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Conjurer Story Secrets:

|Chapter 1: Shortcut to Ix|

Location: Behind the sign that reads: "Break walls to reveal secret areas!"
Items: 13 gold, 9 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: Continue throught the level to a room with an urchin and a broken
cart. Break the wall to the right of the cart.
Items: 14 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: In the room with the bat and the door ahead. Go nortwest and
push back the boulder.
Items: 10 gold, Flimsy leather tunic
Enemies: Two urchins

Location: In the room with a small spider and a bat, to the west
break the wall.
Items: 25 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: As you continue through the level, there is a passage to the
north-east, with a locked door at the end. Use the key from the
barrell that is right outside the first door in the level.
It's hidden inside a barrell.
Items: Flimsy Leather Armbands
Enemies: (none)

|Chapter 2: Aldwyn the Conjurer|

Location: In the Urchin den, go past the room with the locked doors into
a room with tables and stools. Break the left-most wall.
Items: 70 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: In the secret passage from Aldwyns house to the Mystic's
shop in Ix. The path makes a 'U' shape. Near the end of
the 'U', break the wall.
Items: 46 gold
Enemies: (none)

|Chapter 3: Rescue at the Mana Mines|

Location: After leaving Ix, head straight, and then west right before
the bridge. Follow the river a short ways and go inside the cave.
Items: 52 gold, Sturdy staff
Enemies: Wolf

Location: After leaving Ix, follow the river that runs East->West.
Eventually you will reach a sandbar. Cross it and head
back West, untill you reach two chests.
Items: 30 gold, Quiver
Enemies: (none)

Location: Inside the second pasage of the Mana Mines, there are two powder
barrells and a door. walk away from the door a
few steps and to the right there is a weak wall. Break it.
Items: 32 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: Once you've followed Alex the miner to the main shaft, go to
the tunnell on the right side of the room. Follow it untill you
see a dead-end passage with powder barrells and water barrells
to the right. Either blow up the powder barrels or push past
them and thwack the wall.
Items: 35 gold, 18 gold
Enemies: Two Small Cave Spiders and a Cave Spider

|Chapter 4: Beneath the Field of Valor|

Location: In the Northwest-most room, thwack the wall on the right side.
Items: 42 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: In the rooms with two Small Spiders and a Spitting Spider,
thwack the square-shaped walls in the center of the room.
Items: Sturdy Cloak
Enemies: (none)

Location: The Northwest corner of outer wall of the whole first area.
Thwack the wall just to the left of the corner.
Items: 36 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: In the Northern-most room of the third area, break through
the middle of the left wall
Items: 46 gold, two Apples, possibly an Iron Kite Shield or a
Flimsy Iron Sword (Skeleton Lord drops)
Enemies: Skeleton Lord

Location: After obtaining the silver key, go through the gate it unlocks.
In the room that you are now in, thwack the wall
just to the right the Northern corner.
Items: 58 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: There is a room in the fourth area of the Tomb of Valor with two
arrow traps. Hit the wall right before the first.
Items: 50 gold, Potion of Restore Mana
Enemies: Spider

Location: While walking through a short hallway, four zombies break
through the walls on both sides. on the right side, the farthest
back wall will crumble to pebbles if you hit it.
Items: 52 gold
Enemies: (none)

|Chapter 5: Ogre Raid at the Hamlet of Brin|

Location: After stepping outside the tomb, go around outside the gate to
the back of the building and break the wall behind the barrells.
Items: Quiver of Embers
Enemies: Spider, Ghost

Location: Stand at the second corner to the right on the fence around the
tomb's exit and take three paces towards the river. Then turn
left and hit the green wall that.
Items: 10 gold, 2 apples, Medieval Shirt, Medieval Pants, Sturdy Cloak,
Sturdy Armorer Boots
Enemies: Grizzly Bear

Location: After going through the cave under the Ogre village a ways,
you will come to a place where you can go straight, right,
or left. Go left and go through the passages full of scorpions
untill you got to a pretty big room. The secret area is behind
the wall on the left and its right across from the gears and
one step south.
Items: Quiver of Spark, Quiver of the Wasp
Enemies: 3 Spiders, 2 Scorpions

Location: Go down the lift in the room where the five Ogresses ambush
you, kill the other ogresses, and go to the Northeast "corner"
(even though its more or less circular), and break the wall
behind the sack and a step north.
Items: Potion of Restore Health, Quiver, Quiver of Embers
Enemies: (none)

Location: Once inside the Ogre Village, go as far east as you can.
You will have to go through a room with 2 Ogres and an
Ogress, then you will be in an outdoor fenced in area with an
ogress and a few Bats. The secret area is a few steps north
from the mana crystal.
Items: Sturdy Leather Leggings of the Wasp's Bane
Enemies: Black Bear

|Chapter 6:The Halberd of Horrendous|

Location: Around back of the Machinery Building, break the wall behind
the smallest two rocks.
Items: 45 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: Enter the Fortress and clear the first area. Go up the stairs
and enter the first room on the right. Near the South corner,
the wall opens, so just walk into it. Follow the path untill
you reach a bunch of barrells.
Items: 43 gold, 62 gold, 4 Potion of Restore Mana, Quiver of Fire
Enemies: (none)

|Chapter 7: The Heart of Nox|

Location: Go to Grillf's shop on Barter Street, and go in the room
closest to the left corner. Walk into the middle of the
South wall. Walk through the short passage and hit the
next wall.
Items: Quiver of Dazing
Enemies: (none)

Location: Look through the second set of windows of the second building
on the right on Spire Street, charm the White Wolf,
and have him 'Escort' you. Stand outside the door and he will
walk through it, and it shall be unlocked.
Items: 500 gold, Potion of Restore Health, 2 Quiver of Dazings,
Quiver of Stunning, Sulphurous Shower Staff of Recharge
Enemies: White Wolf (take care of him with Charm Creature)

|Chapter 8: The Wierdling|

Location: A short ways into the temple there is a room where many bats
swarm you. Walk up to the second window on the left,
and it will open up.
Items: Quiver of the Polyp
Enemies: (none)

Location: Once in the giant cavern with the summoning alters, go as far
East by Northeast as you can without entering the Bear cave with
the Anti-spark Cloak. Push the boulder back and enter the small
Items: 86 gold, Potion of Restore Mana
Enemies: (none)

Location: Once you get past the scene with the Beholder, continue through
the level untill you see another giant boulder. Push it a little
ways and fall down the hole. Continue through the passage to the
summoning alter and that's it.
Items: Potion of Restore Health, random drops from summoned creatures
Enemies: Grizzly Bear, two Small Cave Spiders, Cave Spider,
two randomly summoned creatures

Location: In the second room that has two Beholders, there is a walled in
area in the middle of the room in the shape of a square. Hit the
middle of the wall that is farthest West.
Items: 88 gold, Fireball Staff
Enemies: (none)

Location: Hit the switch in the same room mentioned above to unleash two
Scorpions. Hit the corner in the small area that the scorpion
on the right came out of.
Items: 81 gold, 72 gold
Enemies: (none)

Location: After going through a series of caverns, you will come out to a
hallway with two doors on the left. Go in the second door and
use your Halberd with the Heart of Nox to break the boulder.
Go almost to the end of the hallway. It's just a dead end!
Or is it though? Break through the wall on the left and you'll
see for yourself!
Items: Quiver of the Tick, two Potions of Restore Health
Enemies: (none)

Location: After you get just out of reach of the FoN's in the second FoN
hallway, Walk against the wall on the right and it will open.
Activate the switch. Now head back down the FoN hallway
(it's not too hard to navigate around the FoN's but you can
also use counterspell twice), and stop right just before the
FoN's start. You may notice that there is a small opening in
the wall on the left! Go right on in.
Items: 160 gold, Grand Conjurer Helm of Healing and the Spider's Bane
Enemies: (none)

|Chapter 9: Journey Through the Dismal Swamp|

Location: Go a little ways into the swamp and you will see a boardwalk.
Don't walk on it though, just walk along the wall. After
around 7 running steps, you will come to a pair of Polyps.
Destroy them with a meteor, and in doing so you will also open
up a hole in the wall, but you have to wait for the toxic
clouds to go away before you can enter or else you will be
Items: 150 gold, Potion of Restore Health, Jug of Cider, Mushroom
Enemies: (none)

Location: After you have gone quite a ways farther in he swap, you will
come to a boardwalk with two Shades at the end. Continue a
little ways on and there is a small area with a Carnivorous
Plant and six Polyps. Use meteor to destroy the two Polyps
behind the Plant, and again a wall will open up, but again must
you wait young one!
Items: Quiver of Fire, Mighty cloak of Cure Wounds and the Wasp's Bane
Enemies: two Zombies, Vile Zombie

Location: Just before the bridge that leads to Byzanti's Bog shop,
there is a square-ish shaped structure. Hit it on
the side that faces away from the bridge.
Items: 53 gold, Potion of Cure Poison
Enemies: Dryad

Location: Go into the building in the graveyard and use the lift to go
down into the pit. Go a ways in into the is a fork in the path.
Go left, kill the Plant, Leeches, and other fiends, and then
go to what looks like a dead end path heading Northwest.
Hit the wall.
Items: 148 gold, Mighty Leather Tunic of Healing, Fireball Staff,
Iron Round Shield or Flimsy Iron Sword (depending on what
the Skeleton drops)
Enemies: Skeleton

Location: Not far after Byzanti's shop, you will run into 3 Will O' Wisp's
and a Necromancer. When you do, a bunch of Zombies will break
a hole in the wall a 3-second-run's distance back the way you
came. There is a large rock in the back of where they came from.
Jump between it and the wall.
Items: Crossbow of Readiness
Enemies: (none)

Location: After travellin quite a ways from the last secret area, you
will go through an ogre outpost. There will be a room with a
Potion of Cure Posion in the middle surrounded by black blocks.
Once you step forward, the blocks will Move aside and you can go
left or right. go right, kill the ogre, and there will be a corner
that goes to the right, and then there's a dead end. But its not
really a dead end, so hit the wall. But in order to gain access to
this secret area, you must do it before you kill the Ogre Lord on
the left.
Items: Potion of Restore Mana, Mighty Armored Boots of Running,
Fireball Staff
Enemies: (none)

Location: After the above secret area, the next hallway is a series of
spike traps. Once through that there are several Ogres and some bats,
and through the gate there's an elevator. Go down two floors. After
slaying the Black Wolves and Ogres, go in the door, and its as
simple as that!
Items: 15 gold, 89 gold, 150 gold, 51 gold, 155 gold, 352 gold, 196 gold,
132 gold, 3 Apples, Crossbow of Fast Bolt,
Shuriken (drop from Ogre Lord)
Enemies: Ogre Lord

Location: This is a secret area found within a secret area! Just take a swing
at the wall behind the crate, and there you are!
Items: 126 gold, Ogre Lord Beast Scroll
Enemies: (none)

Location: A short ways after the ogre outpost, there is a fork in the path.
You can go left pr go straight into a dead end. Go straight and
hit the wall at the end of the path.
Items: Food, Potion of Restore Health (bash the wall 2 steps right of the
mana crystal), Potion of Cure Poison, Mighty Cloak of the Wasp's Bane
Enemies: three Scorpions
Location: After the above secret, continue down the path untill theres three
holes in the ground and a lift. Hit the wall North of the lift.
Items: Potion of Restore Health
Enemies: (none)

Location: After going on a ways, you will come to a room with a lot of
spikes. Navigate your way through and you'll see a room to the
north and Black Wolves straight ahead. Go into the room, but dont
take that pot o' gold just yet. Walk straight past it and hit
the wall.
Items: 222 gold, Potion of Restore Mana, Bow of Swift Bolt and Collision
Enemies: (none)

|Chapter 10: The Land of the Dead|

Location: Fall down the holes in the first hallway and there will be a
room with a trap in it. Have a Zombie step on it and the walls
on both sides will open up and Undead will come out. Break through
the wall on the right side.
Items: Grand Leather Leggings of Greater Healing
Enemies: (none)

Location: After the first hallway theres a large room with a a door to the
right and left, and a passage blocked with blocks. Go through the
right and left doors and hit the switches at the end, and when
you hit the second switch, The blocks will move back. Kill the
four Gargoyles quickly and run around the blocks as soon as you can,
and you see a room with a chest. Thats the secret area. The blocks
will close the hole in the wall though, and you might think your
trapped in, but the wall to the right opens up.
Items: Titan Conjurer Helm of Greater Healing
Enemies: (none)

Location: After a huge room with a ton of orange bouncing balls, go up the
stairs and go to the north corner of the room and thwack the wall.
Items: Quiver of Stunning and the Tick, Titan Armored Boots of Greater Healing
Enemies: 8 Gargoyles, Lich

Location: After obtaining the Orb, continue through the heavily infested area
and go to the northwest 'corner' of the area. Deal but a glancing
blow to the wall and it wall crumble.
Items: Divine Conjurer Helm of Greater Healing
Enemies: (none)


CREDITS: Westwood for making the best game ever! EA for keeping the
Nox Online servers up! Cyrus for helping and making suggestions!
GameGAQs for hosting this, and for having teh mad r0x0rz boards!

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Engl. Secrets

18.Oktober 2013
Warrior Guide for Nox Multiplayer
Engl Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
God-Mode, unbegrenzt viel Mana und kostenlos einkaufen (für v1.2 engl.)

16.Oktober 2013
Mit diesem Trainer kann man die Lebensenergie-, Mana- und Goldwerte freezen.Das Memhack Modul liegt ebenfalls bei (für v1.0)

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Komplettlösung für den Magier im Word-Format

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Komplettlösung für den Beschwörer im Word-Format

07.Oktober 2013
Kann Mana, Gesundheit, Geld und Erfahrung verändern/einfrieren (für v1.2)

13.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Lebensenergie (dt. Version)

14.Oktober 2013
Booster für Mana, Gesundheit und Gold (engl. Version 1.0)

09.Oktober 2013
Geld-Trainer für Version 1.1

08.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020