03.10.2013 09:06:46
* *
* No One Lives Forever 2: *
* A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way *
* *
* A Single-Player FAQ/Walkthrough *
* *
* By: Halon50 (Tex Gotanda) *
* Email: *
* Version: 1.3 *
* Last Update: 8/18/05 *
* *

| I - Table of Contents |

I. Table of Contents
II. Copyright Notice
III. Revision History
IV. Introduction
V. Gameplay
V.1 General Questions
V.2 Characters
V.3 Weapons
V.4 Skills
VI. Walkthrough
VII. Websites List
VIII. Credits

| II - Copyright notice |

This document is copyright 2005 by Tetsuji Gotanda, a.k.a. Halon50.
Distribution of this guide for profit is prohibited. If you wish to post
this document on your website, include it in your magazine, or otherwise
redistribute my writing in part or in whole, obtain permission by sending
your request to the email address above. Permission to use this document
does NOT include permission to add your own writing, or modify this document
in any way (adding diagrams or pictures is the sole exception to this). I
am no longer accepting additional entries to the websites list.

** Cheat Code Central does NOT have permission to host this text. If you
see this FAQ on this website, please avoid it in the future, as David
Allison from CheatCC has done this to dozens of other authors, taking their
FAQs without permission, inserting his website URL into the FAQ, modifying
their Copyright statements, and then posting them on his site. Please get
your FAQs from one of the sites listed in the "Websites List" instead!

| III - Revision History |
08/18/05: [1.3]
Patch version 1.3 information added (it's been a long time!)
Fixed missing location of STM in "Devil" Items List
Modified or removed many broken URLs

01/07/03: [1.25]
Fixed section headers to match Table of Contents
Added more user tips! Thanks!

11/29/02: [1.2]
Patch version 1.2 information added
Added some tips from player emails (Thanks guys!)

11/16/02: [1.1]
Minor corrections throughout
Available skill point total is now maximized at 48900

11/07/02: [1.0] (Full release)
Walkthrough complete


| IV - Introduction |

Welcome to my second FAQ/Walkthrough. I got impatient while waiting for
someone to post a FAQ on GameFAQs for this game, and wound up writing this
relatively comprehensive FAQ for a fine FPS. This document will hopefully
help stem the flood of requests for help on the NOLF 2 GameFAQs message
board at:

For those unfamiliar with NOLF or its genre, No One Lives Forever was a
First-Person Shooter (FPS) game released at the end of 2000 in time for the
holidays. Sporting fancy human-like body movements in its cinematic
sequences, realistic AI routines for enemies, and a thoroughly enjoyable
story and plotline, it was pretty much inevitable that Monolith would once
again team up with Fox Interactive to create this sequel, No One Lives
Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way.

NOLF and its sequel are set in the post-World War II era of the 1960's, when
the Cold War was running full blast, fear of Communism was widespread, and
Spy-related entertainment a la Ian Fleming (author of James Bond), The Saint
(TV and book series), and Get Smart (classic TV series) were all the rage.

The star of NOLF and NOLF 2 is Cate Archer, the perky super spy from
Scotland with smoldering looks and a killer body. To get an idea of how she
looks, wait at the main menu for a few seconds, and she'll stroll in. Cate
works for UNITY, the spy organization for the post-World War II allies based
somewhere in the United Kingdom. UNITY's current nemesis is the underworld
organization H.A.R.M. If you're familiar with the spy spoof TV series Get
Smart, NOLF is a loosely-based spoof of that (making it a meta-spoof?).

Since NOLF is a modern-day spoof of a 60's-era spy genre, don't get too
concerned with its many anachronisms and quirks. For instance, the word
"Ninja" was officially coined in the mid 1970's (source: Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary, 10ed), even though the Japanese term for these
assassins dates back to the 14th century. There were almost certainly no
female ninja in those times, and they definitely don't exist today. Still,
we see modern-day ninja stories in both literature and film, with the exotic
mystique of a female ninja portrayed quite well in anime like Yotoden
(released as "Wrath of the Ninja" in the US).

A good overview of the history of Shinobi-no-mono is here:

Other oddities appear, including the use of a 5-star general (of which there
were only five total, plus four 5-star admirals, all from World War II) as a
trigger-happy anti-Soviet numbskull, a black man in American intelligence
(in the 60's!), and, of course, a bodacious female spy operative. But hey,
it's all in good fun, and since it's a modern-day game, it's only fair to
make it Politically Correct as well, right? ^_^

The Official NOLF 2 website is at:

The Official VUG NOLF 2 forums are at:
< VUG has not created a new forum for this game >

The Official NOLF 2 FAQ is at:
< URL removed. VUG has completely wiped out all this wonderful info. >
< Update 1.3: It is mirrored at the following URL >

If you have a question on gameplay that isn't covered here, or have some
other information or suggestion that would fit this FAQ, please email me at
the address above, or post on the GameFAQs board mentioned at the beginning
of this section. If you email me, please include the title of this game in
the "Subject:" header, or I will most likely discard the mail along with the
dozens of junk mail I receive every day.

The latest, greatest version of this FAQ can _ALWAYS_ be found at GameFAQs:


| V.1 - Gameplay questions |

-----------< General tips >-------------------------------------------------
Save your game in a new save slot at the beginning of every chapter. This
will relieve you from a lot of grief if you ever get stuck, or a bug forces
you to reload the chapter from the beginning.

Try to carry bodies out of sight when possible. This helps keep guards from
chancing upon them and raising an alarm. If you do leave a body in plain
sight, stay out of view (or use your Hiding skill), and enemies will first
be confused, then will go ahead and dissolve the body for you. You can use
this time to pick off additional enemies as they come to the body!

Always search bodies when it's safe to do so. You'll often find notes,
weapons, and health/armor items, especially if you train up your Search
skill. Searching bodies will also often recover certain types of ammo, such
as crossbow bolts.

If you quick-search a body (briefly right-click it), you'll be able to skim
the ammo and weapons from it quickly. You can then move the body out of
sight and search it more thoroughly at your leisure.

Headshots do the greatest amount of damage to enemies. You can improve your
chances of getting headshots by training your Marksmanship skill category.

To help prevent you from being seen while inside buildings or enclosed
areas, look around for light switches and exposed light bulbs. Turning off
the lights or unscrewing a bulb will create a dark area in which you can

Try to pick up as many extra items as you can by exploring every level as
thoroughly as possible. Certain items such as Spy Training Manuals and the
completion of optional objectives will give you hundreds of bonus skill
points good toward improving your skill levels.

Be sure to read the tips on the bottom of the loading screens. They often
suggest what to do for the upcoming stage, and provide useful hints on how
to use your weapons and equipment to their full extent.

Your compass may occasionally have red marks on its display. A red "X"
marks an intermediary objective you need to reach or return to later. A red
"i" marks the location of a major objective or task. Red dots indicate
locations of people you have shot with tracking beacons.

Vending machines will often have coins on the ground in front of them. The
coins are very difficult to see, so you may have to crouch to get a better

Some enemies will have a Key Ring on their bodies. This will let you open
nearby locked doors without having to use your lock pick.

To skip the opening movies after clicking "Play" on the startup menu, you
can rapidly click the left and right mouse buttons a few times when the
screen starts to fade from black to orange. Done properly, the main menu
should appear within a second or two.

-----------< How to cheat >-------------------------------------------------
I don't condone cheating. NOLF 2 is a very well-balanced single-player game
at Normal difficulty, and cheating disrupts this balance. If you really
must cheat, or if you need codes due to a bug or other situation, I suggest
looking at the GameFAQs codes site:

< Thanks to Daniel D. for helping me clarify this section >

-----------< Patch information >--------------------------------------------
The current patch version is v1.3. The patch mainly adds Multiplayer Team
Deathmatch support to the game, and fixes several other multiplayer-related

Note that after applying the v1.3 patch, you will need to load your profile
at the main menu to recover your previously saved games.

You can view what version of the game is running by reading the "readme.txt"
file in the NOLF 2 base directory, or looking in the lower-right corner of
the game's startup screen (the one with the menu and the crosshairs).

Patch v1.2 added a Multiplayer Deathmatch mode to the game, and resolved a
fairly rare entity bug for the single-player game that made keypads, locks,
and other objects to appear in the wrong places.

The v1.1 patch addressed a common sound issue, where installed codecs other
than what the game uses can cause a wide variety of issues within the game.

The current patch is available from sites like the following:

The Multiplayer Deathmatch map packs are available from:

-----------< Known issues >-------------------------------------------------
Until any further patches are released, the following are known issues with
the game, and how to address them if possible:

1) User still experiences sound problems after installing Patch v1.1 or 1.2.
- See following URL for more possible fixes:

2) Game will not load - "Graphics card does not support hardware TnL".
- You will need a graphics card with hardware T&L (Transformation and
Lighting) to play NOLF 2. There is a way to emulate HW T&L, but it
requires a card with at least 32MB of memory.

3) Machines with an ATI Radeon 8500 series video card may hang in Chapter 8.
- Try installing a patch available from the following URL:
- ATI has recently released new Catalyst drivers as of January 10, 2003.
Pick up these drivers from:

4) A crash to desktop while attempting to save a game may cause all saved
games to become corrupt, forcing you to start the game over.
- < Razor_23 writes: > I possibly have some insight into the corrupted
saves. In the %Game Directory%\Save\%Profile%\SinglePlayer directory,
there's a file called Save1001.ini. It keeps track of your saves. If
something happens to this file...
- This may be the cause of the problem. If you're worried about losing
your saved games, I would suggest backing up the entire save profile
directory once you reach Chapter 7 or 8, just so if your saved games
get corrupted, you won't have to start completely over again. It would
be nice if the developers would implement an auto-backup function for
the file or files in question.

5) The intro movies are very "laggy" and pause every few seconds for the
video to catch up.
- This is apparently due to the "precaching" feature in the game's video
options. Turning precaching off will make the movies run smoothly, but
then your gameplay may become slow and choppy. The movies are nice and
smooth on my dual-CPU system though. ^_^

6) Enemies in "search" mode (aware of your presence and looking for you) may
cause the game to become choppy and unresponsive.

7) NOLF 2 leaves behind several files in your Windows TEMP directory. It's
a minor annoyance, but the game should still properly clean up after
itself once you quit the game.
- NOLF 2 uses an older version of SafeDisc (or SecureRom), which
apparently leaves behind several temporary files after execution.
Newer versions only leave one file.

8) Hitting your "Last weapon" key twice in rapid succession may cause an
improper ammo count to appear. The correct amount of ammo is still
there, but you will need to fire your weapon and then reload in order to
get the ammo displayed properly again.

9) Unsearched corpses on the ground have an annoying tendency to block your
shots at range, even if you aim for your target's head. You can turn
this to your advantage though, and use unsearched corpses as cover

10) A rare bug may cause scripted entities to disappear from the map - for
example, the electronic gate keypads or the coffeepot in Chapter 5.
- Your best bet is to reload from the beginning of the chapter, or from
a saved game just before the chapter start.
<< Update 1.2 >>
- Patch version 1.2 should remedy this bug.

11) A texture bug, possibly related to the above bug, will make the walls in
Chapter 12 appear completely black. This causes the keypad to the exit
in the last stage of Chapter 12 to be completely invisible.
- See the walkthrough section for a workaround; this issue will
hopefully be addressed in the next patch.

12) Talking to an NPC while it is moving will cause its speech dialogue to
emit from that location, and not from the NPC as it moves.

Please refer to the readme.txt file in the NOLF 2 installation directory,
and the Official NOLF 2 FAQ for additional problems and resolutions. The
URL for the FAQ is:

| V.2 - Characters |

-----------< The Good Guys >------------------------------------------------
Name: Cate Archer
Organization: UNITY
Position: Field Operative, UNITY Special Operations Division
History: Introduced as the former cutpurse/thief protégé of Bruno
Lawrie in the first NOLF, Cate is now a full-fledged Super
Spy in UNITY's field division. This time around, Cate
(through you) must stop the Director of H.A.R.M. from
unleashing a new wave of catastrophes.

Name: Bruno Lawrie
Organization: UNITY
Position: Senior Field Operative, UNITY Special Operations Division
History: Originally the mentor of fledgling UNITY agent Cate Archer in
the first NOLF, Bruno has now been elevated to the position
of Temporary Director while Mr. Jones is on vacation in the

Name: Santa
Organization: UNITY
Position: Director of Gadgetry, UNITY Toymaker Division
History: The Master of Gadgetry, Santa now solely makes his appearance
in NOLF 2 via the Mark VII Mechanized Mynah Birds in several
levels. He provides Cate with several useful tips and
techniques in the beginning, as well as many gadgets and
items throughout the rest of the game.

Name: Dr. Otto Schenker
Organization: UNITY
Position: The Doctor
History: Liberated from H.A.R.M.'s North American facility in the
first NOLF, Dr. Schenker now the acting resident physician
for UNITY, never mind that he is actually a specialist in
Microbiology, with a secondary concentration in Astrophysics.

Name: Isaac Barnes
Organization: ???
Position: American liaison to UNITY
History: As the representative of UNITY's American spy agency
counterpart, Mr. Barnes, along with General Hawkins, have
come to assist UNITY and Cate Archer with uncovering the
details of Project: Omega. Perhaps they will avert global
thermonuclear war along the way.

Name: General Morgan Hawkins
Organization: United States Military Armed Forces (all branches?)
Position: Five-star General
History: Since the position of five-star general was only granted
during World War II, we can only assume General Hawkins is a
veteran of that war. Short, stocky, and _very_ trigger-
happy, the General is just itching to blow up some Russkies!

Name: Magnus Armstrong
Organization: Free Agent (formerly of H.A.R.M.)
Position: Free Agent
History: After suffering a thorough beat-down at the fists of Cate
Archer in the first NOLF, Magnus now has a long-standing
respect for her. While his intelligence isn't exactly top-
notch, he has a set of oddly high morals to match his beefy

Name: Kamal
Organization: H.A.R.M.
Position: Double-agent for Magnus Armstrong
History: Kamal is suffering from disillusionment with H.A.R.M., and is
Armstrong's contact in their headquarters in India. Kamal
helps Cate retrieve information about his organization.

-----------< The Bad Guys >-------------------------------------------------
Name: The Director
Organization: H.A.R.M.
Position: The Director
History: Suffering from terminal Mother disease, The Director is a
highly insecure little chap. His pastimes include managing
H.A.R.M., hanging up on Mother, and attempting to get better
acting jobs (see walkthrough, Chapter 14).

Name: Dmitrij Volkov
Organization: H.A.R.M.
Position: Director of Executive Action
History: After a mysterious "skiing accident" (see first NOLF) that
leaves him bound to a motorized wheelchair, Volkov now seeks
the death of Cate with a vengeance.

Name: Isako
Organization: H.A.R.M.
Position: Leader of the Katakuri ninja clan
History: After a rather contrived scheme to get Isako under The
Director's thumb, Isako owes The Director a blood debt,
forcing her to remain in his servitude until he releases her.
Isako and her band of ninja are the first enemies Cate must
face, as well as among the last. Why does she wear those
leather leggings?

Name: Pierre
Organization: La Troupe de Pantomine
Position: Mime King
History: Armed with a French accent, the strange ability to "glide"
along the ground, and backed by a legion of mime cronies,
Pierre has become gainfully employed by The Director to track
down and assassinate Cate Archer.

Name: Anoop Banerjee
Organization: H.A.R.M.
Position: Chief of Security, H.A.R.M. Indian Headquarters
History: Anoop hasn't had much luck with job placement within
H.A.R.M., and is stuck managing security in their
headquarters in India.

| V.3 - Weapons |

-----------< Group 1, Melee >-----------------------------------------------
Weapon: Katana
Range: Close
Damage: Average
Description: The katana is a sword that is quick to strike, but does
relatively poor damage to enemies. It doesn't need reloading
though. You'll find these on ninja guards, and in Isako's den.

Weapon: Tulwar
Range: Close
Damage: Average
Description: The Tulwar is a curved scimitar which you'll find on the
streets of Calcutta. It has a comparable range and power as
the katana.

Weapon: Mascara Stun Gun
Range: Close
Damage: Instant knockout
Description: The stun gun is useful for knocking out enemies with minimal
noise. Note that enemies will wake up after a few minutes.

Weapon: Holster
Description: Use this weapon option to put your carried weapon out of sight.
Since civilians don't react adversely unless you fire a weapon
near them, this option has little use.

-----------< Group 2, Stealth >---------------------------------------------
Weapon: Vindicator Sportsman's Crossbow
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Very High
Ammo types: Bolt, Fire Bolt, Poison Bolt, Explosive Bolt
Accessories: Crossbow scope
Description: The crossbow is a highly effective silent weapon that uses
ammunition which is often retrievable from dead bodies. A
single hit from the crossbow to the head or body will most
likely result in a kill.

Weapon: Shuriken
Range: Mid
Damage: Average
Description: Also known as ninja stars, this silent weapon can be both a
lethal weapon and a useful distraction for guards by throwing
them at nearby walls. These are found on ninja guards.

Weapon: Bear Trap
Range: Set and Forget
Damage: Low
Description: Useful as enemy detection devices, these traps will snap shut
onto anyone who treads near them, causing a small amount of
damage and holding them in place for several seconds. You will
find these spread throughout Siberia, and are very effective
when set in front of an enemy spawn point.

Weapon: Banana
Range: Close/Set and Forget
Damage: Instant knockout
Description: One of the more amusing "weapons" in the game, the banana
offers you the ability to quickly "slip" your way past an
enemy that has you boxed in. >_<

-----------< Group 3, Pistols >---------------------------------------------
Weapon: McAllister .32 Automatic Handgun
Range: Mid
Damage: Average
Ammo types: .32 FMJ, .32 Cyanide
Accessories: Handgun silencer
Description: This is a standard pistol that is an effective stealth weapon
when silenced, for missions where a crossbow is not available.

Weapon: CT-180 Utility Launcher
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Varies
Ammo types: Tracking Beacon, Tranquilizer Dart, Camera Disabler, Glue Bomb,
Electric Charge, Anti-Super Soldier Serum (ASSS)
Accessories: Utility launcher scope
Description: The Utility Launcher is useful for several situations.
Tracking beacons will cause your target to appear on your radar
map for the rest of the level, making them useful for tracking
targets you cannot kill, like policemen. Tranq darts will
instantly knock out a target that is unaware of your presence.
Camera disablers, like their moniker, will disable a camera in
one hit without raising the alarm. Glue bombs will freeze your
target in place, letting you slip past without harm. Electric
charges will destroy robots and temporarily disable human
targets. ASSS darts will destroy Super Soldiers if they are
disabled (deactivated and smoking) first.

-----------< Group 4, Heavy Weapons >---------------------------------------
Weapon: AK-47 Assault Rifle
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: High
Ammo types: 7.62x39 FMJ, 7.62x39 Phosphorous
Description: A common Soviet-issue rifle, the AK-47 is highly accurate, and
uses a readily available ammo type while in Siberia.

Weapon: M1921-A1 Submachine gun
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Average
Ammo types: .45 FMJ
Description: Better known as the Thompson or Tommy gun, the M1921-A1 is the
weapon of choice for Pierre's gangster mime thugs.

Weapon: Silenced Gordon 9mm Submachine gun
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Average
Ammo types: 9mm FMJ
Description: This SMG is fitted with an integral silencer which is,
unfortunately, not available as a separate attachment.

Weapon: Gordon 9mm Submachine gun
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Average
Ammo types: 9mm FMJ
Description: A side-loading SMG, the Gordon 9mm is a standard issue gun for
H.A.R.M. lackeys.

Weapon: Bacalov Instigator Combat shotgun
Range: Short to Mid
Damage: High to Very High
Ammo types: 12-gauge Buckshot, 12-gauge Explosive
Description: The pump-action shotgun is highly lethal up close, and is
especially effective when loaded with explosive slugs.

Weapon: RFA Series-4 Bolt-action Rifle
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: Very High
Ammo types: .308 FMJ
Description: This is your standard sniper rifle. While the manual says a
separate silencer attachment is available, I have only found
sniper rifles with a silencer pre-attached instead of

-----------< Group 5, Explosives >------------------------------------------
Weapon: Micromissile Launcher
Range: Mid to Long
Damage: High, Splash
Ammo types: Micromissile
Description: The fold-out missile launcher releases high-explosive rocket-
powered grenades at your targets. Just be sure not to shoot
something too close, or you will get damaged as well!

Weapon: Hand Grenade
Range: Mid
Damage: High, Splash
Description: These pineapple bombs can be put to good use on groups of
enemies, or to deter pursuers. The impact of the explosives
can make nearby light fixtures briefly malfunction.

Weapon: Special Grenade
Range: Mid
Damage: Varies, Splash
Ammo types: Acid Gas, Stun Gas, Sleeping Gas, Laughing Gas
Description: The splash radius on these grenades is very wide, and can be
used to good effect on groups of enemies. Acid gas sets
targets on fire for a brief time. Stun and Laughing gas causes
targets to stand helpless. Sleeping gas puts targets to sleep.

Weapon: Angry Kitty Proximity Device
Range: Set and Forget
Damage: Very High, Splash
Description: The Angry Kitty works as a proximity mine, exploding when an
enemy ventures within its detection radius. Since it is an
explosive, its detonation can attract unwanted attention from
nearby enemies.

Weapon: Explosives
Range: None
Damage: Special
Description: These are used to accomplish specific objectives throughout the
game. They can only be planted at special points where you see
transparent red icons of explosives.

-----------< Group 6, Gadgets >---------------------------------------------
Gadget: Coin
Range: Short to Mid
Description: When you have no shuriken to distract guards, you can use these
instead. It is difficult to aim and arc these coins properly,
but like Santa says, nothing sounds quite as distinctive as the
clink of change on pavement.

Gadget: Lipstick Spy Camera
Range: Short
Description: No spy game would be complete without a miniaturized spy

Gadget: Compact Code Breaker
Range: Close
Description: Any note or lock marked with "Decode" must be decoded with the
code breaker. You do not need to equip this item prior using
it; just hold down your use key (right mouse button), and you
will automatically switch to the code breaker, decode your
target, then switch back to your last weapon when finished.

Gadget: Hairspray Welder
Range: Close
Damage: Very low
Description: The welder is useful for burning through locks and door hinges,
but can also be used to kill sleeping or unconscious enemies
without wasting ammo for a different weapon. Ya sicko! >_<

Gadget: Nail Clipper Lock Pick
Range: Close
Description: Many locked doors and visible padlocks can be unlocked using
this gadget. You do not need to equip this item prior to
picking a lock (see Code Breaker, above).

Gadget: Eavesdropping Bug
Range: Set and Forget
Description: Bugs are used to record and playback telephone conversations.
Cate will only receive these to complete special objectives for
a select few missions.

Gadget: Body Remover Perfume
Range: Close
Description: If you should ever need to completely disintegrate a body, and
do not wish to alarm enemies (enemies will dissolve bodies they
come across if they cannot see you), you can use this item.

Gadget: Keychain Light
Range: Short
Description: This will light up an area in a small radius around you. Do
note that the nimbus of light which surrounds you while this
device is in use makes you quite the lovely target. Check out
the animation when Cate puts the light away! Also, if you wait
long enough, the light will go out, and Cate will shake it
around a bit.

| V.4 - Skills |

NOLF 2 includes a nice skill system that lets you train general categories
to improve Cate's skills. While it's not as complex as the system
introduced in Deus Ex, you can train up skill sets to fit your specific
playing style. Enjoy going Rambo and blasting your way through floods of
enemies? Concentrate on Weapons and Marksmanship. Prefer to go stealthy?
Concentrate on Stealth and Carry. Want to do both? Train up Marksmanship
and Stealth.

< Claude writes: >
"About the skills, I am replaying the game in Superspy difficulty and I
would strongly recommend [to] the player trying that to invest points in
Combat skills (Marksmanship and Weapons) and Defense skills (Stamina and

You start off at Novice level in every skill, with a 100% rating in each
sub-category. Training to Amateur (level 2) requires 1000 skill points,
Skilled (level 3) requires 2000, Expert (level 4) 3000, and Master (level 5)
4000, for a total of 10000 points to train to Master in any specific
category. Since there is a sum total of about 50000 skill points available
in the game, you won't be able to attain Master in all 8 skill categories,
so train according to your play style!

Following are descriptions of skill categories, what improvements in each
will accomplish, and the complete listing of skill level bonuses. Skill
bonuses are measured as a percentage; while some are direct multipliers
(e.g. a 200% health bonus means you will have twice as much health as your
original level), others are inverse multipliers (e.g. a 200% speed bonus for
Search means your search time is half as long as your original time).

-----------< Stealth >------------------------------------------------------
This describes your overall stealthiness levels. I recommend training this
at least to level 3 or 4 to minimize detection as you run around, and
improve your ability to hide in shadows.

Sneaking - Affects how much noise you make as you run.
Hiding - How quickly you can hide in shadows (the eye icon).
Evasion - Affects your ability to escape from pursuers.

-----------< Stamina >------------------------------------------------------
This affects your health and ability to heal. In general, I recommend
training your Armor skill before this skill, as armor has better damage
absorption capacity. You will still need a good level in Stamina to handle
damage that ignores armor though, like poison and fire.

Health - How much health you have, indicated by the red bar in the
lower-left of your HUD.
Endurance - Reduces the effects of damage on your movement.
Resistance - Reduces the effect of continual damage from fire and poison.
First Aid - Affects how much health is gained when using health items.
Toughness - Your overall damage resistance.

< From Hopbounce >
Armor comes first, but in general, stamina should follow one level or so
behind it, I've found. (That, and how do you survive with level one stamina
if you get hit with phosphorous ammo in superspy difficulty?)

-----------< Marksmanship >-------------------------------------------------
This describes how accurately you can aim and fire weapons. In my opinion,
this is the best overall skill category, and should be trained first. I
highly recommend training this skill up to level 5 before mastering any
other skill.

Accuracy - Your aiming precision. A high accuracy makes headshots easy!
Steadiness - Describes how much your view will waver while using a scope.
Correction - How quickly you fix your aim (the crosshairs' blurry state)
after moving, firing, or being hit.

-----------< Carrying >-----------------------------------------------------
This affects how much ammunition you can stock, and how quickly you can move
while carrying a body. While this is one of the less-useful skills, I still
recommend training this to level 2 or 3 just for extra ammo capacity, and
the ability to quickly move corpses out of the way.

Ammo Capacity - The maximum amount of ammunition you can carry.
Carrying - How quickly you can move while carrying a body.

-----------< Armor >--------------------------------------------------------
This is a highly useful skill, affecting how much armor you can wear as well
as improving the amount your gauge fills when you pick up armor items. This
is more useful than the Stamina skill IMO, as hits are absorbed far better
by armor, rather than your body (health).

Armor - How much armor you can wear, indicated by the blue bar in the
lower-left of your HUD.
Repair - Affects how much armor is gained when picking up armor items.

-----------< Weapons >------------------------------------------------------
This skill affects how much damage you can do, and reduces the time to
reload or swap weapons. Train this to at least level 4 for the later
chapters of the game.

Proficiency - The amount of damage you do with your weapons.
Efficiency - The length of time you take to reload or swap weapons.

< From Kirijini >
I've found the speed for reload at high levels is crucial in a large fight.

-----------< Gadgets >------------------------------------------------------
While many people snub this skill as being the least useful of all the
categories, I found it wise to have a level 3 (skilled) proficiency just to
decrease the time it takes for critical operations, such as picking locks.
You can forego training this skill so long as you disable all enemies in the
area prior to engaging a gadget.

Proficiency - Reduces the length of time it takes to apply a gadget.
Efficiency - Reduces the length of time it takes to prepare a gadget.

-----------< Search >-------------------------------------------------------
The Search skill helps you both decrease the length of time it takes to
search bodies and items, and improves your chances of finding random items
on corpses (ammo, armor, and health). While you can get by without training
this skill at all (see Gadgets, above), I found it useful to train this to
level 3 (skilled) just for the improved chance of finding items on bodies.

Speed - Affects how quickly you search bodies and items.
Thoroughness - Improves your chance of finding useful items from searches.

Skills table:
Category | Novice | Amateur | Skilled | Expert | Master
| (Default) | (+1000) | (+2000) | (+3000) | (+4000)
Stealth | | | | |
Sneaking | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Hiding | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Evasion | 100% | 118% | 143% | 182% | 250%
Stamina | | | | |
Health | 100% | 140% | 170% | 220% | 300%
Endurance | 100% | 118% | 143% | 182% | 250%
Resistance | 100% | 118% | 143% | 182% | 250%
First Aid | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Toughness | 100% | 114% | 133% | 160% | 200%
Marksmanship | | | | |
Accuracy | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Steadiness | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Correction | 100% | 200% | 350% | 700% | 1000%
Carrying | | | | |
Ammo Capacity | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Carrying | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%
Armor | | | | |
Armor | 100% | 130% | 170% | 230% | 300%
Repair | 100% | 130% | 170% | 230% | 300%
Weapons | | | | |
Proficiency | 100% | 125% | 150% | 175% | 200%
Efficiency | 100% | 120% | 140% | 170% | 200%
Gadgets | | | | |
Proficiency | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Efficiency | 100% | 120% | 140% | 170% | 200%
Search | | | | |
Speed | 100% | 125% | 175% | 275% | 400%
Thoroughness | 100% | 125% | 167% | 400% | 1000%

Rank name Skill points needed
Novice 0
Trainee 25000
Agent 30000
Spy 35000
Operative 40000
Masterspy 45000
Super Spy 50000 (Not attainable without cheats)


| VI - Walkthrough |

-----------< Introduction >-------------------------------------------------
I have split up each playable level into sub-sections that help describe
what's going on, include tips for accomplishing objectives, and show a line-
by-line list of available items. Please note that some items such as notes,
health and armor, and ammo boxes WILL BE RANDOM. You may or may not get the
exact same items from these locations, and thus your skill point total may
be slightly different than the totals I report. I will try my best to be as
accurate as possible, but there are well over 1000 skill points retrievable
from random notes and events that I will probably be unable to verify.

Items that I manage to verify are randomly positioned around the maps are
marked with an arrow (">>"). If an item is marked with an arrow and has no
skill point bonus following it, I probably found this item somewhere other
than where I found it the first time through.

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 1 +|

| Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die! |
| The director |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cinematic scene (cutscene). You are introduced to several main
characters in this sequence, namely The Director of H.A.R.M., his Evil
Mother, and Isako.

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the choreographed movements of the characters; realistic body
movements (as seen in the first NOLF) are now coupled with independent eye
vectors _and_ a highly improved facial expression routine. Except for a
seemingly low incidence of blinking, and a slightly plastic look to their
faces, these characters move, talk, and act like real human beings!

What's with the leather leggings on Isako and her band?

| Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die! |
| Call it a hunch |

7:01 pm, Inatokimura

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is a straight shot pretty much, designed to teach you how the
game system works, and letting you get accustomed to the controls. Just
walk straight through, taking out any ninja guards you encounter with the
crossbow. Pay attention to the tips Santa gives you as you proceed. There
is a single ninja alarm towards the end of the level in town; if you or a
ninja hits the alarm, 2 additional guards will appear.

< From the loading screen >
UNITY has sent Cate Archer to Japan to investigate a rumored international
crime convention expected to take place in the pastoral village of
Inotakimura. Her objective is to photograph the meeting's participants
without arousing their suspicion.

Her first task will be to locate agent Isamu Hatori, who will provide
further information on her assignment. He's waiting somewhere in the

Total skill points available: 960

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rendezvous with Hatori-san
You won't find Hatori-san until the next stage.

Recover six pages of the UNITY field manual (optional) 300 SP
The pages are located as follows:

1) 2nd pole on left beneath roof near the car where you start
2) On tree before bridge near waterfall
3) Center of bridge on left railing
4) On wall by first hiding place in village
5) On pillar by vending machines
6) On wall to the right of the level exit

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting area
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On hood of car near Yamata-san
Briefcase on ground 20 SP
Between car and railing
Note on pole (2 pages, page 1 of UNITY field manual) 40 SP
2nd pole on left beneath roof
< Santa > (Mynah bird, 3 conversation options) 60 SP
On railing past roof

Bridge area
Note on tree (Page 2 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
On tree before bridge
< Package > 3 coins, 20 SP
On road in front of bridge
Note on bridge (Page 3 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
Center of bridge on left railing

Village gate
< Santa > 20 SP
On bluff before gate
Note on ninja guard 20 SP
On body of guard (kill or stun her first)
Note on outer gate 20 SP
On pole to right of gate
** Infiltrating village ** 100 SP
Enter village for the first time

Village area
< Package > 3 bolts, 3 poison bolts
Behind first building on left side
< Santa > 40 SP
On wall near wind chimes
Note on wall (Page 4 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
On left side of road at first hiding place
before corner
< Santa > 20 SP
On wall near corner in town
Note on pillar (Page 5 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
Next to vending machines
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Left of vending machines
< Health > Bandages
By bicycle near locked gate at end of road
Note on wall (Page 6 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
On wall to right of level exit
** Recover all six pages of UNITY field manual ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 960 SP
Cumulative total: 960 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Shooting Santa (the bird) with crossbow bolts or ninja stars, or hitting it
with a katana, results in a series of interesting responses (4 total).

Listen to the ninja guard conversation for a rather ... unique approach to
dating. By the way, the same voice actress for Cate Archer (Jen Taylor)
also does the voices for Isako and some of the ninja guards. In case some
of the ninja guards sound eerily familiar, Jen Taylor also did the voices of
Princess Peach Toadstool and Toad in some recent Mario/Luigi games.

Does the license plate on the car (OG 29030) mean anything?
<< Update 0.45 >>
AMD makes a 29030 RISC processor, but I don't think it's related.

In the demo, there were lightning-like flashes in the sky behind some hills
if you turned away from the bridge near the waterfall. They are not in the
retail game. Did these mean anything?

The reflective quality of the water is really nice, although the distortions
aren't applied quite right. The wave effects of the reflections make it
look like a small pool of water or a fountain, rather than a constant stream
of water flowing downstream.

| Chapter 1: Cate Archer Must Die! |
| I have bad news |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is circular in design. There may be a bug where the note in the
entrance alley cannot be decoded after you decode some of the other notes on
the stage.

Note that there are two sets of vending machines. The single vending
machine is near Hatori-san's shop (the building with the sign of a crane
hanging outside), while there is a set of two vending machines in the
northwest corner of town.

Total skill points available: 1860
Total accumulated skill points: 2820

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rendezvous with Hatori-san 400 SP
You'll need to decode 4 notes that are posted around this part of town
(see the first note to the left of where you start). First, find the
decoder near one of the vending machine locations described above. You
can then decode the notes at the following locations:

1) On south wall next to red sign near where you entered
2) On west wall near round paper lantern before red postbox on north
side of town
3) On door north of geisha sign near red paper lantern by the single
vending machine
4) Next to recessed door in side alley south of Hatori-san's shop

Now follow the instructions in these notes (hit the 'i' key to go through
them again) to meet Hatori-san.

Discover the new location for the meeting 400 SP
Once you meet with Hatori-san, you'll receive this new objective, and
some new ninja guards will appear around town. There are two ways to
obtain this objective; I suggest doing both for the skill points and

1) Go around east (the long way) to the east side of the ninja dojo, hop
into the trench, and crawl under the dojo itself. You should
overhear a conversation that will fulfill this objective.
2) Kill all the ninja guards around the dojo, then decode the note
posted on the pillar just outside the dojo.

Report back to Hatori-san
Now return to Hatori-san to end the chapter.

Recover all four pages of the UNITY field manual (optional) 300 SP
The four pages are located as follows:

1) On door to left/south past red postbox on north side of town
2) On back of tree to north of trench near ninja dojo
3) On door in alcove in back (south) of ninja dojo
4) In covered porch just south of single vending machine (there is a
single exposed light bulb overhead)

Deliver briefcase to Hatori-san (optional) 300 SP
The briefcase appears in a random location on the level. Following are
some of the locations where I have found the briefcase:

1) By door to house north of trench near ninja dojo
2) In dark alley north of the southeastern corner of town where you find
a wind chime and an ammo box
3) Near trash bags in corner of side alley south of Hatori-san's shop

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting alley/East village
Note on wall 20 SP
Left/east wall as you enter level
Note on ninja guard 20 SP
On second body near your entry point
Note on wall (need decoder) 20 SP
On left/south wall in entry alley near red sign
< Ammo box > 4 bolts, 4 poison bolts
In brick-walled southeast corner of town near
wind chime
<< Briefcase >> 20 SP
See objectives section above

North village
Note on wall (need decoder) 20 SP
On west wall before red postbox near yellow paper lantern
< Ammo box > 3 fire bolts
Next to red postbox on north side of town
Note on door (Page 1 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
To south, past red postbox
>> < Package > Code breaker
Next to vending machines

Ninja dojo/West village
Note on tree (Page 2 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
Behind tree to north of trench
< Item > 1 Angry kitty
Beneath ninja dojo; crouch in trench and crawl under dojo
< Accessory > Crossbow scope
Inside bureau in ninja dojo
< Armor > Heavy body armor
In back of dojo
Note in dojo 20 SP
Note on door (Page 3 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
In alcove around back/south side of ninja dojo

South village/Hatori-san's shop
Note on door (need decoder) 20 SP
Next to geisha sign near single vending machine
>> < Package > Code breaker
Next to single vending machine
Note by door (Page 4 of UNITY field manual) 20 SP
In covered porch south of single vending machine
** Recovering four pages of the UNITY field manual ** 300 SP
Note by door (need decoder) 20 SP
In alcove in side alley accessible through covered porch
< Item > 1 coin
On ground by trash bag near crane sign

** Contacting Hatori-san ** 400 SP
Open and close the mailboxes according to the decoded notes
** Delivering the briefcase to Hatori-san ** 300 SP

< Health > First aid kit
In Hatori-san's shop
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On counter in Hatori-san's shop
< Armor > Light body armor
In corner of Hatori-san's shop

Return to ninja dojo
** Discovering the new location for meeting ** 400 SP
Note by chimes (need decoder) 20 SP
Outside of ninja dojo after talking to Hatori-san
Total skill points available this level: 1860 SP
Cumulative total: 2820 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------

Not really an "extra," but you can shoot guards in the ninja dojo through
the cracks in the floorboards if you're crouching beneath them, and they
can't see or shoot you back.

Is there a reason why there's such a large empty backroom in Hatori-san's

What do the Kanji symbols on the signs mean?

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 2 +|

| Chapter 2: Goodbye, Spy |
| The spy is here! |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your weapons and ammunition from the previous chapter are carried over into
this chapter.

This level is pretty much another straight shot. Since the main gate to the
house is barred from the inside, there are two other ways to enter the
estate grounds, detailed below. Your main objective is to snap a picture of
the meeting inside the main house, although this is technically optional.

Note that the map from Hatori-san, while drawn accurately, has the
directions marked incorrectly. "North" on his map is actually "West" on
your compass, so adjust your bearings accordingly.

< From the loading screen >
The meeting is scheduled to take place at the estate of an enigmatic figure
known only as The Director. Cate will have to infiltrate the estate
grounds, locate the main house, and find the window Hatori-san indicated on
the map. This vantage should allow her to take the photographs she needs
without exposing herself to unnecessary risk.

Once she's obtained the photos, she must return to the bridge where Yamata-
san is waiting. A UNITY intercept team is standing by to evacuate her to
Tokyo when the mission is complete.

Total skill points available: 3060
Total accumulated skill points: 5880

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the estate grounds 400 SP
There are two ways into the estate.

1) Go west down the side alley directly north of the barred main gate.
In the large dead-end courtyard with two trees, there is an open
window. Jump up onto the windowsill, then crouch and crawl into the
storage room.
2) Go through the closed gate on the north side of town and follow the
path to the northern gate to the estate.

Photograph the meeting 800 SP
Don't let any alarms be sounded in the yard around the main house.
Don't make any suspicious noise near the window!

Head around to the northwest corner of the main house, hop up onto the
ledge, and use your Lipstick Spy Camera. Make sure you're walking (hit
"Caps Lock") and do not fire any weapons near this window, or The Director
will become alarmed, and you will miss out on 800 skill points!

After taking the photo, an alarm will sound and several ninja guards will
appear all around the map.

Return to Yamata-san at the bridge 600 SP
Whether or not you managed to take the photograph, now you must return to
the level entrance. The fastest way back is to unlock the main gate, then
head north to the alley where you entered. You will miss out on several
items this way however, so I suggest taking the long way back instead.
Once you reach your starting point, right-click the gate to end the level.

Erase three dead drop chalk marks (optional) 400 SP
The three chalk arrows are located as follows:

1) Directly northwest from entrance across the street beneath an exposed
light bulb
2) South side of town across from barred main gate to estate
3) Northwest side of town to northeast of estate's side entrance

Recover 4 pages of Isako's letter (optional) 300 SP
Reading these letters will give you a little personal background on Isako,
as well as reveal why she is working for The Director. The letters are in
searchable stacks of paper at the following locations:

1) Beneath table in house on west side of estate entrance
2) By bed in house with ornate trim on roof in estate
3) In bureau in 2-story house in estate
4) In bureau in house south (next to) second ninja alarm in estate

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Starting alley
Map: Estate 20 SP
From Hatori-san at start of level
Note on wall 20 SP
< Package > Utility launcher, 5 tracking darts, 20 SP
On ground
Note on wall 20 SP
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #1)
Directly northwest across from alley beneath
exposed light bulb
>>Letter in postbox
Sticking out of slot of red postbox next to vending machine

Southeast village/Estate main gate
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #2)
Across from barred main gate to estate
< Package > 1 Angry kitty
Behind wooden partition near wind chime
< Health > First aid kit
Inside storage shed in side alley leading west
to the north of barred gate to estate

North village
>>Letter under door
Sticking out from under door to house on north
side of town
< Package > 10 bolts, 5 tracking darts
In corner south of stone walkway with zori
next to door
>>Letter in postbox 20 SP
Sticking out of slot of red postbox
< Chalk mark > (Dead drop mark #3)
West of red postbox to northeast of the
estate's side entrance
** Erasing enemy dead drop marks ** 400 SP

Estate grounds entrance
** Infiltrating the estate grounds ** 400 SP
Enter estate for the first time
>>Letter by entry
On shelf inside house on west side
< Item > Sleeping gas grenade
Top shelf inside house
< Intel > (Page 1 of Isako's letter) 20 SP
Beneath west side of table
>>Letter in bureau 20 SP
In second room of house

Estate grounds/House with ornate trim on roof
< Health > Bandages
Top shelf in house
>>Letter by entry 20 SP
On shelf inside entry
>>Letter on table
On top of table
< Intel > (Page 2 of Isako's letter) 20 SP
Next to bed
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside closet next to bed

Estate grounds/2-story house
>>Letter by entry 20 SP
On shelf inside entry
< Intel > (Page 3 of Isako's letter) 20 SP
In bureau
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside closet next to bed
< Health > Bandages
On shelf in back of dark raised storage building

Estate grounds/Area near ninja alarm
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
Just inside house south of ninja alarm
< Package > 3 poison bolts, 2 fire bolts
Lower shelf
< Intel > (Page 4 of Isako's letter) 20 SP
In bureau
** Retrieving information about the leader of the ninja clan ** 300 SP
>>Spy Training Manual
In house south of ninja alarm by flowers
< Package > Silenced SMG, (60) 9mm FMJ
In storage building north of ninja alarm
< Item > 1 Stun grenade
In bureau in house east of ninja alarm
>>Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On bench in house east of ninja alarm

Estate grounds/Main house area
Note on post 20 SP
Outside entrance to main house area
Ammo box 5 bolts, 2 explosive bolts
Outside meeting window
** Photographing the meeting ** 800 SP

Escape back to Yamata-san
Note on deck 20 SP
Outside 2-story house
Note on post 20 SP
By northern estate entrance
Note by gate 20 SP
Next to large locked gate in northeast town
Note by exit 20 SP
** Returning to Yamata-san ** 600 SP
Total skill points available this level: 3060 SP
Cumulative total: 5880 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to the second ninja conversation for a bit of foolery with their
ability to tell time. :)

Is there a purpose to the spinning sign at the corner of one of the
intersections? What does it say?
< From Zanshin: >
"It took me quite a while (due to various technical issues of trying figure
out how to take a screen shot and then trying to upload it), but I finally
figured out what that sign says, but unfortunately, it is nothing
particularly interesting, and nothing that indicates there is any reason or
function for that sign.
First, from the front the diamond shaped sign says "Elephant" on the upper
left and "moon" on the upper right. Right now, I have forgotten what the
writing on the bottom of the sign says, and it is rather unclear so it is
hard for me to read but if I remember correctly, it says "Good for your
The red side of the spinning portion says something rather odd. Actually,
my friends said it is not Japanese, or not correct Japanese. The first and
second letter say something that means "regular" in the sense of using the
toilet. Using the second and third letters, it says "toilet", as in the
device itself.
The blue side of the spinning portion of the sign seems to be for some kind
of supplement. It says "You often hear about it" "SCOT" "Stamina Garlic"."

| Chapter 2: Goodbye, Spy |
| The death of Cate Archer |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. And yes, it looks like Cate dies! Oh no! Now who will
you play for the rest of the game?! (Flashback to Raiden from MGS2?)

Once the cinematic ends, the opening credits roll.

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Who is Terrence Sloggins?
<< Update 1.0 >>
Terrence is the skinny H.A.R.M. guard in the Chapter 14 cutscene. See the
"Extras" section of that part of the walkthrough for more details.

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 3 +|

| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| The specter of war |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. There are a lot of plot points in this movie which I
won't cover, so I suggest you sit back, enjoy, and watch it all the way
through. ;)

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Did Director Jones get a cold, or is a different voice actor playing him in
this game?

If you have a really good graphics card, and have details set to High, try
reading some of the certificates in the background of Director Jones'

| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| Welcome to Siberia |

4:17pm, Siberia, USSR

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------

I just *love* the snow animation on this level! At any rate, you start off
near a dacha (cottage) with a large frozen lake to the south where your
plane is, and a small military outpost to the north past some hills. Your
objectives will change many times through this level, forcing you to talk
with the finicky pilot on several occasions. I thought he was rather
amusing, myself.

Be careful while moving around on the lake's surface near the plane.
Venture out too far, and the ice will start making crackling sounds. If you
like to tempt fate, keep going!

< From the loading screen >
Spy plane photographs show a run-down, understaffed military base, but Mr.
Barnes warns that this decrepitude is likely a ruse. Although the Americans
often greatly overestimate Soviet military capacity, UNITY isn't taking any

The first phase of Cate's mission is to facilitate her own escape. A little
sabotage should go a long way toward preventing reinforcements from being
called in.

Santa has enlisted a pilot who is familiar with the region to get Cate in
and out. She must protect him at all costs.

Total skill points available: 1240
Total accumulated skill points: 7120

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Radio UNITY mission central for instructions 300 SP
The pilot forgot his keys, and sure doesn't seem too concerned about it.
Pick the lock, then explore the dacha to get accustomed to its layout.
This will be important later! Make note of the secret room beneath the
staircase, as well as the side door with the padlock on it. I recommend
leaving the padlock alone (you'll see why later).

Once inside, talk to the pilot, then go out back and fire up the
generator. Back in the dacha, talk to the pilot again if you wish. It
may be wise to go around the dacha now and turn off all the light
switches. Then use the radio in the back room.

Recover supplies from the shed
Before you head to the shed, listen for some strange noises around to the
side of the dacha. Uh-oh, you've been discovered! If you left the
padlock alone, and turned off all the lights, you should be able to sneak
around and shoot the intruders in the head with your silenced pistol.
Otherwise, be prepared for a fight inside the kitchen!

Next, head to the shed out back (north of the dacha), unlock it, and go
inside. You'll see an envelope on the desk which contains your mission
brief, a map, and the keys to the snowmobile.

When you try to start the snowmobile up, nothing happens! Chat up the
pilot again, then head for the military outpost to the north.

Place three explosives on the underpinnings of the main bridge 500 SP
You will first need to get to the bridge, and to do that, you'll need a
can of gas for the snowmobile. A nice big red gas can is available inside
the military outpost, but first you'll need to eliminate all the guards.
After you nab the gas, return to the dacha and chat up the pilot if you
feel like it, then fire up the snowmobile and head back to the outpost.

Two more guards will have mysteriously appeared in the outpost, so be sure
to take them out (and move the bodies out of the way if necessary), before
attempting the next move: ride the snowmobile up the wooden ramp, over the
small fuel tank, and into the area beyond the outpost's fence!

On your way to the bridge, Santa gives you a bit of advice.

Once you reach the bridge, hop off the snowmobile and crawl around the
underpinnings to plant 3 bombs. Watch for rotted planks that fall if you
try to cross them! On the way out, head left (south) to get back to the
snowmobile, then continue west to the checkpoint. Head through the
checkpoint building to reach the next stage.

Plant explosives at the base of the radio tower
You can't complete this objective at this stage.

Plant explosives at power relay station
You can't complete this objective at this stage.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
The dacha
On railing to south of dacha
< Item > 1 coin
On counter next to sink
< Health > Bandages
In cupboard above sink
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Upstairs next to bed
< Item > 1 bear trap
Upstairs next to bed
< Ammo box > 5 tracking darts
Outside by generator
** Contacting UNITY ** 300 SP

The shed
< Item > Hairspray welder, 20 SP
Inside chest
< Package > Utility launcher, 10 tranq darts, 20 SP
On desk
< Envelope > Mission brief, map, snowmobile keys, 40 SP
On desk
< Item > 1 stun grenade
Bottom-right drawer of desk
< Health > Bandages
Top-left drawer of desk

Military outpost/Large fuel tank/Room by generator
< Armor > Light body armor
On shelf across from tank
>>Note on post 20 SP
On post outside metal fence
>>Note on wall
On wall next to door
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Item > 1 bear trap
On shelf by generator

Military outpost/Central building
< Radio >
On desk in center
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet
< Intel >
Right drawer of desk by door

Military outpost/Open storage area
>>Note on post
On post near loading dock
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, (9) .32 cyanide
On shelf next to gas can
< Item > Gas can
On shelf
** Finding fuel for snowmobile ** 100 SP
< Health > Bandages
On barrels

Bridge area/Checkpoint
** Sabotaging the bridge ** 500 SP

Note on pole 20 SP
On pole near gate
< Item > 1 coin
On desktop
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
Total skill points available this level: 1240 SP
Cumulative total: 7120 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Kill the bunny! Kill the bunny! Death to all cute furry things! >8^P
(Yes, I enjoyed shooting cannon at seals in Warcraft as well...)

Turn on the radio inside the Soviet outpost for a nice NOLF reminiscence.
If you reach the building without killing anyone, you can sometimes catch a
guard or two bopping to the music!

| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| Causing trouble 1 |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is an intermediary stage which connects several outlying areas. Refer
to your map to get your bearings.

Total skill points available: 0000
Total accumulated skill points: 7120

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Plant explosives at the base of the radio tower
Head towards the radio tower north of the idling truck. A set of freshly-
cut trees block you from riding your snowmobile directly there.

Plant explosives at power relay station
Getting to this section requires a bit of "creative snowmobile jumping."
Follow the directions on your map to the first jump, near the center of
the map. Continue down the road until you reach a ravine and a very
unlikely-looking jump. Go ahead and jump it with the snowmobile, for if
you try to cross it on foot, you die instantly. If you continue up the
road, you will reach the hunting cabin which contains some useful items
listed in the section marked "Causing trouble 2."

Head down into the ravine and across the ice to a pile of boulders.
Beyond the boulders is the power station.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Bridge area/Checkpoint
< Intel >
Filing cabinet

The idling truck
Spy Training Manual 0 SP (Bug?)
On top of right-front tire

Total skill points available this level: 0000 SP
Cumulative total: 7120 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
I can't figure out a way to get the skill point bonus from the Spy Training
Manual to register. Is this a bug in the game?

Running down bunnies in your snowmobile is a fun way to practice your
driving skills! >_<

Check out the reflections in the pools of ice in the ravine and near the
hunting cabin. Very nice effects!

| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| The communications tower |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
You will get several objectives on this map. The tower looms above you at
the place Santa indicates, and needs to be taken out. Unfortunately,
something else comes up while you're on your way out....

The sniper rifle you can pick up has an integrated silencer, useful for
stealthily picking off enemies from a distance.

Total skill points available: 1600
Total accumulated skill points: 8720

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Plant explosives at the base of the radio tower 500 SP
First, you'll need to pick up the explosives in a cabinet in the large
warehouse. Then head up the path to the south and plant the explosives on
the box at the base of the tower. On your way to the tower, you will hear
a radio report of something happening back at the dacha.

On your way out of the level, the explosives will go off, and you'll need
to crouch beneath the fallen tower to leave.

If you have trouble finding explosives or locating where to plant them,
Freddy Paulsen has put together a website with screenshots:

Plant explosives at power relay station
You can't complete this objective at this stage.

Rescue your pilot from his Soviet captors and escort him 500 SP
out of the facility
On your way out of the tower area, Santa informs you that your bumbling
pilot has managed to get himself captured after all. Another set of
guards appear in the gatehouse area, and two guards "interrogate" your
pilot in the large warehouse. Now you must get him out of there!

After eliminating all the guards and talking to the pilot once, he will
say, "Let me know when it's safe." One guard will run around the side of
the first building towards you. Take him out, then talk to the pilot
again, and he will move.

Now the pilot will say, "Tell me when it's safe," and two guards run down
towards you. Take them out, talk to the pilot, and he'll move.

This time he says, "Tell me when," and one last guard heads to you. After
he moves this time, no more guards appear, and you can get him to move
next to the gate.

Open the gate by pulling the lever inside the gatehouse, and your pilot
will escape.

Recover both pages of Soviet Military Readiness Report (optional) 300 SP
Just search around for intel items. Their locations are:

1) In filing cabinet in gatehouse
2) In filing cabinet in northern building by tower

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
First building
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside locked trunk
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On shelf above SW bed < Thanks to Cliff Chen! >
< Intel > 20 SP
Left filing cabinet
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
< Health > Bandages
On shelf
< Item > 1 banana
On desktop

The gatehouse
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Intel > (Page 1 of Soviet Military Readiness Report) 20 SP
Right filing cabinet

The warehouse
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, 5 tranq darts
In corner by 3 stacked boxes
< Item > 1 explosive
Inside cabinet

The radio tower/Northern building
< Item > Silenced sniper rifle, (5) .308 FMJ
On high shelf
< Item > 1 banana
On desktop
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
< Intel > (Page 2 of Soviet Military Readiness Report) 20 SP
Right filing cabinet
** Recovering the Soviet Military Readiness Report ** 300 SP

The radio tower/Southern building
< Item > 1 grenade
On body of guard
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
Right side of desk
< Health > Bandages
On shelf

** Sabotaging the communications relay tower ** 500 SP
** Rescuing your pilot ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1600 SP
Cumulative total: 8720 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
If you get into the first building without being detected, listen to the
conversation about acquiring supplies.

The chalkboard in the office has "Monolith Productions" and "I (heart)
Craig" written on it. "Craig" is Craig Hubbard, Creative Director and Lead
Game Designer for NOLF 2 at Monolith Productions. One of the artists is
apparently having a bit of fun at his expense. :)

Listen to the "interrogation" of your pilot in the warehouse for some yuks.

| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| The power station |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
It is very difficult to try to get through this level with any stealth at
all. I wound up blasting my way through the power station area until all
the guards were dead, but of course any humorous conversations between the
guards were lost. Your objective is to find some explosives, sabotage the
power generators, then make it back to the hunting cabin you passed on the
way in.

Total skill points available: 780
Total accumulated skill points: 9500

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Plant explosives at power relay station 500 SP
First, find the explosives in one of the locked chests inside the barracks
to the east. An additional three guards will appear from the gatehouse as
soon as you pick up the explosives. Take care of them, then head to the
generator room where you'll find a trapdoor with a padlock. Pick the
lock, plant the explosives, and hoof it outside. Once the generators are
offline, head back to the hunting cabin.

If you have trouble finding explosives or locating where to plant them,
Freddy Paulsen has put together a website with screenshots:

Return to the hunting cabin and wait for dark
Head back to the main map to complete this objective.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Flatbed truck
< Ammo Box > (10) 7.62x39 Phos, (9) .32 FMJ, 3 tracking darts
In back of flatbed truck
< Ammo Box > 1 stun grenade, 3 tranq darts
In back of flatbed truck

Large building/Office
< Intel > 20 SP
Right filing cabinet
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer

Large building/Mess hall
< Ammo Box > (9) .32 FMJ, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
In corner by shelves
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in corner
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet

Large building/Barracks
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Beneath SE bed
>> < Item > 1 explosive
Inside locked chest by NE bed
>> < Item > 1 explosive
Inside locked chest by SE bed
>> < Item > 1 explosive
Inside locked chest by SW bed
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet

Generator room
< Item > 1 acid gas grenade
On shelf by door
< Health > First aid kit
On lower shelf

** Sabotaging the power plant ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 780 SP
Cumulative total: 9500 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
If you're fast enough and head around to the left behind a brick, you'll
catch a guard in the act of, uh, "calling nature."

If you manage to infiltrate the mess hall (from the barracks) without being
detected, you will sometimes catch a guard in the bathroom. You can "knock"
on the bathroom door for a series of interesting responses. If you're
detected near the bathroom, you'll hear him flush, then see him run out the

The sadist in me enjoyed throwing the acid gas grenade into the gatehouse
when all three guards were still inside (I delayed them by leaving two
bodies in there). I'm a sicko! ^_^

Shoot the red tank near the truck in the center of the camp for some nice

| Chapter 3: Project: Omega |
| Causing trouble 2 |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Now that you've completed your main objectives, head to the hunting cabin in
the northwest corner of your map and radio UNITY to complete this chapter.
Please note the hunting cabin is NOT the dacha at the beginning of this

Total skill points available: 120
Total accumulated skill points: 9620

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Return to the hunting cabin and wait for dark
Head back to the hunting cabin and use the radio to finish the chapter.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Hunting cabin
** Locating the hunting cabin ** 100 SP
< Item > 1 angry kitty
On desk next to window
Note on table 20 SP
On table
< Health > First aid kit
On table
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On bed
< Item > Sniper rifle, (5) .308 FMJ
On bed
< Item > 2 bear traps
Inside chest
Total skill points available this level: 120 SP
Cumulative total: 9620 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Those bunnies can sure run fast if they're scared! >8^P

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 4 +|

| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| Outer yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your weapons and ammunition from chapter 3 carry over into this chapter.

This level is fairly large, and can take a while to clear. The unfortunate
aspect of this stage is that enemies will constantly spawn from the Records
Building through the small metal gate on the north side of the map. The
good part is that they always walk the exact same path, so you can predict
when they will arrive and act accordingly.

The two optional objectives can be completed on your way out of the records
building (in the next chapter) if you desire, but you get 200 fewer skill
points for doing them later.

< From the loading screen >
After analyzing the Americans' intelligence data, UNITY is convinced that
Project: Omega is headquartered in the Main Records Building at the center
of the compound. Security will be tight, so it won't be easy for Cate to
reach the target site, let alone get inside and recover the data she

Fortunately, she's going in under the cover of night, which should afford
some small advantage.

Total skill points available: 1380
Total accumulated skill points: 11000

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
There are two ways into the main compound. You can crawl into the bunker,
then weld off the hinges of the locked door inside, or you can go through
the gatehouse by picking its lock, or waiting for a guard to come out for
a smoke break. The guard carries a key ring which will unlock the
gatehouse door.

Once inside the compound, you can either complete the optional objectives,
or skip them altogether (possibly doing them later) and head straight for
the large building at the north end of the compound. Whatever you decide,
beware the enemy spawn point at the old Records Building; a new Soviet
guard will emerge from the Building approximately every 30 to 60 seconds,
so plan your movements accordingly. Note that by setting a bear trap in
front of the small metal gate from which they emerge, you will hear an
audible snap (and possibly a scream) from anywhere nearby, alerting you
that another guard has appeared.

Place explosive at the outer gate (optional) 400 SP
First, you'll need to find an explosive charge. The closest is located in
a package inside the barracks east of the main gate. Once you plant the
explosive, you can forget about it until you emerge from the Main Records
Building in the next chapter.

If you have trouble finding explosives or locating where to plant them,
Freddy Paulsen has put together a website with screenshots:

Place explosive at the fuel depot in the motor pool (optional) 400 SP
The second explosive bundle is found inside the building by the motor
pool. Tote it up the ladder between the two large vertical fuel tanks,
and plant it on the side of the northern tank. Like the other explosive
charge, it will not detonate until the end of the chapter. Note that if
you leave this level, then immediately return, the transparent explosives
icons will disappear. I suggest either planting them before you enter
the Old Records Building, or after you accomplish your mission and are on
your way out.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On floor in corner
< Item > 2 grenades
On shelf
< Item > 2 bear traps
Under shelf

< Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
On desk
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer

** Infiltrating the Soviet installation ** 200 SP

Storage shed north of bunker
< Item > 1 bear trap
Upper shelf
< Ammo box > (10) .308 FMJ, (5) tranq darts
Lower shelf

Mess hall
Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard by door

< Package > 3 body removers
In chest near bed north of SE bed
< Package > 1 explosive, 20 SP
On bed south of NW bed

** Planting explosive at the south gate ** 400 SP

Lavatory/East building
< Health > Bandages
On bench in lavatory
Note on bench 20 SP
On bench in showers

Building east of motor pool
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Ammo box > (18) .32 FMJ, 3 body removers
Lower shelf
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Inside tipped-over trash can
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet

Motor pool building/front room
< Item > 1 explosive
On shelf
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Intel > (Map of compound) 20 SP
Left desk drawer

Motor pool building/back room
< Health > Bandages
On shelf
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On shelf
< Item > 1 coin
On desktop
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer

Motor pool
< Package > 1 angry kitty
On flatbed of NW truck
** Planting explosive at the fuel depot ** 400 SP

Building south of Records Building
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos, 5 tracking darts
Lower shelf
Total skill points available this level: 1380 SP
Cumulative total: 11000 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to one of the guards chat at length about his girlfriend.

If you haven't tried the angry kitty yet, now is a good time to see it in

| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| The old records building |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
There is nothing you can accomplish immediately on this stage, but you will
return here after picking up some items from the next stage. There are two
ways to get up to the second floor. You can head up the stairs to the east,
or jump up the boxes inside the cargo elevator, hop on top of the elevator
cage, then open the maintenance door and climb through.

There are two spawn points for continuous guards. They will come in from
the second floor exit to the inner yard and walk down the stairs onto the
first floor. Guards will also walk in from the outer yard on the ground
floor, so keep the outer door closed to get some warning of their arrival.

Take note of the wall safe in the back office on the third floor. It will
be an optional objective later on in this chapter.

Total skill points available: 1120
Total accumulated skill points: 12120

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
Since this level is set in the old records building, your objective is to
penetrate further inside the base and get into the new records building.
Head through the building and onto the inner grounds via the exit on the
second floor, or the window on the third floor.

Once you retrieve a bag of sugar from the kitchen outside, return to this
level and use it on the gas cap on the generator in the basement. You
will see the gas cap on the front of the generator in the hole in the
fence directly next to the note. Adding sugar to the generator's gas tank
will disable the electric fence outside, permitting you to open the gates
and head towards the Main Records Building.

Recover top secret document from the safe (optional) 300 SP
The safe in the back office on the third floor needs a combination. When
you find the combination in the radio room past the electric fence (see
"Inner Yard," next section), return to this section to open the safe and
pick up the document inside. Note that once you get information about
Project Omega from the Main Records Building, you will NOT be able to come
back to the Old Records Building, so I recommend you do this objective
before moving to the Main Records Building!

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Note on wall 20 SP
Next to outer door

Ground floor/West room
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
On top of boxes
>> < Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
On desk

Ground floor/North store room
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
On shelf

Ground floor/Alarm room
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet

Ground floor/East room
Note on desk 20 SP
On desktop
< Package > Utility launcher, 3 camera disablers, 20 SP
On desktop
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
>> < Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
Leaning on wall in stairwell

Ground floor/Elevator
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
On boxes
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Inside maintenance room on second floor

< Ammo box > (18).32 FMJ, (9) .32 Cyanide
On shelf by barrels
< Ammo box > (5) .308 FMJ
On shelf in generator room
< Package > 3 body removers
On shelf in generator room
Note on fence 20 SP
Next to generator fuel tank

** Sabotaging the generator ** 400 SP

Second floor
>>Note on board
On corkboard on south wall
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in alarm room
< Intel >
Right desk drawer in alarm room
< Ammo box > 3 grenades
On shelf in west store room
>>Note on board
On corkboard in hallway near stairs up

Third floor/West offices
< Ammo box > 3 tranq darts, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On filing cabinet
< Intel >
On desktop
< Item > 1 acid gas grenade
On desktop
Note in safe 20 SP
** Recovering documents ** 300 SP

Third floor/NE office
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
< Intel >
Left desk drawer

Third floor
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet on north wall
>>Note on board
On corkboard on west wall by alarm
< Ammo box > 2 tracking darts
On boxes in SE store room
>>Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard in SE store room
< Health > First aid kit
On shelf in south store room
Total skill points available this level: 1120 SP
Cumulative total: 12120 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to the guards talk on your way in. I never thought of using
"Patriotic Literature" in that fashion....

Has anyone actually tried the "top secret" recipe?

| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| Inner yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your mission here is twofold: find a way to disable the electric fence
barring your progress to the new records building, and create a distraction
to facilitate your inevitable escape from the grounds. There are three
cameras on this level: above the second floor entrance, near the small
northern gate, and above the locked main entrance to the records building.
Shooting them will automatically raise an alarm, so I recommend using camera
disablers on them unless you've already raised the alarm. Sounding the
alarm will cause three guards to appear.

The two guard towers each have a sniper near the searchlight. Shooting the
searchlight will raise an alarm, sometimes even if you shoot the sniper
before shooting out the light. Allowing the searchlight to track you will
also raise the alarm. Basically I thought it best to go ahead and raise the
alarm, clear the level of enemies, then dispatch the cameras and
searchlights, since the guards always appear from the same points.

The level entrance door is a continual spawn point for guards. I found it
useful to leave some guard bodies near the doors to delay arriving guards
long enough for me to run there and kill them. Note how the music changes
when a guard discovers a corpse; this is a good indicator for when a new
guard arrives.

Total skill points available: 1520
Total accumulated skill points: 13640

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
Once you disable the electric fence (see previous stage), you will be able
to open the northern gate and move on.

Place explosive on propane tank by mess hall 400 SP
This is not an optional objective! It seems that the explosives will be
used to create your escape route for the next chapter. You will find the
explosive charge inside the storage building to the northwest. Place it
on the back of the propane tank that is across from the southern guard
tower to complete this objective.

Discover the nature of the conspiracy you've uncovered (optional) 300 SP
You will find three stacks of paper around this level. Search them for
the identities of three potential double agents. They are located at:

1) Middle locker in the showers
2) Beneath bed in barracks
3) Inside cabinet in NW store room

Recover top secret document from the safe (optional)
Searching the radio room will reveal the combination to the safe back on
the third floor of the old Records Building. Head back inside to find the
"Top Secret" document.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Mess hall
Note on refrigerator 20 SP
In kitchen
<< Bag of sugar >>
Inside locked glass cabinet
< Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
On dining table

< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 FMJ
Inside rightmost locked locker
< Item > 1 bear trap
Inside second locker from right
< Intel > (Page 1 of conspiracy) 20 SP
Inside middle locker
>> < Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
Inside middle locker
< Health > First aid kit
Inside second locker from left

< Ammo box > (18).32 FMJ
Inside SW chest
>> < Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
On ground by SE bed
< Intel > (Page 2 of conspiracy) 20 SP
Beneath bed north of SE bed
< Item > 1 stun grenade
Inside chest south of NW bed
< Armor > Light body armor
Inside locked chest south of NE bed
< Item > 2 grenades
Inside locked NE chest

NW storage building
>> < Item > AK-47, (5) 7.62x39 FMJ
On top of barrels
< Ammo box > 3 tranq darts, 3 tracking darts
On shelf
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On shelf
< Intel > (Page 3 of conspiracy) 20 SP
Inside cabinet
** Identifying three potential double agents ** 300 SP
< Item > 1 explosive
On bottom NW shelf
< Package > 2 body removers
Near dumpster outside building

** Planting explosives at the propane tank ** 400 SP

** Locating the Main Records Building ** 500 SP

Radio room
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On shelf
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
< Intel > (Safe combo) 20 SP
Right desk drawer

Total skill points available this level: 1520 SP
Cumulative total: 13640 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The radio operator is a real wuss. By the way, killing scientists and other
non-combatants appear to have no effect on your objectives or the mission.
The only stages where there are innocent civilians is around the India
levels; do NOT kill the civilians there, or your mission will fail.

| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| The basement |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The basement of the Main Records Building is a cluttered mess. Its layout
is essentially a large counterclockwise curl, with the entrance at the outer
end, and the stairs inside. To get past the gates with electronic locks,
you can either pick up a card key from one of the guards, or use the code
breaker on the card slot.

Many items are randomly placed around the level. Two light body armors, the
computer vacuum tube, and an ammo box will appear inside various cabinets or
on shelves throughout the area. If you don't find these items where I have
listed them, continue to search the shelves and cabinets.

There is a single camera in the hallway outside the SE store room. Also, be
sure to pick up the vacuum tube before leaving this stage, as you will need
it later.

Guards will spawn at the stairs to the first floor. Fortunately this is a
tiny level, so they are of little consequence.

Total skill points available: 360
Total accumulated skill points: 14000

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Infiltrate the Main Records Building
Just head inside the outer door to complete this objective.

Recover information on Project: Omega
You can't complete this objective on this stage. You will, however, need
a vacuum tube located somewhere on this level. The tube is located in a
random cabinet or on shelves around the level, such as:

1) Inside south cabinet in SW store room
2) Inside west cabinet in SW store room
3) Inside cabinet by bathroom in east store room

Liquidate Nikolai Zhukov (optional)
You will receive this mission from a file cabinet in the east store room.
Head upstairs to the Main Records Building and eliminate Zhukov to
complete this objective.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
<< Vacuum tube >>
See objectives section above

< Health > Bandages
Upper cabinet above sink
< Package > Utility launcher, 2 camera disablers
Beneath table

>> < Item > (Map of basement) 20 SP
On table next to first gate

SW store room
>> < Item > (Map of basement)
On lower shelf by door on north wall
>> < Armor > Light body armor
Inside west cabinet
>> < Armor > Light body armor
Inside south cabinet
< Ammo box > 3 tracking darts, 2 body removers
On shelf in side storage room

South store room
< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On box
>> < Armor > Light body armor
On shelf by window

Central room/Alarm room
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Left desk drawer
< Intel > 20 SP
Left filing cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Right filing cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
< Intel >
Right desk drawer

SE store room
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
>> < Ammo box > (5) 7.62x39 Phos
On boxes
>> < Armor > Light body armor
On lower shelf in east corner

East store room
< Intel > 40 SP
Filing cabinet
>> < Ammo box > (5) 7.62x39 Phos
Inside north cabinet
>> < Armor > Light body armor
Inside cabinet by bathroom
< Item > 1 bear trap
On shelf in bathroom

Laundry room
< Item > 1 coin, 1 sleeping gas grenade
Top of washing machine
>> < Armor > Light body armor
Inside cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet outside window

Boiler room
< Package > 1 angry kitty
On ground behind large boiler
Total skill points available this level: 360 SP
Cumulative total: 14000 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to the conversation by the vent in the kitchen.

| Chapter 4: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way |
| Main records building |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level has two floors, along with a small section on the second floor
where the central archive is located. The first floor is circular in
design, and there are two stairwells to the second floor. The "Foyer," as
marked on the map you find, looks more like a large store room or receiving
warehouse than the main entrance to the facility.

There are three security cameras: one on the first floor, and two on the
second. There are no guard spawn points though, so once you clear out the
floors, no more guards will appear unless you set off the alarm. You will
need the vacuum tube from the previous stage, as well as a security code
from the second floor in order to reach the central archives.

Take note of the laundry room's location immediately east of the entrance.
You will need to head there to exit the level after accessing the central

Total skill points available: 2520
Total accumulated skill points: 16520

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Recover information on Project: Omega 800 SP
First, make sure you have the computer vacuum tube from the basement. You
will also need the security code from a note on the second floor. Armed
with both, head through the security office on the first floor and into
the computer room. Replace the vacuum tube, enter the security code, and
you'll head up into the Central Archive.

You can get 100 SP by entering numbers randomly (press "1" on your
keyboard) on the tape reel reader 5 times.

Next you'll need to find the tape reel number for Project: Omega, found in
a note someplace on this level. Armed with the number, go to the robotic
tape reader on the north wall, enter it (press "2" on your keyboard), and
pick up the paper that comes out. As soon as you're finished reading, the
alarm will sound and several guards will appear on both floors.

Get back to the plane
The entrance from the basement on the first floor is now sealed off. Your
only way out now is down the laundry chute inside the laundry room.

Liquidate Nikolai Zhukov (optional) 400 SP
Zhukov will walk around the stage, but is most likely to be found in his
offices in the SE corner of the first floor. If you wait in these offices
long enough, he will walk in. Otherwise, just raise the alarm and he will
run in with the other guards. Killing him will complete this objective.

Recover additional information on ANATOLI (optional) 300 SP
ANATOLI appears to be an operative working another secret project. There
are 4 pages to uncover, located as follows:

1) First floor, right desk drawer in General's office (SE corner)
2) Second floor, right desk drawer in SE office
3) Second floor, left desk drawer in NW office
4) Second floor, right desk drawer in SW office

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
First floor/Mess hall
Note on table (Map of first floor) 20 SP
On SE table

First floor/SW office
>> < Ammo box > 5 tranq darts
Inside cabinet
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet

First floor/Foyer
< Ammo box > 2 body removers, (10) .308 FMJ, 3 tranq darts
On top of pallet
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet, west wall
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet, west wall
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in center of room on north side of pallets
< Thanks to Cliff Chen! >
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet, east wall
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet, east wall
< Intel >
Filing cabinet, north wall

First floor/SE office/General's office
Note on desk (Map of second floor) 20 SP
On desk
< Intel >
Filing cabinet
< Intel > (Page 1 of ANATOLI) 20 SP
Right desk drawer, General's office
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
In drawer of table by couch
>> < Ammo box > 5 tranq darts
On table by couch

** Eliminating General Zhukov ** 400 SP

First floor/NE store room
Note on vending machine 20 SP
On machine next to staircase
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On boxes
< Health > First aid kit
On shelf
< Ammo box > 3 tranq darts
On shelf

First floor/Laundry room
< Package > 2 body removers
On shelf

First floor/Security office
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
< Intel >
Filing cabinet
>> < Ammo box > 5 tranq darts
NE corner

Second floor/SE office
< Ammo box > 3 tranq darts, (10) .308 FMJ
Inside cabinet
< Intel > (Page 2 of ANATOLI) 20 SP
Right desk drawer

Second floor/Office east of eastern camera
>>Note on desk (M-9 Security Code)

Second floor/Office south of eastern camera
< Ammo box > 5 tracking darts
On box
< Intel >
Filing cabinet

Second floor/North office
>>Note on desk (M-9 Security Code)
< Intel >
Right desk drawer

Second floor/Northwest office
< Intel > (Page 3 of ANATOLI) 20 SP
Left desk drawer
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, (9) .32 Cyanide
SE corner
< Armor > Light body armor
On boxes south of bathrooms

Second floor/West office
>>Note on desk (M-9 Security Code)
< Health > Bandages
Inside cabinet in storage room
< Item > Utility launcher, 3 camera disablers
Inside cabinet in storage room

Second floor/SW office
< Health > Bandages
SW corner
< Ammo box > (3) .32 FMJ
On desk
< Intel > (Page 4 of ANATOLI) 20 SP
Right desk drawer
** Collecting documents ** 300 SP

** Accessing the central archive ** 500 SP

Central archive/M9 tape reel reader
<< Enter numbers randomly 5 times >> 100 SP
<< Enter reel number for Project: Omega >> 20 SP
** Recovering information on Project: Omega ** 800 SP

Central archive/South store room
>>Note on shelf (M9 tape reel number)
< Armor > Light body armor
Inside cabinet
< Ammo box > (60) 7.62x39 Phos, (18) .32 FMJ
On shelf

Central archive/SW office
>>Note on desk (M9 tape reel number)

Central archive/NW office
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Right filing cabinet

Central archive/NW office
>>Note on desk (M9 tape reel number)
Total skill points available this level: 2520 SP
Cumulative total: 16520 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the animation when you enter the security code into the computer.
I liked how the ceiling folded into the walls.

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 5 +|

| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| The basement |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Your weapons and ammo carry over from the previous chapter.

Now your objective is to escape with the Project Omega information you've
just recovered. If you planted the explosives in the outer yard, they will
create distractions for the guards when you reach those areas. Otherwise,
they will become mandatory objectives for this stage which you will need to
complete in order to get out of the compound.

For this level, just head through the basement and back outdoors. There are
lots of ammo boxes and a few intel items scattered through the levels on the
way back to the plane, so be sure to check around for them. There are no
more guard respawn points on any level, so you can clear a level of enemies
without worrying that more will appear.

You will not find any intel from file cabinets or desk drawers on the way

< From the loading screen >
Now that Cate has recovered information on Project: Omega, she faces the
even greater challenge of getting it out of the Soviet Union. To complicate
matters further, both the Russians and H.A.R.M. are hunting for her.

She'll have to cross her fingers and hope that her meticulous preparations
pay off. The night is about to light up.

Total skill points available: 220
Total accumulated skill points: 16740

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Get back to the plane
Just head back to the outer entrance, picking up ammo and intel along the
way. You will get 9mm Gordon SMGs and ammo from the H.A.R.M. guards
dressed in purple on the way back. Be sure to pick up a Siberia keycard
from a guard body to unlock the security gate quickly (click the card slot
to open it).

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Laundry room
< Health > Bandages
Inside cabinet

NE store room
< Armor > Light body armor
Inside north cabinet
< Item > 1 stun grenade
Inside north cabinet
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet by bathroom

Central room/Alarm room
Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard
< Ammo box > 4 tranq darts, (30) 7.62x39 FMJ
Hidden among boxes (look for the white glowing object)

South store room
< Ammo box > 2 camera disablers, (30) 7.62x39 FMJ
On box

SW store room
< Ammo box > 4 tracking darts, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On box
< Health > Bandages
Under table
< Ammo box > 3 grenades
In NW corner

Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On counter by stove
Total skill points available this level: 220 SP
Cumulative total: 16740 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Is there a reason why the ammo box in the central room is hidden like that?
It's a glowing white color instead of a dark green, so it may be

| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Inner yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The sniper rifle comes in very handy for the next few stages. Head for the
south wall by the large fuel tank. If you didn't plant explosives on the
fuel tank on the way in, you can find an explosive bundle in the lockers
near the showers. Note that setting off the alarm here will not spawn more

Total skill points available: 520
Total accumulated skill points: 17260

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Get back to the plane
Head for the large fuel tank by the wall on the south side of the yard.
If you planted the explosives there earlier, you will earn an additional
300 SP just for watching it explode. Once it blows up, hop through the
hole it makes in the wall.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Radio room
< Ammo box > (18) .32 FMJ, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
Next to desk

NW storage building
< Ammo box > 2 sleeping gas grenades
Outside west wall next to pallet

** Planting explosives at the propane tank ** 300 SP

< Item > 1 acid gas grenade
Second locker from right
< Health > Bandages
Second locker from left
< Item > 1 explosive
Leftmost locker
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On bench

< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside SE chest
< Health > First aid kit
On bed near NW corner

Mess hall
< Intel > 20 SP
On SE table
< Ammo box > 3 tranq darts, 3 tracking darts
On SE table
Total skill points available this level: 520 SP
Cumulative total: 17260 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Trying to jump up into the backs of the flatbed trucks is not possible. Is
it because they're idling?

Note that while the alarm goes off when the tank explodes, it will not be
triggered by the searchlights or cameras. Perhaps the level designers
decided that the alarm is useless, now that most of the guards are dead?

| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Outer yard |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Once again, be sure to hunt around for items and ammo boxes for extra skill
points and ammunition. There are a limited number of guards here, and no
spawn point. Even if the alarm goes off, no new guards appear.

Total skill points available: 720
Total accumulated skill points: 17980

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Get back to the plane
If you haven't planted explosives at the motor pool and the front gate,
you can do so now. Unlike the last stage, you get no bonus skill points
for planting them on the way in. When you're ready to leave, take a
snowmobile that's parked in the motor pool (near where the large vertical
fuel tanks used to be), drive through the main gates, and aim it over the
small hill to jump the fence and get outside the compound.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Building east of motor pool
Note on pole 20 SP
Outside of north entrance

Motor pool
< Item > 1 explosive
On ground by snowmobile
< Ammo box > (28) 7.62x39 FMJ
On ground by snowmobile

Lavatory/East building
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Inside west stall

>> < Item > AK-47, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On floor by door
< Ammo box > (10) .308 FMJ
On floor by NE chest
< Armor > Light body armor
Inside chest south of NE chest

Mess hall
>> < Item > AK-47, (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On floor by overturned table
< Health > First aid kit
On counter by refrigerator

Storage shed north of bunker
< Item > 1 stun grenade
On shelf
< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos
On floor by NE chest

** Escaping from the Soviet compound ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 720 SP
Cumulative total: 17980 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the particle effects on the flames in the burning fuel tanks!

| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Exfiltration |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Now your objective is to make it to the checkpoint at the south end of the
map. The exits to the radio tower and power station are fenced off, so you
can't head to either of those maps.

The Soviet guards will have Phosphorous ammunition loaded in their weapons
for this stage, so make sure you have at least a level 2 Stamina skill to
help survive their bullets.

Total skill points available: 200
Total accumulated skill points: 18180

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Get back to the plane
On the way back to the checkpoint, there will be two roadblocks. The
first is easy to bypass, but the second requires that you go up the steep
slope to the roadblock's right in order to pass some felled trees. You
can backtrack to the hunting cabin if you need health and armor.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Hunting cabin
< Health > Bandages
On table
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On floor
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On table

Roadblock 1/Two trucks
< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos, (10) .308 FMJ, (18) .32 FMJ
In back of truck

< Ammo box > (30) 7.62x39 Phos, (30) 7.62x39 FMJ
On floor by desk
< Armor > Light body armor
On floor by stove
Total skill points available this level: 200 SP
Cumulative total: 18180 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Where did all the bunnies go? :(

| Chapter 5: Night Flight |
| Surprise, surprise |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This stage is split into a few smaller objectives. You'll have to find and
sober up your pilot who's hiding beneath the stairs in the dacha. You will
also need to defuse a bomb that's planted on your airplane. You can do
these tasks in any order.

Total skill points available: 1620
Total accumulated skill points: 19800

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Get back to the plane
Listen to Santa by the gate to the military outpost to "complete" this

Rescue your pilot from H.A.R.M. 500 SP
Not surprisingly, your pilot is once again in trouble. Eliminate four
H.A.R.M. guards around the dacha, then open the doors beneath the
staircase to complete this objective.

Help your pilot sober up 200 SP
Your pilot is drunk, and asks you to make some coffee. Fortunately, some
hot java is brewing on the stove already. Take the coffeepot from the
iron stove to the left of the pots on the counter, and use it on the mug
that's on the dining table to complete this objective.

Prevent H.A.R.M. from blowing up your plane 500 SP
After taking care of the two guards by the plane, you have one minute to
run up and defuse the bomb. It takes about 15 seconds to defuse the bomb;
I don't think a higher gadget skill affects this time.

< Red Phoenix writes: >
Using cheats, I maxed out all of my skills and I was able to defuse the
bomb in about two or three seconds, so skills do have an effect here.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
** Escaping the base grounds ** 200 SP

Military outpost/Open storage area
< Health > First aid kit
On barrels
< Ammo box > (60) 7.62x39 Phos
On shelf

Military outpost/Large fuel tank/Room by generator
< Armor > Light body armor
On shelf by generator
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, 5 tracking darts
On desk
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Left desk drawer

Military outpost/Central building
< Item > 1 sleeping gas grenade, 1 stun grenade
On desk in corner

The dacha
< Health > First aid kit
By sink
Note on floor 20 SP
By dining table
< Ammo box > (10) .308 FMJ
In chest by fireplace
< Armor > Heavy body armor
By radio

** Rescuing your pilot (Completing your mission) ** 500 SP
** Sobering up your pilot ** 200 SP
** Securing the landing site ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1620 SP
Cumulative total: 19800 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The explosions on the bridge make a nicely-scripted sequence. I actually
found a body of one of the guards near where I stopped to watch the show.

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 6 +|

| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Grasping at straws |

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a rather long cutscene. I won't go into the plot, but I do have two
words: "Man crates." :)

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
There are some minor clipping errors with Cate's skirt when she walks in
this uniform. I assume it's just a problem with the skin, and not the

| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| The house where Melvin used to live |

3:36 PM, Akron, Ohio

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The house is nothing but a treasure hunt for the first half. There are
plenty of rooms to explore, and even though it's dark, you cannot hide in
the shadows; therefore I suggest turning on all the light switches for

You can play back the tapes on the tape recorder sitting on the dining room
table. In conjunction with the letters, the tapes give you a bit of history
on what Blitzny did to prepare for his role as Tom Goodman.

Once you finish your objectives, the house fills with ninja guards, so be
prepared for a lot of fighting to get to the escape route in the SE room

< From the loading screen >
Without any other compelling leads to follow, Cate heads to Akron, Ohio to
search for clues at the former residence of the notorious Melvin Blitzny.
Blitzny, a vacuum cleaner salesman by trade, had been groomed to assume the
identity of UNITY operative Tom Goodman as part of H.A.R.M.'s last
despicable plot. He met his end at the hands of his own mentor.

Whatever trepidation Cate may feel at entering the domain of this
treacherous man must be set aside if she is to achieve her goal.

Total skill points available: 1960
Total accumulated skill points: 21760

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Find information on Project Omega 800 SP
Clear the poster on a wall in the basement to find a switch. You will
need to find fresh batteries to operate this switch, open the door, and
complete this objective. The batteries will be randomly placed throughout
the level; here are a few places I have found them:

1) Upper-right drawer in desk in NE bedroom upstairs
2) Drawer under lamp in NE bedroom upstairs
3) On closet shelf in NE bedroom upstairs

When you pick up both notes in the Inner Sanctum, ninja guards will appear
throughout the house.

Escape with the evidence
Now you will need to go through the window upstairs in the southeast room
that's boarded up. Doing so will end this stage.

Find all the recordings (optional) 400 SP
There are six envelopes containing recordings of Blitzny and his
endeavors. They are located as follows:

1) Upper-right drawer in basement
2) Upper large drawer by refrigerator in kitchen
3) On mantle above fireplace in den
4) Inside bathtub in SE bathroom upstairs
5) On shelf in central closet upstairs
6) In middle drawer of desk in NW bedroom upstairs

Find all correspondence between Goodman and Mr. Smith (optional) 400 SP
These letters are found in the stacks of paper located as follows:

1) Inside cabinet in basement
2) Upper-right drawer by sink in kitchen
3) On table in NE corner of dining room
4) On boxes in SW closet upstairs
5) On desk in NE bedroom upstairs
6) On shelf by projector in Inner Sanctum

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ, (30) 9mm FMJ
On table by stairs
<< Red audio tape >>
Upper-right drawer of shelves
< Intel > (Page 1 of correspondence) 20 SP
Inside cabinet

<< Green audio tape >>
Upper large drawer by refrigerator
< Intel > (Page 2 of correspondence) 20 SP
Upper-right drawer by sink
< Health > Bandages
Under sink

Dining room
< Intel > (Page 3 of correspondence) 20 SP
On table in NE corner

<< Purple audio tape >>
On mantle above fireplace

Upstairs/SW closet
< Intel > (Page 4 of correspondence) 20 SP
On boxes

Upstairs/SE bathroom
< Health > Bandages
By toilet
<< Blue audio tape >>
Inside bathtub

Upstairs/West room
< Ammo box > (30) 9mm FMJ
In NW corner

Upstairs/Central closet
<< Orange audio tape >>
On shelf

Upstairs/NW bedroom
<< Yellow audio tape >>
Middle drawer of desk
** Collecting the voice recordings ** 400 SP

Upstairs/NE bedroom
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On bed
< Intel > (Page 5 of correspondence) 20 SP
On desk
<< Batteries >>
On shelf in closet/Upper-right desk drawer/Drawer under lamp

Inner Sanctum
< Item > Gordon 9mm SMG, (60) 9mm FMJ
On minibar
Note on minibar 20 SP
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Under minibar
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On bookshelf
< Intel > (Page 6 of correspondence) 20 SP
On shelf next to projector
** Collecting the correspondence between Blitzny and Mr. Smith ** 400 SP
< Item > Katana
On bureau
Note on bureau 20 SP

** Recovering information on Project Omega ** 800 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1960 SP
Cumulative total: 21760 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Running around on carpet will stir up motes of dust that hang in the air
around you, a nice effect!

The old audio turntable entertainment center in the dining room brought back
some ancient memories....

Listen to the sixth recording for the classic quote, "She wasn't good
looking and she smelled like a horse, but she was woman enough for me!"

| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Storm rolling in |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This has to be one of the most annoying levels in the game. There are an
infinite number of ninja in this stage, and they are relentless. You have a
very limited amount of ammunition, and the ninja bodies instantly disappear
when they die, so you can't search the bodies for ammo. You will have to
RUN from the house to various cover points all through the map, and it will
be nigh impossible to escape without being hit dozens of times.

I would definitely suggest ignoring the extra skill point items here and go
as fast as you can to the end of the road, then double back to the exit (see
below for more detail).

Total skill points available: 560
Total accumulated skill points: 22320

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Escape with the evidence
Head west down the road, then turn north at the corner, then west again at
the downed electrical lines. Turn south at the southwest corner of the
fence, and you will see an open gate. Head in, then jump into the window
of the shed in the corner. Continue east through all the backyards here
to the exit.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Blitzny's house
< Item > Combat shotgun, (20) 12-gauge buckshot
In shed to south of house
< Armor > Heavy body armor
In shed
< Ammo box > (120) 9mm FMJ, (27) .32 FMJ
In shed
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On porch on west side of house

Outdoors/By road
>>Letter on porch 20 SP
On porch of first northern house west of Blitzny's house
>>Letter under door
Beneath side door on west side of first northern house
>>Letter by mailboxes 20 SP
On east side of mailboxes at NE corner of bend in road
>>Letter under door
Beneath garage door of house at NE corner of bend in road
>>Letter under door
Beneath door of house at NE corner of bend in road
>>Letter under door 20 SP
Beneath side door of SW house
>>Letter under door
Beneath front door of SW house

SW corner/Shed
< Armor > Light body armor
In shed
< Ammo box > (120) 9mm FMJ, (27) .32 FMJ
In shed

South side/Backyards
< Armor > Light body armor
In shed
< Health > First aid kit
Next to red BBQ

** Escaping from Blitzny's house ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 560 SP
Cumulative total: 22320 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
If you stop at the back door of the green house on the west side of the area
and look southwest, jumping if necessary, you will see an unfinished house
over the fence. It seems to be missing textures and supports for its roof!

| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Tornado trouble |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This level is a total mess! I am still working on taking a complete
inventory of all the armors, ammo boxes, and other items strewn throughout
the trailer park. Suffice it to say, there are plenty of items to go

Kill 20 ninja (the twister will tip over a trailer after you dispatch 10),
or just survive for a certain amount of time, and Isako will appear and
challenge you.

Total skill points available: 240
Total accumulated skill points: 22560

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Fight off the ninja attackers
Once you kill 10 ninja, the twister will tip over a trailer and toss it
around. Kill 20 ninja, or survive for about 4 minutes, and Isako will

Defeat Isako
Hit Isako enough times, and she will run into a mobile home. Follow her
in to end the stage.

Escape with the evidence
You can't complete this objective at this stage.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Abandoned car
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
SE of starting position under dilapidated car

Car in center
Note on windshield 20 SP
Note on driver's seat 20 SP
Inside car; you may have to break the window to get it
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Passenger seat of car
< Item > Shotgun, (16) 12-gauge buckshot
Backseat of car
Total skill points available this level: 240 SP
Cumulative total: 22560 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Dang, Monolith took the term "particle effects" to an extreme here!

When you get near the car in the center of the trailer park, several fence
posts impale themselves in the doors. Woo that was close!

< Jay writes: >
If you stand on either one of the cars and jump (also on one of the chairs
on a porch and jump) the wind takes you for a ride! It's great fun!! There
may be other spots on the map where this happens, but those are the 3 I
found. You should try it!
< Thanks Jay! >
- I did try it; what a cool ride! ^_^

| Chapter 6: Diary of a Double Agent |
| Carried away |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Like the tornado scene in the Wizard of Oz, you are now stuck inside a house
as it twirls within a cyclone! While scripted events take the house apart
piece by piece, it's too bad the physics of the situation weren't applied
fully (you don't float weightless from time to time as the house bobs up and
down, and you don't twist or wobble as you would inside a washing machine).

At any rate, it's an out-and-out swordfight between you and Isako now! She
will use her smoke bombs after taking a certain amount of damage; use the
time while she's gone to replenish your armor as necessary, and try to get
at the Spy Training Manual.

Total skill points available: 1000
Total accumulated skill points: 23560

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Defeat Isako 800 SP
Slice and dice Isako with your katana until her health bar is out. Doing
this will end the chapter.

Escape with the evidence
See above.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Inside lower cabinet to left of sink

** Defeating Isako ** 800 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1000 SP
Cumulative total: 23560 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
While physics weren't necessarily applied to you, they definitely applied to
the house! :)

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 7 +|

| Chapter 7: Double Cross |
| Knife in the back |

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. Welcome back to Magnus Armstrong! We are also
introduced to Pierre, the assassin, and get a "hint" of why Volkov is stuck
in his wheelchair.

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the cheesy animation on the "lava" in the H.A.R.M. headquarters.
The guards comment on it in later chapters!

| Chapter 7: Double Cross |
| The password |

1:25 PM, Calcutta, India

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The map for this stage can be confusing, so spend some time exploring the
area to get accustomed to its layout. It is divided into three sections:
the north end with the hotel and café, the midsection with the open market
and basement, and the east end where the H.A.R.M. headquarters are located.
There are locked gates in some sections that can only be opened from one
side; unlocking them will open additional escape routes for when the police
spot you, so it would be wise to open them when you get the chance.

You will spend a lot of your time traversing the map from one end to the
other, so be sure to mark the policemen with tracking darts to make them
appear on your radar screen (the compass). This will help you avoid them as
they patrol the area. You can easily outrun the police and hide from them
by crouching behind low walls, but they can corner you if this tactic
doesn't work. When cornered, use your banana!

< From the loading screen >
Magnus Armstrong has contacted his old friend Kamal, a disillusioned
H.A.R.M. operative in India who promises his assistance. While Kamal isn't
familiar with Project Omega, he's certain any pertinent information can be
found in the central vault at the Indian headquarters.

Bruno has concluded that a direct infiltration of the compound is too risky,
given the intense security Cate would likely face. Therefore, Kamal will
help her accomplish perhaps her strangest objective thus far: to get a job
with H.A.R.M. Once hired, she'll have the security clearance necessary to
move about the compound freely.

Total skill points available: 1480
Total accumulated skill points: 25040 *Promotion: Trainee*

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rendezvous with Kamal 400 SP
Be careful not to injure innocents or police patrolling the area.

Shoot the police with tracking darts as soon as you can. There will be a
mission later this stage where getting spotted may mess up the objective.

Kamal will appear in the café in the northern section of town only after
you collect blackmail evidence from a group in the middle section. Talk
to the man at the flower stand to receive his note.

Obtain the blackmail evidence on Kamal
Once you pick up Kamal's note, head to the southernmost alley in town,
enclosed by a gate at each end. At the bottom of the stairs in this
alley, there is a locked door. Through it, and behind a second locked
door in the basement is the evidence you need to return to Kamal. Picking
up the evidence will make Kamal appear in the café back in the northern
section of town.

Gain entry to H.A.R.M. headquarters 500 SP
Once you meet Kamal, he tells you to pick up a package past the gatekeeper
Harij, inside a newspaper machine. As soon as you pick up this package,
your target Malpani (wearing a red turban) appears from the H.A.R.M.
headquarters and starts to walk towards the hotel. To get the password,
you can either kill him and unlock the safe in his hotel room (keys are on
his body), or do it the way Santa suggests: bug his phone, wait for him to
use it, then replay the conversation from the bug. On your way back to
the hotel to plant the bug, if the police spot you and Malpani panics, he
may not get to the phone in time; in this case, you will have to get the
note in his safe.

A new policeman will appear at Harij, then patrol the East section. You
can run behind him and tag him with a tracking dart while he harangues

After getting the password, head back to the east section and "use" the
yellow door on the left at the end to finish the level.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
North section/Outdoors
< Item > 1 banana
On table in café
< Ammo box > 3 tracking darts
On porch in SE section up stairs near metal gate
< Thanks to Claude >

Note on table (Map of neighborhood) 20 SP
Kamal leaves this after you talk to him

North section/Hotel
< Item > 1 sleeping gas grenade
In alley across street from hotel
< Health > Bandages
Left of sink
< Item > 1 banana
On counter
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Under bed

Note in safe 20 SP
Need keys from Mapani
** Obtaining the password ** 100 SP

Middle section/Outdoors
Note from Kamal 20 SP
On counter after talking to flower vendor
< Health > Bandages
On counter west of Harij
< Item > 1 banana
On counter by spices west of Harij
< Ammo box > 3 glue bombs
Behind low wall in alley SW of Harij

Middle section/Basement
< Intel > 20 SP
On SE shelf
< Item > 1 laughing gas grenade
On shelf by hookah
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On boxes in backroom
Note on desk 40 SP
On desktop
< Intel >
Left desk drawer
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer

** Contacting Kamal ** 400 SP

South section/Near news stand
< Item > 1 coin
On counter
< Armor > Light body armor
On counter
< Item > 1 banana
On counter by paper cups
Note in news stand 1 bug, 40 SP
** Retrieving Kamal's package ** 100 SP

** Gaining entry to H.A.R.M. headquarters ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1480 SP
Cumulative total: 25040 SP

< Thanks to Claude for catching a point discrepancy here >

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Harij just cracks me up. Watch how he jumps up and down the second time you
talk to him. :)

The phone number on the sign for "Hotel Happy Guest" is a familiar long-
running joke for us old-timers. Remember Jenny!

A lightsource bug makes the inside of the drawers of the tables in the hotel
appear very bright when you open them.

No skill points are awarded for planting and listening back to the phone
bug. Is this a bug in the game?

| Chapter 7: Double Cross |
| Planting a bug |

2:24 PM, Calcutta, India

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Listen to Kamal's little ditty on your present objective, then head out.
Your mission is to figure out a way past the guards without arousing
suspicion. Since you cannot kill anyone (yet), and no one can kill you
(yet), this turns out to be a Pure Stealth Mission. Oh yeah!

You can easily outrun the guards when pressed, but you'll need to find a
hiding place to throw them off your trail. A good bet is to duck into a
nearby doorway, shut the door behind you, and stand still. If the guard
didn't see you enter the door, he'll make hunting noises for about a minute,
then give up and walk away.

Total skill points available: 320
Total accumulated skill points: 25360

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Bug the phone in Anoop Banerjee's office, then listen back to
the conversation
Don't kill anyone or you'll fail your mission!
Avoid being caught or you'll be escorted back to the lobby and have to
try again!

This is probably the second-hardest mission in the game, next to "Storm
rolling in." In fact, this stage is the polar opposite of the pure
kill-everything-that-moves mentality of "Storm rolling in." This time,
you cannot kill anyone (even if you wanted to), and if you're caught by a
guard (you get within touching range), you get sent back to the lobby and
the positions of the guards reset.

Patience is key here. Get too hurried, and you'll be detected with
several guards closing on your position. Use too many coins, and you'll
be out of ammo with no more available without reloading a saved game.
This is especially true once you get close to Banerjee's office, where you
will be within sight of two guards upstairs almost all the time.

At any rate, take your time and explore all the corners and offices.
Since you can get "caught" and restart the mission as many times as you
want, feel free to hunt down all the intel items before finishing up the
stage. Once you reach Banerjee's office, plant the bug on his phone.

Don't get caught now or you'll fail your mission!
As soon as you plant the bug, the phone will ring, and Banerjee will run
into the office a few seconds later. You will need to run and hide behind
the screen in the NE corner of his office. Once he finishes his
conversation and leaves, go back to the phone and listen to the bug; this
will end the stage.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Ground floor/Office area
< Item > 1 coin
On table by Kamal
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in SW office
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in SE office
< Intel > 20 SP
On desk in SE office
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in NE office
< Item > 1 coin
On desk in NE office

Ground floor/Lobby
< Item > 1 coin
On table in lobby
Note in drawer 20 SP
In south table
< Item > 1 coin
On table in north hallway

Ground floor/Yard area
Note by window 20 SP
Next to bathroom window
< Item > 3 coins
In fountain west side of yard

Ground floor/Secure area
< Item > 1 coin
On floor by sink in janitorial closet
< Item > 1 coin
On table in kitchen
< Intel > 20 SP
On desk in NW office

Second floor
< Intel > 20 SP
Left filing cabinet in SE office
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet in SE office
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On couch in SE office
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in SW office
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in NW office
Total skill points available this level: 320 SP
Cumulative total: 25360 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The large wine bottles have "BJ Runnels Vinyard" on the labels. Is this

The reflections and wave animation in the water of the fountain are
definitely realistic here, although Cate is missing from the reflection.
Check out how the waves are elongated along the long axis of the trough.

No skill points are awarded for listening to the bug in Banerjee's office.
Is this a bug in the game?

| Chapter 7: Double Cross |
| Wanted |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This stage can be quite infuriating at times, especially when the cop who
hangs the posters gets stalled someplace and doesn't put up the last one or
two. At any rate, this is another stealth mission; your objective: to
collect 8 Wanted posters. You can just sit back and let the civilians
gather up most of the posters, then go out and grab the last few, but that
would be too easy (and boring too)! The real challenge here is to not let
the police know you're following them around and grabbing the posters. If
they start chasing you, all poster-hanging activity stops until they stand
down from alert.

Total skill points available: 1000
Total accumulated skill points: 26360

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Collect the Wanted posters before they are spotted by civilians 300 SP
Be careful not to injure innocents or police patrolling the area.

As soon as the stage starts, the policeman southeast of you starts placing
Wanted posters around town. Pick up your purse, and tag him with a
tracking dart as soon as possible. If you can follow him around without
alerting him or the other two policemen, you can pick up the posters as he
puts them up. Each poster will be marked on your radar with a red "i," so
if you need to circle around it'll be easier to spot.

If the police start chasing you, run and find someplace to hide. The
poster-planting man won't go back to his duty until he thinks the coast is
clear. On the good side, citizens will pick up and take posters with
them, resulting in one less poster for you to find. Of course, these
citizens will shout for help if they spot you, but you don't lose any
points for not picking up all 9 posters yourself. Since the posters
appear on your radar, I won't note their positions here.

Once all 9 posters are gone, Harij will run up and tell you to look for

Find Kamal 100 SP
Kamal will appear near the west gate where you started, although I found
him as far away as the faucet on the north street once. Talk to him for
the next objective.

Retrieve supplies from the phone booth near the movie theater 100 SP
A package has now magically appeared inside the phone booth on the south
side of town. Go pick it up.

Infiltrate Evil Alliance headquarters 200 SP
Now that you have a welder, you can go around to the west side of the
theater and weld open the lock to the exit.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
West gate area
< Item > Utility launcher, 10 tracking darts
Your purse at Armstrong's feet

Northern street
>> < Item > 1 banana
On counter to west of faucet at east end

Middle street
>>Note on shelf
On stone bench at west end
>> < Item > 1 banana
On stone bench at west end
>>Note on shelf
On windowsill SE of stone bench at west end
>>Note on shelf 20 SP
On stone shelf at east end

Southern street
>>Note on counter 20 SP
On counter northeast of theater
>>Note on cushion
On shelf to east of phone booth
< Package > Welder, 40 SP
Inside phone booth after talking to Kamal
** Retrieving Kamal's package ** 100 SP

Eastern area
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Inside news stand
>>Note on ground 20 SP
In front of photo shop in NE corner
< Item > 1 banana
On counter

** Collecting the Wanted posters ** 300 SP
** Locating explosives (Talking to Kamal) ** 100 SP
** Infiltrating Evil Alliance ** 200 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1000 SP
Cumulative total: 26360 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Did you notice that the initials for Evil Alliance also happen to stand for
a large software distributor in competition with Sierra/VUG? Hmm....

| Chapter 7: Double Cross |
| Evil Alliance |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
While this level has 9 or 10 guards around the map, it pretty much turns out
to be a treasure hunt. The most frustrating optional objective in the
entire game is here; for a challenge, see if you can complete it before
reading the "Objectives" section below!

Total skill points available: 1620
Total accumulated skill points: 27980

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Recover the contents of the manager's safe 300 SP
The guards near the entrance talk of a blue letter; you will need to find
this letter in order to open the safe. The locations I have found the
letter so far include:

1) On table in front of snack bar
2) On middle of railing on central upper balcony
3) On table next to stairs beneath stage
4) On dressing table in room immediately north of water heater
5) On sink by door in men's bathroom < Thanks to hdd >

Next, climb up to the projection room (the door leading up is near the NW
balcony on the second floor). Past the projectors is the manager's
office, and behind the large painting is the safe.

Plant explosives at location #1
First, pick up the explosives from the basement. Next, plant one at the
icon on the scaffolding above the stage. The ladder up to the scaffolding
is on the east end of the stage.

Plant explosives at location #2
This point is between the projectors in the projection room.

Plant explosives at location #3 500 SP
You will find this explosive point on the side of the large water heater
in the basement. You get 500 skill points for planting explosives at all
three locations.

Plant explosives in the secret Evil Alliance film vault (optional) 300 SP
If you're reading this, chances are you either didn't search the entire
theater very thoroughly, or didn't bother searching in the first place....

You will notice a hole in the wall behind explosive point #3 (the water
heater), which is the "secret" film vault. To get inside, simply go
upstairs to the theater floor where the hole would be, and search that

Still stuck? Search the theater floor _very_ carefully. You might just
find a seat or a cushion (or a seat cushion) that's out-of-place. Once
inside the secret film vault, plant the explosives and be done with this

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Ground floor/Backstage
Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard in starting room
< Item > 1 coin
On floor by chairs in starting room
< Ammo box > (9) .32 FMJ
Inside NE cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Inside SW cabinet

Ground floor/Lobby area
< Intel > 20 SP
Inside cabinet in SW store room
>> << Blue note >> (Safe combination) 20 SP
See Objectives section
< Ammo box > 2 explosive bolts
Inside SE stall of SE lavatory

< Item > Crossbow, 10 bolts, 5 fire bolts
In chest at bottom of stairs
< Intel > 20 SP
On shelf in NE corner of east room
< Ammo box > 4 explosives, 20 SP
On shelf in SE room
** Finding explosives ** 100 SP
< Ammo box > 5 poison bolts
In SW corner of south room with trapdoor
< Package > Mascara stun gun
In west cabinet of west room
< Intel > 20 SP
In south cabinet of west room
< Ammo box > (9) .32 Cyanide
On shelf by water heater

Basement/Secret film vault
< Intel > 20 SP
On table
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
In green crate in NE corner
** Destroying Evil Alliance's secret film vault ** 300 SP

Projection room
Note on shelf 20 SP
On shelf next to film cans by door
< Intel > 20 SP
On shelf next to door to Manager's office

** Sabotaging Evil Alliance's operations ** 500 SP

Projection room/Manager's office
< Intel >
Filing cabinet
Note in safe 20 SP
** Recovering the contents of the safe ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1620 SP
Cumulative total: 27980 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Those "movie" posters scare me.... >_<

If you can sneak down the stairs backstage, listen to the conversation about
"arterial spray." Bleah.

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 8 +|

| Chapter 8: The Art of Murder |
| The vault |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Sabotaging EA was a little too easy, wasn't it? Now, on to the main vault
in H.A.R.M.'s headquarters! This stage is a combination of shooter with
stealth, and you can play it both ways. Once you unlock the gate to the
stairs, anything goes!

< From the loading screen >
Having proven her value to H.A.R.M., Cate has secured a job with the very
organization she has vowed to destroy. A higher security clearance should
help her get close to the prize: the main vault. There she hopes to find
the missing piece of the puzzle.

Unfortunately, the vault is off limits to all but the highest ranking
H.A.R.M. employees, so the biggest challenge still lies ahead. If only she
could have unearthed better intelligence about the security countermeasures
she must face.

Total skill points available: 1660
Total accumulated skill points: 29640

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Reach the lower level without killing anyone
Well, since you don't have any lethal weapons in the first place, this
objective is a cinch. Just decode the locked gate on the stairwell past
the lobby, and you're done. You can use the tranq darts on the landing of
the stairs to go back and pick up more formidable weapons from some nearby
guards. Both Kamal and Banerjee disappear from the map as soon as you
open the gate.

Recover information on Project Omega from the main vault 800 SP
Head down the stairs to reach a corridor with a camera and two guards. If
you went back and cleared out the upper levels, setting off the alarm will
only bring one or two more guards, and shooting the camera will prevent
the alarm from sounding again until you clear the main vault.

At the north end of the basement is The Trap. Simply put, there are two
ways to get across: wait for the spikes to rise and run around the side to
the other door, or use the light fixtures as mentioned in an intel item.
Either way, once you cross the trap and clear the vault, the spikes will
no longer fall.

Rendezvous with Armstrong
After picking up the folder in the vault, a LOT of guards appear in the
H.A.R.M. headquarters throughout the building. Your mission now is to
fight your way back to the outside yard, then out through the NE gate near
Santa's perch. Be sure to hold your fire when you reach the gate at the
top of the stairs. Kamal runs up to you there, and shooting him will fail
the mission.

Plant bug on three telephones in H.A.R.M. 800 SP
There are four telephones spread through the level. Place bugs on any
three of them to complete this objective. The two stationary phones are:

1) SE office upstairs
2) SW office in basement

The other two phones are in random offices: one in an upstairs office, and
the other in a ground floor office.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Second floor
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in NW office
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in SW office
< Intel >
Left filing cabinet in SE office
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet in SE office

Ground floor/Yard area
< Package > (Bug mission) 3 bugs, 20 SP
In large alcove on north side of yard
< Package > Utility launcher, 10 tracking darts,
In rightmost stall of restroom 5 camera disablers, 20 SP
Note on floor 20 SP
In leftmost stall of restroom

Ground floor/Offices
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in NE office
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in SE office
< Intel >
Filing cabinet in SW office
< Ammo box > 10 tranq darts
On second landing of staircase

Note on table 20 SP
On table in NW corner
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in SW office
** Bugging H.A.R.M. Headquarters ** 200 SP

The trap area
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On ground by pillar near exit to the trap
** Bypassing the trap ** 300 SP

Note on ground (Pit trap!) 20 SP
In center of room beyond spike trap

The Vault
< Item > Combat shotgun, (20) 12-gauge buckshot,
On shelf (5) 12-gauge explosive
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On shelf
< Item > .32 handgun, (27) .32 FMJ
On shelf
< Item > Silenced SMG, (60) 9mm FMJ
On shelf
< Ammo box > 3 stun grenades
On shelf
Note on shelf (Project Omega documents) 20 SP
** Recovering information on Project Omega ** 800 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1660 SP
Cumulative total: 29640 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The "hot water" effect in the bathroom was pretty nice, though the "fog" on
the window stays permanently.

It's a good thing those bunnies in the pit aren't Killer Rabbits! Run away!
Run away!

| Chapter 8: The Art of Murder |
| Crossfire |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Oh boy, another shooting stage. After exiting the headquarters, you must go
east back into the theater district of town. Go slowly in this stage,
taking time to peek around corners and listening for guards announcing their
approach. When a new set of guards spawn on the map (when you reach a
specific point), they will usually announce their arrival by shouting
something out. Take the few seconds of time you have before they run in to
duck into a nearby doorway or other cover point.

There are 6 snipers placed around the map, sometimes in random balconies.
Be sure to keep an eye out for them, or you'll get a nasty surprise. There
are also 3 heavy body armors; pick one up if you need it.

Total skill points available: 520
Total accumulated skill points: 30160 *Promotion: Agent*

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Follow Armstrong to safety 300 SP
You will rarely catch a glimpse of Armstrong, or hear him shout out to
you. Just follow the path, as it only leads to one place: inside the Mime
King's domicile.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Middle road
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
East end of road by cart
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
South side of road in side alley by large pot
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
Top of stairs at west end of road

South road/Theater area
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
SW corner of road
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
In triangular corner west of phone booth
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
In alcove east of phone booth
Note on theater 20 SP
Posted on front of box office

East side
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On ground by tricycle down middle road
< Armor > Heavy body armor
In NE corner by tricycle down middle road
** Escaping ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 520 SP
Cumulative total: 30160 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
If you head west from your starting position, two vendors will argue about a
monkey. This is definitely one of the most amusing conversations in the

| Chapter 8: The Art of Murder |
| Invisible walls |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
You and Armstrong finally meet your matches; he's formidable, he's painted,
and he has a horrible accent. He's the self-proclaimed Mime King, and he
has you caught in a glass cage!

Progress through the level is once again linear, and ends with a pitched
battle in the final courtyard. Until you reach this courtyard, take your
time and wait for more mime thugs to show up (they often do) before
proceeding to the next area of the map.

Total skill points available: 1360
Total accumulated skill points: 31520

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Escape with Armstrong
First things first: look for a large bolt in the cage on top of the panel
directly in front of you. You have 1 minute to weld it off before the
floor opens and dumps you out.

Once out of the cage, follow Armstrong until he (unsuccessfully) tries to
break down a door. Two mime thugs will burst in behind you and open fire.

Now follow the path through the two buildings, picking up items and intel
along the way. You will need to climb up a ladder and drop into the
center room to get out to the courtyard. When you reach the large
courtyard, explore it thoroughly so you get a good feel for its layout,
then head to the SW door and open it for Armstrong.

A lot of mime thugs will now enter the courtyard from various points; I
found it most useful to stay in the open between the two wagons so they
will see and shoot at you instead of Armstrong. 3 thugs appear from the
NE corner first, then 5 from the balconies behind the stage and on the
east end of the yard. Finally, 3 last thugs run in from the alley gate
in the SE side. Defeat them all, and Armstrong will open the exit and
stroll through. Before following him, be sure to search all the bodies,
and backtrack to pick up the heavy body armor if you need it; the next
stage may prove to be difficult if you don't have full health and armor.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Building one/Ground floor
** Escaping the Mime King's deathtrap ** 400 SP
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
On shelf in first dark room
Note by door 20 SP
In SW room
Note on low table 20 SP
In NE room
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
In NE room on counter by sink

Building one/Second floor
Note in drawer 20 SP
In table in SW corner of NE room
Note in drawer 20 SP
In table in NE corner of SW room
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
In NE room by curtain above Armstrong

Building two/Second floor
Note in cabinet 20 SP
In NW room
Note in drawer 20 SP
In table in dark central room

Building two/Third floor
< Intel > 20 SP
Inside cabinet in NW room

Outside area
< Item > M1921-A1 SMG, (43) .45 FMJ
In SE corner of alley beneath plank
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
In SE corner of alley beneath plank
Note on stage 20 SP
On stage of courtyard by lights

** Opening the door for Armstrong ** 300 SP
** Protecting Armstrong ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1360 SP
Cumulative total: 31520 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Before crossing over the plank between the two buildings, listen to the
"sexist" criminal conversation.

If you use your silenced pistol to kill the two guards in building two
before crossing over the plank, you can listen in on a "breezy"

You can sometimes catch a mime thug goofing around on the stage in the

| Chapter 8: The Art of Murder |
| The getaway |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
I really don't have much to say about this level. Let's just say that this
takes the FPS term "rail shooter" to a whole new level. I laughed pretty
much throughout the stage, and barely had enough sense and motor control to
shoot the bad guys.

Total skill points available: 200
Total accumulated skill points: 31720

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Apprehend the Mime King
I really can't give this stage away. Just plow on through and enjoy its
humor. :)

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
SW corner of town
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On shelf past cart on north side of road at corner
(You pass this shelf twice)
Total skill points available this level: 200 SP
Cumulative total: 31720 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Did you laugh as hard as I did? ^_^

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 9 +|

| Chapter 9: Ice Station Evil |
| Characters |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. Sit back and enjoy, and maybe recover your breath after
the last stage. :)

| Chapter 9: Ice Station Evil |
| Antarctica |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a surprisingly large and spooky level. The first half is a treasure
hunt as you gather intel and explore the base while haunted by a foreboding
musical theme. I was definitely reminded of the movie "The Thing" while
playing through this stage.

< From the loading screen >
The trail of clues has led Cate and Armstrong to a secret facility in
Antarctica where H.A.R.M. is conducting Project: Omega. Once they discover
its actual nature, they can plot a means of disrupting it.

Assuming they don't strangle each other first.

Total skill points available: 1980
Total accumulated skill points: 33700

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Recover information on Project Omega 800 SP
The beginning part is all exploration, and no enemies. Take your time and
extract every possible iota of information you can from the plethora of
intel locations spread throughout the map. Get familiar with the layout;
you will be coming back through these areas in a hurry on your way out!

At several points you will need to jump up debris and rubble, and
sometimes crouch to get through. You will also need to use several small
items to progress through the map, starting with the wrench. Use the
wrench on the Emergency Steam Bypass valve to the west of the fuse box
room. You can then pick up a fuse in the SW room, and use it on the fuse
box to get the power back online. Now you can open the gate to get into
the mess hall, then outside and to the west half of the base.

In the western base area, open the security doors by decoding the keypad
in the office. In the secure area, picking up the key ring will trigger a
pipe to explode, blocking your way back to the yard. The key ring is
randomly placed around this area, so check for it on all the shelves, the
desk, and the ping-pong table. With key ring in hand, you can now open
the door to the south office and get the Project: Omega file. Picking up
this file will trigger a monstrous abomination to break through the wall!

Escape alive
Now you need to avoid Lt. Anders' laser eye and make it back to Armstrong.
The good thing is, he is easily distracted, and will not see you unless
you cross his line of sight or shoot him. Take advantage of this and
distract him by shooting him from one corner, waiting for him to start
walking towards you, then running behind him via an alternate route. Do
note that you cannot kill him, so just run away instead.

You will need to get into the south lab through the hole he just made in
the wall. Inside is a pipe you can climb up; following the pipes will get
you safely past the steam and back to the security doors. Once outside,
pick up the doorknob from the room atop the stairs, then run back to the
room in the center of the yard. Anders will appear while on your way
down, so try jumping just when he shoots (if timed right, the shot won't
hit you). Once inside, close the door behind you, and Anders will be
unable to see you while you ransack the place.

When ready, peek through the window in the door to make sure Anders has
his back to you, then run back up the stairs and plant explosives. Hop
down the resulting hole and head back to the mess hall, but give the
cabinet wide berth, as Anders will pop through the wall behind it, killing
the scientist on the ground.

Back in the fuse box area, head to the previously locked door and pick up
the wire coil, then repair the broken keypad next to the brand-new hole
Anders just made. If you want, through this hole is a room with a
a projector; the next room has a Spy Training Manual on the desk, but you
will have to distract Anders first to get there.

Now, back at the entrance, Armstrong will play the dumb lummox, and you
get to plant explosives next to him. After the explosion, jump over the
rubble to end the stage.

Recover additional data on Lieutenant Anders (optional) 300 SP
There are three documents detailing Lieutenant Anders' fate and his
connection to Abigail. They are located as follows:

1) Note in hall south of fuse box, either in cabinet or on shelves
2) Note on table in mess hall
3) Note (picture) on shelf in entry to secure labs

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Base entry/Room with scientist
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet

** Infiltrating the Antarctic facility ** 100 SP

Dark room area
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
On bench in SE side room
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet in downstairs store room
Note on shelf 20 SP
On shelf next to cabinet in downstairs store room

Fuse box area
>> Note in cabinet (Page 1 of Anders) 20 SP
In SE corner of south hall
>> << Wrench >>
In cabinet in SE corner
>> < Armor > Heavy body armor
In cabinet in SE corner
>> Note on shelf (Page 1 of Anders)
On boxes in south hall
>> << Wrench >>
On shelf next to boxes
<< Fuse >>
In SW room beneath steam
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in SW room
** Restoring power ** 100 SP

Mess hall area
Note on table (Page 2 of Anders) 20 SP

West base/Security office
< Intel > 20 SP
Left filing cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Right filing cabinet
Note on shelf (Page 3 of Anders) 20 SP
On shelf in hallway past security doors
** Gathering information on Lt. Anders ** 300 SP

West base/Central office
< Intel > 20 SP
Left filing cabinet
< Intel > 20 SP
Left desk drawer
>> << Key ring >>
On shelf, on desk, or on ping-pong table

West base/South room
Note on desk (Project Omega information) 40 SP
** Recovering information on Project: Omega ** 800 SP

West base/West lab
Note by sink 20 SP
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet

Outdoors/Upstairs room
<< Door knob >>
On shelves in side room

Outdoors/Central store room
< Ammo box > (37) .32 FMJ
On shelf
< Item > 3 explosives
On shelf
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet

Escaping/Fuse box area
<< Wire coil >>
On cart in SE room
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On desk through holes Super Soldier makes in wall NE of fuse box room

** Creating an escape route ** 200 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1980 SP
Cumulative total: 33700 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Does anyone know where the third explosive goes?
< From rdsaxon >
The third explosive after Antarctica is used at the very beginning of the
next stage.

(But then why do you start in Calcutta with 3 explosives?)

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 10 +|

| Chapter 10: The Curse of Kali |
| Proving ground |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is one of the more annoying levels of the game, but justifiably so.
You will get a lot of skill points for every civilian you rescue, but most
of them are cowering behind fires that are inconveniently placed next to
rampaging Super Soldiers. There are also only two water faucet locations,
so getting to them to refill your bucket can prove bothersome.

< From the loading screen >
Because of Cate's success in India, The Director has ordered the destruction
of H.A.R.M.'s Indian headquarters as punishment. The attack will provide an
ideal field test for the super soldiers before they are sent to Khios on
their primary mission.

Although Cate has recovered vital information on Project: Omega, she has
decided to proceed directly to India in hopes of averting the tragedy that
is likely to unfold once the assault begins.

Total skill points available: 1800
Total accumulated skill points: 35500 *Promotion: Spy*

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rescue civilians from super soldiers 1200 SP
You get 400 SP for every civilian you rescue, and there are four you will
come across on this stage (Harij is optional). Rescuing one will usually
get you to the next section.

The same tactics you used on Lt. Anders in the previous chapter apply
here: distract the Super Soldier with a few shots or crossing its line of
sight, then get behind cover and try to find another way around it.

First section: Plant your explosives, then stand back and let them open a
hole in the wall. Peek around the corner and shoot the soldier to get its
attention, then run into the hole and open the door. When the soldier
rumbles past, you should be able to slip behind it and pick the lock with
ease. The soldier should stay in your starting alley for the rest of the

Second section: Crouch behind the low wall at the corner and watch the
soldier break up some things around the area. When the opportunity
arises, slip behind him and through the open gate. Ignore Crazy Harij for
now; you will get back to him later. Next you will come across three
angry soldiers. Hide from them and let the laser soldier take care of
them. You may be able to slip in and pick up the bucket while they're
fighting. Otherwise, pick up the bucket when the soldier moves away. The
first faucet is in the side alley behind the gates. You will have to use
it to fill the bucket, then take the bucket and dump water on flames. For
this section, just run to the NE corner and douse the flames twice to open
the gate to the next section. You can come back to Harij and the last
three fires once the laser soldier is out of this section.

Third section: Run around the corners and toward the gate. The laser
soldier should break through the gate and start patrolling this street.
Next, you will need to dump water on the flaming cabinet twice. Don't
bother running back to fill your bucket again once this fire is out; the
second faucet will be just north of the hotel. At the café, take care of
a few H.A.R.M. soldiers, then dump two more buckets of water on one last
fire to end the stage.

Put out the fire for Crazy Harij or he'll be very angry! (optional) 400 SP
If you're inclined to gain this extra 400 SP, wait until you can lure the
laser soldier into the third section before attempting this. Getting
trapped between the second rocket soldier and the laser soldier is a bad
place to be!

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Section 1
< Armor > Light body armor
In corner by overturned cabinet
** Rescuing a civilian ** 400 SP

Section 2
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On stone bench near faucet
** Rescuing a civilian ** 400 SP
** Rescuing Crazy Harij ** 400 SP

Section 3
< Armor > Light body armor
In SW corner of alcove by gate
< Health > Bandages
On ground by overturned cart
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On balcony overlooking burning cabinet west of large gate
< Ammo box > (60) 9mm FMJ
On table in café
< Health > Bandages
On table inside hotel
** Rescuing a civilian ** 400 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1800 SP
Cumulative total: 35500 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The three Indian H.A.R.M. guards are yelling about their ice cream melting,
but there is no ice cream anywhere around the fires, just spices?

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 11 +|

| Chapter 11: The Interlopers |
| UNITY headquarters |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This stage is pretty big. Take your time and explore the entire facility
and pick up any available intel before grabbing Dr. Schenker's glasses.
Once you have them in your grasp, H.A.R.M.'s invasion begins.

< From the loading screen >
With the technical specifications she recovered from the Antarctic facility,
Cate feels confident that Doctor Schenker can come up with a means of
combating the super soldiers.

Meanwhile, the news that Armstrong is alive and in the custody of H.A.R.M.
has given her a clear sense of purpose. She must find out where he is and
devise a plan to rescue him.

Total skill points available: 1940
Total accumulated skill points: 37440

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Find Dr. Schenker's eyeglasses 200 SP
Head for the red "i" on your radar, which will lead you to the cafeteria.
As soon as you pick up the glasses, mime thugs invade, the power is cut,
and security gates drop to make UNITY headquarters a one-way maze.

Get rid of the intruders 500 SP
Protect UNITY personnel

This is straightforward. Progress through the maze that the security
gates have created, killing all mime thugs that appear. When you reach a
point where two security gates block access to the last area, head to the
"Security Office" on the upper level (near Dr. Schenker's office) to turn
the power back on and raise the gates. Be careful not to shoot any
scientists by accident!

Disarm all explosives 500 SP
As the invasion begins, four explosives are planted around the UNITY
headquarters. If you pass one by without disarming it, it will appear as
a red "i" on your radar. Their possible locations are:

1) First floor, south wall of center court
2) Second floor, east side across from first staircase
3) Second floor, door on north side of center court
4) Second floor, on wall of north cubicle partition
5) Second floor, elevator door in SW corner
6) Second floor, on men's restroom door SE of glass office
7) Third floor, on computer panel next to switch in security room
8) First floor, lobby beneath UNITY globe
9) First floor, on wall near restrooms NW of lobby

Find Dr. Schenker 400 SP
After clearing the enemies and disarming the bombs, go talk to the Doctor
who is cowering in the room immediately to the northwest of the lobby.
Doing so will end the chapter.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Third floor
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in Dr. Schenker's office
Note by door 20 SP
By door after picking up Dr. Schenker's glasses
< Intel > 20 SP
Left desk drawer in SW office

Second floor
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer in glass SE office
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer in north cubicle
< Intel >
Filing cabinet of north cubicle

Second floor/Center court
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer in east glass office

First floor/Cafeteria
< Item > Mascara stun gun, .32 handgun, (18) .32 FMJ, 1 banana
On cafeteria tables
< Package > Compact code breaker
On table by glasses
<< Glasses >>
On table by package
** Finding Dr. Schenker's eyeglasses ** 200 SP

First floor/Center court
Note on table 20 SP

First floor/Lobby area
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On east-most sofa in lobby
< Intel >
Right filing cabinet in NW office
< Intel >
Right desk drawer in NW office

** Defeating the mimes ** 500 SP
** Disarming all explosives ** 500 SP
** Finding Dr. Schenker ** 400 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1940 SP
Cumulative total: 37440 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
There is a chalkboard drawing of the shark mini-sub in Dr. Schenker's
office, as well as an intel blueprint you pick up later. It sure looks
cool; too bad we don't get a chance to actually drive it (swim it?).

Some intel items are from Bruno complaining about how he's addressed by his
employees. Funny stuff.

In the conference room above the cafeteria, look at the chalkboard and talk
to Hawkins and Barnes after their conversation for some chuckles over the
General's intelligence (and height).

Check out the menu in the cafeteria for some retro prices and funny dish
names. What's a snickerdoodle?! ^_^
< From rdsaxon: >
A snickerdoodle is a cookie.
< From Russ Juckes: >
Although a snickerdoodle is a cookie, it's an American snack, and probably
would not be on a British secret service canteen menu, if any British people
even knew what one was!

< From Russ Juckes on the prices: >
"If you're not British, and under 30 years old, few people know (or care,
frankly - I don't, and I fall into both categories!) that pre-1971, Imperial
currency was in use. This was the ridiculous pounds-shillings-pence system,
and had about as much in common with decimal, as a transatlantic jet liner
has with a moped.

Anyway, prices would have been displayed something along the lines of:
14s 2d - for 14 shillings & 2 pence.

The only time the pounds-shilling-pence system really showed its value was
during the World War 2 years, when German spies would routinely give
themselves away by being unable to work out how the system worked, and hand
over the wrong amounts of money when buying things.

Pounds, shillings and pence: There was 12 pence (12d) to the shilling (1s)
and twenty shillings (240d) to the pound (£1/-). 2.4d would be worth 1p
today, 1s would be worth 5p, 2s worth 10p and so on. There were also some
coins that may seem very strange today like the farthing (1/4d) worth just
0.1p in decimal currency, the halfpenny (1/2d or ha'penny) worth 0.2 p, the
sixpence or tanner (6d) worth 2.5p, and the half-crown (2s 6d) worth 12.5p.

Some of the Imperial coins survived the transfer to metric currency:
10p - this was the old 2s (2 shilling) coin
5p - the old 1s (1 shilling) coin
50p - this coin was introduced late in the imperial currency reign, and
became known as the "ten bob bit" ie 10 shillings; 10x5s =50. For its time,
it was a high value currency!

Although these values are still in use now, the coins themselves have been
changed to smaller, lighter versions of their previous selves."

- Thanks Russ! I am now thoroughly confused! :)

< From Subi on the prices: >
"If we take it that Unity HQ is in England, and the date is 1967 (is it?
I've tried to check, but can't find out ;) then the prices on the menu
aren't nearly retro enough. They should be in pounds, shilling and pence!

5p and 10p coins were introduced April 23rd 1968, the 10 shilling note
(equivalent of a 50p new money) ceased to be legal tender November 20th
1970, the 50p coin was introduced October 14th 1969 and full decimalisation
didn't occur until Feb 15 1971. ;)

If the year is 1968 you could argue that Unity was just being modern... ;)"

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 12 +|

| Chapter 12: Undersea |
| Submarine bay |

Secret underwater H.A.R.M. base, Aegean Sea

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to the space station. Since the first NOLF had a space station,
Monolith decided to re-visit some of its unique elements and put them in a
deep underwater station instead. Notice the space-like twang of the music,
and of course the confining hallways and rooms.

A number of the intel items will be randomly placed around the map. Just
search the place thoroughly and you should get them all.

< From the loading screen >
Cate has snuck aboard H.A.R.M.'s top secret underwater base in an effort to
rescue Magnus Armstrong from certain death. Her first task will be to
locate him. Information on his whereabouts should be stored in the

Once Armstrong is free, the two of them will have to improvise an escape
route, as Cate's shark mini-sub only seats one.

Total skill points available: 820
Total accumulated skill points: 38260

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Find out where Armstrong is being held
You can't complete this objective at this stage, but you can make progress
by heading to the command module. First you will need the key to operate
the crane, located on the desk in the NW corner of the bay area. Take the
key up the stairs to the SW, then ride the crane across. Be sure to pick
up the Utility launcher in the NE corner, as it comes with a very useful

To complete this stage, just head down the hallway and out the door behind
the security across from the camera.

Obtain a copy of H.A.R.M.'s new mission statement 300 SP
Pick up three pages of notes, located as follows:

1) On chair inside control room
2) On catwalk beneath control room down stairs
3) On table in security office

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
South sub bay
< Package > 1 angry kitty
South side of bottom of pool beneath submarine
Note on body 20 SP
On body of first guard
< Package > 5 body removers
Inside large box
< Ammo box > 5 tranq darts
Inside large box

>> Note on body 20 SP
On body of random person beyond the first guard

North sub bay
>>Note on shelf
On shelf in NW corner
< Armor > Light body armor
By shelves in NW corner
< Ammo box > 10 bolts, 5 fire bolts
On shelf in NW corner
Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard on north wall
< Intel >
Left desk drawer
>>Note on desk 20 SP
<< The key for the crane >>
On desk

** Operating the crane ** 100 SP

< Package > Scope for Utility Launcher, 2 camera disablers
On ground in NE corner

Upper deck/Control room area
Note on chair (Page 1 of mission statement) 20 SP
On chair by scientist
Note on catwalk (Page 2 of mission statement) 20 SP
On catwalk beneath control room (go down stairs)
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On balcony west of control room

Upper deck/West side
Note on table 20 SP
On table in SW conference room
< Package > Silenced SMG, (60) 9mm FMJ
On shelf in SW store room
< Ammo box > 5 tracking darts, 5 tranq darts
On ground in SE corner of SW store room
< Item > 1 coin
On desk in north office
>>Note on desk
On desk in north office
>>Note on board
On board in north office

Upper deck/East side
>>Note on board 20 SP
Left side of corkboard in SE lounge
Note on board 20 SP
Right side of corkboard in SE lounge
Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard in north security office
< Health > Bandages
On table in north security office
Note on table (Page 3 of mission statement) 20 SP
On table in north security office
** Obtaining H.A.R.M.'s new mission statement ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 820 SP
Cumulative total: 38260 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Check out the designation painted on the side of the submarine: "3V1L".

Listen to the conversation that starts with a guard greeting "Barbagallo."
If you watch through the window, you will see him perform the parts of the
salute as he explains it.

| Chapter 12: Undersea |
| Command deck |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Oh boy, another treasure hunt! There are plenty of things to do on this
stage, and loads of intel and ammo are strewn throughout. There is a guard
spawn point at the umbilicus to the sub bay though, so the stage will fill
up with guards relatively quickly if you don't clear them out.

There are two robots on this stage; destroy them by using an Electric Charge
from your Utility Launcher. There are also two cameras, one on the upper
level facing the stairs, and one on the lower level above the exit.

Total skill points available: 1450
Total accumulated skill points: 39710

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Obtain the Supercomputer User Manual v1.0 from the Supercomputer 50 SP
Services department
The manual is on a desk in the locked office on the lower level. After
getting the Requisition Form (see below), talk to Spencer on the intercom,
and he will tell you how to get the manual. Just pick up the security key
from the drawer, head downstairs to the secure office, use the key on the
card slot, then open the door. You do not have to return the key to
Spencer afterwards, though it is a nice touch that you can.

Locate Requisition Form 207-B 50 SP
This form is randomly placed around the upper level, at places such as:

1) On west consoles on south deck
2) On ground in middle at bulkhead on south deck
3) On east consoles on south deck

Locate the Supercomputer User Manual Supplement v2.0 50 SP
When you head back to the intercom, a note posted next to it tells you
where to find Spencer. Go down to the lavatory and take the card from his
body, then head back up and enter the Supercomputer Services Department.
Inside a drawer is the v2.0 addendum to the manual, which will give you
you access to the supercomputer.

Find out where Armstrong is being held 500 SP
Retrieve the information from the supercomputer to complete this
objective. You can then exit the stage through the doors at the end of
the western hall on the lower level, west of the cart with a broken
computer terminal (the area beneath the intercom on the upper level).

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Lower deck/East hall
** Reaching the Command deck ** 400 SP
Note on floor 20 SP
On ground at base of stairs
Note on cart 20 SP
On cart in hallway
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet in office
< Intel > 20 SP
Left desk drawer in office
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer in office
< Armor > Light body armor
In SE corner of store room
< Ammo box > 3 tracking darts, 10 electric charges
Inside cabinet in store room

Lower deck/West hall
< Ammo box > 5 bolts, (9) .32 FMJ
On cart with plant in hall
< Ammo box > 5 tranq darts, 10 electric charges
In NE corner of northern lounge

Lower deck/Security office
<< Supercomputer c12g02 Owner's Manual >>
On desk
** Obtaining the Super Computer Manual ** 50 SP
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
< Intel > 20 SP
Filing cabinet
< Health > First aid kit
On desk

Upper level/South deck
< Ammo box > 3 tracking darts, 30 electric charges, (18) .32 FMJ
Between seats by east consoles
< Armor > Light body armor
On chair by east consoles
< Health > Bandages
On west consoles
>> << Requisition Form 207-B >>
(See Objectives)
** Obtaining a completed requisition form ** 50 SP

Upper level/Misc locations
< Intel >
Left desk drawer in north office
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer in north office
< Ammo box > 1 camera disabler
On cart by intercom
Note by intercom 20 SP
Near intercom after attempting to use Manual v1.0 on supercomputer
<< Super Computer Services card >>
On Spencer's body in lavatory on lower level

Upper level/Supercomputer Services Department
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On west desk
< Intel >
Right desk drawer of west desk
< Intel >
Left desk drawer of south desk
<< Supercomputer c12g02 Owner's Manual Addendum >>
Inside a drawer of one of the desks
** Obtaining the Version 2.0 Super Computer Manual ** 50 SP

Upper level/Supercomputing room
< Package > 2 body removers
On floor
Note from Supercomputer 20 SP
Using v2.0 manual on supercomputer
** Locating Armstrong ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1450 SP
Cumulative total: 39710 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Spencer the Computer Services guy is rather taken by your good looks... just
like a real nerd! ^_^ It's too bad you can't just talk to him and convince
him to let you "borrow" his card key.

| Chapter 12: Undersea |
| Crew deck |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The Crew deck and Laboratories (the next stage) are small levels that could
easily be merged into one. I suppose they need to be split to accommodate
what happens in the next chapter, but that's later! There are no guard
spawn points in either this stage or the next.

Total skill points available: 370
Total accumulated skill points: 40080 *Promotion: Operative*

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rescue Armstrong. He's being held in the lower decks in a Super
Solder pod.
You can't complete this objective yet, but you can get to the Laboratories
by picking up a tape recorder placed somewhere on this level. With the
tape recorder in hand, you will be able to get through one of the two
doors leading to the next stage. The tape recorder looks like a small
CB/Radio, and can be found at:

1) On center panel in oxygen tank room, lower deck
2) On desk in north store room, lower deck
3) On NE desk in SE lab, lower deck
< From Oversight99 and Miquefan: >
4) On side table of nearby east room, south side, upper deck

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Upper deck/South side
< Armor > Light body armor
On table in far east room

Lower deck/SE Lab
< Intel >
Left desk drawer of east desk
< Ammo box > 3 tracking darts, 10 bolts, 5 poison bolts
On cart by west door

Lower deck/SW Lab
< Intel > 20 SP
Left desk drawer of north desk
< Intel > 20 SP
On north desk
< Armor > Light body armor
On cart in hall

Upper deck/North store room
< Package > 2 body removers
On cart
< Intel >
Left desk drawer
Note in drawer 20 SP
Right desk drawer

Lower deck/North store room
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
Note on board 20 SP
On corkboard above desk
< Ammo box > 10 electric charges, (18) .32 Cyanide
On shelf by desk
< Health > First aid kit
On center shelf

Upper deck/East side
Note in drawer 20 SP
In right drawer under bed in north room
< Health > Bandages
On desk in north room
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On high shelf in middle room
< Ammo box > (30) 9mm FMJ, 5 tranq darts
Under desk in middle room
Note on desk 20 SP
On desk by typewriter in south room
Total skill points available this level: 370 SP
Cumulative total: 40080 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The "Evil laugh" conversation at the beginning of the stage is well worth
the wait. :)

You get your first look at real live man-crates in the north store room on
the lower deck. They don't move, but they can still bite you!

| Chapter 12: Undersea |
| Laboratories |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Once again, this is a rather small level. Just open the door in the small
hallway in the middle of the map to end the stage.

The items list is compiled as if you entered from the door in the east
section of the crew deck. If you entered from the other door, just traverse
the list from the bottom up instead. The 2 notes available on scientist
bodies are on 2 of the 3 scientists on this level. Sometimes you may only
find 1 note, in which case you will have to reload the level to get the
extra 20 points.

Take note of the positions of the intercoms as you pass them; you will be
using them on the way out in the next chapter!

** There may be a bug in this level **
Please refer to the objectives section, below.

Total skill points available: 410
Total accumulated skill points: 40490

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rescue Armstrong. He's being held in the lower decks in a Super
Solder pod.
You still can't complete this objective, but you can finish the chapter by
heading to the center of the map and opening the door there. The small
section of hallway where there is a camera facing an intercom is where
you'll find the exit; use the keypad to the right of the door to complete
this chapter.

** There may be a texture bug that causes the walls to appear completely
black. If this is the case, you may not be able to see the keypad next to
the exit. Just search the area to the right of the door carefully until
the "Use" icon lights up. This will hopefully be fixed in the next
released patch.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Upper SE section/East room
Note on body 20 SP
On body of scientist
Note on computer 20 SP
On computer to the south
< Ammo box > 10 electrical charges, (18) .32 Cyanide
On floor near north window

Lower SE section/East lab
< Intel > 20 SP
Left desk drawer
< Ammo box > (30) 9mm FMJ, (18) .32 FMJ
Under south table

Lower west section/Bilge pump room
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer of SE desk
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On barrel by pylon on north side

Upper west section/North store room
< Ammo box > 10 bolts, 10 fire bolts
On cart
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside cabinet
< Health > First aid kit
On shelf

Upper west section/NW Lab
< Package > 2 body removers
Under west table
< Intel > 20 SP
Left desk drawer

Upper west section/SW Lab
Note on body 20 SP
On body of scientist
Note on table 20 SP
South side of lab
< Ammo box > 10 electrical charges, (30) 9mm FMJ,
Under west table 3 tranq darts, 2 tracking darts
< Intel >
Left desk drawer
< Intel > 20 SP
Right desk drawer
** Finding Armstrong (Exiting the lab) ** 50 SP
Total skill points available this level: 410 SP
Cumulative total: 40490 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The two guards conversing with each other in the bilge pump room are doing
so in a rather unconventional way.... If you can see them, one is sitting
on top of the other!

A scientist and a guard talk about the Evil Academy Awards, heh.

You get a measly 50 SP for ending the chapter? Is this a bug?

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 13 +|

| Chapter 13: Terror in the Deep |
| Armstrong in peril |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to another Big Boss Battle. I suggest you try to figure this one
out on your own before reading all the spoilers in the Objectives section
below. It may be quite difficult at first, but once you figure out a trick
or two, it's relatively simple.

When you defeat the boss, you will have to choose a direction. Heading to
the left (east) will take you to "The Devil and the deep blue sea." Heading
right (west) will take you to "Expect flooding." Both ways supposedly give
you the same number of skill points, but I cannot seem to find the Spy
Training Manual in "Expect flooding." Therefore I suggest going left.

Total skill points available: 1000
Total accumulated skill points: 41490

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Rescue Armstrong. He's being held in the lower decks in a Super
Solder pod.
Well, you're right here. Complete this objective by defeating Pierre.

Defeat Pierre 800 SP
As the Glue Factory forum members call it, welcome to NOLF 2's version of
"Whack-a-Mole!" Pierre the Mime King will run around beneath a
semitransparent floor and pop up from differently-colored hatches to throw
dining utensils at you. He will be backed by an unlimited number of mime
cronies, so watch your back!

I suggest ignoring the colored valves and hatches, and concentrate on just
hitting Pierre. On "normal" difficulty, shooting him 6 times will end the
fight; note that short bursts from your SMG will count as a single hit.
If you find yourself in serious trouble from all the mime thugs, just take
out all but one. If you are really concerned about even the one thug, put
them all to sleep with a sleeping gas grenade or several tranq darts.
This should give you enough time to defeat Pierre before the clock timer
runs out.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On computer by red valve wheel in NE corner
** Defeating the Mime King ** 800 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1000 SP
Cumulative total: 41490 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
While catching Pierre with steam makes him pause for a while, it's easier to
just shoot him instead.

| Chapter 13: Terror in the Deep |
| The Devil and the deep blue sea |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This path is longer and more difficult than "Expect flooding," below, but
the Spy Training Manual is in plain sight here, and you get to replenish
your health and armor at the beginning.

< From the loading screen >
With the underwater base collapsing around them and a rogue super soldier on
the loose, Cate and Armstrong must work together to escape from this watery

Assuming they can even find a way off the base, they'll still have to
contend with well armed and equally desperate H.A.R.M. personnel fighting
for their own lives.

Total skill points available: 820
Total accumulated skill points: 42310

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Find a way off the underwater base before it implodes
First pick up the security card on the desk before the first ladder. On
the next deck, Armstrong will yell for help; go inside the office and turn
off the computer. You can now go through the doors and up to the next

There are electrical shorts here, so tread carefully. You can crouch
beneath the first set of wires, but then you'll need to go through two
side rooms to get around the second. At the storage room, dive down, head
through the door, and pick up the Spy Training Manual underwater down the
left fork (the hallway). Since the next task requires a lot of time, head
back to the entry and refill your breath first. Now, head to the right
into the oxygen tank room; the way through will be blocked by two heavy
tanks, but they are held in place by a chain that has a lock on it. Weld
the lock off, then go through and up to the next deck.

< Thanks to Yick and Mrobrien99 for the following: >
You can "Turn On" a yellow valve above the two computers in the oxygen
tank room. Doing so will release a stream of bubbles that fills the space
near the ceiling with air. You can use this air to refill your lungs
after welding the lock off.

Head through the door at the top of the central stairs on this deck to
complete this stage.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Section 1
< Armor > Heavy body armor
By starting doors
< Health > First aid kit
By starting doors
<< Underwater Base security card >>
On desk by ladder in outer lab
** Shutting off the security system ** 300 SP
Note in water 20 SP
Floating in middle of lower store room
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Underwater in dead-end hallway on floor
** Welding open the chain ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 820 SP
Cumulative total: 42310 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The sadist in me made me jump up and down on the trapped guard. Too bad he
didn't say anything else.... ^_^

| Chapter 13: Terror in the Deep |
| Expect flooding |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
While this path is easier than the other (above), the lack of a Spy Training
Manual means you miss out on 200 skill points. Please email me if you find
the location of the Manual on this level!

Total skill points available: 620
Total accumulated skill points: 42910

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Find a way off the underwater base before it implodes
Armstrong gives you tips from the intercom from time to time. The first
thing you need to do is flood the bilge room. Head down a ladder, then
back to the bilge pump to let water in. Then swim to the opposite side
of the room and up the ladder in the NE corner. In the store room, be
sure to open the cabinet and pick up the screwdriver before moving out.
If the screwdriver isn't in the cabinet, check the desk drawers of the
nearby labs.

When you reach the labs, there will be a Sprinkler Access Panel above the
east desk in the NW lab; open it (with your screwdriver), then turn the
handle inside to start the sprinklers and give you access to the upper
deck. Head through the door at the top of the central stairs to end this

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
<< Screwdriver >>
Inside cabinet in upper store room, or in a desk drawer
** Turning bilge pump on ** 300 SP
Note on body 20 SP
On body of one of the guards
** Turning sprinklers off ** 300 SP
Total skill points available this level: 620 SP
Cumulative total: 42110 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
If you can find the Spy Training Manual on this level, please email me!

| Chapter 13: Terror in the Deep |
| Fire in the hole |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Welcome back to the Command deck. Rubble and burst gas pipes have made this
a one-way maze, so just follow the path up to the end.

Total skill points available: 740
Total accumulated skill points: 43050

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Find a way off the underwater base before it implodes
You will need to head through rooms to get around flaming burst pipes
again. The second fire can be staunched by turning the yellow handle
behind the panel marked "Gas line access." Once done, head back to the
crawlspace ladder, then out to the blocked umbilicus and into a second

The second crawlspace emerges in one of the store rooms. Head out to the
other store room. Jump from the overturned cabinet up to the ladder
hidden in the ceiling, and you've made it to the upper level.

Once back outside in the hallway, just "use" the statue to open up the
exit, and head inside to finish the chapter.

Gain access to the Director's private deck
Look at the statue of The Director carefully. See anything odd?

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Note on body 20 SP
On body of second guard
Note on ground 20 SP
On ground near statue
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Down stairs from statue near rubble
** Finding a way off the underwater base ** 500 SP
Total skill points available this level: 740 SP
Cumulative total: 43050 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
"Pull my finger"?! Lol!

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 14 +|

| Chapter 14: Endgame |
| I think we should presume she |
| failed |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is a cutscene. A lot goes on here that really develops the plot
leading to the finale of the game.

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
I just love the initials to the special serum the Doctor develops.

| Chapter 14: Endgame |
| Manhandled |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
The plot takes a turn to whimsy here in the cinematic. It's too bad the
game show host didn't really get into his part; he sounds more like an
uninspired host (which, now that I think of it, was probably the point).

This stage is huge, and there is a corresponding wealth of items and intel
to go with it. The numerous forks and turns in the path can be confusing,
so I suggest taking your time to get used to the layout. You will be
accosted by droves of guards on your way out of the stage.

< From the loading screen >
After falling into the hands of H.A.R.M., Cate finds herself in a needlessly
elaborate but nonetheless perilous death trap. She'll need quick reflexes
and extraordinary judgment to emerge unscathed.

Meanwhile, the situation in the Sea of Marmara is getting bleaker by the
hour. If she's going to derail H.A.R.M.'s nefarious machinations, she'd
better do it quickly.

Total skill points available: 1890
Total accumulated skill points: 44940

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Escape the needlessly elaborate death trap 50 SP
Wait for the cut scene to end, then wait another minute or so for the door
to open. Crouch and exit the machine, and this objective is complete.

Destroy the generator 400 SP
The generator is the northern mark of the two marks on your radar. Head
to the back of the underground complex, and pick up the explosives in the
package in the large lava cavern. Next, take the north fork to the
generator cavern. The generators are guarded by two special H.A.R.M.
guards and a robot, so getting across the catwalk undetected may prove
difficult. Once across, there is an ammo box with Electric Charges that
you can use to destroy the robot.

Plant an explosive charge on the south generator to complete this

Escape the secret underground lair
Once you destroy the generator, the underground complex fills with
additional guards. Head all the way back to the storage cavern with the
hole in the roof, then proceed northwest to the double doors to exit.

Destroy the super computer mainframe (optional) 400 SP
If you take the east fork from the large lava cavern (instead of north to
get to the generators), you will reach the computer cavern. Open the back
panel in the computer and plant an explosive charge there to complete this

Recover H.A.R.M.'s Khios Invasion Plan (optional) 300 SP
You will find three notes about this plan, located as follows:

1) On catwalk above the Man-Handler
2) Next to fire pit in Isako's den
3) On catwalk behind super computer

Recover the new H.A.R.M. public relations plan (optional) 300 SP
Recover three notes about this plan at the following locations:

1) On top of SW boxes in storage cavern with hole in ceiling
2) On desk in east half of briefing cavern
3) Inside low cabinet along south wall in Isako's den

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
The Man-Handler
** Surviving the Man-Handler ** 50 SP
Note on side 20 SP
On side of machine where you start
Note on catwalk (Page 1 of invasion plan) 20 SP
On catwalk above where you start

The Director's office
Note on desk 20 SP
On the Director's desk
Note in fireplace 20 SP
In stone fireplace
< Item > .32 Handgun, (27) .32 FMJ
On couch

West storage cavern (hole in ceiling)
< Health > First aid kit
On box
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On pallet
Note on boxes (Page 1 of PR plan) 20 SP
On top of boxes near armor
< Ammo box > 3 stun grenades
On ground by SE boxes

Isako's Den (west from first fork)
< Item > Katana
Hanging on wall
< Item > 3 shuriken
Embedded in board behind post
Note in cabinet (Page 2 of PR plan) 20 SP
Inside low cabinet along south wall
< Armor > Light body armor
On mat next to cabinet
Note in cabinet (Page 2 of invasion plan) 20 SP
On ground next to fire pit

Briefing cavern/Firing range
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On cart
< Ammo box > (5) 9mm FMJ
On cart
< Item > Silencer for handgun
On firing range table
< Item > Utility launcher, 10 tracking darts, 10 glue bombs
On firing range table
Note by target 20 SP
By north target
< Item > .32 handgun, (18) .32 Cyanide
On south side table
< Item > Silenced SMG, (60) 9mm FMJ
On south side table

Briefing cavern/East side
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On top of bookshelves
< Item > Combat shotgun, (20) 12-gauge buckshot,
On desk (10) 12-gauge explosive
Note on desk (Page 3 of PR plan) 20 SP
** Recovering H.A.R.M.'s public relations plan ** 300 SP
< Intel >
Right desk drawer
< Health > First aid kit
On cart

Recreational area
Note on table 20 SP
On low table by guards

Large lava cavern
< Package > 2 explosives
By computers next to entrance

Computer cavern
Note on catwalk (Page 3 of invasion plan) 20 SP
On floor behind computer
** Recovering the Khios battle plan ** 300 SP

** Destroying the H.A.R.M. mainframe computer ** 400 SP

Generator cavern
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Next to north computer
Note on terminal 20 SP
By north computer
< Ammo box > Utility launcher, 10 electric charges
By south generator
< Package > Micromissile launcher, 5 micromissiles
By SE stalagmite
** Destroying the power generator ** 400 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1890 SP
Cumulative total: 44940 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Listen to a phone conversation at the locked north doors in the Director's
office. It sounds like the Director (Eustace?) talking to the "director"
(Vernon?) about the "screenwriter's nephew," Terrence Sloggins. Oh, and by
the way, Terrence Sloggins is the H.A.R.M. guard with the narrow face, long
nose, and terrible acting in the beginning cinematic who flubs his line with
the Director, misses his cue, and - get this - looks into the "camera" (the

I'm trying to translate the Katakana on the large beer bottle that sits on
top of some "Fake Lava" barrels. Can anyone make out what it says? (Mugi-

Check out what's written on the chalkboards in the briefing cavern. It's
just like high school! :)

< From Miquefan: >
Look at the brick inside the fireplace of the Director's office. Some of
the bricks say "Snowball" although I don't know what that refers to.

< From Stile1970, also regarding "Snowball": >
...In the HARM lair, Director's office, he has a fireplace. If you crouch
and walk into it, it seems to say, "USE SNOWBALL".

| Chapter 14: Endgame |
| Sweet revenge |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum. The "Inner Sanctum" for whom, you ask? Well,
there was a hint at the end of the last stage, announced over the intercom
system. Oh, and before you fight, be sure to listen to the guards talk
about the "lava" first!

Total skill points available: 1020
Total accumulated skill points: 45960

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Escape the secret underground lair
The exit to this stage is unreachable until you defeat the boss for the
stage (below). Once he is gone, three guards will lower the connecting
bridge, giving you access to the elevator out.

Defeat Volkov 800 SP
You thought the micromissile launcher made you bad? Think again; Volkov
has plenty of missiles too! Head to the north platform above the lava to
get him to come out.

The trick here is to keep enough distance between you and Volkov so that
you can anticipate his missiles and dodge out of the way. Striking him
20 times (on normal difficulty) with any weapon will finish him, so there
is no real advantage in trying to do extra damage with headshots or
missiles. I recommend using an SMG to increase the chances of hitting him
as you are running. Note that short bursts from an SMG will count as only
one hit.

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Entry area
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On floor by flag to south
< Health > First aid kit
On floor by flag to south
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
Beneath chair on west side
Note on table 20 SP
On low table on east side

The catwalks
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On east platform
< Item > Gordon SMG, (5) 9mm FMJ
< 3 Ammo boxes > (90) 9mm FMJ total
On NE platform
< 3 Ammo boxes > (90) 9mm FMJ total
On west platform

** Defeating Volkov ** 800 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1020 SP
Cumulative total: 45960 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
The guards are right about the lava - it glows, uses bump-mapping, and has
fluid animation to make it wavy, but it definitely doesn't look convincing!

| Chapter 14: Endgame |
| Isako's debt |
-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
You thought that was the last boss you'd have to fight? Ha! This time,
there is an abundance of health, armor, and other items strewn about the
map, so be sure to look for some if you run low.

Total skill points available: 1520
Total accumulated skill points: 47480

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Escape the secret underground lair 500 SP
Walk to the front door of the house to complete this objective. Be warned
that once you go outside, you will not be able to return and pick up the
items inside.

Defeat Isako 800 SP
Isako will have backup from her ninja cadre throughout the battle. Hit
her 20 times (on normal difficulty) with any weapon to complete this
objective. As before, short bursts from an SMG still only count as a
single hit. Finish her off to watch the climactic cinematic lead-in to
the final chapter!

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
Inside the house
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On shelf
< Item > Katana
On shelf
Note in cabinet 20 SP
Beneath katana
< Ammo box > (60) 9mm FMJ
On shelf

** Escaping the H.A.R.M. lair ** 500 SP

Outside the house
< Armor > Heavy body armor
East side of house
< Package > 3 grenades
By stairs to south gate
< Package > Combat shotgun, (5) 12-gauge explosive
Next to SW storage hut
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Inside SW storage hut
< Health > First aid kit
Inside SW storage hut
< Item > Katana
Inside SW storage hut
< Health > First aid kit
On wall in NW corner
< Package > .32 handgun, (9) .32 Cyanide
Next to wall in NW corner
< Package > Gordon SMG, (60) 9mm FMJ
Near north gate
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Next to north door of house
Spy Training Manual 200 SP
On stone wall in NE corner

** Defeating Isako ** 800 SP
Total skill points available this level: 1520 SP
Cumulative total: 47480 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
I need one of those hidden elevators for my home! ^_^

|+ Walkthrough - Chapter 15 +|

| Chapter 15: Preemptive Strike |
| The fate of Khios |

4:31 pm, Kingdom of Khios, Sea of Marmara

-----------< Summary >------------------------------------------------------
This is it! You have reached the apex of the story arc; the pinnacle of the
plotline curve; the ... oh you get the idea. :)

You have plenty of time to get to where you need to go, so try not to rush
into big battles. It's easier to let them come to you. In some cases, you
may not have the appropriate ammunition to defeat your enemies yet, so you
will have to figure out how to get what you need without getting too hurt in
the process!

< From the loading screen >
The world teeters on the brink of nuclear catastrophe, with the United
States and Soviet Union closer to war than at any time since the Cuban
Missile Crisis. Again, the fate of humanity hinges upon the sovereignty of
a tiny island nation.

H.A.R.M.'s super soldiers are en route to Khios aboard an undetectable
submarine designed to bypass the inevitable NATO blockade. The Americans
can't send in troops to defend the island without provoking the Soviets, and
yet the Soviets are claiming they are powerless to stop the invasion. Both
sides are locked in a deadly standoff, but it is H.A.R.M.'s finger on the

Total skill points available: 1420
Total accumulated skill points: 48900

-----------< Objectives >---------------------------------------------------
Sink the Super Secret Submarine 600 SP
First, pick up the explosives that come in with the first crate down the
cliffside path behind the tower (Santa talks to you at the head of the
trail). It will be protected by three super soldiers and a few guards, so
be sure to clear the area first. The lid of the crate may sometimes land
on top of the explosives, so if you cannot see them, crouch and look
carefully around the lid. Take the explosives and plant them on the side
of a large overhanging rock above the submarine, and that's it!

Stop the super soldier invasion 800 SP
You get 100 SP for destroying each super soldier, and there are 8 total on
the island. You will first need to disable a super soldier before the
Anti-Super Soldier Serum (ASSS) dart will work. It takes more than a full
clip of 9mm ammo to deactivate one, but one or two explosive shotgun
shells will do the work quickly. Be sure to restock your ASSS ammo as
necessary at one of the three airdrop caches.

Rendezvous with Armstrong at the fort
This is it! You go up against the super soldier lieutenant vis-à-vis,
with the ruins as your only cover. It took me 5 explosive shotgun slugs
on normal difficulty to get the laser soldier to shut down, then a single
ASSS dart ended the game. Congrats, you have just finished NOLF 2!

-----------< Items >--------------------------------------------------------
East fortress area/Ruins
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ, (20) .308 FMJ
On ground just north of where you start
< Package > 3 grenades
Next to large wood gate to fortress
< Package > Sniper rifle, (20) .308 FMJ
In SE corner of ruins
< Health > First aid kit
In SE corner of ruins
< Package > Micromissile launcher, 5 micromissiles
In NW corner of ruins
< Armor > Heavy body armor
In NW corner of ruins

Cliffside path/West section
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ, (20) .308 FMJ, 3 micromissiles
By tree overlooking crate
< Armor > Heavy body armor
By tree overlooking crate
<< Briefcase >> 10 ASSS darts, 20 SP
Next to crate
<< Briefcase >> 40 ASSS darts
Pick up briefcase a second time
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ
Next to crate
< Item > 1 explosive
Next to crate (crouch down to look under crate and lid)

Cliffside path/Submarine overlook
< Armor > Heavy body armor
In corner of ruined walls south of crate
< Ammo box > Combat shotgun, (20) 12-gauge buckshot,
In corner of ruined walls south of crate (10) 12-gauge explosive
< Health > First aid kit
In corner of ruined walls south of crate

** Sinking the Super Secret Submarine ** 600 SP

Cliffside path/South section
< Armor > Heavy body armor
Next to wall on south/lower path
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ, (20) .308 FMJ
Next to wall on south/lower path
< Armor > Heavy body armor
In covered hallway/upper path
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ, (20) .308 FMJ, 3 micromissiles
In covered hallway/upper path

SE ruins area/SW entrance
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ, (20) .308 FMJ
In SE corner before ruins

SE ruins area/Ocean overlook
< Armor > Heavy body armor
On south walkway next to overlook tower
< Health > First aid kit
On south walkway next to overlook tower

SE ruins
< Armor > Light body armor
Center of ruins in SE corner
< Armor > Light body armor
NE corner of ruins
< Ammo box > (20) 12-gauge explosive, (300) 9mm FMJ, (20) .308 FMJ
In SW corner of NE ruins

SE ruins area/East of ruins
<< Briefcase >> 10 ASSS darts, 20 SP
Next to crate
<< Briefcase >> 40 ASSS darts
Pick up briefcase a second time
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ
Next to crate

** Defeating all 8 super soldiers ** 800 SP

East fortress area/Ruins revisited
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ, (20) .308 FMJ
On overlook before dropping back down into ruins area
<< Briefcase >> 10 ASSS darts, 20 SP
South area next to crate
<< Briefcase >> 40 ASSS darts
Pick up briefcase a second time
< Ammo box > (300) 9mm FMJ
Next to crate
Total skill points available this level: 1420 SP
Cumulative total: 48900 SP

-----------< Extras >-------------------------------------------------------
Doesn't the tower remind you of the one seen in the recent "Charlie's
Angels" movie?

If you stand on the bridge on the SW part of the cliffside path and look to
the SW, there is a single red light above the water. Is it Lt. Anders on
his way in?
<< Update v1.1 >>
It seems unlikely - if you strafe left and right, the light moves as if it's
suspended in mid-air. It's more than likely a misplaced entity for
something from one of the cinematics (the jet fighter, perhaps?).

The tree in the SE corner of the second ruins seems to be ... floating ....
You can crouch down and see bullets shot from your SMG hit the ground on the
other side!

Please email me if you locate the Spy Training Manual for this stage.


| VII - Websites list |

This section includes the URLs of websites that host this FAQ.

Action Trip
Cheat Happens
Game Guru Mania

** Cheat Code Central does NOT have permission to host this text. If you
see this FAQ on this website, please avoid it in the future, as David
Allison from CheatCC has done this to dozens of other authors, taking their
FAQs without permission, inserting his website URL into the FAQ, modifying
their Copyright statements, and then posting them on his site. Please get
your FAQs from one of the sites listed above instead!

| VIII - Credits |

Monolith Productions. Holy cow what a great game! The facial expressions
are greatly enhanced by the addition of independent eye movement. All
that's left to create completely realistic characters is to improve minute
facial muscle movements, figure out a way to enhance hair strand animation,
and apply more detailed textures over the face.

CJayC, for being kind enough to post this FAQ.

The people on the GameFAQs message board, and those credited throughout this
FAQ for their suggestions and comments. Thanks to you all!

Thank you for reading my FAQ! If you find something that isn't covered,
please let me know!


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30.September 2013
Engl. Lösung

03.Oktober 2013
InOffizieller DLH.Net Guide - mehr braucht kein Mensch ...

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Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

03.Oktober 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.1)

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Skillpunkte-Trainer (für Demoversion)

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