Wild Wild West - Steel Assassin

Wild Wild West - Steel Assassin

18.10.2013 04:54:31
Wild Wild West: Steel Assassin Complete Walkthrough

This solution is meant as a complete spoiler as I assume that
the only reason you are referring to this is because you are
totally and utterly stuck somewhere and just want out!

So I won't beat around the bush by giving you hints I'll just
get stratght to the point and tell you how its done and
somethimes why its done that way.

I just want to say that this game is flexible and you can use
many ways and techniques to solve the puzzles and what order
and sadistic manner you want to shoot, maim, gas, clobber,
crush, etc...the bad guys! My way, of course is not the only
way (please get creative when the shooting starts) but I'll
give you the easiest way I can figure out.

Eenie..Meenie..Minie..Moe...(blah) (blah)..if..he..bites.(blah)
...Minie..MOE! Okay, "East Street"!

Easy Street
(cut scene+plot info blah blah)
You start off in your headquarters/train called the "Wanderer"
if you watched the movie you be going, "yeh, yeh, I know!"

The "black glass window" that Jim West is facing is your gun
cabinent. Click on it and select your weaponry.
I suggest you put away your Colt .45 Revolver and get more
mean, kick ass weapons! Btw, you put guns back onto the cabinet
by clicking the gun you want to remove onto your right hand then
clicking on its empty slot.

For this mission I took the: Dual Coil Lightning generator,
Six-Barrel Shotgun (for overkill), Sick Gas Canister Mortar,
Spinning Rip-Disk Ejector (because its in the movie, no other

Opposite the gun cabinet is the Projected Photo-whatjamighcallit
blah blah reference library (whatever) this where you get all the
info. I gave it the once over but got bored reading it. So, now
finally off to the adventure!

To start your mission, go down opposite the pool table, btw that
thing stores a bunch of maps, and if you notice the speaker/horn
thing on the wall thats ot tell the traindriver (Coleman) to take
you to the firing range at begining of the game so you can shoot the chickens. Oops! I meant practice on the targets (pob-BAWK!).

On the other side of the pool table you will see an open drawer
with blue cylinders thats for your voice messages. Next to that is
the machine (you know from the movie). Anyway lets get on with it!
Click on the door (with the (W) cursor) to start your missions.

(cut scene)

Keep talking to Mr Byrd (the guy who just spoke out about his
crossword puzzle). The solution is 6-across:GRANT, 1-down:JOHNSON,
5-across:LINCOLN. The bartender/owner will ask you to fix the
cork-puller. Go to fireplace. get Fireplace poker and Fireplace
Bellows, click on top pf fire place, get Powder Horn and Musket

NOTE: A lot of the stuff you can pick up may not be used in the
current mission but in later ones but they are always made
available to you when you need it. Stuff like bandages are for
healing they are optional to use but I recommend you save them for
later instead of using them up now.

Go and click on the cork-puller, select the Ramrod and use
it(where the cursor becomes a "green gear") use the Bellows below
the Ramrod. Click on the very top of the cork-puller and use the
Metal Bird Figurine on the gear. Done.


Talk to Mr Street (bartender/owner) Ask everything.
Go into the dining room. The waitress, Misty is crying here.
There is a pair of tongs on the table you can get that now or later
it doesn't matter. Talk to Misty. Blah Blah *sob* *Sigh*. Talk to
her again. The cobbler is for Mr Byrd. The condition is the guest
must have Chicken with salad or Steak with soup and not have red wine.

The following are disqualified:
Mr. Tucker -Steak&soup
Mr. Ginsberg -chicken&soup
Mr. Jordan -red wine
Mr. Hyde -red wine

Ask her everything.

(more sinister plot)

Kissing her or not doesn't matter. Quickly run to where she runs to
get out of the line of fire. You run by holding Shift-. Get
the knitting needle on the table. Ready your weapon. I chose the
Six-Barrel Shotgun. Make sure ALL your guns are fully reloaded.
Go up the back stairs (not the one you came down of course), the
next to Misty. Use the Knitting needle on both the hinges on the
"escape hatch". Click on it and prepare for fight scene!

There is a guy immediately in front of you. When he pops is head
above the logs BLOW IT OFF!!! Then Laugh like an evil maniac!!
HUHHUHHARHAH!! Well thats one down, about ten more to go. Reload.

There is a guy hiding in the chicken coop but instead of going to him,
there is a way to "sucker" him out to you! Don't move from the
"escape hatch" yet, you should have the wall off logs infront of you,
a cart with barrels on it, the chicken coop behind that and the red
barn behind the chicken coop. Click on the area just in front of the
cart (where cursor changes to green (!!) footprints). You should be in
position to shoot the guy in the barn.

NOTE: If you are targeting the bad guy (cursor changes to crosshairs)
You will come out of cover and your gun will stop auto-reloading. So
keep your cursor off the target until you are ready to shoot.

The easier way is to select your Lightning gun, then Shift-click on
the barn behind. You will run into the barn. Immediately shoot the
bee hive on the roof.Then wait for the guy from the chicken coop to
arrive at the door then fry him with your Lightning gun. Make sure you
hold the right mouse button until all the 10 charges are spent to do
max damage it should kill him, if not then just keep right clicking and
you'll be "jumpstarting" him to death. As for the guy up on the with
the bees, you can fry him too or you could be more cruel and just
watch him die from the bee stings!!HAHAHHA!!(Winnie the Pooh he's not!)

Now you can go back and loot the bodies. Its important to do so because
you get a lot of clues (stored in JOURNAL) from the dead bad guys and
sometimes if you are hurt you can get bandages. Btw, your health will
go back to 5 before your next mission so use your disgression with
bandages, also whatever is in your inventory at the end of this mission
will be carried on to the next.

Go back to the wall of logs, go behind where the first dead guy is
(loot him) and click on the empty cart in the middle of the screen.
There shoul be 2 guys, one onground and one up on the windmill
(offscreen) If you don't move from your current position, then neither
one can hit you, take your time to kill the guy on the ground but you
can't use the lightning gun as it is too short ranged. Switch to
another weapon. Then, Shift-click on the ladder under the windmill
AFTER the guy up there fires a shot(so you definately won't get
hit, hopefully) Anyway, once you're up the ladder the guy can't hit
you no matter what, so you can start making monkey-faces, going "Nanya,
Nanya, Nana!" You can use the Spinning Rip-Disk Ejector here, its the
easiest to hit him with. Reload all guns.

Go back to the "escape hatch" screen. Go to the left of this screen.
You should be looking at a dirt path going across the screen leading
out between a gap in the fence. Now this is a tricky bit, for there
are 2 guys here one will appear near the cart with barrels (left of
screen) and the other behind the bushes next to the one tree in front
of the tavern(top-middle of screen). Okay, the easIER way, attract
the guy from the bushes by clicking, diagonally from where you are on
the bottom right of the screen. As soon as you go near the path, the
guy behind the bushes will appear and shout "Hey!". Run (Shift-click)
on the left out of the screen and back to the barn, wait for him to
arrive then fry him with the lightning gun again (loot him).

Go back and attract the other guy out by going to the bushes where
the other guy came out of. Use your shotgun or any other weapon than
the lightning gun because range is a problem.

Go to the gap in the fence and WAIT for a highly convenient horse
carraige to arrive and click on it.(cutscene)

NOTE: I just told you to go by THIS side of the tavern through THIS gap
in the fence but you can also go by the other way if you like, but
running to the barn for cover is more difficult)

Now there are many ways of doing this part, but I'll just tell you the
easiest, less suicidal way of doing it (blah, no fun). Go into the fenced
area and into the side door. Sneak up the ladder. Notice there is a
horizontal rope tied to a beam and is hold up a HEAVY,cranium-smashing,
hook thingy, aimed conveniently at the back of >>I didn't get his name's<<
head. DUH! click on it.(cutscene) (loot him) Click on barrel of nails to
move it over the TOP-SECRET trapdoor (cutscene). Go down the ladder.

Notice there are 2 things on the pillar next to the cart, a "COW-bell"
and a rope (attached to the "TOP" getit?TOP? Secret trapdoor). Click on
"COW-bell" After he goes "HUH?" click on rope.(cutscene) Bad guy gets
nailed getit?nailed? by barrel!

Go left click on oil barrel in the corner. (cutscene) Go through door
to alley and fry the guy behind the Nitro Plasma Gun. reload all guns.

Now the next room has 2 guys and you might take damage here but its also
the last "room " for this mission. What I did is get ready your Sick-gas
gun and shoot one guy CLOSEST to you with it(it should hit both), then
quickly switch to another gun and blow them away efore they recover.
Then click on your horse to end the mission.

The Bull Pen

Now it doesn't matter what guns you select in this mission, because
you'll be unable to use them as its too dark. Just start the mission
with what you have you'll pick up another gun you can use in this

You'll be in the tavern at night and no one's in sight(Great! raid the
cash register! Oops! No cash register, DOH!) Go to the cork-puller
and get the cork (if you haven't already) Go to fireplace and get the
Fireplace Bellows AGAIN *shhessh*. But this time use it on the spittoon
on the floor at near your feet (opposite the fireplace) EEEIIIUU!!
Go to the window near the cork-puller. Open the window (cutscene) and
use the Fireplace Bellows with "Water" on the lantern. Use the
fireplace poker (it should be in your inventory) on the lantern.
(cutscene) Click on the lantern and get the Wet Lantern Wick.

If you think that was disgusting, imagine what you'd have to do if
there were no bellows for you to use...you'd have to suck up all the
contents of the spittoon and splat the hold thing out!! EEEEIIIUUU!!!
That will even make the bad guys hurl!!

Click on foreplace and use Wet Lantern Wick on it (to dry it). Use the
metal tongs (from the dining room table if you haven't got it yet) to
pick up a small piece of hot ember from the fireplace. Go back to Lantern,
replace Dry Lantern Wick, use Metal Tongs Holding Hot Embers to light it.
(cutscene) It would seem that Misty is the only one here and she has
been mortally wounded, the others must have fled. This part doesn't
quite add up, the bad guys obviously shot her but she taking a good
6 hours since you left the die?? Go figure. Anyway I though leaving her
here alone in the last mission was signing her death warrant. But I
guess thats the plot. "They killed Misty, those BASTARDS!"

Now if you think you can escape from the "escape hatch", think again,
they nailed shut from the outside, DOH! Well now is a go time to check
out that wardrobe. Click on it and use the Small Fancy Key (should get
it in last mission) on the key hole. The solution to the puzzle should be
in your journal if you looted the bad guys in the last mission as well
as in the Photo-whatjamighcallit blah blah reference library back at the

It should open autmatically and you'll step inside. Get the Lady's
Handkerchief on the floor. Click on the middle of the table and get the
Night-Vision Pistol. You can check out the rest of the schematics.
Click on the barrel of gunpower on the floor and use the Powder Horn
(from the musket above the fireplace) and fill it up.

NOTE: if you have the Hot Ember or a match you could light up barrel
and blow you and the house to bits!! DDOOOOHHH!!

Go back upstairs to the bar(with the cork-puller). The bad guys will
start shooting at you. Stand behind the bar if you don't want to get hit.
Now there are 2 broken windows one on the left and the other on the right
over the checker board.

Go to the dining room first, now at this part is a bit hard to find,
especially in the dark, you have to click on the top drawer of the dining
room cabinent (the one with the plates and other crockery) Its near the
door way towards the stairs and the cellar so its easy to miss if you
don't know what you're lookng for. Get the Short Length of Twine.

Oh yes, the match I forgot to mention that. Go out of the dining through
the doorway I mentioned (towards the stairs not to the bar) Go to the kitchen
door (there is a "Kitchen Keep Out" sign on it) Now look on the table with
the large bowl to the right there is a single match balanced magically on
its edge! No not really, just get it.

Now you should already have your Night-Vision Pistol ready. Shift-click
on the window on the right first. The guy is on the left of the screen.
TIP: keep your cursor on him when he stops rolling on the ground, shot
him before he shoots you. 2 shots should kill him.

NOTE: If you fail to reload your gun and you click on empty, the bad
guys will bust in and finish you off.

Repeat the same for the window on the left. Then quickly click on the
souvenier exploding cannonball bolted onto the end of the bar. Use the
Power Horn with Gunpowder on the hole and use the cork to plug up the
hole. Use the twine on the cork.

NOTE: The Match and the Hot Ember are inter-changeable. You can use
either one in either case.

Anyway, you need to lure the suckers into the tavern before you light
the cannonball (which is bolted to the table) Remember, what I said
about the bad guys busting in after you run out of ammo? Well do just
that, go to any window and keep firing away until they come charging in.
Jim West will automatically light the fuse, etc. Done!

Barn Burner

You'll be on horseback. You might want to switch back to your original
Colt .45 Pistol so that you can look like a real cowboy, but that's just
me. You could also use the Spencer Repeating Rifle for increased range
and firepower! You are going to need your Sick-Gas gun for this mission.

Go/Gallop/Trot 2 screens to the right. You'll see this guy standing
in the fork down the road lure him closer to you and take him out (the
first guy you kill in this mission will give you Percussion Caps) Try
to kill him without going to close or going into the next screen
because there is a cannon turrent, yes a CANNON TURRET!! down that road.

If you can't get at him then go one more screen to the right and kill
the guy that runs out behind you and you can get the Percussion Caps
from him instead.

Go 2 screens the right after the second guy I mentioned AFTER a screen
when the dirt road bends to the right. There will be 2 bad guys in the
next screen so the easiest way to do this is to take them one at a time.
I used the lightning gun for this but you can use any other weapon.
enter the screen to the right, one guy should come out from the trees on
the right. Quickly click back and go back to the screen where you came from
before the second guy comes out. Give the first guy space to enter the
screen (else he'll be shooting you off-screen) then FRY'EM!! Repeat the
same for the next guy.

In that screen, get the Axe AND the Wood from the wood pile lying on the
side of the road. Now, the Axe must be in your "left hand" click on the
Wood and you'll get Wood Kindling. Its nice to know your horse doubles
as a chopping block!! Oops, missed! Sorry, Horsey!

Don't go any further right, instead go back the way you came. Back past
the screen where the road bends right. Now you should be at a horizontal
road going left to right across the screen with no forks in sight. Click
on the bottom of this screen to go to the river.

You will observe that here there is a river with no bridge and a tree
conveniently located at the side and the cursor changes to one of those
"gear" symbols. Gee! What could it all mean? Slash and Burn! Use the
axe on the tree. (cutscene) You know the side of the tree he's chopping
should result in the tree falling the other side and crushing your horse,
but I'm no lumberjack!

Anyway a bad guy should come out immediately, shoot him anyway you can.
Click on the tree trunk to cross the river like a highwire expert.
Then ready your lightning gun and approach the shack another bad guy
comes out of the shack. Fry'em. Then let your gun recharge, Yup you
guessed it! There is another one in the shack. Get in there and fry'em up
also. Get the box of Dynamite. Go back across the river and get back on
your horse.

Go back to the screen with the wood pile and go one more screen right.
You'll encounter a bad guy on a horse. This guy is tough; I used my
shotgun; not that tough. Click on him after he's dead to eat his horse..
I mean loot his body..whatever. Another way that seems to work pretty
well is when the guy is charging at you use your Spinning Rip-Disk Gun
and fire a few shots at him, it should stun him for a second or so
giving you time to switch to your shotgun and finishing him off without
him doing anydamage to you. i managed to pull it off twice in a row so
I guess it should work most of the time. But you'll have to be quick.

Heal up with the bandages you saved (you did save some didn't you?)
and go to the next screen. Another bad guy on foot comes out, now this
guy doesn't sucker very easily and he's quite a good shot, so instead
I just killed him (fried) where he stood. Blah.

Follow the road to the right of the screen. Don't go near the barn, its
not that easy. Go up the hill(you will dismount again) There 2 guys with
there backs turned. Now, you can either use your Sick-Gas Gun then charge
in and finish them off or you can use the Spinning Rip-Disk Gun and ricochet
around the rocks but I doubt you'll have enough ammo to finish the job.
Or you can do it my way and use the lightning gun. You'll have to get a
little closer to the rock that separates them from you but don't go around
you'll still nee cover from the rock. Just fire a shot to attract their
attention and one if not both of them will come down along side the rock
to shoot at you but they can't due to the angle of the rock and you should
be close enough to fry them. HA!

Next screen to the right. Now its time to say goobye to the turret.
Click on the rocks above the turret (where cursor changes to eyeball symbol)
use Dynamite and then the blasting caps on it. Stand back, FAR BACK!
Preferably the previous screen. Now shoot it with any weapon to set it off.

Go back to where you dismounted your horse. Go to the barn (black/grey
building all the way to the right) Get the Bullwhip hanging on the wall
(same wall as the door) Get the Lead Pipe thats on the barrel and Get
some Hay from the ground next to the barrel. You can look at the writing
on the wall. You should see a boiler engine in the back. Go and click on
it, and notice that there are 5 "hotspots":
(1) The top "cap" (topmost middle of screen) (cursor-"hand" symbol)
(2) The large "cap" (slightly to the bottom and to the left of (1)
(cursor-"hand" symbol)
(3) The small "grey metal wheel/gear thingy" (directly below (1)
in the middle of the screen, NOT refferring to the wooden wheels)
(4) The "pivot" for the bar (3) is attacted to the end of. (slightly to
the right of (3))
(5) The wooden wheels/gears(at the bottom)

Go back out, to the house (its either condemned or a dump!). Get Bucket
on the floor. Look at and use Axe on lock. Go in, click on chair to
move it (cutscene). Go in to the kitchen (other side of door) and put
bucket under water pump. Use Lead pipe on pump, then use the water pump
to fill the bucket with water. Get the Bucket of Water. Get Dirty Metal
Tray (on the floor below the water pump). Use your Lady's Handkerchief
on it to clean it(put either item in left hand, then click on the other).
Click on cabinent next to chair to climb on top of it. Use Bullwhip on
the long chandlier cord hanging from the ceiling...eiiii...HAH! (cutscene)

Go up the rest of the eh..stairs? into the door way. Now, in the corner
(middle of screen) Get the Doily, "not a dolly, a doily!" then use the
Axe to bust up the wall!!(cutscene) click on the wheel in that room to
get a Bicycle Tire. I know what you're thinking--"After all that
back-breaking work, all I get is Tire-d!"

Get back out and to get down use the Bullwhip again on the chandelier
cord. Go back to the barn. Use the Doily on the writing on the wall.
Then use the Clean Metal Tray on the middle hook on the post (the one
the arrow on the Doily points to) (cutscene) Use the Bullwhip in the
place which the reflected light off the tray points to (the wooden
peg on the horizontal beam) Get the Wooden Peg on the floor that you pulled off, Get the papers that fell on the floor.

(cutscene) A bad guy threw a lantern on the hay. There are also 3 of them outside so forget about going there. Click on the boiler.
open the top "cap" (hotspot#(1)) use bucket of water here. Open the
large "cap" (hotspot#(2)) Use the Wood Kindling AND the Hay on it.
Use the Wooden Peg on the pivot (hotspot#(4)) and use the Bicycle Tire
on the wooden wheels/gears (hotspot#(5)). Now use your Liniment Oil
on the area just ABOVE the small "grey metal wheel/gear thingy"
(hotspot#(3)-cursor-"green gear" symbol). Then click on (hotspot#(3)).


Now you need to play Artemus Gordon's side. His methods are more
"brain" and less "brawn" more diplomatic and less "cowboy". So
you'll see the contrast when you do his missions. Btw, you'll
also notice that his handwriting is much better than Jim West!

Parkhurst's Ladies

Click on the chemicals table(the one with all the flasks on the
shelves) Get the Mechanically Assisted Grease and the Formable
Putty Acid String. You can read the book here to learn about it.

Click on the "grey table" and get all the gadgets that aren't
broken (as if you could get the ones that WERE broken!). Go down
somemore (opposite direction from the horse) and stop at your
"vanity make-up table" Get all 3 masks on the top. and go through
the door (to Jim West's side) Go all the way to the Vocal Messaging
Service thingy and listening to all messages from Jim West.
Then go back to the Projected Photo-whatjamighcallit blah blah
reference library (whatever) and view the new slides on the papers
that Jim West got at the end of the last mission.

Now start the mission, you can click the (W) symbol anywhere either
Jim's side or your side either one will start your mission.

Well it seems that Arte really knows how to travel in first class
style! Go to the wharf (middle of screen, cursor-"green (!!)" symbol.
Listen to the conversation between the woman and the watchman.
Then use the Sailor Uniform on yourself (you need to have the Sailor
Uniform on your "left hand" then open your Inventory screen and
click on your full portrait). Go onto the wharf. After all the fake
"sailor-talk", go one screen down. In the middle of the screen there
is a "Danger: Rotten Wood" sign, click on it to remove it(*evil laugh*).

Just to the right of that is THE BARREL which you saw in the opening
cutscene of the game, you know, where the nightwatchmen got fired
by the mechanical pupppet? Use your Non-Contaminating Evidence
Examiner and Retriever (N-CEE&R) on the fried footprints on the
floor infront of the barrel. Get the chunk of wood..Oak actually...
grain is finer...(oh forget it!). Use the (N-CEE&R) on the red
"paint/blood" or whatever you think it looks like, and click on it
again to take a swab of it. Click on the top of the barrel. Use the
(N-CEE&R) on the copper wire on the right of the barrel AND then
use the (N-CEE&R) on the Metal Sliver on the left of the barrel and
click on it again to get it sampled. Use your (N-CEE&R) on the hair
on the floor (leftmost-middle of the screen)

Okay, now click on your Portable Forensic Analysis kit and use both
Evidence: Makeup Sample & Evidence: Metal Sliver on it.

Go one screen to the right and remove another "Danger: Rotten Wood" sign (*even more evil laugh*). Now, behind(below and to the left) of the
sign is a crate (you know, the one that matches the chunk of wood).
Use Chunk of Wood on the crate.

Get onboard the ship through the service entrance(the one at the bottom)
go behind the mast and change disguises to Parkhurst Costume. Try to
leave by the passenger exit (to the right). The troublesome Marcella
is there again to foil your plans. Change back to Sailor uniform.
Leave by service exit. find a place where you can change, eg where
the barrel or crate was and change to Parkhurst Costume again.

Walk pass, but not too near to Marcella so she can see you and start
following you then go to one of the "rotten wood" areas and stand behind
so as the "sucker" her to walking over it! HAHAHA!! She can swim, DOH!

Doesn't matter just switch back to Sailor Uniform, go back on the ship,
behind the mast and change back to Parkhurst Costume and use the passenger exit to meet the two people standing there. Done!

Harbor Cruise

Now switch back to Arte's normal clothes and to the Jim's side of the
train. Click on the machine next to the Vocal Messaging Service thingy
to start the mission.

Wow! Its a hydrofoil! (discount version)
NOTE: You need to go by this way else you can't accomplish the

Go up the ladder and quickly go back down the stairs (not the same
ladder, its the stairs about 1 cm to the right of the ladder you came
up on. Go left 2 screens until you reach the last screen(with a barrel
of nails, ooh Deja Vu!) Look at the bottom of the stairs (cursor-"eyeball" symbol) use the Formable Putty Acid String on the base of the stairs and then the Mechanically Assisted Grease. Now this requires
a bit of timing, if you haven't already, Press 'C' on your keyboard
to enable close captioning. When there is no "Otis: off-key whistling"
displayed, click on the stairs to move it. (cutscene, the one where
the guard oesn't notice you).

You will move the stairs under the shipping office. click on the floor of the shipping office (top of relocated ladder,cursor-"eyeball" symbol)
Use the Formable Putty Acid String on the floor of the shipping office (cutscene) Click on the hole to get in then click on the flower pots
on the left then click on the leftmost flower pot. You'll find something
written underneath the dead plant's pot. Its "RD LAE RHI"

Now I assume you know how safes work, you turn it a certain amount
either left or right and repeat that until you get the correct combo then it opens. You can do this the hard way and use the Intensely
Sensitive Safe-Cracking Stethoscope and use trial and error or you
can examine the note more carefully. Now the 'R's and the 'L's at
the beginning of each new "word" are obviously "Right" and "Left"
respectively. But what about the other letters? How do they translate
to numbers? Thats it! TRANSLATE them to numbers! A=1, B=2, etc.
What we get is "R4 L15 R89" BINGO! Just click on the engraved "pointing
hands" on the safe to turn the tumblers right until it reaches (R4), then left until (L15) and finally (R89). Click on the handle to open the
safe. Click on the purple book on top and flip through all the pages, then click on the papers in the folders below the book.

Now leave by the front door. The nightwatchmen start off standing still
at the leftmost of the screen. Now this part is tricky. The idea
is to get rid of the thugs guarding your hydrofoil thingy. There are
2 standing next to the ladder you came up from and there is one below the ladder next to your hydrofoil thingy. To get rid of the first one,
you need to use the nightwatchman to take him out. Walk up to where the
2 bad guys are standing (don't let them get near you or corner you)
then quickly dart to the path just below them(with the big brown crate
separating them and you. One of them should follow you slowly. Now the
nightwatchman will be patrolling the path below the one you took, so get
the bad guy to follow you then when the nightwatchman gets close move slightly away so that the nightwatchman notices the bad guy following you. If you did this correctly then the two of them should shoot each other to death!

Now for the other bad guy. Go all the way to the top-rightmost screen
and click on the top right corner of the warf (not the ship, cursor-"eyeball" symbol) click on the rope(cutscene) click again on the rope,
then click on the anchor. Now go and atttract the other bad guy towards
the anchor/net. When he steps on the net, quickly click on the anchor.
(cutscene, SPLASH!). Now go and have a little chat with the last bad
guy below. Ask him everything. (cutscene)

You'll be on your hydrofoil thingy. Now there will be 3 boats, with
guns (as usual). Go left in this screen. Click on the boats in the
middle of the screen (cursor-"eyeball" symbol) Click on the rope to
cut it (don't ask me what Arte used to cut the rope!) Then back out
one screen and click on the boat again.(cutscene, Arte uses his legendary, demi-god strength to push the boats together!!)
Now go left, and in the next screen, go near the leftedge of the
screen but try not to go to the next screen. Soon as you approach
the edge of the screen, 2 bad guys will start yelling that they've
spotted you. Quickly turn around and head back to the screen to the
right with the 2 boats BUT keep hte bad guys close to you so that they will follow you. When you arrive at the screen, click in between the
2 boats (near the front where you cut the rope) and make sure you go
in between the 2 boats and wait at the bow (front) of the boats. The
bad guys will follow you and try to squeeze between as well. (cutscene-Crushed! Indiana Jones style!)
NOTE: You can only crush 1 bad guy so don't keep trying to crush 2 at
the same time, you're not meant to.

Now if you managed to lure 2 bad guys with you, then go around, keeping
the "2 stationary boats" between you and the bad guy and go back
left to where the 2 bad guys you attracted came from. If you only managed to attract 1 bad guy the first time then go and get the other one and lead him to the "2 stationary boats" and lose him as he tries
to turn around.

Okay, you have a limited but enough time to pull this off, if you fail
you can just try again. The idea is to lure all boats, far enough (not very far), away from the bouy that is marking the little jaggered rocks
in the middle of the 2 REMAINING bad guys. The Problem: If you try to lure the bad guys away in opposite directions, doubleback, the first one
would have gotten back into postion before you can get to the bouy.
So you have to lure them in the same direction and quickly find a break
and just rush for the bouy.

Rule #1: You can only get rid of a max of 2 bad guys (1 will remain)
Rule #2: You cannot fix/sabotage the bouy then there are bad guys close
to you (less than 1/2 a screen)
Now here's how I did it. After losing/delaying the second bad guy
who is fumbling near the "2 stationary boats", go left and left again,
go near the bouy (top-middle-left of screen, roughly) the third bad guy
will come at you. Stay in this screen and lure him closer to you (this is a bit dangerous but it is near the end of the mission and you don't have time to lure him in a safer way.) Go to the bottom of the screen,
(same screen you entered and first saw the bouy) and when he's far enough away from the bouy and close enough for comfort to you, click on the bouy and whizz around keeping your distance away from the approaching bad guy (you might get shot at once)._ hç_
Once you are looking
at the bouy, click on the "plug" at the bottom of ut to sink it.
Then quickly line up the small jaggered rocks which the bad guy sho should still be following you and he should collide with the rocks
like a crash-dummy (in more ways than one!). (cutscene)

Now click on the beached crash-dummy, I mean bad guy's boat (cursor-"hand" symbol) To launch yourself outta here! Done!

Casting About

Switch to Parkhurst's Costume and Click any (W) symbol to begin mision.

In the changing room, click on the table and read the note and your
script (all pages). You can read (use) the script many times and see what Arte says. Click on the door when you feel confident enough.
(play rehearsal)
Not bad! At least someone enjoyed the play!
NOTE: I recommend you try to exit your room WITHOUT reading your script
at all! You'll be a laughingstock! (It doesn't affect the mission)

Leave your room again. Now notice there are 4 doors in this corridor
your room on the left the next is a washroom/bathroom and the one down the hall is labelled "STAGE" (no 3 quesses where that leads!) the 4th
is locked and not important the same goes for all locked doors in the

Go upstairs stairs up, bottom of screen). The first door on your left
is Mae's room. Go in. She'll talk to you and..and..so forth. (Don't you
wish you fixed that periscope sooner!) Get her Stain Slipper on the
floor. You can read the card that is on the flowers on the small
round table. Since you can't DOOO anything else right now, leave her room and go up the nearby stairs.

Enter the first door on the left. You'll talk to Degarde..blah..blah.
Ask as much as you can but he'll chuck you out anyway. Now go to the open doorway at the end of this hall (labelled "FLIES"). Now notice
there are 3 rows of "catwalks" and you are standing on the iddle one.
there is a flight of stairs in the middle leading to the carpenty shop.
Also notice there is a sandbag hanging slightly to the left of the middle of this screen. Clicking on this bag will cause it to fall and crush the beautifully crafted chair below, causing the haeartbroken floor manager to leave the carpenty shop in oin th
rder to replace it.

You will be required to do this each time you want to enter the carpenty shop. If you enter the carpenty shop 4 times with the floor manager in it, he will kill you (he "stabs" you with is WOOODEN hammer??!!).

Anyway, above the sandbag, slightly to the middle of the screen is
a can of red paint and some empty Metal Cans (get them). Click on the
sandbag. (cutscene). go up the stairs in the middle. Get the Hammer
and the Steel Chisel on the table. Then go left, and get the
Paint Brush and Awl(small pricking tool) from the table with the
half broken pieces of chairs.(Gee, how did that get broken?)

Now go right and exit through the doorway to the top-right of the
screen. Now there are 3 doorways, take the middle one leading up.
When you go around the corner and enter the next room, notice that
in that room (prop room) there is an elephant head hanging there on the left (redundant) and a double-door to your right, its locked and warnings all over it, it even says "High Voltage Electrical Equipment" how convenient.

Click on the cabinet and get the 2 glasses. Then click on the box
with the purple lining on the right of the cabinet. Get the Lip
Rouge and the String. Use the Awl on the Empty Metal Cans and then
use the string on the Empty Metal Cans with holes to get a Listening

Exit this room and go back to the "3-doorway" place and take the right
doorway down. You'll be back infront of Degarde's room. Go down all the
way back to the outside of your room and go to the washroom/bathroom
and wash the Glasses in the basin to get Clean glasses. Now go out
and go to the door marked "STAGE". You can look at the chair. Go right
and get the corkscrew on the floor. Go down and click on the dummy (jack-in-the-box). Now look carefully and go to the corner of the
stage to the left of the 2 windowed box seats. Enter the box seats
throught the small (it only looks small on your screen) yellow
doorway on your right. Click on the sawdust on the floor, next to
the chair(cutscene). Lets find out where it leads, of course you already know where--the electric equipment room. But lets just humor Arte...
Shh! Don't tell him!

Exit this room and go to the BIG yellow doorways to your left
(don't take too long deciding which one to use.) Click on the stairs
up. Click on the first doorway to your right. Rrrrruuunnn down the
hall...STOP!! Enter the Manager's Box (Mr. Fiddledy) Check out the
same holes on the floor.(cutscene). The last set of holes is (you know where).

Okay enough humoring. Go out and throught the doorway to the left
and around to the right. You should be outside Mae's room. Go upstairs
and through the doorway and go all the way across the "catwalk" to
the other doorway. Now go up and you should be in a hallway with an
open yellow double-doorway labelled "3rd Floor Lobby" and a crummy
brown door to the right--That's Fiddledy's office. Go in an talk to
Mr Gobb. blah, blah. Get the White Wine on the desk and look at
the photographs on the table. Eww! On second thought... You can also
look through the profiles of the people in the theatre on the desk.
Open the middle drawer (its very thin and you can't see it, just click
where cursor-"hand" symbol). Read both papers inside. The door on the
right can be forced open. Just use the Steel Chisel and then the Hammer.
(I'm not sure he'll appreciate that!). To your surprise there's...
absolutely nothing! Blah!

Go back to Mae's room (go out of Fiddledy's office, go up, go into
"FLIES" doorway, across catwalk and down stairs). Use Corkscrew on
White Wine, use Open Bottle of Wine on Clean Glasses. Give Clean Glass with Wine to Mae (no peeking!) She'll ask you to get CHERRY RED Lip Rouge, so go out, uptairs to catwalk and use Steel Chisel on the can of paint.

NOTE:You can only do this after doing all of the above.

Use Paint Brush on red paint, use Paint Brush with Red Paint on Lip Rouge. Go back to Mae's room (you should have memorized the route by
now!) Give her the "Cherry Red" Lip Rouge (don't kiss her). She'll
ask for her slippers next, but you've only got one. Try to give her
the one slipper and she'll tell you that she...blah..blah..might have
left it in Leopolde's dressing room.

Go out and down the stairs to outside of your room. You will over hear
a conversation with Marcella and Fiddledy. You can say anything to her
but I recommend the last response. After Fiddledy so blatantly refers
to you by "Mr. Gordon" and leaves, Mr Degarde walks out of the washroom/bathroom (not good).

You know that 4th door in your hallway that I told you was unimportant?
Well, I'll be darn! Go into the "unimportant 4th door" room and get
the 4 important keys to 4 important places from the key rack on the wall to the right.

Go out and up to Degarde's room, unlock it with Key to Degarde's Dressing Room. and look at the telegram on the floor. Look at the shoes
on the floor and use Mae's Statin Slipper on the one that matches.
If you don't know which one it is use trial and error..oh but with
elimination as well!

Click on his desk and look at the photoframe (he knows Booth alright,
or maybe its a forgery, nah!) Click on the floor plan on the left of
his desk. Woh! Its got all the elevation and windages for sniping! Or
it could be for pie throwing, hey, its a humorous play! It also explains the drilled holes you've found around the place. Click on the box on
the right. Ah, just a necklace with a "bull" symbol, nothing interesting...

Exit his room and go up the stairs to the "3-doorway" room and go
up. Use the Key Smelling of Paraffin to unlock the electrical equipment
double-doors. Look at the wires, the rack and the hole in the rack the wires are going into.

Go back to Mae's room. Give her the pair of...hey! Where she go?
Read the note. DOH! Read the telegram on the floor. Isn't that the
same one Degarde had? Done!

En Garde

Switch back to Gordon's Clothes, and start the mission.

Go to the 2 people talking in the alley. Blah, blah. Go in the "trap" door (there's only one door). Degarde will sportingly give you a stage
prop sword to defend yourself with. Common sense will tell you can't
kill him with THAT! Gee, what would Zorro do in a situation like this.

That's it! Start backing off straight away get some distance between
you and him keep clicking on the right of the screen. If he gets too
close block his sword by right-clicking on him when your cursor changes to a
sword symbol with an X on top(not when there is a circle-that's to attack)
just when he raises his weapon to hit you. Keep backing off right until you
reach the rightmost side of the stage with the tied ropes thingy (you're
getting the idea, huh?).

When you are close enough, click on the ropes to let down a sandbag
on Degarde's head. (cutscene+ego trip) Done! Yes, I'm not kidding..
mission accomplished!

The next mission is back to Jim West.

Broken Hopes

Go and listen to all the voice messages from Arte. start the mission.

You start off getting off your horse and standing next to a make-shift
sign "Broken Hope" go right and up to a huge checker board, guess whose
favorite game this is. Looking at the setup here, you think walking around in a wetsuit and rubber flippers wouldn't look foolish.

The square you are standing on points to the starting black square,
so jump on that one. Nothing dramatic happens, thats good. The good
news is you'll know if you jumped on the wrong square, the bad news
is its too late to regret it!

Okay, for those o you who know to play chess: you are supposed move
like a knight in english chess (L-shaped). And the electric "bulls"
on the board also are like knights as you cannon jump onto a squares
they are guarding or you'll be zapped back to your former square. If
you make an illegal move (not L-shaped) then the big lightning rods will
zap you (tough).

For the benefit of those who:
i) don't know chess.
ii) can't stand chess.
iii) Couldn't care less for chess.
iv) are impatient.
v) have pulled out all their hair over this puzzle!

For example, when I write "2U1R" <-- this means "jump to the square which is 2 squares up and 1 square to the right of the current square you are standing on" (NOT jump 2 squares and then jump 1 square right later, you'll know you've made a wrong movs and
e if you get zapped.)
(L=left, R=right, U=up, D=down)

Here's the move list:
(Btw, you should be already standing on the first black square)
At this stage you should be right next to the exit but don't jump to it from here, its still considered and illegal move.
2D1R (To the exit!)

Go right and up and OWIE! You get knocked out and put in jail. Talk to
Electra Steele..blah..blah..ow!(again). Talk to Mims. Ask everything.
Click on Mims to get his gun, then click on the jail door (which I guess
wasn't locked) and get out through the back door on the left.

When no one can spot you, click on the window on the left (with the
curtain blowing in the wind) and climb inside. Get the Sleeping Pills
and White Hat. Wear the white hat (by using it on your full portrait)

Now you won't be recognized at long distances. They think you're
Dusty--the guy sleeping. Although you have a gun don't even think
of firing it now there are way too many bad guys that can swarm you.
You MUST absolutely use stealth, no two ways about it.

Okay, just walk out the front door of Dusty's house(it says "HOTEL" btw)
and walk across to the saloon. Rufus, the guy on the roof will ask you
to get him a beer. Obviously don't go in the front door, instead go to the right and to the back of the saloon. There is a ladder on the left,
thats where Rufus is. Go into the backdoor of the saloon on the right.
You'll crawl under the bar. Use the Sleeping Pills on the bottle of
rye, on the bar, the 2 bad guys are drinking from. They should be asleep
soon. Get the beer from the shelf marked "BEER" Duh! But don't forget
to loot the 2 drunk bad guys! You'll get the info on what they are planning.

Go out the way you came in (don't have to crawl) and go up the ladder.
You'll automatically knock out Rufus (loot him). Use the ladder to
get back down. Now go down the alley to the left of the ladder and
down to the "WAREHOUSE". Go in but stand at the door way first then
click on the grandfather clock on the right. Using your telekinetic powers click TWICE on the hands to move the hands through the glass
to 12 o'clock. Then get out of here and go down and around the house
so that no one can see you when they go running out of the WAREHOUSE.

After they hear twelve "gongs" on the clock, they will think its time for the town to be disintegrated and they will run for thier lives.
Make sure they have run all the way out until you can't see them anymore before coming out of your cover. Go back in and get the key on the table on the left. Read the note pinned on the table and go to the back where they were carrying the boxes. Inhey g
the furthest back room behind a barrel and a short stack of crates you should find your backpack. Get it along with all your original items and weapons.

Okay, time to rumble! I got out the lightning gun (again). Then go to the "City Hospital and Undertakering" house at the beginning of the town its the opposite direction from the Mines (which is a redundant structure) You can also see from the map in cove
your Journal (if you
been looting the bad guys) where the Lab is. Its in the Tomb.

But first the "City Hospital and Undertakering" house. there will be a guy running from the left as you approach. Quickly turn back and
head for the saloon now you can either enter the saloon by the front
door or the back alley, it doesn't matter. I went in the front door,
they can't follow you in there. This gave me time to get out my lightning gun and reload all guns. So go out to the back alley (the one you used to sneak into the saloon before, use the back door if you're in the saloon) and wait for the first guy tobe a
pop around the corner (you might want to move a little closer if you're using the lightning gun.
You got about 3 seconds to take out the first bad guy before the second one notices you as well. So, what I did was fry the first in one shot (normally empting the full charge on the lightning gun does the trick!)
then either switch to another weapon to take out the second or keep
"jumpstarting" him to death!

Quickly run into the "City Hospital and Undertakering" house and fry (or shoot where applicable) the bad guy inside the house. Go further in and examine note on the huge "coffin". Then examine the calender on the wall, there's a safe behind it. Use tr in
he Small Key to unlock it and get the Stone Seal from the safe.

Go out into the cemetary on the left and into the large crypt. Inside, use the Stone Seal on the "tomb" to the right (cursor-"eyeball" symbol).
(cutscene) Go on in! Go up the stairs. (cutscene) Buried-alive! PAAAANIIIIC!! Just kidding.

Go right in the fork first there is an ammo crate which I recommend
using (It gives you 99 bullets to your Colt .45 Revolver-which I never used so far!). To the right will be a mechanised torso of a "guy in a suit-not sure if its Armani.." Oh just blow it away! Go to the table
where it is and click on the blue-prints (I know, its not blue) next to the arm of the terminator. Click on the words circled in red then click on it again (cursor-"hand" symbol) then take the Electrical Wire that's
left. Get the Electric Battery on the floor behind the table and use it
with the Electrical Wire to get Battery with Electric Wire.

Now go back an take the left in the fork. Immediately, there will be
a rolling "Mr Slamman" 'achugging on the track. Don't try and shoot it you can't kill it that way. Instead quickly click on the control box thingy on the ground next to the track(middle of screen) and use your Battery with Electric Wire on it. (cutsclick
ene) Now go and shake the "Slamman"'s hand Oops! It came off! (Get Leather Gloves). Now you can
practice your boxing and kung-fu kicks! Not really. Go right. Go up the
small (looks small from where I'm standing) flight of stairs on the left of the stage. Get the Wire Cable on the floor.

Go back to the room where you shot the mechanised torso of a "guy in a suit" and go to the back of the table where you got the Electric Battery. Use the Wire Cable on the floor or the opening to the right
(wherever cursor is a "green gear" symbol) and use Leather Gloves on
the Wire Cable on the floor. You'll repel doen to the roof where Rufus
was. Done!

Grant Finale

You'll be alternating between Arte and Jim in this mission which has
already started.

(Blah, blah + plot info)

Arte's turn:
Use your Listening Device on the top-left corner of the screen
(in your room, cursor-"green gear" symbol, its hard to spot unless you know what you're looking for). (plot info)

Jim's turn:
You can snipe or run up to the 2 guys and just fire away. The Noiseless Pistol shoots very fast (just keep right clicking). It will, however,
break (again) after you kill both these guys, great. Go to the corner
of the back lot (away from the door to the stage). You should see a horse and carriage. Click on the barrel (middle-left of screen, cursor-"eyeball" symbol) and get the carrots, use them on the horse/donkey (whatever) (cutscene, recognize the "coffinear"
"?). Click on the "coffin" to
enter the theatre.

Arte's turn:
Go to Fiddledy's room. (From your room, upstairs twice, across the
catwalk to the other side, up and the crummy door on the right!
Now you know the locked door with absolutely nothing inside? Well
guess who is in there. Do the same thing, use the Steel Chisel and
then the Hammer. EEEYAH! Oh, its just Fiddledy. (Arte figures out the
sinister plan) Can you figure it out too before the next cutscene..?!!

(Jim and Arte meet) (cutscene)

Jim's turn:
Pratt is point a gun on you and you have a Busted Noiseless Pistol.
OO..kaaay..let's take the time to think (or write your will).
>>flash back<< Remember the flaw of the "Slamman"? Magnetizism! Go
near the machine( cursor-"green (!!)" (Don't click on Pratt, yet).
Pratt will get his gun stuck on the machine, NOW click on him when
the cursor is a "fist with an explosion around it". K.O.! (cutscene)

The game is not quite over. (conversation with "Grant", blah,blah)
Ambush! In your own train, talk about security! Anyway after the
two Steele sister get blinded by the flash of light, (Quick! Have
your way with them!!!) *AHEM* click on Electra Steele then on Mae
(or whats-her-name!) Seen the movie? Well it works here too!
GAME OVER!!! Yeah! Let's play that again!
>>collapses after 24 hours of gameplay!<<

Brought to you by Bounty Hacker

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