Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy

25.09.2013 21:14:45
Version 1.1 (3/22/99)


Table of Contents
I. Intro
II. Revision History
III. The Classes
IV. The Walkthrough
V. Weapon List
VI. Armor List
VII. Magic List
VIII. Monster List

I. Intro

Hello there, brave adventurer! Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough, created for one
of the best RPGs available for the NES. For most of this information, I
consulted Nintendo Power's Players Guide to Final Fantasy. Some of the material
contained in that book is wrong, so I tried my best to correct any errors.
However, in the course of reading this, you find a mistake or omission, please
don't hesitate to email me at and I will revise this
document. Thanks and enjoy!

II. Revision History

Version 1.1 (3/22/99) - Grazer ( sent me a couple of cool
tricks for quickly gaining experience.

Version 1.0 (10/24/97) - First release.

III. The Classes

1) Fighter -> Knight

Definitely the most powerful character at the beginning of the game, he will
continue to be a major force throughout it. He also has the most HP out of any
of the classes. He can use almost every weapon and armor (with a couple of
exceptions), and when he becomes a Knight, he can use White Magic up to Level 3.
An excellent choice for a character.

2) Black Belt -> Master

Although he will start off weak, as he develops in levels he will become
exponentially more powerful. When he reaches level 7 or 8, you should STOP
equipping him with weapons, because his fists and feet will begin to do much
more damage and hit more often. By the end of the game, he'll be even more
powerful than the Fighter. Drawbacks include no magic whatsoever and just
decent armor. Another really good choice.

3) Thief -> Ninja

You'll find the Thief to be pretty useless, as he can't use much weapons and
armor and no magic at all. However, upon his transformation into a Ninja, he
becomes an amazing character. All of a sudden, he can use just about any
weapons or armor, and he can learn Black Magic up to Level 4. If you can live
through the time when he's just a Thief, you'll be definitely rewarded when he
becomes a Ninja. It's up to you.

4) Red Mage -> Red Wizard

A really interesting fellow. You might say he's a hybrid Fighter/White
Mage/Black Mage. He has good fighting ability, plus he can use magics from both
types, so he is definitely the most versatile character. However, his
transformation into a Red Wizard isn't very significant, as you will find that
he can only go up to a certain point in weapons, White Magic, and Black Magic.
However, he can learn the spell of Exit, which makes him a good choice if you
don't have a White Mage/Wizard.

5) White Mage -> White Wizard

One of the two pure magic users in the game. He learns all White Magic spells,
and his ability as both a healer and protector against bosses is extremely
valuable. However, he never learns to fight very well, and his armor is weak,
so against regular enemies he isn't much help. But he's the only other person
who can cast Exit, the most important magic, and his many protections spells
give him worth.

6) Black Mage -> Black Wizard

The other pure magic user. He learns all Black Magic spells, allowing him to
cast destructive forces upon groups of enemies. Sometimes he's even more
valuable than fighting people, for example when you encounter a group of enemies
who are all weak against one particular spell. He can't fight very well either
(although better than the White Mage), and he has little armor too, but you
probably want him in your party just because of all those nasty spells he can

So what kind of party is the "best"? In my opinion, it would consist of a
Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, and Black Mage. That way you have two powerful
fighters and two potent magic users. Other combinations work well, too, like
the default party. I would say the hardest combination to win with would be
four White Mages. If you can win the game with them, you are definitely a Final
Fantasy master.

And now without any further hesitation,


1. Coneria Castle

You all start off unarmed and weak. Immediately walk north into Coneria Castle.
Talking to the people there reveals that the Princess has been kidnapped, and
that the King is looking for the Light Warriors to come save her. Well, you are
those Light Warriors. The staircase that leads to the King's chamber is
directly north of the entrance to the castle. The King will tell you that
Garland has kidnapped the Princess, and you must save her. At the bottom left
of this floor, a guard will tell you that the Princess is held in a temple to
the northwest. You also find out from the wise men on the first floor that the
treasury has been locked and you will need a mystic Key to open it. Remember

2. Coneria Town

You don't get too much out of the townspeople at this point, except that a
prophet named Lukahn foretold the coming of the Light Warriors, and that he has
joined his colleagues at Crescent Lake. You also hear about the port town of
Pravoka to the east. Your next order of business is to get weapons, armor, and
magic. For weapons, the best choices are the Rapier for Fighters, Thieves, and
Red Mages, the Wooden Nunchuck for the Black Belt, the Iron Hammer for the White
Mage, and the Small Dagger for the Black Mage. For armor, buy the Chain Armor
for Fighters and Red Mages, the Wooden Armor for Thieves and Black Belts, and
the Cloth for White and Black Mages. Don't forget to equip your purchases!
With your remaining gold, buy some spells. You want Cure and Harm for the White
Mage and Fire and Lit for the Black Mage. The Red Mage can't use Harm, so have
him learn the other three spells. Of course, you don't have enough money for
all these spells right now, so what you need to do next is go out into the world
and fight.

3. Overworld

You're too weak right now to go storming into the Temple of Fiends, so it's time
to build up your levels and get some gold as well. Walk around on the green
grass just outside Coneria until you get attacked. Fight and defeat whatever
monsters attack; they shouldn't be too difficult. You'll fight mainly Imps and
Wolves, although perhaps you may encounter Madponies. Fight creatures until you
have enough money to buy the spells you haven't bought yet. You'll probably
advance one or two levels while doing this. When you finally have everything,
save your game at the Inn (it costs 30 gold) and prepare to head to the Temple
of Fiends. It's directly northwest of the town, and you won't get lost because
there's only one way to go. If you want, you can save up to buy a couple of
Tents (75 gold each), so you can save your game right outside the Temple, but
you don't have to.

4. Temple of Fiends

You start off at the bottom-center of the Temple. In the bottom-left is a Cap.
Give that to someone who doesn't have strong armor on. In the top-left is a
Cabin and a Heal Potion. In the top-right and bottom-right are locked doors,
which you will need that Mystic Key for.

You should use magic (especially Harm) on the monsters that are weak against it,
physical attacks on the rest of them. First, get the treasures you can. You
can use the Cabin you found to recharge your health and save your game before
fighting Garland if you want to. Remember that it doesn't recharge magic,
though, you would need to go back to Coneria and stay at the inn for that.
Garland is in the center room, which you must enter from the bottom. When you
talk to him, he insults you, and then attacks.

HP: 106

He's not very difficult, all he uses is physical attacks. Your fighting types
should just pound away on him. The White Mage should act as the healer,
utilizing the Cure Spell. The Black Mage should not fight, but instead use Fire
or Lit on Garland. If you don't have a Red or White Mage and someone gets hurt,
use the Heal Potion you found. When you beat him, talk to Princess Sara.
She'll thank you and then teleport you back to Coneria Castle.

5. Coneria Castle

Talk to the King. He'll tell you that he ordered a bridge built to the north,
allowing you access to the rest of this continent. Your journey now can truly
begin. Talk to the Princess. She will give you a Lute. What's it for? Well,
you'll find out much, much later. A man on the first floor will only tell you
that the Lute can break the evil gate. Well, that will be useful if you ever
encounter an evil gate. No one else has anything important to say, so leave and
go back to the town.

6. Coneria Town

An old woman tells you that north of Coneria lives a witch named Matoya and a
young lady will tell you that Matoya needs the Crystal to see because she has
poor eyesight. So now we know that Matoya's cave is to the north and Pravoka is
to the east. Let's go to Matoya's cave first. Save your game at the inn, buy
any supplies if you want, and then head out.

7. Overworld

A short distance north of Coneria is the bridge the King built. When you step
on it, you will see the credits for the game. No, the game's not over, it's
just beginning. Continue north, passing by the port in between the two mountain
ranges. Then travel through the forest, around the river, and you'll see a
cave. This is Matoya's cave.

8. Matoya's cave

You'll see a broom outside the room. Talk to it and it will say "TCELES B
HSUP". Read that message backwards. Go in the room and get the two Heal
Potions and Pure Potion on the left side (you can walk over the skulls). Now go
around Matoya's desk and talk to her. She will tell you that she has been
blinded because someone has stolen her Crystal. Should you get it back for her
or not? Maybe the answer lies in Pravoka, to the east.

9. Overworld

When you get outside, hold B and push Select (the message the broom told you).
Presto! The World Map appears. The flashing crosshair is your location, and
the flashing dots are places of interest. To get to Pravoka, head back down
through the forest and around the river again and go east at the mountains.
There are stronger enemies in this area, and if you feel you aren't strong
enough to fight someone, run away. You'll pass through a small desert and some
more forest. Follow it south until you find the town of Pravoka.

10. Pravoka

The man with the mohawk will tell you that this town has been invaded by
pirates, which explains why the streets are deserted. Before confronting the
pirates, head directly north to the Inn (50 gold) to heal and save. If you have
the gold, you can buy better weapons for the battle with the pirates, but don't
worry if you can't because they're easy to beat. Talk to the pirate on the left
side of the town and he will order his crew to attack you.

Pirate HP: 6

There are nine pirates, but they are easily beaten. Just be careful of them
ganging up one guy. You'll get 360 gold from this battle, useful indeed. Talk
to the pirate after you've beaten his crew, and he'll relinquish his Ship. Now
you can take to the seas. The townspeople are now out of hiding. You'll learn
that ships can stop only at ports, but there aren't any ports in the northern
part of the world. So how do you get there? You'll find out later. You'll also
learn that there are Elves across the sea, and their prince is under a sleeping
spell and needs Matoya's Herb. So, it would seem like you need to help Matoya
find her Crystal before you can get the Herb. But where's the Crystal? Looks
like we need to talk to the Elves. But not just yet. First you need to buy
weapons, armor, and magic. Here is what to buy:

Fighter - Short Sword (550), Iron Armor (800), Wooden Shield (15), Gloves (60)
Black Belt - Gloves (60)
Thief - Scimitar (200), Gloves (60)
Red Mage - Short Sword (550), Gloves (60), Mute (400), Alit (400), Ice (400)
White Mage - Gloves (60), Mute (400), Alit (400), Invs (400)
Black Mage - Gloves (60), Ice (400), Slow (400)

It will take quite a bit of time to buy everything, so you need to go out and
fight. You can either fight land enemies or sea enemies. It's your choice.

11. Overworld

The sea enemies yield more experience and gold than the land enemies, plus most
of them are weak against the lightning spells, so they're probably a better
choice to build yourself up with. However, they're also quite powerful so they
might cause you some trouble at this stage. When you've got everything you
need, set sail. This body of water that you're in is the Aldi Sea. If you
check your map you'll see that it's enclosed (for now). Head south along the
coastline until you reach the shore on the south side. Then head west until you
see a port. Directly south of this port through the forest is the village and
castle of Elfland.

12. Elfland Castle

Talking to the people here reveals that someone named Astos attacked the castle,
putting the Prince under a sleeping curse. The only thing that can wake him is
Matoya's Herb. You also hear about the Cave of Dwarf on the west side of the
Aldi Sea. If you go around the right edge of the castle, you'll find the
treasury. Of course, it's been locked with the mystic Key.

13. Elfland Town

The townspeople here tell you that Astos is the Dark Elf. He wears a disguise
and secludes himself. Someone tells you there is an ancient castle to the
northwest with a spooky air about it. You also gain information about weapons
and armor, namely that those of silver are very powerful. Your next destination
should be the Dwarf Cave. Don't worry about the weapons, armor, magic, and
items in Elfland just yet. You're going to be coming back here right after this
trip. Save your game at the Inn and then go back to your ship.

14. Overworld

Go west along the coast and then turn to the north and hug that coast. Along
the way, notice a tiny little strip of land on the west side that seems to be
blocking passage to the west. Remember where that is. Keep going north until
you find a port. The Dwarf Cave is just a little ways to the southwest.

15. Dwarf Cave

There are quite a few dwarves walking around here to talk to. A couple of them
inform you that Astos also stole Matoya's Crystal. It seems this Astos guy is a
troublemaker and we should do something about him. When you talk to the
blacksmith, he'll tell you that he'll make you a legendary sword, but he
requires Adamant. The dwarf named Nerrick is digging a canal, but he needs TNT
to finish it. Someone also tells you about something called a Floater, which,
not surprisingly, makes things float. You also find out another important fact
about armor, and that is that bracelets protect you as well as regular armor
does. It is more advantageous to wear a bracelet because it doesn't weigh you
down like heavy armor does. Therefore, you get the protection without your
evade % suffering. Useful indeed. The last clue you get is that the earth is
rotting in the west. Perhaps that has something to do with the town of Melmond
you heard about earlier? You won't be able to go there yet until Nerrick
finishes his canal. The room directly north of the stairs has 1025 gold in it.
Cool! But the room to the far south is locked with that elusive mystic Key. So
you still have some unanswered questions, like where to find the stuff the
Dwarves mention, but all will be revealed in time. So you know you have to
explore that castle the Elf mentioned, but first you need to upgrade yourself
again. It's time to return to Elfland.

16. Elfland Town

ote: From this point on, I'm not going to tell you what weapons and armor to
buy. The reason why I'm doing this is because once you start exploring all the
caves and dungeons and such, you'll find lots of treasure, some of it weapons
and armor. You will find things that are better than what can you buy in a
town. You should always try to have the best equipment, so keep track of how
strong something is, and upgrade it in a town if necessary.

It's going to take quite a long time to get everything this town has to offer.
The Level 3 magic you should get is Cur2, Afir, and Fir2 for Red Mages, Cur2 and
Afir for White Mages, and Fir2 and Lit2 for Black Mages. The Level 4 magic you
should get is Aice, Fast, and Ice2 for Red Mages, Pure and Aice for White Mages,
and Fast and Ice2 for Black Mages. This is also the first point in the game
when you're going to have start buying items. You'll need Heal Potions for the
dungeons, and Pure Potions for the poisonous creatures running around. Soft
Potions aren't really necessary just yet, but will be at some point. The House
will recharge both your HP and magic, but it's quite a blow to your wallet. So
looks like you've got some work to do, so get to it!

"Northeast of Pravoka there is a thin penninsula that, due to a bug in the
game, allows you to fight enemies from the northern continent. it only works
on the very tip of the two space wide penninsula and the enemies are rather
strong, but if you are on at least lv 9 or 10 and you have the spells FIR2 and
HRM2 you can beat them." - Grazer

17. Overworld

While you're building yourself up, stick with the grassland in front of Elfland.
You'll run into Ogre/Creep combinations frequently. They become much easier
once you gain the Fir2 spell. This is going to take a bit of time, so you must
be patient. When you're finally done getting everything, you should be at least
Level 10. It's time to check out the Northwest Castle. Go west until you see a
space between two mountain ranges. Travel northwest through the forest until
you see a small river and lake. At that point, go north and you'll find the
castle. Make sure you've got some Pure Potions before you take this trip in
case you get poisoned on the journey.

18. Northwest Castle

The castle halls are deserted except for a few bats. Bats? Hmmm...the center
room has a lone king on his throne. He informs you that Astos double-crossed
him, stealing his Crown and taking it to the Cave of Marsh. The king wants you
to retrieve it for him. Well, okay, since you don't have any other leads, it
looks like you're going to have to do this. You also notice another treasury in
this castle, but surprise! It's locked too.

19. Overworld

The Cave of Marsh is directly south of the Northwest Castle. It will be your
first real test in this game. Before you enter it, make sure you've got at
least 50 Heal Potions and 15 Pure Potions. You can bring more if you think
you'll need them. You could also bring a couple Houses along if you want to,
but Houses are expensive. If you're strong enough, you can get all the treasure
in one trip, so Houses wouldn't be necessary. Go back and get your supplies in
Elfland, and save the game. To reach the Cave of Marsh from Elfland, go back to
where the river and lake was. Instead of going north, go west through a space
between mountain ranges, and then turn and go south through some swampland.
You'll spot a hole in the ground. This is the Cave of Marsh.

20. Cave of Marsh

1st floor - You start in the center of this floor. You can go either north,
south, or east. North and south leads to stairs, east a dead end. The north
stairs lead down to the second floor and some treasure rooms. The south stairs
also lead down to some treasure rooms, and the stairs down to the third floor.
Take the north stairs first, then go back and take the south stairs.

2nd floor (north stairs) -

Northwest room: 680 gold
Northeast room: Large Dagger
Southwest room: 620 gold, Short Sword

2nd floor (south stairs) - None of the treasure boxes contain anything, so just
head right to the stairs to the 3rd floor in the southeasternmost corner of this

3rd floor - This floor has 16 rooms in a 4 x 4 layout.

1st row, 1st room - Iron Armor
1st row, 4th room - 295 gold
2nd row, 1st room - Copper Bracelet
2nd row, 2nd room - House
3rd row, 2nd room - Crown (battle with Wizards)
3rd row, 3rd room - 385 gold
3rd row, 4th room - Nothing

The 4th row rooms are all locked. When you've cleared out what you can, head
back outside.

21. Overworld

Before you return the Crown to that nameless king, go back to Elfland to heal
and save and sell off the stuff you found in the Cave of Marsh. Once that's
done, go to Northwest Castle.

22. Northwest Castle

Talk to the nameless king. Oh gosh! It turns out it was Astos disguised all
along. You've got a fight on your hands.

HP: 168
Magic: Rub, Slo2, Fast, Fir2, Lit2, Slow, Dark, Slep

That Rub spell of his is dangerous. Fortunately, he only uses it once. If it
hits someone, it kills them instantly. He's also quite resistant to weapons.
Your fighting people should attack, of course. Whoever you designate as the
healer (either Red or White Mage) should cast Mute on Astos as soon as possible,
hopefully before he can get that killer Rub spell off. Once he's silenced, you
only have to worry about his physical attacks. Use Cur2 when he attacks
someone. The Black Mage is important because Astos doesn't have much resistance
to magic so whip out your best attacking spells. Fast can also be useful to the
fighting people. When you win, you'll get back Matoya's Crystal.

23. Overworld

Return to Elfland to heal and save (and resurrect anyone who got wasted by Rub).
Then head back to your ship and sail north towards Matoya's cave. Remember the
port you passed by on the way there the first time? Dock at that one. You can
get there by going right underneath the bridge.

24. Matoya's Cave

In return for giving her the Crystal back, she'll give you a Herb which can wake
the Prince of Elfland. Do I need to tell you where to go now?

25. Elfland Castle

Talk to the assistant guarding the Prince, and he will give him the Herb. The
Prince, awakened, will now give you the Mystic Key, like the legend said.
Hooray! Now you can open all those locked doors. There were a lot of them,
weren't there? Plus, the townspeople and the Dwarves will also tell you some
more information, so make sure to talk to everyone again. Here's a list of
where all the locked doors were: Coneria Castle Treasury, Temple of Fiends,
Elfland Castle Treasury, Dwarf Cave, Northwest Castle Treasury, Marsh Cave. Go
get the treasure! Here's what's where:

Elfland Castle Treasury: Silver Hammer, Copper Gauntlet, 730 gold
Coneria Castle Treasury: Iron Armor, Iron Shield, TNT, Iron Staff, Sabre,
Silver Dagger
Temple of Fiends: Rune Sword, Were Sword, Soft Potion
Dwarf Cave: Cabin, Iron Helmet, Dragon Sword, Silver Knife, Wooden Helmet,
Silver Armor, House, 575 gold
Northwest Castle Treasury: Power Staff, Falchion, Iron Gauntlet
Marsh Cave: Silver Bracelet, Silver Knife, 1020 gold

When you've cleared out all the places and sold off all the junk you don't need,
you should have quite a bit of gold now. The TNT you found in Coneria is to be
given to the Dwarf Nerrick, so he can finish his canal. Remember the little
strip of land blocking passage to the west? That will be gone now and you can
exit the Aldi Sea. Someone in Elfland mentions another rumor, that an Airship
is buried somewhere. Your next destination is to the west and the town of
Melmond. It's right next to the first port you see when you go west.

26. Melmond

There is a lot of new information here in Melmond. You hear about the Titan,
the Vampire, the Earth Cave, and Sarda. It goes like this. The Vampire, who
lives in the Earth Cave and attacked Melmond earlier, is stealing the power of
the earth, and must be defeated. This is also the first time someone mentions
something about the Orbs the Light Warriors possess. It is suggested that when
the Orb of Earth shines again, the earth will stop rotting. The Titan lives in
the tunnel, but must be given a Ruby before he will let you pass. Sarda, the
Sage, lives beyond the Titan's tunnel. You meet a character named Dr. Unne
who's exasperated that you haven't heard of him. You also hear that a
prosperous civilization used to exist in the northern world. And another clue -
the ancient people used a stone to make their ship float. Huh? Could that be
the Floater...floating the Airship? Interesting. But first we have to take
care of the Vampire. But before we can do that, we have to hang around Melmond
and build up money to buy the weapons, armor, and magic necessary. The magic to
buy is Cur3 and Fir3 for Red Mages, Cur3 and Life for White Mages, and Fir3 for
Black Mages. Note that there is no Item Shop in Melmond, so you will have to
return to either Elfland or Coneria to buy Heal Potions.

27. Overworld

All set? You should have 99 Heal Potions (in fact, you should always have 99 in
every dungeon from now on) and 20 or so Pure Potions. Again, Houses and Soft
Potions are optional, although there are Coctrices that can turn you to stone,
which is just like dying unless you have a Soft Potion. You are to now head for
the Earth Cave with the plan of defeating the Vampire. To get there, head west
from Melmond until you see grassland that leads south. Travel that way and
you'll find a mountain cave with a small swamp in front of it. This is the
Earth Cave.

28. Earth Cave

1st Floor - You see paths leading in all directions when you first enter.

North path: Treasure room with 1975 gold
West path: Hall of Giants (battles with Giants, not necessary)
Southeast path, then left: Treasure room with 880 gold and a Heal Potion
Southeast path, then right: Treasure room with 795 gold and a Pure Potion
East path: Stairs down to 2nd Floor

2nd Floor - You start in the northwest corner of this floor.

Northeastern room: Coral Sword, Cabin, 330 gold
South room: Wooden Shield, 5575 gold
Southeastern corner: Stairs down to 3rd Floor

3rd Floor - You start in the south-center of this floor.

Southeastern room: Tent
Eastern room: Heal Potion
Northern room: 3400 gold
Western room: 1020 gold
Center room: Vampire

HP: 156
Special Attacks: Dazzle(Stun)

He's not too difficult. His physical attacks are powerful, but easily countered
with Cur3. His Dazzle attack can be kind of a pain, but it's manageable. Your
fighting people do good damage, and your Mages should use Fire spells on him,
since he is a member of the undead, which also means Harm works, too. After a
short time, he'll be defeated. The treasure chest behind him contains the Ruby.
Just the thing for the Titan blocking the tunnel in the other cave. If you
continue on past this room, you'll find a Stone Plate that can't be moved (yet),
and you sense an evil presence radiating from beneath it. But first you have to
visit Sarda beyond the Titan's tunnel. So exit the Earth Cave.

29. Overworld

Return to Melmond to heal, save, and sell. The people notice that even though
the Vampire is gone, the earth still rots. It appears that there is another
source of evil to be defeated, the evil radiating from beneath the Stone Plate.
Sarda has more information, so you must travel through Titan's tunnel to find
him. It is as far west as you can go from Melmond.

30. Titan's Tunnel

When you talk to the Titan with the Ruby in your possession, he'll take it from
you, eat it (!), and then allow you free passage from now on. Go south first so
you can raid his treasury.

Titan's Treasury: Silver Helmet, Great Axe, 1070 gold

Then proceed north out of the cave. Sarda's cave is just south of where you

31. Sarda's cave

Talk to the old sage and he will give you the Rod. This is what to use on that
Stone Plate. Sarda tells you that deep inside you will find the cause of the
earth's rot. Well, time to head back to the Earth Cave and exterminate whatever
the threat is. But first, make sure your Heal Potions are replenished. Also,
take along a few Soft Potions this trip. You'll probably run into Coctrices and
you don't want to risk losing someone.

32. Earth Cave

Head back down to where the Stone Plate was. Use the Rod (by going to the Item
screen) and the plate will shatter, revealing a stairway. Go down.

4th Floor - You start on the eastern side of this floor.

Northern room: Wooden Staff, 11825 gold
Southwestern room: Silver Shield, Cabin, 1250 gold
Northwestern corner: Stairs down to 5th Floor

5th Floor - You start on the southern side of this floor.

Western room: Lich

When you approach and examine the Fiend's ball, it cracks open and Lich
materializes. He is the Fiend of the Earth, the one responsible for the Earth's

HP: 400
Magic: Ice2, Slp2, Fast, Lit2, Hold, Fir2, Slow, Slep

His physical attacks aren't too devastating. However, you should protect
yourself from his magic. Mute does not work on him; he's too powerful. So,
instead, cast your anti-elemental spells (Aice, Alit, Afir) to significantly
decrease the damage done by his attack spells. You should also use Fast on your
fighters so they can inflict more damage on Lich. Your Mages should never
attack because they will only do 1 damage. Just watch your HP and you should
have Lich beaten rather easily.

When you step on the altar in front of the teleporter, a gray light will rise
from the ground. This indicates that an Orb has regained its power. If you
check the menu screen, you'll see that your bottom-right Orb shines once again.
Three more to go! Touch the teleporter and you will be transported to the cave

33. Overworld

Head back to Melmond to heal, save, and sell. All right, so now what do you do?
If you look at the World Map, you'll see that there's an area east of Elfland
that you haven't been to yet. Because you're out of the Aldi Sea now, you can
go to any part of the world. However, the mohawk-haired man in Pravoka stated
that there were no ports in the northern part of the world. So therefore the
only place you can go is that area east of Elfland. Remember that the world is
round, so you can go west of Melmond to get to this area. Go around the Earth
Cave peninsula and sail west until you run into land. You should see a port.
Dock here and head southwest through grassland and forest and you should spot
the town of Crescent Lake.

34. Crescent Lake

At first, it looks like there are hardly any townspeople here. One of them is
sleeping. However, there's a little path going east behind the magic shops.
Follow it and you'll find the Circle of Sages. They have much to tell. They
explain that the Orbs have lost their power because the Fiends of Earth, Wind,
Fire, and Water have seized that power to aid them in their quest of world
destruction. 200 years ago, the Fiend of Wind and the Fiend of Water teamed up
to destroy civilization. Remember the clue about an ancient civilization that's
now in ruins? Perhaps the Fiends were the ones responsible? You also hear that
in the Gurgu Volcano awaits the Fiend of Fire. One of the Sages gives you a
Canoe which you can use to get to the Volcano. It's obvious your next task is
to destroy the Fiend of Fire. You finally meet Lukahn as well, who is now
certain that the prophecy regarding the Light Warriors shall be fulfilled. In a
somewhat eccentric sense, the Sages say that they will reveal more secrets as
you restore power to the Orbs. Therefore, you will need to visit them
repeatedly. Well, of course, before you head to the Volcano, you need to do the
usual routine of buying stuff. The magic you want is Inv2 for White Mages and
Lit3 and Rub for Black Mages. Red Mages can't buy any magic here. When you get
promoted to Wizards (later on), you should return and buy Exit because it allows
you to escape any dungeon, very important indeed.

35. Overworld

To reach the Gurgu Volcano, follow these directions on your Canoe. Take the
direction indicated when you come to a fork in the river: west, north, east,
west, west. After paddling a long way to the west, you'll see a forest with the
Volcano in the middle, surrounded by water.

36. Gurgu Volcano

1st floor - Throughout this volcano, there are lava squares which take 1 HP from
each party member every time you step on them. In most cases, they're
unavoidable, so you're just going to have to suck it up and take the damage.
You start on the east side of this floor. Go straight west to find the stairs
down to the 2nd floor.

2nd floor - Enter the door right next to you. This leads to a very large room
with lots of treasure. Go north until you can go west. Get the Silver Helmet
in the treasure chest. Go south to find another chest with 1520 gold. Go back
north until you're above the first chest. You have a choice of going left or
right. Go left to find a chest with the Giant Sword. Then head back and take
the right path to find 4150 gold in the next chest. Head north as far as you
can go, then go west until you spot two chests. The path that leads down to the
right of them leads to them. They contain 1545 gold. Head south to find a room
with a truckload of chests. They contain 2 Silver Helmets, a Silver Shield, a
Silver Axe, a Cabin, 2 Heal Potions, a Pure Potion and 6710 gold. Wow! Then
take one of the doors back to the room with the lava and go all the way to the
west to find the stairs down to the 3rd floor.

3rd floor - Just head east to find the stairs down to the 4th floor.

4th floor - You start in the northwest section of the floor. The stairs are in
the southeast corner. Try to minimize how much lava you walk on. The stairs
actually lead to a different part of the 3rd floor.

3rd floor B - You start in the northeast corner of the floor. Walk south, west,
south, and west to find the stairs down to 4th floor B.

4th floor B - Enter the door right next to you to find a treasure room with a
Soft Potion and 2750 gold. Go west and south to find a treasure room with 1760
gold. Go north and west to find a lucrative treasure room with the Flame
Shield, Ice Sword, a Pure Potion, and 8220 gold. Go back to the second room and
go south and east to find a room with 165 gold. Then head north and east to
find a room with a House and 2000 gold. Go back to the previous room and head
south and east to find a room with a Wooden Staff and 1250 gold. Then head and
south and west to find the stairs down to the 5th floor.

5th floor - You start in the center of the floor.

Western room: Flame Armor (guarded by Red Dragon)
Southwestern room: Kary

HP: 600
Magic: Fir2, Dark, Hold

What Kary lacks in magic, she makes up for in physical strength. If she attacks
someone other than a Fighter, they will be hit for probably over 200 damage. So
you should cast Inv2 to help lessen Kary's blows, and Afir to counteract her
Fir2 spell. Fast should be employed on the fighting people because Kary's armor
is very strong. Strangely, Ice spells do NOT work well on Kary at all. In
fact, none of the elemental spells do. Just pound away and use Cur3 on anyone
who gets the crap kicked out of them. When she's defeated, move forward and
touch the Altar to restore the glow to the second Orb. Then step on the
teleporter to get out of this place.

37. Crescent Lake

Go back to Crescent Lake to heal, save, and sell. You've probably got lots of
junk, and when you're through selling it all, you should be loaded. That's
good, because things will start getting really expensive. You won't get too
much new information out of the Sages (kind of contrary to what they said
before), but the fellow who was sleeping will tell you that the Floater is in
the Ice Cave to the north. Cool!

38. Overworld

So how does one reach the Ice Cave? Well, there's no river leading from
Crescent Lake to it. You'll have to take another river. Head back to your
ship. Directly north of the port you docked in is a mini-lake with a port and
the mouth of a river. You have to weigh anchor in the mouth and use the Canoe
to go inland. Then follow these directions to get to the Ice Cave: north,
east, west, west. There'll be a path of grassland and then the opening to the

39. Ice Cave

1st floor - The path takes you east and then comes back west and leads to the
stairs down to the 2nd floor.

2nd floor - You start in the northeast corner of the floor. The stairs down to
the 3rd floor are in the southwest corner.

3rd floor - The stairs to 2nd floor B are right there.

2nd floor B - Circle around and enter the treasure room. There are two treasure
chests which you can get and one surrounded by holes. Guess what's in that
chest? So, how do you get to it? Which hole should you enter? Fall through
the one just right of the inaccessible chest. You'll fall to 3rd floor B.

3rd floor B - You land in a room full of undead monsters. Going west from this
room leads to a treasure room with a Silver Gauntlet and Ice Armor. Note that
there are "cold squares" on this floor which are like the lava squares of the
volcano. Head all the way south and then go west to find a treasure room with
40780 gold! Then head east to find the stairs back up to the first floor.

1st floor - Enter the door right next to you to find a room with a chest
containing a Heal Potion. Exit and enter the door south of you to find a chest
with 10000 gold. Go east to find a room with a Tent, Ice Shield, and 9500 gold.
There's also a hole here. Fall through it and you'll end up back on 2nd floor B
between the holes, able to reach the chest.

2nd floor B - You'll have to fight an Eye before you can get the chest. In the
chest is...the Floater! Fall through the hole again and go back to the 1st
floor. East of the room with the hole in it is the stairs leading out.

40. Overworld

Sail back to Crescent Lake to heal, save, and sell. Okay, so now what are you
supposed to do with the Floater? Well, I'm going to save you some wandering
around and tell you that the clue is in Elfland. One of the elves there tells
you that in the desert south of the crescent, you must use the Floater. Why, he
must mean the Ryukhan Desert, south of Crescent Lake. So go there, walk into
the middle of the desert, say "Abracadabra" (no, just kidding), and use the
Floater on your Item screen. Ta-daah! The Airship rises! This thing is really
really fast. You may now go anywhere, anytime. where do you want
to go? How about the whole northern world, since we couldn't get there before?
There's just one catch to using the Airship, and that is it can only land on
grass or plains. This means that sometimes you will have to land it in a remote
field and hike to your destination. But what is your destination? There's lots
to explore, but you won't be able to go everywhere just yet. Look at your map.
There's a group of islands between the two deserts in the north. That's where
you should head next. Or, you could do this:

"In the Ice Cave, right before you walk into the treasure chest to get the
Floater, you fight an Eye. You may
notice that its only attacks are instant death spells. What you do is, after
you get the airship, you go to the town of Gaia and buy Prorings for your
characters. These protect against ALL instant death spells.(beware though,
they cost 20,000 each. If you can afford them, by all means, get them; they
will pay for themselves. Now go to the Ice Cave and attack the Eye. He has
only 162 HP, so one or two slashes from your fighter should take care of him by
now, and killing him will net you 3225 exp and 3225 g. Then just back up and do
it again. At the rate of four battles a minute you can have paid for the rings
in about 20 minutes, not to mention the almost 10,000 exp each warrior
recieved during that time. This is the very best way of gaining game finishing
levels." - Grazer

41. Cardia Islands

On each island, there is a cave. Inside each cave there are treasures and
dragons. Dragons? Don't worry, they are friendly. Many of them talk about
tests and courage. One of them mentions that there used to be palaces and
mechanical castles in the north. One of the caves is a long hallway which leads
to the King of Dragons, Bahamut. He tells you that if you can return to him
with proof of your courage, he will grant you the honor due true warriors.
Another dragon tells you that the test of courage takes place in the Castle of
Ordeal to the northeast, where proof of courage can be found. But what is that
proof? None of the dragons say. In fact, that is part of the test, to go
inside the Castle and bring back what you find. So that's your next task.

42. Overworld

Fly just a bit to the northeast and you will see the Castle of Ordeal,
surrounded by swamps and forests. So where are you supposed to land the
Airship? Far to the east, there's a grass field. You have to land there and
then trudge through desert, forest, and swamp to reach the Castle. Oh, and make
sure you've got 99 Heal Potions before you enter. It's dangerous.

43. Castle of Ordeal

1st floor - The sage in the center tells you that you need the Crown to test
your courage. Well, you have that. He says to take it to the royal throne, and
bring back proof of your courage. In the northwest corner is the royal throne.
When you step on it, you get transported to the 2nd floor.

2nd floor - This is a semi-confusing trial and error puzzle. Touching the poles
transports you elsewhere on the floor. The object is to find the correct
sequence so as to lead to you to the stairs to the 3rd floor. Exit the room
you're in and touch the pole (1). Touch the next pole (2). Then choose the
bottom pole (3). Touch the next pole (4). Choose the bottom pole (5). Walk
down the hall and touch the next pole (6). Choose the right pole (7). Walk
right and enter the room to find a chest with the Zeus Gauntlet. Then touch the
bottom-most pole (8) to enter the room with the stairs.

3rd floor - You start in the southeast corner of the floor.

Northeast room: Heal Staff
Northwest room: Gold Bracelet, Ice Sword, Iron Gauntlet
Southwest room: House, 8795 gold
Center room: Tail

The Tail is the proof of your courage. Strange, but true. Step on the throne
in the room and you will be transported back to the 1st floor, and can exit.

44. Overworld

Go back to Bahamut. He rewards your courage by changing all of you to a higher
class. Hooray, now you actually look like adults! A good thing to do now would
be to go back and buy the magic you couldn't buy before (like Exit). It is
definitely useful. Once that's done, you should now explore the towns in this
part of the world. There are three: Gaia, Onrac, and Lefein. Gaia is
northeast of the large eastern desert. Onrac is east of the western desert.
Lefein is southeast of the eastern desert. However, if you try to go to Lefein
right now, you won't get anything at all out of it because all of the
townspeople speak Lefeinish, an ancient language. Go to Gaia first.

45. Gaia

You learn much from the townspeople here. The fairy at the spring has been
kidnapped. The pirate who kidnapped her put her in a Bottle and sold her to a
caravan. She is the only one who can draw a material called Oxyale from the
spring. Also, someone mentions that the city south of here (Lefein) speaks a
strange language, but there was a professor who studied it. The tower in the
middle of the Yahnikurm Desert (the large eastern one) is thought to be a
mirage. A people called the Sky Warriors flew about from a castle in the sky.
And one more thing, someone saw a shining object fly towards the east. Wow.
Information overload. You need to buy the stuff for sale in this town, but it's
all really expensive. Unfortunately, the monsters in this area don't really
give much Gold. However, in the dungeons coming up, you'll find so much
treasure that you can easily come back here and buy what you need after clearing
them out. So, buy what you can. The Level 7 magic you want is Cur4 and Hrm4
for the White Wizard, and Ice3 and Brak for the Black Wizard. The Red Wizard
can only learn Ice3. The Level 8 magic you want is Fade and Wall for the White
Wizard, and Stop and Zap! for the Black Wizard. The Red Wizard can't learn any
Level 8 magic. When you're done here, it's time to explore Onrac.

46. Onrac

The people here tell you a lot about this town's history, that it was protected
by the Mermaids who lived in the Shrine. Then, 200 years ago, the Water Fiend
came and sank the Shrine, leaving the Mermaids' fate unknown. One of the people
has created a submarine to go underneath the sea to find the Mermaids, but it
needs Oxyale to run. You meet the daughter of the caravan master, who is having
a sale at the oasis in the western desert. You also meet Dr. Unne's brother,
who tells you his brother is the professor who studied Lefeinish, the language
of the Sky Warriors. Dr. Unne needs a Slab to be able to teach the language.
There is also another rumor of the shining object, as a man named Kope tells you
that it was a robot that fell near the waterfall north of this town. More
information overload. The next thing to do is to go to the western desert and
meet the caravan master. You don't need to buy anything in this town.

47. Overworld

Go to the river and canoe south and west until you reach the swampland. Walk
north and you'll find the desert. The caravan is in the northern section of
this desert. The master has for sale a "Bottle" priced at 50,000 gold. Ouch!
But, the pirate said he bottled Gaia's fairy and sold her to a caravan, so this
GAIA'S SPRING. If you do, the fairy will fly away and you'll have wasted 50,000
gold. So fly back to Gaia now.

48. Gaia

Stand next to the pond and use the Bottle. The fairy will appear and give you
Oxyale. Now you can use the submarine in Onrac. So go back there now.

49. Onrac

Make sure your supplies are replenished, and your game is saved. Then talk to
the person who was blocking the submarine. You can pass because you have
Oxyale. Touching the submarine transports you to the Sea Shrine.

50. Sea Shrine

3rd floor - This is where you start, in the bottom-center. Take the stairs up

Western room: 9900 gold
Eastern room: 2000 gold
Northwestern corner: Stairs down to 2nd floor
Northeastern corner: Stairs up to 4th floor

4th floor - You start in the northeast corner. Walk south and west (ignoring
the first room you see) to find a room with 20 gold. Then walk northwest to
find a room with Opal Armor. Walk south as far as you can to find a room with
the Light Axe. Then walk east and take the upper path to find a room with the
Mage Staff. Then go back and take the lower path to find a room with 12350 gold
and also the stairs up to the 5th floor.

5th floor - There's a bunch of little rooms with treasure and the Mermaids can
also be found here. Talk to each one of them. You learn that the Fiend of
Water, Kraken lives on the bottom (1st) floor of this shrine. Also, you get a
clue about the Mirage Tower (the one in the Yahnikurm Desert). To unlock it,
the Lefeinish people used a musical tone. Perhaps that's why people think it's
a mirage, because they don't know its secret. Among the numerous treasures you
will get on this floor (including lots of Opal stuff), you will get the Slab
that Dr. Unne needs. Now if you return to him, you can learn the Lefeinish
language. But first, we need to take care of Kraken. Go back down to the 3rd
floor and take the stairs down to the 2nd floor.

2nd floor - You start in the southeast corner of this floor. The stairs down to
3rd floor B are in the northeast corner.

3rd floor B - Take the stairs up to 4th floor B.

4th floor B - Take the stairs down to 3rd floor C.

3rd floor C - The chests in the room contain 560 gold. The stairs down to 2nd
floor B are just outside the south exit of this room.

2nd floor B - You start on the east side of this floor. Walk west until you
reach an intersection, then go south and east to find a room with 15825 gold.
Then walk as far west as you can to find a room with a Power Gauntlet and 5835
gold. Then walk to the north to find a room with a Light Axe. Walk to the east
to find a room with a Ribbon and 19990 gold. Finally, walk northwest to find
the stairs down to the 1st floor.

1st floor - You start in the southeast corner of this floor. Walk west until
you see a path going north. Then walk north until you see another path going
west. Follow this path to reach a room. Work your way through this room to the
other exit and then follow the path to reach the room with Kraken.

HP: 800
Magic: Lit2
Special Attack: Ink (Dark)

Kraken's physical strength is a threat (up to 8 hits per attack!), so use Inv2
to help you lessen that. Getting blinded by Ink can be annoying, but don't
worry to much about it. If you have Lamp you can remove the darkness. Use Alit
to counter Lit2, Fast to boost the fighting people, and Cur4 on anyone hurt.
Lit3 is a very effective attack spell to utilize. In a short time, Kraken will
be defeated. Do the usual - touch the altar to restore the Orb, and touch the
transporter to go back to Onrac.

51. Onrac

Now that you have the Slab, you can return to Dr. Unne in Melmond. But before
you do that, remember the clue about a robot in the waterfall to the north?
That's where you should go now. You'll get something very important.

52. Overworld

Go back to the river next to Onrac and canoe north until you find the waterfall,
then enter it. Make sure you've got supplies, though.

53. Waterfall

You start in the southeast corner of the maze. Follow these directions for when
you come to forks in the path: west, north, west, west, then walk all the way
south. Inside the room is the Robot, who gives you the Cube, which he says will
allow you to transfer to the Floating Castle. Huh? Is that the one the Sky
Warriors used? Take the treasure in the room and then use Exit to get out. Now
it's time to go visit Dr. Unne.

54. Overworld

Go talk to Dr. Unne in Melmond and he will teach you the language of the
Lefeinish. You may now converse with the inhabitants of Lefein. So you should
next head for Lefein. There's only one problem. You can't land anywhere near
it. There's a tiny little patch of grass far to the north (next to the
mountains at the right side of the desert) and you have to land there and go far
to the south to reach the town. There's no way around it. Sorry, but that's
the way it is. You could rationalize it by saying you gain lots of experience
by fighting monsters all the way to town. :)

55. Lefein

This is the ancient prosperous civilization, now in ruins because Tiamat, the
Fiend of the Wind, took the Power of the Wind and inhabited the Floating Castle,
which is where the Lefeinish ancestors lived. The entrance to the Floating
Castle is the Mirage Tower, which you can enter with the Chime. Someone will
give you that Chime so you can enter it. The Lefeinish sent their five bravest
Sky Warriors to combat Tiamat, but they never returned. The Airship you have
was theirs. The robot you saw earlier is a product of the Lefeinish
civilization. There are others like it in existence. There is also a hint that
some great power controls the four Fiends, meaning they're not acting
disjointedly. You must now enter the Mirage Tower and find a way to get into
the Floating Castle so you can defeat Tiamat and recover the last Orb. Remember
what the robot said - the Cube he gave you is the key to entering the Floating
Castle. Before you go, there is a secret magic shop in this town. Go through
the break in the trees in the northeast part of the town and keep walking east.
You'll find a Level 8 magic shop which sells Lif2 and Nuke. Buy them!

56. Overworld

To get to the Mirage Tower, you have to land your Airship in a tiny little patch
of grass on the east side of the desert, then walk west to the Tower.

57. Mirage Tower

1st floor - This floor is a circle with a giant room in the center with lots of
treasure chests. They contain the Aegis Shield, Vorpal, Heal Helmet, a Cabin,
and 30040 gold. There's a robot here that asks if you are the master. The
master of what? The stairs up to the 2nd floor are actually right next to the
entrance, on the other side of a wall.

2nd floor - This floor is another circle that you have to loop around to get
inside the room in the center. The treasures in the center are Thor's Hammer,
Sun Sword, Dragon Armor, a House, and 59075 gold. The stairs up to the 3rd
floor are just north of the room. There's a robot nearby who tells you about
his companion who floated west with the Cube. You've already met that one,

3rd floor - Just walk around to the entrance of the room. A Blue Dragon is
right inside. The robot will tell you that you need a Cube to operate the
transporter. This must be the one that goes to the Floating Castle. Well,
you've got the Cube, so away you go!

58. Floating Castle

1st floor - All right, where's that Tiamat? I'll tear him limb from...what?
There are five floors to this place? Jeez. Oh well, much treasure to be had
here though. You start in the center and can go up, down, left, and right.
Left leads to a room with a Heal Potion and 21950 gold. Down leads to a room
with the Bane Sword. Right leads to a room with a ProRing, Heal Helmet, and
11900 gold. Up leads to the stairs, ahem, teleporter to the 2nd floor.

2nd floor - You start in the northern section of this floor.

Northeastern room: Opal Gauntlet
Eastern room: Ribbon, Opal Shield
Southeastern room: White Shirt, Black Shirt
Southwestern room: Adamant
Western room: 13880 gold
Northwestern room: Silver Helmet, House

The Adamant you find here is what the blacksmith in the Dwarf Cave needed.
Bring it to him and he will make the sword Xcalber, which your Knight can equip.

The teleporter to the 3rd floor is in the southern section of this floor.

3rd floor

You start off in the center, next to a window and a robot. The robot says that
you can look out over the world through the window. When you examine the
window, you learn that the Four Forces are flowing into the center of the Four
Altars, the Temple of Fiends. What does that mean? You'll find out.

Northern room: ProRing, Heal Potion, 14450 gold
Western room: Katana, Soft Potion, 7550 gold
Eastern room: ProCape, Cloth, Soft Potion, 24125 gold
West, then south: Teleporter to 4th floor

4th floor

This floor is a repeating maze if you walk in one direction. To reach the
teleporter to the 5th floor, follow these directions: up, left, up, left.

5th floor

Just walk north along the bridge. You'll be attacked a lot. There's a slight
chance you'll have to fight WarMech, who is even more powerful than Tiamat.
Speaking of Tiamat, at the end of the bridge is the Fiend's Orb.

HP: 1000
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Thunder, Poison Gas, Blizzard

His physical attacks aren't too much to worry about, and if you're all equipped
with Ribbons and other protective armors, his special attacks aren't too much
either. Use the usual Inv2 and Fast to give yourself more of an advantage. The
elemental spells have little effect, though. Do the Altar/teleporter routine
after eliminating Tiamat.

59. Overworld

Okay, so now that you have all four Orbs lit once again, the game is over,
right? Wrong, you silly fool! There has to be some gigantic final end boss of
course. But where is he? Well, if you remember looking out the window in the
Floating Castle, you learned that something is flowing into the center of the
Four Altars, the Temple of Fiends. But you really don't know what that means.
So, remember how the Circle of Sages said to visit them as you restore power to
the Orbs? That's what you must do now. They will tell you about your final

60. Crescent Lake

The Sages explain that the real source of evil is the person who has travelled
2000 years in the past, and sent the Fiends forward in time to destroy the
world. He travels back in time every 2000 years, causing time to repeat itself
over and over again. You must break the Time-Loop. You must travel back 2000
years in time to confront this person by breaking the Time Gate at the Temple of
Fiends. It can be broken because the four Orbs shine once again. Then, you can
destroy this source of evil. It is time to travel to the Temple of Fiends.

61. Temple of Fiends

Approach the Orb in the center room. You will use the four Orbs to cover the
black Orb, allowing you to travel back 2000 years in time. Make sure you've got
all the weapons, items, and magic you need, because once you go, you can't come

1st floor - Well, actually, you can come back by using Exit so don't worry too
much. You're in the center of this floor to start. The stairs to the 2nd floor
are in the lower right corner.

2nd floor - The stairs to the 3rd floor are right near you.

3rd floor - You start in the upper left corner. Enter the center room from the
bottom. You'll be attacked by a Phantom as soon as you enter. The treasure
chests contain 110000(!) gold. Move to the Stone Plate on the floor. No, the
Rod doesn't work on this one. The Lute does. You were probably wondering when
you were going to use that. Descend.

2nd floor - You start in the center room. The stairs down to the 1st floor are
in the upper left corner.

1st floor - You start in the upper right corner. The stairs down to floor B1
are in the upper left corner.

Floor B1 - You start in the lower left corner. The stairs down to floor B2 are
in the lower right corner. However, before you can descend them you must fight
the Fiend of the Earth, Lich, once again. Beat him and go down.

Floor B2 - The stairs down to Floor B3 are right next to you, but you have to
take the circuitous route to get to them. When you do reach the stairs, don't
go down them at first; instead go south to the rooms down there. Take the right
door to find a treasure chest with a ProCape. Go through this room and into the
next to find a chest with 26000 gold. Go back and take the left door to find a
chest with a ProRing. Go through this room and down the next corridor to find a
room with a Katana. Go back and take the stairs down to Floor B3. Of course,
you'll have to fight the Fiend of Fire, Kary, before you can do that.

Floor B3 - You start in the upper left corner. The stairs down to Floor B4 are
in the lower right corner. You have to fight the Fiend of Water, Kraken.

Floor B4 - You start in the upper left corner. The most powerful sword in the
game, the Masmune, is in a room in the lower right. The Fiend of Wind, Tiamat,
is in the corridor linking the top two square areas. The stairs down to Floor
B5 are in the upper right.

Floor B5 - Walk down to the entrance of the center room and make sure you have
full HP, your nerves are steeled, you are prepared...oh hell, just enter the
room. What? It's Garland! He's the guy!!! The Four Fiends sent him back 2000
years in the past, and he sent them into the future. Then the Fiends will send
him back again...basically this is the Time-Loop. After 2000 years, the Time-
Loop will close, and Garland will become immortal, dooming the world.
Garland then transforms into the giant winged demon, Chaos!

HP: 2000
MAGIC: Ice3, Cur4, Lit3, Slo2, Fir3, Fast, Nuke, Qake

Oh boy! It's party time! Chaos can throw everything in the book at you. And
that's right, he has a Cur4 spell. So what are you supposed to do against this
creation? Although he looks plenty intimidating, there is effective strategy
against him. Use Wall on the White Wizard to protect him the most from Chaos's
magic. That way he can use Inv2 and Cur4 on anyone who needs it (and they will
need it if Chaos hits them). Fast should of course be employed to the fighting
chaps, as it will help very significantly. You should also cast all the anti-
elemental spells you've got to further protect you. Even with all this
protection, Chaos can still put a hurtin' on you. But if you're at at least
level 27 or so, you have a good chance of winning. When you win, sit back and
watch the slightly ambiguous epilogue...


V. Weapon List

Name Damage Hit % Who can use Comments

Bane Sword 22 20 Kn,Ni,RW Casts Bane spell
Catclaw 22 35 Kn,Ni,RW,BW
Coral Sword 19 15 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Defense 30 35 Kn,Ni,RW Casts Ruse spell
Dragon Sword 19 15 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Falchon 15 10 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Flame Sword 26 20 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Giant Sword 21 20 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Hand Axe 16 5 Fi,Kn,Ni
Heal Staff 6 0 Ni,WM,WW Casts Heal spell
Ice Sword 29 25 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Iron Hammer 9 0 Fi,Kn,Ni,WM,WW
Iron Nunchuck 16 0 Ni,BB,Ma
Iron Staff 14 0 Fi,Kn,Ni,BB,Ma
Katana 33 35 Ni
Large Dagger 7 10 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW
Light Axe 28 15 Fi,Kn,Ni Casts Hrm2 spell
Long Sword 20 10 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Mage Staff 12 10 Ni,BM,BW Casts Fir2 spell
Masmune 56 50 Everyone!
Power Staff 12 0 Fi,Kn,Ni,BB,Ma,WM,WW,BM,BW
Rapier 9 5 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Rune Sword 18 15 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Sabre 13 5 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Scimitar 10 10 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Short Sword 15 10 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Silver Axe 25 10 Fi,Kn,Ni
Silver Hammer 12 5 Fi,Kn,Ni,WM,WW
Silver Knife 10 15 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW
Silver Sword 23 15 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Small Dagger 5 10 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW,WM,WW,BM,BW
Sun Sword 32 30 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Thor's Hammer 18 15 Kn,Ni,WW Casts Lit2 spell
Vorpal 24 25 Kn,Ni,RW
Were Sword 18 15 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Wizard Staff 15 15 BW Casts Conf spell
Wooden Nunchuck 12 0 Ni,BB,Ma
Wooden Staff 6 0 Everyone except Thief
Xcalber 45 35 Kn

Note: Although Nintendo Power claims that certain swords work better against a
particular group of enemies, I found that this isn't really the case.
Therefore, I didn't bother writing down which group a sword is "supposed" to be
better against.

VI. Armor List

Name Absorb Evade % Who can use Comments

Aegis Shield 16 0 Kn Protects vs. Glance
Black Shirt 24 2 BW Casts Ice2 spell
Buckler 2 0 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,RM,RW
Cap 1 2 Everyone except Black Belt
Chain Armor 15 15 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Cloth 1 2 Everyone
Copper Bracelet 4 1 Everyone
Copper Gauntlet 2 3 Fi,Kn,Ni
Dragon Armor 42 10 Kn Protects vs. dragons
Flame Armor 34 10 Fi,Kn,Ni Protects vs. Ice
Flame Shield 12 0 Fi,Kn,Ni Protects vs. Ice
Gloves 1 1 Everyone
Gold Bracelet 24 1 Everyone
Heal Helmet 6 3 Kn,Ni Casts Heal spell
Ice Armor 34 10 Fi,Kn,Ni Protects vs. Fire
Ice Shield 12 0 Fi,Kn,Ni Protects vs. Fire
Iron Armor 24 23 Fi,Kn,Ni
Iron Gauntlet 4 5 Fi,Kn,Ni
Iron Helmet 5 5 Fi,Kn,Ni
Iron Shield 4 0 Fi,Kn,Ni
Opal Armor 42 10 Kn
Opal Bracelet 34 1 Everyone
Opal Gauntlet 8 3 Kn
Opal Helmet 8 3 Kn
Opal Shield 16 0 Kn
Power Gauntlet 6 3 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM Protects vs. Sabr
ProCape 8 2 Everyone except Black Belt
ProRing 8 1 Everyone Protects vs. Rub
Ribbon 1 1 Everyone Protects vs. magic
Silver Armor 18 8 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM,RW
Silver Bracelet 15 1 Everyone
Silver Gauntlet 6 3 Fi,Kn,Ni,RM
Silver Helmet 6 3 Fi,Kn,Ni
Silver Shield 8 0 Fi,Kn,Ni
Steel Armor 34 33 Fi,Kn
White Shirt 24 2 WW Casts Inv2 spell
Wooden Armor 4 8 Fi,Kn,Th,Ni,BB,Ma,RM,RW
Wooden Helmet 3 3 Fi,Kn,Ni
Wooden Shield 2 0 Fi,Kn,Ni
Zeus Gauntlet 6 3 Kn,Ni,RM Protects vs. Lit

Note: The evade % listed by each armor is how much your evade % goes DOWN when
you equip it. Think about it, if you wore heavy armor, you wouldn't be as fast.
Therefore, the best kind of armor is one with a high absorb and a low evade %
(like a bracelet). Does this mean that something like Chain Armor (15 absorb,
15 evade %) is pointless to wear or that Iron Armor (24 absorb, 23 evade %) and
Steel Armor (34 absorb, 33 evade %) have the same effectiveness? No! It is
much more to your advantage for a character to have a high absorb and a low
evade % then the other way around. Therefore, strive to have the highest absorb
rating you can get.

VII. Magic List

White Magic

Name Level Who can cast Effect

Afir 3 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Reduces fire damage by 50-75% (allW)
Aice 4 RM,RW,WM,WW Reduces ice damage by 50-75% (allW)
Alit 2 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Reduced lit damage by 50-75% (allW)
Amut 4 RW,WM,WW Counteracts Mute spell (oneW)
Arub 7 RW,WM,WW Protects against Rub spell (allW)
Cure 1 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Restores 10-30 HP (oneW)
Cur2 3 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Restores 32-64 HP (oneW)
Cur3 5 RM,RW,WM,WW Restores 64-128 HP (oneW)
Cur4 7 WW Restores all HP (oneW)
Exit 6 RW,WW Escapes a dungeon (allW)
Fade 8 WW Instantly kills enemies (allE)
Fear 4 WM,WW Causes enemies to run away (allE)
Fog 1 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Absorb rating +8 (oneW)
Fog2 6 RW,WM,WW Absorb rating +12 (allW)
Harm 1 WM,WW 20-80 damage to undead (allE)
Heal 3 WM,WW Restores 12-24 HP (allW)
Hel2 5 WM,WW Restores 24-48 HP (allW)
Hel3 7 WM,WW Restores 48-96 HP (allW)
Hrm2 3 WM,WW 40-160 damage to undead (allE)
Hrm3 5 WM,WW 60-240 damage to undead (allE)
Hrm4 7 WW 80-320 damage to undead (allE)
Invs 2 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Evade % +20 (oneW)
Inv2 6 RW,WM,WW Evade % +40 (allW)
Lamp 2 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Counteracts Dark (oneW)
Life 5 RW,WM,WW Resurrects warrior to 1 HP (oneW)
Lif2 8 WW Resurrects warrior to all HP (oneW)
Mute 2 Kn,RM,RW,WM,WW Silences enemies (allE)
Pure 4 RM,RW,WM,WW Counteracts poison (oneW)
Ruse 1 Kn,RW,WM,WW Evade % +40 (oneW)
Soft 6 WM,WW Counteracts stone (oneW)
Wall 8 WW Protects against all magic (oneW)
Xfer 8 WW Destroys special defense (oneE)

Black Magic

Bane 5 RW,BM,BW Instantly kills enemies (allE)
Blnd 7 BM,BW Blinds enemies (oneE)
Brak 7 BW Instantly kills enemy (oneE)
Conf 4 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Confuses enemies (allE)
Dark 2 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Blinds enemies (allE)
Fast 4 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Doubles hits per attack (oneW)
Fire 1 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW 10-40 HP of fire damage (oneE)
Fir2 3 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW 30-120 HP of fire damage (allE)
Fir3 5 RM,RW,BM,BW 50-200 HP of fire damage (allE)
Hold 3 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Paralyzes enemy (oneE)
Ice 2 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW 20-80 HP of ice damage (oneE)
Ice2 4 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW 40-160 HP of ice damage (allE)
Ice3 7 RW,BM,BW 70-280 HP of ice damage (allE)
Lit 1 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW 10-40 HP of lit damage (oneE)
Lit2 3 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW 30-120 HP of lit damage (allE)
Lit3 6 RW,BM,BW 60-240 HP of lit damage (allE)
Lock 1 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Hit % +10 (allW)
Lok2 3 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Hit % +25 (allW)
Nuke 8 BW Extreme fire damage (allE)
Qake 6 BM,BW Instantly kills enemies (allE)
Rub 6 BM,BW Instantly kills enemy (oneE)
Sabr 7 BW Damage +15% and Hit % +40 (oneW)
Slep 1 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Puts enemies to sleep (allE)
Slp2 4 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Puts enemies to sleep (allE)
Slow 2 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Halves hits per attack (allE)
Slo2 5 RM,RW,BM,BW Halves hits per attack (allE)
Stop 8 BW Freezes time for enemies (allE)
Stun 6 BM,BW Paralyzes enemy (oneE)
Tmpr 2 Ni,RM,RW,BM,BW Damage +14 (oneW)
Warp 5 RW,BW Goes to previous floor (allW)
XXXX 8 BW Instantly kills enemy (oneE)
Zap! 8 BW Instantly kills enemies (allE)

Key: oneE - one enemy
allE - all enemies
oneW - one Warrior
allW - all Warriors

VIII. Monster List

Name HP Special Attacks/Magic Weaknesses

Agama 296 Heat (damage) Ice
Air 358
Ankylo 352
Arachnid 64 Poison
Asp 56 Poison
Astos 168 Rub,Slo2,Fast,Fir2,Lit2,Slow...
Badman 260
Big Eye 304 Stun,Dark Lit
Blue Dragon 454 Thunder (damage) Fire
Bone 10 Fire,Harm
Bull 164
Caribe 92 Lit
Catman 160 Poison
Cerebus 192 Scorch (damage) Ice
Chaos 2000 Ice3,Cur4,Lit3,Slo2,Fir3,Fast...
Chimera 300 Cremate (damage) Ice
Cobra 80
Coctrice 50 Stone Ice
Crawl 84 Stun
Creep 56 Fire
Earth 288 Fire
Evilman 190 Xfer,Nuke,XXXX,Blnd
Eye 162 XXXX,Brak,Rub,Lit2,Hold,Lamp...
Fighter 200 Wall,Xfer,Hel3,Fog2,Inv2,Cur4...
Fire 276 Ice
Frost Dragon 200 Blizzard (damage) Fire,Lit
Frost Gator 142 Lit
Frost Giant 336 Fire
Frost Wolf 92 Frost (damage) Fire
Gargoyle 80
Garland 106
Gas Dragon 352 Poison Gas (damage) Ice
Gator 184 Lit
Geist 56 Stun Fire,Harm
Ghost 180 Fire,Harm
Ghoul 48 Stun Fire,Harm
Giant 240
Great Pede 320 Ice,Fire
Green Medusa 96 Stun,Glance (Stone) Fire
Green Ogre 132
Grey Imp 16
Grey Naga 420 Poison,Ruse,Lamp,Slow,Dark,Slep...
Grey Shark 344 Lit
Grey Wolf 72
Grey Worm 280 Ice
Guard 200 Stun
Hydra 212
Hyena 120
Iguana 92
Image 86 Stun Fire,Harm
Imp 8
Iron Gol 304 Poison Gas (damage)
Jimera 350 Cremate,Poison Gas (damage) Ice
Kary 600 Fir2,Dark,Hold
Kraken 800 Ink (Dark),Lit2 Lit
Kyzoku 50
Lich 400 Ice2,Slp2,Fast,Lit2,Hold,Fir2...
Lobster 148 Poison Lit
Mad Pony 64
Mage 105 Rub,Lit3,Fir3,Bane,Slo2,Stun
Mancat 110 Fir2,Slow,Dark,Slep,Fire,Lit,Cure
Manticor 164 Stinger (Poison)
Medusa 68 Poison,Glance (Stone)
Muck 76 Lit
Mud Gol 176 Poison,Fast
Mummy 80 Sleep Fire,Harm
Naga 356 Poison,Lit2,Hold,Slow,Dark,Lit.. Lit
Naocho 344 Poison
Nitemare 200 Snorting (Dark) Ice
Ocho 208 Poison Lit
Odd Eye 10 Stun Lit
Ogre 100
Ooze 76 Ice,Fire
Pede 222 Poison
Perilisk 44 Squint (Rub) Ice
Phantom 360 Stun,Stop,Zap!,Xfer,Brak,Rub... Fire,Harm
Pirate 6
Red Ankylo 256
Red Bone 144 Fire,Harm
Red Caribe 172
Red Dragon 248 Blaze (Damage) Ice
Red Gargoyle 94 Fir2,Hold,Fire
Red Giant 300 Ice
Red Hydra 182 Cremate (Damage) Ice
Red Sahag 64 Lit
Rock Gol 200 Slow
Sabretooth Tiger200
Sahag 28 Lit
Sand Worm 200 Qake
Sauria 196 Glance (Stone)
Scorpion 84 Poison
Scum 24 Poison Ice,Fire
Sea Snake 224 Lit
Sea Troll 216 Lit
Sentry 400 Lit
Shadow 50 Dark Fire,Harm
Shark 120 Lit
Slime 156 Poison Fire
Sorcerer 112 Rub,Stun
Specter 52 Stun Fire,Harm
Sphinx 228

Spider 28
Tiamat 1000 Thunder, Poison Gas, Blizzard
Tiger 132
T Rex 600
Troll 184 Fire
Tyro 480
Vampire 156 Dazzle (Stun) Fire,Harm
WarMech 1000 Nuclear (Damage)
Water 300 Ice
Werewolf 68 Poison
Wizard 84 Lit
Wizard Mummy 188 Sleep Fire,Harm
Wizard Ogre 144 Ruse,Dark,Slep,Hold,Ice2
Wizard Sahag 204 Lit
Wizard Vampire 300 Stun,Afir,Lamp,Ice2,Lit2,Fir2 Fire,Harm
Wolf 20
Worm 448
Wraith 114 Stun Fire,Harm
Wyrm 260
Wyvern 212 Poison
Zombie 20 Fire,Harm
Zombie Dragon 268 Stun Fire,Harm
Zombull 224 Fire,Harm

This FAQ was created by me, Joshua Harring ( Feel
free to distribute it to whomever and post it on whatever website as long as
appropriate credit is given. Thanks to Jeff Veasey at for
posting this, and to Nintendo Power, for without their strategy guide, this FAQ
could not have been this detailed.
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