Virtua Fighter 4

Virtua Fighter 4

14.10.2013 21:36:37
Sarah Bryant FAQ
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((›‹-=Virtua Fighter 4 - Sarah Bryant FAQ=-›‹))
((›‹-=created by Majin Cloud=-›‹))
((›‹-=Version 6.0 - April 15, 2002=-›‹)}

Update Revisions: Check Section 8 in Update History


Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Background of Sarah Bryant
3. List of Moves
4. Fighting With and Against Sarah
5. Secrets
6. Accessories Guide
7. Wrap Up
8. Update History
9. Credits


1. Introduction
Well for those of you VF veterans, this is a VF unlike any VF made. No
more button mashing fighters, Virtua Fighter 4 actually takes some skill
to pull off these tasks. No more floating jumps, but just awesome all
out gameplay. You have to have precise timing and the right button
combination to pull off a devastating move, and these moves are quite
fancy. Having played this game and in the practice modes, there seems to
be an endless number of moves you can do, i can safely say that there is
at least 10,000 moves or more in VF4. If you find yourself having
trouble simply try your moves on the practice mode, commands section.
You'll get the hang of it after a while. So without further ado, here is
the character FAQ of Sarah Bryant.


2. Background of Sarah Bryant
Sarah Bryant
Country of Origin: USA
Sex: Female
Blood Type: AB
Job: College Student
Hobby: Sky Diving
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 121 lbs.
Bust/Waist/Hips: 35/22/35
Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do
Past VF Games: VF, VF2, VF3
Relations in VF4: Jacky Bryant (brother), Vanessa Lewis (???)
Stage in VF4: What seems to be a resemblence of Rome, fighters fight on
a slab of stone surrounded by stone gaurd railings, that can be broken
when a character is slammed into it, lightning strikes statues and
stractures as you fight

After regaining her memory and returning home to a normal life, Sarah
still had lingering doubts. Although her brainwashing had been
incomplete, her desire to defeat Jacky had been overwhelming. Was there
some part of her, then, that also wanted to fight her brother? Before
long she received a call from her brother informing her that he planned
to enter the Fourth Tournament. Hoping to regain her former life back
completely, Sarah entered the tournament as well, determined to defeat
her brother and put the past behind her.

Her brother, Jacky, had no means in entering the Tournament in the
first place, He wanted to continue his life as a Indy Race Car Driver.
After a series of attacks on his crew, he was forced to enter the Fourth
World Tournament, so that these attacks will stop, thus calling his
sister stating he was going to join.

A new face has appeared in the 4th World Fighting Tournament, that of
Vanessa Lewis. Vanessa got word that J6 (Judgment 6) was going after a
woman named Sarah Bryant and entered the Tournament to protect her from
harm. Vanessa was previously raised in J6 and knows what they are
capable of doing harm.

J6's intentions were that to, take Sarah Bryant and transform her into a
new, complete, form of Dural...

Sarah is a student of Jeet Kune Do, she fights with quickness but not
a lot of power and relies on swift movement in taking down her opponent
with punishing kicks, her most devastating stance is the flamingo,
capable of pulling off numerous of attack and throws. Sarah Bryant is
suitable for begineers in VF4.


3. List of Moves
Button Legend:
back up forward up
\ ^ /
back ‹ o › forward
/ v \
back down forward down
> - Forward
< - Back
^ - Up
v - Down
FU - Forward Up
BU - Back Up
BD - Back Down
FD - Forward Down
Guard G - Sqaure Button
Punch P - Triangle or X Button
Kick K - Circle Button
+ - Press coorisponding buttons simutenously

Basic Commands
Running - Tap >,> hold - to run

Dash - Tap >,> to dash forward or Tap <,< to dash back

Crouching Dash - Tap FD,FD to dash forward or Tap BD,BD to dash back
Jumping - Press and hold ^+P or ^+K

All Range Movement (AVM) - Move any direction such for evading attacks
or getting yourself in position to attack, to move downward tap v,v to
move that way

Escaping Throws - To avoid an oppenents throw move simply press P+G and
any directional movement to move out of it

Recovery - When you are hit and just as you are going to hit the ground
simutaneosly press P+K+G to handspring back up quickly

Evading Attacks - During an evade, either by pressing v,v or ^,^ -
during that movement press P+G+K to attack while evading

Reversals - High Attack Reversal = <, P+K
Mid Range Reversal = BD, P+K
Low Attack Reversal = v, P+K

Off the Wall Attacks - Most characters have attacks that you can perform
from off the wall. Mostly just a reverse and jump on wall and kick
moves, to pull these off you must first be facing the wall by either
pressing <,<,P or <,<,K once you are facing the wall and close enough to
it you can either press <,P+K+G to attack ot FU,P+K+G to run up the wall
and end up behind your opponent. Like i said only SOME characters can
perform this move, not all.

Shoulder Buttons = The L1, L2, R1, and R2 buttons also pose as attacks,
try each one to figure out which sort of attacks are inputed in these

Normal Stance
* - Indicates that moves go into flamingo stance

Flash Piston Punch<1>: P,P,<,P |Damage: 30
Flash Piston Punch<2>: P,P,^,P |Damage: 30
Combo Rising Knee: P,P,P,K |Damage: 54
Combo Somersault Kick: P,P,P,BU or P,P,P,<,K |Damage: 58
Combo Rising Kick: P,P,P,^,K |Damage: 54
Punch High Kick: P,K |Damage: 30
Punch Side Kick: P,v,K |Damage: 20
Squat Straight: v,P |Damage: 9
Elbow Side Chop: >,P,FD,P |Damage: 29
*Setup Combination: FD,P,K |Damage: 32
High Kick Straight: K,P |Damage: 30
Double Thrust Kick: K,K |Damage: 37
Jackknife Side Kick: D,K,K |Damage: 40
Double Step Knee: >,K,FD,K |Damage: 65
Dash Knee: >,>,K |Damage: 30
*Switch Kick: <,K |Damage: 15
Full Spin Heel Kick: ^,K or FU,K |Damage: 25
Mirage Kick: FD,K,K,K |Damage: 44
Illusion Jackknife: FD,K,K,>,K |Damage: 44
Illusion Low Kick: FD,K,K,<,K |Damage: 44
Dragon Smash Cannon: BD,K |Damage: 30
Somersault Kick: BU,K |Damage: 38
Double Low Kick: Hold D,K,K |Damage: 22
Rising Knee Double: Hold D,>,K,K |Damage: 45
Rising Knee Combo: Hold D,>,K pause K |Damage: 52
*High Side Kick: P+K - deflect attacks |Damage: 20
Toe Kick Jackknife: v,P+K,K |Damage: 35
*Double Rise Kick: <,P+K |Damage: 27
Spin Kick: K+G |Damage: 20
Crush Tornado: rise form crouch K+G (charges) |Damage: 42
Leg Slicer: v,K+G |Damage: 20
Step Round Kick: >,K+G |Damage: 25
Spin Edge Kick: <,K+G |Damage: 25
Round Kick: ^,K+G |Damage: 25
Low Spin Kick: FD,K+G |Damage: 20
Side Hook Kick: BD,K+G |Damage: 22
Tornado Kick: FU,K+G |Damage: 20
Spin Heel Sword: BU,K+G |Damage: 30
Right Side Kick: While evading Downwards, P+K+G |Damage: 25
Left Side Kick: While evading Upwards, P+K+G |Damage: 25

From Flamingo Stance
* - Indicates that moves from flamingo stance, remain in the flamingo

Cut In Punch: P |Damage: 8
Cut In Chop: FD,P |Damage: 10
*Right High Kick: K |Damage: 12
*Side Kick Combination: K,K,K |Damage: 39
*Low Cut Combination: K,K,v,K |Damage: 35
*Cannon Combination: K,K,K+G |Damage: 39
*Crush Low: v,K |Damage: 15
Hand Hold Neck Cut: v,K (if connects) P+G *awesome move* |Damage: 45
*Guard Crush Sword: >,K |Damage: 25
*Cut-In Middle: FD,K |Damage: 17
Somersault Kick: ^,K |Damage: 30
*Fake: P+K (deflects attacks) |Damage: 0
*Side Neck Cut Sword: v,P+K |Damage: 23
*Side Neck Cut Sword: ^,P+K |Damage: 23
Heel Sword: K+G |Damage: 20
*Low Spin Kick: v,K+G |Damage: 20
Heel Sword Slash: >,K+G |Damage: 30

Throw Moves
Front Suplex: P+G |Damage: 45
Lightning Knee Smash: <,P+G |Damage: 35
Rolling Face Crush: FU,P+G *awesome move* |Damage: 45
Neckbreaker Drop: >,>,P+G |Damage: 40
Leg Hold Throw: <,>,P+G |Damage: 55
Falling Angel Throw: >,BD,P+G *awesome move* |Damage: 45

Throw Moves From Flamingo
Leg Hook Throw: P+G *awesome move* |Damage: 30
Gatling Kick Beat: ^,<,v,>,P+G or v,<,^,>,P+G *awesome* |Damage: 60

Jump Attack
Elbow: P |Damage: 25
Step Hook Kick: K |Damage: 20

Down Attack (while opponent is laying down on ground)
Soccer Ball Kick: FD,K |Damage: 13
Jumping Knee Stamp: ^,P |Damage: 25

Rising Attack (from laying on ground)
Rising Back Kick: K,K,K |Damage: 30
Slide Low Spin Kick: Hold D, K,K,K |Damage: 30


4. Fighting With and Against Sarah Bryant
As stated earlier, Sarah is known for her lightning fast kicks and
ability to pull off alot of combos with that talent. She is good against
slow fights that may use throws alot or are left in the open, key thing
- don't hesitate while playing as Sarah. Try to be a good fighter (or
cheap in this case) by never leaving the opponent open for an attack, in
other words, stay of their ass. If you want to pull off a move such as
the Gatling Kick Beat, i suggest you stagger the foe for to give you
enough time to set up the attack.

Guard her combos when you can, after she is done with her sequence
attack with your own combos or attacks. Mid and low range reversals work
well to stop her. Also, alot of power would help out as well, throws are
a must while facing this brutal fighter. If you fight against another
human opponent, it may take them time to setup devastating attacks, and
thats when you can attack, not leave her open. I found myself getting
frustrated because i wanted to use the Gatling Kick Beat, but i left
myself open too long to input the command.

-Fighters to watch out for as Sarah-
Aoi Umenokouji: vast areas in reversals and grab n' snap moves

Jeffery McWild: blocks sometimes and then deals alot of damage

Shun Di: small and may miss some high kicks

Jacky Bryant: swift kicks and punishing blows

Akira Yuki: CHEAP! blocks most of the time while pulling off combos,
once you are done he deals some damage and keeps on hitting you while


5. Secrets
Like i have said earlier the are a lot of secrets in VF4 to unlock for
each character, whether it being a costume or different accessories such
as, sunglasses or fighting head gear....etc. I will update frequently
when i know all the secrets to unlock certain things for each character,
but here is what i know you can unlock for Sarah so far:

-Play Sarah as a VF1 Polygon Model-
How to obtain this: Use Sarah in Kumite Mode and achieve the ranking of
Beginner. To select the VF1 Model in character select highlight Sarah
and press SELECT to have the statlog window pop up. And hold down P+K to
select Sarah as a VF1 Model

-Background Select Screen-
You can have alternate backgrounds for the Select Screen (with the
rippling water). To select this option go to Options->Settings->Game.
While in that window press L1 or R1 to toggle through the backgrounds.
Select the one you want and it will be your background (if you saved the
game settings).

-100 wins item-
In Kumite Mode, if you win 100 straight wins with Sarah. Sarah's 100
wins item is Bunny Ears. However, if you have an item equipped and lose
to a fight to another Wolf of the same level, you'll lose that item.

-Disgrace Items-
If you constantly lose in Kumite Mode you'll be rewarded or
dewarded....if you must with a disgrace item, this could range to a
possibility of things such as goofy masks and so on, you'll lose that
item once you win a match.

-Different Costumes-
For any character in the game, while choosing a character, simply press
the START button and toggle between the characters 2 existing costume
designs. Also, if you press SELECT and use the character you use in
Kumite Mode, you can change their color codes on the pre-fabricated
costumes. To change the colors, simply go to Date File->Edit File and
from there you choose one of your characters used in Kumite Mode and
then change their look and appaerence. Same applies to accessories.

-Trainging Stage as a Fighting Level-
In Kumite Mode, when a certain amount of times (not alot) and you'll be
awarded to fighting in the training stage in VS. Mode.

-Unlock Dural-
Complete Kumite Mode and defeat Dural. After you do so, Dural will be
playable as a fighter for your own entertainment.


6. Accessories Guide
To obtain these items you must play in Kumite Mode:

-Bunny Ears
-Purple Sunglasses
-Crimson Sunglasses
-Green Sunglasses
-Gold Sunglasses
-Matrix Sunglasses
-Graduation Sunglasses

-Zipper Earring
-Hexagon Earring
-Anchor Earring
-Gold Earring
-Amethyest Earring
-Two Hearts Earring
-Striped Earring
-Coin Earring

-Leather Braclet
-Bullet Wrist Band
-Leopard Wrist Band
-5 Ruby Braclet
-Pyhton Wrist Band
-Banka Wrist Band
-Turquoise Braclet

-Egyptian Necklace
-Greenleaf Necklace
-Secret Choker
-7 Ball Necklace
-Anchor Necklace
-Dual Necklace
-Rosario Necklace
-Butterfly Choker
-Pink Heart Necklace
-Traditional Necklace

Each item varies in how you obtain it. I suggest you take a look at
MWareham's in-depth Item Guide FAQ on how to obtain these accessories.


7. Wrap Up
Like i said if you have trouble try the Practice Command mode and
you'll become a Sarah Bryant fighter quickly, she is pretty easy to
handle (don't take the out of context). More updates to come soon.
Thanks for viewing my FAQ =) If you find anything wrong or want to add
info feel free to e-mail me at


8. Update History
• Version 6.0: April 15, 2002 - Major update - Fixed Spelling
errors and Wolf errors, added Accessories Guide, added to Secrets

• Version 2.5: March 28, 2002 - Added Secrets, tips/fighting
with and against section, added damage amount for moves, fixed spelling,
ASCII, small legal disclaimer in credits

• Version 2.0: March 23, 2002 - Final/First Draft


9. Credits
Most of the character background came from the VF4 manual, so thanks
go to Sega and AM2 for designing the game and manual. Give credit to
MWareham's Item Guide for the accessories list. And thanks for
Sony/PlayStation 2 for bringing this great franshise over to a wonderful
system. ASCII provided by me, Majin Cloud. Thanks for the people
supporting GameFaqs. And Thanks to for supporting this FAQ
if entered. Anyone else but GameFaqs, please ask me before using my FAQ
on any site first,

Visit my website at: or

Copyright 2002, Majin Cloud (Marc Piniol)
Virtua Fighter 4 - Sarah Bryant Character FAQ

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