Beyond Time

Beyond Time

18.10.2013 03:27:58
Beyond Time

An Adventure Game by DreamCatcher Interactive

Walkthrough by Karen July

Abydos - West Bank

The game begins in the Ruins of Abydos. Turn around, go forward
three, take left, and the statue of Osiris will flash and take you
back in time to present-day Abydos.


F=Forward, R=Right, L=Left, U=Up, D=Down, LA=Angle Left, RA= Angle
Right, T=Turn Around

During this first part of the walkthrough, follow these
directional abbreviations to guide you to the necessary

At different locations throughout the game, visions of Isis,
Osiris, and the Priestess will appear. Listen to what they say as
they will give clues. You can rehear their clues by pushing the
Play button that appears on the screen after the first time you
hear it. This Play button will always appear anytime you are in
the exact location/direction of when you first heard the message.

You are in Osiris Court. Go F,L Priestess appears with message to
find HorusAmulet and restore it to him. Go F, F and you are
standing in front of the door to the Great Court of Horus. Open
it. Go F, F, F and you will be standing in front of the Statue of
Horus. Go F, L, F, R, D and pick up HorusAmulet (to pick up, click
the "hand" on it; automatically it will be transferred to your
inventory). Note there is a video-tape machine next to the Amulet.
You can't do anything with this until you have put the Amulet in
Horuschest. Go U, R, R, R, F, L, F, L, L to again stand in front
of the statue of Horus. Click on the Amulet in your inventory and
drag it to the light spot in Horuschest. The Priestess will appear
and say you can now pass.

Go R, F, RA, F, D and read the ragged parchment paper. Go U, L, F,
F, L and note the three symbols on the pillar. This is one of the
four combinations to enter the Isis Chamber. Go F, R, F, L, F and
open the wooden chest to find another of the four combinations to
enter the Isis Chamber. Go U, U, L, L, F, L, F, LA, F to find the
third of four combinations to enter the Isis Chamber. Click hand
to back away from wall. Go L, F, R, F, F, R and click on table.
Read ragged parchment paper on top of table. Open drawer in table
and find fourth combination to Isis Chamber. You now have the four
combination codes to enter the Isis Chamber across the courtyard:

Go U, L, F and open the chest and read the ragged parchment paper.

Go U, T, F, R, F and read ragged parchment paper on the desk.
Next, click on the scroll on the desk and the scroll will open.
If you move the cursor over the right side of the opened scroll,
to the right-pointing finger, and click, you will read more of the
scroll. Keep clicking on the side until the entire scroll is read.
Note one scroll page with symbols of the four elements (air, fire,
water and earth) and another page with symbols for the four
directions (North, East, South and West) -- these eight symbols
are needed to solve the Obelisk Puzzle. Note other pages talk
about the offerings needed to take a boat ride across the river to
the east bank (Anubis, Horus, and Urn of Wheat).

Go U, R, F, R, F, L and move cursor around till it turns into a
hand. Click the hand to open the scroll titled The Book of the
Dead. Read this scroll all the way through. It has clues to the
four gates later in the Labyrinth.

Go L, F, F, R and click hand on scroll to open the Book of Gates.
Note specifically the following four pages which are
clues/solutions to rooms in the Labyrinth (pages about the First,
Second, Third, and Fourth chambers):

1stChamber: Hint for the Labyrinth Jackal Room

2ndChamber: Hint for the Labyrinth Hall of Scales

3rdChamber: Hint for the Labyrinth Crystal Orb Room

4thChamber: Hint for the Labyrinth Mummy Room

Go L, RA, and click hand to read scroll about Akhenaten.

Go T, F, F,F,F,F,F,F,U,U,RA,F into the PriestessRoom. Go F,F,D and
read the letter from Menet on the desk. Read the scroll titled the
Betrayal of Osiris. Read the scroll titled The Serpents of
Sakkara, which is the solution to the snake puzzle. Go U,T,F,R,
and click hand on the snake puzzle. (Right click your mouse and
push the Help Button to see the Egyptian number equivalents.)

The Snake Puzzle Scroll Hints

The Snake Puzzle

Note that the Snake Puzzle abstractly looks like a pyramid with
four number disks on each of the three sides (4 on left, 4 on
right, 4 on bottom). Note that there are six snakes, each with
two heads, a number disk in each head. Disks numbered 10, 11,
and 12 are fixed. To solve this puzzle, the sums of the 4 disks
on each side of the pyramid must total 26, and at the same time,
the sum of the two heads of each snake must total 13. Once you
have done this correctly, the drawer will open and you can pick
up the Eye of Horus.

Now, we want to go back and look at the video tape that was next
to the Amulet of Horus we found on the floor below. We also have
to find the four Element Keys.

Before we leave the PriestessRoom, go back to the desk across the
room. Don't look Down. Move the cursor over the wall above the
desk until it turns into a hand Click the hand to open the secret
cache. Click on the Element Key for Air and it transfers to your

Go back downstairs to the Great Court of Horus to find the video
tape on the floor. Push the blue button to activate the video and
listen to it. When you come Up from the tape, Priestess appears
with message about the Travelers.

Go into the Great Hall to the side of the Altar facing the
Library. Move the cursor around the base of the altar until it
turns into a hand. Click the hand to open the secret cache. Click
on the Element Key for Fire and it transfers to your inventory.

Leave the interior of the Great Court of Horus back out into
Osiris Court. (Before you leave, you might want to wander around
to see if you can trigger any more appearances of the Priestess
with messages and clues.)

Two steps out the door, turn left to the water pool. Move the
cursor till it becomes a hand and click to retrieve the Element
Key for Water and transfer it to your inventory.

Go U, R, F,F,F to the door of the Isis Chamber. Move the cursor
till it becomes a hand and click to focus on the door combination.
Enter any one of the four combinations (noted earlier) to open
the door. Enter the Isis Chamber. Once inside, Isis will appear
with a message (you might have to turn left once to trigger the
appearance). Her message will be a clue to getting past one of
the Isis Gates in the Labyrinth. After her message, an item will
appear on the floor. Click on the item to transfer it to your
inventory. Leave the Isis Chamber, turn around. Repeat these
instructions for all four of the combinations, hearing four total
messages with clues to the four gates in the Labyrinth, and
receiving four total items: a golden Ankh, a golden Urn of Wheat
Offering, a golden statue of Anubis Offering, and a Golden statue
of Horus Offering.

Back in the Osiris Court, head towards the Boat Dock. Notice the
two clay pots on either side of the Dock. Facing the dock, the
left-hand pot contains the fourth Element Key of Earth. Find it,
click on it to transfer it to your inventory.

Go to the Obelisk in the Courtyard. Right click your mouse and
push the Help Button; turn the pages of the help book until you
come to the glyphs for the four directions. Note which one is
East. At the Obelisk, walk around it (there are four sides, one
for each direction) until you find the glyph for East on the
Obelisk. Go forward for a closeup of that direction. On the top
of the Obelisk your cursor turns to a hand. Click until the Ankh
glyph appears, that back away. You have just set one of the four
Obelisks to East.

Wander around the Osiris Court to see if you can trigger any
more visions.

Go to the front of the statue of Osiris. Move the Eye of Horus
from your inventory to the indentation on the base of the statue
in the shape of the eye. This opens the stairway down into The
Dark Way. Go down the stairway and forward to the room with the
orb above the four-sided pedestal, with four doors other than the
one you came in. Drag the four Element Keys in your inventory onto
the corresponding side of the pedestal. When you have all four in
place, push the Earth Element Key on the pedestal to open the
doorway. Go down the open door tunnel and pick up the bucket of
dirt which transfers to your inventory. A gap appears in the wall
before you, but you can't do anything with it yet.

Go back to the Orb Room and push the Element Key for Water. Go
down the open door tunnel and pick up the bucket of water which
transfers to your inventory. Move the cursor around until a hand
appears over a "scale". Drag the bucket of dirt from your
inventory onto the "scale" to trigger a bridge over the moat
surrounding the Obelisk. Go to the Obelisk and set this Obelisk
to East as well. (Same as you did to the Obelisk in the Courtyard)

Go back to the Orb Room and push the Element Key for Fire. Go down
the open door tunnel and click on the torch on the wall which
transfers to your inventory. Go the rest of the way down the
tunnel and drag the bucket of water from your inventory onto the
fire to put it out. Go further down the tunnel to the Obelisk,
and again set this one to East.

Go back to the Orb Room and push the Element Key for Earth again.
Go to the end of the tunnel and drag the torch from your inventory
onto the gap in the wall before you to open the door. Go further
until you find the Obelisk. Set this one, too, to East.

Go back to the Orb Room and push the Element Key for Air. Go to
the end of the tunnel into the organ room. The door shuts behind
you. The only way to open the door to get out is to solve the
organ puzzle. Listen to the sounds being played. You must make
the pipes in the puzzle sound the same tune. The solution looks
as below. When the hand appears, click it to play the pipes in
order from right to left as they appear in the rack. You have
to move the pipes around in the rack until they look like this
and play the same song. When successful, the door will open
again. There is no Obelisk. here.

When you've solved the Organ puzzle and set all four Obelisks to
East, the Boat from across the river will be waiting for you at
the dock. Leave the Dark Way back to the surface. When you step
back into the courtyard and the statue of Osiris moves back to
cover the stairway to the Dark Way, turn around and click on the
Eye of Horus you put in the Osiris statue's base, to put the Eye
of Horus back in your inventory. You will need the Eye later in
the game, and if you don't pick it up now, you'll have to come
back for it.

Go to the Boat Dock. Go forward to the end of the dock, turn left
and forward to the boat. Turn left and face the altar. This is
where you place the three offerings you received from Isis: The
Golden Urn, the Golden Anubis, and the Golden Horus. Drag each
item into it's cubbyhole in the altar. From left to right: Urn,
Anubis, Horus. To get successfully across the river to the East
Bank, you must get all three offerings across without them eating
each other. You can only carry one offering at a time, so:

At the West Bank altar, click on the Horus and take the Horus
across the river and place it in the East Bank altar on the
other side. Come back across the river (empty-handed).

At the West Bank altar, click on the Urn and take the Urn
across the river and place it in the East Bank alter there.
Pick up the Horus in the East Bank altar and bring it back
across and put it in the West Bank altar.

At the West Bank altar, click on the Anubis and take the
Anubis across the river and place it in the East Bank alter
there. Come back across the river (empty-handed).

At the West Bank altar, click on the Horus and take the Horus
across the river and place it in the East Bank altar on the
other side. You have successfully solved the Boat puzzle.

Abydos - East Bank

Click on the three offerings in the East Bank altar to put them
back in your inventory. Leave the Boat Dock and head for the doors
straight ahead. Enter the chamber and go forward to the foot of
the statue of Osiris. Drag each of the three offerings onto its
corresponding spot at the feet of Osiris. The door will unlock
behind Osiris into the Labyrinth. Enter the door into the
Vestibule (first room in the Labyrinth). Use the map provided in
the Strategic Clues Booklet provided with the game.

Go to each of the crew's living quarters. Look around and observe
things. Each room will have a video player with five crystals in
front. Each crystal, when placed, shows chronological videos made
of the room's inhabitant. Look at all the videos on each crystal
in each room to get clues and understanding of what is going on.
These are the Travelers. Take special note in Lantisquarters of
the torn paper on the desk. The numbers on the paper are the
solution to the end-game crystal puzzle.

Go to each of the Rooms: Crystal Orb Room, Scale Room, Jackal
Room, and Mummy Room. Each has a puzzle you must solve. Earlier
in this walkthrough are pictures of the hints from the scrolls in
the Library back on the West Bank corresponding to each room. In
each room, after you solve the puzzle, find the crystal and click
on it to get coordinates needed to open the various time gates:

Jackal Room: Use the Eye of Horus on the statue. Click on the cube
for coordinates to Lhasa 85:80:40.

Mummy Room: Use the sequence provided in the Hint Picture (above)
for this room to solve the puzzle. Click on the obelisk for
coordinates to the Space Station 14:25:50.

Crystal Orb Room: Hands appear over tiles in front of you on the
floor. Use the map provided in the Hint Picture (above) for this
room. Step on tiles according to the map picture: Star, Star,
Moon, Moon, Star. This will get you across the room. Click on the
orb for coordinates to Atlantis 19:60:30.

Hall of Scales: The scroll page to solve this puzzle is provided
above in the Hint Picture for this room. The solution is to pour
blood from the biggest pitcher into the middle pitcher; then pour
blood from the middle pitcher into the smallest pitcher; then
compare the biggest with the smallest and they should be equal.
Once solved, click on the crystal pyramid for coordinates to
Tikal 64:90:20.

After you've visited all living quarters and solved the four room
puzzles, you can go on to solve the four Isis Gate puzzles. When
you get to each gate door, a pillar will rise from the floor. When
you click on the pillar, Isis will ask a question the same ones
she told you about back in the Isis Chamber on the West Bank. You
need to answer by clicking the correct number on the pillar:

Isis Gate 1 = 074 Isis Gate 2 = 018 Isis Gate 3 = 004
Isis Gate 4 = 014

After you've opened the fourth gate, before you go through the
Guardian Doors, go investigate Howard's Living Quarters (between
the third and fourth gates). As you did in each of the other
living quarters, listen to all the crystal video tapes and look
around. On the desk in Howard's room is a box with a key inside.
You must pick this up and put it in your inventory for future use.

Now you can go to the Guardian Doors. Drag the Golden Ankh from
your inventory onto the doors to open them. Go through the doors
to the elevator. Take the elevator up one level to the Time Gate
room. Stepping into the room, you face the Time Gate Console.
Walk around the room to find the planet for Earth and click the
red button on it's pedestal to activate. Go to the Time Gate
Console. On the console are a red and green button and a triangle
to the right. Click on the red button to activate the triangle.
Click on the triangle until the word Lhasa appears below the
green button. Click the green button to select the location,
and the screen changes to a grid with number input buttons for
coordinates. Enter the coordinates given above for Lhasa and be
transported in time to Lhasa, Tibet.


Go into the Buddha chamber and click the hand on the Buddha's head
to open the stairway down. Go down the stairway. Wander around
until you find the Monk's Room. You can open the door and hear
the chant, but nothing else to do. Wander some more until you
find the room with the open door. Enter. Go forward and read the
book on the low coffee table -- this is the solution to the
Mandala puzzle on the wall. Go to the Mandala puzzle. The solution
to this puzzle is like the snake puzzle. There are six Lobes
(clusters of three numbers). There are nine "snakes" each with
two heads. The top lobe, from left to right, should be 8, 18, 4.
After you've set this first, make each of the six lobes total 30,
and at the same time the sum of the two heads of each "snake" must
equal 20. Once you accomplish this, the puzzle is solved and the
"key" transferred to your inventory.

Go back to the TimeGate Console. Click the Red button to activate
the triangle, click the triangle until the word Tikal shows below
the Green button; click the green button to select Tikal; and at
the grid screen, enter the coordinates to Tikal (noted earlier).
You will be transported to Tikal.


Find the Ballcourt Puzzle. This is the tilework on the ground that
looks like dice. It doesn't matter from which direction you
approach it. On the pillar in front of you as you face the
ballcourt are the dice sequence you must follow to safely cross
the ballcourt from one yellowed tile to the yellowed tile on the
other side. The sequence is different depending upon which side
you approach from. Once you are safely across, the highest temple
is accessible. Climb the stairs and click on the power crystal to
transfer it to your inventory.

Find the temple with the well (blue pillars). Go down into the
well. Use the key from the Mandala puzzle on the door to open it.
Go forward seven steps down the hall into the Sarcophagus room.
Turn left twice and click the hand on the post to get close. Click
the hand on the post and hear a click. Go around the room opening
the four panels with Hawks on them to see glowing globes. Step
once back into the hallway, turn right, and click on the skull
that was behind the hawk panel your focus is now on the post
again. Click the post again and the lights from the glowing globes
will center and beam on the Sarcophagus to open it. Look in the
Sarcophagus and take the power crystal from the skeleton's hand.
Go back to the Time Gate Console.


At the Time Gate Console, go to the Atlantis coordinates. When you
arrive, go forward from the timegate in Atlantis till you find the
elevator to the underwater pod. Take the elevator down to the pod.
Note that it's easy to get lost in the underwater city. Again,
your quest is to find another of the power crystals hidden by

Navigation: R= Right crystal, L=Left crystal, U = top crystal,
D = Bottom crystal. Of course, Left means left, Right means right,
Up means forward, and Down means turn around.

Go F,F,F,R,F,R,F,L,F,L,F. Use the "arm" control in the pod to
retrieve the crystal and transfer it to your inventory. Reverse
this sequence to get back to the pod dock. DON'T FORGET: THE DOWN
CRYSTAL MEANS TURN AROUND, NOT BACK UP!! When you are back at the
dock, the only way you know you are there is if you can "finger
up". Go back to the Time Gate Console.

Space Station

Back at the Time Gate Console room. Walk around to find the planet
for Traveler I and click on it's red button to activate. Return to
the Time Gate Console. Again, you want to go to the Traveler I
coordinates. However, when you try to do so, it indicates you
don't have sufficient power. That's what the POWER crystals are
for that you've been gathering in the other Times. You must go to
the Power Room and insert these crystals in their places. To get
to the Power room, go back into the Lift and go up one more level.
Step out and drag the three power crystals in your inventory into
different power receptacles it doesn't matter which. Go back down
to the Time Gate Console and go to the Space Station.

When you arrive at the Space Station, go out the door, take a
right and go back into the other door. This is the elevator. Go to
the second level the garden. Find the access keycard as you walk
around the garden. In the garden there is also a lounge area.
Click on the game center with the arms and note the three digit
code on the pyramid crystal. This is the entry code into Howard's
cabin on the station. Go back to the elevator and put your access
keycard into the elevator pad. Go to level three. There are two
stairways. At the top of one is the keypad access to Howard's
cabin. Enter the access code to his cabin to unlock the door (the
one you got in the Garden). Go back down and then up to Howard's
cabin. There are two levels in his cabin. Upstairs you can view
a couple videos. Downstairs find the cabinet. Use the key (from
the box in Howard's living quarters in the Labyrinth) on the
cabinet to get the last power crystal (blue).

Go back to the Time Gate Console. Turn around and go into the
lift. Go up to the crystal power station. Place the blue power
crystal in the only empty receptacle. This triggers the end-game
crystal sequence. Remember the torn paper in Lantisroom? Enter
the numbers from that paper here to solve the end game.

VOILA! That's It! Th-th-th-that's all folks!!!

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