James Bond 007 - Agent im Kreuzfeuer

James Bond 007 - Agent im Kreuzfeuer

18.10.2013 02:18:10
Version 1.8
James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire
Written for Gamecube
By: Jordan Gilchrist
Gamefaqs Username: JordanPlayer
Instant Messenger (IM) name: SJJGILCHRIST
E-mail: sjjgilchrist@aol.com
Version 1.8
Last updated: 7/27/02


Table of Contents
1) Version History (Updates)
2) Introduction
3) Controls
4) Weapons
5) Car, Tank, and fixed Weapons
6) Handheld and Car Gadgets
7) Allies
8) Villains
9) Walkthrough
Level 1: Trouble in Paradise
Level 2: Precious Cargo
Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
Level 5: Cold Reception
Level 6: Night of the Jackal
Level 7: Streets of Bucharest
Level 8: Fire and Water
Level 9: Forbidden Depths
Level 10: Poseidon
Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
Level 12: Evil Summit
10) Bond Moves
11) 007 Icons
12) Gold/Platinum Rewards
13) Multiplayer Tips
14) Frequently Asked Questions
15) Legal Information
16) Contact Information
17) Credit List


1) Version History (Updates)

Version 1.8
Saturday, July 27, 2002- A small update. A contributor has sent in an extra
way to defeat Bloch in Evil Summit. Also, zoom-in alternate fire for KA-57S
noticed by a contributor... I really need to start working on multiplayer.
Sorry for all those who have been waiting on the multiplayer. I have just been
doing so many things this summer.

Version 1.7
Monday, May 20, 2002- FINISHED EVIL SUMMIT! All level walkthroughs are
complete. Also, an alternate part for the first mission was added by an online
gamer. Now, I will start working on multiplayer.

Version 1.6:
Friday, May 17, 2002- MAJOR UPDATE. I finished the last half of Forbidden
Depths, I finished Poseidon, and I also finished Mediterranean Crisis!!! Only
Evil Summit left till the walkthrough part is complete! Also added some
questions to the FAQ section.

Version 1.5:
Thursday, May 16, 2002- I've finally finished everything for Fire and Water and
am about halfway through Forbidden Depths. Hopefully finishing it soon.

Version 1.4:
Thursday, May 09, 2002- I've had a very long time to work on this FAQ. The bad
news is that I haven't been able to work on it. I have been having a lot of
projects to due for school classes, and every time I want to work on it, I have
to do a chore around the house. For now, all I have done is copy and paste the
bond moves and 007 icons so that they are also with the level walkthrough. I
WILL finish this FAQ/Walkthrough, it just might take me a while so be patient
and you will see some really good results.

Version 1.3:
Friday, April 26, 2002- Finished Streets of Bucharest level walkthrough. It
took me forever since the level is pretty long. Hopefully I'll get finished
with Fire and Water this weekend, it is a very long level though...

Version 1.2:
Wednesday, April 24, 2002- Third version. Finished Night of the Jackal
walkthrough. Completed the Bond Moves section. Completed the information on
all levels (how many enemies, body armor, etc.). Working hard, so hopefully a
few more levels sometime soon.

Version 1.1:
Sunday, April 21, 2002- Second version. Only one more level walkthrough than
before. Some gun tips added, some bond moves and icons. More information on
the level walkthrough (guards, body armor). Hopefully finish some more levels

Version 1:
Sunday, April 07, 2002- First version released for Gamecube! Finishing much of
the other sections soon.


2) Introduction

James Bond is a long, and dramatic legacy of a secret agent that goes around
fighting bad guys, getting secret information, and saving the world from doom!
In James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire, you are put in his shoes to stop Malprave
Industries from taking over the world leaders with clones. Unlike many of the
other Bond games, this one does not correlate with a movie but is still a great
game. I was unsure if it was any good because of the reviews that I had been
reading, but nevertheless, I got the game and it is awesome! Much better than
the reviews let on. So, without further ado, lets get down to the guide.


3) Controls

Many people on the Gamefaqs boards had trouble with the controls for Gamecube.
The controls in this section are for Setup 1. I found that Setup 4 was the
best one for me though.

Menu Controls:
Control Pad- Highlight items, cycle choices
A button- Select/Go to next screen
B button- Return to previous screen
Basic Controls:
Control Stick Up/Down- Move Forward and Backward
C-Stick Left/Right- Strafe Left and Right
Control Stick Left/Right- Look Left and Right
C-Stick Up/Down- Look Up and Down
Hold X button- Crouch
A button- Action (reload weapon and perform certain tasks)
Y button- Jump
Control Pad Left/Right- Select Gadget
B button- Use gadget
Weapon Controls:
R button- Fire/Punch
C-Stick Up/Down- Aim Up/Down
Control Stick Left/Right- Aim Left/Right
Control Pad Up/Down- Select Weapon
Z button- Alternate Fire
Hold L button and use C-Stick- Manual aim
Hold L button and C-Stick UP/Down- Manual zoom
Driving Controls:
Control Stick Left/Right- Steer car.
R button- Accelerate
L button- Brake/Hold for Reverse
X button- Handbrake
Z button- Change View
C-Stick Down- Look Back
B button- Fire Machine Guns
Y button- Select Weapon
A button- Fire Selected Weapon
Rail Shooter Controls:
Same as regular mission controls except...
Control Stick- Aim weapon
Hold L button and C-Stick Up/Down- Zoom in and out
B button- Perform a 180 degree spin



You are supplied with a variety of weapons throughout this game. Listed here
are the guns, their clip sizes, and alternate fire. Some of the guns will have
different clip sizes for only rail shooting missions once you have gotten the
golden clip reward so just double the clip sizes for the guns on the rail
shooting missions. All guns are in single player and multiplayer except for the
ones indicated.

Fist (Single Player Only)-
Clip Size- NA
Alt. Fire- NA
When this is selected, James punches. This is good to use only when sneaking
up on someone so you don't have to waste ammo. This is difficult to use when
you are seen because you have to be extremely close for your punches to land.

P2K/Golden Gun-
Clip Size- 6(Increase to 12 with a gold medal on Cold Reception)
Alt. Fire- Golden Gun - Bond screws a silencer onto the gun.
P2K - After Level 5: Cold Reception, Bond screws a silencer onto the
(Multiplayer Only - Golden Gun) - Shoots a 1 shot kill bullet.
The P2K is excellent at aiming so you shouldn't worry about missing with it.
The downside to it is that early in the game it has a small clip size, average
rate of fire, and a lack of power. With the rewards you get for getting gold
medals on levels, it becomes a very powerful weapon. If you get all the
medals, it has a larger clip size, rapid fire, unlimited ammo, and more power
making it a very good gun (nearly better than machine guns).

Grenades (Only in Single Player- Get Gold Grenades by getting a gold medal on
Night of the Jackal)-
Clip Size- NA (Hold 1 at a time)
Alt. Fire- None
Grenades are used when confronted with a tough situation. Usually used when
there are many enemies, or 1 tough enemy to kill. Usually bounced off of walls
to kill hard to reach enemies. The grenades are hard to aim, but equal out in
their powerful explosion.

KA57S (Single Player only - Rail Missions)-
Clip Size- 50
Alt. Fire- Zoom-in
The KA57S is VERY much like the KA57. I just noticed the name change a couple
days ago! The one main difference between the guns is that the KA57S has a
larger clip size and it can zoom-in, unlike the KA57. (Scope noticed by
firestorm) Otherwise, the KA57S is just like the KA57, an overall good gun
allowing maximum damage at close range, and average damage at far range.

CH-6 (Only in Single Player - Rail Missions - Get Gold CH-6 by getting a gold
medal on Precious Cargo)
Clip Size- 6
Alt. Fire- None
The CH-6 is a good weapon, although it is only in rail shooting missions. The
aiming is near perfect and the explosion good. It is much like the MRL 22. It
is also good at close range, but you kill yourself if it is too close.

Shotgun (Only in Single Player - Rail Missions)-
Clip Size- 8
Alt. Fire- None
This shotgun is used in the rail shooting missions, and is called Shotgun. It
is a pretty powerful gun, but since you are moving constantly in rail missions,
the gun is hard to hit the target with.

Dart Gun (Only in Single Player on the Bad Diplomacy Stage)-
Clip Size- 3
Alt. Fire- None
The Dart Gun is a VERY accurate gun. I have actually gotten through Bad
Diplomacy with 100% accuracy. This gun fires rapidly, and knocks out guards in
1 shot no matter where it hits them making it very good. Even if I had any
other guns on Bad Diplomacy, I would still use the Dart Gun.

RCH-1 (Single Player Only on Forbidden Depths stage)-
Clip Size- 1
Alt. Fire- None
This is an AWESOME rocket launcher. Once you shoot the rocket out of the
launcher, you guide the rocket to its target nearly guaranteeing that you hit
it. Very powerful as well. It was a shame that this gun was not in multiplayer
or any other single player missions...

Clip Size- 6
Alt. Fire- None
The Defender is a pretty good pistol with excellent accuracy and power, but bad
recoil making the firing rate slow. This gun is the equivalent of the P2K
since they would both kill a guard in the same amount of time.

Clip Size- 6
Alt. Fire- None
A pretty good revolver (looks funny in a James Bond game). Pretty powerful and
good accuracy, but a slow firing rate. Another good gun to use when messing
around. Also good for shooting from a sniper position.

Clip Size- 30 bullets
Alt. Fire- None
The KS7 is a good machine gun for the early levels since the guards do not have
really powerful guns yet. The reason this gun is not very good, is because
that the accuracy is pretty bad. You have to be really close to your target to
have the weapon be at its full potential.

Clip Size- 40
Alt. Fire- None
The Ingalls oozie is a good sub machinegun, but it has horrible accuracy from
far away. Very good at close range battles, but not get from far away. Try
using this gun while in small hallways and buildings.

Clip Size- 60
Alt. Fire- None
The PS100 is a very powerful gun with good accuracy. To keep the accuracy rate
good, tap the fire button because the first shots out of the PS100 go near
straight, but after a while accuracy drops tremendously. This is the main gun
of choice in the later levels and is one of my favorites that I like to use.
In close range battles, enemies die almost instantly.

Clip Size- 30 bullets
Alt. Fire- None
This is a pretty good machine gun. Has a pretty large clip, meaning it is
devastating if unloaded at close range. The KA57 is average in aiming making
it overall, an average gun. Even though it has bad aiming, do not
underestimate the ability of this gun to find and kill its mark.

Clip Size- 40
Alt. Fire- 2 different levels to zoom in with.
The UGW is the most accurate machine gun. It is pretty powerful, has 95%
accuracy, and fires rapidly. I recommend using this gun whenever you get it
because it enables you to take out guards from far away so they cannot shoot

Clip Size- 80
Alt. Fire- None
The Calypso is another average machine gun. It is pretty powerful, but accuracy
is not very good. If it is a close range battle, the Calypso is a lethal

Clip Size- 50
Alt. Fire- 2 zoom levels
The D17 is like the UGW, except a little more powerful. It has near perfect
accuracy and can take down unsuspecting guards and human opponents from far
away. It is only on Evil Summit in single player though.

FSU-4 -
Clip Size- 40
Alt. Fire- Grenade Launcher, 1 grenade clip.
The FSU-4 is a very good machine gun. It has the 2nd best accuracy of the
machine guns, and is pretty powerful. It also has the ability to fire
grenades. This comes in very handy for bosses or just tough spots in the game.

Clip Size- 5 (Have to re-cock every shot)
Alt. Fire- 2 different zoom levels.
This is a Very good weapon. The SSR4000 is a great gun at any long distance
shots. This is the sniper weapon in the game and it has almost 100% accuracy.
This gun can take down any foe if the shot is in his/her head (except for
bosses). The only downside of this gun is that it is not effective at close
range battles. The long cocking time is the main problem, although you can
still kill someone in 1 hit in close range.

Clip Size- 8 (Have to re-cock the shotgun after each shot)
Alt. Fire- (Multiplayer only) Makes the Frinesi an automatic shotgun (shoot
without having to re-cock after each shot)
The Frinesi is a very powerful shotgun and can be extremely devastating at
close range. 1 to 2 shots can kill nearly anyone at close range. The
alternate fire for multiplayer only is very good. It turns the Frinesi to an
automatic, making it lethal to close unsuspecting opponents. The one thing the
Frinesi lacks, is long-range accuracy since the shotgun balls spread out over
large distances.

Grenade Launcher (Multiplayer only)-
Clip Size- 10
Alt. Fire- Shoots a grenade that hits the ground and splits into many tiny
The Grenade Launcher is pretty good in multiplayer. It has a large clip size,
and a very good alternate fire. The only bad thing about the Grenade Launcher,
is that it can't fire the grenades very far, unless you are on a balcony or
high spot in the level which increases the distance the grenade goes. The
alternate fire is VERY helpful. It launches a grenade that on impact splits
apart in 5-8 grenades in a circle around where the first grenade hit. After a
second, there is a pretty big explosion that can easily kill, or damage anyone

Clip Size- 1 Rocket
Alt. Fire- (Multiplayer only) Shoots a missile that you can guide, but it does
not go to a separate camera to guide it.
Very good weapon overall. Has near perfect accuracy and rockets have a pretty
good explosion radius. This weapon is very good on unsuspecting opponents or
opponents very far away. The alternate fire for multiplayer is especially
helpful in getting those hard to reach snipers, or opponents hiding just around
the corner. Not good in close range fights since you can easily kill yourself
with a bad aimed rocket.

Photon Cannon (Multiplayer only)-
Clip Size- 1
Alt. Fire- Hold down the fire button it will shoot out 5 plasma shots, but
these are not homing.
The Photon Cannon is a very powerful multiplayer weapon. It is great for
hitting unsuspecting opponents from far away since the shots have the homing
ability. Also, if your shot hits your opponent, it kills them instantly. The
only bad thing about the Photon Cannon, is that the shots move extremely slow,
meaning the opponent can easily evade them, but on the contrary, if you use the
alt. Fire in close quarters battles, you are almost guaranteed a kill since the
shots spread out in an arc.

Trip Mines (Multiplayer only)-
You can only place mines on the walls. Once you place this mine on a wall, it
shoots out a red beam, and anyone that happens to walk into the beam will trip
the mine and most likely die.

Detonator Mines (Multiplayer only)-
You can only place mines on the walls. Once you place this mine on a wall,
change to your Q-Remote and detonate it whenever you see an enemy near it.

Proximity Mines (Multiplayer only)-
You can only place mines on the walls. Once you place this mine on a wall, run
away from it so you don't get blown up yourself. These mines sense if there is
a person near them, so whoever gets too close, gets blown up. Place these
mines in blind spots so your opponent won't know what hit them.


5) Car, Tank, and fixed Weapons

Throughout this game, you use a variety of weapons. These weapons listed are
ones that you do not carry around, and are on your car.

Machine Guns-
For the car, the machine guns are the primary weapon. You have unlimited ammo
for these guns, but they do not do very much damage to other cars.

These rockets can be picked up throughout the levels. Fire the rockets and
they go in a straight line exactly to where you aimed them. They are pretty
good at taking out other cars.

You also can find missiles throughout the levels. These missiles are launched
from your car, and home in on the enemy cars. Two good hits on an enemy car
and the car will explode.

Chain Gun-
The main weapon that you use on the tank. It never has to reload and it starts
out with 750 bullets. Very accurate and powerful. Can easily destroy enemy
guards and vehicles.

MGF-34 (Cannon)-
The tank's other weapon is the cannon. The cannon is pretty accurate, but for
some reason does not have a big explosion area. Still, a pretty good weapon.

Fixed Machine Gun-
There are a few levels that have fixed machine guns in them. Man the machine
gun, and then fire away since it has unlimited ammo. The machine gun is very
powerful as well.


6)Handheld and Car Gadgets

Gadgets are very useful in the James Bond game, and the game would be
unbeatable without these useful items. Here is their names and what they are
used for.

Fires a strong laser beam that can easily cut through locks.

Shoots a strong wire filament that attaches to perforated surfaces.

Has a short burst of vertical thrust that can help you reach higher places.

Can unlock doors and hack into computers.

Copies computer programs and allows you to use them on other machinery objects
that require the program.

Allow you to see hidden doors, and panels.

Q-Card (Get it on Night of the Jackal)-
You get this from R. He is in the upper apartment room, and is behind the
hologram of the naked chick that is taking a shower. This card is like a
skeleton key and lets you open doors without using a key card.

This item is found in a couple of levels and has different uses. Usually to
open doors, but sometimes for passwords on machines.

Q-Camera (Cold Reception)-
Take pictures of important items.

Q-Vision (Streets of Bucharest)-
Like night vision, allows you to see heat in the dark.

Charge up the pulse, drive near the enemy car, and when it releases it will
stall the enemy car.

Oil slicks to make the enemy cars skid out and crash.

Sends out a smoke screen behind the car, which limits visibility and causes the
enemy cars to crash.

When used, makes your car go super-fast.

Q-Locator (Streets of Bucharest)-
Helps you find the computer chip that was jettisoned out of the enemy



M- M detests shoddy work from her agents, and is very concerned with details.
Before each mission, she informs you of the latest information.

R- R is a great inventor and makes all of your gadgets. He likes it when you
use them, but keeps reminding you to keep them in one piece... or else.

Zoe Nightshade- Zoe is a CIA undercover agent willing to assist you in bringing
down Adrian Malprave. She is skilled in firearms and is a world-class driver.

Dr. Natalya Damescu- Natalya is an ex-lab worker for Poseidon. She is willing
to tell you the information about Poseidon and bring Adrian Malprave down.



Adrian Malprave- She is the head of Malprave Industries which is involved in
oil, shipping and biotechnology. Recently Adrian has been photographed with
the villain Carla the Jackal. An investigation has shown that some links to
other companies have no influence on income at all...

Nigel Bloch- Bloch is the head of Identicon Corporation, a subsidiary of
Malprave Industries. He was released from prison a while ago and has made
great inventions in biotechnology. His link with Malprave makes everyone
believe he has gone back to crime.

Carla the Jackal- Carla is a terrorist that has been spotted around the world,
and recently with Adrian Malprave. She is an extraordinary thief that has
extraordinary abilities to escape capture. She is always available for hire,
and has growing relations with Adrian Malprave.

Evil Zoe Clone- The "Zoe" you meet at the beginning of the game is actually a
clone of the real Zoe. The clone was intended to get information from you, and
the rocket that killed her was supposed to be for you.

Reginald Griffin- A diplomat that was cloned and appeared to be assassinated.
Has many links to Malprave Industries as a supplier, although his intentions
are unknown.

Twins- The two twins that meet you in the Cold Reception stage. They may have
good looks, but they are twisted in Malprave's plot somehow... Not much
information in the game about them.



This is the good juicy part of the guide. At the beginning of each level, I
will write the briefing, objectives, rewards, what gadgets are available in the
level, and what guns are found in the level. Also, I will add how many bond
moves, and 007 icons there are, plus how many armor vests are hidden in the
level and how many enemies there are. NOTE: for those seeking all the bond
moves and icons, bond moves will be marked with (# bond move) and sentences
containing the 007 icons will start with ** and end with ** and (#). The
astericks will be used only if the 007 icon is out of the way of the regular
course of the level. Also, on each level, I assume you have all the Gold
Rewards up to that, so make sure you get them to make the levels a tad bit
easier. Now to the walkthrough.

Level 1:
Trouble in Paradise
Zoe Nightshade, CIA Operative
"007, the CIA has come to us for assistance. It appears that one of their
agents, a miss Zoe Nightshade, recently sent out a distress signal. Since you
are already on location in Hong Kong, we saw this as an opportunity to help out
our American friends."
Nigel Bloch, International Terrorist
"Nightshade was investigating a botanical research firm known as Identicon,
headed by a man named Nigel Bloch. The CIA believes that Identicon is a front
for a massive smuggling ring dealing in biological weapons."
Case Containing Vials
"In Nightshade's last report, she informed us that Identicon was taking
considerable measures to transport and protect vials of some unknown substance.
Nightshade was to obtain one of their courier cases and have its contents
analyzed, but her mission was compromised. You need to retrieve that courier
case 007 and rescue Miss Nightshade."
"Now pay attention. I provided you with a high tension grappling line I call
the Q-Claw. Use this device to latch on to special perforated surfaces in
order to pull yourself up to ledges and platforms. You'll also carry the
Q-Laser, which emits a powerful beam of coherent light, capable of slicing
through metal alloys commonly used in locks."

Infiltrate research facility
Find courier case containing vials
Rescue CIA agent Zoe Nightshade

Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 50,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Gun
Platinum Medal Target- 50,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Map- Rocket Manor


P2K (Golden Gun)
Grenade (Golden Grenades)
SSR 4000

Bond Moves: 7
007 Icons: 4
Armor Vests: 4
Enemies: 27
First walk forward, go up the steps and use the Q-Decryptor to unlock the door
(first bond move). Do not go in, but walk backwards and look up above the
entrance. Change to your Q-Claw and latch onto the perforated spot on the pipe
(second bond move). Now turn right once you get on top of the building and
walk straight on this pathway (1). Drop down the hole, and turn 180 degrees to
be looking out a small hole at a guard. Change to your fists, and drop down
behind the guard. Punch him and he will collapse and leave P2K ammo and a
keycard. Walk around the desk and use the Q-Decryptor on the door (third bond
move). Walk straight ahead and there will be another door that leads to the
armory. Open this door (fourth bond move) and go inside to collect a MRL-22
and four grenades. Turn around and walk all the way back past the desk that
you came from. When you get where there are crates lying on the floor, turn
right and enter the elevator and press the button to go down to the next floor.
Once you get down here, shoot the guard once really quick and he will go hide
behind some crates. Take cover behind the desk he was at, and you will notice
that near him is an explosive barrel, shoot it to kill him and then pick up his
ammo. ** In this room, there will be some crates in the right corner, jump up
on top of these crates and get the icon (2)**. Turn right, and go up the steps,
then use the Q-Laser on the gate with the lock on it (fifth bond move). Walk
straight through this glass passage, and when you come out turn right. The
guards will notice you and take cover behind some crates. There is a forklift
with an explosive tank on it near them. Use the manual aim to shoot the tank
to kill the guards, then pick up their KS7 ammo (sixth bond move). You will
turn right, and look up to see a crate suspended in the air. Use the P2K to
shoot the rope holding the crate and it will land on an enemy killing him
(seventh bond move). Now switch to either your KS7 or MRL-22. There will be
four guards coming down the hallway. Edge around the corner so you can unload
on them with the KS7, or pop around the edge and launch a few missiles. If you
get hit, there is some armor behind the crates to your left. ----Different
way--- Instead of shooting the guys, hide behind the crates that the body
armor is behind, and the guards will run right past you saving you health,
time, and ammunition------ (Sent in by crappy_man_1). Walk down the hall, and
pick up their ammo. You will then be placed in a new room and if you walk
forward the lights will darken. ** To get the icon, go to the left and middle
of the room; the icon will be floating on the floor (3)**. Walk forward and go
on the far right side. There is a guy on some steps that has grenades. Kill
him and it will alert some other guards you can subdue. Use the planters for
cover, then pop up and shoot the guy that is on the left side of the room.
Now, walk up the platform the grenadier was on. On your right around the wall
are some bad guys. Pop around the corner and nail them with the KS7 and pick
up the Frinesi that the guy drops. Walk forward and be cautious. The room
with the red tint has a guard to the left behind some crates. Pop out and
shoot him before he has time to respond. Where the guard was hiding, there is
some armor. Now turn around, and grab the vial case. Then open the door and
go in. Go up the steps, and when you get to the top, walk on the metal ones to
the right. ** To get the 007 icon, go to the left of the metal stairs and the
icon will be right in front of you (4)**. Keep walking forward and watch the
cut-scenes. Now shoot the guard on the right and it will show him fall. Run
across this straight part of walkway and pick up the SSR4000. Now, go down the
concrete steps to the left. Use the stairs for cover, and pick off the guards
trying to shoot you. Make sure every guard dies with one shot so you will have
less guys to deal with later. Now walk left and go down the elevator and pull
out your KS7. Walk through the passage, and edge around the corner. Straight
in front of you, a guard will be hiding behind a crate with an explosive barrel
beside it. Shoot the barrel to blow the guards cover, then nail him with the
KS7. Keep walking straight, and a guard will pop out from behind one of the
concrete support beams on your left. Hide behind the crates, then pop up and
shoot him. Walk forward, and a little to your right will be a grenadier.
Shoot him while he pulls out his gun. Turn right some more and to your left
near the wall is some crates, an explosive barrel, and a guard. Blow up the
barrel to kill the guard. Keep walking straight and a guard will run from the
right of the screen to hide behind some crates. Blast him before he can hide.
Now turn right and run straight. Change to the Frinesi and two guards will
come out of the elevator. Unleash on both guards before they can hide behind
the pillars, now turn right and use the Q-Laser on Zoe's lock to free her and
end the mission.

Bond Moves:
1) Open the first door using the Q-Decryptor.
2) Use the Q-Claw to latch onto the perforated part of the pipe above the
3) Use the Q-Decryptor on the door near the guard typing on the computer.
4) Use the keycard from the guard at the computer on the armory door.
5) After going down the elevator and killing the guard, use the Q-Laser on the
lock on the gate.
6) As the guards run and hide behind the crates, shoot the forklift with the
explosive barrel on it.
7) Use the forklift as cover, then look up and shoot the rope that is holding a
crate in the air.

007 Icon Locations:
1) At the beginning of the level, switch to the Q-Claw and use it to grapple up
to the perforated spot on the pipe above the entrance to the building. Turn to
your right and walk straight on the roof to get the icon.
2) After you go down the first elevator and shoot the guard in the room, jump
up on the crates in the right side of the room; it is on top of the crates.
3) When you get to the room where they darken the lights, go over on the left
side and it will just be floating there on the floor.
4) After you get the case with the vials go in the door. You will appear in
another place. Walk forward and turn left. Do not go on the metal stairs, but
to the left of the stairs is the icon. Walk over and get it.

Level 2:
Precious Cargo
Bloch's Men in Pursuit
"Good work on your successful infiltration of the research facility Bond. As
you know, your liberation of Nightshade did not go undetected. Bloch's men
have been ordered to apprehend you at all costs."
Bloch's Heavy Firepower
"I recommend you leave the driving to her and use whatever means at your
disposal to fend off enemy attackers."
Identicon Factory
"Your destination is Identicon's factory near the dockyards. Agent Nightshade
has indicated that the second shipment with the last set of vials can be found
there. Penetrate their defenses and recover that case!"
R's Field Office
"Once you have recovered the vials deliver them to R for analysis. He will be
waiting for you within the dockyards and will escort agent Nightshade to

Infiltrate Identicon Facility
Locate missing vials

Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 50,000
Gold Medal Reward- Gold CH-6
Platinum Medal Target- 50,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Game Mode - Golden Gun


CH-6 (Golden CH-6)

Bond Moves: 13
007 Icons: 6
Armor Vests: 3
Enemies: 72
As the mission starts, the helicopter comes over the hill. Unload at the
helicopter. Kill the man on the side with the machine gun (first bond move),
then blow up the helicopter. Turn to face the front of the car and shoot a
missile from your CH-6 at the helicopter before it starts firing missiles,
making the car swerve and chances of hitting the helicopter less. Turn around
and there will be a BMW that speeds up behind you and pulls around to the side
of the car. Shoot out the tires (second bond move) and then turn around to the
front where an armored van drives from the street ramp in front of you. Shoot
the guy in the back of the van while Zoe drives closer. Then shoot out the
tires (third bond move). As you drive, look backwards behind your car. A BMW
will pop out of a side street. Shoot out the tires (fourth bond move). Soon
after, a limo pulls out of a side street. Shoot out it's tires as well (fifth
bond move). Now switch to your CH-6. In front of you will be a roadblock of
two cars. Blast both cars with your CH-6 (1). Your car will turn down an
alley and quickly switch to the KA-57S. Shoot the guy with that has the rocket
launcher before he can shoot you. Now, you will stop in an open area. Shoot
the barrels on the left killing those guys, now shoot the barrels in front of
you killing those guys. Now shoot the barrels to the right of you (sixth bond
move). Look up as you exit the garage and shoot the helicopter that flies
above (2). Now, pay attention to the limo that comes behind you. Shoot out
the tires (seventh bond move). Now, your car will make a sharp left. Quickly
shoot out the tires of the BMW behind you (eight bond move). Now turn around
and to the front right of the car is a bad guy. Kill him (3). You will then
drive a little ways and arrive in front of a gas station. You slow down.
Shoot the guy I the helicopter (ninth bond move). Shoot the gas pump to make
it explode (tenth bond move). Pull out your CH-6 to blow up the helicopter and
the two BMW's. You will drive straight at the factory. Shoot the three guys
in the front with the CH-6 (to make sure you kill them) (4). You ramp through
the building. Change to your KA-57S and shoot the guy on the catwalk in front
of you. Now turn to the left and shoot the barrels between the two guys
(eleventh bond move). Now, shoot the big gray column that is a little to the
left causing a huge explosion (5). Switch to your KA-57S and shoot the guy
below the downward ramp. Now, pull out the CH-6 quickly and aim up a little.
Shoot the guys on the catwalk (twelfth bond move). Turn to the right and shoot
all the fans after you get past the last smoldering column (6). You will drive
ahead so change back to your KA-57S. Turn right and shoot the barrels near the
forklift (thirteenth bond move). Shoot the guy to the front right of the car,
turn around and shoot the guy near the left. Shoot another guy that appears to
the left near the green crates, and then aim up above the green crates and a
little to the left to shoot the guy up there in black. Now shoot the flashing
red button in front of the generator, which moves the big machine thing. Shoot
out the red thing that holds the big piece of medal up to complete the level.

Bond Moves:
1) Shoot the guy in the first helicopter right at the start.
2) Shoot out the tires of the first BMW.
3) Shoot out the tires of the armored van.
4) Shoot out the tires of the next BMW.
5) Shoot out the tires of the limo.
6) In the area where you stop and are surrounded by bad guys, shoot the
explosive barrels on each side to get the move.
7) Shoot out the tires of this limo that follows you.
8) After making the sharp left, shoot out the following BMW's tires.
9) At the gas station, shoot the guy in the helicopter.
10) At the gas station, shoot one of the gas pumps to make the place explode.
11) Right after you enter the factory, shoot the guy on the catwalk. Then on
the left, two guys appear. Shoot the explosive barrels near them to get the
12) In the second room of the factory, shoot the two guys on the catwalk above
and in front of you.
13) In the third, and final room of the factory, shoot the explosive barrel
near the forklift that is by the green crates.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) At a certain point in the level a little after the beginning, Zoe will say
that there is a roadblock ahead. In front of you will be two limos. Destroy
both limos to get the icon.
2) You will arrive in a place where you stop and kill the enemies that are
surrounding you on the left, right, and in front. After killing them, the car
will go right. Get out your KA-57S and look up as you exit the overhang. A
helicopter will be flying in the air, and a couple shot will take it down and
get you this icon.
3) After you cut across the grass in the median, you will make a sharp 90
degree left turn. Now straight ahead of you on the right on the sidewalk will
be a bad guy. Shoot him to get the icon.
4) At a point in the level, you will drive straight approaching the factory.
In front of the factory are some bad guys. Kill all three of them to get the
5) Right after you enter the factory, switch to your CH-6. Now aim to your
left a little to see the huge gray column. Shoot it and it will explode giving
you the next icon.
6) You will proceed through an overhang and be in the second room of the plant.
On the right are some gray columns. Shoot the fans (black box things on the
wall) and you will get the icon.

Level 3:
Dangerous Pursuit
Case Containing Vials
"007, it's too late for agent Nightshade, but she needn't died in vain. It's
imperative that you reclaim those vials as quickly as possible."
Vials Transferred to Armored Van
"We've intercepted their radio transmission. They intend to transfer the vials
to an armored van for more secure transportation. You must get to that
rendezvous before they escape."
Keep Vials Intact
"Should you be unable to prevent the transfer from occurring you must stop the
armored van at all costs. Use caution however, we need those vials intact."
"007, I've air-dropped some Q-Lab equipment into your area. They will appear
as blips on your radar. The Q-Pulse is particularly effective in disabling
vehicles without damaging their contents. You'll need to get within a few
meters of your target to allow adequate charge-up time to insure success."

Locate Stolen Vials
Disable Armored Van

Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 70,000
Gold Medal Reward- Unlimited Missiles
Platinum Medal Target- 70,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Stealth Bond


Machine Guns

Bond Moves: 5
007 Icons: 5
Armor Vests: 5
Enemies: 15
At the beginning of the level, turn around and drive down the alley to the left
to get the first 007 icon (1). From the alley, back out turn around and start
going straight. Get the Q-Smoke in the road. You will make a right turn and
there will be a roadblock. Shoot a rocket at the barrels on the left causing a
big explosion (first bond move). You will then pick up some more rockets.
Blow up the crate in front of you to get another 007 icon (2). You then go
into a closed passageway. Shoot the explosive barrel on the right (second bond
move). Turn left and drive straight on this street. On the left you will see
big building all by itself. Turn left and go into the road that goes in the
building. The icon is between the pillars (3). You will eventually pass a gas
station on your right. Shoot the gas pump (third bond move) and then drive
between the building and the pump closest to it to snag the icon (4). Now turn
left and stay on this same road (the one you were already on). Eventually, the
buildings, will disappear and there will be trees on the left. Right when
there are trees, go on the left sidewalk to snag the icon (5). Follow the road
as normal, and it will go straight to the armored van with the vials. Change
to the Q-Smoke and as you drive by the BMW's defending the truck, use the smoke
screen on one of the cars (fourth bond move). Now chase down the van and use
the Q-Pulse on it (fifth bond move).
NOTE: Do not get the 007 Icons if you are going for a gold medal. Also, to
beat the level quicker for gold, do not go left, go right and follow the radar
to the van. It is much faster to the right.

Bond Moves:
1) At the first blockade of BMW's, shoot the explosive barrels on the left.
2) As you exit the dockyard, you are in a closed passage. Shoot the barrel on
your right that will kill the guys shooting you from the right side.
3) On the left side of the level is a really big gas station. Shoot one of the
gas pumps making the place explode.
4) Disable any enemy car to get a bond move.
5) Use the Q-Pulse to disable the armored van.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) From the beginning, turn around and go down the alley on your left. It is
down there close to the end.
2) Destroy the crate after the roadblock, and the icon will be inside it.
3) After you get out of the dockyards, turn left, and stay on this main road on
the left side of the level. After a while, there will be no buildings, and on
your left a really big building with an entrance in it's side. Turn left off
the road, and then right into the little overhang and the 007 icon will be
between the two pillars.
4) On your right, right after the building that had the previous 007 icon,
there will be a gas station. Drive between the building, and the pump closest
to the building so you can get the icon that is waiting for you there.
5) Stay left after the gas station, and on your left after a little ways, the
buildings will be gone and there will be trees. Right when this happens, there
is a 007 icon on the left sidewalk waiting for you to get.

Level 4:
Bad Diplomacy
Evidence retrieved in Hong Kong
"The evidence you retrieved in Hong Kong contains nine vials of human blood
samples as well as photographs of the British Embassy in Romania. Eight of the
vials were labeled with initials of the world's industrial nations. The last
vial was marked "Griffin"."
Reginald Griffin, Diplomat
"The computer data-based search turned up a man named Reginald Griffin serving
as a British diplomat in Romania. Griffin's behavior has been a subject of an
internal foreign minister report. He seems obsessed with protecting a secure
room in the embassy, an area normally outside of his jurisdiction."
Embassy Guards
"We want you to infiltrate Griffin's secure room, find out what he's hiding,
and access his computer records. Because he's a high level diplomat this must
remain a strictly covert investigation. We're not sure of the extent of the
conspiracy so trust nobody. Remember too, that the guards are not suspected
and may not be harmed."
Dart Gun
"On that note 007, I've provided you with a Dart Gun that will tranquilize, but
not harm the guards. I've also issued you a pair of Q-Specs, which can be used
to see hidden doors and hatches. British embassies rely heavily on these
security measures."

Infiltrate Private Quarters on Top Floor
Gain Access to Secure Room
Use Passcode Generator on Griffin's Computer
Escape Embassy Undetected

Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 70,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Accuracy
Platinum Medal Target- 70,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Powerup - Gravity Boots


Dart Gun

Bond Moves: 7
007 Icons: 4
Armor Vests: 1
Enemies: 11
As you pull out your dart gun, a soldier walks by in front of you. Shoot him,
walk up the steps, and go in the doors. Walk past the elevator, and turn right
then shoot the guard. Turn left to be in an office type area. Go to the end,
turn left, and pick up the darts on the table. ** The icon is lying on the
ground near the table with the darts (1)**. Now turn around, and walk back to
the elevator. Get in it. Turn left out of the elevator, then right and shoot
the guard. ** To get the 007 icon, just walk around to the opposite side of
the rotunda where the icon is waiting (2)**. Now turn around and go back past
the elevator. Go through the double doors and you will be in the kitchen.
Jump over the cardboard boxes that are in your way towards the exit door. If
you do not, they will rattle and alert guards. Now, quickly open the door and
shoot the guard. Wait, and eventually a guard will appear in front of you.
Shoot him as well. You will notice a laser in front of you. Put on your
Q-Specs and on the left there is a secret panel. Open it then use your Q-Laser
to fry the wires and cut the laser (first bond move). Now, go forward then
turn right. On your left you will notice an open window. Quickly run in front
of it and shoot the guard before he can fire at you. Now turn around and use
your Q-Specs and Q-Laser to disable the next laser alarm (second bond move).
Turn left, put your Q-Specs on again to reveal a secret room. Open it like a
regular door (third bond move). Inside is some armor, darts, and a 007 icon
(3). Now go back, and hop out the open window and you will be on a balcony.
Switch to your Q-Claw and look up. There will be a spot you can latch on to,
so do that (fourth bond move). Now walk left, and jump through another open
window. This completes your objective. Now walk into the next room and open
the door on the right (fifth bond move). In this room it goes to a cut-scene
where a lady is getting dressed behind a screen. Bond picks up the Keycard and
then chats with her as she walks out from behind it in a short, tight, red
skirt/dress. She then kicks him out. Now walk forward, and open the door on
the left to find darts. Turn around and walk straight. Then open the door to
watch a cut-scene showing Reginald Griffin dead. Immediately after the
cut-scene is over, shoot the other Griffin twice. You might get shot, but it
doesn't matter. Pick up the pass code generator (sixth bond move). Go back to
the computer by the open window that you came in from, and use it on the
computer to complete the objective. Now go back through Griffin's room and go
through the door. You will come out in a room with some glass cases and a
guard. Shoot the guard. ** Walk behind the cases to get the 007 icon (4)**.
Walk straight and turn right. If you see the guard shoot him. If not, use the
Q-Specs and Q-Laser to disable the alarm (seventh bond move). Now go past the
elevator, and shoot the guard in this hallway. Go to the elevator, get in it,
an then turn left when you get out of it. The hallway turns right, then open
the double doors. Jump over the railing and go to the front doors. A guard
will open the doors, so shoot him, then walk outside to complete the mission.

Bond Moves:
1) Disable the first laser.
2) Disable the next laser in the same hallway as the first.
3) Enter the secret room around the corner from the second laser.
4) On the balcony, use your Q-Claw to reach the balcony above, instead of
climbing up the ladder.
5) Open the door on the right after the room with the computer. Watch the cool
cut-scene and you will get the bond move.
6) Kill the Griffin "clone" and pick up the pass code generator.
7) Disable the last alarm that moves up and down.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) It will be on the floor near the desk with the darts on it.
2) After shooting the guard, just walk around the rotunda to get the 007 icon.
3) The 007 icon is inside the secret room on the floor.
4) Shoot the guard and get the icon that is behind the glass cases.

Level 5:
Cold Reception
Clone of Griffin
"Shocking news 007, we conducted tests on the man who attacked you in the
embassy. He was more than just an imposter he was an exact genetic duplicate
of Griffin, in short, a clone."
Malprave Industries
"The message you retrieved from Griffin's computer mentioned a company,
Malprave Industries based in Switzerland, a leader in bio-engineering
technology. It fits the evidence that Malprave Industries is involved in the
illegal advancement of human cloning."
CEO's Office
"Bond, your mission is to infiltrate Malprave Industries and collect any
incriminating information. You'll be posing as Mr. Somerset, a journalist who
has arranged an interview with the company's reclusive owner and CEO. Once
inside, look for evidence that will give us an indication of Malprave's plan."
"Hello 007, for this mission we have provided you with a micro-camera for
photographing sensitive materials. Your Q-Decryptor can be used to hack into
Malprave's computer mainframes. In addition, I have equipped you with a
Q-Remote gadget. This device recalls electronic signals which can then be used
to control remotely control the matching machine or computer."

Photograph Satellite Imagery
Photograph Blueprints
Retrieve data from basement mainframes
Use Tram Cable to Escape Facility

Suggested Level to get Gold on: agent
Gold Medal Target- 90,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Clip
Platinum Medal Target- 90,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Guard


P2K (Golden Gun)
Grenades (Golden Grenades)
SSR 4000

Bond Moves: 8
007 Icons: 7
Armor Vests: 7
Enemies: 25
At the beginning, turn left a little, and go up the stairs to your left, which
will put you on the right side of the big portrait of the top half of Adrian
wearing a nice looking shirt :), now press the button on the desk, which will
be to your right. ** To get the 007 icon, hit the button on the opposite desk,
not the one in the middle of the room, and a door will open. Quickly kill the
guards before they sound the alarm, then walk into the opened passage where the
icon is (1)**. Doing so, will open the door on the left of the main lobby
without making any guards appear. Go through this door and walk down the
passageway. You will soon see a vent with a lock on it. Use the Q-Laser on it
and crawl in (first bond move). Crawl back out the way you came, and open the
door. In front of you will be a guard, staring at one of the pictures of the
scantily clad twins. He will not notice you till you are close, so let loose
on him with your P2K with the silencer on. Turn to the right of the twin
picture and there will be some pictures on a trifold. Get out your Q-Camera
and take a photograph of them to complete the first objective. Now, open the
double doors leading to the next room. Quickly subdue the guard in this room
by any means possible, because soon after another guard will open the double
doors to the right of this room. Kill this guard as well, making sure they do
not set off the alarm. Proceed through the double doors the guard opened (to
the right of the double doors you came in, and there will be another guard in
this room for you to gun down. Now, turn to your right after you kill this
guard and there will be some more pictures. Take a picture of these as well
completing the second objective. To your right will be another picture of one
of the twins. This one is not just for show though... Walk up to the picture
and press the action button. The picture will slide like a door. Inside, you
can pick up some armor, and the MRL-22. Make sure not to break the glass or
the alarm will go off. Now turn around and go out of this secret room. ** On
your left are two vents. Go to the far left vent, break the lock on it, crawl
inside, and crawl right to get the icon (2)**. Now go through the door on the
right that is leading away from all the big circular rooms you just went
through. On your right will be a guard as the hall opens up. Shoot him before
he can react. Walk to the bookcase on the right and pick up the Key Card on
the bookshelf to the right (second bond move). Now, turn around and go to the
elevator on the right. Right as it opens again, shoot the guard in this room.
Pick up the armor if you need it, then walk down the stairs. ** Turn to the
right at the base of the stairs to get the icon (3)**. From the base of the
stairs, walk straight to the far end of the room, and turn left. Shoot the
guard here. Now strafe to the left between the mainframes. Far in front of
you will be a guard, kill him as well. Now find the computers (strafe right
and they will be on this side of the room) that have monitors, which is by the
first guard you killed. Press the button on the computer to disable the alarms
(third bond move). Now use the Q-Decryptor on the three mainframe data ports
to finish the objective. Near the exit door of this room, is an oil rig model.
Take a picture of the rig with your Q-Camera (fourth bond move). Open the
exit door using the button and you will begin to get into the cave part of the
level. Keep following the hallway and use the elevator to go down. Now follow
the passage, and you will come to some metal doors. Open them and kill the
guard to your immediate left. Walk down this path and kill the two other
guards patrolling this room. Now, turn right and go down this part of the
cave. Shoot the guard down here, and don't worry if they close the blast
doors, it is overall better. Shoot the guard that closes the doors as well.
Now go back to the first metal doors that you came through. Walk forward and
you will go down some steps. Look up and to the left a little to see a Q-Claw
spot. Latch onto it (fifth bond move). ** Crawl forward inside the passageway
and you will get the icon (4), then keep crawling forward and you will fall out
of the vent. To your left a little and there will be some stairs leading down
a little to crates and some explosive barrels. Behind the barrels is the icon
(5)**. Once inside, crawl forward a little and there will be a lock on the
right, break it open with the Q-Laser and fall out. Now walk forward, and look
up and a little to the left. There is another vent up here, and you will see a
Q-Claw spot. Latch onto it, and crawl left in the vent. The vent will turn,
and then it ends in a room above a guard. Use manual aim, and shoot the guard
in the head. Drop down to where the guard was, and use the Q-Remote on the
computer with the green rings around it (sixth bond move). Now walk forward
onto the metal stairs. Look to the left a little, and you will see a guard
standing beside a tank with a 007 icon on it. Shoot the valve on the tank to
kill the guard (seventh bond move). Wait, and a guard will run up the stairs.
Blast him while he is running up the stairs and he won't shoot you. Walk
straight on the metal stairs some more, and look down to see a guard by a lot
of barrels, shoot the barrels to kill this guard. After blowing the barrels,
walk backwards a little, then stop and another guard should be running up the
stairs. Shoot him while he is still running up the stairs. Now walk forward
again on the metal stairs, and you should hear some gunshots. Turn around,
look up, and kill the sniper that has the defender handgun. **Instead of going
to the stairs leading to the snipers' nest, go down the stairs leading to the
cave floor. To your left a little is a red tinted room. Hide behind the green
boxes near you, and kill the two guards that run out. Now turn around and walk
to the left of the metal stairs you came down on. You will see the icon on top
of the tank to your right. Walk up to the valve, and jump so you land on the
valve. Now jump again off of the valve to land on the top where the icon is
(6). Go back to the base of the metal stairs that you came from, and go to the
left of the red tinted room and past the explosive barrels. Behind the gray
tank is the icon (7)**. Now, go up the stairs that lead to where the sniper
was and take his ammunition. Keep walking on these stairs till you get to the
door with the green blinking access pad. Use the Q-Remote to open the door
(eighth bond move). Change to the SSR 4000 and blast the armored thug away.
The hallway will turn left, and then blast the next thug that is here. Now the
hallway turns to the right. There will be some open metal doors and a guard
standing at them, but he is not facing you. Blast him with whatever you have.
Walk forward to the edge of the door cautiously. Diagonally to your left, is a
sniper on ground level. Pop around the corner and blast him with any of your
guns to kill him. Now walk to your right around this walkway. Open the door,
then climb up the ladder in this room that is to the right of the door in front
of you. Once on top, turn left and walk onto the metal walkway. Hook onto the
tram line (action button), and the mission is complete.

Bond Moves:
1) After entering the door to the left of the main lobby, walk down the
hallway. You should soon come to a vent with a lock on it. Use the Q-Laser on
it, and then crawl inside.
2) After taking pictures completing the objectives, walk towards the elevator.
On your right, will be a guard. Shoot him, walk through the doorway, and pick
up the card on the bookshelf to the right.
3) In the room with the big green computer mainframes, go where there are the
computer monitors and screens in this room. Use the card you picked up to turn
off the alarms and get the move.
4) In the room with the big green computer mainframes, go to the EXIT door.
Near the door is a model of an oil rig. Use the Q-Camera to take a picture of
it and get the move.
5) After you go down the elevator, and come to the first metal doors, walk
straight and down the stairs. Now look up and a little to the left. There
will be a Q-Claw spot. Use the Claw and hook onto it. Crawl inside to get the
6) There is a room in the cave that has the program to open the metal doors so
you can finish the level. If you went through the vents towards the cave area,
then you will drop down into this room. Just use the remote and collect the
program and it gives you the move.
7) In the cave room that has the big tanks, shoot one of the valves of the tank
that the guard is standing in front of. Kill the guard by busting the valve
and you will get the move.
8) Use the program on the doors at the top of the cave, so you can exit the

Location of 007 Icons:
1) It is on the door on the right had side of the room. Open it using the
computer. Now run over and shoot the two guards that come out quickly, so they
don't sound the alarm. The icon is in the passageway that was just opened up
near the body armor on the bookshelf.
2) Go to the room that has the showcase with the MRL-22 in it. There will be a
vent to the left of the door that leads to the next room. Use the Q-Laser on
the vent and crawl inside to get the icon.
3) After you go down the elevator, kill the guard, and go down the first tiny
flight of stairs. Turn right, walk down the next tiny set, and the icon will
be on your right.
4) After going down the elevator, you will come to some metal doors, open them
and walk straight. Now look up to see a Q-Claw spot that will take you into
the vents. There is a 007 icon in here.
5) Go to the metal doors, go the other way this time, and walk left on the
pathway killing the guards. Stay to the left, and on the left side of the open
area there will be a lowered section of walkway that has explosive barrels, and
an icon beside them.
6) When you come to the cave area, you will see an icon on top of a water tank.
Jump on the wall, then onto the tank to get the icon. If this does not work,
then stand by the pipe that has the valve on it. Hold forward and jump and you
can stand on the valve, and then jump again to get on top.
7) Down on the cave floor, there is another 007 icon behind a water tank near
the ladder that leads up to where the sniper was.

Level 6:
Night of the Jackal
Dr. Natalya Damescu
"The data you retrieved in Switzerland includes a file titled "Damaged Goods".
We believe this is a code word for Dr. Natalya Damescu, a scientist formerly in
the employ of Malprave."
British Embassy, Romania
"Dr. Damescu escaped with a data chip containing information on something known
as "Poseidon." Fearing for her life, she has taken refuge in the British
Embassy in Romania."
Carla the Jackal
"There is evidence that Malprave has hired Carla the Jackal to raid the embassy
and kidnap Dr. Damescu. Bond, you must prevent her from being kidnapped."
R's Safehouse
"007, I've secured a room in an upper floor apartment around the corner from
the embassy. You'll have to get past a sniper on the Treeline Street to get
into the apartment. I'll provide you with a device that will allow you to
infiltrate the embassy."

Use Q-Claw to enter R's Safehouse
Infiltrate Embassy
Rescue 5 Civilian Hostages
Find Secret Passage and Rescue Damescu
Destroy Helicopter Gunship

Suggested Level to get Gold on: agent or 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 90,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Grenades
Platinum Medal Target- 90,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Weapon - Viper


P2K (Golden Gun)
Grenades (Golden Grenades)
SSR 4000
4 Fixed guns on roof with gunship (limited ammo)

Bond Moves: 8
007 Icons: 4
Armor Vests: 8
Enemies: 30
Right at the beginning, change to your silenced P2K. Walk forward and a bus
will drive by in front of you and swerve into the embassy fence. Keep walking
straight across the street, and you will see two guards run out from behind a
building. Hide behind the cars and shoot them. Now, walk on the sidewalk
where the guards were, and quickly turn right. There will be a guy who is
throwing grenades at you. Subdue him quickly. Now look a little to the right,
and at the base of the statue are two guards firing at the embassy. Change to
the KA-57 and unload on him. Now, the other guard will run at you. Blast him
just as he comes around the car. All the guards inside the embassy fence
should still be shooting at the building, not you. If they are, you just have
to duck behind the fence outside of the embassy and take down each one of them.
From the car, walk beside the buildings on your left. Straight ahead, there
will be a side-street that goes left. Edge around the corner of the building,
and pop the sniper. **Walk straight and on your left in the first glass
window, is the icon. Shoot out the window then jump on the bench to reach the
window ledge (1)**. Walk straight, and turn right instead of going down the
street in front of you. Now, turn left down the alley. In front of you and a
little to your right will be an arched doorway. As you approach a guard will
run out. Quickly subdue him by any means since there is not any cover here.
Now, turn right through the arched doorway. As you go through, a guard will
appear on the left and the right. Shoot one of the guards as you walk
backwards through the doorway and strafe to the right so you can use the edge
for cover. As the guards run out, blast them. Now walk back and go through
the passage. Ahead of you, you will see a snipers' beam from his gun. Run
straight so that you are under the building overhang. The sniper still shoots
at you, but he does not usually hit you since you are running. Now, aim up on
the balcony and either shoot him, or throw a grenade up there. Now, turn right
around the edge of the building, and look up to see a Q-Claw spot. Latch onto
it to reach a balcony on the side of the building. Once up here, turn left and
jump onto the balcony where the sniper was (first bond move) and collect the
SSR 4000 ammunition. **The icon is on the snipers' balcony (2)**. Now, face
the building you came from and you will see a window that has a Q-Claw to the
right of it, use the Q-Claw to latch onto the perforated spot, then walk to the
right around the balcony. It turns left, and then turn left once you get to
the open doorway leading inside. Go inside through the glass doorway (second
bond move) and walk straight and go down the hallway that is a little to your
right. Turn and open the first door on your left. You will be in a bathroom
with a chick taking a shower. To get a closer look, use the sniper rifle. If
not, just walk up to the shower and watch the cut-scene. Now, walk down the
passageway and it turns to the right. Keep walking and you will be outside on
a balcony. Use the Q-Claw to latch onto the perforated spot on the building in
front of you (third bond move). Once you are on this building, turn left and
walk off the ledge. Now, turn around and walk up the small steps. Turn left
and go through the door. Now, walk up the stairs in front of you. Once you
get to the top, turn right and open the door that will be on your left. You
will see a screaming lady run out of the room. Do not shoot her, but wait.
Soon after a guard will run out chasing her. Lay waste to him, then turn left.
On your left will be file cabinets and other stuff. Edge around this to the
left and you will see another hostage and a guard. Shoot the guard before he
knows what hit him. **Turn around and follow the lady in red into a room.
Turn right once you are inside of the room and walk over and collect the icon
(3)**. Walk to where the guard was standing and turn right. You will see a
glass big glass window and an overturned table in front of it. Approach this
area cautiously and look through the window. You will see some guards. Shoot
one of them, then duck behind the table and shoot the other. There will most
likely be another guard hiding to the left of the window so you have to move
out of cover to shoot him. After killing all the guards (fourth bond move) jump
through the shattered glass window. Pick up the ammunition and walk through
the doorway. Turn right and walk straight. The hallway turns right, then
left. Right after the left turn stop. The second window on the right will
blow out when you walk close. After it blows out, use the wall for cover and
shoot the guard outside who is behind the wooden crate. Now turn left and go
down the hall. In front of you are double doors entering into a kitchen. Open
the doors and run straight, all the while shooting the guard that is in front
of you and a little to the left. Also to your left and at the far end of the
room is another guard. Shoot him from a cover spot in the kitchen. Now, to
kill the two guys near the exit of the kitchen. Hide behind the long island in
the middle of the room, and throw a grenade over while still crouching behind
the island. This will eliminate a guard. Now, just pop up and shoot the last
guard. Go through the exit and the hallway turns right, then left. Slowly
approach the next left turn. Change to a machine gun and pop around the
corner. There will be two guards so just unload at them until they are dead;
remember to use this corner wall for cover. Now, walk straight and edge around
the corner on the right. Blast this guard straight ahead before he can shoot
at you. Walk straight and you will be in the rotunda. Turn right and there
will be a Great Britain flag surrounded by a wood frame. Press the action
button and the flag will roll up revealing a secret passageway (fifth bond
move). Turn left and walk down the passageway. You meet Dr. Damescu (sixth
bond move) and she tells you they stole the chip. Now, open the elevator and
get inside. Now, walk out of the elevator and quickly look up and to the left.
There is a guard by some explosive barrels so shoot the barrels to quickly
dispose of him. If you need some Viper ammunition and some body armor, then
blow up the barrels that are a little to your left. Walk straight through the
double doors and hide behind the crates to your right. Unload on her with any
gun and duck behind the crates when she shoots at you. She will eventually run
to the right, so move a little to the left around your crates so you can see
her. Blast the barrels she is standing by to make her run to the right a
little more. Now, shoot her some more to make her run right again. This time
she runs in front of a yellow piece of machinery. In front and to the right of
the crates you are behind will be a button. Press it to make the machine push
her into the fan (seventh bond move). If you do not want to press the button,
just shoot her some more to kill her. Now, use the ladder to the left of the
entrance to the this room to get up to where Carla the Jackal was. Pick up her
FSU-4 and collect the body armor here if you need it. Turn and go through the
door on the left and change to your SSR 4000. Open the next door and you will
be out on the roof. **To get the icon, run straight and a little to the right,
going past the helipad and towards some crates. Behind the crates is the last
icon for this level (4)**. Run straight and a little to the left going past
the helipad. Crouch near the crates by the mounted machine gun. Now, an
armored helicopter will fly by and try to shoot you, but he cannot hit you
since you are hiding. Watch where he goes, and he will go down the side of the
building behind you. Get out your SSR 4000 and wait till he pops back up.
Nail the pilot in the head (eighth bond move) and you have completed the
mission. If you do not have the SSR 4000, grab the MRL-22 that is to the left
of the entrance onto the roof. Then, just lay waste to the copter to complete
the mission.

Bond Moves:
1) Go to the street that R's apartment is on, and kill the sniper. Use the
Q-Claw to get up to the ledge on the building. Now, jump from the building to
the sniper's nest to get the move.
2) Use the Q-Claw to get up to the ledge on the street that R's apartment is
on. Walk around the ledge and enter the building for the move.
3) After seeing the NICE hologram :), walk down the hall and use the Q-Claw to
get to the other building.
4) In the room with the computers that has glass windows. Shoot the bad guys
through the windows. Kill all the badguys and you will get the move.
5) In the rotunda, open the secret passage behind the Great Britain flag.
6) Rescue/find Damescu by the elevator, and you will get the move.
7) When fighting Carla the Jackal, get her in front of the fan and press the
button to move the crane and knock her into the fan.
8) Use the SSR4000 to kill the pilot of the helicopter gunship.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) After the bus crashes at the beginning of the level, kill the guys and kill
the sniper right near the beginning. There is two alleys you can go down. Go
down the left (which is a dead end). The first store on the right has a 007 in
the glass case in the front of the shop.
2) After you go down the other alley and kill some guards, there will be a
sniper. Kill him, use the Q-Claw to get up to the building, then jump off the
building to the sniper's alcove where the icon is.
3) Eventually you will get to the building where they are holding hostages.
Kill both guys who are holding a single hostage. Follow the hostages to the
room where they are hiding, and the icon will be in there.
4) When you get to the area with the gunship, go to the crates on the right
side. The icon is right behind them.

Level 7:
Streets of Bucharest
Dr. Natalya Damescu
"In her debriefing, Dr. Damescu informed us that Poseidon is a secret
laboratory where Malprave develops her clone replicas, however, Poseidon's
location remains a mystery. That information was on the data chip stolen by
Malprave's henchmen."
Q-Locator at Train Station
"Dr. Damescu installed a micro beacon on the data chip, but it requires a
special locator to read its signal. R has delivered a suitable tracking device
to the local train station for your immediate retrieval."
Location of Data Chip
"Our satellite reconnaissance indicates the helicopter pilot jettisoned the
chip somewhere in the city before his damaged craft was destroyed. Malprave's
men will, undoubtedly, be looking for it, so you must recover it as quickly as
R's Field Office
"Once you have the chip, you'll need to deliver it to R's Field Office on the
other side of the river. From it, he should be able to discern the location of
Poseidon. Good luck 007."

Retrieve Q-Locator
Locate Data Chip
Deliver Data Chip to R

Suggested Level to get Gold on: Agent or 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 100,000
Gold Medal Reward- Lotus Esprit
Platinum Medal Target- 100,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Alpine Guard


Machine Guns
Chain Gun
MGF-34 (Cannon)

Bond Moves: 9
007 Icons: 6
Armor Vests: 6
Enemies: 93
NOTE: It is highly recommended to have unlimited missiles. Do this by getting
a gold on Dangerous Pursuit.
Drive straight along the winding road you start on. Soon, a badguy will pull
out in front of you. Blast him to smithereens! Keep going straight on the
road, and you eventually come to an archway with Q-Slicks underneath it. Here,
turn left. The road will take a sharp right so keep following it. **Right
after the sharp right turn in the road, you will be driving straight. In front
of you there will be a big archway. Right before this archway, take a sharp
right and drive straight to get the icon (1)**. You will go under the archway
and then this road and another road converge into a big road. Go through this
open area after the archway fast, then there will be a limo behind you. Use
the Q-Slicks to take out the limo (first bond move). Right after, take a sharp
left on the road. Drive straight and go up the curving road. You will go
under a bridge and then you will be at a 4-way intersection. Blast the two
cars that appear here, and continue going straight on the same road that you
were just on. The road will slope down and turn left. On the right side of
the road you will see two armored vans. Blow them up as well and keep going on
the same road you are on. The road will curve left, and you should see a tree
in front of you. Drive to the right of the tree and turn right onto this new
road. Go straight and you will cross a bridge and pick up some rockets here.
Keep going straight and you will approach another archway. Stop near it, and
two cars will pull out in front of you. Blast these badguys as well. Keep
going straight and you will pick up some missiles. Soon after, a limo will
pull out on your right. Dispose of this car as well. Keep driving straight
through this big intersection and stay on the road you are already on. It will
curve left, and you will pick up some Q-Slicks. Drive straight towards the
glass doors of the building in front of you. You will pick up some armor here.
Keep going straight, and turn left when you are by the middle train. Shoot
the helicopter on this side using a missile. Now do a 180 turn and shoot the
helicopter on this side with a missile (second bond move). **Drive straight
down the tracks and drive over the icon to get it (2)**. Now, drive straight
just a tad, and do a left U-turn between the middle and far trains. Drive
straight, and get the Q-Locator. Now, go back and drive out of the train
station building through the glass doors that you came in from. Go slow, and
an armored van will speed past you. Blow him up, then go straight on this same
road again. Keep going straight through the big open area, and a limo will
merge onto your road, from a road on the right. Blast the limo and drive
straight. You will go through an archway right after the open area. The road
curves left, and then there is an intersection that has just a left turn. A
helicopter will come from this road. Blast it, then quickly blast the car that
turns off this road as well. Keep going straight on the road you are already
on. You will eventually come to a bridge. As you drive on it, a helicopter
will blow the middle of it up. Ramp over this break in the bridge and land on
the other side (third bond move). **Now, as you drive straight, there will be
an intersection with a road turning left. Near the entrance to this road, is
an alleyway between two buildings. Drive between these buildings and go up the
steps. At the top is the icon (3)**. Drive straight and the road will curve
left. From the intersection (this is the second intersection) an armored van
will drive onto the road you are on from the left. Blast him before the enemy
in the back can shoot at you. Keep going straight on the road you are on and
you will eventually have to make a 90 left turn or you run into a dead end. Go
straight after the turn and the road will curve up and to the right. There
will be another intersection that has a road coming from the left. On this
corner, you will see a building that has an arched passageway going through it.
Go through here and collect the data chip. In front of you will be an archway
exit. Drive fast through here and do not shoot the two cars near the entrance.
Drive at the gap between the two cars, and your car will automatically pop up
on two wheels and go by them (fourth bond move). Keep driving straight, and
you will be going through a park. There is a hill at the far side and you will
ramp off of it and land on a passageway between some buildings (fifth bond
move). **After the first drop off, go straight and fast. Aim your car at the
icon in midair and go through it to get it (4)**. You will go down a series of
drops and then turn left a little through an archway. As you exit, go straight
over the grassy hill and go a little to the right. You will see a Q-Booster
icon, so grab it and go down the pathway. The pathway will curve a little.
Drive straight past the fountains on the left and right. Use the Q-Booster at
the base of the steps that lead up the hill. You will fly across the road and
it will show you a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will be in the tank and
the rest of the level is a rail shooting level. The tank goes straight a
little, and then two cars appear. Change to the cannon and blast each car.
The tank will then take a right and then a left. As you are driving down the
street right after the left turn, turn around and shoot the limo that is
following you, using the machine gun. You then turn left onto a curvy street.
As you drive down it, a BMW comes towards you. Shoot it with the machine gun
so the enemy doesn't have a chance to fire at you with the rocket launchers.
You then turn right off of the curvy road and into an alley. You go straight,
and in front of you is an archway. Use the machine gun and kill the lone guard
under the archway. You will then be in an open area. Shoot the barrels to the
left, which destroy some guards and an armored van (sixth bond move). You go
out of an archway to the right. Change to your cannon and blast the two BMW's
that appear in front of you. You then drive straight and turn to the left. In
front of you, a chopper appears. Destroy the chopper to get a bond move
(seventh bond move). The tank turns left and goes straight for a while. In
front of you a BMW will appear, so blast it with the cannon. The tank then
makes a sharp right turn and then a left turn. In front of you, a helicopter
is above a bridge. Shoot it down to destroy the bridge and allow you to pass
through unharmed (eighth bond move). You go straight, and then the tank
swerves and takes a right down an alleyway. **In front of you a gas truck will
appear, followed by two armored vans. Shoot the truck and it will destroy the
armored vans, giving you the icon (5)**. Shoot the gas truck that appears near
the end of the alleyway and it will destroy the two armored vans that were
behind it. The tank turns right out of the alley drives straight a little,
then turns right onto a curvy road. **After going straight for a little, two
helicopters appear. Destroy both of them to get the icon (6)**. Blow up the
two helicopters that appear, and then you will go up some stairs and break
through some glass windows for a hotel. On top of a roof on at the same height
you are, is a guard across the street. Shoot him with the machine gun. Below
you, a limo pulls onto the road. Blast the limo with the cannon. You then get
the Q-Vision goggles. Straight ahead and up a little is a guard on the
building, kill him. You then turn left. Shoot the guard on each side of the
road. A helicopter will then fly straight at you. Blast it down with the
cannon, or prepare to take a beating from its rockets. You then turn left, and
on a building to your left is another guard to kill. Now, straight in front of
you on a building is yet another guard to dispose of. You turn right and in
front of you is, what a surprise, another guard. Kill him like all the rest.
Now, switch to the cannon. An armored car will speed around you from the left
and stop a little in front of you. Blow it up before the guy inside can shoot
you with rockets. You turn left down another street. Quickly kill the two
guards on the right who have rocket launchers, then focus your attention on the
guard straight ahead of you on the building. As you turn right, you will see
two more guards on a building. Now, in front of you there will be a limo and a
guard on each side of it. To the left of the limo and the guard, there are
some explosive barrels near the building wall. Shoot the barrels to kill
everyone there (ninth bond move). After blowing them up, there will be a guard
in front of you and a little to the left on a building for you to kill. As you
approach the intersection in front of you, a limo pulls out. Blast it to
smithereens with your cannon. Your goggles then run out, and the tank turns
right. On the left side of the road is a guard for you to kill. A helicopter
also shows up, so blast it with your mighty cannon. You then keep going
straight down the street and turn right to watch a cutscene. You automatically
are on your cannon. Aim up at the train above the tanks. When a red car train
appears, shoot it with the cannon and you will complete the mission.

Bond Moves:
1) Use Q-Slicks anytime in the driving section of the level to disable an enemy
car. Very easy to do when you come to the part where the cars hide on the side
of the road and pop out behind you.
2) Once in the train station, look out of either end and there will be a
helicopter. Blow up both helicopters at the end of each side of the train
3) After you get the Q-Locator, go out the train station through the front
entrance and drive straight while following this road that leads to the data
chip. You will eventually come to a bridge that a helicopter blows up and if
you make it to the other side, you get the move.
4) Right after finding the data chip, drive straight and fast through the
tunnel type archway and there will be two cars near it. Drive between the cars
and the car you are driving will pop up on two wheels as it passes between
them, giving you the move.
5) After getting the data chip and driving by the two cars, you will go up a
hill. Just drive straight and you will ramp off of this, over the road, and
land on some buildings on the other side.

*These are done in the tank (rail shooting part of the mission)

6) After getting the first vest of body armor while in the tank, you will turn
right and go down a winding road and then turn right off of it. Soon after,
you enter an archway and you are in a big open area. To the left is an armored
van and some barrels. Shoot the barrels to get the bond move.
7) Right after this open area, you will have to shoot two BMW's and then the
tank turns to the left. Shoot the helicopter that is straight in front of you.
8) Eventually you come to a spot where there is a helicopter hovering over a
bridge and is shooting rockets at you. Blow up the helicopter and it will
destroy the bridge giving you the bond move.
9) After having Q-Vision for a while, M will say, "Malprave's men have
commandeered a supply train," you will see some guys and a limo. To the left
of the guy on the far left are some explosive barrels. Shoot them to get the

Location of 007 Icons:
1) After you drive down the street a while, you come to a fork. Go left and in
front of you will be an arch over the road. Right before this arch, turn right
and drive straight to get the icon.
2) After crashing through the glass while entering the train station to get the
Q-Locator, turn right and drive down the train tracks and you will see and get
the icon.
3) Go out of the train station via the glass doors you enter it by. Drive
straight and follow this main road, do not turn off of it! You will eventually
ramp over a bridge since a helicopter blows it up. Do not turn on the next
intersection, but stop and turn around 180 degrees at the next one where the
van pulls out. On your right will be some missiles and a little passageway.
Drive through the passage to get the 007 icon.
4) After you get the Data Chip, drive straight and you will go between two
BMW's on the right and left. You will be driving straight through a park-type
place and you ramp off and land on some buildings, keep going straight and you
will fly off one of the ledges and get the 007 icon that is in midair.
5) After you blow up the helicopter that destroys the bridge, the tank will
keep driving straight and then take a sharp right between the two walls. In
front of you, a gas truck is being followed by two armored trucks. Shoot the
gas truck which will destroy the armored trucks to get the icon.
6) Right after you blow up the gas truck to get the 007 icon, you will drive on
a curved road, then ahead of you two helicopters will appear and start shooting
at you. Blow both helicopters up to get the icon.

Level 8:
Fire and Water
Cyclops Oil Rig, South China Sea
"007, our analysis of the data chip reveals that the location of Poseidon is an
oil drilling platform in the South China Sea. Now this seems an unlikely
location for a cloning lab, you must investigate the site immediately."
Nigel Bloch
"Sources in Hong Kong inform us that Nigel Bloch has recently boarded a
helicopter bound for the oil rig. If you find Bloch, chase him down. We must
do whatever we can to hinder Malprave's actions."
"Listen up 007, I've equipped you with a special means of transport, the Q-Jet.
This remarkable device provides a short burst of vertical thrust that propels
you into the air. You can use it to leap up to platforms or overcome
Q-Jet Fuel
"Ingeniously, the Q-Jet can be fueled by any source of compressed gas you might
find in the field. Keep an eye out for stations that might power the device."

Infiltrate Control Room
Chase Bloch into Pump Room
Escape Pump Room
Enter Tower Control Room and Confront Bloch

Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 100,000
Gold Medal Reward- Rapid Fire
Platinum Medal Target- 100,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Weapon - Calypso


P2K (Golden Gun)
Grenades (Golden Grenades)
SSR 4000
Fixed gun unlimited ammo.

Bond Moves: 13
007 Icons: 8
Armor Vests: 18
Enemies: 58
NOTE: Very helpful if you have Golden Accuracy.
Walk straight onto the pipes in front of you and turn left on them. Now, go
straight and climb up the ladder. Shoot the guard here with the silenced P2K
or beat him up. Go to the far right on this catwalk and climb up another
ladder. Again, kill this guard like the one before. Now look up and there
will be a big hole in the catwalk above you where the ladder passes through it.
Look up and to the left side of this catwalk and you will see a guard appear
every once in a while. If you have the Golden Grenades, chuck one up there.
It will kill this pacing guard, and another guard up there who is hiding behind
some crates. If you do not have grenades, rush up the ladder and quickly turn
left at the top. Blast both guards quickly before they can unload on you.
After killing the guards, go to the opposite end of the catwalk. Look up and
you will see a helicopter just sitting there and hovering. Unload on it to
destroy the copter. Now go back and climb up the next ladder. Quickly kill
the guard in front of you and run towards the window to make Bloch run away.
Now, use the Q-Remote and acquire the crane program (first bond move). Now
turn around and head out the door on the right. Look off of the side of this
catwalk and use the crane program on the cranes (second and third bond move).
Also, collect the body armor out here if you need it. Go back inside the room
and walk to the window Bloch shot out. Look up and you will see another crate
that you can use the program on. Do this to make the crate break (fourth bond
move) and gain access to a couple grenades. Now, turn left and break the lock
on the door using the Q-Laser (fifth bond move). **Blow up the barrel straight
in front of you and walk where it was to get the icon (1)**. As you exit, turn
right quickly. Kill the guard that is hiding behind the crates on the far
left. Now, run forward. Hide behind this tall stack of crates, and pop out
and shoot the guard hiding behind some crates to the right. Now, collect the
grenades in the open area and collect the body armor near the crates you were
just by. Walk down the stairs that are on the far left side of this area.
Quickly equip the Q-Laser and run up to the gate. Break the lock on it to make
Bloch run away, then retreat back near the base of the stairs and hide behind
the huge columns. Pop out with the FSU-4 and shoot the guard on the catwalk
above and to the right. Now go forward and through the gate. Break the lock
on the vent to the left (sixth bond move), then turn around and break the lock
that is to the right of the gate (seventh bond move). **Go through the grate
on the left. You will come to a vent at the end with a lock on it. Use the
Q-Laser on it. Now edge near the exit of the vent and look to the left. Shoot
the explosive barrels to kill the guards, then jump up onto the crate and
collect the icon (2). Go back the way you came in this vent. Turn left once
you get out and walk towards the open area. To the right is a sniper. Shoot
the barrels below him to take him out. Now, a helicopter will land where Bloch
is. Hide behind the column to your left and wait for the guards to come to
you. Also, look up and to the right. Another guard will appear on the catwalk
up there so kill him quickly. Now, walk out into this open area and look up
and to the left. On top of a platform are two guards. Kill them. Now, turn
left and you will see the two cranes that you used the program on earlier. By
one of them is the icon (3). Now, turn around and go to where the explosive
barrels were that you shot to kill the sniper. From this wall, turn left and
walk straight to see and get the icon (4)**. Crawl through the vent to the
right of the gate. At the end is another lock for you to use the Q-Laser on.
Once out of the vent, turn right and go up the ladder here. Walk straight
cautiously. As you near the corner, a guard pops out from around the edge.
Blast him before he can get you in his sights. Now run around the corner and
go up near the guard with the SSR 4000. He does not shoot you since he is
aiming at the ground. Kill him and pick up the SSR 4000 and equip it. A
helicopter will be in the air right now. Aim at the pilot and sniper him
(eighth bond move). Now quickly run to the door at the far end of this catwalk
and press the button near it to complete you second objective. You appear
inside a building, quickly turn left a little and walk straight on this
catwalk. Three guards will run up the stairs in front of you single file.
Pick them off before they can hide behind the crates. Also, fill up your Q-Jet
at the air tank up here. Now go down the first part of the stairs. Stop on
the flat area. Look up and to the right a little and you will see a sniper.
Take him out. Also, on the same catwalk as this sniper was, you will see
another sniper a little to the left, but facing another direction. Kill him
now so he won't cause you problems later. Now walk down the rest of the steps
and go straight some. On your left is a catwalk that has a guard on it. Shoot
him before he can get a bead on you with his FSU-4. Now walk up a little ways
and two guards will run out at you. Blast them before they can stop and shoot
you. Now look on the ceiling near the right side of this room. Use the Q-Claw
on the spot you see (ninth bond move). Walk around this catwalk. When it
ends, there will be a guard that has grenades in front of you. Kill him before
he can hurl any of these explosive devices. Now walk down this ladder. **Once
down the ladder, face the ladder like you are about to go back up it. You can
see the icon right in front of you. Walk right around the fencing and then cut
back and jump up the crates to get the icon (5)**. At the base of the ladder,
turn right and go up the ladder here. Get the grenades from the dead guard at
the top, and approach the doorway to the left. Blast the super guard, and the
oilrig guard that eventually run out of this doorway at you. Go through the
passage with crates in it, and you will walk into a control room. Walk to the
far end and press the green button on the left. Now walk out onto the catwalk
near the control room. Turn to the left and blast the super guard down there
with a couple of grenades from the FSU-4. Turn around and do the same to the
guard on this side. Now, walk straight out on this catwalk. Collect some of
the SSR 4000 ammo if it is still there, and the body armor. Drop off the end
of this catwalk. Turn left and you will be looking at one of those big seesaw
things. Wait for the big prong to come down, then use the Q-Jet to blast up
and land on the prong part. Wait on it as it goes up. At the very top, jump
forward off of it to land on the floor. Turn a little to the right and shoot
the guard. Now, aim left a little and shoot the explosive barrel on the
forklift killing most of the guards in this area. Whichever guards are left,
kill them by hiding behind the columns and popping out to shoot them. Now exit
through the far door. **Turn to your right, blow up the barrels, and collect
the icon here (6). Now turn around and walk towards the far big cylinder
building. Now, crouch and go under it to collect the icon (7)**. Go to the
right and climb up the ladder that scales the big cylindrical tank. At the
top, shoot the guard near you. Now walk and in front of you on the other tank
is a sniper. Kill him, then use the Q-Claw on the perforated spot to get on
the other tank (tenth bond move). Collect the ammo and armor, then use the
Q-Claw to reach the cylindrical tank that you were on. Now grip onto the
trolley cable. Run forward and to the right side. A guard will run and hide
behind a crate. Blast him then turn to your left. Kill the two guards behind
the crates by aiming with your Q-Remote and using the crane program to drop the
crate on the guards (eleventh bond move). Now, run and hide behind the crates.
Wait for the last guard to come to you and then kill him. Quickly change to
the FSU-4 and select the grenade launcher. A lift will come down with two
guards on it. Blast them before they can even move. Go up on the lift. Look
to the left as you reach the top. Shoot the explosive barrels, then go hide
behind the crate here. Take out your SSR 4000 and while crouching, zoom in as
the helicopter appears and slowly circle around the room shooting at you. Keep
moving and crouching around the crate till you snipe the pilot (twelfth bond
move) or blow up the helicopter. **On the opposite side of this tiny room are
some more explosive barrels. Shoot them and go past them to get the icon
(8)**. Now, go to the exit that is on the left side of this room, and near it
are some barrels. Shoot them and pick up the MRL-22 that was behind them.
Once on this catwalk outside the tiny glass room, look up to see a guard on a
platform with the crane program. Use the Q-Remote to make the platform drop,
killing the guard. Walk right around the catwalk outside the tiny glass room,
and you will come to a ladder. Go up it, but stop near the top. Look to the
left and use the program on the platform with the sniper on it. Now quickly
run to the middle of the room, refuel the Q-Jet, and blast up and forward to
land on a platform. Turn around and shoot the guard that is on a higher
platform in front of you. You will also see a ladder on the platform that the
guard was on. Now, look at the top left of this room, there will be a
perforated spot that is by the ladder that you can use the Q-Claw on. Latch
onto it so it will pull you up to the platform with the ladder (thirteenth bond
move). Now, go up the ladder and use the Q-Laser to break the lock at the top
to complete the mission.

Bond Moves:
1) Once you climb up all the ladders at the beginning and enter the control
room, obtain the program with the Q-Remote.
2,3) There is a door to the left of this room that does not have a lock on it.
Open it and you will see two cranes with a program on each. Point the Q-Remote
at them and use it on both of them.
4) Just to the right of the control room is a crate hanging in midair. Point
the Remote at it to make it fall and bust open.
5) Use the Q-Laser on the lock to the door that is the exit to the control
6) After going down the first set of stairs you approach a gate that Bloch is
standing behind and keeps yelling, "Come on Bond". Use the Q-Laser to open the
gate and make Bloch run away. Now, look to the left and there is a vent with
some body armor beside it. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the vent.
7) After using the Q-Laser on the gate that Bloch is standing behind, walk past
the gate and turn right. Use the Q-Laser to open the lock on the vent.
(Directly across from #6)
8) This one is in the big area outside. After going through the gate where you
use the Q-Laser, turn right and use the Q-Laser on the lock on the vent. Go
inside and the vent turns right twice. You come to another lock. Use the
Q-Laser again and go out of the vent. Turn right, and climb up the ladder and
kill the guard. Now walk around the catwalk on the outside of the building
quickly. There will be a sniper. Kill him and take the SSR 4000. A
helicopter will already be descending to drop off some guards. Snipe the pilot
to get the move.
9) Once you get inside the pump room, and descend to the floor of the room, go
to the right wall. Look up at the ceiling and there will be a perforated spot
that you can use the Q-Claw on that will enable you to reach the ledge that has
the guard with the FSU-4 on it.
10) After exiting the pump room, you climb up a tall ladder that is on the side
of a big cylinder tank. Once on top, shoot the guard and the sniper on the
other tall tank. Use the Q-Claw to reach the tall tank that the sniper was on.
11) Once you use the tram cable from the tall tanks, you arrive on a rooftop
with some guards. In the left corner of this area are some guards hiding
behind some crates. There is a hanging crate above their head. Use the
Q-Remote to make the crate drop off the cable.
12) After you take the elevator up to a small room, a helicopter will come and
say he has you surrounded. Duck behind the crates that are not by the
explosive barrels. Pull out your SSR 4000 and while ducking, zoom in and snipe
the pilot.
13) Once you reach the top level, use the air to refuel your Q-Jet. Hover to
the ledge that is in front of you and a little to the right. Once on it, turn
around and there will be a guard throwing grenades. Kill him and get out your
Q-Claw. Look to the top left of this area and you will see a spot where you
can use the Q-Claw to reach the top platform. Do this and get the bond move.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) Right after getting the Q-Remote program and breaking the lock on the door,
straight in front of you will be a single explosive barrel. Shoot it and get
the icon behind it.
2) After getting the Q-Remote program, killing the guys behind the crates, and
going down the stairs, run up to the gate that has the lock on it (also the one
block is standing behind). Break the lock so Bloch runs away. Now on your
left is a vent that has a lock on it and some body armor beside it. Break the
lock with the Q-Laser and go inside. There is another grate that has a lock so
use the Q-Laser again on it. While still inside the vent, look left and blow
up the barrels killing the guards. The icon is on top of the crates, so just
jump up them to get it.
3) In the big open area, subdue all the guards, and go to the left where the
cranes are holding the boxes. Over by these cranes on the ground, is the icon.
4) In the big open area, go to the right side where all the explosives are, and
go near the forklift. Right by the base of the platform that Bloch is standing
on, there is an icon.
5) Proceed through the pump room, and on the far side from where you entered,
will be two ladders. Go behind the metal wires on the one on the right, and
jump up on the crates to get the icon.
6) After you escape from the pump room, and open the door that goes outside,
turn left and there will be some explosive barrels, the icon is right behind
7) Also, right after you escape from the pump room and open the door that goes
outside, there will be an icon under the left tower. Crouch and walk under the
tower to get it.
8) In the room where the helicopter shoots at you just as you go up the
elevator. As you exit the elevator, go to the right side of this room and
behind the crates and explosives is the icon.

Level 9:
Forbidden Depths
Underwater Transport System
"Your precipitous leap with Bloch has landed you in a transport system of
Poseidon's secret underwater base 007. Bloch will attempt to escape in order
to carry out Malprave's cloning conspiracy. You can't allow that to happen."
Gun Turrets
"Be careful, however, intelligence indicates that this transport system is
protected by computer-controlled gun turrets and Bloch's heavily armed forces."
Interior Prevents Communication
"The tunnel structure is too deep, and the walls are too thick for our radio
signals to penetrate them, so you'll be out of contact with us for this one
007. Good luck."

Eliminate Nigel Bloch

Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 110,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Armor
Platinum Medal Target- 110,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Modifier - Full Arsenal



Bond Moves: 4
007 Icons: 4
Armor Vests: 4
Enemies: 60
As the car drives forward, your machine gun will lock onto a guard up ahead.
Blast him before he can shoot back. The car makes a long right turn. Now look
up a little and you will see a red flashing light. As your gun locks onto it,
blast this sentry gun before it unloads on you. **Blow up all the sentry guns
in the level to get a 007 icon**. Your car then accelerates and goes down a
straight tunnel. It goes fast through a long right turn, and then in front of
you will be another car with a guard on it shooting at you. Unleash on the car
to make it explode. Your car then takes a long left, then a right. During the
right turn, above the road will be a control booth with two guards in it.
**Kill both guards up here to make the icon appear (1)**. Just shoot at the
guards as you pass by. You then will be in a long tunnel with two sentry guns
at the end. Blow up both of these guns. Your car will take the right fork in
the road and you will go down a long right turn and enter a area with lots of
guards. As you enter, there will be guard on your left, another guard on your
left standing in front of a hallway, and another guard on the left standing
near the pillar. Blast these guys as you arrive in the station. Now turn to
the right and blast the guards standing near each other in front of the pillar.
Also, past the pillar is another guard for you to kill. Now, turn left a
little and shoot the two guards that are in the room with all the monitors. A
door opens and you see another guard and a flashing button. Shoot the guard.
After killing the guard, shoot the red flashing button to open the door ahead
of you (first bond move). You then go forward and take a right turn. You will
see a car far ahead in front of you. Your car accelerates and you close in on
it. Blow up this other car before the guard can shoot at you with his rocket
launcher. You then take two right turns through this green-tinted passage and
at the end, there is another sentry gun for you to destroy. Now, turn around
and a car will chase you. Unleash on the car to destroy it, then turn back
around. At the first fork in the road, your car goes left, at the second left
again. Here another car appears in front of you with a guard. Blast this car
and soon after your car takes another left at a fork in the road. In front of
you, Bloch's car will appear. Unleash on him so he cannot shoot you with his
gun. You eventually take a different fork in the road as him so you don't have
to waste so much ammunition. You then take a long left and go up a hill. Blow
up the sentry gun at the top. Then, as it goes forward, there will be a guard
on the right. Kill him to pick up the Shotgun. Your car then takes a left at
the end of this long straightaway, and on the right of this left hand turn is a
guard. Blast him as you pass by, and your car will start going up a hill with
another turret at the top for you to destroy. You then drive into an open
area. Look to your right and you will see some guards by an explosive barrel.
Shoot the barrels to kill the guards (second bond move). Look right some more
and shoot the guard on the building that has the rocket launcher. This causes
another guard to walk into your view from the right side. Blast him before he
can hit you. Now turn far left and kill the guard by the pillar on the right,
then turn left some more and kill the guard by the pillar on the left. Near
the top of these pillars is a blue Malprave insignia on each pillar. Shoot out
both of these to make a CH-6 appear in front of you. Once all the guards are
dead, the door in front of you automatically opens and reveals a car with a
guard who has a rocket launcher. Blow up this car quickly so you can proceed.
Soon after you start going, look up and blow up the turret on the ceiling.
After the right turn, there will be another guard for you to kill on the right.
After killing him, the road turns left, so look up at the ceiling and destroy
this turret gun as well. Now, the road curves right. Kill the guard on the
left side of this turn, and as you exit the turn, look up and blow up another
sentry gun on the ceiling. After the sentry gun, there will be a guard for you
to kill on the left side of the next right turn. As you exit the turn, your
gun will lock onto a guard on the right side of this left turn. Blast him as
well, then look up and destroy yet another sentry gun on the ceiling. In front
of you is another guard on the left side of this right turn. Destroy him.
Now, there will be a control booth above the road with two guards in it.
**Kill both guards to make the 007 icon appear (2)**. Shoot at the guards as
you pass by. Now in front of you, Bloch's car will appear. Shoot Bloch so he
cannot shoot you, till his car rapidly accelerates and leaves you behind. He
will then start throwing mines on the track. **To get the next icon, shoot all
of the mines before they hit your car. After blowing up the last mine, the
icon will appear (3)**. Just try and shoot the mines before they hit your car
and damage you. After the long left turn that was in the green tinted tunnel,
you exit and there will be another turret in front of you to blow up. **If you
have blown up all of the turrets, the icon appears on the track in front of you
(4)**. Your car then takes the right branch of the road. In front of you will
be some fans. Shoot through the centers of all three fans to destroy them and
get the move (third bond move). Right after, you take a left turn and in front
of you is steam coming up off of the floor. On the left wall is a flashing red
button. Shoot this button to turn off the steam. Soon after this first
switch, you turn again and in front of you is steam and on the left a flashing
red switch. Again shoot the switch. If you hit both switches you get the
final bond move (fourth bond move). You then go straight, and enter a circular
room. Quickly, kill the first guard to your left. After him, turn a little to
your right to see the next guard to kill. After him, again turn right a little
and kill the guard you see. After killing this third guard, Bloch runs out on
a catwalk. Look up to see the catwalk he is on, then unload on him with any
gun. After shooting him enough, he runs back inside the central station
center. Now, kill the guard with the rocket launcher that is to your left.
Turn right a little and kill the guard with the rocket launcher that you see.
After killing him, turn right a little some more and kill this third guard.
After killing this guard, Bloch opens some doors and the temperature rises
greatly. Switch to your RCH-1 rocket launcher and look waaayyyy up. You will
see some flashing red vent-type things. There are three of these you need to
destroy. Shoot your rocket and guide it into the three major vent-things.
They will break off parts of catwalks and eventually tilt the center Bloch was
in, making him fall into the lava and completing the mission.

Bond Moves:
1) At the first section where you stop, kill a lot of the guys. A wall on the
left will slide up revealing a guard and a blinking red light. Shoot the light
to open the security blast door.
2) At the second area that you stop at, turn to the right and there will be
some barrels near a few guards. Shoot the barrels to kill the guards and you
will get the move.
3) After Bloch throws all the mines at you, you come to a part of the tunnel
that has fans in it. Shoot the centers of all three fans to get the move.
4) Right after shooting the fans, you will come to a part of the tunnel were
steam is coming up through the floor. Shoot the red blinking buttons on the
left side of the tunnel to stop the steam. Shoot both lights to turn off the
steam and you will get the move.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) After you go a while, there will be a control booth thing above the track,
and there will be two guys in it. Kill both guys to make the icon appear.
2) There will be another control booth type thing above the track, kill both
guys in the booth to make the icon appear.
3) When you chase Bloch, he starts throwing mines on the track. Shoot the
mines before your car runs them over to get the icon.
4) Destroy all gun turrets in the level. The icon will appear in front of the
part of the level with the spinning fans.

Level 10:
Poseidon Base
"You've discovered the entrance to Poseidon, well done 007. This is certainly
the laboratory devoted to clone research and to production. You're mission is
to destroy the lab by any means possible."
Q-Remote Transmitter
"Unfortunately, you'll have no explosives with you. You'll have to improvise
some means of destroying the lab equipment. Perhaps your Q-Remote can be used
to record programs that will create havoc with the lab's machinery."
Q-Remote Receiver
"With a program recorded, you're Q-Remote can be used to transmit a code that
will raise system pressure and inject harmful chemicals that will desttroy the
enzymes and proteins required for cloning."
Submarine Pen
"Destroying the lab equipment will alert the base personnel. Once you've
achieved your mission objectives, find a means of escape."

Infiltrate Clone Labs
Raise Lab Equipment Temperature
Increase Lab System Pressure
Disrupt Chemical Balance in Lab System
Board Submarine to Escape

Suggested Level to Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 120,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Bullets
Platinum Medal Target- 120,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Cyclops Oil Guard


P2K (Golden Gun)
Grenades (Golden Grenades)
SSR 4000

Bond Moves: 9
007 Icons: 5
Armor Vests: 8
Enemies: 36
**At the very beginning, turn around and you will see a large vent with a lock
on it. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock and crawl inside to get the icon
(1)**. From the beginning, turn to the left a little to see a small vent with
a lock on it. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock and crawl inside (first bond
move). At the end of the vent is another grating with a lock on it. Use the
Q-Laser to break the lock, but stay inside. You will eventually see a guard
with a pistol walk in front of the grating and when he does, pop out and blast
him or shoot him in the head once with the P2K. Now turn right and use the
Q-Decryptor on the door panel to unlock the door. As soon as it opens, shoot
the guard straight in front of you that is behind the desk with your gun so he
cannot shoot at you. Now, go and pick up the PS100 he dropped, and get the
grenades and ammunition on the shelves. Exit the room and turn right. As soon
as you press the button on the door, look to the left of the room revealed.
Quickly shoot the guard with the grenades by the crate. Run to this crate and
duck behind it as a guard on the right side of the room shoots at you with the
PS100. Whenever he reloads, pop out and kill him with the PS100. Now, go in
the elevator. You then end up in a room with a shark in a glass tank in front
of you. Walk to the left, and this triggers a tank on each side of the room to
drop down that has a super thug in it. Wait by the tank on the left side of
the room. As soon as the glass around the thug drops down, unload on him
before he can move and you can easily kill him. Now, just charge the guy at
the other side of the room and shoot at him while running to effectively
dispose of him. Now, exit to the door that should be to the right. The
passage turns right and you come to another door with a button. Open it, and
to the left in the middle of this room is a guard in black. Kill him first
then worry about the white guys on either side of the room. After killing the
guy in black, take cover behind one of the walls near the door that you entered
from. Pop out and kill the guards in white with a pistol since they do not
have much armor. Now, pick up the ammunition and body armor on both sides of
the room, and press the button for the double doors. **As soon as you enter
the room, turn right and walk around the explosive barrels to get the icon
(2)**. As soon as you enter, walk left around the table and quickly shoot the
guard in front of you that is walking between the tanks. After killing him, a
guard will be hiding behind some crates in front of you. Shoot the explosive
barrels nearby to kill him quickly. Now turn right to see another guard near
some explosive barrels. Do the same to him. Now, quickly turn around and
shoot any guards that are following you. Go back the way you came. As you
turn left towards the double doors you entered from, you will see three guards
hiding out over here trying to shoot you. Use the tanks as cover and one guard
at a time will run and try to shoot you. Kill each guard as he appears near
you. Then pick up the armor near the crates they were by. Now, go to each
green flashing control thing and use the Q-Remote on it to copy the programs
(second, third, and fourth bond move). After collecting the one on the right
side of this big room, walk around the tank and straight forward towards the
door. Get ready because as you near it, a guard runs out of it. Blast him and
walk inside, then press the button to activate this elevator. You then come in
a room with guards and sentry guns. **Walk down the stairs, turn right, and
look in the right corner by the stairs to find the icon and collect it (3)**.
Quickly walk down the stairs in front of you and turn left into the passageway.
It then turns right, and on your right is an opening to a room. Turn right in
here and quickly kill the guard straight in front of you. Look at the far end
of the table with computers that is on your right. Pick up the red looking
keycard if you want to see the "good" ending for this level. If not, you see
the "bad" ending for this level, and start out in a different spot on the next
mission. Now, walk forward and press the button to activate the sentry guns
making them shoot at their own guards (fifth bond move). The guards then run
through the passages to get to the room you are in. Turn around and pick each
off as he enters the room. Now, turn left out of this room and go through the
passageway. Do not enter this center room until the blue laser lines on the
floor have gone away. Now, in front of you and a little to the right is a
control booth with a guard by it behind some glass. Go up to the other side of
the glass, then quickly move around it and shoot the guard. Now, use the
Q-Remote on the console (sixth bond move) NOTE: For each console, you can get
two bond moves. Just keep pressing the remote button quickly and you will get
the second one at each station. Now, go to the next one that is in front of
you and a little to the right. Kill the guard the same way by popping around
the glass, and again use the Q-Remote on the console (seventh bond move). Now
go to the last guard and console. Kill him by popping around the glass then
use the Q-Remote on the console (eighth bond move). Now, go right and use
the Q-Decryptor on the control panel that opens the double doors. As soon as
they open, unload on the guard in front of you and walk up the steps. As soon
as you enter the red tinted room, change to the UGW and look a little to the
right. Zoom in and you will see the guard throwing grenades at you. Shoot
him, but be careful and make sure you are not in the sniper's vision. Now, go
left to the exit of this room. On the pathway that goes diagonally to the
right is a guard. Kill him as he runs at you. Now, slowly edge around the
edge of the doorway, and use the zoom on the UGW to see the sniper. Kill him
quickly then walk on the catwalk and turn right to get his ammunition. **After
killing the first sniper, go back to the red tinted room and go to the opposite
side of this room. There is a button you can use to open the door. Press it
and inside is the icon and some grenades and body armor (4)**. Once you pick
up his ammunition, you will see a green button near you. Press it to lower
some stairs that allow you to get on the sub (ninth bond move). Now, hide
behind a wall, and use the SSR 4000 to zoom in and shoot the other sniper in
the head. Now, turn left and walk down the catwalk. On the left side of the
catwalk are some explosive barrels. Turn right and look across the room. You
will see a room with a huge window, and some guards will be in there. Just
snipe them to easily dispose of this menace. Now, continue down the catwalk
and you will reach some stairs. Go down them. **At the bottom turn right 180
degrees. Now go forward and collect this body armor, then turn right behind
the crates and you will see a grate with a lock on it. Use the Q-Laser on the
lock and crawl in this short vent. After exiting through the other side, turn
right and go forward to collect the icon (5)**. At the base of the stairs,
walk forward towards the crates in front of you. Some guards will run and hide
behind other crates further ahead. Kill the guard on your right by blowing up
the barrels by him. For the other guards, pop out from behind the crates and
blast em. After killing these guys, walk forward some more and more guards run
out and hide behind crates. Kill the guard on the left by shooting the
explosive barrels. Kill the others by popping up and shooting them. Once
done, turn left and walk up the stairs going onto the submarine. Once you set
foot on the sub, you complete the mission.

Bond Moves:
1) In the room you start in, use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the small
2,3,4) Right after you complete the first objective, you are in a big open room
with many guards and three glass cases with liquids inside them. Use the
Q-Remote to copy each program from the console near each case.
5) Once you get into the cloning room, turn left at the base of the stairs and
go in the doorway. You have to turn right, then turn right into the doorway on
your right. Shoot the guard, and walk forward. Press the green button to turn
the turret guns on while the guards are still out there.
6,7,8) In the cloning room, use the Q-Remote on all three consoles to wreak
havoc on the clones in the glass case in the middle of the room.
9) After you exit the clone room, go up the stairs and go left out of this red
tinted room. Shoot the guard and walk forward. On your right will be a
sniper. Kill him and press the button making steps lead to the submarine so
you can complete the mission.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) Right where you start, open the large grate that has the armor in it, it
will also contain the icon.
2) Right after completing your first objective (infiltrate the lab), look to
your right and there will be explosive barrels. Behind those barrels is the
3) When you get to the room with the gun turrets, kill all the guards, and then
get the icon, which is to the right of the stairs that you entered the room
4) After you complete all the objectives except enter the sub, you will start
and there will be stairs in front of you leading to a room that is tinted red.
On your right will be a door. Open it and inside is the icon.
5) After you shoot all the guys on the second floor of the sub pen, you will go
down some stairs. Turn 180 degrees to your left right as you step off of the
stairs. On your right will be a vent with a lock on it. Q-Laser the lock,
crawl through, then turn right and you will get the icon.

Level 11:
Mediterranean Crisis
HMS Excalibur, Mediterranean Sea
"007, the autopilot steered the submarine to a royal navy carrier stationed in
the Mediterranean Sea."
Summit of G8 Leaders
"This ship is the site of the latest summit meeting between the leaders of the
worlds industrial nations."
Malprave's Men Control the Carrier
"Unbeknownst to the public, Malprave's men have taken control of the carrier.
The vials of blood you obtained in Hong Kong match the DNA of the eight world
leaders. We are certain Malprave has cloned these leaders and intends to
substitute them with her replicas."
Carrier Briefing Room
"Bond, your first duty is to report to us with for an update of the situation.
Find the ship'ss briefing room where you can establish communications with MI6.
We will then provide you with further intelligence data."

Go to Briefing Room for MI6 Update
Disarm Warhead
Rescue Zoe Nightshade
Destroy Cloned Leaders' Helicopter

Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 130,000
Gold Medal Reward- Regenerative Armor
Platinum Medal Target- 130,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Poseidon Guard


P2K (Golden Gun)
Grenades (Golden Grenades)
SSR 4000

Bond Moves: 13
007 Icons: 9
Armor Vests: 14
Enemies: 56
START 1 (If you got the verification card in the Poseidon level):
**Walk forward to collect the first icon (1)**. Now, crawl halfway up the
ladder and watch the guard. As he nears the explosive barrels, shoot them to
kill him. Pick up his ammunition and turn left towards the door leading into
the ship. Open it and a guard will run out. Kill him before he can even shoot
you. Now, go in and follow the passage, and then go down the stairs. Walk
straight ahead and open the door that has "Brig" labeled beside it. Quickly
kill the guard in here and pick up the frinesi ammunition on the desk. **Go to
the left cell and use the Q-Laser to bust the lock on the cell, opening it. Go
inside and get the icon (2)**. Now, exit this cell and go in the other one.

START 2 (If you did not get the verification card in the Poseidon level):
**Walk to the right side of your cell to get the icon (1)**. First of all,
change to the Q-Laser. Now use it on the lock so it opens the cells. Quickly
run to the guard and punch him, or get the frinesi on the table in front of
your cell and shoot him. Now, arm the frinesi and open the brig door. Shoot
and kill the first guard, then retreat into the cell as you reload. Shoot
again and kill the next guard. Finally, after reloading yet again, kill the
last guard. **Now, go out of the brig and go up the stairs that are in front
of you and a little to the left. Change to the PS100. Go up the stairs, and
as you turn right, shoot the guard. Now, open the door to go outside the ship.
Quickly run outside and kill the guard out here. Now, go to the right and
there will be a ladder. Go down the ladder and get the icon (2)**.

Go in Zoe's cell and you will see a lock on the grate in the top right corner
of the cell. Open it with the Q-Laser and crawl inside (first bond move).
Crawl past the first grate, which is on the right. The vent turns left. Now,
use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the grate to the right. Look out, and use
the manual aim to shoot this guard in the back of the hide. Now, turn left and
keep crawling through the vent. You will come to a long straight part in the
vent. **At this straight part, just crawl straight to the end to collect the
icon (3)**. Go past the first grate, then further on turn right to see another
grate. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the grate. Wait, and some guards
will eventually walk into view. Shoot the two guards in this room in the head,
then drop down and kill the thug with a machine gun. You complete the first
mission now. Look to the left and there will be an opening and "Hangar 1"
labeled by it. Go through the door and turn left. Go behind the stairs to get
some armor and grenades. Now, go up the steps and shoot the guard in the head
that is working at the computer. Now, quickly enter this computer room and
turn right, then break the lock on the grating using the Q-Laser. Crawl inside
and go straight. **To get the icon, just keep crawling straight (4)**. On the
left will be another grate with a lock. Bust it with the Q-Laser and look
straight out of it to see a guard making his rounds. Use the manual aim and
pop him in the head for a 1 shot kill. Crawl out of the vent and go right to
the outside railing of the ship. Go forward and look up to see a Q-Claw spot.
Latch onto the spot and it will pull you up to a ledge (second bond move).
Once on the ledge, turn left into the doorway, then left again. Edge around
the corner on the right and nail the guard at the computer in the head. Now,
go up to the computer and acquire the harrier program with the Q-Remote (third
bond move). Now, leave the room and turn left in the passage and you will see
a big glass window. Look down and there will be a guard walking near to the
window. Hit him in the head. Now look out and you can see a guard walking on
the raised walkway to the left. Pop him in the head as well. Now turn right a
little still looking at the raised walkway. You will spot a sniper who is
looking the other direction. Shoot him in the head to kill him as well. Now
turn left and go down the steps. Turn right into the hangar, then right again
to see a guard standing near you. Now turn left and hide behind the crates and
wait for some guards to run towards you. Kill them as well, then start walking
towards the far side of the room. If you look up, you can see a guard on the
second floor working on the computer. Kill him so he won't bother you later.
Keep going to the back of the room and walk around where the plane is. Over
here will be some guards, crates, and explosive barrels. Blow up the barrels
killing a guard, then hide behind the crates and pop up to kill the other one.
Walk around the plane and go up the steps and turn left. **On your right are
some crates and behind the last one is the icon (5)**. Walk straight and go up
the short steps and turn left. Walk across this walkway and collect some
ammunition, then enter the computer room. Open the door in here and turn
right. Walk straight and open the next door to be outside the ship again.
Turn right to get some grenades and body armor. **On this ledge as well is
another icon (6)**. Now walk off of this ledge, turn around and look up. Use
the Q-Claw to latch onto the perforated spot and pull you up to the ledge
(fourth bond move). Again, fall off the ledge, but this time go forward and to
the right. Walk beside the chain-linked fence and at the far end is a lock.
Break it using the Q-Laser (fifth bond move) and again, walk to the far end of
this hangar and go around the plane. Instead of turning left and walking
across the bridge the sniper was on, go straight. Turn right into the doorway,
then go up the stairs in front of you. Turn right at the top of the stairs and
walk towards the corner. Equip a machine gun, then pop around the corner and
kill the guard. Now go through the door in front of you and pick up the body
armor. There is another door in front of you, so open it and go forward. You
will see a guard through the window at the right, so shoot him. If you miss
him, go forward into the red tinted room and kill him there. Now look out the
window in the red tinted room. There is a harrier with the Q-Remote program
icon flashing on the tail end of it. Use the Q-Remote to kill all the guards
out here (sixth bond move). Now turn right, go up the stairs, and turn left.
Turn left again and you will be outside the ship. Quickly kill the guard in
front of you and walk forward. Turn left, and look up. You will see a Q-Claw
spot above a balcony. Wait for a second and a guard will appear pacing up
there. Nail him with the SSR 4000. Now, use the Q-Claw to latch onto the spot
and bring you up to the balcony (seventh bond move). Once here, quickly enter
the doorway, turn left in the conference room, and run towards the open
doorway. Nail the guard who runs out of this door, then enter the doorway and
kill the guard to the left. Hide in here, and wait for a guard to come in.
Blast him, then turn left out of the doorway. Across the room is another open
doorway. You will see a guard over there, so lay waste to him. Now, go
through this open doorway and turn left. Go straight and open the door in
front of you. **Turn left and go past the stairs. Turn right in the crates,
then turn right between two crates to get the icon (7))**. Quickly go
diagonally to the left and turn right to go up the stairs. Turn left and use
the pillar here for cover. Look up and to the right a little. You will see a
guard and a thug. Shoot both of them as they run down the steps towards you.
Now, go straight and turn left to walk up the stairs. Go straight into the
opening where the crate is. Now, look up and to the left to see the top of the
steps and the guy throwing grenades at you. Kill him to get rid of a major
annoyance. Now go halfway up the stairs to the right and turn around. Zoom in
on the sniper. Use the UGW to kill him. Now turn around and continue up the
stairs, turning left. At the top, turn right and open the door on the left.
Kill the guard that runs towards you, then the guard hiding behind the crates.
Another guard then runs towards you, so kill him as well. You then here
someone say "Rapid fire, move in!" Once you hear this, turn towards the stairs
you just came up from. A guard with a UGW will rush up them, so blast him
before he can even move. Now, go in the room and turn left and walk to the far
side. On the very far left near a ladder is another guard for you to kill.
When you kill him, a helicopter pops up outside. Use the SSR 4000 to snipe the
pilot (eighth bond move) or blow it up. Now, from the other side of the room,
two guards enter. Hide behind desks and pop up to shoot to kill them. Now,
break the lock at the top of the ladder in this room using the Q-Laser, and
climb up. Once up, turn left and go forward. A guard will run at you from the
right, but run past him and kill the other guard who is jumping in the mounted
machine gun by blowing up the explosive barrels by it. After killing the guard
in the mounted machine gun, turn around and kill the other one. Now, turn left
and go up the ladder then, break the lock on the grating at the top using the
Q-Laser. As you climb up, kill the guard in front of you, then quickly turn
right and kill the other guard that is shooting at you. Use the Q-Remote, and
use it on the console to retrieve the missile program (ninth bond move). Now
turn right, and use the Q-Laser to break the lock and free the navy chick
(tenth bond move). She then opens the door in this room. Walk out of it and
slowly proceed forward. **Fall through the hole in the floor that is by the
crates. Near you is the icon (8)**. On the right is a tram cable. Hang onto
it, then rapidly keep tapping the action button to get off (eleventh bond
move). When you land, turn right and you will see a grate with a lock on it.
Bust the lock with the Q-Laser and drop down. Go quickly to the console to the
left and press the button. This moves the crane and Zoe jumps, hangs onto it,
then hides behind some crates (twelfth bond move). Now, get out the SSR 4000
and edge around the open door, sniping both of the guards. **To get the last
icon, walk around the barrels, and behind them is the icon (9)**. Turn left
and go in the doorway opposite the one that you pressed the button in. Go down
the stairs, turn left, and open the door. Get out your Q-Remote and use it on
the flashing panel to your left. This fires a rocket and kills a guard
(thirteenth bond move). Now edge around the corner of this hut and kill the
thug that is coming at you. Walk forward and go up the steps. Quickly run
forward and mount the machine gun. Start unleashing on the helicopter and
eventually it will blow up. Turn left, walk down the steps, then go out on the
outcropping to grab onto the rope leading up to the jet to complete the

Bond Moves:
1) Make your way to the cell room inside the ship. (If you started on the
outside, go up the ladder and go in the door on your left. Follow the passage
and go down the stairs, then go in the door in front of you. It will be the
right cell.) Go to the right cell and unlock it using the Q-Laser. Once
inside, use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the vent.
2) Go up the steps exiting the briefing room. Turn right at the top and shoot
the guard. Turn right and break the lock on the vent. Crawl in, then break
the lock on the vent to the left. Walk out and go to the right and walk along
the edge of the ship. Look up and you will see a spot to use the Q-Claw at.
Latch onto it to get the move.
3) From the move above, turn to the left to enter the ship, then turn left to
enter a green tinted room. On your right is a guard typing on the computer.
Shoot him and acquire the harrier program with the Q-Remote.
4) In the second area of the hangar, get on the right side of the ship so that
the rail of the ship is to the right and the tanks of air and the chain linked
fence is on your left. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the door on the
chain linked fence.
5) In the second area of the hangar, get on the right side of the ship so that
the rail of the ship is to the right and the tanks of air and the chain linked
fence is on your left. Follow the rail of the ship and look up. You will see
a Q-Claw spot on the ceiling. Latch onto it to get the move.
6) Go up the second set of stairs and Zoe will say she has found the conference
room. Shoot the guard up here in this red tinted room and then look out the
window. Use the Q-Remote on the harrier to kill the guards.
7) After killing all the guys near the harrier, walk up the stairs near you and
kill the guard out here on the side of the ship. Walk around the ship on the
path. You come to a railing. Look up and to the left. You will see a Q-Claw
spot and a guard. Take out the guard first, then use the Q-Claw to get the
bond move.
8) After you climb up the stairs that all the guards are defending, you come to
a door at the top. After you shoot some of the guards in this computer room, a
helicopter flies and shoots at you. Snipe the pilot to get the move.
9) After the room with the helicopter, you go up a ladder then face some more
guards (one who is shooting at you from a mounted gun). There is another
ladder. Climb up and use the Q-Laser on it. In the room you come up in, kill
the two guards and use the Q-Laser to free the Navy woman.
10) In the same room as the Navy woman, use the Q-Remote to acquire the missile
11) After the Navy woman opens the door for you, go out the door and you will
see a tram cable. Get on it, but immediately press the action button again to
drop off giving you the bond move, and setting you up for the next one.
12) After you come out of the door the Navy woman opened, you can either fall
down the hole in the floor or do the above mentioned bond move. Now, use the
Q-Laser on the lock on the grate. Drop down and press the green button on the
computer to help Zoe get out of the way of the thugs' harm.
13) After you save Zoe, you go through a door and go down a big ladder. You
come to another door. Open it and turn left. In front of you is a machine
that you can use the missile program on. It fires the rocket and kills the
guard, giving you the move.

Location of 007 Icons:
Number 1 and 2 have two ways to get each.
1) If you started outside the ship, this icon will be in front of you.
If you did not start outside the ship, break out of your cell, and kill the
guard. Go out the door and up the stairs a little to your left. Kill the
guard here, and open the door. Kill the next guard outside, and walk to the
right of the door. On this ledge below, will be the icon.
2) If you started in the cell, the icon will be in front of you.
If you started outside the ship, go up the ladder, kill the guard, and open
the door to the left. Kill the guard inside, walk down the stairs, and there
will be a door straight in front of you, and a little to the left. Open the
door, kill the guard, and use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the cell and get
the icon inside.
3) From the right cell, use the Q-Laser on the vent grating. Crawl through the
vent, it will turn right, then left, the right again. Straight ahead will be
the icon.
4) After getting your first objective, you will walk up some stairs and shoot
the guard working at the computer controls. When you get into this computer
room, turn right and use the Q-Laser on the lock on the vent grating. Crawl
inside and go straight to get the icon.
5) After you go through the vent for the aforementioned icon, break the lock on
the vent. Now, shoot the guard and go on the far right outside of the ship.
Look up to see a Q-Claw spot. Getting up here gives you a 007 move. Now jump
down the other side and kill the two guards to the left. Walk straight on the
right outside of the ship still and look up to see another Q-Claw spot. Use
the gadget, and on the ledge is the 007 icon.
6) After getting the icon just mentioned on the second ledge outside the ship,
go through the door on this ledge. Walk through the passage and open the door
on your left. Shoot the computer guy and the sniper. Walk across the bridge,
and go right and down some steps to get the icon by some barrels.
7) After you Q-Claw to the balcony on the ship, and kill the guys in the
conference room, go right and open the door. Now turn left and on your right
are some stairs. You can either go up them quickly and kill all the guys and
the grenadier, or just run past the stairs and get the icon behind them.
8) After you set the lady sailor free, she opens a door. Go outside, and snipe
the men by the barrels. Now fall down the hole near the crates and the icon
should be right by you.
9) Walk around behind the barrels that Zoe was surrounded by. In the back is
the icon.

Level 12:
Evil Summit
World Leaders Held Hostage
"Malprave is holding the world leaders in a base high up in the Swiss Alps.
007, you must prevent world chaos and global economic meltdown by rescuing the
leaders of the world."
Hostage Situation
"The eight leaders are almost certainly being held at gunpoint. You'll have to
insure that none of them come to harm. All eight hostages must survive
unscathed 007."
Adrian Malprave
"Now that the leaders have been rescued, find Malprave. Be careful when
confronting her, no doubt she has more tricks up her sleeve."
"I've provided you with all of your gadgets. You'll undoubtedly need them all.
Good luck 007."

Infiltrate Alpine Base
Rescue 8 World Leaders
Escape Silo on Elevator
Defeat Bloch

Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 130,000
Gold Medal Reward- Unlimited Ammo
Platinum Medal Target- 130,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Carrier Guard


P2K (Golden Gun)
Grenades (Golden Grenades)
SSR 4000

Bond Moves: 10
007 Icons: 6
Armor Vests: 13
Enemies: 32
At the beginning, turn right a tad and walk towards the door on the building.
Go up the steps in front of the door, open it, and quickly subdue the
unexpecting guard. Once you kill him, turn right and walk over to the locked
chest in front of you. Break the lock with the Q-Laser, and open the box
(first bond move). Now, pick up the SSR 4000 that was in it. Now, turn around
and exit the building through the door you came in from. Now, walk to the
middle of the spot outlined by a big yellow circle (for helicopters). Turn,
and look up at either of the sniping towers to see the snipers. Now, equip
your SSR 4000 and zoom in on a sniper. Do not fire, but change to your Golden
Gun. Do not move the crosshair, but fire the gun. You will kill the sniper
easily this way. Do this to kill the remaining three. After killing them,
walk across the small walkway towards the towers. Walk forward, and then turn
left to approach the towers. At about halfway to the elevator that goes up to
the tower, turn almost completely around and look back at the walkway where you
came from. Below this walkway is another that has glass windows and a guard in
it. Kill the guard, then proceed to the left tower's elevator. Just walk up
to the yellow railing to make the elevator come down. Once at the top, turn
left a little and connect both snipers' ammunition, but do not get the Q-Remote
program yet. **Walk around to the other side of the tower to find the icon on
the outside railing (1)**. To the left, you see a tram cable. Grab hold of it
to ride over to the other tower (second bond move). Once here, pick up the
sniper's ammunition, and the SSR 4000 ammo, grenades, and body armor near the
computers up here. **Walk around to the other side of the tower to find the
icon on the outside railing (2)**. Now, find the tram cable on this tower.
Grab onto it to swing to the building where you first picked up the SSR 4000
(third bond move). Fall through the opening in the roof, and walk outside the
building. Now, go back to the left tower. After you reach the top via the
elevator, go collect the program using the Q-Remote (fourth bond move) NOTE:
You can collect unlimited bond moves here by just using the Q-Remote over and
over again, making the gold medal very easy to get. Now, look down near where
you started, and you will see guards coming out of a doorway. Three guards
will be in this area at a time, and each time you kill one another comes out.
Walk backwards a little so you have less chance of being shot, and pick them
off. It might take a long time, but they will eventually stop coming out.
After you kill them all, go back and take the elevator down. Turn right and go
across the walkway so you are going back to where you started the level. Now,
walk around and pick up all the D17 ammunition from the guards you killed. You
should get about 450 bullets, well enough to last you through the level. Now,
turn around and walk towards the towers. On the walkway is a green flashing
console you can use your Q-Remote on. Do this and it opens the access hatch,
which is what you are standing on (fifth bond move). Walk down the stairs, and
walk straight to complete the first objective. Now, slowly walk forward with
the D17, and open the door. In the room in front of you, you see some world
leaders and some guards pacing around the room. Zoom in with the D17 and kill
as many guards as you can. Then, drop down to make the rest come after you so
you can shoot them as well. When you have killed all the guards, it says 4
world leaders rescued. Now look on the left side of this room. There is a
flashing console. Use the Q-Remote on it to gain access to Silo 1. Right by
this console is an entrance that is red and a big steel door that has "Silo 1"
listed on it. Once near the door, turn left down the dark passage and then
right a couple of times to come to a steel door with a flashing console. Use
the Q-Remote to open the door and walk inside. Walk straight, then turn left.
On is an open doorway and a platform. Fire a few shots out near the rocket to
make the guards run around and try to get in a position to shoot you. Kill
both guards and a steel door will open and you will have rescued another world
leader (sixth bond move). **Now, walk back along the passageway you came from
going left and you come out in the opened door. Walk around the catwalk till
you are in front of the world leader, then turn right a little and go down the
stairs in front of you. When you get to the base of the stairs, make a right
U-turn and jump over the concrete thing on the floor in front of you. Right in
front of you is the icon (3)**. Now, turn around and exit this silo the way
you came in. Now, on the other side of the room is a console flashing. Go
over to it and acquire the program with the Q-Remote. Now, go in the yellow
entrance near this computer, and turn right down the dark passageway, then left
a few times to come to a steel door with a flashing console on it. Use the
Q-Remote to open the door and walk in. **Walk straight in and turn right.
Straight ahead of you will be the icon (4)**. Walk straight, and stand in the
doorway. From where you are, you can see most of the guards. Start shooting
one, and they will try to get better positioning on you. If they run to your
right, zoom in and you will see some barrels. Once they get close to the
barrels shoot them to make them explode. Finish off all the guards to rescue
this world leader (seventh bond move). Now, turn around and go back out the
way you came. To the right will be a Q-Jet gas pump. Go to it and fuel up the
Q-Jet, then go the opposite side of the room and to another flashing console.
Use your Q-Remote to collect another program. Now, go in the green entrance
near this computer, but turn down the hallway to the right, not the left. You
have to turn left ahead, and in front of you and to the right a little is a
ladder. Climb up it and walk forward. You come to a huge bundle of wires.
Equip your Q-Laser, and aim it on the wires. They will break and crash into
the floor, making a huge hole and a controlled fire (eighth bond move). **Also
on the other side of the bundle of wires is yet another bond icon for you to
collect (5)**. Now go back to the green entrance of Silo 3, and take the left
hallway. It ends, and to the right is a steel door with a flashing console.
Use the Q-Remote on it to open the door, and follow the winding hallway. On
the left will be an open doorway. Fire a few shots towards the missile to make
the guards run out of behind it. Wait for the guards to come into view, then
kill them. Once all are dead, you will have rescued another world leader
(ninth bond move). Now, turn around and exit the way you came in from. Once
you enter the main room, turn left a little and walk over to the flashing
console on the other side of the room. Use the Q-Remote to collect the program
here. Walk into the blue entrance of Silo 4, and turn right down the dark
hallway. At the end, turn left and open the steel door by using the Q-Remote
on the flashing console. Go in, and follow the winding passageway to an open
doorway into this last silo. Look up and a little to the left to see a guard
on the platform. Kill him, then run around the catwalk to the left. At the
top, you will encounter another guard. After killing all the guards, you will
have rescued the last world leader (tenth bond move). They have closed the
door you came in by, so use the ladder at the top platform to descend to the
floor of the silo. At the bottom, do a right U-turn and jump over the concrete
on the floor. **Pick up the 007 icon straight in front of you (6)**. Turn
right a little and go forward towards the exit door. Jump over the concrete,
then go inside the passage here. You turn right with the passage, and then on
your left side is some body armor. Pick it up, then go forward and press the
button to make the elevator ascend with you on it. Watch the cut-scene, and it
ends up with Bloch standing in front of you pointing a MRL-22 at you. Quickly
run at him and unload on him with the D17. Chase him around the room
constantly shooting him so he cannot stop and aim at you. He will then use his
Q-Jet to ascend to a platform above you. Quickly, run under the platform he is
standing on. Change to your SSR 4000, and you will hear him lift off with his
Q-Jet. He will go to the next platform in a clockwise direction. Quickly, run
halfway to the platform he will land on and zoom in with your SSR 4000. Aim
where you think he will land, then right as he lands shoot him and run under
the platform. Repeat this the exact way a few more times to make him Q-Jet up
to the top balcony and blow up a catwalk, then he leaves the room. NOTE:
Another way to kill Bloch is to fill up your Q-Jet after he is on the
platforms. Then, when he gets to the lowest platform, run to it and Q-Jet up
to it. He will fly off. Run up the stairs towards where he will land and
unload on him with the D17. If you constantly hit him, he cannot move and this
will quickly subdue him. If he flies off as you are shooting him, just run
after him and shoot him at the next spot he lands at. Repeat till he jets up
to the highest catwalk, then blows it up and afterwards, leaves the room (end
of note).
**Another way to defeat Bloch**
Before you get onto the elevator and see the cutscene with Malprave and Bloch,
switch to your SSR 4000. As soon as you get up, shoot Bloch with the SSR 4000.
It should easily make him flee to the second level. Run under the platform he
lands on and switch to your D-17. Now, look to the next platform Bloch will
land on (he flies in a clockwise direction). As soon as he lands, put your
bead on him and unload with the D-17 while walking/jogging towards the platform
he is on. Repeat till he flies up to the third level and shoots the catwalk.**
(Sent in by Parker_gamemaster)
Now, go to the bottom of this room and fill up your Q-Jet. Walk around and go
to the lowest end of the slanted catwalk that he shot. Q-Jet onto it, then
walk up it to the highest end. Once there, completely turn around (do a 180
degree turn) and you will see a Q-Claw spot above a blue tube/tunnel. Latch
onto this spot and you will be pulled up to the top catwalk. Approach the
tube, and it will automatically show you crawl through it. You come out in the
room that you started Cold Reception in. In front of you the nice picture of
Malprave and Bloch hovering in front of it facing you. As you land on the
floor, it will start to move and on either side of you, the tan portion of the
floor will start exploding. Quickly, switch to the MRL-22 that you
automatically have picked up and shoot a shot or two at Bloch. It then shows a
cut-scene of him being blown out backwards through the shattered window. The
room starts blowing up, and James runs for the open window. As soon as he
jumps off of the ledge, you see Malprave run in from the left of the screen,
but she is too late. It shows the badly damaged building as James rises up on
the Harrier with Zoe piloting it. This is the end of the mission, and the
game, good job. After showing you your score, it then shows a long video of
them doing MOST of the bond moves. If there were any you couldn't understand
through my FAQ, then you might understand them in the video.

Bond Moves:
1) Enter the building that is in front and a little to the right of you. Kill
the guard, turn right, and break use the Q-Laser on the lock on the box to
acquire the SSR 4000 and the bond move.
2) Go to the left guard tower and acquire the hatch program using the Q-Remote
(can be done infinite times so getting medals are EXTREMELY EASY).
3) Use the tram cable to swing from the left tower to the right tower.
4) Use the tram cable to swing from the right tower to the roof of the building
that you got the SSR 4000 in.
5) Open the access hatch on the bridge leading to the guard towers using the
Q-Remote to get the bond move.
6) Once inside the building, kill the guards and go to the far side of the
room. If you go through the doorway by the entrance to Silo 3, take the path
to the right. If you go through the doorway by the entrance to Silo 4, take
the path to the left. You will walk up some steps and there will be a ladder
nearby. Climb up the ladder and walk forward. Use the Q-Laser to cut the
strand of wires making part of the catwalk collapse.
7) Rescue the French Prime Minister by killing all the guards in the silo.
8) Rescue the German Chancellor by killing all the guards in the silo.
9) Rescue the UK Prime Minister by killing all the guards in the silo.
10) Rescue the US President by killing all the guards in the silo.

Location of 007 Icons:
1) Go to the top of the left tower that the snipers were on. Walk around the
rim outside to get the icon.
2) Go to the top of the right tower that the snipers were on. Walk around the
rim outside to get the icon.
3) Once you enter the Alpine Base, open the door in front of you and kill the
guards in the room. Go to the northeast, or northwest silo from the door, and
walk to the left or right pathway (depending on which silo). There will be a
ladder. Climb up the ladder, walk straight, and on the platform surrounding
the wires is the icon.
4) After you rescue the French Prime Minister in Silo 1, use the Q-Jet that can
be filled up in the main room, to reach the bottom safely. Around the base of
the nuke is the icon.
5) Once you enter silo 2, turn right and go down the passage to get the icon.
6) Go to the bottom of silo 4 via the stairs. Around the base of the nuke is
the icon.


10)Bond Moves

This section of the FAQ, will list all of the Bond Moves you can do in each
level. They are categorized by which level they are on, and they go
sequentially through the level making sure you do not miss one.

Level 1: Trouble in Paradise
1) Open the first door using the Q-Decryptor.
2) Use the Q-Claw to latch onto the perforated part of the pipe above the
3) Use the Q-Decryptor on the door near the guard typing on the computer.
4) Use the keycard from the guard at the computer on the armory door.
5) After going down the elevator and killing the guard, use the Q-Laser on the
lock on the gate.
6) As the guards run and hide behind the crates, shoot the forklift with the
explosive barrel on it.
7) Use the forklift as cover, then look up and shoot the rope that is holding a
crate in the air.

Level 2: Precious Cargo
1) Shoot the guy in the first helicopter right at the start.
2) Shoot out the tires of the first BMW.
3) Shoot out the tires of the armored van.
4) Shoot out the tires of the next BMW.
5) Shoot out the tires of the limo.
6) In the area where you stop and are surrounded by bad guys, shoot the
explosive barrels on each side to get the move.
7) Shoot out the tires of this limo that follows you.
8) After making the sharp left, shoot out the following BMW's tires.
9) At the gas station, shoot the guy in the helicopter.
10) At the gas station, shoot one of the gas pumps to make the place explode.
11) Right after you enter the factory, shoot the guy on the catwalk. Then on
the left, two guys appear. Shoot the explosive barrels near them to get the
12) In the second room of the factory, shoot the two guys on the catwalk above
and in front of you.
13) In the third, and final room of the factory, shoot the explosive barrel
near the forklift that is by the green crates.

Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
1) At the first blockade of BMW's, shoot the explosive barrels on the left.
2) As you exit the dockyard, you are in a closed passage. Shoot the barrel on
your right that will kill the guys shooting you from the right side.
3) On the left side of the level is a really big gas station. Shoot one of the
gas pumps making the place explode.
4) Disable any enemy car to get a bond move.
5) Use the Q-Pulse to disable the armored van.

Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
1) Disable the first laser.
2) Disable the next laser in the same hallway as the first.
3) Enter the secret room around the corner from the second laser.
4) On the balcony, use your Q-Claw to reach the balcony above, instead of
climbing up the ladder.
5) Open the door on the right after the room with the computer. Watch the cool
cut-scene and you will get the bond move.
6) Kill the Griffin "clone" and pick up the pass code generator.
7) Disable the last alarm that moves up and down.

Level 5: Cold Reception
1) After entering the door to the left of the main lobby, walk down the
hallway. You should soon come to a vent with a lock on it. Use the Q-Laser on
it, and then crawl inside.
2) After taking pictures completing the objectives, walk towards the elevator.
On your right, will be a guard. Shoot him, walk through the doorway, and pick
up the card on the bookshelf to the right.
3) In the room with the big green computer mainframes, go where there are the
computer monitors and screens in this room. Use the card you picked up to turn
off the alarms and get the move.
4) In the room with the big green computer mainframes, go to the EXIT door.
Near the door is a model of an oil rig. Use the Q-Camera to take a picture of
it and get the move.
5) After you go down the elevator, and come to the first metal doors, walk
straight and down the stairs. Now look up and a little to the left. There
will be a Q-Claw spot. Use the Claw and hook onto it. Crawl inside to get the
6) There is a room in the cave that has the program to open the metal doors so
you can finish the level. If you went through the vents towards the cave area,
then you will drop down into this room. Just use the remote and collect the
program and it gives you the move.
7) In the cave room that has the big tanks, shoot one of the valves of the tank
that the guard is standing in front of. Kill the guard by busting the valve
and you will get the move.
8) Use the program on the doors at the top of the cave, so you can exit the

Level 6: Night of the Jackal
1) Go to the street that R's apartment is on, and kill the sniper. Use the
Q-Claw to get up to the ledge on the building. Now, jump from the building to
the sniper's nest to get the move.
2) Use the Q-Claw to get up to the ledge on the street that R's apartment is
on. Walk around the ledge and enter the building for the move.
3) After seeing the NICE hologram :), walk down the hall and use the Q-Claw to
get to the other building.
4) In the room with the computers that has glass windows. Shoot the bad guys
through the windows. Kill all the badguys and you will get the move.
5) In the rotunda, open the secret passage behind the Great Britain flag.
6) Rescue/find Damescu by the elevator, and you will get the move.
7) When fighting Carla the Jackal, get her in front of the fan and press the
button to move the crane and knock her into the fan.
8) Use the SSR4000 to kill the pilot of the helicopter gunship.

Level 7: Streets of Bucharest
1) Use Q-Slicks anytime in the driving section of the level to disable an enemy
car. Very easy to do when you come to the part where the cars hide on the side
of the road and pop out behind you.
2) Once in the train station, look out of either end and there will be a
helicopter. Blow up both helicopters at the end of each side of the train
3) After you get the Q-Locator, go out the train station through the front
entrance and drive straight while following this road that leads to the data
chip. You will eventually come to a bridge that a helicopter blows up and if
you make it to the other side, you get the move.
4) Right after finding the data chip, drive straight and fast through the
tunnel type archway and there will be two cars near it. Drive between the cars
and the car you are driving will pop up on two wheels as it passes between
them, giving you the move.
5) After getting the data chip and driving by the two cars, you will go up a
hill. Just drive straight and you will ramp off of this, over the road, and
land on some buildings on the other side.

*These are done in the tank (rail shooting part of the mission)

6) After getting the first vest of body armor while in the tank, you will turn
right and go down a winding road and then turn right off of it. Soon after,
you enter an archway and you are in a big open area. To the left is an armored
van and some barrels. Shoot the barrels to get the bond move.
7) Right after this open area, you will have to shoot two BMW's and then the
tank turns to the left. Shoot the helicopter that is straight in front of you.
8) Eventually you come to a spot where there is a helicopter hovering over a
bridge and is shooting rockets at you. Blow up the helicopter and it will
destroy the bridge giving you the bond move.
9) After having Q-Vision for a while, M will say, "Malprave's men have
commandeered a supply train," you will see some guys and a limo. To the left
of the guy on the far left are some explosive barrels. Shoot them to get the

Level 8: Fire and Water
1) Once you climb up all the ladders at the beginning and enter the control
room, obtain the program with the Q-Remote.
2,3) There is a door to the left of this room that does not have a lock on it.
Open it and you will see two cranes with a program on each. Point the Q-Remote
at them and use it on both of them.
4) Just to the right of the control room is a crate hanging in midair. Point
the Remote at it to make it fall and bust open.
5) Use the Q-Laser on the lock to the door that is the exit to the control
6) After going down the first set of stairs you approach a gate that Bloch is
standing behind and keeps yelling, "Come on Bond". Use the Q-Laser to open the
gate and make Bloch run away. Now, look to the left and there is a vent with
some body armor beside it. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the vent.
7) After using the Q-Laser on the gate that Bloch is standing behind, walk past
the gate and turn right. Use the Q-Laser to open the lock on the vent.
(Directly across from #6)
8) This one is in the big area outside. After going through the gate where you
use the Q-Laser, turn right and use the Q-Laser on the lock on the vent. Go
inside and the vent turns right twice. You come to another lock. Use the
Q-Laser again and go out of the vent. Turn right, and climb up the ladder and
kill the guard. Now walk around the catwalk on the outside of the building
quickly. There will be a sniper. Kill him and take the SSR 4000. A
helicopter will already be descending to drop off some guards. Snipe the pilot
to get the move.
9) Once you get inside the pump room, and descend to the floor of the room, go
to the right wall. Look up at the ceiling and there will be a perforated spot
that you can use the Q-Claw on that will enable you to reach the ledge that has
the guard with the FSU-4 on it.
10) After exiting the pump room, you climb up a tall ladder that is on the side
of a big cylinder tank. Once on top, shoot the guard and the sniper on the
other tall tank. Use the Q-Claw to reach the tall tank that the sniper was on.
11) Once you use the tram cable from the tall tanks, you arrive on a rooftop
with some guards. In the left corner of this area are some guards hiding
behind some crates. There is a hanging crate above their head. Use the
Q-Remote to make the crate drop off the cable.
12) After you take the elevator up to a small room, a helicopter will come and
say he has you surrounded. Duck behind the crates that are not by the
explosive barrels. Pull out your SSR 4000 and while ducking, zoom in and snipe
the pilot.
13) Once you reach the top level, use the air to refuel your Q-Jet. Hover to
the ledge that is in front of you and a little to the right. Once on it, turn
around and there will be a guard throwing grenades. Kill him and get out your
Q-Claw. Look to the top left of this area and you will see a spot where you
can use the Q-Claw to reach the top platform. Do this and get the bond move.

Level 9: Forbidden Depths
1) At the first section where you stop, kill a lot of the guys. A wall on the
left will slide up revealing a guard and a blinking red light. Shoot the light
to open the security blast door.
2) At the second area that you stop at, turn to the right and there will be
some barrels near a few guards. Shoot the barrels to kill the guards and you
will get the move.
3) After Bloch throws all the mines at you, you come to a part of the tunnel
that has fans in it. Shoot the centers of all three fans to get the move.
4) Right after shooting the fans, you will come to a part of the tunnel were
steam is coming up through the floor. Shoot the red blinking buttons on the
left side of the tunnel to stop the steam. Shoot both lights to turn off the
steam and you will get the move.

Level 10: Poseidon
1) In the room you start in, use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the small
2,3,4) Right after you complete the first objective, you are in a big open room
with many guards and three glass cases with liquids inside them. Use the
Q-Remote to copy each program from the console near each case.
5) Once you get into the cloning room, turn left at the base of the stairs and
go in the doorway. You have to turn right, then turn right into the doorway on
your right. Shoot the guard, and walk forward. Press the green button to turn
the turret guns on while the guards are still out there.
6,7,8) In the cloning room, use the Q-Remote on all three consoles to wreak
havoc on the clones in the glass case in the middle of the room.
9) After you exit the clone room, go up the stairs and go left out of this red
tinted room. Shoot the guard and walk forward. On your right will be a
sniper. Kill him and press the button making steps lead to the submarine so
you can complete the mission.

Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
1) Make your way to the cell room inside the ship. (If you started on the
outside, go up the ladder and go in the door on your left. Follow the passage
and go down the stairs, then go in the door in front of you. It will be the
right cell.) Go to the right cell and unlock it using the Q-Laser. Once
inside, use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the vent.
2) Go up the steps exiting the briefing room. Turn right at the top and shoot
the guard. Turn right and break the lock on the vent. Crawl in, then break
the lock on the vent to the left. Walk out and go to the right and walk along
the edge of the ship. Look up and you will see a spot to use the Q-Claw at.
Latch onto it to get the move.
3) From the move above, turn to the left to enter the ship, then turn left to
enter a green tinted room. On your right is a guard typing on the computer.
Shoot him and acquire the harrier program with the Q-Remote.
4) In the second area of the hangar, get on the right side of the ship so that
the rail of the ship is to the right and the tanks of air and the chain linked
fence is on your left. Use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the door on the
chain linked fence.
5) In the second area of the hangar, get on the right side of the ship so that
the rail of the ship is to the right and the tanks of air and the chain linked
fence is on your left. Follow the rail of the ship and look up. You will see
a Q-Claw spot on the ceiling. Latch onto it to get the move.
6) Go up the second set of stairs and Zoe will say she has found the conference
room. Shoot the guard up here in this red tinted room and then look out the
window. Use the Q-Remote on the harrier to kill the guards.
7) After killing all the guys near the harrier, walk up the stairs near you and
kill the guard out here on the side of the ship. Walk around the ship on the
path. You come to a railing. Look up and to the left. You will see a Q-Claw
spot and a guard. Take out the guard first, then use the Q-Claw to get the
bond move.
8) After you climb up the stairs that all the guards are defending, you come to
a door at the top. After you shoot some of the guards in this computer room, a
helicopter flies and shoots at you. Snipe the pilot to get the move.
9) After the room with the helicopter, you go up a ladder then face some more
guards (one who is shooting at you from a mounted gun). There is another
ladder. Climb up and use the Q-Laser on it. In the room you come up in, kill
the two guards and use the Q-Laser to free the Navy woman.
10) In the same room as the Navy woman, use the Q-Remote to acquire the missile
11) After the Navy woman opens the door for you, go out the door and you will
see a tram cable. Get on it, but immediately press the action button again to
drop off giving you the bond move, and setting you up for the next one.
12) After you come out of the door the Navy woman opened, you can either fall
down the hole in the floor or do the above mentioned bond move. Now, use the
Q-Laser on the lock on the grate. Drop down and press the green button on the
computer to help Zoe get out of the way of the thugs' harm.
13) After you save Zoe, you go through a door and go down a big ladder. You
come to another door. Open it and turn left. In front of you is a machine
that you can use the missile program on. It fires the rocket and kills the
guard, giving you the move.

Level 12: Evil Summit
1) Enter the building that is in front and a little to the right of you. Kill
the guard, turn right, and break use the Q-Laser on the lock on the box to
acquire the SSR 4000 and the bond move.
2) Go to the left guard tower and acquire the hatch program using the Q-Remote
(can be done infinite times so getting medals are EXTREMELY EASY).
3) Use the tram cable to swing from the left tower to the right tower.
4) Use the tram cable to swing from the right tower to the roof of the building
that you got the SSR 4000 in.
5) Open the access hatch on the bridge leading to the guard towers using the
Q-Remote to get the bond move.
6) Once inside the building, kill the guards and go to the far side of the
room. If you go through the doorway by the entrance to Silo 3, take the path
to the right. If you go through the doorway by the entrance to Silo 4, take
the path to the left. You will walk up some steps and there will be a ladder
nearby. Climb up the ladder and walk forward. Use the Q-Laser to cut the
strand of wires making part of the catwalk collapse.
7) Rescue the French Prime Minister by killing all the guards in the silo.
8) Rescue the German Chancellor by killing all the guards in the silo.
9) Rescue the UK Prime Minister by killing all the guards in the silo.
10) Rescue the US President by killing all the guards in the silo.


11)007 Icons

This section is has an in-depth description of how to get each and every 007
icon so you can get the platinum medal and the reward. Each 007 icon will be
categorized by level, and they go in sequential order so there is not hassle
going back and forth in the level. The icons are explanatory themselves, so if
you are looking for EXACTLY how to get them, this is the place to look. The
ones in the FAQ will just be a brief description.

Level 1: Trouble in Paradise
1) At the beginning of the level, switch to the Q-Claw and use it to grapple up
to the perforated spot on the pipe above the entrance to the building. Turn to
your right and walk straight on the roof to get the icon.
2) After you go down the first elevator and shoot the guard in the room, jump
up on the crates in the right side of the room; it is on top of the crates.
3) When you get to the room where they darken the lights, go over on the left
side and it will just be floating there on the floor.
4) After you get the case with the vials go in the door. You will appear in
another place. Walk forward and turn left. Do not go on the metal stairs, but
to the left of the stairs is the icon. Walk over and get it.

Level 2: Precious Cargo
1) At a certain point in the level a little after the beginning, Zoe will say
that there is a roadblock ahead. In front of you will be two limos. Destroy
both limos to get the icon.
2) You will arrive in a place where you stop and kill the enemies that are
surrounding you on the left, right, and in front. After killing them, the car
will go right. Get out your KA-57S and look up as you exit the overhang. A
helicopter will be flying in the air, and a couple shot will take it down and
get you this icon.
3) After you cut across the grass in the median, you will make a sharp 90
degree left turn. Now straight ahead of you on the right on the sidewalk will
be a bad guy. Shoot him to get the icon.
4) At a point in the level, you will drive straight approaching the factory.
In front of the factory are some bad guys. Kill all three of them to get the
5) Right after you enter the factory, switch to your CH-6. Now aim to your
left a little to see the huge gray column. Shoot it and it will explode giving
you the next icon.
6) You will proceed through an overhang and be in the second room of the plant.
On the right are some gray columns. Shoot the fans (black box things on the
wall) and you will get the icon.

Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
1) From the beginning, turn around and go down the alley on your left. It is
down there close to the end.
2) After you blow up the BMW roadblock, there will be a lone crate in the
middle of the road. Destroy it, and it will be inside.
3) After you get out of the dockyards, turn left, and stay on this main road on
the left side of the level. After a while, there will be no buildings, and on
your left a really big building with an entrance in it's side. Turn left off
the road, and then right into the little overhang and the 007 icon will be
between the two pillars.
4) Keep going away from the dockyards on the same road that you turned off of
to get the icon under the overhang. On your right, right after the building
that had the 007 icon, there will be a gas station. Drive between the
building, and the pump closest to the building so you can get the icon that is
waiting for you there.
5) Continue on this same road on the left side of the level that you used to
get the previous two 007 icons. Stay left after the gas station, and on your
left after a little ways, the buildings will be gone and there will be trees.
Right when this happens, there is a 007 icon on the sidewalk waiting for you to

Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
1) On the first floor, keep going past the elevator, shoot the guard, and
proceed into the office area. It will be on the left near the darts on the
2) After you go up to the second floor in the elevator, turn left when you get
out of the elevator and then right. Shoot the guard and just walk around the
rotunda to get the 007 icon.
3) After going through the kitchen and past the open window, there will be some
locked doors at the end of the hallway. On the wall near the doors is a secret
room, so use your Q-Specs to open the door and get the 007 icon inside.
4) After you get through the room with Griffin in it, you will come to a room
with a guard and some glass cases. Shoot the guard and get the icon that is
behind the glass cases.

Level 5: Cold Reception
1) It is on the door on the right had side of the room. Open it using the
computer. Now run over and shoot the two guards that come out quickly, so they
don't sound the alarm. The icon is in the passageway that was just opened up
near the body armor on the bookshelf.
2) Go to the room that has the showcase with the MRL-22 in it. There will be a
vent to the left of the door that leads to the next room. Use the Q-Laser on
the vent and crawl inside to get the icon.
3) After you go down the elevator, kill the guard, and go down the first tiny
flight of stairs. Turn right, walk down the next tiny set, and the icon will
be on your right.
4) After going down the elevator, you will come to some metal doors, open them
and walk straight. Now look up to see a Q-Claw spot that will take you into
the vents. There is a 007 icon in here.
5) Go to the metal doors, go the other way this time, and walk left on the
pathway killing the guards. Stay to the left, and on the left side of the open
area there will be a lowered section of walkway that has explosive barrels, and
an icon beside them.
6) When you come to the cave area, you will see an icon on top of a water tank.
Jump on the wall, then onto the tank to get the icon. If this does not work,
then stand by the pipe that has the valve on it. Hold forward and jump and you
can stand on the valve, and then jump again to get on top.
7) Down on the cave floor, there is another 007 icon behind a water tank near
the ladder that leads up to where the sniper was.

Level 6: Night of the Jackal
1) After the bus crashes at the beginning of the level, kill the guys and kill
the sniper right near the beginning. There is two alleys you can go down. Go
down the left (which is a dead end). The first store on the right has a 007 in
the glass case in the front of the shop.
2) After you go down the other alley and kill some guards, there will be a
sniper. Kill him, use the Q-Claw to get up to the building, then jump off the
building to the sniper's alcove where the icon is.
3) Eventually you will get to the building where they are holding hostages.
Kill both guys who are holding a single hostage. Follow the hostages to the
room where they are hiding, and the icon will be in there.
4) When you get to the area with the gunship, go to the crates on the right
side. The icon is right behind them.

Level 7: Streets of Bucharest
1) After you drive down the street a while, you come to a fork. Go left and in
front of you will be an arch over the road. Right before this arch, turn right
and drive straight to get the icon.
2) After crashing through the glass while entering the train station to get the
Q-Locator, turn right and drive down the train tracks and you will see and get
the icon.
3) Go out of the train station via the glass doors you enter it by. Drive
straight and follow this main road, do not turn off of it! You will eventually
ramp over a bridge since a helicopter blows it up. Do not turn on the next
intersection, but stop and turn around 180 degrees at the next one where the
van pulls out. On your right will be some missiles and a little passageway.
Drive through the passage to get the 007 icon.
4) After you get the Data Chip, drive straight and you will go between two
BMW's on the right and left. You will be driving straight through a park-type
place and you ramp off and land on some buildings, keep going straight and you
will fly off one of the ledges and get the 007 icon that is in midair.
5) After you blow up the helicopter that destroys the bridge, the tank will
keep driving straight and then take a sharp right between the two walls. In
front of you, a gas truck is being followed by two armored trucks. Shoot the
gas truck which will destroy the armored trucks to get the icon.
6) Right after you blow up the gas truck to get the 007 icon, you will drive on
a curved road, then ahead of you two helicopters will appear and start shooting
at you. Blow both helicopters up to get the icon.

Level 8: Fire and Water
1) Right after getting the Q-Remote program and breaking the lock on the door,
straight in front of you will be a single explosive barrel. Shoot it and get
the icon behind it.
2) After getting the Q-Remote program, killing the guys behind the crates, and
going down the stairs, run up to the gate that has the lock on it (also the one
block is standing behind). Break the lock so Bloch runs away. Now on your
left is a vent that has a lock on it and some body armor beside it. Break the
lock with the Q-Laser and go inside. There is another grate that has a lock so
use the Q-Laser again on it. While still inside the vent, look left and blow
up the barrels killing the guards. The icon is on top of the crates, so just
jump up them to get it.
3) In the big open area, subdue all the guards, and go to the left where the
cranes are holding the boxes. Over by these cranes on the ground, is the icon.
4) In the big open area, go to the right side where all the explosives are, and
go near the forklift. Right by the base of the platform that Bloch is standing
on, there is an icon.
5) Proceed through the pump room, and on the far side from where you entered,
will be two ladders. Go behind the metal wires on the one on the right, and
jump up on the crates to get the icon.
6) After you escape from the pump room, and open the door that goes outside,
turn left and there will be some explosive barrels, the icon is right behind
7) Also, right after you escape from the pump room and open the door that goes
outside, there will be an icon under the left tower. Crouch and walk under the
tower to get it.
8) In the room where the helicopter shoots at you just as you go up the
elevator. As you exit the elevator, go to the right side of this room and
behind the crates and explosives is the icon.

Level 9: Forbidden Depths
1) After you go a while, there will be a control booth thing above the track,
and there will be two guys in it. Kill both guys to make the icon appear.
2) There will be another control booth type thing above the track, kill both
guys in the booth to make the icon appear.
3) When you chase Bloch, he starts throwing mines on the track. Shoot the
mines before your car runs them over to get the icon.
4) Destroy all gun turrets in the level. The icon will appear in front of the
part of the level with the spinning fans.

Level 10: Poseidon
1) Right where you start, open the large grate that has the armor in it, it
will also contain the icon.
2) Right after completing your first objective (infiltrate the lab), look to
your right and there will be explosive barrels. Behind those barrels is the
3) When you get to the room with the gun turrets, kill all the guards, and then
get the icon, which is to the right of the stairs that you entered the room
4) After you complete all the objectives except enter the sub, you will start
and there will be stairs in front of you leading to a room that is tinted red.
On your right will be a door. Open it and inside is the icon.
5) After you shoot all the guys on the second floor of the sub pen, you will go
down some stairs. Turn 180 degrees to your left right as you step off of the
stairs. On your right will be a vent with a lock on it. Q-Laser the lock,
crawl through, then turn right and you will get the icon.

Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
Number 1 and 2 have two ways to get each.
1) If you started outside the ship, this icon will be in front of you.
If you did not start outside the ship, break out of your cell, and kill the
guard. Go out the door and up the stairs a little to your left. Kill the
guard here, and open the door. Kill the next guard outside, and walk to the
right of the door. On this ledge below, will be the icon.
2) If you started in the cell, the icon will be in front of you.
If you started outside the ship, go up the ladder, kill the guard, and open
the door to the left. Kill the guard inside, walk down the stairs, and there
will be a door straight in front of you, and a little to the left. Open the
door, kill the guard, and use the Q-Laser to break the lock on the cell and get
the icon inside.
3) From the right cell, use the Q-Laser on the vent grating. Crawl through the
vent, it will turn right, then left, the right again. Straight ahead will be
the icon.
4) After getting your first objective, you will walk up some stairs and shoot
the guard working at the computer controls. When you get into this computer
room, turn right and use the Q-Laser on the lock on the vent grating. Crawl
inside and go straight to get the icon.
5) After you go through the vent for the aforementioned icon, break the lock on
the vent. Now, shoot the guard and go on the far right outside of the ship.
Look up to see a Q-Claw spot. Getting up here gives you a 007 move. Now jump
down the other side and kill the two guards to the left. Walk straight on the
right outside of the ship still and look up to see another Q-Claw spot. Use
the gadget, and on the ledge is the 007 icon.
6) After getting the icon just mentioned on the second ledge outside the ship,
go through the door on this ledge. Walk through the passage and open the door
on your left. Shoot the computer guy and the sniper. Walk across the bridge,
and go right and down some steps to get the icon by some barrels.
7) After you Q-Claw to the balcony on the ship, and kill the guys in the
conference room, go right and open the door. Now turn left and on your right
are some stairs. You can either go up them quickly and kill all the guys and
the grenadier, or just run past the stairs and get the icon behind them.
8) After you set the lady sailor free, she opens a door. Go outside, and snipe
the men by the barrels. Now fall down the hole near the crates and the icon
should be right by you.
9) Walk around behind the barrels that Zoe was surrounded by. In the back is
the icon.

Level 12: Evil Summit
1) Go to the top of the left tower that the snipers were on. Walk around the
rim outside to get the icon.
2) Go to the top of the right tower that the snipers were on. Walk around the
rim outside to get the icon.
3) Once you enter the Alpine Base, open the door in front of you and kill the
guards in the room. Go to the northeast, or northwest silo from the door, and
walk to the left or right pathway (depending on which silo). There will be a
ladder. Climb up the ladder, walk straight, and on the platform surrounding
the wires is the icon.
4) After you rescue the French Prime Minister in Silo 1, use the Q-Jet that can
be filled up in the main room, to reach the bottom safely. Around the base of
the nuke is the icon.
5) Once you enter silo 2, turn right and go down the passage to get the icon.
6) Go to the bottom of silo 4 via the stairs. Around the base of the nuke is
the icon.


12)Gold/Platinum Rewards

This section lists the stages in sequential order. It shows you what the
suggested level of difficulty to get the medals on, what the target is for gold
and platinum medals, and what your reward is for getting the medals.

Level 1: Trouble in Paradise
Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 50,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Gun
Platinum Medal Target- 50,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Map- Rocket Manor

Level 2: Precious Cargo
Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 50,000
Gold Medal Reward- Gold CH-6
Platinum Medal Target- 50,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Game Mode - Golden Gun

Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 70,000
Gold Medal Reward- Unlimited Missiles
Platinum Medal Target- 70,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Stealth Bond

Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
Suggested Level to get Gold on: operative
Gold Medal Target- 70,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Accuracy
Platinum Medal Target- 70,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Powerup - Gravity Boots

Level 5: Cold Reception
Suggested Level to get Gold on: agent
Gold Medal Target- 90,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Clip
Platinum Medal Target- 90,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Guard

Level 6: Night of the Jackal
Suggested Level to get Gold on: agent or 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 90,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Grenades
Platinum Medal Target- 90,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Weapon - Viper

Level 7: Streets of Bucharest
Suggested Level to get Gold on: Agent or 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 100,000
Gold Medal Reward- Lotus Esprit
Platinum Medal Target- 100,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Alpine Guard

Level 8: Fire and Water
Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 100,000
Gold Medal Reward- Rapid Fire
Platinum Medal Target- 100,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Weapon - Calypso

Level 9: Forbidden Depths
Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 110,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Armor
Platinum Medal Target- 110,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Modifier - Full Arsenal

Level 10: Poseidon
Suggested Level to Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 120,000
Gold Medal Reward- Golden Bullets
Platinum Medal Target- 120,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Cyclops Oil Guard

Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 130,000
Gold Medal Reward- Regenerative Armor
Platinum Medal Target- 130,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Poseidon Guard

Level 12: Evil Summit
Suggested Level to get Gold on: 00 Agent
Gold Medal Target- 130,000
Gold Medal Reward- Unlimited Ammo
Platinum Medal Target- 130,000 + 007 Icons
Platinum Medal Reward- MP Model - Carrier Guard


13)Multiplayer Tips

In this section, there will be tips listed for certain levels in certain modes.
These tips can be anywhere from good hiding points, secret places in the
level, and good ways to kill your opponents.

Easy Kills:

From FaithNChrist:
In the dungeon level, to get to power-ups and stuff in the middle cell, press
the action button when you are facing the brick that's sticking out of the wall
on the left (stand in front of the stairs that lead to the cells, face the
middle cell. turn right, to the right of the pile of stones, one will be
sticking out of the wall). The actual tip is when in "Protect the Flag" game
mode, set the first power-up to cloak. This will make the power-up in the cell
cloak. Get the flag, grab cloak, get a strong weapon, and crouch. If done
properly (make sure you are in plain site) people will thing you are the flag.
When they near you, carefully aim and shoot them in the head. If there is more
than two players, they'll never know what hit them. 'Accidentally' forget to
tell your friends how to open the cell. If you get locked in, shoot the brick
and the door will still open. This is a great way to trick your friends. Or,
when you get locked in, tell your friends you're locked inand there is NO way
to get out. When they have their back turned, shoot the brick, run out, kill
them, then lock your self away again. Get the idea? Say "Hmm...weird. Maybe the
place you were standing on was glitched..." other places to hide in Dungeon:
when in the main hall thing, stand on the middle level. Aim up, and you should
see a black area. Use the Q-Claw right in the middle. You should be hidden
pretty well. It works really well when your stealth bond. Make sure you hold
B(the default gadget button) or the claw will unhook itself. You can also camp
out on top of any chandelier in the level. One last place is when you're on the
middle level of the main hall and are facing the cells. Turn right. You should
see some suspicious looking walls. Shoot the camouflaged barrel. Only a little
bit of wall should remain. Hide behind it. Here's one last tip. If your friends
camp a lot, like in the locked cell, or on the ceiling, plant a trip mine in an
in-obvious spot, so no one will destroy it. Make sure your team color matches
the terrain pretty well so that the laser wont attract to much attention. Next
time they go to that spot...boom! You can also do it while they're ALREADY
there. With the same effect...

14)Frequently Asked Questions

This section will just be question and answers from anyone who sends question
to my e-mail address. Their question will be posted here, and their question
will be answered here to the best of my ability. Got a question? Send it to


or ask me online with Instant Messenger, screen name:


Q: How do I get past the tanks in the level streets of Bucharest, where they
are beneath a train?
A: Switch to your cannon right before you go around the corner where the tanks
are. Now, above the tanks there is a train. Wait till a red car appears and
nail it with the cannon. Mission complete.

Q: (Regenerative Armor cheat) I got the gold medal on Mediterranean Crisis, but
I can't figure out what the cheat does. I haven't noticed the health
regenerating in the wheel. The cheat has not really helped. I just want to
know what the cheat is supposed to do because I do not see anything special
happening. Can you please e-mail me back after you read this and tell me what
it does.
A: The cheat only works when your health is really low (25% or below). Your
health will be flashing. The cheat regenerates you when your health is
flashing. It brings it back up to 25%, but not to the max.

Q: Yea, when I beat the game (007 Agent Under Fire), there was no ending. How
do you get the ending????
A: To get the ending, beat it on Agent, or 00 Agent and it will show Bond do
most of the Bond Moves in the game and that is the ONLY ending.

Q: How do I use platinum medals in single-player?
A: Platinum medals are for multiplayer.

Q: How do I use my gold medals for single player?
A: Well, the golden medals should already be on if you have gotten any gold
medals. If you have gotten some gold medals and nothing has happened, then go
to options. Go down to gold medals, and turn them on.

Q: Are there any extra levels at the end of the game like in Goldeneye?
A: Nope, there are only 12 levels, although a secret level would have been

Q: I was just wondering, do you have any suggestions for getting past snipers,
especially in levels like Poseidon and Fire and Water where there are like 3 at
a time?
A: I am about to release an update for my walkthrough that covers Fire and
Water. That'll get you by those snipers.
For Poseidon:
After completing the mission where you mess up the cloning tank, you go up some
stairs and are in a red tinted room. You turn left and there is a guard, and a
sniper a little to the right in a glass window. Take out the UGW and kill the
guard, then use alternate fire to zoom in a little and kill the sniper. Now
take the SSR 4000 from this sniper and use it to kill the other one.

Q: Can you be invincible?
A: No, I am pretty sure you saw this cheat at gamewinners.com, and this cheat
does not work. There is no way as of right now to be invincible.

Q: I need help in the level "Fire and water". The problem is I don't know how
to get the eighth bond move. When I shoot the pilot the helicopter just blows
up, but they don't give me the bond move. Is there a secret or something I have
to do before I shoot him to get the bond move?
A: You have to shoot the pilot in the head, it might take a couple shots, but
it has to hit him in the head. If you do hit him in the head, you will see his
head kind of jerk, and the helicopter go into an abrupt spin.

Q: In Forbidden Depths, at the end, how do you stop the lava from killing you?
A: At the end, you start going around the circle. There will be three doors
stationed around this room in a triangle with a guard at each door. Kill the
three guards and then Bloch will run out on a catwalk. Shoot him till he goes
back inside. Now, three new guards will be at the doors. Kill these three
guards. Now, use the RCH-1 rocket launcher you picked up by killing the guards
and aim up. You will see some flashing red things. Hit all three red things
and you win.

Lpswim518 and Ffarthead:
Q: In the mission "Night of the Jackal", I don't know how to get past the boss
inside the embassy. What should I do?
A: Hide behind the boxes on the right as you enter the room, unload on her with
a machine gun. She will move to the right near some barrels, so blow them up
to make her move again. Now, shoot her some more and she will move in front of
a yellow piece of machinery. There will be a button a little to the front and
to the right of the crates you are behind. Press the button to knock her into
the fan and kill her.

Q: What does full arsenal do?
A: Full arsenal (only in multiplayer) starts all players out with all the guns
that you have selected to be able to use for the level.

Q: On the level Evil Summit how do you defeat Nigel Bloch? I got to the part
where you slide in the BLUE TUNNEL but when he blows up the floor I don't
know what the crap to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: Right after you get out of the tunnel and are on the ground, you pick up an
MRL-22. Change to it and shoot a missile or two at Bloch.

Q: How do you defeat Nigel Bloch in Evil Summit?
A: After watching the cut-scene and finding out the Bloch you killed was a
double, unload on Bloch with the D17. Shoot him constantly so he doesn't have
a chance to fire rockets at you. Eventually he will jump up onto some
platforms overhead. Run under the platform he is under to make him jump to the
next clockwise platform. As he lands, shoot him with the SSR 4000 and quickly
run under the platform he is on. Keep repeating. Now, he will shoot a
catwalk. Fill up your Q-Jet and jump onto this slanted catwalk. Walk to the
highest point on it and turn around. In front of you, there should be a Q-Claw
spot. Use the Q-Claw, and go inside the pipe. Once you enter this room,
change to the MRL-22 you automatically pick up, then fire a rocket at Bloch to
complete the mission.

15)Legal Information

This FAQ is copyright (c) 2002 Jordan Gilchrist.

If you would like to post this FAQ on YOUR site or publish it, send me an
e-mail and I will give you a reply if you can. If I say NO you MAY NOT post or
publish this FAQ. If you use ANY part of this FAQ, give me some type of credit
letting people know who really wrote it.


16)Contact Information

If you have any SUGGESTIONS that you think will make this FAQ/Walkthrough much
better or helpful, then send them to me! Also, I will accept and answer any
questions, comments, or any other thing you might possibly want to say or ask
me, I will be willing to help or talk to you about it. Don't be shy; send
stuff in. The e-mail address that you can contact me with is:


or contact me online with Instant Messenger, screen name:




www.gamefaqs.com - for letting me post this FAQ on their great site.

Myself - for thinking of writing this FAQ.

Pierce Brosnan - for being such a good James Bond actor.

VBengco- sending in alternate fire for multiplayer weapons.

crappy_man_1 - Sent in the alternate part in the first mission.

LordRogue- Sent in multiplayer tips.

FaithNChrist- Sent in multiplayer tips.

Parker_gamemaster- Sent in alternate way to defeat Bloch.

firestorm- Noticed the Zoom-in for KA57S.

EA, for making this great James Bond Game

EA, James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire Instruction Booklet


End of FAQ
Copyright 2002 Jordan Gilchrist

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