Trap Gunner

Trap Gunner

22.09.2013 19:02:33
Trap Gunner FAQ 1.2
by Jon Mott

Revision History

1.0 9/29/98 --First release of the Trap Gunner FAQ.

1.1 10/05/98 --Added more info on Elg.
--Added Revision History section. :)
--Added Trap Pros/Cons.

1.2 10/08/98 --Added Combos for each player.
--Added a few more tips here and there.
--Cleaned up spelling and info errors.


I. Overview of the game
II. Characters
A. The Trap Gunners
B. The Gain Operatives
III. Traps and Combos
A. Trap Types
B. Combo Theory
C. Trap/Combo Strategies
IV. Items and Obstacles
A. Item Types
B. Obstacles
C. Item/Obstacle Strategies
V. vs COM strategy
A. vs Player overviews
VI. vs MAN strategy
A. Strategies
B. Other Tips
VII. Secrets
--Play as the Sub-Bosses

Trap Gunner is an exciting action-strategy shooter from Atlus,
developed by Racdym. The US version includes 6 charaters who face off in an
arena with the sole purpose of eliminating the other player through the use of
a variety of weapons and skills. Each player has access to a long-range
shooting WEAPON (shotgun, missile, pistol, etc) and three types of TRAPS
(mines, pitfalls, etc) to use in order to damage opponents. The player who
wins is the last one standing.

To survive, you must be fast, accurate, smart, and lucky. :) Disarm
your opponent's traps while leading your enemy into your own devious devices.
Get the drop on them from higher ground. Punch, kick, and slash them at close
range to slow them down. Grab power-up items to gain the upper hand.
Because if you don't, your opponent will, and your game is history...

The game includes several modes of play, the first is a very helpful
TUTORIAL which explains the basics of how the game is played. I strongly
suggest you view the game's tutorial movies, as they are very well done and
are thorough in explaining basic rules and functions (but you've already seen
those, so we can move on to a little more in-depth breakdown of the game, and
if you are still wondering "How the heck do I win this crazy game, anyhow?"
then hopefully this will help cover that).

Also you can face off against a computer controlled player in VS COM
mode, or a human opponent in VS MAN mode. The heart of the game is STORY mode
where you face a variety of missions against enemy targets leading up to a
face-off against the evil crime syndicate, Gain.

OPTION mode contains settings for the rules of the game, memory card
options and even a music test screen.

Remember the basic objective: be the last player standing!


The story behind each of the characters involves a shadowy organization
called Gain. They're the main bad guys of the story (everyone needs a good
villian) and the top Gain operatives are Trap Gunner's sub-bosses and main
boss, Stilb.

Gain is more or less bent on world domination, through a powerful
genetically engineered concoction called "Cell-147", a drug which grants its
users superhuman power and strength, but the side effects are catastrophic.
Gain has identified six operatives who pose a threat to its organization, and
through careful manipulation of these people have pitted them against each
other to thin their ranks by using a classic divide and conquer strategy.

If Gain is allowed to run rampant with Cell-147, they will become the
most feared organized crime syndicate on's up to you to stop them.
Each character has his or her own reasons to take on Gain, and not all of those
reasons are charity and justice...


Age: 23

A "Freelance Spy" by trade, Van is working a job to gather information
on Gain. One of the world's top intelligence operatives, Van contracted a
lethal disease as a child. His life was saved by his sister, who stole an
experimental drug that saved his life. Van knows that his time is short, and
he needs to find more of this drug in order to survive. The drug of course is
Cell-147, and the only source of it is Gain.

1 Switch Detonator
4 Mines
4 Bombs

WEAPONS: Pistol (5 Shots per reload)
Roundhouse Kick

STRATEGY: Use Mine and Bomb combos to blow your opponents to bits.
Don't forget your Switch, place it with a few bombs for explosive
results. Take advantage of Van's gun, it's a good one and can do a
fair amount of damage to an opponent.

COMBOS: Try mines surrounded by bombs, or multiple switches and
bombs surrounding a single PODS square. This is really
effective if you drop mines everywhere else, your enemy
may not see such a massive blast coming (the always fun
"If I don't set it off by walking over it, there must
not be a trap here" syndrome.) Pick up a Force Panel
during the course of the game to "start" your big mine
and bomb combo!

Age: 24

A rogue Green Beret, Lou's mission was to gather intelligence for the US
Military on the increasing threat of Gain in the world arms market. But she
has gone AWOL and has sworn a personal vendetta against Gain once she learned
that one of its operatives was responsible for the death of her parents. Now
she has sworn revenge and will stop at nothing to eliminate Gain at any cost.

1 Gas
5 Mines
3 Force Panels

WEAPON: Pistol (6 Shots per reload)
Roundhouse Kick

STRATEGY: Use Force Panels to herd your enemy into Mines. Most people
tend to forget Lou's single Gas trap. Use it as a surprise tactic to
get the drop on your enemy. As with Van, make liberal use of your gun,
it's slightly faster than Van's and has six shots to his five.

COMBOS: Naturally, Force Panel into Mine works very well for Lou
and should be your bread and butter trap combo. Pick up
a bomb or two during to course of the game to make this
effective trap work even better. Use gas to flush your foe
towards the Force Panel.

Age: 16

Tico is an experiment in robotics and artificial intelligence created by
the CIA. Her programmers made her 'simple and child-like' to keep her from
becoming dangerous to her handlers. Unfortunately this backfired completely as
during her first mission to spy on Gain, she was subverted into working for the
crime syndicate by being offered ice cream (stop laughing, I'm serious.) Now
she thinks she is playing a game for Gain, only unlike herself, her victims
aren't "repaired" like she can be...

3 Switch Detonators
4 Pitfalls
4 Force Panels

WEAPON: Rear Missile (4 Shots per Reload, knockdown)
Back Kick

STRATEGY: Although Tico's weapon is weak, it DOES knock down an enemy
so in most gun battles, you'll win. Take advantage of her speed as well
as her natural Force Panel/Pitfall/Switch Detonator combo for a killer
1,2,3 punch! Use her knockdown homing missile to break a foe's Unit,
because her stamina is lousy, and getting hit by it is nearly a 40% loss
of life! Go for the missile knockdown every time.

COMBOS: As mentioned above, Force Panel into Pitfall surrounded on
three sides with Switch Detonators (with a bomb or two
picked up in the match) is Tico's key to victory. Use it
early and often, and your opponent will discover just how
lethal Pitfall traps can be! Just make sure you pay
attention so you can deliver the hurt to your foe.

Age: ??

Abdoll is a mutant killer, created by Gain using Cell-147. Little is
known about her background, only that she is a psychopathic killer who enjoys
the "hunt" of her victims. Despite her comical apperance, she is a cold
blooded murderess who kills for sheer pleasure and sport. Too dangerous for
even Gain's standards, her employers have unleashed her upon the remaining
Trap Gunners to kill them all or to be disposed of trying before she turns on
Gain itself.

3 Mines
6 Pitfalls
2 Gas

WEAPON: Rocket Fist (2 Shots per reload, knockdown)
Wind-Up Punch

STRATEGY: Abdoll's weapon does knockdown damage, so use it when you
get a chance. She has the most traps of any player, so use them to
the fullest advantage. Use Gas to force your victim into your Mines
or your staggering 6 pitfall traps!

COMBOS: Few and far between, but her best is Gas/Pitfall. Timing
is everything here, but the Pitfall almost guarantees your
opponent will get hit by the gas. Place them side by side.
Pick up a Force Panel to boost up Pit/Gas traps and to make
more use of your Mines. As with Tico, knock down an enemy
with your fist weapon as soon as they grab the Unit.

Age: 35

A police lieutenant, John's partner Dyn has been kidnapped by Gain. John
has sworn to rescue him and bring down Gain. Working undercover, he has
learned that Gain is experimenting with Cell-147 to make an unstoppable mutant
army of killers. Rumor has it that Gain's leader has already tried it on
Dyn and he is now a superhuman killing machine. John has no choice but to stop
Gain's evil plan.

2 Switch Detonators
6 Bombs
2 Gas

WEAPON: Five shell Shotgun (3 Shots per reload)
Power Punch

STRATEGY: John's gun is lethal at close range, so use it to keep enemies
from getting too close. John's traps are hard to disarm as you never know
when he'll detonate those half-dozen bombs in one lethal explosion. Use
his Gas traps to slow the enemy down so you can use the Shotgun on them.

COMBOS: With 2 Switches and 6 bombs, John does bomb/switch combos.
And does them well, often with killing results. Grab a
Force Panel, Mine, or Pitfall to get more use out of this
lethal combo. Don't overlook his Gas traps as combos in

Age: 24

A Ninja by trade, the young Tenrou was betrayed by Gain Operative Elg
for money and power. Now, Tenrou seeks revenge for the death of his entire
village at the hands of this crime syndicate. He will need all of his
martial arts skills and Ninja cunning to hunt the hunter...

2 Mines
3 Pitfalls
3 Force Panels

WEAPON: Throwing Kunai (7 Shots per reload)
Katana Slice

STRATEGY: Tenrou is the fastest Trap Gunner, and has a very good
long range and an excellent hand-to-hand attack. Use you speed to
secure items and to harrass opponents trying to disarm your traps.
Force Panel and Mine or Pitfall Combos will increase your foot speed

COMBOS: You have a choice here, depending on which additional traps
you pick up in a match (and with Tenrou's foot speed, it
should be easy!) Use Force Panel/Pit/Switches (like Tico)
or go Force Panel/Mine/Bomb for best results. Force Panels
help you get the most out of your limited traps.

To play as the Gain Operatives, beat the game on STORY mode on the
NORMAL Difficulty level with all six Trap Gunners. Beat one to gain
that player's sub-boss, two more NORMAL victories will earn you the
second, and three more (for a total of six) will get you the final

Age: 29

Rem is one of Gain's most brutal explosives and demolitions assassins.
She is also Van's sister, and has joined Gain in order to supply her brother
with least this was her intention. But now that Gain knows her
weak spot, the crime syndicate has forced her to murder the other Trap Gunners
in cold blood, and she knows she may face her own brother in a battle to the

1 Switch Detonator
4 Bombs
5 Mines

WEAPON: Magnum Revolver (5 Shots per Reload)
Pistol Whip

STRATEGY: Rem is a slighly faster and more powerful version of Van,
which makes her deadly indeed. Her gun does a lot of damage and she's
nasty up close. Use her speed and many bomb/mine combo opportunities
to quickly finish off opponents. Mix it up with the switch detonator
to surprise and damage your enemy.

COMBOS: See Van's combo section. Use Mine/Bomb or Switch/Bomb.

Age: ??

John Bishous' former partner, Dyn is now a Cell-147 infected mutant. He
has been charged with the task of killing anyone who gets too close to Gain's
leader, Stilb. The last thing many people have seen in their lives is Dyn's
grinning metal visage standing over them as they lay mortally wounded by his
massive explosions...

2 Switch Detonators
8 Bombs
1 Gas

WEAPON: Shotgun Hand (5 shells, 3 shots per reload)
Iron Punch

STRATEGY: Dyn is an even stronger fighter than John and has 2 more
more powerful bombs, but is slower. Use your Shotgun Hand to decimate
opponents up close, and blow them to bits with a bomb/switch combo.
Use his massive stamina to your advantage!

COMBOS: See John's section. Use Switch/Bombs and blow them away.

Age: ??

This robotic ninja has abandoned his human body for a electronic one,
making him Gain's most feared assassin. He is largely responsible for Gain's
most evil hits, including the deaths of Lou Riche's parents, and Tenrou's
Ninja clan. His evil skull head is fixed in a permanent smile, bringing the
face of death to match his mission of murder. Rumor has it that he is Tenrou's
father, Tengen Ugetsu.

3 Force Panels
3 Mines
3 Pitfalls

WEAPON: Shuriken Stars (7 Shots per reload)
Katana Slash

STRATEGY: Elg is a slight match for Tenrou in the speed and hand to
hand combat department, and he has more traps to boot. Play him as
you would Tenrou, and take every advantage you can to nail your enemy
with your throwing stars.

COMBOS: See Tenrou's section, and use Force Panel/Mine or Pitfalls.

Age: ??

The superhuman leader of Gain, Stilb is all but invinicble. Controlling
the operations of his international crime syndicate, Stilb remains safe inside
a massive bunker, protected by laser cannons, rocket launchers, and his own
array of deadly personal weapons...

None. (He's that tough.)

WEAPON: Homing Fireball (3 Shots per Reload)
Plasma Unit
Plasma Punch


There are six types of traps in the game, and they are the heart of any
matchup. Your mission is to disarm your opponent's traps, while making the
most out of the ones you carry into battle.

Switch Detonator
This simple explosive is radio-controlled and will explode when the X
key is pressed. If you have multiple switch detonators set, the X key will
set them all off at once. Use them to detonate bombs and surprise opponents
who think the area is safe just because they haven't stepped on anything yet.
Has a range of up to 5x5 square area on flat ground, centered on the device.
Medium damage.

PROS: Can be set off at anytime with the press of a button.
VERY difficult to disarm because of remote trigger.
Can set off bombs for POWERFUL combo explosions.
Decent range and damage.

CONS: Slight lag time may allow faster players to escape.
Must pay attention to enemy to use effectively.
Switch sets off ALL detonators you have set.
You can easily get caught in your own powerful blast.

Overall one of the better traps, since in combination with bombs they
can wipe your opponent out in one huge blast. Without bombs they become
less effective, but in combination with a pitfall trap, they can still
get the job done. Timing is everything!

A standard land mine, this exlosive has a range of one square, but can
detonate bombs next to it for additional bang for the buck. Effective for
denying the opponent a key bridge or intersection, plus does a fair amount of
damage when they step on it.

PROS: Good damage, excellent for spot control.
Excellent combo ability with bombs for a one-shot killer.
Good to plant at close range, because of limited range.
Plant and forget, always active.

CONS: Limited range of trigger, they MUST step on it to trip it.
Can be disarmed without too much risk, especially by itself.
Mine/bomb combos can catch you in a nasty blast.

I like this trap type personally, and use it often in combos with bombs
and force panels. Good for surprising an opponent, useful at close
range, and they make setting up combos easy.

It's important to remember that although bombs do the most damage of any
single trap, they must be detonated by a mine or switch detonator to activate.
If you don't have either of these other two types, bombs aren't quite as
effective, but don't be afraid to place them in case your opponent isn't too
swift at trap disarming (because if you shoot them or they mess up, they HURT.)
Range of 5x5 on flat ground, like the switch detonator.

PROS: Most damage of any single trap type.
Useful in groups for MASSIVE damage.
Always a risk to disarm due to their sheer power.

CONS: USELESS without mines or switches!
Range is a double-edged sword...
Terrible for defending areas by themselves.
Takes time (and traps) to set up combos.

Despite all the shortcomings, bombs are great IF you have either mines or
switch detonators...if you don't have either, they become so much junk.
Use them wisely, or play some other character. They can make the
difference in a match however, a powerful way to kill your opponent
(or to kill yourself if you are standing too close!)

Force Panel
Used primarily for annoying the heck out of your enemy, they are VERY
useful for forcing your victim into somewhere they don't want to go (like
another trap or combo!) Don't underestimate these, as nothing's more
frustrating than to make a break for an item only to get flung into a mine
on the other side of the arena. Unless they send you into another trap,
a slight amount of damage is done when your victim hits a wall. Note that
force panels work UP stairs and slopes as well as DOWN them.

PROS: Force an opponent into a trap or away from you.
THE BEST trap combo starter, period.
Little risk to set one, good at close range.

CONS: Does little damage by itself.
Must be stepped on like a mine to work.
Easily disarmed due to low risk factor.
Easy to set in the wrong direction.
Can quickly save an opponent from your Unit blast!

Unless you have mines or pitfalls, force panels are really just a
delaying tactic (although a neat one, for sure.) Try to daisy
chain them, and always point them toward traps or directly into a
wall (as in right into it!) so an unwitting enemy can be slowed down
during a Unit blast (or lose a Unit on impact!)

Does a small amount of damage and immobilizes an opponent for several
seconds. It's not the damage factor that makes pitfalls useful, it's the time
that a successful trap buys. You can use this time to disarm an opponent's
key trap, to make a run for an item, or to fire off a Unit blast that will
home in on your enemy. Range of one square, a good opponent remembers that
pressing the direction buttons will get you out faster.

PROS: Stops an opponent for several seconds giving you time to act.
Useful in combos and good for covering PODS.
VERY good for setting an opponent up for a Unit blast.
Good at close range to set and run.

CONS: Lousy damage unless in a switch/bomb combo.
Must be stepped on directly.
Easily disarmed, almost no risk to do so.
Does not break a Unit when triggered.

Not my favorite trap, but useful when you have the Unit or switch
detonators. Otherwise, set them in high traffic areas.

This trap goes off automatically after 5 seconds, giving you (hopefully)
enough time to get away from the trap's formidable 7x7 square range! Gas will
damage an opponent AND slow them down, allowing you extra time to manuever
while they recover. Gas traps have a great surprise factor, and even better
can cause an opponent to take off like a scared cat...into another trap you've
set! Note that you can (and will if YOU don't move) get caught in your own
gas trap, and gas does NOT flow uphill, although it does go down a slope or
set of stairs. Get to higher ground!

PROS: Wide range can affect enemies more than once in a closed space.
Good damage, equal to a mine.
VERY tough to disarm due to timed release.
Very effective in open areas.

CONS: Nearly impossible to combo with (except other gas traps)
Can easily hurt you more often than you get your opponent.
Hard to use effectively.
Not as effective in narrow passages.

Probably my least favorite trap, most people overlook this one when it
is in their inventory. However, if you have more than one, set them
in groups to do multiple damage, as the first trap will slow them down
so the second (and third, etc) will hit them as well. Just be careful
to get out of there after you set them (pay attention to the area in
red, as that's the range of your trap!)

It's always better to hit an opponent with more than one trap at a time
if you can to take maximum advantage of his or her mistake. Your opponents
certainly will! Not only do trap combos make your traps more damaging, they
also are a lot of fun to watch.

The simplest combos involve switch detonators or mines in combonation
with bombs. Bombs magnify the explosive power of mines and switches greatly.
Whenever possible, surround switches and mines with a bomb or two.

| |
B-S-B or B-M-B
| |

This type of trap is espcially effective at intersections or near PODS.
A mine or switch surrounded by bombs can kill in one shot, especially the mine
and bomb combo. Remember that bombs have a two square range, so that bombs
don't have to be right next to each other to detonate. It's better to pack
bombs close around a mine (because of its one square range) and spread them
out a bit with switches (because of its two square range) to get the most

Another favorite combo of mine involves switches and pitfalls. Placing
a switch detonator next to a pitfall can be great fun, as your opponent is
helpless before the explosion. If you manage to pick up a bomb or two to
again magnify the damage done, go for it.

Force Panels are also extremely good for "funneling" your opponent into
a trap combo such as mine/bomb and pit/switch. Place these at key points that
lead in a direct line towards your trap, such as the top or bottom of stairs
or bridges. It's even possible to set up multiple force panels to lead a
victim into a trap combo. One force panel leads to another one, and then to
a third, which leads into the trap combo...such "chains" like that are very
effective, and give your powerful combos more than one "trigger point" making
your traps that much more effective. Remember that force panels work up and
down stairs/slopes!

Gas traps are tough to combo with, because they are timed traps.
It's not impossible, but it is generally tough to do. The trick is to get
yourself to a safe place before you get gassed as well. I like placing gas
traps next to opponents who have just fallen in a pit. You'll almost always
find your opponent doing something silly like run into yet ANOTHER pit trap
in an attempt to flee the poison gas.

More elaborate traps involve knocking an opponent stuck in a pit (by
using a kick/punch) onto another square, where a mine/pit/force panel is
awaiting them...experiment!

C. 10 Basic Trap/Combo Strategies

1. Place traps in groups, especially at key intersections and around
PODS. Do this to control the board, where your traps are, your enemy's
traps AREN'T.

2. Pay attention to where your opponent's traps are (if you have the display
trap option turned on.) Knowledge is power if you are to survive.

3. You don't have to disarm a trap you discover, you just have to avoid it.
Disarming traps is best done when your opponent is immobilized by your
own traps, fleeing gas, slowed by gas, or fleeing a Unit blast.

4. If you're daring, place one of your own traps in an opponent's trap
group. They won't expect it!

5. Although the game manual suggests placing traps UNDER bridges, I've
found mixed results with that. Rather, place traps ONE SQUARE AWAY
from an underpass (ESPECIALLY PITFALLS!) Unless you have a trap combo
under there, the Unit blast will do far more damage, and if your victim
is under the bridge, he or she isn't getting hit by the more powerful
Unit attack!

6. Remember you get a bit of life back when you disarm a trap, but more
importantly that's one less trap your opponent has in their inventory.
If you disarm all your opponent's traps, you are at a MAJOR advantage.
Get good at disarming traps!

7. Likewise, pay attention to your opponent when he or she is disarming
one of your traps. Fire off a few rounds to catch them in the middle
of disarming. Possibly you can force a human opponent into panicking!

8. Don't underestimate your ranged weapon. You can damage and even
knock down your opponent, and can keep them from firing the Unit at
you. Take potshots to hurt your enemy, especially when you have the
higher ground advantage. If your weapon does knockdown (Tico/Abdoll)
then use that power to knock an opponent into another trap!

9. KEEP YOUR WEAPON LOADED. Get in the habit of knowing how many shots
you can fire, and reloading on the run. Nothing's more annoying then
having a clear shot at your victim while they are disarming your mine
and 4 bomb combo only to have to reload your weapon!

10. Don't be afraid to try something new! Catch your opponent off-guard
by mixing up your attacks.


There are several different Items and Obstacles you must contend with
when playing Trap Gunner. Some can help, some can hurt, but all add an
element of luck to the game.

Speed (green diamond): This doubles your foot speed for 20 seconds. This
can be a blessing or a curse, depending on the situation. Mines, Force
Panels and Pitfalls don't care HOW fast you run...

Protect (yellow double triangle): This makes you invicible for 8
seconds. Use this time to set off your opponent's traps or to run for

Trap (brown box): This randomly adds one trap to your inventory. Grab
as many of these as you can!

Healer (white box with red cross): Restores some life points to your
life bar. Always a good idea to get them (if only to deny your enemy!)

Unit (green missile): The ultimate weapon! Gives you three shots from
the most powerful gun in the game, use it to fire a slow moving (but
homing!) plasma blast that will devastate your opponent. There are
three ways to beat a Unit...

Knock your opponent down to break the unit. "Damn, she broke my Unit!"
Outrun the blast, they don't last forever and will go poof after a bit.
Hide from the blast under a bridge. (Goodbye, bridge!)

Note that the Unit takes time to fire (usually several seconds.) Use
this time to either fire at your opponent (to stop them from firing) or
to move in to knock them down or to hide, or to tear ass the other way!


Boxes: Sometimes they contain items. Shoot them.

Exploding boxes: Detonate when shot, have DANGER written all over them.
Don't get too close!

Laser Blasters: Fire lasers at regular intervals. These can hurt, and
have VERY long range. Shoot them several times from the side or rear to
destroy them.

Cannons: Fire large homing missiles at you when you get within a few
squares. Run from the missiles, or destroy the cannons from a distance.
Often not worth messing with unless you have to.

Spark Bit: If there are less than 30 seconds left, this will appear
on the screen and move slowly around the board. It cannot be defeated,
and will hurt you if you touch it.

Conveyor Belt: Will change directions and affect your movement. Traps
cannot be placed on this, but can be placed at either end of one...

C. 10 Basic Item/Obstacle Strategies
1. Items are dispensed by PODS, those little trap door looking dealies.
You cannot place a trap ON them, but by all means place them near one!
If this makes the difference between getting a Unit and not, it's
worth it. CONTROL THE AREAS AROUND PODS so that YOU benefit from Items.

2. Speed and Protect aren't worth getting blown up over. Trap Items you
should try for, but you really need to go after Healer and Unit items.
They make a major difference in the game...see point #1.

3. If you get a chance, blow up a box or two. There may be a Unit inside.

4. Most of the game's action will take place around PODS, so whoever
controls those areas controls the game. Likewise, it's a good idea
to be cautious around them. They are areas that both players will
visit frequently.

5. Pit and Force Panel traps are a popular choice around PODS, especially
since they are really good at slowing your enemy down and force your
opponent to waste time with the trap or disarm it. When they are doing
that, it's time they AREN'T spending getting an Item.

6. Even if you have no Mines or Switch Detonators, place Bombs near PODS.
If your opponent uncovers it, it will make them waste time disarming it
(or risk walking over a known trap location to get to the PODS.) In
other words, they make great bluffs. Use em.

7. If you know where a Laser Blaster is, try to lead your opponent into it.
The path of a laser makes a GREAT location for a Pitfall/Force Panel.
Just be careful yourself not to get fried!

8. A Force Panel that flings an opponent into a Cannon's range is also very
effective, especially right into the Cannon itself.

9. Likewise, use Force Panel and Pitfall traps to bog down your opponent
next to an Explosive Box (and then shoot it from the other side!)

10. Using a Gas trap is also a good way to force an opponent into running
towards a Laser or Cannon. Placing it one or two squares away from the
path of the beam or rocket makes a good combo. Imagine your enemy,
slowed from the effects of the Gas, wandering right into a Laser beam...


There are a couple of points to remember when facing off against a CPU
controlled enemy. First of all, the CPU tends to follow a set strategy
depending on the traps it has available to it. Second of all, it likes to
shoot at you constantly. Third, it's constantly on the move. Use these to
your advantage!

Another point to make is that the higher the difficulty, the better the
CPU plays. It is noticably lame on Easy, at Normal it is much better at
trap placement and disarming, and on Hard it is challenging indeed, setting
up combos and disarming your traps easily.

VS. Van Raily
Van likes to use his sidearm extensively, especially at the higher
difficulty levels. He's also very fond of Mine/Bomb and Switch/Bomb combos.
Counter by using you own weapon, and disarming his traps carefully. Be
aware of where his Switch Detonator is, and disarm all his other traps. If
you get lucky and can disarm his switch, he becomes much easier to beat.

VS. Lou Riche
The key to beating Lou is to disarm her traps. Once her Force Panels
and Mines are reduced, she'll have to rely on getting more Trap Items or on
her Gas traps, both tough to do if you have more traps on the board than
she does. Beware her gun however.

VS. Tico
Tico's traps are tough to disarm, you have a very good chance of hitting
a Switch Detonator. Rather, the key to beting Tico is to take the attack to
her, she has the worst stamina in the game and is damaged heavily by weapons
as well as traps. Shoot her whenever you can, especially if you have a good
weapon like Van, Lou, or Tenrou does. Disarm when you can, but be careful.

VS. Abdoll Relin
Abdoll is very good at controlling key points, as she has a lot of traps
that are one square in range, and can be placed in groups that can be annoying
to navigate. She has good stamina, the key to beating her more than anyone
else is to disarm. Without a powerful weapon to make up for her lousy foot
speed, she must depend on her abundance of traps. Disarm them, and you can
eliminate her at will.

VS. John Bishous
John is SLOW, but powerful. His only real attacks are his shotgun and
his Bomb/switch combos. Use your speed advantage to stake out PODS so you can
punish the slower Bishous with Items. Get the Unit at all costs, then blow
him away. Disarming is a nightmare against John however. You know his bombs
are always attached to a switch. Use Pitfalls to buy you the time to disarm
his switches if you can, and his bombs become useless.

VS. Tenrou Ugetsu
Tenrou is very fast and has the upper hand in hand to hand. Speed kills
however, and if you have pitfall/switch combos or mine/bomb, you can really
hurt him. Try to slow him down if you can, and spread out your traps if
possible. He will often plow right into a mine or pit, and that's the time
to set up a weapon or go for Items. The Unit isn't very effective on him
because of his speed, but use it anyway, because his stamina is almost as bad
as Tico's.

VS. Rem
Van's sister is faster and more powerful than he is, so be careful.
Otherwise treat her as you would Van, disarm her mine/bomb combos, but watch
out for her switch detonator. Trading bullets with her is a bad idea, as
her gun is fast and powerful. Use the Unit on her if you can, especially
if you can slow her down with pitfall traps. She is the sub-boss (STORY mode
Level 8) opponent for Van and Tico. Tico vs. Rem is one of the toughest in
the game for Tico, even on Easy!

VS. Dyn
Treat Dyn as you would John. Don't get too close, but feel free to let
fly with distance weapons and the Unit to take advantage of his HORRIBLY slow
foot speed. Stake out PODS with traps and pound him with everything you've
got. Dyn has ridiculous stamina, so you'll have to rely on combos to really
do any damage. Get the Unit at all costs, it's just about the only thing that
will hurt this mobile tank. He is the Sub-Boss (STORY mode Level 8) opponent
for John and Abdoll.

VS. Elg
Elg is a faster and more annoying version of Tenrou, so watch out for
his mines and pit traps. Since like Tenrou all of his traps must be stepped
on to be triggered, you can easily disarm his traps, and that really lowers
his effectiveness. Deny your opponent the Unit...just because he is faster
than the plasma blast doesn't mean he'll always be able to outrun it. Use pit
traps of your own to slow him down and set him up for a Unit or weapon attack.
Elg is the Sub-Boss (STORY mode Level 8) opponent for Tenrou and Lou.

VS. Stilb
Stilb is a tough guy to beat. Your basic strategy is to avoid his
plasma fireballs and set a switch detonator 2 squares away from him (in the
center, just to the right of the bridge) while avoiding the laser blasts and
then detonating the switch. Repeat till he's dead...If you feel like you
need some extra firepower, the 4 boxes at the start of the level contain a
switch detonator, a speed, and two healer items. Make the most use of those.
The speed you can use to get to one of the PODS, but don't let Stilb charge
up his Plasma Attack or you're toast. If you're lucky, you'll get a bomb or
another Switch Detonator from the PODS. Place the second trap just to the
north of the first one, but take out the cannon first! Above all, DON'T let
Stilb fire off his Plasma attack. Shoot him to stop the attack, or you'll
have to sacrifice a bridge and a lot of time to save yourself.

Get the timing of the lasers down, or you'll never survive. You can
attempt to destroy the forward pair of lasers (the ones closest to Stilb) but
again, be warned that Stilb will charge his Plasma attack from time to time,
and if you don't shoot him to interrupt him, at least place a switch in front
of him to blow him up when he tries to fire it at you. Destroying the cannons
and lasers (besides the pair of each closest to Stilb) is a waste of time and
more importantly, life energy. Stilb will constantly drain your energy with
his homing fireball attack.

Good Luck! Stilb is the STORY mode Level 9 Boss for all players.


In general, when facing off against the computer, remember the computer
LOVES to get items. Stake out PODS with trap combos and you'll win more often
than not. Don't let the computer get the Unit, because it's very good with it.
Deny your opponent what they need to win the game. Disarm when you can, and
remember that every Trap Item and Unit you get is one your opponent isn't using
against you!


The real fun in Trap Gunner is pitting yourself against a tough human
opponent, who's smart, flexible, and unpredictable. Prepare for a real
challenge when you face another person in Trap Gunner combat!

A. 10 Basic Strategies:

1. Your opponent isn't perfect. Disarming traps is a lot tougher than
most people realize. Remember also that the higher the difficulty
setting, the harder it becomes to disarm a trap. This applies to all
Trap Gunner modes, not just VS COM and STORY.

2. Stake out those PODS! Whoever controls the PODS controls the game!

3. Likewise, if you're an ace bomb squad trap disarmer, you can happily
snap up opponent's traps. Replace them with a few of your own, this
can be a nasty surprise to your opponent if they aren't paying any
attention to you.

4. Go for items when you can, if just to deny your opponent the gift of
having them.

5. Check the map in the corner to see where your opponent is, and which
PODS are currently offering items. The item display only shows the
most recent item to appear on the board. If there's more than one
PODS flashing on the display, check to see what item it is, maybe it's
a Unit, Healer, or Trap item your opponent has missed!

6. Use that weapon of yours. It's the safest way most of the time to
attack your opponent, especially if you are on a bridge or overpass.

7. Knock opponents into traps if your weapon can knock people down.

8. If you're anything like me, you'll forget where your traps are placed
after a heated battle. If you can do anything about it, remember
which PODS you control, and hang around them, play a defensive game.

9. You must also make sure the pathways from PODS to PODS is clear of any
enemy traps! If you can't control the PODS, then control the pathways
so you can buy time to disarm your opponent's traps.

10. Some characters are better at playing an offensive game than others.
Other characters excel at defending areas against intrusion. Figure
out which style suits you best, and apply that to your characters.
For example, if you are good at disarming, take a fast character, so
that you can quickly get to an opponent's trap before they can set up
a combo. If you're a good shot and like to use timing traps (like gas
and switches) take a character like John Bishous.

Other Tips:

--Use your mind. Know what traps your opponent has, and anticipate.
Use the Random Traps option to shake things up!

--Play with Trap Display off so that nobody sees what traps you have
placed. Keeping track of your enemy's traps is very tough using this

--Note the screen in Split Mode is wider than it is tall. Fire from
above and below your opponent to have a better chance at surprising
them, especially when your aim is to set off the trap they are about
to disarm.

--When you are knocked down, there's a brief second or two of protection
that you get when you get back up. Use this time to counterattack or
to set a pit/mine/force panel trap so you can escape!

--Try saving your traps once in a while. This is especially good if you
have a fast character and are good at disarming. Disarm several of your
opponent's traps. Then when they have only a few left, begin placing
your first traps. It's a good way to keep your opponent guessing.

--Remember you can retrieve your own placed traps. Be sneaky and move
traps around, especially something like a mine, force panel, or switch
detonator. If your opponent assumes you have a trap there, sometimes
that can be just as good as having one there.

--Set up trap combos in out of the way places if you have a Force Panel
or two to redirect your enemy.

--If you play with Preset Traps option on, Force Panels can be a real
nuisance. These CPU set traps appear as yellow on the screen. If you
know where one or two of these traps are and you have a Force Panel,
have your OPPONENT test out what that trap is for you!

--Preset trap bombs can be set off by ANYONE'S explosions. This can
be a nasty surprise for you or your opponent. Try setting a mine,
switch, or bomb near a known location of a CPU Preset Trap (yellow
on your screen). Odds are you can use it as part of your combo to
REALLY hurt your opponent. Also note that Preset mines can set off
bombs placed by either player...

--Remember you can handicap your life level by pressing UP or DOWN at
the player select screen. Make it a fair matchup!


To play as the Gain Operatives, beat the game on STORY mode on the
NORMAL Difficulty level with all six Trap Gunners. Beat one to gain
that player's sub-boss, two more NORMAL victories will earn you the
second, and three more (for a total of six) will get you the final

Besides being able to play the 3 sub-bosses, I'm not sure what else
exists in the game. Rumor has it Stilb is playable, but how... If you
find anything, let me know at and I'll of course
credit you and add it to the next version of the Trap Gunner FAQ!

And one final note: CRACK DOWN!

This FAQ is Copyright 1998 Jon Mott.
Trap Gunner, the characters, and "Atlus" are TM Atlus 1998.
PlayStation is a registered TM of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.

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