Ground Control

Ground Control

17.10.2013 06:38:42
Order of the New Dawn Guide
*********Ground Control order of the new dawn guide ***********
************************ By Fallon V1*******************************
************************20th March 2003****************************
**********************Copyright Fallon 2003************************

if you donot know about copy right then these are good links

disclaimer read first!

This FAQ is for private use only reproduction or republication in
CDroms or unspecified websites is not allowed as this is my
work and belongs to me and I worked hard for it. If you want it
on your web site ask me @

I also accept NO responsibility for what happens from use or lack
of use of this short FAQ so use at your own risk.Also please do not
ask stupid questions as these will be ignored .Examples are what
is the key for since its listed in the manual and the key command
card , or the serial code .Games are a product of hard work and
semi experiencing it myself I know first hand.

I am also not responsible for players deciding that joing the space
marines and a corporation to fight off world wars (if gamefaqs survives
long enough that future developments ensue).Imagine that in 2437
Cjayc's descendant will still run this and people will log on to play these
basic games compared to what they have then...


I bought this dirt cheap and always wondered so splitting a 3 for
£10 deal with a nice old man at the local game shop I finally got
my first taste of ground control and it wasn't what I expected since
I recently finished the shogun total war FAQ or sort of nearly finished
it (it is mushrooming out of all control and each time I say right
thats IT I find something else about shogun toasty!)ground control
is different to say the least , proper line of sight , armour thickness
modifies on all units , beautiful terrain but no building of units you
get what you are given.Currently unit descriptors are not included
as its not as if you can build units ok you can choose which ones
to load into your dropships but its not the same and there are stats
in the manual anyway and stats in bars in the dropship config menu.

Also I am only going to write about order of the new dawn units and
missions , I have put the crayven FAQ and walk through in another
FAQ , which is quite wasteful but hey it works out the same Kb
more or less right?

I am also using version 1.007 Eng if anybody would like to know.



[1] Version history
[1.1] -System specs

[2] Differnitions
[2.1] Order of the new Dawn Units

[3] Campaign stumble through

[4]The enemy

[5] General Questions

[6] Credits and permissions


[1] Version history

V0.1 20th March 2003

This is written after a brief period from finishing the crayven
corp FAQ and campaign we move on to order of the new dawn
FAQ and walk through.

[1.2] System Specs

This is taken from the manual

Minimum System Requirements
The Ground Control Direct Command Interface System (GC-DCIS)
requires that your Command APC onboard computer is equipped
Pentium II 233 MHz or Pentium II 200 with 3D Accelerator Card
250 MB HD Space
CD-ROM: 4x or better
640 x 480 SVGA high color (16-bit) 4 MB Video Card
DirectX 7.0a (included on CD)
Windows® compatible sound device
Mouse and Keyboard
Recommended System Requirements
For maximum combat performance Crayven Tactical Military
recommend the following:
Pentium II 333 MHz or better
3D accelerator card (Glide or Direct3D compatible)
450 MB HD Space

Personal test deck

Win2k SP2*
AMD 900
TNT2 32mb
19 Inch screen
Direct X8
512mb RAM


It works fine except for windows 2000 there is a sound issue
meaning that voices as far as I can tell only in the briefing
screens sometimes repeat over and over and sometimes
they get stuck on certain words.Other than that I can push
all detail sliders to the max without any problems , though for
TNT1 there is a published problem than your video card
may overheat with max detail slider settings which happened
on a friend's machine once.

and full detail is ok without much if any choppyness.

*officially win2k isn't supported by ground control nor is windows
XP but it works in Win2K for me (with a few lockups now and
again so that is all I shall say on that subject.

Note aerodynes seem to really suck up CPU juice for some reason.

[2] Differnitions

Differnitions yes really I know how to spell definitions its just
my eccentric way of spelling things and silly nick names I use
for nearly everything.I would also note that I am UK based and
speak the queens English (oh how posh!) therefore certain spellings
are different (also incorporates tactics that I can't be bothered to
sub section)

examples include:
UK ----- US
Tyre = Tire
centre = center
defence = defense


AAA = Anti aircraft artillery

Artillery = things fired by hogs

Armour factor =

front = most armour
Sides = significantly less
rear = paper thin
top = unknown but seeing how rockets hurt so much as well
as artillery on enemy I would assume it is either sides of

Baiting = to provide a weak or ideal target to lure the enemy into
a pre prepared kill zone.

Ballistic = shot goes in an arc rather than direct

Blind fire = to fire without information regarding enemy location for
lucky hits.

Corner trap = played for with terrain works in nearly every game
bar soldier of fortune since they lean round corners and maybe
Xcom and Q3 ,where:

Wall = H
You = O
Enemy = X


X moves down towards the arrow and you get several free shots
on his side while he notices you for one and then starts to turn on
your units.Since enemy cannot see you or shoot through the terrain
its quite useful , unless the enemy is infantry that can either:

A - fire over terrain
B - walk over terrain

Dawnies = Sarah's nick name for troops of the Order of the new

Decorating the terrain = dying

Direct shot = rounds go in a line of sight manner
with minor arcs , therefore terrain can be be used
to defend against it

Doing homework = Destroying enemy units and bases before
going to an untimed objective thus reducing the enemy count
so that if they do attack you or there is a hold the line type bit
at the end the enemy does not have as many assets to fry you.

DU = depleted Uranium rounds (illegal in UK naval forces!)

Dropships = dropships 4 units per dropship btw

Equipment = the equipment slots units carry

Flank = go behind an enemy unit and fire from there

FTT = flank turn trick where a unit (usually a fast one) moves
to the left or right of an enemy unit (usually tough tanks that
are immune to your weapons from the front to the left or right
then a way point behind that unit too not just the sides you want
maximum damage potential! ).So that they turn seeing the
greater flank damage potential threat , but in turn exposing
their sides and rear to your units that do not move therefore
being trapped in if they turn they die , if they donot turn your
unit flanks and fires into their rear.At which they can counter
by turning which exposes the rear to your stationary unit a lose
lose situation for the enemy unless they are infantry which don't
suffer as badly from flank attacks or the unit is supported or has
terrain that means they cannot be flanked.

FTT Variation have your hover dynes hit the enemy from the
front and do an end around with your APC containing your
crusaders and let them out when they can fire into the rears.
Rush the APC back to heal anything that looks shaky on the
hoverdyne front.

\O O O O

M = enemy unit
O = static unit to draw fire
--- = route
X = flanking or unit to turn the enemy.

This can also be done with just 2 crusader squads at lower risk
since crusaders are a bit less vulnerable to big terradyne guns.

Focused attacking = the theory that all units can inflict the
same damage regardless of their damage state therefore
removing the enemy removes firepower , an excellent
example is

You have 5 tanks he has 5 tanks both require 5 hits to kill
Scenario :1

5 tanks fire at each tank (one tank on one tank)

first exchange : each tank is hit once
second exchange : each tank is hit once
third exchange : each tank is hit once
fourth exchange : each tank is hit once
fifth exchange : each tank is hit once all tanks die

result everybody dies a big waste.

Focused fire

1st exchange : all your tanks fire at one of his all
your tanks hit once one enemy tank dead.

2nd exchange : 4 of your 5 tanks are hit another enemy
tank dies

3rd exchange : 3 of your tanks are hit another enemy
tank dies

4th exchange : 2 of your tanks are hit another enemy
tank dies

5th exchange : all enemy tanks dead possible one of your
tanks are dead.

You can enhance this by moving the more damaged tanks
away so you loose zero units (though take repairable
damage) while the enemy loses everything.

Hendrix = lenegendary guitarist and vocalist who died really

HE = High explosive

Howitzer = unit that fires in an arc therefore capable of firing over
terrain and your own units.

Infantry = foot units

Kill zone = are where the enemy has limited access (say in
single file) where you have multiple units in advantageous
terrain where they can bring maximum fire power to bear in
one burst killing most enemy types outright in the first 2

Lost leader tactic = use of a unit enemy's weapons are least
effective against to draw fire while your units flank or shoot their
more effective units (example your tank vs crusaders with your
marines shooting at them nearby but the crusader draws fire
since crusaders can barely hurt tanks but the tank's own guns
are less than lethal to enemy crusaders).

LOS = line of sight.

Lining up = since the heaviest armour is on the front of your
terradynes you want to turn the body of your terradynes to
the direction the most dangerous enemy is to reduce damage
taken, as mostly its just the turrets that turn.

MBT = main battle terradynes

pounding = throwing men into a fray without regard for their lives
to break the enemy hoping he breaks first , tactic often used by
CPU AI , not recommended for crayven commanders since
units need to stay alive to fight another day , powerhouse and
red wolves stay with you almost completely through the game.

Plink = to use a weapon that is worthless against an enemy

Plink 2= to use a weapon that is worthless against an enemy
to suppress it

Saturation fire = Hog units firing into an area to hit each area

SAM = Surface to air missile (hey shouldn't that be StAM ?
no its military speak)

Specials = the special limited shot weapons most units carry

Spray and pray = shoot in the general direction of the enemy
common for marines.And scout terradynes (no really scouts
are really bad at shooting at 1/4 a screen they can only hit
an enemy outpost (yes a huge outpost) several times per

Suppression = to be fired upon which un-nerves the enemy
so that he fires less accurately and moves slower (test it
on the early missions crusaders vs marines who are moving
the marines move much slower when fired upon and miss more)

at least once.

Tanks = terradynes or hoverdynes.note both should have infantry
support else they are quiet vulnerable.

Turning a unit = not yours but you put bait to run down its left
or right tricking it into thinking you want to flank it therefore
turning that unit so it enages the baite exposing the sides to
your powerful guns (yes enemies will even turn to scouts it
is that paranoid)

Toe to toe = the Tactic called muzzle to muzzle in Napoleonic
wars where one group marches up to another they exchange shots
and he who routs first loses! , but in GC it is exchanging shots with
enemies until one unit is completely destroyed.Unit with APC
repair and or bigger guns , better units or overwhelming numbers
or support in a different manner (artillery or rockets) wins.(ToT)

APC repair can be offset by singular targeting then quickly
moving to another target while the APC repairs one unit it
can't repair another so that unit dies and fire power directed
at you is reduced by at least 12.5% for marines 25% for jaegers
25% for 4 tank terradyne squads and 50% for annilators 33%
for rocket terradynes.

Valley trap

H = wall
X= enemy
O = your units


X ->


X moves along the valley floor unit A (a weak one) fires at X,
X usually stops and fires back withdraw and use the walls
as cover.The put forward B to shoot at X's rear , repeat to
get constant rear shots and quick infantry kills esp with
templars it is completely lethal though templars can fire
out of LOS making is a meat grinder on the enemy.

[2.1] Order Units

Here I won't list the firepower speed or armour ratings much since
you can find that in the manual anyway.In playing I think that hover
dynes are more balanced in armour distribution than terradynes
for some reason but terradynes are supposed to have superior
armour while order of the new dawn has better weapons and
higher speed.


Special weapons :

X3 Flamer(anti infantry)
X3 Focused impulsor (anti tank)

Mini radar


Use in flank attacks and bait since they have terrible aim even
worse than marines it seems but they get to faithful and preistly
quite fast in this campaign .They can utterly tear apart crayven
tanks when something baits the tanks to turn around which is
how you should use them since they cannot hurt MBTs from the
front but you can take 25% per burst off an MBT from the rear.
I never noticed that the rears on the crayven tanks were so thin
but they are.

The flamer is only good against infantry even then you have to be
really close which makes it pointless anyway (marines go down
fast when close up) and the focused impluse is good up to MBTs
from the front taking about 50-60% off MBTs but even better
from behind it is quite awesome but every weapon fired at the
rear quarter of enemy tanks is pretty excellent anyway.
Against annilators they lose their effect from the front and
you'll get 10-20% for a frontal use of specials.

I have a theory about this , crayven marines are better at killing
infantry , while crusaders are better at killing terradynes also
theoretical since I can't compare them head to head , but it feels
like marines kill crusaders quickly while in favourable conditions
crusaders axe terradynes.


The flamer thing is kind of dangerous and not all that useful it
is capable of high arcs so non LOS shots can be fired at the
enemy.BUT bewary of using it going up hill since your men can
easily hit the hill and killthemselves.



Special weapons:

X3 Anti air missile
X3 micro nuke warhead (anti tank)


Cloaking field


A nice nasty unit for the enemy unless they have infantry that is
but the are awesome on ridges against terradynes since they
can't be touched .However I do prefer jaegers since they were
excellent scouts for crayven while the order does not have an
equivilant version of this.As said use them with other units as
when a marine unit comes looking for fun they can't defend
themselves against them.Keep them back when they aren't
on ridges they die faster than jaegers against light guns.The
nuke needs to be targetted on a tank and it will damage units
around it on MBTs it can do 50-60% damage.Anti air missiles
so far I have noticed are useless.The SAM missiles they carry
are great they follow aerodynes for a long time and do masses
of damage.Still if you have a targetting problem move them back
and they will fire at a different angle.Also they have a massive
advantage their missiles will retarget if the orginal target is killed
which means missiles are not wasted.A unit that will probably
score the most non infantry kills.The missiles do not have a
spread damage warhead so splash damage is not an issue
for friendlies and enemies alike.

====Hover dynes====

Hover bike(s)

Special weapons
X3 Electro dagger (anti armour)
X3 Electro field thing (anti infantry)

Repair Kit
Anti terradyne mines

These are not even a patch on crayven's scout terradynes and they
come in groups of 3 rather than 4 light scout terradynes do which
means less firepower and 33% loss of firepower each time one is
killed.They are however fast and have better perception and stealth
than the crayven equivilant , but donot use them in combat! , 3
hits from a MBT will kill a hover bike which is less than what crusaders
take in the stride!.

They are so so at the FTT but not exactly brilliant since they have
weak guns weak armour and sometimes get stuck.

Their mines are not really very useful if you can find a choke point
(the only ones that come to mind are the first mission but you can
not use hover bikes there) where tanks can only fit two abreast
then they are useful else not.Since most missions you fight are
offence missions not defence.


Light hover dyne

Special weapons
X3 Electro dagger (anti armour)
X3 Electro field thing (anti infantry)


Repair kit
deployable defence system*
Cloaking field**

*shoots only incoming enemy fire much like the defender MKII

**Cloaks an area which enemies can still see you when they
come close , though not really recommended I'd take repair
kits instead.

This baby is almost the potatoes of each attack squad they are
fast enough to outrun anything but aerodynes can fire at chasing
aerodynes anyway and have an ok gun.Which is deadlier than the
crayven equivilant it seems anyway , they are completely excellent
because they are fast and still have enough armour to survive being
the turning flanking unit in an FTT attack.Perhaps my favourite unit .
Also the units speed means you can run away fast enough from
any crayven unit when they get low on health.Get repaired and set
up an ambush somewhere else something crayven could not do
since they take ages to turn round and are more exposed at
the rear.


medium hover dyne

Special weapons
X3 Plasma sun burst (anti infantry)
X2 Plasma moon burst (anti infantry)

Repair module
Protector shield
speed booster

This isn't as good as the MBT terradyne in my opinion its fast
but can't take the heat much anyway , it is also alot less accurate
than the terradyne equivilant and it poor against infantry(probably
why its specials revolve around anti infantry).It also isn't fast enough
for the FTT to act as bait most of the time too. Disappointing but
overall an ok unit for toe to toe action or as the standing unit in FTT.

Speed booster only seems good when you need to get there on
time or run away

Note their specials do NOTHING against buildings and tanks
well insignificant damage against anything bigger than a
light terradyne but then it doesn't do too well against infantry
and keep your crusaders away.


Heavy hover dyne

Special weapons
X3 Plasma sun burst (anti infantry)
X2 Plasma moon burst (anti infantry)

Repair module
Protector shield
speed booster

Same as the medium hoverdyne but with slower rate of fire and
heavier armour as well as lower speed.It has more firepower as
it has twin guns the medium hoverdyne carries but they fire at
a slower rate as stated in the manual.


annilator terradyne

Special weapons


You might think hey he has made a typo by leaving this in , lazy sod
changing faqs into other ones by quick edits well I am not.You get
to steal 2 of these in a mission for the order so I think I ought to
say a few words.These rock when teamed up with the hoverdynes
since they can be the sitter in the FTT while faster hoverdynes
flank.They are also great as bait since they can really take punishment
much much MUCH more than any of your hoverdynes.Still they move
like slugs compared to your hover dynes so you have to be patient
vert very patient.


AA hover dyne

Special weapons


Repair kit

Boring unit shoots down aerodynes with ease speed etc ,thing is
bolts of energy follow the target quite some distance.Enough said.


Saggita artillery hover dyne.

Special weapons
X1 Tank buster discharge
X1 Long range discharge


Repair kit

Nice unit same as the hog really but has a much larger area of of
effect it seems buildings miles away took minor damage though this
has potential for masses of friendly fire though.The Tank buster is
worthless since it takes ages to arrive and in that the the tank will
be dead , though the long range shot is great you can fire into
less well defended bases and hit power facilities that are normally
not vulnerable so you don't have to go through the defences rather
negate them.Still you really need to know where the power supply
is and there may be multiple.


Beam platform hover dyne.

Special weapons
X3 prism thingie (increases fire rate 25-50%)
X3 Beam intensifier (power increase for beam)


Repair kit

Powerful sort of but weak armour , their power lies in their longish
range , they can shoot at air targets but are pretty bad at it ,
a unit you should ignore really since it won't do too much and
only does a bit more damage than a medium hover dyne.

Drone carrier

Special weapons
X3 Advanced attack drones (big BIG bang that affects everything around

Image intensifier
Repair kit.

Nice piece of kit but not that nice , it has extremely slow attack speed
and its only useful if you can hide it as its lumbering hull is easy to
hit and can't take much damage.A big weakness is infantry it can't
handle them but you can target tanks nearby and infantry will be badly
hurt.Though try it sometime and listen to the somewhat kinky sounding
russian acent.

Order Command APC

Special weapons

Repair beam

Special equipment


The order APC , it seems much softer than the crayven APC for some
reason , but in the order campaign I did use this as a sheild a lot of the
time as order units are a bit softer and I had nothing else avalible.
It is however much faster than the crayven APC though I have had no
chance to test the head to head this baby can outrun light hover dynes
which the crayven APC can't keep up with even slightly.Its gun is much
ike the crayven corp gun on its APC but has a slower cycle rate it seems.
It is also faster than most hover dynes when they are placed in balanced
or offensive mode which means when it can be ok for FTT when you have
nothing else acting as the flanker.Still handles like a brick though and
takes ages to turn which is a major weakness and it often gets stuck
when a space is obviously big enough.Um maybe I better go into that
a bit deeper , space between hoverdynes and infantry I mean it needs
a much wider space than it looks.Magnus's APC also seems smaller
than yours too.


Order of the new dawn campaign [final retribution]

I would like to note that this can only be played properly if you have
beaten the crayven campaign else it is not avalible to you so no
emails about this please.Also if your APC dies you die and game is
over no matter how many units you have left on the field.

I would also add that there are huge numbers of buildings to destroy
compared to te crayven campaign which you should take advantage
of to improve your troops quickly.


Mission #1 Liberation day


Distract crayven security forces
Destroy the cargo trucks in the main base


X1 dropship
X1 crusader unit
X1 Light hover dyne

Recommended troop options

Everything on offensive , since there are no special weapons or equipment
it is sort of defunct , you want offensive since you want to boost unit
ASAP which here offensive helps.

Right I always choose the southern drop zone then attack the south
eastern depot since its close and the terrain is favourable.At that place
there is an ammo dump and 2 marines who will call for help when they
come under attack.Help is in the form of 2 light terradyne squads which
can ruin your day if you try crayven tactics against them (pounding).
So kill the marines quickly , you now have two options:

Option >1 Safe but unrewarding

Run around to the western ammo depot but do not attack it or go too
near it move to the one directly north and into the base , quickly
into the craters to the north south east and west to locate and destroy
the trucks.Load your crusaders into the APC and run you might
be able to avoid the light terradyne squad and make it to the pickup

Option >2 Agressive but rewarding sort of

After attacking the first depot wait with crusaders on the hill and have
your hover dynes to one side.Take out 1-2 light terradynes before
flanking the terradyne group with your light hover dynes so your
crusaders can fire into their rears.There fore killing them super
quick , and being able to take on the 2nd squad in the same
manner with healing time (pounding toe to toe will work but takes
ages and if they focus fire on you , you will lose).Next work your way
round the outposts since they only have marines guarding them
blowing up the facilities in each of the craters.

Move into the base and raze it destroying everybuilding* before attacking
any trucks you may find , sharing out the kills equally for more balanced
forces.Then look for the trucks and have your light terradynes block
them in the crater you find them plant your men in a crater near
by (say if you find the trucks in the eastern crater have your crusaders
in the southern crater).Attack from behind the light terradynes that come
to their should kill them super quick with rear shots since
they will go after your APC , light hover dynes or crusaders and
one unit can go for rear shots since they work in a team.

Go to the drop zone and evaluate your troops most of them should
get a medal or two and a faithful rank which supposedly makes them
much more lethal.

*note containers are super weak and are considered building kills you
can beef up you APC stats quickly by killing them , the same can
be done with your crusaders and light hover dynes.


Mission #2 Clear the way


Destroy the AAA sites
Support the aerodyne assault
Avoid wolf MBTs


X1 dropship
X2 crusader units
X1 Light hover dyne

Recommended troop options

Everything on offensive again

You could avoid the wolf MBTs but that is no fun + they are not
really that hard anyway.

Move towards the central AAA site and it will be guarded by marines
some scout terradynes and some light terradynes.Three MBTs will
come for you which you can toe to toe or use the light hover dynes
to turn them and shoot crusader guns into the rear.Attack the AAA
site and move down the road to your left is a small power facility guarded
by two more MBTs which can be killed with the flank turn trick.
Flatten the power supply and move back to the first AAA site
(note all AAA sites have spot lights leading to the sky) , now next
the the baracks will be terradyne facilities ignore them for now.
Keep moving down this road to meet two more MBTs same old
turn flank trick again and kill them, Now go back and flatten
the barracks and then the terradyne facilities , move into the
sector where the MBTs were and flatten everything there including
the dropships.Now we want to go to the next AAA site marked
by two spot lights , 5 marines and 3 scout terradynes guard this
one take them out then the AAA site.

Next move back to the power plant you flattened earlier and take out
the units guarding it (6 marines 2 scout terradynes and 2 light
terradynes).now move down the road next to the final AAA site
this has two MBTs at it yes the FTT again to kill them then flatten
the comms facility you find there.Move back to the final AAA site
and take out the missile launchers and the allied aerodynes will
come you will be ordered to supress any marines but everything
is dead and a minute or so later mission is complete.

But at the lone communications centre watch out there is a
heavy terradyne on the ridge just behind the facility it will take
a while to get to your can run away but its just a single
annilator which poses some threat but not much this can be killed
toe to toe which takes a very long time or the FTT which doesn't
work as well but is much better than toe to toe combat at any rate
.It will try to protect its rear by turning away from your most powerful
units (your light hover dynes) but in doing this you can move your
crusaders to the sides and rear.

But really the mission is over before it can kill you or you can kill
it since I have only seen it appear after the last AAA site is gone
and I level the base manually rather than rely upon aerodyne


Mission #3 Nobody Home


Retrieve the data crystal with your APC


X1 dropship
X2 crusader units (with special weapons now)
X1 Light hover dyne (with special weapons)

Recommended troop options

Everything on offensive though maybe light hover dynes on balanced
so you can use the FTT thing more than before since when you put
them on offensive they are slower than your APC.Also give your units
anti tank weapons since you might need them and infantry is less
of a hassle here.

Right land the dropship and load your crusader units into the APC
now click right into the middle of the outpost.Magnus says there are
mines but I can't find any , if you are fast enough then you should
be there before the assault.The crayven assault consists of 2 scout
terradyne squads 1 light terradyne squad and 2 MBTs , you can defeat
them with FTT easily and specials if need be keep an eye on the health
of your hover dynes and use repair kits well in advance of them going
into the red.

You will have pulse turret support for as long as they are not destroyed
which helps lots.Inside the base near the toxic waste dump is the data
crystal.Put your APC near it and you will pick them up , now to escape.

put all crusaders into the APC and click directly on the pickup and your
troops will make their way there , except about 1/3 of the way they will
meet 8 marines in two squads a light terradyne squad and a MBT squad
of 2 tanks.Kill them , later on you meet the same setup but with only 4

After that there is no opposition waltz to the pickup and mission is
complete , enjoy the debrief story it sounds a little familiar to the
one you saw in the crayven corp missions but with Sarah.


Mission #4 Activation equipment


Meet with engineers
Find the research base
get to the pickup.


X1 dropship
X2 crusader units (don't take the flamer take the pulse beam weapon)
X2 hover dyne (default is hover bikes)

Recommended troop options

Well everything is set to speed or scout on this mission which really
is a misnomer , I completed it fairly quickly with the default setup bar
all units were offensive other than the bikes.And that I carried anti terra
dyne weapons instead of flamers.It will really make your life easier with
2 light hover dyne squads instead of hover bikes but equip these with
anti tank weapons too , you will need them.

First things first load crusaders into the APC then move everything into
the engineer start area.You want to place some crusaders on the fork
(next to the gorge you came down) and the rest of your troops infront of
the APC some distance away near the engineers.(Engineers are in ten
tonne transports which are horribly slow).When crayven terradynes (a mix
of light and MBTs) come they will see your APC squad and attack have
your crusaders at the fork hidden attack their rears with specials but save
at least 1 for each squad you will need it.

Now when you meet with the engineers they need a repair so have the
APC do it , move your hover (whatever) near the location where magnus
shows way point will spot a heavy terradyne a tough nut to crack.

But lets not do that keep the engineers right back and pass over the bank
to the left and slip behind the high hill the heavy terradyne is next to ,
a few light terradynes will attack (easy) and some marines will also
follow up.Some scout aerodynes will attack but surround the APC with
crusaders to act as a sheild (since they can be repaired) and slowly
wear them down , there are only two but it can take up to 6 minutes to
down them both.

Now comes a hard part , you need to take out the annilator which nothing
you have can damage its front other than specials , but we want to save
the ones on our hover dynes.Bait it to attack a hover dyne unit then run
away , back behind the hill.It will come at you at which you should have
crusaders fire at it while it follows your hover dynes.Your crusaders will
do no damage but you want to FTT it , with your fast hover dynes .Your
crusaders will still do minor damage but use a special in the back of the
annilator and it dies in one hit (not flamers).

Next approach the base and about 12 marines will attack you they are
easy meat so use standard tactics keeping the APC out the way (my
APC was already quite battered as I used it as sheild when the annilator
got real close to my crusaders and was taking 40% off each one per shot
while the crusaders could be healed).

Now put the engineers in and kill the trucks for some extra credit , flatten
everything in the base except the research facility.The trucks will take
2 minutes to do their job but the area is safe.

You will be advised of a pickup zone which you should go to , but through
the first gorge (past the place where the annilator was) is a artillery
guarded by 6 marines.You want to rush the turrey with hover dynes use
specials and finish it off with guns then run off.Send crusaders to hunt
the marines and load them into the APC when you have finished.Move to the
pickup and mission is complete.


mission#5 Into the dusk


Protect magnus
Flatten the Crayven base
Kill all crayven units


X1 Dropship
X2 Crusaders
X2 Hover dynes

Recommended troop options

Hard to say but speed is an advantage but then so is fire power but
balanced works ok , offensive great towards the end , give all your men
anti terradyne weapons since they are the major threat on this level.

Ok you come down hot and late , load your men into the APC and
move the APC to the hill to the west , now move your hover dynes
to magnus (if magnus's APC dies its game over) and support him
with the FTT on all the terradynes its a big mixed bunch.Lots of
scout terradynes lots of light terradynes even more MBTs ,
while your hoverdynes are in transit take out the 2 engineer trucks
that come trundling around the hillock with crusaders its fast.
Reload them and have the APC as support (remember magnus will
heal all units near him too including your APC).Now its about following
him around to kill anything that attacks magnus which will be about
4 more MBT squads and a few more light terradynes (if you see
magnus's forces firing at something then there is an enemy there).

After magnus is saved he will tell you to assault the crayven main
base facility which you should do , when you see it , it is set out
like this.

x x
|x x |x
| |=
| C->
| oooooo |=
| oooooo | x
|x x x oooooo x|
|=========| |==============
x | | x
x x


Legend :

x = turret (the Xs near the corners on the inside are tall anti
infantry turrets the rest are laser pill boxes).

= and | are concrete walls

ooooo this is the power station.

This should be quite simple if only for magnus but who cares about
his tanks your own are the only ones that merit tactics as he will
toe to toe all enemy at point A.

What does this mean to you? , attack at point B magnus will bait
the enemy terradynes so they attack at C . Cripple the turrets by
attacking the power plant.Quickly then move towards C and attack
all the terradynes from behind with specials theres lots of them
lots and lots leave the infantry till last.there must be about 16 MBTs
and 8 light terradynes with 3 marine squads acting in support.Maybe
a few scout terradynes around too I was too busy taking them out
to count and the smoke when they die makes this battle confusing
its a big one.The perfect bit is you have them in a sandwich the walls
prevent them from running away , and magnus keeps them from running
away towards A.If the enemy terradynes turn to engage you magnus
can fire into the rear of their terradynes if they donot then you can
fire into their rears.if they do neither and do a side ways thing where
they face the sides towards you and magnus it is the best they can
do.Since sides have less armour than front but still more vulnerable,
CPU will do this at higher difficulty levels.*

Next when all the enemy are gone go in flatten the base BUT go for
the turrets first then containers . The AI will tell you that you have more
important targets than containers but turrets are good kills.Have the
APC transport troops around the outsides to take out turrets with
crusaders.Magnus should have few tanks left by now and you can
claim credit for flattening every building.

*I found that its good to mass fire until the enemy terradynes are at
about 80% damage then letting my less experienced units fire at
them for the killer blow as it were to increase their experience.

Once most of the base is flattened not including turrets mission
is complete and you'll get a flyby of the terrain where your troops
will attack any thing left.Mission complete , a nice cut scene as
a reward and you find out the truth behind the xenofacts.


mission#6 Early warning system


Escort a repair crew to fix the annilators
Take out the power facility
take out the EAW


X1 Dropship
X2 Crusaders
X4 Hover dynes

Recommended troop options

X2 Crusaders (all anti tank)
X3 medium hover dynes
X1 hover bike (anti infantry)

First of all send your APC and troops near where the transporters
are they are represented by yellow dots on the map , there are marines
on a nearby hill , escort the engineers to the base.They maybe attacked
by MBTs if not you will face them later.Right now move the rest of your
forces towards the trees , in the trees are 4 light hover dyne units and
many scout hover dynes all easy meat.(use lines of hover dynes).MBTs
will attack soon if not already and they generally try to surround you
but you have enough firepower to take them all out easily.

Soon your annilators should be fixed and ready to go , but leave them
if you want they are far too slow.Move your forces closer to the EAW
base but stop , if you wait you can get a truck and a few light terradynes.

Around the other side of the base are a bunch of terradynes also
waiting to FTT you!.But assemble a 2 squads of hover dynes and
bikes and move towards the power supply.Have your infantry move
to the hills on the left and right they will encounter jaegers.Next
move in force to the door of the gate a few small turrets will bother
you and a big bunch of MBTs and light terradynes , you have enough
firepower to clean them up.Take out all the power stations and flatten
the base (marines lurk somewhere in the base BTW).

Next approach the base in a big line with the APC behind to repair ,
the defences are down sort of (the towers with guns are still active)
there are lots of terradynes however.So blow them up concentrated
firepower , however some lurk nearby some repair stations kill those
quickly too.You can ignore the guns for a while since the do little
damage to your forces but watch out for flank attacks.While you are
doing this a dropship will come and drop 2 MBT squads a light terradyne
squad and 2 marine squads.You will also be attacked from behind by
some scout terradynes all easy to put x1 crusader unit into
the APC and explore the hills nearby you will find some jaegers.
Now flatten the base but beware MBTs hiding behind structures.

BUT destroy the big tower last since when you do mission is complete
and you want to destroy all the base for more medals and experience.


mission#7 Important cargo


Save your priests


X1 Dropship
X3 Infantry
X4 Hover dynes

Recommended troop options

X2 templars (mini nukes)
X1 Crusaders
X1 hover bikes
X3 Medium hover dynes

All with repair kits and anti tank stuff except the crusaders who want

Ok simple mission approach right up to the choke point and you will
see 6 terradynes climb the hill with crusaders nearby and you will
find jaegers , station your templars on the middle rock and then
mvoe in your hover bikes so they come to you retreat and defeat.
Templars will make this super quick.Next you want to take out
the turret nearby the edge of the map which is easy , now you
have to run the gauntlet, there is a 175mm gun at the door of the
base , lure the MBTs and marines to attack you with hover bikes
and take them all out , donot FTT toe to toe.Now do a drive by fire
on the 175mm gun 3 passes should do it with medium hover dynes.

Next move templars right next to the wall and approach the entrance
to the south you can use them to take out the other 175mm without
being hit.

have templars circle round to the closest side and take out the power
supply , turrets are now down.Next move your templars behind the
comms station and have them attack the MBTs they can't attack
back well they can but the wall protects you.marines will be lurking
somewhere so be on your guard with crusaders in the APC and shuttle
them where they are needed.

Flatten the base , and then move a unit near the medical truck.

MAJ thomas will now come and try to stop you he approaches
from the pickup , set up a kill zone next to the hill with templars
on top and a 3 unit thick row (watch out for friendly fire) with crusaders
as templar guards.Now use specials on all his infantry and focus
fire on any terradynes that get close templars will do masses
of damage.Use all your specials and repair kits as it is a long

Once everything is dead a crayven APC will try to run away
chase it kill it and you will receive a message.


once you have taken out all the forces proceed to the pickup
and you have carried the day.


Mission #8 Heretic Mania


Cripple Crayven oil
Destroy outposts
Destroy trucks
Destroy oil pit
Destroy base facilities


X2 Dropship
X3 Infantry
X4 Hover dynes
X1 Support
X1 Aerodyne

Recommended troop options

X2 Templars (nukes)
X1 Crusaders (flamer)
X1 Hoverbike / light hover dyne
X3 Medium hover dyne

Leave the aerodyne home lots of AAA and SAMs on this mission
well not alot but hey all you can have is a scout aerodyne and
that isn't exactly going to be a massive part of your forces.

But also leave behind the AAA support unit (you can't choose
anything else) since I've played this mission through several
times there are no enemy aerodynes.

give everything anti tank and templars micro nuke warheads
they'll need them.

Not a difficult mission but you just follow the path south , you
will encounter a small scout terradyne squad then a light terra
dyne squad then some jaegers on a hill locate them by their
gun fire).

The first outpost is quite poor you can use your templars on the
125mm turrets you encounter at the start.Then templars on the
other turrets since they are so powerful they can knock out
nearly all turrets without having to resort to health packs.

Knock out the barracks ammo stores cisterns and any other
facilities you find.

Have your scout unit go into the trench leading to the other crayven
facilities and they will encounter light terradynes marines and 2 MBTs
which should be lured to your group do not FTT them toe to toe
them to death (you have more tanks = easy win).

Next move your templars near the edge near the other facilities
and you will see two vulcan turrets and a gun tower templars
can take them down easy.

The next bit is a bit trickier there is a patrol of rocket terradynes
up there so use templars to knock them out.Rushing to their
aid will be 4 MBTs and 4 light terradynes.Trucks may pass
which are escorted by light terradynes use nukes on them to
kill them quickly and use crusader flamers on the marines
that come (theres lots of them).

now its just a case of flattening the enemy base north first then
south not forgetting the oil mines quite far south and the oil
pit which is about 9 oil tanks in a pit.

mission is complete when all crayven units are dead and all
crayven facilities are destroyed.


Mission #9 have gun? will travel


Take out the aerodyne base
Take out the corp tower

X2 Dropships
X3 Infantry
X5 Hover dynes
X2 Support
X1 aerodyne (scout only)

Recommended troop options

X2 templars (one both with AA missiles)
X1 Crusaders (flamer)
X1 hover bike (speed with anti infantry)
X2 medium hover dynes (moon burst and repair kits offensive)
X2 Artillery hover dynes (tank buster charge)

A straight forward mission you don't need AAA on this level
well the templars missiles will do , sit tight for a bit and some
attack aerodynes will come for you use templar missiles.

Move to the top of the ridge and have your bikes recon the
area south around the nearby hill.They will find a SAM site
here.Retreat and gather in force and move to face it from here
will come marines , scout terradynes 3 annilators and 2 MBTs
which are quite easy.In the valley over the ridge you passed
there are some scout terradynes.

Move towards the concrete ground bit , move gingerly and hammer
with your artillery around the sides and tops of the ramps .

A dropship will come with 2 marine groups and 1 rocket terradyne
squad and MBTs take them out (use templars on the rocket terradynes
with crusaders as sheilds vs the marines.

Use your hover dynes to keep MBTs , terradynes and marines
at bay keep away from the base for now.Keep firing along the
edges of the raised ground the base is on.This will take out
lots of vulcan turrets (both edges).All the way up to the hangar
now move yout templars with remaining missiles onto the
base area and use their missiles when an attack aerodyne
comes.Retreat and use your bikes to recon the next level up
of the raised platforms , they will see 3 MBTs and some power
facilities.bait the MBTs to the lowest level and take them out from
there.On the lower platform adjacent to the ramp is the control
tower which is an objective.At the top is a pioneer power plant
and 2 advanced power stations , once you kill them you have
a grace of 2 minutes to destroy all the turrets in the base.

An important one is the artillery turret you may be hassled by
recently and thats all the turrets left , move your forces to
take out all the buildings you can see so far and move to the
top level.

Flatten everything at the top leaving the corporate tower for last
and the AAA for a rookie unit.


Now magnus will make a call , and tell you the command codes
for the datacrystals you picked up much earlier , you find out that
magnus is trying to destroy the xenofacts too and has secretly
been assigning you missions that help you and the order.

End Spoiler

Mission #10 4 bridges too far

X3 infantry
X4 hoverdyne
X2 Support
X2 Aerodyne

Recommended unit options

X3 Heavy hover dyne (moon burst)
X1 hover bike (speed mode)
X1 AAA platform
X2 Templars(AAA missile for one group micro nuke for other)
X1 Marines (flamer)

Not as hard as I envisoned I thought it would be hold 4 bridges
at the same time any unit crosses any bridge you fail but its not
it is much easier than that.Drop all troops at the middle dropzone
and line them up to attack a few marines near the mouth of the
bridge.Next attack the MBTs at the bridge span.Next take your
AAA platform move north with X3 MBT squads all templars and

You will meet a small squad of jaegers marines and scout terradynes
then MBTs up to the end of the bridge up north.

Now you will get a warning of infantry coming to dig in and the
main strike force coming for you (whoopie!).Move your units back
to the first bridge.Now wait 3 MBT squads will come for you
backed up by marines templars and their nukes make easy work
of this (and you can surround them too).use flamers on the marines.

Whenever you meet jaegers send infantry to kill them find them with
the bullet trails in the map.Now put x2 heavy hover dynes up north
.havr the rest with the APC and infantry move south.You want to
cross them together to prevent anybody escaping , move near the
middle bridge from the south (since this is a bigger squad) and you
will be attacked by scout hover dynes and a scout aerodyne , all
easy MBTs will come join the fun along with a crayven APC.Take
them all out and recharge , you want to do a two way attack on the
hog unit stationed at the last bridge (the unit who went on the north
route will meet marines use sun bursts on them).There are also rocket
turrets at the mouth of the bridge but they die easy to kill and 3 engineer
trucks save the trucks till last as there are 2 AKA 125mms at the end
of the bridge taking out the nearby outposts blinds them and makes
them pretty easy to defeat .Mission should be won , if not scour the
terrain back to the first bridge and see if you have missed something
as marines often slip through and you can catch them before they
cross the last bridge since they are so slow.


Mission # 11 Source of power


Destroy the crayven outpost
Destroy the Aerodyne base
Destroy all buildings at the relic site

X2 Dropships
X3 Infantry
X2 Aerodyne
X5 Hover dyne
X2 support

Recommended troop options

In this mission its one dropship at a time so you want for flexibility

Dropship 1
X1 templars (SAMs)
X1 heavy hoverdyne (sun burst)
X1 Artillery unit (fast as possible)
X1 Beam platform (anti tank and balanced)

Dropship 2

X2 heavy hoverdynes
X1 Templar / crusader
X1 scout unit (say hover bikes)

Right Get some coffee this is a long haul mission and can take several
hours to complete , don't say I didn't warn you.

Ok drop down dropship 1 and put them templars into the APC you want
to get out quickly else some light terradynes come for you which are
not much trouble but best get to someplace semi safe.

Move your forces with heavy hover dynes at the front with APC behind
to the outpost we want to take out the power supply first (it is actually
possibly to fight your way into the aerodyne facility but it takes such
a long time.You will be attacked by two light terradynes behind when you
get to the mouth of the base at F and 2 annilators and 2 MBTs.

The base is laid out a bit like this

ooooooooooooooooooo <-F
ooooooooooooooooooo <-F


S = store building (guarded by MBT squad)
A = Turrets
C = command post / comms centre
B = power facilities
X = other buildings
K = Far entrance (infantry only)

F = your forces approach

From the rough map you can see the lay out there is an MBT squad
in the base itself too with some light terradynes and a bunch of marines
who hide in the buildings or rather between them.Also there are some
attack aerodynes which you should use templar specials on.

From K come two scout terradynes.

Once this is knocked out you want to approach the aerodyne facility
which has power down but you want to approach from the north on the
big plane rather than the ramp nearby.Since there are still attack
terradynes all over , the other base is laid out like this:

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x
oooooooooooooooooooooooooXoooooXoo x
ooooooooooooo ooooooox
ooooooooooooox ooo
oooooooooooxo xooox
ooooooooooooo oooooo


x = small turret (anti infantry)
X = big turret (anti tank)
(note the base can only be entered from B as it is based on a high
plateau only infantry can assault).

There are really too many buildings to list but there is a patrol
at B of light terradynes , there are also marines and an artillery
turret somewhere Inside the base are more marines and 6 MBTs
and an attack aerodyne.

Wipe them out and flatten the base ASAP , now you can access you
other Dropship drop them down.

Now regroup and approach the far ramp cross country the way you
came to the aerodyne base , as you will be fired upon by rockets
and artillery if you take the route near the final base.

Group up and use the hoverbikes to spot anything and hammer them
with artillery (there are jaegers on the hill near the MBTs).The cubby
hole on the left side contains a large marine squad so artillery that
lots.The next dip in the rocks is an annilator and the hill top nearby
has jaegers lots of them and marines should be patrolling on the
ledge I told you not to pass nearby.

next is a tricky bit use your heavy hover dynes to approach the
flat bit on the opposite side of the hill take out the rocket terradyne
then the two artillery terradynes.

Enemy MBTs will come to their aid which you can trap them in
the narrow bit where the annilator was.The base is nasty
there are lots of MBTs 2 artillery turrets and 2 rocket terradynes
rush in 2 heavy hoverdynes behind the main force have your other
hover dynes and beam platforms attack the lot from two sides
but go for the rocket terradynes first they can do most damage.

The MBTs are easy to finish off but watch out for the marines
protect your templars.Now there are a few jaegers around all
over use the map to check where they are.There are also vulcan
turrets between the towers (relics).And after some time you will
be attacked from a spawned light terradyne squad (2) and jaegers.

Flatten all crayen buildings and you have won (you may want to
go after the AAA units behind the terraforming facilities.)


In the cut scene Sarah's commander teams up with the cardinal
and decide to share the technology for super weapons Sarah
is annoyed and can't believe it.Deacon stone also can't believe it
and you are contacted by paladin magnus.The insurgency has

End spoiler


Mission#12 Covert beginning


Attack the xenado base
Meet with the defectors

X3 Dropships
X2 Aerodyne
X3 Infantry
X5 hover dyne
X3 support

Recommended troop options

The standard setup is good , except take heavy hover dynes instead
of the light hover dynes as you will have to do lots of fighting here ,
the AAA squad as it is.

First things first drop at the south drop zone have EVERYTHING hold
fire.Move your forces to the base , position crusaders behind the templars
and your tanks next to the power Set everything on fire at will
seconds later all templars (enemy) will die , the power station will quickly
go down and magnus will tell you that you have 300 seconds to level
the base.Without the turrets the base is quite easy.Now once you are
done there will be another reinforcement dropship , watch where it comes
once then restart , plant artillery barrages on that area and have all your
hover dynes behind where they are.They will die fast , now you want to
save the engineers.

The engineers are guarded by 2 fighter aerodynes 5 Rocket terradynes
4 Annilators and 6 MBTs.Once you use templars to rush the rocket terra
dynes in APC you can use bombers to take out the rest of the units.

You will eventually end up in the bowl where the xenofacts are ,
set up a artillery barrage to hit the gap where you came in , and set
up a line of hover dynes with the APC behind.Put templars on the walls
above the choke point , artillery will do masses of damage when
the attack squad comes.

Once they are dead ,you want to move out near the base from where
the engineers came , there are a squad of AAA hover dynes
which count as the attack squad but they don't come for you.

You will soon be informed that another dropship comes

Its Sarah and her defectors , mission is complete



Mission#13 Winter wonderland


Defend the research base at all costs!

X3 Dropships (1 drop ship at a time)
X3 Infantry
X4 Support
X5 Hover dyne
X4 Aerodyne

Recommended troop options

Dropship 1

X3 Templar infantry (nukes with medikits)
X1 heavy hover dyne

Dropship 2

X3 Artillery (offensive)
X1 AAA hover dyne (repair kits offensive)

Dropship 3

X4 Heavy hover dyne

This mission is obsene and is actually a rerun of the crayven battle
no win situation , where you will be overwhelmed but your first dropship
can hold off the enemy for quite some time.

Also you may notice only the base facilities (the research stations)
need to be defended the outer outposts and turrets can be left to

1st wave

X12 Light terradynes
X6 annilators
X12 MBTs
(divided between all three passes)

2nd wave

X9 rocket terradynes
X9 attack aerodynes +/- 4
X6 Annilators+/- 4
X12 MBTs
Lots of aerodynes

3rd Wave

X8 rocket terradynes +/- 5
X3 attack aerodynes
X9 hog artillery (maybe more)
X9 annilators (maybe alot more)
Unknown but large number of MBTs
Lots of aerodynes.

4th wave

Too many to count , and too busy to count

You may also notice magnus in his APC but he has nounits under his
command just use his APC for repairs.You get about 5 minutes grace
before the massacre begins and it is quite a feat.Stay in the base
and defeat the enemy at the mouth of the base you can't be at too
many places at once (the right side will have enemy first then middle
then left).Templars will make easy work of them (sort of).

You can now deploy your next dropships deploy them in the base
and spread them in a big 3 way box so they are somewhat in the
middle and can fire at nearly all ports.

Move your artillery terradynes to the passage which is semi blocked
by concrete walls and have them either:

>1 Suppress the western most passage (A)
>2 Supress a passage each ok there are 4 but the majority
of the enemy comes from B , C and E
T ooooooooooooooooooT
BoooooooooToooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo E
Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo E
ooo T T oo
ooo oo
ooo oo
ooo oo
ooo oo
ooo oo

T= high terrain which annoyingly blocks your view.

>3 put 2 artillery on B and one on C the other one 4 Most difficult in the
>heat of battle is to switch all fire between
all passages.

DONOT move out to defend the outposts make your stand at the

Option 2 I think is best

Here comes a big one , an outpost commander will ask for help
don't its too late to help him.Stay in the base ferry templars
around to take out ALL rocket terradynes as they are a priority.

Now come lots of MBTs and annilators they will pour into your base
from B , C and E , artillery depending on your fire pattern will damage
them quite badly and only a small number will get through , MBTs
are a priority because they have more firepower and less armour
therefore you remove a bit less firepower than taking out an annilator
but you can use templars to take out MBTs in less than 6 seconds
annilators take all day.

Now magnus will say something and you can fight if you want but
you WILL die if you do or lose everything (note I have not survived
the 4th wave).Artillery will be coming through the roof like rain.

While magnus speaks move to zulu which is the most north western
point on the map click there donot click below this or you units will
move down B and you will die.There are 34 er 4 MBTs (typo but
imagine that 34 MBTs you'd die) which can be taken out with the
remainder of your forces.If you keep a scout unit behind and stay
hidden you can watch magnus get shot to pieces but he has a
last surprise (that most people don't see because they are too
busy running for their lives).When he explodes he will take the
whole base and lots of crayven units with him.When you get
to way Zulu sgt cole will say something and Sarah will pilot the
dropship and save your bacon.

NOTE it is impossible to save the turrets and outposts on this


Mission#14 Desperate attack


Help Sarah cross the bridge
Destroy both outposts
Destroy the crayven base
Keep Sarah's APC alive(unspoken)


X3 Dropships (1 drop ship at a time)
X3 Infantry
X4 Support
X5 Hover dyne
X5 Aerodyne

Recommended troop options

Dropship #1
X2 AAA hoverdyne
X1 Artillery (long range discharge)
X1 Heavy hover dyne

Dropship #2
X1 Templar
X1 Artillery (long range discharge)
X2 Heavy hover dynes

Dropship #3
X1 Crusader unit (flamers)
X2 heavy hover dyne
X1 beam plaform / AAA / Artillery (free choice)

Ugh this is an insane mission , first things first drop the first drop
ship down and move to the bridge , nothing more than light terradynes
jaegers and MBTs which is pretty easy to take on heal your APC with
Sarah's APC if you need it.But the rocket terradynes are a major
priority you need sarah's aerodynes to survive and they can kill
your tanks real quick.

Next is the North western outpost this is a tough nut to crack and
you need to be fast to minimise losses.But pause and appreciate
the terrain:

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo B
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo B
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo xxxxxxxooooooo
oooooooooooBoooooooooBoooooooooooo xxxxxxx oooAooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo xxxxxxx ooooSoo
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxJxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A = artillery turret
B = those tall tower turret things
C = ATA 175mm
P = power plant
S = SAM unit
J = Jaeger
x = unpassable terrain ie drops or hills)
The artillery unit the SAM unit and the power plant are ALL priorities
and you must choose I personally go for the A on the right is near
the dark patch of ground.

Look easy ? its not take down the power you take down the turrets
in the base but not the far artillery turret on the right , since it
does the most damage I go after that right after attacking the
turret in the middle (it is marked by a small concrete square
with sections missing on all sides (forming 4 Ls).Use a long
range discharge on it , then proceed to hammer the ridge where
the next turret is.You will have to guess but it is somewhere near
the ramp between the hill behind it and the drop.Now a HUGE sky
battle will start more than you can count aerodynes will battle in
the sky and inside the base itself are more defences.The defences
are 2 MBT squads 4 annilators and eight light terradynes as
well as hidden jaegers.Whatever you do keep your/Sarah's AAA
units alive they are crucial have the APC guard them (sarah's
APC will follow yours so you can be a bit reckless).Now another
choice without any time to think the 175MM or the power plant?
I go for the 175MM as it has less hit points and goes down faster
use templar nukes on the remaining MBT but save 2).After this
near titanic battle Sarah should have most of her forces left if
you took out the artillery turrets if not most will be dead.Sgt
cole will be on the radio ready to drop more troops for you.

Sometime in this some AAA terradynes will come from B
take them out as a priority sarah's aerodynes are vital.

A titanic air battle vs Sarah's AAA your AAA vs the Enemy
attack and fighter aerodynes (you should win).

Heal everything with your APC (be patient) , now you face another
difficult choice:

>1 Land dropships south of the eastern base
>2 Land dropships south of your position to clean
out the base then go for the outpost both are difficult and unpleasant.

Option 1

base is laid out nearly the same but defence forces are not all
inside the base they are to the west in ambush , but the defenders
are turrets (take out the 175MM via a rush attack) then the artillery
turret then the power supply then the MBTs.

Over the bridge there are 2 rocket terradyne squads 2 MBT squads
some light terradynes , some annilators and lots of hostile aerodynes
and to make it worse 2 jaeger squads in positions only troops can

Option 2

Form up and walk into the base not much opposition to start bar the
tall tower turrets , but crayven has lots of surprises lots of attack
aerodynes keep those AAA guns alive! , approaching the aerodyne
facility and weapons facility you will notice APCs and MBTs take them
down ASAP , now move in destroying everything you can enemies
first then buildings you will encounter very little resistance until
you get to the outpost on the other side.At which you will face what
I described in option 1.Though all the way you will face more than
a few hundred attack aerodynes and the skies are so full of them you
can't even see your units in high view.

Note sometimes there is a bug so that even if you level the eastern
base it will not flag and you will have to start again.

Once you have cleaned out the eastern base sgt cole will contact
you , go forward and flatten the base you will meet with not more than
6 jaeger squads , link up the 2nd group with the APC for some healing.

The only thing to note is a marine squad outside the corporate tower
and a few SAMs if you decided to bring along aerodynes.Also a 175mm
turret guards the terradforming facilities.

Also with option 2 you will have 2-5 squads of hostile aerodynes to
deal with which is easy considering your AAA units.


Mission#15 The Last Dance


Plant bombs on the base of main xenofact
Keep Sarah Alive
Keep Stone alive
Kill cardinal aegeri


X3 Dropship
X3 Infantry
X6 Hover dyne
X5 Aerodyne
X5 support

Recommended troop options

It might sound cruel but ALL units on this mission are expendable
since you don't need to carry them on to the next mission.

X3 Templars (nukes and balanced)
X3 Artillery (tank buster charge and offensive)
X2 AAA units
X4 Heavy hover dyne

This mission isn't as tough as it seems but you need to be pragmatic
and therefore take it slowly set aside 3 hours before you start this if
you want to complete it without losses.

ALSO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK , many spoilers here and its much
more tense and thrilling to do this mission yourself (and on hard its
darned well impossible).

Right dropship down Sarah is in an isolated area with Sgt cole you can
not get there nor can any enemy (you will face crayven forces bar
a few Order aerodynes).

Right after landing a dropship will land behind you with order forces:

X1 Annilator squad
X1 MBT squad
X1 Drone carrier
X1 AAA squad

You can semi cheat by playing it seeing where they land and artillery
barrage their landing site , otherwise they are extremely easy to kill.

Approach the base and you'll meet 2 annilators which are alone and
easy , next Sgt cole will inform you of a elite order unit coming to
attack you.Their dropship will come quite a distance ahead of you
so no cheating they consist of:

X2 Heavy hover dynes
X1 Templar
X1 AAA (unsure about this they died so quickly to my forces each

not very elite but they face massive odds against you.

I will describe the approach from the lower entrance therefore having
to go through the defences as it will save you lots of hassle in the
final battle.Defences are obvious where they are located that it to the
sides of the concrete , there are lots of artillery turrets all over ,
remember counter fire where the shells come from you can fire
9 shells with your 3 artillery units Except on the ridge just under
the xenofacts where they are hog units rather than turrets.Each
section is guarded by 4 MBTs and jaegers.

Right time for the final assault , next to the xenofacts are 5 MBT
squads and 2 annilator squads as well as masses of attack aerodynes
and fighters.

Cardinel aegiri is in a super aerodyne can take lots of hits and is
escorted by lots of attack aerodynes.Kill him with your AAA units.

Next heal everything take a breath and get ready the final assault
is about to begin.

Move your APC next to the tallest xenofact and Sgt cole will
inform you of 2 minutes till masses of enemy come with major
Thomas as commander.After 3 minutes masses of aerodynes will
come from Sarah's direction she will help take out masses of
MBTs and aerodynes.You should meet no more than some
rocket terradynes MBT squad and artillery unit and some AAA
which will eat Sarah's bombers alive.Once they are gone have your
artillery units hammer the pass from which you came (the ramp)
Now you will see many many many MANY( guestimate X4
Annilators , X2 rocket squads , X9 MBT squads , X2 hog

Artillery will take out lots of the enemy , but not enough send in
templars and use their nukes to hold off the enemy for a while
, charge the formation with 2 heavy hover dyne units and push
some AAA units in for a distraction , you want to take out the
hog artillery first then the rocket terradynes (any left) then
retreat and take the MBTs out (this is much easier on easy
since artillery can't hurt your own units) on other difficulty
levels they are a sacrifice or you can attack at the edges to
leave a safe passage in the artillery storm.

One you kill everything you win , once you kill Maj thomas
Sarah will have something to say and you've won sit back
enjoy the ending and gear up for ground control dark conspiracy.

[4]The enemy


Sort of tough when you use crusaders, crusaders seem to be weaker
and have a much worse aim , maybe was used to elite marines in
the last campaign though, they are quite hardy and can last longer
close up.Just concentrate your fire on them with crusaders and up
close (though they take more than crusaders up close too they
die much faster).Tank specials are devoted to killing them remember
this at all times.


Just use crusaders on them keeping tanks far back , you can locate
them by looking at where the bullets come from from the map and also
the direction and damage they do to your tanks.

scout terradynes

Easy meat use anything on them except the APC since the APC
cannot heal itself.Hoverbikes are ok bt they can only take on two
and still take on hefy damage so use something else other than
APC or hover bikes.

Light terradynes

Quite tough since your light hover dynes are only about the equivalent
of scout terradynes in terms of toughness and probably fire power
but they really succumb to the FTT and die super fast to this.Toe to
toe they are much nastier but in a single group you can usually win
keep the APC healing though as your hover dynes can't take much

MBT terradynes

Tough cookies , though they are utter suckers for the FTT but this
relies upon two units one as bait one as support use the fast unit
as bait since its speed will help it get hit less.And the slow unit
to fire into its rear they go down really fast since crayven puts paper
on the rear as armour to save costs , saving costs is a corp norm.
And crayven is a corp after all and is here to make money.

Annilator terradynes

Lucky for you they only come in small squads they can't be hurt
by most of your units bar templars which are best against them but
early on you will come up against them without templars.Best thing
to do is the FTT then use a special into its rear where it has least
armour protection.Other wise crusaders and light terradynes can't
even hurt it , it has terrible perception so you can setup a trap for
it which means you take it on , on your terms which is always the
best way about it.

Missile terradyne

Extremely easy one your spot it with your scouts let your vehicles
run off or stay still and use templars on them they won't even fire


barely a threat , the last thing you'll kill in missions you may meet
them unless they are healing enemy units.

Fixed turrets:

Vulcan 9000

poor gun poor range and the same one as on scout terradynes
even your crusaders will have an easy time cutting it down.
They are nasty though against your scouts if you get too close
or you happen to give them rear shots.

Laser pill box

Same as vulcan poor

AAT 175mm

This is killer ! , much like the tier-7 of the order side it can kill
nearly all your light and scout units in 2 hits which is a bum it
does go down when out of power however so thats a good thing
it has a poor LOS and fires on LOS so objects in its way can
save you.It also turns rather slowly.

AAT 125mm

Smaller version but fires faster to some extent and has area effect
poor LOS it seems.

CTT - 123

A high tower with gun on top , sometimes goes down when power
is shut down often does not , weak and can hurt tanks but not much
unless you sit around on hold fire for ages.Still they are placed in
dead inconvient places like behind walls so tanks can't hit it as
well as a flat turret use templars and you'll be laughing.

Sentry guns

Repair turret

Easy to kill and with more than 1 squad you can damage the
enemy faster than he can be healed (rare)

rocket turret , nasty piece of work this I hate em use artillery
if you can or templars

auto gun - worthless easy thing to be taken down with any

Orbit Artillery turret

Nasty things , either cheat (play the mission through and remember
where they are) or counter artillery fire them your artillery can move
out the way this cannot.

[5] General questions

How come I use dropships in the order campaign I thought deacon's
space ship was driven away from the system?
How do I play the campaign for order of the new dawn?
You state turn your units in the manual there is no such command
Why can't I move units on hold position?
How do I deny an entire area?
Way points or direct paths?
You say artillery shells can be shot down with SAMs?
Friendly fire?
The manual states the APC guns can tackle anything but the
biggest thing the enemy can throw at you?
What is the difference in difficulty levels?
Does loading troops into the APC heal them?
Moving and shooting how do do it?
Does the AI cheat and if so how badly?
What happens when units are KIA?
How do I focus fire units ? when I order attacks they just spray
the whole enemy unit
Can I repair buildings ?
Why should I keep units alive I want to play wasteful combat!
Can I skip the intros completely ?
How many men can the APC hold?
Is there a faster way to load men into the APC?
I want your ground control serial number ...
What are the ranks both sides can attain?
What medals can my units win?

How come I use dropships in the order campaign I thought deacon's
space ship was driven away from the system?

This is a plot hole I suppose.But later it states that you are working
from a secret ground base , which semi fixes the plot hole but
that means you go into orbit then come back down again.

How do I play the campaign for order of the new dawn?

Religious zealot wanna be eh? , well first you must win the crayven
corp campaign first which sets the scene for jarred to begin his

You state turn your units in the manual there is no such command

Well no there is no such command but you can improvise of course
lets use an example you have marines you want them to face east
once they arrive at their target from which they approach from the
east.Normally they will stay facing west when they arrive but what
you do it set a way point in the direction you want to face and
they ought to most of the time face the direction you want.If you
want them to stay on the spot cancel orders soon after they turn
and they will stay rooted at the spot.

Why can't I move units on hold position?

Well when they say hold position they really mean it and
stick like glue to that position change orders or force move.

Its done this way so if you want to snipe and order an attack
your units will not pursue the enemy units giving up their
terrain advantage if they have any.
What happens if my APC dies?

Instant game over you are supposed to play the role of Sarah
Parker , she dies you die.

How do I deny an entire area?

You need artillery or main battle terradynes just have them
fire at a particular spot out of sync so there is constantly something
hittin that area.Same as the dark reign principle , its hard as rock
to hit a moving unit with artillery but if they have to walk through
it its much easier.

Way points or direct paths?

You can set direct paths (ie click the spot you want to go to on each
map) the AI will auto select a convient close path way.However this
is semi dangerous as it will cling to the bottom of valleys and not
take advantageous terrain.

Way points however take time to setup and you may not know a
good path to the location you want to get to and in a battle time
is at a premium. When 20 heavy hoverdynes are hammering you
(a common occurrence) you don't want to be faffing about with such

You say artillery shells can be shot down with SAMs?

Yes but it only happens on higher difficulty levels though which
can cause all sorts of trouble.

Friendly fire?

Same again only with higher difficulty levels does this really
become a concern.

The manual states the APC guns can tackle anything but the
biggest thing the enemy can throw at you

Well no not really they do tiny amounts of damage but I think
its supposed to be the time effect as in it will take so long for
most enemies to kill your APC due to its high armour rating
that its guns can kill that unit.

What is the difference in difficulty levels?

Simple friendly fire and units stopping for it is the most obvious
one.Also enemy weapons do more damage to you and your men
are less accurate. Enemy tactics also seem a bit nastier.Your
repair beams also seem a bit slower than before , at easy it can
repair a bunch of marines to 100% in seconds while it may
take longer on higher difficulty.

Does loading troops into the APC heal them?

No but they will gain some health when they approach the APC
as long as it isn't busy repairing something else , but they come
out the same health as they go in , the repair beam is externally
mounted anyways.

Moving and shooting how do do it?

Well when you move often your unit will stop shooting and move
the continue firing but you can order them to fire then move then
fire which makes them shoot while they move to their new location.
But it is not 100% recommended you may do more damage to the
enemy but the enemy knows your unit is there and may retaliate
making a flank move risky.Also in this state the turret gun may face
the enemy and the body of your tank face another making it
more vulnerable to enemy fire (nothing worse than losing a MBT
to a bunch of crusaders).

Does the AI cheat and if so how badly?

Of course the AI cheats it can spawn entities onto the map
when ever it feels like it and always knows where your units are.
Its machine guns also seem to hurt your tanks badly too.

A example is simple escort duty at the end nearly all those
units are spawned , since I have spent hours combing the map
and killed everything but the units at the end are spawned.

What happens when units are KIA?

Well you lose that unit as long as one member stays alive
it seems they are replenished and the unit can fight on.If they
are KIA then that unit is no longer avalible for use in later
missions.(easy only!)

How do I focus fire units ? when I order attacks they just spray
the whole enemy unit

Order fire then zoom in close to the enemy unit and click again
on attack with your units and they should direct most of their
fire towards the unit you clicked.

Can I repair buildings ?

As far as I know the answer to this is no you can repair buildings
such as repair units though , with other repair units since they
are considered structures.(only on easy though they can't repair
each other on any other difficulty level.

Why should I keep units alive I want to play wasteful combat!

You are playing the wrong game try total annilation , red alert
age of empires etc.

You ought to keep them alive unless you play on easy (even then
at least one man has to stay alive) to gain extra experience ie
become more lethal (and you are after each advantage you can
get).Also if you play on normal and hard by the time you get to
the last 3 missions you will barely have any units left and it will
be extra hard , my mission walkthroughs assume that you keep
ALL men alive at ALL times.Alter your strategies if this is not the
case , still in mission 15 you can get most of your men killed bar
your APC as always.

Can I skip the intros completely ?

Not that I know of

How many men can the APC hold?

3 Squads of marines therefore 24 men you can load men into
major thomas's APC too though you have no control over where
he takes them.

Is there a faster way to load men into the APC?

Force move the APC to run over your men on contact they get
in , you may also want to use the unit icons instead of the
actual units for loading.

I want your ground control serial number ...

Why of course NOT , here is how to get a serial number go to
town buy copy of ground control (£2.50) and look at the number
on the inside of the case! , almost as bad as the SNES cheat
to play the bosses in the first edition of street fighter II published
in something or other.

What are the ranks both sides can attain?
Blood veteran

Order of the new dawn
Battle brother

What medals can my units win?

For destroying lots of buildings I think

For destroying lots of enemy I think

Field excellence
For both of the above

Combat star
Unknown possibly involved in every mission so far?


[6] Credits and permissions

Credits due to - giving me the reason why the music was all messed
up and why briefings were jolted and repeated like broken records.

Sierra and massive for publishing and making this great game

That old man who was a GTA fan who split the 3 for £10 with me in
doing so allowing me to pay only £3 for this game.

Hendrix , as I type this I am listening to an old LP of him yes not CD
but LP and no I don't play my LPs on my PC I have a dedicated
deck for such things.

Negative credit to the mission designer who made some of the missions
that take up to 5 hours to complete.

Negative cred to the maker of many OS's since they crash so often!

Permissions list

Bernd Wolffgramm's http://DLH.Net
David A's

Everybody on this list frequently check the version at gamefaqs since
I tend to update there most.

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Order of the New Dawn Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Crayven Corporation Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008

18.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Alle Level spielbar

12.September 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020