Madden NFL 2001

Madden NFL 2001

16.10.2013 14:09:00


In the game there is a SECRET CODES option in the SETTINGS. Enter these
codes and get the histrorical teams:

Nowhereman '99 Rams
Miracleplay '99 Titans
Giftball '98 Falcons
2isnice '98 Broncos
Missedchance '98 Vikings
Noluck '98 Packers
The catchtwo '98 49ers
Overdue '97 Broncos
Nopackattack '97 Packers
Defense '96 Panthers
Notquitethere '96 Broncos
Almost '96 Packers
Takeemdown '96 Jaguars
Tunaisgood '96 Patriots
Bluesilver '95 Cowboys
Newcomeback '95 Colts
Onemanmatters '95 Chiefs
Jumpintheriver '95 Steelers
Ropin '94 Cowboys
Ouch '94 Broncos
Olejoe '94 Chiefs
Charge '94 Chargers
Bythebay '94 49ers
Notagain '93 Bills
Whoisbetter '93 Cowboys
Comebackkid '92 Bills
Howboutem '92 Cowboys
Sackman '92 Packers
Weakdefense '92 Oilers
Headbag '92 Saints
Stillyoung '92 49ers
Neonlights '91 Falcons
Stillproud '91 Bills
Givemearungame '91 Broncos
Toomuch '91 Lions
Skinme '91 Redskins
Wideright '90 Bills
Visionquest '90 Chiefs
Oneeye '90 Raiders
Ilovekickers '90 Giants
Cuttingham '90 Eagles
Yearinyearout '90 49ers
Crushed '89 Broncos
Garnetandgold '89 49ers
Neversleep '88 Bears
Nohope '88 Bengals
Moonball '88 Oilers
Bengalkiller '88 49ers
Fumbleruski '87 Browns
Hitter '87 Broncos
Manoman '87 Saints
Redman '87 Redskins
Nonstop '86 Browns
Thedrive '86 Broncos
Peas '86 Giants
Flyaway '85 Falcons
Upset '85 Bears
Opendome '85 Cowboys
Awayfromhome '85 Raiders
Giantslayer '85 Dolphins
Blowout '85 Patriots
Airliner '85 Jets
Inthehills '84 Rams
Dantheman '84 Dolphins
Themanslayer '84 49ers
Raingoaway '84 Seahawks
Homesick '83 Raiders
Nomatterwho '83 Redskins
Beforetheman '82 Dolphins
Jetsjetsjets '82 Jets
Dcsbest '82 Redskins
Tigers '81 Bengals
Nochance '81 Cowboys
Blockedkick '81 Dolphins
Ironman '81 Chargers
Thecatch '81 49ers
Upupup '80 Falcons
Lionheart '80 Lions
Dirtyrich '80 Oilers
Raidacrossbay '80 Raiders
Greenboys '80 Eagles
Comeback '79 Cowboys
Ramitdown '79 Rams
Blackiscool '79 Steelers
Pirates '79 Bucaneers
Aheadatthehalf '79 Redskins
Recordnight '78 Cowboys
Earl '78 Oilers
Cannedtuna '78 Dolphins
Holy '78 Raiders
Dynasty '78 Steelers
Roller '78 Chargers
Ghosttothepost '77 Colts
Itscoldinhere '77 Bears
Usateam '77 Cowboys
Onemilehigh '77 Broncos
Theghost '77 Raiders
Powerofpurple '76 Vikings
Patgames '76 Patriots
Madteam '76 Raiders
Hailmary '75 Cowboys
Angelcity '75 Rams
Purple '75 Vikings
Allaboutmadden '75 Raiders
Miracleleap '75 Steelers
Baseballteam '75 Cardinals
Defenders '74 Dolphins
Tark '74 Vikings
Struggle '74 Raiders
Steelcurtain '74 Steelers
Orangejuice '73 Bills
Junglecats '73 Bengals
83to55 '73 Dolphins
Longlive '73 Vikings
Airshow '72 Colts
Perfect '72 Dolphins
Airtime '72 Jets
Sour '72 Raiders
Lucky '72 Steelers
Redwithenvy '72 Redskins
Stars '71 Cowboys
Overtime '71 Chiefs
Longestgame '71 Dolphins
Geedyup '70 Colts
MNF '70 Browns
Rideon '70 Cowboys
Courage '70 Lions
Peopleeater '70 Vikings
Marchon '70 Saints
Damnyankees '70 Jets
Nofluke '69 Chiefs
Allfluke '69 Vikings
Shocker '68 Colts
Heidi '68 Raiders
Tvtimeout '68 Jets
Tundra '67 Cowboys
Snowplow '67 Packers
Blitzer '67 Rams
Grayandblack '67 Raiders
Whoshotjr '66 Cowboys
Champs '66 Packers
Megiveyou '66 Chiefs
Littlepeople '65 Browns
Outdoors '63 Bears
Getem '62 Texans
Therewasaman '62 Oilers
Greenwings '60 Eagles
Stables '58 Colts
Jollygreen '58 Giants
Goldrush '57 49ers
Lionpower '57 Lions
Buyme Ecko Team
Maddenmen Millenium Team
Supermadden Superbowl Team
Inthesun Tiburon Team
Inthegame EA Sports
Scareme Monsters Team
Sugarplease Sugar Buzz
Kingtut Mummies Team
Handsup Marshalls Team
1999mad 1999 All Madden Team
98madden 1998 All Madden Team
mad1997 1997 All Madden Team
madden96 1996 All Madden Team
1995mad 1995 All Madden Team
94madden 1994 All Madden Team
mad1993 1993 All Madden Team
madden92 1992 All Madden Team
1991mad 1991 All Madden Team
90madden 1990 All Madden Team
mad1989 1989 All Madden Team
madden88 1988 All Madden Team
1987mad 1987 All Madden Team
86madden 1986 All Madden Team
mad1985 1985 All Madden Team
madden84 1984 All Madden Team
Goldniners All 49ers
Brownbear All Bears
Orangetiger All Bengals
Bluebills All Bills
Buckingbronco All Broncos
Littlebrowns All Browns
Mightybucs All Buccaneers
Flyingcards All Cardinals
Bluechargers All Chargers
Redchiefs All Chiefs
Whitecolts All Colts
Bluecowboys All Cowboys
Aquafins All Dolphins
Greeneagles All Eagles
Blackfalcons All Falcons
Biggiants All Giants
Jagsroar All Jaguars
Greenjets All Jets
Silverlions All Lions
Yellowpack All Packers
Bigcats All Panthers
Redpats All Patriots
Silverraid All Raiders
Goldrams All Rams
Darkbird All Ravens
Redindians All Redskins
Marchingin All Saints
Highbirds All Seahawks
Blacksteel All Steelers
Towerover All Titans
Conquer All Vikings


Im Menü gibt es eine Option Secret Codes in den Settings. Hier tippe

Wenn du als xxx spielen willst:

Nowhereman '99 Rams
Miracleplay '99 Titans
Giftball '98 Falcons
2isnice '98 Broncos
Missedchance '98 Vikings
Noluck '98 Packers
The catchtwo '98 49ers
Overdue '97 Broncos
Nopackattack '97 Packers
Defense '96 Panthers
Notquitethere '96 Broncos
Almost '96 Packers
Takeemdown '96 Jaguars
Tunaisgood '96 Patriots
Bluesilver '95 Cowboys
Newcomeback '95 Colts
Onemanmatters '95 Chiefs
Jumpintheriver '95 Steelers
Ropin '94 Cowboys
Ouch '94 Broncos
Olejoe '94 Chiefs
Charge '94 Chargers
Bythebay '94 49ers
Notagain '93 Bills
Whoisbetter '93 Cowboys
Comebackkid '92 Bills
Howboutem '92 Cowboys
Sackman '92 Packers
Weakdefense '92 Oilers
Headbag '92 Saints
Stillyoung '92 49ers
Neonlights '91 Falcons
Stillproud '91 Bills
Givemearungame '91 Broncos
Toomuch '91 Lions
Skinme '91 Redskins
Wideright '90 Bills
Visionquest '90 Chiefs
Oneeye '90 Raiders
Ilovekickers '90 Giants
Cuttingham '90 Eagles
Yearinyearout '90 49ers
Crushed '89 Broncos
Garnetandgold '89 49ers
Neversleep '88 Bears
Nohope '88 Bengals
Moonball '88 Oilers
Bengalkiller '88 49ers
Fumbleruski '87 Browns
Hitter '87 Broncos
Manoman '87 Saints
Redman '87 Redskins
Nonstop '86 Browns
Thedrive '86 Broncos
Peas '86 Giants
Flyaway '85 Falcons
Upset '85 Bears
Opendome '85 Cowboys
Awayfromhome '85 Raiders
Giantslayer '85 Dolphins
Blowout '85 Patriots
Airliner '85 Jets
Inthehills '84 Rams
Dantheman '84 Dolphins
Themanslayer '84 49ers
Raingoaway '84 Seahawks
Homesick '83 Raiders
Nomatterwho '83 Redskins
Beforetheman '82 Dolphins
Jetsjetsjets '82 Jets
Dcsbest '82 Redskins
Tigers '81 Bengals
Nochance '81 Cowboys
Blockedkick '81 Dolphins
Ironman '81 Chargers
Thecatch '81 49ers
Upupup '80 Falcons
Lionheart '80 Lions
Dirtyrich '80 Oilers
Raidacrossbay '80 Raiders
Greenboys '80 Eagles
Comeback '79 Cowboys
Ramitdown '79 Rams
Blackiscool '79 Steelers
Pirates '79 Bucaneers
Aheadatthehalf '79 Redskins
Recordnight '78 Cowboys
Earl '78 Oilers
Cannedtuna '78 Dolphins
Holy '78 Raiders
Dynasty '78 Steelers
Roller '78 Chargers
Ghosttothepost '77 Colts
Itscoldinhere '77 Bears
Usateam '77 Cowboys
Onemilehigh '77 Broncos
Theghost '77 Raiders
Powerofpurple '76 Vikings
Patgames '76 Patriots
Madteam '76 Raiders
Hailmary '75 Cowboys
Angelcity '75 Rams
Purple '75 Vikings
Allaboutmadden '75 Raiders
Miracleleap '75 Steelers
Baseballteam '75 Cardinals
Defenders '74 Dolphins
Tark '74 Vikings
Struggle '74 Raiders
Steelcurtain '74 Steelers
Orangejuice '73 Bills
Junglecats '73 Bengals
83to55 '73 Dolphins
Longlive '73 Vikings
Airshow '72 Colts
Perfect '72 Dolphins
Airtime '72 Jets
Sour '72 Raiders
Lucky '72 Steelers
Redwithenvy '72 Redskins
Stars '71 Cowboys
Overtime '71 Chiefs
Longestgame '71 Dolphins
Geedyup '70 Colts
MNF '70 Browns
Rideon '70 Cowboys
Courage '70 Lions
Peopleeater '70 Vikings
Marchon '70 Saints
Damnyankees '70 Jets
Nofluke '69 Chiefs
Allfluke '69 Vikings
Shocker '68 Colts
Heidi '68 Raiders
Tvtimeout '68 Jets
Tundra '67 Cowboys
Snowplow '67 Packers
Blitzer '67 Rams
Grayandblack '67 Raiders
Whoshotjr '66 Cowboys
Champs '66 Packers
Megiveyou '66 Chiefs
Littlepeople '65 Browns
Outdoors '63 Bears
Getem '62 Texans
Therewasaman '62 Oilers
Greenwings '60 Eagles
Stables '58 Colts
Jollygreen '58 Giants
Goldrush '57 49ers
Lionpower '57 Lions
Buyme Ecko Team
Maddenmen Millenium Team
Supermadden Superbowl Team
Inthesun Tiburon Team
Inthegame EA Sports
Scareme Monsters Team
Sugarplease Sugar Buzz
Kingtut Mummies Team
Handsup Marshalls Team
1999mad 1999 All Madden Team
98madden 1998 All Madden Team
mad1997 1997 All Madden Team
madden96 1996 All Madden Team
1995mad 1995 All Madden Team
94madden 1994 All Madden Team
mad1993 1993 All Madden Team
madden92 1992 All Madden Team
1991mad 1991 All Madden Team
90madden 1990 All Madden Team
mad1989 1989 All Madden Team
madden88 1988 All Madden Team
1987mad 1987 All Madden Team
86madden 1986 All Madden Team
mad1985 1985 All Madden Team
madden84 1984 All Madden Team
Goldniners All 49ers
Brownbear All Bears
Orangetiger All Bengals
Bluebills All Bills
Buckingbronco All Broncos
Littlebrowns All Browns
Mightybucs All Buccaneers
Flyingcards All Cardinals
Bluechargers All Chargers
Redchiefs All Chiefs
Whitecolts All Colts
Bluecowboys All Cowboys
Aquafins All Dolphins
Greeneagles All Eagles
Blackfalcons All Falcons
Biggiants All Giants
Jagsroar All Jaguars
Greenjets All Jets
Silverlions All Lions
Yellowpack All Packers
Bigcats All Panthers
Redpats All Patriots
Silverraid All Raiders
Goldrams All Rams
Darkbird All Ravens
Redindians All Redskins
Marchingin All Saints
Highbirds All Seahawks
Blacksteel All Steelers
Towerover All Titans
Conquer All Vikings
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