Kojin Taxi 3

Kojin Taxi 3

18.10.2013 01:52:38
| Kojin Taxi 3 Walkthrough |
| v 0.5 |
| ©2002 Gary Wan |
| E-mail: hyperactive100@hotmail.com|

This walkthrough is for private use only. It may not be modified, sold, or mass
distributed without the author's express permission. Examples of mass
distribution include, but are not limited to putting this walkthrough, in part
or in whole on a website, and posting on a message board, in part or in whole.
If you have come across a copy of this walkthrough under any such
please send an e-mail to hyperactive100@hotmail.com with the location of said

This Walkthrough may be found at:


For ease of use please use a fixed-width font such that the following 2 lines
are aligned properly.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

This Walkthrough requires a Japanese Unicode Font!


0.0 Introduction
0.1 What is Kojin Taxi 3?
1.0 Characters
2.0 How to Play
2.1 The Options Menus
2.2 The Interface Menus
2.3 The Right-Click Menu
2.4 Getting Started
3.0 Getting Money
3.1 Passengers
3.2 Slot Machine
4.0 Items
4.1 The Shop
5.0 Events
6.0 End Game
7.0 Credits

|0.0 Introduction|
This walkthrough is designed to be a quick reference to people who know very
little or no Japanese. What it will do is help you obtain 100% of the CG in
and strategies on how to get

0.1 - What is Kojin Taxi 3?

Kojin Taxi 3 is an excellent H-game (Read: Adult) for Windows produced by Xuse
(http://www.xuse.co.jp) and released 2002/07/26. The plot revolves around a
driver (you) and his plot to kidnap and rape up to 6 girls. As can be seen,
game is quite violent in this respect so if you can't bear to see a girl cry, I
suggest you stop now.

|1.0 Characters|
A brief description of the characters in the game, all names here are default
and are in proper Japanese order. (Last name first)

(If anybody has the proper romanizations of the names, please send them to me!)

1.1 - 木下あかね
The schoolgirl.

1.2 - 葵 清美
The miko (Shinto priestess).

1.3 - 日吉千恵
The OL (Japanese slang term for Office Lady, or female office worker).

1.4 - 大友 椋
The maid.

1.5 - 城之内和泉
The pro-wrestler

1.6 - 菅生 渚
The Ace Casino Dealer.

|2.0 How to Play|
For the confounded.

2.1 - The Options Menus

Title Screen: from top to bottom the choices are

Start Game
Load Game
Exit Game

Option Screen: from top to bottom the choices are

CG Menu
H-Event Menu
Name Change
Schedule Clear
Return to Title

CG Menu: click a picture to select a character cg page, the choices from top to
bottom are

H-Event Menu
Return to Options

Character CG Page: choices starting at the top left and following the edge of
the screen down, then right are

H-Event Menu
Return to CG Menu
Previous Character CG Page
Next Character CG Page

H-Event Menu: choices starting at the top left and following the edge of the
screen down, then right are

CG Menu
Return to Options
Previous H-Event Screen
Next H-Event Screen

Music Menu: click a song to play it. Menu choices from top to bottom are

CG Menu
H-Event Menu
Return to Options

Name Change

Changes the names of the characters in the game for any given character the
left dropbox is the family name
and the right box is the given name. Limit of 3 letters/kanji per box.
Left Button to set
Right Button to return to previous menu.

Schedule Clear
Clears out your entire schedule. Left option to confirm, right option to

2.2 The Interface Menus
When you begin the game you start on the map screen.
The purple buttons on the bottom switch between the schedule screen and the
(On Map screen, schedule is left button and item is right button)

The Map Screen
Only useful if you're playing around with the game and picking up passengers
to earn money, for the purposes of this walkthrough, this screen isn't

Schedule Screen
A grid of Time vs Location. Each square represents 15 minutes. Grey blocks
represent a visited place at that time, green bars represent
passengers/events, and red bars represent completed passengers/events.

From top to bottom the locations are:
Your Hideout
Office Complex
Sports Dome
Hanamichi Place
Torimichi Place
Kazemichi Place
Getsumichi Place

Click the place name to go to that location, if you're not already at the
location it will cost you 15 minutes (1 square) of travel time.

Item Screen
A list of all the items you have collected throughout the course of the game.
Yellow items are Event Requirement Items.
Red items are CG Requirement Items.
Blue items are items to sell for money.

2.3 - The Right Click Menu
Right click menu can be accessed anytime on the world/schedule/item screens and
anytime a dialogue box is open by (surprise surprise!) clicking the right
on your mouse.

From top to bottom choices are:
Cancel (Exit Right Click Menu)
Save Game
Load Game
Back Ground Music On/Off
Sound Effects On/Off
Voice On/Off
Window Options
Check Box toggles the border on the dialogue box
First Bar adjusts transparency of the dialogue box
Second Bar adjusts auto-play speed.
Volume Control
Sound Effects
Return to Title Screen
Toggle between Window/Fullscreen mode
Close Dialogue Box
View Item Screen

2.4 - Getting Started
If this is your first time playing, click Start Game, go through the Names
Screen (just press the left button on the bottom to confirm defaults) then
select the top option to view the prologue, or the bottom option to skip.
Viewing the prologue at least once is highly recommended as it nets you a CG.

When you start, you'll be on the map screen. Hovering over a place name will
show 1 of 3 things: nothing, a colored character (event), or a blacked out
character (passengers). More on passengers in the Getting Money section.

|3.0 Getting Money|
There are basically 2 real ways to get money in this game. One is to do your
as a taxi driver and earn fare and tips, the other way is to play the slots at
the casino. In order to afford all the items and events in the game, you will
need about ¥278,000. In order to obtain enough money to get all the items your
first time through, you MUST use the casino, otherwise items available at the
store that you already have and your current funds are transferred into your
next game if you continue from an end-game save.

3.1 - Passengers

Passengers appear at set times on your schedule at designated places. They will
be your source of cash until you get enough money to invest at the casino. To
pick up a passenger, on the map screen, find a location with a blacked out
character on it, and select the first option to pick them up. In order to earn
tip, you have to talk with them by selecting the top option again, and chit-
chat about the right topics. In order to get as much money as possible, you
maximize your tip (Â¥450).

Teacher Man in suit with glasses 4-3-2
Otaku Fat guy with glasses and posters 3-2-3
Student Boy with school uniform 3-3-1
Salaryman* Man in suit 3-1-2
Punk Man with blonde hair 4-3-4
Generic OL Woman with short brownish hair 2-4-1
Lady Woman with purple hair 3-4-3
Female Student Girl with short black hair 2-4-3

*Note: Salaryman only has a max tip of ¥26!

Occasionally a passenger will drop a blue item which is sellable at the store
for ¥4000.

3.2 - Slot Machine

The slot machines will be your main source of cash one you establish a solid
base with your passengers, it may take a while in real life, but one session at
the slots will only cost you 15 minutes in-game. It is recommended that you
start with a base of 50 credits (Â¥5000) as a safety margin, although I have
never lost more than 36 net credits. If only this slot machine existed in real

To access the slot machines, go to the Casino and select the top option.

Each credit costs ¥100
Right click to add a credit
Left click to start the slots rolling
Exit via the Exit button at the bottom right of the screen

1 Credit activates the middle row
2 Credits activates the top and bottom row
3 Credits activates the diagonals

3 Watermelons - 5 Credits
3 Bells - 5 Credits
3 Cherries - 10 Credits
3 Bars - 50 Credits
3 7's - 100 Credits

The best time to get your money is in between Miko Event 1 and Casino Dealer
Event 1, you should be able to make your ¥5000 base with passengers.

|4.0 Items|
Items are important to complete events, in order to get 100% CG you MUST
collect all the Yellow and Red Items.

Yellow items are Event Requirement Items.
Red items are CG Requirement Items.
Blue items are items to sell for money.

4.1 - The Shop

The shop is the 2nd from the top option on the Schedule screen or the bottom
right location on the Map screen.

When you visit it Items you can buy are listed on the left, and Items in your
inventory are listed on the right. Use the red buttons to scroll through both

Below those two boxes, starting from the left, is your total money, the buy
button, the sell button, and the exit shop button.

The Following Items are for sale (in order they appear on list) and can be sold
back to the shop at 1/5th the listed price:

HDD #1 - ¥12,000
Electronic Bug - ¥12,000
Box of Cookies - ¥ 3,000
3-Piece Toy Set - ¥ 5,000
Stungun - ¥ 8,000
Molotov Cocktail - ¥ 5,000
Hotel Master Key - ¥20,000
Male Overnight Kit - ¥ 3,000
Lock Pick Set - ¥12,000

PE Uniform - ¥10,000
Eye Mask - ¥ 5,000
Cell Phone - ¥ 8,000
Aphrodisiac? - ¥ 5,000
Collar - ¥ 5,000
Mirror - ¥15,000
Pro-wrestler Uniform - ¥10,000
Coat - ¥20,000
Vibrator - ¥30,000
Lotion - ¥ 5,000
Wedding Dress - ¥50,000
Leather Handcuffs - ¥ 5,000
Anal Vibrator - ¥20,000

These items are in the game purely as a source of money.

Â¥2,000 ITEMS
Scroll - Search the 3rd small drawer from the left on the dresser during
Miko Event 4
Watch - Search the locker during Maid Event 5
Tickets #1 - Search Bookset 1 during OL Event 4
Tickets #2 - Search the duffel bag during Pro-wrestler event 8
Painting - Search the cupboard on the left side of the desk during Casino
Dealer Event 7

Â¥4,000 ITEMS
These are occasionally dropped by regular passengers. (Type depends on

|5.0 Events|

All events are available for one hour for the noted time, but only require 15
minutes to complete, a more organized schedule to obtain all characters will be
included in a future revision of this walkthrough.

To capture a girl and lock her in your hideout, you MUST complete all events
listed then collect her at a capture event. Once you pick her up, select the
option to capture (bottom option treats as normal passenger with no talking or
tip, bleh). If you have not completed all the events and choose to capture a
girl, you will take her to the park and rape her (CGs you need!), and the game
will end there. H-scenes will be covered in section 6.0 - End Game.

木下あかね (The Schoolgirl)

Event 1 - Day 1 3:00 Torimichi Place
Event 2 - Day 2 6:00 Torimichi Place
Event 3 - Day 3 6:00 Torimichi Place
Event 4 - Day 4 3:00 School

Event 5 - Day 4 5:30 Park
Event 6 - Day 5 3:30 Hotel (Get 601 Key)
Event 7 - Day 5 8:15 School (Requires 601 Key) Place in desk 9
Event 8 - Day 5 10:15 Office Complex, pick up passenger.
Event 9 - Day 6 9:00 Hotel
Event 10 - Day 7 5:30 Park
Capture - Day 7 8:00 School
Capture - Day 8 5:00 Torimichi Place

葵 清美 (The Miko)

Event 1 - Day 1 5:30 Shrine
Event 2 - Day 2 4:00 Park
Event 3 - Day 2 6:00 Getsumichi Place, pick up passenger
Event 4 - Day 2 8:30 Shrine (Requires box of cookies) Place on table.
Event 5 - Day 3 3:15 Shrine
Event 6 - Day 4 4:30 Shrine
Event 7 - Day 5 3:00 Park
Event 8 - Day 5 6:00 Shrine
Event 9 - Day 6 5:45 Shrine (Require 3 piece toy set)
Capture - Day 7 10:00 Shrine

日吉千恵 (The OL)

Event 1 - Day 1 4:30 Monument
Event 2 - Day 2 4:30 Monument (Requires Cell Phone)*
Event 3 - Day 3 4:30 Monument
Event 4 - Day 4 7:00 Kazemichi Place (Male Overnight Kit required) Place on
Event 5 - Day 4 2:00 Park (Money required! About ¥8000-10000)
Event 6 - Day 5 12:00 Park (Get Photo) [H-Scene!]
Event 7 - Day 6 4:15 Mall, pick up passenger.
Event 8 - Day 6 7:00 Mall
Event 9 - Day 7 3:00 Office Complex
Capture - Day 7 9:00 Office Complex

* This is the only Red Item that I've seen so far that you need for an event.
Thanks to Bob_McBob for pointing that it's required!

大友 椋 (The Maid)

Event 1 - Day 1 3:45 Mall
Event 2 - Day 2 3:30 Mall
Event 3 - Day 3 4:00 Mall
Event 4 - Day 4 3:45 Mall (Requires HDD #1, get HDD #2)
Event 5 - Day 4 7:15 Hanamichi (Requires Electronic Bug) Plant on phone.
Event 6 - Day 4 9:15 Office Complex, pick up passenger.
Event 7 - Day 5 5:30 Office Complex (Requires HDD #2), pick up passenger.
(Get about ¥2000!)
Event 8 - Day 6 3:30 Office Complex, pick up passenger
Event 9 - Day 6 6:00 Park
Capture - Day 7 4:15 Hanamichi Place

城之内和泉 (The Pro-wrestler)

Event 1 - Day 2 3:00 Sports Dome
Event 2 - Day 2 7:45 Park (Requires Stungun)
Event 3 - Day 2 1:30 Getsumichi Place (Requires Molotov Cocktail)
Event 4 - Day 3 3:30 Sports Dome
Event 5 - Day 4 3:00 Sports Dome
Event 6 - Day 4 7:30 Park
Event 7 - Day 4 9:30 Sports Dome, pick up passenger
Event 8 - Day 5 10:30 Hotel (Requires Hotel Master Key), hide in closet [H-
Event 9 - Day 6 8:00 Sports Dome
Capture - Day 7 7:00 Sports Dome

菅生 渚 (The Casino Dealer)

Event 1 - Day 1 11:00 Casino
Event 2 - Day 1 1:00 Kazemichi Place
Event 3 - Day 2 10:00 Casino
Event 4 - Day 2 12:00 Hotel, pick up passenger
Event 5 - Day 3 12:30 Casino [H-Scene!]
Event 6 - Day 4 10:30 Casino
Event 7 - Day 5 7:30 Kazemichi Place (Requires Lock Pick Set), search
right cupboard and get the Las Vegas Tickets
Event 8 - Day 6 8:15 Mall, pick up passenger
Event 9 - Day 6 11:30 Casino
Capture - Day 7 1:00 Kazemichi Place

|6.0 End Game|
To start getting the H-CGs, go back to your hideout and select the third option
once you have captured at least 1 girl. After an H-event, select the top option
to go select another girl, or the bottom option to exit your hideout.

If you're in it for the CG, get all the Red Items, save day 7, capture all the
girls ASAP, and "do" them in this order. Unless otherwise noted, when given a
choice, choose the top option.

( 1)Schoolgirl
( 2)Pro-wrestler

( 3)Maid
( 4)Miko
( 5)OL
( 6)Casino Dealer
( 7)Schoolgirl
( 8)Pro-wrestler
( 9)Maid <--- this event MUST be done at night!
(11)Schoolgirl <-- save when you're given the choice of two girls, choose
load, do the other.
(12)Maid <--- save, choose the character that you've already done in a
threesome first, load, do the other.
(13)Miko <--- same as above
(14)Pro-wrestler <--- this event MUST be done at night!
(16)Casino Dealer
(22)Casino Dealer
(23)Now, skip ahead to the end of day 10, watch the ending.
(24)Load back to you day 7 save, capture everybody but the pro-wrestler
(25)Sell the Wedding Dress and Anal Vibrator
(26)Schoolgirl x 3
(27)Maid x 2
(28)Miko x 3
(29)OL x 2
(30)Casino Dealer x 2
(31)Skip to the end of day 10 and save.
(32)Go through each of the available individual endings.
(33)Load your day 7 save again
(34)Capture just the Pro-wrestler
(35)Skip to end of day 10 and watch her ending.
(36)Start a new game and proceed directly to day 7, save.
(37)Go through each of the girl's capture times.
Congratulations! You should now have 100% CG!

* Notes - If you get as many as the H-scenes as possible for a character her
last sequence will be a zombified version of the one that appears in
the CG. This does not appear in the CG listing but does appear in
the H-event listing.
- In order for a girl to be in a zombified state she must be in at
one threesome scene.
- If you collect all the girls you will not be able to see the
individual endings, but will instead see the "real" ending that will
fill the miscellaneous pictures section in the CG Menu.

|7.0 Credits|

Thanks to the guys at #Hentai-Junkies for introducing me to this great game and
listening to me whine while I bashing me head in trying to collect CGs! You
who you are!

Kojin Taxi 3 is ©2002 Xuse
This document is ©2002 Gary Wan

To contact the author with comments, tips, errors, questions, or plagiarism
reports, please send an e-mail to hyperactive100@hotmail.com with Kojin Taxi 3
somewhere in the subject!

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