Armored Core 2: Another Age

Armored Core 2: Another Age

15.10.2013 18:54:15
Mission FAQ
AC2: Another Age
Mission FAQ

1. Briefing
2. Quickguide
3. Key
4. Actual Guide
5. AC Configs
6. Legal Stuff

1. Briefing - Hey everyone. I'm an avid AC player, so I figured I might as well write one of the first mission FAQs of the game. Note that I will not put any AC setups on here. Instead, I'll tell you wether or not you'll need a lot of ammo or something like that. Also note that these are not in any particular order. A lot of things in here are spoilers. I assume that you have some experience with AC games, otherwise you probably wouldn't be looking at this. Ah, nobody reads this stuff anyway.

2. Quickguide

Neo Isaac (Complete)
Stop Terrorist Sabotage
Destroy Prototype MTs
Defend the Elevator Facility
Attack Transport Convoy
Assist Emeraude Forces
Pursue Emeraude's Forces

Old Zam (Complete)
Defend the Bomber
Disarm the Bombs
Destroy Security System
Enter Waste-Treatment Plant
Raven Assessment

Old Gal (Complete)
Attack Storage Complex
Defend Materials Cache
Defend Storage Complex
Eliminate the Search Team
Eliminate Patrolling AC
Takeover Military Warehouse

Horwick Mts. (Complete)
Attack the Airbase
Destroy Radar Array
Defend the Airbase
Eliminate Trespassing AC
Intercept Mine Intruders

Zearm Desert (Complete)
Destroy Insertion Team
Eliminate Raven
Attack the Terrorists
Destroy Massive MT
Training Exercise
Training Rematch
Reactivate Facility Gates
Infiltrate Weapons Facility
Destroy Top-secret Unit

Burroughs Hill (Complete)
Eliminate Outlaw Organization
Recover Research Materials
Attack Secret Warehouse
Eliminate the Bureau Forces
Rescue Trapped Indies
Eliminate the Raven

Thorn Garden (Complete)
Attack Abandoned Facility
Eliminate Biological Menace
Eliminate Unmanned Weapons
Shutdown Nuclear Shelter
Assist Research Team
Clear Disposal Facility
Remove Occupant in Facility

Old Avalon (Complete)
Special Arena Appearance
Special Arena Rematch
Eliminate AC
Terminate Raven

Earth Central (Complete)
Rescue VIP
Eliminate Unmanned Weapons
Eliminate Intruder

Colnart Bay City (Complete)
Defend the Shipyard
Escort Transport Convoy
Disarm the Explosive Devices
Destroy Submarine
Probe Balena's Defenses
Attack Coastal Defenses

Balboa City (Complete)
Attack Spaceship Dock
Destroy Space Transport
Defend Development Lab
Attack the Train

Whiteland (Complete)
Infiltrate the Ancient Ruins
Attack the Storage Depot
Eradicate Unidentified Units
Attack Zio Matrix Patrol
Arctic Battle

Eyelet City (Complete)
Test New MT Model
Performance Evaluation
Prevent Prototype MT theft

Folk City (Complete)
Restore Temperature Setting
Test Facility's Defenses
Remove Germ Warfare Toxin
Eliminate Hijacker
Safeguard Stolen Prototype
New Part Acquisition

Scissors Forest (Complete)
Defend the Fortress
Destroy Missile Batteries
Escort AC Parts Transport

Arkot Ocean (Complete)
Defend Transport Ship
Destroy the Transport Ships
Escort Transport Plane
Escort Airborn Transports
Airborne Attack
Destroy Government Fleet
Attack the Ocean Base
Attack the Bureau's Base
Defend the Ocean Base

Rapture (Complete)
Destroy Security Detail
Free Rapture Orbit Elevator

Lost Field (Complete)
Explore Uncharted Region
Revisit Uncharted Region
Destroy Designated Target

VS Missions (Complete)
Team Versus Team
Attack the Patrol Team
Eliminate the Terrorists
Target Elimination
Enter Underground Facility
Pursue the Train
Defend the Train's Cargo

3. Key

* = Hidden Part
@ = Emblem possibility in mission (must kill AC in mission)

4. Actual Guide

Neo Isaac

Stop Terrorist Sabotage - The Objective here is to Destroy 7 MTs. My advice, if you can't beat them, then you're either VERY new, or you just plain suck.

Destroy Prototype MTs - A new breed of MTs here. They'll fly and shoot missiles. Easily shot down. But, once they'll shot down, a normal MT will fall. Try and shoot it while it's coming down, easier that way.

Defend Elevator Facility - BORING. Kill the two flying MTs, then 4 non-flying MTs.

Attack Transport Convoy - This one's simple. Go around and kill things, always fun. Kill the MTs, as they will increase your winnings. If you happen to lose track of a target, don't cry. Press select and all you troubles will be gone.

Assist Emeraude Forces - The only thing here is to make sure the junkers you're protecting don't get in your line of fire. I had an...unfortunate accident.

Pursue Emeraude's Forces - Search and destroy. Be careful of the grenade launchers they have. To many of those could ruin your day.

Old Zam

Defend the Bomber - This one's a toughy. You need to kill things that don't even realize you're there. Tough.

Disarm the Bombs - Make sure you have text messages on for this one. What happens here is a woman tells you the direction of the room where the bombs are planted and how many you have to find. You need to move quickly, so ignore the enemies, unless it's on your way.

Destroy Security System - I like this mission's name, mouth. Anyway, this mission has many enemies, so bring some ammo. It has many paths, so I'll tell ya where to go, by turns. It goes left, right, left, right, left, right, second right, left, up, right. Careful! Once you blow up the target, everything goes red and alarms go off. Why all the sudden you ask? Because they hate you. But, you need to escape, so follow my instructions backwards.

Enter Waste-Treatment Plant - OW, HOT HOT HOT! First of all, it's 740 degrees in there, so you'll need a decent radiator. Also, the grenade-toting MTs don't help. But, you can blow up the floor, which is fun. Just don't fall into the hot stuff at the bottom. I have yet to see someone fall into there on accident.

Raven Assessment - Same area as the last one, except the floors are completely there. Also, the AC you have to fight is a hover type, so if you blow a path to the bottom and knock him down there with incredible skill, he won't die. He'll float around on top and laugh at your arss as you attempt not to burn. He takes quite a lot of ammo, so bring ammo to fight him with. Later, if you want, you can attempt to destroy him with a laserblade while he's on the bottom. I didn't have a choice the first time. @

Old Gal

Attack the Storage Complex - You may need the text message for this one. They'll tell you which elevator to take when you clear a floor of enemies. Find the elevator with the right numbers on it and your home free. Many enemies, may need more ammo.

Defend the Materials Cache - This is simple. You destroy one wave, the people on the roof tell you how many get past them. Destroy them, and then they'll talk to you again. It happens one more time, but it's kind of worse.

Defend Storage Complex - Easy, destroy all opposition.

Eliminate the Search Team - Alright, you could make a mistake here. After you destroy a certain amount of your targets, two ACs will appear. Ignore them for now. Later, after you acquire the skills and parts you need, you can go back and kill them, but for now, leave them alone. If you happen to lock on to one, just ignore it and finish the mission. @ x 2

Eliminate Patrolling AC - Alright, you need something that won't destroy everything in sight for this mission. You need to minimize the destruction of boxes and such. The AC you fight is a reverse-joint type, althought that makes no difference. He has a flamethrower equipped, so staying away might be the best idea. Anything else isn't really a concern. @

Takeover Military Warehouse - Don't blow the boxes up, destroy everything you can get a lock on.

Horwick Mountains

Attack the Airbase - Fairly simple. Your objective is to blow up the bomber. It's located on the third mountain, so work your way over there, blowing things up if you think you have the ammo. Once to the mountain, go into the door on the side of it that's farthest to the left (it should have a 99 on it). Go through, and once you come to another door, you need to fight an AC. He uses the dual machine gun arms in intervals. Not very challenging, unless you have a bad AC. Once he's dead, destroy the bomber. If you want to get the part, when you get to the second mountain, go to the door on the far right. Go through and take the elevator up. Destroy the boxes on the right and claim your prize. @*

Destroy Radar Array - The neat thing about this mission is the enemies. Nothing shoots at you. Instead, these huge missiles come and try to ram into you. Make sure not to get hit, as just one could easily strip off 1000 AP. Avoid or destroy these, and at the same time, destroy the big radars. If you can't find one, use your map.

Defend the Airbase - This is one of the first "survival" missions of the game. Just stand on your little ledge, and blow up the incoming planes. You'll notice they never stop coming. If you stay alive until the timer runs out, and your def. Target is alive, then you'll complete the mission.

Eliminate Trespassing AC - Alright, kind of a long one, but few enemies. You go through until you reach an elevator. It's a slow hunk of junk, so you'll just have to be patient. Once it stops, fund a large tunnel like the one you came from. Go through it, and down another elevator. Then, you'll find another tunnel, but in the end of this one is what looks like a huge trench. Jump in and you'll be notified of an AC. Once you get to the bottom, he'll be there. If you can't see him, don't just stand there. He has the insanely large missiles that cause lots of damage. Fly around and find him. He's got low armor, so he shouldn't be that much of a challenge. @

Intercept Mine Intruders - Get some decent boosters and a good generator, you'll be flying a lot. There are several enemies, so prepare with ammo as well. There's no real threat, just go through and make sure to kill off everything.

Zearm Desert

Destroy Insertion Team - This is more of a fun mission. You will need ammo though. When it starts, there will be pods falling everywhere. Do your best and destroy them before they reach the ground. If they reach the ground, no biggee. They'll pop out of the pods and shoot at you, but they're weak. Two waves.

Eliminate Raven - This is difficult. It says you only need to fight one AC, but it's really three. One is armed with a weak rifle, another with missiles, and another more dealy one, armed with grenade launchers. They'll all gang up on you at once, but try to concentrate your attack on one AC at a time. Doing so will reduce their firepower. If you can, try to find which one has grenades, as it will cause you the most damage. I'm not sure what else to say except bring powerful weapons and hope for the best. @ x 3

Attack the Terrorists - As far as the MTs go, they suck. The only problem here is that they have an ultra-powerful bomber flying around. Ignore the bomber, and destroy the MTs. You can blow up the bomber for a nice little addition, but the damage cost it will cause usually isn't worth it. Make sure to stay in motion when the bomber is near.

Destroy Massive MT - This mission should be called "Destroy the Massive Dick Armed With Every Kind of Highly Damaging Attack Imaginable". He is a big meanie. But, I know his weakness. You need three things, the dual back vertical missile launcher, the increased lock-on range Opt Part, and the Faster Lock Opt Part. Now, when it starts, run and hide behind a building. Face the direction in which he'll be coming from. Once he's close enough, lock on to the center target. As soon as it clicks, fire. You should be able to do this twice. Afterwards, find another building and repeat the process. I know this method is cowardly, but there seems to be no other way to kill him. He may shoot his orbiters at you, and those will hit. That should be all the damage you sustain, unless his missiles wrap around, which sometimes happens.

Training Exercise - 8 MTs shoot little purple shots at you. Easy.

Training Rematch - Same as last time, but this time there are three big white guys and four non-moving grenade launchers. The Grenade launchers take some time to kill, and their shots hurt a lot. The white guys shoot missiles and punch. Punching is annoying, as you cannot move in-between punches. Overall, average difficulty.

Reactivate Facility Gates - Long mission, bring ammo. Keep an eye peeled for cracked walls, floors, and ceilings. Press select to see where the target is, but there won't be a straight path to it.

Infiltrate Weapons Facility - Go through and kill things. There are some laser-shooters on the ceiling that die quickly. The big green things don't cause to much damage per shot, but they live for a long time.

Destroy Top-Secret Unit - No enemies but the Gigantic MT. He is at a disadvantage though. He is being built, and is restrained by equipment. You can use this by going up to his head and killing that first. Because of where you are, the arms can't hit you, but you can hit them.

Burroughs Hill

Eliminate Outlaw Organization - Another easy one. All that's here are some tanks and one AC. Kill all the tanks you can quickly. The AC has missiles and a slug gun. He's a tank type that loves to overboost. Fight with whatever method you see fit. @

Recover Research Materials - I call this mission "invasion of the crickets-beetles". When the mission starts, there will be nothing in the crater. Eventually, you'll be told of Bioreadings. These are beetle-like things that jump REALLY high. They're weak though, so this shouldn't pose much of a challenge.

Attack Secret Warehouse - This mission is neat. It's long, but the neat thing is that there are two neat AC ammo resupply stations. They look like little neat yellow trucks. Go up and press circle and they'll neatly resupply you.

Eliminate the Bureau Forces - Remember the purple MT you fought in Attack Secret Warehouse? Well, it's back, and it's brought a few friends. Just give it your all, and you'll do fine. Be careful of mines, they hurt. NOTE: for the people that have played the original AC2, this mission takes place at the end of the Stop the Surface Weapon mission. Pretty neat.

Rescue the Trapped Indies - You fight more of those "two in one" MTs here. You know, they fly until they die, then they fall so destroy them all. Cheap. Just protect the guys from dieing. If just one makes it out, you'll win.

Eliminate the Raven - First off, kill the first one, but don't try to waste all of your ammo on him. After you blow him to pieces, another will appear. He's a lot more dangerous. He uses the most powerful arm weapon in the game, and can easily take off 1000 AP per shot. Just fly around and blow him to pieces. @ x 2

Thorn Garden

Attack Abandoned Facility - Baby Baby. Kill everything in the room you're in. Easy.

Eliminate Biological Menace - When you start, go through the level normally until you reach a hole in the ground. Be careful, because once you land and shatter a window, you'll be facing the ultimate bug. What I did, is I got real close to him and chopped him to bits with a powerful laserblade. If you try to fight him long-range, he'll shoot grenade launchers shots out of his mouth. You can beat him that way, it's just harder.

Eliminate Unmanned Weapons - Go through here with ease. The enemies aren't tough. There are some blowupable walls, and you'll need to blow up most of them. Not to difficult.

Shutdown Nuclear Shelter - In this mission, you first need to drop to the bottom. Once there, you'll fight a hover-type AC. I believe he is optional, but it doesn't really matter. He's weak, destroy him if you wish. After that, go through the white door. Destroy the target, but when you do, the alarms go off and the big doors close, meaning you have to take the long way back. I recommend ignoring the purple things. They give you a special addition though. You will reach rooms with an elevator. The elevator is deactivated. You need to fly during those rooms. Just continue on through the level and hope you make it out in time. @

Assist Research Team - In this mission, there are little flying things that you need to protect. Go on through and destroy the enemies, making sure not to let them kill your def. targets.

Clear the Disposal Facility - There's something you'll notice once you begin this mission, your AP is dropping VERY rapidly. You can prevent this by destroying the generators that emit the purple gas. Your map should have them labeled as to where they are. Just move quickly and hope for the best. I recommend destroying the generators before the disorder units. There is a chance of dieing, so save.

Remove Occupant in Facility - This is fairly simple. Go through and destroy things. Save some ammo because you need to fight an AC at the end. He has a slug gun and something else non-deadly. Just do what you can. @

Old Avalon

Special Arena Appearance - Zaltehook. He is the biggest, fastest, most dangerous AC you'll ever face. YEAH RIGHT!! Just bring in Karasawa or something of that nature and pick him apart. If he kills you with his energy machine gun, you deserve it. @

Special Arena Rematch - Once again, you need to fight the ultimate queer. He's a wuss again, but he did change his arm weapon. Now its a laser-shooting gun. It causes decent damage and shoots fairly rapidly. There are things on the ceiling that shoot you, but these can be easily destroyed if you wish.

Eliminate AC - This one's for the original AC players. You'll notice a slight resemblence to a certain rival from the PSX games. This is Nine-ball, the original. Only this time, he's a lot stronger. You'll need a lot of ammo and strong weapons to defeat him. The first time I beat him, I used Karasawa and picked him apart. There are several ways, you'll just have to find one yourself. @

Terminate Raven - This is misleading. You interupt two AC's battle and they really don't appreciate that. They gang up on you and they aren't fun either. You should defeat the big one first, as he can cause more damage. Stay away from the fast one, he has double laserblade arms and they hurt lots. Just give it your all and yuo'll eventually defeat them. @ x 2

Earth Central

Rescue VIP - This is the one and only "sneak around" mission I've ever done. You need to make sure that noone sees you. Run, don't boost, around and make sure there are building between you and your enemies. You do need to kill them, but you have a little time before they blow up your objective so use it wisely. Destroy them as fast as you can. DO NOT run through the middle at the beginning. doing so will cause you to fail. Run around the building to your left instead. Just be careful.

Eliminate Unmanned Weapons - BRING A LASERBLADE. I cannot stress that enough. You, most likely, will run out of ammo. There are lots and lots of disorder units here, so make sure you prepare accordingly.

Eliminate Intruder - This can be tough if you let it. Destroy the two little MTs before doing anything. Then, give it your all against the AC. If he gets lucky, then you're just going to have to live with that. I think he's not that tough, but I've seen him do some pretty crazy crap. @

Colnart Bay City

Defend the Shipyard - There are little wussy ships that you need to stop before they cross the line of little lights behind you. It can be tough, just don't fall into the water, even a little. Use your radar, it helps.

Escort Transport Convoy - This is simple, just stand on one of the vehicles and shoot everything you can get a lock on.

Disarm the Explosive Devices - This can be difficult. You need to go under the bridge and disarm the bomms under there. They are on the little support beams. Also, these things shoot missiles at you that stall you. That could cause you to fall into the ever-so-deadly water. A hover-type will help a whole lot for this mission.

Destroy Submarine - I hate this mission. A hover-type really helps. Destroy everything around you first. Then, go chop the submarine to all heck. While chopping, you'll hear the person say that there is an AC. Finish destroying the Sub before fighting the AC. @

Probe Balena's Defenses - No money? But why? I'll tell you, because everything you kill gives you money. So, Just go on frenzy. Jump around like a penguin attempting to fly and kill stuff. Try to last a long as you can, because you need to last a certain time limit to get a secret part. You can leave anytime you wish. *

Attack Coastal Defenses - This can get annoying. You need to destroy the little cannons. The thing is though, you can't shoot them when they're behind the doors. So, you have to go around and wait until the doors open. The last one doesn't have much of a choice, mind you!

Balboa City

Attack Spaceship Dock - Time for another Survival. Just destroy as many as you want, making sure you can survive for the allotted time.

Destroy Space Transport - You need to move quivkly through this mission. Killing things is optional. Once you find the Spaceship, destroy the targets before it can leave.

Defend Development Lab - One AC that's armed with powerful energy weapons. My advice (as if you need it) is to avoid his shots and shoot him in the process. @

Attack the Train - In this mission, you need to blow up all the cars on the train before it gets away. The engine and the Caboose take more to kill, so make sure you focus on those more, but don't forget about the other cars.


Infiltrate the Ancient Ruins - Can be fun. Go through and kill everything. In the process, try to kill the boxes and stuff for an extra reward.

Attack the Storage Depot - You go through, trying to locate all the big, white containers. Look for cracked walls, as they can be torn down.

Eradicate Unidentified Units - Your goal is to destroy all the disorder units. Kill everything in the room you started in. Then, a wall will blow and more DUs will come out. Pass them and go through the hallway. You find a big generator. Blow it up, and then kill the leftover DUs. Before you know it, you've made apple pie.

Wait a minute, it'll happen.

Attack Zio Matrix Patrol - Destroy the stupid MTs. How many of these missions are they going to make?

Arctic Battle - A lot like the last one. Don't worry if a teammate dies. Even if they all die, you can finish the mission. Just do what you can.

Eyelet City

Test New MT Model - This one has a secret part. All you need to do to get it is destroy the MTs as quickly as possible. I got 45000 dollars in special additions and the part, so I'm guessing you need to get that much money. Don't sue me if I'm wrong though. *

Performance Evaluation - Doing the testing again, only there's no part this time. Just go through, trying not to die.

Prevent Prototype MT theft - You fight two of the MTs you fought last time, and a third MT that flies around on the ceiling. For some reason they seem stronger, but you should be able to do it.

Folk City

Restore Temperature Setting - You'll need a good radiator for this one. Run through the level, make sure to go right on the T turn. Restore the temp. Then, you get to go home and eat cookies for breakfast.

Test Facility's Defenses - Go through and kill everything within about four minutes. I finished with about 2 minutes and 30 seconds left.

Remove Germ Warfare Toxin - Go through and find the temperature control thinger mcjabber. It says TARGET in big yellow letters. Well, not really that big. Anyway, once you raise the temperature, the heat will begin to go up rapidly. It goes up past 999, so beware. Press select to find your escape point and make a run for it.

Eliminate Hijacker - Lets play Tag. A good thing to bring on this mission is the 1000 shot machine gun. There will be little suicidal missiles that home in on you, and they cause lots of damage. Be careful of those more than anything else. Kill the MT at the end and you're home free.

Safeguard Stolen Prototype - Fairly easy. Destroy an AC that sucks. Just make sure he doesn't kill the big tan thing. @

New Part Acquisition - This one's confusing. It says that there is an AC part in a box. When you get there, you'll find that there are several boxes. If you use your map, you can easily find it. More the idiots, I'll give a little direction. From the start, go into the door on the right side of the first room. In the next room, go through the door in the far right corner. In the next room, the next door is on the same wall of the door you came though, just a little to the right. In the next room, go straight, not right. In the next room, there is a wall that can be destroyed a little bit on the left. Blow it up to find two boxes. The farthest box has the part. *(need to buy from shop after the mission)

Scissors Forest

Defend the Fortress - Fly around and protect the fortress by destroying everything you can get a lock on.

Destroy Missile Batteries - Super-ultra easy mission. Go around and hack away at the targets.

Escort AC Parts Transport - This mission is easy, unless you want the secret part. What you need to do is hack at the transport at the beginning until it blows. Then, when the AC gets there, guard the part with your life. Then, after the AC dies and the message box pops up, grab the part really quick. It's much easier if you wait until you get the AC parts you want, then go get the part. @*

Arkot Ocean

Defend Transport Ship - All you do here is fly around and stop your enemies from shooting the ship. Once the ship completes repairs, it's clear skies.

Destroy the Transport Ships - Easy, go to the ships and destroy all targets, which there are only a few of.

Escort Transport Plane - Super-easy, stand on the plane and blow up incoming enemies. There a quite a few though. They all seem to come from behind the ship though.

Escort Airborn Transports - A little odd, since you need to fly back and forth between the planes. Be careful not to forget about the other one. Lots of enemies.

Airborne Attack - I rather like this mission because it can be difficult, yet fun. Your objective is to destroy the four Planes. You need to destroy four targets on each plane to destroy them. I like to chop them, but do whatever you like to do. I also use rockets for this, so you don't get a lock on the other crap.

Destroy Government Fleet - You start off on a sub, which you leave behind and hop from ship to ship destroying everything in your path.

Attack the Ocean Base - Just go around and kill everything. You may need to watch out for the grenade launchers though. They can cause decent damage. Challenge yourself by attempting to kill everything before the time runs out.

Attack the Bureau's Base - Accept mission...check. Destroy everything in my path...check. Do laundry......crap.

Defend the Ocean Base - Now you're defending this base you tried so hard to destroy. Anyway, take out the flying things and everything on the carrier. Easy does it go again? Chicken? (sorry bout the corniness)


Destroy Security Detail - Fairly simple. Go through, making sure to kill everything. When you get to the last room, kill the MTs that just stand there. Destroy the one that flies around like a panzy last, as you will acquire a part.

Free Rapture Orbit Elevator - Big, wait...understatement. Let's try HUMONGOUSLY GIGANTIC OBESE disappointment. Obese? Anyway, go through the mission and destroy the first AC. Then, continue on and eventually you'll be healed. Then, go through the big doors and kill two more ACs. Every single one of these ACs suck like a woman with no teeth. On the brightside, it gives you the Overweight ability, which is much easier to make ACs on this game with. @ x 3

Lost Field

Explore Uncharted Region - Stinger is back, and he's come back with a vengence. He really isn't that tough. Just don't be chopped by him though. Ouch. @

Revisit Uncharted Region - Phantasma is back, and this is the most pathetic fight for how much money you make for it. First, he fires the big frigger missiles. To dodge these boost straight upward at the start, when he fires drop straight down. If done right the missiles hit the ground harmlessly. He fires grenades at you, that should be one of the two things that might actually hit. The other thing is he fires vertical missiles that sometimes bite, but you shouldn't need to worry. The last thing is his ultimate attack which I call Rainbow Burst. You can tell when he's using it because he makes funny noises *snort*. When he lets go of the blast, it will shoot off several, multi-colored shots. Dodge these at all costs. They only cause about 5000 damage if you're lucky. I'm not exaggerating either. Just fly up a bit and you'll be fine. All in all, he sucks, kill him, now. @

Another method to kill Phantasma is to equip a flamethrower. Then, when he does Rainbow burst, Jump on him right before he releases it. Then, look down and burn him all to hell. The thing to be careful about is to not move once on top of him. Doing so will prompt him to use his big missiles. At that range, they do a whole crapload. The neat thing is, if you're point blank when he does Rainbow Burst, it can't hit you. So you can chop him or whatever. Use your imagination. (Thanks to sephirothchaolon@hotmail for that little strategy.)

Destroy Designated Target - Ultimate Nine-ball...hatred swells. Many of you will remember him from MOTA for the PSX. Compared to what he is now, the MOTA one is a little white mouse. First off, he'll transform into a ship and fly around faster than any overboost. While he's doing that he'll fire off several waves of somewhat difficult to dodge missiles. When he lands, he can shoot a chain gun that does about 300 damage per hit. Pray for that attack only. He now has, somehow, a dual MOONLIGHT. It's much...MUCH more damaging though. He also has a little pulse cannon that hits for 500 a shot. If you beat him in MOTA, you probably remember using the WM-AT missiles that killed him in two shots. That doesn't work with the remake of those missiles, the EWM-FIN-800. He just dodges the missile. He laserblade shoots twice. He heat-seeks with his laserblade like nothing else. His aim is nearly always dead on. He has beyond 9999 AP. He never runs out of ammo. He never stops for anything. He doesn't overheat. He doesn't catch fire. He never runs out of energy. So, how do you beat him? Well, I'll tell you how I did it. I strapped on the Dual Clip (60% extra ammo), Karasawa, and the new laserblade. I did not even attempt to laserblade. All you need to do is keep moving/hopping everywhere. Put on the extra Armor Extension to reduce the damage he inflicts. Just attempt to keep a lock and fire all the shots you can. I can't seem to find an easier way, but I'll keep trying. Once defeated, you'll get some of the coolest parts in game and bragging rights. To defeat him using my method, you need to get lucky. I'm not sure if you will, but you just might.

I did. @

VS Missions

Team Versus Team - More of a simple VS match. You have a few MTs fighting with you. You get special additions for destroying your opponents MTs.

Attack Patrol Team - Just go on through and destroy everything you can see, with the exception of the person you're fighting with. The more things you kill, the more money you get.

Eliminate Terrorists - You each travel in seperate paths until you reach a room with a AC in it. I use this one for races.

Target Elimination - I like this mission. You each have the same objectives, but you're assigned from different companies, so you're enemies! Just destroy the queer AC that fights in there as well.

Arena - Here's the mission a lot of people will like. You each have an AC to fight in seperate arenas. That seems basic, but the neat thing is, if you finish killing the AC before your friend does, you can go visit him and gang up on one AC. Cool, eh?

Enter Underground Facility - Just go through and destroy things. You work as a team and kill all the opponents you encounter.

Pursue the Train - Player one needs to chase a train and destroy one car. The second player tries to stop him. Switch back and forth and see if it's just skill or difficulty that wins this mission.

Defend the Train's Cargo - Each player takes a side of the tunnel and destroys the oncoming enemies. I dislike this one.

5. AC Configs

All configs are underweight and can be used with all the weapons from the orginal AC2.

Name: Flare
Core: ZCL-XA/2
Arms: ZAN-303/S
Legs: ZLN-XA2/FF
Boosters: ZBT-Z1/ARTERE
Generator: HOY-B1000
Radiator: RRX-COT-GK10
Extension: ZEX-RS/HOUND
Back R:

Name: Mist
Core: ZCL-XA/2
Arms: ZAN-303/S
Boosters: ZBT-Z1/ARTERE
Generator: HOY-B1000
Radiator: RBG-CM6
Extension: BEX-BD150
Back R:

Name: Rayo
Head: ZHD-2000/SV
Boosters: ZBT-GEX/3000
Generator: HOY-B1000
Radiator: RRX-COT-GK10
Extension: BEX-BAMS-287
Back R: EWC-CNG4000
Arm R:
Arm L:

7. Legal Stuff

Copywrite 2001 David "Dave" Unknown
Material from this FAQ may be used on other sites ONLY if permission is given by me. E-mail me to ask.

8. Contacts - That's me. If you find an error or want me to post your way of finishing a mission, then go right ahead. I like getting e-mail, it makes me feel special. You can also write me if you want something a little more specific than what I gave. I also have a different version of this FAQ. It's just a little more flashy. - My friend who has also beat this game. He can help you if I don't respond for some reason. - A site I created. A lot of people get help here. Also, join if you want to be a helper as well. Very active. - Excellent place for almost every game. I found some VERY old Computer games here. Very impressive.
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