Onimusha: Warlords

Onimusha: Warlords

17.10.2013 05:15:59
Full Walkthrough and FAQ
LAST REVISED: MARCH 30, 2001 (Current Size - 90.7 KB)
.##...##..##..##..##..##..##......##..##..##..##..##..##..##......./ \..
.##.#.##..######..#####...##......##..##..#####...##..##...####...| Please |.
.#######..##..##..##..##..##......##..##..##..##..##..##......##..| wait... |.
..| ONIMUSHA: WARLORDS |..| Finally! A long overdue title for the |..
..| Sony PlayStation2 |..| PlayStation 2. Onimusha will have you |..
..| Full Walkthrough and FAQ |..| hacking and slashing through hours and |..
..| Version - FINAL |..| hours and zombies along a sick and |..
..| |..| twisted storyline. In this FAQ, I will |..
..| Written and Compiled by |..| guide you through all the dungeons and |..
..| ...B1aCkHaZ3... |..| mind-boggling puzzles the game has to |..
..| @b1ackhaz3@ignmail.com |..| offer. Enjoy! |..

»»»»»[ CONTENT ]««««««

* You can use the FIND [Ctrl+F] command to skip around. Type in the name.

1. Version History
2. Copyright / Disclaimer
- To Webmasters - PLEASE READ
3. Game Basics
- Controls
- Weapons
- Life-saving Tips
4. Character Profiles
- Samanosuke Akechi
- Kaede
- Princess Yuki
- Yumemaru
- Nobunaga Oda
- Toukichiro Kinoshita
5. Walkthrough
- Part One - Nanamagari
- Part Two - To The Keep / Exploring the Keep
- Part Three - Keep (Underground)
- Part Four - Keep and West Area (Kaede)
- Part Five - Samanosuke Returns / Water Garden
- Part Six - Water Garden (Kaede)
- Part Seven - Realm of Evil
6. Dark Realm
7. Files
8. Flourites Locations
9. Oni Spirits (Mini-Game)
10. Ending / Epilogue (MAJOR spoiler)
11. Reviews for Onimusha: Warlords
- Author's
- Other Sites
12. Cheats and Secrets
14. Gameshark 2 Codes
15. Onimusha 2 Wishlist
16. Credits/Acknowledgements/Special Thanks
17. Contact Information
18. Final Words - Author's Comments

----------------------------- [ Version History ] -----------------------------

+ Version 1.0 [March 22, 2001]

Bought Onimusha several days ago. The game is somewhat challenging but short
so I decided to do a FAQ on it. This will be my second FAQ. Let's see,
it's exactly 22 days after the first one. I'm on Spring Break! :)

+ Version 2.0 [March 23, 2001]

Worked on walkthrough some more. Just added a couple of things. Nothing

+ Version FINAL [March 24, 2001]

Completed the walkthrough...finally. Worked a bit more on the FAQ. Not a
lot else to do. Just the Dark Realm and Oni Spirits. Completed those, also.

Not a lot of versions in the FAQ. Yes, that's right. Only took me 3 days!

+ UPDATE [March 30, 2001]

Yay, the first update! I apparently missed something important in the Water
Gardens. But an observant gamer (probably better than me) e-mailed me. It's
a Talisman! Which revives you when you die. It's very useful!

Also added GameFAQs.com to the Thank You list. How silly of me...

------------------------- [ Copyright / Disclaimer ] --------------------------

+ This walkthrough is solely intended for the public use on the WWW. You may
not reproduce, transmit, or rewrite it in anyway or manner without explicit
permissions from the original author. If this legal document is portrayed
in any comercial use, you are therefore stricten under the code of law--and
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used in a password-protected area nor in a high-security area. IT IS ONLY TO
BE USED IN A PUBLIC AREA. This FAQ may not be plagiarized. You will only
damage the author and also yourself in terms of the law, whether the
punishment is civil or criminal.

+ Samanosuke, Kaede, Yuki, Yumemaru, and other fictional characters and names
used throughout this FAQ are the intellectual property of Capcom Co., Ltd.
and their usage is not intended to challenge their copyrights. Should Capcom
feel the use of its ideas and names unacceptable or should this document be
deemed unlawful, it shall be removed immediately upon request.

+ Capcom and Capcom logo are registered trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd.Onimusha
and Capcom Edge are trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


You want to put this FAQ on your site? All I ask is a simple e-mail asking
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+ This FAQ can appear only on the following sites without my permission:

- GameFAQs.com - Always check here for the latest updates and versions.
- Gamewinners.com
- TheGamer.com
- CheatCC.com
- Gamestop.com

------------------------------ [ Game Basics ] --------------------------------

»»»»»[ CONTROLS ]«««««
_____ _____
| L1,2| | R1,2|
-------- ---------
/ _ \____________/ \
| _| |_ ___ ___ /_\ |
| |_ _| |sel| |str| [] () |
| |_| __ __ __ >< |
| / \ |as| / \ |
\ | LS |----| RS | /
\ / \__/ \__/ \ /
\___/ \___/

~* ×---------------------------------------------------------------------× *~
*~ | Action: Button Presses: | ~*
~* | | *~
*~ | Run/Rotate Character/Menu Selections...Directional button | ~*
~* | Block/Switch Inventory Displays........L1 button | *~
*~ | Attack.................................[] button | ~*
~* | Absorb Souls...........................hold () button | *~
*~ | Magic Attack/Cancel/Hide Inventory...../_\ button | ~*
~* | Confirm/Use/Equip/Check/Decide.........>< button | *~
*~ | Ready Sword/Evade......................R1 button | ~*
~* | 180-Degree Quick Turn..................R2 button | *~
*~ | Climb Up...............................Up directional button | ~*
~* | Climb Down.............................Down directional button | *~
*~ | Start Game/Access Menu.................Str button | ~*
~* | Pause/Resume Game......................Sel button | *~
*~ | Access Map (If Present)................R3 button (press RS) | ~*
~* | Switch Analog/Digital..................As button | *~
*~ | Not Used...............................L2 button | ~*
~* ×---------------------------------------------------------------------× *~

»»»»»[ Weapons ]«««««


This sword stands the lowest when it comes to attacking. You'll start out
with it at the beginning of the game. It is not advisable to use this sword
later in the game. It deals the least damage and cannot use magic spells.


This sword uses the power of thunder. It deals damage that is on par with
the other magical swords. It can be upgraded to level three. Use this sword
when encountering a small group of enemies.


This sword is the heaviest of the three.It uses the power of fire and hence,
deals quiet a bit of damage. Again, it can be upgraded to to a max level of
three. The spell hits your target and any other baddies nearby.


This sword,though the coolest looking, doesn't deal a lot of damage. But its
spell is devastating. It can hit multiple targets. Use it when encountering
large groups of enemies.


This weapon is your friend when you want to hit an enemy hiding on rooftops.
It uses normal arrows that can be upgraded to fire arrows.


This weapon is the equivalent of a shotgun in the Resident Evil series. It
uses bullets that can be upgraded to burst bullets, which can hit multiple
targets. This is the best weapon to be used against bosses or large groups
of enemies. Don't waste it. It is very useful for the last bosses.

»»»»»[ LIFE-SAVING TIPS ]««««


There are several ways that you can heal your character.One is buy powerups.
There are three types of powerups you can get in the game. There are herbs
and medicine. Which, you guessed it, medicines are more rare than herbs. One
other type of powerup is the talisman. Which, can revive your character if
he's fatally wounded. This item is VERY rare. Don't rely on it. Powerups
are not plenty, so only use them when needed.

One other way is by sucking up enemies souls.There are three types of souls:
red, yellow, and blue. Yellow doesn't appear that often compared to its
brothers. Yellow heals your character up by a small amount depending on how
large the size of the soul is. Blue regenerates your magic by a small amount
and red stores it for later to be used for enhancements.


Although red souls appear all the time, they are not enough to distribute
too all your items. Always enhance any herbs to medicine first. Then you
can work on your weapons. You don't need fire arrows and burst bullets until
very late in the game. Herbs will enhance to medicine, which is VERY useful
at the most hated times!

To enhance, go up to a magic mirror and select "enhance". Choose the item
you wish to enhance and hold ><. You can't enhance anymore when you run out
of red souls.


The key to surviving the world of Onimusha is to always block. Some enemies
require you to block and only hit when they're vulnerable. Blocking helps
you conserve a lot of health points. But there are also moves that are unb-
lockable. When this happens, you must quickly tap back or hold R1 and press
a direction to move in that direction quickly.


Kicking will not do damage to the enemies but it'll stun them, allowing you
for a good, clean instant death counter. This doesn't always happen so you
must never underestimate the enemy. Press [] and down at once to kick. You
know when it's a counter when there is a cutting sound and a yellow dash on
the enemy.


There are times when the only way to advance is to break open an urn or cut
a rope. You can't distinct breakable objects from the background real well
so swing your sword at whatever object that looks suspicious.


Always press X at every nook and cranny you see. You'll find valuable herbs
and hidden items such as Flourites. The more you explore, the better chances
you'll have at beating the game.


Everytime you knock down an enemy, always suck up the souls that rise from
their bodies. But, be careful. When sucking up soul, you're wide open to
painful attacks.

If you suck enough souls, your gauntlet will enhance and "look" better. I
if it enhances any better in terms of soul-sucking or magic.


- Red souls stores in your gauntlet so that you can use them later for item

- Blue souls regenerate your magic power.

- Yellow souls regenerate your health.


Be on the look out for soul shrines and magic fountains. Go up to them and
hold () to suck up some souls. Soul shrines contain blue souls while magic
fountains contain blue souls.


When you have accumulated enough blue souls or magic energy, you can uleash
those energy on your foes. Press /_\ to do a spell with the equipped sword.
If you run out, you must regenerate your magic power by sucking up blue

Also, if you run out of magic energy for that sword, you can switch to other
swords and magic for that sword will be at max. So, switch swords!


I can't stress this to people enough: SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! at every opportunity
that you come across. Sometimes, you'll get ambushed by monsters and will
die (yes, you'll die).

---------------------------- [ Character Profiles ] ---------------------------

+ SAMANOSUKE AKECHI - lone warrior

Often thought of as a passionless man because of his quiet ways, Samanosuke
is actually a hot-blooded warrior with a noble sense of justice. He is a
masterswordsman who travels across Japan seeking his rival.He was originally
wanted dead with Kaede as his assassin.

+ KAEDE - expert ninja

She is an expert female ninja who was sent to assassinate Samanosuke by the
Iga nijas. She had a change of heart and developed a trust in Samanosuke and
agrees to join him as his confidant.

+ PRINCESS YUKI - sweet princess

Yuki is the sister of Yoshitatsu, the master of the Inabayama Castle and
Samanosuke's cousin.She became aware of the strange events in the castle and
sent a letter to Samanosuke in a plea for help. But when he arrived, she has
been mysteriously kidnapped.

+ YUMEMARU - bratty orphan

He is an orphan whose parents were farmers. They were killed in the war and
Priness Yuki took him in to raise him as if he was her brother. Samanosuke
ran across this brat while looking for Yuki.

+ NOBUNAGA ODA - warlord

An exceptional warlord who aspires to unify Japan. With the victory against
Imagawa in Okehazama, he rides a tidal wave of success. Though he was once
dead, Nobunaga's acts have now become extremely heartless and cruel.

+ TOUKICHIRO KINOSHITA - annoying general

One of Nobunaga's high-ranking generals,Kinoshita ahs the warlord's complete
trust. Though he has sworn absolute loyalty to Nobunaga, the only thing
Kinoshita truly cares about is his own advancement in the ranks of power.

------------------------------ [ Walkthrough ] --------------------------------

+ Pop in the disc and let's go! Wait, watch the really cool intro first. It
looks so real!

»»»»»[ Part One ]««««

General Area Tip: Not much here. :) Just hack away at the zombies!

$ As Samanosuke $

You start out with Samanosuke. I'll call him "Sam" from now on. That way, I'll
have a better chance at spelling his name and it saves space. Anyways, walk
the path the man was pointing to. Don't try to follow Kaede. Duh, that's a no
brainer. A cutscene will start and you'll have to fight against two baddies.
just concentrate on one and hack away. After enough damage has been done, you
will have to watch another long cutscene. This one's pretty long.

Woo-hoo! You're given the gauntlet by the clan of Ogre. With this baby on,
will be able to do some serious damage and suck up the souls of your victims.
Look through the instructions. Head on forward. You'll find a magic mirror.
This is where you can save your game. Next to the mirror is a gate. Enter it.
Keep moving forward until you see a cutscene. Congratulations! This is your
first battle! Just hack away at the zombies and absorb their souls as needed.
After that, enter the door to the left. You'll find yourself in a vacant room.
Enter the next door. Another cutscene. After that, it's your job to kill the
zombies. Keep your finger on the L1 button and you should exit the battle with
minor scratches. Absorb the souls as needed. All right, I'll stop telling you
to absorb souls. From now on, you know what to do.

Enter the next door and give the villager a good slap. Head on through the path
the soldier was pointing to. You'll enter a forest. Several blue ninjas will
pop out of nowhere. Kill them. Again, keep the L1 button ready. You'll need it.
Grab the HERB in here and enter the cave. Some bats will fly out. Don't worry.
They won't hurt you. Some rocks will fall and a hole will open up. Enter the
hole and you'll be underground. Well, duh. Head on forward. Several more
enemies will jump out to greet you. You know what to do. Continue until you
reach a huge staircase. Don't go up yet. Grab the TEMPLE MAP and now go up.
Up here, there is a mummified statue in the way. Just press X to get SOUGEN'S
NOTE. The statue will slide to the left. Head through the opening. In here,
kill the zombie at the right. Behind a pair of small, brown doors is the
SEIRYU. Get it. Search the other opened doors for a FLOURITE. With these in
your possession, go to the opposite end of the room. You'll find a door. Let's
see, what are you supposed to do with doors?That's right, you enter it! Destroy
the blue jars to reveal a treasure box. Get the JOURNAL. Head to the end of
the room and get the THUNDER ORB (Shiden). Fit it in your gauntlet and you'll
get the RAIZAN, a sword powered by thunder. Exit the room by going through the
door to the left of the altar. This is a long hallway leading to a set of
stairs. Just before the stairs, there is a trick treasure box. You'll have to
solve this puzzle to get the goodie.


You have to rotate the pieces so that they line up in order. The solution is:
left once, right once, and left once.


For the reward, you'll get the ROPE LADDER and head upstairs.

It's onto Part Two from here...

»»»»»[ Part Two ]««««

General Area Tip: Always stay sharp and pay close attention to the background.

Now that you're out of the underground, look to the right for a red object.
Examine it for a MAGIC JEWEL. Use it immediately to increase your magic meter.
Head forward. You'll find yourself at a gate with weird, blue stuff over the
doors. To the left of it is a partially hidden box and a magic mirror. Save
you game here. Examine the box and solve another puzzle.


You're not supposed to have access to this puzzle yet but since you're using
this FAQ, I'll tell it to you anyway. The solution can be found by collecting
all of the SEIRYUs. That's right, you only found one.

Enter these in order: 1st coice, 3rd choice, 6th choice, press OK. You'll get
the power jewel. Use it immediately to increase your vitality.


Enter the gate by equipping the RAIZAN (if you haven't eqipped it alrady). The
orbs will glow and the door is now accessible. You're now on a bridge with
spiky demons that doesn't seem to stop spawning. They will stop...eventually.
To defeat them, have your finger on the L1 button all the time since most of
their attacks can be blocked. Suck up the souls. Some of them are yellow so
it's a good idea considering that you might be somewhat injured. This is a good
spot for training since you have a save spot nearby. If you have enough souls
and haven't used your HERBS already, upgrade them to MEDICINES. OK, had enough?
Let's advance.

In this room...no, it's a big courtyard with a huge rectangular platform in the
middle. To the right is a gray door that can't be accessed. Ignore it for now.
Go to the end of the court yard and head to the left. Some more demons will
spawn, kill them. Watch out for the big one that's at the end. Avoid him and
take care of the little ones. Once the little ones stop spawning, go to the big
one and you can pick on him. For the most part, you can't block his attacks
very well. Just use your magic (press /_\) to knock him down. Go over and to
him and repeatedly press [] so that Sam can give him a good stabbing. This will
help end the fight more quickly.

Go through the big green door that you see. Immediately run to the end of this
room and kill the demons to help out the soldier. For helping him, you'll get
an HERB. Ignore the door behind him and head to the corner. See that opening?
Use the ROPE LADDER here. Climb down. Move forward. Kill the demons that
get in your way. Eventually, you'll find a locked treasure box and a magic
mirror. Save your game here and enhance your herbs and weapon as needed. Press
X at the treasure box to solve a puzzle.


Again, this is one of those where you need to collect books for the solution.
Enter these in order: 6th choice, 1st choice, and 4th choice, press OK. You'll
get another jewel as a reward. Use it immediately.


Go down the hall and you'll see a door locked by fire magic. Next to the door
is a big crate. Destroy it to reveal a treasure chest. Get the medicine.
Go back to save if you want to. There will be a boss fight where we're going.
Now, enter the other big door that's not protected by red magic. You'll meet
the self-loathing demon.


He's not as strong as he looks. Due to his enormous size and brute strength,
it hurts when he gets a hit at you but he's very slow. He has three main
attacks: the mace swing, swing down, and the charge. So, to take advantage of
oaf, simply counter him once he tries to swing at you (assuming that he misses)
and quickly tap down and R2 and run the other direction. Repeat. Once in a
while he will slump down and try to catch his breath. This is the opportunity
to use your thunder magic. After a while, he will take enough damage and will
attack you by charging at you. When it connects, expect to have lots of your
vitality be taken away. If you're lucky enough only had minor injuries, you
should come out of the battle fine with none of your powerups used.

After he dies, a bunch of souls will escape. Suck them up immediately. This
fills up your health and magic completely.


Thank the bastard for clearing up a path for you. Enter the door and get the
JOURNAL NO. 2. Enter the heavy iron door. Bust open the urns and search the
floor for a FLOURITE. Kill the upcoming demons. Proceed to the next door and
meet the scientist Guildenstern. He will unleash Reynaldo. Don't worry. It's
not another boss fight. This one's easy. Just hack away at the demon. When
he falls to the ground, go for a ground stab by pressing [] to end the battle
quickly or else you'll have to fight the clone again.

When the demon dies, go to the left of the altar and collect the fire orb. Go
back to the room where you fought Osric. On your way will be some demons
waiting. Kill them. When you reach the room, Osric's body will disintergrate
and some souls will float out. But there are blue skulls floating around that
will steal them. Kill them and suck up the souls. Don't get too close to them
though for they deal some serious damage.

Equip your ENRYUU and exit through the door locked with red magic. Now, go all
the way back to the courtyard with the huge rectangular platform. That's right,
now that you have the red orb, you can open the gate to your right. Now, you're
in a room with two broken staircases and dead bodies everywhere. There are
three doors you can go through. One is immediately to your right, one is a huge
door at the end and one is a small door right next to it. Take the small door.
In this room, there's a magic fountain which can replenish your magic supply, a
treasure chest containing the KEEP MAP, and a save point. Get the keep map and
save your game. Go all the way to the end of the room and a weird man will drop
down. If you try to talk to him, Sam will say it's best if you leave him alone
for now. When all your blades and orbs are enhanced to level at least level
two, come back here and he'll invite you to the Dark Realm. Look in the "Dark
Realm" section of this FAQ.

Go back outside and enter the big double door. You'll see a cutscene that will
introduce Kinoshita. After that open the chest to reveal NORMAL ARROWS. You
can enhance your arrows to FIRE ARROWS later. But always enhance any HERBs
and blades first then the arrows. Anyways go through the door to the right. Go
to the end of this room and open the chest for JOURNAL NO. 3. Head back to the
previous room and this time, it's loaded with several demons. Kill them. Keep
advancing until you see a door locked with a weird, blue plate. Ignore it and
head forward for a cutscene with Kaede and Yumemaru. Move forward to the end
of the hall and enter the wooden door here. This hallway is packed with baddies
and a ninja. Kill them all and suck their souls. Head for the small staircase
but don't go up yet. There's a door underneath it. Go through the door. In
this room is a trick treasure box containing the bow. You want the bow so let's
solve this puzzle.


This box puzzle is a little harder than the other one. But you get the bow so
let's do this! Turn these in order: left once, right once, left once, right
twice and voila!


The bow is sort of useless against melee combat but they're very awesome versus
enemies that cannot be reached with the blades.

Now go for the pit in the center of the room. DON'T CUT THE ROPE! I'll clear
it up later. At the end of the same room is a SUZAKU. Exit the room back out
to the staircase. You'll find a HERB in the treasure chest and a FLOURITE is
directly above that on the cupboard. Head upstairs and fight some demons up
here. There is also a big demon. Good time to use your magic. Go back to the
staircase and head for the door to the right of it. Go in and you'll see a pit
just like the one downstairs. Examine the bucket and get a jewel! Yay! Use it
immediately. Now head back out and equip your bow. Go through the gray door
and snipe the demons below to help the soldiers. If you managed to save both of
them, you'll get an herb and a jewel. Go back down and claim your prize. Now,
head back up and go through the double door with two red orbs on it. If you
haven't upgraded your KOUEN yet, go to the courtyard and kill some stuff. After
that, you can open the door. In here, you'll find the RIGHT CREST PIECE and a
RED BOOK. Go back out and enter the gray door again. Round the catwalk and
get to the other door protected with red magic. Enter it. You'll find yourself
in a room with two holes. Demons are crawling through them. To make it much
easier, take them out before they can get up. Kill the bigger demon at the end
of the room. Keep advancing. In the next room will be a large crate and a
staircase. Break open the crate to reveal a chest with arrows. Now go under
the stairs to claim a FLOURITE. With that in your possesion, head upstairs.
There's a save point here. SAVE YOUR GAME! There is a puzzle you will have to
do and will take a couple of tries. Enhance your herbs, if any. Then enhance
the ENRYUU (recommended). Save the arrows for later. Also, go back to the
stairs there is a chest with arrows here. Get the BYAKKO next to it.

After you save your game, head through the door and keep walking to trigger a
cutscene. After that, you will be trapped. As Sam, pull the lever. As Kaede,
pull the right lever in the next set of levers. As Sam, pull the left one. As
Kaede, pull the far left lever in the next set. As Sam, go to the chest to your
right and get the HOLY ARMOR (angels singing). Equip it. Now, go pull the lever
in the set Kaede is holding. You'll get hurt if you pull the center one. As
Kaede, just go for the door. You don't have to pull the next lever.

In this room, it's pitch black! Go for your fire sword and do the fire magic on
the center platform. This will light the candles, allowing you to see. Press ()
to replenish your magic power if necessary. Go for the door.


This puzzle is random. Alternate between Kaede and Sam and step on either X or
+. X breaks squares in an X shape. + breaks squares in a + shape. Be careful
that you do not kill each other by breaking squares thatthe other one is stand-
ing on. You main objective is to get to the platform with an O shape.


Enter the door and you'll see a cutscene. Sam will push Kaede away, leaving him
trapped in a chamber that is filling up with water at an alarming rate. Go for
the water prison controls to the right of it. This puzzle will drive you up

_________________________________________ What you try to do is move the
| | | | around so that the yellow emblem
| 1 | 2 | 3 | is in the center. Hope you saved
| | | | when I told you to. This may take
|_____________|_____________|_____________| a couple of tries before you get
| | | | | | | it right. I can't help you here.
| | | 5 | 6 | | | Just play around with it. That's
| | |______|______| | | what I did. The guage to the left
| ( | 4 | | | ) | shows the water level in the trap.
| | | | 7 | | When it reaches the peak, Sam will
| | | | | | die. So you have to do it quickly.
| | | wooden | | | Because it moves so fast,you can't
|______|______| pieces |______|______| go back and forth looking at the
| | | | instructions so I reccommend you
| 7 | | 9 | play around with it yourself. But
| | | | if you absolutely need a guide, go
|_____________|_____________|_____________| to the address for guide from IGN.

* http://guides.ign.com/guides/11520/w4.html


After that, Sam is freed! Advance through the door to the left. Go to the end
of the room and you should see an altar of some sort. Examine it and pull the
silk tab. This releases all the traps you just went through. You might want to
go back to the save point and save. Now, head upstairs and climb down the
ladder. You can go down but you don't need to right now. Round the corner and
take the ladder down. Move towards the screen until you see a treasure chest.
You know what to do. Go the other way and unlatch a door. Go up the ladder and
go to the other ladder. Now, you can go down. There is a treasure box in this
room. It's the L. CREST PIECE. Go to the hanging paper on the left wall. Cut
it with your sword and get JOURNAL NO. 4. Go all the way upstairs (2X) and
place both CREST PIECES on the door. It will unlock. Enter and watch the cut-
scene. After Kinoshita jumps off the building, move to the right and grab the
the SEIRYU. In the box across from the SEIRYU is another FLOURITE. Grab it and
advance through the door. Grab the SUZAKU on the floor and be ready to block.
Move towards the screen. HAHA! Scared you didn't it. Kill him. Move forward
and go around the staircase and get the arrows from the treasure box. Go up the
staircase and you'll hear Yumemaru screaming. Battle the ninjas and enter the
big double door. You can' go in the door at the because it requires a wind
blade. Get the medicine from the chest and the SEIRYU across from that. Go to
the opposite end of the room and slash the screen. Hold circle to suck up some
souls. Slash the other screen in the same room to reveal a passage. There is
a savepoint here. Enhance your weapons and save your game. There is a boss
coming up. Go up the ladder and you'll be on top of the building. His name is
Marcellus and he doesn't look happy to see you.


The boss can be the toughest MF if you let him. He carries a huge minotaur
shield and will block most of your attacks. The best weapon against him is the
RAIZAN. The best strategy is to wait for him to attack you and then counter
him with the thunder combo. You can block all but one of his attacks, the swing
from above. You can even block the wind magic. Just keep holding the block
button and nail him with thunder magic. If you run out of magic, swith to the
ENRYUU and use fire magic. Suck up some much needed blue souls from time to
time. After he is defeated, you can suck up the souls that come up and get the
wind orb!


Now, climb the ladder back down and save your game if needed to. Exit the room
by the double door and equip your wind orb. Use it to open the door. This will
trigger a really loooooong cutscene. Just watch it and enjoy. You'll find out
more about Yumemaru and Nui, the princess' servant, will be introduced. Now,
you'll have to backtrack ALL THE WAY back to the door locked with green magic.
Enter it and grab the burst bullets. "Pfft! Burst bullets?!" Burst bullets
very sparse throughout the game and they are VERY useful versus the fourth
boss (once you have the MATCHLOCK). Now, head back to the main Keep room (where
you first came in from). Go for the savepoint which is in a room called "Sentry
Point". Save your game in here and enhance if you need to. Enhance the wind
orb (recommended). Now, head back out and enter the gray door you ignored
earlier in the game. It's in the same room. Step through it. Kill the enemies
that get in your way. They'll keep spawning for a period of time then stop.
This is a very good time to gain more red souls. Go all the way to the end of
the hall and pull out your RAIZAN. Unlock the door with it and step through it.

Continue along the path until you reach a dead end. You'll find an altar with
all orbs of all the three elements. Equip all three of your swords (one at a
time) and examine the altar so that it'll clear up a path. Go downstairs and
you'll be in underground of the Keep.

It's onto Part Three from here...

»»»»»[ Part Three ]««««

General Area Tip: Be the first one to attack! Block when necessary...

The path will continue until it stops at a door with spirits guarding it. You
have to find the PURIFIER BELL and make them stop. Now, you can't go through
it no matter what so head for the path to the right. Just keep advancing until
you reach a door. Enter it! This is here's what you call a savepoint. Save
your game and enhance your items especially the ARASHI. In fact, only enhance
the ARASHI. Be sure to grab an herb from the chest. Continue along until you
reach some tentacles blocking the path. Hack through it and suck up the souls
they release. In the next room, kill Reynaldo and grab the BYAKKO, GREEN BOOK,
and ORANGE BOOK. Enter the next door and you'll be in a narrow hallway. Kill
more Reynaldos. Round the corner until you reach a gray double door. Enter it
and you'll see (cows?) hanging from the ceiling. Head to your right and grab
the KEEP UNDERGROUND MAP from the treasure box. Hack away at the weight and
balance causing the other side to raise revealing an item. Go over to the other
side and grab the ROSARY OF COMMUNION. This will allow you to talk to spirits.
Exit the room and look for the other gray door. Again, fight more Reynaldos on
the way. After entering the gray door, you'll find yourself in a room with blue
candles on both sides and a treasure chest at the end. It contains the PURIFIER
BELL you needed. After grabbing it, you'll trigger a trap. Carefully navigate
to the door and make sure that you won't get hit by the razor-sharp blades.
There are three of them.

Head back out to the door that was guarded by spirits. Use the bell there and
advance. In this hallway, there are several tall samaurais encased in glass.
Guess what's going to happen. Yep, three of them will bust through their cases
and go for little Sam. Finish them off. Block from time time and mash buttons
when you are grabbed. After that, round the corner and go all the way to the
end and grab the FLOURITE on the left. Head back to the door you see right at
the turn and enter it. You need a BLUE KEY for the double door. Enter the door
aforementioned. Ignore the green door for now. Round the corner and kill more
Reynaldos. At the end is a WHITE BOOK and an HERB from the treasure box. Now,
go back to the door protected with green magic. Hope you enhanced the ARASHI as
recommended. If not, kill more baddies and suck up more souls. OK, once inside
this door, go to the end and you'll see a dead guy with a cloud on his head.
If you have the ROSARY OF COMMUNION, try talking to him. He'll tell you about a
monkey. What monkey?! Grab the BYAKKO and APOCOLYPSE #1. Now try the trick
treasure chest.


The reward is a blue key. Now, let's try it! Turn these in order: middle once,
right once, left once. Voila!


Once that is done, go to the door and grab a FLOURITE from the iron maiden to
the right of the door. With the BLUE KEY in your possession, go back to the
double door outside (right across from where you found the other FLOURITE).
Watch the cutscene and you'll control Kaede.

It's onto Part Four from here...

»»»»»[ Part Four ]««««

General Area Tip: Since you don't get any souls from killing baddies, it's
best if you just run and fight ONLY when trapped.

~ As Kaede ~

Try to exit the room from where you are and you'll see a cutscene of a soldier.
He'll give you the RED KEY. Now, it's you job to get to the prison. Head out
to the courtyard and enter the green door. Just avoid the blue ninjas and use
RED KEY on the wooden door. Keep advancing and don't worry about the monsters.
Fight only when you're trapped. Continue until you're in an archery range with
a soldier trying to defend himself. Kill the demon he's fighting with and avoid
the archers. After he's done for, go up and kill the archers. You'll hear a
sigh. Go back down and claim your prize. It's a SOUL ABSORBER. Only Sam can
use this. Now, don't go up the ladder yet. Go through the door before the
ladder. You'll be in a garden with crickets. Avoid the blue ninjas and enter
the next door. Be sure to grab the KUNAIS laying the grass. In this room,
there is a save point and treasure box. You have to decode this puzzle to get


Enter the following to claim the prize: 5th choice, 7th choice, 2nd choice.


With the jewel in your possession, go for the next door. In this room, there is
a gate that requires the GOLD and SILVER plate to unlock. You don't have
those yet. Grab the shiny thing in front of the soldier. It's a GEAR.

Head back to the archery range and climb the ladder. You should be on a catwalk
overlooking the yard. Take the iron door. Take the next ladder down. There
is a door protected by red magic that Kaede can't open. Ignore it and go for
the save point. Save your game here. Open the treasure box for the WEST AREA
MAP. Use the SHINOBI KIT on the next door to the left of the magic mirror. In
this corridor, you have to go through a lot of demons. You can either avoid
them or hack away, it's up to you. At the end of the path, it will branch into
two. To the right is a door and to the left is another door. Take the left
door. Have Kaede turn to your right and grab an HERB from the hidden treasure
chest. Go for the other treasure chest for the JOURNAL NO. 5. Then get the
SUZAKU on the shelf in the corner. Now, examine the cupboard to your right and
it will reveal a gear box. Use the GEAR here and pull the string. This will
reveal a secret passage. Go in and grab a FLOURITE from the buddha statue. You
might want to open that treasure chest. Yep. You now have the SILVER PLATE.
Next grab teh BYAKKO right next to it. Check your files. You should have all
the vols. of BYAKKO by now. Exit the room entirely and go for the other door
in the corridor that you didn't take. You should be in a run with three giant,
fire-breathing furnaces. Don't let the fire tag you. Go for the top left
and examine the tab. Pull on it and the door on the top right corner will open.
You must run for the door before it closes while avoiding the fire. You may
have to try it again. But when you get inside, pull the TAB to open it for
good! Grab the GOLD PLATE from the wall and destroy the crates to reveal an
HERB in the corner. Grab it and get out. Go back to the food storage room and
save your game.

Now, head all the way back to the gate that required the two plates to open.
Yes, you have them! Use the GOLD PLATE on the left and the SILVER one on the
right. Go through the door and you should be in a burning hallway. Yes, the
fire can hurt you so be careful. Go for the door immediately to the right. In
here, there's a FLOURITE next to the staircase. Go upstairs and you'll see a
trick treasure box.


Turn these in order: middle once, right twice, then left twice. Voila! You'll
get the SACRED KNIFE, which is the strongest you can get for Kaede.


Return downstairs and exit to go to the burning hallway. There are some demons
in the way. Wait for them to come to you. They'll most likely step in the fire
and kill themselves. Head all the way to the end of the hallway until you reach
a room with several jars in it. A blue ninja will jump out and greet you. Take
care of him and break open the jars to reveal a treasure chest. Get some KUNAIS
from here and grab the GENBU on the bench next to the chest. Go back to the
entrance where you first came in from. Immediately to the left is a staircase
leading down to the basement. Keep moving forward until you see some tentacles.
Hack through them and keep moving until you see a violet cell. Examine it to
watch a cutscene. It's princess Yuki! Unfortunately, Guildenstern drags her
away and leaves you a present. This is not a boss fight. It's just another one
of his sick creations. It has the ability to cloak and can hit you hard if you
let him. Fortunately all of his attacks can easily be blocked. Just keep
blocking and WAIT for him to take a swing at you. Counter him. Watch a cutscene
and you'll switch over to Sam.

It's onto Part Five from here...

»»»»»[ Part Five ]««««

General Area Tip: Don't waste your magic.Save it for bigger and harder enemies.

$ As Samanosuke $

Sam wakes up in a damp, dark place. Press on forward until you see a savepoint.
Use your jewels here and grab the MEDICINE from the chest right next to the
savepoint. Enhance your items and weapons and save your game. Once all that's
done, keep moving forward for a boss fight.


Remember the guy who racked Kaede? Yeah, well. He's back and wants a piece of
good Sam. This boss is perhaps easy because you know yourself too well. He will
block virtually all of your attacks. And so should you. Keep holding the block
button and wait. When you see his arm glow, use your best magic attacks. The
RAIZAN works well. Remember to switch swords when one runs out of magic. Suck
up the blue souls that escape from the wall from time to time but be careful
not to let him tag you when you're absorbin'. You *should* come out of the
battle with none of your powerups used.Suck up the souls that was once Stylado.


When you defeat him, the path that was once blocked by a red forcefield will
give away. But, you should go back to the savepoint and save. Now, head for
the opening. Follow the path until you reach two treasure chests. The one on
right contains the EVIL PLATE. The one on the left contains the ladder. No,
it's not a trick box although it does look like one. Turn left and walk until
the path ends. This here's a well. If you accidently cut the rope in the
beginning of the game, you can grab the jewel here. Use it. Use the ladder at
the end of the platform. Climb up.

** Note: If you need to get anything, this is the time to do it. Because after
stepping through the evil door, several paths of the Keep will be destroyed.

You're back at the keep. Go to the door with the weird, blue lock on it. Use
the EVIL PLATE. The door will unlock and you can go through. Watch the really
cool FMV cutscene and you'll meet up with Kaede. Unfortunately, the door to the
Realm of Evil is sealed with a red plate. You can't do anything right now. Go
to the main keep room and head for the savepoint. The weird, cocoon man will
drop down and invites you to the Dark Realm (look in the Dark Realm section of
this FAQ). If you have at least 4 MEDICINE and 2-3 HERBS, you're in good shape
for the Dark Realm. The last boss will be MUCH easier if you go through the DR
and get the special item that will help you get the Bishamon Sword, which is
the strongest weapon in the game. Anyways, save your game at the savepoint.
Enhance the SHIDEN and KOUEN and any available souls will go to your herbs and

It's you objective to find a way to destroy the plate which is sealing the Evil
Realm's entrance. Head out the Keep and go through the green door. Kill the
baddies and enter the next door. Equip your bow with fire arrows (if any) and
aim at the guys on the roof. These archers can hurt. And note that you can't
block when your bow is equipped. When you see ninjas, immediately equip your
ENRYUU and take them out. Now with those done, look for a double door protected
3 blue magic. If your SHIDEN is not high enough, go kill baddies and enhance
it to Level 3. If it is, have your RAIZAN drawn and go in.

Directly to your right is a soul shrine. Go in front of it and hold () to suck
up some souls. There is a statue in the corner that is missing a head. Grab
the VISION STAFF from the treasure box and the GENBU on the table. Leave the
room. With the VISION STAFF in your possession, you'll have a much easier time
looking for FLOURITES. As you leave, there is a FLOURITE just next to the door.
Grab it and keep advancing until you reach the archery range. On your way,
there is a well to the left. You can go down and meet the cocoon man to go to
the DR here. At the archery range, there are some baddies. Kill them and head
for the ladder. Climb up and traverse the catwalk for the door. Enter the door
and climb down the other ladder. You should be in a save room. Save your game
and enhance the KOUEN. You need it at level three. Now, remember the triple red
door that Kaede ignored earlier? The one to the right of the ladder? Yes, you
can open it with the ENRYUU drawn. Follow the dirty path until you see some
demon soldiers. They can easily be killed by slashing the catapult. After doing
that, there is a FLOURITE that used to be underneath the catapult. Grab it and
go for the door that you see. Be ready for a mini-boss fight. Sam, meet the
bad boys from down under. No, they're not Australian...Whatever! The easiest
way to kill them is by using magic. Equip your SHIPPUU and unleash on the small
demons. Finish them off with teh ENRYUU. Then, go for the big meanie with the
RAIZAN. These guys can sting like a bitch. Be careful. After you defeat them,
explore the yard for three items: the STATUE HEAD, the BULLETS, and the DECORA-
TED SWORD. Now, remember the statue with no head? Go back there and use the
STATUE HEAD on the statue. This will allow you to get the MATCHLOCK. After
getting the gun, equip your bow and exit the room. Take out the demons that are
trying to snipe your head off.

Remember the gray door that was barred shut in the beginning of the game? Well,
go back there. On your way, there is a FLOURITE on the ground. Grab it and
leave. Anyways, when you get near the door, there will be a cutscene. Kill the
monsters and help out the soldier. Go in the newly cleared up path and use the
DECORATED SWORD on the plate. Step through it and you're in the Water Garden.
Just follow the main path until you reach a door with 2 wind crystals. When the
path branches left, do not go to it. Only Kaede can open the door at the end.
Equip your SHIPPUU to open the door. On the next path, if you head straight,
you will reach a dead end. *At the dead end, hit X and it will say something
about a bridge you can use if you had the right tool. Switch to your MATCHLOCK
with BURST BULLET, stand back and fire. Voila! The bridge is released and you
can cross. Look for a chest and grab the bullets from it. Slash this and VOILA!
Another TALISMAN. Head back out way before you found the secret bridge. Go left
until you reach a door. Rip the JOURNAL NO. 6. off the door and go through the
door. On the next bridge, you encounter some demons. Kill them and continue
past the building until you reach a shack at the end of the pier. Grab the
BULLETS from the chest and the GENBU on the shelf. Exit this building and be
ready to kill some more demons. Go in the next building and grab some more
BULLETS. Move up the ramp all the way to the roof. Ignore the slow dark
armored demons and go for the archers. They hurt more. On the roof, look for
your 13th FLOURITE, a MAGIC JEWEL, and a SOUL ABSORBER. Use the JEWEL immedi-
ately. After getting the three items, head all theway down the ramp again.

* Addition by: Joe Reichard [jrtrio@twave.net]

Use the SHIPPUU to open the door behind the ramp. Kill some more ninjas out
here and head to the left. Take the door. In the next area is a cloaking demon
that you need to defeat. Use the same strategy is with Kaede. Block, block,
block! After taking them all down, go for the soul shrine to suck up some
souls. Keep advancing until you see a water fall and a bridge. There are two
dark armored samaurais lurking around. One is directly in front of you and the
other one is on the other side of the bridge. Now, walk to the middle of the
bridge and lure him across. When he walks towards you, run back and slash the
ropes. Be sure to suck up his souls. Take care of the other one. After that,
head behind the waterfall for a puzzle.


This one's probably the hardest of all the trick treasure boxes. Turn these in
order: lower left once, upper right once,lower right once, lower left set once,
then lower right once. Ka-ching! The Great Armor. Equip it immediately.


Now, head for the door to your left from here. You should be in a magic mirror
room. Grab the medicine from the chest and go for the other chest for a jewel.


This puzzle asks you what container is used to fill the gauntlet with souls.
The answer is the "Dragon Orb". Choose the 3rd and 6th choice and press OK.


Save your game and head downstairs. You can't open the door that you see. Only
Kaede can. Grab another FLOURITE here. Board the boat and get to the other side
of the turret. Enter the door. Go all the way to the end and you'll find an
altar. Grab the GREAT BOW. Watch the cutscene and you'll switch over to Kaede.

It's onto Part Six from here...

»»»»»[ Part Six ]«««««

General Area Tip: Again, avoid the monsters to save powerups.

~ As Kaede ~

Kill the monster and head forward. Immediately when the path branches off, take
the path to the left. Pick the lock at the end and go through the door. Keep
moving and turn right. Head in through the double door. Inside, grab the HERB
in the right corner of the room and a FLOURITE by the door. Move in deeper and
slash through some urns to clear up a path. Get the Apocolypse #2. Leave the
this room and continue along the main path. Avoid the monsters that crawl up
from the water. Take the door and you'll find yourself on the same path as Sam.
Go for the waterfall, avoiding monsters on the way. Now, go to the other side
and go in the room with the magic mirror. Save your game. Enter the next door
using the SHINOBI KIT.

The next room is guarded by several demons. Avoid them and enter the door at
the end. Slash the screen and grab the arrows from the chest. Avoid the demons
once again and go for the door. You'll find yourself in a U-shaped room with
more demons. Smash the urns and get the KUNAIS. Follow the path to the right
and enter the door. It's a magic mirror room. Climb up the ladder and get a
FLOURITE. It's hidden under some crates. Also, grab the GENBU in the corner
and some HERBs.

Climb back down and go for the double doors at the end. Be ready to hold block
because there are archers at the end. Run down there and kill them if you want.
Turn left (ignore the double door for now) and enter the next door. Grab an
HERB, a FLOURITE, and a Suzaku. Go up the ladder and round the corner for the
final trick treasure box.


Turn these in order: left twice, middle once, and right twice. Voila! You'll
get the DECORATED ARROW as a reward.


With this in your possession head for the ladder climb down. Avoid the ninja.
Exit the room and enter the double door you ignored earlier. You should see
the Statue of the East. Run around behind the statue and switch the DECORATED
ARROW with the GREAT ARROW. Get the GREEN KEY from the chest. Leave the room.

Go to the other end of the U-shaped room and use the GREEN KEY on the door.
Go down the ladder and board the boat. Examine the door and watch a cutscene.
Hmm, looks like Sam's in trouble. And is that? WASP!!! is coming...

$ As Samanosuke $


She's not so tough. You can block most of her attacks. She is airborne and
sometimes will drop down and try to take a hit at you. She will also command
some drones up to get a hit at you. They are easy. Just switch to the SHIPPUU
and unleash the magic attack on them. Immediately after you do this, switch
to the MATCHLOCK with burst bullets and pump some lead into her. Clear out more
drones, fire. Reapeat. You should also block from time to time. The battle
should end with you fairly intact.


Watch the cutscene. Kaede will tell you she'd set some explosives. It's time
to ditch the place. Another cutscene will begin with you in the weapons storage
room. Go back out to the savepoint "Sentry Room". Save your game. You're at
the final parts of the game...the Realm of Evil.

It's onto Part Seven from here...

»»»»»[ Part Seven ]«««««

General Area Tip: Hope you have fast fingers!

If you haven't gone through the Dark Realm, now's the time to do it. The last
boss will be MUCH easier with the Bishamon Sword. Obtainable by getting the
BISHAMON OCARINA. And you get that by going through all 20 levels of the Dark
Realm. If you're just a sissy, head for the Evil Realm's entrance that was
sealed by a red plate. Use the GREAT BOW here to destroy the plate. Enter....
Once inside, you'll see a cutscene with Guildenstern. He insists that you will
ultimately fail and leaves you a present. It's an enhanced Marcellus! This
time, he's stronger and meaner than before.


Keep your finger on the block button. The strategy for him is almost the same
as with Stylado: block, counter with magic. Unleash all three of your magic
on him. After enough damage, he will drop his sword and shield and will grow
blades out of both his right and left hands. Ohh, scary. Neh...you can block
ALL of his attacks. Same as before, block and then counter. Don't worry if you
get your ass severly kicked. You still have a chance if you still have at least
one HERB and a MEDICINE.


Once he's defeated,go back for the door and grab the MEDICINE from the treasure
chest. You can't miss it. With this in your possession, keep advancing. In
next room, you'll find a fountain in the middle and a savepoint at the end.
But first, notice the fingers on the wall? If you managed to go through all 20
levels in the Dark Realm, play the Bishamon Ocarina here. The fingers will curl
up allowing you to pass through. Go through! You should see a skeleton.
Examine it and...wow, a sword!!! SCHWEEET! This is the most powerful weapon
in the game. It kills any non-boss enemy with one swipe. HALELUJA! Anyways,
go back outside and save your game at the savepoint. Enhance all your HERBS to
MEDICINE! Also, go for fire arrows and burst bullets. Next, grab the DARK
REALM MAP and head through the door. You'll find yourself in a downward spiral.
Just continue straight, fighting enemies along the way. Grab two MEDICINES at
the end and turn left. Enter the big door and watch a really cool cutscene.
Engage Fortinbras.


Ohh, you bet it. This guy is a tough MF. But, if you have the BISHAMON SWORD,
it's a piece of cake!

==>If you got the Bishamon Sword<==

Get in close and just slash him for good! The /_\ button attack is the strong-
est. When you see purple dots hovering over you, it's time to back off and
hold block. You might also want to evade his laser eyes. After this, go back
in and cut him up more. !!IMPORTANT!! Whenever you see Sam got grabbed, MASH
those buttons like crazy or else you'll die. About 20 slashes would do it.

==>If you're just a sissy<==

Taking on Fortinbras without the Bishamon sword is not an easy task. Just get
in close and pound him with magic. Switch between swords. Evade the purple
dots same as above. Go back in and pound him some more. Repeat. Also, MASH
buttons to avoid the insta-kill. If you run out of magic for all three blades,
switch to the MATCHLOCK and pump some lead into him. If you run out of ammo, go
for the bow.

Congratulations! You've completed the game. Watch the a really cool ending and
an epilouqe. Play it again if you've missed some FLOURITES. And...try to get
a better grade this time.

------------------------------ [ Dark Realm ] ---------------------------------

The Dark Realm consists of 20 levels filled with enemies and little powerups.
You can also find some FLOURITES in here, vital if you wish to get play the Oni
Spirits mini-game. Explained later in this FAQ. Here are all twenty levels and
what to expect on them. If you manage to go through all twenty levels, you will
get the BISHAMON OCARINA as the fruit of your labor. This ocarina has the power
to unlock a door which leads to the BISHAMON SWORD, which is the strongest
weapon in the game.

** ×---------------------------------------------------------------------× **
** | | **
** | One...............Demon Soldier................N/A | **
** | Two...............Blue Ninjas..................N/A | **
** | Three.............Demon Soldier, Samaurai......N/A | **
** | Four..............Samurais.....................N/A | **
** | Five..............Samurai, Blue Ninjas.........N/A | **
** | Six...............Spike Demons.................Flourite | **
** | Seven.............Insectoids...................N/A | **
** | Eight.............Spike Demons, Skulls.........N/A | **
** | Nine..............Spike Demons, Big SD.........Medicine | **
** | Ten...............Big SD, Skulls...............N/A | **
** | Eleven............Reynaldos....................Flourite | **
** | Twelve............Reynaldos, Skulls............N/A | **
** | Thirteen..........Reynaldos, Insectoids........Talisman | **
** | Fourteen..........Chameleon....................Herb | **
** | Fifteen...........Reynaldos, Chameleon.........Soul Absorber | **
** | Sixteen...........Black Ninjas.................Herb | **
** | Seventeen.........Dark samurai, samurai........Flourite | **
** | Eighteen..........Chameleon, Black Ninjas......Herb | **
** | Nineteen..........Dark samurai, Black Ninja....N/A | **
** | Twenty............Chameleon, Big SD............Bishamon Ocarina | **
** ×---------------------------------------------------------------------× **

Information from IGN GUIDES

--------------------------------- [ Files ] -----------------------------------

Onimusha is loaded with files that give hints to the storyline and upcoming
puzzles. Getting all of them is quiet an amazing feat.

1) Yuki's Letter - A letter from Yuki to Samanosuke.
2) Instructions - How to use the gauntlet.
3) Sougen's Note - Advice from Sougen.
4) Journal #1 - Saimyou's journal.
5) Journal #2 - Saimyou's journal.
6) Journal #3 - Saimyou's journal.
7) Journal #4 - Saimyou's journal.
8) Journal #5 - Saimyou's journal.
9) Journal #6 - Saimyou's journal.
10) Blue Book - Resurrection of Nobunaga.
11) Red Book - Humans depend on demons.
12) Green Book - Mystery of the Dark Ceremony.
13) Orange Book - Nubunaga's contract with the demons.
14) White Book - How demons are categorized.
15) Apocalypse #1 - A woman sacrifice for the Dark Ceremony.
16) Apocalypse #2 - How the Demon King is created.
18) Seiryu Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 - Ogre Clan's gift for a man.
19) Suzaku Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 - Creation of the gauntlet to destroy the demons.
20) Byakko Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 - Ogre Clan's meeting place.
21) Genbu Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 - The Dragon Orb.

---------------------------- [ Flourite Locations ] ---------------------------

Scattered throughout the game are special rocks called "flourites". Finding
them is rather difficult by great rewards await. If you manage to find all 20
of them, a mini-game called "Oni Sprits" can be unlocked. Look in the "Oni
Spirits" section for more details.

- In the small shelves in the same room where you found the first Seiryu.

- Just after the first boss fight, break some urns and search the floor under
them for a flourite.

- In the Keep after running into Kaede with Yumemaru, you will find a flourite
in a small cupboard above the treasure box near the stairs.

- Go to the upstairs level of the Keep,and pass through the room just past the
red magic door on the catwalk. Step through the next room to find the
flourite under the stairs, near the treasure box containing the arrows.

- Go to the upper reaches of the Keep. You will find a flourite across from
Volume Two of the Seiryu, just after the cutscenewhere Kinoshita takes off
the building.

- In Keep Underground. Right across from the door that requires the Blue Key.
It's in the corner by the last samurai.

- In the same room where you found the Blue Key. It's right by the door.

- Enter the secret room using the Gear. A flourite is on the buddha statue.

- Step into the burning room with Kaede. Go in the door to the right. You
should be in a room with a narrow staircase. Next to the staircase are some
barrels where a flourite can be found.

- After obtaining the Vision Staff,a flourite can be seen blinking outside the
door of the room containing the Statue of the West.

- Go to the West Area. There is a flourite on the hill under the catapult just
outside the castle.

- Go to the West Area. This is a flourite blinking in the path on your way to
the room with the statue where you got the Matchlock.

- In the East Area when playing as Samanosuke. Ascend the big ramp up to the
roof with the big bell. A flourite is just around the bell.

- Playing as Samanosuke in the East Area. A flourite is on the pier prior to
boarding the boat.

- When playing as Kaede in the East, go to the room with the Statue of the
East. There is a flourite right by the door.

- When playing as Kaede in the East Area, climb a ladder in the bridge house
magic mirror room. Destroy the crates here to find another Flourite.

- When playing as Kaede, go to the room where you find the last volume of the
Suzaku. There is a flourite hidden in the same room.

- Sixth level of the Dark Realm.

- Eleventh level of the Dark Realm.

- Seventeenth level of the Dark Realm.

------------------------------- [ Oni Spirits ] -------------------------------

As if finding the flourites was not hard enough! After getting all 20, the
game will have you play sort of a "speed trial" mini-game called "Oni Spirits".
The mini-game consists of 12 levels in which the last levels are very challeng-
ing. Completing all 12 levels will heap great rewards. By doing so, you will
unlock an arsenal of goodies to play in a new game. These include unlimited
magic and the Bishamon Sword! So, unlocking anything else in the game should
be a piece of cake.

** ×---------------------------------------------------------------------× **
** | LEVEL 1 | LEVEL 2 | **
** | | | **
** | Release Oni: 28 | Release Oni: 34 | **
** | Break Vases: 20 | Break Vases: 20 | **
** | Enemies: Demon Soldier | Enemies: 2 Demon Soldiers | **
** | Items: Herb | Items: Thunder Orb, Bullets | **
** |----------------------------------|----------------------------------| **
** | LEVEL 3 | LEVEL 4 | **
** | | | **
** | Release Oni: 39 | Release Oni: 38 | **
** | Break Vases: 26 | Break Vases: 26 | **
** | Enemies: Samurai, Skulls | Enemies: 2 Blue Ninjas | **
** | Items: Matchlock | Items: Fire Orb, Bullets | **
** |----------------------------------|----------------------------------| **
** | LEVEL 5 | LEVEL 6 | **
** | | | **
** | Release Oni: 36 | Release Oni: 6 | **
** | Break Vases: 28 | Break Vases: 6 | **
** | Enemies: 2 Samurais, Skulls | Enemies: 2 Demon Soldiers | **
** | Items: Bullets | Items: Herb | **
** |----------------------------------|----------------------------------| **
** | LEVEL 7 | LEVEL 8 | **
** | | | **
** | Release Oni: 39 | Release Oni: 42 | **
** | Break Vases: 32 | Break Vases: 36 | **
** | Enemies: 2 Samurais, Skulls | Enemies: Re-spawning Spike Dmns.| **
** | Items: Wind Orb | Items: Burst Bullets, Holy Armr.| **
** |----------------------------------|----------------------------------| **
** | LEVEL 9 | LEVEL 10 | **
** | | | **
** | Release Oni: 42 | Release Oni: 6 | **
** | Break Vases: 36 | Break Vases: 6 | **
** | Enemies: Big SD, 2 Skulls | Enemies: Samaurai, 2 Blue Nnja. | **
** | Items: Burst Bullets | Items: Herb | **
** |----------------------------------|----------------------------------| **
** | LEVEL 11 | LEVEL 12 | **
** | | | **
** | Release Oni: 40 | Release Oni: 44 | **
** | Break Vases: 30 | Break Vases: 36 | **
** | Enemies: 2 Blue Nnja., Samurai | Enemies: Spike Demons, Red SD | **
** | Items: None | Items: None | **
** ×---------------------------------------------------------------------× **

Information From IGN GUIDES

--------------------------- [ Ending / Epilogue ] -----------------------------

Unlike my other FAQ, Fear Effect 2,I'll really reveal the ending this time. But
I must warn you. If you haven't seen it, PLEASE STOP NOW! I am not responsible
for any pain and suffering this may cause.


- Sam puts away his sword and runs for Princess Yuki.
- Kaede runs in and cut away the tentacles holding Princess Yuki and
- The three runs out with Sam behind.
- Fortinbras wakes up and grabs Sam, crushin his insides.
- Sam spits out blood. The blood got on the gauntlet.
- Princess Yuki runs for Sam but was stopped by Kaede.
- The whole place was falling apart.
- The gauntlet transforms Sam into a super samaurai warrior who yields a
glowing sword.
- Fortinbras go for Sam. Sam holds his sword in the way, cutting up the
Demon King.
- Fortinbras dies...Sam is now in his human form.
- As for Nobunaga, he stands on Fortinbras' body and stares at Sam.
- The two stares at each other.


- The Saito family's legacy was no more.
- Princess Yuki goes to stay with her cousin but left one month later to
see the world.
- Yumemaru, under Sam's advice, accompanies Yuki on her quest.
- Kaede never stopped looking for Sam. She was hired by a war general. She
died 14 years later in a war...
- As for Sam...no one knows what happened to him...

* And then there's a scene where Sam stares at a rolling hill...

OK, wasn't that fun? I spoiled it for everyone who reads this. I feel really
bad...God, please don't make me do this again!

--------------------------------- [ Reviews ] ---------------------------------

+ B1aCkHaZ3's OPINIONS 9.2/10 (*****)

Onimusha was an awesome game during the long drought of killer hits for the
PlayStation 2. This was the title everybody was waiting for. Awesome story
and it's fun at the same time. The game's only flaw is the sometime annoying
freezes between pre-rendered screen.

The engine is very well defined and deep. A Samurai with swords of three
elements and has the ability to absorb his enemies' souls. Now, that's what
I call innovation!

The graphics are crisp and beautiful. I didn't realize how pre-rendered
backgrounds can look so good! The frame-rate stays at a constant 60-FPS with
no hints of slow-down whatsoever.

However,people who want long games should look the other direction. Onimusha
takes only 2-3 hours to beat for people who are going through it for the
second time. But with a replay value this high, I don't think you'll be
complaining about the length any time soon.

Bottom Line: GET IT! GET IT NOW!


- IGN PS2 - http://ps2.ign.com/reviews/11520.html
- Daily Radar - http://www.dailyradar.com/reviews/game_review_1313.html
- Gamespot - http://www.zdnet.com/gamespot/filters/products/0,11114,198238,00.html

--------------------------- [ Cheats and Secrets ] ----------------------------


Successfully complete the game and save. Choose to start a new game and a
"Samanosuke Normal/Extra" option will be available. The extra version will
show Samanosuke in a panda costume with a baby panda in a front pocket
clapping his hands. The panda suit will be shown in most short clips but
not all FMV sequences.

To get Kaede's alternate costume, successfully complete the game with a
perfect grade, S.


Successfully complete the game with at least a Grade B. "Special Trailer"
will be available at the main title screen.


Collect all 20 flourites and Oni Spirits will be available. Complete the
mini-game to unlock an arsenal of goodies to use in the next game.


Complete the Dark Realm mini-game and grab the Bishamon Ocarina on level 20
and exit.


This legendary sword is the strongest in the game. To get it, complete the
Dark Realm mini-game and get the BISHAMON OCARINA. Play the ocarina in the
Evil Realm, in front of the dark door made up of bones.

---------------------------- [ Gameshark 2 Codes ] ----------------------------

Master Code (Must Be On)
EC8562A0 1456E60A

Infinite Health
4CBF06C8 1456E725

Infinite Lightning Magic
4CBF0192 1456E725

Infinite Fire Magic
4CBF0198 1456E725

Infinite Wind Magic
4CBF0196 1456E725

Max Health
4CBF06C2 1456E70D

Max Magic
4CBFF9E2 1456E70D

Max Injected Souls
4CBFFFE0 145699EE

Max Enhancement Points

--------------------------- [ Onimusha 2 Wishlist ] ---------------------------

I can only come up with these. If you have a wishlist of you own, please feel
free to e-mail it to me. Tell me whether or not you want your name to be inc-
luded...or petname. Whichever one you prefer.

- Polygonal background (i.e. no more pre-rendered)
- Sometimes, the camera angle's a little awkward. Fix that.
- More elements. Earth, water, dark, light, etc.
- A longer storyline this time.
- Have preferences of Onimusha 1 characters. Just like the FF series!
- The gauntlet rocks. It needs to stay.
- Harder bosses this time. Yet, some of the current ones are just cheap.
- Up with guns! Include the musket this time.

»»»»»[ The Gamer's List ]«««««


- Male character can jump like Kaede. Or like in the Tenchu games.

** Note: Yes, this is a real game for those of you who are wondering...

----------------- [ Credits/Acknowledgements/Special Thanks ] ------------------

+ God, for my amazing FAQ-writing ability.

+ My...mom. Just for thanking her.

+ CJayC and GameFAQs.com for being such a cool webmaster with a cool site.

+ Capcom for developing and publishing such a great game!

+ CheatCCC for the Gameshark codes.

+ IGN GUIDES for lots of infos! Thanks a lot.

+ The people on the IGN PS2 board. You guys are the best. Helped me with a
lotta puzzles.

+ Gamepro for all the mags you've been feeding me.

+ Gamewinners for such an amazing cheat codes site.

+ IGN PS2, simply the best PS2 dedicated site.

+ Daily Radar for the best news on gaming.

+ If there's somebody else I needed to mention and your name's not on this
list, please e-mail me. Apology in advance.

--------------------------- [ Contact Information ]----------------------------

I worked hard on this FAQ. It would be nice to receive a letter or something
thanking me. Or if I did something illegal, hatemails are always welcome. You
can contact me with the following e-mail address: b1ackhaz3@ignmail.com

------------------------------- [ Final Words ] -------------------------------

Well, wasn't that fun? This is my second FAQ! Yay. And I finished it in like
two days. That's really aweome of me. :) As always, my eyes are hurting really
bad. I should stop, you say? Nah, I enjoy this. Perhaps, I'll do a CV: Perfect
Edition FAQ next. Yes, a FAQ is already on my HDD.

Not much for a final words this time.I don't have anything to say that wouldn't
be at the least funny and will get me laughed at.

Now, let the mail roll in! I'm sure I made a whole bunch of mistakes but that's
okay. Really, I'm fine with it.

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© Copyright 2001 [ Khoa Nguyen ] All rights reserved worldwide.

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18.Oktober 2013

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15.Oktober 2013
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