

16.10.2013 17:13:14
Version 1.5 11/29/03


Cult Walkthrough
by The Lost Gamer (
Copyright 2003

For the latest version of this guide, check

Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Story
003. Characters
004. Walkthrough
005. Credits

001-General Information

This is a walkthrough for the Windows game called Cult. It's
about an evil cult that wants to take over the world and...
well, just see the story section for more info.

If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or any other
things like that to tell me about, e-mail me at, but make the subject blank if
you do. Also, if you'd like to use part of this guide for
something, it would be polite to ask first.

The official Cult website is


"Hi there. My name is Zack Bon, and I'm a cop.
I've been a member of the special operations unit for three
years, and now I feel that I'm ready for my first solo

Two weeks ago, about one hundred people who identify
themselves as the "Cult of the Stars" barricaded themselves
in a villa two kilometers away from town. We know they have
guns and ammunition, but we don't know what for. There haven't
been any negotiations; the cult members have refused to talk.
Until now.

Two days ago I decided to go into the villa. I convinced my
superior officer to go along with my plan. We contacted the
cult leader and he allowed me to enter with two conditions -
I must carry no weapons, and the leader's chamber is off-limits.
I agreed.

My goal is to work out this situation in peaceful ways. I
can contact my captain at any time with a state of the art
microcommunicator that the cult members don't know that I
have on me.

This is the last chance to save whoever is in that villa,
and the worst part is - we know there are children inside."


Zack Bon: You're Zack Bon, the cop who's here to find a
peaceful solution to the problem of this cult.

Sgt. Williams: Zack's boss. Zack contacts him at times to
bring him up to speed.

Guards: They prevent you from leaving.

Crotak: Crotak opens a door in the villa (the people in the
cult have the strange power to open any door from anywhere)
so you can see Tik'na.

Cult member: The cult members are basic NPC's. There's a
lot of them, and they each say about four different things,
only one of which helps you.

D'shaque: A cult member who has agreed to help everyone. He
sticks to his vow, though he is reluctant to help Zack and
wants a heart-shaped talisman first.

Tik'na: She will help you, but you need to get her wrist
watch first.

Jukil: Wants to send Nejara a letter, but needs an envelope.

Najiki: An unfriendly girl who becomes nice and opens door
three of five when you give her her doll.

Dastek: He lost his book before he could finish it and really
wants to find out how it ends.

Steve: A jerk who's selling the cult members weapons.

Nejara: A person who needs a letter delivered to him. He
opens door five of five.

Darati: Runs the TV room.

Nad'ka: A dude who committed suicide and kept a tape to warn
the others.

Guards: They protect the cult leader.

Cult leader: The freak behind all of this.

Cult leader's dog: The dog needs a bone.


Start the game. Select which of the seventeen languages
you'd like to play the game in; they are English (both
USA and Great Britain), French (both Canada and France),
Portugese (both Portugal and some other country...perhaps
Brazil?), German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Hebrew, Russian,
Swedish, Czech, Turkish, Polish, Chinese, Mandarin, Swiss
German or Finnish.

Also select whether you'd like to play the game full screen
or as the window version. Then click the click here box to

Woo hoo! You're starting the game! Press anything now and
Zack calls in the chief. The conversation goes like this:

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): Chief, I'm in. What's next?
Sgt. Williams: Try to snoop around. Collect any useful objects
you can find, talk to people...
Zack: And then what?
Sgt. Williams: We don't know enough about this cult to plan
even one step ahead. It's all up to you now.

Great. Now you're left to investigate the cult all by
yourself. If you try to leave by going up, the guards stop

Now, this game is an overhead game. Like in the original
Zelda, you can only see part of the screen at once, and if
you move offscreen, the camera follows you to that screen.
Sounds complicated, but isn't.

Go down one screen. See how you have a little grass to your
left and right. Walk through the plants (you have to be right
in between them) to the left. Hey, now you can walk across
the grounds!

Go one screen left. You've found the gardener's cabin, which
contains the important blue key. Walk in and get the key
(You get damaged by the stuff on the floor, so use the first
aid kits in the cabin to help heal you).

Go up a screen. See the weird thing that looks a bit like
a chainsaw above a bush? It's a lever. Step over it and push
the lever down to activate it. Now some door somewhere has
been opened.

Go one screen left and get the first aid kit if you're low
on health. Then go down a screen. Talk to the guy there,
and the conversation goes like this:

Zack: Hello there, I'm Zack. I'm from the police.

Crotak: Hello.

Zack: What's your name?

Crotak: Crotak.

Zack: That's fantastic. Can you please help me save you and
your friends' lives?

Crotak: I guess. But you won't harm us?

Zack: I am here to help you.

Crotak: Hm...okay. You can meet my friend Tik'na in her room.
It's the most northwestern room in the villa...and it's open
now. Maybe Tik'na could open some doors for you.

Zack: Thanks.

Crotak: So long, Zack.

And when you walk off...

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): I'm on my way to meet this
Tik'na character. Maybe she'll help me with some locked

Sgt. Williams: Good progress. I'm waiting for your report.

Interesting. Now you can meet Tik'na (if you didn't talk
to Crotak, the door would be shut). Go right three screens.
You'll see something strange below you, but without the green
key, you can't enter. Go up one screen.

Activate the lever. The sign says it lets you get in the
red key room. Now go right one screen, down two screens and
left twice to get to the villa entrance. If you go up twice,
you're at the place where you started in.

Talk to the cult member here by approaching him. When you're
done, you can walk off and go back to him to talk again. If
you do this again and again, you'll find that he only says
about four things. The only one of any use is when he tells
you that D'shaque, a cult member in the eastern chamber, is
trying to help everyone, which includes you.

In fact, keep on talking to the cult member until you learn
about D'shaque. Until you do, the door to D'shaque's room
remains locked.

Now it's time to meet this D'shaque. Go right two screens
(across the grass). If you paid attention to this area when
you went by earlier, you'll notice that the door blocking
the eastern chamber is gone. Go in and talk to this
D'shaque guy.

Zack: Hello, Mr. D'shaque.

D'shaque: They must have sent you. I knew I shouldn't have
told them about my vow! ...all right, what do you want?

Zack: As you know, this building is surrounded by an elite
police force. The situation is very delicate. I want to
solve it peacefully.

D'shaque: I cannot help you in any way.

Zack: Oh yeah? And what about your vow?

D'shaque: There are some things above my
know, I've lost my spiritual talisman. It's heart-shaped.
Tell you what. If you find it, I might help you.

Zack: Gee, thanks.

Go back to the lobby (up a screen and left twice). Now enter
the villa again.

If you go left here, the door is shut. Go right instead.
Activate the lever in this small room. Then go left twice.
Now the door is open! Get the first aid if you need it (you
shouldn't), and go left once again.

This is most northwestern room in the villa. This is where
you'll find Tik'na in her private room. Go up and talk to

Zack: I'm Zack, of the police. Crotak sent me.

Tik'na: Hi, I'm Tik'na.

Zack: Cool name.

Tik'na: It better be! I picked it myself!

Zack: Will you help me save you and your friends, Tik'na?

Tik'na: Well...maybe, but I lost my wrist watch.

Zack: So?

Tik'na: Find it, and I'll talk to you. Deal?

Zack: Deal.

That's not cool. Now you have to find a wrist watch and a
heart-shaped pendant. Now it's time to do some exploring in
the villa.

Go down one room. Use the blue key to open the door locked
by it (a small blue block with a key on it). You don't want
to continue because there's also a red key gate and a green
key, both of which you do not possess.

Go right. Open the blue key gate (you need a green key).
See the heart-shaped talisman? Go right, and you can see
the entrance to the room is shut. Go left twice and down

Unlock the blue key door (you need a red key). See the
wrist watch here? You can't get it (the door's shut). Go
down once and unlock the two doors with the blue key. Enter
the one on the right and activate the lever. Go up one
screen, right one screen, and down one screen.

Activate the lever and talk to the cult member in here. You
have to get yet another thing for a cult member.

Zack: Hello, I'm Zack from the police. What's your name?

Jukil: Why do you want to know my name?

Zack: Okay, don't tell me your name. What are you doing?

Jukil: I'm writing a letter to a close friend of mine.
We are not allowed to talk outside our social hour each week,
so we exchange letters, okay? Anyway, I don't have an

Zack: I see.

That sounds cruel, the cult leader only lets them talk for
one hour a week? Jeez. So this dude needs an envelope.
Go up one screen, right one screen, and down one screen.
Activate the lever and talk to the little girl if you want

Hm, that little girl ain't friendly. Go up one screen and
right one screen. Activate the lever. Now go down a screen
and activate the lever (you have to pass over chemicals that
do you harm). Go up twice and right once.

Enter the upper room here, and go left. You get a book, which
comes into play later (a cult member wants it).

Okay, there's not much left to do now, as you're missing
the red key (and green key). So go right a screen and up
a screen. You're at a room with the entrance to the red
key room. Danger! Chemicals!

Watch your step here while going up. You can carefully walk
to avoid the chemicals. At the end is the key and some
first aid kits. Get the red key and the kits and exit
this room.

Go left once and up once. Use your red key to open a door,
and get the doll there (the first aid kit is also handy).
Go down once, left once, and down thrice.

You're back with the mean little girl. Now you have a doll
for her, so she's not so mean anymore.

Zack: Hello, I'm Zack, of the police. What's your name?

Najiki: I am not allowed to talk to strangers.

Zack: How old are you?

Najiki: Go away! Leave me alone!

Zack: I found this doll in a storage room. Is it yours?

Najiki: Yes...thank you, Mr. Cop.

Zack: You're welcome. Now you're going to help me, okay?

Najiki: Okay.

Zack: All right. So, what's your name and how old are you?

Najiki: My name is Najiki and I'm seven and a half years old.

Zack: Are your parents members of this cult?

Najiki: Yes. I'm a member too.

Zack: Did you ever see your father with a gun?

Najiki: Once, about a month ago. He bought it from my uncle

Zack: Thanks, you really helped me. I'll go for now, but I'll
be back later on, okay?

Najiki: Okay. Bye, Zack. And by the way, door three of five
is now open.

Zack: Huh?

Najiki: Bye bye.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): Chief, now it's official.
They have kids in here.

Sgt. Williams: Are you sure, Zack?

Zack: I just talked to one. She's only seven years old!

Sgt. Williams: That's bad. You must move quickly, you hear

Zack: Loud and clear, chief. And one more thing - she opened
a "door three of five". Do you know what that means?

Sgt. Williams: I'm not sure. Listen - keep up the good work,
and hurry.

Wow, that was interesting. Now I'm going to lead you to the
green key, which will give you all of the keys you need (for
now). Go up once and right twice. Open the red door, flip
the lever, and go down carefully through the chemicals. Get
the green key here.

Now it's time to fill up a loose end in the story, while
flipping some levers on the way. Go up two screens, open the
gate and flip the switch. Go left twice, open the gate,
and flip the switch.

Go right once, down once and left once. Open the gate and
flip the switch. Go up twice. Go left through the room
in the upper part of this area to get the talisman (it's
not hard to do this). Now go right, and left again through
the main area. Open the gate, and flip the switch.

Go left once and break the two gates to flip the switch. The
first aid kit helps. Go down twice, break the gate and flip
the switch to gain access to the social club (comes into
play later).

Now go up twice, right twice, and right through the room to
talk to a cult member.

Zack: Hi, I'm Zack from the police. Can you help me in any
way to resolve the situation that we're in?

Dastek: Well, I'm not sure...You see, I was reading Salinger's
"The Catcher in the Rye" and was on page 120 when I LOST my
book! That was last week, and I really want to know how it

Zack: So you want ME to find it for you?

Dastek: You're pretty smart, for a cop.

Great, add another person on the list of people to give things
to. Speaking of people on that list, you have to go to

Hurry up to get to D'shaque. Directions are: left once, up
twice, right twice, and down once. Talk to D'shaque. The
conversation begins out familiarly.

Zack: Hello, Mr. D'shaque.

D'shaque: They must have sent you. I knew I shouldn't have
told them about my vow! ...all right, what do you want?

Zack: As you know, this building is surrounded by an elite
police force. The situation is very delicate. I want to
solve it peacefully.

D'shaque: I cannot help you in any way.

Zack: Oh yeah? And what about your vow?

D'shaque: There are some things above my
know, I've lost my spiritual talisman. It's heart-shaped.
Tell you what. If you find it, I might help you.

Zack: Gee, thanks. Wait a mean THIS talisman?

D'shaque: Thank you so much! Now, how can I reward you...
Hmmm...what can I give you...Er...Well...what can I tell you...
Um...Let's see...I got it! Here, take this!

Zack: What is this? An envelope?!

D'shaque: Not good enough for you? What did you expect?

Zack: Yeah, yeah...I should've known better. Bye, Mr.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): I socialized with this
D'shaque character.

Sgt. Williams: Learn anything new about these weirdos?

Zack: I think I'm starting to understand the chain of command
within this orginization. D'shaque is somewhere above the
middle, I guess.

Sgt. Williams: Good progress, kid!

Okay, now you have the envelope to give to the guy who needs
one. He's at the top of the to-do list, but you're not going
to see him first. Go up twice and left once to that weird
area I spoke of before.

Enter this area using the green key and talk to the guy there.

Zack: Hi, my name is Zack. I'm from the police.

Steve: Hi there, I'm Steve.

Zack: Hello, Steve...What's a man like you doing in a place
like this?

Steve: Making money, of course.

Zack: How?

Steve: don't expect me to tell you THAT, do you?

Zack: I sure am, wise guy.

Steve: Just calm down. I don't need to tell you anything.

Zack: You're selling them weapons and ammunition, aren't you?

Steve: Mind your own business, cop!

This Steve guy is suspicious...but now you need to deliver
an envelope. Go left once, down four times, left once and
down once to meet the guy who needs an envelope. He wants
you to give it to Nejara. So you need to find this Nejara
person. Maybe they're in the social club...

Go up once, left once, up once and right in the social club.
Talk to everybody there. One of them wants a Bible, which
is the book you have. You give him it, and he talks about
Steve being a weapons merchant. He gives you a toy gun to
make Steve talk with.

Okay, flip the lever here. Go right and flip the lever
there. Go left twice, up twice, right twice, up once, and
right once. Talk to Steve again.

Zack: Hi, my name is Zack. I'm from the police.

Steve: Hi there, I'm Steve.

Zack: Hello, Steve...What's a man like you doing in a place
like this?

Steve: Making money, of course.

Zack: How?

Steve: don't expect me to tell you THAT, do you?

Zack: I sure am, wise guy.

Steve: Just calm down. I don't need to tell you anything.

Zack: You're selling them weapons and ammunition, aren't you?

Steve: Mind your own business, cop!

Zack: All right, see this gun? I'm not afraid to use it,
so spill it!

Steve: Okay, okay! I'll talk! Please don't hurt me!

Zack: It's all up to you, Stevie boy!

Steve: They have a storage room with a locked door, but it's
open now. All the guns and ammo are in there, every last
bullet and rifle! The switch in there, they say it's for
door "two of five", but I swear to God I don't know what
that means! That's all I know, I swear!

Zack: Okay, you choose well between life and death. I'll
leave for now, but don't go anywhere. If you cause any
trouble, I'll kill you. Is that clear?

Steve: Y-yes...

Zack: Good.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): I just had a little chat with

Sgt. Williams: ...And?

Zack: He gave me access to the storage room. It's loaded
with guns and rifles.

Sgt. Williams: That's bad news. Go on with your mission.
Zack: I'll report later on.

Go left once, down twice, right once and up once to get to
the storage room. Go through the now unlocked door to the
right. Flip the switch in the room there.

You might need to heal now. Go down once, left twice, and
up to a room with some first aid kits.

Go left once, down thrice, and right once. Go carefully on
top of the pillows and blankets to flip the lever. Go left
once and get the wrist watch.

Go up until you reach Tik'na's room. Talk to her.

Zack: I'm Zack, of the police. Crotak sent me.

Tik'na: Hi, I'm Tik'na.

Zack: Cool name.

Tik'na: It better be! I picked it myself!

Zack: Will you help me save you and your friends, Tik'na?

Tik'na: Well...maybe, but I lost my wrist watch.

Zack: So?

Tik'na: Find it, and I'll talk to you. Deal?

Zack: Deal. And here it is. Now talk.

Tik'na: You found it!

Zack: Help me, Tik'na.

Tik'na: Okay, now look. If you want to visit our lovely
indoor garden and the doors are locked, you can open them
from the southwest room with two switches. The southwest
room is locked...But you can go there now. It's open.

Zack: But how can you open it from here?

Tik'na: You ask too many questions. Just go.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): I talked to a woman named

Sgt. Williams: Where do they get these names?

Zack: I wouldn't know...Listen, she opened a door for me
with switches that open gates to the indoor garden!

Sgt. Williams: That's great kid!

Zack: Yeah, that IS great!

Sgt. Williams: Isn't that exactly what I just said?

Time to get to this room Tik'na opened for you. Go down
four times (open the gate) and down as far as you can go.
Very carefully, flip the levers in this room while being
damaged as little as possible (ignore the says
no smoking).

Go up once, and flip the switch. Go up once and enter the
garden to your right. The brown key is on a northern shore
of the lake, so get it. That's all four keys!

Flip the lever on the rightmost part of the indoor garden.
Also flip the switch in the room right of it. Now go left
and down.

Open all four gates. There are five doors here. Doors
two and three are opened. That's what the cult members
meant by door "two of five". Get it?

Time to explore a bit. Go right twice. Open the gate and
flip the lever. Now go down once, and left through the room.
Flip the lever there, and go right once.

Now the room in the right part of this screen is open. Go
across the chemicals and pick up a tape. Go right once,
and up once (break four gates on the way). Flip the two
levers here.

Go up and flip the lever. Go up thrice, and then down through
the building. Go left and flip the lever. Go right once,
up once (exit the building), down once, left once and down
once. Flip the lever and break the gate.

Go down. Break the gate and flip the lever. Go down again
and flip the lever there. Go right once, break the gate,
and flip the lever. Go up once and talk to the person there.
It's Nejara, who needs the letter.

Zack: Hello. I'm Zack from the police.

Nejara: Hi, my name is Nejara. Now go away, I'm busy.

Zack: Oh, before I leave, I was told to pass this letter to

Nejara: It must be from Jukil. Thanks Zack! Is there something
I can do for you in return?

Zack: You tell me.

Nejara: All right, how about this? I've just opened door
five of five.

Zack: How can you open a door from here?

Nejara: It's all technology.

Zack: Thanks. Bye for now.

Nejara: Bye.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): I talked with Nejara.

Sgt. Williams: Did you pass the letter on?

Zack: Of course. In return, he opened door "five of five"
for me.

Sgt. Williams: Good work. Now continue with your mission.

Go up a room and flip the lever. Now go up once and left
twice. Break the gate and flip the lever.

Go left twice and down thrice. Flip the lever. Go right
twice, break the gate, and flip the lever there. Go right
once and up twice. Flip the two levers in this room. One
opens door one of five.

Go down once and enter the library. Pick up a book there.
Why, it's "Catcher in the Rye"! Time to go back to Dastek!

Go up four times, left once, and right through the building
to meet up with Dastek.

Zack: Hi, I'm Zack from the police. Can you help me in any
way to resolve the situation that we're in?

Dastek: Well, I'm not sure...You see, I was reading Salinger's
"The Catcher in the Rye" and was on page 120 when I LOST my
book! That was last week, and I really want to know how it

Zack: So you want ME to find it for you?

Dastek: You're pretty smart, for a cop.

Zack: So here you go.

Dastek: Oh, thank you! I hoped you weren't offended when I
mocked your intelligence, huh?

Zack: Forget it. Just help me!

Dastek: Okay, you've earned it. You can now enter the TV
and VCR room. It's open now.

Zack: But how can you open that door from here.

Dastek: I just can. Now go! It's the most southeastern
room in the villa.

Zack: I don't know how you did that, but thanks anyway.

Dastek: You're welcome.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): I found out how they know
about what's going on outside - they have a TV room!

Sgt. Williams: Good job, kid!

Time to get to the TV room. Before we go there, we'll flip
the last lever in the game. Sounds fun, eh? Go left thrice
and south thrice. Flip the lever in this room here (it's
hard to see, but it's on the top part of the carpeted area).

Now go south one room. Enter the women's bathroom, and pick
up the bone there. What is a bone doing there?

Go south once, east four times, and south once into the
TV/VCR room. Talk to the guy there.

Zack: Hello. I'm Zack.

Darati: Hi, I'm Darati. I'm in charge of this tiny TV room.

Zack: Can you help me in any way to solve this unfortunate
situation that we're in?

Darati: Well, you'll have to convince me with something.

Zack: How about this videotape?

Darati: What is it?

Zack: I'm not sure...put it in the VCR.

Darati: Okay.

TV Monitor: I can't take this anymore!

Darati: It's Nad'ka! He hung himself six months ago!

TV Monitor: They're brainwashing us! Abusing us physically
and mentally! And the chemicals! Those crazy attempts at
producing explosives...they're turning this place into a
toxic waste dump! I just can't take it anymore...! I
should've predicted what was ahead, but I ignored all the
signs on insanity. Death's the only way anyone's ever going
to leave here. Whoever finds this recording - help the others!
Help them escape! Send my love to my daughter...goodbye.

Darati: That's the end of the recording...This is unbelievable...
we must do something!

Zack: That's what I'm here for! Help me save you and your

Darati: Okay, I will help you. Now door four of five is

Zack: What does that mean?

Darati: The five doors lead to our leader. Goodbye, Zack.

Zack: Thank you. Goodbye.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): Unbelievable progress, chief!

Sgt. Williams: What is it?

Zack: I found a video recording of one of the cult members.
It was taped six months ago, minutes before he hung himself!

Sgt. Williams: Amazing.

Zack: The tape convinced a cult member named Darati to defect
to our side. He's responsible for the TV room. He opened
door "four of five". Apparently the five doors lead to the
cult leader!

Sgt. Williams: Keep up the good job, Zack!

Time to meet the cult leader! Go up once, left three times,
and down. Talk to the guards for a laugh.

Zack: Hi there, I'm Zack.
Guard: Mind your own business.
Zack: Can't I ask a few questions?
Guard: Let me ask you one first...have you ever seen a spear
enter through your belly and out your back with your liver
on it?
Zack: All right, all right, I get the message!

Talk the the cult leader to see the ending. I'll now put
the ending here, so if you don't want it spoiled, don't read

Zack: Finally, we meet.

Cult Leader: How did you get in here? This room is off-limits

Zack: What right do you have to brainwash these people and
use them as soldiers for your own mad campaign?

Cult Leader: Get out of this room!

Zack: Think about it - if I could get inside this room without
the use of weapons, how easily those elite police troopers
out there will break into your fancy villa...Not only that,
some of your brainwashed men defected to my side. And it
didn't take too long to convince them, either!

Cult Leader: Oh...look. Now my dog is all upset Zack. You
ought to hand him a bone.

Zack: What is this, a joke?

Cult Leader: Bring a bone to my dog and we'll talk.

Zack: You're just like all the other cult members - "give
me this and I'll tell you that"'s your stupid bone.

Cult Leader: Excellent! Now I can tell you all about my
plan: You see, it is underway as we speak. The Cult of the
Stars will attack the police force in two minutes. I have
already sent the order.

Zack: Why you crazy son of a -

Guard: Hold if right there, cop! Put your fist down and
nobody will get hurt!

(Steve enters with a gun)

Steve: Put those spears down, guards!

Zack: Steve!

Guard: He has a gun!

Cult Leader: Okay guards, do as he said. Steve, you traitor!
Just wait 'til I get my hands on your filthy...

Steve: I don't think you'll go that far. I've had it with
your evil operations! There's a limit to the guilt my
conscience can bear. Abort the campaign NOW!

Cult Leader: No! You can't stop me! Nothing will stop me!

Steve: Do you see this gun? I know how to use it. And believe
me, it CAN stop you.

Cult Leader: No! No! Okay, I'll abort! There! My brilliant
operation...aborted now...

Steve: All right, Zack. Show's over. Contact your superiors
and tell them I want full amnesty when we get out of here.
Otherwise, there could be a nasty turn of events.

Zack: Okay, I'll do it.

Zack (using MicroCommunicator): Chief, how's the situation

Sgt. Williams: We've seen some movement along the outer wall,
but it suddenly stopped. Apparently they're up to something.
We're about to break inside.

Zack: No, stop! We have captured the leader!

Sgt. Williams: Whoa, that's great, Zack! Wait a minute,
what do you mean, "we"?

Zack: Steve and me.

Sgt. Williams: Steve? Hard to believe, kid.

Zack: He saved my life. He asked for full amnesty when he
gets out.

Sgt. Williams: I don't know, Zack.

Zack: He's the one that's holding the gun.

Sgt. Williams: Hmmm...that's tough, kid. Tell him that we'll
let him go. We'll set him up outside.

Zack: Okay, I will chief.

Sgt. Williams: Hey, Zack! The cult members are starting to
come outside, with their hands lifted!

Zack: I guess this is it. You can come inside now and help
us with the leader.

Sgt. Williams: Good job, kid!

Zack: Mission accomplished!

(Special music and Mission accomplished screen)


This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2003. If you want
to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under
general information)

Cult, the game, is copyright of Lee Blum, of studio-blum.
For more information on Cult, check it out at its official

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