Munch's Oddysee

Munch's Oddysee

03.10.2013 11:50:21
FAQ / Komplettlösung Ver 2.0

OddWorld : Munch's Oddysee F.A.Q. v2.0 December 15, 2001
by: Jeremy Guthrie (
For : Microsoft XBOX's OddWorld: Munch's Oddysee
English Version Copyright 2001

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1. Introduction

2. Game Mechanics

3. Walkthrough

4. Quarma

5. Appendices

6. Version History

7. Credits

8. Disclaimer

1. Introduction
Welcome to my OddWorld: Munch's Oddysee F.A.Q. Although this is rather small at
this point, I'll try to stuff it to the brink as I get more info. Munch's
Oddysee is one of the biggest games of the xbox's launch. Although the learning
curve of it is pretty small some of the puzzles can have you scratching your
head for awhile, especially in the search for perfect quarma. Yes, Quarma. More
on that later. I haven't played the previous oddworld games, or written an
f.a.q. for anything before, but I loved this game and I felt it needed to be
done. So what the hell, sure why not. This F.A.Q. is still in the early stages
so feel free to email me if you have any tips or extra info on things. Note:
This F.A.Q. contains mega-spoilers. If you dont want spoilers, figure out the
game on your own,
its a blast :)

And now, a little info on the history and setting of this great game :
We first met Abe, hapless floor-waxer-become-hero, in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee,
where he rescued his fellow Mudokons from RuptureFarms ans struck a major blow
to the Glukkons of the evel Magog Cartel. When, ancestral spirits showed him
there was more to the slaughter of his fellow Mudokons than met the sutured
eye. Because of this, in Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, Abe had to save the remaining
living Mudokons as well as save the spirits of his dead Mudokon ancestors,
sabotaging the SoulStorm Brewery boilers in the process. It was a lot of work
for a simple Mudokon like Abe, but in the end he was Succesful.

In Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, our new hero Munch is the last surviving Gabbit
on Oddworld. Gabbits were an amphibious species that were hunted to the verge
of extinction for their lungs and their eggs. Munch finds out that one can of
Gabbiar (egad, them's Gabbit eggs!) remains, and that the Vykkers and Glukkons
have it in their possession. In much the same predicament, Abe needs to find
the eggs containing his unborn Mudokon brothers, which just happen to be
warehoused in Vykkers Labs. But Abe can't break out of his shell-shackled
family without help from Munch, and vice versa. Together our heroes must find
the eggs in order to save their respective species from total extermination.

2. Game Mechanics
The Controls :

Left-Trigger = Chant(Abe)/Sonar(Munch)
Left-Analog-Stick = Sneak>Walk>Run Depending on pressure applied
Left-Analog-Stick Pressed inwards = Faster Sneak
Directional-Pad = Moves the Camera
Pause = Pauses(Duh!)
Right-Trigger = Check Health+Quarma Status
White = Centers the Camera
Black = Switch Characters
A = Performs various actions
Right-Analog-Stick = Aims Weapons
Right-Analog-Stick Pressed Inwards = Fires Weapons

GameSpeak : A very cool feature used to speak to the Oddworld universe...

Y Tapped = Greet an Individual
Y Held down = Greet Crowd
X Tapped = Command an Individual to wait there
X held down = Makes Abe or Munch disperse gas one way or another LOL
B Tapped = Makes the group work for you (Abe only)
B Held Down = Makes the group attack

3. Walkthrough - WARNING: Contains Spoilers!!!!!

Level 1 - Raisin's Cave

Walk over to the green-light switch and use it to open the door. Go through it
and explore the room to get hints on how to control Abe. When you get the hang
of things, collect all the little spooce shrubs and regrow two of them with the
left trigger to get the 50 spooce to open the next door. Walk outside to start
the next lvl.

Level 2 - Spooce-Shrub Forest

Grab the spooceballs and walk over to the right corner and tap Y while facing
the mudo to get his attention. Walk over to the big reddish circle by the door
and tap B to get the mudo to chant the door open. Follow the spooce down the
hill to the left then take a left and open the spoocelock. Get them to follow
you and then go down the trail of spooce untill you get to the mine-field. Tap
X to have the mudos wait there for you and carefully go through the mines and
unlock the well. Jump in and follow the spooce down to find 2 more mudos. Hold
down Y to get both of them to follow you. Use B to make them open the door just
like the first mudo did. Walk through the door and get the 1st group to follow
ya again. Follow the signs to go to the big well untill you get to the
resurrect totem where you can res dead mudos. Use it to get another mudo so you
have 6. Get all of their attention and go back to the 6 circles and make them
chant. Go through onto the bridge and then tap X to get them all to stand
still. Move behind them one by one and press x to pick them up and then x again
to toss them over the rocks. If you miss and kill any of them go back to the
res totem and try again. Get all of their attention and make them chant to open
the door. Follow the spooce through it and open the spooce-lock. (theres more
spooce to the left if ya need it) Head to the right untill you get to the
trapped mudo. Get the group to stand still then hope over the mines and grab
him, toss him over to the rest of the group, then jump back yourself. Run
around to the left side of this area to find the other trapped mudo and get him
to follow you. Make sure you have 65 spooce then head over to the zap henge
sign and go up the ramp to the top of the hill. Open the spoocelock and toss
the mudos into the wells to open the big door and enter the next area with the
leftover 3 mudos plus the 5 by the door. Tap b to open the gate then hold b to
get the gang of mudos to protect you. Make the mudos stay there, then drink the
bounce and hop over the wall. Drink the expresso and keep running back and
forth avoiding the muts untill ya get 85 spooce then head on past the
spoocelock and run into the tunnel.

Level 3 - Fuzzle Testing

After the funny little movie they hand over the controls to Munch and you're in
the Vykkers Lab. Go up the ramp then head left and press a in front of the
cages to free the fuzzles. Free them all then go to the other side of the room
and free them then press b to sick them on the intern. flip the red switch and
head down to the exit and press a while you're facing the circle of flying
birds to make the fuzzles escape. Open the spoocelock then go through and drink
the zap. hop down the ramp then push in the right control stick to zap the
intern to death, free the fuzzles then repeat this on the next section., and
the next after that. You can let the fuzzles help but if you want perfect
quarma have them wait or take them up to the birds to escape. Take the
remaining fuzzles down through the next door and sick them on the interns. zap
them as fast as you can to keep them down so they dont kill the fuzzles. when
theyre dead, free the rest and let them escape. pull the switch, hop down, get
the spooce, and go out the exit.

Level 4 - Hydroponic Vats

This level is extremely simple. Gather up all the spooce and make sure to get
the ones up high against the wall by getting shot up there in the cannon thing.
Swim around past the dogs following the spooce balls untill you get 99, then
swim to the spoocelock and then go through the tunnel.

Level 5 - Fluoride Tanks

Dont touch the water mines or munch will go ka-blooey. swim forward following
the spooce shrubs. *sigh* get MORE spooce in the next room of mines then jump
up on the platform, drink the zap, free the fuzzlets, turn them in at the
birds, and unlock the spoocelock. Jump in the cannon it opened, and repeat:
zigzag through mines, get spooce, drink the zap, shock the interns, free the
fuzzles, turn em in, and open the next cannon. Quickly jump off the dock before
they chew you up, and hop into the next pool. this next part gets a bit tricky.
jump carefully over the water-mine lines getting all the spooce untill you
reach the next dock. Drink the zap and kill the interns. use the fuzzles if you
want but they die easy and one dead fuzzle means non-perfect quarma! :P Turn in
the fuzzles and open the next cannon. jump through and follow the spooce to the
end (make sure you have 99) and beware the stoopid sea-muts. one you get to the
platforms with the mines, hop over both and swim forward to the spoocelock.
after its open drink the expresso and flip the switch. race through this part
avoiding the mines and interns untill you get to the portal platform. jump in
the final cannon, kick back, n read the newspaper.

Level 6 - Snoozie Lab.

Swim through the tunnel and grab the spooce in the water and on the ceiling
then jump over the mines to the first remote control. these are really fun
bwahahahaha. no. really. use the remote control to control the snoozer. walk
into the next 2 rooms and blow the intern bastards to hell with the machine gun
the same way you use zap. once theyre asleep, quickly free the lil fuzzles and
flip the switch, turn em in, and fly down the poop chute!

Level 7 - Mudokon Pens

You start out with munch and abe in the forest. Grab the 4 spooce and regrow
one to open the spoocelock of 5 spooce. Run out and grab the spooce by the
shaman, then throw munch onto the platform, and use abe's possesion orb and
make the slig hop in the water and drown HAHAHA. Switch to munch, hop in the
water, and swim over to the right. Follow the right wall and quickly zap open
all 4 fuzzle cages so they eat the slig guard. and follow around the right wall
killing all the sligs and freeing the fuzzlets. Once you got all 12 fuzzles
make them wait by the dock and jump in, drink the zap on the other side of the
water, and kill the two sligs on the platforms and get the spooce. Turn in 60
spooce over by the wheelchair to open a canon for abe to get across the water.
Then you take abe to each fuzzle cage area and grab the mudo's in each so you
have three to chant at the dock, to open a canon in the water for munch to jump
in the water canon and use the remote control claw to drop bombs on the sligs &
t.n.t. walls. Once you kill the sligs and walls in reach of the remote control
claw...(its a good idea to turn in the fuzzles by the dock now). Rally up the
mudo group together with abe n munch and follow the passage where you break
down the walls, tip: u can kill the huge group of sligs by possessin them then
tapping the left trigger and the explode, or get creative send them marching
into bombs or water or recycle disposals or pick fights with other enemies, u
can use this alot in the game for safe kills "spooce kills". Yes its evil but
it's so fun!! Once you've killed the 5 sligs in this part, take your group up
the hill and make them wait, then drop down the left side and pull the switch
to let out 2 more war mudos and bring them to the top of the hill. Make 'em
wait there then drop down the right side and hop in the cannon, follow around
the edge till you get to the last mudo, carry him to the top, and flip the
switch, and have your mudo thugs fight the sligs. Its a good idea to help them
out with spooce kills if you can. Then finally have them chant to open up the
munch/abe portal to end the level.

Level 8 - Sloghut 1027

Switch to munch right off, and wabble over to the remote control. Pick up the 3
slogs and 2 dogs in the pens one by one and let them down right in front of the
recycle disposal HAHAHA fun fun fun! Once the mayhem is over, pick up the two
reachable mudokons and set them down AWAY from the recycle. Then hop down with
abe, switch to munch, pick up abe, let abe down on the unreachable mudo
platform, then have abe throw him down to safety. Next, use the remote control
to pick up abe and set him down by the switch over the door . Flip it, then
gather up abe, munch, and the three mudos, to the next area. Throw the 3 mudos
down with the others by the expresso pen, and one by one drink an expresso,
pick up a mudo and step on the circle, then proceed to run down this gauntlet
of slig shooters and mines, and run up the ramp at the end full tilt and you
will reach the 6 switches. You only need 6 but be thinkin about your quarma! It
helps me to hug the right or left wall and try to keep a straight path, and not
get shot as much. This is one of those levels you just kinda have to die alot
hehe. I would recommend only doing 2-3 mudos per life, so you dont die while
carrying one of them. So then now once you have 6-9 of the mudos, make em flip
the switches. Have munch hop along the side rail careful not to hit the mines,
get him to the other side. Turn in your mudos, and portal out to:

Level 9 - The Mudokon Fortress

Take the 4 mudos at the beginning area, and run through the slogs on the left.
Stand over the hovering zapper once you get through and it will take care of
the slogs for you. Head up the hill with the 4 mudos and put them to work
inside the fortress along with the 1 mudo in there. Next, head out to the mudo
cages in the water with munch and abe. Stop when you get to the fuzzles, and
have abe spoocekill the 3 sligs beyond this point. Leave munch by the fuzzles,
and take the 2 mudos back up to the fortress. Make em chant to close the door.
Go back out of the fortress and grab the mudo that wouldnt stop pacing before.
Take him back inside the fort, along with all the mudos, and head out the door
just to the right of the ramp up. Slide down the ramp down, and hang a left
past the scoreboard and turn in 50 spooce 10 at a time so you have now 8
warrior mudos. Make them all follow you now back to the scoreboard, and make
them wait. Hop in the cannon, and follow the brown bridge across, and
spoocekill the sligs here. Open the door by standing on the circle, and call
the mudos through the door and have them chant to restore the environment. Now
take them back out by the scoreboard and switch to munch. Head out of the are
along with the fuzzles towards the fortress but instead go right untill you get
to the wheelchair. Leave the fuzzles here and rush out across the bridge and
jump into the water and take shelter at the remote control. Kill the two sligs
on the pedestals here, and then kill the other 3 with abes spooce. Switch back
to munch, and hop up and flip the two high switches on the platform, plus the
other one up the ramp quickly. spoocekill the remaining sligs here or if you
dont care about quarma bring the warrior mudos and fuzzle into a big brawl.
Anyways, when they are done, turn in the fuzzles by the birds at the new
scoreboard, and have 3 of the mudos chant at the portal out point. Then head
out of this confusing level into an even more confusing one!

Level 10 - Sloghut 2813

Okay first of all, this level will be much easier using spooce-kills then the
snoozer provided, so regrow about 40-50 spooce shrubs out of the cluster of
four at the beginning of this level. Next, take abe around to the right, spooce
kill the first slig by the cannon, then jump in. Now, you can either try to
jump to the platform in front of you, then over to the switch platform, or you
can very carefully walk across the edge of the floor running between the
platforms. Once across, yank the switch then switch to munch. waddle over to
the remote control, and pick up all of the *ahem* trash running around on the
floor and dispose of the sligs and slogs in their proper container. The recycle
disposal. After they are no-more, have abe make another run around and toss the
3 mudo's down to safety, and have them follow into the next room, the slig run.
This next part is so much easier if you dispose of the sligs first, trust me.
run around the right edge spooce killing the 4 sligs up on the right side of
the railwalk. Also, brew up some possesion orbs for the many sligs at the
bottom and have a "blast" showing them where all the bombs are =) After the
whole room is clear of sligs except for the 4 pulling switches on the right
wall, carefully take the 3 mudos you started with and the 4 mudos scrubbing the
floor in this room, and toss them into the cannon on the far right corner.
Next, bring munch+abe into the cannon, and have the mudos pull all of the
switches. This next part is only required if you want perfect quarma. Drink the
invisible and bounce cans, then carefully run over to the sligs on the right
wall, and walk up behind the sligs, toss them off of their platforms, and then
spoocekill them into the mines. Toss down the 4 mudos and carry them to the end
to turn into the birds for better quarma. Then hop on the portals to send munch
and abe into...

Level 11 - Paramite Run

This level is a walk in the park yet it doesnt seem to be at first. You have
two objectives. To get 99 spooce, and to get abe+munch to the end. You have a
wheelchair and plenty of expresso at your disposal. Flip the switch here, and
have abe drink the expresso. With abe, hop through the half opened door and
run, collecting as much spooce as possible, hugging the left wall tight untill
you reach the end. Be real careful about the hogs and mines. once you get to
the other side, switch to munch, drink expresso, and repeat the proccess. If
you are short on a bit of spooce, youre lucky theres a few spooce shrubs to
regrow at the safe area by the spoocelock. If you feel bold hop back out and
explore this level to get more spooce but if you die you have to take either
munch or abe back to the start to hatch the egg. Anyways, once you got the
spooce, enter it into the spoocelock and head on to...

Level 12 - Meep Herder Village

Run over to the right, and hop down to the slog area. Gather about 16 spooce
first then jump on the mudo platform and pump 4 spooceballs each into these
slogs and kill them. Throw the mudo here over to the chant circles and then hop
over the fence to the meep area. Climb the lil tower in the middle of this area
and grab the mudo, and throw him over to the chant circles. Pick up all 25
meeps and throw them into their pen with abe. This way seems faster but you can
also heard them into the pen with munchs wheelchair. After their pen is full
and shut with all of them in it, take the 4 free mudos by the pen and throw
them into the chant circle area. Now, go into the slog pen area, and jump in
the left cannon. Run to the right over the wall and throw the mudo here down
with the others. Hop down to the meep pen area, and follow the walkway here up
to the top, and grab the mudo on the pedestal, and resurrect the mudo at the
res-totem, and head back down to all the other mudos with abe and munch. Make
them chant the door open, and send in the whole crew. Have munch drink the zap
and kill the first set of slogs. Drink some more zap and open the next door,
and use munch but have the mudo crew help out against the big one. Repeat this
proccess one last time and you should be at the end. Using only abe, hop over
the barricade and stand on the circle. Use the spooce! Send it through on to
the big chump vykker here and make him turn in the cash to the LuLu fund! head
back and make munch and abe stand on the portals.

Level 13 - Brewery To Be

Collect the massive quantity of spooce here (60) and turn half in at the
spoocelock. Race down with munch in his wheels and get as many scrabs to follow
you as you can. Quickly turn into one of the open door spaces and go up the
ramp to safety and pull the switch to trap them in. Jump up to the side walkway
and get out. Repeat this if needed but there is only two trapping pens. Send
abe up the middle section in the open area but just before you get across the
last bridge spoocekill the 3 sligs on top. Go through the portal for abe, and
slowly climb to the top, throwing the 3 mudos down as you go. When you get to
the first slig in sight though, take control of him and send him up to kill the
other slig, then make him explode. Once all 3 mudos are at the bottom throw
them all into the cannon and make them chant. Use the gamespeak buttons to make
him say some funny stuff. Jump through the cannon and go back out to the
windmill. Throw down the 3 mudos then make them follow you into the first caged
area and get all 15 mudos to follow you. Run into the other caged area and free
the mudos, then portal out to:

Level 14 - Fuel Fields.

Take munch&abe out to the water area. Drink the zap with munch and kill the
sligs on the water platforms untill you reach the bridge. Hop over it and swim
till you can see the wheelchair switch. Switch to abe and CAREFULLY jump across
the platforms untill you get to the bridge. spoocekill the two sligs to your
right, then head around following the wall on this side untill you get to the
gate. With perfect aim you can jump out towards the water and land on the other
side of the fence, but if you fall in jump out quickly and you shouldnt lose
more then a bird or two. Hop over the fence to the wheelchair section and hang
a right. WOAH yeah thats what I thought too when i saw this. Carefully walk to
the left, and jump to the next plaform, and throw the mudo towards the middle
spooce then hop over the mines to get to the other side. Jump up on the other
mudos platform and get him into the center spooce area. Make them wait here
then jump over to the right, and follow the wall carefully going forward. When
youre out, its a good idea to quicksave here. Throw a bomb into the field, and
then rush in before they regrow. Quickly get the mudos to follow you and run to
the right edge and go as far as you can before they regrow. Either carry them
the rest of the way or throw them but get them out following the wall. now run
under this platform, and send 3 mid-power spooceballs up the ramp to kill the
sligs, then go up and take a well deserved swig of Sobe-Energy. Next, send 5
mid/low powered spooceballs over to the left into the next crew and kill them.
Flip the switch on the platform, and gather all the mudos over by the
transform-totem. You should have 5 lazergun-mudos. Ohhh but we need more MORE
MORE!!!!! Leave them by the totem and run out across the bridge over to the
first 2 mudos you ran into, and take them carefully over to the transform
totem. Head back across the bridge with your wicked lazer crew and kick some
slig ass! Chant the final door open then kill the last sligs and exit this
annoying level.

Level 15 - Magog Motors

First of all, take munch across the room to the three vending machines. Drink
zap, and aquabounce, and quickly go out in the next huge room and hop on each
of the 6 platforms zapping the big guns off. Recharge as needed. next take abe
and hop to the top of the block platform thing and take a right. Get about 5
spooce, then come back around untill you get to the top of the platforms again,
pump the spooce into a spooceball and send down the left corridor. Take control
of one of the sligs and shoot the other one until it dies, then explode the
slig you're controlling. Gather about 16 more spooce, and go back down and
stand on the switch platform. Pull it, then send 4 balls of spooce about 3 each
and kill these sligs. Go to the ramp they were next to, and put 4 spooce into a
ball and send it up to the big gun on this platform, and make him blow up a
path across the bridge, and when hes across, blow up the huge tnt wall then
dispose of your possesed Big Bro. Now run around the top floor with abe and get
all 8 mudos following you, and head around to where the big t.n.t. wall used to
be. Throw a bomb at the wall of mines to blow them up and race across with your
mudos or simply toss them over it. Turn them in at the rescue birds, then make
abe stand on the portal out. Climb the ladder, then pump a big ball of 10
spooce into the poor stupid executive vykker. Make em go broke then get your
blue but onto the next level!

Level 16 - Dead River

Run over to the bounce vending machine 2 times using it to get the 2 mudos over
the broken bridges. Leave them by the chant circles. There is also a mudo on
top of the spiral stairs, and one more way over to the right by a hut. Use
these to chant the door open. It is a good idea to collect about 100 spooce in
this area before moving on. Stand on a spiral platform by the door and
spoocekill the 4 sleepin sligs here. Run around the edge of the cliff to the
left passed the door and upgrade your mudos to tamahawkers. (50 spooce needed)
Now take the 5 tamahawkers and the 1 mudarcher back to the bomb area. Leave
them here and carefuly jump passed the mines and stand on the metal platform,
but dont go past it. Take possession of one of the sligs here, and make him
pull the switch to open the canon. Run the slig into the mines in the water,
and then make sure you have 60 spooce before throwing your army of mudos into
the cannon, along with munch. Take them all up the ramp, and upgrade the 6
tamahawkers so you have 7 mudarchers. Run through the gauntlet of slig poppers
and let the mudarchers do the work. Activate the zapper with 30 spooce, then
leave the mudos by the storm circle. Pick up the tamahawker already there and
run back to turn him into a mudarcher, come back, and you should have 8
mudarchers now. Have them activate the storm circle to fill the water back up.
Have munch+abe drink the health up in the corner if needed, then take abe, and
run back to the start of the wooden platform the sligs were on. Follow along it
untill you can take control of the slig on the other side of the explosives.
Make him shoot open the doorway the explosives are in, then kill him. Switch to
munch. Go back to the water area, then jump passed the watermines and flip the
switch on the land to the left. Hop along and flip the next switch and wait at
the ending area on the portal out. Switch to abe. Go back and get the 8
mudarches, then take them through the now open pathway where the explosives
were. Run through past the slig poppers to the portal-out platform before any
mudos get killed and this lvl is over WOO HOO!

Level 17 - No Muds Land

Run around from the bottom up here at the start until you get about 70 spooce.
Jump over on top of the platforms hovering in the area right passed the gate
munch is next to. The idea here is to kill the sligs by throwing bombs down at
them so munch can get through safely. Get munch in his wheelchair, and use abe
to stand on the door switch to bring munch through. Once he is, take abe back
up the platforms by jumping, and spoocekill the sligs on the other side of the
door munch is now waiting at. Stand on the switch with abe, get munch through,
and take abe back up. Walk over to the section next to the door munch is
waiting by. Throw the bombs down to kill the sligs and stand on the platform,
bring munch through, and send abe back up. Make him wait by the next door, send
abe up. Kill these sligs with bombs, you know the drill: abe on switch, send
munch through to the door, abe back up top. This next part is really fun. You
get to take possession of your first big bro slig! With abe on top, send a
spooceball down to take control of the big bro guarding the last door. Kill the
slig on your side of the water, and the two on the other side, blow up all the
crates then march him into the river MWUAHAHAHA. Send abe down, munch through,
and treat both of them to the health up vendor on the other side. Send munch to
the other side through the water and deposit all his spooce at the 99 spooce
lock. Do the same with abe by carefully jumping passed the mines in the bridge.
Send munch into the water cannon and have him wait there. Switch to abe. Stand
on the switch platform by the ramp up, pull the switch, and spoocekill the 2
sligs on ground level here. Next, drink the invisible juice, and hop into the
cannon on the far right. Run through jumping from platform to platform throwing
the sligs off into the bombs. When you get to the last pedestal that is a
little far to jump to, throw a bomb at it to send the slig flying off. Next,
take control of the Big Bro Slig and shoot down the explosives, and kill all
the remaining sligs. Then have him walk to the end of the pathway and pull the
switch. Now run him into some bombs. HA HA HA. Switch to munch get in the
wheelchair. Follow the right wall until you get to the switch. Pull it. Then
use abe to Tap into the last Big Bro Slig and murder all the annoying little
sligs. If you aim just right you can get the 2 sligs up the ladder area too.
Once all is clear from the zap machine to the exit out portals, wheel munch
over on top of his half of the portal out. Next, run abe up to that ladder
area, and jump into the cannon. After the shamans funny lil comment, pull the
switch, and get your blue butt down to the portal out!

Level 18 - Boiler Room

Hop down with abe, then switch to munch and plug into the remote control. Drop
some bombs on these sligs here, and pick up abe. Set him down by the switch
platform, and pull it. Take munch down, and use abe to throw him over the
mines. Go around the corner, and leave munch by these two scrubs. Have munch
drink the invisible juice, then run through to the ladder, and use the remote
control to drop the bombs on the sleeping sligs. Be careful not to kill the 3
scrubs here. Use abe to throw bombs at the 2 sleeping sligs on this platform.
Throw the scrub down with the rest and continue carefully down the path. You
might want to carry the scrubs past the mines. Take control of the armored big
bro slig around the corner, and blow up both sets of explosion boxes, plus kill
the two plain big bro sligs. Self Destruct him, then send abe around that
corner, and drink the bounce, then jump over the wall(btw, you need 20 spooce
first, that you can easily get for setting free the 13 scrubs). Open the
spoocelock, and climb the ladder. Stand on the platform, and take over the
glukkon then make him give his moolah to the lulu fund. Go back down, and stand
on the portal out up the ladder by the bounce. Get munch up there too and head
on to:

Level 19 - Splinterz Manufacturing

Pick up Munch with abe and head along the railing untill you get to the door.
Throw munch on to the door switch, and then walk through with abe. Make abe
stand on the switch on the other side of the door, and then bring munch on
through. Make abe stand on the next switch, then switch to munch, drink the
zap, and take care of the sligs. When those two are gone, stand on the switch,
then have abe run through, pick up munch, and throw him over the bombs. Hop
over with abe, and keep proceeding like this through the next door untill you
come to a break in the walkway. Pick munch up, and throw him across, then hop
over with abe. Toss munch across the mines, then jump across with abe and go
stand on the door switch. Drink the zap with munch and kill the next duo of
sligs. Have abe run through and collect the spooce. CAREFULLY go down the
ladder, and immediatly put only one spooce into a ball and send it to the
sleeping big bro right next to you. Go over under the scoreboard and drink the
Blitz Packer to get a gun for him. Now walk around down here killing all the
sligs you can find. If you die, pull the call security switch with munch, then
repeat taking over the big bro until all the sligs down there are dead. Once
they are, self destruct the big bro, and run around gathering up the huge
amount of scrubs down there. Run back to where the big bro pad is, and make the
mudos pull the switch. Drop down with munch to join the group. Dont go in yet.
First, send in a spooceball, take over one of the sleeping slig poppers. Shoot
the other one, then self destruct. Go in, and set free your massive group of
scrubs. Then take abe back up the ladder, drink the bounce, and jump up to the
CEO's office path. Jump over the mines, and when you get to the corner, send a
mid-sized spooceball down and take over the big bro. Face the Voice
Authorization machine, and press a gamespeak button. Walk through the door,
then pull the switch. After a long time with them respawning, you can
eventually kill them all. Once they are all dead, self destruct and jump down
the ladders to the bottom. Now, you have to jump into the mine trapped areas,
and throw the scrubs to safety. Once you free all 3 of them, go back up the
ladders and sneak in through the door with abe and jump on the door switch. You
MUST sneak or the slig poppers will shoot you. Once on the switch, send a big
juicy spooce ball on through to the ceo's office. Make the CEO give 400,000 to
the lulu fund, and head back to munch. I know what you're thinking. WE'RE
MISSING A SCRUB! Oh no! Go drink some bounce. Run back in the far left corner
where 3 explosives boxes are. Right in that corner, there is a corner you can
jump up to. Do so, get the scrub, and go set him free. Finally, take munch and
abe and get on to the next lvl!

Level 20 - Reservoir Row

Use abe, and jump across to the circle platform, and jump to the main-land.
Switch to munch, and hop into the water. Hop on to the circle platform, and
follow the trail. Hop across to the main-land, and open the spoocelock. Drink
the zap with munch, then hop into the cannon. Once the sligs are toasted, stand
on the switch with munch, and switch to abe and stand on the next platform.
Take over the glukkon and make him give money to the lulu fund. Still
controlling abe now, jump across from platform to platform. Once youre down on
the last one in the water, throw a bomb into the line of mines to clear the
path and quickly run through. Drink the invisible juice, and collect the
spooce, then jump into the cannon. If you're feeling bold today, throw the
sligs into the water heh heh heh...okay anyways. Four switches here. Not a
scrub in sight. eh?? First, swim munch over to this area to get him to stand in
the middle. Now then..Run through with abe, and keep switching back and forth
with munch pulling the switches. Stand on the door switch, and make the glukkon
give up the moolah. Run across the little bridge and get in the cannon. Stand
behind tank #3, and send spooceballs around the corner and make the sligs run
into the water. It's a good idea to use one of them to stand on the switch and
shoot the 2 sligs inside. Next, bring munch around to stand on the door switch.
Run through with abe, hop in the cannon, stand on the switch, and get lulu some
more $$$. Go across to the cliff edge and grab all the spooce. Send down 4
spooceballs to kill the sligs. The sleeping slig's got a gun. Jump in the
cannon. Eh? It's closed?? hmm..Get munch! Hop up onto tank #4 and drink the
zap. Head up the railing, then kill the 2 sligs. Pull the switch, and stand on
the door switch. Change over to abe, and then jump into the cannon. Get lulu
the moolah. Walk across to the switch, and...pull it. Reinforcements. Jump
across towards the shore, and you should make it. Run along, hop onto the
crate, and over the wall. Notice you're back at the start of the level. Take
the mudarchers up the ramp for their first mission: Operation KILL THE SLIGS.
It should be a total slaughter with none of the mudarchers dying. Leave them
there, and hop up onto the left platform. Pull the switch. Hop back down, then
bring munch around to join the group. Slaughter the next group of sligs, then
press on. Get munch in the wheelchair, then switch to abe and make the group
wait here. Jump over to tank #5. This is kinda tricky, so quicksave just in
case you fall in. Once up these platforms, stand on the switch and get lulu
some more cash. Hop down, and make munch drink the zap. Sick the mudarchers on
the sligs and help em out with munch's zap. Once it's clear, bring the group
through, and head up tank #6 the same way as tank #5. Make this last chump go
broke then head back down and join the crew. Halfway up the ramp, stop, and
make munch pull the switch over to the left. You dont have to fight this last
group of sligs, just leave the mudos here safetly, and run to the exit out
portals quickly and ya should be fine and not have to risk lowering quarma.

Level 21 - Flub Fuel's Scrub Pens

Run out to the door switch with abe, then run through with munch and hop down a
very, very, VERY, long pit. Swim through the doorway passage and hop up on the
platform to the right. Pull the switch. Jump in the now open cannon with munch.
Nevermind the cannons here, run on through to the other side. Stand right under
the blue light here. Send a mid sized spooceball around the corner, and have
the slig activate the voice lock with gamespeak. Send a few lazers into the
explosives boxes and keep firing at the sligs. Still controlling the same slig,
run around the corner to the 2 sligs here and shoot them into the water. Fire
over to the 2 sligs on pedestals, they only regen a few times. Kill the slig
you're controlling, then hop down to the left and free the scrub here. Head up
the ladder, and pull the switch to the right. This gives munch access to this
area, but he cant jump down there is too many mines. With abe, free the other
mudos, and walk over to the last ladder. Drop a spooce on the slig, use him to
pull the switch to raise the water, then kill him. Now swim over with munch and
pull the red switch in the water. Drink the zap, and head into the doorway,
around the corner, and zap the three stooges off their platform. Backtrack
around and drink the health-up with abe and munch. Jump across all the
platforms with abe. Jump across to the big circle of spooce platform. Jump over
to the right, and free the scrubs. Then, jump over to the left, and hide behind
the wall then send 3 spooceballs down the row of mudos to kill two of the sligs
here, then save the last one. With him, walk over towards the spooce platform,
and drop down by the zap machine. Shoot at the two sligs here to knock them
into the water, then pull the switch here. Run to the other side, and stand
behind the corner. Shoot at the far big bro, and the other one shouldnt attack
yet. Once there is only one big bro, shoot at him till he is dead and dont let
him get up. Then, run this last slig into the water. Send abe around and go in
the passage behind the spooce circle platform to flip the switch. Then head
down along with the rest of the mudos, and stand on the door switch. Get munch,
bring him around, free all of the fuzzles, and take them down to the rescue
birds. Then, make munch stand on the switch. Take the mudos with abe to be
rescued, then stand on the portal out. Switch to munch, drink the expresso, tap
the door switch, and wabble over to the exit out to go on to the next level.

Level 22 - Flubco Executive Office

Jump over to the other side of the room, and hop up on the platform, and over
the wall. Now this next part might take a few tries. Drink the expresso, and
run down the pathway, and jump to the next part of the pathway to save some
time. Dont stop till you hit the end of the path and they stop firing. Grab the
spooce, and duck behind the wall for cover. Send in a spooceball to control one
of the big bros. Kill the other two, then self destruct. Pull the switch along
the other wall. Swim out with munch under the pathway and get to where abe is.
Down on the vending machines platform, fill up on all the vending machines and
go out one by one shocking big bros off their platforms. Yep, all 11 of em.
Then, run abe back to the start. Get the 6 mudos to follow you, and go on down
the path. When you get to the health-up vendo, make the mudos wait there, and
go on a little more until you reach the green triangle. Jump up there. Pick up
the mudo, then go back and throw him down to safety. Go back and drink the
bounce, then jump on the next higher up platform. Pick up these two mudos, then
walk out to the circle and toss them down aiming at the other circle. Next,
jump across to the other platform, and throw the next two mudos down to safety
the same way. Now, jump down to the first red pad, join the mudos there, then
get the 6 left by the health-up, then 2 more by the next red pad, and the last
one a little further, and this brings us to 11 mudos. run to the end of the
path where munch should now be also. Pull the 6 switches, then set them free.
Go in this room with abe now, and jump on the couch, then to the pillar, then
on up to the doorway platform, then to the ceiling walkway. Run around, stand
on the switch, and make this glockstar into a homeless poor sad little man. Run
back out, pick up munch, and run all the way back to the beginning of the
level, where you advance onwards.

Level 23 - The Loading Dock

Run down a bit, and free the 2 mudos here. The video will give you an idea on
how to go about this level. Now then, go out the door to the right, and wait
for the vykkers to come around. Hop over the gate, and trail a safe distance
behind them, until you get to the second ladder. Climb it, and walk to the edge
of the yellow&black platform. Drop a spooceball of 2 right on top of one of
them, and try to kill all of them with the one youre controlling. You should be
able to do this with the 4 spooce you got from the first 2 rescued mudos. After
this, turn around and jump across the gap, be careful. Drink the invisible,
then bounce, then run over to the far left corner and wait at the locked door.
Switch to munch. Wabble down to the right and jump into the water. Swim to the
ladder, go up, then drop down. Wabble to the other ladder, and go up to the gap
you just jumped with abe, except this time fall down into the water. Go down
the corridor and swim over to the right. Carefully zap all of the vykkers off
of this platform untill it is clear. Drink lots of health-ups. Also, there is
an intern on the other wall along the walkway. Zap em. Free the fuzzles, then
go stand on the door switch on the walkway the intern was on. Abe should be
waiting right there, and bring him through. With both of them, run back into
the vykker platform, and quickly switch between the two to pull the switches
fast enough. Now the water level raises and all the baddies in this level
should be gone. Now, we have 2 scrubs and 22 egg crates to take care of before
the level is over. Once scrub, is in this room, up high. Use the bounce juice.
One last scrub. Drink bounce, then run out the door left of the bounce vendor.
Run to the end of the platform, jump up, throw the scrub down, and free him.
Now, to get the egg crates out of here. Run back into the room with the
invisible juice. Jump in the cannon, and follow the walkway, jumping back
across the gap. Run across the walkway jumping carefully over, then jump to the
middle island with the crates. Switch to munch. Drink some aqua bounce, and
jump up to the door switch, and follow the same path munch did to the big room.
With aqua bounce you should make it. Jump across and take over the remote
control. Gently drop each of the 22 crates into the loading bay circle in the
middle. Remember the 4 over to the far right platform. Once you have them all,
pick up abe and drop him on the bullseye platform. Run over to the exit out
with both guys and youre all set. Now hop over to the real exit out after the
shaman speaks and youre done with this level.

Level 24 - Labor Egg Storage

Drink the expresso provided at the start here with abe, and run out, untill you
go passed the doorway and arrive at 2 vendos. Drink the expresso and invisible
cans, then duck under the doorway here and jump up the ladder quickly. Keep
going forward until you get to the bombs. Throw them down and kill the vykkers
here. Remember, there is a health-up vendo right here also. Once all ten are
gone, throw the 9 egg crates into the loading chute. Be careful not to miss.
Bring the 4 mudos on the bottom to the center of the room, then switch to
munch. Bring him around to where abe is, and turn right. Stop at the health-up
vendo. Head around the corner to the right, drink the zap, and have a seat.
Make a U-turn and head down the ramp, and kill the 3 vykkers here. Go recharge
health and zap, and go back towards where the vykkers were. In the next room,
kill the 3 vykkers on the floor level, then quickly jump up towards a remote
control for shelter. Tap into both remote controls, dropping these 4 vykkers
into the trash where they belong. Switch to abe and run on down with the 4
mudos. There's 6 switches here, but only 4 mudos...So walk into the main room
with abe, and then pick him up via the remote control, and set him down on the
high platforms the vykkers were on. Get the mudos on both platforms down and
you should have 14 mudos and 12 fuzzles by the 6 switches(whew!). Pull the
switches, and send down JUST munch. Drink zap, and kill these 2 vykkers.
Connect to the remote control now, and load all 27 crates into the loading
chute. This sucks, takes a long time and you have to be careful. Once theyre
all in, bring in abe, and set him on top of the switch. First, drink zap with
munch, then pull the switch with abe, then back to munch and zap the vykker
ambush sneaky guy to death. Set free your 26 friends here, then head on down to
the last level!


Level 25 - Vykker Suites (an abe only level, the last level)

You've come a long way. Here we are, on the last level. Walk down and talk to
the shaman, and then walk around collecting the spooce along the pathway. Do
NOT fall down. I would recommend regrowing the spooce here so you have a few
dozen spooce if youre going for perfect quarma and dont want to risk losing
mudos in fights. Walk around the left side of the room, and take over a vykker.
Go over to the vending machine at the right to get double cleavers. Want MORE
firepower? Go to the end of the path and get a snuzi gun. You should be able to
kill all the vykkers here with this powerful gun. Double check they are all
dead, and then go grab the 10 mudos and extra spooce. Gather them up and take
your crew down to the switches, and open the door. Open the next set of
switches but stand on the platform around the cage first, when the door open,
send a few spooce in fast and try to kill them all so your mudos dont have to.
If you can pull it off sneakily go get a snuzi and come back. Once the cage is
clear, go inside and pull the red switch. Now, go outside the cage and up the
ladder around the back of it. Pull the switch at the end, and then start
throwing the 17 egg crates into the loading chute, starting with the ones
closest to it, because if you run into another one when you're carrying one,
they break. Once they are all loaded in, rally up your mudo crew and head
through the middle of the cage and keep walking towards munch when you see him.
Enjoy the movie sequence, and give yourself a big pat on the back. If you
followed this guide pretty closely and saved alot you should have very good
maybe even perfect quarma. If not, its explained here in the walkthrough how
every creature in the game you need to save gets rescued. Also, you need to not
have any creatures die to have perfect quarma, even if you resurrected them it
still counts for them dying. Stay tuned here and I will try to add a bad quarma
walkthrough so you can see that ending movie too.



4. Quarma
(Quarma determines the outcome of the ending movie in the game, there is a
good, and a bad ending, depending on quarma.)At the behest of the Almighty
Raisin, Mudoken Shamans are instructed to help Munch and Abe successfully
complete their journey. This means our heroes are expected to rescue the
innocent and exploited creatures of Oddworld and protect their friends.
Rescuing these Oddworld friends brings Munch and Abe good quarma. The more
rescues performed, the better the Quarma. Before he can lead Fuzzles to a
rescue portal, Munch must first free the Fuzzles from the cages where the
Vykkers keep them for experimentation. To set Fuzzles free from their cages,
have Munch zap the cages with his headport by tapping the A button. Similarly,
Abe needs to free Scrub Mudokons and save the precious mudokon eggs (his unborn
brothers). Abe finds enslaved brethren working in Oddworld's industrial
facilities, their head feathers shaved off, and their skin color pale-blue. To
rescue Fuzzles and Mudokon Scrubs, have Munch or Abe lead them to the rescue
portals. Then, tap the A button to activate the portal and the Fuzzles and
Mudokon Scrubs will magically vanish before your eyes as they hop, step and
jump through the portal. As for the Mudokon eggs, Munch must transport the egg
crates to loading bay chutes with a crane, or Abe can carry them there. Be
careful not to drop 'em!

Since Munch and Abe are a team they share one Quarma score and good Quarma
means a better ending for Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. To check on Munch and
Abe's Quarma, pull the Right Trigger. You know you've been doing the right
thing when you see a golden halo hovering over Munch's or Abe's head. On the
other hand, when you've got bad, bad, bad Quarma, the halo is red and jagged.
Another way to see your Quarma value is to choose Check Quarma from the Pause
menu. Munch's facial expression on the slider, in addition to the number of
Scrubs, Fuzzles, and Eggs indicated as rescued, Shows how your Quarma is doing.

5. Appendices
The Good:

Main Characters :
Abe - Floor waxing revolutionary visionary
Munch - Amphibian revolutionary fuzzle freedom fighter
The Shaman - Your commanding guide for the overall objectives of the game
Raisin - The almighty all knowing all powerful dude!
Native Mudokons

The Bad:

The Snoozer
Armored Bouncer
Armored Popper
Big Bro Slig
Armored Big Bro Slig
Shock Rocker
Armored Worker
Armored Shock Rocker
Armored Shooter
Shot Doc
Armored Scientist
Armored Sawbones
Armored Shot Doc
Big Cheese

6. Version History
The latest version of this F.A.Q. can always be found at
FAQ Information:
Completion: around 95% complete
Started: Late November 2001
File Size: 58.4 KB
Emails: 6 total emails regarding my Munch's Oddysee F.A.Q. since December
12, 2001

Version 2.0 (Dec. 15th)
Added levels 16-23, Fixed some typo's, and the F.A.Q is now also hosted at:

Version 1.0 (Dec. 12th)
First version of the FAQ. Not that much completed yet, all sections started,
but heavily under construction. Walkthrough about a little over halfway
completed, WILL be updated soon. Next version expect a farther walkthrough,
other sections to fill out, and maybe even a bad quarma walkthrough for those
evil people out there that think they can stomach harming a fuzzle :( Also I
will put up any info I receive from you guys, so email me if you have more
content for me to put up and you WILL be credited and greatly appreciated.
Direct emails to and be sure to say it is for the
F.A.Q. in the subject so I know it's not junkmail :)

7. Credits
A big Thank You go to the following people/places:
-GameFAQ's for hosting this F.A.Q.
-OddWorld (, Infogrames, and Microsoft for putting out one of
the best games ever made.
-Pepsi for the massive amounts off caffeine that made this F.A.Q. possible.
-The Munch's Oddysee instruction manual for: the story, game mechanics, and
some info on quarma.

8. Disclaimer
And now for the crummy legal crap YAY!

This F.A.Q. is the sole property of Jeremy Guthrie, and shall not be modified
in any way, shape or form unless consent by the author is attained. This FAQ
shall not be used in a profitable purpose by anyone or anything. This includes
magazines, websites, strategy guides, or any of the like. If you want
permission for this F.A.Q. to be placed on your website, please contact me, at If you do find a website that has any of the
information here without my permission, or has modified it in any way, please
notify me as soon as possible. Thank you all, and enjoy the F.A.Q.

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