Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

01.10.2013 22:54:15
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Version 1.1
Created by idyoticwyzard
Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard

Table of Contents

1. Legal Intro
1.1 Version History
2. Gameplay Tactics
2.1 Characters
2.2 Equipment
3. The Missions
3.01 Steel Wind
3.02 Cold Thunder
3.03 Angel Wire
3.04 Sun Devil
3.05 Ghost Dance
3.06 Blue Sky
3.07 Fire Walk
3.08 Winter Hawk
3.09 Red Wolf
3.10 Razor Ice
3.11 Yellow Knife
3.12 Deep Magic
3.13 Lone Fox
3.14 Black Star
3.15 Wild Arrow
3.16 Mystic Tiger
4. Closing


1. Legalities

This guide should only be available at the following sites:

If you see this guide on another site, or would like to use this on your own
site, or would like to contact me anyway, here is my info:

AIM: idyoticwyzard

Eric Fung/idyoticwyzard copyrights this document, so if you steal it *shakes
fist* then screw you.

1.1 Version History

Version 1.1 (10/24/05): Revisions.
Version 1.0 (10/23/05): Covers the single player campaign.


2. Gameplay Tactics

--The HQ plans are trash.
--The AI EASILY gets shot, so in general, leave the computer only to move from
point to point and to watch open areas with only a few guards.
--Along the same lines, don't totally rely on the AI to watch your back. So a
team with more than 2 people is unnecessary; most of the time, your team
members are too dumb to shoot anyway.
--Since peeking was not designed in the original R6 engine, sidestep past doors
while facing inward so that you can use the door frame as cover. This tactic
becomes crucial since the enemy shoots very quickly and you can't trust the
AI to shoot faster.
--The team rescuing hostages needs silenced weapons, or else tangos nearby will
be alerted to your presence and execute the hostages.
--Use the HB sensor and map often to track terrorists. 3rd person view (F1)
also proves useful in certain areas.
--Do NOT continue the campaign with dead operatives. It's too amateur. If you
get wounded, I recommend you restart unless the mission is too frustrating
AND you have a decent substitute for the next mission.

2.1 Characters

Leaders: Chavez (stealth team), Bogart, Walther, Noronha (when he joins)
Assault/Sniping Team: Every other member in the Assault category
Stealth: Every Recon member

2.2 Equipment

For these missions, there is no standard issue kit, so I will detail each
team's equipment before each mission walkthrough. In most missions, each team
member should carry a HB sensor and a silenced pistol.


3. The Missions

-EXT = extraction zone
-INS = insertion zone

-Note: Mission plans are designed for Elite missions, so I will cover all the
mission objectives in a level, even if you don't have to beat them.

3.01 Steel Wind

-The sound of your shooting will stop the tangos from patrolling. If they enter
the ambassador's room, they will execute him. Keep in mind you don't have to
kill everyone, but it's more fun to clear the 3rd floor and the main room. An
assault team and a stealth team - Walther leads Blue since he has the highest
electronics skill (can pick locks fast).

MP5-A2 (Blue) / MP5SD5 (Red)
HK .45 Mark-SD
Flashbangs / Lockpick Kit (team leaders)

Blue Team: Run to the ladders at the NE corner of the embassy and climb it to
the 2nd floor. Pick the lock and kill the two guards nearby (in the
north part of this floor). Continue south, clearing these rooms on
the way until you secure the ambassador. Escort him as you head into
the hallway. Be careful of 3rd floor guards descending the SE stairs
because they can easily shoot you in the back. Anyway, kill the one
tango on the west balcony in the main room. Now head upstairs via
the SW staircase. When you're on the landing, check the map to see
where the tangos are. One might even be heading down the stairs you
are on. Once it's clear, advance through the east side of the 3rd
floor. All the tangos are usually in the east rooms or have gone
down to the 2nd floor. Once the area is clear, head back downstairs
using the NW staircase and then hold for Bravo at the door leading
to the main hall. Before Bravo, kill the last guard in the main
room. He is on the landing at the top of the curved staircase, so be
careful as you locate and eliminate him. Bravo, escort the hostage
back to EXT.

Red Team: Wait for Alpha outside the north door on the 1st floor. Alpha, enter
and head south, clearing the entire east side of the 1st floor. That
includes rescuing the hostage too. Hold for Bravo by the south door
that leads into the entrance hall. Before Bravo, kill the 1st floor
guard in that room, using the doorway for cover. Bravo, head to EXT.

Order of Operations: Straightforward. Blue clears the 2nd and 3rd floor, then
Red clears the 1st floor. Red shoots their main hall guard
first, then Blue does. If you have trouble in this part,
you can skip this room and escort the hostages directly
back to EXT. Or you can equip frags and use those instead.

3.02 Cold Thunder

-Lots of tangos to snipe. You can't use flashbangs on the first hostage you
reach since that will alert the other hostage guard (unless, of course, you
rescue both at the same time). A sniping team and a stealth team.

HK .45 Mark-SD
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Move forward until the forest path opens up. From here, you can
snipe 1-2 two patrols on the NE side of the house. Also kill the guy
on the 2nd floor balcony when he comes out. With them down, continue
forward some more and look to your right (north). There is a patrol
and 2 stationary guards by the camp. Take them down easily. Now head
to the south part of the shed in front of you and snipe the rest of
the guards outside the building. Hold for Alpha here. Alpha, move
west to the SW corner of the stone wall - just opposite the basement
stairs. Check the HB sensor for the 2 front door guards, and when
they're walking away, pick them off one by one. Wait for Charlie
here. Charlie, carefully approach the basement stairs nearby and
check the HB sensor for the guard. You can flash the cellar before
securing the hostage. Hold for Delta by the hostage. Delta, escort
him to EXT.

Red Team: Follow Blue down the path and wait for Alpha just as the path opens.
Alpha, head to the north entrance of the building, but don't enter
yet. Wait for Bravo outside. Bravo, proceed to clear the 2 1st floor
guards. Then cautiously head upstairs, watching the top for any
patrols. There should be 2 guards left up here in different rooms.
Kill them easily by sidestepping and using the door frame for cover.
Hold for Delta by the hostage. Delta, escort her to EXT.

Order of Operations: Snipe everyone first as Blue, then go to Bravo and kill
the front door guards. Bravo, Red to secure the house.
Charlie and Blue rescues the last hostage. Delta to send
everyone back to EXT.

3.03 Angel Wire

-Now this layout may seem intimidating, but it's actually a pretty fun map. A
demolitions team (Chavez-Morris) and an assault team.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Flashbangs / Demolitions Kit (Blue expert)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: From the SW INS, run up the pillar until you reach the catwalks (7th
floor on the recon map). Here, exit from the stairs and head outside
and onto the oil platform. There are two guards patrolling this
floor, so scan the entire area. When they are down, climb the ladder
nearby. If you look straight up, you can see a guard through the
metal grating. Kill him now. Now enter the room just north of you.
Approach the hostage room, and from the hallway, shoot any visible
guards. Then flashbang the room and secure the hostages. Now escort
them out. Your next destination is the bomb room to the SE. Hold for
Bravo just outside the door there. Bravo, clear the room and disarm
the bomb. Double-check that no live tangos are left on this floor,
then head back to the ladder you came from. This time, head up the
stairs nearby. Be careful since there may be a tango still hanging
around in the staircase. At the top, make your way to the south door
of the second bomb room and wait for Charlie. Charlie, head straight
for the bomb and disarm it. Finally, take the hostages to EXT.

Red Team: Start in the NE INS and run upstairs. At the top, climb the nearby
ladder. Up on the 8th floor, slow to a walk and head towards the
staircase in the NW of this floor, but wait for Alpha by the door to
that room. Alpha, look straight up and shoot the tango through the
grating. Now climb the stairs and move forward. Kill the guards in
the room with the detonator, using flashbangs if you want. Exit and
look into the wide, outdoor area on the west part of the map. Shoot
any tangos you see, and move in to make sure it's clear. Now move to
the eastern room of this floor and go to the door that leads to the
SE staircase. This balcony overlooks the bomb room where Blue is
waiting, and there is a patrol on it. When it's safe, shoot the
patrol there without entering the room. Now leave this room via the
north door and follow the hallway south. Kill the guard just outside
the second bomb room and wait for Charlie there. Charlie, enter the
bomb room and clear it for Blue. Head to EXT.

Order of Operations: Take Blue through the seventh floor until you reach the
bomb room. Then give Alpha and lead Red all the way to
Charlie, clearing the eighth floor for Blue. Once you're
waiting for Charlie, switch back to Blue and take them to
Charlie too. Now you can kill the remaining tangos as Red
without having to give the go-code.

3.04 Sun Devil

-A simple mission, though somewhat tricky to carry out. A stealth team and an
assault team.

MP5SD5 (Blue) / CAR-15 (Red)
HK .45 Mark-SD
Flashbangs (Blue) / Frag Grenades (Red)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Run towards the stone wall that opens to the hacienda. Using the
wall for cover, shoot the balcony guard and the two patrols on the
east and west sides of the house. Approach the NE door to the house
and wait for Bravo just outside it. Bravo, enter and clear the north
half of the estate, then descend the stairs and use the HB sensor to
check for the guards. There will be one on patrol, so just as he
turns away from you, open the door quickly and shoot him before the
other tango can see him die. Flash the hostage room and secure the
hostages. Hold for Charlie, and escort the hostages to EXT at

Red Team: Advance to the stone wall and and wait for Alpha well away from the
opening. Alpha, head to the SE entrance of the house and fire off a
warning shot. That will bring attract about 6 tangos for Blue and Red
to pick off. Clear the rest of the south half of the building, using
a frag if you need to. When you get to the staircase, don't climb it
immediately but throw a frag as far as you can up there. You will
take down the guard up there and hopefully some others. Head upstairs
and neutralize the rest of the tangos here, using the rest of your
frags. Wait for Charlie up here, then return to EXT at Charlie.

Order of Operations: Blue neutralizes all the outdoor guards. Give Alpha as you
are getting into position to guard the NE door. When Red
is ready, fire the shot and pick off the tangos as they
come out the door. Finish Red's objectives, then back to
Blue and Bravo to rescue the hostages.

3.05 Ghost Dance

-Another cool, classic map. HB sensors are already set up for you, so you have
an open slot for something else. Blue team should be Walther and a recon
operative, and you need another assault team.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Flashbangs / Lockpick Kit (Walther)

Blue Team: From the east INS, SPRINT north to the locked door and quickly pick
the lock. You need to race two guards to the NW hostage room (only
on Elite). With Walther and the lockpick kit, you will have no
problem killing the two patrols before they get to kill the hostage.
Head up to the third floor catwalks via the NW staircase. You must
clear this entire floor going clockwise. If the guard above the main
hostage room is patrolling, you can take him out just as you get to
the third floor. Anyway, make your way to the south door of the
hostage room's catwalks. Each room that contains a guard on the
catwalk has another guard on the 1st floor. You can stroll out into
the open and let your teammate shoot the guys on the ground while
you take care of tangos on your own floor. When you get to the area
right outside the main hostage room, hold for Bravo. Bravo, blitz
north above the hostages, helping Red below clear the room. Go back
to the 1st floor via the stairs you used to get up here and pick up
the remaining hostage on your way back to EXT.

Red Team: Enter the park from the east INS and hold for Alpha by the staircase
to the south. On Alpha, climb the nearby stairs to the 2nd floor.
Your job is to kill the two guards in the control rooms overlooking
the main entrance and the hostage room. Once you get both, head back
down to the 1st floor, using the center staircase. Enter the south
section of the ride and wait for Bravo just inside the tunnel leading
to the hostages. Bravo, head into the hostage room and clear it, then
escort the hostages out via the northern tunnel. Go back to EXT once
this area is all clear.

Order of Operations: Blue could easily beat this mission on its own, but Red
provides useful support. As Blue is waiting for Bravo,
switch to Red to take care of the 2nd floor guards. Once
Red is ready for Bravo, you could just walk out onto the
catwalks as Blue and let your teammate pick off all the
hostage guards without them knowing. Whatever you choose
to do, Bravo sends you to take the hostages to EXT.

3.06 Blue Sky

-You get to control more than two teams in this gigantic and difficult map. HB
sensors have been set up already. Three assault teams: Walther leads Blue,
demolitions experts in the other two.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades / Lockpick Kit (Walther) / Demolitions Kit (Red, Green experts)

Blue Team: You will clear a path through the dam to make sure no one touches
the detonator. Move forward through the tunnel and snipe the guard
up to your right - above the nearby door (that leads downstairs).
Sidestep out and take him down. Pick the lock and head downstairs.
Snipe the guard on this level, then head down the south staircase.
There is a tango on one of the landings, so as you go down, sidestep
and keep your gun pointed at the level below you. When you get to
the room with the detonator, clear it and hold for Charlie by the
turbines near the door. Charlie, return to EXT.

Red Team: Head forward onto the dam and wait for Alpha by the first guard tower
you reach. Alpha, go down a level and take the south stairs down to
the hostage floor. Clear this floor, including the catwalk that leads
to the hostage, but don't go to him yet. Take the north stairs down
to the floor with the 1st bomb (6th floor). Clear this entire floor
heading south, disarming the bomb along the way. Now hold for Charlie
by the south staircase. Charlie, head upstairs and pick up the
hostage on your way to EXT.

Green Team: Advance over the dam and wait for Bravo by the second guard tower.
Bravo, kill the guard in the tower nearby, then head down a level
and take the middle staircase to the very bottom. Again, there is a
guard waiting for you on the stairs. Head north into the turbine
room once you get to the bottom. Get to work on clearing the
tunnels to the east. From the north entrance, sweep them clockwise
and disarm the bomb when you get to it. With this floor's tunnels
clear, head down one more level and approach the last bomb from the
hallway to the west. Clear the final room and disarm the bomb. Head
back up one level and wait for Charlie. Charlie, return to EXT.

Order of Operations: You take each team through its objectives or else the
enemy's ambushes will slaughter you. Blue, Red, Green.
Also remember that you're carrying a bunch of frags, too.

3.07 Fire Walk

-Keep in mind that operatives from this mission will be the ones doing the next
mission too, so try not to use fatigued operatives. 3 assault teams (Green can
be a single operative if all your good leaders are tired).

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Walk south to the nearby building and hold for Charlie. You are
covering the west entrance to the lab. Charlie, enter the lab using
that door and clear it going clockwise. You might want to use all
your grenades in the south areas, especially in those glass rooms.

Red Team: Head east behind the first building and round the corner south. Stop
about halfway along the wall and hold for Alpha. Alpha, clear the
building next to you (dining hall), then the guards' quarters. Shoot
out the windows and throw grenades in before you enter each building.

Green Team: Sprint south, looking east to check for tangos each time you pass a
building. Continue south and turn east behind the shed, so you're
on the south edge of the map. At the SE corner of the shed, hold
for Bravo while you guard the car. Shoot anyone you can see at this
point. Bravo, head into the warehouse and clear it out, then use
your remaining frags on the guards in the vicinity.

Order of Operations: Cover the warehouse and car as Green first, then give
Alpha and switch to Red to clear the other two buildings.
Bravo and Green starts the assault on the lab. Finally,
Charlie and Blue finishes clearing the entire structure.

3.08 Winter Hawk

-Snipers will have a field day in this map. There are two planes to cover so
that the leaders cannot escape. 3 assault teams. If you must have a one-person
team, make it Red.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Head south and look east at the corner of the hangar. Kill the two
guards in the distance, then get the guy at the SE section of the
map. Wait for Alpha at this corner. You are guarding the hangar exit
as well as the building to the NE. Anyone who runs out of either
building must be taken down. Alpha, enter the hangar and clear it,
but wait for Bravo at the other hangar door. Bravo, enter the small
building and throw a frag up to the 2nd floor, if the guard up there
isn't dead yet.

Red Team: Head south all the way to the hangar and turn east behind it. Wait
for Bravo by the SW corner. One of the leaders will run right into
you as he tries to escape, so take him down. Bravo, enter the hangar
and clear it, then go to the foot of the staircase and throw a frag
up to the guard at the top of the stairs. Once it goes off, go up
there to make sure he's really dead.

Green Team: Follow Red south but hold for Bravo by the NW entrance to the south
hangar. Before Bravo, you can try to snipe the 2nd floor guard in
the building to the NE as well as any remaining guards on the
tarmac. The shooting will also cause the two leaders in this hangar
to run out. Red will kill one while you take down the other. Bravo,
enter the second hangar and help Red clear the 1st floor.

Order of Operations: Control Blue while the other two teams get into place. You
will kill two leaders as well as three guards who rush out
of the north hangar. Once you have killed the three hangar
guards, you can switch to Green and snipe the NE guards,
triggering the leaders in the south hangar to flee. When
they're down, you can give Alpha. Red and Green start to
clear the south hangar by throwing frags in. When it's
safe, give Bravo and clear the remaining areas.

3.09 Red Wolf

-A simple mission to give you a break from the past ones. HB sensors have been
provided. A stealth team and an assault team.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades

Blue Team: Head to the front door of the mint. Check the map for the 1st floor
guard that is not to the sides of the doors. Once you have located
him, enter and kill him. Be aware of the patrol on the balcony; if
you see her at any time, do not hesitate to shoot. Anyway, you can
approach the two entrance guards in two ways: sidestep and shoot, or
frag and wait. I prefer fragging the one on the right, then waiting
for the guard on the left to come into view. So with the entrance
hall clear, head up the stairs to the north, staying below the
balcony and always checking for the patrol. Walk upstairs backwards
so you can kill the tango at the top. There is another guard to the
south that you can shoot through the bars. If the balcony guard is
not dead yet, take a detour and kill her first. From the stairs, go
south through one door and throw a frag into the hallway with two
tangos. Enter that hallway and also shoot the guard in the NE part
of the printing room. Hold for Bravo by the door. Bravo, head south
and secure the hostages. You can sidestep along the east wall to see
a few of the guards, but eventually you will have to flashbang the
room. Escort the hostages back to EXT.

Red Team: Head east and enter the mint via the loading docks. Take out the lone
tango in here. Hold for Alpha by the door leading to the printing
room. Alpha, take out the 1st floor guard first, then shoot the legs
of all the 2nd floor guards. This clears the way for Blue. With both
levels clear, return to EXT.

Order of Operations: You can control Blue for most of the mission; when you're
holding for Bravo, give Alpha and take Red through their
important objective. Then return to Blue and finish the

3.10 Razor Ice

-You are not meant to kill the leader on the 3rd floor, but it's possible. You
cannot enter the room he's in, so 4 well-thrown grenades can bounce into his
room and kill him. Be aware that even with the leader dead, the mission still
fails if you try to enter the bomb room. One recon operative (and another
operative loaded with grenades, if you want to kill the leader).

HK .45 Mark-SD
HB Sensor

It's easier to start from the east INS. Head south and kill the patrol on the
starboard/west side of the boat, then head up the ramp. Approach the bridge
from the west and shoot the two tangos in here through the glass. Enter the
boat and kill the other tango on this floor. Now head back down the ramp and
shoot the other patrol on the east. Clear this floor as well, then head down a
floor. You need to blaze an S-shaped path to the ladder in the north. Start by
entering the room to the NE (after stepping into the hallway), then wind your
way to the ladder. You can kill the two tangos in the side rooms if you'd like.
Anyway, approach the ladder from the west since it's easier to kill the tangos
from this angle. Reload and jump down the ladder. Immediately look south for
the hostage guard. She is most likely on the bottom floor, so approach the
stairs cautiously. Even if she is on your floor and spots you instantly, she
fires wildly and misses, giving you a chance to kill her. Take her down and
escort the hostage back to EXT.

3.11 Yellow Knife

-The first recon mission. A few rules: don't shoot at all, close the doors
behind you as you go through them, and constantly check your HB sensor for
tangos all around you. Patience is key - you will most likely restart the
mission several times just because of the frustrating patrol routes. Dubarry
and Yacoby.

Note: Elite has an extra stationary guard in the garage that totally changes
the Veteran plan; my Rogue Spear: Urban Operations guide has a more
accurate plan for Veteran. The execution is nearly the same, though Red
should enter through the front door and hide in the upstairs office
instead of the upstairs bathroom.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Electronics Kit
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Run up the hill and observe the backyard guard. When he patrols
south, run up to the door next to the security console. You should
approach that door by heading straight for the downstairs phone, and
then turning north. Doing this will let you easily avoid the two
driveway/garage guards. Once you're inside, deactivate security and
head halfway upstairs. You need to wait for the patrol up here. When
he's not looking, head out into the NW rooms. You can wait in here
while the patrol passes north and checks these rooms. While he is
looking around in the rooms, sprint down the hallway and bug the
phone. Wait in the alcove for Bravo. Bravo, check that the patrol
is not looking and run down the south stairs. Quickly leave the
house through the front door. Head around to the backyard and check
for the patrol here. When he's turned away, run back to EXT.

Red Team: Head west a bit but hold for Alpha while you are still at the foot of
the hills. Alpha, follow Blue's path into the house and wait here for
the right moment to bug the phone. There are 3 guards to look for (in
order of increasing priority): the 1st floor guard, the upstairs
patrol (check for him as Blue), and the backyard guard. It will take
some waiting, but when all three guards are moving away from the 1st
floor phone, hurry outside and enter the library from the backyard.
Quickly bug the phone and return to your position by the security
console. Don't forget to close the doors on your way back. Hold here
for Charlie. Charlie, return to EXT the way you came, avoiding the
backyard guard.

Order of Operations: Take Blue through bugging the upstairs phone until Bravo.
Alpha and put Red inside the house. Now you need to wait
for the right time to go - when all three guards are not
looking. Watch for the backyard guard primarily, and when
he's walking south, quickly check the upstairs patrol with
Blue, then bug the bottom phone. Go back inside and wait
here to watch the 1st floor guard. When that guard is
walking away from the front door, then it is safe to
control Blue, going downstairs and through the front door.
When Blue is back at EXT, check for the backyard guard a
last time as Red and hurry back to EXT.

3.12 Deep Magic

-Wow, Elite makes this map really frustrating. Now you have long hallways and
wide open spaces to avoid, plus the tangos' patrols become unpredictable. This
mission also has a glitch that you need to exploit. Recon rules still apply
here. Lofquist and Sweeney.

Note: Again, my Rogue Spear: Urban Operations guide has a more fitting plan for
the lower skill levels. Before I discovered the glitch, I tried using
flashbangs to get to the office. They did work, but they also brought a
tango into the staircase, so I couldn't exit.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Lockpick Kit
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Get down to the bottom of the elevator shaft. Wait in here for the
guard at the desk to start patrolling. Don't wait by the door, since
it has a window in it, and the guards can see you through it. Once
both guards on this floor are patrolling away, quickly pick the lock
and run to the security console. You can leave the elevator shaft
door open, but close the security office's door. Deactivate the
security here and wait for Bravo. Bravo, wait for the right moment
again and run for the elevator shaft. This time you can leave the
security door open as well. Return to EXT the way you came in.

Red Team: Head down the stairs until you reach the floor with Brightling's
office. Hold in here for Alpha. By the time you're ready, one of the
balcony guards appears to have stationed himself at the west end of
the hallway, constantly monitoring your door. But here's the glitch:
the open door is blocking his view, so it's like he isn't even there
at all! Alpha, wait for the other patrol to move west into the lobby,
then run out and south down the hallway. Slow to a walk and close the
doors leading to the elevators. You have a clear path to the main
office, so download the files without a problem. Hold in the office
for Charlie. Charlie, return to EXT, making sure that the north
patrol is heading towards the lobby so that he doesn't see you.

order of Operations: As Blue, proceed to deactivate the security. Then Alpha
and Red goes to download the files. Bravo sends Blue back,
and Charlie sends Red to EXT. Be aware that Lofquist has
the lowest stealth rating, so you may want to consider a
substitute if she easily alerts the guards.

3.13 Lone Fox

-This and the next mission will happen in the same time period, so operatives
you pick for this mission will not be available for the next. Also, this is
the only mission in the Rainbow Six series that has timed events - if you take
too long, the enemy will have set up ambushes in your way. If you're quick,
however, you can set up an ambush behind the enemy's drop-off points. You will
really need to depend on the AI to take care of the majority of tangos. 2
assault teams, 1 assault operative, and 1 reserve or specialist (any spare

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

Blue Team: The 1st major assault team. Blitz from INS and climb the vines so
that you can hold for Alpha at the end of the cliff, watching the
roadblock. When the motorcade comes, shoot everyone but the hostage.
If you are in the right position, then your team alone can kill all
the guards. Alpha, head down and into the next ambush area. Set up
for Bravo at the NE part of this area, near the truck and lightpost.
When the reinforcements arrive, shoot them in their backs. Bravo,
continue forward and climb up to the north part of the overpass.
Hold here for Charlie and kill the tangos that are dropped off.
Charlie, move towards EXT and set up for Delta at the east end of
the concrete dividers. You should be on the south side of the road.
Watch the road for two final cars, then open fire on the last few
tangos. Delta, head to EXT.

Red Team: The prepatory team. From the start, head to the SECOND ambush site
and hold for Bravo on the north side of the road, a bit NW of the
truck and portable lightpost. Blue and Gold can handle the motorcade
so your team can get a head start on the tangos. As the cars come
into this area, help Blue and Green clear this area. Bravo, run to
the south part of the overpass and set up on the east side of it.
Hold here for Charlie. Kill the ambushing tangos as they come.
Charlie, head past EXT and up the small hill. Wait for Delta here and
use it as an outpost to neutralize the last two cars. Delta, head to

Green Team: The 2nd major assault team. Head to the 2nd ambush point and go to
the south part of the area. Hold for Bravo between the portable
light and the concrete barrier. Crouch by the concrete barrier so
that you see only the front end of the west car. As it approaches,
immediately mow down the two tangos you see so you divert attention
to yourself and away from the other teams. Bravo, continue onto the
south end of the overpass and wait for Charlie. Two cars will come,
so take care of them. Charlie, keep going east and set up for Delta
east of the concrete dividers on the north side of the road. Make
sure you are somewhat far from the concrete or you will be killed
by the approaching car. Kill the remaining tangos that get out of
the cars. Delta, head to EXT.

Gold Team: The escorter. Head onto the road and go south a bit. Hold for Alpha
facing the roadblock. As the motorcade comes, help Blue kill the
tangos. Alpha, race to the hostage and pick him up, then hold for
Bravo on the road before you reach the 2nd ambush point. Move
forward on Bravo. Hold for Charlie before you can see the overpass.
Charlie, head down the road and stay away from the final ambush
point. Wait here for Delta. Delta, escort the hostage to EXT.

Order of Operations: At each go-code, you must switch between each team to make
sure the AI is facing the right way. Control Gold for the
1st motorcade, Green for the 2nd, and Red for the last two
sets of cars. If you are quick enough, you can even avoid
confronting the final group of tangos - this is the best
way to go. This mission is mostly just experimenting
(especially with the 2nd ambush area), so keep trying if
you can't complete it with everyone at full health.

3.14 Black Star

-A nice and easy HR mission to wash out the taste of the past missions. A
stealth team and an assault team.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades (Blue) / Flashbangs (Red)
HB Sensor

Blue Team: Climb the ladder and head down the west path as it curves more SW.
Head to the west wall of the north building and hold for Alpha just
north of the entrance there. You can take out a handful of guards
standing by the south building. Alpha, sidestep past the nearby door
and shoot whoever you can see. Then close the door and clear the
entire building to the south, securing the hostages. Wait for
Charlie by them. Charlie, exit this building and throw a frag over
the gate in the SW of the map (it is a landmark on the recon map).
This will kill the last tango that you can't reach otherwise. Now
head into the north building and pick up the last hostage on your
way to EXT.

Red Team: Climb the ladder before Blue does and head down the eastern path. You
may see a patrol come your way, so stay alert. As the path opens up,
shoot the two tangos in the glass porch, then get the guard outside
on the second floor. Wait for Bravo by the east door of the building.
Bravo, enter and clear this whole area. Be aware of the guard that
patrols the north end of the 1st floor. Remember to shoot the tango
upstairs, too. By this time, two tangos will have magically appeared
and are now wandering into the map from the SW gate. Carefully exit
the building and take those two out. Wait for Charlie within sight of
that gate to make sure no one else comes through alive. Charlie,
return to EXT.

Order of Operations: As Red, clear the outdoor guards to the north of the map.
Then Alpha, switch to Blue to secure the first building.
Bravo, Red clears the other building and the rest of the
guards. Charlie, Blue frags the last tango and takes the
hostages back to EXT.

3.15 Wild Arrow

-An extremely easy mission. Try to get headshots since your submachine guns
have trouble piercing the tangos' armor. And FYI, the operatives you used in
the previous mission are unavailable. Not that you'd need them. 1 electronics
expert and the 3 demolitions experts.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades
Electronics Kit (Blue) / Demolitions Kit (Red, Green, Gold)

Blue Team: Head east through the tunnels and climb the SE stairs. Clear a path
to the computer terminal, clearing the entire SE part of this floor.
You should also kill the one patrol to the NE as he comes your way.
Wait for Delta by the computer. Delta, deactivate the security.

Red Team: Head west through those tunnels, then north and across the main sewer
where you will kill one tango. Climb the stairs in the NW and wait
for Alpha at the top. Alpha, clear your way to the virus capsule in
the NE. Also shoot the northern patrol in the central hallway. Hold
for Alpha next to the capsule, and on Alpha, disarm it.

Green Team: Head east through the tunnel, but turn north at the junction. Shoot
the tango nearby in the main sewer and in the NE area, climb the
south set of stairs and hold for Bravo at the top. Bravo, exit into
the central hallway and head south. On the map, you may see a pair
of tangos run towards you, so go chase them down, even if they are
not in your path. Anyway, continue towards the SE virus capsule and
clear the area around it. Hold for Alpha next to the bomb and on
Alpha, disarm it.

Gold Team: Follow Green to the NE part of the sewer but take the north stairs
up. Wait for Charlie at the top. Charlie, kill the last guard in the
NE area and hold for Alpha next to the virus capsule in this area.
Alpha, disarm the bomb.

Order of Operations: You should control each team in order - Blue, Red, Green,
Gold. Each team secures their own region, so be sure all
tangos go down in that area. Do not let anyone get away,
or he will sound the alarm. When everyone's in position,
give Delta and Blue will quickly deactivate the security.
Once that's done, there's a time limit to disarm the bombs
but the three experts should have no difficulty with that.

3.16 Mystic Tiger

-This map is the definition of annoying - the automatic doors will not let you
use them as effective cover. At least this is the last mission, so it doesn't
really matter if your teammates die unless you want to be professional up to
the very end. 2-4 teams of operatives, depending on how many grenades you want
available. The leaders can be fatigued, but have healthy assault or recon
operatives. All teams have almost the same waypoints, but Blue moves faster
than the rest. Control Blue for most of this level.

HK .45 Mark-SD
Frag Grenades
HB Sensor

From the north INS (I find that starting here is a bit easier than the others),
advance east through the dome. When Blue reaches the room connected to a bunch
of circular rooms, kill the two tangos in the vicinity. Proceed down the hall -
1 tango might come out to investigate the shooting. Hold for Alpha before you
reach the 1st choke point. Blue should sneak up to the side of the door - the
side with the watchroom. With extreme caution, slowly move forward to open the
door. As it is opening, look for any guards that come into view. When the door
is fully open, switch to 3rd person view and scan the entire room for tangos,
especially ones on the 2nd floor. Find and kill them, using frags only if
necessary. Once this area is clear, stick around a bit longer and watch the
door on the 2nd floor to make sure no one comes through it. Then give Alpha and
proceed up the stairs and onto the huge catwalks. The other teams should wait
for Bravo on the stairs while Blue waits for Bravo by the door and clears the
catwalks. Once the area is clean, give Bravo and enter the main structure. Now
Blue splits from the group and heads upstairs to the top floor. Clear the
entire top floor, which overlooks the lab. Blue can end the mission up on the
catwalks. Meanwhile, Red and Green go down a floor and hold for Charlie outside
the last choke point. When Blue is done, give Charlie and use the same methods
in getting through the final outpost, keeping in mind that there are twice as
many guards in this room. If you can get through here alive, then run to the
lab and pick the lock to beat the game.

Notes: If you frag the first choke point, tangos are more easily attracted to
the noise and will unpredictably flood in from the 1st floor and
catwalks above. And I did make it through the level (once) without
getting injured. Surpisingly, it took me less tries than it took me to
figure out the glitch in Deep Magic. For an extra challenge, try killing
every tango on the map without using cheats.


4. Closing

If you still have problems, use cheats (teamgod and explore) to find out where
the terrorists really are. If you already know, then you will have to improve
your FPS skill. Of course, you can ask me any further questions.

Thanks to Red Storm Entertainment.

Copyright (c)2005 idyoticwyzard
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