addlife - Add one life
gotonext - Go to the next level
gun - Activate laser gun
rocket - Activate rocket launcher
magnet - Activate magnets
fire - Fireball
water - Water ball
air - Air ball
acid - Acid ball
flash - Thunderbolt
ufo - Summon UFO
overturn - Crazy overturn
two - Ball doubler
four - Four ball split
big - Big ball
small - Small ball
fast - Fast ball
slow - Slow ball
long - Expand paddle
shrink - Shrink paddle
Please keep in mind that if you enable the cheat mode you won't be able to save
your score in the high scores table. To disable the cheat mode just quit the
game and run it again.
Im Menü eintippen
sunnycheats - Cheat-Modus AN
openall - Alle Welten spielbar
Type during the game:
addlife - Plus ein Leben
gotonext - Zum nächsten Level
gun - Lasergewehr AN
rocket - Raketenwerfer AN
magnet - Magneten AN
fire - Feuerball
water - Wasserball
air - Airball
acid - Säureball
flash - Blitz
ufo - Ufo erscheint
overturn - Alles umwerfen
two - Ballverdoppler
four - Vier Bälle
big - Grosser Ball
small - Kleiner Ball
fast - Schneller Ball
slow - Langsamer Ball
long - Paddle vergrößern
shrink - Paddle verkleinern