Table for GameWizard
GW file

10.October 2013
On request: Here are the maps of the maze in Entombed.

17.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

16.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

05.October 2013
This editor permits you to modify the number of the campaign and mission, where your pilot is and all stats of your pilot.

15.September 2013
This saved game lets you play the bonus track

04.October 2013
The Game Wizard Engine is needed for this editor.
GW file

14.October 2013
For more information please read manual.txt

16.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

14.October 2013
Final save data file, just double click on this file in your file manager.

09.October 2013
This money patch lets you survive a little longer.

14.October 2013
A nice savegame editor

15.October 2013
A hints collection.
UHS file

18.October 2013
With this trainer your are able to manipulate the damage sensibility when hiting other cars or a wall.

16.October 2013
This archive contains optimal car setups for every circuit in Formula One Grand Prix 2. Check it out!

14.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

14.October 2013
Here is a nice money trainer.

15.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

04.October 2013
Cheat editors for the Sassanid and Ragnarok clusters, fuel, missiles and mining pods, all kinds of ship equipment, and planetary resources.
UGE file

12.October 2013
This UGE editor will give you masses of money.
UGE file

17.October 2013
Maxxxxxx your money !!!!!

17.October 2013
Some muscle cars ...

04.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

16.October 2013
Cheats for the CD version

17.October 2013
A hints collection.
UHS file

14.October 2013
This editor can give you anything you need

18.October 2013
Ein abgespeicherter Spielstand, der Dir das Leben etwas einfacher machen soll.

15.October 2013
Unit-Editor for Krush, Kill And Destroy.

17.October 2013
Please read readme.txt for instructions

18.October 2013
This GW file gives you unlimited health, lives and a never ending breath bar.
GW file

16.October 2013
These two GW table give you unlimited energy and credits.
GW file

10.October 2013
If you allways wanted unlimited leds ...

15.October 2013
UHS file

17.October 2013
Module for the game editor Gamehack
GW file

16.October 2013
Easter eggs list

16.October 2013
A little trainer, that lets you always have the special lemming, that you are in need of.

17.October 2013
Neue Kurse fürs Links LS

16.October 2013
This GW file gives you unlimited health, lives and a never ending breath bar.
GW file

15.October 2013
A hints collection.
UHS file

17.October 2013
Here is a little money corrector for this excellent game.

18.October 2013
Well, actually a money patch.

17.October 2013
Dieser kleine Patch verhilft Dir zu etwas mehr Geld.

17.October 2013
Diese Datei, die den Game Wizard als Grundlage benötigt, bringt Dir etwas Geld beim Erwerben von Filmen und Sendern.
GW file

17.October 2013
This editor lets you modify the number of gold, food and all amulets that you want to have.

15.October 2013
The Game Wizard Engine is needed for this editor.
GW file

18.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

17.October 2013
Here is a little money hack for Orion 2.

16.October 2013
And another money editor vor MoO 2.

17.October 2013
And finally: A ship editor.

17.October 2013
Table for GameWizard
GW file

17.October 2013
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