Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War - Winter Assault

Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War - Winter Assault

17.10.2013 22:19:48
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Winter Assault (Insane Mode)
Version 1.00

Copyright 2005 Wood Elf
E-Mail - BattleBotv8.2@gmail.com

First Site: www.GameFAQs.com

E-mail me suggestions or corrections.

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Quicksearch Note:
You can use the Find command (Ctrl+F) to quickly find the part you need.

1.00 Order Walkthrough
1.1 No Retreat! (NR!)
1.2 Hold the Line! (HTL!)
1.3 Between a Stone and an Axe (BaSaaA)
1.4 Final Journey
1.41 Imperial Gaurd (FJ1)
1.42 Eldar (FJ2)
1.51 Titan of the Emperor (TOTE)
1.52 Ancestral Powers (APR!)

2.00 Disorder Walkthrough
2.1 Gather the Clans (GTC)
2.2 Hunter! (HNT!)
2.3 Blood for the Blood God! (BFTBG!)
2.4 Keep your Enemies Closer
2.41 Chaos (KYEC1)
2.42 Orks (KYEC2)
2.51 Titan of Khorne (TOK)
2.52 Tropies (TRPI)

3.00 Imperial Gaurd
3.1 Imperial Gaurd Units
4.00 Versions
5.00 Credits and Thanks
6.00 FAQs

/ \_________________
| 1.0 Order Walkthrough \

1.1 Mission 1 - No Retreat! (NR!)

"Under the valiant General Sturnn, the Imperial Gaurd have entered orbit
around the ice-world Lorn V. Their goal is simple;

they must retrieve a powerful war-machine called a Titan that was left behind
when Chaos Marines conquered the planet from

the local Imperial garrison. If Sturnn's planetfall beachhead is to succeed,
his forces must seize control of a defense

fortress currently in the hands of Chaos.

Fortunately, the Imperial Gaurd possesses the iron will see this undoubtedly
brutal battle through to its bloody end."


Cadian 412th Command;
Establish a foothold
Sercure Local Area
Build a Field Command
Build a turret
Build a Tactica Command
Build an Infantry Command
Move Reinforcements forward
Take out the Artillery

Take the Fortress
Breach the outer gates (The two gates near your base)
Breach the Inner Gates (Two more gates more towards the Chaos
Breach the Inner Sanctum
Breach the Blood Gate

Capture Hellhound Command
Capture Sentinel Command
Halt the Raptor Raids


Ulthwe Command;
The Blood Gate
Bring forth Reinforcements
Move via Webway Gates
Destroy Thermal Plasma Generators
Kill the Sorcerer


Command Squad Suggestion:
You can either make him go solo so there are no penalties if you want to
delete him for a fully healed one, or equip him

with other leaders to help him out. I suggest Psyker and Priest at first, then
get a Commissar and another Psyker. I

normally kill him early on then once I get the Uncomman Valor I start training
other commanders.

Starting Units;
1 Commander Squad
1 Commissar
7 Groups of 9 Imperial Gaurdsman

After the movie showing Valkyries bombing Cultist squad, you will gain
controll of Command Squad, Commissar and 9 Imperial

Gaurd squads. Attach the Commissar to one of the squads and head to the north
towards a strategic point. Watch out because

there is a Heavy Bolter there that can really hurt your Imperial Gaurd. To
avoid deaths, use your Commander Squad as a meat

shield since if he dies, he will respawn with no penalties.

While your attacking the Heavy Bolter, start capturing the strategic point
with one of your squads. Once the bolter turret

is destroyed, move your army to the other nearby strategic point. There will
also be a bolter turret there so make your

Commander Squad be your meat shield once again. Again start capturing the
strategic point with a squad while attacking the


By now, your Commander Squad will be hurt so you can kill him with delete and
get a fully healed one. Though you shouldn't

do it if you hired any members like Psykers, Priests or Commissors. Take all
of your guys besides the ones capturing the

strategic point and head to one of the doors. Each door is gaurded by a
Cultist squad. I suggest you only destroy one since

you can defend one easier than two (I take the right one). Once both strategic
points are captured, a Field Command and two

Techpriest Enginseer will arrive. The Field Command will be quickly built in a
few seconds.

Once the Field Command is built, send one of the them to build a Infantry
Command and the other to build the Listening Posts

on the strategic points (starting with the one near the destroyed gate). Also
start training two Commissars and attach them

to two of your squads. Start a Tactica Command once the Infantry Command is
done. Also start upgrading your Listening Posts

once they're built. Some Chaos Marines and Cultists may pay you a visit from
the destroyed gate.

Once all the previously mentioned buildings are complete, start building a
Plasma Generator. Start upgrading your Field

Command to Battle Command. Start researching Battle Armor and Death before
Dishonar. Once Battle Command is finished, start

on Satalite Targeting Resolution, Will of the Emperor and Weapon
Specialization. Also research Escalate Engagement Research

and if you want to start Improved Power Grid Research (I suggest doing it
later when you have more spare RR.

Start adding Sergants to your squad as well as improved weapons. I normally
get 1 Grenade Launcher and 2 Plasma Guns. Also

if you haven't yet, start building your third Techpriest Enginseer. All of
this costs quite a bit of energy, so build

another Plasma generator and get Improved Power Grid if you haven't when you
can spare the RR. Leave one of them at your

base while the other 2 go along with your troops outside of your base. Capture
the strategic point right outside of your

base and cap it off with a Listening Post and upgrade it with Fortified
Position ASAP. Don't start destroying the second

gate quite yet. Instead capture the strategic point to the east first.

Note: You can attack some of the Chaos base through the mountain area if you
want. Not many buildings can be hit this way

but it does save time later in the game.

There will be a Cultist squad and Chaos Temple near the strategic point you
need to take out. While attacking once again

send one of your squads to capture the strategic point. Once it's captured,
you will gain control of 2 Hellhounds as well as

a Mechanized Command. You can build a third Hellhound if you want to but I
suggest no. Be sure to cap it off with a

Listening Post before you leave. It may be a good idea to build a turret a bit
west of your new strategic point because they

can often attack there.

Be sure to be fully equipped by now. Start heading backwards towards your base
and start destroying the other first gate.

There will be a Defiler near the second gate there, but otherwise do the same
routine as the previous area. Capture the

first strategic point, cap it off but instead of using a bolter turret place
one or two of your Hellhounds there to defend

it. Also build a second bolter turret near your first turret. Continue west
for a second Mechanized Command along with 2

Sentinels. It will be gaurded by 2 bolter turrets and a Chaos Temple. Cap the
strategic point near the Mechanized Command

and I like to build 2 more Sentinels and have them as fire support for your
main troops.

Note: While doing all of this, alot of Chaos Raptor squads attacked me so be

Once again, you will be able to destroy a building or two in the Chaos base.
Once you finish destroying the second gate,

start heading towards the middle of the map where a Chaos base is. There will
be many squads so be sure to have fully

equiped squads. Use your Sentinels to take down buildings while your troopers
cover them from infantry. While all of this is

happening, there still will be Chaos Raptor raids on your Listening Posts so
be sure to watch them carefully. Also when this

is happening, be sure to use your Sentinels or Imperial Gaurd to remove the
ownership of the strategic points from the Chaos


Search for any Chaos Temples you may have missed and be sure they are
destroyed. There are one to the north east of both the

Mechanized Command and the Chaos base. Once your sure everything has been
destroyed and all the strategic points have been

capped off, fully equippde, fully repaired, destroy one of the final gates.
All of the Heavy Bolter Turrets will now be

under your control, which helps very much in defense. I suggest you send a
Techpriest Enginseer near the bolter turrets in

case they get damaged. There will be many Chaos forces on the other side of
the gate, so be ready.

Once you destroy all of the Chaos forces in the area, capture the two
strategic points and cap them off and upgrade them.

Once that is done, move all your troops back away from any bombardment from
enemy Defilers. Then send in your Hellhounds

and/or Sentinels to the gate and just let them chip away at the gates 10k
health bar. Once it goes so low, a cut-scene will

appear. It will basicly say that the gate is tained by the Warp and if they do
not break it soon, they will lose the battle.

Now you switch to the Eldar


Starting Units;
1 Farseer

Order the Farseer into the Webway Gate. Go to the top right webway and click
the Strike Force button and order the Farseer

out of the webway. There are only Cultists here, not much trouble at all. Once
the generator is destroyed, enter the webway

gate and exit through the top left one. This time there will be some Possessed
Squads there, so it will be harder to kill

but still easy. In the final area there will be some Cultists there, along
with some Chaos Space Marines.

Enter the webway once again and exit through the newest webway gate. Once out,
be carefull because there are multiple

Defilers there that can deal alot of harm if you attack them. They will leave
you alone if you do the same to them. Just

kill the normal Chaos forces and head towards the objective marker where the
Sorcerer is at. While attacking him, be sure to

use all of the Farseer's abilities.

Now you switch to the Imperial Gaurd


Now reselect the hotkeys for your troops. Be sure to make sure you are fully
equipped and fully repaired before heading

towards the remaining Chaos's base. Be sure to bring your Sentinels to attack
the Defilers to reduce deaths of your Imperial

Gaurd. While trying to reach the Defilers, a few Chaos Space Marine squads
will attack but they pose little threat to fully

equiped army.


1.2 Level 2 - Hold the Line! (HTL!)

"The Imperials under General Sturnn have taken the defense fortress and begun
construction of an immense Psychic Shield to

protect the Titan. Unfortunately, Chaos Space Marines shot down the
Thunderhawk transporting the Titan's crew as well as

their bodygaurd detail consisting of Space Marine Chaplain Varnus and his
hardened Ultramarines.

General Sturnn must launch a rescue attempt behind enemy lines of the crew and
Ultramarines, but his thoughts are troubled

by the mysterious, sinister force that saved his men in their last battle."


Cadian 412th Command;
Reach the Field Command
Capture the Infantry Command
Move troops forwards
Capture the Turrets

Reinforce the Ultramarines
Destroy the Chaos Base

Imperial Machinery
Repair Chimeras
Repair Sentinels


Ulthwe Command;
Destroy the Ork Artillery
Lure First Ork army
Lure Second Ork army
Lure Third Ork army


Keep a fully equipped squad or two inside your command center or any other
building ready to be deployed in base a building

that is not well gaurded or near your main army is under attack. Build the
squad when you have enough resources, don't build

them right away since they don't attack untill mid-level.

Starting Units;
1 Commander Squad
1 Commissar
4 Squads of 9 Imperial Gaurdsman

Once you start, attach your Commissar to one of your squads and go to the east
and take out the nearby Shoota Boy squad.

Then start capturing nearby strategic point. Once it's captured, it will
explain how you can move your troops around sort of

like webway gates. Once the explanation is done a squad of Stormboyz will come
over. Once they are killed, move to the other

Infantry Command and head towards the nearby strategic point.

There will be a few Shoota Boy squads to take care of near the strategic
point. While killing them, capture the strategic

point. Once it's captured, you gain control of the nearby defensive buildings.
This goes throughout the map, if you control

a strategic point you will gain the nearby defensive structures. So always be
sure to capture them quickly. Now head toward

the objective marker.

Once again there will be some Shoota Boys there to take care of. Start
capturing the strategic point there and continue

south east where you will encounter more orks. Once you have captured the
strategic point you will be able to build

Techpriest Enginseers. Start building Listening Posts and the rest of the
regular buildings.

For now just keep working on upgrading your technology and reinforcing your
troops. While this is happening, there will be

Cultist, Chaos and Ork squads that will keep coming to attack you from the
south east of your Field Command so keep your

troops positioned there. Once your troops are fully equipped and ready, start
moving more to the south east towards a Chaos

base. Build a bolter turret or two at the strategic point to the south east of
your base since Orks will attack it. Also

your first strategic point can be attacked so be watchfull for that one too.

The base itself shouldn't be much a problem since they send nearly all of your
troops to attack your base down the same

pathway you take to reach them. Once you have razed their base, start
capturing the strategic point to gain a Infantry

Command and two Heavy Bolter Turrets. The Infantry command will be used as
quick transportation. Enter it and send your

troops to the other Infantry Command a bit to the north west. Start capturing
both of the the strategic points nearby.

Once it's captured, expect alot of Chaos forces to attack you. Be sure to have
your Techpriest Enginseer repair the Heavy

Bolter Turrets that will most likely be damaged. Once the area is sercured,
head north west and skip the strategic point to

the north east. Keep pushing forward through the valley area. Capture the
strategic points along the way to gain buildings

on the other side of the valley. You don't have to use the buildings to reach
there, you can climb up a cliff after the

second strategic point.

Go up the cliff and clear it of all orks. Send a squad to capture the two
strategic points on the cliff. Send the rest of

your troops to the north west strategic point where a Mechanized Command is.
Once you capture the cliffs they will provide

fire support so you don't really need to worry about mop up of the squads.
Send your Mechpriest Enginseers to repair the

Chimeras there. Once they have been repaired, the Mechanized Command will
change ownership to you. Be sure you have enough

Chimeras to carry all of your troops and order them inside of them.

Once you reach the other side of the valley near the walkway, unload your
troops and open fire on anything shooting at you.

Since the turrets where firing at your Chimeras before your troops, they will
continue to be fired upon. You will most

likely lose them, but they work as a good meat shield in the mean time. There
is a Looted Leman Russ Tank that can be

trouble for your troops. Capture the strategic points on the cliff.

Continue on the pathway. There will be a few ork squads, and a Waaagh! Banner
to. Capture the strategic point nearby to get

the Infantry Command. Again follow the pathway, but this time it leads to a
cut-scene saying you cannot continue with the

ork artillery in the way.

Now you switch to the Eldar


Starting Units;
1 Farseer
1 Group of 1 Ranger
2 Groups of 9 Howling Banshee
2 Groups of 5 Dark Reaper

Once you start, reinforce your Ranger squad and start research on both Banshee
and Reaper Aspect Stone. Once that is done,

add a Exarch to both Banshees and Reaper. You should be able to build another
squad of your choice. Head to the objective

marker on your map. At the objective marker is 2 Waaarg! towers, Pile O Gunz
and a Da Mek Shop to deal with as well as ork


Once the generator has been destroyed, the Killa Kans will move towards the
destroyed generator. Run to your base before

they reach you. Once your back at your base, head out of your base through the
south west base. Continue south west towards

the next Bigga Generator. There's only 2 squads there, so it will be easier
than the last one.

Now head back to your base again because Killa Kans will run towards the
generator again. Go up to the area a bit west of

your base. Continue this pathway towards the first generator. Once you see a
fork in the road towards the objective marker,

take it. Order your troops to head towards the objective marker. Once there,
destroy all orks in the area and then take out

the Bigga Generator.

Now quickly move back to the area where the fork is. Once the Killa Kans have
moved to the generator, take the same path

they did to get there. Head to the objective marker where the Ork's base and
artillery are located. Keep your troops back

and use Eldrich Storm. Once the storm is done, send your troops into the
fight. Be sure to target each vehicle with all your

troops, then the next and the next. This will make your loses alot less.

Now you switch to the Imperial Gaurd


Joy! You got Basalisks now. They are the Imperial Gaurd's artillery, and they
have huge range. Regroup your troops, and be

sure to hotkey your Basalisks. Start by bombarding the edge of the cliff near
the second strategic point. There are many

heavy bolter turrets there, this helps later on. While you're bombarding the
turrets, continue moving forward with your


By the time you reach where you were bombarding, you should have destroyed 2
bolter turrets. Start bombarding the remaining

bolter turrets near the second strategic point. Order your troops to move
towards the second closest strategic point to your

Basalisks. There is a Mechanized Command and a few Sentinels as well. Before
you can train vehicles, you have to repair the

Sentinels there.

You can either kill your Basalisks for Sentinels so you have quick movement
and firepower. Or you can keep your Basalisks

and use them to slowly destroy bolter turrets ahead. I like the Sentinel way
myself. Now it's time to finish the level. Head

towards the Ultramarines. Between them and you however is a big Chaos base,
with many bolter turrets as well.

I just charged in there Sentinel first. This way they took the bulk of the
damage. I took out the missile turrets first,

then the bolter so the Sentinels would last longer. Once the bulk of thebolter
turrets are destroyed, it's easy to finish

the cleanup of Chaos base.


1.3 Mission 3 - Between a Stone and an Axe (BaSaaA)

"The Eldar, secret participents in the struggle on Lorn V and silent saviors
of the Imperial Gaurd, are close to their

mysterious objective. Quitely maneuvering between the armies of Imperials,
Orks and Chaos, the Eldar pursue a vital

objective seemingly far more important than the Titan.

Now, all that stands before them and the succsess is the largest Ork WAAAGH!
they have ever seen. The Eldar must sneak

through the main force of Orks, and remain undetected. Should they fail, they
will fall under under the sheer number of

their adversaries."


Ulthwe Command;
Forward Progress
Eliminate the Ork Boss (Time Limit)
Build a new Webway Gate
Use the Relocate Ability
Build another Webway Gate
Use the Relocate Ability once again


Cadian 412th Command;
An Alliance of Convenience
Defend the Eldar Base
Hold the Line!


Starting Units;
1 Farseer
1 Group of 1 Seer Council
3 Groups of 8 Rangers

Once the cut-scene is over, notice the time limit on the right hand of the
screen. You have to kill the Ork Boss before it

runs out. Right away start Wargear: Enhanced Optics, Wargear: Reinforced Armor
and Imbue: Fortune right away at your Soul

Shrine. Start reinforcing your Seer Council, they will be your only melee unit
besides your Far Seer. Start capturing the

strategic point inside of your base with one of your Ranger squads.

Now select your Bonesinger and teleport him to the strategic point to the
south east and wait. With the rest of your troops,

start moving towards Big Mek. Along the way there will be Ork squads that will
not create much trouble for you. Your Seer

Council squad can take any of them, and your Ranger will reduce their morale.
It will be easy to take out the Ork Boss.

Once destroyed, an Ork swarm will start toward you. Order your Bonesinger to
use Teleport to the new objective marker on the

map and start a Webway Gate there. Once the gateway is ready, order your
buildings to relocate that. Once the buildings are

completly relocated, enter the webway and go to your new base.

Teleport your Bonesinger once again and start a Webway gate there. Once the
Relocate ability can be used again, do it

quickly. While waiting, move your troops a bit north west of your buildings
because that's where Stormboyz will keep coming

to attack you. Once the Relocation timer is up, the steel door the Orks were
attacking gets destroyed and more Orks will

come to attack. Once again when the buildings are done enter the webway and
exit this area.

A cut-scene happens where the Imperial Gaurd have spotted you. The Eldar
actually call them for help! They agree even though

neither trusts each other.

Now you switch to the Imperial Gaurd


Note: Keep upgrading everything. Be sure to build Listening Posts and a Plasma
Generator and get the resource upgrades. Just

use what ever troops you want, have fun on this map.

Starting Units;
1 Commander Squad
1 Commissar
2 Groups of 8 Kirskin
2 Groups of 9 Imperial Gaurdsman
1 Hellhound
2 Sentinels
1 Techpriest Enginseer

Now you can build and research anything you want finally. Once you gain
control send your Karskin squad to the Eldar base

and use your Imperial Gaurd squads to capture the strategic points in your
base. Bring the 2 Sentinels and your Hellhound

along as well. The Hellhound is very good at this point taking out infantry.
Once your Imperial Gaurd is finished capturing,

bring them along to the Eldar base as well.

After a few rounds of Orks, some vehicles will come in. Use your Sentinels to
take them out quickly. Now just keep defending

wave after wave untill the timer in done. Once that is done, retreat to your
base and start a defense. You may want to place

some mines and Heavy Bolter Turrets for some support when the orks come.
Repair any damaged vehicles and reinforce any

squads, then move where your bolter turrets are and wait.

Remember that you have Air Strike on your Command Squad. It will be very
effective to any clump of enemy squads. The first

wave comes front on and shouldn't pose that much trouble. The second wave
comes from the south east from some Stormboyz.

Third wave is from the front and has some vehicle backup. The fourth is from
the front again, there are vehicles again so

use your Sentinels to defeat them.

The next wave comes from the front again and thankfully there are no vehicles.
The next wave you are not so lucky, there

will be 2 tanks to deal with... AND a Squiggoth! Just hold out untill
reinforcements come. Once they do, you get 3 Imperial

Gaurd squads, and a Baneblade! Baneblades can take HUGE amounts of damage.
Order it to take the Squiggoth. With the

Squiggoth focused on the Baneblade, it will be easy to take it down (Easy is a
relative term).

Because of the reinforcements, the enemy will no longer send in waves of
attacks for a little while. Once you finish with

the Squiggoth, the level ends.

A cut-scene will appear explaining that the Necrons are approaching, and the
Eldar are trying to stop them.


1.41 Mission 4 - Final Journey (FJ1)

"The Imperials and the Eldar have struck an uneasy alliance, but it teeters
under their weight of their mutual distrust.

Both have their objectives, and both know their objective will cost them their
alliance. Such is war, however. The Imperials

must escort the Titan's crew convoy safely through the Psychic Shield while
the Eldar hope to accomplish the same with their

Soul Stone of their Webway Assembly.

Unfourtunately, only one this can win the day, and both belive they hold
greater stakes in the matter."


Cadian 412th Command;
Deliver the Titan Crew
Escort Convoy to the Gate
Capture the Control Building
Defend the final approach

Clear the Path
Use the Call convoy Ability
Escort convoy to the Gate
Open the Outer Gates
Open the Median Gates
Open the Inner Gates


Imperial Gaurd Note:
The Land Raider will move by itself on a specific pathway, so if you want to
upgrade your men or reinforce them, use the

Call convoy ability and it will move toward your Commander Squad.

Command Squad Note:
You can get Air Strike on this map. Since your Force Commander will be basicly
your only melee unit, he will get damaged

alot. So before he dies, be sure to use Air Strike.

Starting Troops;
1 Commander Squad
3 Groups of 8 Imperial Gaurdsmen
3 Sentinels (1 is in the Valkryie)
3 Techpriest Enginseer (1 is in the Valkyrie)

Once you start, get the extra Techpriest Enginseer and Sentinel from the
landed Valkyrie. Start toward the chaos outpost to

the north east. Don't send in your Imperial Gaurd just yet, target the closest
bolter turret with your Sentinels so your

Imperial Gaurdsmen are safe. Once destroyed, start targeting the Chaos temple
with your Sentinels and the chaos infantry

with your gaurdsman.

Keep chipping away the chaos soldiers while your Sentinels take out the rest
of the bolter turrets to the south east of

outpost. Once both are destroyed, start capturing the strategic point with one
of your squads. Send your Force Commander to

the Field Command. Right away start uprading it to a Battefield Command and
start research in your Tactica Command.

There will be chaos soldiers nearby, so use the rest of your troops to mop up
the area (Watch out for the Chaos Lord). Build

a few Plasma Generators with your RR. Start upgrading your troops with special
weapons and leaders. Once the listening post

is captured, cap it off quickly. While all of this is happening, the convoy
will most likely be attacked as well.

The convoy will most likely start moving by itself, call it to your Commander
Squad while your upgrading your troops and

buildings. When you get an upgrade or two, head to the south of your base and
destroy the chaos base there. Keep an eye on

possible Ork attacks and the convoy. Be sure to repair it when ever you have a
chance. Just keep pushing forward into the

chaos base. It will take a long while to finish it off.

Once you get a Field Command, I suggest you replace some of your troops with
more durable ones like Kirskins. Be sure you're

maxed out on both infantry cap and vehicle cap. Use your infantry to many take
infantry, and Plasma Guns on them for heavy

infantry. I like to use Sentinels for fire support on both vehicles and

Once again, it will take a long while to keep pushing forward through the
chaos base since about 80% of the bottum left of

the map is a huge chaos base. Once the base is destroyed, let the convoy reach
the gates. Once there, you need to defend

them when wave after wave of enemies that keeps coming. You have to wait for a
NPC squad to capture the strategic point near

the gate for it to open.

Quicly run into the newly opened gate. A huge bunch of orks will most likely
be after you, so this is a great time to use

Airstrike at the gate entrance. Now you have to move forward, while defending
the convoy. Huge amounts of orks will

constantly attack, so keep a close on on your troops. Bring an Imperial Gaurd
squad along with the convoy.

I find it good to set your defense at the second gate. The convoy can take
care of itself if you put on a defense at the

second gate. There will be a Infantry Command and Tactica Control that you can
take control of south east of the gate. There

is also another Infantry Command, Mechanized Command and a Plasma Generator to
the south east of other buildings. There's

also a Relic there.

If you get more than one Mechanized Command, I suggest you start pumping out
as many Leman Russ Tanks, they can hold their

own very well against any of the ork units. When the convoy reaches the gate,
you need to capture the Critical Point. Once

that happens, you have to defend the convoy untill it reachs the objective
marker that is nearby.


1.42 Mission 5 - Final Journey (FJ2)

"The Imperials and the Eldar have struck an uneasy alliance, but it teeters
under their weight of their mutual distrust.

Both have their objectives, and both know their objective will cost them their
alliance. Such is war, however. The Imperials

must escort the Titan's crew convoy safely through the Psychic Shield while
the Eldar hope to accomplish the same with their

Soul Stone of their Webway Assembly.

Unfourtunately, only one this can win the day, and both belive they hold
greater stakes in the matter."


Ulthwe Command;
Deliver the Soul Stone
Scout the Shield Entrance
Destroy the Generators

Relocate to the Plataeu
Relocate to the Strategic Point


Starting Units;
1 Farseer
1 Group of 1 Seer Council
2 Groups of 6 Gaurdians
1 Group of 7 Gaurdians
1 Falcon Grav Tank
1 Bonesinger

Start by reinforcing your squads and build a few more Bonesingers. Start on an
Aspect Portal, Plasma Generators and two Soul

Shrines. Start researching upgrades at your Soul Shrine while you build a
Support Portal. Move your troops to the north east

where the objective marker is at. Target the Basalisk because it will cause
the most trouble for your troops. Once it's

destroyed, attack the Imperial Gaurd and Infantry Command.


1.51 Mission 5 - Titan of the Emperor (TOTE)

"The Titan crew is in place and bringing the great war-machine online. General
Sturnn has led the Imperial Gaurd well, but

he now faces his greatest challange and races against time to ready the Titan.
The Eldar warned him of a great threat called

the Necrons, a cold, heartless species bent on destroying all life in their
path. But with the Titan theirs and the will of

the Imperials unbroken, General Sturnn to face the new menace with head held
high and his arsenal blazing.

The Imperial Gaurd will win the day so long as he breathes."


Defend the Base
Power the Titan
Defeat the Necrons

Secure Generator Sites
Repair Mars Pattern Command


Starting Units;
1 Chaplain
1 Commander Squad
2 Groups of 10 Imperial Gaurdsman (Leader, +2 Plasma Guns, +1 Grenade
1 Group of Karskin (Leader)
1 Sentinel
2 Techpriest Enginseer

Necron Note:
They only come when you have finished the fourth generator. Do not build it
untill you are ready.

At the start, order every squad you have to capture a strategic point. You
have two Space Marine squads on top of your

Imperial Gaurdsmen that can also capture. There's a total of five strategic
points and a relic that needs to be captured.

Start building a third Techpriest Enginseer right away, and que up Regimental
Command as well.

Work on building a Tactica Command and two Thermo Plasma Generators with your
Techpriest Enginseers. Continue capturing the

rest of the strategic points and cap them off when your done with the other
buildings. Start on Satallite Targeting

Resolution and Weapon Specialization. Start on Escalate Engagement Research
and Strengthen Power Grid as soon as you can.

Keep working on capturing, building and fully upgrading Listening Posts on
every strategic point. Groups of both Chaos and

Orks will attack your outposts, so be sure to watch carefully while they are
being upgraded. Be sure to research Basalisk

Deop at your Mechanized Command. Get all three Basalisks built. Start moving
to the Mars Pattern Command with your main

troops. Provide any fire support with your Basalisks.

Work on more Infantry and Mechanized Commands to increase your squad cap.
Start on Full Scale War when your second

Mechanized Command is built. With your spare Techpriest Enginseers, build
Heavy Bolter Turrets near the strategic points and

Slag Deposits. Once you reach the Mars Pattern Command, you will gain control
of the Leman Russ Tanks there and a Mechanized

Command. Send a Techpriest Enginseer to repair it. Once it's fully repaired,
you will gain control of a Baneblade.

Put some of your troops to defend the Mars Pattern Command for now. Continue
building a line of bolter turrets at your base.

Build enough Infantry and Mechanized Command to cap your max squad number.
Upgrade everything you can, such as all the

quarters at Infantry Command and depos at Mechanized Command. Build a third
Thermo Plasma Generator and wait.

Before the big part of the level begins, replace any of your units with
stronger ones you want to. Once you're ready, build

the final three generators. Once you finish the fourth, the Necrons will
appear and attack. They will easily destroy the

other bases. They will destroy you too if you do not finish all six of the
generators. Once they are online, some of the

outer guns will be avalible to use. Hotkey theses guns for quicker targeting.

You have to wait for the Necron Monoliths to become in range of the Titan's
weapons. It will take two direct hits of a

Titan's gun to destroy the Monolith. Once the final Monolith is destroy, you


1.52 Mission 5 - Titan of the Emperor (APR!)

"Fate promises no victory but Farseer Taldeer has weathered the combined storm
of the Imperials, Orks and Chaos to face her

greatest challange and her greatest fear. The Necrons are coming, and if
Taldeer does not stop their current advance here,

on Lorn V, the Necrons will consume billions of lives. While the Farseer's
vaunted warriors quietly prepare for the battle,

she herself is restless; victory will not be easy this day.

The battle will require great sacrifice, and Farseer Taldeer is unsure of the
day's full implication... win or lose."


Banish the Necrons
Summon the Avatar
Use the Soul Stone
Entomb the Titan
Webway Assembly Must Survive

Secure Generator Sites
Repair Mars Pattern Command


Starting Units;
1 Farseer
1 Group of 3 Seer Council
1 Group of 5 Gaurdians
1 Wraithlord
1 Fire Prism
1 Group of 4 Fire Dragons
1 Bonesinger

Capture both the relic to the north and the strategic point to the south west.
Do not try to get any other strategic points

since they are gaurded by Imperial Gaurd. Que up all of the Bonesingers you
can. Start on all of the Aspect Stones at both

Aspect and Support Portals. Start to work on two Soul Shrines, a fourth Plasma
Generator and some more Webway Gates.

Very quickly the first Necron Monolith will appear. Start right away on
Mobilize War Research with one of your Soul and any

research you want with the other one. Continue on Webway Gates to increase
your max squad caps with your Bonesingers. Cap

the relic with a listening post and start Escalate Engagement research and
upgrade it afterwords.

About the time Mobilize War Research is complete, you will be able to use your
Soul Stone. It will kill any enemy in a

single hit. Target the Monolith. Once the Monolith is destroyed, you will have
to do a mop up on the Necron Warriors. Let

the Imperial Gaurd deal with them. Start work on Annahilate The Enemy

When the last of the Necron Warriors have been killed, more Monoliths will
arive. To defeat these, you will have to capture

the Titan's weapons. To do so, you will need to move your Bonesinger near a
Titan weapon and wait untill you capture it. You

can only capture one at a time, and it takes a full minute untill you capture
it. Start on the Titan piece to the east of

your base.

I was able to start working on Fire Prisms and an Avatar. Get four Fire Prisms
and four Wraithlords. Seperate your infantry

from your vehicles. Send your infantry to the east Titan parts while your
vehicles take out the northern Titan parts. Target

the Monaliths as quick as you can with the Titan's weapons. It will take
several hits to destroy one. Start capturing the

first Titan weapon to the north of your base.

Soon you will get a cut-scene where Farseer Taldeer visits General Sturnn.
They start an uneasy alliance with each other.

Now the Imperial Gaurd will not attack you, they will serve as fodder for the
Necrons. Continue capturing the Titan's

weapons. Once you get three of the weapons, you will quickly win the battle.

/ \_________________
| 2.0 Chaos Walkthrough \

2.1 Mission 1 - Gather the Clans (GTC)

"While the Orks on Lorn V number many, they lack the unity to defeat the
occupying force of Chaos Space Marines. These fell

warriors squeeze Lorn V in their bloody grip, and the scattered Orks are
losing ground, one clan at a time.

But now, an Ork Warboss named Gorgutz is beating Chaos at every turn uniting
more Orks under his banner. Gorgutz is now

ready to take on and take over one of the biggest Ork Clans on the planet,
drawing all the Orks together in a mighty WAAAGH!

and crush all in his path."


Gather the Clans
Destroy the Headcrushaz Banner
Destroy the Rokkit Rangaz Banner
Destroy the Kwik Mekz Banner
Destroy the Burna Boyz Banner
Destroy the Squiggoth Base Gate's Power Generators
Free the Squiggoth Trainer
Capture the Squiggoths

Destroy the Chaos Forces
Destroy the Chaos Machine Pit
Destroy the Chaos Headquarters

Capture the Critical Location
Capture All Strategic Points


Starting Units;
1 Warboss
1 Group of 6 Slugga Boy

Start by going east which is where the first Ork base is. Inside the base is
the Headcrushaz, to gain control of all of

their units, destroy the banner. Do not attack anything else besides the
banner, because if you damage or kill anything, you

gain control of the damaged/killed unit.

You gain a resource boost from capturing their base as well as all their
units. Start by reinforcing any damaged units and

capturing the strategic point. Now build several WAAAGH! Towers to increase
your Ork Resource. Once your Ork squads are

fully reinforced, head to the south east towards the Rokkit Rangaz base. Once
again purely focus on their banner to gain

full control of their base.

Again start capturing the strategic point and reinforce any damaged units.
Since you have a Pile O' Gunz!, add a Nob Leader

to all of your Slugga Boy squads. Once ready, start moving to the Critical
Location. There may be a group of Slugga Boys

there, but they won't pose any threat. Capture the Critical Location when it's

You can choose either to take the Burna Boyz out, or the Kwik Mekz out first.
The Burna Boys are to the north west, where

the Kwik Mekz are to the south east. I said it before, and I will say it
again, take only the banner out. This time since

you have Tank Bustaz, it's alot easier. I like to take the Burna Boyz first.

The Burna Boyz have some Slugga squads that have Burnas. I personally like to
kill them and build some Shoota Boyz. You

should have one squad from defeating them. Fully reinforce them, add a Nob
Leader and Big Shootas. Head back to the Critical

Location with your troops.

After you capture all four of the outer Ork clans, you will now take on the
final Ork clan. Before you can reach it however,

you need to destroy some of the Bigga Generators to open the gate into their
base. Build some more Wartraks in the Kwik Mekz

Banner. Begin research with More Dakka Research too.

Move all of your troops besides your Wartraks to the gate. You are able to
attack the Bigga Generators by taking a pathway a

bit south east of the gate. Once you destroy six of them the other three will
be automaticly destroyed. Start charging into

their base. This time there is no banner, so it's time to show the power of
your WAAAGH!.

There are some Killa Kans in there, take them out with your Wartrak and Tank
Bustaz. Destroy the nearby Prison Gate where a

Mad Dok is trapped. Once he is free, you need to head further inside their
base towards the Squiggoths. To capture them,

simply destroy their base and move your Mad Dok near them to get them.

Your final objective is to destroy the nearby Chaos base. Put your Squiggoths
in the front and follow with the rest of your

troops. It is very easy with such a large army and two Squiggoths. There is no
trouble, this part is simply a mop up.


2.2 Level 2 - Hunter! (HNT!)

"Gorgutz now leads the largest of the Ork Clans and dreams of embroiling all
of Lorn V's Orks in a mighty WAAAGH! under his

banner. With the hope of gathering even more boyz, Gorgutz's Mek have cobbled
together a Rokkit Shuttle allowing him to

travel to the far reaches with ease. That is, of course, if the Rokkit remains
in the air...

Meanwhile, Chaos Lord Crull, leader of the Chaos Space Marines of Lorn V
revels in the possability of bloodshed and

salavates for an oppertunity to face this new Warboss Gorgutz. He is about to
get his chance."


Blood Legion of Khorne;
Crush the WAAAGH!
Destroy the Power Source

Protect the Temple
Summon Khorne Beserkers
Destroy the Warboss's Power Base
Find the Ork Stronghold


Clan Gorgutz;
Crush the Humies!
Destroy the Barracks
Rally the Boyz
Destroy the Humie Base


Starting Units;
1 Chaos Lord
1 Group of 8 Chaos Space Marines
1 Possible Space Marine Squad
1 Group of 10 Cultists
1 Defiler

At the start you need to push forward with your troops towards the Gorgutz.
Start building some Heratics, upgrade all of the

Listening Posts you own and upgrade at the armory as well. Build two more
Plasma Generator. Also start on upgrading your

Desecrated Stronghold to a Desecrated Fortress. Send your Cultist squad to the
Slag Deposit.

After a while, Gorgutz will retreat away to another part of the map. Build a
Sacrificial Circle and train a Sorcerer once

the Desecrated Fortress is complete. Start training some Horror Squads. Get to
work on researching Strengthen Power Grid and

Escalate Engagament. Order your Defiler to the south east part of the map.

The first time they attack one of the temples, it will be the north one. There
will only be a few squads of Slugga Boys. Go

near the temple and use the Summon Beserkers ability. Once you've got them,
move all of your available units to the north

west of the map, Gorgutz will appear from there.

Your Defiler should have reached an Ork base at the eastern part of the map.
Teleport all of your Horror Squads to the Ork

base and raze it with both Horror Squads and Defilers. Send a Heratic or two
to your Defiler to repair it. Once you defeat

the Ork base, you will finish two objectives.

Continue to the Slag Deposit. There are quite a few squads there, so be sure
to have your Defiler in front for a meat

shield. Only focus on the Ork squads, don't attack the Bigga Generator. If you
deal damage to the Bigga Generator, two

Wartrak will appear but they will pose no threat with your troops.

When the Bigga Generator is destroyed, the Ork Warboss Gorgutz will appear in
the middle of the map. Attack him with all of

your troops. Many Ork squads will appear and will start attacking your
buildings. Gorgutz will keep moving around so keep an

eye on him. Using Chains of Tourment on him is a good idea since he won't be
able to escape. A cut scene will appear.

Now you switch to the Orks


Starting Units;
1 Warboss
2 Groups of 3 Shoota Boyz

When you start, go a bit north to gain control of a Wartrak. It will be able
remove all moral from the nearby Imperial Gaurd

squad. Start destroying the Infantry Command once the Imperial Gaurdsmen are
dead. Once the Infantry Command is destroyed,

some Valkeryies drop some more Imperial Gaurdsmen.

Go south east where a Valkyrie is landed. There will be some gaurdsmen there
as well. And a bit south there is a squad of

Kirskin and a Chimera which posses the most threat. Order your Warboss to
melee attack them. There will be two more Chimeras

to the south east, and both have a Kirskin squad inside of them.

When you reach the Sewer Pipe nearby, you will get another Ork squad. Be very
carefull, if you just send your Warboss out

the Kirskin squads will mainly focus on your new squad. A little north east of
the two Chimeras there is a Da Boyz Hut that

you can gain control of.

Once you have built enough troops, move out to the north east. There is
another Infantry Command there. Focus only on the

Infantry Command other wise reinforcements for the Imperial Gaurd will not
stop. Once the Infantry COmmand is destroyed,

start moving towards the objective marker. You can reach it by moving down the
nearby ramp.

Be sure to watch your flank, Chaos forces can come up the other ramp to reach
you. On the way to the Imperial Gaurd's

outpost, you will gain control of a Leman Russ Tank. Use it to target the
Basalisks there. This part is very hard since all

of the Basalisks and bolter turrets hurt alot.

Once all of the buildings Imperial Gaurdsmen buildings in the area are
destroyed, you win.


2.3 Mission 3 - Final Journey (FJ1)

"With the surprissing arival of the Imperial Gaurd, and the discovery of a
fallen Titan, Chaos Lord Crull has begun his

obsession to possess this powerful war-machine. Dispite his innate distrust of
Sorcerers and their vile magics, he will use

them to gather enough sacrificial blood to corrupt the Titan for his own

Meanwhile, Warboss Gorgutz WAAAGH! grows in scale with every battle, as does
the Ork's lust for heads to add to his

collection. He earns the moniker, Warboss Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter, and for his
first prize, he is eyeing the Imperial General,



Clan Gorgutz;
Kill General Sturnn


Blood Legion of Khorne;
Sercure Blood Pit
Capture Strategic Points
Build a Turret
Build a Machine Pit
Explore the Imperial Base
Fill the Blood Pit
Capture Gaurdsman
Sacrifice Gaurdsman
Destroy the Avatar
Possess Your Sorcerer
Kill the Avatar


Starting Units;
1 Warboss
1 Group of 1 Mega Armored Nobz Squad
3 Groups of 5 Slugga Boyz
3 Groups of 5 Nob Squad
2 Groups of 5 Shoota Boyz
4 Killakans
3 Wartrak

Start by grouping all of your units. I like to put all the infantry in a
group, a Killakan group and a Watrak group. Start

by charging first with your Killa Kans and your Warboss. They can be used as
meat shields for this part of the map. Make

your infantry target theirs. Killakans work good against anything, but
Hellhounds are key targets for them. Focus your

Wartraks on their Sentinels.

I like to focus solely on one cornor at the start. I normally choose the north
east one. Keep working on the boarders to

reach their command where General Sturnn. Focus all of your firepower on
Sturnn. He's easy to kill with your Killakans along

with the rest of your troops.

Of course you can simply rush them with all of your troops head on. Two key
things are to reinforce when you get the Ork

resource. And the other is to target their troops smartly. Use your Killakans
for Hellhounds and Wartraks for Sentinels ect.

Note: If you just charged for the base, the remaining Imperial Gaurd buildings
will remain after you kill Sturnn.

Now you switch to the Chaos Space Marines


Starting Units;
2 Groups of 9 Chaos Space Marine
1 Group of 5 Cultist Squad
3 Chaos Predator
2 Heratics
1 Chaos Lord
1 Chaos Sorcerer

With your starting units, you will be able to capture three of the four nearby
strategic points. Cap all four of them with

Listening Posts to complete the first objective. Build some Plasma Generators,
a Machine Pit and an Armory. Upgrade your

squad max for infantry and vehicles at your Desecrated Stronghold.

If you started capturing the south west strategic point right away, a little
after you're done a group of Orks will attack.

Another thing to upgrade is the Command Veteran Upgrade and Symbol of Chaos at
your Sacrifical Pit. Because you have a

Desecrated Stronghold already, you can research Strengthen Power Grid and
Escalate Engagament.

Upgrade your Listening Posts to Heavily Fortified Positions when you can.
Chaos Lord Crull will comment about the Cultist's

ability to use Infiltration for scouting. Soon the Eldar will attack your
base. They are mainly Gaurdians with a squad of

Fire Dragons with them. Take out the Fire Dragons first since they will cause
the most damage for your base.

One of your objectives is to build a turret. The north is where I was attacked
the most by the Eldar, so you may want to

build it there. You may want to do a mop up of the Imperial Gaurds base to the
north west. Move your chaos infantry to

capture the strategic point to the south east of your base. Cap the strategic
point off and defend it while it's being


Note: You can skip this part if you want.

I think you should start building a squad or two of Possesed Space Marines.
Once your army is ready, head to the strategic

points on the left side of the map where an Imperial Gaurd oupost is at. There
are both Ogryns and Imperial Gaurdsmen there.

Your Possessed Space Marines can take care of the Ogryns while your normal
Space Marines can take care of the Imperial


As long as you have one group of Possessed Space Marines, it should be easy to
take them out. Capture both strategic points

there and cap them off. Head south east to the strategic point, it should be
unguarded. Continue to the south east where an

Ork base is at. It may have just been me, but nearly all of the buildings were
not built.

Capture the strategic point at the ork base. Only move your Predators to the
south east. There will be Imperial Gaurd

vehicles like Basalisk and Leman Russ Tanks along with Imperial Gaurdsmen.
Make your Predators only focus on Leman Russ

Tanks and Basalisks while your chaos troops attack their Imperial Gaurdsmen.

Note: Start here if you wanted to skip the area.

Seperate your Chaos Lord Crull and your Sorcerer. Bring both of them to the
objective marker where the Imperial Gaurdsman

base is at. Use the Sorcerer's new ability "Capture Gaurdsman". Once you use
it on a Gaurdsman squad, it will follow you.

Move your Sorcerer to the Blood Pit. If any enemy Gaurdsmen follow, use Lord
Crull or one of your squads to defeat them.

Now keep rounding up the Imperial Gaurdsmans squads and brining them to the
Blood Pit.

Once the Blood Pit is filled, the Eldar will start an all out attack. They
also have brought an Avatar along with them.

Enemies will continuisly spawn near the Avatar and attack your base. Order
your Sorcerer into the Blood Pit. It will take a

while for him to get possessed. Get all of your troops to the south west
strategic point, this is where they come from. Most

of them are Gaurdians with a few other squad types.

After a few minutes, your Sorcerer will become a Blood Thirster. To kill the
Avatar, move your Bloodthirster to the Avatar

and hit the "Kill Avatar" ability. If your close enough, you will kill it.


2.41 Mission 4 - Keep your Enemies Closer (KYEC1)

"The Imperial Gaurd, desperate to repair the Titan, surrounds it with a
powerfull psycic shield to forstall it's capture.

Lord Crull grows more impatient and desperate to possess the Titan. He commits
his forces to capturing the war-machine while

Gorgutz enters the fray in search of battle, blood and more heads to add to
his collect.

With the unexpected involvment of the Eldar, however, it swiftly becomes
obvious that the Titan is a prized promised for

only one winner, while the losers can expect an early grave."


Blood Legion of Khorne;
Breache the Psycic Shield
Destroy the Convoy
Capture the Control Building


Starting Units;
1 Chaos Lord
2 Horror Squads
1 Chaos Space Marines
1 Possessed Squad

Start by building some Heratics since you start with none. Also start
capturing the nearby strategic point and cap it as

soon as you can. Build an Armory and some more Plasma Generators. Start
upgrading your Desecrated Stronghold to a Desecrated


Head to the north east, there will be a Kirskin squad and a bolter turret.
Once destroyed, move your Horror Squads to the

north east, there will be a Hellhound there gaurding a bolter turret. Use Lord
Crull as a meat shield. Go a bit south east

and attack the Listening Post, it will be gaurded by an Ogryn squad. Your
Possessed squad should be able to take care of


While doing that, start on a Sacrifical Circle and a Machine Pit. Upgrade at
your Sacrifical Circle and start upgrading your

Desecrated Fortress to a Desecrated Monastary. Start capturing the strategic
point where the Ogryn squads where at. Around

now the convoy will be near there, so be careful.

I like to build a Defiler and continue towards the Imperial Gaurds base to the
north west. Use your Horror Squads to target

their Sentinels, your infantry for their Imperial Gaurd. Use your Defiler as
bombardment at the start, but once the

Sentinels are destroyed, use them to melee the buildings.

Capture all three strategic points in the Imperial Gaurd area. Then move to
the other strategic point near the first one you

captured. Then continue to the strategic point to the north east of the
Imperial Gaurd's base. Now is the biggest part of

the level, getting to the end of the road. Continue moving forward with your

I like to use Possessed squads, Chaos Space Marines squads, Horror squads,
Defilers and Predators. I don't really know what

else to say than continue towards the objective marker. Get there before the
convoy. Your Predators can take down it by

itself, but having some Horror Squads or Defilers help too.

Once you clear the area around the Critical Location, there will be both
Imperial Gaurd and Eldar forces all ready and

waiting for a big battle. Retreat and repair your units, reinforce and build
replacements. Once you're ready, get ready to

attack the Psycic Gate.


2.42 Mission 4 - Keep your Enemies Closer (KYEC2)

"The Imperial Gaurd, desperate to repair the Titan, surrounds it with a
powerfull psycic shield to forstall it's capture.

Lord Crull grows more impatient and desperate to possess the Titan. He commits
his forces to capturing the war-machine while

Gorgutz enters the fray in search of battle, blood and more heads to add to
his collect.

With the unexpected involvment of the Eldar, however, it swiftly becomes
obvious that the Titan is a prized promised for

only one winner, while the losers can expect an early grave."


Gorgutz Clan;
Breache the Psycic Shield
Destroy the Convoy
Capture the Control Building


Starting Units;
1 Warboss
2 Groups of 8 Shoota Boyz
2 Groups of 8 Nob Squads
2 Wartrak

Heratic Note:
Use Forced Labor to quickly build everything so you can spend more time on
playing the Orks.

Start by building five Heratics, then switch to the Orks. Build four Gretchin
Squads and start researching More Choppy

Research, 'Eavy Boy Armor Research and Blastier research. Switch back to Chaos

Order all of your Heratics to build an Armory. Suicide all of your infantry to
reduce your infantry used count. Start

upgrading your Desecrated Stronghold to a Desecrated Fortress when your Armor
is complete. Also add Squad Cap Research to

your que. Switch back to Orks.

Reinforce all of your Gretchin Squads and start capturing both of the nearby
strategic points with your squads. Once you've

reinforced enough on your Gretchin squads, upgrade your Settlement to an Orky
Fortress. Order three of your Gretchin Squads

to each build a WAAGH! Tower. Order the other Gretchin squad to start on a
Plasma Generator. Finally start work on a Slugga

Boy squad.

Start building two more Watraks at your Da Mek Shop. Start on Strengthen Power
Grid research on your prebuilt generator.

Order your Gretchins to build another Generator and Listening Posts on both of
your strategic points. Research Kustim

Gadgitz and start training on a Big Mek.

Switch to Chaos and start building three Sacrifical Circles. Order them all to
start working on Horror Squads. Switch back

to the Orks. Star training a Slugga Boyz Squad who will be the one to capture
the strategic points. Move your army to the

north east and take the strategic point from the Eldar.

The goal is to take it out before it has the chance to move to the third base
location. Move your troops to the south east

where the first Eldar base is located at. Take that base out too and use your
Slugga Boyz to capture the strategic point

there. It's time to push towards the second Eldar base where the nearby Slag
Deposit is.

There will be some Warp Spiders there along with a Wraithlord. Use your
Commander Units and your Watrak to attack the

Wraithlord while the rest of your units take out the Warp Spiders. Continue on
the pathway to reach the Eldar base. There

will be a fork in the road, one going north west while the other goes south
east. Take the southern pathway.

There will be a Fire Prism between you and the Eldar base. He will be easy to
take out with your Big Mek's Tank Zzzaaapppa.

Without a Fire Prism, there will only be regular troops there. Keep slowing
moving forward with your troops and take out the

Webway Assembly before it can make a jump.

Mop up the entire area and capture every strategic point nearby. Build
Listening Posts on them and build a Bigga Generator

on the Slag Deposit. Be sure to start capturing the Relic nearby too. If you
haven't already, start on Extra Vehicle Armor.

The Eldar will come to attack you from near the Relic, so build a few WAAAGH!
Towers there.

Once your defenses are all built up, start working on any Ork squads or
vehicles you want. Once you're ready, head out

towards the entrance of the Psycic Gate. The Farseer Taldeer will be there,
along with a army of both Eldar and Imperial

Gaurd. The Eldar has Fire Dragons, Howling Banshees and Dark Reapers and an
Avatar! The Imperial Gaurd have Karskin and

Imperial Gaurdsmen squads. Also some Ultramarines will drop in to try kill

Once you kill all the enemies in the area, you will win the level.


2.51 Mission 5 - Titan of Khorne (TOK)

"His victory seemingly assured, Lord Crull breaches the Imperial Psycic Shield
and prepares to take the Titan itself.

Unfortunately, his Sorcerers lost much sacrifical blood when they raised the
dreaded Bloodthirster to defeat the Eldar's

god-incarnate... the Avatar.

Now, the Chaos Lord's forces must procure more blood for the final ritual that
will bring the Titan under their dominion.

And while Lord Crull dreams of his tyrannical march across the galaxy, a new
event is about to unfold, one that threatens to

unravel everything Crull has achieved."


Blood Legion of Khorne;
Claim the Titan for Khorne
Sacrifice the Gaurdsmen
Capture the Titan Pieces
Destroy the Monoliths
Chaos HQ Must Survive


Starting Units;
1 Chaos Lord
1 Psyker
2 Groups of 6 Chaos Space Marines (Leader)
1 Group of 4 Khorne Beserkers
1 Group of 5 Horror Squads
1 Heratic

I really don't have much to say on this level. I found it very easy. Just go
to the objective markers on the map and use the

Capture Gaurdsman ability your Psyker has. Once under your control, bring them
to the Blood Pit. The Necrons will appear

after a while. Once the Blood Pit is filled, use the Possess Titan Piece
ability your Sorcerer has.


2.52 Mission 5 - Tropies (TRPI)

"The Ork avalance continues with a magnificent roar. Warboss Gorgutz's mound
of heads grow larger with each battle, and each

victory the number of of worthy skulks worth of obtaining grows smaller.

The last head for the Warboss to clain rests on Chaos Lord Crull's neck. To
rule the day and collect the pearl of Lorn V,

Gorgutz will lure Crull into a battle that he cannot win... At least if the
Warboss has anything to say in the matter."


Blood Legion of Khorne;
Damage Guns of the Titan Dominatus
Reach Crull and Challange Him to a Duel
Defeat the Necrons
Finish the Duel with Crull

Attack the Imperial Gaurd Outposts
Destroy Titan Guns to Spite Crull


Starting Units;
1 Chaos Lord
1 Psyker
2 Groups of 6 Chaos Space Marines (Leader)
1 Group of 4 Khorne Beserkers
1 Group of 5 Horror Squads
1 Heratic

Start by capturing both strategic points in the base as well as the relic.
Reinforce both of your Gretchin squads and start

to work on multiple Generators and Listening Posts when the strategic points
are captured. The best place to build your

WAAAGH! Towers is next to your strategic points. Imperial Gaurdsmen squads
will periodicly attack you so the WAAAGH! Towers

can prove cover.

Start on one or two Shoota Boyz squads and a Pile O' Gunz. Move all of your
troops to the north east of your base to an

Imperial outpost. Use both your Warboss and your Wartrak to target the
Infantry Command to prevent reinforcements. Be sure

to capture the strategic point. Continue doing research at your Pile O' Gunz
and upgrade your Settlement to an Orky Fort.

I like to get three groups of Nob Squads and three groups of Shoota Boyz
squads. For vehicles, I go for Watraks to destroy

the enemies morale. Continue building your army and upgrades while you start
to the other outpost. Take the second outpost

the same way as the first one.

When you finish building and upgrading your army, head north towards the first
Titan gun. The first gun will have an

Infantry Command, Imperial Gaurdsmen, an Ogryn squad and 2 Leman Russ Tanks.
Use your Big Mek to disable one of them while a

group or two of Nob Squads with Power Claw destroy them. Target the Infantry
command with your Wartraks. Use your Warboss,

Shoota Boyz and Watraks to take out the infantry.

After you deal so much damage to the one of the Titan's guns, Lord Crull will
appear and you will get an objective to

challange him to a duel, head out to it. When you reach it, the Necrons will
appear. They will be easily destroyed with your

Nob Squads if they have Power Claws equipped. Use the rest of your troops to
take out the Necron Warriors.

Once you destroy the first Monolith, a second one will appear to the near the
right side of the map. This second one will be

easier to destroy since there are no Chaos forces nearby. Soon a third one
will appear to the west of your base. You can use

the Killakans and Looted Tanks that arrived to severly damage the third
Monolith while your troops are dealing with the

second one.

Once you can, move the bulk of your army to the final Monolith and destroy it.
There's one final thing to do, get Chaos Lord

Crull's skull for Gorgutz's pointy stick. To reach him you need to get through
the Chaos base and a Bloodthirster. Use your

Wartraks to take out buildings and units. Your Nob Squad once again will be
powerful melee unit as well as vehicle control.

The entry way to to the Chaos base is the hardest part. There will be
Obliterator squad and several Predators as well as the

normal chaos troops. Between the Chaos base and Chaos Lord Crull is a
Bloodthirster with 21k health to deal with. Just hit

him with everything you've got. You simpley have to reach the objective marker
to win the mission.

/ \_________________
| 2.Order Imperial Gaurd \

2.1 Imperial Guard Units

Name: The Name of the Unit
Cost: RQ Cost/Power Cost/Population Cost
Melee Damage: Damage-Damage per Second
Ranged Damage: Damage-Damage per Second
Requirements: Requires X
Upgrades: Possible upgrades

In-game helpfull text

Manual Info

Name: Techpriest Enginseer
Cost: 75/0/0
Melee Damage: 09-11
Ranged Damage: 45-55
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None

Builder Unit.
Legendary Builders from the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Can repair units more quickly and effectiently than other races.
Their exoskeletons allow them to take more punishment than other builder

Imperial Gaurd strategy dedicates their forces to a fight with the expectation
of a long stay. With a focus on defensive

structures and tanks, this requirement expands the purpose of the builders
beyond what a basic Servitor can provide.

Techpriest Enginseers are used primarily for construction, but can also make
quick repairs in the heat of battle. The

Enginseer's exoskeleton allows them to take far more punishment than the
average builder.

Name: Commander Squad
Cost: 120/15/2
Melee Damage: 55-75
Ranged Damage: 55-88
Requirements: None
Upgrades: Uncommon Valor

Led by the Imperial General.
The Imperial General can add other leaders to the squad (such as a Commissar
or Priest).
This squad can counter the heros of the other races.

As the General of this Imperial Gaurd army, he's tough as nails and his
leadership seperates the men from the boys. But when

backed up with other leader units, they form an impregnable Command Squad.
Customize the strengths provided by your Command

Squad. For a group that's incredibly effective at Psychic powers include some
Psykers. Or for a Fanatical powerhouse, add a

few Priests. Choose the leader unit with the ability to supplement and
complement your strategy.

Name: Commissar
Cost: 80/40/0
Melee Damage: 58-78
Ranged Damage: 25-45
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None

Infantry Commander.
Fearless leader that are the backbone of the Imperial Gaurd.
Any squad they are attached to is immune to morale damage.
Can execute cowards to make other Infantry fight better.

Commissars are tasked with ensuring that the job gets done, regardless of the
cost. They inspire fear and loyalty in any

squad they are attached to, since they imbue an exceptionally strong morale by
their presence alone.

Name: Psyker
Cost: 100/50/0
Melee Damage: 45-55
Ranged Damage: 21-28
Requirements: Telepathica Temple
Upgrades: None

Support Unit.
Can use their abilities to turn the tides of battle.
Lightning Arc ability can decimate entire infantry squads.
Strip soul can do high damage to single humaniod units.

Psykers are capable of utilizing terrible psychic powers, including hurling
chained lightning and destroying the minds of

individual targets to destroy the enemy. Unfortunately Psykers are weaker than
most and often suffer drastic consequences

when using their powers. Gaurdsmen are well advised to avoid Psykers since
they have a tendency to explode.

Name: Priest
Cost: 50/15/0
Melee Damage: 186-228
Ranged Damage: 00-00
Requirements: Ministorum Temple
Upgrades: None

Infantry Commander.
Inspire squads to fight courageously.
Add hitpoints and morale to any squad they are attached to.
Increase the damage output of any squad they are attached to.
Fanaticism ability can make their entire squads temporaily invincable.

Fanatical religious devotees, Priests administer rituals to the rank and file
Gaurdsmen, ensuring their spirits are up to

the task of war. They inspire a reckless disregard for safety in any squad
they're attached to and greatly increase morale.

They can also temporarily whip a squad of Gaurdsmen into berserker fury that
allows them to shrug off any wounds.

Name: Assassin
Cost: 100/50/0
Melee Damage: 108-134
Ranged Damage: 100-128
Requirements: Vindicare Temple
Upgrades: None

Infiltration Unit.
Equipped with a long ranged sniper rifle.
Can kill most infantry units in one shot.
Assassination scope allows the assassin to temporarity increase their range
and sight.
Effective against infantry and hero units.

Solitary warriors who are often distrusted by the ordinary men and even
seasoned Commanders, these bio-enhanced killers are

the ultimate tool in wet work and secrecy, highly skilled in any number of
weapons and honed at working alone deep within

enemy lines. So capable are they at Infiltration work, even the most aware
commanders cannot pick them out until it is too

late. They are greatly feared by enemies because of their ability to kill them
with a single head shot from incredible


Name: Gaurdsmen
Cost: 160/0/2/
Melee Damage: 10-12
Ranged Damage: 16-19
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None

Primary unit of the Imperial Gaurd.
Weak in small numbers or without leaders.
Powerful when massed in large numbers.
Attach Commissars or Priests to greatly increase their power
Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry

As the basic troop choice these units are the workhorse of the Imperial Gaurd.
As they are able to be equipped with a large

number of assault weapons, the Gaurd make up for their lack of accuracy with
sheer firepower, and a will (no matter how

imposed) to always take one step forward.

Name: Kasrkin
Cost: 200/100/3
Melee Damage: 18-22
Ranged Damage: 65-75
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None

Elite commando units.
Deal high damage and have a long range.
Can move more quickly than other infantry.
Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.

Highly trained Elite Gaurdsmen, these troops have seen a great deal of combat
and understand how best to deal with enemy

Heavy Infantry squads. They're often used to strike swift and decisive
assaults on an enemy's flank to break their charge or

weaken their resources.

Name: Ogryn
Cost: 180/60/3
Melee Damage: 75-95
Ranged Damage: 65-85
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None

Heavy Infantry.
Powerful melee attack.
Strong ranged attack but highly inaccurate.
Can take heavy punishment.
Effective against Infantry and Heavy Infantry.
Large size requires them to use two slots in transports and vehicle garrisons.

Giant mutant like creatures, Ogryns make up for their obvious lack of
intellect with sheer strength and brutality. Because

of their inability to deal well with complex weapons, Ogryns carry Ripper guns
which are simple yet effective both at ranged

and in melee. A full squad of Ogryns can be just as devestating as a
Dreadnought in close combat!

Name: Chimera
Cost: 100/70/1
Melee Damage: 00-00
Ranged Damage: 108-128
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None

Assault Vehicle.
Transport vehicle that can hold up to 3 squads of infantry.
Firing ports allow Infantry to fire out while garrisoned inside.
Effective against Infantry.

Fast and well armored, the Chimera is equipped with enough basic weaponry to
provide for an effective defense for squads

while it is transporting them to the front lines.

Name: Sentinel
Cost: 150/150/2
Melee Damage:
Ranged Damage:
Requirements: None
Upgrades: None


Fast and fairly agile, these walkers can be used to raid enemy resources as
well as provide for valuable scouting

information. Sentinels also have the ability to uncapture enemy strategic
points, but lack the ability to recapture them.

Name: Basilisk
Cost: 150/300/2
Melee Damage: 00-00
Ranged Damage: 87-187
Requirements: Basilisk Depo
Upgrades: None

Heavy Artillery.
Artillery unit with incredibly long range.
Does heavy damage in an area of effect.
Effective against Infantry and buildings.

The Basilisk, with its Earthshaker cannon, is able to launch projectiles
increadable distances, devastating enemy infantry

and emplacements with its barrages. The Basilisk is one of the most powerful
artillery weapons in the game. The drawback to

the increadible range and power is their slow movement and long setup times.
The Basilisk also has the ability to fire the

devastating Earthshacker Round which lays waste to entire squads. This ability
comes at a price, costing requisition and

power resources to fire.

Name: Hellhound
Cost: 150/150/2
Melee Damage: 00-00
Ranged Damage: 60-80
Requirements: Hellhound Depo
Upgrades: None

Assault Vehicle.
Flame thrower unit that can take heavy punishment.
Excels in taking down buildings.
Effective against Infantry.

Outfitted with a turret mounted Inferno Cannon which can spout forth huge
streams of fire, this Chimera variant instill fear

into the hearts of even the most stalwart foes. Pyromaniac gunnery crews are
often found modifying the fuel output of their

Cannons to give them even more fire power. Such practices are greatly frowned
upon, as such modifications make these rolling

gastanks even more prone to disastrous internal explosion.

Name: Leman Russ
Cost: 150/300/3
Melee Damage: 00-00
Ranged Damage: 132-172
Requirements: Full Scale War, Leman Russ Depo
Upgrades: None

Medium Vehicle.
Assault tank that can take heavy punishment.
Effective against Vehicles and Infantry.

The Leman Russ Battletank is the most commonly found tank in the Imperial
Gaurd regiments. Its simple construction and

battle-tried design have allowed the Leman Russ to stand the test of time
better than most armoured vehicles. Armed with a

battle cannon and twin-linked heavy bolters on its side sponsons, the Leman
Russ' weaponry and heavy hull armor make it the

perfect heavy support vehicle for the front lines.

Name: Baneblade
Cost: 400\400\3
Melee Damage: 00-00
Ranged Damage: 83-117
Requirements: Full Scale War, Captured Relic.
Upgrades: None

Heavy Vehicle.
The ultimate assault vehicle.
Equipped with unmatchable firepower.
Can take enormous amounts of punishment.
Effective against all units.

The Baneblade is the ultimate Imperial Gaurd weapon. As one of the oldest
Imperial Tanks still in use, it is battle-tested

and a proven element of war. With its nearly impenetrable hull and equipped
with no less than 11 heavy weapons, these tanks

are so powerful that they have the ability to defeat entire armies.

/ \_________________
| 5.0 Verions \

1.00 Just put on GameFAQs

/ \_________________
| 6.0 Credits and Thanks \

Relic for making this game
CJayC for making GameFAQs
Me for making this
The Warhammer 40k Universe

/ \_________________
| 7.0 Frequently Asked Questions \

None yet.
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