Grim Fandango

Grim Fandango

17.10.2013 11:22:31

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Year 1
2.2. Year 2
2.3. Year 3
2.4. Year 4
3. Item List
3.1. Year 1
3.2. Year 2
3.3. Year 3
3.4. Year 4
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 2nd Nov, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


Grim Fandango tells the story of a travel agent named Manny Calavera that works
for the Department of Death in the Land of the Dead, selling travel packages to
the the dead on their way to the underworld. The atmospheric 3D locations from
the town of El Marrow to the creepy petrified forest are well designed, and the
characters in the game are so well visualised it is a pleasure to interact with
them. Overall, GF is an interesting, hilarious and well thought out game which
I definitely recommend to fans of adventure games.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Year 1


The game starts in Manny's office in the Department of Death. Open the message
tube to receive a message from Don Copal about a mass poisoning. Get the pack
of cards from the desk at the other side of the office and walk to the door to
arrive in the hallway. Walk to the left side of the desk at the corner of the
hallway and use the pack of cards on the hole punch to punch holes in the card.
Enter the left elevator to enter the garage, where Domino's car will already be
driving through the tunnel to the Land of the Living.

Run to the other side of the garage and knock on the door of the hut to meet
Glottis. Say "I'm Calavera, Manny Calavera.", say "Come on, Glottis. I need you
to be my driver.", and Glottis will say that he is too big to drive a car. Say
"You're not too big. The cars are just too small.", and Glottis will agree to
work on the car if the work order is signed. Enter the elevator to return to
the hallway. Walk into the elevator at the end of the hallway to arrive in the
lobby and then walk through the doors to exit the Department of Death.


Run right at the bottom of the steps to see the festival of the dead. Talk to
the clown who says he is practicing and say "Practicing what?", say "Twist me
up one of them, eh fella?", say "Bet ya can't do a cat." and say "A dingo." to
get the balloon dingo. Talk to the clown and say "My kid wants another balloon
animal.", and say "A dead worm" to receive the balloon worm.

Talk to the clown again and say "My kid wants another balloon animal.", say "Do
you have any more dead worms back there?" to receive a second balloon worm. Get
a loaf of bread from the stall left of the clown, then walk away from the
festival. Run down the alley leading off to the left and climb the rope made of
ties up to the ledge of the building.


Climb through the open window to enter Don's office and use the computer to see
that Don has a selection of automatic responses for when Eva calls his office.
Change the response to "Ah, cripes, Eva! Just sign it yourself, will ya? I'm
busy!", then walk back out the window to return to the ledge. Return to the
Department of Death and use the elevator. Talk to Eva and say "Eva, I really
need the boss to sign this work order.", and Glottis will drive Manny to the
Land of the Living.


Use the scythe to open the bag and Glottis will drive Manny and Bruno back to
the Department of Death.


Use the elevator to go do down to the lobby. Turn left near the doors at the
end of the lobby and walk through the doorway to the packing room. Walk to the
table and use one of the balloon worms on the blue handle and the other balloon
worm on the red handle, then exit the packing room. Use the elevator and enter
Manny's office. Use both chemical balloons with the message tube to block the
switcher in the communications hub.

Exit the office and use the elevator to return to the lobby. Run to the top of
the lobby to see the tube switcher demon and enter the right doorway to enter
the communications room. Get the fire extinguisher and walk over to the door of
the hub. Turn the deadbolt and then exit the room. When the tube switcher demon
leaves the room the door to the hub will remain open as the deadbolt is set.

Return to the communications room and turn the wheel on the door. Use the card
with holes on the message tube in the hub, and in the cutscene Manny will bring
Meche Colomar to his office. Say "Excuse me, but I have to go straighten this
business out.", then exit the office. Walk up the hallway to talk to Don Copal
in his office, where we discover that Meche left fifteen minutes ago to walk
through the petrified forest alone. After the cutscene, Manny will taken to the
hut in the garage. Knock on the door and a mysterious character will talk to
Manny at the window.

Say "I'm thinking about getting out and getting even. That's it.", say "The DOD
runs a crooked game, and I intend to prove it.", say "I'm gonna blow the lid
off this place!", and Salvador will take Manny to the headquarters of the Lost
Souls Alliance. Talk to Salvador and say "Okay, I'm in. What do I have to do?",
say "You want me to be your messenger?", say "If I grab some carrier pigeons
off the roof, will will you let me go?", say "You're keeping me here because
you need the eggs?". Enter the elevator to arrive in the alley.


Climb up the rope to the ledge, and run around the corner in the ledge to enter
Domino's office. Walk over to the punchbag and hit it three times to knock the
mouthpiece down to the floor. Get the mouthpiece and walk to the other side of
the office. Open the drawer near the computer and get the coral, then walk out
the window to return to the ledge. Run around the corner in the ledge and get
the rope, and drop the rope so that it lands on the ledge. Use the coral on the
rope, then throw it at the ladder to create a bridge across the gap.

Climb up the rope, then climb up the ladder to the roof of the building to see
a group of pigeons. Run to the other side of the roof and put the balloon dingo
in the dish vent, then use the bread in the dish vent. All the pigeons will fly
away from the roof after they explode the balloon by pecking at the bread. Walk
over to the vent at the corner of the roof and get the pigeon eggs, then climb
down the rope to return to the alley.


Walk through the open garage doorway and enter the hut at the other side of the
garage. Use the mouth-piece on the Fil-a-Dent machine, then use the mouthpiece
on Manny to create an impression of Manny's teeth. Exit the garage through the
doorway and talk to the blue eye to enter the LSA headquarters.


Give the pigeon eggs to Salvador and the impression of Manny's teeth to Eva.
Salvador will guide Manny through a secret tunnel to the edge of the forest.


Run south to find Glottis, who is so upset at being fired from his job that he
throws his heart into the spider lair behind him. Run into the lair to see the
heart in a big spider web. Run to the other side of the web and get four bones
from the pile. Put one of the bones in the web, then use the scythe on the web
to catapult the heart near to Glottis. Exit the lair, get the heart and use it
on Glottis to wake him up. After the cutscene where Don gets sprouted by Hector
in the Department of Death, Glottis will reverse his car into the sign post.

Ignore the sign post, and drive along the right path to arrive in an area with
a tree with four pumps moving at different times. Get the wheelbarrow and move
over the wires until the two left and two right pumps are moving at different
times. Drop the wheelbarrow and lower the switch on the control panel, and then
raise the lever when Glottis climbs up to the wheel to get the pumps. Back in
the main area of the forest, exit the car and get the sign post.

Run to the top-left corner of the forest to an area with twelve exits. There is
a light patch near the middle of the area with a tiny dark patch in it. Put the
sign post in the small dark patch to open a secret tunnel. Run down the slope
at the start of the tunnel and shake the warning sign to get the key, then run
up the right path to arrive in an area with a spiked fence. Move closer to the
fence and open the door to find the demon beavers.

After being chased out of the area, walk back through the doorway and run down
the path at the left side of the bridge. Throw one of the bones in the tar and
select the fire extinguisher. When the beaver roars, use the fire extinguisher
to put out the flames on the beaver as it jumps. Repeat this method to put out
the flames on the remaining two beavers, then exit the area. Use the key on the
padlock, and Glottis will drive Manny to Rubacava.


Run up the steps and enter the cafe to meet Celso Flores. Talk to him and say
"What are you doing here?" to discover that he has come to Rubacava looking for
his wife, say "You must love her very much, Celso.", say "How do you know your
wife hasn't gone ahead of you?", say "I'll help you find your wife. What did
she look like?" to receive a photograph of his wife. Say "Well, I'd better go
see how my other clients are doing...", then exit the cafe.

Run down the set of steps at the bottom of the area and run over to the mist on
the right to fall in the water. After being rescued, run down the steps toward
Glottis and show the photograph of Celso's wife to Velasco the dockmaster, who
will say that she sailed away from Rubacava two weeks ago. Say "How do you know
she sailed out of here? I don't believe it!" and Velasco will give you the port
log. Say "Well, don't let me interrupt your car talk.", run back up the steps
to the cafe and give the log book to Celso to complete the year.

2.2. Year 2


The second year begins in Rubacava where Manny is now manager of the casino. Go
through the doorway to the bedroom and get Salvador's letters on the desk. Walk
downstairs to the lobby and try to walk out the doorway, where Lupe will call
Manny over to the counter to talk about the new coat system. Say "Ok, back to
work.", and walk out the door. Run south down the steps to see a shadow which
looks like Meche, which turns out to be a bird on a telescope. In the cutscene,
Manny follows the flight of the bird to a ship where Domino is seen pulling
Meche on board. Manny quickly runs down to the dock and tries to jump to the
platform of the boat, but falls into the water.


After Velasco pulls Manny out of the water, talk to him and say "Alright, so
I'm ready to sail!", say "I'll work!", say "Okay, if I get Glottis some tools,
can we board?", say "Who's the one guy who hasn't boarded yet?", say "What if
Naranja doesn't show up? I can fill his spot right?", then say "I'd better go
finish packing." Run west from the dock to the circular area with four paths.
Run down the north path and use the elevator at the left side of the Blue
Casket. Run up the steps to return to the Calavera Cafe.


Go downstairs to the lobby, run down the set of steps to the room with Glottis
and get the gold flake liqueur from the bar. Run through to the casino and talk
to Charlie on the chair. Say "What are you doing in my club, Charlie?", say
"How did you print fake betting stubs?" to get the ticket printer, say "Can you
make reasonable union cards?" to get the VIP pass to the High Rollers lounge.

Exit the room and talk to Glottis. Say "Check out this fancy pass to the High
Roller's Lounge!", and Glottis will rush off to the lounge. Exit the club, run
down both sets of steps and use the elevator. Run right past the Blue Casket to
the area with the four paths and run down the south path. Use the lever to make
a bridge over toward the cat track, climb up the steps on the other side of the
bridge and run forward to the hallway with the large stuffed cat.


Walk through the doorway on the right to the cat food area. Get the can opener
from the cat food can and walk back to the hallway. Run south, run up the steps
to the viewing area and go up the steps left of the ticket office. Enter the
elevator to arrive in the High Roller's lounge, where Glottis can be found
drinking on the top level.


Walk through the doorway to the kitchen and get the turkey baster at the
bottom-left corner of the room. Close the pantry doors when Raoul enters the
kitchen and then use the scythe to lock it. Glottis will then enter the kitchen
to drink the entire cask of wine. Climb up the ladder and use the can opener
top of the cask, then climb into the cask to be taken to the basement. Climb on
the forklift and drive in the elevator. Move the forklift so that the two forks
are facing the door near the right side of the elevator.

Get off the forklift and press the red button, then quickly climb back on the
forklift and hold forward to catch the forks on the top of a door half-way up
the elevator shaft. Climb back off the forklift and push the lever at the left
side of the vehicle to open the door. Run through the door and get the suitcase
of Double-N tickets at the end of the hallway. After the cutscene where Manny
gets the union card from Charlie, run south to exit the hallway and run down
the steps. Run left, cross the bridge and run north to the Blue Casket.


Walk to the other side of the bar to talk to Olivia. Say "Well, catch you
later, hep chick.", and open the doors on the left to enter the kitchen. Use
the turkey baster in the sink to fill it with dirty hookah water, then exit the
kitchen. Show Salvador's letters to the people at the bottom-right corner of
the room, then get the book from the table. Exit the Blue Casket and return to
the High Roller's lounge.


Run north to talk to Nick Virago and say "Nick, I need a lawyer.", select any
of the options, say "An excellent lawyer.", say "The very best is enough for
me.", then say "You are, Nick.". Talk to Nick again and say "Virago, I really
need a lawyer.", say "I could tell Max about you and Olivia.", and Nick will
leave the room to talk with Max. Get the cigarette case and exit the High
Roller's lounge. Go south to the viewing area and run up both sets of steps to
the security office.


Drink the gold flake liqueur and go through the security gate to enter the back
room. Say "Hey, Carla. That's an awfully nice metal detector you have.", say
"Yes.", and she will throw it out the window. Show the cigarette case to Carla
and say "I don't know. I found it under your desk.", say "Yes", and Carla will
detonate it to reveal the key. Run down both sets of steps, turn right and run
through the doorway to the room with the cat food. Run to the platform and use
the scythe to retrieve the metal detector from the cat litter.


Exit the cat litter room, run south down the hallway and continue west to leave
the cat track building. Run across the bridge, and follow the tracks east. Run
down the steps at the end of the track and climb down the hatch.


Open the fridge at the other side of the shop, open the lettuce crisper
and then run back toward Toto. When Toto looks toward the fridge, quickly use
the turkey baster with dirty hookah water with the bottle near Naranja. While
Toto is talking on the phone, search Naranja to find his tag. Exit the shop,
return to the circular area and take the left path to the bees. Give the book
to Terry and while being taken away by Bogen he will ask for a laywer. Run back
up the path and continue along to the lighthouse.


Use the key on the door and walk inside to find Lola, who has been sprouted by
Nick in his search for the picture. Manny gets the picture after he leaves and
walks to the path outside the lighthouse. Run right toward the Blue Casket and
use the elevator to return to Manny's club.


Show the picture of the tongue to Lupe to receive the jacket, then look at the
jacket to find the piece of paper. Exit the club and run down the steps to the
elevator. Run down the steps in front of the elevator and open the green doors
on the left to enter the morgue.


Walk up the steps toward Membrillo and throw Naranja's tag on either flowerbed
when he turns away, then give him the metal detector and he will identify
Naranja as the body on the flowerbed.


Return to Toto's tattoo shop and show him the paper to receive the cat picture.
Exit the shop and return to the viewing area of the cat track building.


Use the ticket printer. Set the left value to 02, the middle value to Tue and
the right value to 06. Select the print button, go over to the left side of the
room and give the ticket to the man in the betting office to get the photograph
of Nick and Olivia.


Go to the High Roller's lounge and talk to Nick.


Go to the bedroom in Manny's club and look at the panel on the desk to show the
gambling machine. Press the magnet to leave Rubacava on The Limbo.

2.3. Year 3


The third year begins in Rubacava, where Manny is now captain of The Limbo. Run
through the doorway to see that everyone on the ship have all been sprouted. Go
down the ladder and go up the hallway to see Hector's goons. Just as they raise
their guns to sprout Manny, Glottis will pull him into the engine room. Press
the button at the right side of the room to raise the right anchor, walk over
to the two throttles at the left side of the room and press right to move the
ship over to the left.

Leave the throttles and push the red button over at the right side of the room
to hook the right anchor on to the left anchor, then press the button again to
raise both anchors. Look out the window and use the scythe to hook the anchors
on to the window, and then press the red button at the left side of the room to
tear a hole in the ship. Return to the view of the control panel and pull both
throttles back to ride out on the ocean. After running out of power, the ship
will sink to the bottom of the ocean.


Wait for a while and a character named Chepito will enter the area. Talk to him
and say "Well, I don't want to break your stride, there...". When he stops to
sing his song, grab his light and move left to give Chepito to Glottis. After
arriving at the pearl, follow the ledge on the right to arrive at a rock with
red vines. Run around the right side of the rock and Chepito will get stuck in
the vines after trying to follow Manny. In the cutscene, the octopus will take
Manny and Glottis to the edge of the world.


Walk through the underwater door, run right on the walkway and go through both
doors to see Meche. After the cutscene, Manny will wake up in the room with the
cage. Talk to the angelitos in the cage and say "Why do you want to bite me?",
say "What are you two doing in this cage?", say "Listen, children. I'm here to
help.", say "I'm here to help you get out of this cage.", say "My hands are not
too big to make light bulbs.", say "I just don't have any of those little, tiny
tools, that's all.", then say "Okay, back to work!".

Get the hammer on the floor and exit the room. Move right along the walkway and
run through the doorway to Meche's room. Use the ashtray three times and Meche
will burn her stockings and throw them into the bin. Get the stockings from the
bin and exit the room, then use the elevator to ride to exit the building. Run
to the bottom-left corner of the area to see Chepito trying to chip rock with a
Bust-all. Give the hammer to Chepito to receive the Bust-all and give him the
stockings to receive the sproutella gun.

Run north to exit the area, use the elevator to ride up to the building and run
to Meche's room. Give her the sproutella gun, Domino will lock her in a room in
the hallway. Run to the hallway and use the Bust-all on the lock of the door to
reveal the tumblers, and then use the wheel. The tumblers are currently all in
random positions. Move the wheel left until the flat edge of the top tumbler is
facing right. Move the wheel right to align the third tumbler, move it left to
align the second tumbler and right to align the bottom tumbler.

After the flat edge of all four of the tumblers is facing to the right, use the
scythe on the lock and use the handle to open the door. Run through the doorway
and close the door. Use the scythe with the contacts at the top-left corner of
the door, and Meche will walk through the secret doorway that is revealed. Get
the axe at the other side of the room and drag it through the door to the room
with Meche. Drop the axe on the tile at the right side of the black tile in the
middle of the room to create a hole leading to the beach.

Run up the slope on the other side of the beach, and climb up the steps to the
crane. Press down to lower the scoop on to the beach, use the Bust-All on the
scoop to remove the chain and then climb back up the steps to the crane. Press
down to lower the chain between the middle of the grinders and tap up to launch
the grinders to the beach. There's nothing else to do at the beach for now, so
move the crane right to the other side of the island. Press down to lower the
chain onto the start of the moving slope, and then exit the crane.

Run down to the bottom of the slope and jump off to land near the lever. Pull
the lever three times to hook the chain on a rock at the end of the path. Climb
up to the top of the slope and enter the crane, then press up to pull the ship
with Glottis to the beach. Domino looks out of the window and notices the ship
sailing away into the distance, so he quickly jumps in his submarine and starts
chasing the ship. After the cutscene, Manny is on top of the submarine. Use the
scythe on the octopus eye to leave the edge of the world.

2.4. Year 4


The fourth year begins outside the temple. Run down the big set of steps at the
bottom-left corner of the area and open the coffin to see Bruno, who will throw
the coffee mug he was given in the Department of Death at Manny. Climb up the
steps to see the cutscene where the Number Nine train drops off its tracks, and
then try and go down the steps to get Hector's note from the guard. Go down the
steps and continue right to find Glottis.

Run down to the bottom of the steps and walk through the doorway to arrive in
the kitchen. Place the mug on the mug rack. Open the top-right drawer to get a
rag and then exit the kitchen. Use the rag on the oil can, head back in to the
kitchen and use the rag on the toaster. One of the goblins will enter the room
to spray the fire which causes the mug to fly around the room. In the cutscene,
Glottis, Manny and Meche are launched toward Rubacava.


Walk down the path and enter Toto's tattoo shop. Open the cabinet and get the
liquid nitrogen, then exit the shop. Run up the path toward Glottis and Meche,
run over the bridge on the left to the circular area and go down the right path
to find Velasco. After he leaves, get the bottle and exit the area. Run north
to the Blue Casket and go through to the kitchen. Use the bottle on the keg and
run back toward Glottis. Give him the bottle, and talk to him after he returns
from the Blue Casket. Use the liquid nitrogen on the garage floor and use the
explosive at the back of the car to drive to El Marrow.


Get the arm from the right side of the flowers and get the photo of the agent
from the bin. Give Hector's note to the pigeon, and then give the photo to the
pigeon. In the cutscene, the florist will see the note and think that Hector is
going to sprout him. Talk to Meche and then exit the headquarters. Run to the
other side of the room and Manny will grab the remote control from Glottis. Go
up the ladder on the left, continue forward past the entrance to the casino and
climb up the next ladder to arrive in the area with the two actors.

Get the coffee pot and climb up the ladder at the left side of the actors. Walk
to the right side of the platform and pour the coffee on the actor below, who
will run away. Climb down the ladder and put the coffee pot back on the stand,
then climb back up the ladder and look at the snow maker. Put the soldier's arm
in the grinder, then get it and climb down the ladder. Enter the changing room
at the bottom of the ladder to change into a disguise, then go back through the
hatch to return to the catacombs.

Climb down the ladder at the other side of the room to return to the area with
Glottis, and continue through the entrance at the top-right corner of the room
to enter the sewers. Walk to the tunnel at the right side of the room and use
the grinder to create a trail into the tunnel, which leads to a huge crocodile.
Drive the Bone Wagon forward as far as it can go, then use the remote control
to raise the Bone Wagon. Jump to the ledge and run to the ladder at the other
side. When the crocodile turns around, quickly climb up to the ledge.

Use the remote control to lower the Bone Wagon on the crocodile's tail. Climb
down the ladder, run right and enter the shop to find the florist hiding behind
the desk. Use the scythe on the ball of tape above the door to reveal the bell
and Manny will exit the shop. Run back in to the shop to receive the sproutella
gun and ammunition, and Manny will arrive back in the catacombs. Climb up the
ladder and run through the doorway on the right to enter the casino. Run down
to the middle of the area to find Meche.

Talk to Meche twice and throw the sheet over Charlie. Talk to the agent in the
raincoat three times and he will crack the machine to leave a mass of change in
the tray. Charlie sees this and thinks that his system has worked, so he leaves
the casino with Meche. Run through the toilet door to change clothes, then run
left and talk to the elevator demon. The demon asks a question, and the answer
is the number that appeared last on the display board behind Manny. Select this
answer to ride up to the hallway outside Hector's room.

Talk to Celso and say "Actually, I work for Hector. He sent me to answer your
questions.", say "It's a scam. The tickets are counterfeit. Take your money and
run.", say "Well, they COST a mint, because they SAVE you a mint.", say "Well,
enough about you guys, let me tell you about my problems.", say "I just got
back from the worst vacation I've ever had!". Walk to the other end of the hall
and Hector will take Manny across town to his old office.

After the cutscene, run right over the ledge to the roof of the building. Climb
to the top of the ledge on the right and use the coffee grinder on the crack in
the structural support, then pour the sproutella in the crack to tip over the
sign. Climb the ladder to cross over to the other side of the bridge and Manny
will go to the field outside Hector's mausoleum.


Enter the mausoleum and Hector will shoot Manny with a slow-acting sproutella
bullet. We next find Manny in a field with a flower on his chest caused by the
bullet. Use the liquid nitrogren to freeze the flower, and Manny will be able
to stand up. Run toward Olivia and talk to Salvador's head in the car. Open the
case to get the scythe, and Salvador's ticket will jump toward his body. Get
the ticket and run up the path to the area behind the mausoleum. Walk over the
area until the ticket points in a direction.

Follow the direction of the ticket until it drops on the floor. Manny will use
his scythe to cut away the flowers hiding Salvador's body. Look at the body to
find the key to Salvador's trunk, and run down the hill to the car. Use the key
on the trunk of the car and get the ammunition to load the gun. Run down to the
bottom of the hill and shoot the gun at the water tank to defeat Hector. Run up
the path and open the door to the mausoleum to complete the game.


3. Item List


3.1. Year 1 Item List

The clown at the festival will give Manny the balloon dingo. It is put in the
dish vent on the roof of the Department of Death.

The clown at the festival gives Manny the two balloon worms. They are filled
with the chemicals from the packing room in the Department of Death.

Made by filling one of the worm balloons with the light chemical and the
other worm balloon with the dark chemical from the handles in the packing
room. They are used with the message tube in Manny's office to block the tube
switcher machine.

Four bones are found near the web in the spider lair in the Petrified Forest.
One bone is used on the spider web, and the other three bones are thrown into
the tar in the area with the demon beavers.

Found in the stall at the left side of the clown at the festival. It is used
in the dish vent on the roof of the Department of Death.

Made by using the deck of cards with the hole punch on Eva's desk. It is used
on the message tube in the communications room.

Found in the drawer in Domino's office. It is used with the rope made of ties
on the building ledge.

Found on the desk in Manny's office. They are on with the hole punch on Eva's
desk to make the card with holes.

Found in the communications room in the Department of Death. It is used with
the demon beavers in the Petrified Forest.

Found by using a bone on the spider web in the Petrified Forest, then using
the scythe to catapult it out of the lair. It is used on Glottis.

Made by using the mouthpiece filled with the Fil-A-Dent on Manny. It is given
to Eva in the LSA Headquarters.

Found by shaking the warning sign in the Petrified Forest. It is used on the
padlock on the gate outside the demon beaver area.

Velasco the dockmaster gives Manny the log book at Rubacava when he is shown
the photograph of Celso's wife. It is shown to Celso in the cafe.

Found by hitting the punchbag three times in Domino's office. It is used with
the Fil-a-Dent machine in the hut in the garage, and is then used on Manny to
make the impression of teeth.

Celso gives Manny the photograph in the cafe at Rubacava when asked what his
wife looked like. It is shown to dockmaster Velasco for the log book.

Found in the vent on the roof of the Department of Death. They are given to
Salvador in the LSA Headquarters.

Available at the start of the year. It is used to open Bruno's bag in the
Land of the Living, and is also used on the bone in the spider web in the
Petrified Forest.

After Glottis has been given his heart, he will reverse his car into the sign
post. The sign post is used to point to the location of the secret tunnel in
the area of the Petrified Forest with the twelve exits.

Found in Manny's office. Don writes that there has been a mass poisoning in
the Land of the Living.

Glottis will give Manny the work order in the garage. Eva will sign the order
when the automatic response is changed on the computer in Copal's office. The
order is automatically given to Glottis.

3.2. Year 2 Item List

Made by using the ticket printer. It is given to the man in the betting
office for the photograph of Nick and Olivia.

Found on the table in the Blue Casket, and can be taken after the people at
the table have been shown Salvador's letters. It is given to Terry.

Found on top of the cat food can in the cat area. It is used on the top of
the cask in the kitchen of the High Roller's Lounge.

After talking to Olivia in the Blue Casket, the cigarette case is found near
Nick in the High Roller's Lounge. It is shown to Carla in the security
office, who will detonate it to reveal the key.

Found on the bar in the Calavera Cafe. It is drunk before walking through the
gate in the security office.

Found by showing the cigarette case to Carla in the security office. It is
used to open the door to the lighthouse.

After talking to Carla about the metal detector in the security office, she
will throw it out the window. The detector is found by using the scythe in
the area with the cat litter. It is given to Membrillo in the morgue.

Found on Naranja after he has been given the turkey baster with the dirty
hookah water.

Found by giving the correct ticket to the man in the betting office in the
cat track building. It is shown to Nick in the High Roller's lounge.

Found by showing the piece of paper to Toto in the tattoo shop. It shows one
of the correct numbers that must be entered on the ticket printer.

Found on Lola after she has been sprouted in the lighthouse. It is shown to
Lupe in Manny's club to get the jacket.

Found by looking at the jacket after showing the picture of the tongue to
Lupe. It is shown to Toto in the tattoo shop for the cat picture.

Found on top of the desk in Manny's bedroom at the casino. They are shown to
the people at the bottom-right corner of the Blue Cakset.

Available at the start of the year. It is used to lock the pantry doors in
the kitchen of the High Roller's Lounge. It is also used to get the metal
detector from the litter after Carla throws it out the window.

Found in the Calavera Cafe by asking Charlie how he prints fake betting
stubs. It is used to print the betting stub.

Found in the kitchen of the High Roller's lounge. It is used with the sink in
the kitchen of the Blue Casket to fill it with dirty hookah water.

Found by using the turkey baster with the sink in the kitchen of the Blue
Casket. It is used with the bottle near Naranja in the tattoo shop.

After Manny finds the suitcase of Double-N tickets in the secret hallway, he
will get the union card from Charlie in the cutscene. It is not used.

Found in the Calavera Cafe by asking Charlie if he can make reasonable union
cards. It is shown to Glottis.

3.3. Year 3 Item List

Found by giving the hammer to Chepito. It is used on the lock of the door
with the tumblers. It is also used on the scoop of the crane after it has
been lowered down to the beach.

Found on the floor after talking to the two angelitos. It is given to Chepito
for the Bust-All.

Available at the start of the year. It is used on the anchors on the ship,
and is also used on the lock of the door with the tumblers.

Found by giving the stockings to Chepito. It is shown to Meche.

Use the ashtray three times in the room with Meche and she will throw them in
the bin. They are given to Chepito for the sproutella gun.

3.4. Year 4 Item List

The florist will give Manny the gun when the ammunition is used on the ball
of tape in his shop. It is used to load the gun.

Found in the bin at the right side of the flowers in the headquarters at
Rubacava. It is used in the grinder.

Found by Valasco on the dock in Rubacava. It is used on the keg in the
kitchen of the Blue Casket, and is then given to Glottis.

The arm is put in the grinder, which is then used in the sewer tunnel to
create a trail leading to the crocodile. It is also used in the crack on the
structural support on top of the office in El Marrow.

The florist will give Manny the gun when the scythe is used on the ball of
tape in his shop. It is used on the water tank near Hector's mauseoleum.

Found on Salvador's body behind Hector's mauseoleum. It is used on the trunk
of Hector's car to get the ammunition.

Found in the cabinet in Toto's shop in Rubacava. It is used on the garage
floor in Rubacava, and is also used to freeze the flower on Manny's chest
after he has been shot by Hector.

Bruno gives Manny the coffee mug near the start of the year. It is put on the
mug rack in the kitchen near Glottis.

After the cutscene where the Number Nine train drops off its tracks, the
guard gives the note when Manny walks down the steps. It is given to the
pigeon in the headquarters in Rubacava.

Found by using the rag on the oil can outside of the kitchen. It is used on
the toaster in the kitchen.

Found in the bin in the headquarters at Rubacava. It is given to the pigeon
in the headquarters at Rubacava.

Found in the top-right drawer in the kitchen near Glottis. It is used on the
oil can outside of the kitchen to make the oily rag.

Found outside the headquarters at Rubacava. It is used to raise and lower the
Bone Wagon, and is used to lower the Bone Wagon on the crocodile tail.

Available at the start of the year. It is used on the ball of tape in the
florist's shop in El Marrow, and is also used to cut away the flowers hiding
Salvador's body near Hector's mausoleum.

Found in the case next to Hector's car near the end of the year. It is used
behind Hector's mauseoleum to locate Salvador's body.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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