Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

10.10.2013 19:45:51
Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue Strategy Guide

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

Metal Fatigue

By ::: Death|Scythe

Welcome To The Metal Fatigue Strategy Guide. This guide will help you
finish the game ( using strategies ) and it will also help you create strategies
that you can use to obliterate your opponents. No matter who they are. This
guide will explain everything from the basics to the advanced. Welcome To The
Beginning Of The End ( of your opponents ) . By the way. Mil-Agro and Neuropa
Combot Parts and Units will come later. In Version 2.0

Table Of Contents

1. Basic Overview

2. Rim-Tech Overview

3. Mil-Agro Overview

4. Neuropa Overview

5. Hedoth Technology

6. Combots

7. Rim-Tech Combot Parts

8. Rim-Tech Units

9. Meta-Joules

10. Man-Power

11. Types Of Players

12. How To Defeat Opponents

13. Tips

14. Credits

1. Basic Overview

Metal Fatigue is one of the best RTS games out there. It's story takes place
when 3 brothers get caught in between a major war between the corponations. It
is a game where you must use strategy and brute strength to win the game. You
have the options of building Combots, mobile walls, tanks, missile cars, nemesis
trucks, artillery units, hover trucks, and Drill Trucks. ( See Units Section for
detailed information. ) Your hover trucks can also build airports, research
stations, AI Facilities, and more stuff ( See Buildings Section for detailed
information ) . You can also amputate your enemy combot's arms. You can even
install it to your own combot and use it against them!

Each unit has their own defese/attack damage meters. Mil-Agro Attacks are mostly
Kinetic Based, and their defenses are mostly Energy Based. Neuropa Attacks are
mostly Energy Based, and their defenses are mostly Kinetic Based. Rim-Tech
attacks and defenses slightly lean over on one side or the other, so you have to
be carefull when you build your combots.

So now you have been briefed.

So now get ready for a heapload of fun!

2. Rim-Tech Overview

Rim-Tech is a corponation that is not as violent as the others. Their primary
mission, as with the other corponations, is to regain control of hedoth prime.
Their side missions are to obliterate any other obstacles in their way.

Rim-Tech units are easy to control and make. Their Combot technology is not as
advanced as Neuropa or Mil-Agro but they are adequate. At the hands of an
experienced player. Rim-Tech can be a very brutal corponation to come up
against. Although they are not as powerfull as the other corponations, you
should never underestimate them.

3. Mil-Agro Overview

Mil-Agro is a very brutal corponation. Their primary mission is to destroy
basically anything that moves. And they have the technology to do just that.
They target Rim-Teach and Neuropa forces while they try and take over hedoth
prime. They are very violent and should NEVER be taken lightly.

Mil-Agro units are easy to control. Although the parts take a little time to
make, they are worth it. Most of Mil-Agro's combot parts are designed to
destroy. Their units are so powerful, that they can exploit even the smallest
weakness in your defenses.

4. Neuropa Overview

Neuropa is a corponation that wants to keep hedoth technology to themselves.
They are the most advanced corponation of the three. The Neuropa Combots can
literally go past your defenses without you even knowing ( literally ) .

Neuropa combots are pretty much meant for experienced users. Their combot parts
take a little longer to make, but they are definately worth it. Neuropa is my
favorite corponation. In the hands of a master, lets just say you wont last 20
minutes ( need time to make the combots ^_^ ).

5. Hedoth Technology

The target of every corponation. This technology is far more advanced then
Neuropa's. Their combots are so strong that I advise you to stay away. Even
their tanks can demolish combots in seconds. THey have alian enhancers, and
defense enhancers that you can capture during a specific mission. If you capture
an alien combot, then you are the most powerful player out there. If you manage
to manufacture 3 alien combots, you can probably obliterate a heavily defended
enemy bases with those 3 combots ( depends on how guarded they are ) . If you
want to be the strongest player on the field. Try and capture as much Hedoth
Technology as possible ( if there are any out there ).

6. Combots

Combots are the main units in the game. You decide on how they are built.
Depending on your technology level, you can customize it any way you want. If
you have all the technologies acquired for Neuropa, you can have a combot with a
Camoflauge Torso, Electro Blades, Homing Missiles, and Power Pulse Legs.
Translation ::: You have a virtually invisible combot with homing missiles (
which obliterates Hover jets and Bombers ) and a sharp Electro Blade ( which can
do major damage ) with legs that emit a blast that damages any enemy unit around
it. That is what a combot is. The best part is, you decide how its built.

7. Rim-Tech Combot Parts

Here you will learn what the Rim-Tech Combot Parts are and what they do. There
is a rating from 1-5, 1 being the highest.

Basic Torso

Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 400
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 179
Kinetic Defense - 5
Energy Defense - 5
Kinetic Attack - 0
Energy Attack - 0
Description - Basic Torso. It stands up pretty good in a battle. Doesn't do
anything special.

EMP Torso

Rating - 2
Meta-Joules - 700
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 188
Kinetic Defense - 0
Energy Defense - 8
Kinetic Attack - 10
Energy Attack - 25
Description - Emits a wide range EMP blast that sometimes disables enemy

Armor Torso

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 850
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 358
Kinetic Defense - 20
Energy Defense - 10
Kinetic Attack - 0
Energy Attack - 0
Description - Increases overall damage of your combot.

Missile Torso

Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 650
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 175
Kinetic Defense - 7
Energy Defense - 2
Kinetic Attack - 24
Energy Attack - 8
Description - Great when in combination with the missile legs and missile
arms. It does adequate damage.

Force Field Torso

Rating - 2
Meta-Joules - 650
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 140
Kinetic Defense - 5
Energy Defense - 10
Kinetic Attack - 0
Energy Attack - 0
Description - It prevents any attack at a predetermined amount of time.

Basic Legs

Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 100
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 114
Kinetic Defense - 2
Energy Defense - 2
Kinetic Attack - 0
Energy Attack - 0
Description - This is the basic legs. Doesn't do anything special.

Missile Legs

Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 225
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 119
Kinetic Defense - 4
Energy Defense - 1
Kinetic Attack - 28
Energy Attack - 8
Description - Legs that shoot out 4 missiles. Does moderate damage.

Hand To Hand Upgrade Legs

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 475
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 114
Kinetic Defense - 3
Energy Defense - 3
Kinetic Attack - 0
Energy Attack - 0
Description - Legs that increase the overall damage of any hand to hand
weapon you have. ( Example : Laser Sword, Basic Arm, Katana Arm )

Blast Pulse Legs

Rating - 2
Meta-Joules - 300
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 114
Kinetic Defense - 10
Energy Defense - 1
Kinetic Attack - 20
Energy Attack - 14
Description - Emits a wide rang pulse that damages any enemy units around

Jump Jets

Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 500
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 20
Kinetic Defense - 2
Energy Defense - 2
Kinetic Attack - 0
Energy Attack - 0
Description - Although incredibly weak, it is quite fun to fly around
shooting at your enemies.

Basic Hand

Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 65
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 112
Kinetic Defense - 7
Energy Defense - 7
Kinetic Attack - 5
Energy Attack - 5
Description - Basic Arm, Does nothing special.

Katana Arm

Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 200
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 173
Kinetic Defense - 20
Energy Defense - 3
Kinetic Attack - 20
Energy Attack - 5
Description - Does medium damage to Mil-Agro units, does moderate damage to
everything else.

Laser Sword

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 325
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 224
Kinetic Defense - 12
Energy Defense - 20
Kinetic Attack - 5
Energy Attack - 35
Description - An upgrade of the Katana Arm. Does medium damage to Neuropa
units. Still medium damage to everything else.

Energy Gun

Rating - 2
Meta-Joules - 385
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 145
Kinetic Defense - 5
Energy Defense - 12
Kinetic Attack - 5
Energy Attack - 30
Description - Shoots out an energy blast that does moderate damage. Only
good at long range. Worthless at close range. When at long
range, it does good damage.

Armor Fist

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 375
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 300
Kinetic Defense - 13
Energy Defense - 20
Kinetic Attack - 40
Energy Attack - 2
Description - Wrecks havock to enemy units. If you get the armor legs from
Neuropa it will be a perfect combination. 2 Armor Fists, an Armor
Torso, and the armor legs.

Long Missiles

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 1300
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 145
Kinetic Defense - 10
Energy Defense - 5
Kinetic Attack - 70
Energy Attack - 35
Description - Perfect against stand still targets. It SUCKS against

Power Shield

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 150
Man-Power - 0
Damage - 450
Kinetic Defense - 5
Energy Defense - 25
Kinetic Attack - 5
Energy Attack - 5
Description - Increases the overall damage of your combot.

8. Units

Here you will learn what units you can build and what they do.

Hover Trucks

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 140
Man-Power - 2
Damage - 80
Kinetic Defense - 15
Energy Defense - 15
Kinetic Attack - 0
Energy Attack - 0
Description - Hover Trucks build buildings and repair units.

Drill Trucks

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 160
Man-Power - 2
Damage - 65
Kinetic Defense - 17
Energy Defense - 17
Kinetic Attack - 6
Energy Attack - 1
Description - This is the unit that builds the elevators and invades the
hedoth structures. Also drills through some walls in the


Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 150
Man-Power - 5
Damage - 95
Kinetic Defense - 20
Energy Defense - 20
Kinetic Attack - 3
Energy Attack - 2
Description - Does Moderate Damage. Its a tank. Expect what you expect from
a tank. ^_^

Missile Car

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 125
Man-Power - 3
Damage - 50
Kinetic Defense - 12
Energy Defense - 12
Kinetic Attack - 3
Energy Attack - 2
Description - Shoots out missiles. Defends against any air type assault.


Rating - 3
Meta-Joules - 340
Man-Power - 4
Damage - 50
Kinetic Defense - 15
Energy Defense - 15
Kinetic Attack - 25
Energy Attack - 12
Description - SLOW. STRONG.

Nemesis Truck

Rating - 1
Meta-Joules - 960
Man-Power - 3
Damage - 25
Kinetic Defense - 10
Energy Defense - 10
Kinetic Attack - 50
Energy Attack - 50
Description - Disables Combots temporarily. When Underground, if their
destroyed they emit a blast that destroys nearby enemies.

9. Meta-Joules

Meta-Joules are the primary energy source in the game. They can be acquired in
two ways. The first way is to mine them from lava pits. Each lava pit is limited
in the amount of meta-joules it has. You can find meta-joules in the surface or
underground. The second way is to build Solar Panels. You can use solar panels
to convert the solar energy to meta-joules. It is better to use solar panels to
get your meta-joules since you would "never" run out of meta-joules this way.

Each unit/building/combot part requires a certain amount of meta-joules. If you
dont have the meta-joules required to build these units/buildings/combot parts,
they will not be built ( obviously ) .

10. Man-Power

In conjunction to meta-joules, units/buildings also need a certain amount of
man-power. If you have 0 man-power you can't build any more units. However, you
can still build buildings. Theses buildings, however, will not function at
optimum performance. So it is important that you have a good supply of man-
power. The more man-power you have, the faster units and buildings will be
built. So the more, the better. ^_^

11. Types Of Players

In the time that I have been playing, I have seen 5 types of players. Turtles,
Vultures, Moles, Eagles, and Pitbulls. I have named them according to the style
that they play. I will aslo explain how to defeat these types in section 15, How
To defeat your opponents.


These players are very defensive. They make sure that their base is HEAVILY
defended. They will not leave their base until they are positive that their base
is practically invincible. Once this has been accomplished. They will then
assemble a crapload ( up to 20 ) of combots to seek and destroy you.


These players tend to hide. They try be out of the way when there are more then
2 players envolved. They will try to pick up severed combot parts and use it
against you as much as they can. They will also try to use Neuropa's Cloaking
Technology to sneak in your base without you noticing. Then when they are
confident they have enough combots in your base they attack.


These players tend to build a second base underground. They will make their way
under your base, and then build 2 or 3 vehicle factories. When they are
confident they have enough ground units, they will build an elevator to the
surface and start to attack your base from the inside. Their underground base is
usually HEAVILY defended.


These players tend to take over the entire orbit first. Then they work on the
surface. They also overuse the jetboots/jetpack torso technology. They will
equipt the majority of their combots with some kind of flying mechanism. Then
they will fly to your base. They usually send air units first then the ground
units. They try to use their air units to "soften" you up, then the ground units
to finish you off.


These players tend to be highly agressive. In the beginning of the game, they
tend to send 3 to 5 combots at your base. If those combots get destroyed, they
start to really mass produce combots. When they are confident that they have
enough combots, they will then raid your base. They will attack you when you
least expect it. They will also build assembly bays as near to your base as

12. How To Defeat Your Opponents

In this section I will tell you how to defeat the 5 types of players, Turtles,
Vultures, Moles, Eagles, and Pitbulls.


In order to defeat them you really have to over power them. From the beggining
of the game. Mass produce combots and any other military units. You especially
need missile cars and nemesis trucks. Once you have about 15 or more heavily
armed combots, and your army of units, start launchin recon salvo's to find out
where your enemies are. Once you find them, send your army there. First send
your combots, then trailing behind them, the tanks, then trailing behind the
tanks, the missile cars, then trailing behind the missile cars, the nemesis
trucks. If u like, send artillery units as well.


In order to defeat them you have to build recon poles in and around your base as
soon as possible. That will prevent them from sending cloaked units into your
base. The best way to destroy them is to make sure that they are destroyed
first. Forget about the other players, just aim for the vulture type player.
Also, you need to destroy/collect all of the severed combot parts. That will
prevent the players from increasing their power.


These players are just a major pain in the butt. Since you can't send combots
underground, it is difficult to destroy their underground base because they are
defended with a crapload of tanks. The best thing you can do is to have at least
5 combots inside your base. That will prevent them from attacking from the
inside. You should also have combots around your base. That will prevent them
from attacking you head on. If you want to destroy their underground base. Send
about 20 nemesis trucks and a couple of drill trucks underground. Nemesis trucks
are weak but when they explode or get destroyed, they take tanks and missile
cars with them.


Two words, mobile walls. Mobile wall missile launcher units will obliterate
anything that tries to come in from the air. The mobile wall cannon/laser units
will take care of the ground units. But you still need 5 to 10 combots to
protect your base, just in case. To weaken their presence at orbit, just use
orbital bombs to destroy them.


You just need to overpower them. These are the hardest players to come up
against ( Thats why I call them pitbulls ). At the beginning of the game tryo to
atleast have 3 combots. Then just mass produce combots, tanks, missile cars,
mobile walls, nemesis trucks, and everything else you can think of. You should
have your base practically invincible. Try to play like a turtle.

13. Tips

Here you will learn tips on how to make your base better and make it easier to
kill your enemies.

1. Orbital Bombs take long to make, but make them! They are very usefull and
they are very powerfull. They can also obliterate asteroids within impact.

2. Solar Panels gather 30% more energy when they are within a defense grid.
Build a Defense Enhancer nearby.

3. You can build anything BUT Railguns and Assembly Bays underground. You can
put all of your important buildings there. To protect them, put a couple of
nemesis trucks there. Also, you can surround them with mobile walls for added

4. The more Solar Panels the better. If you have enough solar panels, you can
have an "infinite" amount of meta-joules.

5. It's always good to have a lot of combots.

6. When you have alies, its always fun to act like your sending your combots to
their base for extra protection, then, you just break the alliance and start to
attack him/her. Im mean. ^_^

7. Try to randomize your tactis when you play against a human. That way, he/she
can't make a solid strategy when it comes to attacking you.

8. Don't underestimate the value of Recon Poles. They are quite helpfull.

9. Most things that take a long time to make are usually good.

10. Orbital Bombs are very powerfull and can also target the surface.

11. A Recon Salvo is excellent for finding out where your enemies are.

12. Bomber's are not only powerfull but when they crash, they also damage units
in the immediate area.

13. If you have alot of units, it is better if you make those units attack a
specific object. That will get the job done quicker.

14. Nemesis Trucks makes enemy combots immobile for a short period of time.
Think about it.

14. Credits

I would like to thank the people that made this game for making it. This entire
strategy guide was written by Death|Scythe ( me ) . I would also like to thank
the people I played against. They know me as DeathScythe226. Im very proud of
myself. ( My First Strategy Guide ). By the way. I am the Metal Fatigue master.
Only one person can beat me. You know who you are.

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