Dragon Warrior VII Shard Locations List V 1.0
(C)2001 Dustin Hubbard (WeirdMan@mmcable.com)
(This are taken word for word from the Dragon Warrior VII Guidebook, pick it up today!)
Please visit my website - www.dqshrine.com
Here's the locations of all but I think the hidden shards in the game.
I get emails asking daily where certain shards are so I've made this to
help everybody out. Enjoy!
Rexwood Region -
1. Ruins - On the floor in front of the stone monolith in the Tablet room.
2. Ruins - Next to the Rexwood Tablet in the Land room of the Tablet room.
3. Fishebel - From Borkano when he returns from his fishing trip.
Engow Region -
1. East Tower - Treasure chest on 1F
2. Colorstone Mine (Present) - On the ground on B7
3. Estard Castle - Treasure chest in the hidden room in the dungeon.
Dialec Region -
1. Mt.Flame - From the FireGiant after defeating him
2. Engow - From Pamela after the celebration ends.
Orph Region -
1. East Tower - From the Golem after defeating it.
2. Rexwood (Present) - On the table in a house west of the entrance (Ask the homeowners for it)
3. Mt.Flame (Present) - Treasure chest on B1
4. Immigrant Town - On the Ground next to Sim.
Falrod Region -
1. Mt. Ceide - Treasure chest on 2F-B
2. Mt. Ceide - Treasure chest on 5F
3. Mt. Ceide (Present) - From the reformed Deathpal
Verdham Region -
1. Falrish (Past) - Treasure chest in the storeroom in the SW Corner of town.
2. Mechsoldier's Base - Treasure chest in Boss room.
3. Zebbot's Cabin (Present) - Treasure chest in the shed behind the cabin.
4. Falrish - From Armand's Granddaughter after helping Armand and Eri.
Deja Region -
1. Orph (Present) - Treasure chest in the Weapon and Armor Shop
2. Falrod Castle (Present) - Treasure chest in the dungeon.
3. Marshy Cave - Treasure chest on B2.
4. Marshy Cave - On the ground on B4-1
5. Verdham (Present) - On the ground in the ruins of Verdham Town.
Dharma Region -
1. Deja Base Camp - Chest inside the tent opposite the Chief's tent.
2. Estard Castle - Given to you by the King when you return with news of Kiefer.
3. Archeological Dig - Inside a dresser in the well.
Dune Region -
1. Dialac (Past) - Barrel in Joseph's Secret Base #1
2. Mentare (Present) - Treasure chest in the Boss's House.
3. Lake Cave (Past) - Treasure chest in teh apssage opened when lake is drained.
4. Dharma Temple (Present) - Treasure chest in storeroom in basement.
5. Western Cave (Present) - Gift from the BanditWig after defeating him.
Krage Region -
1. Dharma Temple (Past) - Treasure chest in the basement.
2. Dune Village (Past) - Treasure chest in the storeroom.
3. Dune Village (Present) - Inside the giant vase in the center of the village.
Litorud Region -
1. Krage (Past) - From the farmer tilling his land (After defeating the WolfDevil)
2. Krage (Present) - Treasure chest in the basement of Brugeo's Mansion.
3. Sacred Tree (Present) - On the ground at the base of the tree.
Hamelia Region -
1. Penal Town (Past) - Treasure chest in the Gold Bank
2. Mezar (Present) - On the island in the well
3. Archaeological Dig (Present) - Treasure chest inside the Dig Site.
4. Time Pocket Cave (Past) - After defeating the TimeSage
5. Baloch's Studio (Present) - Treasure room on the top floor.
Probina Region -
1. Litorud (Present) - Treasure chest in Dr. Creyney's basement.
2. Baloch's Studio (Present) - Treasure room on the top floor.
3. Mountain Tower (Past) - From the Bard
4. Hamelia (Past) - Treasure room beneath the Pub, once the flood recedes.
Loomin Region -
1. Dune Palace (Past) - Queen's Treasure Room (after the Palace is rebuilt)
2. Mountain Tower (Present) - Treasure chest on the first floor.
3. Mountain Tower (Present) - Defeat the GigaMute.
Mardra Region -
1. Hamelia (Present) - Treasure chest in Dr. Azmov's storeroom beneath the Pub.
2. Underwater City (Present) - Treasure chest in teh shrine to the right of the entrance.
3. Tallest Tower (Present) - Appears when you wake the Great Hero, Melvin.
Lefa Region -
1. Soldiers of God Shrine - Treasure chest in the shrine.
2. Probina Temple (Present) - Treasure chest belonging to the old Priest.
3. Loomin Well Cave (Past) - After defeating the Hellvine
4. Mardra Fane (Present) - Treasure chest in hidden crypt.
5. Deja Base Camp (Present) - From Aira.
Labres Region -
1. Brugeo's Mansion (Present) - Treasure chest in the basement.
2. Mountain Gateway (Present) - Treasure chest on the 3rd floor.
3. East Hill (Past) - At the top of the hill by the HellVine's grave.
4. Lefa Fane (Present) - On the Blissrock platform.
Coastal Region -
1. Sphinx (Present) - Archaeologist's platform in the 5th floor room.
2. Lefa Fane (Present) - Treasure chest in the storeroom.
3. Labres (Present) - Treasure chest in the General Store.