Adventures Of Lolo

Adventures Of Lolo

15.10.2013 20:01:18
Wlakthrough (7th floor)



By David Rutledge

Version 1.0 Completed on March 22, 2000

I noticed that the only other walkthrough for this game at stopped
after the 6th floor of the castle, so I thought I would finish the game and
write up this walkthrough for floors 7 through 10, finishing up where my
predecessor left off.

If you actually use this walkthrough, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! This game is so old
I doubt many people bother to play it all the way through, which is a shame,
because it's really pretty darn fun. Email me at, or stop
by my website, for more information related to classic
games and new ones. Anyway, on with the walkthrough.


Hearts: Hearts inside white squares. You must collect all of these to proceed
to the next room. They sometimes grant special abilities.

Emerald Framers (EF): Green blocks that you can push.

Snakeys: The little smiling green snakes that don't do anything but stand in
your way and look at you.

Gols: Pink dragons that don't move or do anything until all hearts have been
gathered, then they breathe fire on you.

Leepers: Little green things that hop around. They fall asleep and get in your
way when they touch you.

Skulls: They're...well...skulls. They don't move until you get all the hearts,
then they come after you and will kill you if they touch you.

Rockies: Big grey blocks with eyes and feet. They try to trap you in corners
and shove you where you don't want to be.

Alma: Basically an armadillo that chases you around and tries to kill you.

Medusa: Just like in the myth. They can't move, but if they can see you above,
below, left, or right of them, you're dead.

Don Medusa (Don): Like Medusa, only he's pink and moves back in forth in a
straight line. Instant death if you're in its line of sight.

Treasure Chest: Holds a jewel that destroys all monsters and opens the door to
the next room. Won't open until you get all of the hearts.

Level 7

Room 1:

Get the Heart to the left of your starting point. This supplies you with 2 egg
shots. Fire one egg shot at the Gol and push him one space left. Push the EF
above you up. Get the heart to the left. Push the EF above you up. Get the
heart to your left. Collect the other 9 hearts that are accessible to you at
this point. This should leave 2. Stand in front of the lower Gol. Push the EF
below the Gol on the right one space. Get the heart. Stand in front of the
lower Gol again. Now push the EF on the left. Now, before you get the last
Heart, you must protect yourself from the impending fire breath. The four EFs
in the center should currently be unmoved. Take your pick of the 4 EFs and
block the top, right, and bottom sides of the treasure box. Now stand in front
of the Gol on the left side. Push the EF above and below the Gol to the left
one space (as far as they will go). Now stand above or below the left Gol,
shoot him with your remaining egg shot, and move him out of the way. Now grab
the remaining heart, head in a straight line back to collect the open treasure
chest, and head out the door.

Room 2:

There may be other solutions to this room, but this is how I do it. DON'T PICK
UP THE HEARTS just yet, as you may need to move in front of the Gols to escape
Rocky while you position the pieces. The first thing to do is to trap the Dons
in the bottom left and right corners with the two EFs on the left and right of
your starting point. Just push them over the boulders and wait for the Dons to
get in front of them going down, then keep pushing until they're trapped below.
Now that they're out of the way you're ready for the tricky part. Pick up the
hearts. Then move around the outer edge to the left of the screen and up to the
left Medusa. Position yourself to the left of the EF that is below and to the
left of the Medusa, and push it toward the center of the screen until it blocks
Medusa's vision downward, being careful not to reveal yourself to the Don above.
Be sure you also watch out for the roaming Rocky as you do this. Now you may
move down one space and over to the left boulder in the center. Push the EF
above you up until it blocks Medusa's vision to the right, and you're home free.
Grab the treasure and get to the next room.

Room 3:

Collect the hearts on the left and right. You now have 4 egg shots. Proceed
back up between the hedges and stop below the third and final heart. This next
part requires a little bit of speed. Shoot one Gol and push him one space past
the skull behind him. Now quickly run around the bottom of the skull and push
the egg up beside the Medusa before the egg cracks. Repeat this for the other
side. Now quickly shoot the Gols on either side of the treasure chest from
behind so they are trapped in eggs, grab the last heart, and collect the
treasure chest before the eggs crack open. Proceed through the open door to the
next stage.

Room 4:

Start out by getting the heart just above your starting point. Then follow the
path down around the bottom of the screen until you reach the first arrow
pointing up. Go through it. Get the next available heart. The hearts should
be glowing now, letting you know that the next heart you get will give you the
ability to change an arrow's direction. Now go through the right arrow and then
up to the next heart. You now have one Arrow change ability. Go up through the
Up arrow and collect then next heart. You now have two Arrow change abilities.
Proceed up and left past the Snakey and collect the next heart. You are now
trapped and must use one of your arrow change abilities on the left-most arrow.
Pick up the heart beside the skull. Move down and left and pick up the next
heart. Now move down 2 spaces, left 1, down 1, right 1, down 2, then left 2.
Proceed back around the bottom to the lower Up arrow and go through it. Go up
to the two Left arrows and move through them to the left, acquiring the next to
the last heart. Use your final Arrow Change ability on the arrow pointing up
that is below you. Get ready to run. Go down and collect the final heart and
run right until you hit a rock, up to the Snakey, left until you hit a rock
again (passing through the former location of the skull who is now chasing you),
then up and left to collect the treasure. Go on to the next stage.

Room 5:

Collect any 3 of the available hearts. This provides you with an Arrow change
ability. Use this on the bottom right arrow. Push the bottom right EF up to
the right of the changed arrow. Now push it left over the arrow until it rests
above the bottom right heart. Collect all 4 hearts that are beside the skulls,
but DON'T GET THE LAST HEART. Get below the moved EF and push it all the way
up, blocking the two skulls in the top right (since they cannot move over
grass). Now change the top left arrow. Push the top left EF down to the left
of the arrow and push it just past the grass to the right. Push it down to
block the bottom left skulls. Push the bottom left EF up to the left of the
changed arrow. Walk all the way around the screen counter clockwise and push
the EF through the changed arrow just past the grass, as you did with the last
one. Now push it up to block the top left skulls. Push the top right EF (the
only one you haven't moved) down to the right of the changed arrow. Proceed
counter clockwise around the stage again and push it to the left just past the
grass. Now push it down to block the final two skulls on the bottom right.
Collect the final heart. The skulls should now awaken, but they shouldn't be
able to move. Collect the treasure and proceed up the stairs to the 8th Floor.

Level 8

Room 1:

Start by collecting the single heart to the left and the 3 hearts at the top.
The final heart will now be flashing. Push the lower right EF up two spaces.
Move left one space and push the EF above you up 2 spaces. Collect the final
heart. You now have the ability to smash a single boulder of your choice. As
you move downscreen, push the leftmost EF down until it is one space from the
bottom of the screen. Now push it left until it is one space past the grass.
Push it up one, then left one so that it is directly in front of the Gol. Now
move up and push the EF that is above the grass to the right until it hits the
wall. Then push it upward until it is one space from the wall. Before moving
it any further, move the EF to your left to the right one space, so there is one
space between it and the boulder below. Use your smashing ability on the third
boulder down from the top-left corner. Now you have enough room to push the EF
that you moved near the exit door all the way to the left until it hits a
boulder. Then push it down one, and left until it is below the Medusa. You may
now safely collect the treasure and proceed to the next room.

Room 2:

Collect the top-right heart. To your left are 4 EFs in a vertical line. Push
the top one and the third one down to the left. Now push the second one down.
Stand on the treasure chest. Push the EF below you down until it is directly
between the two Medusas. Stand on the treasure chest again. Now push the EF to
your left 2 spaces. Get the heart in the top left corner. Back to that EF;
push it down as far as you can. Now push it left until it hits the Medusa.
Head right and push the EF you moved earlier until it hits the other Medusa.
Move down the center and collect the 3 hearts you can get, leaving the bottom
one since you'd die if you got it. Now get the hearts on the left and right.
Stand between the two lower EFs. Push them to the left and right. Now stand
nose-to-nose (does Lolo have a nose?) with the left Gol. From there, push the
EF behind you into position below the treasure chest. Push it down until it
hits the heart. Move it left one, then down one. Stand nose-to-nose with the
right Gol. Push the EF behind you into position below the treasure chest. Push
it down until it hits the heart. Move it right one, then down one. Get the
last heart. What about the 2 Gols, you say? You're too fast for them. Just
run straight up the middle and collect the treasure before their flames can get
to you. Another option would have been to leave the top left or right heart for
last, but what fun is that? :) Go on to the next room.

Room 3:

Move the EF just above your starting point to the left until it hits the bush.
Move it up one space from there. Move the EF below the right-most Medusa up
until it is to the right of the middle Medusa. Move the EF below the middle
Medusa to the right 2 spaces. Push it up until it hits a boulder. Now move it
left ONE AND A HALF SPACES. This way it blocks both Medusa's shots at once.
Collect the lower right heart by pushing one of the EFs beside it all the way to
the corner. Now go stand on the treasure chest. See that EF just below you?
Move it one space left and one space down. Collect the last 2 hearts, get the
treasure, and you're home free.

Room 4:

Work your way counter-clockwise around the map, passing through the outermost
arrow blocks, until you reach the 4 EFs in the top left. Be mindful of that
Skull...he's the only thing that makes this stage difficult. Now, push the
leftmost EF down through the arrow until it hits the boulder. Push it right
two, up one, and right two. The lowest heart is now safe to get, but DON'T GET
IT. Proceed back counter-clockwise to the EFs. Push the right-most EF down
until it is over the arrow, then push it right until it's above the Medusa.
Push one of the two remaining EFs to the right as far as it will go, then down
to the left of the Medusa. Now push the final EF down through the leftmost
arrow to the boulder, then right until it's over the arrow to the left of the
lower heart, then down to the left of the bottom arrow, then through the arrow
to the boulder to the right, then up to the left of the treasure chest. Push it
left one, then up until it blocks the Medusa's right side. Now, collect the
hearts in counter-clockwise order, starting with the right. The bottom heart
should be the last one you pick up. When the skull comes after you, it's a
simple run to the chest and poof, the stage is completed.

Room 5:

Get the top-right heart. Proceed through the arrow and get the top-middle
heart. Move right until you hit the arrow. Push the EF below you down as far
as it will go (on top of the arrow). Move up 2, then left 2. Push the EF below
you down until it hits the bush. You're going to have to be careful here: Push
that EF to the left 2 spaces, being sure to move it while not in the Don on the
right's line of sight. Move up around the left side and get the top-left heart.
Move through the arrow to the middle-top. Push the top-most EF one space left,
then down until it hits the bush. Now move that EF right until it hits the
wall. You can safely collect the two hearts on the left and right walls, and
push the EFs blocking the Dons down until the Dons are stuck behind the bushes
in the corners, being careful once again to not be shot by them while doing it.
This is easier than it sounds, because there are hearts blocking their view in
some places. Now, go around the outside wall and through one of the arrows at
the top to reach the top center again. Push the center EF to the left, then
down until it hits the bush (see a pattern?). Move it left one, then down until
it is ONE SPACE from the wall. Remember, the Dons can shoot through bushes. Go
to the top-center again, but this time use the bottom left arrow to get there,
pushing the EF to the center, then back left one, then down through the arrow
until it hits the bush. Push it right 3 spaces, then down until it is ONE SPACE
from the bottom. Push these two EFs above the Medusas they're nearest, now that
both sides are safe. Now enter the top-middle through the bottom-right arrow,
pushing the EF over to the down arrow, then down through it until it hits the
bush, then left one, then down all the way to the bottom. See that one EF you
haven't moved? Push it up one space. Now go down one space, right two, up one,
and push the EF left two spaces, then down through the down arrow until it hits
that oh-so-familiar bush. Push it right 3 spaces, then down all the way to the
bottom. Whew! Get the last 3 hearts, grab the treasure, and get to floor 9.

Level 9

Room 1:

Lava, and lots of it! Don't worry, though, this stage just requires a little
quick-footedness. Proceed up one space. Now move right 4 spaces, just beyond
the bridge. The Alma might need a little coaxing. If so, move left until he
starts coming down, then move back into position. When he reaches the lower
path, he should start rolling towards you. When he does, head up, left, and
down to get around him. Hurry up to the heart, then back down into position,
only this time to the LEFT of the bridge at the bottom-middle. Run around him,
grab the treasure, and get out.

Room 2:

Oh, boy. This one's hard to explain, but here goes. First of all, move every
EF that you can move up one space. Next, move the EFs that block the bottom
left and right hearts to the outside walls. Collect the two available hearts,
pushing the EFs above them over the arrow blocks as you go. Now move between
the two EFs below the left two hearts that are left on the lower row. Push the
EF to your left to the left one space. Get the heart one space above and push
the EF above it up one space. From there, push the EF to your left to the left
one space. Get the heart above you. Stand to the right of the EF that is below
you. Push it left one space. Now push the EF below you down one space, then
left to the wall. Stand between the two hearts remaining on the lower row.
Push the EF to your left to the left 2 spaces, then down between the bushes.
Get the heart. Move to the right of the EF below the last lower heart. Push it
left all the way. Get that heart. Push the EF above you up one. Push the EF
to the right of you right one. Get the heart above you. Stand between the 5
EFs below the two center hearts. Push the EF above you up. Now push the EFs to
your left and right to the left and right one space. Get those two hearts. BE
SURE AND GET THE HEART ON THE RIGHT NEXT. It contains 2 egg shots, which you
need before obtaining the final heart. Shoot the Gol on the bottom right once
and push it up to the door, then push it to the right in front of the top-right
Gol. Do the same thing on the other side. Now get the final heart and run up
through the middle to the chest and get out of this difficult room!

Room 3:

Get the heart that is holding the Leepers captive. Notice that the heart gives
you 2 egg shots. This will release the Leepers, but they will only come out one
at a time. Move up and stand on the lower left section of grass. The first
Leeper will come right out, touch you, and fall asleep. Now step up 2, and
right 2. The next Leeper will touch you while standing above the Medusa,
therefore blocking it. Stand 2 spaces below the little patch of grass in the
top right. The next Leeper will fall asleep in a place where he can do no harm.
Now move over and stand on the arrow to the left of the top-right Gol. The next
Leeper will fall asleep in front of the door, blocking the Gol. Don't worry if
he's only halfway blocking'll still work. Now, move down and collect
the heart above the treasure chest. Move up as far as you can from the lower
pink Gol. Face downward (you will move half a space down, but there's nothing
you can do about that). Fire both shots to kill the Gol. Quickly, so as to
beat him to the treasure before he comes back, move up through the top right
arrow, grab the heart, trudge across the sand, then down through the arrow, and
over to the chest. With any luck, you got there before the Gol returned. Go
ahead and leave through the door.

Room 4:

Start by crossing the bridge and pushing the bottom and top EFs to the left.
Now push the middle EF up. Collect the 3 hearts. You now have 2 egg shots and
one bridge. push the lower EF across the bridge to the right until it hits a
boulder. Push it down all the way to the EF. Push it right so it blocks the
lower right Gol. Move left until you hit the river, then up until you hit a
bush. Make a bridge to your left. Cross the bridge and push the EF that's in
your way all the way down and all the way right. Hit the Snakey with both egg
shots, killing it. Move one space past where the Snakey was but DON'T GET THE
HEART! Wait for the Snakey to reappear. Once he has reappeared you may safely
collect the final heart. This gets you two more egg shots. Use one to trap the
Snakey. Push him over in front of the Gol. Go back across the bridge and aim
up at the top Gol. Shoot your final egg shot at him and run around to collect
the treasure. Time for Room 5.

Room 5:

Move the EF above you up ONE AND A HALF spaces. Collect the two hearts on the
left, but not the one at the bottom. Save it until you're all ready to go.
Move the bottom left EF up THREE AND A HALF spaces. Move the one that is second
to the right of it up half a space. Move the one just to the left of that one
up TWO AND A HALF spaces. Step down one space. Move the EF to your right to
the right one space. Finally, move the one above you up TWO AND A HALF spaces.
Go back and get the final heart. Walk up through the middle until you reach the
top-most EF, step left, then up to the treasure chest. Time for the last floor:
Floor 10!

Level 10

Room 1:

Move straight down, pushing the middle EF all the way to the bottom. Pick up
the two hearts without getting shot through the bushes by the Don. Stand
between the two EFs on the left. Push the top one up one space. Do the same on
the right side. Go get the top right heart, once again being careful not to get
shot. You now have 2 egg shots. Use one right now on the Snakey below you.
Push him down so that he is horizontally one space below the skulls, and one
space above the sand. Get back across the grass without getting shot. Push the
EF that is on the grass over until it is one space to the right of the top
skulls. Get above it and push it down until it is to the left of the bottom
Snakey. Now egg the bottom Snakey and push him down into the bottom right
corner. Push the EF that you just moved all the way to the left, so that the
Don is pinned down above the heart. Go back across the grass, push the top-most
EF to the right until it is one space to the right of the skulls. Now push it
down until it is one space above and to the left of the lower Snakey. Push it
all the way left, blocking the Don from the heart. Don't get the heart yet,
though, or the Gol will get you. Go back and push the left and right remaining
EFs up to where the last two were. Move one of them over and down into position
one space above and to the left of the lower Snakey. Push it left until it is
one space past the Gol, then push it down in front of him. Now the Gol can't
breath fire on you, but don't get the heart, because the skulls will kill you.
Go back up and push the last EF to the right one space past the skulls, then
down until it is in line with the lowest row of boulders. Now push it up until
it is just to the left of the upper Snakey. Get the last heart, hike through
the sand to the treasure, and go to the next room.

Room 2:

Push the EF in the top left down in front of the left Gol. Get the heart. It
gives you 2 egg shots. Go down through the arrow block. Shoot the second Gol
from the left and push him up onto the grassy area, then left one space. Shoot
the top right Snakey once and push it right two spaces, being careful not to let
the Leeper touch you. Now run up around and stand below and HALF A SPACE to the
left of the bottom right Gol. With any luck, the Leeper will touch you while
standing above you and fall asleep on front of the Gol. If not, start over
until you get it right. Now go get the heart that was in the room with the
Leeper. This one gives you 2 more egg shots. Shoot the bottom left Snakey
one time and push him in 2 spaces. Run up and stand above the arrow block.
Hopefully the Leeper will fall asleep on the block. If not, start over again.
Now go get the heart from his room. This one also has 2 more egg shots. You
should now have 3. Be won't get any more. Shoot the bottom right
Snakey once, push him in 2 spaces, then run up and stand on the grass in front
of the Gol you moved. The Leeper will harmlessly fall asleep there. Shoot the
top left Snakey once, push him in twice, then LET THE Leeper TOUCH YOU. Now
shoot the Snakey in it's egg to kill it, get the final heart, and walk out of
the little room. Carefully walk up and around the Leepers and Gols to the open
treasure chest, take the prize, and head out the door.

Room 3:

You have no choice but to take the heart that is blocking your way out of the
starting point, so take it. It gives you two egg shots. Use one on the Snakey
to the right. Push him all the way to the right, then up into the water. Walk
over him and collect the heart on the other side. This heart gives you 2 more
egg shots. Run down to the bottom left as far as you can and step across the
egg there as it floats down, pushing the EF down as you go. Now push the EF
right 2, then down until it is just below and to the right of the heart above
the right Medusa. Now push it left. Get the heart above the EF. Carry out
these same directions on the left side of the screen. You should now have 4 egg
shots. Shoot the Snakey on the left, push it left 2 spaces, then all the way
down. Collect the heart in the lower left corner. Now do the same with the
Snakey on the right, but BE QUICK! Once you've pushed him in place and
collected the heart, stand above the egg and shoot it again before it cracks.
Wait a moment and he will reappear in his starting point. Notice you now have a
rock hammer. Stand above the Snakey and shoot him. Wait until the Don is
moving up, then destroy the bottom middle boulder. Quickly run down and stand
to the right of the Snakey (still in his egg). As the Don moves down into your
starting position, push the Snakey left until he covers the hole. Now move up
through the center and get the treasure so you can move on.

Room 4:

Start out by collecting the lower heart on the left wall. This gives you 2 egg
shots. Now push the left EF left one space, then down between the left medusa
and the heart. Get the heart. Push the right EF right one space, then down
between the right medusa and the heart. Get the heart. Shoot the Snakey and
push him left and up between the top-left medusa and the heart below him. Get
the heart, then quickly move to the right of the egg and shoot it again before
it cracks. That heart gave you 2 more shots, and now the Snakey is back in his
starting position. You now can smash a rock, as well. Shoot the Snakey and
push him up and to the right, between the Don and the heart. Quickly collect
the heart, then move to the left of the egg and shoot it again, so the Snakey
once again returns to its starting point. Smash the rock on the right side of
the screen JUST AS THE DON IS MOVING UP FROM IT. Quickly run back to the left
and get to the left of the Snakey. The Don is now moving up and down the right
wall. Shoot the Snakey and push him right. When the Don is below you, push the
Snakey all the way to the right and all the way down, trapping the Don above the
Medusa. Go all the way up to the top right corner and cross the arrow to the
left. Stand on the grass. Shoot the skull nearest to you and push it's egg all
the way to the left, trapping it in the left corner by the grass. Quickly get
the treasure and go out the door.

Room 5:

Okay, get ready. Go through the arrow block and get the one and only heart on
this stage. It gives you two egg shots. Run around and stand in front of the
exit door. Shoot the top left Gol with a single shot, then run over and stand
on the arrow block. Shoot your last egg shot at the top right Gol. Push him
right one space, then step back one space, up one, right two, and push him down
all the way to the bottom. Now run back up to the top and stand above the two
bridges. THIS IS CRUCIAL. Position yourself BETWEEN the bridges, so that when
you run across one leg will be on each bridge. This way you are directly in the
center of the Gols' field of fire. Run down without stopping for a moment!
When you hit the bottom, run right to grab the treasure and save your bacon.
Whew! Go through the door to face the Great Devil!

Since this is a puzzle game and not an arcade game, you don't actually get to
fight the Great Devil, you just watch as he is defeated and peace is restored to
the kingdom. Good work, you made it through the game! Good luck playing Lolo 2
and Lolo 3, they're MUCH harder games.

The following was stolen straight from Joshua Harring's
( walkthrough for the first 6 floors, except I changed
the name and address so they are mine. Thanks for reading!

This FAQ is written by me, David Rutledge (
Feel free to post it on a website as long as it is written in its
entirety and unaltered. Do not sell or take credit for this FAQ.
Thanks to CJayC of for posting this.

Adventures of Lolo is copyright Hal America.
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A very good walkthrough

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