Fort Boyard: The Challenge

Fort Boyard: The Challenge

18.10.2013 04:51:49
Fort Boyard: The Challenge
FAQ v.1.00 by d`Jeu

Version History

Dec 3
Just got the game in the mail, started playing, decided to make FAQ.

Dec 15
Finished the FAQ and am about to submit it to

Dec 16
Noticed some errors I made, and fixed some new stuff I learned.


1) Introduction
2) System Req. and other techie stuff
3) Rules of Fort Boyard
4) Getting Started
5) Basic Controls
6) The Games
7) Final Stuff


1) Introduction

This is the first of three Fort Boyard games made by Microids. The second one,
The Legend, is a point and click adventure similar to Myst. The third game,
The Quest (Or Millenium) is an action game. Seeing as how this first one is
the only one that is close to the show, it's my favourite.

Fort Boyard, if you don't know, is a fairly famous TV show filmed in Fort
Boyard, off the coast of France, near La Rochelle in the Charente-Maritime
region. Watch it if you get the chance, you'll get a better idea of how the
show goes, and can get some hints on how this game actually works.


2) System Req. and other stuff

According to them:

Minimum Requirements
A PC (Unless you're a mac user, you're using one)
486 DX processor (You know, BEFORE we had Intel)
4 Mb free HD space
4 Mb RAM
Compatible sound card

Yeah, that's it. If you're reading this, odds are you can play it. Finding it
is the other part. My version is Le Défi, the French version, got it off eBay.
Good luck with your search. If you have the English version, tell me.

(I'll assume you have Win 95 or better)
Put the CD in. If the autoplay doesn't work, just go to Start->Run->d:\install
and everything should be just peachy. The sound card should detect
automatically. When you go to test it (and you should) odds are it will start
the sound card conflicts, but as long as you hear the test song, everything is


3) Rules of Fort Boyard

Fairly simple, you have 75 minutes. In that time period you must earn 7 keys,
play against "Les Maîtres des Juex" and play more games to earn clues. At the
end, you must spell a word from the clues, take the gold Boyards out of the
Treasure Room and all is happy.

A Little More Complex Now:

You start out with 6 team members, each with a distinctive traits, Strong,
Agile, Cunning, Smart, Patient and the Captain. After assigning each human
player a character the game starts.

i) The Gong
This just signifies the start of the 75 minutes. (Almost) Everything from now
on cuts into it. Starting with...

ii) Fouras' Riddle
The Captain makes a trek up to Fouras' Tower to answer a riddle. Get it right
and you get your first key. If you don't answer in time, Fouras throws the key
into the sea, and you'll be treated to a movie of a player getting it. And
this does cut into your time, not by much, but it could mean the difference
between getting one more clue or not. You don't actually have to do anything
during the movie, just watch. Either way, you're off to the first challenge.

iii) The Challenges
Before each challenge, some random time-wasting videos are played. Except for
the Bungee game, you won't have a clue as to what you're about to play. Listen
to the description of who should play that game, pick their ball and drag it to
Enter to begin the challenge. That little water hourglass at the bottom of the
screen shows how much time you have remaining for the challenge. If you aren't
out when it runs out, that player is locked in, and can't play anymore for at
least the first half of the game. Keep playing challenges until you have seven

iv) The Rat Maze
Once you have all seven keys, you get the chance to free your imprisoned team
mates. You'll see a little maze with a series of exits coloured black and red.
Pick one of them and a rat will be put in and will come out the exit, pick the
right colour and the player is free, pick wrong and the player remains in jail
for the entire game. Do this once for each player in jail.

v) The Council Chambers
One of the few exceptions where the 75 minute clock stops running. Each player
NOT in jail goes up against a Maître d'Jeu (if you're wondering where I got my
nick), playing one of three games. Win, and 25 seconds will be added to the
time for the final game, lose and no time will be added, but none will be taken
away. You get 3:00 guaranteed, so if you have no prisoners, and win every
game, you have 5:50. It's possible, and fairly easy too.

vi) The Adventures
Pretty much the same process as the Challenges, except you're playing for clues
now. These clues lead to a final word that you must spell out in the Treasure
Room. The timer is now a fuse, if it goes off, the game is done. If you beat
the game, you get a new clue. In this part of the game, the players WILL NOT
be locked in, so don't worry about getting out in time. Pretty much keep going
until the 75 minutes runs out, or you know the final word and don't feel like
playing the games anymore.

vii) The Treasure Room
Fairly simple. Spell out the final word using your team members (in order) and
cannonballs if you need them (in order). If you get it wrong, you lose. If
you get it right, the Boyards fall from the central cage, and the team rushes
to collect them. Get as many as you can before time runs out. The players
will leave automatically with about 10 seconds left on the clock.


4) Getting Started

I actually already covered most of this, but I'll do it again anyway. Pick an
option to start, the only difference is whether the two opening movies play.

Next, pick how many human players are playing, name them, and assign them a
colour by using the coloured balls. Make sure to remember your colour.

On the next screen, assign each player to a trait. Here's a quick listing:

Captain: Give it to the most experienced player. They won't be called to play
games much specifically, but they do play the riddles, the final game and
should take over if the required player is in jail.

Strong: This player seems to get the harder games, so give it to someone with
experience. If you aren't playing with 6 players, give it to the Captain.

Smart: They typically get the easier games. A good place for someone new to
the game, but make sure they can do math.

Agile: The one I most frequently jail. They have a habit of playing the Rat
Race game, so give it to the player with either the best memory, or the least
interest in the game. They won't be around too long.

Cunning: Honestly, this player just seems to come up at random. Seems to be a
cross between Smart and Agile. I haven't seen them play specific games too
often, so give it to a well balanced person, or double (or triple) on the
Captain. They also tend to get the Rat Race.

Patient: Like Cunning, this doesn't have too many traits. More a cross between
Smart and Strong. They do tend to be called on more than other players.

After assigning the players, it's off to Fort Boyard.


5) Basic Controls

You only need two things to play almost every game.

Mouse - Used in almost every game. You know how to use a mouse.

Spacebar - Used to escape from rooms in the Challenge portion of the game. In
every game except for Rat Race (and possibly the Wall) just hit the spacebar to
get out before the timer runs out.

Keyboard - Used to type in names before the game, and the answers during
Fouras' Riddles. You should know how to use this too.


6) The Games


(Name of Game)-(Person most likely to play it)
(Controls) (RMB, right mouse button, LMB, left mouse button)
-(What you're supposed to do)

*If AUTO LOCK IN appears in the title, it's a game you must beat to get out, no
space bar for you.

Hanging Stirrups-Strong
RMB-Start turning LMB-Hook the stirrup
- You are supposed to move along the course until you get to the end. Try to
press LMB when the hooks are matching. One of the harder games to do.
- Just develop a rhythm. If you keep flowing, it gets easier. Starting is
the hardest thing to do. Try to RMB when the hook is in the middle of moving

Anagram Cage-Smart AUTO LOCK IN
RMB-Pick up keys, place keys
- Each of the keys has a letter that spells out a word ala Jumble. Put the
keys in order from top to bottom beside the door, and remember to grab the key
or clue before leaving.
- Use the shelf to arrange the letters, test them out. If you are a cheater,
mots.txt (possible words.txt on the English version) has a list of every word
used in the game. Quite a bit harder than it looks, but not impossible.

Ball Labyrinth
Mouse-Tilt the table
- I'm sure you've seen smaller versions of these before. Just get a ball to
the end of the course (cross that white pivot) and the key or clue is yours.
If the ball goes in the hole, it's out, but you get three balls.
- A really easy game, just try not to worry about time to much, the holes are
a bigger concern. Just don't make any sudden movements, and try to keep the
ball under control

RMB-Pick up ball Mouse-Move, throw ball
- Knock the puck with the clue or key with the cannon balls to get it within
reach. You pick it up automatically. RMB to kneel down to reach the balls,
then move the mouse (quickly) in the direction you want to throw it.
- Move the mouse quickly. Speed is your friend in this game. Give the puck
one solid hit and it should be on its way down.

- Alternate between RMB and LMB to pump the water as much as possible. Keep
the spray in the top area long enough to fill every beaker with water to get
the key.
- Find a rhythm, again. Try to go as quickly as you can, while moving the
pump as much as you can. Long pumps are better than short ones.

The Church Clock
Mouse-Move bob RMB-Throw bob
- Move the mouse back and forth to gain momentum, and then press RMB to throw
the bob at the clock. The idea is to make it hit the clock when the key is at
the bottom.
- You don't need that much momentum, so don't get to worked up. Try to throw
the bob when the key is moving up, halfway between the bottom and top.

The Infernal Ladder
Mouse-Reach left and right, move bar RMB,LMB-Step left and right
- Click RMB and LMB to move yourself up the ladder. When you stop, move the
mouse and click to grab the rung (RMB for right hand, LMB for left hand), click
to grab it, then move the mouse and click (LMB for left, RMB for right) to
place the rung.
- Personally, one of the hardest games. The trick is getting started. Once
you do, it should be easy, but by that time you won't have much left. Don't
forget you actually have to grab the key.

Bungee Run
RMB-Move forward, grab key/clue
- I honestly have no clue how this game works. E-mail if you do.
- See above statement. Luck also helps.

Parquet Puzzle-Smart
Mouse-Move hands/tiles RMB-Grab tiles
- It's one of those giant sliding puzzles. Move the pieces so that the hole
is in the middle, and the holes in the four surrounding pieces free the center
- Kind of tricky at first. Move all the tiles with those knobby holes to the
middle, then just try to arrange them carefully. You shouldn't be too pressed
for time, and once you've done it once, it's easy from then on.

Cannonball Board
Mouse-Move plank
- Use the mouse to tilt the board so that the cannonball reaches the end of
the course.
- Don't move the mouse too quickly, otherwise you will go over. If you just
push up, the cannonball should make it to the second screen safely. Here's a
badly drawn map:

S - - -E
T -
A - - N
T - - - -D

The Calculus Affair-Smart
Mouse-Move hands/key RMB-Grab key
- First, the music for this game ROCKS and so fits the game. The idea is to
answer the problem, pick the key with the right answer, open the door. You
have three chances, and each wrong guess you make moves the key lower, but
opens up a new problem. (If you didn't know : means divide)
- If you're in a cheating mood, use a calculator. I don't, and have gotten it
right every time on my first guess. The secret is to only look at the ones
digit of the answer (for 1234, the 4 is the ones digit). If they are different
for each answer, great. Just solve the problem to get that number (If you get
say (153*34)+35 , look at the ones digit, 4 times 3 is 12, add 5 makes is 17.
Look for the key with 7 as the ones digit in it's answer. If there are
repeats, keep going for the tens digit) And don't let the music get to you.

Archery 1 (In a cell)
Mouse-Aim RMB-Shoot
- Use the mouse to aim, click to shoot. If you hit the target, you get the
- Kinda hard. Just move the mouse very slowly, don't get too frusterated. I
find that holding the RMB when you shoot helps, but it could mean nothing.

The Gogs
Mouse-Move hands,cogs RMB-Pick up/place cogs
- Place the cogs so that when you turn the first one, the last one will move
- Oy, too, TOO easy. They should've randomized it. Essentially, you want to
form a Z pattern with the cogs. Start with the biggest one to the right, next
biggest to the middle, next biggest to the upper-right corner, then go straight
to the final cog. Do it once, you will do it every time.

Archery 2 (Outside)
Mouse-Rotate to draw back bow/grab arrow RMB-Grab/place/shoot arrow
- Rotate the mouse clockwise to draw back the bow as fast as you can, once
it's all the way, click to grab an arrow, place it. Then aim carfully to hit
any part of the target. You only get three shots.
- Unless you're using a laptop mouse, time will not be a problem for you.
Just make sure to draw it back all the way. You want to aim a bit below the
black rectangle, a tad right of centre. Use the first arrow as a guide.

No controls
- As I said, no controls, just look for the clue.
- A really pointless game. You see a mini video, and you are supposed
to look for the clue at the entrance to Fouras' tower. If they made you type
the clue as a test to see if you saw it right, good. But they just give you
the clue. After your next game, look at the clue listing, and the clue will be
shown, even if you missed it. Completely pointless except as a waste of

The Headless Woman
Mouse-Move puck
- Move the puck along the course to get to the very bottom-left. If you hit a
spark, go back and find another way.
- Nasty game in the show (the player gets a mild shock when they hit them).
Just remember where all the sparks are (it is random each time). There is only
one correct route, but if you picked the right player, it shouldn't be too

Mouse-pick stuff RMB-Move, pick a key
- Kinda like those Myst type games. Really fun. You have to find the exit of
the maze by collecting keys, and using them on the right colour.
- Make a map. It will really help. I have a nasty habit of losing this game
when I don't. The actual process isn't that hard, just time-consuming. You
get the keys in the order orange (starting), grey, yellow and red. The red key
is ALWAYS the last door, so remember where it is if you need to backtrack.

The Wall
- Use the mouse to find the correct route up the wall. If you move and the
player doesn't find another way.
- Just keep testing everything, and remember the windows act as hand/foot


A player will go up to Fouras tower to start off each section of the games.
First time you go up, you are playing for a key. If you get it wrong, you see
a time wasting video (after it all, you'll be at about 71 minutes left). Get
it right, you get the key, and no video. Listen carefully to the riddle, and
type out the answer. There's no penalty for a wrong answer, so make a lot. If
you missed the riddle, keep guessing and he sometimes repeats it. No real
trick to it. The second time you play it, the answer is one of the clue words,
so it's really important now. No second chance, but you can still think about
it later on and maybe figure it out, but unlesss you get it in the tower,
there's no way to be sure.


Each player still in the game goes in, plays a random game. Get it right and
25 is added to your time for the final game.

Mouse-Move RMB-Pick up marbles
- You will be shown a series of coloured marbles. Try to place them in the
correct order once they are covered up. Once you're done, the marbles are
revealed from left to right, first mistake loses. Note that you can't take
back a marble, so make sure it's the right one. Click on the colour pile to
pick that colour.
- Remember them from left to right. Odds are neither person has all of them
right, so try to remember the ones that will be shown first most. You can try
to look at the Maître's answers for help, but they could be wrong too. I can't
quite remember, but I think if you make a mistake at the same time, you lose.

Mouse-Move RMB-Place coin
- Tic-tac-toe on a larger scale. If you can prevent the Maître from making 4
in a row, you win. You do NOT need four in a rwo yourself, you only need a tie
to win.
- Take the corners, just stop the Maître from winning. Remember, you DON'T
have to win, so play defensively.

RMB-Pick up sticks LMB-Stop
- You and the Maître take turn picking up sticks. The person that takes the
last one loses. You can take up to three at a time.
- A fairly easy game if you know what you are doing. Take 3 sticks, until
there are 8 or less left. Leave the Maître with 5 sticks, so he'll leave you
with 4-2 sticks. Take however many you need to leave one. However, if you
ever get left with 5 sticks, you have pretty much lost. Take one and hope the
Maître is having an off day.


Finally played it. You have to carefully move each player to spell the Final
Word. And plan carefully too. Each time a letter is stepped on, it spells the
next letter, and players can't walk through each other, so you might have to do
a lot of reorganizing. Get each player (and cannonballs if needed ONLY up the
number of letters used) NEXT to the letter they need to step on, incase you
need to shuffle them, and move them on to the letter, in the right order. It
will spell the word at the bottom of the screen, so make sure everything,
including spelling is correct. Then scroll up and click on the tiger head to
see if you got it right.

If you don't, you lose. End of game. Goodbye.

If you do, the Gold Boyards fall, and all the players rush to grab as many as
they can in the time remaining. Click on the players when they have enough.
They will leave the room anyways when time is almost up.


7) Final Stuff

Well, this is it. Fun. If you notice any mistakes, or if you want to add any
of your own strategies for playing the games, e-mail me. My address is at the
top. If you just feel like talking about Fort Boyard or other stuff, e-mail.
I like "real" e-mail. Kudos, thanks, hate mail, whatever. I'm desperate.

Thanks (Everyone needs it):
Mr. Boyard ( - He has the best Fort Boyard page out
there, and where I first learned about the game. I keep meaning to tape trade
with him. Plus, I gave him all the 1998 and 2000 FB results.
CJayC - Everyone needs to thank him for You do it now too,
The person who sold me the game off of eBay - She sold me the gave, and put up
with me having to send cash because my bank would sell franc money orders.
Anyone who helps/compliments/adds - No one yet. Be the first!

Guess this is about it. I'd really prefer you didn't steal this FAQ because I
put a lot of work into it. If you want to post it on your own page, e-mail me
first, but really, I'd rather you just link to the page, read it
for the reasons why. Oh, and only if you don't alter it in ANY way. If you
want to add stuff, e-mail me and I'll do it (giving full credit to you).

This FAQ ©2001 d`Jeu
Fort Boyard: Le Défi ©1995 Expand Images, Microïds, France Television
Watch Fort Boyard if you can get it.
e-mail me. Please.

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Engl. FAQ

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