UT 2k3

UT 2k3

04.10.2013 13:48:45
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THIS FILE BY : Jake Logan (Jake250)
Email : Bozo2011@hotmail.com
Copyright - 2003. All rights reserved.
Last Update : January 3, 2004

LANGUAGE NOTE : If you find some problem reliated to the engligh, well first
notice this plz : im not an english at all. I am only 13 years old, and im a
french. So im sorry for any mistake I can make, but I think everything in here
is quite understandable.

The art above is home made and took me quite a long time, so plz dont steal it.
It only work if your using the font "COURIER NEW".

This has been made after hour and hour of work. If you want to use it in any
other way than for personal use, plz include all what appear here with no
modification. You may not take a part of it and use it in any mean until you
take all in one with no modification.

Informations here are made by me, and this is what I THINK of it, not what the
other think. I don't want to receive e-mail to change the work I did here,
because I did what I wanted to do.

Press "Ctrl + F" and enter the number of the section you want to go to.
Example : Press "Ctrl + F", "#1.2". This will lead you to the coresponding
section in the faq.
You can also scroll trough the faq if you want.

January 7, 2004 - The guide is almost complete, some section are not yet done.
I think you can found information on both of those section on other faq.

#1- Game Info
#2- Game Type Info/Strategy
#2.1- Deathmatch
#2.2- Team Deathmatch
#2.3- Capture the Flag
#2.4- Double Domination
#2.5- Bombing Run
#2.6- Mutant
#2.7- Last Man Standing
#2.8- Invasion
#3- The Best Control
#4- The Weapons
#4.1- Shield Gun
#4.2- Assault Rifle
#4.3- Bio Rifle
#4.4- Shock Rifle
#4.5- Link Gun
#4.6- Minigun
#4.7- Flak Cannon
#4.8- Rocket Launcher
#4.9- Lightning Gun
#4.10- Translocator
#4.11- Redeemer
#4.12- Ion Painter
#5- Basic Move and Advanced Move (COMING SOON !!!)
#6- Adrenaline : The Super Move
#7- Bots Tips
#8- Map Info (COMING SOON !!!)
#9- Credits

#1- Game Info #####################################
Unreal Tournament 2003 is one of the best gave I ever played, and i'm waiting
for Unreal Tournament 2004 wich will be like a bbbiiiggg update to Ut2003. This
game contain many game types and fun mutators. Mutators are change you can made
to the game to make it funnier. The AI is very good and higher difficulty are
very hard to beat. Playing via the net directly from the game or by Game Spy
Arcade is a true challenge. But if you don't like game where one of the first
thing to do is to shot, this is not a game for you. There is enough tactic in
this game to make him more enjoyable. Well, its your to buy this game and play
it. I think its useless to have a copy of this game, because you cannot play on
the net. Now its your own choice ...



#2- Game Type Info/Strategy #######################
Unreal Tournament 2003 include 8 different game modes (but you need the Epic
Bonus Pack if you want all of them). Most of them are a great experience to see
and understand and to play and achieve the first goal. See yourself ...

#2.1 / ========== \
------------------------------------- DEATHMATCH -------------------------
\ ========== /

If you don't know what is Deathmatch, you have big problem. In a classic
deathmatch game, players fight together in a free-for-all. You have no allied,
only enemy. To win, you need to reach the number of frag (kill) set by the
host, have the most kill after the time set by the host again or be the only
one always alive after everyone else lost all theyre live.

Try to take most Super Health, Shield and Super Shield, the Super Weapon and/or
the best weapon you can have if you want to survive. Generaly, the one that can
control most of those will be the winners, as all this can realy help. If only
lives are available, hide yourself from other players, by-pass them and take
the power-ups. But never stop moving, even if you think your safe, and be ready
to crush anyone in your way.

#2.2 / =============== \
------------------------------------- TEAM DEATHMATCH -------------------------
\ =============== /

Same as Deathmatch, basicaly. There is two team, Red and Blue.Both are fighting
together to reach one of the 3 goal to victory. The number of Frag need to be
reach by the TEAM. Each player of the team have their score addition to make
the total Team Score. Also, every suicide of each player of the team will
retire one points.

Stay grouped !! The key to victory in most time is to stay tacticaly grouped.
Never confront enemy when outnumbered until you have true superior weapon or
power-ups in your own. Also beware of the special weapon when in group as they
can realy make fast work of anyone. Redeemer shot can easly be seek and
destroyed with some weapons (mostly the Link Gun). Try to control important
area containing valuable power-ups like the Super Shield or Super Weapon if you
want to have more chance to achieve victory.

#2.3 / ================ \
------------------------------------- CAPTURE THE FLAG -------------------------
\ ================ /

This classic game is very popular among all players. The objective of this game
is simple : trying to take the enemy flag and make is way back to your own base
with your flag. If your flag is taken by someone else, you or a member of your
team need to go take back the flag before you can score. Notice that you cannot
teleport when carrying the flag or you will drop it.

Don't lose hope !! Even if your ally got killed and drop the flag, you have a
chance to take it and try to take it back to your base yourself. When your flag
is droped, immediatly go take it, this will put it back at the base, you don't
need to bring it back. Choose your work wisely. Defend the base if no one is
defending. Defend the flag carrier if he is alone, and try to attack in group
when you are sure you have a chance to get it, or go alone one side to create a
distraction as well as a lost of ammunition for them, then let the rest of your
team take the flag and immediatly come back to their base with the highest
suport than possible, trying to avoid Redeemer rocket or powerfull weapon
attacks. This is all a tactical game. Not only a shoot-them-all !! Beware of

#2.4 / ================= \
------------------------------------- DOUBLE DOMINATION
\ ================= /

Double Domination is a good team game. In each maps, there is two points : A
(Alpha) and B (Beta). In order to score a point, you need to get and KEEP
control of BOTH point for the second. To control a point, simply past trough
it. If anyone else get the points, the count is stoped and need to be restart,
even if they were 1 second left. It is not as easy as it seem, but it is all
what is it.

Do not try to take both points alone. It would be stupid and useless until your
against stupid enemy. Defend ONE points, but don't be worry to take good
weapons before, because defending with an Assault Rifle and a Shield Gun is
mostly suicide. Super Weapons can be usefull but I don't know a lot of map who
have such. If both points are taken and your going to one of them, do not stop
going toward the points, even if your going to get killed. A score is most
important than a little death ...

#2.5 / =========== \
------------------------------------- BOMBING RUN -------------------------
\ =========== /

My favorite games. It like football. There is a ball in the middle of the map,
and a big circle in each base that are used as a goal to score. When you get
the ball, you have the Ball Launcher in your hand, AND CANNOT switch weapon.
With this weapons in your hand you can shot the ball, but you can also aim
(right click) for an ally and shoot the ball to him. This way the ball will
seek out the target. To score, you can throw the ball in the goal for 3 points,
or jump in it for 7 points.

Group and team strategy and diversion are the best to use. Take the enemy own
power-ups if possible to your advantage. Notice that the Ball Launcher, when in
your hand, will regenerate your health quite fast if it is under 100. If you
have the chance, jump in the goal even if it kill you (but try to survive
anyway !!). It REALY worth the 7 points. I know it look stupid and everyone can
see that you suicide yourself, but it most of the time what make a team the
winner. Use SPEED adrenalin boost to have twice more chance to reach the goal.
Also always have some guy defending or when the ball will be in their hand they
will have more chance of scoring.

#2.6 / ====== \
------------------------------------- MUTANT -------------------------
Requires Epic Bonus Pack, download \ ====== / it at www.unrealtournament.com

In Mutant mode (i dont realy play it but let see what I think), the first one
that kill someone become the mutant (and after, the one that kill the mutant
become the mutant). The mutant have 150 health and average shielding. He cannot
take any power-ups, but he is using forever the Speed, Invisible and Berserk
boost. Also he have all weapons with 999 ammo but slowly lost health after
time. Killing other player will heal him, though !! Except this, the rules are
all the same than Deathmatch.

Do the first kill, and do like if it was deathmatch, but when your the mutant
dont hesitate to kill as fast as you can.

#2.7 / ================= \
------------------------------------- LAST MAN STANDING
Requires Epic Bonus Pack, download \ ================= / it at

Similar to Deathmatch but there some rules you can set so you can
enable/disable power-ups, weapons, super weapons etc, and the only thing you
can set betweend frag, time and lives are lives ... for sure !! I don't play
it, so don't blame me for so poor information.

Same as deathmatch.

#2.8 / ======== \
------------------------------------- INVASION -------------------------
Requires Epic Bonus Pack, download \ ======== / it at www.unrealtournament.com

This is one of my favorite game mode. All players are together in any
deathmatch map. There is 16 waves (that can be edit if you want, or set to
their normal status). Basicaly, each waves are harder and longuer. If you get
killed, you need to wait until the end of this wave before you can play again,
in which time you are a spectator. Waves include classic Unreal enemy (Skaarj,
Brute, Krall, Manta, Pupae, Gasbag etc...)
The difficulty setting change the damage, speed and health of the MONSTER, so a
Godlike match is very hard, and a Novice match is very easy.

It change for enemy your fighting. Try to take the best power-ups you can and
team together to survive the most powerfull waves of enemy.

#3- The Best Control ##############################
Control I what you want, but I think these way to play are THE BEST way to play.

First you put your left hand on WASD. You used W to go forward, S to move
backward, D to strafe right, and A to strafe left.
The other finger left is going on the space bar to jump and the closest finger
on the C to crounch (not so used but usefull sometimes). Use either the mouse
to switch weapon or the number on the keyboard. Some say : NEVER USE THE
KEYBOARD TO CHANGE WEAPON. For me most time this is best to use the number on
the keyboard to change weapon ... its your own choice.
As shift is used to walk, too ...

You need to place your finger on W, A, D, Shift and Space. The finger on W need
to switch to S when you want to go backward (I think you understood it far
before). Personaly when I crounch, because its now going slow, I used the
finger basicaly on D to crounch, and then the other finger to move. For this
its yours, I don't care which one you used to crounch. I don't crounch a lot. I
can assure you that if you use this technique, you will already be good. But if
you don't like this way ... CHANGE !!! I know some people can't use them. For
your own information, my friend is using the following button :

The Arrow to move, (but he can't even press backward...) 0 to jump, 2 to
crounch, and the right shift to walk. Its good but your out of access of the
weapon, and he have a lot of trouble switching weapon with the mouse...... well

#4- The Weapons ###################################
NOTE : Some info here have been taken with permission of "Graham Jones AKA
p1r4t8r" Weapons/Items FAQ (available on GameFaqs).

The weapons are the most important part of Ut2003. Read this carefully as there
is very good way to use them. Don't be worry to try them.
NOTE FOR RATE OF FIRE : The rate of fire indicate how many bullet you can shoot
in a second. Damage are for 1 bullet only and its not always exactly this.
NOTE FOR DESCRIPTION : They come from the book. They are simple, but refer to
STRATEGY for better information about each weapon. Don't like them ??? Go see
Graham Jones AKA p1r4t8r Weapons/Items FAQ.
NOTE FOR ORDER : Order is the same than how the weapon are in your inventory,
from the Shield Gun to the Ion Painter.

#4.1 / ========== \
------------------------------------- SHIELD GUN -------------------------
\ ========== /
Primary Fire Damage : 150 (need to be fully charged)
Secondary Fire Damage : None
Max Ammo : 100
Rate of Fire : 1.1
Description : The Kemphler DD280 Riot Control Device has the ability to resist
and reflect incoming projectiles and energy beams. The plasma wave inflicts
massive damage, rupturing tissue, pulverizing organs and flooding the
bloodstream with dangerous gas bubbles. This weapon may be intended for combat
at close range, but when wielded properly should be considered as dangerous as
any other armament in your arsenal.

The Primary Fire charge. You go on someone and it can deal very serious damage.
The problem is that you need to be close to someone. The Secondary Fire slowly
use your ammunition (but don't worry, it refill automaticly.) but create a
shield that reflect most bullet. Its very in team game like Bombing Run,
because you can prevent the ball owner to take damage easier than trying to
kill them all, in which case the ball owner will take damage anyway.

#4.2 / ============= \
------------------------------------- ASSAULT RIFLE -------------------------
\ ============= /
Primary Fire Damage : 7
Secondary Fire Damage : 70
Max Ammo : 250 and 8 Grenades
Rate of Fire : 7.5
Description : Inexpensive and easily produced, the AR770 provides a lightweight
5.56mm combat solution that is most effective against unarmored foes. With
low-to-moderate armor penetration capabilities, this rifle is best suited to a
role as a light support weapon. The optional M355 Grenade Launcher provides the
punch that makes this weapon effective against heavily armoured enemies.

Well, the Assault Rifle is a weapon you should NEVER use until your have no
other ranged weapon. The primary fire is bad acurate for is rate of fire, and
deal quite low damage. The secondary fire shoot slow moving grenades that
explode on contact of other player, dealing some damage. It should only be used
when you have nothing else or if you know your enemy is out of life. Notice
that a well acurate Grenade can deal considerable damage, so when facing other
with the Assault Rifle, don't think your out of danger, as head shot with both
fire can take you down almost as fast than any other weapon.

#4.3 / ========= \
------------------------------------- BIO RIFLE -------------------------
\ ========= /
Primary Fire Damage : 35-70
Secondary Fire Damage : Even more than 200 when fully charged !!!!
Max Ammo : 50
Rate of Fire : 5.5
Description : The GES BioRifle continues to be one of the most controversial
weapons in the Tournament. Loved by some, loathed by others, the BioRifle has
long been the subject of debate over its usefulness. Some Tournament purists
argue that the delayed detonation of the mutagenic sludge, coupled with the
ability to quickly carpet an area with the highly toxic substance, has reduced
the weapon to the equivalent of a minefield, a barbaric and cowardly weapon
employed during past human conflicts. Proponents of the weapon argue that it
enhances the tactical capabilities of defensive combat, allowing perticipants
to cover multiple choke points more efficiently.
Despite the debate, the weapon remains historically accurate, providing
rapid-fire wide-area coverage in primary firing mode, and a single-fire
variable payload secondary firing mode. In layman's terms, this equates tobeing
able to pepper an area with small globs of Biosludge, or launch one large glob
at the target.

The BioRifle is, for me, a "Its the Only one I have" weapon. I only use it when
I have nothing else to use than this and the Assault Rifle. The Primary Fire in
medium range is not bad, but if you can touch an enemy with a fully charged
secondary shot, he'll be dead in a second. Watch out for some blobs on the
ground, even if they are yours : they can seriously make your life harder.

#4.4 / =========== \
------------------------------------- SHOCK RIFLE -------------------------
\ =========== /
Primary Fire Damage : 45
Secondary Fire Damage : 35-45
Max Ammo : 50
Rate of Fire : 1.7
Description : The ASMD Shock Rifle has changed little since its incoporation
into the tournaments. The ASMD sports two firing modes capable of acting in
concert to neutralize opponents in a devastating shockwave. This combination
attack is achieved when the weapon operator utilizes the secondary fire mode to
deliver a charge of seeded plasma to the target. Once the slow-moving plasma
charge is within range of the target, the weapon operator may fire the photon
beam into the plasma core, releasing the explosive energy of the anti-photons
contained within the plasma's EM field.

The Shock Rifle is mostly a tactic weapon. Most starter will throw this weapon
like if he was useless. First, the primary fire damage the enemy a bit, and
push it back. This can prove to be usefull when you need to defend key point.
Secondary Fire alone is not good. The secret of this weapon is in the use of
the Combo shot. Shot a plasma ball with the secondary fire, then shoot it with
the primary fire. Doing so, you will generate a small but extremely effective
instand field around the ball, dealing instand kill to anyone too close. The
problem is that most people will stand and try to do the combo. Sure, this is
the best way to do it, but your very vulnerable during this phase. Also you can
shoot on an enemy Plasma Ball, and if you do so, the Plasma Ball will explode
like if he was your own. If you can manage to shoot an enemy Plasma Ball
immediatly when he shoot it, you will kill him.

#4.5 / ======== \
------------------------------------- LINK GUN -------------------------
\ ======== /
Primary Fire Damage : 30
Secondary Fire Damage : Aroud 10 ... very unstable
Max Ammo : 120
Rate of Fire : 5.0
Description : Riordan Dynamic Weapons Systems combines the best of weapon
design in the Advanced Plasma Rifle v23, commonly known as the Link Gun, or
simply Link. While the primary firing mode of the Link remains the same as its
plasma-firing predecessor, the secondary cutting torch has been replaced with
an active-scanning, switchable energy matrix. This matrix enables the weapon to
register friend or foe upon contact with the swirling green beam and change
properties accordingly. When the beam comes in contact with an opponent it can
inflict serious injury and death within seconds. Upon contacting a teammate, it
reverts to a harmless carrier stream. The carrier stream offloads energy from
the onboard cells, boosting the output of any targeted player who is also using
the Link. Two players may link to one another at any time, boosting the power
output of the weapon significantly, but it should be noted that while players
are boosting a teammate, they are unable to defend themselves from attack.

Hum ... one of my favorite weapon, and the most deadly in the hand of an
acurate players. The primary fire is long for both close and long range and
deal considerable damage. The secondary fire is a close/medium range line that
deal considerable damage, too, especially in the head. BUt a very usefull
techniques is to Link to another player. When someone else in the same team
have in is hand a Link Gun, use Secondary Fire on him and hold it to boost him.
A blue line should appear instead of green. Now, until you stop, the fire of
your ally will deplete both your and is ammunition, but is fire power will
become at least 2 time higher. But watch out, as you can't shot while you link
with another players.
BOT NOTE : You can link on bots, but the only time they Link with you its a
simple error of their part. They never link with players.

#4.6 / ======= \
------------------------------------- MINIGUN -------------------------
\ ======= /
Primary Fire Damage : 6
Secondary Fire Damage : 12-24
Max Ammo : 350
Rate of Fire : 16.0 5.5 for secondary fire
Description : The Schultz T23-A 23mm rotary cannon is capable of firing both
high-velocity caseless ammunition and cased rounds. With an unloaded weight of
only 8 kilograms, the T23 is portable and maneuvarable, easily worn across the
back when employing the optional carry strap. The T23 is the rotary cannon of
choice for the discerning soldier.

Quite good medium range weapon, primary fire is not acurate at all but fast and
deadly if close enough. Secondary fire is best used when at longuer range (but
not too far) as it is dealing considerable damage and is more acurate. You'll
notice though that when you shoot with this weapon, it take some time before
its start to shot.

#4.7 / =========== \
------------------------------------- FLAK CANNON -------------------------
\ =========== /
Primary Fire Damage : 100-200
Secondary Fire Damage : 80-120 when direct hit
Max Ammo : 50
Rate of Fire : 1.4
Description : Trident Defensive Technologies Series 7 Flechette Cannon has been
taken to the next step in evolution with the production of the Mk3
"Negotiator." The ionized flechettes are capable of delivering second- and
third-degree burns to organic tissue and cauterizing the wound instantly.
Payload delivery is achieved via one of two methods: ionized flechettes
launched in a spread pattern directly from the barrel; or via a fragmentation
grenades that explode on impact, radiating flechettes in all directions.

This is THE BEST close range weapon of all the game. Primary fire cna deal
sooooooooooooo heavy damage on close range but next-to-useless at medium range.
The Secondary fire is quite powerfull, and is best suited for tactical combat.
Secondary fire is shoot like a grenade, so larger is the area, greater the
range of the weapon is, but more time it takes for the grenades to reach the
target, too. Notice that this grenade is affected by gravity and when there is
no gravity, the path of the grenades will change.

#4.8 / =============== \
------------------------------------- ROCKET LAUNCHER -------------------------
\ =============== /
Primary Fire Damage : 65
Secondary Fire Damage : 195
Max Ammo : 30
Rate of Fire : 1.3
Description : The Trident Tri-barrel Rocket Launcher is extremely popular among
competitors who enjoy more bang for their buck. The rotating rear-loading
barrel design allows for both single- and multi-warhead launches, letting you
place up to three dumbfire rockets on target. The warheads are disgned to
deliver maximum concussive force to the target and surrounding area upon

The Rocket Launcher is very powerfull. First, the primary fire shot one rocket,
and the secondary fire charge up to 3 rockets. If you hold down the Secondary
fire then hold down the Primary Fire (while always holding secondary fire,
still with me ?), it will launch 3 rocket in a rotating circle, this
concentrate your power into a smaller zone. If you only hold secondary fire, it
will fire them in a horizontal line. Use the rocket launcher by launching
rocket on the feet of the enemy. Most will say "what the .... ???". Well,
rocket have high splash zone and can deal big damage even with splash damage.
Shooting on the feet of someone will kill him faster than if you try to fire it
directly on him. If you can manage to have in your range for some time, and you
don't move at all, you will hear a *bip* and 4 red dots will appear around your
sight. At this time, shoot a rocket. This will seek the enemy, making most of
the time a direct hit. But don't try to use this technique, because you are
very vulnerable for all the time you stand still.
Don't be worry if you can't be right the first time, you will learn fast and
understand how to use it right after some times.

#4.9 / ============= \
------------------------------------- LIGHTNING GUN -------------------------
\ ============= /
Primary Fire Damage : 70 (head shot = instand kill)
Secondary Fire Damage : None
Max Ammo : 40
Rate of Fire : 0.7
Description : The Lightning Gun is a high-power energy rifle capable of
ablating even the heaviest carapace armor. Acquisition of a target at long
range requires a steady hand, but the anti-jitter effect of the optical system
reduces the weapon's learning curve significantly. Once the target has been
acquired, the operator depresses the triger, painting a proton 'patch' on the
target. Milliseconds later the rifle emits a high voltage arc of electricity,
which seeks out the charge differential and annihilates the target.

The most acurate weapon, with a scope as a secondary fire. Hold it up to see
even farther. This weapon deal considerable damage, but this isn't realy
usefull. Acurate players that manage to touch the head with this weapon deal an
INSTAND KILL, and you will also hear "head shot". The true problem is : its a
sniper weapon, but each shot generate a big electric line that show your
position. Become a sniper is a problem, but you will understand that they can
become the most deadly. This weapon require long training... trust me.

#4.10 / ============ \
------------------------------------- TRANSLOCATOR -------------------------
\ ============ /
Primary Fire Damage : None
Secondary Fire Damage : None
Max Ammo : 5 (automaticly refill)
Rate of Fire : None
Description : The translocator was originally designed by Liandri
Corporation'sR&Dsector to facilitate the rapid recall of miners during tunnel
collapses and other emegencies. The technology has saved countless lives, but
not without cost.
Rapid deresolution and reconstitution of the subject organism can have several
unwelcome effects, including increases in aggression and paranoia, as well as
increased probabilities of respitory and cardiac arrest. Artifacts of synaptic
disruption accumulate in the biological snapshot of the individual, leading to
Teleportation Related Dementia (TReDs), an incurable disease that has stricken
some of our greatest champions. In order to prolong the careers of todays's
contenders, limits have been placed on Translocator use in the lower-ranked
This was deemed necessary to prevent new recruits from becoming too reliant on
the device, thereby sealing their own doom. The latest iteration of the
Translocator features a remotely operated camera, exceptionally useful when
scouting out areas of contention. It should be noted that while viewing the
camera's surveillance output, the user is effectively blind to their immediate

First, you start with this weapon if "Translocator" option is ON. If so, you
can shot a beacon (left click), teleport to it (right click) or see to it like
a camera (press the Translocator button on the Keyboard). While your looking at
the camera, your totaly vulnerable.
If you teleport yourself when someone is, you will telefrag him, that means you
take is place in the world, so ... he's dead !! But don't abuse of this
ability, if you do, you will finaly telefrag yourself while also telefraging
the other. Use the Translocator for hard-to-reach power-ups. Some are even
impossible to take without the Translocator. Keep this in mind.

#4.11 / =========== \
------------------------------------- ION PAINTER -------------------------
\ =========== /
Primary Fire Damage : Amazing damage within range
Secondary Fire Damage : None
Max Ammo : 1
Rate of Fire : None
Description : The Ion Painter seems innocuous enough at first glance, emitting
a harmless low-power laser beam when the primary firing mode is engaged.
Several seconds later, a multi-gigawatt orbital ion cannon fires on the target,
neutralizing any combatants in the vicinity. The Ion Painter is a remote
targeting device used to orientate and fire the VAPOR Ion Cannon. The Ion
Painter offers increased targeting accuracy via its telescopic sight, easily
activated by the secondary fire mode of the weapon. Once the Ion Painter has
been used to designate a target, it is highly recommended that the user put
considerable distance betwen themselves and the weapon's area of effect.

Aim with the Painter on any GROUND (not a player, or a wall, or anything like
this) and aim THIS part of the ground for a little time (you can move at the
same time but you need to shot the painter at the same place all the time). If
all is done correctly, a powerfull blast will come from an Ion Cannon in orbit
and explode, dealing serious damage to anyone within range. Only available in
some, rare, map, this weapon need to be used in range of the ION CANNON or
nothing will happen. Don't forget to run after the shot ...
NOTE : You will notice that people kill with the Ion blast will be burn like
hell and nothing but their skeleton will complete their carcass. I like this ...

#4.12 / ======== \
------------------------------------- REDEEMER -------------------------
\ ======== /
Primary Fire Damage : Uh ... instant kill or heavy damage :)
Secondary Fire Damage : None
Max Ammo : 1
Rate of Fire : None
Description : The first time you witness this miniature nuclear device in
action, you'll agree it is the most powerful weapon in the Tournament. Launch a
slow-moving but utterly devastating missile with the primary fire; but make
sure you're out of the Redeemer's impressive blast radious before it impacts.
The secondary fire allows you to guide the nuke yourself with a rocket's-eye
view. Keep in mind, however, that you are vulnerable to attack when steering
the Redeemer's projectile. Due to the extreme bulkiness of its ammo, the
Redeemer is exhausted after a single shot.

Some this is the most powerfull weapon in the game. Well its true. When the
missile explode, everyone within the heavy blast will be killed (even you !).
Wall and terrain are a good protection against this, but other players aren't.
Primary Fire will shot the missile directly. Secondary fire will allow you to
control the missiles !! In this time, press Primary Fire to make the missile
explode immediatly, and hold the Walk button (Shift) to slow it down, allowing
you access to some area you couldn't go without. Notice the Redeemer missile
can be destroyed with some weapon, including the Link Gun. Its very frustrating
to lose your missile when it is destroyed by someone else, so do it, too !!!

#5- Basic Move and Advanced Move ##################

This section will contain some move and different usefull move to execute in
the game.


#6- Adrenaline : The Super Move ###################
The Adrenaline is one of the most usefull and special ability in Ut2003. You
have an adrenaline indicator on the top right corner of the screen, from 0 to
100. Everytime you found an Adrenaline in the maps, you will instantly gain 3
Adrenaline. Each kill will give you Adrenalin to, as well as scoring points in
any match. When you reach 100 Adrenalin, you can execute one of the 4 special
moves. When they are on, you can't put them Off, and they will drain your
adrenaline. The ability will stop if you die or if your Adrenaline reach 0. You
can gain more adrenaline while you are already using your adrenaline. If you
are using your Adrenaline in you die, your Adrenaline will go back to 0


Forward, Forward, Forward, Forward - Speed (move twice faster, jump twice
higher, adrenalin drain faster)

Backward, Backward, Backward, Backward - Regeneration*

Backward, Backward, Forward, Forward - Berserk (faster shot, deal more damage)

Left, Left, Right, Right - Invisibility (almost totaly invisible)

* = This will heal your health by 5 continuesly until at 199, after what it
will regenerate your shield until at 150.

Use speed when you need to go fast (when you have the Flag or the Ball in
Bombing Run).
Use Regeneration for defense strategy or in map where there is no shield (with
this, you can have one !!!)
Use berserk in offensive attack.
Use invisibility whenever you want. I never use it, personaly.

Use their move wisely : they are the key to victory, some times !!

#7- Bots Tips #####################################
Bots are used for help. Or, well, its always usefull to use the V button to go
trough all the commands and ask the bots to cover, kill, take the flag, defend
the base etc...
You will also notice the bots will found the enemy faster than most player can
Bots are relatively week, until they are in GodLike difficulty. Use them at
your advantage in a Deathmatch game.

This section is poor in information ... if you have some to put HERE, e-mail me
(see the e-mail at the top).

#8- Map Info ######################################

This is a very long section, so wait a little ... !!!


#9- Credits #######################################
Thanks to www.gamefaqs.com to accept this FAQ (but when im writting this, I
don't even know if they will accept it ...)

Thanks to Graham Jones AKA p1r4t8r for giving me some info from is FAQ to my

Thanks to my friend who support me a bit.

Thanks everyone for reading this entire FAQ !!!

(My next faq : Unreal Tournament 2004)

Copyright - All Rights Reserved ( I Think ! )

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Engl. FAQ

28.September 2013

03.Oktober 2013
All-in-one Tool

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

04.Oktober 2013
Weapons, Items and Tactics guide
Engl. Leitfaden

03.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Ultimativer dt. Spielleitfaden

01.Oktober 2013
Blutpatch (für DE vers.2225)

04.Oktober 2013

01.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

01.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Programm-Launcher für verschiedene Einstellungen (cooles Tool!)

04.Oktober 2013
Alles durchgespielt

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

04.Oktober 2013
Inoffizieller deutscher "Sprachverbesserung-Patch (für v226)

12.September 2013

29.September 2013
Und noch mehr Blut

04.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020