UT 2003

UT 2003

28.09.2013 13:56:00
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FAQ BY: The Spelunker
Email: lance3335@bellsouth.net
Copyright - 2003 - 2005. All rights reserved.

This guide may not be used for any purpose other than personal use without
the written consent of the author, and the only e-mail address which may give
this consent is lance3335@bellsouth.net. Those who violate this should know
that they are breaking US copyright law. If you see this guide being hosted
on a site besides http://www.gamefaqs.com/ it is being done so illegally.
Please contact me if this is the case.

Table of Contents

0) Version Info
1) Introduction
2) Weapons
3) Game Types
4) Basic Tips
5) Pro Tips(online only)
6) Tweaking your settings
7) Adrenaline
8) Credits


V 1.0
+ Everything is complete(Introduction, Weapons, Game Types, Basic Tips, Pro
Tips, Tweaking your Settings, Credits and Adrenaline)

+ This is the first and probably final version of this guide

+ The only time it may be updated is to correct an error or *possibly* to
include specific map strategies. I would be more inclined to do specific map
strategies if I received e-mails asking me to, so let me know if you want to
see them.


Unreal Tournament 2003 is an intense, first-person shooter for the PC and
Macintosh. It has a mediocre single-player game and the option to play
online, which is the main reason most people purchase it(and similarly,
upgrade their computers to do so). It is recommended that any player wishing
to be competitive online have at least a broadband connection, 1.5 gig
processor, 256 mb ram, and 32 mb video card(though more is DEFINITELY

My goals in making this FAQ are to help more players get into the very small
UT2003 competitive scene. There is a pretty big difficulty curve, and so it
keeps a lot of the bad players from competing with the decent ones and the
decent ones from competing with the experts. If you're just interested in
getting through the single player or something, this isn't the guide for you.
This is mainly geared towards people who play online, but it might be of
assistance to a single-player guy, so don't let that scare you off, I guess.

Just so you know, I consider myself to be an above average UT2003 player. I
generally win or rank second in most of the east-coast DM and TDM pubs,
excluding ones like Factory TDM where all of the good players hang out, but I
can hold my own in those, too. I've been playing this game since the demo
came out fairly regularly, and my opinion isn't just hot air -- following
these strategies and tips will at least bring you to the intermediate level,
as long as you practice them.

-(2) WEAPONS)-



The Translocator was originally designed by Liandri Corporation’s R&D sector
to facilitate the rapid recall of miners during tunnel collapses. However,
rapid deresolution and reconstitution can have several unwelcome effects,
including increases in aggression and paranoia. In order to prolong the
careers of today’s contenders, limits have been placed on Translocator use in
the lower-ranked leagues. The latest iteration of the Translocator features a
remotely operated camera, exceptionally useful when scouting out areas of
contention. It should be noted that while viewing the camera’s surveillance
output, the user is effectively blind to their immediate surroundings.


Primary Attack: shoots translocator shot
Secondary Attack: teleports to location of translocator shot
Special Attack: Camera Mode - Press the hotkey of your translocator again to
view the area around your translocator(caution: you won't be able to see what
is around your character when you do this)


Strategy: The translocator is usually never used in Deathmatch games, but
will almost always be found in a game of CTF and usually in BR games as well.
It is highly useful in CTF because it is the easiest way to get from one base
to the other. A CTF player who doesn't use the translocator is not playing to
his full potential. A nifty thing about the TL is that you can actually kill
people with it if you shoot it over their head and teleport when it is above
them. This will also work when it's on the ground, but not as well.

:::[Assault Rifle]:::

Inexpensive and easily produced, the AR770 provides a lightweight 5.56mm
combat solution that is most effective against unarmored foes. With
low-to-moderate armor penetration capabilities, this rifle is best suited to
a role as a light support weapon. The optional M355 Grenade Launcher provides
the punch that makes this weapon effective against heavily armored enemies.


Primary Attack: inaccurate automatic fire
Secondary Attack: grenade toss

Strategy: The Assault Rifle is the weapon you start with as you spawn, and
although it can put out damage, it is highly inaccurate and very weak. The
grenade secondary fire is definitely useful if someone is trying to spawn
kill you, as you can either secure an escape route by spamming grenades, or
even snipe with them if you hold down fire to charge them up(thereby making
them fly farther). I suggest you don't try to kill people with this, though,
in favor of searching for a new weapon. If you run out of grenades, it is
sometimes best to pull out your Shield Gun and go into defensive
mode(secondary fire).

:::[Shield Gun]:::

The Kemphler DD280 Riot Control Device has the ability to resist and reflect
incoming projectiles and energy beams. The plasma wave inflicts massive
damage, rupturing tissue, pulverizing organs, and flooding the bloodstream
with dangerous gas bubbles. This weapon may be intended for combat at close
range, but when wielded properly should be considered as dangerous as any
other armament in your arsenal.


Primary Attack: charge-up shield attack(generally a one-hit kill when
it's fully charged and touches a player directly)
Secondary Attack: defensive shield


Strategy: I love the Shield Gun. Sometimes I'll use it even if I have a
weapon like the Rocket Launcher on-hand because it will completely absorb
damage, as long as the enemy projectiles are actually hitting the green
shield part(it cover most of the front of your body). Practice with this, and
you'll be able to use it strategically to absorb enemy fire while you either
try to escape, attempt to lead them into a trap or scramble for another
weapon. This is one of the only real utility-type weapons in the game besides
the Translocator.

:::[Shock Rifle]:::

The ASMD Shock Rifle has changed little since its incorporation into the
Tournaments. The ASMD sports two firing modes capable of acting in concert to
neutralize opponents in a devastating shockwave. This combination attack is
achieved when the weapon operator utilizes the secondary fire mode to deliver
a charge of seeded plasma to the target. Once the slow-moving plasma charge
is within range of the target, the weapon operator may fire the photon beam
into the plasma core, releasing the explosive energy of the anti-photons
contained within the plasma’s EM field.


Primary Attack: shock beam
Secondary Attack: shock core
Special Attack: Shock Combo - Strike a shock core in the center with a shock
beam to do massive damage to anything in proximity of the explosion


Strategy: The Shock Rifle is a great weapon, and also a favorite of many
people -- some people use these things religously because of the Shock
Combo's power. Shock Cores are not a good attack to use unless you're about
to exectue a combo. Though they're big, they're also slow and a competent
player will easily sidestep them. The only case I see shock cores being
useful as a mode of fire is when you and your opponent are in a very narrow
space, and he or she won't be able to avoid them. Otherwise you should
practice using shock beams and honing your aim.

A lot of beginners don't even know how to do a Shock Combo, and this is
unfortunate because it is a pretty easy technique that can be performed
without even moving. Just stand in one spot, shoot a core and fire a beam
immediately after -- boom. The real fun begins when you learn how to execute
these babies while moving. Have you ever seen some guy just come into a game
and blow everyone away? Chances are that he's using moving Shock Combos. Not
only will these always beat someone who trys stand-still combos, but they
will also allow you to dodge while firing rather than being a sitting duck.

Practice makes perfect when it comes to moving Shock Combos -- even the best
players miss these occasionally.

:::[Link Gun]:::

Riordan Dynamic Weapon Systems combines the best of weapon design in the
Advanced Plasma Rifle v23, commonly known as the Link Gun. While the primary
firing mode of the Link remains the same as its plasma-firing predecessor,
the secondary cutting torch has been replaced with a switchable energy
matrix. Upon contacting a teammate, it converts to a harmless carrier stream,
offloading energy from the onboard cells to boost the output of any targeted
player also using the Link. It should be noted that while players are
boosting a teammate, they are unable to defend themselves from attack.


Primary Attack: plasma shots
Secondary Attack: plasma shaft
Special Attack: Link - Use secondary fire on a teammate using a link gun for
added damage.


Strategy: The Link Gun isn't a great gun any way you look at it. Though
arguably useful in team games, very few people use it because it's difficult
to move in sync with another guy while linked, and the person who is linking
will be a sitting duck. If you do use this gun, primary fire is generally
your best option, but some people do prefer secondary for some reason, even
though it's highly affected by lag and fairly inaccurate. The problem with
primary fire is that it's also inaccurate, and you must lead people by a
great distance for it to be useful.

Many people think spraying a wide area by moving the crosshair side-to-side
is a good idea, but this can often make every shot miss, so it's really
better to just aim to one specific side of a person, just far enough ahead so
that it will connect if he moves in that direction. The bottom line: only use
this gun if you have to.


The GES BioRifle continues to be one of the most controversial weapons in the
Tournament. Loved by some, loathed by others, the BioRifle has long been the
subject of debate over its usefulness. Some Tournament purists argue that it
is the equivalent of a cowardly minefield. Others argue that it enhances the
tactical capabilities of defensive combatants. Despite the debate, the weapon
provides rapid-fire wide-area coverage in primary firing mode, and a
single-fire variable payload secondary firing mode. In layman's terms, this
equates to being able to pepper an area with small globs of Biosludge, or
launch one large glob at the target.


Primary Attack: single glob
Secondary Attack: charge-up goo


Strategy: The Bio-Rifle can be an extremely effective weapon to carry around
fully-loaded. While the Primary Attack is pretty useless compared to many
other guns, a fully-charged Bio-Rifle can kill almost anyone in one hit --
the only exceptions being people with full shields and full health(I don't
know the exact damage it does, but I've survived direct hits before). The
neat thing is that it's actually rather easy to hit with, especially if
you're good at predicting an enemy's moves, or if he's just predictable

Don't rely on this weapon, but definitely don't underrate it. Many people
have argued that this is an unfair weapon as it can entirely turn the tides
of a close 1v1 match, and I'd have to agree, but it's in the game


The Schultz-Metzger T23-A 23mm rotary cannon is capable of firing both
high-velocity caseless ammunition and cased rounds. With an unloaded weight
of only 8 kilograms, the T23 is portable and maneuverable, easily worn across
the back when employing the optional carrying strap. The T23-A is the rotary
cannon of choice for the discerning soldier.


Primary Attack: rapid-fire ammunition
Secondary Attack: explosive ammunition


Strategy: The Minigun has been in many different first-person shooters, under
many different names -- you know it: the big, highly-automatic gun that goes
through bullets like tommorow. In UT2003 it's an often underrated gun because
it doesn't dish out nearly the damage it did in Unreal Tournament, but it can
still be deadly, especially at close range. It's kind of risky to engage in
close range with someone using a Flak Cannon, but you can beat most other
weapons with a Minigun as long as you're quick on your toes and have a steady

It will take a lot of control and prediction to be lethal with the Minigun,
but it will pay off. It's one of the most easily accessible weapons in most
levels. The primary attack seems to be a lot better than the Secondary Attack
unless your opponent is standing still, but it really all comes down to a
matter of preference, I suppose. With good aim and prediction, secondary can
be just as deadly.

:::[Flak Cannon]:::

Trident Defensive Technologies Series 7 Flechette Cannon has been taken to
the next step in evolution with the production of the Mk3 “Negotiator.” The
ionized flechettes are capable of delivering second and third-degree burns to
organic tissue, cauterizing the wound instantly. Payload delivery is achieved
via one of two methods: ionized flechettes launched in a spread pattern
directly from the barrel; or via fragmentation grenades that explode on
impact, radiating flechettes in all directions.


Primary Attack: flak shards
Secondary Attack: flak ball


Strategy: The Flak Cannon is the weapon of choice for new players because it
is fast, powerful and easy to spam with. However, there is some finesse to
the Flak Cannon, and this comes from using the Primary Attack at close range.
A well-aimed attack will completely shred someone and do no damage to you in
the process. This is always the preferable weapon in close range situations.
The secondary fire can be useful at medium range; just send a ball directly
at where you think the person will move next. It takes a little practice to
aim good with the balls, but you'll love it once you do get good at them. All
in all, this is not a difficult weapon to use.

:::[Rocket Launcher]:::

The Trident Tri-barrel Rocket Launcher is extremely popular among competitors
who enjoy more bang for their buck. The rotating rearloading barrel design
allows for both single- and multi-warhead launches, letting you place up to
three dumbfire rockets on target. The warheads are designed to deliver
maximum concussive force to the target and surrounding area upon detonation.


Primary Attack: single rocket
Secondary Attack: load rockets(up to three)
Special Attack: Rocket Clump - hold the primary fire button while loading
rockets to shoot them in one, big clump rather than a spread formation.


Strategy: The Rocket Launcher is usually easy to find on most maps and is a
killer at medium range, if you're on level ground. The trick when using one
of these is not to aim for the actual person, but to try to hit their feet.
However, against a skilled player, you're not going to score a hit by aiming
for their feet. Rather you'll need to predict where they're going to move
next and ground fire there. One of my favorite strategies is to fire off a
shot from my Lightning Gun as I advance towards another player, then pull out
the Rocket Launcher once I get closer and finish him or her off.

If you really want to get some air-time so you can aim better, try doing a
dodge jump while using these. I have to recommend that you not develop a
habit of double jumping in this game, as I will describe in my guide later.

:::[Lightning Gun]:::

The Lightning Gun is a high-power energy rifle capable of ablating even the
heaviest carapace armor. Acquisition of a target at long range requires a
steady hand, but the anti-jitter effect of the optical system reduces the
weapon’s learning curve significantly. Once the target has been acquired, the
operator depresses the trigger, painting a proton ‘patch’ on the target.
Milliseconds later the rifle emits a high voltage arc of electricity, which
seeks out the charge differential and annihilates the target.


Primary Attack: lightning shot
Secondary Attack: zoom


Strategy: The Lightning Gun is the most useful weapon in the game. With a
regular hit, it will inflict 70 damage. It can also do splash damage, as well
as a head shot if you strike someone in the head. A lot of people say this
weapon is slow, but that's why you switch out to another weapon like the
Shock Rifle and follow up your shots while your crosshair is still on the
guy. You should almost always try to aim for the head when you have one of
these, unless you're just doing a glance shot around a corner(in that case,
aim wherever you can). The best UT2003 players use this weapon religously and
head shot people like no tommorow. Practice makes perfect, but if you really
want to know something neat, your crosshair actually starts right on the same
vertical plane that a player's head will if he's on level ground.


The first time you witness this miniature nuclear device in action, you’ll
agree it is the most powerful weapon in the Tournament. Launch a slow-moving
but utterly devastating missile with the primary fire; but make sure you’re
out of the Redeemer’s impressive blast radius before it impacts. The
secondary fire allows you to guide the nuke yourself with a rocket’s-eye
view. Keep in mind, however, that you are vulnerable to attack when steering
the Redeemer’s projectile. Due to the extreme bulkiness of its ammo, the
Redeemer is exhausted after a single shot.


Primary Attack: nuclear missile
Secondary Attack: guided nuclear missile


Strategy: In the games with better players, Super Weapons are usually turned
off. Relying on the Redeemer to win matches for you is not a good idea, and
you'll often end up getting yourself killed if you're not careful. Stay away
from this baby unless you just happen upon it.

:::[Ion Cannon]:::

The Ion Painter seems innocuous enough at first glance, emitting a harmless
low-power laser beam when the primary firing mode is engaged. Several seconds
later a multi-gigawatt orbital ion cannon fires on the target, neutralizing
any combatants in the vicinity. The Ion Painter is a remote targeting device
used to orient and fire the VAPOR Ion Cannon. The Ion Painter offers
increased targeting accuracy via its telescopic sight, easily activated by
the secondary fire mode of the weapon. Once the Ion Painter has been used to
designate a target it is highly recommended that the user put considerable
distance between themselves and the weapon's area of effect.


Primary Attack: really long charge ion fire
Secondary Attack: ?


Strategy: While the redeemer can actually be useful at times, the Ion Cannon
requires you to stand completely still for a rather lengthy time just to
produce a similar effect. It is easily the most useless weapon in the game
and should be avoided due to its high risk factor when charging.


(((- Capture the Flag -)))

Capture the Flag is pretty much self-explanatory. The goal is to retrieve the
flag from the enemy's base and bring it back to your own. You must take the
flag to your own flag point, but you will only be able to score a point if
your flag is in its place as well. If an enemy touches their own flag while a
player is not holding it, it will be returned to their flagstand.

Though a very popular game for clans to play in leagues and on ladders(OGL,
IGL and PG for example), Capture the Flag very rarely has cash tournaments,
and it's not a very enjoyable game on public servers because it requires a
lot of teamwork. The UT2003 CTF scene started out bigger than the Deathmatch
scene did, but DM is gradually starting to catch up as I write this guide.

(((- Deathmatch -)))

Deathmatch is easily the simplest game type in UT2003. The player with the
most kills wins. Usually a server will have a kill or time limit, and once
this is reached or the time expires, the game is over and a new one begins.
Deathmatch comes in two varieties: free-for-all and team.

Free-for-all deathmatch is the ideal game type for public servers. It is also
used for 1v1 games, which are one of the greatest tests of skills in the
game. Team deathmatch is a favorite on online leagues and ladders(then again,
so is 1v1), but again, much like CTF, it is not a profitable game type to
pursue if you're interested in cash tournament competitions. DM as a whole
has a much more coherent scoring system than CTF on an individual basis, and
most people wanting to actually "win" games will choose DM as their game type
of choice because of this.

(((- Bombing Run -)))

Bombing Run is a team game. There is one ball that starts in the center of
the map, and the goal is to carry it to the enemy's goal and either jump
through it with the ball or shoot the ball through. The catch is that the
person holding the ball can't attack. He can pass it to his teammates, but
that's all. If this person is killed, the ball will drop to where he was last

Bombing Run is a game type indigenous to UT2003. It's a fun idea on paper,
but doesn't work too great on public servers because not many people really
like the idea of not being able to attack while they're holding the ball. I
suppose it could be an enjoyable team game on a ladder, but most competitive
UT2003 clans keep their distance from this game because it's rather odd and
not as enjoyable as the other game types.

(((- Double Domination -)))

Every Double Domination map has two "points" on it. These are large circles
which colors change based on what team is controlling them -- blue or red.
The idea, as you might imagine, is for one team to capture both of these
points and hold them for a certain amount of time(the timer starts at 10, but
I'm not sure if this is seconds or what). A point is scored when one team has
done this. Afterwards, the circles revert back to their original state and
the game begins again.

Double Dom is an enjoyable team game that is sadly overlooked due to CTF's
popularity. Some competitive clans play this for kicks, but most people don't
get involved with it, and there are few servers which actually host DD games.


- A lot of people say one of the prime rules of First-Person Shooters is to
never quit moving, and while this is a VERY good rule to follow, don't take
it totally to heart. Everyone knows that it's easier to aim if you're not
moving, so don't feel like you can't stop for a second to headshot a player
posing little threat to you.

- UT2003's double-jump can be useful at times, but you should practice only
using dodge and dodge-jump to move around and evade in combat. You'll run
into way too many problems if you use double-jump, or even worse single-jump,

- Always aim for someone's head when using a Minigun or Lightning Gun;
otherwise you're not using them to their full potential.

- At mid-range and close range, ground fire is essential for rockets. Don't
try to aim for someone's body.

- Shields and Double Damage are very important items; don't underestimate

- Zoom on the Lightning Gun offers a much bigger target.

- Jumping on Low Gravity makes you an easy target.

- Don't spam! Take the time to aim, and you'll begin to find yourself
improving. Spam might work sometimes, but it won't help you against a good

- Don't use trick jumps just for the hell of it; only use them if they're
actually serving a purpose. Far too many people do them just because they can
and these people often find themselves dying because of it.

- The translocator is incredibly useful. Use it to get to hard to reach
places and to move around with, but be careful not to fire one where it can
be destroyed. Definitely don't try to teleport to one you have shot at the
enemy, or you will more than likely be telefragged.

- In team-games, don't just dive into a large group of enemies; try to find
some teammates so you'll have a better chance of surviving and getting kills.

- Though many people hate campers, it is sometimes the best strategy in Team
Deathmatch -- guard a weapon so the enemy can't get it(mainly useful if
Weapon Stay is off)

- Hotkey all of your weapons. Some people can get by with the scroll wheel,
but it is a lot easier to hotkey them because you'll have to discard weapons
often if you use a scroll wheel. Make sure all of these weapons are near
WASD(or whatever movement keys you're using).

- Make use of weapon switching often. If you're in a close range situation,
switch out to Flak Cannon. Long range? Lightning Gun, then Shock Rifle during
the Lightning recharge time.

- Dodge(tap any direction key twice)

- Dodge Jump(tap and direction key twice and press jump immediately afterwards)

- Wall Dodge(jump against a wall and tap the direction key opposite the side
of you the wall is on twice)

- Double Jump(tap jump twice)

- Elevator Jump(jump right before the elevator reaches its peak)

- Boost Jump(trickiest move in game) When against a wall, press the opposite
direction + jump, opposite direction + jump, and jump all in rapid
succession. If done right, you will do the equivalent of triple dodge-jump,
gaining massive height and distance.


- Turn your music off! You need to hear people's footsteps, elevators and
weapons firing at all costs.

- Always be aware of your surroundings. In 1v1 matches, make sure you know
where the other player is.

- Either get a pair of headphones with two working speakers or a very good
set of stereo speakers. Without these, you're going to have trouble
perceiving what direction sounds are coming from.

- All of the best players use a very low mouse sensitivity(most around 2) for
better aim. To fully utilize this sensitivity, you will need a large
mousepad(I recommend a RATPAD) and also an optical mouse preferably.

- Turn the Gamma up so you can see people in dark areas.

- Look before you leap. The high ground is always the best place to be, and
diving into a trap or losing your advantage and dying because of it is not

- The best place to hang out in a level is around the Big Shield.

- In 1v1 matches, watch the other player to see what his pattern is and his
stlye of play -- lots of mid-range players are very predictable.

- Don't be predictable yourself. Never chase the enemy unless you think he's
just about dead because he'll almost always lead you into a trap.

- Time the power-ups! This is essential in 1v1 matches.

- (CAPTURE THE FLAG ONLY) Capture the Flag is not a game of frags. You should
either be defending the flag, protecting the flag carrier, retrieving the
flag or taking the enemy's flag. People who aren't doing these(i.e. DMing in
the middle) are hurting their time. Strategies like these might cut it on
pubs or rookie ladder matches, but good players will just translocate right
by you.

- Switch out weapons a lot in combat; it will confuse the other player.

- Power-up control is the key to winning 1v1 games in a match with two
equally skilled players.

- Hide your weapon from view. A visible weapon not only gives you a blind
spot, but no good players have visible weapons.

- Turn off the blinking when taking damage. This obscures your view, is
incredibly distracting and is used only by beginners. A good player will know
from the sounds around him and his health indicator if he or she is taking


Unreal Tournament 2003 is a graphically intense game. Without a strong
computer, and sometimes even if you do have one, you will definitely want to
turn down your graphical options for optimum performance. You can do this in
"settings". Turn every option down as low as it can go, reduce your
resolution as low as 640x??? and uncheck everything. This is the most
efficient setup that can be achieved via the Unreal client. The rest will
have to be done by changing your video card settings manually.

-(7) Adrenaline)-

Once you get 100 Adrenaline(through either pills, kills or sprees), you will
see a flashing 100 on your HUD. At this point you can do one of four things:


Command: Tap forward four times

Review: Speed is really only useful in Bombing Run and Capture the Flag when
you either have the flag or the ball. Other than that, don't waste Adrenaline
on it.


Command: Tap back four times

Review: Booster is good in almost any situation and is the ideal Adrenaline
ability for most UT2003 players, myself included. It shines best in DM,
though, when you need raw health and shields to take damage and frag.


Command: Tap forward twice and back twice

Review: This increases your attack speed, but really isn't useful unless
you're a spammer because weapons fire fast enough as it is. This could
possibly be useful for the Minigun, but, again, it isn't that great of a use
for Adrenaline.


Command: Tap right 2 twice and left twice

Review: This is most people's, who don't like Booster, favorite Adrenaline
ability. In the hands of a skilled player, invisibility can easily lead to a
killing spree. The main problem with it is that it has no long term benefits,
and your outline can be seen, as well as any flames or blood. I never use
this, but some people may like it.

-(8) Credits)-

- GameFAQs, for hosting this guide and providing a site where gamers can
share and seek information on just about any game out there, new or old. I
hope this site never dies, and I plan to continue to contribute as much as I
can to it.

- Infrogrames/Digital Extreme, you guys are generally pretty responsive on
your message boards(although there are a lot of whining users), and you have
added features onto UT2003 like the skins, DE map pack and official expansion
pack. This shows that you are still dedicated to bettering the game and not
just out for our money. I can't wait to see UT2004!
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01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020