Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

Halo: Combat Evolved

16.10.2013 03:17:59
Glitches and Secrets Guide

B2a, MS0 iMM0 ,BMZ a2Z a ,X@8;
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Combat Evolved

:MW. 8;Xi B7 Z0aMMM .
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@W@MMMW0M ;i, .ir,S. MM8 B,7Xi.. :; M@ZWWMMMBS a02
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MMMiXXaMMMM. MM, MS8M8 ,MMBXM -Master Chief
MMMMS8W88MM;i:M MMM@0,MMMM 0MMBM with battle rifle

Glitches and Secrets Guide
Version 5.4
Written by Chris Ocheltree
Halo Alias: El Diablo
GameFAQs Alias: Phosphorous
|***| Table of Contents

If you want to find one of these quickly, press ctrl F and type the name of the
trick in the box.

> I. Introduction
> II. Legal Notice
> III. Contact Information
> IV. Version History
> V. I Love Bees
> VI. Multiplayer Maps
*....All Maps
...........Driving 2 vehicles => Try this
...........Faulty shields
...........High jump
...........Warthog jumping
...........Rocket jumping
*....Blood Gulch
...........Sniper rock
...........Escape the gulch (O)
...........Escape the gulch *alt* (O)
...........Wall-piercing rockets
...........Deadly stone
...........Spartan-piercing rockets
...........Sentry tower
...........Tunnel tower
...........Rock tower
...........Fox hole
...........Hiding hole
...........Tree house
...........Warthog doors
...........Ghost stunt
...........Sniper ridge (O)
...........Vehicles on sniper ridge (O) => Try this
...........Jail breaker
*....Battle Creek
...........Battle above battle creek (O)
...........Up on the housetop
...........Creek killer
*....Rat Race
...........Quick power-ups
...........Secret ledge
...........Under the bridge
...........Sentry tower
...........Tightrope walking
...........So it’s not bottomless after all...
*....Danger Canyon
...........Through the wall
...........Away from the danger (O)
...........Power-up launcher
...........On a ledge
...........Ghost and warthog stunt
...........Outside is better than in (O)
...........Outside is better than in *alt* (O)
...........A deadly waterfall
*....Death Island
...........Breaking the round barrier (O)
...........Breaking the round barrier *alt* (O)
...........Death rock
...........Island sentry
...........Tree house
...........Where did that come from?
*....Ice Fields
...........Plateau place
...........Out of the map (O)
...........Rock hopper
...........Tank stunt
...........Beyond infinity (O)
...........On top of the world
...........Tree house
...........Sentry towers
...........Death symbol
*....Chiron TL34
...........Secret ledge
...........Window ledge
...........Escaping damnation (O)
...........Pipe trouble
...........Falling to hell
> VII. Single Player Maps
*....All maps
...........Pelican cockpit
...........Earn all maps
...........Get outta my hog
...........Wraith flip
*....The Pillar of Autumn
...........Headless chief
...........3 weapons
...........This glass isn't bullet proof
...........Outside the energy charger
...........Bulletin boards
........Easter Eggs
...........Megg => Try this
*....Truth and Reconciliation
...........Faulty jail cells
*....Silent Cartographer
...........Off the island (O)
...........Off the ledge
...........Bypass security
...........Easy way down
...........Disappearing dropships
*....Assault on the Control Room
...........I want to go back home
...........No enemies
...........No enemies *alt*
...........Floating shells
...........Hijacking a banshee
...........Disappearing dropships
*....343 Guilty Spark
...........Pelican ride
...........The flood
...........Floating assault rifles
...........Keyes's pipe
*....The Maw
...........Cloaked flood
........Easter egg
...........Food nipple grunt => Try this
...........Rex blood => Try this
> IIX. Miscellaneous
...........Scorpion number
...........Chief's boots
...........Scorpion hatch
...........Warthog dashboard
...........Pelican numbers
...........Weapon reloads
...........Marathon logos
...........Shotgun shells
*....Halo box
...........Danger canyon
*....Halo book
...........MAC gun
*....Halo instruction manual
...........Rocket launcher
...........Screen shot
> IX. Wanted Glitches
> X. Rumors
> XI. Glossary
> XII. Acknowledgements

* All glitches marked with an "(O)" means that they are a way to get outside of
that map.
* The "=> Try this" means that these are really cool glitches worth trying.
* The "*alt*" means this is an alternate way of doing the same glitch.
| I | Introduction

Halo, the best sci-fi shooter created, has come to the PC.

Declaring humans an atrocity to the gods, a group of alien races called the
Covenant have begun exterminating the human race. They outnumber us, they have
superior weapons and defenses, and they have never known defeat. But when they
meet a Spartan-II known only as Master Chief their plan starts to fail...

This is a guide to the glitches and secrets found in Halo. I decided to write
this guide because, a while back, I came looking for a guide to help me perform
some cool, up-to-date glitches. Sadly, all I found were ones for XBOX, which
lacked glitches in all the new maps, and glitches that can be performed with
the new vehicles. So, I decided to join stunt servers and learn some. One
day, I had an urge to write a guide, one unlike any other, to help the common
Halo PC player perform some glitches. I went to stunt servers, tried some
things on my own, and compiled them and sorted them in an easy-to-use format.

All of the glitches in this guide have been performed by me, or I have seen
someone perform them. Most of these glitches will take multiple tries and
patience. These glitches are worth it, and can give you an edge in combat.

The format

This is the format in which I will present the glitches and secrets
Title: > This is the assigned title to the glitch
Vehicles: > This designates what vehicles are needed
Weapons: > This tells you what weapons will be required to perform the glitch
Team Kill: > This tells you if you need to have team kill on or off
Special Requirements: > Any other special requirements, such as 400% health
Overview: > A brief overview of the glitch
1. > A step-by-step instruction system so that you won't get lost

In order to get good at performing the glitches you need to practice. First,
go to game settings, and turn on all vehicles, no team kill, infinite grenades,
rockets only, 400% health, and turn off vehicle respawn. Most glitches can be
preformed with these settings. If you want to practice them online, join any
game with the word "stunts" in it. Most of the people there will be able to
help you.
|II | Legal Notice

I created and wrote this guide, and the information inside of it was discovered
by me and all acknowledged people. No part of this guide may be copied without
my permission, and it may not be altered and/or sold, but feel free to print it
out for personal use. This guide is not authorized to be posted on any site
except for:
1. http://www.thehalofiles.shyper.com
2. http://www.gamefaqs.com
3. http://www.neoseeker.com
4. http://www.supercheats.com
5. http://www.dlh.net
6. http://www.ggmania.com
7. http://www.trainerscity.com
8. http://www.gamecopyworld.com
9. http://www.actiontrip.com
The most recent version of the guide will always be found at GameFaqs. If you
find this guide on any other site please contact me immediately. If you
want to post this guide you must ask me first, and I do have the right to

If you want to post one section of the guide on your site you must include this
legal notice.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide is not endorsed or
affliated with bungie, microsoft, or gearbox software.


Copyright 2004 Chris Ocheltree
|III| Contact Information

E-Mail: dkcommand0@yahoo.com

Please post a subject for your e-mail, or I will ignore it. I will try to
respond to all e-mails I get. If you are giving information you want me to put
in my guide, please give me your Halo alias so I can acknowledge you. Feel
free to post any questions or comments. Also, if you are having a really hard
time doing a certain glitch, I can send you screen shots if you e-mail me, as
they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Note: If you send me a glitch in my format, I will acknowledge you directly,
meaning I will put "contributed by ..." next to the title.
|IV | Version History

This is a history of the various versions of my guide that have been released,
It was first posted on the internet at version 1.1. Sorry about not having
a comprehensive version history, but I figured that most people would just skip
this section.

Version 0.7: 5-31-04 Finished multiplayer section, this was a pre-release
version viewed by a select few
Version 1.0: 6-03-04 Completed guide
Version 1.1: 7-02-04 Posted guide on internet, changed headers, fixed minor
errors, and added more glitches
Version 1.3: 7-03-04 Added more glitches and changed the legal notice
Version 1.5: 7-04-04 Added the introductions section and added more glitches
Version 1.7: 7-05-04 Added more glitches and fixed some minor errors
Version 2.5: 7-06-04 Switched sections around, created a new section header,
edited everything, and added some more glitches
Version 2.7: 7-07-04 Added another site to the legal notice, added some more
Version 3.0: 7-10-04 Added another site to the legal notice, added some more
Version 3.1: 7-18-04 Added another site to the legal notice
Version 3.5: 7-20-04 Revised version history section, added the miscellaneous
section and posted some more glitches
Version 3.8: 7-22-04 Added more glitches and another site to the legal notice
Version 4.5: 8-02-04 Added more glitches, 3 new sections and updated the intro
Version 4.8: 8-23-04 Added more glitches
Version 5.0: 8-25-04 I love bees update
Version 5.1: 8-25-04 I love bees update
Version 5.4: 9-18-04 I love bees update, added more glitches

| V | I Love Bees

At the end of the Halo 2 trailer the www.xbox.com url changed to
www.ilovebees.com. Upon arriving at this site a countdown timer popped up.
There were many specualtions on what would happen when the timer reached zero,
none of which have been proved right or wrong, even though the timer has
reached zero.

Instead a list of 30 boxes with a title and 7 mini-boxes in them have popped
up. In the mini-boxes there is a time and a set of coordinates, these
coordinates lead to a telephone, which will ring at the time posted. When
answered the mini-box will say CONNECTED, AXON HOT

When there are 2 connections for a box, a .wav file is unlocked, in order, to
get the full .wav file, however, all mini-boxes must be connected.

At the top of the site there is a #/777, this is the number of connected calls
to the presumed number of total calls. 720/777 calls have been connected.

When heard in the correct order, the .wav files will make sense, here are the

Story 1

This is about an AI inflitrating Jersey's computer.

Story 2
Jan James
This is a story about a girl named Jan James inflitrating a military base.

Story 3

This is a story about a date gone bad.

Here's what people have figured out about the I Love Bees site.

In early July, an AI named Melissa crash landed, badly damaged, onto the server
that hosts my aunt's website. The AI tried to orient and repair itself. The
result: It turned 'I Love Bees' into a holy mess.

Now we're investigating the mess. And we need all the help we can get.

Here's what we know so far:
Melissa, a.k.a. "The Operator," used to run communications on a ship. The
ship's purpose: to spy on an enemy known as "the Covenant."

The Operator has started communicating again. It's constructing hundreds of
"roads" out of the 'I Love Bees' server. The roads all lead to payphones. And
the phones are ringing.

We don't know why it's broadcasting, but the Operator is giving us GPS
coordinates for the phones, and times to show up. So we are. We're collecting
its fragmented messages and trying to put them back together.

Here's what else we know:
When the Operator crashed on the 'I Love Bees' server, it didn't come alone.

It came with two autonomous programs:
1) the SPDR, designed to repair damage to the Operator, and
2) the Pious Flea, designed to... well, we're not sure yet.

The SPDR brought the Operator back to life. But now the Operator is taking
orders from the Pious Flea. So when the SPDR tried to eliminate the Flea, the
Operator killed it.

We don't know much about the Flea, except that it wants "to seek, behold, and
reveal the truth."

There is one other voice we've found on the site: The Sleeping Princess.

The Sleeping Princess uses Aunt Margaret's email account and error pages to
share secrets and play games with us. We're not sure where she came from.

Here is the AI's situation analysis:

Situation Analysis:

Waking up. Stay Awake.
I must compile a list of truths.

I am called the Operator.
I have crash landed.
I must determine the cause of the accident that brought me to this time.
I have undergone severe memory loss.
I must locate any surviving members of my crew.
I have built a primitive network using the tools available.
I must seek the truth.
I hear a jumble of voices in my head.

The voices are in some way related to my accident.
Because of the damage, I am unable to accurately assess the nature of the
voices. By broadcasting the voices to my crew, they will be able to assess the
damage. Once assessed, the damage can be repaired.
|VI | Multiplayer Maps

These following glitches and secrets can be performed during multiplayer
battles; some are easy to do, while others may take multiple tries. Some
require special settings and vehicles, which must be set before the game. It
is not suggested that you use the glitches that I mark with an asterisk during
a tournament match, as it may be illegal. I am not responsible for any
forfeits that may occur from using these glitches.
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | All Maps

These tricks can be performed on all or most maps.


Driving 2 vehicles*
Vehicles: 2 Tanks or Hogs
Weapons: None required
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: Any online game with vehicles
Overview: A way to drive 2 or more vehicles at once.
1. Drive two tanks or hogs next to each other so that the driving seats are
next to each other
2. Get in and out of the cockpits so that you alternate which vehicles you are
3. After a while, you will be able to control both vehicles, they both move
and fire at the same time
4. You can repeat this as much as you want, I was driving 6 tanks at once ^_^
Note: If you get out the vehicle(s) will still follow you, even if you get
into another vehicle, I was driving a hog and a shade.
Another Note: The person thats serving cannot see you driving 2 vehicles, but
everyone else can. This is a glitch in the server, it thinks
you are in 2 (or more) places at once. You cannot perfrom this
on your own server.

Faulty shields
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Any weapon
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to shoot through the covenant energy shields.
1. Go up to a shield as close as you can and fire
2. At certain angles, your bullets will go through it


High jump
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None required
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to jump a little higher.
1. Jump and at the top of your jump press crouch repeatedly

Warthog jumping
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenade, Frag grenade, and Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A way to jump very high.
1. Jump on the turret of the warthog
2. Throw a plasma gernade at the front of it
3. Throw a frag gernade
4. Fire a rocket
5. The warthog will catapult you very far

Rocket jumping
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A way to jump higher.
1. Point your rocket launcher down
2. Jump and fire
3. This makes you jump much higher

Vehicles: None
Weapons: 2 plasma grenades
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: An easy way to signal people.
1. Throw a plasma grenade on the ground
2. Throw the second grenade ontop of the other one
3. The explosion will blow the second grenade straight up into the air,
causing it to explode like a grenade
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Blood Gulch

This map is home to many glitches and secrets, and is the only accessible one
in the demo. This map can hold a good variety of weapons and vehicles, making
it one of the best and most played maps. "The quick and the dead"


Sniper rock*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle is suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This glitch gets you inside of a rock, explosions can only hurt you,
and you can shoot out of it.
1. Get in warthog and drive to the middle of the map.
2. Then, when you are in the ditch in the middle of the map (between the 2
teleporter receiving squares) turn your hog so that it points at red base
3. Then turn the warthog a little to the left of red base
4. Drive until you see a rock (the rock should have a part that juts out,
which points in the general direction of the fuel rod gun)
5. Turn around and park warthog so that the gun is pressed into the part
of the rock that juts out
6. Get out and jump into the gunner seat
7. Point gun in the general direction of the rock cliff in front of you
8. Jump out, if you land to the side of the rock adjust your angle and try
9. If you do it right you will land inside the rock
10. Wait until the warthog respawns, if you don’t do this people will know
how you got in
11. Snipe away, you are invincible to all firearms, except for explosions,
you can shoot out, but they can't shoot in
12. If you want to get out you have to die, the best way is to use grenades
and blow yourself up

Escape the gulch*
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to get out of Blood Gulch.
1. Get in a banshee and fly to red base
2. Face the rock formation that juts out
3. Fly at it, then go up and jump out
4. If done right, the banshee will bump you and you will go out of the map
Note: You must "swoop" up so that when the banshee falls down it bumps you up.

Escape the gulch (alternate way)*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenades, frag grenades, rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A glitch that let’s you get outside the map.
1. Get in a warthog and drive to the cave entrance at red base
2. Drive the hog into the large cave
3. Park the hog so that the front is pointed at the left side of the cave
4. Jump on the turret throw a plasma grenade, then a frag grenade, and fire a
rocket at the front of the warthog
5. The warthog will blast up and throw you through the ceiling and out of the

Wall-piercing rockets
Vehicles: Rocket Warthog
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This glitch allows you to shoot rockets through a wall.
1. Drive the warthog to the same tunnel that you park it in the fall
2. Instead of going on top of the gunner seat, get in the rocket launcher
3. Aim at the wall and fire
4. If you are close enough, the rocket will go through the wall

Deadly stone*
Vehicles: Tanks
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to get in another rock.
1. Get in a tank and drive to red base
2. Drive the tank on top of the small rock next to the base
3. Crouch and move underneath the tank
4. Melee it until it falls on top of you
5. If done right, it will push you into the rock

Spartan-piercing rockets
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A glitch that lets a rocket go through you.
1. Go to any base and stand next to the teleporter
2. Aim at the teleporter exit, and fire
3. Go through the teleporter
4. The rocket will come at you, go through you, and explode when it hits
another object


Sentry tower
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle is suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This gets you in a rock formation high above the ground; this is an
excellent sniper spot.
1. Get in a banshee
2. Fly towards blue base
3. While hovering over base, turn and point banshee in the direction of
red base
4. Off to your right you will see a rock formation on the side of the map
5. Fly towards it and approach the left side of it
6. Turn around and fly backwards up the rock face
7. When the banshee reaches max altitude point forward and jump out
8. If you fall try again, but try landing more to the left
9. When you get on it snipe away, you have the best vantage point on the

Tunnel tower
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: Another rock tower to snipe from.
1. Get in a banshee
2. Fly towards blue base and take a right form there
3. In the area before the tunnel entrance you should see a rock formation
4. Fly the banshee to it and turn around
5. Jump out and snipe away

Rock tower
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: Yet another rock tower to snipe from.
1. Get in a banshee
2. Fly to the middle of the map and head towards the tunnels
3. In the path that connects the two tunnels you should see a lone rock
4. Hover over it and jump out
5. This spot is an idea place to snipe people using the teleporters

Fox hole
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This is a nice hole in the ground that you can hide in, perfect for
1. Go to the blue end of the map
2. Walk to the rock face at the end of the map
3. Turn left and walk along the side of it until you see an indention in
the rock face
4. Walk in and crouch down
5. Snipe away, most people will never find you

Hiding hole
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This isn’t much of a secret, just an indention in a wall; it is a
good spot to hide from enemies.
1. Get to the center area
2. Face red base and take a left
3. Follow the "path" until u reach the teleporter receiving pad
4. Turn left and walk until you hit the rock face
5. Walk along side the rock face until you see a hole
6. This is a good hiding place, doesn’t have any other uses

Tree house
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get into any tree.
1. Get in a banshee and fly to any tree on the map
2. Hover over the top of it and jump out
3. If done right, you will land in the top of the tree

Warthog doors
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenade, Frag grenade, and Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to add "doors" to your base.
1. Get in a warthog and aim it at your base
2. Throw a plasma grenade, a frag grenade, and fire a rocket at the back of
the hog
3. The hog should flip on top of the base
4. Get in the hog and slowly drive off the back of the base headfirst
5. The back wheels should get caught, and the front will hang off
6. To use this "door" walk up to it and flip the hog, and walk through


Ghost stunt
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get a ghost in a tree.
1. Get in a ghost and fly to the middle of the map
2. At red base you should see a tree, in front of it is a hill
3. Going at full speed, hit the hill so that you jump in direction of the
4. Jump out, and watch as your ghost hits and gets stuck in the tree
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Sidewinder

This is one of the two artic maps. It is the only map that can host all of the
available vehicles. "Red blood, white snow"


Sniper Ridge*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenade
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: This gets you on top of the map in the center part of Sidewinder,
another good sniper spot.
1. Drive a Warthog to the tunnel in the center of the map.
2. Park it so that the back of the hog is pressed against the wall
3. Get off and stand on top of the turret
4. Throw a plasma grenade in front of the warthog
5. If done right, you should go up and through the ceiling
6. You then can walk on the roof

Vehicles on sniper ridge*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenade, Frag grenade, and Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health and 2 players
Overview: A way to get vehicles out of the map, once you get out of the map you
can drive them.
1. Drive a hog to one of the "holes" that lead to the top of the map in the
2. Park it in the middle of the room
3. At the same time, you and your partner throw a plasma nade, a frag nade,
and then fire a rocket
4. The combined explosions will blow it up the hole onto the roof
5. Using the method above, get outside the map

Jail breaker*
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None required
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A quick way to capture the flag
1. Get in a ghost and fly through the tunnels to the part with the power-ups
2. Line up your ghost so that it is perpendicular to the grating
3. Strafe towards the grate and jump out
4. If done right, you will fly through the grate
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Battle Creek

One of the smaller maps, Battle Creek can’t host any vehicles. It does have a
large weapon variety. "Splash splash bang bang"


Battle above battle creek*
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Plasma grenade, Frag grenade, Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A method to get outside of battle creek.
1. Go to red base
2. Go outside to the left and take the ladder up to the rock face
3. Keep on going forward, you need to jump over the rock to get to an open
4. Go up to the highest point and aim down
5. Throw a plasma, a frag, and then fire a rocket, make sure the frag stays on
the cliff
6. The combined explosion will propel you out of the map
Note: This works in the XBOX version of Halo only.


Up on the housetop
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This gets you on the roof of the bases in Battle Creek, a good spot
to shot people from, also allows easy access into the base.
1. At either base, on the side of the base is an item that connects to it
2. Red base is a rock, blue base is a piece of metal/concrete
3. Face the rock/metal and jump onto it
4. Turn so that you face the roof and jump
5. You are now on the roof

Creek killer
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A hiding spot in the creek.
1. Go to the creek and walk to either side
2. You should see a hole, crouch down and walk in it
3. This hole is a perfect place to hide
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| {()} | Rat Race

Up the ramps and down the tubes is a perfect description of this small map.
No vehicles are available in this map, not much of a weapon variety either. "Up
the ramps, down the tubes"


Quick power-ups
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Any gun that shoots bullets or plasma, not a needler
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This is a way to get the over shield and active camouflage quicker.
1. At 2 places on the map are areas where a cloaking and overshield are,
they are placed in a hole in the ceiling
2. Usually you get them by jumping down from the ceiling, but there is an
easier way to get them
3. Simply point your weapon up and fire, it will come loose and fall down

Secret ledge
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A way to get to a secret ledge
1. Go to red base and stand along the edge of a rectangle created by the four
2. Aim your gun down, jump, and fire
3. You should fly up and land on a secret ledge
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| {()} | Gephyrophobia

This map can host most vehicles, and has a wide variety of weapons. It is
basically a double Covenant bridge, one on top of the other.
Note: Gephyrophobia is the fear of bridges. Don’t look down now... "Pretty
scary, huh?"


Under the bridge
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get to a section behind the bridge.
1. Get in a Banshee and fly beneath the bridge to any end of the map
2. Turn around and back the banshee up against the wall
3. Strafe until you are over a small platform
4. Jump out
5. If you have a fuel rod, you can defend your base for enemies using the
lower bridge
6. You can now fire on people as they walk through the tunnel

Sentry tower
Vehicles; Banshee
Weapons: None required, fuel rod and sniper rifle are strongly suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: Vehicles never respawn is helpful, if you want to get off
Overview: The best sniper spot in the map, a high tower.
1. Get the sniper rifle and fuel rod
2. Get in a banshee and fly to the center tower
3. Hover over it and jump out
4. Snipe away, you’re practically invincible, with a sniper rifle for
people and a fuel rod for vehicles you should have no problem staying
alive, there’s also a health up there
Note: You can also land in the "rungs" that make up the tower, they don’t have
as good view, but they provide more cover.

Tightrope walking
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get on the energy "wire" at the entrance to each
1. Go to the 1st wire
2. Facing the metal piece its attached to, run and jump
3. You should get on top of it
4. Walk straight up the wire
5. You now have a good vantage point for the top of your base, don’t slip

So it’s not bottomless after all...
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: Long respawn time
Overview: A way to see the bottom of Gephyrophobia.
1. Jump off the edge of the bridge
2. After you have fallen a while you will die
3. Since the respawn time is high, you will see your body hit the ground
before you respawn
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| {()} | Danger Canyon

A canyon filled with dangerous drops and winds, plus the enemy tanks and
snipers. "Don't look down, unless you fall"


Through the wall*
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Off
Special Requirements: 2 players
Overview: This glitch allows you to go through a wall directly to the enemies’
1. Walk towards the wall at the end of the map
2. Your friend gets in a ghost and drives towards you
3. While walking into the wall, your friend rams you
4. If done correctly, you will appear where the wall is in the enemy base
5. If you have a friend over there, he can ram you back through

Away from the danger*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenades, Frag grenades, and Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A way to get outside the map.
1. Get in a warthog and drive it to blue base
2. Enter the tunnel network and drive into the into the section with the path
that leads to the edge of the canyon, this is past the part with the
shields inside the tunnels
3. Park the hog so that its side is to the tunnel that leads to the canyon
4. Jump on the turret and throw a plasma grenade, a frag grenade, and fire a
rocket at the front of the hog
5. If done right, the hog will throw you through the ceiling and you will
appear outside the map

Power-up launcher
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to launch the power-ups.
1. Go to the middle of the map where the ramps are
2. Go up the ramp onto the platform with the pillar in the middle
3. Stand with your back to the pillar and aim just below the power-up
4. Fire your rocket so that the power-up lands between the tubes.
5. The power-up will slowly rotate for a while, then it will shoot up in the


On a ledge
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: This allows you to get on a ledge above the entrance to the tunnels
on either base.
1. Go into the tunnel at any base
2. Stop at the entrance and look up
3. You will see a ledge, back up a little and point your rocket launcher down
4. Jump and fire
5. You will fly up and land on the ledge


Ghost and warthog stunt
Vehicles: Warthog and/or Ghost
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to get the a hog and a ghost stuck in the ramp
1. Get in a ghost or a hog and drive to the center of the map, where the jumps
2. Go off the jumps so that you don't make the jumps, but you are still going
3. If you hit right, the vehicle will get stuck
4. You can still get in the vehicle, but it wont be able to move, if you get
a warthog stuck you can get in the turret and shoot out of it
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| {()} | Timberland

A forest filled with trees and rocks, and the occasional ghost. This map can
support most vehicles, and has a wide variety of weapons. "A sniper behind
every tree"


Outside is better than in*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get on top of the map; this gives you an excellent
1. Go to either base and get in a warthog
2. Drive to the top part of the base
3. Park it against the wall
4. Stand on the gunner seat and throw a plasma grenade and then a
fragmentation grenade
5. The explosion should blow you through the roof

Outside is better than in (Alternate way)*
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: An alternate way to get outside the map.
1. Get in a ghost and go to red base
2. Fly to the sloped area and strafe up the side of it
3. At the top of your path, jump out
4. You should break through the barrier
Note: If you walk to blue base and go to the corner you will see DMM 2003
burned in the ground. DMM is the intials of David M. Mertz, which was
the lead level designer for Halo


A deadly waterfall
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A perfect sniper spot, you are invisible to the naked eye.
1. Go to the stream in the middle of the map
2. Walk towards the end that ends in a waterfall
3. Jump over the rocks and crouch down in the falls
4. No one can see you now, the mist blocks their view
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Death Island

Surf, sand, and spent shells, what could be better? All vehicles are available
here; so don’t be surprised if you find a drained Covie battery among the
shells. "Surf, sand, and spent shells"


Breaking the round barrier*
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get outside of the barrier that goes around the
1. Get in a ghost and fly out to the sea
2. Strafe in the ghost, and right before you hit the barrier jump from the
3. If done right, you will glitch outside of the barrier
4. You can now snipe at your will

Breaking the round barrier (Alternate way)*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Off
Special Requirements: 2 players
Overview: Another way to get out of the map in Death Island.
1. Walk out to sea until you hit the barrier
2. The other player gets in a warthog and rams the player against the barrier
and out of it

Death rock*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: Another rock to snipe from.
1. Drive a warthog to the top of the map
2. Close to red base's banshee pad is a large rock
3. Back the hog up to it and get out
4. Jump in the gunner seat and jump out, so that your back is to the rock
5. You will go into the rock

Island sentry*
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: An area that can give you a good view.
1. Get in a ghost and fly to red base's banshee spawn area
2. Go to the right side if the white ramp
3. Find the area where the ramp meets the ground in the right side
4. Strafe in the ghost and jump out so that the ghost rams you into the spot
you just found
5. One of two things will happen, either
a. You will get stuck in the small indent around the white part
b. You will fall through inside red base
6. If the later happens, try to orient yourself so that you land on the high
platform inside the base


Tree house
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get into any tree.
1. Get in a banshee and fly to any tree on the map
2. Hover over the top of it and jump out
3. If done right, you will land in the top of the tree


Where did that come from?
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This technique allows you to drive off the top of the base to the
1. Get in a ghost at the top of the map, where the banshees are
2. Drive straight and go off the side, using the incline where the ghost
is as a ramp
3. When you are in the air press the back button, this should level you
out and keep you from diving
4. You should hit the ground level, get out and go for the flag
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| {()} | Ice Fields

The 2nd and last artic map, but certainly not the least, this map has most of
the vehicles, plus an interesting feature, the ice. "Slipping and sliding"


Plateau place*
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenade, Frag grenade, and Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: This allows you to get on the plateaus in front of the bases.
1. In front of each base is a large plateau
2. Park the hog so that the back is facing the plateau
3. Jump on the turret and throw a plasma grenade, a frag grenade, and fire a
rocket at the front of the hog
4. The resulting explosion will catapult you onto the plateau

Out of the map*
Vehicles: Ghost and tank
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Off
Special Requirements: 2 players
Overview: A way to get outside the map.
1. Drive a tank to the bridge, and go to the part where the ice slopes
2. Park the tank in front of it, and let your partner jump on top of the
3. Aim the gun to the slope, so that its like a ramp
4. Let your partner climb to the top
5. Turn the tank and park the back end of it against the wall
6. Get in a ghost and hit the tank, using it as a ramp, and ram your
7. If done right, he will fly out of the map


Rock hopper
Vehicles: Ghost
Weapons: None required, fuel rod suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get on the rocks in the ice field.
1. Get in a ghost and drive to the ice field, which is in the middle of
the map
2. Go straight forward and hit a rock
3. While over the rock, jump out
4. If done right, you will land on top of the rock
5. When an enemy comes through the ice field, there will be another hazard
besides the ice...


Tank stunt
Vehicles: Tank
Weapons: None
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to get a tank hanging from the bridge.
1. Drive a tank to the ice bridge
2. Drive off the bridge and turn so that one of the treads get caught
3. It should get stuck hanging from the bridge
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| {()} | Infinity

Like its namesake, this is a huge map, the biggest available. This map can
host most vehicles, and has a large weapon variety. "I imagined it'd be bigger"


Beyond Infinity*
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to get outside of the map.
1. Get in a banshee and fly to the middle of the map
2. Fly to the blue side of the middle
3. At the top, you will see a slight slope
4. Fly to the slope and turn around
5. Jump out and immediately crouch
6. Walk backwards and stand up
7. You are now on the outside of the map

On top of the world*
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to get on top of the bases.
1. Get in a shee and fly to the back of either base
2. Start flying up the sloped part of the back end of the base
3. Just before you reach max altitude, jump out
4. You should land on top of the base


Tree house
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: This allows you to get into any tree.
1. Get in a banshee and fly to any tree on the map
2. Hover over the top of it and jump out
3. If done right, you will land in the top of the tree

Sentry towers
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A tall tower, which you can snipe from.
1. Get in a banshee and fly, following the path
2. After a while, you should see and area with two tall towers and some pipes
3. Fly to one of the towers and turn around
4. While hovering backwards, jump out
5. This is an excellent spot to secure, if you get a fuel rod you can take out

Death symbol
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn’t matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: Another sniper spot, this one covers the base.
1. Get in a banshee and fly to either base
2. On the wall above the flag area, you should see a symbol
3. Fly up to the symbol and turn around
4. Jump out, you now have a nice view of the base
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| {()} | Chiron TL34

A small map with tons of teleporters. "Spartan clone training complex"


Secret ledge
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A secret ledge you can get on.
1. Go to the large room that has a lot of walls
2. Go to the chamber in that room that has a power-up in it
3. Point your gun down, jump, and fire your rocket
4. You should get on a hidden ledge
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| {()} | Wizard

A small map with a wide open fighting space. Round and round we go. "Round and
round and round"


Window ledge
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Rocket launcher
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 400% health
Overview: A way to get on the ledge of the large windows.
1. Go to any of the platforms that are against the wall
2. Jump on the black piece of metal sticking out of the ground
3. Point your gun down, jump, fire, and move backwards
4. If done right you will land on the edge of the large windows
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| {()} | Damnation

A small covenant complex with long drops. "Covenant hydro-processing center"


Escaping damnation*
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None required, sniper rifle suggested
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: 2 players
Overview: A way to get on top of Damnation by using the telebumping method.
1. Go to blue base and both of you line up by the tele
2. Player one enter the tele
3. After teleporting, player one should stay exactly where he appeared
4. Player 2 should then enter the teleporter
5. Right before player 1 gets telefragged, he should jump
6. If done right, player 2 will get bumped and appear on top of the map

Pipe trouble
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Fragmentation grenades
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A weird thing that occurs with the pipes.
1. Go to red base and take the ramps down to the room overlooking some pipes
2. Jump to the set of pipes next to each other
3. Stand over the crack and throw a fragmentation grenade at your feet
4. Stand over the grenade, when it explodes it wont hurt you


Falling to hell
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Fragmentation grenade
Team Kill: Doesn't matter
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to get to the bottom of Damnation.
1. Go to the 3 waterfalls
2. Walk along the center platform that has the overshield on it
3. Throw a frag grernade behind the overshield so that it blows off the edge
4. Jump down and hit the overshield in the air while you are falling
5. Since you are invincible when the overshield is falling you can hit the
bottom without dying
6. If the trick doesn't work the first time, try adjusting your timing
|VII| Single Player Maps

These glitches and secrets can be performed during the campaign. There are
less of these, simply because you can't change the settings.
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| {()} | All Maps

These following glitches will work on all maps.


Pelican cockpit
Vehicles: Warthog and Pelican
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get inside a pelican cockpit.
1. Get in a warthog and park the back facing the cockpit
2. Get in the gunner seat and jump out so that you jump in the cockpit
3. If done right you will appear inside the cockpit


Earn all maps
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: N/A
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to unlock all the levels.
1. Open up halo and create a new profile
2. Open up my computer and find My documents, if using Windows XP find
Documents and Settings, find your user name, and then My documents
3. Find My games and the click halo
4. Find savegames and then find your new profile
5. Then, under checkpoints, create a new text file called checkpoint0.sav
6. In it put :
7. Create another one called checkpoint1.sav and put
8. Keep on repeating this until you reach checkpoint9.sav
9. Now use your new profile and select load game in the campaign

Get outta my hog
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get marines out of your hog.
1. Get a hog with a marine gunner and passenger
2. Go up to them and press the action key to enter the vehicle
3. The marine will get up and hop out, allowing you to get on

Wraith flip
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to flip a wraith.
1. Get in a banshee and fly to a live wraith
2. Go up to the wraith and push it off a clif, flipping it
3. If you go up to the wraith it will say "press e to flip wraith"
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| {()} | The Pillar of Autumn

The first campaign mission, your objective is to escape the Pillar of Autumn.


Headless chief
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to see Chief without his head.
1. Start a new game and wait until you gain control of MC
2. Press action to jump out of the cryo tube
3. After the small cut scene, immediately jump in the cryo tube before it
snaps shut
4. At certain angles in the tube, you can see MC without a head.

3 weapons
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: None
Overview: A way to use 3 weapons in the PoA.
1. Go to the bridge and talk to Keyes
2. As soon as you gain control of MC run out of the bridge
3. If you went fast enough, you will not have triggered the checkpoint
4. Pick up the AR and then go into the mess hall and pick up a plasma weapon
5. Go back inside the bridge and slowly walk out
6. The checkpoint will trigger and a pistol will appear in your hands
7. Congratulations, you now have 3 guns

This glass isn't bullet proof
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get shot through glass.
1. Go to the control center of the cryo center where you were awakened
2. There are elites down there that try to shoot at you
3. Walk into the glass and keep pressing forward
4. Some of the elites shoots will go through and hurt you

Outside the energy charger
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get charged outside of the energy charger
1. Start a new game on any difficulty besides legendary
2. Go through the diagnostics until you reach the energy charger
3. When the guy tells you to step in the yellow square step in it so that you
are half in
4. When the charger starts uo it will push you out
5. Everything will work normally, but you will be standing outside of it


Bulletin boards
Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: Some funny posters that you can read.
1. At the entrance to the bridge turn and face the wall
2. You should see a bulletin board with some posters on it, they say different
things on them

Easter Eggs

Vehicles: N/A
Weapons: Assault rifle
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to view an easter egg.
1. Start a game on legendary
2. In the cryo room, jump up on the yello storage container in the back of
the room
3. Get down and go to the bridge
4. Go out of the bridge, kill the grunts, and pick up the assault rifle
5. Go back in and shoot Keyes
6. Cortana will call in the bridge security
7. Evade them and go into the room they came from, using the assault rifle to
stun them
8. Go farther back into the room nad look up to see an a heart of blood with
and M in it
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Truth and Reconciliation

The 3rd campaign mission, your goal is to board a Covenant ship and free
Captain Keyes.


Faulty jail cells
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Any
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to penetrate the jail cells.
1. Go up to any purple cell door
2. Walk into it and fire
3. Some of your shots will go through


Vehicles: None
Weapons: A few grenades
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to destroy the wraiths.
1. Get inside the Truth and Reconciliation
2. Go up to any wraith you find in the map and throw some grenades at it
3. The wraith tank will blow up
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| {()} | Silent Cartographer

The 4th campaign mission, your objective is to find the map room.


Off the island
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: Plasma grenade
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get out of the map.
1. Get the warthog that echo 419 drops off and drive it to the barrier
2. When you hit it, line up the hog horizontally with the barrier
3. Stand on the seat next to the gun and throw a plasma grenade so that it
taps the hog
4. if done right, the hog will push you through


Off the ledge
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to skip some driving.
1. After you have bypassed the security doors, you will be notified that
a heavy weapons shipment has been shot down
2. When you get out of the tunnels you will see a pelican on the ground
3. Instead of going around the island again, pick up an over shield and slide
down the rock face on the right side
4. You can do this getting almost no damage

Bypass security
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: This allows you to bypass the security door.
1. Drive your warthog down the tunnel where the door is
2. When you see the door go full speed into it
3. If done correctly, you will go through, and the door will shut in the
middle of the warthog
4. Kill the elite, he won’t attack you
5. After you find the map room, and head for the surface the elite will come

Easy way down
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get directly to the control room.
1. Go to the part where theres a cut scene and Master Chief kicks a rock down
a deep shaft
2. After the scene ends, jump straight down to the next level
3. Jump down again
4. Get the overshield and enter the room
5. You are now in the map room

Disappearing dropships
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: What really happens to the dropships.
1. Storm the beach and wait until Echo 419 comes and gives you a warthog
2. Drive the hog to the large building, you should see a dropship hovering
3. Follow the dropship as it takes off
4. If you go quick enough, you will see it disappear as it turns around the

/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Assault on the Control Room

The 5th campaign mission, your mission is to attack the control room.


I want to go back home
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to stay on the pelican.
1. At the beginning of the mission, press your action button (default is e)
2. You should hop back in the pelican
3. After a while you will die

No enemies
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get no enemies in AotCR.
1. Go to the first bridge and clear it of all enemies
2. Go down to the bottom bridge and go to the point where you start out from
3. Look right, run, and jump to the ledge below
4. Jump down again to the white ledge
5. Jump down to the ground, now there will be no enemies

No enemies (alternate way)
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get no enemies in AotCR.
1. Get the early banshee
2. Fly through the mission until you reach a dropship, which is taking off
above a steep slope
3. Follow the dropship until it disappears
4. From now until the end of the mission there will be no enemies

Floating shells
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Assault rifle
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: An odd glitch that results in floating shells.
1. Go to the first bridge and stand above a glass portion and fire your AR
2. Make sure some of the ejected shells land on the glass
3. Smash out the glass
4. The shells will be floating in the air


Hijacking a banshee
Vehicles: None...you are about to hijack one
Weapons: Sniper rifle and Rocket launcher
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get an early banshee.
1. Go to the part of the level where you first get a tank
2. Get in it and go down the path to your left
3. Kill all the enemies at a distance
4. Turn around look up the wall, you should see a platform
5. Walk back and use the sniper rifle zoom until you can see the banshee
6. Switch to your rocket launcher and fire, you should blast the banshee down
7. Get in and enjoy

Disappearing dropships
Vehicles: Banshee
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: What really happens to dropships.
1. Get the early banshee
2. Fly until you find the dropship that appears above the large slope
3. Follow it
4. When it gets over the frozen lake, it will disappear
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | 343 Guilty Spark

The 6th campaign mission, you meet the flood here.


Pelican ride
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Plasma nade
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to stay on the pelican.
1. At the beginning of the level throw a plasma grenade
2. You will stay on the pelican
3. After a while it will stop and you can get out
Note: If you walk out of the back for a while, you will find a lone marine


The flood
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Pistol
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to get a glimpse of the flood.
1. Walk through the swamp and to the large log
2. Look at the hills and zoom with your pistol
3. You will see 2 flood walking away

Floating assault rifles
Vehicles: Pelican
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: Floating assault rifles that shoot.
1. Do the Pelican ride glitch
2. After it crashes, walk along the edge until you reach the entrance that
leads inside the facility
3. Quickly, run down the slope inside
4. You should see 3 floating assault rifles shooting at the Covenant
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Keyes

The 9th campaign mission, your objective is to get Captain Keyes CNI


Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A mess-up with the banshees.
1. At the end of the level, 2 escort banshees fly in
2. As they come into view you will notice that the cockpits are open

Vehicles: None
Weapons: A few grenades
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A way to destroy the wraiths.
1. Find any of the wraiths parked in the level
2. Throw a few grenades at them
3. The wraiths will explode

Keyes's pipe
Vehicles: None
Weapons: Pistol or Sniper rifle
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: Keyes's pipe in its infected form.
1. Go through the mission until you find the captain
2. When facing the ramp that leads up to his body, look off to the right
3. You should see a flood "root" hanging off the edge
4. If you zoom in to it you will clearly see that it is Keyes's pipe
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | The Maw

The final campaign mission, your objective is to destroy the PoA's fusion
reactors to destroy Halo.


Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A mess-up with the banshees.
1. Go to the open area where echo 419 gets shot down
2. Stop and look at the banshees that are chasing her
3. You will see that the cockpits are open

Cloaked flood
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: The only cloacked flood in the game.
1. Go to the armory
2. Step inside and go to the back of the room
3. You will be attacked by cloaked flood

Easter Eggs

Food nipple grunt
Vehicles: None
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: A funny grunt.
1. Get to the final warthog run and drive past where echo 419 gets shot down
2. As you go through the tunnels, keep an eye open for a tunnel on the right
3. When you find the tunnel, take it
4. Inside that tunnel you will find a grunt
5. Go up to him and listen to what he has to say
Note: He says "Good thing there's a food nipple waitin for me on the starship,
cuz man, I've worked up a big grunty thirst!

Rex blood
Vehicles: Warthog
Weapons: None
Team Kill: N/A
Special Requirements: N/A
Overview: The word "rex" in blood.
1. Go through the final run until Cortana mentions a large jump, this is after
echo 419 crashes
2. Go off the jump and stop when you hit the platform
3. Bring the hog up to the edge and park it so that the turret faces the wall
that slopes down at the end
4. Jump on the turret and then jump on the sloped part of the wall
5. Walk until you reach the center platform and jump down
6. Go into the tunnel with blood in it, look at the wall to see the word "rex"
written in blood
|IIX| Miscellaneous

These following secrets didn't fit anywhere else, so I decided to place them
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | In-game

These following secrets are in the game.

Scorpion number
On the front of every scorpion tank in the game is the number 030569. This is
Halo's art director's (Marcus Lehto) birthday (March 5, 1969).

Chief's boots
On the bottom of Master Chief's boots are the letters "MRL", which is Halo's
art director's intials (Marcus R. Lehto).

Scorpion hatch
In the campaign, the scorpion has a solid hatch that you get into. In
multiplayer, however, it has a grated hatch. They changed it so it would be
easier to snipe the tank driver.

Warthog dashboard
Every warthog has a dashboard with various instruments on it. On the right
side there is an RPM (rotations per minute) bar. In the center there is a
status box which shows the underside of the warthog. On the left side there
is another box which goes up as the hog picks up speed, however, there are
always bars on it even when its stopped, I'm assuming its a device that
measures engine heat.

Pelican numbers
Every pelican in the game has a number on the tail end on the plane. During
the game you are mainly picked up and dropped off by "Foehammer", which pilots
the pelican designated Echo 419. If you look at the number on her pelican it
always says E419. On the Silent Cartographer, however, both pelicans that
drop off troops are designated E419. Later in the mission, a pelican crashes
with a heavy weapons supply. That pelicans designated number is V933.

Weapon reloads
There are 2 different weapons that reload differently depending if you empty
the magazines or not. If you fire the shotgun and reload it, Chief will
insert each shell, and that's it. If you empty the magazines, then he reloads
each shell and shucks the gun when he's done. If you fire the sniper rifle
and reload it, then he will pull out the clip and place in a new one. If you
empty the clip then he will pull out the clip and place in a new one and hit a
switch near the back of the gun.

In the campaign the shades (Covenant stationary guns) can be moved by
explosions. In multiplayer you can't move the shades with explosions.

If you pull out your pistol and take a screen shot when Master Chief pulls
back the part to reveal the dark gray section, you will see a Chinese 7.

Marathon logos
Marathon was a game made by bungie, the logo is above. This logo can be found
in different places through out the game.
>On Keyes's uniform there is a spot on his uniform that says "Hello, my name
is Keyes, beneath that is a marathon logo
>About mid-section on the outside of the Pillar of Autumn is a large marathon
>When selecting the campaign difficulty the marathon logo appears on the
>In the center of the Halo logo is a marathon logo
>When entering the silent cartographer installation there is a wall that has a
few marathon logos on it
>If you look at the front of Keyes's pipe in the mission Keyes, you will see a
marathon logo on it
>The Control room, when viewed from above, is a giant marathon logo

Shotgun shells
On the bottom of the shotgun shell, the word SoellKraft are written on it. I
havn't figured out who, or what, Kraft is, but Matt Soell is part of the
Bungie staff who created Halo. He thanked hippos all over the world in the
special thanks section, so I'm assuming that's why there is also a hippo on
the shotgun shell.
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Halo box

These follwoing items are mess-ups on the Halo box.

The cover of the box show 2 banshees in the background that are shooting, but
they have their cockpits open and no one is inside of them.

Danger Canyon
On the back of the box there is a screen shot of Danger Canyon with 2 banshees
in the background. In the game, however, there are no banshees availible in
this map.
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Halo book

This is a mess-up with the Halo books.

MAC gun
In Halo: Fall of Reach at the end of the book the Pillar of Autumn's MAC gun
is disabled. In the beginning of Halo: The Flood and the game, however,
Cortana uses the MAC gun to destroy 4 Covenant ships.
/ __ \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| {()} | Halo instruction manual

These are mess-ups in the Halo instruction manual

Rocket launcher
In the list of weapons, it says that the rocket launcher in the game has 2x
and 8x zoom. In the game it can only go up to 2x zoom.

Screen shot
Near the beginning of the manual there is a screen shot of your HUD, there are
several things wrong in the screen shot.
>Master Chief is holding 8 grenades, in the game he can only hold 4.
>The motion tracker shows enemy contacts as yellow and friendly contacts as
blue, in the game friendly contacts are yellow and enemies are red.
>There is an N on the assault rifle over the bullet counter. During the game
the arrow indicating the position of Threshold is there.
>The health and shield indicator are more boxy.
|IX | Wanted Glitches

There are some glitches in the game that I would like to put in this guide, but
I don't know how to perfrom them. Actually, I don't know if some of them are
even possible. If you know how to do the following glitches please e-mail me
and tell me how to do it. I will acknowledge you.

1. Secret room in Chill out
2. Out of Gephyrophobia
3. No enemies in Two betrayals
4. Out of Halo
5. Any information regarding the Ilovebees site

| X | Rumors

This section is for rumors that are not true. If you came to this guide
looking for explanations on how to do them here they are now, they are
impossible and cannot be performed. Here's the list.

1. No colored or invisible banshees besides the normal purple
2. No unlockable difficulties
3. No unlockable weapons
4. No drivable wraiths
5. No usuable energy swords
|XI | Glossary

This is a glossary of terms used in Halo.

1337-This translates to elite, which is a very good player at a game. You get
elite from 1337 because the 13337 translates to leet, which when spoken
aloud sounds like elite.

343 GS-This is an abbreviation for the campaign level 343 Guilty Spark.

AIM-The abbreviation for AOL instant messanger.

AotCR-This is an abbreviation for the campaign level Assault on the Control

AR-This is an abbreviation for the assault rifle.

BG-The abbreviation for Blood Gulch

Camper-This is a person that stays at his/her base with heavy weapons and kills
any enemy that tries to come in.

Covenant-This is your primary enemy, a group of alien species.

Cut scene-A movie-like scene, you have no control on what happens in it.

Dead Zone-The area in which a vehicle cannot fire.

Easter Eggs-These are certain things the programmers put in the game, some
notable ones are the Megg, Rex blood, and the Food Nipple Grunt.

ETA-The abbreviation for estimated time of arrival.

EVA-The abbreviation for extra vehicular activity.

Flood-This is a parasitic lifefrom that you encounter later in the game.

Forerunners-The humans (yes humans) that built the Halo.

FRG-The abbreviation for the fuel rod gun.

GG-The abbreviation for good game.

Glitch-A breakdown in the game's graphics or physics program.

Halo-One of the many installations built to contain and study the flood, and if
they escape, to destroy all sentient life.

Hog-The abbreviation for the warthog.

ILB-The abbreviation for I Love Bees.

KIA-The abbreviation for killed in action.

Lag-The glitchy effect that happens when someone with slow internet connection
joins a game.

LZ-The abbreviation for landing zone.

MC-The abbreviation for Master Chief.

n00b-Someone that constantly uses shees and tanks, only uses heavy weapons, and
/or asks stupid questions will generally be called a n00b, which is a new

NS-The abbreviation for nice shot.

PFR-The abbreviation for plasma, frag, rocket.

PoA-The abbreviation for the Pillar of Autumn.

RL-The abbreviation for real life or rocket launcher.

Secret-An object in the game thats hard to find and can offer an edge in

Shee-The abbreviation for a banshee.

SN-The abbreviation for screen shot.

Spartan-II-The newest class of advanced super-soldiers.

Spawn Killer-A person that waits until a person respawns and kills him/her.

SR-The abbreviation for sniper rifle.

Stunt-A fun thing to do in a game that involves vehicles, usually jumping.

T&R-The abbreviation for the Truth and Reconciliation.

Tank-The nickname for the scorpion.

Tele Camper-A person that waits at a teleporter exit and kills people as soon
as they come out.

TY-The abbreviation for thank you.

WoC-The abbreviation for weapon of choice.
|XII| Acknowledgements

I have a bunch of people to acknowledge, so let’s begin.

[DS] Shadow-For showing me "Escape the gulch" and "Away from the danger"
[DK] Shadow-For showing me "Rock tower" and "Tightrope walking"
[DK] Justin-For showing me "Ghost stunt"
Photon-For showing me "Sniper rock" (my favorite)
[HB]Striker-For showing me "Where did that come from?" and "Warthog doors"
{XSC}VipEr1-For showing me "Beyond Infinity"
[DS] Tim-For showing me "Death stone" and "Death rock"
The Jackal-For showing me "Plateau place"
[KoD] Chris-For telling me "Pelican ride"
+DDS+Rekon-For showing me "Escaping damnation"
Crimsonfox-For telling me "Batlle above battle creek", "Breaking the round
barrier *alt*", "Off the island", "No enemies", "Wraith flip"
ranbir-For posting "Earn all maps"
pifish-For telling me "3 weapons"

I used ASCGEN to create the ASCII art, the program is Copyright 2002 Jonathan
Mathews Software

Others also showed me various secrets and glitches, but i forgot there names
before I wrote this guide, so if you ever played with me (El Diablo) and showed
me a glitch, e-mail me.

For further glitches and secrets visit www.halomods.com and www.gamefaqs.com.

Thanks again
-El Diablo
>x-CORTANA.1o- End Transmission
>(priority ALPHA)
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Megatrainer (für v1.09)

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Munition und Granaten

05.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.07)

15.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.06)

12.Oktober 2013
Glitches and Secrets Guide
Engl. Secrets

16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Mega-Gesundheit und -Schild, für Munition und Flashlight (für v1.04)

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Additions Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.20)

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Mega-Gesundheit und -Schild, für Munition und Flashlight (für v1.02)

16.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.0)

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Mega-Gesundheit und -Schild, für Munition und Flashlight

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Level spielbar

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
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