Parasite Eve

Parasite Eve

11.10.2013 13:18:16
Boss Guide FAQ
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By: DaLadiesMan Steve Saunders
I have all messengers, see below for my user names on them
Date: September 30, 2000
Last Updated: October 4, 2000
Number of Updates to Guide: 3

-Square Soft for making such a wonderful game.
-Sony for publishing the game
-Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)
-Me, for writing this guide.
-DBlake (iamnothing) for giving me moral support ^_^
-To all the great writers at GameFAQs
-The usual suspects (you know who you are)
-Al Amaloo, and VG Strategies, for posting this guide (hopefully)
-The official PE Strategy Guide, by Prima Games, for some of the boss


1.0 Introduction
1.1 Author Information
1.2 Revision History
2.0 Boss Guide
3.0 Other Misc. Stuff
3.1 Links
3.2 Credits
3.3 My Other Works
3.4 My Future Plans
4.0 Conclusion
4.1 My Closing Statement


Hello, and welcome to my Parasite Eve guide. Some of you may know me as
being only a reviewer, but I have written some FAQs over the past year,
as well. However, I have never decided to undergo the task of writing a
complete guide for a game. Most of my FAQs and Guides have been for
wrestling games, and consisted of basic move lists. However, I wanted to
do a guide for a game, something different from the average stuff I did.

So, I searched the web site and discovered that there was hardly any
good Parasite Eve guides. And none of the guides I saw could be
described as complete. So, I decided right then and there what guide I
was going to work on. I was going to do a Legend of Legaia guide, but I
changed my mind and decided to focus on Parasite Eve. If I enjoy writing
this guide (and you enjoy reading it) enough, I may do the Legend of
Legaia guide.

After doing the Parasite Eve guide, I realized there was no boss guide
for the game either. So, here I am with a boss guide for Parasite Eve! I hope
you enjoy this guide, as I had a lot of fun writing it. If you have any
questions, comments, suggestions, etc., make sure to email me, and I will try to
get back to you as soon as I possibly can. If I do not answer you back, check my
complete guide, as I will probably post your question in the guide, or have
already posted the answer to your question in the guide.


Name: Steve McFadden


My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SmcFadden, I changed it

Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
account, different profiles)

AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan

MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 9/30/00
Reviews: 377 FAQs: this was my 44th, I now have 44.


v1.5 (October 4, 2000): I made a few changes to the guide, now hopefully it will
finally be posted at GameFAQs.

v1.25 (September 30, 2000): Should be the final update, as I have the boss guide
totally done, including the EX Mode Bosses.

v1.0 (September 30, 2000): Got the boss guide done up to the end of Day
5. All I need is the final boss strategy, which will be done later
today, and this guide is completed.

== 2.0 BOSS GUIDE ==

Level 1
40 HP
0 MP

This is probably the easiest boss battle in the game. First off, the
actress tends to do the same thing over and over again, which makes the
battle easy to predict after a while. Just learn the pattern and you
will be okay. What is the pattern, you may ask? Well, when you see green
energy swirling around her, it will start to show up in her hands. Just
move away from it, then dodge it when it shoots towards you. It should
not hit you if you get the timing down right. After you dodge the green
shot she fires at you, just shoot her with one bullet. She will get that
green swirl around her again, just run around while waiting for your AT
meter to recharge, and avoid her shot again. Shoot her again, then
follow the same pattern. She will soon be defeated.

Level 4
92 HP
0 MP

She may appear to be a little bit easier this time (yeah right), but in
all actuality she is quite tougher than she was the first time. You can
handle her, however, if you exercise a little bit of patience. She now
has a few different attacks. She is either going to chase after you and
swipe you with her arm, move towards you (just run away from her) or she
will do her NEW energy blast! Wow, how exciting. She uses both hands for
this one, when she fires it just stand still and the shot should go
around you. Cool, eh? Just dodge her stuff and fire at her when you can,
and she will go down easy enough.

Level 7
120 HP for Head, 80 HP for tail
30 EXP for winning battle

When you start the battle, a message will pop up saying that the
alligator actually has two targets. So this is the first multi-targeted
boss of the game, in a sense. When the battle begins, keep your
distance. The alligator will charge at you and swing its tail at you.
Avoid it and fire at the tail. Keep on doing this until the tail is
destroyed. Then the view changes and the alligator changes his strategy.
He uses that darn fire breath three times in a row, but it is easily
avoided after a while. If you get too close, he will swipe his claw at
you, causing serious damage, so just stay back. Use the back up, move
in, fire, back up strategy to win this battle easier. You will get the
Kv Vest for winning the battle.

Giant Worms
Level 13
120 HP, 150 HP, 180 HP, 210 HP

This Boss consists of four Giant Worms working in unison to bring about
Aya¹s destruction. At first, they are pretty slow and lazy, and they may
or may not attack. When they do attack, their projectiles are easily
avoided. This is also the best time for you to do some damage to the
giant worms. Pick away at each of the worms, but try not to destroy any
of them. Once you have inflicted a lot of damage to each of them, go
ahead and finish one off.

The three remaining worms will grow in size, but will not regain their
lost HP. Continue to kill them off one at a time, until only one
remains. Each time you kill one, the remaining worms will grow larger
and become more aggressive. Their attacks will also get harder and
harder to dodge. Just wait for a worm to appear and attack, and then
shoot a single round into its side. Shooting two is often a waste,
because the worms sometimes disappear before Aya can get off a shot.

When only one worm remains, it will take on a whole new attack pattern.
It can either shoot a spiked ball at Aya, attempt to grab her, or sweep
the area using its body. Keep a distance between Aya and the worm, and
it will not attempt to bite her. The spiked ball should also be easier
to dodge now. The big problem, however, is the sweeping attack. The only
way to dodge it is to be as far away from the worm as possible. However,
this also means you will be out of range when it is your opportunity to
attack. Therefore, you will just have to bite your lip and take the
damage, relying on your Parasite Energy and Medicines to save you. Just
attack quickly with as many shots as you can, and the remaining worm
should fall easily.

Level 14
330 HP

This fight is tough, but only because Eve has Aya pinned down in the
back of a carriage. Try to keep as much distance between Aya and Eve as
possible. Do this by sticking to the four corners and watching Eve1s
shadow when she is not on screen. Eve can hurt Aya by touching her or by
bombing her from above. The touching attack is no problem, just keep
your distance. I advise standing on the opposite end of the carriage
during this attack.

To avoid the boom attack, as soon as Eve releases her energy, run to the
opposite corner and the attack should miss. If you are not in a corner
when the attack hits, you will have a tough time dodging the blast since
it covers most of the carriage. Counter Attack Eve whenever she floats
back to the ground after having used her bombing attack. You should be
able to easily get off two shots before Eve1s next move.

Level 18
400 HP (bottom, target 1), 200 HP (left, target 2), 300 (right, target
1000 EXP for winning

Sheeva now has three heads and a heck of a temper, and she has several
modes of attack. Her lunge attack can cause as much as 60 points of
damage, and her ground attack is extremely tough, typically causing a
little over 80 points of damage. To make things even tougher, she shoots
energy beams from the center of her body.

Dodging the lunges is easy ­ just do not stand still in any one spot for
too long. The energy beams are also fairly easy to dodge if you keep
moving and staying out of corners. The real challenge is dealing with
the ground attack. The only way to dodge it is to be as far from Sheeva
as possible, and this only works if Shiva is in the opposite corner,
which rarely happens. You can, however, use the Barrier Parasite Energy
to reduce or nullify damage, although you will have to rely on medicines
to heal Aya.

Concentrate your attacks on Sheeva1s middle head (Target 1). It heals
the other two heads, so it is best to take it out first, and quickly.
Once that head is destroyed, you can destroy the other two fairly
easily. Win the battle and you will receive the M9-2 Handgun.

Spider Woman
Level 22
400 HP (first stage), 500 HP (second stage)
6500 EXP for winning

A large arachnid is waiting for Aya on the roof, and it is tough enough
to find a shoe big enough to smash this bug. In the first stage of this
fight, try to keep your distance from the Spider Woman. She will shoot
webs at Aya that cause damage and stiffness, which impairs your
movement. The webs will remain on the ground for several seconds after
they have been shot and will still harm Aya when touched. If you do get
caught in a web, the Spider Woman will close in and attack.

You will need a weapon with some range for this part of the battle. A
rifle works well, because its range is good enough to shoot over a web
and still hit the Boss. Between web shots, the Spider Woman will shoot
flames. These are easy to dodge if you keep your distance. When the webs
disappear, put some distance between you and the boss, because it is
about to shoot three more webs.

After causing this boss significant damage, the view switches and you
will fight more of a close range battle with the Spider Woman. If you
want, you can switch to a short-range weapon with a faster reload time,
like a handgun. Continue to avoid the webs and fireballs and plug away
at the boss in between its attacks. It should fall quickly, leaving you
with a G23 handgun.

Level 26
500 HP (1st stage), 250 HP (head), 180 HP (tail), 120 HP (body), 120 HP
10000 EXP for winning

The centipede1s first stage has a major weakness. If you can stay along
its side, it will not be able to hit you with two of its attacks (biting
and electric bolts). However, you will still need to worry about its
poison attack. If you constantly move, you can dodge it. However, you
must keep your eyes open or you might run into it.

After causing enough damage, the Centipede will split into four parts
that circle the screen. At this point, I find it helpful to have a long-
range weapon, like a rifle. With this type of weapon, you can stand in
the middle and hit the mini-pedes, regardless of their position. When
you target one of his minipedes, make a mental note of its target
number. By doing so, you will not feel like you are playing three card
monty, and you can kill each one off quickly.

If you examine the body parts more closely, the four parts consist of
the head, the tail, and two middle parts. The only poisonous part is the
head. In fact, you will probably spend a lot of Parasite Energy on Detox
and Heal 3 until you kill off one of the body parts. With one out of the
way, run to the empty space it previously occupied anytime the remaining
parts stop to attack. This will help you dodge them. When you win this
fight, you receive the M79-3 grenade launcher.

Level 32
856 HP (head), 420 HP (claws)
2510 EXP for winning

The Crab has three parts to it, two claws and the head. What you should
do is always stick to its side. It shoots out bubbles in a cone-shaped
direction in front of it that hits twice and lowers your defense. If
you're to its side, it won't hit you. It also has two physical attacks.
One is where it thrusts both its claws outward, and the other is a grab
and smack you to 1 HP move, but both can be avoided as long as you're to
its side. It has one more move where its eyes pop up and shoot lasers.
You can't avoid this if you're to its side, so once you see the eyes
come out, get as far away as you can from it.

If you get hit by them, then heal and get back to its side. Kill the
claws first, then go for the head. Once the claws are gone, the defense
of the head lowers. If you have Burst effect on your weapon, then you
might be able to hit both claws with one attack. Chances are that the
far claw will be out of range, though.

Note that you won't always be directly at its side because it's
constantly moving away from you. As long as you keep following it,
though, you'll be safe, because it stops when it's about to attack,
giving you time to move in. Don't attack it while it's moving, wait
instead until it has attacked, and then counter. When you win, you'll
get the AT4 rocket launcher (ooh).

Level 33
750 HP (1st stage), 900 HP (2nd stage)
50,000 EXP for winning

The Triceratops can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time. Its
bolt attack can inflict as much as 150 points of damage, as can its
charge attack. Make sure you have plenty of health at all times, and use
your Parasite Energy wisely.

At first, the Triceratops will charge toward Aya so fast that she will
not be able to dodge it unless you use Haste. When it wears off,
continue to reuse it. At the start of the fight, the Triceratops will
only charge at Aya once, and then wander around. However, as you cause
more and more damage to it, it will increase the number of times it
charges in a row. Choose your slots wisely, or you could be left
standing in his path.

Dodging the bolt attack is easy. As soon as it begins to charge up the
attack, run over and stand close to and just a bit to the side of the
Triceratops1s head. When you find the correct spot, the bolt will
harmlessly pass around Aya. Once the beast1s head is gone, it becomes
susceptible to cold attacks. This being the case, you might want to
equip a weapon with Freezing Rounds. The Triceratops1s freezing attack
slows down considerably, so you will not need to use Haste anymore.
Also, this ammo causes it to shoot balls nearly nonstop. Use
the same strategy to dodge the bolts, and the dinosaur should quickly

Level 35
2400 HP

This guy is even tougher than the Triceratops (that is, if you thought
the Triceratops was tough). In the beginning, it will work on shooting
flames at you. The flames cover nearly the entire room in front of it,
so if you don't want to be burned, then stay behind it. The best thing
to do is stay near its left side and more behind than in front of it.
That way, when it shoots the flames, you won't have to worry about
getting into position.

Sometimes it will jump to the other side of the screen and follow with
the flame attack. When it does that, just quickly run back to position
so you won't get hit. The flame attack can hit multiple times at about
150 damage each, and you can take up to 750 damage if you're standing in
front of it when it fires, so you definitely don't want to get hit. Its
other moves consist of a normal biting attack which is easily dodged and
one where it shoots two bolts of energy at you. It's not as easily
dodged, but the damage is bearable.

To dodge, watch when it's about to shoot the balls, then start running
away from it. When they actually start coming at you, start running
towards it and then a little bit to the side. To kill it, just keep
shooting at it from its side with your strongest handgun (using anything
else is too risky as they fire too slowly) or machine gun. If you happen
to have Liberate by now, use it, and the battle will be over. You'll get
the M8000 handgun when you win.

Level 37
1900 HP (Top), 1750 HP (Middle), 1600 HP (Bottom)
0 EXP for winning

There are three parts to Eve, so you should use a weapon with the Burst
effect (probably a shotgun unless you moved it to another). Also, if you
have it, now is a good time to use your AT4 rocket launcher. Eve has
many attacks. One is where she shoots a pair of energy balls at you,
four times in succession. You can dodge them by standing in between
them, but it's much easier to avoid them by continuously running to
either side. She also sprays needles around the whole screen in a
circular fashion. Just run away from them, but angle yourself so that
you're also running towards Eve.

(Simple Geometry has it that as the radius of a circle becomes smaller,
the circumference gets smaller. The closer you are to Eve, the less
distance you have to cover, giving you more time to outrun the needle
spray. If you're farther away, and you don't get close, then you'll
probably get hit.) And then there's a move where Eve spins around in
place and shoots boomerangs in the air which rain down back on Aya.

They're pretty hard to dodge, but if you get directly under Eve, then
you shouldn't get hit. Just remember to back off when she stops firing.
Eve also has several close up attacks. You can tell when they're coming
when waves of energy eminate from Eve's "tail". The only way to avoid
this is to STAY AWAY from her the instant you see her. If you're far
away enough, then her melee attack won't come out. If you get caught,
though, then you're in trouble.

Among her melee attacks are a multi-hit hurts-a-lot move, another multi-
attack which doesn't have as many hits, but confuses you, and one where
she just smacks you to one HP. The strategy to beat Eve goes as follows.
Run in a counter-clockwise direction around Eve.

Make sure you're always moving. When she attacks, position yourself
correspondingly so that you don't get hit (easier said than done, but do
your best). Once her attack comes out, get in range, and then shoot her.
The bottom section has the least HP, so get rid of that first. By the
way, you should have the Liberate spell at this point. Use it. It will
help a lot. When yon win, you'll have to fight Eve in a different form.

Level 35
2200 HP
0 EXP for winning

This fight is a little bit easier, but Eve is still deadly. Now she can
fly around the screen so fast that Aya sometimes has trouble drawing a
bead on her. This also makes it easier for Eve to fly in and out of your
targeting dome, so be careful when you shoot! Never shoot more than
twice, I will tell you why later!

Eve has three basic attacks. Her physical attack is a quick blow that
can hit Aya and poison her. It is tough to dodge because it is so fast.
Just keep moving at all times, and she should get off with only one hit.
Eve can also hit Aya with a paralysis attack that cannot be dodged. Two
things can happen with this attack: Either Aya will get paralyzed, thus
stopping her mobility, or she will just get slowed down. Both effects
are harmful, so you should use a Cure-M or Medic to get rid of the

Eve1s final ­ and deadliest ­ attack is her energy javelin.
Occasionally, she will fly off screen and the camera will show a close
up view of her as she throws her javelin. This attack inflicts area
damage, so the closer Aya is to the impact point, the more damage she
will take. This serves as a prime example of why you need to keep Aya
mobile. Eve loves to paralyze Aya and then hit her with the Javelin,
which can cause 400 plus points of damage.

The key thing to remember when Eve launches her energy javelin is that
you still have control of Aya even though you cannot see her. It is best
to stay in a corner so that when Eve begins to launch her attack from
the sky, you can run to the opposite side. Do not stop running until the
attack has exploded! If you can get away far enough, Aya will not take
any damage!

Earlier I mentioned that you should only shoot Eve twice each turn. That
is because you never know when Eve is going to try the javelin, and you
cannot control Aya when she is shooting. If you have programmed Aya to
shoot several shots and Eve takes off, you will miss Eve and Aya will
not move until she is done shooting even though you cannot hear or take
the shots. So take quick shots and never get stuck in one place for too

To make things really quick, use the Parasite Energy Liberate. This will
cause over a thousand points of damage to Eve, but it will also deplete
all of Aya1a Parasite Energy. It is, however, still worth the risk.
After the attack, you will only need to hit Eve a few more times to
finish her off.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 37
HP: 1500
EXP: 0
The Ultimate Being looks pretty revolting. Don't let that stop you,
though. In fact, this battle is quite easy. All he does is float around
like a pansy and attack occasionally. His attack is a shockwave that
eminates from himself, spreading out to damage everything within a
certain radius. To avoid it, all you have to do is to figure out which
corner he's furthest from, and run there before he attacks. If he shoots
the wave before you get to the corner, then don't worry. As long as
there's some distance between you two while it fires, then you can outrun
it as long as you keep heading for the corner.

After it fires, run up to it and shoot it. You can fire quite a few shots. Three
or four is fine, but if you're really paranoid, you can stick with one shot, but
there's really no need. After firing, the Ultimate Being will float around
someplace else, in which you should move to the corresponding corner and
prepare for the next attack, then repeat the pattern. It also has an
attack that is unavoidable and brings you down to 1 HP, but luckily, it
is used very occasionally. When you see it about to do its 1 HP attack
(it drops to the ground), then you could cast a Barrier at that instant.
It uses up less PE than healing yourself back to full.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 37
HP: 1500 (Top), 950 (Bottom)
EXP: 0
There are two parts to this boss. It's also fairly easy, though not as
easy as the previous form. Its attack is a pair of lightning bolts it
shoots from its hands four times in a row. You can either get between
them or just avoid them altogether. Getting between them is a bit
difficult because it swings the bolts in a direction, and so you'll have
to move with them. If you can get outside of the bolts (on the other side
of the direction he swings it), then you won't have to worry about it.
Remember, however, that he shoots four times in a row, so don't let up if
you've managed to dodge one, keep running circles around him (the
opposite direction the bolts are going).

Also, the closer you are to it, then the easier it is to dodge (and it also has
a chance of going over you, missing you completely). Actually, it's best to stay
close to it, and once you see the bolts about to come out, start moving. Its
other attack is just three bolts that sort of home in on Aya, but they can be
dodged easily. After dealing enough damage to one section, both sections
split apart and move and attack independently. This stage is a lot
harder. The flying part will either try to run into you or shoot a string
of bullets at you.

It follows you as it shoots, so just run as fast as you can away from it. If
that wasn't bad enough, the part that's crawling on the ground will shoot a
purple beam that reaches from one corner all the way to the opposite corner. It
can also sweep its purple beam around the screen. To dodge, just run away from
the beam while at the same time running towards the baby (so you can outrun it
faster). If you kill the baby first, then the other part will die, too, and the
battle will end. If you kill the flying section, you'll still have to kill the
baby. For a quick battle, as always, use Liberate.

The Ultimate Being
Level: 38
HP: 3500
EXP: 0
This form reminds me of Tyrant from Resident Evil 1. Anyway, it's
probably the toughest form, also. It has several moves. One is a two-hit
combo. It quickly rushes up to you and hits you twice. You can avoid this
by running away from it when you see it start to speed up. As it
approaches you, it will stop to attack you. If you keep running, it will
land behind you. As for the second attack, after the first one comes out,
angle yourself away and to the side when you run, and the second attack
should miss you by a hair.

It has another attack where it flies to one corner and shoots several large
balls at you that. When you see that it's about to fire, start running towards
it. If you're really close to it, then the balls will miss you. You might get
hit for about 15 points of damage, but it's preferred than losing 250 HP. Oh,
yeah, this one also has a 1 HP attack and a half HP attack.

The Ultimate Being
Level: ??
HP: 8000
EXP: 0
This form is pretty easy. It has four extensions that can't hurt you, but
fly around and shoot easily avoidable lasers. Each shot you hit it with
does 1 point of damage. It's best to switch to a machine gun now, as they
can shoot up to 7 times in a row. Just dodge and shoot, and you'll
eventually kill him.

Just kidding! Once you do about 20 damage, Daniel will come down and
throw you some special bullets. You'll automatically switch to Maeda's
Gun, loaded with the special clip. Each hit here does 999 damage! Kill

Level: 24
HP: 1000
EXP: 100
This spider is the same as the one you fought on the roof of the hospital.
It should be pretty easy by now, especially since you have a good weapon.
There's also less room to move around, so the fireball is a little harder
to dodge, but you can always heal.

Level: 29
HP: 1200, 1200
EXP: 300
Again, these guys are just like the one you fought against in the Carnegie
Hall Sewers. Each have only one target, and although there are two of
them, the fight should still be easy.

Level: 34
HP: 1500 (first stage), 1200 (head), 800 (tail), 600 (body), 600 (body)
EXP: 800
This is the same as the boss you fought in the Subway on day five. I don't
know what more to say. :( Actually, the first part is pretty easy. Just
stick to its side and it won't be able to hurt you by lunging. The fight
gets hard when it splits up into four separate parts. Kill one part as
quickly as you can so you'll take less damage when you get hit. Also, if
he head hits you, you'll be poisoned, and if the tail hits you, you'll be
blinded. Same strategy, though. If you don't get hit, you won't be

Level: 39
HP: 1600 (first stage), 1600 (second stage)
EXP: 2,500
Again, this is the same Triceratops you beat in the Museum on day five.
For some reason, this boss is easier than the one on the 30th floor. Using
the Mark 23, I killed the first stage before it got two attacks out. In
the second stage, the triceratops attacks more often, and uses only the
lightning bolts, and no longer charges. Still, it should be no trouble.
And although this is like the one you fought in the Museum, freezing
rounds do no special damage to it.

Level: 49
HP: 4200 (main), 1200 (hatchling)
EXP: 5,000
Ah, finally an original boss here. At first, only one roach appears, and
it has only one attack, which is swiping you with its antenna. To avoid,
_simply_ run away from the roach if it's approaching you. It will run up
to you, and then attack with its antenna. If you start running by the time
the attack is already coming out, you won't make it. After you deal a
certain amount of damage, the roach will fly into the air and another
roach will hatch out of an egg. The groundling roach is just like the
original one when it was on the ground. The now airborne roach attacks by
shooting white fire at you. There's nothing special you need to do to
avoid it. Just don't get hit by it.

Level: 59
HP: 6400 (head), 1600 (claws)
EXP: 10,000
The Crab is very similar to the crab in the Warehouse. Note that this one
moves a LOT faster, so you have to use Haste to keep up. Otherwise, the
strategy is the same as before. Stay to its side, kill the claws first,
then the defense of the head lowers, then destroy the head. Although its
eye lasers are nothing to worry about, the bubble attack does an insane
amount of damage, so you should be extra careful when dodging.

Level: 74
HP: 12000 (Main), 600 (Small), 1200 (Large)
EXP: 20,000
This battle is really tough. Hopefully you saved up a good amount of
Medicine 4 and Revives during your flight up the last ten floors. The main
bee (the largest one) has three attacks. The first is where it shoots a
wall of orange light at you, and then two sickles fly out after it. Just
one hit from one of them alone deals over 500 damage. The wall is pretty
easy to dodge if you're not caught shooting, so don't go crazy firing at
it. Whichever side of the screen you're standing on, the bee will move to
the top of that side, and fire the wall at you. From here, just run to the
opposite side of the screen, and the wall should come out once you're out
of range.

Continue running and the sickles will miss you, also. The second attack is
unavoidable once it comes out. It paralyzes you for several seconds, allowing
the other bees to get licks on you, and then a white light deals around 400
damage to you. Not much you can do about this. But I _think_ the main bee uses
this only when it's in the center of the screen _and_ when you're in front of
it. The third attack is a lame swipe with its leg which is easily avoided. As
for the small bees, they fly around stinging you occasionally. Again, they're
easy to dodge unless you're caught shooting.

Getting hit by the stingers will poison you. The small bees can also heal the
main bee for 200 points of damage.

Unfortunately, once you kill the small bees, more take their place. Also,
there are large bees that don't appear as often. They're pretty easy to
avoid since they're so slow, but they have range attacks to use when
you're far away. Getting hit by their ranged attacks will confuse you.
Each bee alone isn't too tough, but all of them in one fight makes a very
tough battle. It's best if you have the burst effect on your weapon so you
can hit the main bee and the healer bees with one shot, otherwise it will
take forever to take away all 12000 of its hitpoints.

Level: 99
HP: 45000
EXP: 0
Ahh, the final showdown with Eve. This battle is really tough. Hopefully,
you've been stocking up on Medicine and Revives, and that you've upgraded
your weapon pretty good (300+ Attack) or else the fight will be over
quickly (for you). Anyway, the first thing you should note is that Eve has
a little helper. You should NEVER attack Eve while the helper is on the
screen, or else the helper will heal Eve in increasing increments (1000,
2000, 3000, etc). Basically, you should only attack Eve right after she
completes an attack, or immediately after the helper has left the screen
(make sure its shadow is completely gone before you start shooting, just
to be safe).

In the beginning, Eve will float around, and then teleport right next to you.
Quickly run away from her. Eve will teleport and appear right next to you again,
and immediately follow with an attack. To dodge this attack, run a clockwise
circle around Eve. Once she misses her attack, shoot her as much as you possibly
can, but stop when she teleports (away from you, this time). After teleporting
away, Eve will float around again, and may use her teleport attack on you again,
or she may also call down her helper to inflict a status ailment on you. Once
you bring Eve down to two-thirds of her hitpoints, Eve will start using another

The helper will come down and charge Eve up for an attack. When this
happens, Eve will float to a corner, charge up, and then fly to the other
side of the room, ramming you, and knocking you down to 1 HP and removing
all status benefits. I found this impossible to dodge, even with haste.
However, after charging up, Eve will be stunned, allowing you to get a
good deal of hits on her. Once she regains composure, though, stop firing,
and wait to see what she'll do next. Also, Eve's teleport attack will have
another hit. First, she'll teleport near you and attack (still run
clockwise to dodge it), and then teleport near you again and kick at you.
To dodge the kick, you have to run counter-clockwise. I found it possible
to dodge only with haste on. When Eve is at a third of her hit points,
she'll use her charge-up ramming move without her having to call on the
helper. In addition, the teleport attack will have another attack. After
the kick comes out, she'll teleport near you again, and try to hit you
with a somersault kick. Dodge this by running to the side in either

When I saw Eve teleporting right next to me, I immediately casted Haste so
I would be able to dodge the following attacks more easily. After she
missed, I would shoot her until she teleported away. When the helper came
down, I'd wait until it left, then start shooting Eve again. When I saw
Eve preparing for her charge-up attack, I'd switch to a different armor,
and then switch back to get my PE moving again. After getting hit, I'd
cast Preraise (just in case), let the autocure kick in, and shoot her
about six times. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, seeing as how she has
so many hitpoints, it might take a while to kill her. Theoretically, she
should not be able to kill you, since you can dodge all but the 1 HP
attack, but you should bring plenty of Medicine just in case. Good luck!
It took me half an hour to beat her...


Name: Steve McFadden

My Web Pages Links:

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SmcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger:

TOTALS as of 9/30/00
Reviews: 377 FAQs: this was my 44th, I now have 44.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

============== : GameFAQs : Final Fantasy Chamber

if you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the
right to host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other
ones without my permission!

-Square Soft for making such a wonderful game.
-Sony for publishing the game
-Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)
-Me, for writing this guide.
-DBlake (iamnothing) for giving me moral support ^_^
-Al Amaloo, and VG Strategies, for posting this guide (hopefully)
-To all the great writers at GameFAQs
-The usual suspects (you know who you are)
-The official PE Strategy Guide, by Prima Games, for some of the boss


Reviews: 375 FAQs: 44

WWF ATTITUDE Character Guides
Al Snow
D-Lo Brown
Triple H

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guides
Big Show
Blue Meanie
Gerald Brisco
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Smackdown Guides
Al Snow
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Complete Guide
D-Von Dudley
Dudley Boyz
D-Lo Brown
Finisher Move Guide
Hardcore Holly
Triple H

Nintendo Entertainment System
Dragon Warrior
Fester¹s Quest
Yo! Noid

Sega Genesis
Phantasy Star 4 Shop Guide

Super Nintendo
Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 5 Boss Guide

Sony Playstation
NHL '99 Complete Guide
Parasite Eve Boss Guide
Parasite Eve Complete Guide
WCW vs. the World Complete FAQ/Move List

My Guides will only be found on
------------------------------- : GameFAQs : Final Fantasy Chamber
there¹s some more too.. but I forget at the moment

if you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the
right to host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other
ones without my permission!


-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) Complete FAQ and Move List
-Character Guides for WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) and WWF No Mercy (N64)
-Updating a lot of my older FAQs, especially the WWF Smackdown Complete guide,
FAQ, and move list.

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2

-Some here and there, not much though.

== 4.0 CONCLUSION ==


Thanks for reading my (crappy) guide to Parasite Eve! Hope this guide
helped you out with a classic game!!

Please note that this guide is not finished yet, and to keep track of
its status you should check out the revision history section, which
follows the author¹s information section. I am going to try my hardest
to make sure I complete this guide completely, some of you may know I
did not do too well in completing my Yo! Noid and Fester¹s Quest guides,
which may still be worked on in the future.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

____ _ _ _ __ __
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| | | |/ _` | | | / _` |/ _` | |/ _ \/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
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-Steve Saunders

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Parasite Eve Story FAQ

15.October 2013
Japanese Version FAQ

16.October 2013
End of the Game

15.October 2013
US Version: All Weapons at Final Boss Battle.

17.October 2013
Japanese Version: EX Mode unlocked.

17.October 2013
Boss Guide FAQ

11.October 2013
Complete Guide FAQ

17.October 2013
Quick Access FAQ

14.October 2013
Secrets FAQ

14.October 2013
Last Boss FAQ

13.October 2013
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EX Survival FAQ

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