Charlie und die Schokoladen-Fabrik

Charlie und die Schokoladen-Fabrik

03.10.2013 22:10:19
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Game : Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Platform : PC
Author : a_heavenly_body
Version : Final
FAQ Type : FAQ/Walkthrough
E-Mail :

Copyright 2005 a_heavenly_body


Table Of Contents

2-Copyright Notice
3-Version History
4-System Requirements
I.Chapter 1
II.Chapter 2
III.Chapter 3
IV.Chapter 4
V.Chapter 5
VI.Chapter 6
VII.Chapter 7
VIII.Chapter 8
IX.Chapter 9
X.Chapter 10



Hello and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for the charlie and the chocolate
factory. This hideous has been game made with reference to the very enjoyable
family movie of the same name. Before we start let me give you a warning. This
game is extremely BAD. So if you are playing it, either you are insane or you
thought the movie was good, so the game might me as well. Anyhows, this is
the FAQ for the PC version. So i cant give you any help about the other
versions of the game. Keep that in mind.


2-Copyright Notice

This document is copyrite 2005 a_heavenly_body It cannot be altered reproduced
or published under any circumstances without my permission. The only websites
currently allowed to host it are
Thats it. If i find it on any other website without my permission then the
web master will be in one heck of a trouble as i will immediately take legal
action. If you spot it on an un authorized website inform me via e-mail as
soon as you can(see contacts section). If you want it on your website then me
an e-mail asking permission and we will discuss things(see contacts section)


3-Version History

01 Septemer 2005... version 1.0. Every thing is done. Well almost everything.
I just need to complete the review at the end.

02 Spetember 2005...version FINAL! I have added everything i wanted to along
side a short review at the end.


4-System Requirements

These are the minimum ad recommended system requirements.


I.Minimum Requirements:

Pentium 2 450 Mhz Or Equivalent
128 Mb Ram
1.2 Gb Hard Disk Space
Ge-Force Class Video Card With Hardware T&L
Directx 9.0
Windows 98/2000/Me/XP


II.Recommended Requirements:

Pentium 3 667 Mhz or Equivalent
256 Mb Ram
1.5 Gb Hard Disk Space
64 Mb VGA Card
Directx 9.0 C
Windows XP


III.Personel Computer Information

This is the computer on which i ran the game.

Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz Processor
512 Mb Kingston Ram
80 Gb Hard Disk Space
Ge-Force Fx 5200 (128 Mb)
Directx 9.0c
Windows XP



Ok, lets begin. Remember that this FAQ is meant to be for the PC version, there
could be similarities between the PC and the console versions but if you are a
console player then i recommend you to use the FAQ for the PS2 version written
by mystic weirdo on gameFAQs.


I.Chapter 1

Outside The Factory

Watch the cutscene. You should notice the four children nearby. Click on them
to talk with them. You now have an open door. Click on the doorway to start a

Chocolate Room

Ok, start by going left. You will see a pink tree on your way. Proceed and
collect the luminous lollipop. Notice the bridge on your right. Cross it for a
cutscene. You should notice a red mushroom near the chocolate waterfall. Go
near it to find another luminous lollipop. Follow the path past wonka and
continue until you see two children. Collect the luminous lollipop near them.

Follow the path right and go past the multi-coloured plants (red and white).
Here you will notice another luminous lollipop. Collect it and follow the path
right. You should notice the fifth luminous lollipop of this level nearby the
kid. Collect it to end this level.


II.Chapter 2

Chocolate River

You should notice some objects near you. There should be five valves, five
switches and five coloured mushrooms near you.

Keep an eye on the valve, you should see a coloured outline, quickly click the
mushroom with the matching colour. Now you must pull the lever that moves below
that valve. This will stop the flow of chocolate.
Be careful about the similarity between the outlines of the blue and purple
mushrooms as they are pretty similar and you might commit a mistake.

Repeat until this chapter ends.


III.Chapter 3

Pink Sweet Boat

Ok, guess what. There are sixteen oompa-loompas(whatever) here. And guess what,
there are eight on each side of the boat. At first only one oompa-loompa will
play a note, so you have to click it to repeat the note. The second time there
will be another oompa-loompa note in addition to the first one. Repeat it as
well. Keep at it until you repeat five notes, which will end this chapter.
Since this is a very linear game with absoutely no programming intelligence,
you can just write down which oompa-loompa made which note and then use it to
get through.


IV.Chapter 4

Ok, start by clicking the two doors you see. Now you must click the left door
to progress.

Lickable Wallpaper Maze

Ok, since the locations for the key and correct door will not be the same every
time, i will leave this section for you. Use your brain.

You must find the oompa-loompa in the doors once you are at the correct place
for the key. Then beat his stupid mini-games, go to the correct door and click
on it. Use the key to end this chapter.


V.Chapter 5

Inventing Room

Ok, you have to bring some items back to wonka. You have to find it of course.
Plus the placement is different every time. But it is very easy to find the
item since it is bound to be on one of three screens. You start on the
middle one, so it will be either on the left screen or the right one.

Once at the right place, aim the cursor of your mouse over the items at the
tables present. Hmm, that looks like what wonka is after. Take it to him, have
him see it. If its the right one, he'll keep it and tell you the next item. If
you are wrong, then GAME OVER. Just joking, go back and look for the correct
one. You need to make two candies with the ingredients to end this chapter.

The ingredients are listed below:

A.Mexican Fun Bars

A bowl of ice-cream.


B.Peach Kibble Cough Drops

You need half of a peach.


C.Chunky Chocolate Covered Nuts And Bolts

You need a red/black hexagon.


D.Fizzy Tangerine Tooth Powder

You need a blue tooth in a red/yellow circle.


E.Crunchy Pretzellophane

You need a pretzel.


F.Purple Fuzzy Whiz Doodles

You need a purple cloud type thing.


G.Marshmallow Mittens

You need a cheerful mitten.


H.Bouncing Floberry Twists

You need a red/yellow spiral with a green rim.


I.Hopping Peanut Butter Paintbrush

You need a paintbrush with orange paint.


J.Yellow Yelling Sandy Corn

You need a white/red/yellow lampshade.


K.Apricottage Cheese

You need a sliced apricot.


L.Icky French Kisses

You need a ball with teeth, moustaches, and tongues.


M.Cackling Witch Hazel Nuts

You need a hat of a purple witch.


N.Sunny Peach Mumble

You need a yellow/orange container that has a straw in it.


O.Hooting Cranberry Hats

What you need is a red owl.


P.Wonderful Wunderbarbells

You need Two blue/red bells which are stuck together.


Q.Stomping Foot Pies

You need a green pie with a blue foot.


R.Funny Money Honey

You need a wrapped green candy that has a dollar sign on it.


VI.Chapter 6

To The Juicing Room

You will start in room 1

Room 1

You have to push violet to the door. Seems easy, right. Heck, it would have
been much easier if you did not have a two push limitation. Thats right, you
cannot push more then two times. Use all the power you got, and remember to
click AFTER the moving gate hits the bottom. She will (i hope) now bounce in
such a way that will end up pretty close to the door. Now you can easily push
her through.
Now for room 2.

Room 2

You have a limitation of three rolls here. I would suggest you to aim a little
towards the right of the pink bumper and let go with lots of power. Eight times
out of ten you will end up pretty close to the door. The rest of the part is
easy so DONT ask.
Time for room 3.

Room 3

You have a three roll limitation. Take the lower pat here. Push hard enough
that you end up near the pool, but be careful about not falling through it.
Now bounce of the wall and the rest is history.

Lickable Wallpaper Maze

The maze is the same as before, except this time it is slightly tougher.
Things are pretty much same as before. Just remember that there are more then
one keys and if the key given by the oompa loompa does NOT work, then you have
to find him again and play his stupid mini-games again for another key. Rinse
and repeat until you get the correct one and go through the door to end this


VII.Chapter 7

Square Candies Room

You should notice the table nearby, it has multi-coloured candies on it. They
are red, purple and green in colour. You should also notice the three buckets
at the endof the table. They also have the same colour.

There are four rounds. The first and second rounds are pretty much the same
except some minor differences. The third round has holes in the table and the
fourth one is also pretty much the same except some minor differences. All
rounds are fairly easy.

Using your mouse, you have to keep the candies on the table, UNTIL you can drop
them in the right coloured bucket. To make life easier, you can use the left
click to slide the buckets to the right positions.

You have to collect ten candies in each round. Remember that if more then 4
candies fall off, you FAIL.


VIII.Chapter 8

Nut Room Garbage Chute

There will be many small candies that you can collect on your way but try to
ignore them. You must try to go as fast as you can while maintaining control.
Collect the red and white candies on your way sliding down. You have to click
the left mouse button to throw these candies at the barriers you will encounter
on your way. You can also avoid them.

You will also encounter green and brown coloured goo on the way. Try to go
throught the green ones as they speed you up, unlike the brown ones which slow
you down. You should also try to avoid the red openings in the chute as they
will put you backwards. Take the green one as much as possible. Remember to
keep any eye on the timer.


IX.Chapter 9

Television Room

Look up. You will notice three cameras above you. They have 2 written on them.
The number indicates the amount of chocolate bars you still need to throw. Ok,
it can be a little confusing but here's my strategy:

You have to run close to the television but you have to aim away from it. You
have to do this so that the bar bounces off the wall and hits the coloured bars
above the television. A successful hit will decrease the number on the camera.
Keep repeating until you end the chapter.


X.Chapter 10

Rock Candy Mine

You have to avoid the oompa-loompa's under all circumstances. You have to
collect 10 pieces of rock candy. You also have to worry about the boulders. If
a boulder is above, then it will fall on you unless you move out of the way.

You should dig your way under a boulder and then quickly move out of the way to
dodge it. This is the best strategy to dodge these boulders. Anyhows, collect
all 10 pieces of rock candy to end this chapter and the game.


Congratulations, you just ended one of the most horrible games that has been
released this year.



Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the game, which has been made in
connection with very enjoyable movie of the same name. Don’t be fooled into
thinking that the game will be as good as the movie. The game is a complete
piece of crap and should be avoided at all costs.


Game Play:


The game play of Charlie and the chocolate factory is very dated and boring.
The game features a lot of mini-games, puzzles etc. While this is a good thing
in most cases, this game makes you want to cry. The mini-games will give you
some of the most boring moments of your life. Some of the mini-games are sheer
frustrating. Which is quite surprising as the game is supposedly meant for
young children, who can’t handle these types of frustrations. Poor level
design, boring objectives and frustrating mini-games make for a game play
experience that you can never forget. (Meant in a Negative Manner).




If I were given the task of summarizing the graphics of this game in one word,
I’d say CRAP! The graphics are so bad that they’ll make you think that the
play-station one isn’t so dated after all. The graphics look like as if they
were programmed in the late nineties. The character detail, environments etc
are of extremely low quality. It looks as if a schoolboy programmed them.
The FMV sequences are the only good thing about the graphics of the game.




The audio is the only satisfactory thing about the game. The voice acting is
well done, although I would have liked Johnny Depp to lend his part as well.
But James Taylor does a decent job. The music of the game is acceptable and
not boring most of the time. In fact, we should have gotten the option of
closing the game and just listening to the music (Provided we DIDN’T have
anything else to do).


Overall Score:


Overall it looks like that the game was rushed into the production house. The
game features absolutely no fun elements, everything is boring most of the
time and to add insult to the injury; it’s extremely frustrating at times.
This is a game that won’t appeal to the young children or to the fans of the
movie. Avoid this game at all costs.



Contact me if you

noticed an error etc i made

Want to make a contribution

Want to appreciate my walkthrough

Want permission to host it on your web site

DONOT contact me If you

want to send Hate Mails and viruses

want to just spam my inbox

E-mail Address:



Me..For making a great faq.
You..For Reading it.
Daniel Angel...Also known as DEangel on gameFAQs. His FAQ acted as a sort of
inspiration for my FAQ, cheers and keep up the good work.
[Your name here]..For sending a great addition in my FAQ.
yada yada yada yada......................

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