Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9

17.10.2013 11:35:44
Part 1 Guide
Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough and FAQ version 1.43
(Part 1 of 2)
For Playstation(tm) (US version)
By: “A” Tadeo
Created: November 12, 2000
Date last Updated: April 9, 2001
Mail me at:
ICQ#: 12218741
AIM: atadeo020
Home Page:

T H A N K Y O U E V E R Y O N E ! ! !

Thank you to everyone who read my guide. Thanks for your support and all of
your compliments. You don’t know how happy I am. But, most especially to our
big boss, Mr. Jeff Veasey (CjayC). Without him and GameFAQs, I wouldn’t be
able to bring you this guide. He gave me (as well as all the other authors at
GameFAQs) the chance to help you out in your time of need and curiosity. =)

During the past few months, I tried my best to give everyone what they need
about this fabulous game. I’m happy that my efforts aren’t put in vain and
that I’m able to help a lot of gamers out there. Sorry for those who e-mailed
me and received no response. I have a tight schedule and I’m following my e-
mail policy (rarely, I answer some of them).

Now, that I have a PS2, I’ll bring you even more of what I can do with one of
the most anticipated games ever. The next Final Fantasy In-line for release.
I’ll definitely go along with you once more through Final Fantasy X. That’s
all for now. Again, thank you very much. Have a nice day.

NOTE: You can e-mail me for suggestions/contributions so as to improve the
guide. They are most welcome and every bit of it is appreciated. :) You can
send in your contributions also :) I’m accepting all of them. Also, this
guide will be LONGER than anything that I’ve done so please understand. I
have a busy schedule now because of school but I’m sure I can manage and I
will finish the guide. The table of contents will be most likely the outline
of the guide. That’s all for now. Thank you. And please read the E-mail

Now, for the walkthrough, if you want a walkthrough which will guide you
directly in finishing the game only, use Elranzer’s quick walkthrough at
GameFAQs. A lot of people just wants to finish the game and doesn’t care
about other things. So, I’ll refer you to Elranzer’s Guide. His walkthrough
will surely help you. It’s one of the best guides and it’s easy to follow.

I also want to commend 2 nice persons for their perseverance and dedication
to their sites. Jeff (CjayC) for and Al Amaloo of VGStrategies.
They are very responsible and I admire their efforts. Keep up the good work

I would also like to commend the great Kao Megura for his excellent guides!
As a matter of fact, he is the one who inspired me to create guides. Thanks a
lot. :) BTW, I really hate those thieves who stole his works.

Very Special thanks also to another one of the best guide writers ever to
appear in gaming history. None other than, Dingo Jellybean. His guides are
fantastic, you’ll definitely get what you need and that’s an example of how a
true guide writer should be. Thanks Dingo!


This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it
for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides,
Commercial Web Sites. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this
Walkthrough/FAQ and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is
guilty of “plagiarism”, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and
words of another as one’s own without crediting the source.

You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own
Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself
or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can
copy the layout though.

You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web
site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you
MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of
the entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal
purposes. Remember “You don’t have to steal, just ask.” - B.O.F.III


Hello everyone! To those of you who know me, welcome back! :) This is my
fourth project at GameFAQs. Seeing that this game will be the last among the
Final Fantasy series that will grace the Sony Playstation console, I decided
to create one too :) As with the objectives of other guides, I too would like
to help out gamers out there who wants to know various infos about the game.
I’m not finished with my guides, but I’m sure that I can manage. I’m a die
hard RPG fan and I’ll do my best to make this guide as helpful as possible.

Now, let’s talk about the game itself. The 9th installment in the Final
Fantasy series is really, IMHO, the best Final Fantasy ever! (It’s second
best RPG to me because I like Chrono Cross more). Final Fantasy IX is a whole
new world and is not a sequel of any of the previous Final Fantasies. The
hero in the game is Zidane, a member of a band of bandits called Tantalus. It
was then that fate led them to meet the princess of Alexandria, Garnet.
Princess Garnet is really not happy about everything around her inside the
castle at Alexandria. She then decided to leave the castle for good and that
led her to meet Zidane. I won’t spoil you anymore so let’s start the guide!


----- Part I -----

i. E-Mail Policy
I. Updates/Revisions
II. Game Information
A. Game Controls
B. Game Menus
C. Game Basics
- Moving About
- Attacking and Battle system
- The elements
- Active Time Events
- Trance System
- Abilities
- Leveling Up
- Moogle Info
- Game Over
D. Character Stats
E. Good/Bad Status Effects
III. Character Information
A. Main Characters
B. Supporting Characters
C. Arch-Enemies
IV. Walkthrough
A. Disk 1 Walkthrough
B. Disk 2 Walkthrough
C. Disk 3 Walkthrough
D. Disk 4 Walkthrough
Side Quests and Secrets
1. Chocobo Mini-Guide and Paradise Treasures
2. Madain Sari
3. Mognet Central
4. Quan’s Dwelling
5. Treno
a. The Stellazzios
b. Treno Knight’s House
c. Card Stadium
d. Auction House
e. Excalibur
6. Excalibur 2
7. Qu’s Marshes
8. Ozma
9. Ragtime Mouse (Pop Quiz)
10. Special Battles
11. Character Renaming
12. Gaining EXP, AP, and Money
13. The 4-armed Man at Daguerreo
14. Mr. Morrid’s Coffee
15. Carbuncle’s Secrets
16. Final Fantasy III OST
17. Beating the Yans
V. Tetra Master
A. Rules
B. Card List
C. Friendly Monsters/Weapon/
Rare Cards Location
D. Card Game Strategies
VI. All about Chocobos
A. Chocobos
B. Chocobo Forest
C. Chocobo Lagoon
D. Chocobo Air Garden
E. Chocobo’s Paradise
F. Chocobo Treasure Hunting
G. Abilities Guide
1. Ability List
2. Dead Pepper Abilities
H. Chocograph Pieces

----- Part II -----

ii. E-mail Policy
VII. Ability List
VIII. Summon Magic
IX. Blue Magic
X. Items
XI. Key Items
XII. Maps
XIII. Active Time Events (ATE) List
XIV. Moogle Locations
XV. Equipments
A. Weapons
B. Helmets
C. Armor
D. Wrist Band
E. Accessories
XVI. Shops
XVIII. Enemy List
XIX. Gameplay Tips
XX. Fantasy Trivia
XXI. Melodies of Life
XXII. Soundtrack Song List
XXIII. Other Stuff
A. Words of Wisdom
B. Scenes of Humor
C. Sad Moments
D. Screw Ups
XXIV. Guide Translations
XXV. Credits


For the past few months, I’ve been receiving such a great number e-mails and
some of them are quite annoying (just 2 of them though). So, I decided to put
up this e-mail policy as a guide for you if you want to send an e-mail to me.
Here are the things that you must do/must not do in sending an e-mail
regarding this guide and any of my other guides:

1. Send me a question, which cannot be found on my guide. I will be more that
happy to help you.
2. Try to be specific in order for me to understand what you’re trying to ask
3. You can send in your questions/other e-mails in text or HTML format. No
4. Check first the latest version of the guide before sending questions,
contributions, etc. If you use later versions, the answer/s to your
questions might have been answered already and will be most likely to be
ignored. Check or for the latest updates.
5. If I happen to forget you, just e-mail me nicely and I’ll respond to you

1. Don’t send any questions that can be answered from my guide. And don’t be
persistent in doing so.
2. Don’t send nonsense e-mails like “I want to marry you!” “Can you buy me
this or that?” etc.
3. Don’t say bad words. F$#k Y%u! and the likes.
4. And, don’t send Chain letters! Please!
5. Don’t send executable files (.exe, .com) as an attachment. I don’t want
any Trojans wandering around.
6. No spamming (repeated messages).

If you do any one of the “Don’ts”, your e-mail will be ignored then deleted.

Virus Info
There are still some people who are infected with the Snow White virus. You
may receive an e-mail that is from that’s all about Snow
White and the seven dwarves. Here’s what you can do to check if you are
infected or not. Now, send a mail to yourself. This may sound crazy, but it
works. If you receive another e-mail, which has the snow White virus, at the
same time or a little later than the ones you send to yourself, it means that
you are probably infected with the virus. To confirm this, check the IP
Address and the STMP server indicated in the virus e-mail. Don’t worry about
infection, as long as you DON’T open the attachment, you’re safe. But, if the
IP Address and the STMP server in the virus e-mail is the same as the ones in
your e-mail, you are 100% infected. So, run a virus scanner.

To prevent any virus from infiltrating, DO NOT open executable file such as
(*.exe, *.com, *.scr, *.pif, *.bat) even if they’re from a trusted friend or
a family member. They may not know that they are infected. JPEGs and TXT
files are safe. :)


Game/Guide Progress:
I just thought some of you may want to know my progress for the guide and the
game itself so, here it is. Note that I played 3 games already.
Game1: 43:04:34
Game2: 85:40:26
Game3: 44:53:19
Total play time: -173:38:19-

Guide: 99% complete
File Sizes:
Part 1 (467 KB - 478,960 bytes)
Part 2 (401 KB - 411,276 bytes)
Total e-mails: 2,549 since November 2000
(about FF9 only)

Version 1.43 (Started: April 7, 2001)
Greetings everyone! This is just a short update. Hopefully, I’ll be able to
release the final version anytime in April.
- Leveling up Steiner early in the game (when you visit Treno for
the first time. Check the walkthrough)
- Jump Rope update
- New Ending Info (spoilers)
- Side Quests and Secrets Update
- Treno Auction House
- Tips on beating the Yans (new)
- Chocobo’s Paradise Treasures correction

Version 1.42 (Started: January 31, 2001)
This update took a lot of work. I fixed some text that resembles previous
versions like, “I haven’t found this or that yet” but actually, I already did
in the latest version. FYI, I re-read the entire guide to fix this. Also, I
decided that I won’t be doing any new FAQs for now. However, I’ll do FAQs
once I get my hands on my own PS2. So, the first game in line would be FF10.
=) Just as some of you requested.
- Level Up Update
- Alexandria (Disc 3) Items
- New Ozma Strategy
- Tips on Beating the Yans (check Side Quest #12)
- Progress Info Update

Version 1.41 (Started: January 16, 2001)
The limelight to the completion of the guide is already in sight! :)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Cat in Alexandria
- Alexandria items (Disc 1 and Disc 3)
- Things to do before Shimmering Island
- Stiltzkin’s offer at Alexandria (Disc 3)
- New Necron Strategy
- Level Up information Update
- Characters Section Update
- Tetra Master Rules Update
- Card List Update
- New Ozma Strategies
- Beach Hunt update
- Encountering Ragtime Mouse SEQUENTIALLY!
- Ragtime Mouse’s exact questions!
- Mognet Central update
- Carbuncle and Fenrir Secret (update)
- Card List Update

Version 1.40 (Started: January 13, 2001)
- Contact Info Update
- More Detailed Table of Contents
- Level Up info update
- Card List Update (Town Cards’ alternate location *important*)
- Card Collector Level Update
- The Stellazzio Story (included in Stellazzio Section)
- Battle at Treno Knight’s House
- Qu Marshes Update
- Carbuncle’s Secrets
- Final Fantasy II OST Secret
- Chocobo’s Abilities Update (Dead Peppers, etc.)

Version 1.39 (Started: January 11, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Black Mage Village Directions (fixed)
- Info in Entering Desert Palace
- Status Effects Update
- Level up Information Update
- Card List Update

Version 1.38 (Started: January 8, 2001)
Here’s another batch of updates. More to come. :)
- *Important*
- How to get the chests that you can’t access at Cleyra’s Trunk
- Walkthrough Update:
- Multina Racket at South Gate
- Phoenix Pinion at Cleyra Settlement
- Zuu and Nymph Card at Cleyra
- 1,800 Gil at Conde Petie
- Ether and Elixir at Black Mage Village
- Ether at Conde Petie Mountain Path
- Phoenix Down at Madain Sari
- Elixir and a Cachusha from Mr. Morrid’s Side Quest
- Elixir and a Remedy at Lindblum in Disc 3 (Card Freak Gon)
- Tent inside Hilda Garde 3
- Game and Guide Progress
- Blackjack Mini-Game (after ending)
- Virus Info Update

Version 1.37 (Started: January 5, 2001)
Here are just a FEW of the contributions. There are TONS more to come. :)
Thanks for your support everyone. Check out the Virus Information in the e-
mail policy. This might help you too.
- Walkthrough Update:
- Beginning of the game update
- Baku steal information
- Extra Gil at Alexandria
- Ether at Lindblum Grand Castle
- Items at Dali
- Silver Gloves at Lindblum synth shop
- Gil outside Lindblum Inn
- Festival of the Hunt fixed
- more Tantarian Strategy
- Meltigemini Attack Update
- info at Oeilvert
- new Strategies for the 4 Chaos guardians at Memoria
- small Special Battles correction
- Ragtime Mouse Update
- E-mail Policy Update

Version 1.36 (Started: January 4, 2001)
- Walkthrough Update:
- 4-armed man in Daguerreo
- the Burman Coffee
- Ozma Strategy
- New Side Quests
- Level Up information

Version 1.35 (Started: January 2, 2001)
- Level Up information
- Card List Update

Version 1.34 (Started: December 31, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- more items at Mt. Gulug
- Finally, maps for Chocographs and Paradise Treasures
- small Chocobo Hot and Cold Update

Version 1.33 (Started: December 29, 2000)
I’ll now be working on finishing the abilities list! Also, I’ll include more
reader contributions on the next update. And please read the E-mail Policy
first if you want to send in an e-mail. Thank you for understanding.
- Walkthrough Update:
- Racing with Hippaul
- After getting the Blue Narciss (Alexandria Card)
- The use of the Aloha Equipments!
- included in Side Quest #12
- Level Up Information

Version 1.32 (Started: December 24, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Alexandria Castle Elixir (Disc 1)
- Chest at South Gate
- Ralvuimago Strategy
- Cleyra Settlement Additions
- Tantarian in Alexandria
- Armodullahan at Fossil Roo
- Black Belt at Black Mage Village
- New Soulcage Strategy
- Zorn’s Steal info
- Info on Kuja (end of Disc 3)
- Earth Guardian Strategy
- Beach Sub-Quest (see Chocobo’s Paradise Side-Quest)
- info about the use of the beaches around the world
- Excalibur 2 Info
- Card List Update

Version 1.31 (Started: December 19, 2000)
I’ll be taking a Christmas break and the date when I’ll be returning is still
tentative. But, I’ll be back with more. Thank you for your support!
- Important Ending information!
- Walkthrough Update:
- More items at theater ship at the beginning of the game
- Fixed Qu’s Marsh
- Getting the Ancient Aroma more efficiently
- small fix at Fossil Roo
- New Item at Lindblum
- New Item at Iifa Tree
- Desert Palace Info
- Small update at Daguerreo
- Correction at Stellazzio List
- Finally, I beat Ozma. Check Ozma’s Side Quest.
Lots of Strategies!
- Card List Update
- Chocobo Hot & Cold Update
- Corrected some major spelling errors

Version 1.30 (Started: December 18, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Steal info for Steiner at Theater Ship
- New item at Conde Petie
- New cards at Alexandria (Disc 3)
- Battle at Treno Knight’s House
- Character Renaming
- Where to gain EXPs and APs (I included this for your convenience)
- Small Update on Excalibur II
- Level Up Information (leveling up section in game information)

Version 1.29 (Started: December 15, 2000)
Well, I just started another game. :) I reached 35:59:20 in my first game
where I didn’t finish it. For the second game, I reached 84:01:09. For a
total of 120 hours! And for the contributors, please hold on. I have all your
contributions in another file and they will be added soon. Don’t worry, your
credit will be yours only. :)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Phoenix Pinion at the very beginning of the game
- Hippauls Cards at Alexandria Church/Steeple
- Fixed Mognet Central
- Character Specific Abilities transferred to Part 2
- Stellazzio information fixed (Cancer)
- Qu Marshes Update
- E-mail policy revised (quit sending those executable please!)

Version 1.28 (Started: December 14, 2000)
- Chocograph Pieces (extra info) included at Chocobo Section.

Version 1.27 (Started: December 13, 2000)
- Transferred special Battles and Pop Quiz to this part of the guide
- Walkthrough Update:
- Potion at the very beginning of the game
- Getting Quina early in the game
- gil at Treno Auction House
- Brigandine Vest inside Iifa Tree
- Extra Equipment at Pandemonium
- Card List Update
- Pop Quiz Update
- Special Battles Update

Version 1.26 (Started: December 11, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Equipment Shop in Daguerreo
- new item at Memoria
- Side Quest Overhaul! (check Table of Contents)
- includes the Excalibur (check Treno Side Quest)
- New Card Collector Levels
- Card List Update

Version 1.25 (Started: December 10, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Prizes from Brahne after fighting scene of Zidane and Blank
- Modified the Side Quests (new)
- Treno (Stellazzio, Card Stadium, Behemoth, Auction House)
- Excalibur 2
- Chocobo Mini-Guide
- Modified Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure Locations
- Madain Sari Sub-Quest Update
- Card List Update

Version 1.24 (Started: December 9, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Card Phantoms
- Amarant’s Rune Claws
- Zidane’s Dyne Abilities

Version 1.23 (Started: December 7, 2000)
The walkthrough is finished! Yippee! What an ending! Don’t go to the ending
yet if you haven’t finished the game yet or it’ll spoil the story for you.
For the contributors, I have a whole lot of them. I’ll do my best to include
everything. Thanks again everyone!
- Walkthrough Updates:
- Getting the chest behind the falling floor at Burmecia
- Locations of some of the Ghost Card Masters at Memoria
- Save point before entering Space
- Walkthrough finished! (at long last)
- Card List Update

Happy Birthday to my favorite singer! Ms. Olivia Lufkin from Japan.
Omedetou Gozaimasu!

Version 1.22 (Started: December 6, 2000)
- Walkthrough Updates:
- Complete Boss Information
- Moogle Suit and Autograph at Lindblum in Disc 1
- Gil at South Gate (before Treno)
- Gysahl Greens at Cleyra Settlement
- Steal info for Beatrix
- Steal information for Black Waltz #3 2nd encounter
- Maiden’s Prayer at Ipsen’s Castle
- The Tower for Zidane at Memoria
- Card Collector Title
- Few Spelling Corrections

Version 1.21 (Started: December 5, 2000)
Dear me, this is the thing that I hate most. I received some e-mails that are
corrupted (i.e. weird characters and incomplete). I got more than 20 e-mails
like these. It may have something to do with the Mail Server. So, I’d like to
tell you that I will reply to your message if it is sent successfully to me.
If I didn’t reply for about 3-4 days, that means your e-mail might not be
sent successfully. Now, back to work... :)
- Chocobo’s Paradise Treasures and Locations
- Card List Update

Version 1.20 (Started: December 4, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Side Quests
- Stellazzio
- Chocobo’s Paradise
- Fix at last boss (it isn’t Hades, sorry it’s a typo)
- Various Boss Steal Info
- Desert Palace (Bloodstones)
- Complete Chocograph Locations
- Card List Update
- New Card Collector level

Version 1.19 (Started: December 3, 2000)
I’m already at the end, and gosh Necron’s tough. :) Check out the other
updates too. Note to contributors, if I ever forgot your contribution or your
credits please send me an e-mail and inform me. I sincerely apologize if that
happens. I have a flooded mailbox so I might miss some e-mails. Please
- Walkthrough Update:
- finished up to Necron
- the legendary synthesist! :)
- Side Quests (near the beginning of Disc 4)
- Card List Update.

Version 1.18 (Started: December 3, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- New Jump Rope prize
- The Real Card Rules! Check Tetra Master.
- Card List Update
- More Chocograph Locations

Version 1.17a (Started: December 2, 2000)
From here on, I decided to update both parts at the same time. I got confused
when I tried to update one part only. This also to the benefit of the
Webmasters who have my guide and also to everyone.
- Walkthrough Update:
- Antlion steal information
- Info at Ipsen’s Castle
- Card Collector title

Version 1.17 (Started: December 1, 2000)
- Chocobo Information
- Complete Chocograph List
- Chocobo Air Garden
- Chocobo’s Paradise
- Card List Update

Version 1.16 (Started: December 1, 2000)
Ok. It seems that the file will be a lot bigger than I thought. So, I decided
to split the guide into 2. This is for consideration to those who have Dial-
Up Connections (like me). People are starting to e-mail me about the size of
the file. So, here it is. For any suggestions/comments/contributions, just e-
mail me at my address at the top of this document. Thank you.

Note: I’ll be separating the Revision histories from now on.

Version 1.15 (Started: November 30, 2000)
Well, I’m having fun discovering those Chocographs. Gosh, they’re really hard
to find. Anyway, I’ll continue on until I complete all Chocographs and their
locations and discover what’s in store afterwards. C’ya!
- Ability List Update
- Special Battles Update
- More Cards! (w/ locations)
- New Chocographs (and locations)
- Chocobo Lagoon section
- Stellazzio Update
- Equipments Update (Zidane’s Weapons)
- Enemy List Sample

Version 1.14 (Started: November 28, 2000)
Woohoo! The walkthrough is at Disc 4 already. :) Just a little bit more and
it’s the end of the walkthrough! I’ll be concentrating in the Card game and
the Chocobo from now own. For the contributors, I’ll be including the last
message in the reply. I’m getting at least 50 e-mails at day all about FF9.
As you can see also, there are 2 news sections to this guide :) More work!
Thanks a lot for all of your support. Now, back to work!
- Walkthrough Update:
- steal info for Black Waltz #1
- Finished right before going to Iifa Tree at Disc 4
- Blue Magic Section (new)
- Card List update! (Card locations included)
- Card Collector Level update
- Summons Update
- Ability List Update
- Character Section Update
- Stellazzio Update
- ATE List Update
- Moogle Locations Update
- Shop List Update
- Fantasy Trivia Update
- New FAQs
- FAQ #1 updated (new sites)
- Credits Section Update

Version 1.13 (Started: November 25, 2000)
I blew it. I hope everybody will understand. I’m on my way to finishing Disc
3 already. But, I really have to update now for 2 reasons: First, there are a
lot of people who sent in the same info and some are mad at me for not
updating. Second, it’s your right to know the progress of the guide. :) So,
here is the current progress of the guide. I’ll continue working now, bye!
- Walkthrough updates:
- Fixed equipments at Iifa Tree
- Strategy vs. Soulcage at Iifa tree
- On the way to Ipsen’s Castle
- Ability List update
- Status Effects minor correction
- Weapon/F. Monster/Rare Card Locations (new section)
- Mognet and Moogle Locations update
- Summon Magic minor correction
- ATE List Update (a lot!)
- Stellazzio Correction
- Treno Auction House update
- Shop List Update
- Fantasy Trivia update (tons)
- FAQ #1 update (new site)
- Credits Section update

Version 1.12 (Started: November 24, 2000)
Ok. When I update this guide the next time, I’ll make sure that the
walkthrough will be finished for good. It will take longer than my previous
updates but I’ll do my best to complete it ASAP. As for the contributors, I’d
like to make a request. I’ll be concentrating on the walkthrough so, if you
have contributions, you can send it after I finish the walkthrough. As for
questions, you can send them in and I’ll be more than happy to answer them.
Thank you.
- Walkthrough Update:
- Finished up to the beginning of Disc 3
- Ability List Update
- Items/Key Items Update
- ATE List Update
- Moogle locations Update
- Pop Quiz Update
- Shop List Update

Version 1.11 (Started: November 23, 2000)
Please inform me if you want to put my guide on your website. I’ve found some
already that I didn’t know of. I won’t eat you or anything :). All I ask is
for you to tell me, so that I can also put your site in the guide.
- Walkthrough Updates:
- Prize if you pleased all 100 audiences in the fighting sequence
in the beginning at Alexandria
- new items stolen from Baku in the very beginning of the game
- Finished up to Conde Petie in Disc 2
- minor Status Effects correction
- Beatrix’ Abilities
- Ability List Updated
- Chocobo Hot & Cold update
- Chocograph (1 new, 1 discovered)
- Special Battles Updated
- ATE list updated
- Moogle locations updated
- Shop List updated
- Credits Section Updated [ for the Webmasters also :) ]
- FAQ #1 update (new sites)

Version 1.10 (Started: November 22, 2000)
whew! At last I finished that HUGE update. Enjoy! :)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Correction at Festival of the Hunt
- Finished up to Red Rose
- E-mail Policy (new)
- Characters Section Update
- Ability List Update
- Items/Key Items List Update
- ATE List update
- Special Battles Update
- Stellazzio Update
- Chocobo Hot & Cold info (see Bonus Points)
- Summons Update/Correction
- Treno Auction House (new section)
- Moogle Locations Update
- Fantasy Trivia corrected
- Shop List update
- New FAQs (a lot)
- FAQ #1 update (new sites)
- New Gameplay Tips
- Credits Section Update

Version 1.09 (Started: November 21, 2000)
I decided to continue updating the Ability List because if I update it after
the game, I’ll miss the AP requirements of some of them because I might have
learned it already. The equipments will be updated after the walkthrough.
- Walkthrough Update:
- Beginning of Treno in disc 2
- Ability List Update
- Items/Key Items Update
- Shop List Update
- Moogle Location Update
- Info on Stiltzkin
- FAQ Section update

Version 1.08 (Started: November 20, 2000)
As for now, I’ll be halting my updates for the equipments/abilities list. It
takes a lot of time and prevents me from complete the Walkthrough fast
enough. As for the rest of the guide, update will continue. PS: In my first
game, I moved on to Memoria. I don’t plan to finish the FFIX using my first
save. I’ll be finishing it now in my second game. Again, please don’t send
contributions yet. Let me finish the walkthrough first.
- Walkthrough Update:
- Trance Abilities of some Characters.
- ATE List Update
- Equipment List Update
- Moogle locations Update
- Shop List Update

Version 1.07 (Started: November 19, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- Up to beginning of Cargo Ship (after Dali)
- Character information update (Trance and Skill abilities)
- New Arch-Enemy
- Status Abilities (see Abilities Section)
- elemental properties
- Ability List Updated
- Equipments List updated
- Items and Key Items Update
- ATE list updated
- New Stellazzio
- Shop list updated
- New Moogle Locations
- New FAQs
- FAQ #1 update (new site)

Version 1.06 (Started: November 18, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
- After leaving Tantalus to save Garnet
- Status Effect revised again
- Ability List Updated
- Equipments update
- Items and Key Items Updated
- Moogle Locations update
- ATE List update
- New Fantasy Trivia
- Credits Section Updated

Version 1.05 (Started: November 17, 2000)
(I finally reached Disc 4. Now, my New Game is still ongoing and I’m writing
everything in plain paper. This will be slow but will surely be completed in
time. Meanwhile, enjoy the BIG update)
- Cures for Status Effects revised
- Modes of Transportation (new)
Check ‘Moving About’ Section
- New Supporting characters and Arch-enemies
- New Chocobo info (abilities)
- New Chocobo Hot & Cold Items
- Chocobo Hot & Cold Bonus points!
- New Chocograph w/ actual location in world map
- Special Battles (New Section)
- Summon Magic Update
- New Stellazzio
- Tetra Master (revised rules, new title)
- Equipments Section Update! (weapons, armor, etc.)
- Shop List Updated!
- Partial Card List
- FAQ #1 update (new sites!)
- Credits Section Updated

Version 1.04 (Started: November 16, 2000)
I’m now on a new game and I’m doing the walkthrough itself. I’ll also revise
the Card Game Rules as I find it incorrect. I discovered the REAL rules and
I’ll do it again and again to verify it.
- all about Chocobos (new section)
Chocobo info, Chocobo Forest and Chocobo Hunting Guide
- Card Game Strategies (new)
- FAQ #1 update (new site)
- Fantasy Trivia Updated
- Credits Section Updated

Version 1.03 (Started: November 15, 2000)
(I’m already at Disc 3 and I’ll be finishing it soon. It’s hard to keep
spoilers at bay. Especially what happened to Brahne.)
- Characters Section Update
- Summon Magic Section (new)
- New Card Game Info
- Card collector level update (New Titles and Scoring System)
- Stellazzio Update

Version 1.02 (Started: November 14, 2000)
- New Characters!
- The Elements Section (new)
- Pop Quiz Section (new)
- Tetra Master Rules Finished
- Card Collector Level update (Titles)
- Stellazzio update
- Status Effects List
- Fantasy Trivia Update
- FAQ #1 (new website)

Version 1.01 (Started: November 13, 2000)
- Walkthrough Update:
Small update at Alexandria
- Random Battle Information
- Abilities Info Updated
- New Contact Information
- Stellazzio Info
- Started the Tetra Master Section
- New Sections! (Fantasy Trivia, Moogle Locations and ATE List)



_____ _____
| L1,2| | R1,2|
-------- ---------
/ _ \____________/ \
| _| |_ ___ ___ Tr |
| |_ _| |sel| |str| Sq Ci |
| |_| __ __ X |
| / \ / \ |
\ | AL |----| AR | /
\ / \__/ \__/ \ /
\___/ \___/

Here’s a not so perfect but efficient image of the Analog Controller of the
Sony Playstation console. Here are the descriptions of the different uses of
each of the buttons.

D-Pad : Control the motion of your characters in the field, Select menu
Select : Activate Active time Events
Start : Pause the Game
Triangle : Open up menu, switch to another character during battles
Circle : Cancel Button
Square : Used to challenge others in a card game
X : Examine/Confirm Button
Analog : More efficient control for you characters
L1,R1 : Rotate Screen in World Map, Push together to escape battles
R2 : Change Perspective (bird’s eyeview or character’s eyeview)


Here are the different menus in the game. I’ll only give a brief explanation
on these as it is easy to learn how to use them.

1. Main Menu

--------- ----------
| C1 | Item |
--------- Ability |
| C2 | Equip |
--------- Status |
| C3 | Order |
--------- Card |
| C4 | Config |
--------- ----------
| I1 |
| I2 |

C1, etc. are the characters in your party. You’ll see the character’s
HP/MP/Level and the Magic Stones He/She currently have. To the right are the
different sub-menus.

I1, contains information about the total time elapsed in the current game.
I2, on the other hand, shows your current location.

2. Item Sub-Menu

------------------------- ---------
| Use Arrange Key | Item |
------------------------- ---------
| Potion 5 Ether 3 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

The item menu contains information about your Item and Key Items Inventory.
It lists all of the items and their respective quantities. You can arrange
them if you want so that you can browse through it quickly.

For the Key Items, it lists every Key Item that you acquired. You can then
use the Examine button (X) to view that Key Item’s Description.

3. Ability Sub-Menu

------------------ ---------
| Use Equip | Ability |
------------------ ---------
| | |
| | |
--------------- ------------

Here, you can use Abilities that can be used out of battles such as Cure,
etc. You can also equip the abilities of your chacaters here. Abilities are
explained on the abilities section of this guide.

4. Equip Sub-Menu

------------------------- -------
| Equip Optimize Off | Equip |
------------------------- -------
| | Weapon: |
| | Helmet: |
| C. STATUS | Wrist Band: |
| | Armor: |
| | Accessory: |
| |------------------|
| | I1 |
| |------------------|
| | I2 |

In this menu, you can equip your characters with the equipments that you
found/bought during the game. You can use the OPTIMIZE Option to
automatically equip the current character with the best equipments that
he/she can have.

For the menu, C.STATUS shows the current stats of your character. I1, shows
the ability of the current equipment highlighted. I2, shows the different
abilities you can learn from that specific equipment and it’s AP
requirements. (More info on AP can be found in the abilities section)

5. Status Sub-Menu

---------------- ----
| CS | C1 |
---------------- ----
| Speed | I1 |
| Strength |-------|
| Magic | |
| Spirit | |
| Attack | |
| Defense | WI |
| Evade | |
| Magic Def | |
| Magic Evade | |
------------- -------

The character status screen shows you the stats of your characters and more.
CS contains info about the HP/MP/Level/Magic Stones of that character.
C1 contains the commands that can be used by the character during battles.
I1 contains the current experience points and the experience points needed to
level up.
WI contains info about the equipped weapon, helmet, wrist band, armor,
accessory of the character.

Note: The character stats on the left are explained at the Character Stats
Section of this guide.

6. Card Sub-Menu

This will show you your collection of cards and info about your collector

-------- -----
| | I2 |
| |-----|
| I1 | I3 |
| |-----|
| | I4 |
| |-----
| |

I1 contains all the cards that you’ve collected so far. This also included
info on the quantity of the current card and its type.
I2 contains info about collector level. It’s tells you what kind of card game
player you are. I.e. beginner. It also tells you your card game points and
your current level.
I3 shows you the number of wins,losses,draws in card games
I4 contains info about the current card that is selected, it’s name,
quantity, and arrows.

Card Game or Tetra Master, is explained in the Tetra Master Section of this

7. Config Sub-Menu

You can set various parameters of the game in this sub-menu.

-------------------- --------- ---------
| Sound | Stereo | Mono |
| Control | Normal | Custom |
| Cursor | Initial | Memory |
| ATB | Active | Wait |
| Battle Camera | Auto | Fixed |
| Battle Control | Normal | Custom |
| Movement | Walk | Run |
| Battle Speed | S ============= F |
| Field Message | S ============= F |
| Here Icon | On | Off |
| Window Color | Normal | Classic |
| Target Window | Auto | Always |
| Vibration | On | Off |
------------------- --------- ---------

Here’s a brief explanation of each:
Sound = Stereo for surround sound, Mono for one speaker TVs only
Control = Default controls or set your own controls to suit your needs
Cursor = Let the game memorize your moves and then use it on the next battle
ATB = Active Time Battle.
Active = your opponent will not wait for you to finish your move
Wait = your opponent will not attack you while you’re selecting from
The command menu during battles.
Battle Camera = Auto: computer will change viewpoints of the camera
Fixed: you’ll have a somewhat like a bird’s eye view of the
Battle field
Battle Control = Default battle controls or change controls according to your
Movement = Either walk/run when the D-pad/analog is used
Battle Speed = Slows down or speeds up battles
Field Message = Slows down or speeds up text displayed in pop-up windows.
Very useful.
Here Icon = display or hide the Here Icon in the field (the hand pointing at
Your character)
Window Color = change from default or classic background color & vice versa
Target Window = auto display or always display
Vibration = On for Analog controllers only. Turn this off if you’re using
normal controllers.


The following sections will guide you through the basic in playing the game.

1. Moving About

Just as the previous Final Fantasies, you just have to press the D-Pad or use
the Analog Stick in order to move around. You can also choose to Run/Walk
when you press the D-pad or use the Analog Stick. You can configure it at the
config sub-menu.

Here Icon
The ‘Here’ Icon will tell you where you are. There are some times that your
character is covered by some objects. You can use this Icon to determine your
exact location. This is especially helpful if you’re stuck.

Field Icons (!)(?)
You can see these icons if there are some interesting objects around you.
Once you see it pop out, use the Examine/Confirm button to check it out. You
can get items, gain information, open doors, and much more. You’ll never know
what surprise comes in your way.

You’ll also encounter different modes of transportation in the game.

a. Blue Narciss = It is a ship created by Regent Cid and can only navigate
through deep waters. Here are the controls:

Square = Move backward, Circle = Leave the ship, Triangle = go inside the
deck, X = Move forward.

Note: you can only leave the ship in beaches.

b. Hilda Garde 1 & 3 = It is the airship of Regent Cid named after his wife.
This transportation is very fast and can only land in level ground (flat
ground). Its controls is almost the same as the Blue Narciss except that when
you use the Circle button, the airship will land.

c. Chocobo = You can ride on the back of the cute Chocobos (cuter than
Pikachu). You can also search for treasure while riding it. For more info
about Chocobos, check the section about Chocobos in this guide.

2. Attacking and Battle System

Battle System
The battle system is just almost the same at the previous final fantasies.
There is the ‘ATB’ or the Active Time Battle which will tell you if that
character can turn now. If it’s full, you can now issue commands to that
character to do an attack, defend, etc.

The battles also depends in the HP (Hit Points) System. HP is the total
amount of damage your character can endure. If it reaches 0, that character
is KO’d (knocked out). You can revive him/her using Phoenix Downs.

If ALL of your party members’ HP are 0 the game will be over. You now have to
restart again to where you last saved your game.

Now, there are different types of attacks. They are the Physical Attacks,
which your character uses the weapon he/she has and uses it at your opponent.
There are also special attacks which only this certain character can do. Like
Sword Tech which only Steiner can use. There’s also the Abilities which your
character can learn and use at opponents (more to this at the Abilities

You can also do various things during battles. You can ‘Change’ the position
or order of your character in battle (you can also do this in the config sub-
menu). There are 2 rows. The front and back row and each have advantages and
disadvantages. In the front row, the characters’ physical attacks will be
normal but you’ll also receive normal damage from the enemies. In the back
row, you characters will receive less damage as they are farther from the
opponent but their attacks will be weaker also. But, take note also that
front/back row doesn’t matter if you use projectiles such as Magic. Even if
you’re at the back row, if that character uses magic, the damage will still
be the same even if he/she moves into the front row.

You can also use the Defend Option. This way, your character will defend for
the rest of his/her turn (not the entire battle) and he/she will only receive
half the total damage.

Sometimes, you’ll inflict damage to your opponents which is greater than your
normal attacks. It is called critical attack. It really depends on luck.

Random Battles

Just as in the previous final fantasies, you’ll be encountering enemies
randomly. I’ve seen 3 types of Random Battles as of now.

Back Attack – Your party will be facing away from the enemy. Your ATB will be
empty and it will start to fill up only when the enemy hits you for the first
time. You’re physical attacks will be halved as well as your defense.

Pre-emptive Attack – Your party has the initiative in the battle. Your enemy
will be facing away from you and you’ll have the chance to attack first. Your
damage to it will be doubled while your enemy’s back is turned. Your enemies
physicals attacks, on the other hand, will be halved.

Normal Battle – You face off with your enemy. Your ATB will be randomly
filled and you receive/inflict normal amount of damage using physical

Take note that Projectile damage will not be affected whether you’re back

Also, Escaping a battle is easy but not all characters can issue an Escape
command to the party. That character must have the Flee Ability to be able to
issue the command to escape.


In a battle, one must attack in order to survive and win. In Final Fantasy
IX, there are a lot of ways to attack.

First, is the normal attack or the physical attack. With this attack, your
character will use his/her weapon to physically assault your opponent. This
is the most basic yet most effective way to attack. You have to be careful
though as some opponents have high physical defense and some are nearly

Second, each of your characters has his/her own skills which the other
characters don’t have. There are exceptions though, like the Steal Skill. For
the skills of each character, check the Character Information Section of this

Third, abilities. These are abilities that you can use to attack your
opponents. Most of them can be learned by equipping a certain weapon and
completing the required # of APs.

3. The Elements

Just as in the previous Final Fantasies, there is what we call the Elements
System. There are 8 elements in the game. Elements will affect the outcome of
a battle so you must study your enemies first and learn what element is it
affiliated with. Elements is also related to where the character/enemy lives.
The 8 elements are Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Water, Wind, Holy, Shadow.

Fire = Effective against Undead and Ice monsters
Ice = Effective against insects, Large enemies, Fire and Dragon-type enemies
Thunder = Effective against enemies near waters
Earth = Ineffective against flying monsters
Water = Effective against Fire-type monsters
Wind = Effective against Flying monsters
Holy = Effective against Shadow Monsters
Shadow = Effective against Holy enemies

4. Active Time Events (ATE)

In Final Fantasy IX, there’s what we call the Active Time Events. These are
events that happens at the same time but in different location. I.e. You can
see what happens to other characters in other places while you’re controlling

If the world Active Time Event flashes in the lower left corner of the
screen, it means that you can now view an ATE. To view the events, press the
Select Button. Now, if there are many events at a particular time, you can
select which you want to view.

That’s all there is to it. I think it’s included to add to the excitement in
the game. Example, you see your other party members in trouble and you
control Zidane so that he could help. It’s very exciting.

5. Trance System

The word is unfamiliar but the concept is almost the same as the signature
moves of Final Fantasy VII and VIII characters, the Limit Breaks! It is
defined in the game as a sudden surge of emotion which gives you more power
and abilities. During this time, your character will glow and he/she can use
special Trance Attacks. Take note that these decreases your MPs as well. But
mind you, they are very powerful!

To use trance, your trance bar should be filled up first. You can see it just
below the ATB of your character. If you get hit by an enemy, your Trance Bar
will fill up. The amount depends on the amount of damage you get. If you get
a big damage, the faster the trance bar will fill up. If the trance bar is
full, you’ll see your character glow and he/she can use a Trance Attack. Once
you’re in Trance Mode, your every turn will decrease it and if it empties up,
your character will stop glowing and you can’t use Trance anymore. You just
have to wait again until your trance bar fills up.

Note: If you are afflicted with the Zombie condition, your Trance bar will go
down to empty.

6. Abilities

‘Abilities’ are the different abilities that your character can use during or
outside of battles. They also decrease your MP if you use them, except some
of the Support Abilities. Abilities can be learned from the equipments that
the character is equipped with. Each of these abilities requires a certain
number of AP or Ability Points in order to be learned.

Learning abilities maybe quite confusing and tedious. Once you’ve equipped a
new weapon, armor, etc., you can actually use the ability/ies that the
equipment have. But, if you remove the equipment while the learning process
is still incomplete, you can’t use the ability anymore. But, if you completed
the learning process (completed the required AP), you can still use that
ability if you remove the equipment.

APs or Ability points can be acquired by fighting enemies. You won’t receive
any if you run away though. Now, to be able to make the ability acquire APs,
you must equip it first in the ability sub-menu. Equipping Abilities also
need Magic Stones which can be seen in the character frame (character’s
picture and his/her information). It presented in a fraction. I.e. 8/10 you
can use 8 magic stones and you can have a maximum of 10. As you level up your
character, the number of Magic Stones will be increased so don’t worry.

Now, if an ability needs 40 AP, you must acquire a total of 40 AP from
battles. After accomplishing these, you can now use that ability. Take note
also that NOT all abilities can be learn by a character. There are certain
abilities that can only be learned by a certain character. It will be grayed-
out if it cannot be learned (another clue is that it has no AP requirement).

There are also 2 types of Abilities, the Support and the Attack abilities.
The attack abilities are those that you can use during battles against your
opponents or cure your characters. Support abilities, on the other hand,
helps your characters by boosting your fighting ability (+Strength, +speed,

If you’re familiar with the Junction system in FF8, you’ll notice that the
Abilities (especially the support abilities) in FF9 has a resemblance to each

Status Abilities:
Some weapons contain additional status abilities such as Silence. You’ll need
to equip the Add Status Ability. Example, let’s say you have a sword with the
Silence added ability. If you equip the Add Status Ability, when you attack
monsters using the weapon, it will induce the Silence condition on the enemy.

7. Leveling Up

Leveling up is the same as it’s predecessors. You acquire certain amount of
EXPs from enemies and once it reaches a certain number, your character will
level up. During level ups, your character’s stats will increase, the HP/MP
strength, etc. To see how much Experience Points are needed to level-up,
check the status sub-menu.

Also take note that Bosses don’t give off EXPs. They only give APs. It’s the
same as FF8.

Here’s the EXP needed for the characters to level up. Note that all of them
have the same EXP requirements.

EXP Requirement to Level:
1 = 0 26 = 41,194 51 = 511,919 76 =
2 = 16 27 = 47,291 52 = 551,285 77 =
3 = 47 28 = 54,041 53 = 592,878 78 =
4 = 101 29 = 61,488 54 = 636,782 79 =
5 = 186 30 = 69,680 55 = 683,080 80 =
6 = 314 31 = 78,644 56 = 731,858 81 =
7 = 496 32 = 88,490 57 = 783,202 82 =
8 = 746 33 = 99,208 58 = 837,502 83 =
9 = 1,078 34 = 101,872 59 = 893,947 84 =
10 = 1,510 35 = 113,535 60 = 953,529 85 =
11 = 2,059 36 = 137,253 61 = 1,016,040 86 =
12 = 2,745 37 = 62 = 1,081,576 87 =
13 = 3,588 38 = 168,083 63 = 1,150,232 88 =
14 = 4,612 39 = 185,312 64 = 1,222,106 89 =
15 = 5,860 40 = 152,082 65 = 1,297,296 90 =
16 = 41 = 223,710 66 = 1,375,904 91 =
17 = 42 = 245,006 67 = 1,457,931 92 =
18 = 11,012 43 = 267,787 68 = 1,543,781 93 =
19 = 13,327 44 = 292,121 69 = 1,633,258 94 =
20 = 15,989 45 = 318,076 70 = 1,726,570 95 =
21 = 19,030 46 = 345,724 71 = 1,823,824 96 =
22 = 22,486 47 = 375,136 72 = 1,925,130 97 =
23 = 26,392 48 = 406,386 73 = 2,030,598 98 =
24 = 30,786 49 = 439,548 74 = 99 =
25 = 35,706 50 = 474,700 75 =

8. Moogle

Moogles are those cute cat-like creatures. You can talk to them to save the
game. Talking to them, also enables you to use your Tent and heal your
characters. In the world map, you can call a moogle by pressing the Square
Button. You’ll then automatically use the Moogle flute to call a Moogle so
you can save your game. Note: The moogle flute will be given to you before
you enter the world map for the first time.

There’s also the Mognet which is the Mail Delivery Sub System of the Moogles.
You can help them deliver letters to other moogles as they are very far
apart. You can also receive letters from different people and know what’s
happening in that place. I don’t see any rewards yet but I’ll try to discover
if there are any. And also remember that you can only carry 3 letters at a
time. If you have more than 3 you have to discard the excess letters.

9. Game Over

In Final Fantasy IX, there are instances wherein your party is incapable of
fighting. These instances will cause your game to be over. If this happens,
all you can do is to Load the game and start again where you last saved.

I’ll tell you the ways wherein your game will be over. First, if all your
party member’s HP drops to 0 and no one is able to revive anymore. Second, if
all your characters are petrified or the remaining party members that are
alive are petrified. Third, if your party members who are alive are inflicted
with the “Stop” Status. These are all that I know as of now.


I’ll explain the different character stats and how they affect gameplay.

Speed – this determines how fast the ATB (Active Time Battle) of that
fills up.

Strength – this determines how much damage your character can inflict on
the enemy.

Magic – this determine how strong your magic attacks are. The higher this
stat is, the bigger the damage you do.

Attack – this determines the Percentage or probability that you will hit
your opponent.

Defense – this determines how strong your defense against physical attacks
is. The higher it is the lesser the damage you get from enemies.

Evade – this determines the probabilty that you can evade a physical attack
of an enemy.

Magic Defense – this determines your endurance against Magic Attacks. The
higher this stat is, the lesser the damage you receive from
magic attacks of enemies.

Magic Evade – just like Evade, it is the probability that you can evade a
Magic Attack by an opponent.


There are 3 types of Status Effects. First, the Bad status effects. This will
cause ailments to your characters but will be removed after the battle. The
Very Bad status effects on the other hand will still remain even after the
battle. You can see them in the small status window of your character. Now,
the good status effects are those that increases your fighting ability,
whether increase your speed or power. Here’s the list of the status effects
and their description.

Bad Status Effects


Your character will be uncontrollable. It will attack on its own and the
damage will be greater! Don’t worry, it won’t attack your party though.

Use the Remedy Item: Use Gysahl Greens

You’ll lose control of the confused character. He / she will attack anyone.
It will be randomly selected though, it may be your party or your opponent.

Use the Remedy Item: Prevent it by equipping the Clear Headed ability

When your character is Frozen, hope that an enemy won’t attack him/her. Just
as like real ice, once it is physically attacked, it will break into pieces.
So, if your frozen character is physically attacked, he/she will KO’d

Attack your character with Fire Magic

When your character is in Heat, he/she will be KO’d if he/she makes a single

Attack your character with Ice or Water magic: Prevent it by equipping the
Body Heat ability.

Your character’s body will shrink. During this time, you can only do 1 Damage
using your physical attacks. But, you can still use your Items and Skills.

Use the Remedy Item

During this time, the poisoned character’s HP will gradually drop during the

Use the Remedy or Antidote Item: Use Dagger’s Panacea Ability: Prevent it by
equipping the Antibody Ability

Your character will literally sleep during battle. You cannot control the
character and his/her ATB will stop.

Use the Remedy Item: Prevent it by equipping the Insomniac Ability

When SLOWed, your character’s ATB will fill up slower than normal. You’ll
miss a couple of turns if your inflicted with this condition.

Use the Remedy Item

You character’s ATB will be stopped temporarily. During this time, you cannot
use that character but your enemy can damage the stopped character. If
everyone in the party is stopped, the Game will be Over.

Use the Remedy Item: Prevent it by equipping the Locomotion Ability

Very Bad Status Effects


This is the same as blind. Your character’s chance of hitting the enemy will
be greatly decreased. Therefore, that character will most likely miss.

Use the EyeDrop or Remedy Item: Prevent it by equipping the Bright Eyes

Your characters will be stiff and you cannot control them. The petrified
character/s will be literally out of battle.

Use the Soft Item: Use Dagger’s Stona Ability: Prevent it by equipping the
Jelly Ability

When silenced, your character cannot use Magic.

Use the Echo Screen or Remedy Item: Prevent t by equipping the LoudMouth

If an enemy hits the troubled character, the rest of the party will receive
more or less half the damage receive by the troubled character.

Use the Annoyntment Item

When your character is inflicted with Venom, his/her HP and MP will gradually
decrease. But, unlike Poison, your character cannot move. If all of your
party member’s are inflicted, the Game will be Over.

Use the Antidote Item: Use Dagger’s Panacea Ability

When your character has a virus, he/she will not gain any EXP or AP after the

Use the Vaccine Item

This status effect will turn you into an undead character. Healing
magic/items and other magic attacks will damage that character greatly.

Use Magic Tag Item

Good Status Effects


This is very helpful. Once the character with Auto Life, is killed, he/she
will be automatically be revived once.

That character will literally float in the air during the battle. He/she will
not receive any damage at all from Earth Based attacks.

With the Haste Status, that character’s ATB will fill up faster. Therefore,
you can have more turns.

When PROTECTed, that character will receive less damage from physical

As the name implies, it will reflect Magic Attacks back at the caster. Note
that some Magic attacks cannot be reflected.

That character will slowly recover HPs.

With shell, your character will receive minimal damage from Magic Attacks.

The VANISHed character will be invisible and cannot be harmed by physical
attacks. But, he/she will come back again if he/she is hit with any magic.


A. Main Characters

Special Skill: Steal, Skill
- member of the group of thieves, the Tantalus. Once included in the plot in
the abduction of the Princess of Alexandria, he now protects her highness in
an adventure they’ll never forget.

Special Skills: Summon, White Magic
- The Princess of Alexandria. She’s the prettiest girl in the history of
Alexandria. Although having a title and adored by many, she does not seem
very happy at the way she is living in the castle. So, she decided to head
out into the world. And then and there, she met Zidane. Was it coincidence?

Also, she will change her name into Dagger so as other’s won’t recognize her
while she is outside of Alexandria.

Trance Ability:
When in Trance, Dagger will be able to use the Eidolon Command. When an
Eidolon is summoned, it will stay in the background. I.e. Dagger used Bahamut
as Eidolon. Bahamut will attack right? Now, on the next turn of Dagger,
Bahamut will attack again without having to summon him again.

Special Skills: Black Magic, Focus
- A young Black Mage, but very pure of heart. An accident in a play led him
to meet Zidane and company, and from then on, he aids Zidane and Garnet in
their adventure by using his powerful Black Magic. No one knows his true
self, even he doesn’t know it.

Trance Ability:
When in Trance, Vivi will have the Dbl Blk (Double Black Magic) command. This
will enable Vivi to cast 2 Black Magic spells consecutively without
interruption from the enemy. (Vivi’s steeple hat will be pointed)

Special Skill: Sword Tech, Sword Magic
- the Captain of the Knights of Pluto. His sword duty is to protect the
Princess even if it costs him, his own life. Although he and Zidane don’t
quite go well with each other they have the same duty to protect Garnet.

Trance Ability:
When in Trance, Steiner’s attacks will do much more damage then usual.
(Steiner’s armor will become a full-armor which includes his face)

Special Skill: Jump
A warrior from Burmecia. She left home in search for her long lost love one,
Sir Fratley. She’ll meet with Zidane at Lindblum and will join you

Trance Ability: Power Jump
Freya’s Jump ability does more damage and it affects all enemies.

Special Skills: Seiken, White Magic
The best Alexandrian knight ever. Her strength can even beat your entire
party in a flash. Blinded by the true intention of the Queen, she’ll do her
best to pay for what she did to Burmecia by helping you in your quest.

Seiken Abilities:
Thunder Slash 24 MP
- Attack single enemy with a powerful slash with the Thunder Element

Stock Break 26 MP
- Unleash a non-elemental attack at the enemy

Climhazzard 32 MP
- Unleashes a massive non-elemental attack that will bring your opponent’s HP
to 1

Shock 46 MP
- A very powerful single enemy Thunder Attack. Most likely to kill an enemy
with one blow

White Magic Abilities:
Cura 10 Silence 8
Life 8 Reflect 6
Full-Life 24 Blind 6
Esuna 20 Holy 36

Special Skill: Eat, Blue Magic
Quina lives in the Qu Marsh with her master. Her master want Quina to view
the world so that she’ll learn that there’s a lot more to Frogs. Her master
then urged Quina to join your party to discover the world.

Trance Ability: Cook
Quina will cook the monster and will learn ability/ies that the enemy has, if
there are. (Quina turns into somewhat like a Black Mage except he’s color

Special Skills: White Magic, Summon
Eiko is a small girl living in Madain Sari, the lost village of the
summoners. She has a liking to our main character but Zidane’s heart is
solely for Garnet. Little does she know that there is a bond/relationship
between her and Garnet.

Trance Ability:
When in Trance, just like Vivi will have the Dbl Wht (Double White Magic)
command. This will enable Eiko to cast 2 White Magic spells consecutively
without interruption from the enemy.

Special Skills: Flair, Throw
Amarant is one of the most wanted bandits in Treno. Slowly, his life will
turn around when he meets Zidane. Although cocky and arrogant, he still has a
principle in life.

Trance Ability:
When in Trance, Amarant’s Flair abilities will affect multiple targets rather
than single ones.

Special Skill: Steal
He is one of the members of the Tantalus. He’ll be joining Dagger and Steiner
on their journey back to Alexandria. NOTE: Marcus doesn’t have a Trance

B. Supporting Characters

The mother of Garnet and the Queen of Alexandria. She was so obsessed with
power so she used Garnet’s Eidolons to conquer other major cities. In the
end, she’ll realize the mistakes she did and felt really sorry for it.

Tantalus, the group of bandits led by Baku. They’re from the Kingdom of
Lindblum this is the group where Zidane is from. The other members of
Tantalus are Marcus, Blank, Cinna, and those two creatures whose names I
don’t know.

He is the present ruler of Lindblum. He’s turned into an Oglop by his wife
because of womanizing. He is also a technology expert and is fond of creating
new Airships.

A learned Doctor from Alexandria. By reading books he is able to give
information about different places, events and people.

The minister of Lindblum and assistant to Regent Cid. He will aid you by
helping you to plan your next move.

The King of Burmecia who escaped to Cleyra when Burmecia was infiltrated by
Brahne and company.

The long lost love of Freya. He went out into a journey and didn’t come back.
But when he suddenly appeared in Cleyra, he doesn’t remember anything except
a slight memory about him being a Dragon Knight.

The prince of Burmecia. He traveled around the world and was able to see
Fratley on the way. Puck is responsible in bringing a little memory back to

C. Arch-Enemies

Little is known about this young girl, uh.. I mean man. He is also obsessed
with power and will do everything to get what he wants. Somehow, he knows the
real identity of Zidane, where he came from and what he is. Just move on in
the story and you’ll know what it is.

He is the only one among the people of Terra who is awake. His job is to
someday bring fort Terra through the destruction of Gaia.

The ultimate being. He is the one who controls the destiny of the entire
universe. But then, he is underestimating the power of the human spirit and
the will to live.


D I S K # 1


After loading the game, you’ll see a short FMV. Now start a New Game and
let’s begin the adventure. You’ll see another FMV. After the FMV, you’ll see
a man enter a dark room. Now, move forward and you’ll see an exclamation
point above the man’s head.

This is the ‘HERE’ icon. It will tell you if there is something important or
if there are some infos at your present location. So make sure to always use
the examine button (the default is X) to check it out. You’ll never know what
you’ll see/know/get. By the way, you can turn it of in the config menu.

Now, search around for some Gil and a Potion then examine the candle. Choose
to light up the candle. The room will be lit and you can see clearly now.
After that, some people will ask who you are. Now’s the time to name our
hero. For the sake of the guide, let’s call our hero Zidane (default). Now,
the people will recognize you and they’ll come out. But suddenly, a small
dragon-like creature will emerge and will engage you into battle.

The battle is pretty simple. It’s almost the same as the previous Final
Fantasies. Just select a command that you want your character to do. Each
character also has the ATB or Active Time Bar which will tell you that its
the characters turn. He/she can now be commanded. Now, as for your first
battle, all you have to do is to attack! That’s all. The creature is very
easy. You can also steal a Wrist, Mage Masher and Potion from him.

During the fight, if you managed to deal a certain amount of damage to it,
the dragon’s head will break and you’ll now know that it is actually Baku,
one of your friends. After that, Baku will now call all of you into the room
for a meeting.

The meeting will take the agenda about the abduction of Princess Garnet.
Cinna will tell you about the plan. You’ll be in a play and you’ll act
accordingly. After telling you the plan, Baku will then ask you. Choose “To
Kidnap Princess Garnet”. If you choose to kidnap Queen Brahne, you see a
funny dialogue of Baku but you’ll be asked again. If you choose Brahne 70
times, Ruby will come in and tells you how stubborn Zidane is. After
choosing, the screen will fade and you’ll see an FMV of the theater ship
arriving at Alexandria.

Potion x4 Phoenix Pinion
Ether Eye Drop
198 (Accumulated)
Lizard Man Goblin x2 Skeleton
Fang x2 Flan Ironite

Now, you’ll see a short scene with the Black Mage. Right after you regain
control of him, go left right away and search there until you see the Field
icon (!) then press the Examine button (X) button. You’ll receive a Potion.
After getting that potion, go down and move on until you reach the next area.

In here, there are a lot of people and a statue in the middle. There’s not
much to do here. But, go behind the statue and search there for another Field
Icon. Once you see one, press the X button for a Lizard Man Card. Next,
search to the left of the statue and you’ll be able to get a Potion. After
getting the card and the potion, go left and move on to the next screen.
You’ll be back to where you started. Now, go to the house to right (it is
directly to the right of where you go the Potion earlier).

In this house, you can examine the carpet to the bottom right. It will make
the Black Mage dizzy. If you check the dining table, you’ll get another
Potion. If you search the chest to the left of the dining table, you’ll get
the 9 Gil savings of Grandma. Then, go to the north part of this house and
climb up the ladder. Search the drawers until you see a Field Icon and you’ll
get a Fang Card when you examine it.

**** Notice ****
This will be my last reminder. If I say “search” this means to find a Field
Icon, either (!) or (?) unless otherwise stated.

After getting the Card, go down the ladders and leave the house. In the
streets, walk/run north. You’ll be bumped by a boy. A girl will then help you
and will return the ticket that you dropped. When you regain control of the
Black Mage again, walk north until you reach the next screen. Just as you
enter the next screen, you’ll see some nobles walking along, heading towards
the place where the show will occur. When you regain control of the Black
Mage, don’t walk/run yet. You’ll see some tall grass in the bottom of the
screen. Search the grass and you’ll find 33 Gil. Now, go left a bit and
you’ll see another set of tall grass. Search it and you’ll get a Goblin Card.
After getting the card, go inside the bar which is the big establishment in
the center. In here, search the floors to the left for 23 Gil. Next, search
the leftmost table for a Flan Card. After that, search the rightmost table
and you’ll receive another potion. After getting the items and Gil, leave the

From the bar, go left to the next area. Here, go to the house to the right,
which is an Item Shop. You can buy items if you want. After buying, search
don’t leave the shop yet. Search around to the right portion of the item shop
for 38 Gil. After getting the money, leave the Item Shop. And then, go north
to the next area. In here, go to the ticket booth in the center. When you see
some options, you can ask about the play that will be shown in the Castle or
you can ask about Alexandria. After these, choose to show the Ticketmaster
your ticket. The Ticketmaster will notice that it is a fake! (If you check
your ticket in the Key Items menu, it’s a ticket for the “I want to be your
crow” play, and not “I want to be your canary”). But, the Ticketmaster will
give you 3 cards for compensation. You’ll receive a Fang, Goblin, and
Skeleton Cards. Then, the Ticketmaster will tell you about Alleyway Jack and
that if you want to know more about cards, you should talk to him. After
that, you’ll take control of the Pointy-headed Mage again.

Now, go to the rightmost house and enter. Just search the right portion of
this shop for an Ether. Note that you can’t buy equipments here. After
getting the ether, leave the house. Outside, go to the left of the Ticket
Booth. You’ll see some children playing jump rope. You can play with them.
When the field icon (!) appears, quickly press the X button to jump. You can
do this as many times as you want. You can win prizes from this mini-game if
you managed to jump a lot of times:

20 times = 10 Gil
50 times = Cactuar Card
100 times = Genji Card
200 times = Alexandria Card
300 times = Tiger Racket Card
1000 times = Item “King of Jump Ropes”

- thanks to Hikaru for this info -

Now, back to the walkthrough. After playing jump ropes, go north near the
game of Alexandria castle where there are 2 guards. Search to the left for a
Phoenix Pinion. Now, from the Ticket Booth, go left until you arrive in the
next area. In here, you’ll see a carpenter fixing a sign. Run/walk to him and
you’ll suddenly stumble to the ground. The carpenter will be distracted
because of what happened to you. Then, the carpenter will continue to fix the
sign. After fixing it, he’ll leave. And then, a Rat Kid’ll bump you. After a
short talk, choose to be his slave.

If you didn’t choose to be his slave, continue to the church and go up the
ladder and ring the bell to get 3 cards. I’m sure one of them is an Ironite
Card. I forgot what the 2 exactly was. These 3 cards, by the way, belong to
Hippaul. The boy Hippo at the Inn.

Then, Rat Kid will take the ladder and leave. Now, a man will come in from
the north. QUICKLY talk to him or else he’ll get away. Ask him if he is
Alleyway Jack. Indeed, he is Alleyway Jack. Now, you’ll be brought
automatically to the bar. Here, Alleyway Jack will teach you how to play
card. Then, you’ll be able to play with him if you fully understand how to
play (I have a section for the Card Game and you can refer to that for Card
related questions). After that, you’ll regain control of the mage again. Now,
leave the bar and head to the place where you first saw Rat Kid, Carpenter
and Alleyway Jack. From here, just run to the south until you meet Rat Kid.

Now, you’ll see houses in here. There’s a church-like structure at the end.
First, go inside the house beside that church-like structure. Search inside
for an Eye Drop. You can also get 3 gil under the bed. If there's a little
girl at the top of the steps, leave and wait until you hear a door slamming
(you may see a person coming out of the house depending how far away you
are)come back and the little girl should be gone. After that, leave this

Now, you can pick up a bomb card from a kid at the top a wooden ramp on the
side of the church. He will ask you to find his cat, and it will be way back
at the beginning of town, just walking around. Try to take the cat and the
kid will come and say something like "thanks for finding my cat" and run off.
Go back to where he was and he'll give you a bomb card.

Enter the church-like structure. Once inside, Rat Kid will tell you to go up
first. So, go to the ladder in the middle and go up. Suddenly a Moogle will
come crashing down at you. Then, the moogle, Kupo, will explain to you about
moogles and how to save your game. Then, Rat Kid will go up the ladder.
Before going up, another moogle will show up. It’s Stlitzkin. He’ll say
goodbye to Kupo because he will begin to travel around the world. After
Stlitzkin leaves, go to Kupo and talk to him. You can now choose the Mognet
option and Kupo will explain to you the Mognet which is the Moogle Mail
Delivery system (there’s a section in this guide about Mognet, check it out).
After that you can now save your game. You can also get a Tent by the patch
of grass on the left side and a Potion on the upper-right patch.

If you didn’t allow vivi to become Puck’s Slave, when you go up the bell,
you’ll receive 3 cards. Ironite, Goblin, and a Fang card.

After saving your game, go up the ladder. You’ll now be on the roof. After a
short talk with Rat Kid, you’ll be able to control the mage again. Now, let’s
call this the first roof. From here, go left and cross the bridge. After that
short funny scene, you’ll be at the second roof. Here, search the white
thingy for 29 Gil. Then, go north a bit. Rat Kid will then ask for your name.
Let’s use the Default name of Vivi. Then, Rat Kid will tell you his name,
Puck. After that, continue crossing the wood. This is now the third roof.
Here, go north a bit and use the ladders and cross wood at the lower right.
Move on and search again to get 63 Gil. Now, get back to the third roof.
Here, there are 2 woods that go north. Use any of them and search this roof
for 92 Gil. After getting the money, use the right wood and you’ll now be in
the fourth roof. From here, just go right and move on until you meet with
Puck. You’ll now be able to sneak into the castle. You’ll now see a FMV of
the arrival of the theater ship. You’ll also see Princess Garnet, Queen
Brahne, Vivi and Puck. Then, a fireworks display will commence. After the
FMV, the Tantalus (Baku and co.) will now start the play, “I want to be your

Just watch the play. After a while a battle will commence. You should use
physical attacks to damage the enemy. This is just a play though. The SFX
command are like pyrotechnics and can’t cause any damage. After beating King
Leo (Baku), he’ll take his cue and leave the stage. You’ll now see a duel
between Zidane and Blank. You’ll now go near the audiences. You’ll now have
to present a fighting sequence. Here, Blank will tell you what you should do
next. You’ll use the D-Pad (up,left,down,up) and the Square, Circle, X and
Triangle Buttons. Once Blank says what you should do next you should punch in
that button QUICKLY. After the fighting sequence, the audience will evaluate
your performance. There will be 100 audiences. At the end of the fight,
you’ll know how many among the 100 audiences are satisfied with what you did.
Here’s the scoring system. If you managed to punch in the button quickly,
you’ll get 2 points. If you pressed the button but it took you long enough,
you’ll only get 1 point. If you pressed the wrong button or didn’t press
anything at all, you’ll 0 point. There are 50 commands that you should do.
So, if you pressed all of the 50 commands quickly, you’ll get 2 points for
each and all 100 of the audience will be pleased. Queen Brahne will be
demanding. You should get 100 for her to be pleased. After that, the audience
will give you money depending on how you did. I don’t know how to compute the
amount of Gil given to you. But, if you were able to please all 100
audiences, they will shower you with 10,000 gil.

Elixir x2 Phoenix Pinion
Potion Phoenix Down

Anyway, after that fighting scene, Zidane and Blank will put the knights into
sleep. They will know put on the armors of the knights as a disguise. Once
you regain control of Zidane, go left to the next screen. Here, go up the
stairs. On top, you’ll meet a hooded girl. If you are asked to choose from 2
options, choose to examine her face. She looks familiar to Zidane. Then,
Blank will come in. The hooded girl will then take the chance and run down
the stairs bumping Zidane and Blank. Zidane and Blank will now notice that
she is actually Princess Garnet so they’ll follow her.

Meanwhile, you’ll now see Zorn and Thorn worrying about the princess. They’ll
now go to where Queen Brahne is. You’ll see a short scene with the Knight
Captain and Beatrix. Then, Queen Brahne will order you to search. This will
now be the time to name the knight captain. Let’s use the default name,
Steiner. Then, Steiner will leave and in the next room, you’ll see a funny
scene between Steiner and his knights of Pluto. When you’re able to control
Steiner, go north through the large doorway to the next area.

From here, talk to ALL Pluto Knights that you encounter. When you reach the
last Pluto night, he’ll give you an Elixir. Sent in by: Wee Kok Seong

If you go to Queen Brahne she will give you an item which depends on your
performance in the fighting scene.

Impressed: Prize
1-49 Ether
50-79 Elixir
80-99 Silk Shirt
100 Moonstone

In here, just go all the way to the north and go down the stairs. Below, just
go south (towards your TV screen) and move on until you reach the fountain
outside. Here, go left (there’ll be a short talk with Steiner) to the next
screen. From here, just move forward until you reach a high spiral stairs. Go
all the way up. On top, Steiner will see Garnet being chased by Zidane in the
other tower. You’ll now see a FMV where Zidane and Garnet swung across to the
Theater ship. Steiner will follow and will swing too. But, he’ll smash
through a wall!

After that FMV, you’ll see Zidane and Garnet. Garnet will bump into the
musicians and the music will be very funny. Then, Garnet will go to right
into a room. When you regain control of Zidane, go right to that room too. In
the next room, you’ll see Garnet bump into Ruby. Then, Zidane will come in.
Go to Ruby and talk to her. Garnet will be able to escape once more. Now, go
down then stairs when you regain control of Zidane again. You’ll be in the
first room you saw in this game (the dark room). Here, Garnet and Zidane will
have a short talk. Garnet wants to leave the castle and wants Zidane to
kidnap her. Zidane humbly complies. Then, someone searching for the princess
will shout from the door. Now, Cinna will come in and will tell you to follow
him to the meeting room. When Zidane, Garnet and Cinna leaves, Steiner will
come in including one of his knights and will search for the princess. Next,
Cinna will help you escape through an escape hatch, Cinna created for such
purposes. After escaping, Steiner will come in with the Knight. The knight
will volunteer to go down first but he will be stuck. It seems that the
knight isn’t really a knight after all. Back to Zidane. When you regain
control of Zidane, go left and enter the room there. You can mess with some
gears in the engine room too. Slow it down and then Speed it up to receive an
Elixir and a Potion. There’s also a Phoenix Pinion on the top of the Engine
and a Phoenix Down in a chest at the bottom of it. To your surprise, you’ll
see Steiner. The knight will then come in. Steiner will now be alone as the
knight is with Zidane and co. You’ll now fight Steiner. Just use normal
physical attacks and he’ll surely lose to you. You can steal a leather hat
and a Silk Shirt if you want. After damaging Steiner about 150 HP, he will be
angry and starts to use his Armor Break. He’ll use it on the knight. The
knight’s armor will break revealing his true identity, Blank! Then, a group
of Oglops will scatter around. This will enable Zidane and co. to escape.
Later, you’ll see the play again. Now, Zidane and Garnet will go up to the
stage as well Steiner. Watch the amusing play (watch Steiner’s reaction when
Garnet is stabbed). Then, you’ll see Vivi and Puck being chased by knights.
Vivi will then run to the stage. He will use his fire magic and will
accidentally burn Garnet’s Hood. Everyone will now know that she is actually
Princess Garnet. Then, you’ll be attacked again by Steiner with 2 of his men.
It’s easy, just use physical attacks again. After the fight, you’ll see the
Theater ship fly off. Queen Brahne will then order her men to attack the
theater ship. The ship will be directly hit. Then, Queen Brahne uses a
powerful monster. The Bomb. You’ll now fight with Steiner and a Bomb.

This fight is easy, just attack Steiner. He’ll never notice that there really
is a bomb behind him. When the Bomb reached its limit. An FMV will be shown
again. The bomb will then explode damaging the ship greatly. Brahne will be
happy that the ship is destroyed. But, to her dismay, the ship still flies
and is able to escape. Then, you’ll see a scene with Brahne, Zorn, and Thorn.

Phoenix Down

You’ll see a scene with Baku and his crew. After that short scene, you’ll see
Zidane come in from the woods to meet Cinna. After a short talk with Cinna,
the moogle will come to you and will tell you about the A.T.E. or the Active
Time Events which are events that are happening at the same time but in a
different place. You’ll see the “Forest Keeper” ATE here. After viewing what
happened to Garnet and Vivi (they’re in danger), search around the body which
is to the left of Cinna. You’ll get a Phoenix Down there. After getting that
Phoenix Down, go and talk to the Moogle. Save your game then go south to
enter the Evil Forest.


In the first area of the Evil Forest, try to level up Zidane to level 6 or
so. After reaching that level, go back and save your game. After saving, go
back to the Evil Forest. Move on until you reach the next screen. You’ll see
Vivi. It seems that the Princess is in trouble. When you regain control of
Zidane, move forward. You’ll see the monster that captured Garnet. You’ll
also see Steiner here. You’ll now fight the monster using Zidane and Steiner.

During the fight, Zidane will be in Trance Mode. You can use Zidane’s Dyne
ability. Now, try to beat the monster as fast as possible because from time
to time, the monster will steal HP’s from Garnet. If Garnet dies, it’s game
over. After saving Garnet, Vivi will be the next one to be captured. This
time, Vivi will use his Fire Magic on the monster. Zidane and Steiner will
support Vivi. So, defeat the monster now. After that, Vivi will be released
but the plant goes for one desperate move. It’ll spray Vivi and Steiner with
seeds that will grow in the body then boom! The host dies!

PRIMA VISTA (theater ship)
Bronze Gloves Iron Sword
Rubber Helmet Leather Hat
116 gil

After that incident, you’ll see a scene where Steiner is taken to a room
inside the Theater Ship. Next, you’ll see Zidane and Baku arguing about
Princess Garnet. Zidane decides to go after Garnet but Baku disagrees. When
you regain control of Zidane, search near the globe to the right for a Bronze
Glove. And then, go left towards the next screen. You’ll be on top of a
spiral stairs. You’ll see 3 A.T.E.s here. After viewing them, continue down
the stairs. Below, go left a little bit and examine the chest for another
Wrist. Now, go right and talk to Blank. He’ll tell you to go and meet Vivi.
So, go right and enter Vivi’s room. Now, talk to Vivi. Zidane will tell Vivi
that what he did was good. When you regain control of Zidane again, examine
the chest here for an Ether. Then, go up the double decker bed and examine
the pillows for 116 Gil. After getting the items, leave Vivi’s room. You’ll
then see a flashback of Zidane and Garnet’s first meeting at the palace where
Garnet tried to escape. After the flashback, you have to choose from 2
options, choose to “Go look for her”. Then, Blank will come in. He’ll tell
you that you should talk to Baku concerning your decision to leave Tantalus
and save Garnet.

From here, go left towards the next screen. In this area, examine the chest
to get another Ether. Then, go down the stairs. You’ll now be back in the
first room you saw in the game (Cargo Room). In this room, go north and
search for the Rubber Helmet. After getting the helmet, go right and enter
the Meeting Room. Inside, you’ll see Baku. He’ll bust you up because of your
decision to leave Tantalus. When you regain control of Zidane, examine the
chest here for a potion. And then, go outside and talk to Baku in the Cargo
room. You’ll have to fight him now. Just use physical attacks. You can also
steal an Iron Sword and a Hi-Potion from him. After the battle, go left to
the next screen and enter the room, which Marcus is guarding a while ago.
Talk to Steiner. At first he will not agree to go with you hoodlums. But,
you’ll still be able to convince Steiner to join you. Steiner will then
suggest that you also seek the help of ‘Master’ Vivi. So, leave the room and
go to Vivi. Talk to Vivi and he’ll agree to join your party. Now, go back to
the Cargo room. From here, go south to the next screen. You’ll meet with
Blank. He’ll give you his medicine that will help you cure the poison/seeds
from the plants in the forest. Now, get the chest in this room for a Leather
Hat and then go through the bottom right door. You’ll be back outside the
Ship. Out here, you can talk to Cinna and he will offer you items. But you
have to pay for it now as you’re no longer a member of the Tantalus. After
buying items, if necessary, talk to the moogle and save. After saving, go
south again and enter Evil Forest once more.

Phoenix Down
Key Item/s:
Moogle’s Flute

Here, level up Steiner and Vivi to at least level 3. After leveling up, move
on until you reach the area where you fought the monster that captured
Garnet. On the way, you’ll see an ATE, “The Orchestra in the Forest”. You’ll
see the musicians here playing Rufus’ welcoming song! This is to boost their
morale. After viewing that ATE, move forward and enter the hole at the end.
Now, move on until you see a Moogle and a spring in the middle. Just as you
enter that area, an ATE will commence. “Do as I say, not as I do”. You’ll see
a scene with Baku and Blank here. After that ATE, go to the Moogle and save
if you want. Don’t use a tent. Examine the water gushing out of the spring.
It will restore your HP/MP completely. Now, after saving, go northwest
towards the next screen. From here, just move forward until you see a FMV of
a huge plant. When you regain control of Zidane, move forward and enter the
big tree at the end. You’ll now have to fight the first boss in the game.

BOSS: Plant Brain
Level: 7 Type: n/a
HP: 533 Gil: 486
MP: 1,186 Items: 1 Potion, 1 Phoenix Down
AP: 5
Stolen Item/s: Eye Drops, Iron Helm
Attacks: Pollen, Thunder, Left Tentacle, Right Tentacle
Weakness: Fire

Now, you should use Vivi’s Fire magic. For Steiner, have him use his Fire
Sword Magic. Have Zidane steal first for an Eye Drop or Iron Helm and have
him use physical attacks on the plant. If ever you need healing, just use
Potions. After you deal about 700+ HP damage or so, Blank will come in and
help. Now, continue on pummeling the big plant until it dies.

After the battle, Zidane and co. will be able to rescue Garnet. Zidane will
use Blank’s Medicine to cure Garnet. Then, suddenly, small plant-like
creatures will come out. You party will leave through the upper right corner.
When you regain control of your characters, RUN QUICKLY! Once these small
monsters catch you, you’ll have to fight them. So, just run quickly as the
path is straightforward. At the end, Zidane will notice that the entire
forest seems to be after them. After that, you’ll see a FMV of the party
running away from lots and lots of those small creatures. You’ll see Blank
being left behind. He’ll throw the map to Zidane. Then, the forest slowly
petrifies, including Blank. After that FMV, you’ll see a Camp Scene.

As always, Steiner always disagrees to what Zidane says. Garnet will still be
weak now so your party will decide to call it a night. In the morning, Garnet
will be very well. Zidane is now worrying about Blank. Back at the camp, a
moogle will come flying in. It’s the moogle inside the Evil Forest. He’ll be
amazed that you were able to leave Evil forest alive. He’ll also tell you
that, from here on, you’ll be meeting stronger enemies. He’ll initiate an
ATE. “Teach me, Mogster!” Lesson 1. You’ll see Mogster teaching another mog
about the basics of the game. You’ll learn about battles, Trance, Field icon,
etc. After learning from Mogster, Monty (the Moogle) will give you the
Moogle’s Flute. This will enable you to call on Moguo, one of the moogles, in
the world map. You can call him when you want to save or use a Tent by
pressing the Square button anywhere on the world map. After giving the flute
to you, your party will now leave the forest (watch what will happen to

WORLD MAP (Mist Continent)

This will be your first time in the world map. You don’t have to worry about
the controls as it is the same as the previous Final Fantasies. Now, you
should go to a cavern to the south right? But before going there, go all the
way to the east and enter the gate-like structure.

NORTH GATE (Melda Arch)

In here, examine the large gate. Ask for someone inside. And then, you can
choose to buy potions from the girl behind the gate (It’s a girl, based on
the instinct and experience of Zidane). You can buy a maximum of 99 potions
here. In the right fence, you can get 2 chests with Eye Drops and a Potion.
After that, leave the North Gate.


Now, check your map by pressing the Select button. Go to the Ice Cavern,
which is a bit to the south of the Evil Forest. Save before entering, though.

Tent Phoenix Down x2
Ether Hi Potion
Potion x2
Mage Masher
Leather Wrist

Upon entering, you’ll see a short talk between your characters. In the next
screen, when you regain control of Zidane, go up the ledge to the left and
get the chest for a Tent. Then, go down the ledge then move north until you
reach the next screen. In here, there are 2 paths. There are stairs to the
left and right. Go to the right stairs first. Examine the ice wall at the
end. Zidane will then ask Vivi if he could use his Fire Magic on the Ice
Wall. It will then melt revealing a chest. Get the chest for an Ether. Now,
go down the stairs. You’ll see the other ladder to the left right? You can go
around below it to get the other chest that contains a Potion. After getting
the potion, go up the left set of stairs and the keep on moving up until you
reach the next screen.

In here, although the path looks like a maze, it will lead to the upper right
corner. In this area, you can cross the icicle to the right to get the chest
with a potion. After that, cross the icicle again. Now, have Vivi use his
Fire magic on the icicle and it will fall. Cross the icicle again and you can
get a more powerful weapon for Zidane, the Mage Masher. Now, go to the NORTH
part of this area and examine the wall. Have Vivi use his fire magic again
and another chest will appear. It contains an Elixir. After getting the
items, go northeast until you reach the next screen.

This area is pretty straightforward too. You can get a Phoenix Down from a
chest in this area. There’s also an Ice wall to the left that will reveal a
new path that will lead you to the other chest. It contains a Leather Wrist.
After getting the equipment, go all the way to the north until you reach the
next area.

Here, you’ll see 2 paths. Go to the left path first. You’ll see a moogle in
here trapped in ice. Vivi will then use his Fire Magic on the ice and the
moogle will be free. Then, you’ll see another ATE, “Teach me, Mogster!”
Lesson 2. Now, you’ll learn about status effects, elemental properties and
the card game. After the ATE, talk to the moogle to save your game. Now,
south to the previous screen. Use the right path now. In the next screen, it
will be very cold. First Vivi passes out then, Steiner, then Garnet, then
finally Zidane. While unconscious, Zidane will be able to hear a bell. Zidane
will regain consciousness again. Now, prepare Zidane for a battle ahead. When
you’re ready, move forward to the right onto the next screen.

Here, you’ll see Black Waltz #1. He is the main reason why there is a very
cold breeze. He will then attack Zidane.

BOSS: Black Waltz #1, Sealion
Level: 2 Type: Human
Black Waltz HP: 229 Gil: 339
Black Waltz MP: 9,999 Items: 1 Hi Potion, 1 Phoenix Down
Weakness: Fire

Level: 3 Type: Flying
Sealion HP: 472
Sealion MP: 9,999
Weakness: Fire

AP: 5
Stolen Item/s: Black Waltz: Remedy, Silk Shirt;
Sealion: Ether, Mythril Dagger
Attacks: Black Waltz: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard
Sealion: Wing, Blizzard, Tsunami

This will be a tough battle so be patient. First, you must defeat the Black
Waltz first as he is able to heal the Sealion. He only has around 250 HP.
After he dies, concentrate your attack on the Sealion. You’ll probably
achieve Trance Mode. If so, you’ll be able to use Zidane’s Dyne ability and
kill the Sealion faster. If you can’t use Trance yet, just use normal
physical attacks. If Zidane’s HP gets below 150 HP, heal right away using a

After you beat Black Waltz #1, you’ll see Zorn and Thorn above. Now, the
entire party regains consciousness. After a short talk, you’ll regain control
of your characters again. Now, go to where you fought Black Waltz. In this
area, run up the slopes to the right. From here, just move on until you reach
the top. On top, you’re now above the Mist. You’ll see a small town, not far
from your position. It will now be your next destination. Seeing as Garnet is
a Princess, Zidane suggests that she change her identity. You’ll now get to
name Garnet. The default name is Dagger (She got it from the weapon). Dagger
will also have to talk casual so she’ll practice a little bit. After that
practice, your party will now be in the world map again.


Save your game at once. You don’t want to repeat Black Waltz do you? Now, you
can go directly to the south and enter the X mark, which is the South Gate.

Multina Racket

In here, you can talk to the guard. You can ask the guard questions or wait
for Mary from an item shop. So, just wait for a few moments and Part-Time
worker Mary will come in and will offer you to Buy items from her or Rest for
100 gil. After buying and resting, leave the South Gate. You can get a
Multina Racket on the lower-left side of the screen.


From the South Gate, or from the Ice Cavern Exit, go northwest and you’ll see
the Village. Enter the Village of Dali.

Potion x3 Antidote
Ether Hi-Potion
347 (Accumulated)

Upon entering, you’ll see a short dialogue between your characters. Then,
they’ll enter the inn. Inside, Zidane will wake the innkeeper up. Then, the
party will now go to the room and rest. The next morning, Zidane will hear
someone singing. He’ll notice that everyone’s awake now. When you regain
control of Zidane, get the chest to the right for an Antidote. Go to the left
part of the room and examine the hidden chest for a Potion. After getting the
items, leave the room. You’ll encounter another ATE. After viewing the ATE,
save your game then leave the Inn (note: if you enter your room inside the in
then come back out, you’ll see another ATE).

Outside the inn, you’ll see kids running around and you’ll see another ATE.
Now, go inside the house directly to the left of the Inn. It’s the equipment
shop. Inside, you’ll see Dagger looking at the things inside the shop. Zidane
tells Dagger that she’s doing fine and that she should go back to the Inn so
that you can talk about what to do next. Then, Zidane will decide to look for
Vivi and Steiner. After Dagger leaves, talk to the ShopKeeper and buy some of
the equipments that you don’t have yet. After buying, examine the things
Dagger was looking at a while ago. You’ll see some info about the abilities.
You’ll also see the explanation of Status Abilities. Then, you’ll also see
the shopkeeper’s idea about the numbers on the card. After buying equipments,
leave the shop.

Outside, go north. If you take a peek in one of the windows of the Inn,
you’ll see Dagger in the room practicing how to speak casually. After that,
go all the way to the north and talk to Vivi. Vivi is not feeling good as the
children of the village is avoiding him. Zidane tries to cheer him up. You’ll
also hear a Chocobo in the small hole. After the short talk, head back to the
inn and go inside the room. While on your way, Vivi will be kidnapped by
someone. After the abduction of Vivi you’ll see another ATE. After the ATE,
go north and go inside the house with a Bull’s head on top of the door. It’s
an item shop. After buying items, go to the inn and into the room and talk to
Dagger. After a short talk between Zidane and Dagger, you’ll see another ATE.
You’ll see Steiner help at the Item shop. The Girl will be pleased at what
Steiner did and will tell him about an observatory on top of a mountain and
that there is a man named Morrid whom he can talk to.

After that, Zidane and Dagger will look for Vivi as he hasn’t come back yet.
When you regain control of Zidane and Dagger, leave the inn. Outside, go
north to where you saw Vivi and Zidane will notice that Vivi’s not there
anymore. Go on to the north and you’ll hear a Chocobo and someone crying.
When you try to talk to the person who is crying, you’ll know that it is
Vivi. Zidane and Dagger will think of a way to save Vivi. When you regain
control of Zidane and Dagger, go to the house on the left (directly to the
left of the Item Shop). Here, if you examine the door at the upper right, it
will be locked. If you go to the left and behind the machine, you can get the
Aries Stellazzio. After getting Aries, go back near the entrance and examine
the circular metal thing that looks like a hatch. Indeed, it is a hatch. Go
down this hatch to reach the underground.

In here, just move on and use the small lift. Then, examine the chest here
for 156 gil. After getting the money, go north until you reach the next area.
In this area, you’ll see a Chocobo. You’ll also see some men talking inside a
small room. Meanwhile, Dagger notices the pattern on the barrel. Then, the
mean will go out with Vivi! They’ll drag Vivi along. After a short talk
between Zidane and Dagger, go inside the room where the men were talking a
while ago and get the chest in here for a potion. Next, there’s a hidden
chest here at the bottom of the screen. It contains Eye Drops. After getting
the items, continue to the right until you reach the next screen.

In here, you’ll see a coffin and a barrel. First, go behind the barrel and
climb the boxes to reach the chest on top for an Ether. Then, go down the
boxes and examine the wheel, where the rope is, and kick it. The chest will
drop down. Get it for a Potion. After getting the items, examine the barrel
in the middle and you’ll see a moogle. Save your game. After that, go north
to the next area.

Here, you can get two chests for an Iron Helm and a Leather Wrist. After
getting these 2 equipments, go to the upper right towards the next screen.
Here, you’ll hear someone crying inside a coffin. It’s Vivi! Zidane will help
Vivi out. After a short talk, you’ll notice the machine to the right. When
you regain control of your characters, get the chest here for 62 gil and then
go RIGHT to the next screen. You’ll see a Chocobo and a lot of eggs passing
through another machine. Now, continue north to the next screen. You’ll be
shocked at what you will see. Black Mages! They look a lot like Vivi! Dagger
and Vivi will be shocked. Someone will come in so Zidane takes both of them
and enters the machine.

Now, you’ll see a scene with Steiner on the observatory asking Morrid when
the cargo ship will arrive. Morrid will go down so follow him when you regain
control of Steiner. you can get a hidden Hi-Potion near the southern exit and
135 Gil near the northern end of the fence at Dali when you return there
before going to Morrid’s house. After that, return to the Observatory.

Below, go inside his house and talk to Morrid again. He’ll now tell Steiner
that the ship should have arrived by now. After that, leave Morrid’s house
and go south until you reach the next screen. Steiner will now see the cargo
ship. But, to his amazement, there are things coming out of the ground. Then,
you’ll see a very short scene among the workers. Steiner will now arrive at
the cargo ship and examines the barrel. You can either poke the barrel with
the sword or examine it. Either way, Zidane and co. will come out of the
barrel. After another argument with Steiner, something will come in and
teleports around. It’s Black Waltz #2. You’ll have to do battle once more.

BOSS: Black Waltz #2
Level: 6 Type: Human
HP: 1,030 Gil: 441
MP: 3,017 Items: Ether
AP: 5
Stolen Item/s: Leather Plate, Steepled Hat
Attacks: Fire, Fira, Thunder, Blizzard, Teleport
Weakness: none

This will be a rather average battle. Don’t use Vivi’s Black Magic as Black
Waltz will retaliate with a more powerful version of it. Have Steiner, on the
other hand, use his Sword Magic. Have Zidane steal the equipments then use
physical attacks afterwards. Let Dagger be the healer as her Cure magic is
very effective.

After the battle with the Black Waltz, there’ll be a short dialogue between
your characters. Then, when an option appears, choose to rest in the Inn
first. So, from here, go to the Inn and your party will rest. After resting,
save your game then leave the Inn and go back to the Cargo Ship. When you
reach the end, choose to board the airship. You’ll see a short scene with
your characters boarding the cargo ship. Then, you’ll see an FMV of the
airship while taking off


After climbing aboard, Vivi will talk to you about those Black Mages. After
that, Dagger invites Vivi inside the Airship. After Dagger and Vivi enter the
airship, Dagger will come out again and will call Zidane. Inside, Zidane will
see Vivi trying to talk to the Black Mages. They are not responding to Vivi.
After that scene, you’ll be able to control Zidane. Now, just go north and
climb up the stairs at the end. Then, you’ll see Steiner on the deck. He
thought Dagger wasn’t able to climb aboard. To his surprise, Zidane is just
behind him. As always, Steiner will threat Zidane again because he kidnapped
Garnet. When you regain control of Zidane, go left and enter the control room
there. Then, you’ll see a FMV of the ship turning around. You’ll also see
Black Waltz #3. After that, Steiner will go to Zidane and scolds him again
and asks Zidane why he turned around. After that, Black Waltz #3 will arrive
on the deck of the ship in front of Vivi.

To Vivi’s and Black Waltz’ surprise, the Black Mages try to protect Vivi.
Then you’ll see a FMV where Black Waltz defeats all Black Mages. All Black
Mages will fall from the airship. Vivi will be sad to what is happening.
After the FMV, you’ll see the party in the control room. Suddenly, Vivi goes
out and charges at Black Waltz. Steiner will follow. Zidane will tell Dagger
if she wants to continue to South Gate to Lindblum or head back to
Alexandria. Then, Zidane will go out and help Vivi and Steiner. You’ll now
have to fight Black Waltz #3.

BOSS: Black Waltz #3
Level: 7 Type: Human
HP: 1,128 Gil: 0
MP: 2,080 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Linen Cuirass, Steepled Hat, Silver Gloves
Attacks: Fire, Fira, Thunder, Blizzard, Thundara, Blizzara
Weakness: none

Do as what you did against Black Waltz #2. Now, Vivi will begin in Trance
right away. So, use his Double Black Magic (Dbl Blk) and use Magic attacks 2
times in a row. Have Steiner use his Sword Magic and Have Zidane steal
everything then attack. If your HP is low, just use Potions.

After you deal enough damage to him, he will escape. Steiner worries that
there are more Black Waltzes. But Zidane’s idea is good. Waltz has 3 beats
and Black Waltz #3 should be the last. Then, you’ll see Zorn and Thorn.
They’ll be pissed as you were able to beat all 3 Black Waltzes. Then, they’ll
notice something. Black Waltz is coming back to them! They’ll escape as Black
waltz #3 is already insane due to his loss against Zidane and co. Now, you’ll
see a nice FMV. You’ll see Vivi square off with Black Waltz. Vivi will be
able to pin down the aircraft of Black Waltz, but he is hit with Black Waltz’
Magic. The chase is on to the South Gate! Dagger desperately maneuvers the
airship into the closing South Gate. Fortunately, Zidane and co. made it out
to the other side of the Gate. As for Black Waltz, he did not make it. After
that, you’ll see the airship fly to Lindblum. When the airship reaches
Lindblum, you’ll see a FMV where your airship enters Lindblum’s Gate.

Glass Armlet

Upon entering the Grand Castle of Lindblum, everyone will be amazed except
Dagger as she already saw this place a couple of times when she was still a
kid. A welcoming party of soldiers will go to you and demands proof that
Dagger is Princess Garnet. Dagger will show her pendant to the guards and
they will call Minister Artania. He and Dagger have met before and she even
calls him Uncle Artania. After the meeting with Artania, you’ll follow him.
When you regain control of your character, you’ll be in a place with a
fountain in the center, a stairs to the right and a path going south. I
suggest that you go up the right stairs first.

In the next area, just move on and enter the door that you’ll see (don’t go
down the ladder). You’ll now be in the guestroom of the Castle. If you go all
the way up and to the left, you’ll see a Moogle. So, save your game now.
After saving, get the chest near this moogle that contains an Ether. There’s
also another chest in the south part of this room, which contains a Glass
Armlet. After getting the items, return to the place with the fountain. From
here, go south until you reach the elevator. You see your characters talk in
the lift. Artania will explain to you the different levels of the Lindblum

In the Base level, you can take the trolleys to reach the gates. In the Mid-
Level, you’ll be able to take the Aircab to enter the different districts of
the Lindblum Town (This is the level where the guestroom is). And the upper
level, where you’ll find the Royal Chamber and the Conference Room. Then your
party will talk about Cid. After that, you’ll arrive at the upper level.
Then, your party will be taken to the Royal Chamber. To your surprise, you’ll
see an Oglop! But it really is Regent Cid. Artania will tell you that someone
sneaked into the castle while the Regent was sleeping and it was too late and
he turned into an Oglop. After a short conversation, you will be invited to
eat and rest.

Echo Screen
Key Items:
Kupo Nut
Master Hunter
610 (accumulated)
Leather Plate Steepled Hat
Leather Wrist Coral Ring
Bronze Vest Silver Gloves
Mimic Theater Ship

Here, you’ll see Zidane in a bar in the Industrial District of Lindblum.

Always remember that there are 3 districts in Lindblum, the Theater, Business
and Industrial Districts and you can go back and forth between them and the
castle by using Aircabs.

Now, Zidane will order something special, the “Stupid Special” :) Afterwards,
Zidane will talk to the girl who is sitting in the bar. Watch Zidane as he
mistakenly took the girl for other women. Finally, Zidane will remember her
and you’ll get to name her. Let’s use the default name, Freya. Then, Freya
and Zidane will talk about the Festival of the Hunt. After that, you’ll see a
short scene with Dagger and Cid talking about Queen Brahne and that Regent
Cid will always be there to help Dagger. Dagger will also know that Regent
Cid is the one who order Tantalus to kidnap you. Regent Cid promised to
Dagger’s father that he would protect her. So, he decided to kidnap Dagger so
that she will be away from the troubled Alexandria. After that, Dagger and
Cid will go to Dock #1 of the castle where he is researching. He’ll talk
about the airship Hilda Garde. He will also tell you the TRUE story why he is
now an oglop. Back then, his wife Hilda was very jealous of Cid because of
other women so she turned him into an oglop. Although she did this to Cid, he
still named his Airship Hilda Garde.

After the scene with Dagger and Cid, you’ll see Zidane in the inn at the
Business District. Vivi will come in and talk to you. After that
conversation, an ATE will kick in. It’s the Teach me, Mogster! Synthesis.
After learning about synthesis shops, go to the next room and save your game.
After saving, leave the moogle’s room. Go north down the hallway and go down
the stairs. Now, leave the Inn. You’ll see another ATE. You’ll see Steiner
wander around the town. After that, you’ll see Zidane outside the Inn. You
can get 163 Gil on the lower left side next to the stairs leading outside the
inn. Go a bit to the lower right and enter the house here. You’ll see another
ATE wherein you’ll see Vivi shop. During this time, he will be able to get
the Kupo Nut Key Item. After the ATE of Vivi, leave this house. Outside, just
continue moving north until you reach the next screen.

This will be the place where you saw Steiner in the ATE. There are 2 paths
here. Either to the upper left or upper right. First, go inside the house in
the middle. It’s the house of Card Freak Gon. You can challenge him in a Card
Game. Now, get the two chests here for a Hi-Potion and an Echo Screen. Now,
leave Gon’s house. Outside, go to the upper right path first.

In the next screen, you’ll see a fountain in the middle. You can buy
items/equipments here. The item shop is located to the north, the Equipments
shop is located a bit to the southeast of the item shop, and the Synthesis
Shop can be found if you go northwest from the Item Shop. Try to buy the
Synthesized weapons for Zidane as they are very powerful at this stage of the
game. You can get a pair of Silver Gloves next to the old man here at the
Synthesis Shop. Buy also items and some equipments for your other characters
(If you are short of Gil, you can go out to the World Map by going to the
area where the inn is and go south until you reach the World Map). Now, after
buying equipments, head southwest to the previous screen. Here, use the upper
left path. In here, just enter the church at the end. You’ll find a Leather
Plate at the back of the altar on top of a platform that can be reached by
climbing the ladders. After getting the item, leave the church and head back
all the way to the Inn. Save your game again. Now, leave the Inn. Go to the
house a bit to the southeast again. Inside, move on to the left and use the
Aircab. Let’s head for the Industrial District First.

In here, just go up the ladder to the left. In the next area, search around
the stairs you came from for a Leather Wrist. You’ll see a statue in the
middle now. Go north and go up the stairs at the end. In here, go all the way
to the north (get a Bronze Vest along the way) and enter the house at the
end. Inside this house, you can get the Mimic Card and a Steepled hat from 2
chests. Now, leave this house and go back to the Aircab. Go to the Theater

When you reach the Theater District, just go south to the next area. In here,
you’ll see another ATE, which is about Steam Engine. When you regain control
of Zidane, go inside the house on the lower right. Just get the chest here
with the Ore and then leave this house. Outside, head to the left and go down
the stairs to the next screen. Just as you enter this screen, you’ll see a
big establishment. Enter this at once. You’ll now see the Hideout of
Tantalus. No one’s here yet so Zidane will rest for a short while. An ATE
will be shown with Dagger trying to leave the castle. After that ATE, two
kids will come in and talk to Zidane. Kid’s will ask about how you kidnapped
Garnet. They will then insist that you should meet her. When you regain
control of Zidane, get the chests here for the ff: 97 Gil, 282 Gil, 68 Gil,
and the Mini-Burmecia Key item in the top left bed. Then, leave the hideout.
You’ll see another ATE. You’ll be shown what happened to Baku and the rest of
the Tantalus. After that ATE, you can go south and use the ladder and take a
look at the Theater. You’ll see lots of fans of this Lowell guy. You’ll also
see a big Moogle! Just a mascot :)! After seeing this, just go back to the

Don’t get on the Aircab yet, go to the house in the lower right of the
screen. It is the artist’s house. Find a few items here and talk with the
artist. Go down the stairs toward the Tantalus hideout. At this point in the
game fans of Lowell are going down stairs to see Lowell. Then go down the
stairs to the Fans waiting to see Lowell. Talk to all of them especially the
President of the Fan club (although I am not sure of her title). After the
short exchange between Zidane and her approach the fans again and Lowell will
talk to his fans. He will leave and the big Moogle Mascot will walk by. It
is Lowell in a Moogle suit. Go up the stairs and a woman there will tell you
a Moogle just walked by. Go up again to the level where the old man was
feeding pigeons and the artist house is. Go to the artist’s house. Talk to
Lowell. He will give you an autograph. Go by the barrels and find the
Moogle suit.

Now, go to the Aircab and take it to Lindblum Castle. When you arrive, Just
go south to the next screen. From here, just move on and go to the Guest
Room. You’ll see Steiner. As usual, he’ll begin to blame you for what you did
not do to Garnet. Now, go to the fountain. Zidane will hear someone singing.
It’s Dagger. So, go south and try to enter the lift. You won’t be allowed.
So, you have to think of a way. Go back up the right stairs. Here, climb down
the stairs instead of entering the Guest Room. Talk to the guard in the lower
left. Zidane will trick him and will get his clothes as a disguise. Now, go
back to the fountain and then go south and you’ll be enter the lift. You’ll
arrive on the upper level. Here, you ca go in 3 directions. Go to the left
first and go up the stairs. In the next room, go up another set of stairs on
the left. You’ll arrive on the roof. Now, go talk to Dagger (you’ll see an
FMV of Dagger singing). After a while, you’ll take a look at the Telescope.
Now, you must see all that there is to see in the telescope in order to move
on. I’ve listed all the possible locations you can see through the telescope.

You’ll see important locations with the Field Icon (!)
- Ceebell River = River by the South Gate.
- Marshland = Zidane thinks that there’s something there and plans to go
there in the future.
- Aerbs Mountains (Left) = Mountains that surround Burmecia.
- South Gate = You’ll see that it’s being repaired.
- ??? Forest = You’ll see a Chocobo. You can capture chocobos here later.
- Aerbs Mountains (right) = Mountains that surround Alexandria.

After looking at the telescope, Zidane and Dagger will talk about the plan,
Baku and co. tried to do in order to kidnap Dagger. Zidane will tell Dagger
about the sleeping herb that they planned to use on her back at Alexandria.
She’ll ask for some. After that, Dagger will sing again.

After that, you’ll see a scene with Steiner inside the Equipment shop. You’ll
also see some kids playing Knights of Pluto vs. Lindblum army and Airships.
You’ll then see Vivi thinking about those Black Mages again. After that,
you’ll see Freya. She feels that there’s something bad going to happen.
She’ll be looking also for Sir Fratley. Her long lost love. Then, you’ll see
Cid working at the research room. Finally, you’ll see Zidane and Dagger
again. Zidane mistakenly asked Dagger about the Airship Cruise! (she told
that one to the lady at the bar right? He forgot! :) He’s so naughty!) Dagger
will be angry with Zidane as he mistook her for some other girl. Zidane will
then make a deal, if he makes it to the top in tomorrow’s Festival of the
Hunt, he’ll have a date with Dagger. Dagger agrees.

The next day, you’ll see some people preparing for the festival. The monster
will now be released. You’ll also see Zaghnol released. After those scene,
you’ll see Zidane and co. at the guestroom. A man will then explain to you
the rules for the Festival of the hunt.

During the Festival you have roam around and beat the monster that were
freed. There will be a time limit of 12 minutes. If you lose in one battle,
you will be force to quit the game. You can also use the Aircabs to travel
from one district to another. The winner will receive the title of “Master
Hunter” and will be given the Hunter’s Reward.

The man will then ask you what you want to be your prize. Zidane goes for
Gil, Freya chooses Add-on. Now, to Vivi’s surprise, he is enlisted as a
competitor. Zidane secretly signed him because he thinks that Vivi’s Magic
will protect him. Vivi will be hesitant. But, Zidane will deal with him. If
Vivi wins, he’ll get a date with Dagger. Vivi will shout! As usual, Steiner
will ask about what’s happening because he heard the word “princess”. Vivi
and Zidane will tell Steiner that is was nothing. Now, the man will now
designate your starting positions. Zidane will be at the Theater District.
Vivi will be at the Business District and Freya at the Industrial District.
When you regain control of Zidane, SAVE your game first. Now, let’s start the
Festival of the Hunt!

Now, leave the guestroom and head to the Aircab. It will take to you the
Theater District. You’ll see a scene where Dagger and Steiner are preparing
to watch the Hunt Festival. They will cheer for Vivi (especially Steiner).
When you arrive at the Theater District, the time will start at once. Now,
just move on and fight ALL the monsters that you will see. Hopefully, you
have Zidane’s “The Ogre” as it will knock monsters down in 1 blow. If you
beat all the enemies here, move to another district and cleanse the area for
monsters. Here are the points for the monsters:

Mu = 10 Points
Trick Sparrow = 10 Points
Fang = 19-21 Points
Zaghnol = 75-95 Points

Note: to find Zaghnol, find him at the Business District, near the Item Shop.
You’ll be fighting with Freya. Try to give Zidane the final blow at Zaghnol.
If you are equipped with Zidane’s The Ogre, have him attack and have Freya
just heal. This will secure your hunting points after the battle.

Letting Vivi win: Play as if you want Vivi to win, until you fight Zaghnol.
When you do, have Freya kill herself then Zidane kill himself. Freya must
die first. Vivi wins, and you get a Theater Ship card.

After the time expires, the winner will be announced.

Correction: Freya will NOT always win the Festival. Zidane will be able to
win the Festival by beating Zaghnol at the Business District, which will give
you a lot of hunting points. (Check the Credits Section for the contributors)

After the hunt, you’ll be at the Royal Chamber. Freya will be rewarded with
the title of “Master Hunter” (it is also a key item), and the Coral Ring
Accessory. Suddenly, a Burmecian Soldier will come in. He will ask Cid for
reinforcements as Burmecia is being attacked. Cid will agree right away, but
they are short of men because of the Festival. Freya will then volunteer to
save her Kingdom. She is a Dragon Knight after all. Then, Zidane will decide
to come with Freya and so is Vivi, who wants to know who those Black Mages
really are. Dagger will want to go with them but Zidane won’t allow it
because it will be a real war and she might be hurt or even be killed. Dagger
desperately wants to join but Zidane still won’t allow her. After that scene,
Regent Cid will invite everyone to have a meal first while waiting for the
Dragon Gate to be opened.

At the dining table, everyone will eat except Dagger. Suddenly, Zidane, Vivi,
Freya, and Cid will feel sleepy and will finally go to sleep. Steiner will
tell Dagger that he feels something. Dagger will also tell Steiner that he
should be fine. Steiner will wonder how did the Princess know of this. Dagger
used the Sleeping Herb given to her by Zidane. After that, Dagger and Steiner
will leave.

Now, Zidane and the rest will finally wake up. Freya will then tell you to
head for Gizamaluke’s Grotto and pass through there to reach Burmecia. Cid
will now tell you to go to the Base Level and use the Trolley there in order
to reach the Dragon’s Gate. When you regain control of your characters (Freya
will now officially join the party), go back to the lift and go down to the
Base Level. When you arrive in the Base Level, use the left Trolley. You’ll
be taken to the Dragon’s Gate. Here, you can buy items from the man. After
buying, if necessary, go and talk to the Moogle and Save your game. After
preparing and saving, go out to the World Map through the Dragon’s Gate.


Now, look at your map. You’ll see locations near you. Burmecia to the north
and the Chocobo’s Forest to the northeast. Then, go north a bit and enter the
marshes that you’ll see (It looks like a small forest).


Upon entering, just move forward to the next screen. Here, you’ll see a very
familiar scenery. You’ll see Mogster and Moggy! You can ask him again about
the different basics of the game. Now, if you ask Mogster for directions,
he’ll tell you that you should talk to the Qu guys here. They might know
something. Now, go through the hole behind Mogster to reach the next area. In
here, all that you’ll see is grass. Press the Select button so that the Here
Icon will appear and will show you where you are. In the grass, just go all
the way to the north until you reach a screen with a Qu and a swamp with
Frogs. Now, cross the bridge and head north to the next screen.

Here, you’ll see a house. Go in. Talk to the Qu inside. You’ll ask him if you
know some excavation sites around. He can’t remember if there are any. The Qu
will tell you to find his student because his student might have seen the
Site. Now, leave the house. From the house, go south to the next screen
again. Here, catch a frog first. When a Frog jumps into solid ground, try to
catch it. Walk to it then press X. If the frog is in the water, you can’t
catch it. Once you’ve caught a Frog, give it to the Qu here. His/her name is
Quina. Zidane will finally give the Frog to Quina. And then, Quale (the Qu
you talked to earlier) will come in and scolds Quina. You’ll be brought
automatically to house.

In the house, Quale will tell Quina that there are a lot of things that Quina
can eat in the world. Quale will tell Quina that he/she needs some
enlightenment. Then, Quale will ask you if you could bring Quina with you to
discover the world. So, have him in your party. Next, you’ll see Zidane and
Vivi talk. Vivi will notice that the man inside looks like his Grandpa. Vivi
will then come inside the house again and talk to Quale. Quale will deny that
he knows Quan, the grandfather of Vivi. Then, Zidane and Vivi will leave the
house. Outside, you’ll now have Quina in your party. Equip Quina as he/she is
unequipped. Quina will be a good addition for your party now. After acquiring
Quina, leave the Marsh and go east to the Chocobo’s Forest


Upon entering, you’ll see a Chocobo and a Moogle. The moogle will tell you
about Chocobos and about this place. He will then tell you how to call Choco.
(BTW, Choco is the only Chocobo in the game that you can call). To call on
Choco, find Chocobo Tracks on the world map. Go to it then use a Gysahl Green
and Choco will come to you. The moogle will tell you that he’ll ask you to
come back after you’ve successfully called Choco. Then, you’ll exit to the
world map. Out here, go to the Chocobo Tracks (it’s just around the Chocobo
Forest). When you’re standing on the Chocobo Tracks, use a Gysahl Green and
Choco will come to you. Ride Choco by pressing the X button. Now, while
riding Choco, enter the Chocobo’s Forest.

When you enter, talk to the Moogle. The Moogle will tell you that Choco will
not leave its master if he/she takes care of him. After that, talk to the
Moogle again and ask for the Big Secret. The Moogle will tell you that Choco
can dig for treasure (check the Chocobo Section on this guide for more info).
After that, you can now leave the forest or Dig Treasures. On the world map,
Choco will still be with you (unlike in other FF games where the Chocobo will
run). Go to the east of Chocobo Forest first and enter the location marked
with a “x”. It’s the North Gate.

Key Item:
Moccha Coffee

when you enter this place, you’ll notice something. This was the place where
Baku and company went after escaping from the Evil Forest. Now, when you
regain control of Zidane, go to the gate and search near the stairs for an
Ether. Now, go south and then to the lower right. Examine the tree trunk with
spring water. It will completely recover your HP and MP. And then, if you
search to the right of this tree trunk, you’ll be able to get the Moccha
Coffee (if you remember, Cinna tried to make coffee here). After getting
these 2, go out to the world map.


From the North Gate, to North West to Gizamaluke’s Grotto. Don’t forget to
save your game before entering.

Key Items:
Gizamaluke’s Bells
Magus Hat
Mythril Gloves

Upon entering, you’ll see Burmecian Soldiers lying on the ground. Freya will
be mad at the Black Mages. After that, you’ll enter the Grotto. In here, go
north a but and then to the right. Talk to the wounded Burmecian Soldier. He
will tell you that Black Mages attacked them and that they stole the Bells.
After that, he will give you the Gizamaluke Bell. Now, go left and go up to
the door and ring the bell. The on the door will ring and the bell on your
hand will shatter. Go in. In the next screen, you’ll see Zorn and Thorn
again. They will now call on 2 Black Mages to attack you. After beating the 2
Black Mages, Zorn and Thorn will escape. Now, move on to the right and kill
the Black Mage here. You’ll get another Gizamaluke’s Bell from it. Now, if
you go north, you’ll see 2 doors with bells on top of a ladder and a bell to
the right. The best way is to go to the right (not up the ladders). Examine
the bell and then ring your Gizamaluke Bell. You’ll be able to enter it now.

In the next screen, you’ll be in a long staircase. Move on and get the
Mythril Gloves on the way. Continue moving through the stairs. On the way,
below the bridge, search for a Magus Hat. And then, keep on moving through
the ladders until you reach the center of the room. In here, you’ll see a
Moogle. She will call another moogle, which is inside the large bell. Then,
the moogle will notice that Vivi has a Kupo Nut. Give it to the Moogle. The
moogle will tell the moogle inside the bell that she has a kupo nut. The
moogle inside the bell will free himself. After that, the 2 moogles will run
around. When you regain control of Zidane, get another Gizamaluke’s Bell from
the chest in the middle. And then, use it on the upper right door and move on
to the next screen.

In here, you’ll see the 2 moogles. Talk to the female one so you can use a
Tent and then save your game. After saving, take note of the vines to the
north. It will lead outside to the world map. But, you’ll encounter the Grand
Dragon that can instantly kill your characters at this point so don’t up the
vines. Instead, try to go back to the room with the large bell. One of the
moogles will go to you and will give you the Holy Bell. Now, leave this room.
In the room where the big bell was, go to the door to the left and use the
Holy Bell there. After opening the door, prepare your characters. After
preparing, go inside. Freya will try to talk to the Burmecian Soldier. But
suddenly, something came into the water. You’ll now have to face...

Level: 16 Type: Flying
HP: 3,175 Gil: 800
MP: 502 Items: Tent
AP: 5
Stolen Item/s: Magus Hat, Elixir, Ice Staff
Attacks: Silent Voice, Crash, Water
Weakness: Thunder

Gizamaluke will be fairly average. Just use normal attacks for Zidane. Freya
should use her Lancer Ability. Vivi should be the main healer of the party.
Just don’t forget to heal when your HP reaches about 150. Then, just attack
and attack.

After the battle with Gizamaluke, Freya will wonder what really happened to
Gizamaluke. After that, the scene will now turn to Dagger and Steiner.

Key Item:
Gate Pass

Steiner will arrive at the South Gate with a big bag. He’ll try to disguise
as a worker for the repair of South Gate. The guards will inspect the bag.
It’s just full of Gysahl Pickles. Steiner will then be allowed to enter.
Inside, Steiner will try to find a place with no people. He’ll notice the
path to the right but there’s a man and a woman here. Now, when you regain
control of Steiner, go talk to the woman and choose the top option. The woman
will then go to the left. Now, talk to the man. Choose the top option again.
After choosing the top option, go left and talk to the leftmost Blue guy. And
then, talk to the man on the right again. He will go to the left also. Now,
go to the upper right path. A guard will call you. Go to him. He will give
you a Gate Pass so that you can pass through the Gates. After getting the
Gate Pass, you can now go to the upper right path.

To get the chest that Steiner can’t reach, you have to return here when you
have the mountain crossing Chocobo or the Airship, and you can now climb the
platform and inside the chest is an Elixir Card.

In here, you’ll see Dagger come out of the bag. She’ll change here clothes
afterwards. When asked, just choose any option. Now, Dagger will tell you
that you’ll head to Treno First. After a short talk, you’ll automatically go
to the next screen. In here, you’ll see the car that will take you to the
Summit Station. First, I suggest you buy a few items at the Item shop. And
then, go to the Southwest of the Item Shop. You can get a chest that contains
a potion. After getting the item, talk to the moogle and save. After saving,
go to the north and go up the stairs. At the top, talk to the man. Choose to
Depart now and you’ll enter the car. Inside, the man will tell you to choose
your seat. Well, you don’t have a choice here. Use the chairs on the lower
right. Before the car departs, the woman whom Steiner comforted will come in.
Now, there will be a short dialogue between Steiner and the Princess. Next,
you’ll see Zidane and co. leaving Gizamaluke’s Grotto to the World Map.


In the world map, go a bit to the northeast and enter the location marked
with X. It’s the North Gate.

NORTH GATE (Burmecia Arch)

Inside, your party will know that battles occurred on the other side of the
gate. You can’t help because it’s urgent that you should go to Burmecia
first. When you regain control of the party, go to the gate and get the
chests for a Potion and a Tent. Now, leave the North Gate and continue moving
north and enter Burmecia.

Soft x2 Phoenix Down
Potion Tent
Key Item:
Protection Bell
Mythril Spear
Lightning Staff
Germinas Boots

Upon entering, you’ll see a short dialogue between your characters. Now, go
north and enter Burmecia. In the second screen, search to the left behind
some crates to find the Cancer Stellazzio, after that move forward. In here,
you’ll see Zorn and Thorn again. They’ll call on 2 pathetic Black Mages to
attack you. After beating the Black Mages, Zorn and Thorn will leave again.
When you regain control of your characters (let’s call this place Point A so
that I can make a reference to it easily), go left and enter the door there.
Inside, just get the chests in the ground floor for a Potion and a Soft.
After getting the chests, return back outside (You can’t get past the 2nd
floor as the path has a gap). Outside, go all the way to the right. Climb up
the stairs and enter the door on top.

Upon entering, go to the north and search for a hidden chest behind the
stairs. You’ll get a Soft. After getting the item, go up the stairs and go
left towards the next screen (the chest is an enemy. You may or may not fight
it). In the next area, you’ll see a door with a bell on top. Just as in
Gizamaluke’s Grotto, you need a bell too. So, continue moving left until you
reach the next screen. In here, try to get the chest on the left side. WALK
onto the floor so that it won’t fall down and you’ll be able to get a
Germinas Boots. Now, go all the way back to Point A. In here, go through the
door to the left again. Go up the stairs and cross the path (this was the
floor that fell from above). Continue moving to the right until you reach the
next screen (the chest here is another Mimic). In the next screen, go to the
lower right and choose to go out to the balcony. On the balcony, Zidane will
jump over to the other balcony to the right and he will go in automatically.
Inside the room, talk to the Burmecian Soldier. He’ll tell you that there’s a
bell in the bed. So, go behind the bed then search for the Bell. You’ll get
the Protection Bell. After getting the bell, search for a hidden chest
directly to the left of the bed. It contains an Ether. After betting the Bell
and the item, go all the way back to the door with the Bell on top. There,
ring the bell and the door will open.

In the next screen, you’ll be in a large staircase. Freya will be determined
to protect Burmecia. As for Vivi, he desperately wants to know who the Black
Mages really are. Then, a Burmecian Soldier with his wife and children will
come running down. He’ll think that you are an enemy because you have a Black
Mage with you. But when he sees Freya, everything will be alright. Then, the
Burmecian Soldier and his family will try to persuade Freya into leaving the
king alone, and then they will leave. Freya will be more determined to
protect the King and Burmecia. Now, go up the stairs onto the next area.

Here, enter the door in the middle and you’ll see 2 Burmecians, Wei and Kal.
They want to escape but Kal is seriously wounded and cannot walk. Suddenly,
the statue will crumble and Zidane will save Kal. After a short scene, you’ll
be automatically taken outside. When you regain control of your characters,
go up the stairs to the right. On top, you’ll see 2 doors. Go inside the left
one as the right one will be impassable. Just as you enter, take the chests
here for a Phoenix Down and a Tent. And then, just move on and enter the door
at the end (the chest to the right is a Mimic).

In the next area, you’ll see 2 houses to the right and left and the path to
Burmecia Palace in the center. Go inside the left house first. Freya will get
a more powerful Spear, the Mythril Spear. After getting the spear, leave the
house then enter the other house to the right. In here, go behind the moogle
first and search for a Lightning Staff. Then, Stiltzkin will enter. Talk to
him and he will offer you a set of Soft, Hi-Potion, and Ether for 333 Gil. I
suggest you buy it. After that, talk to the moogle, use a Tent and then save
your game. You can also use the Mogshop. You can buy items and equipments
here. I suggest also that you upgrade your weapons as you’ll be facing a
tough opponent ahead. After preparing and saving, leave this house and go to
the center towards the Burmecia Palace.

When you reach the Palace, you’ll see a short scene with you characters.
Suddenly, Freya will jump all the way to the top. She feels that someone is
inside the Palace. Zidane and Vivi will then follow Freya. On top, Zidane and
Freya will be shocked at what they’ll see. It’s Brahne and Beatrix!!! Freya
somehow knew about this as they were told that Brahne sets her eyes on
Burmecia. And then, Zidane will tell Freya that it’s Beatrix who is standing
next to Brahne. Freya will then have a flashback with Fratley. He will begin
a journey around the world. Freya will really think that Fratley broke his
promise to her that he will come back again after his journey. After the
flashback, you’ll see another person come in. Apparently, he (Yes, Kuja is a
male) is another one of Brahne’s generals. Kuja tells Brahne and Beatrix that
the King and the others have already escaped to Cleyra. Brahne and Beatrix
will be worried because Cleyra can’t be easily attacked because of the
whirlwind surrounding it. Kuja will promise Brahne that he’ll show his true
power and do something about the whirlwind. After the conversation of Kuja,
Brahne and Beatrix, a Burmecian Soldier will come in! Freya and Zidane will
then go in and helps the soldier as he is no match to Beatrix. Now, you have
to fight Beatrix!

Level: 14 Type: Human
HP: 3,630 Gil: 0
MP: 3,467 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Phoenix Down, Chain Plate
Attacks: Sword attack, Shock, Stock Break
Weakness: none

You’re definitely no match against Beatrix. She can kill a single party
member with her Shock. So, use your characters’ most powerful attacks. Use
Freya’s Rei’s Wind (from the Mythril Spear) and the Lancer. Vivi should be
the healer as Magic is very ineffective against Beatrix. If you’re brave
enough, try to steal from Beatrix then attack afterwards. Just continue
attacking until it comes to a point that she uses her Shock Break and drops
all your HPs to 1. The battle will be over now. Note: If you the entire party
is killed before she uses the Shock Break, it’s Game Over. So, attack and
attack and wait for the Shock Break.

After the fight, Brahne and Beatrix will leave you alone. Kuja will then look
at you. He’s trying to hint something about Zidane. He’ll tell you that
Zidane will be a big problem to them. Why? Wait until you reach the later
parts of the game. After that, you’ll see a FMV of Kuja looking at your
pathetic party. Then, he’ll ride on his Silver Dragon and leaves. You’ll be
asked to save your game, do so. Change to Disk 2.

D I S K # 2

Phoenix Down

You’ll now see the South Gate and a short conversation between the guards.
And then, you’ll see Dagger and Steiner on the Car. Finally, you’re at the
Summit Station. In here, you’ll have to wait for the car that will head to
Alexandria. The man will suggest that you go to the rest area. When you
regain control of Dagger, go right and enter the rest area. In here, you’ll
be able to control Dagger alone. Go to the left and talk to the man on the
left behind the counter. The car to Lindblum will now leave. Dagger will hear
someone outside who missed the car. Somehow it’s familiar to her. Now, go to
the lower left area and get the chest for a Phoenix Down. And then, go to the
right and you’ll see a Moogle. Talk to it and save your game. After saving,
leave the rest area through the lower left door. Outside, you’ll see Marcus
and Cinna! After a short talk, they’ll enter the rest area. Now, go inside
the rest area again.

Steiner will be at it again. He’ll think that Marcus and Cinna are here to
kidnap the princess again. Now, talk to Marcus and Cinna. Steiner will always
try to stop you from talking to them. Dagger will then scold Steiner in front
of everybody for not allowing her to speak to her friends. And then, the car
to Alexandria will arrive. When you regain control of Dagger, go out of the
rest area (notice that Steiner is a bit mad and ashamed at the same time) and
go north then board the car. Once everybody is in, the car will leave.
Inside, you’ll know the reason why Marcus is going to Treno. He will look for
the Supersoft item to release Blank from petrification. Dagger will offer to
help, but then, the car will suddenly stop. The man will look outside but
will come back because of shock. You’ll then go outside. Surprise! It’s Black
Waltz #3. A little desperate eh? Now, you’ll have a battle with him.

Level: 9 Type: Human
HP: 1,272 Gil: 864
MP: 344 Items: none
AP: 5
Stolen Item/s: Steepled Hat, Lightning Staff, Flame Staff
Attacks: Hit, Fire, Thunder, Blizzard
Weakness: none

This will be easy. Have Marcus steal or attack Black Waltz. Steiner should
use physical attack as he is already strong. As for Dagger, she will be a
great healer. You’ll defeat him eventually.

After the battle, your party will come back into the car and continue moving
on towards Alexandria. In the car, you’ll see a short conversation between
Dagger and Marcus about the attack in Burmecia.


When you arrive, you’ll be at the south gate. You’ll be told that there are 2
path on the next screen. The left one goes to Dali and the right one goes to
Treno. When you regain control of your characters, go north a bit then go
right. You can buy items from the Part-time worker Mary at the Item Shop
Vega. After buying items, go to the northwest and move on until you reach the
next screen. In here, you’ll see a commemoration to the 20th anniversary of
the friendship between Alexandria and Lindblum. Now, go right and then move
on until you reach the next area. Here, find 1610 gil at the bottom of the
screen then show your gate pass and you’ll be allowed to exit. You’ll then
find yourselves in the World Map again.


If you look at the map, you’ll see Treno. So, from the South Gate, head to
the southeast and to go Treno. Save your game first then enter.

Key Item:
2217 (accumulated)
Mythril Dagger

Leveling up Steiner by: Robin
*probable spoiler*

I have a great strategy to level up Steiner early in the game, and it’s fool
proof! If you follow the guide you should have four Stellazzios when you
reach Treno for the first time. Give them to Queen Stella and you’ll receive
a total of 3000 gil, one Phoenix Pinion and the most important, Blood Sword.
Now you can beat the Griffin in the Knight’s House and get some more gil, it
will be easy as the Blood Sword drains the HP from the enemy (you will
receive as much HP as you do in damage). Now continue to the part when
Steiner and Marcus escapes from the cage in Alexandria. Here you will
encounter Alexandra Soldiers. In battle have Marcus kill himself and Steiner
the soldiers, don’t worry about your HP as you heal yourself when you attack.
With this strategy you should be invincible to the soldiers, you can’t die!
Have the Level Up ability and keep fighting until you are at a high level.
With Marcus dead and the Level Up you should receive 1071 EXP points.

Upon entering Treno, Steiner will be at it again! Marcus plans on stealing
the Supersoft but Steiner won’t allow it. Then, Dagger will leave and so is
Marcus and Steiner will be left alone. Now, you’ll be able to control
Steiner. An ATE will show up. You can choose any of the 2 (Ambition or Treno
Tradition. I suggest you see Treno Tradition first). After the ATE, you’ll be
able to control Steiner. Now, go to the left and you’ll see a pond. You can
throw 10 gil here. If you throw 11 times, in the 11th throw, you’ll be able
to get the Gemini Stellazzio. After getting Gemini, go to the upper left
towards the next area.

Here, another ATE will appear. After that, go a bit to the left and then go
down the ladders, which leads to a tower to the north (the tower to the
extreme left is locked). In this screen, you’ll see another ATE. After seeing
the ATE, go right and you’ll be in an intersection. Go up first and head to
the upper left mansion. In here, if you watched the ATE of Dagger, you’ll see
the thief you stole Dagger’s 1000 Gil. If you talk to him, you’ll get the
Power Belt in which he used the money of Dagger. After getting the Power
Belt, move on to the left and go to the next screen. You’ll be at the
Synthesis Shop. Buy anything if you want then leave the synthesis shop, and
then leave the mansion. Outside, go north until you reach the next screen.

Here, you’ll see the House of Stella. She will tell you that she is
collecting Stellazzios and then asks you if you have some. If you find any of
them, talk to Stella then you’ll give the Stellazzio you found. After giving
a Stellazzio to her, the assistant will give you your rewards. After giving
Stella all your Stellazzios, leave her house. Outside, search to the left of
Stella’s house for an Ether. After getting the Ether, go south to the next
screen. Here, just go all the way to the south until you reach the next area.
You’ll see another ATE again. After the ATE, if you go to the right, you’ll
see the Card Stadium. You can play if you want but you probably have weak
cards at this point. You can also buy some cards at the Card Shop near the
entrance for 100 gil each. They’re pretty weak though. If you talk to the man
beside the entrance, he’ll explain to you the rules/mechanics of the card
game. He won’t reveal the meanings of the numbers though. After
learning/playing a card game, continue moving to the right to the next area.

In here, if you move north a little, you’ll see an intersection. Stairs to
the right (where a drunk man is on top) and the one to the north. Go north.
On your way, go inside a big door to the right. It’s an Equipments shop. You
can buy anything you want. Afterwards, leave the shop. Outside, continue
moving to the upper left to the next screen.

Now, in this area, you’ll see the Auction House. Upon entering, you’ll see
Dagger inside. After a short conversation between Dagger and Steiner, Dagger
decides to go look for the Supersoft with or without Steiner. Then, Steiner
will leave the Auction House first. Dagger will remember the man he saw in
the ATE. After that, you’ll be automatically taken outside the Auction House
(note: you can come back in and participate in the Auction if you want and if
you have the Gil to spend). Now, search to the left of the door for 2216 gil.

Now, from the Auction House, go to the right onto the next screen. Here, go
south past the weapon shop and climb the ladders going up to the drunk man.
While going up, you’ll see a Moogle fly near the door of the Weapon Shop. Go
there and talk to Moogle and Save. After saving, go south again and go up the
right stairs again to the drunk man on top. And then, just go southeast
towards the next area. Here, walk a bit to the south. Go down the ladders to
the right. Buy items first from the woman. After that, get the chest at the
lower right of the item shop for 1 Gil! Then, get the chest, which is just to
the left of the shop for a Yeti Card. Now, search behind the Item shop for
the Taurus Stellazzio. After getting the items and Stellazzio, go up the
ladder to the left and head left into a house (you saw Marcus go in here in
one of the ATEs). Inside, you can rest if you want. Then, go down the stairs
and talk to Marcus. He’ll tell you that you can go anytime to search for the
Supersoft. You can go back to town to prepare yourself. After preparing, talk
to Marcus and tell him you’re ready.

When you regain control of Dagger, go right and down the ladders until you
reach Baku. Talk to Baku. Then, after a few moments, the screen will fade.
You’ll see a short scene with Kuja at the auction house. He’ll say something
about the canary going to its own cage. After that scene with Kuja, you’ll
see Steiner and Dagger in a boat. Steiner will now think about what is
happening. He’s helping the Tantalus to commit crime, which is the exact
opposite of his duty. He’ll also think about Dagger that his priority is to
protect Dagger at all costs. And then, you’ll see Dagger think to herself
too. He’ll blame Zidane for what is happening right now. After a while you’ll
reach a house. Inside, you’ll begin to search for the Supersoft. Suddenly,
someone is coming down from the stairs. Dagger knows him so she will go to
the man, he’s Doctor Tot. He’s tutor of Dagger when she was little. Doctor
Tot will be shocked why Dagger is here. Dagger will tell Doctor Tot that they
are searching for the Supersoft to be able to cure your friend, Blank. Doctor
will help but someone from upstairs is calling him. So, he’ll tell you to go
to his house. From the town entrance (where you threw 10 gils a while ago),
go ALL THE WAY to the left until you reach the tower at the end. Then, Dagger
and co. will leave the house. After that, you’ll arrive at the inn again.
Leave the inn and from there, go south to the next screen. You’re at the town
entrance right now. From here, go all the way to the left until you reach the
tower at the end. Go up the short steps and get the chest to the left for a
Mythril Dagger. Now, go right and enter the door.

In here, just go all the way up the spiral staircase and talk to Doctor tot
at the end. He will then tell you that the Supersoft is in the box. Marcus
will come in and does the honor of getting the Supersoft from the Chest. When
you regain control of Dagger, go and talk to Doctor Tot. Dagger will ask
about Gaia. Doctor tot will then have a flashback of him and Dagger when she
was still little. After that scene, Doctor Tot will tell you that he can help
you reach Alexandria. There’s a secret ancient Transportation that was used
long ago that will enable you to travel between Treno and Alexandria. Now,
when you regain control of Dagger, talk to Doctor Tot. He’ll tell you go down
the hole. Also, you can head back to town first and buy some equipments,
items or even save your game. After preparing, go back to Doctor Tot’s Tower
and enter the hole.

Phoenix Down
Chain Plate

Here, you’ll see the ancient transportation device. Doctor Tot will tell you
that in order for this to work, you have to activate the sequence trigger.
When you regain control of Dagger, talk to the moogle and save your game.
From here, go to the left towards the next screen. Here, get the Chain Plate
from a chest to the right. Next, get the chest to the left for a Phoenix
Down. After getting the items, examine the lever and pull it. Now, go back
and talk to the moogle and save. From here, let’s go right to the next
screen. Here, just go North to the next screen. Here, Doctor Tot will tell
you that when you pull the switch, you’ll call the Gargant that will give you
a ride to Alexandria. So, go to the switch and pull it. You’ll see the
Gargant walking on top. After that, follow Doctor Tot to the previous screen.
In here, go to the left and pull the lever. A big bowl of food will come
down. The Gargant will stop and eat. You’ll now board the Gargant. Doctor Tot
lectures Steiner about his duty and that he’ll endanger the princess if he
doesn’t make decisions for himself. After that, you’ll now head off. On the
way, the Gargant will begin to hesitate. Dagger and co. will then examine a
reason. It’s a bog Snake of some sort. You’ll have to fight it now.

Level: 13 Type: Dragon
HP: 2,296 Gil: 0
MP: 3,649 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Bone Wrist, Mythril Fork
Attacks: Devil’s Kiss, Blizzara, String
Weakness: none

This will be another easy fight. For Marcus, just have him steal the
equipments and then attack. Have Steiner use normal physical attacks and
Dagger should be the healer of the party. Just beware as the snake can induce
the Poison and "Slow" status effects at your party.

After beating it for a few times. It will escape. Then you’ll continue on
your journey to Alexandria.


Dagger and co. will finally arrive at Alexandria Castle. You party will now
move on. On the way, you’ll be trapped by Zorn and Thorn. They were ordered
to capture you and bring Dagger to the Queen. After that, it’s back to


Here, after a short talk between your characters, you’ll decide to go to
Cleyra where the Burmecians took refuge. Freya will then tell you that Cleyra
is in a desert to the west of Burmecia. After that, you’ll some thoughts of
Zidane. And then, you’ll be taken automatically outside to the World Map.


From Burmecia, go west towards the desert. Cleyra is the place where you see
a large sandstorm. Go to it. Save first and then enter Cleyra.

Phoenix Down Tent
Ether Remedy
Potion Hi-Potion
Magician Shoes Flame Staff
Ice Staff Desert Boots
900 gil

Upon entering, you’ll see a short scene with your characters. Then, you’ll be
shown a FMV of Cleyra on top. When you regain control of your characters, go
north to the next screen. Here, pull the lever on top of the stairs to the
right. The door will now open. Go through it to reach the next screen.

Now, follow my instructions carefully as this place is more confusing than
the previous places you’ve been before. Now, go north. Get the chest for a
Phoenix Down on the way. Move on to the next screen. In here, get a hidden
chest at the bottom of the screen for the Magician Shoes. From here, go north
and you’ll see a falls made out of sand. Search for the hidden chest here for
an Ice Staff (it’s hidden by the leaves of the tree in the middle). After
getting the equipments, go right towards the next screen. In here, just move
along until you reach the next screen. Here, get the chest for an Ether.
Then, go south a bit and examine the small hole. Then, try to put in your
hand. You’ll see a lot of sand coming from the left. Now, go back to the
previous screen. You’ll see that you can’t go south anymore. So, climb up the
vines until you reach the hole on top. Go in and you’ll reach the next
screen. In here, go left and go inside the hole that you’ll. It will lead you
to the next area.

In here, don’t go up the slope yet. Go left and get the chest for a Needle
Fork. Now, go up the slopes to the right. Get the chest here for a tent. From
here, you’ll see 2 paths, directly to the left and to the upper left. Go to
the left path first and talk to the moogle at the end. Rest and then save
your game. After saving, go to the upper left path to the next screen. In
here, you’ll see 2 paths again. Use the path to the north first and get the
Flame Staff at the end. After getting the Staff, use the other path until you
reach the next screen. In here, just cross the bridge and move on to the next

In this place, get the hidden chest behind the tree in the middle for the
Desert Boots. From here, you’ll see a small hole just a bit to the upper left
of the middle tree. Go in and search for a Mythril Vest. Now, go all the way
to the right and get the chest for a Remedy. No use the upper right path and
you’ll reach the top of this screen :) then, just press UP on the d-pad or up
on the Analog Stick and you’ll reach the next screen. In here, get the chest
for the Mythril Gloves. Then, move north until you reach the next screen.
Here, pull the lever at the end. After pulling the lever, go back to the
screen where you found a hidden chest behind a tree in the middle. Here, go
left and use the upper left path towards the next screen.

In this area, get the chest for a Potion. You’ll see 2 paths again! Go to the
right path first onto the next area. In here, get the chest for an elixir. Go
back to the previous screen and use the other path, which is to the upper
left onto the next screen.

In here, you’ll see whirlpools of sand and 2 chests to the north. If you fall
in the whirlpool, push the X button rapidly and Zidane will then jump out.
Get the 2 chests to the north first for 900 gil and a Hi-Potion.

There’s a neat trick here. When you enter the whirlpool. You should press the
X button rapidly right? Now, you can actually go to the direction where you
want Zidane to jump off. Just as you enter the whirlpool, Zidane will spin
around right? When Zidane faces the direction where you want him to jump off,
start pressing the X button. In short, where Zidane facing when you press the
FIRST X button is the direction Zidane will jump off.

After getting the chest, go left to the next screen. From here, just move on
to the next screen. Now, you’ll see a ladder here. Don’t go up yet. Instead,
go to the left and get the chest at the end for a Gysahl Green. Then, climb
up the ladder until you reach the next screen. From here, just move on and
you’ll reach the Cleyra Settlement.

Ore Ether
Echo Screen x2 Remedy
Gysahl Greens Phoenix Pinion
Thunder Gloves Desert Boots
Yellow Scarf Silk Robe

Right after you enter, the Oracles will greet you and Freya. One of the
oracles will bring Freya to the King of Burmecia. The other oracle will offer
you a tour. Just take the tour. During the tour, you’ll visit the different
places here at Cleyra Settlement. First, you’ll be taken to their source of
water. Next, the Oracle will show you the marketplace. Next, the oracle will
show you the Windmill, which harnesses the wind of the sandstorm to extract
water from below. Next, you’ll head to the observatory where the people of
Cleyra look at the splendor of the Sandstorm that has protected them in ages.
Finally, the Oracle will show you the Cathedral where the high priest
resides. This is the place where Freya went. After the tour, you’ll be
brought back to the entrance.

When you regain control of Zidane, go up the stairs to the left. When you
reach the intersection, to right onto the next screen first. In here, search
to the right for an Ore. After getting the Ore, go up the ladders (don’t go
to the left stairs). In the next area, you’ll see the Burmecian soldier and
his family whom you saw at Burmecia. The Burmecian soldier, Dad, will offer
you equipments. Buy from him as he has a nice collection of equipments. After
buying from him, go inside the house behind Dan. It’s the Inn.

Inside, search to the upper left of the first floor for an Echo Screen. Then,
search to the lower right for 1,250 gil. Then, you can rest for 100 gil.
After resting, talk to the moogle in the second floor and save your game.
Then, check also the drawer beside the right bed for an ether. Now, leave the

Outside, go up the stairs to the right. On the way, search just below the
broken ladder for a Remedy. Continue up the stairs to the next screen. Here,
You’ll see an ATE of Vivi. After the ATE, go LEFT to the next screen. In
here, talk to the Star Maiden Nina. She’ll offer you items. You can also find
a Phoenix Pinion to the right of Star Maiden Nina. After buying and getting
the item, use the LEFT stairs to reach the source of water of Cleyra
(remember the tour). Here, search near the signboard for the Thunder Gloves.
After getting the Gloves, return to where Star Maiden Nina is. From here, use
the ladder going up. In the next screen, you’ll see the Cathedral. Search the
grass to the right of the Cathedral for an Echo Screen. Find Gysahl Greens by
the broken sign near the bottom of the screen also. Before entering the
cathedral you can get the chest that you weren’t able to get at Cleyra’s
Trunk. Because you cannot access it (it is where the area with the trees are
filled with sand).

This will tell you how to get the treasure chests. (The only chance for the
treasure) Do this before entering the cathedral. After the ATE of Quina's
entitled "No more Yummy-Yummies" go to the area where the Antlion is.
Quina is there looking at the swirling sand. Zidane will talk to Quina who
is hungry and reminded of ice cream by the swirling sand. Quina will jump
into the hole and then Zidane will follow to help. Both will be sucked
down, and fall through the air all the way down the tree trunk until they
land on the ledge with the treasure.

One trunk contains Desert Boots and the other one a Silk Robe. Not too bad
for items. Then cross the branch toward the vines. An icon will appear with
two choices. Chose to jump down. Then go to the moogle with the mailbox in
the adjacent room and save your game and continue back up the trunk. Now
continue to move on inside the cathedral.

- Sent in by MAG -

Inside the cathedral, talk to the oracles. It will relay a message to you
from Freya. “Zidane! This may take some time, so please wait at the inn!”.
When you regain control of Zidane, search around here for the Yellow Scarf.
After that, go to the Inn. When you reach the Inn, a Burmecian soldier will
come in and tell you that the Antlion is mauling a kid. The oracles are so
lazy! They don’t want to fight. The soldier will then ask you if you can
come. Save at the Inn first. After saving, go to the town entrance. Here, go
right to the next screen and you’ll see the Antlion holding a Kid. The party
will arrive. Freya will recognize the kid. It’s Prince Puck! If you remember,
Vivi met him at Alexandria. Now, the Antlion will release Puck. You’ll now
have to fight the Antlion.

Level: 16 Type: n/a
HP: 3,938 Gil: 1,616
MP: 3,950 Items: Ether, Annoyntment
AP: 5
Stolen Item/s: Mythril Vest, Annoyntment, Gold Helmet
Attacks: Trouble Mucus, Fira, Sandstorm
Weakness: Wind

The Antlion will be fairly hard. Watch out for his Sandstorm attack. It will
deal a very big amount of damage to your party to prepare to heal. Just have
Zidane steal and then use normal Physical Attacks. For Vivi, use level 2
Magic such as Thundara, Blizzara and Fira at Antlion and make him the main
healer for the party. For Freya, have her use Rei’s Wind to cast Regen on
everybody. Then, continue on using the Lancer to drain Antlion’s MP. If your
HP gets too low, especially after the Sandstorm attack, just use Potions.

After the battle, Puck will leave again. He’ll greet Vivi before he leaves.
Then, you’ll see a scene with the King of Burmecia and Freya. The high priest
will then come in and invite Freya to join the ceremony to strengthen the
Sandstorm. Freya will be more than willing to do so. Then, you’ll see Freya
and others dance. After the ceremony, a bad omen will occur. The strings of
the harp will snap! Then, you’ll see a FMV where the Sandstorm around Cleyra
disappears. The King of Burmecia will feel that someone will try to invade
Cleyra. After that shocking scene, you’ll see Steiner and Marcus in the


You’ll see a short dialogue between Steiner and Marcus. Then, you’ll see
Dagger in her room. She’ll talk about her Mom. It seems that everything
changed when the tall man, Kuja, arrived in the Castle. And then, Zorn and
Thorn will come in and calls Dagger. Brahne summons Dagger.

Then, you’ll see Dagger finally meets with Brahne. Dagger will ask Brahne if
she was responsible for what happened to Burmecia. Brahne will admit it just
because she wanted to prevent resistance. When you’re asked to choose from 2
options, just choose any. Kuja will then arrive at the scene. He will go to
Dagger and put here into deep slumber. Brahne will then order the preparation
to extract Dagger’s Eidolons. Then, you’ll see Zorn and Thorn extract the

Remedy Ether
Phoenix Down Phoenix Pinion

The scene will then revert to Zidane and co. You’ll see them at the
observatory. Freya will ask you and you can choose any of the options. After
that, Zidane and Freya decide to go down to see what really happened. Zidane
will now look for Vivi. You’ll get to control Freya. Now, go first to the
inn. In the second floor, you’ll see Stiltzkin. You can buy another set of
items from him. You can get Hi Potion, Ether, and Phoenix Pinion for 444 gil.
After buying the set from Stiltzkin, save your game. After saving, leave the
inn and go straight to the Town Entrance.

Here, you’ll see Zidane and Vivi. When you regain control, just go down the
Cleyra Trunk. On the way, you’ll meet Alexandrian Soldiers but they will pose
no problem to you. When you reach the wooden bridge, Freya will notice
something. If Alexandria plans to attack, why send such a few soldiers? Puck
will then come in and tells you that the town is under attack! You’ll then go
immediately to the town. Meanwhile, you’ll see Beatrix to the left. It seems
it was her plan to lure Zidane and co. in the trunk so that they can use full
force in the town.

Back in town, you’ll see the Black Mages terrorizing the town (they’ll kill
Dan in the Process). Zidane and co. will now arrive at the town entrance.
Here, you’ll fight with Black Mages and Alexandrian Soldiers. After fighting,
when you regain control of Zidane, go right first where you fought the
Antlion a while ago. Here, you’ll see Stiltzkin and another moogle. Talk to
the moogle and save you game. Now, go back to the town entrance and go up the
stairs. Here, you’ll see the Oracles. You’ll have to guide them in order for
them to escape. Choose to go to the right. You’ll arrive in the next screen.
Here, just go up the ladders to the north. You’ll see the Burmecian family
again. You have to choose once more where they should go. Choose to go to the
left. You’ll now fight a lone Black Mage. After fighting, Zidane will go to
the left. In the next screen, you’ll have to guide them again. Choose to go
to right and cross the bridge. You’ll now fight Alexandrian Soldiers. After
fighting with the soldiers, you’ll follow the Burmecians and the Oracles. In
the next screen, tell the Burmecian family that it is still not safe yet.
Then, you’ll see 2 cleyrians. They’ll be at the observatory. Zidane will then
tell everyone to go to the Cathedral so that they can make a better stand
against the Black Mages.

In the cathedral, you’ll be surrounded by Black Mages. There’s no escape! Not
until a stranger comes in and destroys the Black Mages all by himself. Well,
if it isn’t Sir Fratley! Inside the Cathedral, Freya will talk to Fratley.
Something is odd. Fratley doesn’t remember who Freya is. Zidane will come in
and then the King of Burmecia. Fratley can’t remember even the King. Then,
Puck will come in. He’ll tell everyone that he saw Fratley during one of his
journeys around the world. When he found him, he didn’t even remember who he
was. After that, Fratley will leave. The high priest will then call for you.
It’s Beatrix and she got the Jewel from the Harp. She will then leave with
it. The part will try to follow Beatrix. In the next area, you’ll be able to
control Zidane & co. In here, you’ll see the people you have saved. Each of
them will give you items that you can use. You can get the following items:
Remedy, Phoenix Down, Elixir, Ether, and a Phoenix Pinion. You can also get a
Nymph Card and a Zuu Card from the kids. After getting the items, prepare
your characters then talk to the moogle and then save your game. After
saving, leave the Cathedral. You’ll see Beatrix. You have to fight here once

Level: 17 Type: Human
HP: 4,736 Gil: 0
MP: 3,694 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Phoenix Down, Thunder Gloves, Ice Brand
Attacks: Thunder Slash, Shock, Stock Break
Weakness: none

Beatrix will be as hard as the first time you fought with here. Again, if
you’re brave enough have Zidane steal from her. For Vivi, use his level 2
Magics. For Freya, use the Rei’s Wind again and the Lancer Ability. As with
the previous one, she can still knock you one in one hit with the Shock.
You’ll also see her new ability, the Thunder Slash. Use the Coral Ring to
protect you. Once you dealt a certain amount of damage to her, she’ll use the
dreaded Stock Break again and bring all your HP to 1.

After the battle, Beatrix will leave you. She’ll then use the Black Mages as
a teleporter. You characters will then follow Beatrix by using the Black
Mages. If you have Quina with you, he/she will temporarily leave your party.
You’ll get him back before going to Fossil Roo later in the game.

You’ll now see Brahne aboard the Red Rose. She’s dying to use the Eidolon
that was extracted from Dagger by which Kuja told her that it is possible.
She’ll now use Odin to destroy Cleyra. You’ll then see a FMV where Odin comes
out from the sky and charges at Cleyra. With one mighty throw of his spear,
ALL of Cleyra were literally Vaporized! Brahne is amazed at the power of the


After that FMV, you’ll see Zidane and co. arrive at the Red Rose. Freya will
be very sad as Cleyra was destroyed. Zidane will now notice that there is
someone coming. The party will then hide. It’s Beatrix. She’s very reluctant
as she is very confident that she and her soldiers alone are enough to
capture and destroy Cleyra, so why use Eidolons and Black Mages. Then, she’ll
remember Steiner’s words for a while. When you regain control of Zidane, go
up the stairs and into the next area. Your party will try to eavesdrop on

You’ll then see a scene with Brahne and Beatrix. Beatrix will hand over the
jewel that she got from the harp at Cleyra. Beatrix will not be feeling good
as Brahne never even showed signs of gratitude to her. Instead, Brahne wants
more and orders Beatrix to find more Jewels. Beatrix will now ask about
Dagger. Brahne will order the execution of Dagger because she is of no more
use to her. Beatrix will be shocked!

Zidane will then hear the coming execution of Dagger and will want to rescue
here. They’ll now have to think of a way to reach Alexandria first before
Brahne does. Vivi will then let you follow him. When you regain control of
Zidane, go right to the next screen. In here, go down the stairs. You’ll
notice a moogle run on the top floor. Go back up and to the left onto the
next screen. Talk to the moogle here then save your game.

After saving, go right to the next screen and go down the ladders. Move on
and talk to Vivi at the end. Vivi will tell you that you will be able to
reach Alexandria by using the teleportation devices here. And then, Zidane
and co. will be teleported to Alexandria.

Ice Brand

Here, Steiner and Marcus will plan on escaping by swinging the cage to the
second floor. When the command appears, you’ll have to choose which to press,
either left or right. Just press the corresponding button as to direction of
the swing. The easiest way is when it reaches the extreme left, push the
right button and when it reaches the extreme right, push the left button.
After doing this, the cage will crash to the second floor. When you regain
control of Steiner, go all the way to the left and climb up the high ladder.
Note that on your way, you’ll be chased by Alexandrian Soldiers. You’ll have
to fight them if they catch up with you. Now, on top of the ladder, just go
left towards the next screen.

Here, Marcus will leave Steiner to save Blank. And then, Zidane and the rest
will be teleported here. Steiner will be surprised. Zidane will then tell
Steiner that Dagger will be executed once Brahne comes back. Steiner won’t
believe it but Vivi will second the motion of Zidane. Steiner finally
believes you and will go with you. You’ll be given 30 minutes to rescue

From the teleportation room, you’ll go right to the next screen. You’ll see
Marcus here. He’ll close the gate to prevent the Alexandrian Soldiers from
coming in. Marcus will finally leave to save Blank. When you regain control
of your characters, go south to the next screen. From here, just move on
until you reach the Castle itself. Don’t forget that you may encounter the
Alexandrian Soldiers on the way. Inside the castle, go up to where Zidane
first bumped into Dagger (Hooded Girl).

In the left library, you can see a Book on top of a bookshelf. If you examine
it and choose the top option twice, you’ll engage with a battle with the

Level: 41 Type: Demon
HP: 21,997 Gil: 4,472
MP: 1,456 Items: Running Shoes, Ramuh Card
EXP: 12,584 AP: 30
Stolen Item/s: Demon’s Mail, Silver Fork, Elixir, Ether
Attacks: Paper Storm, Doom, Edge, Poison
Weakness: none

What I did was when the book opened, I used magic, or just don’t use physical
attacks, and it will open for a long time and it won’t close. That’s a good
thing as the Tantarian can only be damaged effectively while it is open. This
is what I observed as of now.

Strategy by: Jpuga (I tried this myself)

It starts as a closed book. The damage you inflict in this
form is minimum (Zidane barely hurt it for 40 HP with The Ogre

When you hit it, it opens itself in a certain page. The number
of the page is equal to the total amount of damage your party
inflicted on the book form. Most of times, when it opens it
just says "There's nothing in this page", but more less between
pages 150 and 200 you can find the true form of the monster (a big
crying head coming out of the pages!).

NOTE: If you make more than 200 damage without making the true
form come out, you start from the first pages again (i.e. 145 + 70
takes you to page 15 :( ).

Explanation so far:
* Zidane hits Tantarian, damaging for 40 HP.
* Book opens on page 40 - "There's nothing on this page"
* Freya hits Tantarian, damaging it for 35 HP
* Book opens on page 75 - "There's nothing on this page"
* Steiner hits Tantarian, damaging for 80 HP
* Book opens on page 155, revealing its true form.

The book form has strong attacks (Paper Storm may kill your characters
at once if you have bad luck), but the true form can only cast Poison
(I had everyone with Antibody, so it was completely inoffensive).

Once you get the true form of the monster to come out, all you have to do
is make Vivi cast Fira (hurts for about 2,000 HP) and Steiner use Fira Sword
(hurts for about 1,000 HP). Zidane's Dyne skills work quite well too.

NOTE: Don't use physical attacks or it will return to the book form.

After the battle you just get the message "You are worthy" and nothing else.

Another Strategy by: Wolvie

First, you should put everyone except Zidane in the back row to minimize
paper storm damage and so Freya won't be killed instantly. Also if you've
used steal a lot up to that point, Zidane's thievery should do about 2500+
damage. That's right, you can kill it w/o waiting to open the book. If you
open it with thievery, then have Zidane steal and Vivi magic, but with
Zidane's thievery, the battle will be much shorter and easier.


* Thanks to Joaquin Puga for the info *


From here, go north to the big door. Inside, go to the north door and you’ll
reach the Queen’s Chamber. Dagger isn’t here. Now, examine the mirror on the
upper left part of the room with the purple light. It’s a lever. A path will
be revealed. Now, go down that passageway.

Here, go right and you’ll see a rotating floor. It’s easy. Just press the X
button when the field icon appears. Now, you can get the 2 chests here for
Tent and Ice Brand. Now, after you’ve passed through the rotating floors, go
down the spiral stairs to the next screen. In here, just continue down the
spiral stairs again until you reach the next screen. Here, just move on until
you reach the big circular floor (a portion of it is destroyed). You can go
either to the north or to the south. Go north first. Inside this chapel,
you’ll see Dagger with Zorn and Thorn. Zorn and Thorn will attack you because
of your meddling.

Level: 16 Type: Human
HP: 4,896 Gil: 0
MP: 9,999 Items: none
Weakness: Ice

Level: 16 Type: Human
HP: 2,984
MP: 9,999
Weakness: Ice

AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Zorn(Partisan, Stardust Rod),
Thorn(Mythril Armor, Mythril Armlet)
Attacks: Meteorite, Flare, Charge up

They’re not hard as they look. If you attack them, there will be a
possibility that Thorn (Red) will give Zorn (Blue) the Meteorite Ability,
which will damage all of your characters badly. Zorn, on the other hand, will
sometimes give the Flare ability to Thorn. The trick here is to concentrate
on beating just one of them. Use any attack. Steiner’s Sword Magic is
preferable. You can neutralize their attacks though. Have Vivi use any
Thunder Magic, or have Steiner use any Sword Magic with Thunder.

After the battle, Zorn and Thorn will leave. Go to Dagger. She seems dead,
but she still has a pulse but in a very deep sleep. Then, you’ll see an ATE
of Marcus. After the ATE, you’ll be able to control Zidane while carrying
Dagger. Now, go south and talk to the moogle here. You can rest using a tent
and then save your game. From her, go all the way back to Queen Brahne’s

In the Queen’s Chamber, Zidane will let Dagger rest first. Then, Zidane and
Steiner will have a short talk. Later, Zorn and Thorn will come in together
with, Beatrix! You’ll have to fight her again!

Level: 19 Type: Human
HP: 5,709 Gil: 0
MP: 4,203 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Phoenix Down, Thunder Gloves, Ice Brand
Attacks: Thunder Slash, Shock, ClimHazzard
Weakness: none

Just as the previous battles with her, have Zidane steal from here and then
use physical attacks afterwards. Have Steiner use Sword Magic and Vivi use
his Black Magic. Have Freya cast Rei’s Wind in the first turn then use the
Lancer ability. If your HP drops, have Vivi or Freya do the healing. After a
while Beatrix will use the Climhazzard, which will bring everyone’s HP down
to 1.

After the battle, Zidane will ask Beatrix about her duty. To protect the
Princess and the Kingdom at all costs. Zidane will point to Dagger and
Beatrix will be shocked. She’ll now have a change of heart. She realized that
everything she did was wrong after all. She’ll ask for forgiveness from the
Burmecian People but Freya tells her that it’s too late for apologies. The
only thing Beatrix can do now is to protect Dagger, their Princess Garnet.
Beatrix will break the spell on Dagger then she will wake up.

And then, Brahne will come in. She’ll order Zorn and Thorn to throw Garnet to
prison. Beatrix won’t allow it. She’ll defy Brahne this time. Zorn and Thorn
will summon the Bandersnatch to kill Beatrix. Freya will join Beatrix and
help her beat the enemy. Zidane and co. will now escape through the
passageway. When you regain control of Zidane, go down the spiral stairs
again. You’ll meet black Mages on the way but they’re no big deal. After
beating them, continue down the stairs. Steiner will leave your party for now
to help Freya and Beatrix because they defied the Queen and will be killed.
After Steiner leaves, move on. When you reach the big circular area, go south
to the next screen (the north part was the chapel where Dagger was held a
while ago). Here, move on and you’ll be trapped again. Zorn and Thorn will
come in. Marcus and Blank will now come in and save the day. You’ll then be
shown a flashback as to what happened to Marcus and Blank in the Evil Forest.
Now, after opening the trap gate, Zidane and co. will head outside and ride
the Gargant what will go to Treno. On the way, the Gargant will begin to
hesitate again. You’ll have to fight another Snake here.

Level: 18 Type: n/a
HP: 3,352 Gil: 1,404
MP: 584 Items: Ether
AP: 7
Stolen Item/s: Phoenix Down, Adaman Vest, Oak Staff
Attacks: Stab, Ultra Sound Wave, Thundara
Weakness: Ice

This is not that hard. Have Zidane steal the items and use physical attacks
afterwards. Have Vivi use his most powerful Black Magic. Dagger should be
your healer. Use her Cure ability when your HPs are low. Use her also to heal
status effects if they are inflicted with any.

A good strategy here is to let Vivi attack Ralvuimago physically. It will
compact itself. This way, you can let Zidane steal. When Ralvuimago unwraps,
have Vivi attack again and have Zidane steal until you get all equipments.
Just have Dagger on standby and cure if necessary. Take note also that
Ralvuimago will not attack when compact.

After the battle, the Gargant will move on. On the way, the Gargant will
begin to run fast. Why? The snake will be running after you. Then, you’ll see
a FMV of the tunnel.

Meanwhile, you’ll see a scene with Brahne. Zorn and Thorn will present guest
to Brahne but they won’t be allowed to go near the Queen because they let
Dagger escape. The guests will come in. You’ll see a woman named Lani (she’ll
be familiar to you as she is very popular in Lindblum, one of the hunters)
and a red-headed man. Brahne will order them to retrieve the Pendant from
Dagger. And, Brahne will also order them to assassinate the Black Mage with
you, Vivi. Lani will leave now. As for Zidane, Brahne offers an extra reward
to whoever kills him. The red-headed man will be delighted to hear that.
After that, you’ll hear an Alexandrian soldier tell Brahne that they’re ready
to leave. Where? You’ll find out later. :)

Mythril Vest
Peridot Gem
Mythril Armlet

In here, you’ll have a short conversation between your characters. Then, an
old man will appear. He’ll tell you about the Eidolons that they will always
follow their masters. As for Cleyra, the Eidolon followed a Greedy master,
Brahne. He will then tell you his name, Ramuh. Dagger asks Ramuh if he could
help her. Ramuh will agree but in one condition, you must find his 5
manifestations in this forest. Each of the 5 manifestations contains a part
of the hero’s story. When you know the 5 parts of the story, rearrange it and
tell him the correct pattern of the story. When you regain control of your
party, go back north to the previous screen. Here, you’ll see the first
manifestation; here’s a part of the Hero’s Story.

“Although Joseph’s death was not reported to his daughter, the manner of his
death speak for itself. This is one true story of a True hero.”

After hearing that part of the story, you’ll have 4 left to go. Go south to
the previous area. Here, talk to the moogle and save your game. After saving,
go down the slope (don’t use the upper left path). Just below the slope,
search for a hidden treasure chest for a Mythril Vest. Now, go into the pond.
You’ll see another manifestation of Ramuh in the pond. Here’s a part of the
Hero’s Story.

“The fact that they didn’t report Joseph’s death to his daughter as
indicative of their guilt for failing to protect him. In the end, heroes are
also human.”

3 manifestations left. Now, go left to the next screen. There are 2 chest
here, one to the left and one to the right above a cliff. If you try to get
the left chest, you’ll see another manifestation of Ramuh. Here’s the Hero’s

“With Joseph’s help, the troop defeated the Adamantoise in the snowfield
cavern and acquired the Goddess Bell they needed to enter the Empire’s

2 more manifestations left. Now, get the chest for The Ogre. Now, go to the
upper right towards the next screen. Not the green slope leading up. In the
next screen, you’ll see another manifestation of Ramuh at the end. Here’s a
part of the Hero’s Story.

“On their way home, they fell into a trap set by a traitor. Joseph gave his
life to save the troop. Then troop left without telling Joseph’s daughter,
Nelly, about the tragedy.”

1 more manifestation left. Now, go back south to the previous screen. Here,
climb up the green slope leading up. On top, there’s an intersection. Go up
first and go around until you see a field icon. Jump to the cliff and get the
chest for a Mythril Armlet. Now, you’ll fall down below. When you regain
control, just go south to the next screen again and climb up the green slope
again. In the intersection, head south to the next screen. You’ll see the
last manifestation of Ramuh. Here’s a part of the Hero’s Story.

“Once upon a time, 33 small countries fought together against an empire. One
day, a rebel troop visited a man named Joseph, who lived with his daughter.
Owing a debt to the troop, he gladly accepted their plea for help. They
headed for a cavern in the Snowfield.”

After seeing all the 5 manifestations, talk to the moogle first then save
your game. After saving, go to where you jumped off earlier to get the chest
with the Mythril Armlet. No, go left past the field icon and you’ll see Ramuh
himself. He’ll now ask you to arrange the 5 manifestations to create a
meaningful story. But, you have to choose only 4 of them. I choose these 4 in
the following arrangement: Beginning, Cooperation, Silence, Hero. Ramuh will
then why you chose hero as the conclusion. After reasoning out, Ramuh will
give Dagger the Peridot Gem and he is now an eidolon of Dagger. Then, Zidane
and Vivi will begin to wonder why Ramuh had to ask Dagger some questions, as
Ramuh will become an eidolon of Dagger anyway. Ramuh will tell you that “It’s
not what people say afterwards... what’s important is being true to oneself”.
On the next screen, choose to jump off the cliff. You’ll see a short
conversation. Then, you’ll see the Red Rose and the Alexandrian Fleet. They
are attacking Lindblum! You’ll also see Black Mages terrorize the town. Next,
you’ll see another FMV with Dagger. Then, another Eidolon will show up. It’s
Amethyst. It will suck up almost everything in Lindblum. You’ll now see
Dagger and Zidane, shocked at what they’ve seen. Afterwards, Zidane and co.
will be at the Lindblum entrance.


Dagger and Zidane will decide to go to the town. Vivi will stay for a while.
Now, when you regain control of Zidane, go to the inn, rest then talk to the
moogle and save your game. Next, leave the inn. Go all the way to the north
until you see Minister Artania. He’ll take you to Cid afterwards.

Zidane will be glad the Cid surrendered or else Lindblum would have been like
Cleyra now. Lindblum Soldiers will capture Vivi but Cid will let him free.
Now, Cid will talk about Kuja, the one responsible for the weapons of Brahne.
The Black Mages are included as well. They saw him sometime before, riding on
a Silver Dragon from the north so they assumed that he is from the Outer
Continent. The party will then decide to go after Kuja to prevent supplies
from reaching Alexandria. Zidane will try to borrow an airship but Brahne has
control over it. Brahne gave 2 conditions for the surrender of Lindblum.
First, Alexandria will take over the airships. Second, Brahne will get the
Falcon Claw from Cid. Zidane will then ask for a boat, but Alexandria seized
it too. But Cid has a way. He’ll tell you about a swamp located directly to
the north of Lindblum that was supposed to have a way to reach the Outer
Continent. Then, Cid will give you 3000 gil so that you can prepare your

Now, in the town, the man will tell you that you should talk to him when
you’re ready to go. When you regain control, you can visit the equipment shop
to the right. Talk to man here, who is the owner the shop, and he’ll give you
discounts. Next, outside the equipment shop, talk to the woman who is a
little bit to the northwest of the Equipments shop. She’ll offer you some
Items. Next, from here, go to the upper left area towards the next screen for
the Synthesis Shop. I suggest that you buy the new weapon for Zidane here.
Now, after buying items and equipments, go back to the inn first and save
your game (you’ll see an ATE along the way). Now, go north one screen from
the Inn. Examine the left path (where the church was) and you’ll see that it
isn’t passable anymore. Search around here for the Lindblum Card. After
saving, talk to the man near the fountain now and he’ll take you to the
castle where Cid is waiting at the Base Level. You’ll then see another ATE of
Brahne. After the ATE, Zidane will go to the lift to the Base Level. Here,
Cid will give you the treasure of Lindblum. The map of the entire world. And
then, you’ll see anther ATE. After that ATE, you’ll ride the trolley and
arrive at the Dragon’s Gate. Here, you can buy again from the man. Then, talk
to the moogle and save your game. After saving your game, exit to the world


Take a look at your map, you’ll see the Qu’s Marsh to the north of Lindblum.
Now, let’s head there.


You probably have Quina now as I stated earlier (before Burmecia) that you
can get Quina early in the game. If you got Quina early in the game, go to
point B, if not follow Point A below.

Point A
Upon entering, just move forward to the next screen. Here, you’ll see a very
familiar scenery. You’ll see Mogster and Moggy! You can ask him again about
the different basics of the game. Now, if you ask Mogster for directions,
he’ll tell you that you should talk to the Qu guys here. They might know
something. Now, go through the hole behind Mogster to reach the next area. In
here, all that you’ll see is grass. Press the Select button so that the Here
Icon will appear and will show you where you are. In the grass, just go all
the way to the north until you reach a screen with a Qu and a swamp with
Frogs. Now, cross the bridge and head north to the next screen.

Here, you’ll see a house. Go in. Talk to the Qu inside. You’ll ask him if you
know some excavation sites around. He can’t remember if there are any. The Qu
will tell you to find his student because his student might have seen the
Site. Now, leave the house. From the house, go south to the next screen
again. Here, catch a frog first. When a Frog jumps into solid ground, try to
catch it. Walk to it then press X. If the frog is in the water, you can’t
catch it. Once you’ve caught a Frog, give it to the Qu here. His/her name is
Quina. Zidane will finally give the Frog to Quina. And then, Quale (the Qu
you talked to earlier) will come in and scolds Quina. You’ll be brought
automatically to house.

In the house, Quale will tell Quina that there are a lot of things that Quina
can eat in the world. Quale will tell Quina that he/she needs some
enlightenment. Then, Quale will ask you if you could bring Quina with you to
discover the world. So, have him in your party. Next, you’ll see Zidane and
Vivi talk. Vivi will notice that the man inside looks like his Grandpa. Vivi
will then come inside the house again and talk to Quale. Quale will deny that
he knows Quan, the grandfather of Vivi. Then, Zidane and Vivi will leave the
house. Outside, you’ll now have Quina in your party. Equip Quina as he/she is
unequipped. Continue to Point B...

Point B
Go and talk to Quina first then he/she will join your party once more after
leaving your party at Cleyra. Now go to the house of Quale. From the house,
go right to the next screen. Here, Quina will see some Frog and she will lead
you to the upper right area onto the next screen. Here, Quina accidentally
brought you to the Excavation Site entrance. When you regain control enter
the Excavation Site.

Lamia’s Tiara
Survival Vest

Upon entering, just move on until your characters feel an earthquake. An
enemy will come from behind and chases you. In the next screen, run to the
right while dodging the swinging blades. In the next screen, dodge another
set of Swinging blades. In the next screen, you’ll jump over a hole. The
enemy will then fall down the hole afterwards.

I tried to fight it but I still can’t beat Armodullahan. I think it’s like X-
ATM of Final Fantasy VIII. You’ll need only to inflict about 900-950 damage
to it before it goes down. I’ll try to beat it somehow.

In the next screen, you’ll see Lani. She will try to get the Pendant from
Dagger. You will refuse then Lani will engage you in battle.

Level: 19 Type: Human
HP: 5,708 Gil: 0
MP: 4,802 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Coral Sword, Gladius, Ether
Attacks: Aera, Water, Fira, Thundara
Weakness: none

She is not as hard as you think. Just have Zidane steal from her then use
physical attacks afterwards. Note that it will take a long time to be able to
steal the neat equipments from Lani. Next, have Vivi use his most powerful
black Magic. Quina should use normal physical attacks and sometimes, let
Quina use a Potion on an endangered party member. Then, let Dagger be the
main Healer of the party.

After the battle, Lani will leave you alone. Now, go north down the stairs
onto the next screen. This area might confuse you as this is like a maze of
some sort. Your party will then see an untamed Gargant pass by. Now, go to
the left and get a flower. Go near the big hole and press the X button when a
field icon appears. The Gargant’ll give you a ride. Note: all gargants in
this place needs a flower before you can ride on them. When you arrive, go
north to the next screen. Here, talk to the man. You’ll ask him about the
exit to this place. He’ll tell you to push the switches around to manipulate
the direction of the Gargant. Now, when you regain control, go Northeast
towards the next screen. In this area, get a flower again and summon the
Gargant. Now, when you arrive in another area, go right to the next screen.
Here, flip the switch. You’ll see the path change into another direction.
Now, go back to the previous screen and ride the Gargant again.

Now, when you arrive in a new area, go up the stairs to the left first and go
north to the next screen. Get the chest here for an Ether. Then, go back
south one screen. Go down the stairs then head north to the next screen. In
here, just move on until you reach another screen. In here, just Flip Switch
#2. Now go back and ride the Gargant once more.

After the trip, flip switch #1 again. And then, ride the Gargant once more.
After the trip, move go back to where you saw the man who told you about the
switches. From the man, go south and talk to Stiltzkin first. He’ll offer you
a Phoenix Pinion, a Remedy and an Ether for 555 gil. After buying from
Stiltzkin, talk to the other moogle and save your game. After saving, go
south to the next screen and ride the Gargant. After the trip, you can talk
to the man here and buy items from him. After buying, if necessary, go up the
stairs. In here, flip switch #4. Then go right to the next screen. Ride
another Gargant. After the trip, just go to the right onto the next screen.
Get the chest here for Lamia’s Tiara. Now, go back to the previous screen and
ride the Gargant again. Now, flip switch #4 again. Then go right to the next
screen again and ride the Gargant once more.

After the trip, go right onto the next area. Here, you’ll see vines to the
right. Cling to it and try to go right. You’ll be washed down to the pond.
While in the pond, press the X button and Zidane will jump out of the water.
When you regain control of Zidane, go up the slopes to the right and climb up
the vines to a path to the upper right. Go inside the path onto the next
screen. You’ll be at the mining site. Talk to the man here. If you give him a
Potion, he’ll allow you to search for treasures. Now, give him a potion.
He’ll now hand over to you the Pick. Go to the right and pummel the pile of
rocks at the end with your pick. After 2 or 3 hits, you’ll hear something.
Continue on pummeling the rocks until the moogle inside is free. Talk to him
and rest if you want. Buy items from his mogshop, if necessary, then save
your game. You can get some neat stuff from digging like the Madain’s Ring,
and some other items like the Potions, Echo Screens, etc. Now, talk to the
man and tell him that you’ll now stop searching for treasure. When you regain
control of Zidane again, go to the lower right path to the next screen. In
here, just search to the lower left for a Survival Vest. Now, go back to the
mining site. From here, go left to the next screen. In here, climb the vines
and go to the left. You’ll see the last switch there. Flip it so that the
Path will lead to the exit.

After flipping the switch, cling on to the vines again. Now, go down to the
pond. From here, go to the lower right onto the next screen (don’t go up the
slopes). In here, ride the Gargant and sooner or later, you’ll be able to
exit to the world map.

WORLD MAP (Outer Continent)

you’re now at the Outer continent, which is to the north of your continent.
Now, just walk on until you see a structure on a bridge. Go around the cliffs
and go to that place. Note: It’s not located yet in the map.

Phoenix Pinion
4,500 (accumulated)

After a short talk just outside the weird village, your party will go inside.
Watch as your party enters the village, Rally-Ho! And then, you’ll see an
ATE. After the ATE, you’ll get to control your party once more. Now, there's
2,700 Gil when you first enter Conde Petie. It's below the door that's next
to the second villager. Then, go north a bit and enter the door beside the
other villager. In the next screen, you’ll see another ATE. After the ATE,
you’ll notice 2 doors to the left and stairs to the north. Go to either of
the 2 doors on the left.

This will be the bar and the Inn. Have Zidane rest here. After resting, get
1,800 Gil next to one of the beds then leave the Inn and go up the stairs to
the north. In the next screen, you’ll see another ATE. After that, go to the
south and talk to Vivi. Then you’ll see yet another ATE. After viewing the
ATE, go to the lower right area and go down the stairs. You’ll be in the item
shop. You’ll be shocked at what you’ll see. It’s a Black Mage! Vivi will
chase it. Zidane will then follow. In the next screen, Vivi continues to
pursue the Black Mage. Dagger will ask what is wrong and then they will go to
Vivi. At the entrance, the Black Mage got away. The man (Harold) will tell
you that these Pointy-Hats come here to traded. They came from a forest
southeast from Conde Petie. Your party will then decide to go there. But
before leaving, go to the item shop first and buy some items. And then, talk
to the moogle here and save your game. Search around in the southern portion
of this room for a Phoenix Pinion. Now, go to the upper right path onto the
next screen. You’ll see the equipments shop. After buying items and
Equipments. Go out to the World Map.


Just outside Conde Petie, if you look to the southeast, you’ll see a big
forest just below the cliff. From Conde Petie, just go southeast. Go around
the cliff and to the Black Mage Village.

Gysahl Greens
Black Belt
2843 gil (accumulated)

Once inside, you’ll see a Black Mage go to the upper right. Now, just go to
the upper right 3 times then go to the upper left. You’ll see the Black Mage
appear again. Now, follow him to the upper right. You’ll see a Sub-FMV where
the Black Mage reveals the forest where the Black Mage lives.

Once inside, your party members will be surprised at what they will see. The
Black Mages here can talk! Vivi will try to find some Black Mages and talk to
them. Dagger will come in but will leave Zidane and explore the town. Quina
will come in next and will leave Zidane also to find more food! :) Zidane is
all alone now. You’ll now see another ATE. When you regain control of Zidane,
go to the house directly to the left. This is the Equipment shop. Buy
stronger equipments here. After buying, if necessary, leave the shop and find
an Elixir to the right of the weapon shop's door. From here, go to the
northeast onto the next screen. Go past the moogle first and into the house
at the end. Inside, you’ll see an ATE again. After that ATE, you can talk to
Quina. Quina tries to eat the Chocobo Egg. The Black Mages try to protect the
Egg from Quina. After talking to them, search around here for a Gysahl Green.
After that, leave this house. Talk to the moogle outside and save your game.
Now, go south towards the town entrance. Here, go to the Northwest until you
reach the next screen.

You’ll see 2 houses here. Go inside the right one first. You’ll be in an Item
Shop. Buy items if you want, then get an Ether next to the bookcase, then go
left and leave the shop. Now, go inside the house to the left. You’ll see
Dagger in here. Zidane will talk to her then she’ll leave to look for Vivi.
When you regain control of Zidane, search for the hidden chest here which
contains 2000 gil. Next, go up the ladders onto the roof. Here, just go to
the north and search for a hidden chest with 843 gil. Then, go back down the
ladders and talk to the Black Mage. It’s the Black Mage Village Synthesis
Shop. Synthesize some equipment then leave the shop.

Outside, go left and you’ll see Vivi run. Follow Vivi inside the Item Shop.
Inside the Item shop, use the back door and cross the wooden bridge and
you’ll arrive at the inn. Talk to Vivi. Quina and Dagger will come in
afterwards. Then, you’ll be asked if you want to rest. Do so. During the
night, Vivi will leave the Inn. Zidane and Dagger will be alone in the room.
They’ll have a conversation. Zidane will tell Dagger that Vivi is just trying
to find something. Trying to find a place that he can finally call home. And
Vivi might be able to find it here in the Black Mage Village. Then, Zidane
will tell Dagger a story. Once there was a man, who didn’t know where he came
from, who his parents were, and even what he is. One day, he left the house
of his adoptive father and tried to find that place. Unfortunately, he wasn’t
able to find anything and return to his adoptive father’s house. His adoptive
father gave him a spanking for leaving the house. But, there’s still a smile
on the man’s face. At the least, he has a place to call home.

Then, after that story, you’ll see Vivi talk to the Black Mage again. He’ll
ask about “stopping” or death again. In the morning, Dagger will learn
something from the Black Mage. They saw Kuja in a Silver Dragon in the
northern part of this continent. With Kuja around, there must be a secret to
this continent. After that, Vivi will come in as well as Quina. Now, you have
to go through Conde Petie to reach the Sanctuary. When you regain control of
your characters, prepare them. Rest, buy some items and equipments and then,
leave the Black Village. Also, after you stay overnight and are about to
leave, go to the synthesis shop, climb the ladder, and go to the screen to
the right from there. Walk to that little overhang at the bottom of the
screen and the field icon will appear. You'll hear 2 mages talking about 'the
usual' that the mage who sells you items gives. Go talk to the items mage and
ask him about 'the usual'. He comes from behind his counter to look for it,
leaving you access to the ladder behind his counter that leads to his room.
Climb the ladder and search around the beds, and you'll find a Black Belt.


Here in the world map, just go straight to Conde Petie. Save your game first
before entering.


Upon entering, you’ll see a short talk again. Then, go inside Conde Petie.
Here, just to the area where the inn is and go up the ladders to the north.
In here, talk to the gatekeeper to the upper right. He’ll tell you that you
must have the ceremony first so that you can pass through to the Sanctuary.
Then, he’ll tell you to speak to His holiness. Go back to the area where the
inn is. Talk to Father David who is walking outside. He’ll tell you that the
ceremony is the binding of a man and a woman. Then, they’ll be allowed to go
to the Sanctuary. Zidane will ask Dagger if she wants to do it. Dagger will
agree right away. Then, you’ll see the ceremony being held. You’ll see Zidane
thinking about some funny stuff. After the ceremony, Zidane will try to kiss
Dagger but, Dagger got away :). Now, You’ll see Vivi and Quina. Have them
married too! Now, Zidane and Dagger will announce to the twins by the
equipment shop that they are newlyweds. The twins will let them pass. But
then, you’ll see a girl and a moogle steal some food from the villagers. In
the next screen, the Girl and the moogle will escape. Vivi and Quina will now
come in also as newlyweds. Now, go to the northeast onto the next screen and
you’ll arrive at the...

Key Items:
Blue Stone Yellow Stone
Red Stone Green Stone

In here, you can see the Girl and the Moogle who you saw steal some food from
the Villagers at Conde Petie. The Girl will be trapped in the branch and the
Moogle will go away. Quina will think that the Mog is delicious so Quina will
chase the Moogle. Then, the girl will be free from the branch. She will now
introduce her self. Let’s use the name Eiko, which is her default name.
Zidane and co. will now agree to guide Eiko to her home past this mountain

When you regain control of Zidane, go left and go up the vines and get the
chest here for a Remedy. Now, down go down the vines. Go right towards the
next screen. Note: If you use the Fenrir Summon of Eiko for the first time,
your party will talk about it during the battle. Now, examine the statue here
and choose to take out the Blue Stone. After getting the stone, go back to
the previous area. Go down the vines, and head to the lower right onto the
next screen. Here, climb up another Vine. Go left to the next screen and get
the chest for a Tent. Then take out the Red Stone from the Statue. Now, go
back right to the next screen and go down the vine. Here, just move on to the
right. In this area, just move along to the north onto the next screen.
You’ll see Stiltzkin again. Talk to him and you will be able to buy a Magic
Tag, Tent, and an Ether for 666 gil. After buying from him, talk to the other
moogle. You can use a Tent and then save the game. Now, you’ll see that there
are three paths to the south. The center of which is where you came from. Go
to the right path first and put in the 2 stones that you’ve got so far. And
then, go back to the moogles. From here, use the left path, climb up the
ladder and move on to the next area. From here, move forward until you see a
FMV of a very huge tree. When you regain control of your characters, prepare
them for a boss battle. After preparing, go to the area to the right and

Level: 28 Type: Human
HP: 8,106 Gil: 2,136
MP: 908 Items: Tent, Antlion Card
AP: 9
Stolen Item/s: Fairy Flute, Mythril Fork, Phoenix Down
Attacks: Earthquake, Hiphop, Knock Down, Curaga
Weakness: Thunder

Now, try to finish of this giant as fast as you can. Don’t worry about your
HP as you now have 2 healers in your party. But if the battle takes too long,
The giant will use Earthquake and Hiphop frequently and he may be able to
knockout your entire party. So, concentrate your attacks with Vivi and
Zidane. Eiko and Dagger should be in the back row and should provide support
for the 2 attackers. If you have the MP, try casting the summons of Dagger
and Eiko.

After the battle, you’ll have a short talk. The party will talk about Eiko
and the Eidolons. Eiko will be surprised too that Dagger can use Summons
also. Then, Eiko will tell you that the tree you saw was the Iifa Tree which
is called the Sanctuary at Conde Petie.

When you regain control of your characters, examine the statue here for the
Yellow stone. Then, go right to the next screen. Here, you’ll see 2 paths. Go
to the one that leads to the right first. In here, get the Green Stone and
get an Ether in a chest next to the statue with the stone. After getting the
stone, return to the previous screen and go up the other path (we’ll deal
with the Stones later). From here, just move along until you reach the World


Here, you’ll be on the other side of the Conde Petie Mountain Path. Go north
and go to the ruins. Save first then enter Madain Sari.

Phoenix Pinion
Key Item:
Kirman Coffee

Upon entering, your party will look around. Then, moogles will come out of
nowhere. After that, you’ll follow Eiko. In the next area (fountain area),
Zidane will ask Eiko about Mog. Eiko tells him that Mog is always by her
side. Then, Eiko will pull Zidane over to the bench and asks a lot of
questions about Zidane. After that, Dagger will be jealous. Now, Eiko will
start to cook for your meal. You’ll see an ATE. After the ATE, you’ll be able
to control Zidane. Now, search around the fountain for the Libra Stellazzio.
There’s also a hidden chest in this area which contains a Tent. After getting
the item and the Stellazzio, go to next screen to the left and talk to Vivi.
You’ll see another ATE. After the ATE, try entering the door. The moogle will
stop you from entering because Eiko is not yet through preparing the meals.
You’ll see another ATE.

During this ATE, you’ll see the preparation of Eiko. She and the Moogles will
decide on the dishes that will be served. Then Eiko will order the moogles to
do specific tasks. To go fishing, dig for Potatoes, and help in the kitchen.
Just select any of the moogles. Then, Eiko will start to cook.

After that interactive ATE, go back to the fountain area. From here, go north
onto the next screen. Talk to the moogle. It won’t let you pass because this
is a restricted area. Then, you’ll see Quina. She’ll tell you that she ate
rocks. Then, Quina’ll jump into the water. After that, head back to the
Fountain Area. Now, go left to the next screen again and talk to the moogle
by the door. The moogle will give you a tour of the Eidolon Wall while Eiko
is cooking. Now, go to the restricted area. On your way, you’ll see another

You’ll now see Eiko prepare. She’ll have to decide the number of people that
will eat. Select any number more than 10. Next, you can put an Oglop or not.
Finally, Let Mocha cook and lend a hand to the other moogle who is fishing.
Eiko will get Quina!

After the ATE, talk to the moogle by the restricted area. Zidane will call
Dagger first. When you regain control, go to the fountain area and go south
to the next screen. Here, talk to Dagger. You’ll tell her about the Eidolon
wall and she’ll come with you. Now, go back to the restricted area. The
moogle will let you in. Morrison (the moogle) will talk to you about the
Eidolon wall. Then, Dagger will look at the murals. She’ll recognize some of
them then she’ll continue to look over to the other murals. You’ll now take
control of Zidane again. Leave the Eidolon Wall. You’ll see another ATE.

In this ATE, you’ll see Eiko and Quina. Quina is a Gourmand and can help you
cook. When asked, choose to ask Quina for advice. Quina will tell you about
the water and the ingredients of the meal. Quina will need more heat so she
will then have an idea of calling Vivi over and provide fire.

Now, go all the way to the left and you can now enter the door. You’ll see
the meal. Your party will then have their meal. While eatnig, Eiko will tell
everyone that she is the lone survivor of the summoners here at Madain Sari.
After the conversation, everyone will thank Eiko for the meal. Zidane will
think that maybe he’ll try Eiko’s cooking. Eiko will be angry at Zidane.
She’ll order you to get the dishes and bring it to the kitchen. When you
regain control of Zidane, get the chest to the right for an Ore. Then, go
around the table and get the partially hidden chest for a Phoenix Pinion.
After getting the 2 chests, examine the table and you’ll gather the dishes.
Bring it to the kitchen, which is to the left. In the kitchen, Eiko will you
to put the dishes down. Now, talk to Eiko. She’ll tell you more about the
Iifa Tree. She says that the Iifa Tree is sealed by an Eidolon. Then, talk to
Eiko and ask her help to break the seal but she’ll refuse. Talk to her again
until she says she won’t do it. Now, go to the dining room and try to leave.
A moogle will come in and offers you a rest. So, rest up.

During the night, Zidane will see Vivi thinking a lot again. Zidane will tell
Vivi to try to loosen up and not to think too much. Zidane will then tell
Vivi about what life is. That it’s unfair and you are what you do and you are
the ones who make the choices in your life. While talking, you’ll see Eiko
eavesdropping on them.

The next morning, the party will be at the entrance. Eiko will come in and
joins you so that she can help release the seal on the Iifa Tree. You’ll now
be automatically taken to the World Map.

Note: There's a Kirman Coffee key item around the left banister in Eiko's


Now, go directly to the south and enter the Conde Petie mountain path. In
here, the path is pretty straightforward (unlike before) and you’ll reach the
other side in no time at all. Now, on the other side, go southwest onto the
Iifa Tree. Save first then enter.

Ruby Gem Elixir
Hi-Potion Remedy
Brigandine Vest
Lamia’s Flute

Upon entering, Zidane will notice the mist. The Iifa Tree is source of all
mist. Then, Zidane will try to go in but there’s a barrier. It’s the seal
that Eiko spoke of back in Madain Sari. You can Poke it or Slam it but it’
won’t budge. Ask Eiko to remove the seal. Eiko will then call on the Eidolon
that seals the entrance. She’ll receive the Ruby Gem. When you regain control
of the party, go inside the Iifa Tree.

In here, just move forward. The path is straightforward, don’t worry. Move on
until you see a Moogle. Talk to it, then rest and save your game. From the
moogle, move on until you reach a circular elevator. Have Zidane try it first
and then your party. Below, the path is straightforward again. On the way,
you can get an Ether from a hole in a wall in the right side also, get 2
chests on the way for a Hi-Potion and a Lamia’s Flute. There’s also a chest
to the left of the ones with Lamia’s Flute that contains a Remedy.
Eventually, you’ll reach another weird area. Your party will then stand on
the big leaf. It will go around towards the bottom. On the way, Mog will tell
you that she senses a lot of life forces below them. Then, zombies will
attack you. After beating then, when you regain control of Zidane on the
leaf, talk to Vivi. He will tell you something about the Factory of Black
Mages you saw back at Dali. It’s somehow connected to Kuja and the mist.
Then, you’ll have to fight again. After the battle you’ll reach the floor

When you regain control of Zidane, go down the stairs to the right. Now,
search behind the stairs for a chest that contains an Elixir. Go to the left
side of the trunk then go all the way back and to the right until you see a
(!) and you’ll receive a Brigandine Vest. And then, talk to Eiko and watch
the green light with her. When you regain control of Zidane again, go to the
lower left and search for a Field Icon. Zidane will notice that it’s moving.
Then, something from above will come in. Dagger will stumble down. Now, go to
Dagger. You’ll see Soulcage. It will talk to you. It will tell you that the
mist was sent to the world to create chaos among the leaders of the different
nations. It’ll also tell you that Kuja uses the waste product of the mist in
order to create the mist. You must defeat Soulcage now to rid the world of
the Mist. You’ll now have to fight.

Level: 26 Type: Undead
HP: 9,765 Gil: 3,800
MP: 862 Items: Elixir, Phoenix Down
AP: 9
Stolen Item/s: Brigandine, Magician Cloak, Oak Staff
Attacks: Level5 Death, Fire Blades, Shockwave
Weakness: none

This is a tough one. Its level5 Death will instant kill all your characters
that have a level in multiples of 5 (i.e. 20,30,25). Zidane should just use
physical attacks. Let Vivi use Ice Magic. Eiko and Dagger should be the
healers. If you can spare a turn, use Eiko or Dagger’s Summon. And, also hope
that Zidane will reach Trance!

Strategy by Megat Suhamdan (
The strategy is very simple. Only four words. Just Throw One Elixir (at him
of course). There, that's the strategy. Very simple huh.

Strategy by Geno (
There's a faster and easier way of killing Soulcage. All you have to do is
have Eiko or Dagger cast life on the him and he dies instantly.

Note that both strategies are have been tested and proven by me. :)

After the battle, the party will leave the tree. You’ll now see a FMV of the
Iifa Tree. The Mist will be gone now and the Iifa Tree looks more beautiful.
After that FMV, you’ll party will be at the entrance waiting for Kuja. Vivi
will talk about the Black Mages. What if they get mad at Vivi. And then, a
moogle will come in and tell Eiko that someone stole something important back
at Madain Sari. The party will help Eiko. Kuja can wait so they’ll help Eiko
first. Now, exit to the World Map and then head back to Madain Sari through
the Conde Petie Mountain Path.

Phoenix Down
Survival Vest
Memory Earring

Here, the moogles will call on Eiko. When you regain control of Zidane,
follow Eiko and go to the Kitchen. Here, see the moogles gathered around.
Now, go down the stairs here and go inside the room below the kitchen. You’ll
see Eiko here. The stone that was passed down through generations is the one
that was stolen. The party will then decide to find the thief for Eiko. Eiko
will then leave and go to the Eidolon Wall. But then, you’ll hear Eiko
scream. Vivi will come in and tell you that Eiko is held by the woman you saw
back at Fossil Roo. None other than Lani. When you regain control of Zidane,
get the chest here for a Survival Vest as well as a Phoenix Down. And then,
go to the Eidolon wall.

Here, talk to the moogle in front of the door. Ask the moogle to heal your
party. Then, take a peek inside. You’ll see Eiko and Lani. After that,
another moogle will come in and gives you the Exploda and an Elixir. Then,
talk to the moogle in front of the door again and ask for Mog. Mog will be
very scared even if Zidane assures her safety. Then, talk to the moogle again
and choose to save her. In the Eidolon wall, Eiko will be put to sleep by
Lani. She demands that you surrender the pendant of Dagger. Also, Vivi should
be the one who will give it to her. Just as Vivi walk towards Lani, the Red-
Headed man will show up and stop Lani and save Eiko. Eiko will then wake up.
Lani will be outraged at what the red-headed man did then she’ll leave. The
man will then challenge Zidane into a one on one battle.

Level: 22 Type: Human
HP: 8,985 Gil: 4,790
MP: 5,865 Items: Tent
AP: 9
Stolen Item/s: Poison Knuckles, Ether
Attacks: Physical Attacks
Weakness: none

The man will be easy. Just use normal physical attacks on him. When Zidane’s
HP reaches 600, heal Zidane right away as the man is very fast and can have 2
turns in a row. The man will also go around the battlefield. When he says
“Here I go!”, attack him as he will be returning to the center. Basically,
this fight is easy but long. :)

After the battle, Zidane will ask the man to return what he stole. Then the
man asked Zidane to finish him. Zidane will not do it. He has the Stolen item
back, both of them are alive, so there’s no point in taking the man’s life.
The man will then leave. You’ll now give the stone back to Eiko. When you
regain control of the Zidane, go back to the kitchen and enter the room

Here, Eiko will ask you if she could go with you. She promised to her
grandfather that she won’t leave until her 16th birthday. Tell her that it’s
ok to join your party. She’s decided to come with the party anyway. After
that, she’ll keep the stone so that it won’t be stolen or lost again. She’ll
wear it as an earring. The Memory Earring. Then, Mog will come in. They will
have a short talk. Then, go to the dining room and go right to the next
screen. Here, search around for a field icon. You’ll hear someone sing a
familiar song. Dagger is on a boat singing. Zidane will talk to her. Later,
Zidane will tell Dagger about the story of Ipsen, a great adventurer. You’ll
then see boat go adrift. Dagger and Zidane will head another woman singing
the same song! Dagger will remember what happened to her in FMV fashion. She
was the girl in the boat. She escaped with her mother when the Madain Sari
was destroyed by large tornadoes while a huge eye watches from above. Then,
Dagger will lose consciousness.

When Dagger wakes up, she realizes that she really came from this village
before she became the princess of Alexandria. Dagger decides to go and talk
to Doctor Tot to know the truth. And then, you’ll find yourselves at the
Eidolon wall. Dagger will tell Eiko that she prays at the Eidolon wall way
back when she was still here. Eiko will be happy as she is not alone anymore
and decides to join you in your journey. Then the party will be at the
entrance. You’ll see the moogles say goodbye to Eiko. Then, the red-headed
man will come in. He is puzzled by the way how Zidane beat him and why he
spared his life. Zidane tells him to join in so that he’ll know why. Name him
now. Let’s use the name Amarant which is the default one. Now, you’ll be
asked to choose your party members. After selecting your party members, exit
to the world map and go to the Iifa Tree once more.


Upon arrival, your party members will see the Silver Dragon and Kuja himself.
When you regain control of your characters, move on until you see your
characters talk about getting on the trunk of the tree. Amarant will lend a
hand and takes Eiko and Vivi to the Trunk (he wonders how this dimwit was
able to beat him). Zidane, on the other hand, gives Dagger a piggyback ride.
You’ll see Kuja. He’ll take you as a warm-up until the elephant-lady comes.
And then, when you have the chance, prepare your characters for battle. Kuja
will later notice that the curtains are up and the show will begin. You’ll
see a FMV of Brahne’s Fleet going towards the Iifa Tree. She’ll be so damn
greedy and decides to kill Kuja and take the Outer Continent. Brahne will
order the Black Mages to concentrate all magic into one spell then attack
Kuja. Dagger will not believe what she sees. Then, Kuja will call some spawns
of the mist and you’ll have to fight them. After the battle, you’ll see Kuja
and Brahne square off.

Now, Dagger will try to save his mother. Even though Zidane tries to stop
her, she will not give up. Dagger will then ask Eiko if the Eidolon that is
trapped is still here in the Tree. Eiko then points to the roots of the tree.
Dagger will go there by herself! When you control Zidane, just go south to
the next screen and just move on until you see Dagger. Remember that, you’ll
encounter some Mist Spawns on the way down. Then, you’ll see Dagger call upon
the trapped Eidolon. She’ll receive the Aquamarine and Leviathan. It’s no
use. Leviathan destroys the enemies by using a Tidal wave!

After that, you’ll see the exhausted Black Mages. Now, Brahne uses her most
powerful weapon. The eidolon Bahamut! You’ll see the FMV of Bahamut rising
from the ocean. Then, Bahamut will attack Kuja and the Silver Dragon. The
attack injured Kuja a little drawing blood on his forehead. Then, Kuja raises
his arm and the big eye will appear in the sky. It will kill the Black Mages
and will corrupt Bahamut. Kuja will use Bahamut against Brahne. You’ll see
Brahne and she is frightened. Bahamut aims directly at the Red Rose then

Later, your party will see Brahne at the short with her escape pod. Finally,
Brahne finally came to her senses and talks to Dagger like a real mother she
once was. Brahne will tell Dagger that she might be better off sitting on the
throne. And then the inevitable happens, Brahne will die. After that tragedy,
the party will go back to Alexandria using Brahne’s escape pod.

In Alexandria, you’ll see Doctor Tot call on Dagger. You’ll also see Steiner
and Beatrix pledge their loyalty to Princess Garnet. Then, Dagger will put a
wreath on Brahne’s Grave. You’ll then see a FMV of Dagger. After the FMV,
you’ll be asked if you want to save your game. Save your game and put in Disc

D I S K # 3


Upon loading Disc 3, you’ll see Dagger, Beatrix, Doctor Tot and Steiner
arrive at the castle. And then, you’ll see Zidane at the bar with Ruby,
Cinna, Marcus and Blank. Zidane doesn’t know what to do anymore. Ruby and the
rest will try to help Zidane. Ruby then invites everyone to watch her show at
the theater. The Tantalus guys will go with Ruby. Ruby understands Zidane and
lets him stay at the bar. Outside, the Tantalus guys will follow Ruby. Then,
Vivi bumps into Blank. After a short greeting, you’ll be able to control
Vivi. Now, go inside the Bar and talk to Zidane. He won’t respond to you.
Now, talk to the Lady Bartender and she’ll tell you that the previous owner
of this bar and Ruby started a mini-theater. Now leave the bar.

Racing with Hippaul

If you talk to Hippaul's mother in one of the streets, she asks you to race
Hippaul so he will get into shape. All you have to do is alternate pressing
the circle and square button. After each race Hippaul levels up (Lots early
on but then by 1 level each race later). Every 10 levels he reaches, his
mother gives you a card.

Level 10 Wyerd Card
Level 20 Carrion Worm Card
Level 30 Tantarian Card
Level 40 Armstrong Card
Level 50 Ribbon Card
Level 60 Nova Dragon Card
Level 70 Genji Card
Level 80 Athlete Queen (Key Item)
You can get him up to 100 but there is no incentive (except the challenge!)

If you go to the church where you first saw a moogle, Stiltzkin will be there
to sell another set of items. Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, and Elixir for 777
gil. Now, talk to him again. If you bought all his offers since the
beginning, he’ll give you a Circlet in return. Also, if you ring the bell
again (you should have rung the bell at the beginning of the game), you’ll be
able to get a Shiva and a Ramuh card.

Outside, go left to the next screen and you’ll see an ATE. After viewing the
ATE, go to the Item Shop and buy some items. After buying, leave the shop and
head north to the next area. Here, you’ll see another ATE. After the ATE, go
to the equipment shop and the Synthesis Shop to the right and buy some new
equipment for your party. After gathering equipments, leave the shop and go
left to where you saw the carpenter in the beginning of the game. Here, talk
to Blank. He’ll ask you to join them in watching Ruby’s show (so as they will
not be scolded). Now, go down the stairs here onto the mini-theater. Inside,
Ruby will greet Vivi. Then Blank and co. will come in. They’ll be scolded
later. :)

After that, you’ll see Dagger in her room in the castle. She’ll talk to
Steiner and ask about Zidane. Then, Doctor Tot and Beatrix will come in.
Doctor Tot will give you the Opal, Topaz, and Amethyst Stones that contains
the Eidolons that Brahne extracted from Dagger in the past. Dagger will then
prepare. After that scene in Dagger’s room, you’ll see Eiko at a hallway.
She’s confidence that she can now have Zidane because he and Dagger is
already apart. She’ll then decide to write a love letter to Dagger. Doctor
Tot will come down the stairs and meets Eiko. Eiko will ask Doctor Tot to
write him a love letter. Doctor Tot will do it. Eiko will then leave. Doctor
Tot notices the horn of Eiko. He remembers the time when a ship drifted
ashore during a stormy night. He saw a dead woman and a baby girl with horns.
The King will order the removal of the horn. Then, he and Brahne decide to
raise the baby as if she is their own child.

After that, you’ll see Dagger in a beautiful dress. Dagger will then tell
Beatrix about who she really is. But, Beatrix already knew it from Doctor
Tot. Then, Doctor will finish the letter of Eiko. Eiko then tells Doctor Tot
her real name and where she came from, Madain Sari. Afterwards, you’ll
control Eiko. Go southeast to where Doctor Tot is and talk to the moogle and
save your game. After saving, leave this room. Next, go left onto the next
screen and then go north. In the main hallway of the 2nd floor, go north to
the stairs that lead down to the first floor. Eiko will bump into Baku! Eiko
will be hanging from the edge. Eiko will then ask Baku to deliver her letter
to Zidane because she can’t go down and Baku can’t reach her. Baku will agree
to bring the letter to Zidane.

Next, you’ll see Baku at the fountain. You’ll see Steiner and the knights of
Pluto do their rounds at the premises of the castle. Steiner notices Baku.
After a short talk (or quarrel), Baku will leave using the boat. Then,
Steiner leaves the area too. Beatrix will then come in. She’ll see the love
letter at the steps (Baku accidentally left it). Beatrix will then read the
love letter and assumes that Steiner wrote it.

Next, you’ll see Zidane again. Ruby and the Tantalus guys will come in and
encourages Zidane to go to bring himself together and go to Dagger. Baku will
then come in and then Vivi. Vivi wants to go to the castle and meet Dagger
and he asks Zidane if he could go with him. Zidane will agree. When you
regain control of Zidane, leave the bar. You’ll see an ATE. After the ATE, go
to the area where the ticket booth is and go north and enter the castle gate.
Here, you’ll see Freya and Amarant square off. Zidane and Vivi will come in
and break them up. Freya will be mad at Zidane because he didn’t even visit
Dagger. You’ll now decide to meet Dagger. When you regain control of your
characters, use the boat and it’ll take you to the castle. When you arrive at
the castle, just move on and go inside. You’ll see Steiner carrying Eiko. The
party will then talk to Eiko. Freya talks to Eiko and then asks where she
came from. Steiner will not allow you to go inside. Vivi will then persuade
Steiner into letting you go inside the castle and meet Dagger.

Inside, Steiner will call on Dagger. Dagger will come out of the room. The
party will be happy to see her. But Zidane didn’t say anything at all. Eiko
will then come up and she’ll ask Dagger if they will ever meet again. Dagger
will tell her that they’ll surely meet again. The two will then trade jewels.
After that, you’ll see Zidane talking about his feelings for Dagger.

In the next scene, you’ll see Eiko at the fountain. She’ll be mad at Zidane
because he can’t tell Dagger his true feelings for her. Then, Eiko will see
Blank and Marcus. Blank talks about the letter he read and this is the
meeting place. Then, Steiner will come in. Due to the confusion, Blank will
accidentally drop the letter. Steiner will look around and notices the
dropped love letter on the floor. Beatrix will then come in. Beatrix and
Steiner will get mushy all of a sudden as Eiko, Marcus and Blank watches from
a distance. But, Baku will come in and break the Momentum! :) Baku ruins the
scene. Then, you’ll see the party in at the bar. Vivi will try to look for
Zidane but Eiko will come in followed by Doctor Tot. Doctor Tot wants to ask
Eiko a lot of questions. Eiko wants to go to Doctor Tot’s place. Doctor Tot
will then take you to Treno. Zidane will join in and comes along. You’ll be
brought to Gargan Roo. You’ll still see mist around here. Then, the Gargant
will arrive and you’ll head to Treno. See an ATE here also.

Chimera Armlet
Rebirth Ring

You’ll now be at Doctor Tot’s tower. Everyone will leave the tower and go to
town. You’ll see another ATE here. Then, when you regain control of your
character, leave Doctor Tot’s Tower. You’ll see yet another ATE on the way.
Now, go to Stella’s House and give her the Stellazzio’s that you have so far.
Now, you can go to the Synthesis Shop, Item shop and the equipment shop and
buy some goods. Save your game first at the Moogle at the entrance of the
Equipment Shop. After saving, head over to the Card Stadium. You’ll see an
ATE on the way to the Card Stadium where you’ll get a Chimera Armlet. If you
didn’t let Vivi go, you’ll be able to fight Mario for the Namingway Card

Here at the Card Stadium, register first at the counter to the left. Then, go
inside and you’ll automatically play a card game. You have to play 3 times in
order to be the card game champion. After 2 victories, the man outside will
suggest that you should save your game first. So, go to the equipment shop
and talk to the moogle then save. You’ll see an ATE again on the way.

There’s a Key Item called the Burman Coffee that Morrid from Dali wants, you
have to go to Dali now in order to get it.

Once there, sneak into the mayor's house. You have to find the Mayor's Key
without waking the person in the center of the room (tip: search each place
at least twice in a row, so the sleeping guy goes back to sleep). Note that
you can also get the Mini-Brahne key item right now.

After getting the key, go to the windmill and use it on the locked door. Now
check around where the chocobo is to find a chest with 30,000 Gil. Check the
same spot again to find the Burman Coffee. Now, you can complete Side Quest
#12. Check it at the side-quests section.

After saving, go back to the card stadium for the Final Round. You’ll see a
girl in a sailor suit and Regent Cid! You’ll now have to battle Erin, the
Oglop Master. You’ll battle her cards that are all Oglops. After winning the
tournament, you’ll receive the Rebirth ring as a prize. After that, Zidane
and Cid will talk. But then, Eiko will come in and delivers a very bad news.
Something is happening at Alexandria.

Chimera Armlet

Here at Alexandria, you’ll see Kuja by the statue. He’ll summon Bahamut!
You’ll see a FMV where Bahamut comes from the sky. Then, Bahamut will destroy
Alexandria. Dagger will watch from the castle helplessly. You’ll see some
Villagers running for their lives. After that, Beatrix will go to Dagger and
tells her that the army is now ready for orders. Dagger will go to the main
hall and orders her soldiers. You have to choose who among the soldiers will
do a specific task. To gather information, to protect the townspeople, to
contact Lindblum and ask for reinforcements, and begin preparations to fire
the cannon. I received an Elixir from Beatrix afterwards. Then, after
everyone leaves, Dagger will lose her consciousness.

You can receive different items from Beatrix depending on how you distributed
the Knights of Pluto in the different missions. Here’s how you should order

Blutzen & Kohel = gather information.
Weimar & Haagen = protect the citizens.
Breireicht & Lando = send for reinforcements.
Dojebon & Mullenkedheim = ready the cannons.

If you successfully ordered 1 you’ll get an Ether
If 2, you’ll get an Elixir
If 3 or 4, you’ll receive the Angel Earrings


In town, you’ll see the Spawns of the Mist attacking the village. You’ll be
taking control of Beatrix and Steiner here. From your initial position, just
try to go to the Fountain Area. You’ll be encountering a lot of spawns on the
way. When you reach the screen before the fountain area, Beatrix and Steiner
will have to fight continuously. After the battles, you’ll see Dagger again.
She’ll try to ask for her mother’s help. Then, the pendant in her chest
starts to sparkle. When you regain control, go up to the hallway, which leads
to the Queen’s Chamber. From here, go don’t go straight to the queen’s
chamber. Instead, go left and enter the door there. In here, just go all the
way up the sets of stairs. On top, you’ll see a tower appear in an FMV
sequence. When you regain control of Dagger, go up the tower that just
appeared. Just move on until you see a big eye on the floor.

Then, you’ll see Zidane and co. aboard the Hilda Garde 2. You’ll see a short
conversation. After that, Eiko’s pendant will sparkle too. Eiko will jump off
Hilda Garde 2. Then, you’ll see a FMV where Eiko flies towards Dagger. Eiko
will then tell Dagger that the Eidolon is calling them. Eiko and Dagger will
then call on the Eidolon. You’ll see a FMV of Alexander! It will protect
Alexandria. Bahamut will then try to penetrate Alexander but Bahamut can’t do
it. Alexander then opens its wings and attacks Bahamut. Bahamut will be hit
and he will disappear. Then, after the FMV, Kuja will call on the Invincible.
You’ll see the Eye in the sky again. You’ll see a man in black inside the
Invincible. He talks about Kuja and Zidane (why? You’ll know it later). Then,
Kuja will talk about Garland, the black man on the Invincible.

Then, you’ll see Cid and the rest of the party. When you regain control, go
to the tower where Dagger is. When you reach the tower, Zidane will insist on
going alone. Everyone will understand and will leave Zidane alone now. When
you regain control of Zidane, go inside the tower. In here, when you reach
the stairs inside, you’ll be shown another FMV. You’ll see Alexander enslaved
by the Invincible. Garnet will be hurt. The tower will crumble and Dagger and
Eiko are in danger. Zidane then rescues Dagger while Eiko hangs on. Then,
you’ll see Alexander and Alexandria destroyed. You’ll see Garland again.

Note: There's a Chimera Armlet to the north at the Serpent Gate station.

Elixir 2
Lapis Lazuli
Key Items:
Strange Potion
Unusual Potion
Beautiful Potion
Egoist’s Armlet

Here, you’ll see Artania and Cid in town. Baku and Blank will come in the
scene. Blank will be ordered by Cid to go to Zidane and tell him to go to
him. Then, you’ll see Zidane wake up in the guestroom. When you regain
control of Zidane, go to the right and get the chest here for an Egoist’s
Armlet. After getting the armlet, go up to the moogle and get the chest to
the left first for an Elixir. Then, talk to the moogle and save your game.
Try to the leave the guestroom. You’ll see Blank on the way. Ask him about
the whereabouts of Dagger. Blank will tell you that Dagger is most probably
at the Telescope. Then you’ll see an ATE. After the ATE, go to the lift, go
up to the upper level and go to the left stairs onto the telescope. Here, go
to Dagger and Zidane will talk to Dagger. Dagger isn’t talking back at
Zidane. Zidane understands what happened to Dagger and tries to cheer her up.
And then he’ll leave. You’ll see an ATE also. When you regain control of
Zidane, go back down and meet Blank. He’ll tell you that Cid wants you to go
to the Royal Chamber. After that, go to the Royal Chamber to the north. Here,
Regent Cid and Artania will tell you that you’ll hold a meeting in the
conference room. Artania will go with you to the conference room.

In the conference room, everyone is here except for Dagger (didn’t they
notice that Quina’s not with them?). Eiko will then look for Dagger at the
Telescope. Then the meeting will begin. You’ll another ATE. After the ATE,
you’ll see the meeting take place. Cid will tell you about hid discovery.
Kuja is using his stolen airship, the Hilda Garde 1 with Black Mages on
board. See another ATE. After that, Cid and the rest of the party plans to
turn back Cid into a human again so that he can continue working on the Hilda
Garde. Artania called on Doctor Tot and he should arrive anytime. When Doctor
Tot arrives, Eiko will come in also and tells everyone that Dagger lost her
voice. Zidane, Eiko, Doctor Tot and Steiner will go to the guestroom. You’ll
control Zidane. Go to the guestroom. Here, you’ll see Dagger. Indeed, she
lost her voice. It’s because of her grief. She lost her mother and she lost
Alexandria too. Doctor Tot will tell you that it’s only temporary but it may
take a while for her voice to return. They should keep Dagger’s heart at
peace. Zidane will then ask Doctor Tot is there’s something they could do to
return Cid back into human form. Doctor Tot will tell you that there maybe a
way to bring back Cid’s human form. In the royal chamber, Doctor Tot will
tell you about a potion that can reverse the changes in one’s form. It’s a
mixture of 3 potions namely, the Unusual Potion, Beautiful Potion, and the
Strange Potion. Zidane will then go to town to find the potions. Then, you’ll
see an ATE. After the ATE, go to the lift and head to the Mid level. Move on
and ride the Aircab and go to the Theater District.

Here, you’ll see the Burmecian couple you saved back in Burmecia. You’ll see
another ATE. After the ATE, the Burmecian couple will show you their
children. When you regain control of Zidane, go right first in the painter’s
house. In here, talk to the Painter. Then, search the left corner of the room
near the pipe and you’ll be able to get the Strange Potion. There’s also a
Lapis Lazuli at the right corner of this house. Now, leave the painter’s
house. Outside, go left towards the Tantalus’ hideout. You’ll then talk to
Cinna, Marcus and Zenero. Zidane will ask Cinna for the Unusual Potion. Cinna
will get it. You’ll have a short talk with Marcus and Zenero. Then, Cinna
will come out and gives you the Unusual Potion. Zidane will then thank them
and then leaves. Now, use the Aircab and go to the Business District.

Here, from the screen where the inn is, go north to the next one. Search to
the left area for the Sagittarius Stellazzio. If you go inside Card Freak
Gon’s House, you’ll get an Elixir and a Remedy. Then, go to the Fountain
area. Go to the upper right and talk to the lady. She’ll give you the
Beautiful Potion. After receiving all the potions, you can buy equipments and
items at the equipment shop. You can also visit the Synthesis shop if you
want. After that, go to the inn and save your game (it’s optional). Then, use
the Aircab and go to the castle.

Now, go all the way to the Royal Chamber. Doctor will use the mixed potion on
Cid. Then, Cid will change his form. But, he turned into a FROG!!! That’s it,
no more potions and medicines for Cid. He will decides to go and Hilda to
break the spell on him. Then, Cid calls a meeting at the Conference Room. Cid
tells you that you can use a stolen ship from Alexandria for the meantime.
Then, Vivi will suggest that you head for the Black Mage Village as they may
find the answer there. Cid and the party will agree. Cid will then tell you
to go to the harbor in the Base Level. When you regain control of Zidane, use
the lift and go down to the Base Level. Now, use the Trolley that goes to the
Serpent’s Gate. In here, just move on and talk to Artania. He’ll tell you
that Cid and the rest are waiting for you aboard the ship. Go to the ship.
There, you’ll see Blank and Quina! Cid will come in and tells you that you
can change your party members by talking to him. Then, you’ll be asked to
choose your party members.

I suggest that you do not use Dagger in battle. Have Eiko instead. Dagger has
a lot in her mind and she may lose concentration during battles. Here’s what
will happen. When it’s Dagger’s turn to attack or do any action, sometimes,
she’ll lose her concentration and she won’t do the command you gave her.
You’ll have to wait again for her. So, if you want a healer, use Eiko for the

After choosing your party members, you’ll be taken to the world map and
you’ll take control over the Alexandrian Ship.


While you’re using the ship, you can only disembark from it at the shores or
beaches (just like Cid’s Tiny Bronco in FF7). It’s easy to maneuver. Use X to
move forward. Use Square to move backward. Use the triangle when you want to
go inside the ship and talk to you party members or change your party
members. Then, if you press the circle button, you’ll disembark from the ship
at the shores/beaches.

Now, let’s head for the Black Mage village. There are beaches to the south
and to the east of the Black Mage Village and they’re easy to find. When you
finally get off a beach, go to the Black Mage Village.

In the Blue Narciss, if you head for Alexandria, talk to a girl in the town
square and she’ll give you the Alexandria Card.


In the village, you won’t see Black Mages. Vivi will head off and will try to
find if there are Black Mages left. When you regain control, go to the Inn
and search beside the bed for the Virgo Stellazzio. Then, head over to the
cemetery. You’ll see Vivi and a Black Mage. The Black Mage will tell you that
the rest of the Black Mages went with Kuja because he convinced them that he
can increase their lifespan. The Black Mage will also tell you that there are
2 other Black Mages at the Chocobo Shack. When you regain control of Zidane,
go to the Chocobo Shack. Go inside, you’ll see the newborn Chocobo. The 2
Black Mages stayed here for the sake of the Chocobo. Then, Vivi will go out.
You’ll see Vivi talk to the Black Mage again and asks a lot of things about
stopping/death. Then, the Black Mage will tell you of the whereabouts of
Kuja. His secret palace is under the quicksand in the eastern part of this
continent. Next, you’ll see Dagger thinking about something. Eiko, Zidane and
Vivi will go to Dagger. You’ll now decide to head for that palace and beat
Kuja. Leave the Black Mage Village and go to your ship.


Now, head to the eastern portion of this continent and disembark at the beach
near the Desert. Go into the middle of the desert and you’ll see quicksand.
You have to choose among the 4 that you see. Just go to one of them and press
the X button. If that quicksand is not the Palace, you’ll have to fight a
strong Antlion. If you managed to choose the right one, you’ll enter the
Desert Palace.

Tip (How to locate the Desert Palace):
Stand so you can see all 4 of them at the same time (you might have to rotate
your camera) and wait, eventually puffs of sand will puff out of the centers
of them (the puffs are kind of small, but not that hard to see). There will
be one circle that never makes any puffs of sand come out, that one is the
Desert Palace.


Here, the enemies’ level are 30. So, you can always use Quina’s Lvl5 Death
Blue Magic to pummel your way through here.

Inside, you’ll see Zidane and Cid in a room. You were captured by Kuja while
you were in the Quicksand. Kuja shows a trap below you. The floor will open
revealing the magma below. Kuja will then ask Zidane a favor in return for
the lives of his friends. Just tell him that you have no choice. Kuja will
then tell you to step out of the room. Zidane and Cid will now exit the room.
Cid will leave behind to watch over the rest of the party. When you regain
control of Zidane, go south. Kuja will order you to stand in between the 2
Black Mages. You’ll be transported to Kuja’s room.

In Kuja’s room, go to him. Kuja wants you to go somewhere and get something
for him. He’ll send you to Oeilvert and get the Gulug Stone for him. He
doesn’t want to go there because of a Magic Barrier that doesn’t allow the
use of Magic. He’ll send Zidane, as he is so stupid to use Magic. Kuja will
also allow you to use his Luxury Transportation. Then, Kuja will allow you
also to bring 3 friends with you. Select your party carefully. Remember that
the place where you’ll be going doesn’t allow the use of Magic. So, take 2
other fighters and a Healer (Eiko or Dagger). Kuja will then summon the party
members you selected. Zidane and co. will now be transported in a new place.
When you regain control, just go up the stairs and move on. You’ll see that
the ship Kuja was talking about is the Hilda Garde 1. Board the Airship.


You’ll see the Hilda Garde fly over the horizon. You’ll now be taken to the
forgotten continent. You’ll see a scene inside the Hilda Garde also. Zidane
will try to talk to the Black Mages. Zorn and Thorn will come in. After a
short talk, you’ll arrive at the Forgotten continent. When you regain control
of your characters, take a look at the map. You’ll see that Oeilvert is
located directly to the south of your current location. So, head south to
Oeilvert. If you’re lost, take a look again at the map. The clue here is to
follow the Light Brown path in the map. It will lead you straight to
Oeilvert. Now, enter Oeilvert.

Remedy Elixir
Rising Sun
Diamond Sword Feather Boots
Shield Armor Power Vest
Gaia Gear

When you encounter enemies with stone type, you can use a Soft to instantly
kill it.

Inside, you’ll see a Moogle. Talk to him and buy some new equipment! After
buying equipments and items, save your game. After saving, go north towards
the next screen. Here, you’ll see a large door. Zidane will try to open it
but it won’t even budge. Then, the door will open by itself. When you regain
control of your characters, go inside the door.

Here in the Main Area, you can take 3 paths. Up the stairs, to the left and
to the right. Get the chest behind the stairs first for a Remedy. And then,
go up the stairs and take the chest for a Rising Sun. Then, go down the
stairs again and go right towards the next area. Here, talk to Stiltzkin and
purchase another set of items that contains a Hi-Potion, Emerald and an
elixir for 888 gil. Then talk to the other moogle if you want and save your
game. Then, go back to the Main Area. Here, go left onto the next screen.

Get 2 chests here for the Diamond Sword and the Shield Armor. Now, go down
the Southwest stairs onto the next area. Here, you’ll see 4 yellow lights. It
won’t respond to you. Now, go right and get the chest for a Power Vest. Then,
go up the stairs. You’ll see 2 more yellow lights. Just get the chest here
for the Feather Boots. Then, go to the upper left and go up the stairs. Just
move on until you see an odd black ball. Examine it. It won’t respond to you
either. Then, move on to the left and you’ll reach a familiar room. From
here, go back to the moogle and save your game as the enemies here might give
you some trouble if your level is low. After saving, go to the Main Area. Go
up the stairs and to the left towards the next screen. Here, examine the blue
ball. It should turn into a red one. Then, get the chest to the left of the
switch for an Elixir. Go back to the Main Area and go left to the next
screen. Here, you’ll see a projection of a planet. After seeing that, go to
the place where you saw the yellow lights. You have to switch them in a
particular order. First, go up the stairs and examine the upper left yellow
light, and then the upper right ones. Go down the stairs and examine the
lower right yellow light and then finally the one to the left. You’ll see the
evolution of the Invincible. Now, go to the Black Ball. Examine it and a
projection of a city will appear. Now, go back to the moogle. From there, go
right and go in the middle of the circle (there’s a small set of stairs to
the right). In the center, search for a field icon. It will tell you that the
light here is for another purpose. After that, when you regain control of you
characters again, go to the upper right and get the chest there for a Gaia
Gear. Now, go back to the Main Area and head left to the next screen once
more. Now, go to the upper left and enter the door there.

You’ll arrive in an area where there are faces on the wall. The faces will
talk to your party. It will tell you more about Terra and how it declined.
Now, after talking to you, you’ll be able to control your characters again.
Go to the moogle (again), and save your game. Go right and you’ll see another
projection. This time, you’ll see 2 planets merge into 1. After that, go to
the upper right doorway onto the next screen. Here, just examine the green
circle. You’ll see a FMV of the elevator go down. Now, move forward and
examine the contraption at the end. You’ll see the Gulug Stone. But then,
something will head on your way. You’ll now have to fight with...

Level: 38 Type: Flying
HP: 20,002 Gil: 5,964
MP: 1,374 Items: Ether, Pumice Piece
AP: 11
Stolen Item/s: Holy Lance, Power Vest, Elixir
Attacks: Photon (drops Hp to 1), Propeller Wind, Whirlwind, Boomerang
Weakness: Shadow

Man, this one is tough. Get your healers ready and hope that they already
learned the Chemist Support Ability. The Ark will use Whirlwind most of the
time. And it causes the Confuse status effect. All you can do is use physical
attack. But, you can use the abilities of non-magic casters like Freya,
Zidane, Amarant, and Steiner. Amarant’s Throw ability is very useful against
Ark. For Zidane, you can steal the item/equipments if you want then just use
physical attacks. For Freya, cast Rei’s Wind occasionally then use her
Lancer. This fight will be long so be patient.

After the battle, the scene will shift to the other party members who were
left behind at the Desert Palace.

Promist Ring Black Hood
Anklet Venetia Shield
Shield Armor
N-Kai Armlet

You’ll see your other party members. Kuja will give Zidane only 10 minutes to
arrive. If he doesn’t return in 10 minutes, the rest of the party will be
killed. Cid will be angry at what Kuja did! He then decides to put matters
into his own hands. You’ll then see Black Mages talking about traps. When you
control Cid, go south and then go right to the next screen.

In here, you have to get the key which is tied at the cage of a monster.
You’re given 6 minutes to complete everything. Now, when the monster isn’t
looking, press the Circle button as fast as you can. When the monsters turns
around, stop pressing the circle button. When you reach the cage, you’ll get
the Hourglass Key. Then, you’ll have to put 3 weight into one of the dishes
so that Cid can climb up and turn the Hourglass upside down. You’ll see 4
weights. One is made of wood, and the others are made from, Clay, Stone, and
Iron. Now, place the Clay, Stone and the Iron Weights onto the dish. This is
the heaviest combination possible. Now, choose to climb up. Cid will be able
to go to the top and turn the hourglass upside town to save the party. After
that, you’ll see your remaining party members escape from their rooms. You’ll
be able to control them (remember that Zidane and the 3 party members he
chose are still at Oeilvert). Now, go left to the next screen. Here, just
climb up the stairs. You’ll reach the entrance to the Desert Palace.

Before going up the stairs, examine the lamp on the left angel. A red light
will appear on the right angel. Examine the red light and then inspect the
bloodstone. You’ll get a Promist Ring. After getting the ring, go up the
stairs. Here, you’ll see 2 gargoyle statues and a woman statue in the center.
Examine the right gargoyle first and then the left gargoyle, and finally the
woman statue in the center. Now, walk to the left. You’ll see Blue Stairs
appear. Go up the Blue Stairs and move on to the next screen and light the
lamp at the end. Then, go back down the Blue Stairs. From here, go left
towards the next area.

You’ll see 3 circular lamps here in the main room. Examine all 3 and light
them up. The 2 north doors should be open. Go up the upper left door and move
on until you reach the other side of the main room. Now, light all the 3
lamps here. The statues to the left will be gone. Now, put out the flames of
the upper right lamp and the right one. The 2 doors to the north should be
open and the statues to the left are gone. Go through the upper right door
and go to the other side again. This time, light the 2 lamps in the center of
this room (you can’t light up the one to the south). The right statues will
be gone now. And then, open ALL lamps in this room. 3 to the right, 3 to the
left, 2 in the center, and the last one should be the one in the center to
the south. There’ll be a red light. Examine it again and inspect the
Bloodstone. You’ll get the Anklet. Now, go to the upper right area of this
room and enter the newly opened door.

In the next screen, light up the candle near the statue of a woman. Another
red light will appear. Inspect the bloodstone again and you’ll get the Shield
Armor. After getting the armor, move north and go up the stairs at the end
onto the next screen. Here, light up the candle which is on top of the
stairs. Then, move on until you reach the Library.

Here, there are 3 levels/floors in here. First, light up the candle to the
left. It’ll activate the ladder to the right. Now, go to the right and go up
the ladder to the 3rd level/floor. Light the candle here at the 3rd level and
a door will be revealed. Enter the newly opened door and inspect the
bloodstone here for the N-Kai Armlet. After that, head back inside the
library. Now, go down the stairs. Use the ladder that you see and go up to
the 2nd level. Here, light up the candle and another door will be revealed.

From here, go left up the stairs. Go all the way to the end lighting up 2
candles on the way. After lighting the 2 candles, go back inside the library.
Now, light up the right candle in the 1st level. Another door will be
revealed. Enter it and light another candle inside. Go back inside the
Library. You should hear the sound of the moogle. In the 1st floor, go left
and talk to the moogle, use a Tent and save the game (finally).

After saving, go left to the next screen. Here, you’ll see a Gargoyle with 2
candles. Light up the one to the right. Take note of the direction the shadow
is facing, and then go through the door. Move on until you reach the opposite
side. You’ll see a painting with 1 candle, and another Gargoyle with 2
candles. There are 3 candles in here. Now, light up the candle at the
painting. It will give you a clue “Dare not follow those of evil. Strive to
follow those of good.”

If you examine the 2 gargoyles, the one to the right is the “Apostle from
Underground” and the one near the painting is the “Messenger from Heaven”.
The clue says don’t follow evil. This means that do no face towards evil
(which is the right Gargoyle). So, light up the candle which is the right at
the left Gargoyle. The shadows of both Gargoyles will be facing to the left.
A Blue Stairs will appear at the center. As for the other clue, follow those
of good, the shadow of the right gargoyle follows the shadow of the left
gargoyle which is the good ones.

Note: If you lit BOTH candles at each of the Gargoyles, you’ll get a Venetia
Shield at the left and a Black Hood to the right.

Now, go around again and go up that blue stairs. In the next screen, unequip
everything that you got by inspecting bloodstones here at the palace (Promist
Ring, etc.). Now, move forward and you’ll fight the defense system of the

Level: 36 Type: Flying
HP: 12,119 Gil: 4,089
MP: 9,999 Items: Elixir
AP: 11
Stolen Item/s: ?
Attacks: Thundaga, Blizzaga, Reflect, Firaga
Weakness: Water

Remember, I told you to remove bloodstone equipments. If you equip any of
them, the defense system will be enhanced. The bloodstone equipments will
enhance its, Magic Power, Elemental Defense, Physical Defense, Evasion, Magic
Defense and Magic Evade. Basically, you can just use physical attacks and use
Magic or summon. Just heal your characters when your HP is at critical level.
I also had a fun time using Carbuncle. The AI of Valia Pira is quite low. It
attacks you even you have Reflect.

After the battle, move forward and light the candle at the end. Now, go back
and examine the Shining floor. You’ll now see Zidane’s group arrive at the
Desert Palace from the Hilda Garde 1. When you regain control of Zidane, move
on and use the teleporter. On the next area, Kuja will welcome you again.
He’ll tell you that Zidane must come alone. When you regain control of
Zidane, move on and go up the ladders into Kuja’s Room. When you reach the
room, Kuja will show you your other party members locked up below.

Meanwhile, outside the room, you’ll see your entire party meet again.
Everyone will now go to Zidane and save him. But then, Eiko will be left
outside and Zorn and Thorn will nab her. Now, the party arrived at Kuja’s
room. Kuja will be surprised as you were able to escape. Zidane is really mad
now as the 4 party members Kuja has shown you are fakes. After that, Kuja
will take the Gulug stone from you and then he’ll leave. When you regain
control of your characters, go to where the Hilda Garde is. When you get
there, you’ll see that Kuja already left. Now, move north to the next screen.
You’re party members will talk. Cid suggests that you follow Kuja aboard the
Blue Narciss. When you regain control of Zidane, examine the lever here and
kick it. A ladder will appear. Go down the ladder and move on until you reach
the World Map.

WORLD MAP (Lost Continent)

In the world map, you’ll see the Blue Narciss follow Hilda Garde 1. You’ll
eventually reach a shore. When you disembark, go to the west and enter Esto

Wing Edge

Upon entering, go inside the building. Inside, you’ll see the Bishop of Esto
Gaza. The bishop will tell you that you’re on sacred land. He’ll also mention
some pointy-hats pass by. Zidane will ask if a little girl is with them. The
bishop will tell you that the path behind him is the path of souls which
leads to the Shimmering Island. Then, he’ll tell you that he saw a lot of
pointy-hats pass by, Kuja, Zorn and Thorn and a little girl held by one of
the Black Mages. He’ll tell you that they went to Mount Gulug. When you
regain control of you characters, leave this area and come back again. You’ll
now see a lot of people. You can talk to the bishop and rest for 100 gil.
From here, go right to the next screen. You’ll reach a shop that sells items
and equipments. After buying, go around the shop to the north (note, use the
‘HERE’ icon as your guide) until you reach the counter to the right. Search
here for a Wing Edge. Now, go to where the bishop is and go up the stairs
onto the next area. Here, talk to the moogle and save your game. Then, go
right and move on until you reach Mount Gulug.

Wing Edge
Gaia Gear
Demon’s Mail

When you regain control of your characters, go left into a house. You’ll get
9,693 Gil and a Red Hat in here. After that, leave the house, go left and
just move on past another house until you reach a well. Examine the rope at
the well and go down. Here, you can go to the left or right path. Go to the
right first. Here, talk to the moogle and save your game. After saving,
search to the lower right of this room for a Wing Edge. Then, continue on to
the right. Just enter the door at the end. From here, just move on until you
reach a dead end and search there for a Gaia Gear. After getting the
equipment, head back to where the well is. Note that you’ll have to fight Red
Dragons on the way. When you reach the area where the well is, go left to the
next screen and enter the house at the end. Here, get the Demon’s Mail. Now,
leave this small house and enter the doorway just beside this house. Inside,
go up and stairs and talk to the moogle and save your game once more. After
saving, continue up the stairs. Here, just move on and enter another house at
the end. Inside, you’ll get an Elixir. But before you do, a Red Dragon will
attack you. After getting the Elixir, head all the way back to where the well

Here, examine the lever to the left of the well and pull it down 3 times.
You’ll see the rope dangle below. Examine the rope and use it to go down.
Below, you’ll fight another Red Dragon. After beating it, go through the wall
where the Dragon went in. You’ll see Eiko. Dagger recognizes the ceremony
that Zorn and Thorn does to Eiko. Zidane and co. will now go and save Eiko.

Next, you’ll see Zorn and Thorn chant. They will be unsuccessful because Eiko
hasn’t reached 16 years old. Eidolons can only be successfully extracted when
then subject reaches 16 years old. Kuja still insists for an Eidolon that is
more powerful than Alexander to be able to beat a man named Garland. He
orders Zorn and Thorn to continue the extraction, but then, Mog will come out
and saves Eiko. Eiko will battle Zorn and Thorn. Mog will tell Eiko to use
Terra Homing. Eiko will do that and you’ll see another Eidolon. It seems that
Mog is really an Eidolon and he took the form of a moogle in order for him to
be close to Eiko. After the battle, Eiko will receive the Ribbon, which she
gave to Mog. Then, Kuja will be surprised that he saw an Eidolon in Trance.
After a short talk, he will leave. Vivi will follow Kuja and will try to ask
him about the Black Mages. But then, Zorn and Thorn will move and they will
merge into one. The battle begins.

Level: 42 Type: Demon
HP: 24,348 Gil: 6,428
MP: 1,570 Items: Vaccine
AP: 11
Stolen Item/s: Demon’s Vest, Golden Hairpin, Vaccine
Attacks: Viral Smoke, Bio, Venom Powder, Wings
Weakness: Mini

Zorn and Thorn combined is not as hard as you think. They’re a pretty average
boss. All you have to do is to use the most powerful attacks of your
characters or you can even use normal physical attacks. Just remember to heal
your characters when their HPs reach about 1/2 so that you won’t have any
trouble reviving a KO’d character.

After the battle, Vivi will come in together with 2 black Mages. After a
short talk, a woman will call out to you. When Zidane and co. goes to her,
she will thank you for chasing Kuja away. Then, Dagger will go to her and the
woman will recognize her. Cid will come in and you’ll finally know the true
identity of the woman. She’s the wife of Regent Cid, Lady Hilda. After a
short talk between the party, Cid and Hilda, you’ll be automatically taken
back to Lindblum.


Here, Cid and Hilda will talk inside the Royal Chamber. Hilda will tell Cid
that Kuja is not from this world. Then, Cid will apologize to Hilda for what
he has done in the past and asks her if she could turn him back into a human.
Hilda will do that. She’ll kiss Cid and then... poof! Regent Cid is human
again! Then you’ll see a touching scene.

Meanwhile, you’ll see Zidane. A Lindblum soldier will wake him up. (Notice
that Zidane is having a very naughty dream with Dagger). Then, the soldier
will tell Zidane that Lady Hilda called for a meeting at the Conference room.
When you regain control of Zidane, go talk to the moogle in here and save
your game first. After saving, go to the left and go up the Upper level then
go to the conference room.

Here, Zidane will see Cid in his human form (without manners as always).
Then, the meeting will start. Hilda will tell you that she got info from Kuja
himself while she was at captivity. Then, you’ll notice that Dagger is
missing. Steiner will go look for her. Then, Cid will leave the room and
prepare for the construction of Hilda Garde 3. Back to the meeting. Hilda
will tell you that Kuja is out of this world and is planning to use this
world to achieve greater power. Kuja also said that this world is called
Gaia, and the place where he’s from is called Terra. You’ll see an ATE. After
the ATE, Hilda will talk to you about the Shimmering island. There’s a seal
here that prevents entry. But, Kuja unintentionally told Hilda that the seal
can be broken at an old castle at the northern part of the Forgotten
Continent. You’ll call it Ipsen’s Castle. You’ll see another ATE again. After
that, the party will prepare to go to Ipsen’s Castle. But then, Steiner will
come in and tell you that Dagger is missing and she is nowhere to be found in
Lindblum even with the help of the Tantalus. Zidane tells the rest of the
party to wait for him. He’ll leave the castle and search for Dagger.


Here, you’ll see the members of Tantalus search for Dagger. Then, you’ll see
Zidane and Baku at the Docks at Alexandria Castle. Baku will tell you that
she saw the chick (Beatrix). Zidane will follow Baku. You’ll see Beatrix.
Zidane will try to go to Beatrix but Zidane can’t follow her. Beatrix will
meet Baku. Baku will apologize for abducting Garnet. Beatrix forgives and
forgets. Then, Beatrix will tell you that if ever Dagger went here, she’ll go
straight to the resting place. Beatrix will now give you the Garnet Gem.

After that, you’ll be at Brahne’s grave. Dagger can talk again! After a short
talk about Dagger being the Queen and all, Dagger will borrow the knife that
started it all. You’ll now see a FMV where Dagger uses the Dagger and cuts
her hair short. She’s not confused anymore. Right after the FMV, you’ll be
inside the Hilda Garde 3.


Eiko and Steiner will be very happy as Dagger can talk again. They’ll notice
the hairdo also. After that, you’ll now be heading for Ipsen’s Castle. It
will be marked on the map so don’t worry about going there. Then, a crew
member will come in and tell you that if you want to change party members,
you can talk to him. Then, choose your party members. Then, you’ll now
control Hilda Garde 3 on the world map. Now, go to the forgotten continent
and go to Ipsen’s Castle.

If you roam around the Hilda Garde 3, there's a Tent next to the ladder on
board Hilda Garde 3’s deck. (You'll see Amarant leaning against a wall in the

Dagger Javelin
Cat’s Claws Rod
Golem’s Flute Barette
Ancient Aroma
Maiden Prayer
Key Items:
Fire Mirror Earth Mirror
Water Mirror Wind Mirror

**** Notice ****

In Ispen’s Castle the reason why they give you all those weak weapons is to
equip it and use it. I guess the weaker the weapon the stronger it is in
this castle. So you should equip the weaker weapons that you have. Or just
equip them as you get them.

- thanks to: Neil McAloon for this info -

Upon entering, you’ll see an old castle and it looks like it’s inverted. Now,
Amarant’s Ego comes in and tells you that he doesn’t need company. He can go
alone and get to the place where you can break the seal first. Allow him to
go. After that, choose your party members. Now, go up the stairs into Ipsen’s

Inside, search to the left at once for a chest with a Dagger. Then, to the
right for the Aquarius Stellazzio. After getting these 2, go inside the door
at the end. In this next area, go north first and get the chest for a Cat’s
Claws. Now, talk to the moogle and save. After saving, go to the right then
examine the pole and go down. Here, just use the ladder to the upper right
and move on until you reach the next screen. Here, just go north and enter
another hole.

It might be confusing here so let’s give each of the ladders here a number.
From the hole, use the First Ladder and go down. Now, move on until you reach
the Second Ladder. Go up until you arrive at the next screen. Here, jump off
the ladder. You’ll see the Third Ladder here. Go right past the Third Ladder
and get a chest at the very end for a Rod. Now, go all the way back to the
First Ladder. Go up past the hole where you came in to this area. On top, you
can either jump to the left or to the right. Jump to the left first and get
the Javelin for Freya. Now, go back to the First Ladder and now, jump to the
right. Get the BroadSword at the end. After getting the sword, go to the
Third Ladder (After the Second Ladder) that you passed by earlier and go up
using that ladder. On top, jump off and enter a room.

In this room, there’s a lift to the north and at the center. Go up and you’ll
see Amarant. He’ll leave your party now as he already proved himself to you.
When you regain control of Zidane, examine the mirrors at the wall. You’ll be
able to get 4 mirrors and each of them has something written on it.

Wind Mirror “My power is protected by wind, behind a Tornado”; Water Mirror
“My power is protect underwater, surrounded by earth”; Fire Mirror “My power
is protected high atop a fiery mountain”; Earth Mirror “My power is protected
under the shaking ground”.

After getting all of these mirrors, the guardian of this place will attack

Level: 46 Flying
HP: 29,186 Gil: 8,096
MP: 1,776 Items: none
AP: 11
Stolen Item/s: Orichalcon, Mythril Claws, Elixir
Attacks: Curl, Chop, Blizzaga, Ram
Weakness: none

This boss is bit hard. Your characters’ physical attacks will be so weak
against it. So, use Magic attacks! If you have Steiner and Vivi, use Fire
Magic. It proves to be useful against this boss. Have Zidane as your Stealer.
Be patient though, you might spend the entire battle stealing so be contented
with what you have stole. For the other character, make him/her the healer of
the party. Give Ethers to Vivi and Steiner if their MPs are in critical. It’s
also best to use Steiner’s Flame Saber for this one.

After the battle, Taharka will say something, “One is all, all is one”. After
that one, leave this room. In the next room, go south and examine the weird
wall to the right. You’ve got to do a lot of things here. Now, Push the door,
and then Pound it, then think. After that, push and then pound again. After
that a new option will appear. Choose “Try something Drastic”. Zidane will
now kick the wall. It still won’t budge. Kick it again and then Rest. The
door will open! Go through the door and get the Barette on the balcony (by
the way, you’ll see the first room in this castle). Now, go to the Moogle and
save your game. On the way, you’ll see a trap on the floor.

In this same room, to the upper right of the first trap door is a 2nd trap
door, if you walk over it, it will open and you will drop into the room
below, where you can see the area you get to when you ride down the pole from
above. There is a treasure chest here and inside is the "Maiden Prayer".

Then, just continue and save when you see it. After saving, go to the west
and you’ll be back at the first room here at Ipsen’s Castle. Now, you’ll
notice that a ladder appeared at the north in the center and just to the left
beside the door to the moogle. Go up the new stairs.

On top of a new place, go to the center and use the lift and it’ll take you
down. Below, get the chest for the Golem’s Flute. Now, you’ll see a big
sword-like thing here. You’ll also see 2 pots to the left and to the right.
The center potholder is empty. Now, let’s call the pot to the left, Pot #1.
Let’s call the pot to the right, Pot #2. For the potholders, let’s use left
potholder, center potholder, and right potholder.

The clue given is "To obtain my power... work against the flow of time"
So you have to move the pots counter clockwise.

Move Pot #2 from right to middle
Move Pot #1 from left to right
Move Pot #2 from middle to left
move Pot #1 from right to middle

The electric current on the big sword-like thing will go to the right pot.
Now, examine the pot to the right (Pot #1) and you’ll get the Ancient Aroma.
Go back to the lift and go up. Upon disembarking the lift, go left and get
the chest here for the Air Racket (Dagger’s Scan ability!). After getting the
weapon, try to leave the castle.

Outside, your party will notice that Amarant hasn’t come out yet. Zidane will
then go in by himself to find Amarant. When you control Zidane, go inside the
Castle. Go to the moogle and save your game if you want. Now, go to the right
and go down the pole again. Here, you’ll hear some one. Don’t go up the
ladder to the upper right, instead, go to the south of this room and you’ll
find Amarant lying helplessly. Amarant will wonder why you came back for him.
Well, that’s what a team is really for, to take care of one another and
Amarant has been with them for a while already and is already a part of the
team. When you regain control of Zidane, go outside the castle. Here, the
party will now plan their next move. Your party will notice that the wall
where the mirrors were is a map of the world. And the 4 mirrors probably
pinpoint the locations as to where the seal can be broken. And Zidane will
also remember the clue given by Taharka when it died. You’ll now be back at
the Hilda Garde 3.


Now, your party will decide to take on all 4 locations at once. 2 Party
members will go inside each of the 4 locations. A Crew member will then tell
you that was a sailor back then and may be able to help you with the
directions. Now, you’ll go to the Water Shrine first. You can ask the Crew
member, but I’ll tell it to you anyway. :) Now, control Hilda Garde and go
south of Ipsen’s Castle. Search for a structure in the water. Go to it and
press Circle to go in.


Here, Eiko and Dagger will be the ones to go in here. After that, Zidane
plans the next one. Onto the Fiery Mountain! Zidane will leave and Eiko and
Dagger will move on. Now, when you regain control of Hilda Garde, go to the
Northeast of Esto Gaza in the Lost Continent and search for a mountain
wherein it’s mouth is full of Lava.


In this shrine, Freya and Amarant will be the ones going in. After that,
Zidane will plan again for the next move. It’s to the wind shrine! When you
regain control of Hilda Garde 3, go to the Southeast of Oeilvert. Go inside a
small cave in between the mountains. It’s hard to see so, you must be facing
south to be able to see it. Go in the wind shrine.


This time, it’s Steiner and Vivi’s turn. Steiner is the best member to go in
here as his Armor can withstand the wind. Vivi will be following behind. Now,
Zidane worries about Steiner and Vivi. But he’ll be more worried as he is
with Quina. When you regain control of the Hilda Garde 3, go Southwest of the
Desert Palace and go to a place where you can actually see the ground
shaking. Now go inside the Earth Shrine.


you’ll see Zidane and Quina arrive. They’ll have a short talk. After that,
move on to the left. In the next screen, there will be floor traps that will
try to squash you. When you see the field icon (!), quickly press the X
button to avoid being squashed. Do this another time and you’re done.


Now, you’ll see Dagger and Eiko. There’s also a trap here that hurls
icebergs! Back to Zidane. Quina will arrive to the place where to put the
mirror. Go to it and someone will talk to Zidane and Quina. After that,
you’ll see Freya and Amarant. Just before Freya put the mirror, the Fire
Guard will show up. Next one, Zidane and Quina will see the Earth Guard.
Then, you’ll see Amarant and Freya again. After a short discussion with the
Fire Guard, they’ll begin to fight (don’t worry you need not control them).
Next, you’ll see Vivi and Steiner this time. Vivi is scared as he may miss
the target. Steiner will try to keep the monster at bay because the Wind
Guard is fast. Once held by Steiner, Vivi will use Magic against the Wind
Guard. Now, Zidane and Quina will fight the Earth Guard. This time, you get
to control them. Prepare for a hard fight.

Level: 54 Type: Demon
HP: 20,756 Gil: 4,512
MP: 2,234 Items: Phoenix Pinion
AP: 11
Stolen Item/s: Rubber Suit, Avenger
Attacks: Earthquake, Firaga
Weakness: Wind

This boss is really hard. Hopefully, you have that equipment that has the
Auto-float ability so that the Earth Guard’s Earthquake, which is a very very
powerful one, will be useless against you. Now, use Quina’s Blue Magic is you
have one or use normal physical attacks. For Zidane, you can steal from the
Earth Guard but it will only waste your time. Zidane and Quina might be KO’d
if you concentrate on stealing. Just be patient with this battle. As for me,
I’m very lucky to have Zidane in Trance!

Strategy by: Edric Solis

If Quina has learned the Bad Breath Blue Magic, use it on Earth Guardian and
he will be inflicted with Mini, Slow, and Blind therefore making it very easy
to beat him.

After the battle, you’ll see Eiko and Dagger. Eiko asks Dagger if she loves
Zidane. Dagger can’t answer. Then, Zidane and the rest of the party will come
in and pick Dagger and Eiko up. Poor Eiko. ;)


On the deck, Zidane will see Amarant. He will ask you what motivates you in
doing all of these. Just choose any. After that, choose your party members.
After choosing, you’ll take control of the Hilda Garde 3 again. First, you
can go to the south of Oeilvert and in an Island, you’ll see a small cave. Go
in and you’ll be at Daguerreo.

Elixir x2

Upon entering, you can go either to the left or to the right. Go right first
and search in the water for the Capricorn Stellazzio. Move on to the right
onto the next screen. Here, use the lift and go up. Talk to the man here.
It’s the Synthesis shop. It has great items so buy now if you want. After
that, talk to the moogle and save your game first. Now, go left to the next
screen (don’t go down the lift).

Here, go to the left and examine the statue on the wall. You’ll hear
something below. After that, continue to the left and talk to the man who is
searching for a book about Eidolons. Then, go right and examine the pile of
books. The book the man is searching for is in here. Talk to the man again
and he’ll go to the pile of books. Now, from where the man who is searching
for the book was standing, go left to the next screen. You’ll be able to get
2 elixir from both sides of the second floor of the bookshelf. Go back up to
the place where the man who was searching for the book was. You can go left
and the person here will let you rest just like an inn. Now, go back to the
moogle and save. Go down the lift and to the left onto the Main hall of
Daguerreo. Here, examine the door-like structure at the end and you can
exchange 5 Ores for an Aquamarine. You can exchange if you want. After that,
leave Daguerreo.

Inside Daguerreo, from the main room, go left. You’ll see 3 small lifts, 3
switches and a Staff leaning on the bookshelf. Now, flip the left Lever until
the left lift is leveled with the ground. Now, examine the lift and Zidane
will notice a hole. Now, go to the staff and examine it. Zidane will put it
in the hole. You can now use the lift to go up to where the whining hippo is.
He will now sell you great equipments!


Before heading for the Shimmering Island, which is the point of no return to
some side-quests, I’ll list down the things you can do that you must do now
or else you’ll miss the opportunity to achieve it. Here they are in no
particular order.

1. Mr. Morrid’s Coffee Side Quest

2. Get the Hamelin, Zorlin Shape, and Rune Blade from Daguerreo Equipment
show now as they won’t be available anymore if you enter the Shimmering
Island. This goes the same as the ones in Esto Gaza and Oeilvert as they will
be permanently close.

List of places that will be closed:
Ice Cavern South Gate
North Gate Conde Petie
Oeilvert Conde Petie Mountain Path
Esto Gaza Dali Observatory
Pinnacle Rocks Fossil Roo

3. At the South Gate, get the chest that you could get earlier when Steiner
and Dagger pass through earlier in the game. You’ll receive an Elixir Card.

4. Remember to get the Alexandria Card from the small girl running around in
the Alexandria Town Proper.


Now, go to Esto Gaza. From here, go South East and search for a mountain in
an island where there are icebergs. It’s the Shimmering Island. When you
arrive, the ship will be sucked in. Dagger then tells you that it might be a
teleporter just as in Kuja’s Palace. Zidane will now think of a way to go in.
None other than jump off the deck! Then, you’ll see a FMV of the Hilda Garde
inside the shimmering island. Your party will start to float and will dive to
the heart of the Shimmering Island.

Coronet Mythril Racket
Dragon Wrist Demon’s Mail
Minerva’s Plate

When you arrive, Zidane will meet the Black man (You saw him in the
Invincible when Kuja called him, back at Alexandria). He will invite Zidane
to see Terra. After that, Dagger will come in. You’ll be asked to change
party members again. When you regain control of Zidane, go right to the next

Here, you’ll see a girl. Which looks like Zidane. Go down the stairs to the
left first onto the next screen. Here just get the chest for a Coronet then
move on to the north and get another chest for a Dragon Wrist. After that, go
back up the stairs to where you saw the girl. Follow here to the north onto
the next area. Here, just move on to the north. Get a chest on the way for an
Elixir. Move on and see the girl again. Follow her to the next screen. Here,
follow her again towards the next screen. Here, go right and go down the web.
Go down to another web and get a Remedy from the chest. Now go up 1 web only.
Here, go left and you’ll see a gap. Jump across and get the Mythril Racket
from a partially hidden chest at the end. Then, go back to the gap and choose
to go down. Get another chest here for a Demon’s Mail. Now, follow the girl.

In the next screen, go up the first set of stairs. Now, go left and go around
the wall (use the ‘HERE’ icon) and move on to get the chest below for a
Minerva’s Plate. Go back around again and continue up the sets of stairs
until you reach the next screen. From here, just move on until you reach Bran

Wing Edge

First, you’ll see a FMV where Dagger and Zidane will see the Invincible!
Dagger then remembers what happened at Madain Sari when she and her mother
escaped. Then, Dagger will faint. You’ll see a short scene near a green
doorway afterwards. When you regain control of your characters, go left to
the next screen. Here, you’ll see a lot of people tat looks like Zidane!
Everything and most especially the tail! Now, go inside the first house to
the left. Zidane decides to let Dagger rest here. You’ll then rest for a

After resting, you’ll see Eiko outside trying to talk to the people. Then,
you’ll see a short conversation with Zidane and the party inside the resting
house. When you regain control of Zidane, leave this house. Enter the next
house to the north. Here, you’ll see a lot of people. You can talk to them if
you want. After that, when you’re ready, use the stairs to the upper right
area of this house and go down. Below, you'll see something very shocking.
Talk to the girl who you saw way back in the entrance of Terra. She’ll tell
you about themselves, the Genomes and Zidane IS a genome like them. Zidane
will wonder why does he have emotions and the people here are like cold
puppets with no emotions. The girl will tell you that you are... special. You
have a special purpose and that’s the reason why Zidane can feel and make
decisions for himself. The girl will also mention the name Garland that was
spoken by Kuja way back at Alexandria. When you regain control of Zidane,
search around here for an Elixir and then go back up the stairs. You’ll see
the girl again. She’ll tell you that genomes are merely vessels as the real
people of Terra are actually asleep. Then, she’ll tell you that Garland is
waiting for you.

Then, you’ll see Eiko and co. at the resting house. Dagger will finally be
awake again. She’ll ask Eiko to find Zidane for her. Then, you’ll see an ATE.

- You’ll see Quina trying to eat the image. Quina will also talk to Zidane in
this ATE. Zidane will act like the other people here for a while.

After that, leave the resting house. You’ll see yet another ATE.

- This time, you’ll see Vivi tying to talk to the people. They are not
responding to him. Then, Zidane will be behind Vivi. He’ll tell Zidane that
the people here are like the Black Mages. They are not responding but Vivi
thinks that he can get into them. There’ll also be something wrong with

After the ATE, go right to the next screen (don’t go inside the house to the
north). In the next screen, watch another ATE.

- Now, you’ll see Zidane and Amarant talk to each other about their past.
Specifically about their parents.

After the ATE, go inside the door to the north. You’ll be inside the house
where Zidane went. You’ll see another ATE.

- This time, you’ll see Zidane and the Girl. The girl leads Zidane to the
teleporter to meet Garland.

Now, talk to Quina. Quina will now join your party. Now, leave this house by
using the lower right exit again. Then, go inside the next house to the

Here, talk to Stiltzkin and you can buy a good set from him. You can have a
Diamond, Elixir, and an Ether for 2,222 gil. After buying from him, examine
the blue vase at the end. There’s a moogle inside. Examine it again and
you’ll be able to let the moogle free. Talk to the moogle. You can buy great
equipments from the moogle. After that, you can save your game. After saving,
get the chest in here for a Wing Edge then leave the house.

Outside, go south and talk to Vivi. He’ll join your party also. Continue
moving south onto the next screen. Here, you’ll see Amarant. He’ll join your
party too. Now, go inside the green light. Move on and talk to the girl.
She’ll tell you that Zidane went on his own free will to meet Garland. Eiko
will now go back to the other party members at the resting house to inform
them about what happened to Zidane.

Holy Miter Carabini Mail
Battle Boots

When you regain control of Zidane, move on and you’ll meet Garland. He’ll
tell you that he lost one of his most prized Genomes. It is Zidane. He’ll
also tell you about his real intentions. He plans to make Gaia into Terra.
Then, he’ll also tell you that there’s another genome that’s like Zidane.
When you regain control of Zidane, follow Garland.

On the next screen, just jump onto the floors, which look like shells. Now,
Garland will tell you that the Genomes are just vessels for the souls of the
people of Terra. Then, he’ll tell you something about the other genome that
has a strong will. He used him as a servant. And his name is Kuja and he is
somehow related to Zidane just like brothers. Move on to the next screen.

Garland will not tell you the mission of Kuja. It is to bring war and chaos
in Gaia. At first, Kuja was really frightened to know that there’s another
one that is more powerful than he is so he discarded Zidane and brought him
to Gaia. Now, follow Garland again. He’ll finally tell you that he really
wants to disrupt the souls in Gaia so that the souls of the people of Terra
can fill be filed in. Then, Gaia will now become Terra afterwards. Garland
will take you to the observatory where he looks at the present condition of
Gaia and Terra. Then, he’ll also tell you about the Iifa tree that it is the
one that disrupts Gaia. Then, he’ll tell Zidane that Kuja is not immortal.
He’ll die someday and he will need a new “Angel of Death”. And that would be
none other that Zidane. Zidane will refuse, as he loves his experience with
his friends in Gaia. He’ll become an “Angel of Death” not to Gaia but to
Garland! How foolish! Garland will then disrupt Zidane and he’ll lose

Next, you’ll see Kuja arrive at Terra. He really wants more power and he’ll
do everything to get it. He decides to stop Garland and Zidane. Then, you’ll
have a glimpse of the Invincible.

After that, you’ll see Zidane’s thoughts. Then you’ll see him sitting on a
chair. He’s losing it! He doesn’t know who he is or what he is and he is very
ver confused. He’ll see some flashbacks of the team. Some words from each of
the party members. Then, Vivi and Eiko will wake Zidane up. They came to save
Zidane. But Zidane ignores them and called them dimwits! Eiko and Vivi will
be trapped behind. (These scene and the following scenes are very exciting!)

In the next screen, you’ll engage in a battle. Here, just attack. Then, Freya
will come in and helps you out. Then, Amarant will lend a hand also. Zidane
will leave the 2 just like what he did to Eiko and Vivi! Amarant and Freya
will be puzzled as to why Zidane is acting like this. Then, at the next area,
you’ll see Steiner and Quina. They’re in a battle. Zidane will come in and
helps but it’s just a coincidence as he just passed by. After the battle
he’ll leave the 2 also. He’ll tell Steiner and Quina that he can’t be with
them anymore. Steiner and Quina will be puzzled also.

In the next screen, you’ll fight again. This time, when the enemy used its
Smash ability, it will bring your HP back to 1. Then, Dagger will come in a
cures your completely. She’ll help you in the battle. After that, Zidane and
Dagger will talk. Zidane doesn’t want the party to be involved anymore. Then,
Steiner and Quina will come in. They’ll show Zidane the true meaning of
Friendship. After that, Zidane will finally get a hold of himself. You must
now head back as the other 4 party members are trapped. Now, Zidane, Dagger,
Steiner, and Quina will be together. Go to the right. When you reach the
other party members, Zidane will apologize to everyone for acting like a dud.
Then, Zidane will promise to everyone that he will never leave again and
they’ll always be together until the end.

When you regain control of Zidane, go all the way to right until you reach
the chair where Zidane sat. Examine it and you’ll get the Holy Miter. After
getting it, go back to the left area and talk to the moogle and save. You can
level up here if you want. The moogle has a mogshop so you don’t have to
worry about items. Also, buy the equipments from the moogle if you don’t have
them yet. :)

After saving, go all the way to the left until you reach a room with lots of
little pot-like thingies. Examine the switch to the north (It’s shape is
round), and light will come out of the pots. Continue to the left and move on
until you see a weird switch with an image of a platform. You have to set the
Heading here to adjust the moving platform at the next screen. First choose
Heading #3. Then, go left to the next screen.

Here, it’s quite confusing if I explain in words only. There are 3 sets of
platforms here and here are their positions according to what you will
actually see in your TV screens.

Set 1: (lower platforms)
_ _
|1| |3|
- -

Set 2: (middle platforms)

Set 3: (top platforms)
_ -
|7| _
- |8|

Now, you selected heading #3, right? So, go to Platform #2 and use the moving
platform there. It will take you to Platform #5. Here, go to the upper right
and walk up (use the “HERE” icon and you’ll see where Zidane is) to the top
platforms. Here, use Platform #8 and get 20007 gil from the chest. Go all the
way back down (just use the platforms that you went through in order to get
back) to the switch for the heading. Now, select Heading #4. Go back to the
left onto the area with the platforms.

Now, use platform #3. It will take you to Platform #6. From here, just go up
to the top platforms and use Platform #7. Choose to go up to the next floor.
In here, just go south and move on until you see a teleporter.

You can also get extra treasures here. Instead of going down and to the left
to the teleport pad which takes you to the next area where after a little
teleportation you meet the moogle. Go up and a little left and you will see
another teleportation device to take you to the same level above but in a
different location so you will be able to reach the following chests.

They contain the following:
- Chest in the center of the area (at the same level you initially get on
this floor using the teleporter that will get you to the moogle - Elixir

- Chest in the bottom center of the screen - Carabini mail (gives the ability
of auto-regen those who wear mail armor)

Now, go down and use the southern teleporter and go to the next floor. After
using the platform, you’ll be taken to a room with lots of teleporters.
First, let call your current position as START. Now, go right and you’ll see
2 teleporters. Use the lower one and you’ll be able to get the Battle Boots.
Now, go back to START and use the other teleporter to the north and you’ll
reach the moogle. Prepare your equipments then talk to the moogle and Rest
then finally, save your game.

When you’re ready, continue on to the right until you meet Garland. You’ll
just see a short conversation between Garland and the party then, Garland
will call on a Silver Dragon and you’ll have to fight with it.

Level: 58 Type: Dragon/Flying
HP: 24,055 Gil: 5,240
MP: 9,999 Items: Wing Edge
AP: 13
Stolen Item/s: Kaiser Knuckles, Dragon Mail, Elixir
Attacks: Claw, Aerial Slash, Twister
Weakness: none

The silver dragon is easy. Just attack however you want (either use physical
or magic attacks). If your HP is at critical, heal at once! You’ll eventually
beat the Dragon. Note: Use Thunder Magic. I’ve seen that it’s more effective
than Fire and Ice.

After that, Zidane will ask Garland about his true intentions. Garland will
simply say that he wants the restoration of Terra and he was created to
fulfill that. Now, you’ll fight Garland himself.

Level: 62 Type: Human
HP: 40,728 Gil: 0
MP: 9,999 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Dark Gear, Ninja Gear, Battle Boots
Attacks: Psychokinesis, Stop, Flare, Wave
Weakness: none

Garland sure is tough! Fortunately, I equipped the Man Eater ability of
Zidane and pummeled Garland to oblivion! (exaggerated) I have Dagger, Vivi
and Steiner with me. Dagger is the Healer. Vivi should use Magic and support
Dagger in healing the party. For Steiner, physical attacks will do, don’t
bother using Sword Magic as the damage will be the same.

After the battle with Garland, you’ll see a FMV of the Invincible. Kuja is
controlling it. Then he’ll go down to you. He desperately wants the power to
control every soul! Now that the invincible is with him, it is very much
possible. Then, as you’re of no use to him, he’ll engage you in battle.

Level: 64 Type: Human
HP: 42,382 Gil: 0
MP: 9,999 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Light Robe, Carabini Mail, Ether
Attacks: Demi, Thundaga, Ultima
Weakness: none

Kuja is so cocky! Don’t use Vivi’s Black Magic as it only do more or less
half the normal damage. Just use physical attacks with the other party
members. If you have Dagger and Eiko, their purpose should be healer only.
When you defeat him, he’ll get into Trance! He’ll change into a more devilish
form. He’ll unleash Ultima at your party and you’ll be annihilated.

If Zidane level is at 99, Kuja will only do one attack over and over during
that battle. He will only cast "Flare Star" and he will do it very quickly,
making it very difficult to beat him if your other characters aren't leveled

After the battle, you’ll talk to Kuja. He’ll tell you that he learned Trance
from the Moogle he saw at Mt. Gulug (Mog). And he used the souls the
Invincible got to give him more power, which includes the soul of Brahne.
Then, Kuja will divert his attention towards Garland. Kuja will kick Garland
until he falls down from the cliff.

Then, Garland finally reveals the true purpose of Kuja. He is only meant to
live until Zidane, the much deserving genome, grows up. Kuja will be Mad and
won’t believe it. Then, you’ll see a FMV of Kuja destroying Terra. Everything
will be in shambles! After the FMV, you’ll see Zidane. He’ll go back to Bran
Bal and save the genomes. Eiko and the rest will go to the Invincible and use
it to escape. Dagger will then come along with Zidane so make sure he’ll
never leave again. When you regain control of Zidane, just go to the right
until you reach the lift with lots of eyes. After a short talk, go to the
list and you’ll be back at Bran Bal.

Then, you’ll see Eiko and the rest of the party. You’ll see Quina upset
because there’s no good food here in Terra. Meanwhile, Zidane and Dagger will
talk to the Genomes in Bran Bal to convince them to evacuate the place. Then,
Eiko and the rest of the party will arrive inside the Invincible. Then,
Zidane will talk to the girl. Her name is Mikoto. After knowing her name
Zidane will take her to the Invincible. Now, you’ll see a FMV of the
Invincible escaping from Terra. In Gaia, the Invincible will appear at the

Next, you’ll see the party inside the Invincible. You’ll see a short
conversation about Kuja then Steiner will come in and tries to show you
something. On the deck, you’ll see Mist covering all of Gaia. Now, you’ll be
asked to save your game. Save it and them put in Disc 4!

D I S K # 4


Here, you’ll see Vivi talk to the Black Mage at the cemetery. Vivi will thank
the Black Mage for allowing the Genomes to stay here. It’s no problem for the
Black Mages and they’re going along pretty well. Then, Zidane will come in.
Zidane and the Black Mage (practically everybody except Kuja), hopes for a
future where everyone will get along with each other and live in peace. Now,
you’ll see some scenes with the Genomes.

First, you’ll see Eiko, a Genome, a Black Mage and the Chocobo. Its name is
Bobby Corwen. The genome will be scared of the Chocobo :) At the item shop,
you’ll see Quina here. The genome will ask about selling items and about
money. Quina then tells the genome that there are only 2 types of things in
the world, the one that you can eat and the one that you no can eat. Quina
made it more confusing. After that, see Freya and Amarant outside. They’ll
see a genome and a Black Mage starting out to be friends.

Finally, you’ll see Dagger and Steiner at the town entrance. Steiner suggests
that you visit Cid. Dagger doesn’t want them to worry again so it’s better
not to tell Cid. Zidane will come in and then Mikoto. Mikoto will tell you
that you have no chance against Kuja. Zidane may be weaker but hey, it’s the
one who persevere wins. Now, Zidane decides on the final destination, Iifa
Tree. You’ll now take control of the faster Invincible Airship. Right now,
you can do anything you want. Cards, Chocobo, level up, shop, talk to people,
discover secret. I’ll fill in side quests if there are new ones. For the
Chocobo and the Cards, they have their own section in this guide. Check them
out for the info.

If you’re ready for the final showdown, go to the Iifa Tree and press the
Circle button when you get there.



Just like in Final Fantasy 7, you’ll be able to evolve Choco into different
colors and learn some abilities in the process. There are 5 abilities that
Choco can have. Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky. For the complete guide,
check the Chocobo Section at the bottom of this part of the guide. You’ll see
almost everything to know about Chocobos. For a mini-guide check below.


I’ll be explaining the steps in order to get the Gold Chocobo and to reach
the Chocobo’s Paradise. I have the list below but it doesn’t explain the
steps so I’ll put it here. For the complete Chocographs and Paradise
Treasures, check the Chocobo Guide below this document.

***Step 1: When you go to the Chocobo Forest for the first time, you’ll get
Choco, your only Chocobo in the game, and you’ll be able to play Chocobo Hot
and Cold. Now, keep on digging Chocographs until Choco says that he is unable
to dig for more Chocographs in this area.

***Step 2: Locate the “Healing Shores” Chocograph and you’ll receive the
Light Blue Chocobo that has the Reef Ability (ability to cross shallow
waters). Mene (Moogle at the forest) will tell you about the Existence of a
Lagoon. Go to Salvage Archipelago and use Choco through the puzzling shallow
waters until you reach the south island and go into the cave-like opening
into the Chocobo's Lagoon.

***Step 3: Dig all Chocographs here until Choco says that he can’t dig any
more Chocographs. Now, locate the Dawn Lagoon Chocograph and Choco will go
into the Dreamworld again. He’ll evolve into a Red Chocobo that can cross
Mountains. Now, Mene will tell you about an unmapped Chocobo Paradise. You
can’t go there yet so let’s continue. Now, return to the Chocobo’s Forest.
There, Choco will be able to dig more Chocographs. The 2 small elevations to
the left and right are included in the area where Choco digs. You can go near
it and when the Field Icon appears, press X to go up. Now, dig all the
Chocographs here. Then, locate the “Green Plains” Chocograph and Choco will
be at the Dreamworld again. He’ll evolve into a Dark Blue Chocobo that can
cross the Sea/Ocean.

***Step 4: Then, after digging all Chocographs at the forest, return to the
Lagoon and dig all Chocographs there (you’ll get new ones). Now, locate the
“Mist Ocean” Chocograph. Choco will now evolve into a Gold Chocobo that can
fly! Now, you can go to the Chocobo’s Air Garden. Now, fly and search the
world for a big circular shadow. Use the Dead Pepper and Choco will fly high
up the sky onto the Air Garden.

***Step 5: Here, just dig all Chocographs and Mene will tell you that you can
go to the unmapped paradise. Leave the Air Garden and find all the
Chocographs first.

***Step 6: Now, Choco must fly to the northwest corner of the map. There’s an
island there. Land Choco and use a Dead Pepper on the crack at the mountain.
You’ll arrive at the Chocobo’s Paradise. You’ll see Fat Chocobo here. You’ll
now be able to get hints from the Chocobos about other treasures that are
scattered around the world.

***Step 7: After searching around the world for treasures, go to Fat Chocobo
and he’ll tell you to visit all of the beaches around the world.

Besides the Chocographs, there are tons of treasures scattered all over the
world. To gain info as to where these treasures are, talk to the Chocobos at
Chocobo’s Paradise. Note, some of the chocobos tell you 2 locations. When you
talk to the Chocobo using the X button, it’ll tell you a hint as to where a
treasure is. If you talk to the Chocobo using the Square Button, that Chocobo
will tell you another treasure. Note that you can also battle the Chocobos in
a Card Game. :) It’s weird but it is true.

Here are some of the treasure locations that I’ve found so far. You can get
these clues by talking to the different Chocobos at the Chocobo’s Paradise.

1. “There’s a crack in the east side of a mountain at Seaways Canyon at the
Forgotten Continent”

Location: At the west side of the Forgotten continent is the Seaways canyon.
Check one of the mountains for a crack. There’s a Forest nearby.
Note: Your clue here is a forest.
Treasures: 1 Maiden Prayer, 1 Dragon’s Hair, 1 Gauntlets, 1 Odin Card

2. “There’s a crack in a mountain on Seatence Ice Field at the Lost

Location: The Seatence Ice Field is located to the north of the Outer
Continent. You’ll find the mountain range there.
Note: Choco should be in the ground. Use Dead Pepper to destroy the crack.
Treasures: 41 Lapis Lazulis, 1 Rosetta Ring, 1 Protect Ring, 1 Airship Card

3. “Water is foaming in the lagoon on the southernmost tip in Forgotten

Location: It’s directly to the south of the Wind Shrine hidden in a lagoon.
Note: It’s where bubbles come out.
Treasures: 10 Remedies, 1 Black Robe, 1 Protect Ring, 1 Blue Narciss Card

4. “There’s foam on the surface of the ocean between the Mist Continent and
the Outer Continent”

Location: It’s directly to the North of Alexandria, it’s in the ocean. You’ll
Note: Choco should be at the Ocean then go to the bubble and use the Dead
Treasures: 8 Straw Hat, 8 Pearl Armlet, 7 Aloha T-Shirt, 8 Sandals

5. “There’s a part of the Ocean foaming between the Outer and the Lost

Location: It’s in the center of the World Map and on the top of the map. It’s
in between Mognet Central Island and the tip of the Lost Continent.
Note: It’s in the Ocean.
Treasures: 50 Potions, 25 Hi-Potions, 9 Ether, 7 Elixir

6. “At the Western side of a mountain on Seaways Canyon at the Forgotten
Continent also has a crack in it”

Location: It’s somewhere above Oeilvert and there’s another forest near it.
Note: Your clue is the forest (It’s different from #1 Forest).
Treasures: 19 Eye Drops, 1 Madain’s Ring, 1 Genji Helmet, 1 Hilda Garde 1

7. “The seawater is foaming on the ocean surface near Quan’s Dwelling”

Location: Check Quan’s Dwelling Sub-Quest :) Everything is there.

8. "There's a crack on the mountain located on a big island north of Outer
Continent. I heard something saying 'kupo' from the crack"

Location: The Mognet Central

9. I forgot the clue here.

Location: It is exactly where the Shimmering Island was (go here only if
you’re at Disc 4)
Note: There’s no foaming (bubbles) of the ocean. You must be exactly where
the Shimmering Island’s location in the map. You might use more than 1 Dead
Peppers because you have to search.
Treasures: 10 Aquamarines, 1 Ultima Weapon, 1 Maximillian, 1 Invincible Card

Here’s a Map for your Convenience:
__ 5 _____
___/ \ \__8 \ N
/ \ __ \_| |
__ / _2/ |__/ __ ___ W-o-E
/ \_/ __/ ____ _ / \_/ | |
| / __/ \__/ \ / / S
_/ | Lost / \_/ \
/ ____ | Continent | |\ \
/ / \___/ /\ \___// __ __/\ | \ |
|__/ || __/ | /_/ \____/ \ / | |
9 / ___\ \_| |/
_ | / Outer Continent
_ // \_/
\_/ 4
__ _ __ /\____
___/ \__// / \ _/ \___
/_ |_/ _| / \
/ _ \ _____ / \_
|| \ \ ____/ \ | \
|| |Forgotten / ___/ |__/ /
| |Continent \ / |
\ 1 \ \_ \
|| | 6 | \ \
\ \ \ / Mist /
|| \ / / Continent /7
|| | | \__ _ |
\_____ \__ \ | \ /
- \ \ | | \ /
| | | / | _ / | /
- 3\ | ___| | \_____/\____/ /_/
\_\ \_/ / |
|\__ \ _|
| \ _\ __\
\__| \______/
\ \
Place #/Char Continent
Treasure #1 1 Forgotten
Treasure #2 2 Lost
Treasure #3 3 Forgotten
Treasure #4 4 Mist and Outer
Treasure #5 5 Outer and Lost
Treasure #6 6 Forgotten
Treasure #7 7 Mist
Treasure #8 8 Outer
Treasure #9 9 Lost

After acquiring all of these 9 treasures, the Chocobos will be happy that
you’ll return home again. Talk to the Fat Chocobo. Zidane and Mene will be
asked to leave Choco here at the Paradise. Choco will still come with you. :)
After that, talk to the Fat Chocobo again and he’ll give you his Card and
then he’ll also give you the Rare cards that you’ve lost from


After getting all 8 Chocobo’s Paradise Treasures, the Fat Chocobo will tell
you something about going to all beaches in the world. So, go to each of the
beaches around the world while riding the Chocobo and dismount. Then press
the circle button and you'll hear a chime. Do this on all the beaches and
Choco will then be able to heal your entire party and remove status ailments.
I have a list of beaches in the maps section, use them to guide you. (=
thanks to Kyle Miller for telling me this =)

You don’t really have to take your Chocobo with you. It will be much easier
if you will use your airship to visit all the beaches. (Contributed by:


thanks to Indra, Hansen, Andrew and Yosa for this Side Quest.

In Disc 4, go to Madain Sari with Zidane, Eiko, Dagger, and Steiner in your
party. Go to the kitchen and you’ll see a familiar figure jump off. Now,
leave Madain Sari and have Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, and Quina in your party. Go
to the Kitchen and to the room. Just outside, you’ll see Lani. She had a
change of heart after being saved by the Moogles. She’ll then tell you that
there are words, written inside that room that might mean something. Go
inside the room below the kitchen. Inside, search for the words that are
carved near the treasure chest that contained the Jewel of Eiko. It’ll give
you a clue. About going Clockwise, then counter clockwise and about the
number 9.

Now, go to the Eidolon Wall. Upon entering, to right until you reach the door
again. You’ll hear a “Cling”. Then, go left and when you reach the door
again, you’ll hear another “Cling”. From here, go right and left and when you
hear the 9th “Cling”, your HP/MP will be restored and all Status Effects will
be removed. You can now view the other Eidolon images that you can’t examine
before. I haven’t seen any item/equipment except for the info in the Eidolon
wall. I’ll try to find out if there’s more to this one. Thanks again to the 4
boys from Indonesia who sent me this. :)

The real reason for this Side Quest is to know the real name of Dagger and
her Mom. Dagger’s real name is Sarah and her mother’s name is Jane.


To be able to solve the mystery at Mognet Central, you should have sent ALL
messages since the beginning of the game without discarding any of it. You
can do this from Disc 3 onwards. Go to Alexandria and talk to Kupo. And he’ll
hint you about the mystery of the Mognet Central. You’ll just have to send
all the next messages and the item will be revealed to you. Use my Moogle
Location list in Part 2 of the guide for your reference. As for me, I did it
in Disc 4. You might have trouble finding Mois, but actually, he is located
in the entrance of Fossil Roo.

For the location of Mognet Central, it is on an island north of the Outer
Continent. It’s big enough to be seen on the World Map. There is a mountain
range there and you’ll see a crack. Use a flying Chocobo to get here and then
on the ground, go near the crack and use a Dead Pepper and you’ll be able to
see the Mognet Central.

Now, you’ll see that the Machine is not working. Now, Kupo asked you to give
a mail to Atla. As the Machine here at Mognet Central isn’t working, go to
Atla at Burmecia. There, Atla will give you a letter for Mogryo. Then, from
Mogryo to Kumool. So, go to Ipsen’s Castle and talk to Kumool. Kumool will
then ask you to deliver a mail to Mois. Go to Mois at the entrance of Fossil
Roo if you’re in Disc 4. But, if you’re still in Disc 3, Mois will be at the
Ice Cavern. Bring Quina with you and enter the Qu’s Marsh near Burmecia and
go to the excavation site entrance.

Now, talk to Mois and he’ll ask you to deliver a message to Noggy. Go to
Daguerreo and give the letter to Noggy. Finally, Noggy will ask you to
deliver the final mail to Kupo. When Kupo reads the mail, Kupo will know that
Mognet Central Needs the Superslick item and that someone here at Alexandria
has it. Now, go to the mini-theater and talk to Ruby. She’ll give you the
Superslick. Now, go to the Mognet Central and give the Superslick to
Artemicion. The machine will be in perfect condition now. You’ll get a
Protect Ring from Artemicion for your efforts. Also, one Moogle here will
tell you the total number of letters you successfully delivered. I got 25.
That’s all for the Mognet Central.

- Thanks to Josh Attwood for telling the location of Mognet Central -


Ether 3x Topaz 15x
Ore 9x
Tiger Racket
Running Shoes
Red Rose

It is found in a cave in the mountain to the west of Treno (walk past the
forest). In there, just move on and get the chest at the end for an Ether.
Now, go to the upper left and go down the rope. Here, if you inspect the
Spring, it will recover your HP and MP as well as Remove all your status
effects. If you move on, get the chest at the end for another Ether. Now, a
little bit to the left of the chest (with the second ether) search in the
ground for the Scorpio Stellazzio. After getting the Stellazzio, go up the
ropes again and go to the upper right onto the next screen. Here, go up the
ladder to the left and get another Ether. If you search around this room,
you’ll see a note from Quan, “Six Months after I adopted Vivi, still too
small to eat”. After that, go right onto the next screen. Here, go to the
ledge and let Zidane use a Dead Pepper. You’ll automatically get the Chocobo
here so don’t worry about calling Choco from the world map. After using the
Dead Pepper, Choco will fly and dive underwater. Choco will get treasures
from below. You’ll get: 9 Ores, 15 Topaz, 1 Tiger Racket (yippee!), and 1 Red
Rose Card. After this Zidane will know that you can get treasures if you use
the Dead Pepper on Choco. Now, go to the Chocobo’s Paradise treasure section
above and you’ll see the treasures and their locations.

Now, try to enter Quan’s Dwelling with Vivi and Quina. Examine the hourglass
in here and there will be a scene between the two. You’ll then receive the
Running Shoes which contains the very useful Auto-Haste ability.

- Special thanks to Andrew Gilbert Gualberto for telling me where Quan’s
dwelling is -


When you reach Disc 4, you’ll be able to do lots of things at Treno. Here
they are in no particular order.


In Treno, Queen Stella collects these small but precious stones called
Stellazzio. She’ll tell you that if you find real Stellazzio’s, bring it to
her and she’ll give you rewards for your troubles. There are 13 of them
scattered around the world. They compose of the Zodiac Signs. Here’s the list
of the Stellazzios I found and their respective locations.

Name Location
Capricorn In the first screen at Daguerreo, search to the right in
and you’ll find it in the water.
Aquarius You can see it in the first room of Ipsen’s Castle
Pisces you can find it in the core area of the Invincible. It’s on a
chest at the left side.
Aries You can find it behind the windmill inside the house to the
north of the Mayor’s House at Dali.
Taurus You can find it behind the Item Shop (across the Inn) at Treno.
Gemini At the town entrance of Treno, drop 10 gil at in the pond to the
left. Do it 11 times and the 11th coin will be replaced by
Cancer In Burmecia, it is on the second screen right after you enter
from the world map. It’s behind the debris (create) on the left
side of the screen.
Leo At the Neptune Room in the west tower of Alexandria Castle,
search at the upper right corner to get it.
Virgo You can find it in the Black Mage Village Inn
Libra You can find it behind the fountain in Madain Sari
Scorpio It’s in the lower level, near the Recovery Spring at Quan’s
Sagittarius From the world map, enter Lindblum. Keep moving north. On the
third screen (you’ll see the house of Card Freak Gon), search
the left portion in this area and you’ll get it. Get this after
Brahne destroys Lindblum and in Disc 3.
Opiuchus Give all 12 coins to Queen Stella and then tell her that there
is another coin.. she will give you all coins. Then go back to
QUAN'S dwelling and at the lower level inspect the ground to
find it. It’s exactly where the Scorpio Stellazzio was.

Here are the prizes you’ll get from the Stellazzios. It doesn’t matter which
Stellazzio you give first but here’s the prizes:

1st Stellazzio = 1000 Gil
2nd Stellazzio = Phoenix Pinion
3rd Stellazzio = 2000 Gil
4th Stellazzio = Blood Sword
5th Stellazzio = 5000 Gil
6th Stellazzio = Elixir
7th Stellazzio = 10,000 Gil
8th Stellazzio = Black Belt
9th Stellazzio = 20,000 Gil
10th Stellazzio = Rosetta Ring
11th Stellazzio = 30,000 Gil
12th Stellazzio = Robe of Lords
13th Stellazzio = Hammer

The Stellazzio story will give you hints as to where to find the 13th
Stellazzio. Here they are.

The story of 12 Zodiacs. The 11 Zodiacs pondered. How best to catch Virgo’s
Heart? Aries headed East.

Taurus had an idea. He would give Virgo a gift. Through the forest and over
the mountain, he found a star.

Gemini thought by the river: ‘I will sing her a song’. He didn’t know where
she was, but he hoped his song would reach her.

Cancer headed to the cape where Virgo waited. The sun was setting into the
ocean. Will he finally see her?

Leo was waiting for the sun to set into the ocean. Then Cancer showed up, and
they began to fight. Into the ocean they fell.

Watching the sunset from the cape, Virgo whispered, “My only wish is to be
with you now...”

Libra was a perverse fellow. He would always walk in the opposite direction
of the sun. Would he ever see Virgo?

Scorpio was very timid. He always looked at his shadow, until one day, he
decided to look away. He walked up a hill.

Sagittarius dashed through the night, defying the chilly northern wind that
was touching his right cheek.

Impatient Capricorn ran up a hill toward the sun and fell asleep from

Aquarius arrived late. He asked everyone, “Who kissed Virgo?”

Pisces said to Aquarius, “Virgo made her choice. Go see him and he’ll tell
you the rest.”

The story points to the actually location of the last Stellazzio. Here’s how
I understood it (my knowledge of the location of the 13th stellazzio
jeopardizes my understanding though). Now, the point here is who is Virgo
with. The location is on a hill where the sun is setting. Now, think of a
Stellazzio that is near a part of the World Map where the sun sets. Obvious
choices are the southern area the Forgotten Continent and to the east of
Treno. In the Forgotten Continent, there are 2 Stellazzios. The Capricorn at
Daguerreo and Aquarius inside Ipsen’s Castle. But, Daguerreo is not on a
place where the sun sets and so does Ipsen’s Castle. So, the last one should
be to the east of Treno. Therefore, it’s Scorpio at Quan’s Dwelling. Now,
Pisces told Aquarius that Virgo chose already right? And that Aquarius should
go to the one who Virgo has chosen. So, you have to go to where Scorpio is
located, which is at Quan’s Dwelling.

“Their future was uncertain, but Scorpio and Virgo kissed in the light of
dusk that moment meant everything.” =Opiuchus=



If you managed to collect all 12 of the Stellazzios. Go to Stella and she’ll
ask you if there is another Stellazzio. Tell here that there is. She’ll give
you all 12 Stellazzios so that you can find a clue as to the whereabouts of
the last Stellazzio.

Now, go to Quan’s Dwelling and inspect the area where you got the Scorpio
Stellazzio. You’ll notice that there’s something there. It’s the Opiuchus!
It’s the 13th Stellazzio. Now, go back to Stella and give her all 13
Stellazzios. You’ll now be rewarded with the Hammer.


At the Weapon Shop, you’ll see the monster below right? Now, talk to the man
in the shop and tell him that you want to fight with the monster below. The
man will agree but only one of you can fight the Behemoth. So, choose from
your current party who will battle the Behemoth. Personally, I used Steiner
and kept on using the Shock Ability. It deals 9999 damage so I was able to
kill the Behemoth. I also included the stats of the Behemoth here for your

BEHEMOTH Type: Beast

Level: 71 EXP: 53,168
HP: 24,123 AP: 4
MP: 3,338 Gil: 2,764

Location/s of enemy: Portal (Memoria)
Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Echo Screen, Ogre Card, Lapis Lazuli
Item/s you can steal: 3 Phoenix Pinions
Attacks: Heave, Meteor Counter, Strike
Elemental: none
Weakness/es: Ice
Strength/s: none

Special Notes: You can inflict Status Effects on Behemoth. Use Mini and
Silence and the Behemoth will be helpless!

After beating the Behemoth, the man at the Equipment Shop will give you a
Circlet for your efforts.

- At disk 2 when you first enter TRENO, The monster in the shop will be
a GRIFFIN, which is quite easy if you upgrade your level very often. If
not, try using the item TENT on your enemy until the POISON/DARKNESS/
CONFUSE/SILENCE Snake... The odds of that happening is 1 out of 10 so you
better pray that it would work... and if that occurs then the battle would
be as easy as pie!

- At disk 3 the monster is now a CATOBLEPAS (is my spelling correct?) try
using ZIDANE if he is strong enough...(well if you are already in disk 3,
ZIDANE is the strongest character you have)

A good strategy for easily beating the monsters is by choosing Quina, and
using his/her Roulette ability. There is a 50/50 chance of killing it, and if
you kill yourself you don’t lose anything and can retry the battle.

Strategy sent in by: Benny Lenchner


Here in Treno, at Disc 4, you’ll be able to challenge great players at the
Card Stadium. They have an excellent stock of cards and you might want to get
them to increase your Card Collector Level. Here’s the list of the card
masters that you’ll meet at the Card Stadium.

Name Cards he/she owns
Straight Shooter Shak = Some hard to find cards
Oglop Master Gon = nothing but Oglops
Bomb Master Shannon = nothing but Bomb Cards
Beast Master Gilbert = you’ll get Behemoths and other beast cards
Magic Master Thalisa = Holy, Meteor, Flare
Malboro Master Joe = nothing but Malboros
Weapon Master Hunt = Masamune, Mythril Sword, Save the Queen
Eidolon Master Leyra = All of Dagger’s Eidolons
Gilbert’s Teacher = I forgot his cards
Worker #9 = Iron Man Cards


In Treno, you’ll see the Auction House wherein you can actually participate
in Auctions. The auctioned items are rare items and most of them can’t be
found anywhere else. So, if you have the money, join in the bidding. Here are
the items that I’ve seen so far and the highest bid I saw for them by me or
the other bidders in Treno.

Here’s the auction items list:
Mini-Cid 1,600 gil Rat Tail 15,500 gil
Doga’s Artifact 10,000 gil Griffin’s Heart 6,100 gil
Une’s Mirror 14,400 gil Elixir -
Reflect Ring 18,600 gil Dark Matter 16,600 gil
Feather Boots - Madain’s Ring 7,600 gil
Protect Ring - Magical Fingertip 52,200 gil
Magician Robe 7,000 gil Thief Gloves 19,900 gil
Fairy Earrings 6,400 gil Ribbon 74,400 gil
Pearl Rouge 14,000 gil

You can learn some abilities from these items. The Dark Matter, lets you
learn Odin for Dagger. The Thief Gloves that will let Zidane learn the Master
Thief ability so that you can steal everything from anyone. Some of the Key
Items that you can win will enable you to get the Excalibur of Steiner.

- Thanks to MogTheMogri for these infos -

Sometimes you get a repeat of items like Magician Robe, Elixir, Madain's
Ring, and Pearl Rogue. To get the rarer items you will have to actually buy
all four items for the rare items to start appearing...if the items are
different the next time you enter in the auction, you're on the right path.

- Special thanks to Dingo Jellybean for the contribution -


Now, you have to get these 4 Key Items from the Auction House. The Une’s
Mirror, Doga’s Artifact, Griffin’s Heart, and the Rat Tail. Now, just sell
them to some of the people at Treno (the list is below), and keep on going
back to the Auction House until you see the Magical Fingertip. Note also
that, after you sell your item to the people, it will be offered in the
Auction House again.

Item Person/Location Price Offered
Une’s Mirror Noble (Fat Man) walking near Coffee Shop 15,000
Doga’s Artifact Noble at the Synthesis Shop 10,000
Rat Tail, Griffin’s Red Mage near the Cafe 25,000

After getting the Magical Fingertip, go to Daguerreo. Go to the moogle at the
second floor near the Synthesis shop then go left to the next area. Here,
talk to the old man by the resting place. He’ll ask you if you could give the
Magical Fingertip to him. Give it to him and he’ll give you the Excalibur in
exchange for the Magical Fingertip.


To get the best sword in the game, you have to reach the last part at the
last level in Disc 4 in less than 12 hours. It may seem impossible but you
can do some things to speed up you progress.

a. Skip all Active Time Events.
b. Skip FMVs by opening and closing the Playstation cover.
c. Save your game with moogles only, don’t save in the world map.
d. Put the Battle Message and Battle Speed at maximum speed.
e. There is a way to prevent battles, walk a short distance (say, for about 1
or 2 seconds) and then stop, now walk again. Keep on doing this until you
reach your destination. But your characters’ level will be compromised.

The Excalibur II is in Memoria/Gate to Space, and you can get it right after
fighting Lich. On the left column is a hidden save point ("After the battle
with Lich, search around to the left and you'll be able to see a save
point.") . If you're under 12 hours, the right column will have an !. Get it
and it'll show this message:

To Brother Gil

Bro, I found the sword, like you told me. But there were two. One of 'em
had a lame name, Something II. It was a dingy, old thing with flashy
decorations, something you'd probably like. So I went with Excalipur. I'll
be back after I find the Tin Armor.

You'll then get Excalibur II.

The message is a direct reference to Final Fantasy 5. In FF5, Gilgamesh
tries to use the "Excalipur" sword against you. You can steal Excalipur from
Gilgamesh, but when you use it, it always does 1 damage, even though it has
the same power rating as Excalibur :)


There are various Qu Marshes around the world. They have different sets of
frogs for Quina to catch. Quale will award Quina with items after catching
the Frogs. Here are the locations of the Qu Marshes that I’ve listed as of
now. For easy reference, check my world map at the maps section.

I’ll write them here also for your convenience:
1. North East of Black Mage Village
2. South of Burmecia
3. East of Ipsen’s Castle
4. Northwest of Daguerreo

Now, if you let Quina catch frogs at the Marshes, Quale will give something
to Quina in return for trying hard. Here are the items that I got so far.

9 Frogs = Silk Robe
15 Frogs = Elixir
23 Frogs = Silver Fork
33 Frogs = Bistro Fork
45 Frogs = Battle Boots

Battle with Quale
If you catch 99 frogs Quale will challenge you to a fight to see who the
new master is. You also get the Gastro Fork if you beat him.

Level: ? Type: ?
HP: 65,535 Gil: 10,800
MP: 3,680 Item/s: Gastro Fork
AP: ? EXP: 65,535

Stolen Item/s: Glutton’s Robe, Robe of Lords, Ninja Gear
Attacks: Rolling Attack, Water, Aqua Breath, Mini, Potion, Confuse,
Blind, Silence
Weakness: none

Note: Don’t worry about catching all the frogs in the Qu Marshes. Leave it
for a while (about an hour or so), and Frogs will appear again. :)

Thanks to the following for the info about this battle with Quale:
Kyle Miller, Samuel Edric Solis


At the Chocobo’s Air Garden, go to the northern air island and examine the
rock formation there. Mene will feel that something is inside the Eidolon
Dwelling. If you choose to examine it, you’ll be given a change to regroup
and plan your next battle which is the hardest battle in Final Fantasy 9.
Here’s some info about the battle.

Level: 99 Type: Flying
HP: 55535 Gil: 18,312
MP: 9999 Items: Strategy Guide, Pumice
AP: 100 EXP: 65,535
Stolen Item/s: Pumice Piece, Robe of Lords, Elixir, Dark Matter
Attacks: Curse, Meteor, Flare, Holy, Reflect, Doomsday, Curaga,
Mini, Berserk, Flare Star, Gas
Weakness: none

This will be the toughest enemy in the game. I was finally able to beat Ozma
with Zidane (lv.99), Amarant (lv.67), Freya (lv.74), and Steiner (lv.84).
Each equipped with the Auto-Reflect, Clear Headed, and HP+20%! One thing to
remember that Ozma is so fast that he can attack twice or even thrice in a
row. Beware also of his Meteor because it can kill everyone or deal a very
annoyingly huge amount of damage. Prepare also to use Remedy when he casts
Curse. I used Zidane as the healer, Amarant throw Wing Edges or use Dark
Matter, Steiner use Shock, and Freya use Dragon’s Crest.


by: Theo O’neal

Zidane Level 76 5704/286
Auto-Reflect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, HP+20%, Clear Headed

Freya Level 59 5085/231
Auto-Reflect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, HP+10%, HP+20%, Accuracy+

Amarant Level 58 4729/195
Auto-Reflect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, HP+20%, Bird Killer

Steiner Level 71 4748/254
Auto-Reflect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Auto-Life, Bright Eyes, Clear Headed

I was very conscious of two things: Ozma usually seemed to do, at most, a
little over 4000 damage with an attack, so I only took characters who could
manage that. Auto-Regen could do the rest afterwards (and even during, for
attacks with long animations, like Doomsday). The other thing was that the
Auto-Reflect was crucial. It doesn't work against spells with multiple
targets, but every time that Ozma cast Berserk on someone, it would bounce
back ineffectually on Ozma, buying us time and wasting one of Ozma's turns
which it has too many already).

After this setup it was pretty simple, and the battles usually last no longer
than five minutes. The plan:

Freya only uses Dragon Crest (about 6000-7000 each time),
Amarant only Threw Wing Edges (about 7100 each time, but he had Bird Killer),
Steiner only uses Shock (9999 each time)
Zidane was the helper, tossing Remedies and Elixirs and the occasional
Phoenix Pinion.

And that was that. Ozma would Curaga itself for about 8000, but it could
either spend time healing or attack us. It had to break sometime.

By: Joaquin Puga

I used Zidane, Dagger, Vivi and Steiner. Everyone had Auto-Life, Auto-Haste
and Auto-Regen equipped. I also had to protect them from confusion. Vivi had
'Return Magic' equipped too, this may help you bounce 'Holy' back to Ozma,
dealing a fair amount of damage, but it may also bounce Doomsday, healing the
boss for 9999. My main attack was Steiner's Shock, with damaged for 9999 HP
always. Holy seemed to be pretty effective, but it was no good for me since
my Eiko was at level 37 :( Dagger kept healing, while Vivi used Flare. Zidane
was mainly useless, since his attacks can reach Ozma. I used him to lift
status abnormalities. When everyone was fine, I had him attack with Thievery.
After Ozma used Curse, I had everyone but Zidane use a Remedy on him/herself.

By: Andrew Gilbert Gualberto

ZIDANE, QUINA, EIKO, DAGGER (at Level 70 and up)

* Equip abilities such as

- counter measures for all negative statuses
- Auto Regen, Auto Life, Auto Potion (optional)

* Make sure Quina has Magic Hammer and Angel's Snack
* All summoners must have Boost Ability
* NEVER EVER use DARKNESS spells like Doomsday etc...
* NEVER EVER summon ARK (you will be sorry if you do)

QUINA - cast magic hammer until OZMA's MP reaches 0
- cast Angel's Snack when OZMA uses GAS
ZIDANE - use thievery
EIKO- cast HOLY or MADUIN if you want to...

By: Luna

I can teach you 10 special ways to beat him:
1)Have your active members have these abilities: Auto Regen, Boost (if you
have summoner in your party), HP+10% and HP+20%(Equip the two of them, For
Summoner, equip MP+10% and MP+20%), Auto Haste, Quina's Magic Hammer Blue
Magic, Zidane's Thievery (if you have steal a amount of items
it should be deal a 6000+ damage), Garnet's Curaga (I know you would have
it). An Ability that can prevent Darkness status, Poison Status,and Confuse
status. Most importantly Gamble Defense.
2) Put your Party at back row before fighting Ozma
3)If Ozma opens the battle by casting Meteor, Reset the game and try it
again (of course, save before fighting)
4)If Ozma uses Gas, let Garnet cast Mini on your party
5)IF Quina is in your party use Magic Hammer, If Steiner is in, use Shock
6)Zidane MUST! use the Thievery ability or else Zidane will be useless in
this battle (Steal IF needed)
7)If Eiko is in your Party, Cast Holy and Maduin (Let her have the Half MP
usage ability , to save MP)
8)NO TRANCE while fighting Ozma because it will cast Berserk
9)Have Vivi cast Meteor and Flare, but no Doomsday
10)Don't use Summon for Garnet (means the boost ability is only for Eiko)
Let Garnet be the main healer
IF you fulfill this requirement for you party, 75% of the chance you will
defeat Ozma in no time!

By: Samuel Edric Solis

Use Zidane, Freya, Steiner, and anyone for the fourth spot. Everyone should
have Auto-Life, Auto-Regen, Auto-Reflect, Auto-Potion, Auto-Haste. Use
Dragon’s Crest for Freya, Steiner’s Shock, and heal with Elixirs. Equip Dark
Gears and Demon’s Mails to absorb Ozma’s Doomsday attack.

By: Barubary

When Ozma uses the Curse attack, Quina will be most useful, especially with
the Angel’s Snack Blue Magic. It will undo all the status effects changes
that Ozma did.

In-Depth Guide for Ozma by:

As a total perfectionist, I wanted to beat Ozma as early as possible. Once I
got everyone back (right after getting the Airship) I spent some time
tediously learning most abilities. When I was done (I was fighting weak
enemies mostly) Zidane was the highest level at lv45. I tried 5 or 6
different strategies for beating up Ozma before I found one that worked. No
strategy can require luck for a major part, since any battle will last too
long; Ozma will certainly do something nasty to all of you at some time, no
matter how lucky you are. This is the strategy that worked for me:

Character 1: Zidane (lv 45)

Role: Support. Skip his turn until you need it, then use items (phoenix
down, elixir, remedy, ether) to keep other people in action. His attacks are
useless so don't waste the turn, unless you can use Dyne attacks. Don't you
wish you could bring along someone else?
Support abilities: Auto-Reflect/Haste, High Tide, Clear headed
Equipment: Egoist's armlet

Character 2: Eiko (lv 39)
Role: Healer. Cast Curaga on everyone, every turn even if everyone is full.
This anticipates Ozma's attack. Use full-life as well when needed.
Optional roles for people who live dangerously: Holy, Madeen
Support abilities: Auto-Haste, Reflect-Null, Antibody, Clear Headed,
Equipment: Pumice piece
Equipment for optional role 'Holy': Jade armlet, white robe

Character 3: Steiner (lv 41)
Role: Shock. Every turn. If he runs low on MPs, have someone ELSE give him
an ether. Likewise, someone else should remedy him if he gets Mini'd.
Support abilities: Auto-Reflect/Haste, Antibody, Bright Eyes, Clear Headed
Equipment: Demon's mail

Character 4: Quina (lv 44)
Role: Magic Hammer! Every turn. Even if you drained Ozma on the last turn.
Optional roles for people who live dangerously: Angel's Snack, Limit Glove
Support abilities: Auto-Haste/Life, Antibody, Clear Headed Equipment: Pumice

How this works:

If you just try to beat Ozma by doing lots of damage, it will be very
difficult. This strategy doesn't have many attackers in it (only 1) but it
keeps you alive long enough to finish the job. At these low levels, most
attacks are too low to do serious damage to Ozma. This requires a little
luck for the first couple turns (if Ozma casts Meteor or Flare Star twice in
a row, you're dead, but odds are that he won't; his attacks are more random),
but I did it the first try with this configuration.

Do as much as you can to prepare for Ozma's nasty attacks. The only damage
attacks you can do anything about really are Holy and Doomsday. Holy can be
reflected, Doomsday can't. Give everyone something to absorb or nullify
Shadow damage; I had 2 pumice pieces by this time (before going to Ipsen's
castle) and they absorb Holy and Shadow! For the two other characters, I
used Egoist's armlet (Zidane) and Demon's Mail (Steiner); both absorb or
nullify Shadow. On the same characters, I also equipped Auto-Reflect to
bounce Holy (and berserk/mini). Yeah, these aren't the best items, but if
Ozma attacks you, you're dead anyway at these levels. Doomsday will heal you
(ha ha!) and you will probably bounce it back with Reflect to heal Ozma 9999
damage. It's much better for Ozma to waste one of his precious turns than to
worry about healing him.

Put everyone in the back row to reduce your damage. No-one will be making
regular physical attacks anyway. Everyone has Auto-Haste to somewhat counter
Ozma's insane speed. Everyone has Clear Headed to block Confusion, and a few
people have Antibody to block poison/venom as well (you will be mostly dead
from the poison attack if you survive it, and you can easily die from

The whole key to this strategy is Quina's Magic Hammer. It usually knocks
off 1500-3000mps per hit, for only 2mp casting cost! (Note: if s/he is
Mini'd, it will do much less). You have to make it through only 5 or so
turns of continuos Magic Hammering; I gave Quina Auto-Life to give her a
"second wind", since Ozma will probably do something to kill him/her in those
turns. After Ozma is totally out of MP, he uses a skill called MP Absorb
(takes away all or most MPs and apparently costs him 0 MP to use) to get it
back. When I fought him, he kept doing it to Quina. Have someone else
(Zidane makes a good pick) give her Ether.

I had been SHOCKing Ozma every turn for 9999 hps. By the time I also drained
off his MPs, he was badly hurt. After using MP Absorb, his next action was
usually Curaga. It heals 8000+ HPs, but it doesn't matter, since you will be
pounding away with shock anyway. He did this 3 times in a row! MP
Absorb/Curaga until he died... He fought a losing battle at this point
becaus he would get SHOCKed twice in the time it took him to get back the MPs
to cure once.

What are the other characters doing? They are there to help make sure you
last long enough to drain Ozma's MPs. Your main priority is keeping Quina
alive, as well as at least 1 other character with high HPs who can support
Quina. I have Zidane wait (skip his turn with Triangle button) until he is
needed, and Eiko casts Curaga every turn (she has Reflect-Null so Curaga
won't bounce off of Zidane/Steiner and heal Ozma). As soon as Ozma starts
casting something, I have Zidane use a phoenix down on Eiko. She will die if
anything hits her, but she can Full-Life anyone else. Cast Curaga even if
everyone is at full HPs, especially in the beginning of the battle; Ozma will
probably cast some nasty damage spell on all people before she can cast
Curaga anyway, so you are anticipating his attack. A handy bonus for being
so low level: Curaga on everyone will heal you all to full! Don't bother
really trying to cure Eiko specially though. If Ozma's attack hits, it will
usually kill her.

Eiko is also a good second choice to give Steiner or Quina an ether,
especially if Zidane has just acted. Quina's Magic Hammer will do really
tiny damage if she is Mini'd, so that is also a priority to remedy her as
soon as possible.

Eiko is a great support healer. In addition to Curaga and Full-Life, she can
summon Phoenix to revive multiple people. In addition, once you have Ozma
to no MPs, you can cast Holy to become an additional attacker (I gave her
robe, and jade armlet to improve damage with Holy). She got killed right
before the only time I tried to have her cast Holy in my battle though.

Quina can also use Angel's Snack to un-mini everyone, but it's more of a
priority to get rid of Ozma's MPs. Use remedy on the people who need it,
Steiner and Quina first.

By: Luke Hill

I really didn’t find him that difficult at all, it only took me 2 goes to
whoop his arse. Personally, 3 Yans are harder to beat than he is. Well, I
basically did it like this:-

Members:- Zidane (level 76, 5493/305)Auto-haste/life/regen, hp+20%, Bird
killer, Level up, antibody, Clear headed, Gamble defense. Weapon:- Ultima
Weapon, Circlet, Egoist's armlet(important!!!), Brave Suit and Ribbon

Steiner(level 66, 6027/240)Auto regen/life, HP+10%, HP+20%, Level up, Ability
up, Bright Eyes, Clear Headed. Weapons: Ragnarok, Genji Helmet, Venetia
Shield, Demon's Mail(important!!!), Rebirth ring.

Dagger(level 70, 3692/344)Auto-Reflect/regen/life/potion, Reflect-Null, Clear
headed. Weapons: Tiger Racket, Golden Skullcap, Egoist's
Armlet(important!!!), Rubber Suit, Ribbon.

Quina(level 56, 3401/247)Auto regen, High Tide, Level Up, Ability Up,
Loudmouth, Locomotion, Clear-headed.

Roles:- Zidane- Zidane was my main offensive attacker against Ozma. I did
the 9 spirits quest thing which meant that Ozma could now be hurt by ground
attacks. I also got Dagger to cast Berserk on Zidane, which raised
his attack power, and with the auto haste, Zidane basically cut Ozma down to
size, Attacks reaching about 7000.

Steiner- Steiner was my second attacker against Ozma, using his Shock, which
scored 9999 attack points against Ozma.

Dagger- Dagger was, you guessed it, the healer in the group. I basically got
Dagger 2 cast Curaga every go, apart from when she cast Berserk on Zidane.

Quina- Quina’s first job was to cast Mighty Guard on everyone, which reduced
the damage made by Ozma's attacks. She then either cast Magic hammer, taking
away Ozma's MP or Angel's snack when Ozma cast curse on everyone.

With Zidane and Steiner cutting loose on Ozma, Dagger healing and Quina
keeping off status affects and zapping Ozma's MP away, Ozma never really
stood a chance.

P.S.: The Demon's Mail for Steiner and Egoist's Armlet for everyone else was
really important because it basically nullified Ozma's most powerful attack,
Doomsday. Make sure no one is on levels that are multiples of 4 or 5, because
Ozma uses, I think it was, a level 5 death and level 4 holy, or was it the
other way around, I didn’t have enough time to notice, he was so easy to

By: Dingo Jellybean

Defeating Ozma:

Party: Zidane(lvl 99) Eiko(Lvl 95), Freya(Lvl 99), Amarant(lvl 99)

Abilities for each: Auto-Regen, Auto-Haste, Return Magic, Clear-Headed,
Locomotion, Bright Eyes, Antibody, and High Tide(for Zidane), High Jump(for
Freya), Boost(for Eiko), and Auto-Reflect for everyone - This is very risky
if you want to heal...just incase Auto-Regen doesn't do the job quick enough
but it will bounce back the Death spell and the Mini spell.

NOTE: The higher your SPIRIT, the quicker Auto-Regen does it's work...if you
have a spirit of 35...Auto-Regen will heal about 2-5 times a round, while at
50+ it can heal 5-12 times a round depending what you do.

When the battle started I had Zidane just act as a a Remedy
to those who became Mini. I had Eiko summon Madeen(9999 DMG), Freya Jump
with her Dragon's Hair lance, which did about 6000-9500 DMG, I had Amarant
throw Wing Edges, Orihalchon, and such, and when Zidane was in trance, I
used his Dyne skills and did Solution 9(9999 DMG). This next part is just
sick...Ozma casted Meteor on my entire party...get ready to drool now...and
nobody died and EVERYONE returned Meteor back at Ozma...damaging him
anywhere from 20,000 to 40,000 HP...that's basically 60% of his HP gone
He'll usually counter a lot of 9999 attacks with Curaga(healing him anywhere
from 6900-9800 HP)...and sometimes even use Curaga 2x in a row. And as I
recall from someone in your guide(or somebody else's I dunno)...if you wear
something that absorbs Shadow(Dark Mail, Demon Vest, etc.) you'll be healed
by the Doomsday attack...but unfortunately he never hit me with Doomsday when
I had my Return Magic ability on...but it might heal him...four times in a
row. *shudders*

So having Return Magic is a risk as well, I just got extremely lucky that
time. I wouldn't really suggest anyone else...Quina is only good for the
Magic Hammer and Angel Snack IMHO, Steiner is a solid character to use over
Amarant, Vivi is okay...although he's really only effective with Meteor and
Flare, and Garnet is another solid character that can replace Eiko...but I
wouldn't use her over Eiko, why? HONEST TO GOODNESS, Eiko basically saved my
party...everyone was dead and Eiko was the last to die...but a DIFFERENT
animation of the Rebirth Flame came up and restored, I was so
psyched up I was like "What's up now?!!!" :P So I would definitely put Eiko
over Garnet...her Phoenix Summon is what can make the difference in the
battle...even if you already do have the Auto-Life ability equipped.



In your journey, you’ll encounter a Quiz Game in one of your Random Battles.
You’ll have to answer the questions correctly by attack the corresponding
symbols. If you believe that the argument is true, attack the Circle. If not,
attack the X. Prizes will be given to you if you answer to questions,
correctly and after a certain number of Pop Quizzes (I answered 3 quizzes)
the percentage of correct answers will determine your prize. Example, I
answered 1 question correctly from 3 questions. That’s 33%. I received 1000
Gil. I don’t know if there’s only 3 sets of questions later in the game
though. But remember that one random battle with a Pop Quiz has only one
question. It’s not like the Criosphynx in Chrono Cross wherein you have to
answer consecutive questions.

You can encounter the Pop Quizzes in any forest around the world.

Here are the questions and their respective correct answers that I’ve
discovered so far. The style of all questions is True or False and they
appear in random.

1. The War in Lindblum started in the year 1600? Answer: False
- It was somewhere near 1700.
2. “I want to be your Canary” was written by Lord Afon. Answer: False
- Written by Lord Avon.
3. Chocobo forest is located between Lindblum and South Game. Answer: True
4. The theater ship Prima Vista was built in Artania Shipyards. Answer: False
5. Lindblum’s Air Cabs operate around the clock. Answer: True
6. Fossil Roo is a tunnel that connects Treno and Alexandria. Answer: False
- Connects Mist and Outer Continents.
7. Berkmea Cable Cars have been running for 8 years. Answer: True
8. Lindblum Castle is larger than Alexandria Castle. Answer: True
9. Some Mu's are friendly and don't attack. Answer: True
10. Only one desert exists in the entire world. Answer: False
- There’s a desert near the Desert Palace (duh!), and a desert at Cleyra.
11. Conde Petie is a village of Goblins. Answer: False
- Not only goblins. I forgot what the other is called.
12. Prima Vista means Love at First Sight. Answer: False
- Prima means first or ultimate. I don’t know what Vista means.
13. Treno's Cafe, Card Carta, is members-only. Answer: True
14. Bobo Bird is a bird that brings you fortune. Answer: False
15. You can defeat Ragtimer. Answer: True
16. The Theater ship Prima Vista uses Mist as source of energy. Answer: True
- The only prototype of a ship that can fly w/o mist is the Hilda Garde.

After answering all 16 questions, encounter him one more time and you’ll now
be able to beat him. If you got 100%, he’ll say, “What? 100%!?” ,
”UNBELIEVABLE”! He’ll faint and you’ll get a Protect Ring for your efforts in
answering the questions. You’ll also receive 23,852 EXP and 59,630 Gil.

- thanks to Martin and Andrew Gilbert Gualberto for most of the info. As for
the exact questions and some more info, I discovered them myself. -

How to encounter Ragtime Mouse (by: Yours Truly)
In my 3rd game, I discovered 2 ways on how to EASILY encounter the Ragtime
Mouse. Note that the second one is proven by me and I actually discovered and
did it. As for the first one, it was just my observation when I’m in the
quest for the Ragtime Mouse.

1. You can encounter Ragtime Mouse in 2 forest. Example, the 2 forests
outside Dali (one is just beside Dali and the other one is near the Ice
Cavern). Let’s call the one in Dali as Forest #1 and the ones at the Ice
Cavern as Forest #2. Now, let’s say you encountered the Ragtime Mouse for the
first time at Forest #1, just go to Forest #2 and you’ll encounter him again
within 3 battles or so. This is just an observation though.

2. Now, here’s one trick that I actually discovered. I did this in the Forest
just outside Dali. All I did was to stay in the center of the forest. The
Ragtime Mouse is there. But, in order to encounter him, what I did was I kept
tapping the Analog Stick back and forth and tried my best to stay in the
center of the forest. Now, when you move through a forest, you’ll see the
leaves sway behind Zidane right? But, when you tap the Analog Stick, the
leaves won’t sway. Just keep on doing that and you’ll encounter the Ragtime
Mouse AT ONCE. That’s all. I hope this would help all of you who are
frustrated in encounter Ragtime Mouse.

Encountering the Ragtime Mouse by: Reeko
You can encounter the ragtime mouse everywhere in the world. You always find
him in a forest and rarely at the same place without killing a lot of
enemies. So the way I figured it, is that you take your airship and do a
forest in each continent, try one in the mist continent, then in the outer
continent, then ice, forgotten, and then mist again, etc... You never wait
more then 5 to 7 battles before having an encounter with him if you do it
this way. If you don't do it this way, you'll still be able to find him, but
more rarely, so it will be longer.


There are certain battles that you’ll encounter wherein you’ll see a weird
enemy asking for items, especially gems. I’ve listed those that I’ve
discovered so far.

Monster Name Location Demands: Rewards:
Nymph Eesistern Coast Ore 30 AP, 2 Emerald Stones
(North of Cleyra)
Ghost Forest Area near Treno Ore 10 AP
Mu Forest near Dali Ore 10 AP
Lady Bug Forest around Black Ore 20 AP, Ether
Mage Village
Yeti Lucid Plains near Ore 20AP, Elixir, Yeti Card
Madain Sari (forest)
Feather Circle Outside Esto Gaza Moonstone 30 AP, Lapis Lazuli
Garuda Forest up the vines Lapis Lazuli 40 AP, Diamond
From Gizamaluke’s
Jabberwock Forest to the east Emerald 40 AP, Moonstone
Of Oeilvert
Yan Vile Island Forest Diamond -
*Gimme Cat Sacrobless Island Diamond nothing! (so don’t give
near Daguerreo him your diamonds!)
* You need not give it anything (not important)

After locating the first 8 special battles, go to the Yan and he won’t run
away now. When you give the requests of all the 9 monsters (except the Gimme
Cat), Ozma becomes MUCH easier to beat (like say, lvl 70 instead of lvl 99).
Ozma is an optional boss in the Chocobo’s Air Garden, just search the large
rock and he will pop up and fight you. He drops a Pumice, which has Garnet's
Ark summon, the only way to get it other than synthesizing it at the
legendary synthesis shop.

Thanks to the following who sent me info about this Side-Quest:
Brainy Boy, Indra, Hansen, Andrew, and Yosa.


You must have card no. 098 the name is Namingway card. After you get that
card. Talk to the man in level 2 (where there are elixirs) of Daguerreo. You
can now rename all your characters. For the Namingway card, win it from Mario
at the Treno Card Stadium Tournament or inside Kuja’s Room at the Desert

Thanks to the following who sent me info about this Side-Quest:
Indra, Hansen, Andrew, and Yosa.


To gain lots of EXP, try heading for the Vile Island which is the big island
to the southwest of the Iifa Tree. You’ll encounter Yans that will give you
10000+ EXPs (if all 4 characters are alive). The good thing here is that most
of the time, they come in 2s and 3s and that makes it easy reach level 99
than the Grand Dragons (although the Grand Dragons are really helpful in
leveling up early in the game). Take note that the Yan are much tougher than
its looks. Its comet attack may KO any one.

Freya's weapon OBELISK and BATTLE BOOTS both have INITIATIVE ability for 95
pts. If you equip both and have ABILITY UP and defeat a GRAND DRAGON the 3ap
you gain will multiply 4 times! This means you Gain 12ap in one battle!!!

For acquiring Gil, if you have the Aloha Equipments, you can sell them for
lots of cash! You can get them from the Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #2. Check
the Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure section for more info. Another alternative in
acquiring more Gil is to use Quina’s Millionaire Ability.


At Daguerreo, in the room where the moogle and the synthesis shop are, you
can find a person who tells you your treasure hunter rank. If you achieve
rank S, the guy runs away, but you’ll find him at the exit. He apologizes for
acting big (he is actually just a rank D treasure hunter) and reveals his
name is Gilgamesh. He gives you a special item, the Rank S Medal.


Once you complete the 3 coffee key items (Burman Coffee, Moccha Coffee, and
Kirman Coffee), go to Dali Observatory in Disc 3 and talk to Morrid. He’ll
take the 3 coffee key items from you and tells you that he’ll send you the
Theater Ship (Prima Vista) model to you.

In Lindblum, go to the Tantalus’ Hideout and get the Mini-Prima Vista Key
Item on the upper bed where you got the Mini-Burmecia before.

Locations of the Coffees:
Burman Coffee = Do Mr. Morrid’s Side-Quest (Disc 3)
Kirman Coffee = Find it at the left side of Eiko’s Kitchen at Madain Sari
Moccha Coffee = Get it from the South Gate (to the right of the recovery

Note: The windmill is now still so you can get the 2 chests on the second
floor that contains an Elixir and a Cachusha.


Besides the Ruby Light, Carbuncle has other abilities depending on the add-on
jewel that Eiko is equipped with. Here is the list of the said abilities.

Jewel Ability Description
Emerald | Emerald Light | Cast Haste on entire party
Diamond | Dia Light | Cast Vanish on entire party
Moonstone | Pearl Light | Casts Protect and Shell on entire party

Add-on Ability Description
Virgin’s Hope | 1,000 Year Gust | (for the Japanese Version only)
Maiden’s Prayer | Millennial Decay | haven’t tried yet


You ca do this only after Terra is destroyed, or at disk four. First, win
Une’s mirror and Doga’s artifact at Treno Auction House. Then go to the Black
Mage Village. Talk to black mage standing near the gramophone in black mage
village Inn to hear the OST of FF III.

After doing these side quests, you can now head to the Iifa Tree to finally
finish what you’ve started.


Upon entering, you’ll see one of the best FMVs in the game. You’ll see the
Invincible heading towards the Iifa Tree. Then, hundreds or thousands of
Silver Dragons appear to halt the Invincible. Just as the Silver Dragons
approach the Invincible, something blasts them away. The entire Lindblum
Airship Fleet will arrive making a path for the Invincible. The Invincible
moves on but there are still Silver Dragons following them. It’s the Red
Rose’s turn to help. It’ll block the Silver Dragons, allowing the Invincible
to move on. When you finally reach the Iifa Tree, you’ll get into battle at

Level: 67 Type: Dragon/Flying
HP: 54,940 Gil: 9,506
MP: 9,999 Items: Wing Edge
AP: 13
Stolen Item/s: Grand Armor, Dragon Wrist, Remedy
Attacks: Aerial Slash, Psychokinesis, Shockwave, Tidal Wave
Weakness: none

This is one of those tough bosses! I’m at level 58 and it’s still hard to
beat. Have 2 of your best attackers to the job in finishing him and have the
other 2 as the healers. Beware, the Nova Dragon has the counter ability. Just
try to keep your HP more than half the Maximum of your characters and you’ll
be safe.


In accordance to Side Quest/Secret #12, everyone will definitely have a hard
time beating the Yans at Vile Island. So, here are some tips on beating them.

1. Make sure your at a decent level. Let’s say, at around level 65 and above.
2. Use Shadow attacks against them such as Doomsday. Powerful
summons/eidolons such as Ark will also be fine.
3. Make sure that you are at Max HP and MP when starting a battle with those

Strategy by: yours truly
Here’s what I did during my battles with them. A good thing to do is to have
Freya and Steiner in your party. Freya should have learned Dragon’s Crest and
Steiner should have learned Shock. Each will deal more or less 9,000 HP
damage therefore, using these 2 will be able to kill the Yans at once.
Another thing to use is Odin. This will be very risky but it works.
Sometimes, it can even kill all 3 Yans giving you instant victory.

Strategy by: Dave (
There some attacks that definitely works on the Yans. Most specifically, you
can use Countdown and Doom.


Kain’s Lance Rune Claws
The Tower Angel Flute

You’ll arrive at a strange place after the battle. You’ll see the entire
party here. Then, someone will talk to Zidane. It’s Garland. He’ll tell you
that this is Memoria...a place of Memories and to know the truth, you must
move on. Now, you’ll be asked to choose your party. After that, move on
towards the next screen. Here, you’ll notice a Field Icon (?) to the bottom
right. You can return to the Invincible here. Now, move up and you’ll notice
a sphere. You can use a Tent and Save your game. Do so. After saving, go
north. Before entering the door, go right and you’ll find Kain’s Lance. Go
north through the door onto the next screen. Here, search to the left and you
may battle the Master Phantom in a card game. From here, you can just move

At the top of the stairs, there's a little balcony that sticks out from the
pathway. If you go out on it, you can find the Tower for Zidane which is
sort of on the right side of the little balcony. After that, Go on until you
meet one of the 4 Chaos Guardians. You’ll have to fight it.

Level: 72 Type: Demon
HP: 59,497 Gil: 8,532
MP: 3,381 Items: Phoenix Pinion
AP: 10
Stolen Item/s: Masamune, Ultima Sword, Genji Armor
Attacks: Mustard Bomb, Sword Quiver, Flame Clash
Weaknesses: Ice, Water

This one isn’t too tough. Physical Attacks and Magical Attacks both work well
against Maliris. Just heal when your HPs are already at half. Just make sure
that you have at least 50%-75% of your HPs as Maliris has a final attack, the
Raining Swords, which will damage everyone.

Strategy by: Grandmaster Sexay
He isn't really tough. I had Zidane, Amarant, Dagger, and Vivi. Zidane kept
attacking (and used Solution 9 and Meo twister when he had Trance). Amarant
attacks, and Vivi used Flare. Of course, the healer/reviver was Dagger. Make
sure everyone can endure 1500-2000 damage of HP, because his raining sword
can finish you off. If you have Eiko, make sure she has Phoenix (equip
Phoenix Pinion as a accessory) and she uses Phoenix when 1-2 people die.


After the battle, go right onto the next area. Here, the party will see
Alexandria Castle. You’ll see the previous FMVs that you saw when you were at
Alexandria, like the ones where Bahamut appeared. Garland will tell you that
these are your memories. After that, when you regain control of your party,
go north (up the short stairs) and search to the right for a save point. It’s
just like the sphere at the Entrance. If you search to the left, you’ll get
an Angel Flute for Eiko. Now, go to the right until you reach the next
screen. Here, just move on until you reach an area where it is raining.
Search to the left and you can play a Card Game with the Defense Phantom
(Ribbon Cards). Then, move on until Zidane sees a girl at the boat. It’s
Dagger and her Mom’s escape from Madain Sari during the night of the storm.
Zidane wonders why he is seeing it. Continue up the stairs. Garland then
tells Zidane that it is also his memory, not just Dagger’s. Now, move on and
you’ll fight another one of the Chaos Guardians.

Level: 72 Type: Dragon
HP: 59,494 Gil: 8,820
MP: 3,381 Items: Phoenix Down, Wing Edge
AP: 10
Stolen Item/s: Grand Helm, Feather Boots, Blood Sword
Attacks: Twister, Absorb MP, Absorb Magic, Float, Snort, Jet Fire,
Absorb Strength, Silent Claw
Weakness: Earth

This boss sure has a lot under his sleeve. I really hate it when Tiamat uses
Snort. It literally snorts one of your party members out of the battle. After
that, the snorted character cannot be used in this battle anymore. So, try to
finish Tiamat as early as possible. Use Thunder Magic at Tiamat. You can also
use physical attacks. Just try to be fast or else everybody will be snorted

Strategy by: Grandmaster Sexay
I hate Tiamat and all of his attacks. Have Eiko in your party and make sure
she has Auto-life so that she's protected. Have your attackers attack as
usual (and if you have High tide, you can Trance faster). Don't worry much
about his Absorb HP/MP/Strength attacks, they barely affect anyone. Try to
finish the battle quickly, so that Tiamat can't snort you out of battle. If
he uses a fire type attack that will heat all members, try to get Vivi to
Blizzard all members. Or equip Body temp.

Before you fight Kraken, you can try to get Zidane near Trance.


After that battle, search to the lower left and you’ll be able to get the
Rune Claws for Amarant. Then, go through the eye up the stairs onto the next
area. From here, it’s another straightforward path. Move along until you see
an image of 2 planets colliding. Garland will tell you that it is Gaia and
Terra merging into one. After a short talk, you’ll regain control of your
characters again. Now, go to the weird castle. Inside, use the sphere again
and use a Tent then save your game. After saving, just move on to the next
screen. Here, you’ll see Quina swimming under the ocean. Zidane and the rest
will be standing and breathing normally. Quina then feels that it’s hard to
breathe. It’s because Quina thinks it is real “The Matrix!” :) When Zidane
finally convinced Quina that it is not real, and it is real to Quina because
Quina believes that it is true, Quina will be able to stand and breath
normally again. Now, go north. Don’t go up the stairs yet. Prepare your party
for a battle. Go right and search behind the coral reefs until a man asks who
disturbs his sleep. Choose not to leave and he’ll fight you.

Level: 92 Type: Demon/Flying
HP: 55,535 Gil: 9,638
MP: 9,999 Items: Wing Edge, Elixir
AP: 30 EXP: 65,535
Stolen Item/s: Robe of Lords, Battle Boots, Running Shoes, Reflect Ring
Attacks: Judgement Sword, Cleave, Curse
Weakness: none

Hades is back, with a vengeance. During the battle, try to have MAX HP
always. Put everyone in the back row as Hades’ Cleave ability will definitely
kill your party members on the Front Row. He’ll also charge for the Curse
attack, which will inflict the “Doom” Status effect on your party. To attack
him, you can just use physical attacks and Fire/Thunder/Holy Magic at Hades.

After the battle, he will offer you his synthesizing abilities. Well, he’s
the legendary Synthesist after all! :) I really thought the synthesist would
be at the world map.

Special Thanks to Indra, Hansen, Andrew, and Yosa for this very valuable info

After battling Hades and buying some very very neat equipments from him,
prepare your characters for another battle. Use a Tent and Save at the
previous screen if you want. If you’re ready, from the ocean floor, go to the
upper left stairs and move on to the next screen. On the way if you search in
a rubble, you’ll be able to do a card battle against the Strong Phantom.
Then, just move along and you’ll fight the 3rd Chaos Guardian at the stairs.

Level: 72 Type: Demon
HP: 59,496 Gil: 17,376
MP: 3,380 Items: Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion
Weakness: Fire

Level: 71 Type: Demon
HP: 18,169
MP: 3,339
Weakness: none

Level: 71 Type: Demon
HP: 18,168
MP: 3,338
Weakness: none

AP: 10
Stolen Item/s: Glutton’s Robe, Wizard Rod, Genji Helmet
Attacks: Freeze, Ink, Water-Gun, Waterga

This is another annoying battle. Everytime you attack, Kraken will use the
Water-Gun as a counter attack that will deal a very big damage to the
attacker. Prepare your Phoenix Downs and Curative Items/Spells for this
battle. You’ll need them. Use Thunder or Ice Magic at Kraken. You can also
use physical attacks at him. He’ll die eventually but it sure is annoying.

Strategy by: Grandmaster Sexay
As soon as Kraken Waterga's you, Zidane SHOULD be in Trance. If not, try to
get him into it. Have him use Meo twister, for it hit 9999 on every enemy
for me, and doesn't cost too much MP. If everyone has Auto-Potion set on
high potion or Auto-regen, don't worry too much on healing. One Meo twister
and one Thundaga should kill both tentacles. Use physical attacks with
Thundaga and you should go through the battle easily.

Have undead/demon killer on everyone before you fight Lich. And make sure
none of your parties' levels have a 5-digit number, or you'll regret it.


After the battle, move on to the next screen. Here, you’ll see a clock. Go to
the extreme right and search for a Save Point. You can use a Tent and then
save your game. After saving, go the upper left and move on until you see a
large red planet.

If you go to the balcony, which is just above the save point, you may have a
Card Battle with the Card Master Empress. After that move on.

Here, Garland will tell you that you’re seeing the birth of Gaia. After
another short talk, go up the first ladder. Here, there’s another ladder to
the north, search to the left first for the Ultimate Weapon of Vivi, the Mace
of Zeus. Then, search to the right and you’ll have the opportunity to fight
the Dark Phantom. One of the Ghost Card Masters.

After that, go up the ladder and move on until you reach a room with 3 doors.
Try to go near the center door and the last of the 4 Chaos Guardians will
attack you.

Level: 71 Type: Demon
HP: 58,554 Gil: 8,436
MP: 9,999 Items: Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion
AP: 10
Stolen Item/s: Black Robe, Siren’s Flute, Genji Gloves
Attacks: Stop, Doom, Earth Shake, Earthquake, ? Cutter (I forgot)
Weaknesses: Thunder, Wind

Lich is deadly! Equip the Undead Killer for your physical attacker. Use
equipments that absorb or reduce Earth-based damage. Lich’s Earth Shake may
kill your party members. Do prevent this, you can use Float and you’ll be out
of harms way. Prepare your Phoenix Down when he casts Doom and use Remedy if
he uses Stop. You’ll need all the help you can get so you just can’t afford
to lose a party member.

Strategy by: Grandmaster Sexay
Prepare for a tough battle. Whenever Lich casts Doom, have Amarant use Aura
if he has it. Have Eiko in your party to revive dead members with Phoenix.
If you have Quina, have her use Angel's snack if you have it. Magic attacks
against Lich are pretty useless. When someone dies, revive ASAP. Once he
uses Venom powder, remedy the victim. Like I said, make sure no one in your
party has a 5-digit level number, or else his Lv 5 Death will end them.

If one can hit very hard, keep that member alive (and if possible, try to
equip things that will cancel bad status effects).


After the battle with Lich, search around to the left and you’ll be able to
see a save point. After saving, go through the door. Zidane and co. will be
in space! You’ll then see Zidane walk on space with the stars. In the next
screen, where you’ll see Zidane and the stars only, press the UP button or
push up on the Analog Stick and you’ll reach the end. Garland will finally
tell you that all memories are accumulated. It’s not just the present.
Everything, from the beginning to the parents onto the children, all memories
are intact and can never be forgotten. He’ll also tell you about the Crystal
that’s beyond the space, which is the beginning of everything. Then, Garland
will bid you farewell. He asks you to protect the Crystal from Kuja. Now,
move on and you’ll reach the Crystal World. From here, just move on again
until you reach the Final Sphere and save point in the game. Prepare your
equipments, use a Tent and then Save your game. Now, you can go back from
here using the Teleport command from the Sphere. It’ll take you back at
Memoria’s Entrance. But, if you’re ready, move forward and meet Kuja. After a
short talk about the crystal, which is just behind Kuja, he’ll call on
Deathguise to attack your party.

Level: 74 Type: Demon/Bug/Flying
HP: 55,535 Gil: 8,916
MP: 9,999 Items: Wing Edge, Ether
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Duel Claws, Black Belt, Elixir
Attacks: Meteor, Close, Spin, Twister, Open, Demon Claw
Weakness: none

Yikes! He’s good. Just take note that Meteor is a non-elemental attack and
will greatly damage the party. Use physical attacks and/or Thunder Magic
against Deathguise. Keep your HP above 75% to prevent being KO’d. You’ll just
have to attack and heal a lot.

After the battle with Deathguise, you’ll be able to control Zidane. Now, go
back to the Sphere, use a Tent, prepare your characters again, and Save your
game. If you’re ready, move forward again and this time, you’ll have to fight
Trance Kuja himself.

Level: 76 Type: Human/Flying
HP: 55,535 Gil: 0
MP: 9,999 Items: none
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: Rebirth Ring, White Robe, Ether
Attacks: Flare, Reflect, Holy, Flare Star, Ultima, Curaga
Weakness: none

Prepare to heal your party every turn. Kuja usually make use of Flare Star.
It damages your party a lot. It’s also good to equip the Auto-Potion ability
to help you regain your HP’s. Try to equip your party with damage reducing
abilities from Elemental Attacks (especially against Fire and Holy). When you
damaged him enough, he’ll unleash his ultimate attack, the Ultima. All your
HPs will be trimmed down to 1 (this includes even the other 4 party members
whom you did not include in the battle).

After the battle, Kuja dies. You’ll see your party lying helplessly.
Suddenly, someone speaks to Zidane. He talks about Kuja and that he tried to
destroy the crystal so that he would not be alone and he would like
everything to perish with him. The voice will then tell Zidane that it will
start anew and remove everything in existence. Zidane won’t allow it. He
chooses to live on. He will do everything in his abilities as well as the
other party members to stop it from happening. Then, you’ll be asked to
choose your party for the final battle. All HPs are down to 1. Now, select
the 4 party members. The other 4 party members will give every ounce of their
powers/lives to help the group in the next battle. Each of them will give
their words of encouragement and then they will disappear. You’ll be taken to
the main menu afterwards to prepare your equipments. Sadly, you cannot save
your game anymore. After preparing, you’ll be in the Final Battle of Final
Fantasy IX.

Level: 69 Type: Flying
HP: 54,100 Gil: 0
MP: 9,999 Items: 0
AP: 0
Stolen Item/s: 3 Elixirs
Attacks: Grand Cross, Blue Shockwave, Protect, Shell, Holy, Flare
Neutron Ring, Curaga, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga
Weakness: none

This one’s a pure cheater! Necron can attack 2 to 3 times per turn and he
even uses Grand Cross and Neutron Ring consecutively! I suggest that you come
here at a high level. Level 60+ should be enough. You must also have the best
equipments for your party. What I did was use Steiner’s Shock. Although it
seems so easy because Shock deals 9999 damage to him, the problem is that
he’s so fast. So, just use your physical attacks! Magic attacks will less
effective. You’ll beat him eventually.

When he uses the Grand Cross attack, it will inflict various status effects
on your party. The most common are Mini, Silence, Blind and even Death. So
always be prepared to remove the status effects and heal your party’s HP.

Contributed by: Barubary
When Necron uses the Grand Cross attack, Quina will be most useful,
especially with the Angel’s Snack Blue Magic. It will undo all the status
effects changes that Necron did.


***** SPOILER ********** SPOILER *********** SPOILER ********** SPOILER *****

After the battle with Necron, you’ll see a FMV of the Iifa Tree moving
violently. The party will talk about the violent reaction that Kuja told them
that would happen to the Iifa Tree. Then, you’ll see Beatrix and Mikoto at
the Red Rose worrying about Zidane and co. Mikoto will feel that Zidane and
the rest are alright and tells that to Beatrix so calm her down. Beatrix will
then order the Pluto knights to contact the Hilda Garde to inform them that
Zidane and the rest of the party are alright. Cid will be relieved that
Zidane is alright. Then, you’ll see a short FMV of the Hilda Garde 3.

On land, you’ll see the party. They’ll be boarding the ship. But then, Zidane
will feel something. Kuja is still alive and he decides to go and save Kuja.
The party will be mad at Zidane because they already here and yet he still
wants to save Kuja who at first wants their deaths. But, they can’t change
Zidane’s mind so they each say their farewells to Zidane and then board the
Hilda Garde. You’ll now see a FMV of the Hilda Garde 3 taking off as Zidane
and Dagger look at each other.

Now, after that sad goodbye, you’ll see a great FMV of Zidane running for it
through the Iifa tree to save Kuja. He’ll see Kuja beneath the Iifa tree but
he misses. After the fall, Zidane will stand up and go to Kuja. Kuja and
Zidane will now talk. Kuja is surprised as to why Zidane came back for him.
It’s just now that he realized the real reason to live. Then, you’ll see a
FMV where the roots of the Iifa Tree blocked their only way out. Then, you’ll
see Mikoto’s thoughts about Kuja that he gave them hope and a reason to live.

Sometime later...
You’ll see Vivi at Alexandria. Then, Puck bumps into him. Vivi won’t
recognize Puck at first. It’s because the Black Mage is vivi’s Son! Puck is
surprised. You’ll see lots of Black Mages that look like Vivi afterwards (I
wonder who their mother is) Then, you’ll see Dagger’s thoughts. You’ll this
often from here on. Next, you’ll see Freya and Sir Fratley at Burmecia. They
now express their love for each other after not seeing for a very long time.
Next, you’ll see Beatrix decide to leave Alexandria for good. She’ll also
leave her Save the Queen. Next, you’ll see Amarant and Lani on the way to
Alexandria. Then, you’ll see Quina as a cook. She’ll tell the others that the
best dishes are made with the heart. Next, you’ll see Eiko, Cid and Hilda at
the lift at Lindblum. They’ll talk about the airships. Afterwards, Eiko will
call him Father! It seems like Cid liked it very much and so does Hilda.
Then, you’ll see Steiner and Beatrix. Steiner convinces Beatrix to stay with
him together and protect the Queen. Then, you’ll see the Tantalus preparing
for another Show at the Theater Ship. Next, you’ll see Dagger at the balcony
of the Alexandria Castle waiting for the Theater Ship to arrive. She still
remembers Zidane a lot but she learned something from him, she has to let go
of the past and move on.

Now, the play of Tantalus will start. It’s the “I want to be your canary”.
During the play, “Marcus” will say “No Cloud or Squall can hinder us”.
Continue watching. Near the end of the play, to everyone’s surprise, the
robed-man is Zidane! He wishes to be with Dagger forever! You’ll then see a
FMV of Dagger running towards Zidane. Beatrix and Steiner will allow her to
go. Zidane and Dagger will finally embrace each other in front of all
Alexandria. Everyone will be happy! You’ll also see the rest of the party

After that, you’ll see a FMV and you’ll hear a very beautiful song in the
background. It’s entitled, “Melodies of Life”. You’ll then see the credits.
You’ll also see some FMV sequences that you saw in the game. After the
credits, the title will be shows and the words “The End” will appear. That’s
the end of the game. The background music is very familiar. :)

New Additions to Endings: by Dingo Jellybean
Get the following items to gain variations of the game’s ending.

Hammer: You see Cinna talking to Marcus(who is really Zidane) and he has a
hammer in his hand...he tells Marcus to hurry it up before they leave.

Save The Queen: You'll see a scene right after Blank knocks out
Cornelia(Ruby) and captures her and Baku takes his sword and stabs(it's just
a play, so it's not real but you already knew that. :P ) Blank...which
fictionally kills him. The two guards in the back yell that the "traitor" has
been slain and such.

***** SPOILER ********** SPOILER *********** SPOILER ********** SPOILER *****


After you finish the game, when you see the words “The End”, press
you’ll be able to access the mini-game.

Important note:
Multimozerg sent this to me. She told me some observation about Cinna’s
Hammer. It seems that if you have more equipments that cannot be equipped
(just like Beatrix’ Save the Queen), you get to see a new scene in the “I
want to be your Canary” play at the end of the game. She’ll try to test some
more, as well as me.

Note: Already proved by Dingo Jellybean

This has been one of the best endings I’ve seen in a game. If only all games
were this great! :) Well, that’s it for now. Thanks for reading the
walkthrough and I hope you enjoyed the game like I did! Thanks again, c’ya!


In this section, I’ll teach you the basic rules in playing the Card Game,
better known as the Tetra Master. I’ll try explain it as simple but
understandable as can be. I’ll also include some strategies to help you win a
card game.


Tetra Master is similar to Triple Triad of FF8 in some ways but it’s a
totally different game.

1. How to get Cards

There are various ways of getting cards. Here they are:

- Acquire Cards after battles. Some monsters give off cards, not all.
- Buy them from the Card Shop at Treno (only 4 though)
- Win in a Card Battle
- given to you by other people

Note: You can only have 100 cards. If you exceed 100 cards, you must discard
some of the cards. So, if you have more than 1 of a certain kind of card,
choose the strongest and the most number of arrows.

2. The Cards

Here’s an image of a card.

| |
| |
| II |
|< >|
| 1P10 |
| |
| |

II = It is the image of the monsters
1P10 = First digit, Attack Power; Second digit, Determines the type of attack
(physical or magical); Third digit, physical defense; Fourth digit, magical
<> = These are the arrows where your card can attack. These arrows can be
seen in 8 directions: Upper Left, Up, Upper Right, Right, Lower Right, Down,
Lower Left, and Left. And remember that the arrows appear in random for each
of the card. 2 of the same type of cards doesn’t mean that they have the same
arrow placements.

Note: You can see the rules at Dali Weapon Shop Bulletin.

3. Involving yourself in a card battle

You can challenge other persons in a Card Game. But, remember that not
everyone can play and will play with you. To challenge them, just go near
then and press the Square button. Some battles are automatically initiated
such as the tournaments.

4. The Board

As the name implies, Tetra (means “Four”), the board is composed of 16 tiles
in 4x4 arrangement. Once the game has started, you’ll also see tiles which
are covered. You cannot place your cards here, neither the opponents card.

5. Starting Up

At the beginning of a Card Game, you must choose 5 cards from your card
inventory which you will use for the card game. Then, you’ll see a coin with
two sides of different color. The Red ones is for the computer and the blue
ones is yours. Then, the coin will spin and whomever the color faces up,
he/it will be the one to place the first card on the board.

6. Placing your Cards / Flipping other cards

To place a card, you simply select the one which you want to place in the
board. Then, you should select one empty tile. You cannot put a card over
another card or over a covered one.

The arrows in the cards now come into play. If an arrow in your card faces
one card of your opponent, that card will be automatically yours.

------ ------
| Your | | |
| >| | R >|
| Card | | |
------ ------

Let’s say you put your card beside the opponent’s card. The arrow on your
card faces the opponent’s card right? The opponent’s card will be flipped and
it will turn into blue therefore, it’s now yours. You’ll get 1 point and the
opponent will get minus 1 point.

7. Card Battle / Combo

If one of the arrows in the card that you just placed, faces an opponent’s
card but an arrow from his card also points at that card, a card battle will

------ ------
| Your | | |
| >| |< R |
| Card | | |
------ ------

If you place you card beside the opponent’s card and the arrows are pointing
at each other, a card battle will occur wherein the stats of the card comes
into play.

You’ll notice that there are numbers and a letter in the card. Example,
“1P10”. The first number is the attack power of your card. The Letter
determines the type of attack.

------ ------
| Your | | |
| >| |< R |
| Card | | |
| | | |
| 1P10 | | 7P89 |
------ ------

In this battle, you’ll know right away who the winner is. Your Card has
attack level of 1 (first digit), and a Physical attack. Your attack power of
1 will battle the physical defense of the opponent’s card, which is 8. Your
card will lose. The damage will be at random but will based on the attack
level of the cards.

If incase, the letter is M. Your card will attack the magical defense of the
opponent’s card. If the letter is X, it will attack the Physical or Magical
defense whichever among them has the lowest Defense power. Example, a 1X10
card battles the 7P89 card. The first card will choose to battle the physical
defense, which is “8” rather than the “9”.

Who ever wins the card battle, in this case, the opponent’s card wins, your
card will be flipped and will be in the possession of the opponent. And
sometimes, you may lose even if you have a higher attack power.

If your card has a letter X, that means the game will choose from the
physical or magic defense of the enemy, which is lower. Here’s a graphical
example of it.

------ ------
| Your | | |
| >| |< R |
| Card | | |
| | | |
| 3X20 | | 7P16 |
------ ------

In this case, your card will select the physical defense of your opponent’s
card which is 1. You’ll win the battle this time.

Card Level Up
If you use a certain card frequently, it will level up. If that card flipped
many cards already, its attack power will increase. If that card successfully
defends after a card battle initiated by the enemy for a couple of times,
that card’s HP or Defense Power will increase.

8. Winning and Losing

To determine who is the winner, after card the battle, whoever has the most
number of cards in his color wins. You can also know who is the winner by
looking at the fraction like number in the lower left portion of the screen.
Whichever color has the higher number wins!

9. Card Collector Level

The Card Collector level shows you your experience in Card
collecting/battling. Each time you get a new card, your Card Collector level
will increase. And, if you win from card battles, you’ll get more points.
When you reach a certain number of Collector Points, you’ll be given a title
in which the card community will call you. I don’t know yet what are the
benefits in achieving a higher title but I’ll get into that once I discover

a. Card Game Scoring System

(special thanks to Ferdinand Pelayo ( for this very
interesting and helpful info)

- Having one unique card type: 15 points
- Having a unique card, but has the same arrow arrangement as another card
in your collection: 10 points
- Having more than one of the same card type: 5 points per extra card
- Having a card with level X: 1 point added
- Having a card at level A: 1 point added on top of the point for X level

So as others have already said, to get 1700 Card Collector points, you need
all 100 types of cards in 100 unique arrow arrangements (15 x 100 = 1500
pts), and all at level A (2 pts added x 100 = 200 bonus points).

Before you card fanatics start despairing over having 100 arrow
arrangements, you may wanna know that you could have:

- 56 arrangements of 5 arrows
- 28 arrangements of 6 arrows
- 8 arrangements of 7 arrows
- and of course, 1 card with all arrows

b. Card Collector titles:

Beginner = 0-299 Card Collector Points
Novice = 300-399 Card Collector Points
Player = 400-499 Card Collector Points
Senior = 500-599 Card Collector Points
Fan = 600-699 Card Collector Points
Leader = 700-799 Card Collector Points
Coach = 800-899 Card Collector Points
Advisor = 900-999 Card Collector Points
Director = 1000-1099 Card Collector Points
Dealer = 1100-1199 Card Collector Points
Trader = 1200-1249 Card Collector Points
Commander = 1250-1299 Card Collector Points
Doctor = 1300-1319 Card Collector Points
Professor = 1320-1329 Card Collector Points
Veteran = 1330-1339 Card Collector Points
Freak = 1340-? Card Collector Points

Somehow, I got these titles (these 2 titles changes most of the time so I
can’t tell exactly the points corresponding to these 2)

Collect 94 types: Champion
Collect 95 types: Analyst

The Max Stat. is the maximum level of the card that I’ve seen so far. F.
Monsters are the ‘Friendly’ Monsters.

No. Name Type Max Stat. | No. Name Type Max Stat.
1 Golbin Monster 0P00 | 51 Abadon Monster 7M52
2 Fang Monster 0P00 | 52 Behemoth Monster AP35
3 Skeleton Monster 0P00 | 53 Iron Man Monster BP50
4 Flan Monster 0P00 | 54 Nova Dragon Monster 8P7B
5 Zaghnol Monster 0P00 | 55 Ozma Monster 8P0A
6 Lizardman Monster 0P00 | 56 Hades Monster 9M91
7 Zombie Monster 1M00 | 57 Holy Magic 8M11
8 Bomb Monster 1M01 | 58 Meteor Magic 7M90
9 Ironite Monster 1P10 | 59 Flare Magic 7M00
10 Sahagin Monster 0P00 | 60 Shiva Summon 3X03
11 Yeti Monster 1M01 | 61 Ifrit Summon 5M50
12 Mimic Monster 1M11 | 62 Ramuh Summon 4M05
13 Wyerd Monster 1M01 | 63 Atomos Summon 3M64
14 Mandragora Monster 1M01 | 64 Odin Summon 9M72
15 Crawler Monster 1P10 | 65 Leviathan Summon BM41
16 S. Scorpion Monster 2P11 | 66 Bahamut Summon CM64
17 Nymph Monster 2M02 | 67 Ark Summon CM34
18 Sand Golem Monster 1P10 | 68 Fenrir Summon 6M11
19 Zuu Monster 2P01 | 69 Madeen Summon 8M05
20 Dragonfly Monster 2P20 | 70 Alexander Summon CM63
21 CarrionWorm Monster 2M19 | 71 Excalibur II Equipment AP60
22 Cerberus Monster 2P20 | 72 Ultima Weapon Equipment BP13
23 Antlion Monster 3P31 | 73 Masamune Equipment 9P83
24 Cactuar Monster 2P80 | 74 Elixir Equipment 5M53
25 Gimme Cat Monster 3M21 | 75 Dark Matter Equipment BM28
26 Ragtimer Monster 3X21 | 76 Ribbon Equipment 0M9B
27 Hedgehog P. Monster 3M01 | 77 Tiger Racket Equipment 0P01
28 Ralvuimahgo Monster 3P30 | 78 Save the Queen Equipment 6P30
29 Ochu Monster 2P10 | 79 Genji Equipment 0P59
30 Troll Monster 4P32 | 80 Mythril Sword Equipment 1P01
31 B. Beetle Monster 3P31 | 81 Blue Narciss Ship 6P60
32 Abomination Monster 2P23 | 82 Hilda Garde 3 Ship 3P30
33 Zemzelett Monster 4M14 | 83 Invincible Ship 6M78
34 Stroper Monster 2P30 | 84 Cargo Ship Ship 2P30
35 Tantarian Monster 4M21 | 85 Hilda Garde 1 Ship 3P20
36 Grand DragonMonster 4P23 | 86 Red Rose Ship 5P06
37 F. Circle Monster 3P11 | 87 Theater Ship Ship 1X51
38 Hecteyes Monster 3M03 | 88 Viltgance Ship BP41
39 Ogre Monster 2P31 | 89 Chocobo F. Monster 0P00
40 Armstrong Monster 4M14 | 90 Fat Chocobo F. Monster 0P11
41 Ash Monster 4M22 | 91 Mog F. Monster 0M00
42 Wraith Monster 3M30 | 92 Frog F. Monster 0P00
43 Gargoyle Monster 4M32 | 93 Oglop F. Monster 2P10
44 Vepal Monster 4M22 | 94 Alexandria Castle 0PA3
45 Grimlock Monster 4M12 | 95 Lindblum Castle 0P4A
46 Tonberry Monster 2P31 | 96 Two Moons Rare 5M43
47 Veteran Monster 5M15 | 97 Gargant Rare 1P02
48 Garuda Monster 4M31 | 98 Namingway Rare 4M44
49 Malboro Monster 4M33 | 99 Boco Rare 4P65
50 Mover Monster 4M90 | 100 Airship Rare 7P66


Note: I started a new game so I’m collecting cards once again. I hope you’ll
understand. I’ll do my best to get all of these rare cards and their
respective locations. :)

* Listed According to its card number

#55 Ozma
- Beat Ozma at the Chocobo’s Air Garden

#56 Hades
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria

#57 Holy Card
- Win it from ‘Magic Master’ as Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#58 Meteor Card
- Win it from ‘Magic Master’ as Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#59 Flare Card
- Win it from ‘Magic Master’ as Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4
- Win it from Card Master Phantom at Memoria

#60 Shiva Card
- Win it from ‘Straight Shooter Shak’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#61 Ifrit Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4
- received after beating Ring Leaders in Terra

#62 Ramuh Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#63 Atomos Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#64 Odin Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4
- Included in Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #1

#65 Leviathan Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#66 Bahamut Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#67 Ark Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#68 Fenrir Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#69 Madeen Card
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#70 Alexander Card
- Locate the “Ocean” Chocograph
- Win it from Card Master Phantom at Memoria
- Win it from ‘Eidolon Master Leyra’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#71 Excalibur II Card
- Win it from ‘Weapon Master Hunt’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#72 Ultima Weapon Card
- Win it from ‘Weapon Master Hunt’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#73 Masamune Card
- Win it from ‘Weapon Master Hunt’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#74 Elixir Card
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria
- Win it from Card Master Phantom at Memoria
- It is the content of the chest in South Gate that you weren’t able to get
with Steiner when he and Dagger pass through the South Gate while Dagger is
hiding inside the bag of pickles.
- Spoils from the Nova Dragon (sometimes)

#75 Dark Matter Card
- Locate the Fairy Island Chocograph

#76 Ribbon Card
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria

#77 Tiger Racket Card
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria

#78 Save the Queen Card
- Win it from ‘Weapon Master Hunt’ at Treno Card Stadium in Disc 4

#79 Genji Card
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria

#80 Mythril Sword Card
- You can get lots of it from ‘Weapon Master Hunt’ at Treno Card Stadium in
Disc 4

#81 Blue Narciss Card
- Win it from the 4-armed man at Daguerreo
- Included in Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #1

#82 Hilda Garde 3 Card
- Locate the Outer Island 2 Chocograph

#83 Invincible Card
- Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #8

#84 Cargo Ship Card
- Locate the Uncultivated Land Chocograph

#85 Hilda Garde 1 Card
- Locate the Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #6

#86 Red Rose Card
- Win it from the 4-armed man in Daguerreo
- Included in Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #7

#87 Theater Ship Card
- Locate the “Cold Field” Chocograph

#88 Viltgance Card
- Give 1800 Chocobo Hot & Cold Points to Mene at Chocobo Forest or Chocobo

#89 Chocobo Card
- Get it from the Fat Chocobo at Chocobo’s Paradise

#90 Fat Chocobo Card
- Collect ALL treasures that can be found using Choco

#91 Mog Card
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria

#92 Frog Card
- Get it from the enemy frogs at Qu’s Marsh to the south of Oeilvert.
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria

#93 Oglop Card
- Win the Card game tournament against Sailor Erin and Regent Cid at Treno

#94 Alexandria Card
- Jump 200 times at the Jump-Rope mini-game at Alexandria. It’s in
Alexandria after it’s destroyed by Bahamut.
- Talk to one of the girls in front of the weapon shop after you go to Ruby's
show in Alexandria.

- There’s an easy way to get LOTS of this type of card! Go and have a battle
with the Master Phantom at Memoria (the first one). He has lots of this type
of card.

#95 Lindblum Card
- Find it in the shambles to the left of Card Freak Gon’s house after right
after Lindblum is destroyed by Brahne. Get it also from Card Master Empress
at Memoria.

- There’s an easy way to get LOTS of this type of card! Go and have a battle
with the Master Phantom at Memoria (the first one). He has lots of this type
of card.

#96 Two Moons Card
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria
- Win it from Card Master Phantom at Memoria

#97 Gargant Card
- Acquired from Adamantoises at Seaway Canyon in the Forgotten Continent
- Acquired from Dracozombies

#98 Namingway Card
- You can get it from Mario at the tournament in Treno Card Stadium in Disc 3
- You can get it inside Kuja’s room at the Desert Palace

#99 Boco Card
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria

#100 Airship Card
- Locate the Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #4
- Get it from Card Master Empress at Memoria


Here are some strategies that you can use to your advantage in Card Gaming.

1. If there’s a lone tile, put your weakest card in there. Here’s a diagram.

--- --- --- ---
| | | | | Legend:
--- --- --- --- The C’s are those tile that are covered with gray
| | | | | tiles. Put your weakest card in the X Tile. This way,
--- --- --- --- you won’t lose to your opponent’s stronger cards and
| C | C | | | prevent Combos that may lead you to losing the
--- --- --- --- card game.
| X | C | | |
--- --- --- ---



Just like in previous Final Fantasies, you’ll be able to use your Chocobo to
navigate around the world. But unlike in the previous games, there’s a new
way in catching one. In the world map, near the Chocobo Forest, which is a
little to the southeast of the South Gate near Alexandria and Lindblum,
you’ll see footprints of Chocobos. While you’re stepping on the footprints,
use a Gysahl Green. The Chocobo will then come to you.

Chocobo’s now have different abilities and they even have a Beak Level. When
you talk about the abilities, this will tell you what your Chocobo can do, in
what kind of places it can dig (i.e. field), and what places it can reach.
The Beak Level is concerned on how deep your Chocobo can dig. This will
enable you to get the RAREST items in the game.

Just when you thought navigating is the only use for Chocobo. In Final
Fantasy IX, you can actually use them to dig buried treasures. Check out the
Chocobo Treasure Hunting Section.


The Chocobo forest is located just south east of the South Gate in the Mist
Continent. Once you go inside for the first time, you can see a Moogle and a
Chocobo running around. The moogle will talk to you about the Chocobo. It
will tell you that you can use your Gysahl Greens to summon a Chocobo and
ride it.

The moogle will also offer you some services like the Chocobo Hot & Cold
mini-game, sell you Gysahl Greens and the moogle also gives you info about
your Chocobo Hot & Cold points.


After you got the Blue Chocobo, Mene (Moogle at Chocobo Forest) will tell you
about a lagoon near the Salvage Archipelago. He’ll tell you that the entrance
is at the Palmnell Island. To get there, you can easily see it on the map.
But, it needs a more complex way to reach. To the west of the Chocobo Lagoon,
Use the Airship (Hilda Garde 3 or Invincible) and land on the island called
Salvage Archipelago. Use the Chocobo Tracks here. Now, you must go to the
water and travel through the shallow waters around to the north until you
reach Palmnell Island. Enter a cave-like opening and you’ll arrive at the

Just as the Chocobo Forest, you can dig items here but there are some
revisions of the rules:

1. You can only dig for 30 seconds. But, the price will be halved for you (30

2. It’s much much harder to dig here than the Chocobo Forest. You must have a
good, Level 25 Beak Level (although you can Dig even at low beak levels, you
can’t get Chocographs).

3. You can only dig at a Maximum of 4 times here. After successfully digging
4 items in 30 seconds, Mene will stop you and he’ll give you a bonus for
finding many items.

4. Minor revision to the 5-second rule. In Chocobo Forest, you can get 5
points if you managed to find the next item within 5 seconds. In Chocobo
Lagoon, you’ll receive 10 bonus points.

5. After you receive the Ocean-crossing Chocobo, the rules will be revised
again. You’ll now have 1 minute to play and the area will be wider. You can
now have a maximum of 8 successful digs.


After you get the Chocobo’s Sky ability, you can search for the Chocobo Air
Garden. This is very confusing at first but I accidentally saw it. :) now,
once you get the Sky Ability, go to the Long island to the Northwest of the
Chocobo Lagoon. There is a forest there so let your Chocobo fly!

Now, the Air Garden doesn’t stay in one place. It moves back and forth. I’ve
seen 2 locations so far. One, you can find it near the Desert Palace. Second,
and most frequently, on an island to the northwest of the Salvage Archipelago
(where you used the Chocobo Tracks to call on Choco to reach the Lagoon).
Now, the clue here is a shadow.

When the Airship is flying, you’ll see a shadow of it on the ground right. As
for the Air Garden, you’ll see a fairly large circular shadow on the ground.
Now, while flying (using Choco, of course), go to the center of the shadow
and use a Dead Pepper. Choco will fly high up in the sky and you’ll finally
enter the Chocobo Air Garden.

The rules here are just like the Forest and the Lagoon but there are some few
minor adjustments. Here they are:

1. You can only dig for 1 minute.

2. You’ll receive x3 points for every item you dig up. Also, the 5-second
bonus will be increased to 15 points.

3. It will be harder this time, sometimes during the dig, you have to go to
the other air island for the treasure. You have to climb down to the clouds
and walk to the other air island.

When you finally reached the Air Garden, you’ll be sure to complete the
Chocograph. Now, after you’ve collected ALL 24 Chocographs and ALL 6
Chocograph Pieces, Mene will tell you to go to the Unmapped Chocobo’s
Paradise. Follow the next section of this guide, it will help you.


This is the unmapped paradise that Mene was talking about. It’s very familiar
to Final Fantasy 7 and 8 in the sense that FF7’s Knights of the Round is
unmapped and is located at the northwest part of the world map and, FF8’s
Deep Sea Research where Ultima Weapon is hiding and is located in the lower
left part of the world map. In the upper left corner of the map, you’ll see a
small island with a mountain and a forest. Now, use the Gold Chocobo and land
there. Now, go near the mountain. You’ll see an odd looking rock formation
that looks like a door. Go near it and use a Dead Pepper on Choco. Choco will
break the rocks and you’ll finally be able to enter the Chocobo’s Paradise.

Inside the Chocobo’s Paradise, you’ll see a lot of Chocobos here. Once you
reach the palace, you’ll see Fat Chocobo, the ruler of this place. He’ll tell
Choco to stay here forever as he is a Chocobo and this is his home. If you
weren’t able to find all 24 Treasures, Chocobo will be allowed to go with you
and continue searching. I don’t know yet what’s in store here if you got ALL
the treasures from the Chocographs.


1. Chocobo Hot & Cold Mini Game
First things first. There’s a minigame in the Chocobo Forest wherein you use
your Chocobo to dig for various items. First, you have to talk to the moogle
and ask him to allow you to play. The moogle will charge you 60 gil per game.
Now, as the game starts, you’ll be riding your Chocobo and you’ll be given a
time frame of only 1-minute to dig. Here are the mechanics of the game.

To dig, just press the Square button. Once you press the Square button, the
Chocobo will say something. If the Chocobo says....

- “Kweh”, it means that there’s no treasure in your position nor anywhere
near you.
- “Kweh!?”, it means that there’s a treasure but it is quite far from your
- “Kwehhh!?”, it means that a treasure is very near your position so keep on
pressing the Square button and search for the treasure.
- “K-Kwehhh!!!”, You found the treasure!

Once you find a treasure, you’ll see the depth level meter. Just keep on
pressing the Square button until it reaches 0. When it reaches 0, you’ll now
get the item/treasure. Here is the list of the items you can dig here and
their equivalent points.

Item Points Item Points
Gysahl Green 10 Stone with Patterns 25
Chocograph 15 50 Gil 1
Chocograph Piece 8 Remedy 2
Antidote 1 Anoyntment 1
Potion 1 Soft 1
Ore 2 Phoenix Pinion 2
Echo Screen 1 5000 Gil 8
200 Gil 2 Pinwheel 15
Elixir 12 Tent -
500 Gil - Cachusha -
Hi-Potion -

Now, the points are used for 2 reasons. First, every 10-15 Points or so, your
Chocobo’s beak level will increase, thus enabling you to find rare items.
Second, you can exchange your points with different items. Just go to the
Moogle and ask him if you can exchange your points for items/equipments.
Here’s the list of items/equipments the moogle is offering for your Chocobo
Hot & Cold Points.

Item Points Item Points
Robe of Lords 10,000 Ether 450
Protect Ring 8,500 Ore 250
Wing Edge 3,500 Phoenix Down 150
Viltgance Card 1,800 Gysahl Green 10

Bonus Points:
There are also instances wherein you will receive extra bonus points.

a. When you successfully dug 4 items within the 1-minute time frame, you will
be given an additional 10 seconds to play. Plus, all the items you’ll get
will now be doubled in points.

b. You’ll receive extra +5 points for an item if you managed to dig another
item within 5 seconds from the previous one. Example, you got a potion first.
Then, within 5 seconds, you should get another item.

c. When you successfully dug 8 items, Mene (the moogle) will stop you from
continuing. He’ll give you bonus points afterwards depending on how much time
is left.

d. When you get the Mountain Crossing Chocobo, you can now climb the 2 ledges
to the left and to the right in the Chocobo Forest.

BTW, I was able to dig 8 items when I got the river crossing Chocobo. :)

2. Treasure Hunting
You thought the Chocobo Hot & Cold is the treasure hunting eh? Now, remember
that you’ll get the Stone with Patterns item in the Chocobo hot & Cold. It is
the Chocograph. It contains info on various treasure locations ALL OVER THE
WORLD. Yes, it covers the entire world map. So you really have to HUNT. Once
you get the Chocograph, examine the Chocobo and you’ll see the details of
chocographs that you’ve discovered in the Chocobo hot & cold minigame.
Remember that you have to play the Chocobo Hot & Cold to get Chocographs.
Each Chocograph has its own treasure location. Here’s the info on Chocograph.

When you look at the Chocograph menu, you’ll see all the treasure locations
where you can hunt treasure. You’ll also see the Abilities of your Chocobo
that is required by that location. Each location has a picture of it. You
just have to find it in the world map. Once you see it in the world map, you
can then press the square button while you’re on a Chocobo to search for the
treasure. I haven’t tried hunting yet as I’m still locating them in the map.
Meanwhile, here’s the list of the Chocographs that I’ve found so far.

Chocograph Name Required Abilities: -

The in-game description of the location

Actual location on the World Map:
This will tell you where to find the actual place in the world map of the
picture of this particular Chocograph is.

Treasures Found:
All treasures in this location

They’re listed according to their arrangement in the actual Chocograph:
#1 STREAMSIDE Required Ability/ies: Field

“Go check where the river meets the ocean. Kupo!”

Actual Location:
A bit to the west of the Chocobo’s Forest, there’s a bridge right. Now, if
you take a look at the picture carefully. This bridge is there! So, from the
bridge, go south to the beach and search there for the treasure.

Treasures Found:
2 Elixirs, 3 Hi-Potions, 4 Ethers, 2 Germinas Boots

#2 BETWEEN MOUNTAINS Required Ability/ies: Field

“Go look near the mountains facing the ocean in the southwest side of the
Mist Continent.”

Actual Location:
Eunurus Plains at the Southwest part of the Mist Continent. Use the Tracks
near Qu’s Marsh and go SW. You’ll see the location there.

Treasures Found:
5 Potions, 5 Hi-Potions, 2 Tents, 2 Cotton Robes

#3 UNCULTIVATED LAND Required Ability/ies: Field

“The treasure is buried near a river, kupo!”

Actual Location:
This is easy. Go to Evil Forest on the map. You’ll see a river. That river is
the one in the picture. From the Evil Forest, follow the river and you’ll
arrive at the location. For the Chocobo tracks, it’s very near this area, you
won’t miss it.

Treasures Found:
10 Antidotes, 1 Jade Armlet, 3 Wing Edges, 1 Cargo Ship Card

#4 HEALING SHORE Required Ability/ies: Field

“I’ve seen a beach that looks like this near a city with high winds, kupo.”

Actual Location:
The beach is located just north of Cleyra in the Mist Continent. The Chocobo
tracks are near the beach so don’t worry about getting Choco.

Treasures Found:
When you get the chest, it will release sleeping gas and your Chocobo will
enter the Chocobo Dreamworld. There, you’ll see the Chubby Chocobo and
chocobos that are different in color. Here, Choco will be given the ability
to cross rivers and shallow waters, the Reef ability. Choco will turn into a
Blue Chocobo. Then, you’ll be brought back to the world map.

#5 ABANDONED BEACH Required Ability/ies: Field

“There’s a beach near a huge dying forest. That might be it. Kupo!”

Actual Location:
You can find the beach just to the east of Black Mage Village.

Treasures Found:
9 Phoenix Pinions, 5 Phoenix Downs, 12 Peridot Gems, 1 Diamond Gloves

#6 COLD FIELD Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef

“Looks like a very cold place, kupo...”

Actual Location:
It’s at Quelmiera Shores. Here’s a nice trick to this. If you look at the
map, there are 3 places in the Lost Continent. Fire Shrine, Esto Gaza, and
the Shimmering Island. The location is at the Center Point of the 3. For the
Chocobo Tracks, there’s some just a bit to the north.

2 Legend:
1 x 1: Esto Gaza; 2: Fire Shrine; 3: Shimmering Island
3 x: The location of the Chocograph

Treasures Found:
5 Echo Screens, 7 Hi-Potions, 3 Tents, 1 Theater Ship Card!

#7 FORGOTTEN LAGOON Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef

“Kupo! Why not go play in icy-cold water!”

Actual Location:
From Esto Gaza, use the Chocobo Tracks there and go to the Beach onto the
Shallow waters. Just move along southward in the shallow waters and you’ll
arrive at the island, which the Chocograph describes.

Treasures Found:
8 Gysahl Greens, 5 Ethers, 7 Hi-Potions, 1 Dragon’s Claws

#8 FARAWAY LAGOON Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef

“I heard there is a long stretch of reef.. That might be it, kupo.”

Actual Location:
This is another tricky one. Let’s use the Water Shrine as it is near the
location. To the lower left of the Water Shrine, there’s a LONG stretch of
island. There are Chocobo Tracks in that long stretch of island (the island’s
name is Everlang Island). Now, take the blue Chocobo to the shallow waters.
Follow it’s path to the north and around to the east. The location of the
Chocograph can be found EXACTLY to the east of Water Shrine.

Treasures Found:
37 Potions, 6 Magic Tags, 1 Shield Armor, 1 Gaia Gear

#9 ABANDONED LAGOON Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef

“I hear there’s a sunken treasure near a peninsula in the southern part of
the Outer Continent, kupo.”

Actual Location:
The location is directly to the west of Fossil Roo. Use the Chocobo Tracks,
which are to the Southeast of Black Mage Village.

Treasures Found:
6 Softs, 4 Ethers, 1 Feather Boots, 1 N-Kai Armlet

#10 BIRD’S EYE LAGOON Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef

“There are so many small islands surrounding the Mist Continent, Kupo!”

Actual Location:
From Qu’s Marsh near Burmecia, use the Chocobo Tracks there. Then, go
directly west using the Blue Chocobo and search for the island in the
Chocograph among the many islands to the west. You’ll find the treasure in
the water.

Treasures Found:
8 Potions, 4 Phoenix Downs, 3 Ethers, 1 Magician Robe

#11 SMALL BEACH Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef

“It’s a beach on a small island! A right place to vacation, kupo.”

Actual Location:
It’s on an island to the south of the Chocobo Forest. From the Forest, use
the Chocobo tracks and cross the bridge. Go to the beach and follow the
shallow waters onto the LanShake Island. The treasure is there.

Treasures Found:
4 Remedies, 2 Elixir, 8 Rising Sun, 1 Oak Staff

#12 DAWN LAGOON Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef

“It’s near a city where the night never ends.”

Actual Location:
It's just Southeast of Treno. Use the Chocobo Tracks near the Chocobo Forest
and take your Chocobo to the East until the environment changes (from morning
to afternoon). Use the beach and head to the location.

Treasures Found:
When you get the chest, it will release sleeping gas and your Chocobo will
enter the Chocobo Dreamworld. There, you’ll see the Chubby Chocobo and
chocobos that are different in color. Here, Choco will be given the ability
to cross Mountains, the Mountain ability. Choco will turn into a Red Chocobo.
Then, you’ll be brought back to the world map.

#13 DUSK PLAINS Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain

“What a beautiful sunset, Kupo!”

Actual Location:
It is a little bit to the Southwest of Oeilvert. It’s near the sea. For the
Chocobo tracks, use the one at the North tip of the Forgotten Continent.

Treasures Found:
12 Phoenix Downs, 14 Ores, 1 Kaiser Knuckles, 1 Iron Man Card

#14 FORBIDDEN FOREST Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain

“The forest lies where many mountain ranges merge, Kupo!”

Actual Location:
This mountain range is found to the west of Dali. For the Chocobo Tracks, you
can use the ones at the Chocobo Forest.

Treasures Found:
7 Ethers, 2 Elixir, 10 Wing Edge, 1 High Mage Staff

#15 GREEN PLAINS Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain

“There are treasures on the high plains too, Kupo!”

Actual Location:
This is easy, it’s somewhere among the mountains to the Northwest of

Treasures Found:
When you get the chest, it will release sleeping gas and your Chocobo will
enter the Chocobo Dreamworld. There, you’ll see the Chubby Chocobo and
chocobos that are different in color. Here, Choco will be given the ability
to cross Ocean, the Sea ability. Choco will turn into a Dark Blue Chocobo.
Then, you’ll be brought back to the world map.

#16 FORGOTTEN PLAINS Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain

“The long peninsula sort of points to the location of the treasures, Kupo!”

Actual Location:
This long stretch of peninsula is located to the south of Ipsen’s Castle. Use
the Chocobo Tracks near Ipsen’s Castle and find the treasure on the hills.

Treasures Found:
17 Ores, 5 Ethers, 14 Opals, 1 Demon’s Mail

#17 SEA AT DUSK Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea

“There must be more treasures deeper at the ocean.”

Actual Location:
It’s to the north of the Wind Shrine at the same time, to the east of
Oeilvert. You’ll see the islands just like in the picture of the Chocograph.

Treasures Found:
15 Phoenix Pinions, 1 White Robe, 1 Diamond, 1 Masamune Card

#18 OCEAN Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea

“Look carefully! There’s a small reef, Kupo!”

Actual Location:
It’s just a little bit to the west of Everlang Island. The Everlang Island is
the long stretch of island to the west of the Forgotten Continent. There is a
Chocobo Track in that island. After calling the Chocobo, search to the west
of this island and you’ll get the treasure from the sea.

Treasures Found:
27 Ores, 1 Light Robe, 1 Whale Whisker, 1 Alexander Card

#19 COLD LAGOON Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea

“What a complicated cove, the water looks very

cold, Kupo!”

Actual Location:
This group of Icebergs is located to the west of the Fire Shrine. Use the
tracks near Esto Gaza and go to the Ocean and go around until you reach it.

Treasures Found:
11 Peridot Gems, 9 Opals, 15 Sapphires, 19 Topaz

#20 MIST OCEAN Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea

“Look around the small islands located in the northeastern shore of Mist

Actual Location:
It’s to the north of Alexandria. The 2 landforms that you see in the picture
is actually 2 islands. The treasure is in the ocean.

Treasures Found:
When you get the chest, it will release sleeping gas and your Chocobo will
enter the Chocobo Dreamworld. There, you’ll see the Chubby Chocobo and
chocobos that are different in color. Here, Choco will be given the ability
to Fly, the Sky ability. Choco will turn into a somewhat Golden Chocobo.
Then, you’ll be brought back to the world map.

#21 OUTER ISLAND Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky

“Kupo. It isn’t a very big island.”

Actual Location:
This island is located in the Northeast of the Desert Palace. Use the Chocobo
Tracks to the west of the Desert palace and fly to the Island.

Treasures Found:
21 Amethyst, 16 Garnet, 1 Genji Armor, 1 Ragnarok!

#22 OUTER ISLAND 2 Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky

“I think there’s a desert nearby, Kupo.”

Actual Location:
This is an island located to the Northwest of Desert Palace. You can see the
actual picture of the location when you’re in the desert but the treasure is
on the island. Use the Chocobo Tracks to the west of Desert Palace.

Treasures Found:
11 Sapphires, 1 Circlet, 1 Pumice Piece, 1 Hilda Garde 3 Card

#23 FAIRY ISLAND Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky

“There’s a mountain in the middle of the island.”

Actual Location:
This island is located to the Southwest of the Iifa tree. It’s big enough to
be seen in the world map! Use the Chocobo Tracks to the Southwest of Black
Mage Village and Fly to the Island. The treasure is somewhere on the foot of
the mountain.

Treasures Found:
33 Potions, 15 Annoyntments, 1 Holy Miter, 1 Dark Matter Card

#24 FORGOTTEN ISLAND Required Ability/ies: Field, Reef, Mountain, Sea, Sky

“What a strange place for an island, Kupo.”

Actual Location:
It’s the island that’s located at the North of the Forgotten Continent. It
can be seen on the map. Its shape is like a Chocobo. Search in this island
and you’ll be able to get the Treasure.

Treasures Found:
1 Ribbon, 1 Rebirth Ring, 13 Amethyst, 1 Ark Card


Here’s a Map for your Convenience:
__ _____
___/ \ \__ \ N
/ \ __ \_| |
__ s/ __/ |__/ __v ___u W-o-E
/ \_/ __/ ____ _ / \_/ | |
| / __/ \__/ \ / / S
_/ | Lost / \_/ \
/ ____ f | Continent | e|\ \
/ / \___/ /\ \___// __ __/\ | \ |
|__/ || __/ | /i/ \____/ \ / | |
/ w ___\ \_| |/
_ | / Outer Continent
_ //g \_/
x\_/ t
__ _ __ /\____
___/ \__// / \ _/o \___
/_ |_/ _| / \
/p_ \ _____ / \_
|| \ \ ____/ \ | \
|| |Forgotten / ___/ d |__/ /
| h|Continent \ / c |
\ \ \_ \
|| | | q \ n \
\ \ \ / Mist /
r || \ m / / Continent /
|| | | \__ _ |
\_____ \__ \ | \ /
- \ \ | | \ /
| | | / j | _ / | /
- \ | ___| | \_a___/\____/ l /_/
\_\ \_/ / |
|\__ \b _| k
| \ _\ __\
\__| \______/
\ \
Place #/Char Continent
Streamside a Mist
Between Mountains b Mist
Uncultivated Land c Mist
Healing Shore d Mist
Abandoned Beach e Outer
Cold Field f Lost
Forgotten Lagoon g Forgotten
Faraway Lagoon h Forgotten
Abandoned Lagoon i Outer
Bird’s Eye Lagoon j Mist
Small Beach k Mist
Dawn Lagoon l Mist
Dusk Plains m Forgotten
Forbidden Forest n Mist
Green Plains o Mist
Forgotten Plains p Forgotten
Sea at Dusk q Forgotten
Ocean r Forgotten
Cold Lagoon s Lost
Mist Ocean t Mist and Outer
Outer Island u Outer
Outer Island 2 v Outer
Fairy Island w Outer
Forgotten Island x Forgotten

There are also Chocograph pieces which when collected, you’ll be able to make
a complete Chocograph.


Ability List
Unlike in previous Final Fantasies, you only have one Chocobo in this game
and he is named Choco. He will learn abilities by going into the Chocobo
Dreamworld. To enter the Dreamworld, some Chocographs are needed. Once you
find an actual location, Choco will sleep and enter the Dreamworld
(explanation on Chocograph below). Now, here are the abilities that your
Chocobo can acquire, their color and the description:

Ability How to Acquire Color Description
Field You’ll get this automatically Yellow can dig on land
Reef Locate the “Healing Shores” Blue can cross shallow waters
Chocograph /rivers
Mountain Locate the “Dawn Lagoon” Red can go over mountains
Sea Locate the “Green Plains” D. Blue can cross the ocean
Sky Locate the “Mist Ocean” Gold Choco can Fly!

Dead Peppers
Dead Peppers increase the ability of the Chocobo for a short period of time.
And the ability that will be enhanced depends on what Choco is doing. Here’s
the list so that you can understand it better.

- if you use a Dead Pepper while the Chocobo is on the ground, it will dig
rapidly. If you’re beside a crack on a mountain, the crack will open and
you’ll receive treasures. (Check Chocobo’s Paradise Treasures for more info).

- if you use a Dead Pepper while the Chocobo is in the water, it will jump up
and dig way down to the ocean floor. If you dig on water with foam or
bubbles, you’ll receive treasures. (Check Chocobo’s Paradise Treasures for
more info).

- if you use a Dead Pepper while the Chocobo is flying, it will fly up high
in the sky. You can use this ability to reach the Chocobo’s Air Garden.

Now, where do I get those Dead Peppers? It’s easy. You can dig lots of them
at the Chocobo’s Lagoon or the Chocobo’s Air Garden. Then, if you managed to
reach the Chocobo’s Paradise, the Chocobo to the left of the Fat Chocobo will
give you all of his Dead Peppers (making it 99 in your inventory) but, you
must find all Chocograph locations first.

that’s all for the Chocobo guide. I hope you understood how it is done. Just
tell me if you don’t understand and I’ll try my best to explain it to you.
Happy Hunting!


There are a total of 6 Chocograph Pieces that you can get. 5 of them will
give you clues as to where the Chocobo Air Garden can be located. Remember
that, the Air Garden changes location after 2 instances. First, after
visiting it and re-entering the world map. Second, loading the game again.
Here they are and their descriptions. Remember that, these tell you where the
shadows of the Air Garden are so that you can use the Dead Pepper to be able
to go there.

Upper Left Portion

“There... danger in the sky.
If you dar... to face it, use this
Rec... to find your way.”

- Just an introduction. Tells you that there’s danger in the sky and it
really means, Chocobo’s Air Garden. Why danger? It’s Ozma.

Upper Middle Portion

“Tho... who do not fear death,
find one... the islands
in salvage...
See what lies there.”

- Find One Island in Salvage Archipelago. It’s an island with a forest to the
northwest of the island where there are Chocobo Tracks.

Upper Right Portion

“Courageous one,
head southea.. on
the outer... to reach
Kuentis Peninsula.
See what lies there.”

- it’s to the south of the Earth Shrine.

Bottom Left Portion

“Noble one,
head northea... the
mist continent... reach
Alexandria plains.
See what lies there.”

- Go northeast of Alexandria, near the Alexandria Harbor and you’ll see the
shadow of the Air Garden on the plains (greens).

Bottom Middle Portion

Head to the ocean
In the center... all
See what awaits you.”

- In the center of the world map. It’s on the ocean so try your best to see
the shadow.

Bottom Right Portion

“Cautious one...
head to the east
of ...aways canyon on the
forgotten continent...
See what lies there.”

- this location is located just to the east of Ipsen’s Castle at the
Forgotten continent.

Final Fantasy IX(tm)
is a registered trade mark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd.

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are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America

The Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough/FAQ
(Part 1 of 2)
Copyright November 2000
“A” Tadeo

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30. December 2013
13. December 2013
01. December 2014
11.February 2016
04.March 2019
24.February 2018