WRC: World Rally Championship

WRC: World Rally Championship

03.10.2013 02:18:31
Game Guide

Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather

Initial Version Completed: April 19, 2002
FINAL VERSION Completed: June 11, 2002


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Spacing and Length
Assumptions and Conventions
Car Set-Up Options
Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo
The International Swedish Rally
TAP Rallye de Portugal
Rallye Catalunya Costa Brava - Rallye de Espana
Rally Argentina
Cyprus Rally
Acropolis Rally
Safari Rally Kenya
Neste Rally Finland
Propecia Rally New Zealand
Rally San Remo - Rally d'Italia
Rallye de France - Tour de Corse
Telstra Rally Australia
The Network Q Rally of Great Britain
Bonus Stages
Online Resources
Wish List
Contact Information


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When I was living in Belgium in 1990-1991, I saw rally racing
for the first time on Eurosport, and at that time, I just
could not understand the appeal. It was not until Gran
Turismo 2 - and more recently Gran Turismo 3 - that I really
began to have an appreciation for rally racing. I have also
begun watching Speed Channel's coverage of the World Rally
Championship whenever I can, both for the action itself and
to listen to the various languages. Except for the lack of
multiple languages (in the North American version of the
game), World Rally Championship brings the excitement of the
real-world World Rally Championship home... without the
bruises when the driver rolls the car!!!

Those who have read my other driving guides (specifically
those for EA Sports' F1-based games) will likely be
disappointed that I have NOT provided detailed driving
instructions in this guide. To be honest, that would be
utterly pointless, as they would do the player no good
without someone else present to read the instructions while
driving - and that is the role of the navigator in the game
(see the section Navigatorspeak for details). What I have
provided instead is a brief overview of each stage of each
rally, which should be information enough to formulate a
driving and set-up strategy.

Also, I have specifically NOT included car set-up information
in this guide. The set-up options in World Rally
Championship are unfortunately not very complex, this
affording this game a somewhat 'arcady' feel. Further,
beyond the default set-up options presented by the CPU just
before each stage, the only parts which might really have an
effect on a player's driving style are Brakes and Steering.
Some players prefer strong braking at all times in all
driving conditions. Similarly, some players prefer fast
response from the steering wheel (or controller) at all


Some names of rallies and their stages generally use
characters with accents, which produce 'garbled' characters
in a standard English-based text-only file. Therefore,
characters which should have accents will instead be used
without the accents, to avoid having any 'bizarre' characters
in this game guide, as it is distributed in text-only fashion
to ensure compatibility with a wide array of Web browsers.


The first thing to do when first playing this game, like in
any other game, is to set the game's options and controls to
your liking. Once this has been done, spend plenty of time
with the initially-available movies (first select "Extras"
from the main menu screen); those movies designated with
asterisks are initially available. This really gives a feel
for actual World Rally Championship competition. See the
Unlockables section near the end of this guide for
information on unlocking the other movies.

Game Intro*: This opening movie provides a great visual
overview of what is involved in actual World Rally
Championship competition. This movie is also used for the
background for the game credits, selectable from the
Extras Menu and automatically presented after winning the
Drivers' Championship.
WRC Intro*: A great voice-over provides general information
on the World Rally Championship, including the
manufacturers represented, the vast variety of racing
conditions, and more.
Monaco*: This is an overview of the initial rally of the
Sweden*: This overview movie has excellent visuals of the
cold-weather competition, including a nice close-up shot
of a studded tire, required to gain adequate grip of the
snow and ice.
Portugal*: Another overview movie, this time focusing on the
popularity of rallying in Portugal, with many shots of the
throngs of spectators lining the circuit.
Spain*: This overview movie focuses more on the spectators
and the locale itself, but still has some good action
shots of the cars on the all-tarmac circuit.
Argentina: This overview movie is almost completely comprised
of action shots which show the difficulty of the varying
terrain and elevation of Rally Argentina.
Cyprus: The driving conditions in this rally are brutal, as
evidenced in this overview movie. There are also a number
of shots of the spectators, including a young woman
tanning topless... lying on her stomach as she smiles at
the camera!!!
Greece: Good action shots, with unfortunately few shots of
the famous landmarks of Athens in this overview movie.
Kenya: This overview movie is excellent in its depiction of
the difficult conditions facing the drivers. The sense of
high heat and low wind really comes to the foreground,
especially in a deep focus shot of a Subaru Imprezza
spewing dust in the mid-ground as plumes of dust rise from
beyond the trees in the background and remain semi-
stagnant in the air.
Finland: In this overview movie, the many 'yumps' are
featured, ending in a great display of their dangerous
glory as the cars fly over them. Some of the scenery in
the initial shots is also incredibly beautiful.
New Zealand: Plenty of action shots are presented in this
overview movie, culminating in several views of a car
spinning out of control and a nice helicopter view of
Italy: This is the best overview movie in terms of mixing
shots of the racing action, the spectators, and the
scenery. However, a few shots are repeated.
France: This overview movie has great action shots, including
cars bouncing over bumps and a car tumbling down a
mountainside. There are also a few shots of a
helicopter used for television coverage.
Australia: This overview movie has great action shots, but
the most intriguing shot is of a pair of spectators
wearing breathing masks due to the dirt kicked up by the
Great Britain: At last, the final rally of the season!!!
This overview movie does an excellent job in portraying
the difficult conditions of this event, while the
voiceover compares it with the brutal extremes of Kenya
and Sweden.


The navigator will give instructions to inform you of the
many twists and bumps in the road ahead. Many times, these
instructions are spot-on, although at times they are given
just as you reach the specific corner or caution mentioned.
Sometimes, however, the instructions are not quite exact, so
take care to not follow the instructions to the letter
without questioning.

If the sign panels at the top-center of the screen are
activated, these will exactly mimic visually what the
navigator is saying. Further, two panels are shown; the
bottom panel represents the current instruction, whereas the
top panel (grayed slightly) indicates the following
instruction. The top panel will slide down to the bottom
when appropriate.

Distance: The navigator will sometimes indicate distance.
This is measured in meters (remember that one meter is
slightly longer than thirty-nine inches). '50' and '100' are
the most common distance calls, although distances as long as
'350' is also used on occasion.

Direction: The navigator will indicate whether the upcoming
turn is to the left or the right.

'1' and '2' Corners: These are the turns with the slightest
angles, and can generally be taken at flat-out acceleration.

'3' Corners: These are moderate corners. Braking may be
required, depending on the surroundings and the car's speed
entering these corners.

'4' and '5' Corners: These turns have the harshest angles,
and almost always require braking. A '5' corner is ninety
degrees or greater in total angle.

'Care:' This catch-all call indicates a dangerous section
ahead. This could include steep embankments, deep ditches, a
narrowing of the road, a minor jump or crest, or other
potential problems.

'Caution:' This catch-all call is stronger than the 'Care'
call. Some slowing may be in order here.

'Crest:' This call indicates a rise in the road ahead which
will obscure the view if using one of the in-car cameras.

'Don't Cut:' Perhaps the most important utterance from the
navigator, this call indicates that shortcutting the apex of
the upcoming corner will produce extreme danger. This can
range from large rocks or boulders at the apex to an
unprotected cliff drop-off. This call takes on added
importance when on a steep uphill or downhill grade during a
turn, especially in hairpin corners.

'Hairpin' Corners: Interestingly, many so-called 'hairpins'
are actually U-shaped, double-apex corners.

'Jump:' This call indicates a rise that will send the car
airborne if taken at full speed.

'Long:' The upcoming corner is long.

'Narrows:' The road ahead will narrow.

'Opens:' The upcoming corner has an increasing radius. Use
caution in accelerating, as accelerating too soon could
result in hitting obstacles or flying off cliffs.

'Straight:' Listed in the game manual but not actually used
in the game, this call indicates to go straight through the
upcoming (slight) turns.

'Tightens:' The upcoming corner has a decreasing radius.
Slowing will almost certainly be required before exiting the

'Very Long:' The upcoming corner is extensive and will seem
to go on forever.


Before each stage (which is a bit unrealistic compared to
actual rally racing), you will be given a chance to change
the car's set-up in preparation for the upcoming stage. When
first entering the Service Area before a stage, the CPU will
show its suggestions for the conditions expected.

Gear Ratio
Long: Excellent for high top-end speed, but produces slow
Medium: average top-end speed and acceleration
Short: Excellent acceleration, but very low top-end speed
Brake Strength
Progressive: Slow, soft braking
Normal: Average braking
Strong: Fast, hard braking
Slow: Slow response in steering
Medium: Average response in steering
Fast: Extremely fast response to steering
Dry: Provides maximum grip in dry conditions
Wet: Provides maximum grip in wet conditions
Spikes: A special tire used for snowy/icy conditions,
which in this game is only at The International Swedish
Soft: Best to keep the car from bouncing over bumps
Medium: Average setting
Hard: Causes the car to bounce over bumps, thus best used
only on pavement


Buy or rent or borrow any game in the Gran Turismo series,
but especially Gran Turismo 2 or 3. In one of these games,
work through the License Tests, as this will teach how to
approach the various elements of racing, from judging braking
distances to controlling a car on a surface with little grip.
Gran Turismo 2 introduced rally racing to the series, so GT2
and GT3 both include a Rally License; the time and effort
spent in acquiring the Rally License in GT2 or GT3 will help
with World Rally Challenge. Overall, Gran Turismo 2 is
probably a better choice of the three games in the Gran
Turismo series, as GT2 includes the Pikes Peak Hill Climb and
Pikes Peak Downhill courses, the only point-to-point rally
venues in the series thus far (all other rally events are
held at actual circuits); unfortunately, both Pikes Peak
stages were removed for Gran Turismo 3 :-(

In rally racing, the principles of standard pavement-based
racing apply. However, there is generally less tire grip in
rally racing, which makes anticipation a key element in
correctly holding a tight racing line at the apex of a
corner, in judging braking distances on a steep downhill
grade, etc.

Many of the 'hairpin' turns are actually made of double-apex
corners with a VERY brief straightaway between them.
Treating these as U-shaped turns will generally help to
improve time while keeping a higher speed.

In general, '1' and '2' corners do not require braking to
safely clear; '4' and '5' corners and hairpins DO require
braking; '3' corners may necessitate braking depending on the
surroundings and the entry speed. However, if on a steep
uphill or downhill grade, even '2' corners may require
braking, while possibly '5' corners will not necessitate
braking. Hairpins ALWAYS require braking.

Get to know each stage by first making several runs through
the stage in Time Trial. Of course, for most stages, this
requires opening it first; see Unlockables below for

Do not depend solely upon the navigator's instructions and
the sign icons at the top-center of the screen (if activated)
to drive cleanly through each stage. Try to look as far
ahead as possible and use the lay of the land to determine
what the road ahead will entail. Most roads follow the
contours of mountains, using a series of switchbacks for
climbing and descending steep mountainsides. On occasion,
visibility is clear so far ahead that it is possible to see
turns several hundred meters - or more - beyond what the
navigator is currently saying. Some roads leave one
particular mountain and run along an adjacent mountain, and
this can sometimes also be seen across a valley. For those
roads atop short ridges, it is often possible to see the
various turns far ahead. Try to use really tall objects such
as trees - and especially telephone poles, as they are almost
ALWAYS located directly next to the road - to determine the
location and severity of upcoming turns.


The shakedown run is fairly tame compared to the latter
stages of this rally, but does give a good feel for the
initial stages.
Stage 1: St. Pierre-Entrevaux
Welcome to the mountains, where the streets are clean but
the shoulders are lined with snow. Since spiked tired are
not used, the snow will definitely slow you down, so make
sure to keep to the pavement as much as possible. Mind
the downhill hairpins.
Stage 2: Thurriers
Being so high up in the mountains, the views can be
absolutely breathtaking... but admiring the view means
almost certainly destroying the car, so keep the eyes on
the road ahead!!! Again, mind the downhill hairpins,
which are steeper here than in Stage 1.
Stage 3: Roquesteron
Much of this stage features mountainsides directly against
the pavement, so take care to not roll the car up the
steep rocks!!!
Stage 4: Sisteron-Thoard
The first three sectors are entirely uphill, with the
final two sectors entirely downhill. This long stage is
VERY challenging, even on Novice Difficulty, with numerous
'4' and '5' turns and hairpins all strung together with
scant straightaways between them (if any); while cornering
speed is always important, superb technical driving
ability is what will win this stage. Perhaps the only
thing related to Monaco that requires more technical
driving ability is the FIA Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monte
Stage 5: Loda-Luceram
This is by far the steepest stage in terms of uphill and
downhill grades. To make things worse, there are numerous
hairpins along these steep grades, but they are still
generally easier to handle here than in Stage 4. Keep the
eyes on the road and NOT on the scenery!!!


This is very difficult, especially for those unaccustomed
to driving on snow in auto racing games. There are many
twists and turns in the road, with the view obstructed by
piles of snow cleared from the racing surface. It is very
easy to put a car on its side in this stage, especially
since the co-pilot does not speak, and the optional arrows
(at the top-center of the screen during the stages) are
not activated for Shakedowns.
Stage 1: Rammen
The beginning of the stage has long runs with a few jumps,
but then it gets rather interesting with a number of
Stage 2: Sagen
This stage features several long sections which can be
taken flat-out, but early braking is key to surviving the
many '4' and '5' turns.
Stage 3: Iz
Iz begins somewhat 'easy,' but gets more difficult toward
the end with multiple hairpins and sharp corners, usually
at the top of steep slopes, which makes falling and
damaging the car a very real possibility. Trying to set a
record stage time here will be difficult, even on Novice
Stage 4: Skogz
Take care in the third sector, which features a very steep
uphill climb. The following sector also has a nice uphill
incline, but neither quite as long nor as steep.
Stage 5: Mangen
This stage takes place at night, so visibility will be
important. The reduced visibility is what makes this
stage particularly challenging; during the day, this would
essentially be just like any other Sweden stage. Pay
close attention to the navigator's instructions.


This is almost entirely hairpins connected by moderate
Stage 1: Piodao
Piodao is a fairly easy stage run on gravel. However, it
may be advantageous to shortcut the grassy apexes with the
front tire to help swing the rear of the car around.
Stage 2: Cabreira
Again, the grass can slow the car just enough to assist in
Stage 3: Ponte de Lima - South
This is another fairly easy stage, but there are some
steep drop-offs along this mountainside, so take care to
not overcook the corners.
Stage 4: Ponte de Lima - East
The rally continues into dusk, but visibility is still
fairly good. The helicopter providing television coverage
is clearly visible with its bright searchlight shining
down in the distance. This is another fairly easy stage,
but take care on the hairpins.
Stage 5: Fafe
The final stage in Portugal is also fairly easy. Again,
the grass can be very useful for cornering or for slowing
if out of control.


Keeping to the road is extremely easy here, so concentrate
on achieving fast acceleration and hard braking. Also
focus on keeping tight a racing line at the apex of each
Stage 1: Coll de Bracons
There is extremely little braking required for this stage,
especially if able to keep a tight racing line at the apex
of each corner and allowing the car's inherent tendency to
slide to slow just enough to clear each turn. The third
sector is the most challenging, and that is really not too
challenging overall.
Stage 2: La Trona
La Trona is a little more difficult than the preceding
stage, but definitely not extremely technical. The third
sector is the most challenging.
Stage 3: Coll de Santigosa
The difficulty of this stage lies somewhere between the
previous two stages.
Stage 4: St. Julia-Arbucies
This stage takes place in a midday rain shower, which
can make sufficient pavement grip more of a challenge.
Stage 5: La Riba
This is the most challenging stage of the Catalunya rally,
with a low cloud bank to really soften the light
illuminating the mountainsides.


There are a few very steep drop-offs as well as short,
tall hills which have been chiseled through to make the
road for Shakedown. The beginning is fairly quick, but
the latter half is quite technical.
Stage 1: Tanti
As in Shakedown, there are some fairly steep drop-offs
along the road; most are blocked with guardrails, but not
all. This is a fairly quick stage overall, but take care
with the '4' turns between the steep rises.
Stage 2: San Augustin
This stage is run in a midday rain shower. Driving on
only two wheels seems to happen at least once on this
stage, so some stunt driving experience can be quite
Stage 3: El Condor
DEFINITELY heed the 'Don't cut' warning from the
navigator, or else the car will end up tumbling down the
mountainside :-(
Stage 4: San Marcos Sierra
This is a fairly technical stage, especially in the
opening sectors.
Stage 5: Cura Brochero
Here is another stage run in the rain. As if the rain
wasn't annoying enough, the television helicopter dips
down really low, almost at the same elevation as the
car as it provides a potential point of distraction. The
final sectors are very technical, made even worse by the
sheer mountainside should the car go too far off the road.


The shakedown track consists of multiple hairpins with
fairly nice straightaways. The surrounding terrain is
mostly flat, so sliding off-course is not detrimental to
the car.
Stage 1: Alassa-Agios Therapon
This stage runs along the top of a mountain; however, the
drop-offs to either side are generally blocked by minor
cliffs of rock or piled dirt, thus helping to stay on
the road (but potentially flipping the car).
Stage 2: Prastio-Pachina
This second stage begins in the valley between mountains,
so the shadows are significant. Afterward, the mountains
are set further back from the road, allowing for bright
sunlight to illuminate the area, thus aiding visibility.
Stage 3: Platres-Katos Amiantos
With its many unprotected steep drops and numerous '5'
turns and hairpins, Stage 3 is a strong test of both
technical driving ability and control of personal fear.
Certainly, drivers with great technical ability have less
to worry about in controlling their fear, but it WILL be
present nonetheless!!!!!
Stage 4: Machairas-Agioi Vavatsini
For this moderately-technical stage, proper braking is key
to keep from sliding off the course in the many '4' and
'5' turns.
Stage 5: Agios Nikalos-Foini
This stage also has numerous steep descents, most
unprotected. Much of the stage is a steep uphill climb
with very tight twists and hairpins, so do not expect to
be able to speed through the stage. Also, there are many
boulders and steep slopes on the inside of many corners
which will flip a car if the apexes are cut short.


In general, tall rocky banking on the left can flip a
car, while ditches on the right can trap a car. Keep to
the gravel road!!!!!
Stage 1: Paleohori-Eleftherohori
Several drop-offs along the opening portion of the stage
can severely damage a car, while ditches along the rest of
the stage can also cause trouble.
Stage 2: Palvliani
This is a somewhat-technical stage, with a really big
drop-off toward the end which can cause a quick moment of
panic. During the final descent, it is possible to see
that the road hairpins back on itself at a lower
elevation, but it is VERY difficult to simply cut the
hairpin and still make it back onto the lower road before
the game automatically resets the car at the point from
which it had left the upper road.
Stage 3: Elastos
Elastos is a moderately-challenging stage from a driving
standpoint, but there are a few areas where lack of
proper braking will put the car far off-course.
Stage 4: Klidi
For those who have played Paris-Dakar Rally, this stage is
very reminiscent of the volcano climb stages, only with a
wider road and lack of stream crossings. Much of this
stage is shadowed due to the close proximity of the
Stage 5: Keneta
This stage features many steep drop-offs, with many
unprotected (especially those on the outside of '4' and
'5' turns). The helicopter can be distracting.


Most of the Shakedown track can be taken flat-out, with
just a few quick taps on the brakes to spin the rear of
the car around the moderate hairpins.
Stage 1: Marigat-Mogotio
This is a mostly-flat stage which is only moderately
challenging in terms of driving. Mind the ditches.
Stage 2: Kajiado-Olooloitikosh
This is a mostly-flat stage which is only moderately
challenging in terms of driving. Mind the ditches.
Stage 3: Olooloitikosh
This is a mostly-flat stage which is only moderately
challenging in terms of driving.
Stage 4: Morendat-Mbaruk
This is a mostly-flat stage with a higher degree of
technical challenge. Mind the ditches.
Stage 5: Oltepsi-Olepolos
This is a mostly-flat stage which is only moderately
challenging in terms of driving. The final sector is
flat-out all the way to the Finish.


The forested gravel road is fairly quick, so timely use
of the grass inside the apex of corners can be productive.
Stage 1: Ehikki
The forested gravel road is fairly quick, so timely use
of the grass inside the apex of corners can be productive.
This must also be a public road, as it is lined with
telephone poles, so take care to not hit them if cutting
apexes or swinging too wide around a corner.
Stage 2: Moksi
The forested gravel road is fairly quick, so timely use
of the grass inside the apex of corners can be productive.
Again, beware of the telephone poles, especially in the
latter sectors where they line BOTH sides of the road.
Stage 3: Paijala
Still in the forest, the telephone poles disappear except
for a brief return in the final sector. However, the
small ditches provide enough incentive to keep to the
Stage 4: Valkola
The rain returns - as do the telephone poles, which tend
to line both sides of the road. Take extreme care
arriving at the Finish.
Stage 5: Kuoltu
The rain has ended, but the telephone poles remain. Much
of this stage can be taken flat-out, with just minor
tapping of the brakes for cornering.


High banks and short trees line the Shakedown course, but
turns are clearly visible without relying on the map.
Stage 1: Maungatawhiri
High banks and fences line the road, but beware the
occasional cow if the car slides too far off the road.
Stage 2: Waipu Gorge
There are far fewer fences along this stage, but more
banks and short trees. Also, not all the livestock wants
to stay behind the few fences.
Stage 3: Fyfe
This stage primarily runs along the top of a ridge, so if
the car slides off the road to the outside of the banks,
a long damaging fall can be expected. This also makes
proper braking an important issue.
Stage 4: Campbell
Taking place in the rain, the Campbell stage is bounded
primarily by (very tall) banks. However, the surrounding
terrain is primarily flat, so there is not much worry
about damaging the car if sliding off the gravel.
Stage 5: Paparoa Station
This stage is also run in the rain. Plenty of banks line
the track, with ample fencing in the initial and final


The asphalt road is rather quick, but the hairpins will
require prime braking... or else the car will fall off the
raised roadway to be damaged below. Mind the trees.
Stage 1: Perinaldo
Much of this opening stage features a guardrail on the
right and the mountainside of the left to help to keep the
car on the quick asphalt roadway. The opening sectors are
especially tricky, with '4' and '5' turns plus hairpins on
uphill and downhill slopes.
Stage 2: Pantasina
After the first sector, the guardrails fade away, so any
off-road excursions will be rather damaging due to the
long falls. The final three sectors are especially
brutal in their requirement of technical driving
ability. The rain makes this stage even more
challenging than it already is :-(
Stage 3: Apricale
This middle stage features almost solely '4' and '5' turns
plus hairpins, all combined with significant elevation
changes throughout much of the stage. Fortunately, until
the final sector, the car can easily stay on the road
thanks to the guardrails on the right and the face of the
mountain on the left.
Stage 4: Rezzo
This stage again features mainly '4' and '5' turns and
hairpins, but the elevation changes are not nearly as
Stage 5: Monte Ceppo
This final stage is run at night, so visibility is very
poor. This does not bode well for drivers, as the
stage - especially in the final two sectors - is extremely


Shakedown is comprised of hairpins connected by short
straightaways. Beware of the trees should the car slide
too far off the road.
Stage 1: Cuttoli-Peri
This is a somewhat-technical stage, but definitely nothing
too difficult.
Stage 2: Taverna - Pont de Ca
This is a rather technical stage from the start, including
a steep climb up the mountainside in Sector 3, and sheer
unprotected drop-offs in Sectors 4 and 5.
Stage 3: Verro - Pont d'Azzana
The rain makes this moderately-technical stage a bit more
difficult. It is somewhat easy to slide off the road in
several places, especially at most hairpins.
Stage 4: Filitosa-Bicchisan
This is perhaps the most technical stage in the season
thus far. The numerous '4' and '5' and hairpin turns are
combined with HUGE drop-offs which are primarily
Stage 5: Noceta-Muracciole
The final stage is run at night, so visibility far ahead
is greatly hindered. As with the previous stage, the
numerous sheer drops are largely unprotected, so take
special care with braking zones and cornering.


The shakedown track is fast, but do not plan on grip to
help slow the car in cornering. Sliding off the road is
a very strong possibility here.
Stage 1: Newharvey Weir
Grip simply does not exist here. Moreso than at other
venues, try to straightline consecutive shallow corners as
much as possible to keep from losing time due to slides
due to the lack of grip.
Stage 2: Newkevs
This is not a very demanding circuit technically, but the
lack of grip can easily lead to an off-road excursion.
Stage 3: Flynns Short
Flynns Short is anything BUT short - at nearly six full
minutes to complete the stage, this is the longest single
stage of the season.
Stage 4: Atkins
This is not a very demanding circuit technically, but the
lack of grip can easily lead to an off-road excursion.
Stage 5: Brunswick
This is not a very demanding circuit technically, but the
lack of grip can easily lead to an off-road excursion.


Special Note:
This is the hardest of all the rallies in the game, even
when playing on Novice difficulty. The learning curve is
UNBELIEVABLY STEEP between Telstra Rally Australia and The
Network Q Rally Of Great Britain :-(
Grip is rather difficult to find along this tree-lined
gravel road. The hairpins are tight and brutal.
Stage 1: Rhondda
With its many long stretches of flat-out acceleration, the
tight turns and hairpins of this opening stage are brutal,
forcing strong braking well in advance of corners.
Stage 2: St. Gwynno
This second stage is a little more technical, but this is
augmented by the grip-reducing rain.
Stage 3: Margam
This third stage is a little more technical, but this is
augmented by the grip-reducing rain.
Stage 4: Trawscoed
The rain has stopped, but since this stage is run on a
moonless night, visibility is virtually zero.
Stage 5: Tyle
This is also a nighttime stage, and it is more technical
than the previous stage. Setting a time record for this
stage will be no easy feat!!!


These are overviews for the bonus stages in World Rally
Championship. A long expanse of blank lines follows so that
those who do not wish to see these overviews can easily skip
this section.

Coll Roig (Spain):
This fast tarmac stage is not too difficult, but there are
numerous sequential hairpins. Beware the fallen rocks
near the end of the stage.
Colle d'Oggia (Italy):
This fast, technical bonus stage is run at night, the
lack of clear visibility making this stage even more
challenging. There are many unprotected short drops (only
1-2 meters), but these often are vertical drops, meaning
that should the car slide off the road in these areas.
there is no slope to use to climb back onto the road,
thus forcing the use of the "Restart Race" option in the
Pause menu.
La Bajadas (Argentina):
Driven in the rain, this fairly easy stage simply follows
the natural mountain contours
Lageia-Kalavasos (Cyprus):
This bonus stage is HARD!!!!! The road itself generally
follows a raised ridge. The banks along the road are
extremely minor, making it VERY easy to slip off the
road and have a nice, damaging fall. There are also
plenty of trees near the road which can cause suspension
damage... but that might actually be a good thing, as it
will slow the car just enough to have a better chance at
properly cornering. This extremely-technical bonus
stage is almost entirely comprised of sequential '4' and
'5' turns.
Stromi-Inohori (Greece):
This is a very technical stage with very few barriers to
help to keep a car on the road. Early braking is key to
survival here, or else the long drops down the mountains
Vastilla (Finland):
Driven in the rain, this moderately-technical stage is
lined with telephone poles, making the many '4' and '5'
turns and the hairpins much more challenging.


Here are some of the unlockable features of World Rally
Championship. Each Secret Code is activated by entering it
once (from the main menu, select Extras, then Secrets); it
can be deactivated by entering the same codes again. Secret
Codes can be used singly or in groups, but each is activated
or deactivated individually. Secret codes are not permitted
in World Rally Championship mode.

A large expanse of blank lines follows so that those who do
not wish to see how to unlock the various elements of the
game need not see this information.

Bonus Stages
Coll Roig (Spain): Win The Network Q Rally of Great
Britain on Professional in World Championship mode.
Colle d'Oggia (Italy): Win Telstra Rally Australia on
Professional in World Championship mode.
La Bajadas (Argentina): Win Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo
on Professional in World Championship mode.
Lageia-Kalavasos (Cyprus): Win Rallye Catalunya Costa
Brava - Rallye de Espana on Professional in World
Championship mode.
Stromi-Inohori (Greece): Win Acropolis Rally on
Professional in World Championship mode.
Vastilla (Finland): Win Propecia Rally New Zealand on
Professional in World Championship mode.
Difficulties: Initially, only Novice and Normal difficulties
are available for World Rally mode. Winning World Rally
mode on Normal difficulty unlocks Professional difficulty.
Movies: Beyond the initially-available movies, the overview
movie for each rally is unlocked by winning the previous
rally. (Upon winning the Drivers' Championship, the
Game Intro movie is shown as the backdrop to the game
Secret Codes
Unlocked by winning TAP Rallye de Portugal on
Professional difficulty in World Championship. Using
this code provides faster acceleration and top-end
speed. This is great to use in conjunction with the
'thatsstupid' code (see below).
Unlocked by winning Safari Rally Kenya on Professional
difficulty in World Championship. This enables a
'top-down' camera, watching from the overhead
helicopter. However, car control is rather tricky if
using this code.
Unlocked by winning Rally San Remo - Rally d'Italia on
Professional difficulty in World Championship. This
VERY bizarre code will show the car 'flying' high above
the road in replays.
Unlocked by winning Rally Argentina on Professional
difficulty in World Championship. This code will
result in 'faster' navigator calls (the speed is
quite debatable), but he will sound as if he has
inhaled a lot of helium just before the stage. This
code is really counterproductive, as the navigator's
high pitch is very difficult to hear above the sound of
the engine (and the music, if set at default volume).
Unlocked by winning Rallye de France - Tour de Corse on
Professional difficulty in World Championship. This
code produces psychedelic visual effects. While
definitely fun to see once or twice, driving is rather
difficult with this code activated.
Unlocked by winning The International Swedish Rally on
Professional difficulty in World Championship. This
code activates upside-down cameras, thus granting a
VERY different view of the world!!!!! This is not a
practical code to use, but it is interesting to see it
used just once.
This catch-all code will unlock everything in the game.
Unlocked by winning Neste Rally Finland on Professional
difficulty in World Championship. Using this code will
remove much of the car shell, so that the car looks
like a buggy. Losing the extra body weight will
greatly increase acceleration and top-end speed of the
car, making this perhaps one of the most useful
'cheat' codes in the game, especially when combined
with the 'evopower' code (see above).
Unlocked by winning the Cyprus Rally on Professional
difficulty in World Championship. This code presents
underwater visual effects.
Single Rally: Initially, only Monaco, Sweden, Portugal, and
Spain are available. Other rallies are unlocked for this
mode by winning the appropriate preceding rally in World
Championship at Normal difficulty.
Time Trials: Initially, all stages of the rallies at Monaco,
Sweden, Portugal, and Spain are available; for all other
venues, only the initial stage is available. Other Time
Trial stages are unlocked by placing in the top three of
each preceding rally in World Rally Championship at either
Normal or Professional difficulty.


Here are a few Internet resources for World Rally
Championship - the actual competition and the game.

FIA World Rally Championship - Mailing List
Touted as "the world's biggest rally mailing list,"
results will be sent via e-mail for each competition.
Press Release for the PS2 Game World Rally Championship
From the Web site for Bam! Entertainment
(http://www.bam4fun.com), this is an official press
Rally-Live.com (http://rally.racing-live.com/en/)
This site - available in English, French, and Spanish -
includes rally news and images, information on drivers and
teams, regulations, information on each racing venue, an
online store, forums and chat capabilities, wallpapers,
screensavers, and more.
RallyForum (http://www.rallyforum.com/)
This is primarily an online discussion area for everything
related to World Rally Championship.
RallyRallyRally (http://www.rallyrallyrally.com/)
This site covers World Rally Championship, British Rally,
European Rally, American Rally, and Asia/Pacific Rally
World Rally Championship (http://www.wrc.com/)
This is the official Web site of the rally series.
World Rally Championship Mini-site
Bam! Entertainment's mini-site for the game.
World Rallying (http://www.worldrally.net/
This site is an independent source for information on
World Rally Championship, including results for every
season since 1994 and an online discussion area.


1.) Faster load times are a necessity!!!!! World Rally
Championship is certainly far better than Le Mans 24 Hours in
load times, but loading still needs to be MUCH faster.

2.) Move Save Replay to the Replay Options menu.

3.) Remove (or at least shorten by half) the venue-specific
movies to allow for more stages (within each rally, not
necessarily as Bonus Stages) as well as more languages spoken
by the navigators.

4.) A tutorial mode would be helpful for those unfamiliar
with rally racing, thus introducing them to how to correctly
handle various types of corners and driving conditions.

5.) More spectators need to be added along the roads.
Further, the spectators should NOT be as immovable as rocks;
if cars get too close to spectators, they should at least
jump out of the way, similar to the pedestrians in Midnight
Club: Street Racing.

6.) Except for the menus, dump ALL the music.


Thanks for MattiB from the GameFAQs message board for World
Rally Championship for suggesting the Rally-Live.com Web


For questions, rants, raves, comments of appreciation, etc.,
or to be added to my e-mail list for updates to this driving
guide, please contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if
you have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful
to you, I would certainly appreciate a small donation via
PayPal (http://www.paypal.com/) using the above e-mail

To find the latest version of this and all my other PSX/PS2
game guides, please visit FeatherGuides
(http://www.angelcities.com/members/feathersites/). The
latest version will always be posted at FeatherGuides, while
other Web sites may lag behind by several days in their
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