This walkthrough is written in the HEAVY mode.
Don't play LIGHT, for it is not worth your time and effort.

You will start with two Game Manual. A Blue Manual explaining how to
play the game and a Red Manual explaining how to mix Gunpowder. Use
the "Describe the Item" function and these two books will automatically
be inserted into your file.


| |
| Prologue |
| ======== |
| |
| It all began as an ordinary day in September. |
| An ordinary day in Raccoon City. |
| A city controlled by Umbrella. |
| No one dared to oppose them... |
| And that lack of strength will ultimately lead |
| to their destruction. |
| If only they had the courage to fight. |
| I suppose they have to suffer the consequences |
| of their action. |
| There will be No Forgiveness... |
| It's true... as the wheels of justice began to |
| turn... Nothing can stop them.... |
| Nothing... |
| |
| It was Raccoon City's Last Chance... |
| My Last Chance..... |
| My Last Escape..... |

Jill crashes into an alley after a big explosion. There's only one way
to go from here which is forward (West). Kill the only zombie in front
of you if you want. Climb over the crate and the game will take over...

Jill will be surrounded by zombies. Out of options she will escape into
an alley and .......

Part One - 24 hours before Bio Hazard 2
| | |
| September 28th | Daylight |
| |
| The monsters have overtaken the city... |
| Somehow.... I'm still alive.... |

Jill will try to convince a fat man to help her escape Raccoon City. As
he has just lost everything including his daughter, the fat guy shrugs
Jill off and decide to stay in the container. He'd rather starve to death
than be eaten by the zombies.

Forget about him 'coz your game starts here.

The exit is locked so you need to get the Warehouse Key. First, head to
the left corner of the Warehouse and look for a First Aid Spray at one
corner and handgun bullets at the other. (press the green button)

Now head up the stairs and go into the Save Room on the upper floor.
Once inside, you might find some Gunpowder in the room. The Warehouse
Key is hanging on the key holder board. ( Sparkle! Sparkle! ) Do what
you must and then return downstairs. Use the Warehouse Key to unlock the
door and head down the alley.

The town has a few residents whom are still human. You can hear
them trying to escape and even witness them being attacked and eaten by
zombies. Ignore them, as most of them are not important. Just check their
bodies and hope you get a freebie.

As you open the door and exit the Warehouse area, you will notice a door
on your left ( South. You may take the other way around for a different
random event ). Enter that door and make your way to the middle of the Y
junction alley where you will find a door on your right. Most of the
time, Brad Vickers will burst out of that door with a bunch of zombies
on his tail. If he doesn't, just try and open the door.

Take care of the zombies and enter the door where Brad burst out from.
Head down to the Basement Storage Room and get the Lighter Oil from
the table. Check the dead guy with maggots for your Shotgun. After that
head back up.

Head down the alley Brad Vickers went ( South ). Should have two herbs on
the ground). As you exit the alley, you will see the Bar right in front
of you. The main door is locked from the inside so you have to enter from
the back. Go to the path on your left. Next to the Bar is the Boutique.
It's locked ( For now, check Spoilers ). As you pass the Boutique, you
will see a crate on your left. Get on top of the crates and get your
first map ( Uptown ) on the wall. Go up the fire escape to get a few

After that, continue on the path until you reach a door on your left.
Enter and proceed on until you reach the Garbage Area behind the Bar.
As you walk down the stairs, you might see Brad trying to escape three
zombies. Look for a shutter door and remember this place. Take care of
them and then catch up with Brad right into the Bar.

There he is again trying to kill a zombie. You don't have to help him
as he can take care of himself. The game will take over from here.

Brad will warn you about an unseen enemy who is after S.T.A.R.S. members
as he leaves the Bar. Pick up the Lighter on the table near the main
entrance. Head to the cash register for some items. Do not go out the
same way Brad went, go out the same way you came in. Combine the Lighter
Oil with the Lighter to get it working.

On the alley in front the garbage area, go to the door on your left
( North ). You need to reach the door on the far side. There should be a
fuel tank here, on the right, next to the door. Just as you are reaching
the door, the zombies would have broken down the barricade and are now
moaning their way to you. You can just shoot them or back off a little
and wait till they are near the fuel tank.

After you take care of them, check the two bodies at the other end for
some items. The door has been tied shut by some rope. Use the Lighter
to burn your way through.

Head northeast up the alley and you will come to a junction. You should
have an encounter with Dogs here. Your left is blocked by a fire and
there is a Fire Hydrant on the right wall but it doesn't have a Fire Hose.
Enter the Save Room on the left and pick up or do what you have to do.
After that go east and enter the door at the end of the alley.

Turn left and head up north to the Raccoon City Police Station. Once you
open the order. The game will take over...

[ FMV 1 ]

This will be your first of the Live Sellection. You are given two options,
well actually three. The third option will force itself upon you when you
fail to choose either of the two options that are given under a limited time

The first flash tells you about the two options and lets you read the options.
The second flash would be for you to choose any of the options. There will
be a second chance where the box will turn yellow as it allows you to think
of what you want to do. There will be no third time as the game will take
over after the second chance.

[ Resume Game ]

As you enter Raccoon City's courtyard, Brad comes stumbling in behind you
As he tries to reach you... a Dark Figure appears. Nemesis is introduced.

Nemesis, a hybrid of the tyrant sent to destroy all S.T.A.R.S. members.
After giving Brad a face lift he turns to you....

===================[ Police Station Live Selection ]====================

Option 1 - Fight with the monster

Option 2 - Enter the Police Station

===[ Option 1 ]==========================================================

Your objective is to check Brads body for his wallet. Nemesis will do his
best to smash your face in. If you manage to kill Nemesis, he will drop a
special item. After you get Brad's wallet, head into the police station.
Go to your item menu and describe Brad's wallet and it will change into
Brad's S.T.A.R.S. Card.

You are now in the Main Hall. There should be a few herbs on your right.
Head to the receptionist's desk and pick up the second map(Police Station).
There should be a few other items for you to pick up here. Insert Brads
S.T.A.R.S. Card into the computer and it will tell you that the S.T.A.R.S.
Office Key has been moved to the Evidence Room. Then a code will be given
to unlock the safe containing the key. Write it down and enter the only
door on the left wall (west wall), Here's a list of the codes that might
______ ______ ______ ______
| | | | |
| 4011 | 4312 | 0131 | 0513 |

I strongly suggest you just check the computer and write it down.

As you enter the office, you need to make your way through the zombies
and furniture to the right end of the office. There might be a few items
worth picking up at the small office on the left. Enter the door and you
will be in the Evidence Room.

Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ Option 2 ]==========================================================

You will escape by entering the police station. You are not able to go
outside 'coz Nemesis is pounding on the door. You are now in the Main
Hall. There should be a few herbs on your right. Head to the receptionist's
desk and pick up the second map (Police Station). There should be a few
other items for you to pick up here. You can't access the computer 'coz
you need a S.T.A.R.S. card. You need to make your way into the office
through the only door on the left wall (west wall).

As you enter the office, you need to make your way through the zombies
and furniture to the right end of the office. There might be a few items
worth picking up at the small office on the left. Enter the door and you
will be in the Evidence Room.

Forget all the items in this room for now and head out the door on your
right (east). Now turn left (north) and enter the next door (you
might need to take care of a few zombies before that). Head to the next
double door and enter the Conference Room. Jill's S.T.A.R.S. card is on
the desk. Search the room for items worth picking up. Now as you head out
you might want to fight your way to the other end for some herbs.

Make your way back to the Receptionist's Desk and insert the S.T.A.R.S.
card into the computer. It will tell you that the S.T.A.R.S. Office Key has
been moved to the Evidence Room. Then a code will be given to unlock the
safe containing the key. Here's a list of the code that might come up.
______ ______ ______ ______
| | | | |
| 4011 | 4312 | 0131 | 0513 |

I strongly suggest you just check the computer and write it down.

Now make your way to the Evidence Room.

Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ If you didn't choose any of the options ]=========================

Do what you like:

Kill Nemesis and check Brad's body for his wallet - [ Option 1 ]

Run into the Police Station - [ Option 2 ]

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

In the Evidence Room...

Check the safe with little red light on your left and take out the Blue
Gem. Now go to the other side and unlock the other safe with the
code you just obtained from the computer. Pick up the S.T.A.R.S. Office
Key. ( Emblem Key ) Head out the door on your left (east). There is a save
room nearby at the bottom of the stairs. Go in there and pick a few items
and make your way up the stairs. Make your way past the statue and through
the next door on the west side.

Use the S.T.A.R.S. Office Key ( Emblem Key ) on the next door and go into
the office. Pick up the Lock Pick from the desk, Weapon in the closet and
any other items of interest (You should have either the Shotgun or the Magnum).
After you are done, try and get out of the room and the game will take over.

You will get to hear a distress call ( Carlos and Co ). After the call,
make your way out of the police station. Right after you reach the bottom
of the stairs, Nemesis might give you a Heart Attack. Kill him or run away
from him. If you decide to run, you need to run pass two or three doors
to lose him. If you run into the Safe room, he will still be there when
you come out.

Right at the exit of the police station, head down south to the end of
the road and enter the door on your left ( east ). You are now in an
alley. As you are turning to the second bend, check the dead body for
some useful items. Enter the next door. Go to your right and look for
another Fire Hydrant with a Fire Hose. You can't take the Fire Hose 'coz
you don't have the proper tools. Look for anything useful and then
exit through the next door.

Take care of the dogs and proceed forward pass the bus. Check the body
behind the bus for some useful items and head right into the Parking Lot.
There should be two dogs here. Pick up the Jumper Cable ( Power Cable )
from the car on your right ( Sparkle! ). Head north into the save room on
your right.

Pick up some items or do what you must, then head out from the other door.
More dogs again. After you kill them go forward ( north ) and then go in
the door on your right. You are entering what looks like a construction
site. At the door, take the third map ( Downtown ) from the wall and head
down the small stairs to the dead body. You will be introduced to the
Drain Deimos. Two shots from the shotgun should kill it or you can use
the hanging crate on top to your advantage. Check the dead body and remember
the location of the lift as you need to come back here later. The lift is
not working 'coz it needs a Battery. Exit the place by using the other
door ( north side ). At this, point I will let you decide where you want
to meet Carlos.

===[ Meet Carlos in the Restaurant ]===================================

Go to the path on the right and head north until you reach the restaurant's
main entrance. Search the area for anything that you need, then take the
left isle into the kitchen. You will see a basement tunnel entrance on your left.
As you approach the back exit, you'll notice a small locker. Use your Lock Pick
to open it and pick up the crowbar. ( Fire Hook ) Use the crowbar on the
basement entrance and Carlos will be introduced. Just as the two of you
are getting cosy, Nemesis comes barging in....

====================[ Restaurant Live Selection ]=======================

[ Option 1 ] - Run into the basement

[ Option 2 ] - Hide in the kitchen

===[ Option 1 ]==========================================================

Jill and Carlos will escape into the basement via the entrance. Unfortunately,
a pipe ruptures and the room will be filling up with water. You are faced
with another dilemma. You can either go back up the ladder or escape into
the hole in the wall. If you don't decide fast and the water reaches a
certain level, Carlos will call for you to follow him back up the ladder.

---[ Hole In the Wall ]------------------------------------------------

Jill and Carlos will get out and then the game will take over. Carlos will
ask you to join him and his gang of mercenaries. Then he runs off. If
you did not kill Nemesis, I suggest you proceed to [ Resume Option 1 ]
If you did kill Nemesis, you can go back to the basement entrance and
explore the basement. Just activate the switch next to the entrance to
drain out the water before going down the ladder.
Proceed to [ Resume Option 1 ]

---[ Ladder or Follow Carlos Up The Ladder ]---------------------------

As always Namesis is there waiting for you. Carlos will help you kill
him. (Note : if Carlos dies, it's game over!) Either exit the restaurant
or kill Nemesis. When you exit the restaurant, the game will take over.
Carlos will ask you to join him and his gang of mercenaries. Then he
runs off. If you did not kill Nemesis, I suggest you proceed to
[ Resume Option 1 ]

If you did kill Nemesis, you can go back to the basement entrance and
explore the basement. Just activate the switch next to the entrance to
drain out the water before going down the ladder.
Proceed to [ Resume Option 1 ]

---[ Resume Option 1 ]------------------------------------------------

If you did not kill Nemesis, he will come at you again. Head west into
the junction. Go into the save room on your right side. Pick up the Rusty
Crank and do what you must. Then exit the save room and continue towards
west until you reach a door.

If you go forward, you will see the gate entrance to City Hall. It is
locked and there is some sort clock panel with a Jewel formation on
the right. The formation has two pieces missing. Now head north until
you reach the Newspaper Office. Enter from the Main entrance ( first door ).
Push the ladder to the far left so you can reach the Shutter Switch on top.
Activate the switch and jump down from the ladder. There is an item on
the phone booth if you are interested. Activate the switch next to the

Now you need to go up the stairs to the second floor. Don't worry about
the first floor 'coz it's on fire and you can't enter. Go into the office
on the left and pick up the Green Gem on the pile of books. Look around
for any useful items. Now make your way back to the clock panel with the
Jewel formation. Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ Option 2 ]==========================================================

Jill and Carlos will run and hide behind a counter. As Nemesis approaches,
Jill will throw a lamp into the back of the restaurant causing an explosion
knocking Nemesis off his feet. He is knocked out but he will regain
consciousness in a moment or so. Grab the Special Item that he dropped and
exit the restaurant via the back entrance.

As you exit, the game will take over. Carlos will ask you to join him and
his gang of mercenaries. Then he runs off. You can go back to the entrance
and explore the basement later if you want. Just activate the switch next
to the entrance to drain out the water before going down the ladder.

Head west into the junction. Go into the save room on your right side.
Pick up the Crank and do what you must. Then exit the save room and continue
on west until you reach a door.

If you go forward you will see the gate entrance to City Hall. It is
locked and there is some sort panel with a Jewel formation on the right.
The formation has two pieces missing. Now head north until you reach the
Newspaper Office. Enter from the Main entrance ( first door ). Push
the ladder to the far left so you can reach the Shutter Switch on top.
Activate the switch and jump down from the ladder. There is an item on
the phone booth if you are interested. Activate the switch next to the

Now you need to go up the stairs to the second floor. Don't worry about
the first floor 'coz it's on fire and you can't enter. Go into the office
on the left and pick up the Green Crystal on the pile of books. Look around
for any useful items. Now make your way back to the panel with the Jewel
formation. Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ If you didn't choose any of the options ]=========================

Do what you like:

Kill Nemesis and head to the back exit of the restaurant - [ Hole in
the wall ]

Escape from Nemesis and head to the back exit of the restaurant - [ Hole
in the wall ]

===[ Meet Carlos in the Newspaper Office ]=============================

Turn left and enter the door closest to you. Head down to the junction
and turn left. (You might need to kill a few zombies.) Go into the save
room on your right side. Pick up the Rusty Crank and do what you must.
Then exit the save room and continue on west until you reach a door.

If you go forward, you will see the gate entrance to City Hall. It is
locked and there is some sort clock panel with a Jewel formation on the
right. The formation has two pieces missing. Now head north until you
reach the Newspaper Office. Enter from the Main entrance (first door).
Push the ladder to the far left so you can reach the Shutter Switch on top.
Activate the switch and jump down from the ladder. There is an item on
the phone booth if you are interested. Activate the switch next to the

Now you need to go up the stairs to the second floor. Don't worry about
the first floor 'coz it's on fire and you can't enter. Go into the office
and the game will take over.

You will get to meet Carlos. Just as the two of you are getting cosy,
Nemesis comes barging in....

===============[ Newspaper Office Live Selection ]=====================

[ Option 1 ] - Jump out of the window

[ Option 2 ] - Hide in the back

===[ Option 1 ]========================================================

You and Carlos will jump into the garbage area next to the office. Look
around for any useful items. Exit via the only door available and the
game will take over. Carlos will ask you to join him and his gang of
mercenaries. Then he runs off. Nemesis is still on a rampage and he
will catch up on you again.

Head back to the junction with the save room and head north to the
back exit of the restaurant. Enter the restaurant and you will notice
a small locker on your left. Use your Lock Pick to open it and pick up
the crowbar. Use the crowbar on the basement entrance and go down the
ladder. Dispose of the zombies and check the dead body in the corner for
the Green Gem. Head back up the ladder. You may explore the front end of
the restaurant for any useful items. Now make your way back to the clock
panel with Jewel formation. Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ Option 2 ]========================================================

You and Carlos will hide behind the wall. Suddenly a huge explosion
forces Nemesis to come crashing through the window and simultaneously
knocking him out. Pick up the Special Item he dropped. This may be short
lived if you linger too long as he will wake up and continue to bombard
your face with his fist. Head down the stairs and exit via the main entrance.
The game will take over. Carlos will ask you to join him and his gang of
mercenaries. Then he runs off. Nemesis is still on a rampage and he will
catch up on you again.

Head back to the junction with the save room and head north to the
back exit of the restaurant. Enter the restaurant and you will notice
a small locker on your left. Use your Lock Pick to open it and pick up
the crowbar. ( Fire Hook ) Use the crowbar on the basement entrance and
go down the ladder. Dispose of the zombies and check the dead body in the
corner for the Green Gem. Head back up the ladder. You may explore the front
end of the restaurant for any useful items. Now make your way back to
the panel with the Jewel formation. Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ If you didn't choose any of the options ]=========================

Do what you like:

Kill Nemesis and then head outside via the main entrance

Escape Nemesis and then head outside via the main entrance

Either way this will happen as you exit the building. The game will
take over. Carlos will ask you to join him and his gang of mercenaries.
Then he runs off. Nemesis is still on a rampage and he will catch up on
you again.

Head back to the junction with the safe room and head north to the
back exit of the restaurant. Enter the restaurant and you will notice
a small locker on your left. Use your Lock Pick to open it and pick up
the crowbar. ( Fire Hook ) Use the crowbar on the basement entrance and
go down the ladder. Dispose of the zombies and check the dead body in
the corner for the Green Gem. Head back up the ladder. You may explore
the front end of the restaurant for any useful items. Now make your way
back to the clock panel with the Jewel formation. Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

| |
| [ Special Note ] |
| |
| There is more ways than one to meet Carlos but the outcome is the |
| same. Your objective is to get the Green Gem from the Second |
| Floor of the Newspaper Office or the basement of the restaurant |
| and to get the Rusty Crank from the save room. |

If Nemesis is on your back quickly insert both the Blue and Green Gem
into the Jewel formation. Once the circuit is completed the gate will open.
Enter the door and then head west until you reach another junction. Take the
left path. Go through the door and you will reach a Yard. Look out for some
herbs and proceed to the next door. You have now reached the Central Station.
Check the dead body for any useful item. Now force your way through the
crate and into the Trolley. You can only enter from the second door.
As you enter the Trolley, you will see the control panel on the bottom
right. There might be some useful items on the top. The control panel has
three parts missing.

| |
| 1. Mixed Oil - Machine Oil combined with Oil Additive |
| 2. Jumper Cable ( Power Cables ) - Which you have |
| 3. Fuse |

Insert the Jumper Cable if you are carrying it in your item list. If not,
you can do this later. Turn around and meet the rest of the gang. As the
game takes over, you will be introduced to Nikolai Ginovaef and Mikhail
Victor. Go to the next section of the Trolley. You will be reunited with
Carlos. After a brief discussion about trust, you will be briefed on the
next plan of escape, which is to get to the Clock Tower via Trolley. The
Trolley will also act as a shield for you guys but you need to get it
working first and the only way to do that is to fix the control panel.
Carlos will give you a harness so you will be able to carry up to ten
items in your item list.

When you regain control of Jill. Check the left bench for the Wrench.
Unlock the door and exit.

| |
| [ Special Note ] |
| |
| The next scenes will be judged by the distance. Play it through |
| once so you would get a bearing of the places and things to be |
| done. As I said before, you can make your own adventure. You can |
| play the game which ever way you want. The whole objective of the |
| next scenes ais to get the items needed to get the Trolley |
| working. You can do it in any sequence, change it around a little |
| to see all the scenes as they change with the steps you take. |
| |
| You will meet Nemesis at least once while you are on your quest |
| for these items. I have included all the scenes that might happen |

===[ Mikhial scene ]===================================================

Mikhial plays a small but important part in Bio Hazard 3. Most of the
time he will be lying on the bench hallucinating about his team members.
If you return to the Trolley at any point in your quest without the items
needed, you will witness a scene where Mikhail protects the Trolley from
a bunch of zombies. Try it out and see for yourself.

| |
| [ Special Note ] |
| |
| You have a choice of watching two Mikhial's scene. |
| |
| 1. Mikhial usses the Oil Drum |
| You must not destroy the Oil Drum when you enter the Cable Car. |
| I'm talking about the first time you enter the Cable Car. |
| |
| 2. Mikhial uses a Grenade |
| Destroy the Oil Drum before entering the Cable Car for the first |
| Time. |

===[ Gas Station ]=====================================================

Make your way to the Gas Station through the yard and alley (noth west
of the trolley). If a zombie jumps out on you from a car, be sure to
check the vehicle for any useful item. You should have the Wrench and
the Rusty Crank in your item list.

At the Gas Station, make your way around the pumps and to the shutter door.
You will notice a small panel on the right side of the shutter. Use the
Rusty Crank on the small panel. The game will take over and Jill will start
bringing up the shutter.... but the handle of the crank breaks and the
shutter comes down leaving only a stub of the crank still stuck on the
small panel. Damn Lousy Crank!!!

Now use your Wrench on the small panel and Jill will open the shutter
door. As you enter and approach the counter, one of these two scenes
might happen.

---[ Scene 1 ]---------------------------------------------------------

Nikolai comes in and walks to the workshop. Ignore him.

---[ Scene 2 ]---------------------------------------------------------

Carlos comes walking in. You start to hear moans and groans from
outside. The zombies have found us!! Carlos plays hero and goes outside
for a last stand. You could go out after him and help him. I suggest you
continue on as the outcome will be the same.

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

Look for any useful items and then proceed to the left corner of the back
of the counter. Click on the panel to play the puzzle. This would be, by
my book, the easiest puzzle in the game. The object of the puzzle is to
get only one letter lit in red and that is the letter highlighted
in green. Do this three times and you will open the locker. (I have never
seen a Gas Station that keeps Machine Oil in a safe before, so this must
be some Gas Station eh... :P)

Here is what you will get if you press any of the button.

| |
| Button A - Button A + B |
| Button B - Button A + B + C |
| Button C - Button B + C + D |
| Button D - Button C + D |

Alternate between the buttons to get the result. There will be no solution for
this puzzle for it is too simple.

Once you manage to solve the puzzle, take the Machine Oil and try to make
it for the exit. A spark will ignite the floor of the workshop (Scene 1 -
Nikolai will be blown to pieces) KABOOM!!!

Get up and head to the door. ( Scene 2 - You will find Carlos dead...
or is he? He gets up and follows you. ) Now get out of there and the game
will take over.

[ FMV 2 ]

( Scene 2 - Carlos runs off again) You now have a 1/3 ( one-third ) filed
Machine Oil in your item list. Now turn right at the junction and
go to the door on your left. Zombies will knock the door down, take care
of them and look for a statue of the mayor holding a book. Activate the
button in front of the statue and take the Bronze Book from the statue. Look
around for some herbs before you go.

Turn left and go through the door. Pass the save room and then turn left
at the junction. Go through the next door, turn left and keep on going
until you reach two stone panel on the east wall with pipes sticking out.
There is an open drain that is electrified next to the panel. If you
try to take out the Bronze Compass from the second panel, water will
come pouring out of the pipes and thus trapping you.

You have to put the Bronze Book into the first stone panel first then proceed
to take the Bronze Compass. Take it to the place where you got the Bronze Book,
the statue. Make your way to the statue.

Place the Bronze Compass into the statue's hand and the statue will turn.
Revealing the Lift Battery you need to get the lift working at the
construction site. Make your way to the lift.

Place the Lift Battery in the slot and take the lift down. Turn left and
fight your way south to the Substation. Enter the Substation on by using
the door on your far right. Once you enter, look around for herbs on the
floor then enter the next door. Look around for useful items first before
touching any switches. You should see Door A, Door B, a switch panel, a
locked door and a Voltage Regulator. ( Transformer )

_________________ _________________
| | | |
| DOOR A | | DOOR B |
| 15 V - 25 V | | 115 V - 125 V |
|_________________| |_________________|

Contains : Fuse Contains : Weapon

The objective is to open these two doors by getting the right voltage, that is
between the voltage given for each door. I suggest you get the Fuse first. The
second door contains a Weapon ( Grenade Launcher/Magnum ) To get started,
you need to activate the switch panel ( Power Switch ) to get the Voltage
Regulator working. Now activate the Voltage Regulator.

You are now given the Current Voltage. There are two switches, to Increase
or to Decrease. ( Red and Blue ) I am not sure of the actual formula for this
puzzle, the only thing I'm sure of is that the second last number would be
40 V / 60 V. So the last switch will either multiply or devide the sum by 2.
Here are a few results that I have come across.

| |

Once you open DOOR A and take the Fuse. The game will take over.
The zombies have found you. They are pounding on the door.
What do you do?
What do you do...

| |
| [ Special Note ] |
| If you want to open both doors before the Live Selection, you |
| must open both doors and NOT I repeat NOT take any items. The |
| zombies will attack when you take either the Weapon or the Fuse. |

==================[ Substation Live Selection ]========================

[ Option 1 ] - Head for the Emergency Exit

[ Option 2 ] - Increase the Electricity Output

===[ Option 1 ]========================================================

Jill will escape using the locked door. (If you choose to come to the
Substation first this will happen.) Once outside you will be surrounded
by zombies but before they can get to you...

Nemesis attacks you from above. Avoid his aerial attack and he will jump
down for a more personal approach. Kill him or run.

If you have all that you need go to [ Resume Game ] If not go back in and
do what you need to do and then go to [ Resume Game ]

===[ Option 2 ]========================================================

Jill will overload the generator and fry the zombies. If you choose this
option, the power surge will disrupt the regulator. It still works, but
now the ammount of volts it increases and decreses by has changed.
Here are a few results that I have come across.

| |

( If you choose to come to the Substation first this will happen ) Once
outside, you will be surrounded by zombies but before they can get to you...

Nemesis attacks you from above. Avoid his aerial attack and he will jump
down for a more personal approach. Kill him or run. Then proceed to
[ Resume Game ]

===[ If you didn't choose any of the options ]=========================

Kill the zombies as they barge in on you. Then do what you like.

( If you choose to come to the Substation first this will happen ) Once
outside, you will be surrounded by zombies but before they can get to you...

Nemesis attacks you from above. Avoid his aerial attack and he will jump
down for a more personal approach. Kill him or run. Then proceed to
[ Resume Game ]

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

You should have the Fuse, Machine Oil and Wrench in your items list. Make your
way up the lift and proceed to the Fire Hydrant with the Fire Hose attached.
Use the Wrench to unhook the Fire Hose from the Hydrant and pick up the
Fire Hose. You will now loose your Wrench. Make your way to the Fire
Hydrant next to the fire and the save room. (Where you first met the
dogs... west)

Use the Fire Hose on the Fire Hydrant and Jill will put out the fire that's
blocking your passage. Head west and go through two doors. Once you
have entered the second door, you will find another Crank on the floor
on your right. Pick it up and look for any other useful items.

Enter the Sales Office and one of these two scenes might happen.

---[ Scene 1 ]---------------------------------------------------------

Carlos is being attacked by a fellow team member who is changing into
a zombie. The team member ( Murphy, I think ) begs Carlos to kill him
before its too late. Carlos reluctantly shoots him and then he breaks
down like a wuss. As always he will run off after that. Proceed to
[ Resume Game ]

---[ Scene 2 ]---------------------------------------------------------

You hear a scream followed by a shot. You rush in only to find Nikolai
standing over a body of one of his team member. After a brief conversation,
he continues to collect his data. A very suspicious fellow. Proceed to
[ Resume Game ]

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

Look at the shiny thing on the table and pick up the Remote Control. Use
it and you will see an advertisement on T.V. Remember the name of the
product as that is the password needed to open the Store Room. Activate the
computer and enter the password. Here a list of the possible product names
that you might come across
| |

Now enter the Store Room and look for the Oil Additive on the far shelf.
( You might find some other useful items ) Now as you pick up the Oil

[ FMV 3 ]

The zombies are attacking!!

Back off a little and aim for the Steam Pipe. That should aid you in
taking care of the zombies. Fight your way out and head back to the

( If you choose the Sales Office first ) As you reach the junction before
the safe room, Nemesis will attack and destroy the Fire Hydrant. Kill him
or run.

On your back to the Trolley, you will have to survive two barriers that
will try to stop you from reaching your destination. If you are low on
ammo there are two Ammo Bonus Areas that you can go to.

|===[ Ammo Bonus Areas ]============================================|
| |
|---[ Ammo Bonus Area 1 - Garbage Area behind the Bar ]-------------|
| |
| For the first Bonus Area, you will need the Crank you just picked |
| up. Head to the Garbage Area behind the Bar. It is usually |
| infested with crows whenever I come here. Look for the shutter |
| door and then use the Crank on the small panel next to open the |
| shutter. Then pick up the ammo on the shelf. |
| |
|---[ Ammo Bonus Area 2 - Fat Man in the Container ]----------------|
| |
| Yup! You have to go to where you started and look for the Fat Man |
| who hid in the container. He ain't there now but he left a few |
| items for you to remember him by. |

===[ The Parking Lot ]=================================================

As you enter you will feel a rumble... Then the floor gives way and you
hang on the edges for your life. Somehow you manage to pull yourself up
and another scene will take place. The boxes from the van are falling.
What do you do?
What do you do

====================[ Parking Lot Live Selection ]=====================

[ Option 1 ] - Climb Up

[ Option 2 ] - Jump off

===[ Option 1 ]========================================================

Get out of the way and continue the journey back to the Trolley.

===[ Option 2 ]========================================================

Jump down and you will be in a tunnel with a dead worm. Head to the other
end and climb up the ladder. You are now outside the Parking Lot. Continue
the journey back to the Trolley.

===[ If you didn't choose any of the options ]=========================

Jill will be hit by the falling boxes and then she'll fall down the hole.
You will be in a tunnel with a dead worm. Head to the other end and climb
up the ladder. You are now outside the Parking Lot. Continue the journey back
to the Trolley.

===[ The Yard ]========================================================

As you enter the Yard, you will feel another rumble. Just as you are
reaching the door, the floor gives way again and you fall into a tunnel
that looks like this.
| |
___|S |__________________
| You - X |
|___________________ __|
Ladder | S|Switch

You will be introduced to the Grave Digger. They can inflict harm in the
worst way. You need to quickly activate the two switches so you can bring
down the ladder. Then activate the ladder switch to bring the ladder down.
If the worm stops you from a switch or the ladder switch, trick the worm
by going to the other side and wait for it. When the worm appears, quickly
run to the switch and you are home free. Climb the ladder and you will be
at Central Station.

==========================[ The Trolley ]==============================

Go to the Control Panel. Combine the Machine Oil and the Oil Additive
and the level of fuel in the Gas Container will rise. Insert the Mixed
Oil and the Fuse into the Control Panel. ( Be sure that you have
already inserted the Jumper Cable ) The game will take over.

Carlos will come in. Carlos might hand Jill some ammo. Jill will tell
Carlos that Nikholai will not be joining them. Carlos understands and
says that they better get going soon. He volunteers to start the Cable

Once you regain control, head to the next section and the game will take
over again. As Carlos start the Cable Car... Mikhail...

Prepare to fight Nemesis and head to the back section of the Cable Car.

Once you have defeated Nemesis, Head back to the front of the Cable Car.

[ FMV 4 ]

Mikhail's last stand. With his dying effort, he pulls the pin and KABOOM!!
The explosion sends the Cable Car out of control. There is nothing Carlos
can do. Do you...

=================[ Runaway Cable Car Live Selection ]==================

[ Option 1 ] - Jump out of the window

[ Option 2 ] - Use the Emergency Brakes

===[ Option 1 ]========================================================

Jill will come her senses and realize there ain't no way to get out of this,
then she will jump out of the nearest window. Leaving Carlos to meet his

[ FMV 5 ]

The Cable Car crashes. You wake up in a bedroom. Beware of the zombies behind
you. Pick up anything that might be of use and head out the door. You will be
in a save room. Pick up the items if any or do what needs to be done.

I know this is gonna sound silly but go in the bedroom again. This time take
a few steps forward and... The painting on your left will fall, revealing a
hidden safe. Pick up the Clock T. Key and then head back into the save room.

Now head out the other door and you will meet Carlos in the Library. He might
give you some ammo. After he goes off, look for any items that might be of use.
There is a green door on your left but it is locked. Exit through the other

You will be in the Main Hall of the Clock Tower. Pick up the fourth Map
( Clock Tower ) from the desk and the Weapon ( Mine Thrower ) next to the
dead guy. There might be some other items lying around. Now there are two
music box here. One on the left side of the stairs and the other, the right.
Listen to the music, so you can diffrentiate the two types of tone. Nothing
much else to do here but you can go outside to the courtyard to get some herbs
(it should be infested with crows). If you do go outside, notice the time
on the Clock Tower. The next objective is to get the clock to strike twelve
and your pick up ( chopper ) will arrive to save you.

At the Main Hall, go through the door on the west wall and enter the
dining room. Look for any useful items and head to the other door.
You will be in the piano room. Nothing much to do here so head to the
door on the south wall. ( The door on the east wall leads to the courtyard )
You are now at the Chapel/save room. Pick up any useful items and head
to the altar. Pick up the Clock T. Ladder Key and then head back to the
stairs at the main hall. Proceed to [ Resume Game ].

===[ Option 2 ]========================================================

Jill will punch the Emergency Brakes and...

[ FMV 5 ]

The Cable Car crashes. You wake up in a Clock Tower Courtyard. Notice the
time on the Clock Tower. The next objective is to get the clock to strike
twelve and your pick up ( chopper ) will arrive to save you. Look for some
herbs on the ground if the crows let you. The main door is locked so you
have to use the other door on the west wall. You will be in the Piano room,
go around looking for any items lying around ( but I doubt it ).

Just head to the door on your left ( south wall ). You are now at the Chapel
/save room. Pick up any useful items and head to the altar. Pick up the
Clock T. Key and head back to the Piano room. Enter the door on the north wall.

You will be in the piano room. You will meet Carlos here. After he is done,
head out through the double door. You will be in the Main Hall of the
Clock Tower. Pick up the fourth map ( Clock Tower ) from the desk and the
Weapon ( Mine Thrower ) next to the dead guy. There might be some other
items lying around. Now there are two music box here. One on the left side
of the stairs and the other, the right. Listen to the music so you can
diffrentiate the two types of tone. Now head to the door on the east wall.

You are now in the Library. Look for any item that might be of use. There
is a green door on your left but it is locked. Exit through the other door.

You are now in a save room. Pick up any items of use then enter the other

You are now in the bed room. Take a few steps forward and... The painting
on your left will fall, revealing a hidden safe. Pick up the Clock T. Ladder
Key and then head back to the stairs in the Main Hall.

Proceed to [ Resume Game ].

===[ If you didn't choose any of the options ]=========================

The cable car will crash. Proceed to [ Option 2 ]

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

Head up the stairs. There will be a few Spiders for you to kill as you
make your way through to the next door. You will find yourself on a
balcony of the Clock tower. There are a few herbs at the other end.
Go to the middle and inspect the green panel. You will be asked if you
want to use your ladder key, accept and the ladder will come down.

Head up the ladder to the save room. Pick up the Siver Clock Gear right
in front of you on the shelf and any other useful items. Look for a music
box at the corner and prepare to play the Music Box Puzzle.

You will listen to a sample of the music that will unlock the box. You
will be given 6 switches ( A, B, C, D, E and F ). The objective is to
set the switches UP/HIGH or DOWN/LOW to get the right tone for the music.
It isn't too hard. The options that will be given are UP/HIGH, DOWN/LOW
and NEXT. Once you think you have every switch at the right tone, sellect
PLAY on the F switch ( third from left ). Here are a few of the possible
solutions for this puzzle.

| | | | | | |
| A | B | C | D | E | F | Switch
| | | | | | |
| Up | Dn | Up | Up | Dn | Up | Possible Solution 1
| Dn | Dn | Dn | Up | Up | Dn | Possible Solution 2
| Dn | Up | Dn | Dn | Dn | Up | Possible Solution 3

Note : the Plaw option only appears in the "F" switch

Once you unlock the Music Box you will get the Chronos Chain. ( Key with
a stupid chain ) Now combine it with the Clock T. key you got downstairs
and you will get the Green Door Key. ( Chronos Key ) Now go down the ladder.

Just as you are going for the door... Nemesis appears..

====================[ Clock Tower Live Selection ]======================

[ Option 1 ] - Use the Light

[ Option 2 ] - Use the Cord

===[ Option 1 ]========================================================

Jill quickly flip the switch and blinds Nemesis. Jill takes this
opportunity to knock Nemesis down.

Go through the door and head for the Green Door in the Library. Proceed
to [ Resume Game ]

===[ Option 2 ]========================================================

Jill quickly pulls out the power cord from the spotlight and fry Nemesis. You
can take the Special Item he dropped and head out the door. Head for the
Green Door in the Library. Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ If you didn't choose any of the options ]=========================

Do what you like. Kill or run. Go through the door and head for the
Green Door in the Library. Proceed to [ Resume Game ]

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

Use the Green Door Key ( Chronos Key ) to unlock the green door. Fight
your way through the alley and to the next door. You will find yourself
in a strange room with three paintings and three statues. There is a door
on the other side but the passage is blocked by a huge bell. Look for some
items before playing the Time Puzzle.

The three statues represent the Goddess Time. The Goddess of Past, Present
and Future ( left to right ). They hold three stones which are needed to
solve the Time Puzzle. You have to put the stones into the slots beneath
the painting. Each stone will turn the hands on the clock in the middle.
The objective is to turn the hands to 12 o'clock. Here is what you will
get with the stones on the three paintings.

Crystal Ball - Silver Obsidian Ball - Black Amber - Amber Ball
| | | | |
| Stones | Left Painting | Middle Painting | Right Painting |
| | | | |
| Silver | - 1 hour | + 1 hour | + 2 hours |
| Black | - 2 hours | + 2 hours | + 4 hours |
| Yellow | - 3 hours | + 3 hours | + 6 hours |

Here's something to help you. A list of results I got.

| | | | |
| Time on the Clock | Left Painting | Middle Painting | Right Painting |
| | | | |
| 7:00 | Black | Silver | Yellow |
| 9:00 | Black | Yellow | Silver |
| 5:00 | Silver | Black | Yellow |

Once you solved the puzzle, the clock will open revealing the Gold Clock Gear.
Combine the Silver and the Gold Clock Gear together to get the Chronos Gear and
head back to the save room on top of the ladder.

Insert the the Chronos Gear into the Clock Mechanism and that will get the Clock
Tower working. A chopper is now on its way to pick you up from the evacuation area.
( The yard in front of the Clock Tower ) Go down the ladder and through the door.
The game will take over.

[ FMV 6 ]

Jill smiles as the chopper comes to pick her up. The chopper prepares to
come down and then...


Nemesis turns the chopper to metal scrap. Prepare to fight Nemesis.
Nemesis jumps down and attack Jill like never before. Jill gets
infected by the virus.

( Carlos might come out to help you )

After you defeat Nemesis and Jill will faint. Carlos will carry Jill to
the Chapel.

Part One - 24 hours after Bio Hazard 2
| | |
| October 1st | Night |
| |
| I woke up to the sound of falling rain.. |
| I can't belive... |
| I'm still alive.... |

Jill is infected by the virus and is slowly turning into a zombie. You
now take charge of Carlos. You need to find a cure for Jill. You need to
find the Vaccine to cure Jill. Your Jill's only hope.

===[ Carlos ]==========================================================

Carlos is a lot stronger than Jill. The only weapons you can use would be
the M$A1 Assault Rifle, the M92F Handgun and the knife. Herbs are rare but
you may find two green herbs if you are lucky. Always good to ration your
ammo until you have done your task. Frankly it would be impossible for
Carlos to kill Nemesis in the begining of the game. Maybe later once you
gain all the secrets of the game. The monsters are unrelentless but Carlos
is strong and he can take more punishment than Jill.

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

Leave the Chapel and head to the room with the three paintings. Go to
the other door and push the bell. Exit the room and proceed left to the
Hospital ( northwest ). Enter the hospital and take a few steps forward.
You will be introduced to Hunter. There are two of them so beware.

Look around for any useful items and then go through the door on the right.
Do what you have to do in the save room and then proceed to the next door.
Look for blue herb in the drawer, ammo in the closet, the fifth map
( Hospital ) on the message board, a Tape Recorder on the desk and any
other useful items.

Go to the lift and activate the switch. It doesn't work 'coz it needs
a voice verification. Use the Tape Recorder and then get on the lift. Now
decide which floor you want to go first. Each floor has its own scene
depending on which floor you go first.

===[ Basement 3rd Level ]==============================================

Go down the corridor and enter the only door. Look for any item of use
and then proceed to the next door. The game will take over. Tyrell, an
Umbrella agent has gone nuts. He is very paranoid and he thinks that
Carlos is in kahoots with the guy who shot him. The guy who betrayed him.
The traitor Nikolai. He opens a safe and KABOOM!!

After that, enter the next door. Pick up the Container ( Medium Base )on
the shelf and any other useful items. To play the next puzzle you need to
activate the power switch to start the Chemical Synthesizer. Unfortunately
this also drains the tubes with the frog hunters b. Now place the Container
into the machine next to the switch. To solve the puzzle, all you need to
do is to get the two levels equal. There are five switches ( I, II,
III, A and B ) to activate. Oh skip the crap! Heres the solution.
It works every time.

| | | |
| I - Activate | II - Remains | III - Activate |
| | |
| A - Activate | B - Remains |

Pick up the Red Vaccine. ( Vaccine Medium ) Now try and make it to the door.
The game will take over. The frogs will break through. Kill them and head
to the lift.

===[ 4th Floor ]=======================================================

Turn left and go to the very end of the corridor ( Ignore the corridor
on your left ). Enter the door on your right and the game will take over.
Nikolai shoots Tyrell, an agent from Umbrella. "Carlos, I am one of the
Supervisor and thats all you need to know.... "

Just as Carlos was going to get his head blown off, the unknown agent pulls
the pin and KABOOM! ( Nikolai gets away )

Go into the small room and pick up the Ward key. ( Sick Room Key ) Look
around for some useful items. Now head back to the corridor with two rooms.
Enter the first room and look for a small drawer. Remember its placing in
the room. Check the dead body for a password.

( There is no trick to get you out of doing this as you still need to
come in to this room to look at the position of the drawer )

( Anyway I came across these codes : 104, 253, 325 )

Now get out and go to the other room. Use the key to open the other door.
First you need to move the drawer to the opposite side of the drawer in
the previous room. If you do this right the painting will fall, revealing
a hidden safe. ( If you got it wrong, just go out and come in again )
Enter the code you got from the dead guy and take the Blue Vaccine.
( Vaccine Base ) Now head to the lift.

===[ Resume Game ]=====================================================

Combine the Blue and Red Vaccine. All you have to do now is to get back
to Jill. Once you reach the Hospital Lobby. Carlos will notice a bomb and
the timer says you only have 7 seconds before KABOOM!!!

[ FMV 7 ]

The Hospital is destroyed. Make your way to Jill ( Chapel ). You will
encounter major monsters in your path. Nemesis will jump you in the
main hall of the Clock Tower. Kill or ignore him. If you decide to go
else where. Nemesis will find Jill and kill her ( Game Over! ). Just run
if you are low on ammo.

Once you reach the Chapel, use the Vaccine on Jill. You regain control
of Jill again.

===[ Jill ]=============================================================

Carlos warns you of the traitor Nikolai and tells you not to trust him.
After he runs off, you will regain control of Jill again. Make sure you
have the lock pick in your item list. Now exit the room and make your
way to the door with the bell. ( room with the three painting )

Once you have exit the Clock Tower, head forward ( north ) and open the
door with your lock pick. Pick up the Park Key ( Main Gate Key ) from the
key holder on the wall and any other item that might be of use. Your objective
now is to find a way to get into the Disused Plant.

Now exit the room and turn left to the Park. Use the Park Key to unlock
the gate and enter. Central Park has two paths and monsters that appears
randomly. The door on the path on the left ( west ) is locked. Go the path
on the right ( east ) and go down the stairs to the jeti. Take care of the
zombies / hunters that block your way and go on to the jungle path. Shoot
your way through until you reach a dead body with a shiny key by its side.
Pick up the Park Key ( Graveyard Cabin Key ) and head back to the door on
the left path of Central Park. Enter the door.

You are now at the fountain area. At the entrance, pick up the sixth map
( Park ) from the board on your left. Go forward and check if you can get
some herbs on the floor.

Now look for a board with different formations of gears and the Fountain
Regulator. ( next to the board ) The board contains the info on how to get
all the fountain in the center piece working. ( try it if you have the
time ) Unfortunately your objective is to drain the water at the base of
the fountain. Jump into the water from the ledge next to the Fountain
Regulator and walk around until you see a smaller board on top of the
tunnel entrance. Thats the formation you want. Now head to the Fountain
Regulator and play the puzzle.

Its very simple. You get to to move the gears only six times. The small
counter on your top left tells you the numbers of moves you have left.
Heres the solution. It works every time.

| |
| WG - White Gear BG - Black Gear |

The Gear Formation Needed to drain the water
\ __ __ /
\ /BG\ /BG\ /
\ __\__/__\__/ /
\ /WG\ /WG\ /
\ \__/ \__/ /

The Gear Formation at the start of the puzzle
\ __ __ /
\ /WG\ /WG\ /
\ __\__/__\__/ /
\ /BG\ /BG\ /
\ \__/ \__/ /

Move 1 - Black Gear Up
\ __ __ __ /
\ /BG\ /WG\ /WG\ /
\ \__/ \__/__\__/ /
\ /BG\ /
\ \__/ /

Move 2 - White Gear Down
\ __ __ /
\ /BG\ /WG\ /
\ \__/__ __\__/ /
\ /WG\ /BG\ /
\ \__/ \__/ /

Move 3 - Black Gear Up
\ __ __ __ /
\ /BG\ /BG\ /WG\ /
\ \__/__\__/ \__/ /
\ /WG\ /
\ \__/ /

Move 4 - White Gear Down
\ __ __ /
\ /BG\ /BG\ /
\ \__/__\__/__ /
\ /WG\ /WG\ /
\ \__/ \__/ /

Move 5 - Black Gear Right
\ __ __ /
\ /BG\ /BG\ /
\ \__/__ __\__/ /
\ /WG\ /WG\ /
\ \__/ \__/ /

Move 6 - Black Gear Right
\ __ __ /
\ /BG\ /BG\ /
\ __\__/__\__/ /
\ /WG\ /WG\ /
\ \__/ \__/ /


Once the water is drained go down the tunnel entrance. ( Sliding Worms
a plenty ) Don't bother killing them for they are endless in numbers.
Just wiggle your way to the next ladder and go up to the Graveyard.

Once you are topside, head forward ( south ) and turn left. ( There is
a small path on the left that leads to some herbs ) Go forward until the
end and then turn left again and head to the Cabin. Use the Cabin Key
to unlock the door.

Once you are in the Cabin, pick up the Iron Pipe in the cupboard and any
other item of use. Go into the save room on your right. Put away the
lock pick and pick up your lighter. You must have the Iron Bar and the
lighter in your item list. Now go the fire place and use the Lighter to
light a fire.

After the fire burns the woods ( some lighter eh ), a small hole will
be visible revealing a secret room behind the fire place. Use the
Iron Pipe to knock off the loose bricks and an entrance will be made
for you to crawl in.

Crawl into the secret room. Pick up the Lock Key ( Rear Gate Key ) and any
other item of use. Try and exit and you will get to hear another call.
Exit the room and Nikolai will confront you. He tells you of his actual plans.
Midway the conversation is abrupted by a rumble. Another Mutant! Nikolai
runs off.

Before going out to the Graveyard, I suggest you arm yourself to the
teeth and stock up on your herbs. You are about to fight the Grave Digger.
Head out to the Graveyard.

[ FMV 8 ]

The whole Graveyard is unearthed, enter the Grave Digger. ( Looks like
the area between the legs when it is upright in mid air ) Bring your
fight to the area with lamps and a pool of water. Hold your ground and
a scene will take place.

Use electricity to your advantage and shoot the lamps on each side.
Bait the worm to touch the water and it will be fried.

As you kill the worm, an exit will be made available to you. Make your
way to the fountain area and into Central Park. You need to take the
east path. Go all the way until you see a chained shut gate. Use the
Lock Key you got from the cabin to open the gate.

The next choice you make will decide the ending you get. Check Spoilers
for details.

Go up the stairs and on to the bridge. Nemesis will trap you on the bridge.
There's no where else to go. What do you do?
What do you do

================[ Disused Plant Live Sellection ]=======================

[ Option 1 ] - Push him off

[ Option 2 ] - Jump off

[ If you did not choose any options ]
- Nemesis will attack and Jill will fall of the bridge.
Go to [ Option 2 ]

===[ Option 1 ]========================================================

Jill dodge to the left and pushes Nemesis off the bridge. Jill goes into
the disused plant.

Make your way to the door on your far left corner of the coridoor. You
will meet Carlos. Your time is short. You have until Daylight before
Raccoon City is destroyed. Carlos will go off now but he'll catch up
on you later.

Look for the Facility Key on the cabinet and any other item of use.
The Key opens more than just one door. Have a look at the card attached
to the key. You need to upgrade the card later. Keep it in your list at all times.
Go to the other door and you will find yourself in a steam room. Notice
the Lift on your left and remember it. There a some herbs on your right.
Now you need to get to the control panel on the other side of the room.
Your path is blocked by the steam. You need to regulate the steam so you can
reach the control panel. Why do you need to reach the control panel?
Well right now you need to get the Access Card to open the Shutter door.
( The first door you passed when you entered the plant ) The access card is
in an area that has two security lock. This is one of them. To get to
the control panel. You need to play the steam puzzle. It is quite simple.
Here's the solution.

__________ Switches to activate
|_| ___|__|Control ====================
| |D E|C |Panel 1 - A 6 - E
\ |___|B | 2 - B 7 - A
|____A_____| 3 - C 8 - B
4 - A 9 - C
5 - D 11 - Activate Control Panel

10 - A ( To get out )

Once you activate the control panel you have unlocked one of the locks for
the door shown in the scene. Now exit the steam room as well as the save
room and enter the next door in the coridoor. At the entrance, take the
seventh map on the wall ( Disused Plant ) on your right. Go to the desk
and pick up the system disc. You might find some herbs as well. Head east
and you will find a lift and the door that was shown in the scene earlier
on. Go in the lift and go down to the first floor.

Kill anything that moves and shoot your way to the right. Go down the
stairs and through the door. Go down into the sewer and make your way
to the door on your left. ( west )

You have now entered the save room of the Water Testing Laboratory.
Go to the machine in front of you ( blue lights ) and take the Water
Sample Vile. Look for any other item of use then head down the stairs.
Insert the Vile into the Water Sampling Machine. Why are you doing this?
Well the last lock will be lifted if you can convince the computer that
the water in the Plant is safe. ( it actually stinks ) Thats why you took
the Water Sample. It is clean. This is the last puzzle you need to solve
to unlock the door to your Access Card. To solve this puzzle you need to
match the three bands ( A, B & C ) to match the ones of the sample ( top ).
Its like building a castle with blocks. You have to ignore the Vertical
lines. Only the Horizontal lines make the blocks. Rotate the bands left
or right to get the blocks in the right sequence.

The options are:

A B C Cancel

Left Right Match the lines Cancel

Unfortunately I only have two solutions for this puzzle. I hope this
will help you.

----------------------[ Result Sample 1 ]------------------------------

Given | | |# | | |# | | |
Sample |# | |# |# |# |# | |# |
|# #|# #|# |# |# #|# #|# |# #|

Row A = |# #|# | |# #|# | |# #|# | = Right 1

Row B = |# |# |# #| |# | | |# | = Right 3

Row C = | |# |# | |# #| |# |# | = Left 3

Row A = |# |# #|# | |# #|# | |# #|

Row B = | | |# |# |# |# #| |# |

Row C = |# #| |# |# | |# |# | |

----------------------[ Result Sample 2 ]------------------------------

Given |# | | | | | |# | |
Sample |# | |# |# | |# |# |# |
|# #|# |# #|# |# |# #|# #|# #|

Row A = |# #|# | |# #|# | |# #|# | = Left 1

Row B = |# |# |# #| |# | | |# | = Left 2

Row C = | |# |# | |# #| |# |# | = Right 2

Row A = |# | |# #|# | |# #|# |# #|

Row B = |# #| |# | | |# |# |# |

Row C = |# |# | |# |# | |# #| |

Once you solve the puzzle, ( water quality has passed safety level )
the last lock will be lifted. Before you go insert the key into the
machine on the for right. This will upgrade the Facility Key so you
can open the locker with the Rocket Launcher later on. If you look
at the card on the key, a new serial bar has been printed on it.
Stock up on ammo and herbs before you head up to the second floor.

Once your on the second floor, turn right and enter the door. Move
forward and the game will take over.

It seems you are not the only person looking for the card. Nikolai
will do his best to stop you. Unfortunate for him, fate has dealt
him differently...

Move forward and you'll see what's left of the traitor. Insert the
System Disc into the panel on the wall and the door will be unlocked.
Prepare to meet Nemesis and go in the door. The game will take over.

You have a few ways of defeating Nemesis here. The pipes are one of

Once you defeat Nemesis, a scene will come up showing you where to get
the Umbrella Access Card. Pick it up and swipe it on the panel next to
the door to unlock it. Once you exit the room...

[ FMV 9 ]

Nemesis finds out how it feels to be garbage. You find out the Missile
Launch is confirmed.

If you want to pick up the Rocket Launcher. Go to the lift in the Steam
Room and swipe the Umbrella Access Card into the panel on the lift. Take
the lift down and go to the locker. Insert the Facility Key into the small
panel to unlock the locker and pick up the Rocket Launcher. Look around for
some ammo.

Now go to the shutter door on the second floor. Insert the Umbrella Access
Card to open the shutter door. Kill the zombies, pick up the herbs and then
enter the door. Go to the com and Carlos will call you. You will now take
the Portable Radar Receiver. Head to the ladder and the alarm will come on,
your exit will be made available. Go down the ladder, kill the zombies,
load up, save and prepare for one last encounter with Nemesis.

There's only one path you can take. Look for any items of use on the road.
Enter the door in front of you. You will see a huge Rail Cannon and three
numbered batteries around the area. Go next to the Rail Cannon and activate
the control panel. There's not enough power to run the Rail Cannon. You
need to push the batteries in manualy and in sequence.

| | 3|_| | 1 - Battery 1
| _| | \E 2 - Battery 2
__| |_|1 | | 3 - Battery 3
\ | | /\| R - Rail Cannon
__/ | | \R\ C - Rail Cannon's Control Panel
| |____| \
| _|C

Once you push the first battery, Nemesis will drop in on you. It is the
most easiest of encounters. Push the other two batteries in and bait
Nemesis to get in front of the Rail Cannon. Oh yeah, give him all you got.

Once you defeat Nemesis head to the exit and the Last Live Selection
will appear. Its Alive !!! Nemesis crawls to you...

===================[ Rail Gun Live Selection ]=========================

[ Option 1 ] - Exterminate the monster ( Jill will kill Nemesis with Style )

[ Option 2 ] - Ignore it and evacuate ( Jill will escape into the exit door )

[ If you did not choose any options ]
- Nemesis will attack you one last time and die.

Go through the door. Take the lift down and...


===[ Option 2 ]========================================================

Jill will jump off the bridge and land on the edge of the moat. Go forward
and jump down into the sewer. Go to the ledge closest to you and go in
the save room.

You have now entered the save room of the Water Testing Laboratory.
Go to the machine in front of you ( blue lights ) and take the Water
Sample Vile. Look for any other item of use then head down the stairs.
Insert the Vile into the Water Sampling Machine. This is the first puzzle
you need to solve to unlock the door to your access card. What access
card ? Well right now you need to get the access card to open a Shutter door.
The access card is in an area that has two security lock. This is one
of them. The first lock will be lifted if you can convince the computer that
the water in the Plant is safe. ( it actually stinks ) Thats why you took
the Water Sample. It is the only clean water in the place.To solve this
puzzle you need to match the three bands ( A, B & C ) to match the ones
of the sample ( top ). Its like building a castle with blocks. You have to
ignore the Vertical lines. Only the Horizontal lines make the blocks.
Rotate the bands left or right to get the blocks in the right sequence.

The options are:

A B C Cancel

Left Right Match the lines Cancel

Unfortunately I only have two solutions for this puzzle. I hope this
will help you.

----------------------[ Result Sample 1 ]------------------------------

Given | | |# | | |# | | |
Sample |# | |# |# |# |# | |# |
|# #|# #|# |# |# #|# #|# |# #|

Row A = |# #|# | |# #|# | |# #|# | = Right 1

Row B = |# |# |# #| |# | | |# | = Right 3

Row C = | |# |# | |# #| |# |# | = Left 3

Row A = |# |# #|# | |# #|# | |# #|

Row B = | | |# |# |# |# #| |# |

Row C = |# #| |# |# | |# |# | |

----------------------[ Result Sample 2 ]------------------------------

Given |# | | | | | |# | |
Sample |# | |# |# | |# |# |# |
|# #|# |# #|# |# |# #|# #|# #|

Row A = |# #|# | |# #|# | |# #|# | = Left 1

Row B = |# |# |# #| |# | | |# | = Left 2

Row C = | |# |# | |# #| |# |# | = Right 2

Row A = |# | |# #|# | |# #|# |# #|

Row B = |# #| |# | | |# |# |# |

Row C = |# |# | |# |# | |# #| |

Once you solve the puzzle, ( water quality has passed safety level )
you will see a scene that shows you the door to the Access Card.
Before you go, look at the machine on your for right. ( blue light )
Remember it cause you may need to come here later.

Now go up to the Sewer. The game will take over and you will meet Carlos.
Your time is short. You have until Daylight before Raccoon City is
destroyed. Carlos will go off now but he'll catch up on you later.

Now walk to the other side and enter the door. Shoot anything that moves
and make your way to the lift. Go up to the second floor.

Once you have reached the second floor, the door on your right is the
door mentioned earlier. Kill the zombies and head to the desk. Pick
up the System Disc from the desk and head to the door. Pick up the
seventh map ( Disused Plant ) before going through the door. As you exit
the game will take over. Nikolai has beaten you to the Shutter Door. Don't
worry about him for now and enter the door on your right.

Look for a Facility Key on the cabinet and any other item of use. The
Facility Key opens more than just one door. Have a look at the card attached
to the key. You need to upgrade the card later. Keep it in your list at all
times. Go to the other door and you will find yourself in a steam room.
Notice the Lift on your left and remember it. There a some herbs on your
right. Now you need to get to the control panel on the other side of the
room. Your path is blocked by the steam. You need to regulate the steam
so you can reach the control panel. The control panel is the last lock
on the door. To get to the control panel. You need to play the steam
puzzle. It is quite simple. Here's the solution.

__________ Switches to activate
|_| ___|__|Control ====================
| |D E|C |Panel 1 - A 6 - E
\ |___|B | 2 - B 7 - A
|____A_____| 3 - C 8 - B
4 - A 9 - C
5 - D 11 - Activate Control Panel

10 - A ( To get out )

Once you solve the puzzle the last lock will be lifted. Now return to the
sewers and insert the Facility Key into the machine ( blue light ) next to the
Water Sampling Machine. This will upgrade the key so you can open the
locker with the Rocket Launcher later on. If you notice the card now, a serial
bar has been printed on the card. Now take the lift up to the door that has
just been unlocked.

Walk forward and insert the System Disc into the panel and the next door
will be unlocked. Prepare to meet Nemesis and go in the door. The game will
take over.

You have a few ways of defeating Nemesis here. The pipes are one of

Once you defeat Nemesis, a scene will come up showing you where to get
the Umbrella Access Card. Pick it up and swipe it on the panel next to
the door to unlock it. Once you exit the room...

[ FMV 9 ]

Nemesis finds out how it feels to be garbage. You find out the Missile
Launch is confirmed.

If you want to pick up the Rocket Launcher. Go to the lift in the Steam
Room and swipe the Umbrella Access Card into the panel on the lift. Take
the lift down and go to the locker. Insert the key into the small panel
to unlock the locker and pick up the Rocket Launcher. Look around for
some ammo.

Now go to the shutter door on the second floor. Insert the Umbrella Access
Card to open the shutter door. Kill the zombies, pick up the herbs and then
enter the door. Go to the com and pick up the Radar device from the counter.
Now head back to the door and the game will take over.

Nikolai has beaten you to the chopper. He is now going kill you...
What do you do

=====================[ Nikolai Live Selection ]======================

[ Option 1 ] - Negotiate with Nikolai

[ Option 2 ] - Return Fire to the Chopper
( Don't attempt this unless you have the Rocket Launcher.
If you fail to kill him, he will fly away )

[ If you did not choose any options ]
- Do what you like. Go to [ Option 2 }

The outcome is the same. Carlos comes in and you will break the bad news
to him. Carlos just won't give up and you will regain control of Jill.
Leave the room ( not the ladder ) and come back in again. The game will
take over.

Salvation or is it...

Go down the ladder....

Kill the zombies, load up, save and prepare for one last encounter with

There's only one path you can take. Look for any items of use on the road.
Enter the door in front of you. You will see a huge Rail Cannon and three
numbered batteries around the area. Go next to the Rail Cannon and activate
the control panel. There's not enough power to run the Rail Cannon. You
need to push the batteries in manualy and in sequence.

| | 3|_| | 1 - Battery 1
| _| | \E 2 - Battery 2
__| |_|1 | | 3 - Battery 3
\ | | /\| R - Rail Cannon
__/ | | \R\ C - Rail Cannon's Control Panel
| |____| \
| _|C

Once you push the first battery, Nemesis will drop in on you. It is the
most easiest of encounters. Push the other two batteries in and bait
Nemesis to get in front of the Rail Gun. Oh yeah, give him all you got.

Once you defeat Nemesis head to the exit and the Last Live Selection
will appear. Its Alive !!! Nemesis crawls to you...

=====================[ Rail Gun Live Selection ]========================

[ Option 1 ] - Exterminate the monster ( Jill will kill Nemesis with Style )

[ Option 2 ] - Ignore it and evacuate ( Jill will escape into the exit door )

[ If you did not choose any options ]
- Nemesis will attack you one last time and die.

Go through the door. Take the lift down and...




This sections contains all the secrets I know for Bio Hazard 3. If you
have played the game and found sontehing new and is not on the FAQ and
you want to add to this FAQ, please mail me and I will put your name
up in the Credits list. ( whew )


There is two FMV endings for Bio Hazard 3. But there is a few ways on
getting to the ending.


1. Nikolai gets killed, Jill and Carlos rides away in the chopper


1. Jill kills Nikolai. Jill, Carlos and a friend rides away in the chopper.

2. Jill fights Nikolai but he flies away. Jill, Carlos and a friend rides
away in the chopper.

2. Nikolai flies away. Jill, Carlos and a friend rides away in the chopper.

Playing the game differently for FMV Ending 2 will result in Carlos saying
different dialogues everytime the chopper lands.


Each time you finish a game in the HEAVY mode you will receive a few items.
These items are The Boutique Key, The Mercenaries Game and The Epilogues.

The Boutique Key

The key opens the boutique thats next to the bar ( in the start of the
game ). You can get five different costumes in here ( depending on how
well you do in the game... rank ). When you enter the boutique, you will
see five doors. Here are the costumes that are in the shop ( left to
right )

1. Jill's S.T.A.R.S. uniform. ( Bio Hazard 1 )
2. Police uniform.
3. Shopping outfit.
4. Biker outfit.
5. You will change to Regina from Dino Crisis. ( even the hair will change )

The Mercenaries Game

This is by far the coolest sub-game in the Bio Hazard series. You play
either Carlos, Nikolai or Mikhail. The objective is simple. You have
to get from Point A ( The Trolley ) to Point B ( Save Room in the Ware-
house ) in a short limited time. You only have a certain ammout of ammo
and herbs you can carry. Each time you kill a monster, it will add to
your rank and time. Throughout the journey you may also save civillians
from getting killed. Each time you save a fellow human, you will recieve
a Special Item and increase your rank. Each time you play the game, you
will get a result and money. Use this money to buy the Special Weapons
that are for sale. These weapons will appear in your item box when you
play the normal game again. These weapons will NOT have an effect on
your ranking in your normal game.

The items each character carries can be seen in the sellection menu.
Mikhail is the best out of the Three. Carlos is second and Nikolai
is the hardest to play coz' he's only got a limited ammount of ammo
and weapons in his arsenal.

The most interesting part about the game is the Civilians you can save.
It is almost impossible to save all of them. ( unless you cheat )
Each civilian is located in strategic location in Raccoon City. They also
have a limited time span. They will die if you are not fast enough. Here's
a list of Civilians I have encountered so far: ( judged by the distance )

| | |
| Civilians | Location |
| | |
| Fat Man | Gas Station |
| Little Girl | Newspaper Office |
| Brad | Restaurant's Basement |
| Tyrell | Substation |
| ( C/N/M ) | Sales Office |
| ( C/N/M ) | Bar |

Brad will die is you took too long to save the Fat Man and the Little Girl.
Each civilian you save will add +20 seconds into your time. ( C/N/M ) -
the character that will appear depending on who you are playing.

The items you can buy are:

| | | | |
| Machine Gun | Gattling Gun | Rocket Launcher | Unlimited Bullets |
| $2000 | $3000 | $4000 | $9999 |

I suggest you save and buy the Unlimited Bullets first. I do not have
a solid ranking strategy for this game as I find each character differnt
in some ways. Nemesis will appear at least three times in the whole game.
Killing is easier said then done. I'm still playing this game to this
very day. The best thing about the game would be the bonus you get after
you complete or die in the game. Try it!



By Andri Kurniawan

Ok. This is my first attempt to write. Please forgive me for any grammatical or
spelling errors.

For the time being, I only played Nicholai and Mikhail.
I will do one for Nicholai and Carlos soon. This text will contain any strategy
for Mikhail.

Opening text :
These men have lost their edge.
They have forgotten what fear and survival mean.
It's time for them to remember...


Arms : Magnum (fully loaded) with 18 bullets
Shotgun (fully loaded) with 21 shells
Rocket Launcher with 8 rockets
1 Mixed herb (Brown)


Arms : Machine gun at 100%
Upgraded Hand Gun with 15 bullets
90 Normal Bullets
3 Mixed Herb

NIKHOLAI (the hardest)

Arms : Handgun with 15 bullets
Knife (remember, any kill with a knife gives you
8 x time gained)
Blue Herb
3 First Aid Spray

Time Bonus for kills :

Here's how timing works :
You get a time bonus for a first kill.
If before the first enemy dies you killed the second enemy, or if you killed
multiple enemies, then the (next kill) time bonus is gained.

Knife kill : Time bonus x 8
Zombie first kill : +3
Next kill : +7
Crow : +1
Next kill : +2
Dog : +4
Next kill : +10
Drain Deimos : +5
Next kill : ?
Brain Sucker : ?
Next kill : ?
Hunter Beta : +6
Next Kill : ?
Hunter Gamma : ?
Next Kill : ?
Nemesis KO : +10
Nemesis Dead : +20
Mutated Nemesis : +120 (Only appear when more than 2 minutes remain when you
reached the overturned bus)

Onward to the walkthrough!

Okay. Maybe some people will laugh at my pathetic strategy listed here. Please
bear with me.

For now, only the Walkthrough for Nicholai will be available.
Note that this is done on BioHazard 3 Last Escape. Maybe the NA version will be

I aim to get the best time, not rank. This walkthrough will help you save 4
civilians, with the strategy to rescue the fifth if you want. But the fifth
civilian is not worth the trouble IMHO, since he only gives you 20 seconds and a
first aid spray.
I don't think the random rule apply here, since I played this game several times
already, and every enemy still appears on the same locations.




Press select to skip the opening speech. Run to the door, and go out to the street

Enemy : 4+ zombies to your left.
3 zombies after the box.

Run to your right. Ignore those zombies to the left. Jump over the box, aim your
shotgun up, and shoot the first zombie. (You can try to dodge if you want to)
Dodge the other two, and go through the door.

Enemy : 2 Zombies in front of you
2 Zombies just around the corner
1 Sleeping Bag on the floor (he bites!)

Shoot those zombies (or dodge them. The first one is quite fast).
Run to the corner (avoiding the sleeping beauty) and point up and fire.
+14 seconds! Run to the door.

Enemy : 7+ Crows

Run to the end of the alley. At the end,if you want to earn some seconds, press
R1 and fire two times. If you're lucky, you can get 13+ seconds here.

**City Hall**
Enemy : 1 Zombie cop in front of you.
?? Zombies near the intersection.

Point up and blast the zombie's head with your shotgun. DO NOT shoot straight.
You may shot the barrel in the process. After that, run until you saw the red
Stand next to the right wall, and press R2 --> this will cause you to aim the
red barrel. Wait for a few seconds, and when every zombies are there, shoot it.
I got 82 seconds here.
Go to the door, reload your shotgun, and equip your Magnum

**Front of the Gas Station**
Enemy : 3 Dogs
Shoot the first one coming at you. The next two dogs in front of the gas station
can be dodged, or killed to earn 14 seconds. Enter the station

**Gas Station**
Enemy : 4 zombies
1 crawling zombie
Shoot the first one next to you. Next, be careful about the crawling zombie
behind the counter. In the next room, kill the 3 zombies. Rescue the Fat Man and
receive 14 shotgun shells. Backtrack to the **City Hall** again.
Equip your shotgun

**Road to the Press Office**
Enemy : Lots of zombies
It's quite hard to dodge them. I usually approached them, point up and shoot.
I can kill 2 of them that way. Repeat. Usually it's quite safe to dodge the
remaining zombies.
those crawling zombies will disappear --> they count as dead zombies)
Equip your Magnum, and enter the door.

**Press Office**
Enemy 2 Hunters
4+ Zombies
As soon as you enter the door, press R1 and shoot. If you have the Auto Aim on,
you'll kill a hunter. The next one is quite tricky. He's waiting for you on the
second set of stairs. If you're very unlucky (I was, once), he'll jump at you as
soon as you reach the second stairs and kill you. Take caution when you deal
with him.
In front of the office, you'll see a zombie. Deal with her as you see fit. Next,
enter the door, but hold your ground on the door. The zombies inside will try to
surround you from all sides. Equip da shotgun, point up and shoot.
Rescue the Girl, and receive 20 seconds and another 14 shells.
Equip your Magnum, and enter the door in front of the City Hall

**Alley next to the Restaurant**
Enemy 3 dogs
Be careful of those dogs. They stalk the intersection next to the restaurant.
Shoot them with magnum (it's faster). While shooting, press R1 and fire
simultaneously. Hopefully you'll dodge the dog attacking from behind. Turn left,
and enter the restaurant.

Enemy 2 hunters
As soon as you enter, aim (to your right) and shoot. That's another 6 seconds
boys. Go to the ladder to the basement (the second hunter will miss his jump)
and go down.

**Restaurant Basement**
Enemy 4+ zombies
Equip your shotgun. Kill the first zombie you see. Around the corner, shoot
straight ahead. This will kill them if you're lucky. After you finished those
zombies, rescue Brad Vickers. Gratefully (or not) he'll give you 20 seconds and
Magnum rounds (joy!)
Go up, and go out through the back door..

**Alley next to the Restaurant**
Go to the door you haven't entered yet.

Turn left and right.
Enter the next door you see.

Enemy : Nemesis
You'll encounter Nemesis here. You can knock him down with the Rocket Launcher
for another 10 seconds, to make your life easier so you can rescue the fourth

If not, skip the !!! section


**Street in front of the Electric Plant**
Enemy 3 giant spiders.
Dogdge 'em. Don't kill 'em.

**Inside the Electric Plant**
Enemy 2 Drain/Brain Deimos
6+ Zombies

Dodge the Deimos clan. Enter the door. Now you must kill them with high
efficiency. Don't waste too much shell here. On your right, you have 2 zombies.
Next room, there are 2 zombies. Near the victim, there are ?? zombies (I forgot,
sorry). Rescue the Cop (who turned into a zombie in RE2) and gain 20 seconds and
a first aid spray (ARRGGH!)


**Parking Lot**
Enemy 3 Hunters
The first hunter is in front of you, whip out your Magnum and shoot it. The
second on will come running to you. For some reason I can never shoot it from a
distance, meaning that I always take a hit or two. The third one is waiting for
you in the corner. Just run till you're near the corner. This will prompt it to
start hunting you.
Equip the Shotgun (you still have some shells left, don't you?)

**Save Room**
Enemy 7 Sleeping Zombies
Aim down, move right a bit, and shoot two times. Dodge the other bodies.

Enemy 6+ Zombies.
Dodge the 2 zombies next to you. Run till you see the red barrel. Shoot it.
Dodge the rest.

Enemy Nemesis 2 (if you have more than 2 minutes when you reached this place)
Very easy. Prepare the Rocket Launcher. As soon as you see him, aim and shoot.
He'll fall to his knees. Fire another round. This will make him stand. Fire two
more to make sure he's dead. 120 seconds.

Enemy 3+ Zombies
Dodge them all. Sometimes the Nemesis will fire his rocket launcher and kill the
zombie in front of you. Good. Enter the door.

Enemy 3 Brain/Drain Deimos
Dodge them all. They're here to waste your bullets. Enter the door

**Burning Street**
Turn right and then left. Enter the door
Equip your Shotgun. Reload your Magnum

Enemy 4 Zombies next to the barrel
5 Zombies next to the door.
Run past the zombies near the barrel. As soon as you reach the area in front of
the other zombies, try to shoot their heads
Equip your magnum
Enter the door.

Enemy 3 dogs.
Kill the first dog using your magnum. Or dodge them. I usually killed them. The
time bonus is tempting.

**Bar Back Door**
Enemy 2 Nemesis!
Go straight ahead, and then turn right, then left. When you go down the stairs,
try to hog the wall to your left. This way, Nemesis' rockets will miss. Enter
the bar.

Enemy 6+ Zombies
To your right there are a group of zombies. Shoot them with your Shotgun. (By
this time, if you rescued 4 people already, you have no shells left. Try the
Rocket Launcher)
Carlos will give you 14 special shells (JOY!!!) and 20 seconds more.
Equip the Magnum
Go out the front door.

**Street in front of the Bar**
Enemy ?? Hunters
Okay. Aim and shoot. With the Auto Aim on, you've nicked a hunter. Run ahead,
turn left, then enter the door to your right. Ignore the other hunters.
Equip the shotgun

Enemy ?? Zombies
Kill every zombie you see by shooting their heads. Make sure you have 7 special
shells remaining. At the first intersection, turn right. Equip your Magnum.

Enemy 3 hunters
Kill the Hunter next to you. The other two hunters can be killed by releasing
your aim, and the aim again. This will cause Nikholai to turn around and aim.
Shoot until all your rounds are gone, or until you hear they die.
Enter the door. Equip your shotgun.

Enemy ?? crows
Ignore them. Enter the storeroom.

**Store Room**
Enemy ?? zombies
Just shoot straight ahead. The special shells will ensure their quick
destruction. Go upstairs and receive your reward.

That's it! You've done it!


My personal rank was B with time of 5.06 :(
I decided not to rescue the man in the Electric Plant. No offense fellows. I
just didn't need his first aid spray.

Special Thanks

1. God (for all the blessing that I've received all my life)
2. Alvin C Webcraft (for posting this note)

No Thanks
1. All the people who will use this FAQ (thereby also using Alvin's FAQ) for


The Epilogues

Epilogue are short summaries of each character in the Bio Hazard series.
Everytime you finish a game in the HEAVY mode and receive a good ranking,
you will get one epilogue. So far I have found eight epilogues in the whole
| |
| Epilogues |
| |
| Jill |
| Chris |
| Barry |
| Leon |
| Claire |
| Sherry |
| Ada |
| Hunk |


After escaping the city, Jill set out to join Chris Redfield. However, all
she found was an empty hideout of Chris's. On the floor was Chris's knive.
Jill left without hesitation because she firmly believes that Chris is still
alive. She will search for him until she finds him. Then they can go and put
and end to Umbrella...


"Please forgive me Claire," Chris Redfield has just finished this letter
with his signature phrase. As he removes his sunglasses, a lady walks by
him with light steps. " She looks about the same age as Claire," he thinks.
A short time later, Chris discovered that his sister was looking for him,
but was caught...


Barry Burton looks at his young daughters and says, "I'm sorry but my comrades
are waiting for me." He knows that he must repay his teammates for forgiving
his betrayal. Even if that means living his family for now. His wife tries to
hide her fear, so she smiles and says, "Don't worry, we'll be okay..."


Leon Scott Kenedy is comfronted with a man who claims to be a US government
agent. Leon says, " Leave Sherry alone. She is innocent." " She knows too
much." the man replies. He looks at Leon and says, " But you have value.
This is a good deal. Make your choice." Without regret or hesitation, Leon
closes his eyes and then sharply responds...


"leave us alone!" Claire Redfield couldn't believe Leon's words. Leon
continued, " You're looking for your brother, right? Just go!" Claire knew
Leon and Sherry needed imediate attention, but she could not waste any more
time. "I... I'll be back. I Promise!" She said as she disappeared into the
wilderness alone...


"Do you have any relatives?" when the army officer asked her. Sherry Birkin
did not respond for she has no imediate relatives. Her mother and father died
because of the G-virus. And so, this little girl holds herself with her arms
and bites her lips tight. She thinks, "I'm sure she will come back. She won't
forget about me..."


A woman looks at herself in the mirror. She used to be called Ada Wong...
But this morning she will say good-bye to the name. "I'm not Ada Wong
anymore... " She feels her ab and thinks,"This is Ada's scar, not mine."
And she says good-bye to Ada Wong, she can't stop her tears. However,
there isn't much time left before her next mission...


"Once again, only you survived, Mr. Death," the chopper pilot speaks with
a cold bitterness. "Always, only you, survive, Mr. Death," the pilot
continues. But Hunk does not respond to the pilot. He doesn't care.

"The Death cannot die... " the survivor thinks to himself with a warm


There is a special grade that you can get in Bio Hazard 3. The "S" grade.
It is above the high and mighty "A" grade ( remember Bio Hazard 2 ). I do
not have a ranking strategy guide that actually explains the actual
ammount of points you receive or deducted by the things you do or achieve
in the game. Why? Well I just don't know the real answers.

I am quite amazed with the point strategy that I have come across. Some
of them actualy makes a little sense. I just stick to my Bio Hazard rule
whenever I want to get the "S" grade.

1. Don't use the First Aid Spray
2. Use only Herbs
3. Finish the game before the two hour mark.
4. Save only 3 times.
5. Kill a lot of enemies.

To get the "A" grade. ( minimum grade to get epilogues )

1. Don't use the First Aid Spray
2. Use only Herbs
3. Finish the game before the two and a half hour mark.
4. Save only 6 times.
5. Kill a lot of enemies.

These are the only two grades that matter to me.

Nemesis's Special Items

Each time you kill Nemesis in the Heavy Mode ( purple blood appears on
the floor ) he will drop a Special Item for you. Here is a list of the
Items I manage to get.

| | |
| 1st Item | Eagle 6.0 Handgun ( Part A ) |
| 2nd Item | Eagle 6.0 Handgun ( Part B ) |
| 3rd Item | Pack of First Aid Spray ( 3 No. ) |
| 4th Item | M37 Shotgun ( Part A ) |
| 5th Item | M37 Shotgun ( Part B ) |
| 6th Item | Pack of First Aid Spray ( 3 No. ) |
| 7th Item | Unlimited Bullets for any weapon |
| | ( but only one weapon ) |
| 8th Item | Machine Gun 100% * |
| | (*I did not receive the 7th item )|


The only way to truly understand Bio Hazard 3 is to read everything
that you find along the way. I have put it down for you so you wouldn't
miss a thing. Now you can read with the ease of mind and not worry
about your time in the game. Now you will truly understand what happened
in Raccoon City.

First of all I have to say I don't believe I did this. It took me one
whole night to type all this. Now stop asking me whats the story. You
guys owe me big time for this.

1. Game Instruction A

We hope you improve your chances to survive!

[Shooting Objects]
You may get different reactions from shooting objects, such as oil
drums and bombs.
*Press the R2 button to aim directly at these objects.

[Quick Turn]
You can perform quick 180-degree turns.
*Press the run button while retreating.

[Emergency Escape]
When you're trapped by enemies, you can push them away to escape.
*Press the Directional buttons, Action button, R1, R2 and L1 buttons

[Emergency Dodging]
Just before an enemy attacks, you can perform a dodge move to
evade it!
*Press the R1 or R2 buttons.
*Press the Action Button while aiming.

[Getting on/off an object]
You can get on or off certain objects that appear in the game.
*Press the Action button while you are moving forward to the edge to
get on or off.

Press the L2 button to view the map.
*You can zoom in or out of the map by pressing the Action button.
*While the map is zoomed in, use the Directional buttons to move the
*Press the Select button to switch between maps.

[Live Selection]
At certain points in the game, the screen fades into black and white.
At these points, you will be prompted to choose between two different
*Use the Directional buttons to move between the options and use the
Action button to make your decision.

[Event Cancel]
It is possible to skip certain scenes.
*Press the Select button to skip these scenes.

2. Game Instruction B

[Ammunition creation System]
To create various ammunition, you need to use the "Reloading Tool" and
"Gun Powder".

[Reloading Tool]
This is a necessary item of you want to create different types of
ammunition. By combining the Gun Powder and Reloading Tool, various
types of ammunition will be created.

[Gun Powder]
Mix materials to create various types of ammunition. There are three
types of basic Gun Powders: A, B and C. Please note that Gun Powder
C is created by mixing A and B types.

[How to mix Gun Powders]
You can create various kinds of bullets by mixing the different Gun
Powders. There are 13 different kinds of Gun Powder in all.

[Example of Gun Powder]
A: Hand Gun Bullets
B: Shotgun shells
C: Grenade Rounds
A+C: Grenade Flame Rounds
B+C: Grenade Acid Rounds
C+C: Grenade Freeze Rounds
C+C+C: Magnum Rounds

[Mixing Gun Powder with Grenade Rounds]
If you combine a certain type of Gun Powder with Grenade rounds,
special types of grenade Rounds will be created.

[Mixing Level Improvement]
If you repeatedly create the same kind of ammunition, your skill will
be improved, and you will be able to create more powerful ammunition.

3. Clock Tower Postcard

A picture postcard of a clock tower. The following explanation is printed
on the backside, "A landmark spot: Saint Michael Clock Tower."

4. Photo A

The policemen are pressing forward. It's dated "September 27" Marvin's

September 24th
There are reports of a theft in the municipal building before dawn.
A jewel-decorated clock at the main gate was damaged. Two of the
twelve gems that are installed on the face of the clock are missing.
Due to the lack of available officers at this time, I have no choice
but to suspend the research of this case.

Marvin Branagh.

September 26th
Based upon an autopsy report of a 42-year-old restaurant owner, I have
discovered that he has one of the missing gems. He apparently took
shelter in the police department at about 10am, when he was shot to
death within 10 minutes of having developed the symptoms. Since the
city is currently under martial law, we are forced to suspend this case.
At this time, we'll keep the gem as evidence.

Marvin Branagh

5. David's Memo

My sanity is at its end.... I still can't believe this is happening.
We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen.
He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies, but he came back
to save me.

But when the time came to return the debt, I ran. I can still hear him
calling out my name. I can still hear the screams coming from behind.
The sound of his flesh being stripped from its bones.

I was afraid....terrified....

It's the 27th. The fight to stay alive continues. I took out several
zombies, who managed to break through the barricades. Now I'm cutting
through the chill with whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead.
That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie
into fertilizer with it.

We've lost 13 men as of yesterday. In 3 hours, we'll bicker over
trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time.
When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning one
lost body into fertilizer.

Peace at last.

I can hardly wait.

6. Fax from Kendo Gun Shop

To the boys of S.T.A.R.S.,

I have some good news for you from my brother Joe. He has finished the
new handgun for official use. It is the Ma2F S.T.A.R.S. Special, but
he calls it the "Samurai Edge". Joe said, if you miss the targets with
this, you should carry a teething ring instead of a gun in you holster.
The goods will be delivered along with their proper documentation.
I'm sure you'll be surprised when you see what kind of excellent parts
are used for the Ma2F. I know that you'll want to thank the good people
who developed it.

Robert Kendo
Kendo Gun Shop

7. Mercenary's Diary

September 1st.

Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge has returned.
I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no reason given.
I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But on the morning
of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had helped me out,
giving me a second lease of life.

September 15th.

I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office. It looks like
UBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its own paramilitary
unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. abduction. In addition,
they have night men who specialize in handling problems caused by illegal
products. I'm currently a member of the latter.

September 28th.

Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There
are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets feeding
upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would rather
have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to this
place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that my dead
body won't come back to life.

8. City Guide

The tracks of our City

Dear Citizens,

Thanks to kind and generous people of Umbrella Inc., this is a peaceful
and friendly city. The vast donations from Umbrella Inc. have been used
for welfare work, the construction of public utilities, and to help
maintain public peace.

In 1992, it was my 5th year as Mayor of our beautiful city. It was
then that through many donations and hard work our city was able to
rebuild the municipal building, create a state of the art hospital.

In honour of these fine accomplishments, I was awarded with a grand
statue that same year. The statue rests in the municipal building.

I came to this city as an engineer more than 35 years ago. I made
contributions to the electric systems, and to the installation of
the cable car. I pledge to follow the tradition of this fine city
and will devote my life to its prosperity.

The Mayor of the City
Michael Warren

9. Photo C

The police have been destroyed.

10. Reporters Memo

At last I have found the evidence I need to prove that "cannibal
disease" is indeed happening ion this city.

One man actually ate people to death. He was like a savage animal
tearing away a new flesh. It was completely disgusting. I have
heard rumors that many people are suffering from this disease now.
However, the causes of the disease are not yet known. Is this another
mystery of the present disease? I will have to check on it....

They have placed Racoon city under martial law because of the cannibal
disease. I have lost contact with the media outside of the city, but I
won't give up. As a journalist, I won't keep my eyes shut and walk away.
I have a duty to the people and my profession. I don't think the disease
had spread nationwide yet. I believe that this city holds the key to
its creation and cure. In fact, I'm sure of it. The military has set up
blockades around the city to keep people from escaping and spreading the
disease. Most of the citizens have either died or have come in contact
with the disease. I know that it is the right decision to quarantine the
city, but I can't help but pity myself. If I am infected or eaten, it doesn't
matter. My fate is already sealed. All I have left is my journalism. I won't
give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease. I have just
discovered that the disease is not spread through air, but by some other

11. Mechanic's Memo

I know that you're intimidated by your new job Kevin, so let me tell
you how to make sure that you and your training get along just fine.
You see, these carriages were made in Europe in 1968, and then imported
from Europe. Sometimes they get rickety, but they still work because
they are simple, stubborn and strong. We can always depend on them.
If they have a bad day and are malfunctioning, you'll need to take a
good look at their circuits for any trouble. Once you discover what's
wrong, you'll be able to fix it easily. I'm sure that you'll be able to
avoid these nasty little malfunctions if you check the parts everyday.
These old trains will surely have problems if you don't remember to check
them out. Just remember that if you need to replace anything, you have to
choose a suitable part. When I say suitable, I mean that even you can't
find another original part, you'd better find something that works good
enough. Even with regard to oil, you must always prepare good quality oil
for these trains. Never forget Kevin that a man may betray others, but a
machine won't.

12. Managers Report

Before you begin your new position, please allow mw to give you some
advice. Some of the medicine in the storage room is unstable and their
quality will deteriorate under changing temperatures or humidity.
Therefore, you must remember to keep the temperature the same in the
storage room at all times. You should personally check it everyday.
Although the computer checks it around the clock, a machine is not
perfect. Try and remember that a machine is no more than a tool to be
used by people.

You must check all personnel coming and going to the storage room.
Many dangerous drugs are stored there, if any of them are missing
you have a serious problem on your hands. The door to the storage room
is always locked, but when you let personnel into it, you will need to
have them hand in their documents. And above all else, remember that if
you find anything suspicious, contact your boss immediately.

If you forget the password to lock the door, try and remember that it
is a word that everyone is familiar with. Don't forget that once a new
product is shipped, the password will be updated again. You can always
enter the password from the terminal of the PC for administration.

13. Business fax

"Order sheet"
The liquid medicine named VT-J98 is suitable to cultivate the NE-T type
virus. Therefore, we will need to order additional quantities of it.
U.E. Sixth Laboratory.

14. Dario's Memo

I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing
them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After I've become
a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.'s responsible for sealing
off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is this how it's
supposed to end? I don't want to die, I'm just not ready.....

My wife, daughter, mother.... My entire family has been killed. But none
of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only important thing.
That's all that matters.

I never would have pictured my end to be like this. I had so much left
to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at
being a novelist. It's what I've always wanted, but my mother would only
tell me you have a long way to go.

Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the great
Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire. Cut down before his prime.

15. Operation Instruction.

Order for UBCS Echo Team:

Wipe out the downtown area of the infestation and then evacuate the
remaining citizens to the clock tower. Among the citizens, remember
to give priority to the employees of Umbrella's affiliates.

Remember to stay alert because the infected have a high endurance
rate and will strike without hesitation.

Evacuation Procedure:

1. Once the mission is complete, or when it becomes too impossible to
accomplish, evacuate immediately.

2. We'll deploy a helicopter that is waiting in the suburbs, to the yard in
front of the clock tower.

3. When you are ready for evacuation, ring the bell of the clock tower to signal
the helicopter.

16. Art Picture Postcard

A picture postcard of antique clocks.

The following verse is printed. "Give your soul to the goddess.
Put your hands together to pray before her."

17. Mercenary's Pocketbook

September 26th

It's only been three hours since the mission started, but the team
is down to me and Campbell. The number of zombies if far greater than
we expected. There is no hope left for this city. We have already
injected the antibody for the virus, but I'm not sure that it will
work. I don't know if I will survive.....

September 27th

We managed to reach the clock tower. Out of desperation we robbed
some wounded members of their weapons and used the surviving citizens
as decoys. We were taught to do this in order to survive in the
battlefield, but I never enjoyed it. However, a girl showed up at
the clock tower before me. She is one of the survivors. She looks
just like my sister before she starved to death....

September 28th

I wanted to evacuated as soon as possible, but the girl didn't.
Her father insisted that he wouldn't leave this city where his beloved
wife rest in peace. I really wanted to save the girl, but Campbell
said, "All I care about is our lives." That's how I felt before,
but now...... The clock tower has become a dangerous place and I don't
want to make any more mistakes.

18. Director's Diary

These patients suffer from gangrene and congestion of their blood at
first. Then their mind slowly deteriorates. In the end, there is
nothing left of their mind. when that happens even mercy billing seems
pointless. After all, they are already dead...

This disease is unlike anything I have ever witnessed. Once the patient's
mind is gone, they become flesh hunger monsters and act like wild animals
who are on some type of bloodlust.

September 18th

Another patient has been admitted to the hospital. He is showing symptoms
of the first stages of the disease at this point, but... I haven't been
able to sleep at all these past few days. I refuse to let these patients
become "zombies". I am not just an ordinary citizen. I am a doctor.
Even if I die, my clinical charts will contribute to finding a cure.

September 26th

We lost most of the doctors and staff during the battle against the "zombie"
patients. It's impossible to maintain the hospital under these conditions.
And, I know that it's too late for me. I am beginning to feel that same
itch and hungry desire that all of my patients felt. It's too late for me....

19. Photo D

The zombies are walking. It says " The effect of the T-virus" on the

20. Medical Instruction Manual

Umbrella Medical Service North America Division Douglas Rover

In order to activate the synthesizer to cultivate the vaccine, please
follow the procedure as detailed below:

1. Supply enough energy to the system.

2. Set the medium base to the devise. When the device is ready, you
can start mixing the vaccine medium. To mix the vaccine, you will
need to control the five levers. This will cause the two gauges to
increase or decrease. I you adjust the two gauges so that they stop
at the center, the vaccine medium will then be produced automatically.

21. Photo E

The zombies are attacking.

22. Written Order to the Supervisors

Mission requirements: Bravo 16

1. Obtain and secure sample of all the information pertaining to
this case. Observe and record combat data on the UBCS.

2. Destroy all the evidence including the medical facility that has
the medical treatment data.

3. Check the guinea pig's ability to accomplish the mission. Once
your mission is complete, evacuate the area. Remember that you
must not help anyone who is not a supervisor, nor bring anything
back that might be traced to where it belongs.

23. Supervisor's Report

The endurance ability of the contaminated guinea pigs is truly incredible.
Even when shot in a vital area, they can sometimes survive for several
days without taking care of the wound. However, after prolonged exposure
to the virus, the guinea pig's intelligence level decreases to that of
an insect. Even though reviving the dead seems too disgusting, the virus
may still be of use. If we inject the virus into our POWs and release them,
they would return to their units and then turns into zombies. This plan
may work well for us in the future.

In certain areas, the virus seems to have caused the mutation of animals
and plants. It may be difficult, but it'll make a good sample for the bio
weapon development.

I've heard that there is a giant alligator, but I have only encountered
a giant creature moving under ground. I don't even want to imagine what
creature spawned that monster. I encountered "Nemesis".

If I didn't know about it, I'd have been contaminated and would have
become one of them by now. If it is still walking around in the city,
its mission is not yet over. S.T.A.R.S. members must be very tough since
they have survived until this point. However, they cannot hold our forever.....

24. Fax From the H.Q.

Attention. The Raccoon City Project has been abandoned. Our political
manoeuvring in the senate to delay their plans is now futile.
All supervisors should evacuate immediately. The US Army is going to
execute their plan tomorrow morning. The city will be obliterated at
daybreak for sure.

25. Manager's Diary

April 25th

Today is my birthday. I was transferred to this facility today. I am
very happy because the work environment is very different from life
in the university.

May 14th

The disposal system has been completed. Using a special kind of gas,
it can decompress the cells of the guinea pigs. We have to try this
out before beginning practical usage of the system, since it is not
100% stable yet.

May 20th

While I was checking the treatment room, the door shut, and I was
locked inside. I couldn't get out for one hour. I guess even if you
have the key card, it's useless when you are locked inside.

June 7th

The guinea pigs we have to dispose of are increasing. The system
is not working smoothly. The laboratory staff doesn't listen to my
opinions and I am getting extremely frustrated.

July 16th

We can't dispose of all the bodies and the quality of the liquid
medicine is not good enough either.

July 29th

Though the functions of the system decreases, the number of the bodies
we have dispose doesn't. The infection level has increased and the
antibodies we are using is no match for the new mutation of the virus.
Some of the workers have been infected by the disease. I have continued
to work, but I always keep a gun with me. I must remember to save one
bullet for me. I want to weep. I don't want to die here. I swear that
I'll lose my mind if I imagine how painful the death will be.....

26. Security Manual

"Security for the Plant"

Since this plant is a facility under the disguise of a deserted factory,
civilians will sometimes enter. If this should occur, do not hesitate to
shoot them. If they choose to surrender, arrest and then transfer them
to the laboratory as new guinea pigs. You will be rewarded.

"Maintenance of the device"

This entire plant is controlled by an epidemic prevention system.
When contamination is detected in the treatment room or decomposed
specimen pool, the plant will automatically be locked down for isolation.
In that case, you must follow the manual to unlock it. If the
contamination is over the limit, the whole system will automatically
lockdown. The, you must remain in the plant and wait for subsequent orders.

Those who leave the facility without permission will suffer extreme

27. Incinerator Manual

The incinerator plant is one of the facilities that burns the disposable
items which are sent from the laboratory. The incinerator burns the
waste materials that cannot be decomposed at the treatment room.
It also supplies electricity to the facility by a thermal power electricity
generator. Part of the electricity is stored in the big battery installed
in the facility's underground area. The electricity is used as an auxiliary
power source. The auxiliary power circuit will be activated once the three
"auxiliary circuit units" are properly placed in their sockets. In case the
circuits are not connected automatically, a person can connect them manually
to activate the system.

28. Classified Photo File

In my opinion, I feel that it's too early to use this, "Paracelsus Sword"
in actual fighting. However, in order to acquire the g-virus that Umbrella
has developed, it will be a great help to us.

The power of the "Rail cannon" is satisfactory, but please note that it I
still having a few remaining problems.

Technology Division Colonel Franklin Hart




N Continued to
| Downtown Map
W-|-E #######| |
| Continued to #| | |
S Police Station Map #| \|____|
__________________________________/_\____________#|___ |##|#|
#|__ \#### #|###| |# | |
_______________ ___________####\____ \#_____| #| |# | |
| | _ | | \#/ /# | |
| | |S| | | \ /#__ |
|##|_______________|_|__| | |\| | |
|C \_________\______\___\ | | | | |
_______| | / /Fire | | ____| | | |
Sales |Machine| | / / Hy- | | | __/ | | |
Office |Fuel | | / / drant| |____| | |_| | |
| | | / / | __/___| Hose | |
_______|_____/_| |_______/_\/_________|###| | |
____________#_____# _#________ _#___ | | | __
| | |\| | | ______|#|__| |
| | | | | | | _#__ _____|
|###|__________| | \####\ | | / |
| __/________ \ / \_______| |__/###|
| | | _|\/\/ /\ # |
1st Map| | ||X \ / \___ #_________/| |
___________________| | /\ || / / | | S |__X| || |
_______________#____ \ /B \ // / | | |___| || |
\ \/ Q // /# \ | |Warehouse|| |
LEGEND \ \ //\ / #/ \/\/\W | |______/__|| |
====== \ \ \/\ \/# / \ \/\LO | /_________|| |
BQ - Boutique \ /\/Bar/ #/ \ \/___| | | |
X - EX Ammo \ \L / \ \ ____/ | | |
# - Blockage \ /\/ /\/\ / / |#| | |
LO - Lighter \ / \ \ / / | | | |
Oil \ / \ \/ / | | | |
L - Lighter /##/ \ /
W - Weapon \/
C - Crank

P O L I C E S T A T I O N M A P 1 S T F L O O R

__________________ _________
| ____ ____ | | |||||||
| | |/\| | | | |=|
| | CR | | | |
| | | |___| _____\|
| | Jills | / | |
| | S.T.A.R.S. |______| | S |__________________
| |__ Card __| SOK | | Dark | |
| | | BG ER/ | Room | |
|_____| |___\_____|__|______| |
| | / |
| | \_ S |
|______| | |
| | 2nd Map |
| ___________| |
N | | _| Main |
| |_______| | Hall |
W-|-E |_ |__
| | |
S | |
====== ______| |______
BG - Blue Gem | |
SOK - S.T.A.R.S. Office Key | BSC |
BSC - Brad S.T.A.R.S. Card |________/\________|
ER - Evidence Room Continued From Uptown Map
CR - Conference Room

P O L I C E S T A T I O N M A P 2 N D F L O O R

|||||| |
|=| |
______________| |
| |
__| ______________|
| \ |
| |______| N LEGEND
| | | | ======
| | | W-|-E W - Weapon
| \ Lock | S.T.A.R.S |
| | Pick | office S
| |W |
| |______|


| | Green Gem
______ | |_____________
|Gas |Gas | | News | |
| |Station | | Paper | |
|______| | | Office | |
# | |##|____/______|/|___________________
Trolley # |__________|# ________________#_ __________ |
________ ##___/_ #_________ # | | | |###|
|W___|___| | |Bronze |# | _ |/|Restaurnt | #|
| ___|CS | |Book___ B |# | C|S| | | |/ #|
| | _ _ ___ \ \___|___|__|# |___________|_|__| | | #|
| | / \_ _ \ \ _________/ ____/___________ |__________| #|
| |__/ / \ \ / / |##| | |Green | #|
|_|/__/ \ \/ / | | | |Gem | #|
\ /\/ | | | | | #|
\ \___________| |________________|_|__________| #|__
\## # \ Bronze |
\____________ _______________# __/________Compass|
| | |#| | | |###|
| | |#| | | ___ _|###|
| | |#|__| ||L| |_ #|
| | | /__ |__| | | #|
| | | | |______| | #|
N | | | |3rd Map | #|
| | | | | | #|
W-|-E __| |_______________| |___________| #|__
| ## # ## #
S ______ _________#____/___#_____#_/______/_#
| | | # | | _| | |
LEGEND | | |_# |/_S_| WX|_| |_|
====== | |Parking_| | | Fuse|_|________|
# - Blockage | |Lot | | | Substation
W - Wrench | #|######| | |
L - Lift | #| | | Jumper
WX - Weapon | #| \|____| Cables
C - Rusty Crank Continued from Uptown Map
CS - Central Station
B - Lift Battery

C L O C K T O W E R M A P 1 S T F L O O R

Continued to / B | | |
Hospital Map | | \ |
|____________| |
GCG | |___
Continued to 2nd Floor | |
_________________ |___ |
/ M |=| \ | |
/ |=|M \ ________|__|_
| |=| | \ |
___________| Main | Library |
|Dining Room\ W Hall 4th / ________|
|______ __/ Map | |
__| |__|_________/\__________|__\_|_____
| / | | |
|Piano \ | S |
|Room | |___ ______|
|__\____| Courtyard | / |
| S | | /\ | |K
| | | / \| Bed |
|K__| |________________/ \ Room|
Chapel \ \ \
\Cable\ \
\ Car \ \
LEGEND \ \ \ N
====== \ \ / |
GCG - Gold Clock Gear \ /\/ W-|-E
K - Clock T. Key / Ladder Key \ / |
W - Weapon \/ S
M - Music Box
B - Bell

C L O C K T O W E R M A P 2 N D & 3 R D F L O O R

/ ___________________ | ======
| | |=| SCG - Silver Clock Gear
N | | __________ |=| K - Chronos Chain Key
| | | | SCG| ( Green Door Key )
W-|-E | |_ | S | L - Ladder
| | | | |
S |___\_|___|K_________|____
\ L /

H O S P I T A L M A P 1 S T F L O O R

| _________ _ |
| |TR L\_|______ | |
| 5th Map | | S | | |
| |_________\_ /_____|_ | |
| | | |___|##|
| N |__ / ___ |
| | | |_| | | Continued to
| W-|-E |_____________| | | Park Map
| | \ \ _____ /\
| S \ \ | S K| |
| \ \|__\__| |
|____________________ \ |
\ \____ ____|
LEGEND \ / | |
====== \ / | |
TR - Tape Recorder \ / |_/
L - Lift \ / Continued From
# - Blockage \ / Clock Tower Map
K - Park Key \ /
\ /

H O S P I T A L M A P B A S E M E N T 3 R D L E V E L

| __ _ __ |
| | L\_|_|RV| |
| | |C | |
| | | | _ |
| _| | | | |___|
| N | _|____/_| | ___
| | | | | |_| |
| W-|-E | | | |
| | |__\ | \
| S |________| \
| \
|____________________ \
\ \
====== \ /
RV - Red Vaccine \ /
( Medium Base ) \ /
C - Container \ /
( Vaccine Base ) \ /
L - Lift \ /

H O S P I T A L M A P 4 T H F L O O R

| __ _ |
| | L\_| |
| | | |
| _______ | |______ _ |
| | K|_| ______| | |___|
| | | _|| /| /| | ___
| | | | | |BV| |_| |
| | | | |__|__| |
| |_______\__| \
| \
| \
|____________________ N \
\ | \
LEGEND \ W-|-E /
====== \ | /
BV - Blue Vaccine \ S /
( Vaccine Meddium ) \ /
K - Ward Key \ /
( Sick Room Key ) \ /
L - Lift \ /


N | K |
| | ___|______ ____
W-|-E | \ Cabin | |
| |___| IP \ S |
S |___ /_____|____|
| |
____________ __________|/_|
| __________ |_|| ____ | |
| |Tunnel |T | | __|| |Grave- __ __ _ ____
| | | | | | | |yard |K |___| |__| |___| |
| | | |_| |___| | | ___ \__ ___ \
| | |_____________| _____| | |__| |_| |___/
__________ ________________ |_\______| Continued to
|_| |_ | Central Park | | | Disused Plant map
|T | | ____ | | |
|_______| | |____| |_____| |
| / ____ \_______| LEGEND
|__________| | | | ======
6th Map | |____| | K - Lock Key / Cabin key
| | T - Tunnel Entrance
|______ /\ ______| IP - Iron Pipe
| |
| |
Continued from Hospital Map

D I S U S E D P L A N T 1 S T F L O O R

L|_|_____ ======
| | WS - Water Sample Vile
|/__ ___| X - Rocket Launcher
X|___|L_|__ L - Lift
____| |
| ||| ______|
| | | | N
|__/_| |Waste | |
| | |Pool | W-|-E
_________|_|__||||___| |
| | _____ S
|_ _ __________|___| |
| | \________ |
|_\ S | |_____|

D I S U S E D P L A N T 2 N D F L O O R

_ ____ LEGEND
_____|_| _|_| Steam ======
|K S \L |_| | Room UC - Umbrella Cardkey
_|___/_|___ __|__ ________ K - Facility Key
| _ _|___|L_| \______ | L - Lift
__| | \ | | | LD - Ladder
\____ \|7th Map______| __|\|__ SD - System Disc
Shutter| | | | | |
Door| | SD |Waste | | | N
| | |Pool | | | |
| |______|______| | UC | W-|-E
__|/|__ |_______| |
| _ | S
|LD|_| |


N ___________
| | |
W-|-E | H |
| |___ ___|
S | |
________ _______________| |
| |____ | | | | |
| S \ ### | | | ___|___|
|________|__ ######| _| | \___\_|_|Lift
# \ | | |
##########| |____| /\ |
| / \ |
| \ \ |
| Rail \ / |
| Cannon \/ |



Now, here are the game shark codes from Game Shark Code Creators Club

| |
| Enable Code (Must Be On ) D01840E2 1040 |
| 801840E2 1000 |
| |
| Infinite Hp All 8003E6AA 0060 |
| |
| Infinite Hp 800CC338 00C8 |
| |
| Status Fine 300CC33F 0004 |
| |
| Turbo Shooting (L2+R1+Square) (Caetla Only) FFFFFFFF 0001 |
| E00CBED8 0089 |
| E10CBED9 0001 |
| E10CBED9 0008 |
| D00CC270 0501 |
| 800CC272 0102 |
| |
| Infinite Ammo D006D974 FFFF |
| 8006D974 0000 |
| D006D994 FFFF |
| 8006D994 0000 |
| |
| One Hit Dead D0045720 0006 |
| 80045720 0001 |
| |
| Item Box Anytime (L2 + Square) D00CBED8 0081 |
| 800D13C0 1E24 |
| D00CBED8 0081 |
| 800D13C2 8005 |
| D00CBED8 0081 |
| 800DF874 0002 |
| |
| Save = 0 D01C35BA 2662 |
| 801C35B8 0000 |
| |
| Have 10 Slot 300D1906 000A |
| |
| Invisible (Start Code = L2+R2) D00CBED8 0003 |
| (Stop Code = L1+R1) 301E4358 0000 |
| D00CBED8 000C |
| 301E4358 0001 |
| |
| All Files 800D17D4 FFFF |
| 800D17D6 FFFF |
| |
| All Maps 300D17CF 00FE |
| 300D17D3 00FE |
| |
| Total Time (Get Grade S) 800D15D0 0000 |
| 800D15D2 0000 |
| |
| All Pic In Epilogue 300D15E6 0008 |
| |
| Omake (Start New Game Have All Secret) 800D15DA FFE0 |
| |
| Select Characters Anywhere Codes |
| |
| Jill 1st Dress (Up+L1) D00CBED8 1004 |
| 800D162E 0000 |
| |
| Jill 2nd Dress (Up+L2) D00CBED8 1001 |
| 800D162E 0001 |
| |
| Jill 3th Dress (Up+R1) D00CBED8 1008 |
| 800D162E 0002 |
| |
| Jill 4th Dress (Up+R2) D00CBED8 1002 |
| 800D162E 0003 |
| |
| Jill 5th Dress (Up+L1+L2) D00CBED8 1005 |
| 800D162E 0004 |
| |
| Jill 6th Dress (Up+R1+R2) D00CBED8 100A |
| 800D162E 0005 |
| |
| Regina From Dino Crisis (Up+L1+R1) D00CBED8 100C |
| 800D162E 0006 |
| |
| Carlos (Up+L2+R2) D00CBED8 1003 |
| 800D162E 0008 |
| |
| Mikhail (Up+L1+R2) D00CBED8 1006 |
| 800D162E 0009 |
| |
| Nicholai (Up+L2+R1) D00CBED8 1009 |
| 800D162E 000A |
| |
| The Mercenaries Mode |
| |
| Get Reward 800CBEFA FFFF |
| |
| Reward Total 800D1C94 967F |
| 800D1C96 0098 |
| |
| Infinite Time 800D1640 0078 |
| |
| Save Anywhere (L1+Square) D00CBED8 0084 |
| 800D13C0 1D00 |
| D00CBED8 0084 |
| 800D13C2 8005 |
| |
| Infinite Character Item Usage All Slots 8006D9AA 2400 |
| |
| Character Item Slot Modifier Codes |
| |
| Slot 1 300D17DC 00?? |
| Slot 2 300D17E0 00?? |
| Slot 3 300D17E4 00?? |
| Slot 4 300D17E8 00?? |
| Slot 5 300D17EC 00?? |
| Slot 6 300D17F0 00?? |
| Slot 7 300D17F4 00?? |
| Slot 8 300D17F8 00?? |
| Slot 9 300D17FC 00?? |
| Slot 10 300D1800 00?? |
| |
| Character Infinite Item Slot Codes |
| |
| Slot 1 300D17DD 0063 |
| Slot 2 300D17E1 0063 |
| Slot 3 300D17E5 0063 |
| Slot 4 300D17E9 0063 |
| Slot 5 300D17ED 0063 |
| Slot 6 300D17F1 0063 |
| Slot 7 300D17F5 0063 |
| Slot 8 300D17F9 0063 |
| Slot 9 300D17FD 0063 |
| Slot 10 300D1801 0063 |
| |
| Item Chest Modifier Slot Codes |
| |
| Slot 1 300D1804 00?? |
| Slot 2 300D1808 00?? |
| Slot 3 300D180C 00?? |
| Slot 4 300D1810 00?? |
| Slot 5 300D1814 00?? |
| Slot 6 300D1818 00?? |
| Slot 7 300D181C 00?? |
| Slot 8 300D1820 00?? |
| Slot 9 300D1824 00?? |
| Slot 10 300D1828 00?? |
| Slot 11 300D182C 00?? |
| Slot 12 300D1830 00?? |
| Slot 13 300D1834 00?? |
| Slot 14 300D1838 00?? |
| Slot 15 300D183C 00?? |
| Slot 16 300D1840 00?? |
| Slot 17 300D1844 00?? |
| Slot 18 300D1848 00?? |
| Slot 19 300D184C 00?? |
| Slot 20 300D1850 00?? |
| Slot 21 300D1854 00?? |
| Slot 22 300D1858 00?? |
| Slot 23 300D185C 00?? |
| Slot 24 300D1860 00?? |
| Slot 25 300D1864 00?? |
| Slot 26 300D1868 00?? |
| Slot 27 300D186C 00?? |
| Slot 28 300D1870 00?? |
| Slot 29 300D1874 00?? |
| Slot 30 300D1878 00?? |
| Slot 31 300D187C 00?? |
| Slot 32 300D1880 00?? |
| Slot 33 300D1884 00?? |
| Slot 34 300D1888 00?? |
| Slot 35 300D188C 00?? |
| Slot 36 300D1890 00?? |
| Slot 37 300D1894 00?? |
| Slot 38 300D1898 00?? |
| Slot 39 300D189C 00?? |
| Slot 40 300D18A0 00?? |
| Slot 41 300D18A4 00?? |
| Slot 42 300D18A8 00?? |
| Slot 43 300D18AC 00?? |
| Slot 44 300D18B0 00?? |
| Slot 45 300D18B4 00?? |
| Slot 46 300D18B8 00?? |
| Slot 47 300D18BC 00?? |
| Slot 48 300D18C0 00?? |
| Slot 49 300D18C4 00?? |
| Slot 50 300D18C8 00?? |
| Slot 51 300D18CC 00?? |
| Slot 52 300D18D0 00?? |
| Slot 53 300D18D4 00?? |
| Slot 54 300D18D8 00?? |
| Slot 55 300D18DC 00?? |
| Slot 56 300D18E0 00?? |
| Slot 57 300D18E4 00?? |
| Slot 58 300D18E8 00?? |
| Slot 59 300D18EC 00?? |
| Slot 60 300D18F0 00?? |
| Slot 61 300D18F4 00?? |
| Slot 62 300D18F8 00?? |
| Slot 63 300D18FC 00?? |
| Slot 64 300D1900 00?? |
| |
| Infinite Item Chest Slot Codes |
| |
| Slot 1 300D1805 0063 |
| Slot 2 300D1809 0063 |
| Slot 3 300D180D 0063 |
| Slot 4 300D1811 0063 |
| Slot 5 300D1815 0063 |
| Slot 6 300D1819 0063 |
| Slot 7 300D181D 0063 |
| Slot 8 300D1821 0063 |
| Slot 9 300D1825 0063 |
| Slot 10 300D1829 0063 |
| Slot 11 300D182D 0063 |
| Slot 12 300D1831 0063 |
| Slot 13 300D1835 0063 |
| Slot 14 300D1839 0063 |
| Slot 15 300D183D 0063 |
| Slot 16 300D1841 0063 |
| Slot 17 300D1845 0063 |
| Slot 18 300D1849 0063 |
| Slot 19 300D184D 0063 |
| Slot 20 300D1851 0063 |
| Slot 21 300D1855 0063 |
| Slot 22 300D1859 0063 |
| Slot 23 300D185D 0063 |
| Slot 24 300D1861 0063 |
| Slot 25 300D1865 0063 |
| Slot 26 300D1869 0063 |
| Slot 27 300D186D 0063 |
| Slot 28 300D1871 0063 |
| Slot 29 300D1875 0063 |
| Slot 30 300D1879 0063 |
| Slot 31 300D187D 0063 |
| Slot 32 300D1881 0063 |
| Slot 33 300D1885 0063 |
| Slot 34 300D1889 0063 |
| Slot 35 300D188D 0063 |
| Slot 36 300D1891 0063 |
| Slot 37 300D1895 0063 |
| Slot 38 300D1899 0063 |
| Slot 39 300D189D 0063 |
| Slot 40 300D18A1 0063 |
| Slot 41 300D18A5 0063 |
| Slot 42 300D18A9 0063 |
| Slot 43 300D18AD 0063 |
| Slot 44 300D18B1 0063 |
| Slot 45 300D18B5 0063 |
| Slot 46 300D18B9 0063 |
| Slot 47 300D18BD 0063 |
| Slot 48 300D18C1 0063 |
| Slot 49 300D18C5 0063 |
| Slot 50 300D18C9 0063 |
| Slot 51 300D18CD 0063 |
| Slot 52 300D18D1 0063 |
| Slot 53 300D18D5 0063 |
| Slot 54 300D18D9 0063 |
| Slot 55 300D18DD 0063 |
| Slot 56 300D18E1 0063 |
| Slot 57 300D18E5 0063 |
| Slot 58 300D18E9 0063 |
| Slot 59 300D18ED 0063 |
| Slot 60 300D18F1 0063 |
| Slot 61 300D18F5 0063 |
| Slot 62 300D18F9 0063 |
| Slot 63 300D18FD 0063 |
| Slot 64 300D1901 0063 |
| |
| No Ink To Save You Can Save Even |
| Never Having Any Ink, Must Use |
| W/ "Sv Ink" Code D0051D44 0008 |
| 80051D44 0000 |
| |
| Infinite Sv Ink When Save, Don't |
| Decrease Ink Number D006D68C 7C7C |
| 8006D60E 0040 |
| |
| Rapid Fire D003FC54 0003 |
| 8003FC54 0000 |
| |
| Get All Customes |
| (Caetla 0.34+ Only!) 680D177B 08000008 |
| 500D177B 08000008 |
| 690D15DA 0800F800 |
| 510D15DA 0800F800 |
| |
| New Game To Make Item Stock |
| = 10 In Heavy Mode, Just Like Getting |
| The Backpack From Start. D006DA60 0008 |
| 8006DA60 000A |
| |
| Hspeed:Move Fast, Shoot Fast |
| [R2+L1+ X ] - On |
| [R2+L1+Tri] - Off |
| (Caetla Only) E00CC270 05010002 |
| E00CBED8 00160001 |
| 80029352 0043 |
| E00CC270 05010002 |
| E00CBED8 00460001 |
| 80029352 0042 |
| |
| Tofu Skin Code 300D162E 000F |
| |
| Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes |
| |
| 00-Nothing |
| 01 - Knife |
| 02 - Sigpro SP2009 Handgun |
| 03 - M92F Custom Handgun |
| 04 - Benelli M3S Shotgun |
| 05 - S&W M629C Magnum |
| 06 - Hk-p Grenade Launcher w. Grenade Rounds |
| 07 - Hk-p Grenade Launcher w. Flame Rounds |
| 08 - Hk-p Grenade Launcher w. Grenade Acid Rounds |
| 09 - Hk-p Grenade Launcher w. Grenade Freeze Rounds |
| 0A - M66 Rocket Launcher |
| 0B - Chaingun |
| 0C - Sub Machine Gun |
| 0D - STI Eagle 6.0 |
| 0E - Assault Rifle - Manual |
| 0F - Assault Rifle - Automatic |
| 10 - Sawed Off Shotgun |
| 15 - H. Gun Bullets |
| 16 - Magnum Bullets |
| 17 - Shotgun Shells |
| 18 - G. Rounds |
| 19 - Flame Rounds |
| 1A - Acid Rounds |
| 1B - Nitric Rounds |
| 1C - Misc Bullets (?) |
| 1D - Assault Riffle Rounds |
| 1E - Sigpro Bullets (?) |
| 20 - First Aid Spray |
| 21 - Green Herb |
| 22 - Blue Herb |
| 23 - Red Herb |
| 24 - Mixed Herb (2 Green Herbs) |
| 25 - Mixed Herb (1 Green/1 Blue Herb) |
| 26 - Mixed Herb (1 Green/1 Red Herb) |
| 27 - Mixed Herb (3 Green Herbs) |
| 28 - Mixed Herb (2 Green/1 Blue Herb) |
| 29 - Mixed Herb (1 Green/1 Blue/1 Red Herb) |
| 2A - First Aid Box |
| 2B - Crank |
| 2C - BOTU - Purple |
| 2D - BOTU - Blue |
| 2E - BOTU - Yellow |
| 2F - STARS Card - Jill |
| 30 - Giga Oil |
| 31 - Battery |
| 32 - Crowbar |
| 33 - Some kind of cable |
| 34 - Some sort of gadget |
| 35 - Hose |
| 36 - Bottle |
| 37 - Card Case |
| 38 - STARS Card - Brad |
| 39 - Gasoline |
| 3B - Chain |
| 3C - Wrench |
| 3D - Pipe |
| 3E - Connector |
| 40 - Tape Recorder |
| 41 - Lighter Oil |
| 42 - Lighter - No Oil |
| 43 - Lighter - Oil In It |
| 44 - Green Gem |
| 45 - Blue Gem |
| 46 - Gold Gem |
| 47 - Brown Gem |
| 48 - White Gem |
| 49 - Remote Control - No Batteries |
| 4A - Remote Control - Batteries |
| 4B - Batteries |
| 4C - Gold Shield |
| 4D - Silver Shield |
| 4E - Mult-Color Shield |
| 4F - Book |
| 50 - Not Sure |
| 51 - Vile with Pink Stuff |
| 52 - Bottle |
| 53 - Unknown Gun |
| 55 - Vile with Pink/Blue Stuff |
| 58 - Jar |
| 59 - Eagle Parts A |
| 5A - Eagle Parts B |
| 5B - Shotgun Parts A |
| 5C - Shotgun Parts B |
| 5E - Necklace |
| 5F - Rusty Crank |
| 60 - Umbrella Card |
| 61 - Gun Powder A |
| 62 - Gun Powder B |
| 63 - Gun Powder C |
| 64 - Gun Powder AA |
| 65 - Gun Powder BB |
| 66 - Gun Powder AC |
| 67 - Gun Powder BC |
| 68 - Gun Powder CC |
| 69 - Gun Powder AAA |
| 6A - Gun Powder AAB |
| 6B - Gun Powder BBA |
| 6C - Gun Powder BBB |
| 6D - Gun Powder CCC |
| 6E - Lot of Ammo |
| 70 - Disc |
| 71 - Clover Key |
| 72 - Lockpick |
| 73 - Warehouse Key |
| 74 - 402 Key |
| 75 - Emblem/STARS Key |
| 76 - Set of Keys |
| 77 - Another Key |
| 78 - Yet Another Key |
| 7B - Yes... Another Key |
| 7C - doh... Key |
| 7D - Yep Another One |
| 7E - You guessed it... Another Key |
| 80 - argh... Key |
| 81 - Ink Ribbon |
| 82 - Reloading Tool |
| 83 - Game Inst. A |
| 84 - Game Inst. B |
| 85 - Ink |

Some of the items do not make sense but I believe that work has to
be original and must not be tampered. The guy who came up with this code
worked very hard for it and they all work. Cheers!



This portion of the walkthrough is dedicated to all you MAD JACKALS out
there who are willing to share any info ( that is not already in the FAQ )
with the rest of the world. This info must be original work and not taken
from another FAQ/Guide. Here there are the Maha-Guru's of Bio Hazard.

| |
| ================== |
| |
| Adri Kurniawan |
| |
| 1. The Light mode does have the special bullets. |
| |
| You have to make the bullets /shells 7 times before you'll be |
| asked if you want to make special bullets. So, you'll be better |
| off mixing one gunpowder at a time. There is no bullet |
| difference anyway. The special bullet is IMHO the best weapon |
| against Nemesis/Gravedigger. Why? It has terrific fire rate, and |
| decent damage. If you managed to dodge Nemesis/ Gravedigger and |
| Jill ends up in the crouching position then you'll see that no |
| shotgun/magnum can match up the fire rate of the handgun. |
| Jill will fire very fast, and you only need about 30+ shots to |
| take down Nemesis as compared to 20+ |
| shots to take him down with special shells. |
| |
| 2. If you managed to get on the overturned bus with more than 2 |
| minutes remaining during Operation Mad Jackal, you'll fight |
| mutated Nemesis, worth 120 seconds. |
| |
| Be sure to check out his section on OMJ. |

Pretty darn small list but I am checking up on the rest and will update
as soon as I'm free.



Okay thats it. I'm calling it for the year, No More FAQ's. I'll be working
on my webpage and I'l be playing a whole lotsa games.
If you need to reach me, please use the hotmail e-mail add.



- All the guys at PSX vamps... Vamp228 You D' Man
- All those Residents of Racoon City keeping me up with the updates
- Gamefaqs for four wonderfull years.
- All the freinds I forgot
- Capcom for a wonderful year



This is where I hang out:

This is my Dino Crisis page:

This is the Soul Reaver page:

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All Rights Reserved
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14.Oktober 2013
Subgame Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Speed Hangun Guide

17.Oktober 2013
Mikhail Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Mercenaries Mini Game Guide

12.Oktober 2013
Getting Jill's Diary

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Last Escape Misc

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Last Escape

14.Oktober 2013
Patch, +2 Trainer und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische Version - makes problems !!!

17.Oktober 2013
PDX-Patch, +7 Trainer und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische Version - working

17.Oktober 2013
PDX-Patch, +7 Trainer und PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische Version - working with all Modchips

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
11.Februar 2016
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
24.Juli 2014
22.Oktober 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020