First Castlevania, Now Diablo Is Getting An Animated Series On Netflix
21.September 2018
Boom! Studios founder Andrew Cosby shot a tweet out on Wednesday that said he is in final talks to be the showrunner (and writer) of an all new animated Diablo series on Netflix, and speaking for... More
Broken Sword 5 The Serpents Curse Hits The Switch Today
21.September 2018
Revolution Software and Ravenscourt released Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse for Nintendo Switch, so it's once again, time to get your lawyer on. Here's the skinny: It's... More
Red: Lucid Nightmare Wants To Haunt Your Virtual Dreams
20.September 2018
RED: Lucid Nightmare is an upcoming survival horror adventure game where you''ll investigate the disappearance of a family during the day and navigate deadly nightmares at night, so for... More
Is There Really An Avengers Clue In This Pic?
20.September 2018
This is about as cryptic as it gets, but if you find out whatever the Russo brothers are going for here, maybe I'll dig something cool out of the vault and send it your way. Schwag, dear friends,... More
Call Of Cthulhu Trailer Reminds You Why Cults Suck
20.September 2018
Everyone is always trying to raise a Cthulhu, or set one loose on an unsuspecting world, or use it to gain demonic immortality, and I'm just always sitting back saying, "what are you doing?... More
Resident Evil 2 Story Trailer Pretends You Dont Know The Story
20.September 2018
This just keeps getting better and better. I can't believe I'm getting swept up in the hype along with everyone else. It's embarrassing. I am always railing against remakes and reboots,... More
New Devil May Cry 5 Trailer Brings Nero Back In The Fight
20.September 2018
I've been waiting a long time for this game, because I am a sucker for DMC. I thought the reboot was pretty bush-league, but the combat was fun and addicting, and the graphics were great. For me... More
Street Fighter V Gets Exciting New Content
20.September 2018
I suppose if you are into fluff and whatnot, this is a good thing, but for the rest of us who are looking for new characters or gameplay tweaks, this is not as exciting. Announced on twitter, each... More
Spider-Man Is SMASHING Sales Records, Punks Out Kratos
20.September 2018
According to a USA Today report, Marvel's Spider-Man just set a new sales record for Sony, becoming the fastest-selling PS4 game ever, which is nuts, considering there's, you know, Grand... More
A Ton Of Classic Sega Genesis Games Are Hitting The Switch In A BIG OL Bundle!
19.September 2018
If you are into retro games (and honestly, everyone is right now), then this should perk you right on up, especially if you have a Switch. Sega just announced the release of Sega... More
Your September Games With Gold
19.September 2018
It's that magical time, where we get free games that are usually just good enough to download but not quite enough to buy, and this month is no different. Anyone who has an Xbox Live Gold... More
Calm Your Trigger Happy Ass Down: Team Kills Now Result In Ban For Rainbow Six Siege
19.September 2018
The most recent patch for Rainbow Six Siege (Patch Y3S3.1) will now have stiffer penalties for those team-killing, bushwhacking, back-shooting bastards; now, the punishment for doing in... More
Holy Hell! This Haunting Of Hill House Trailer Is Crazy Scary!
19.September 2018
The Haunting of Hill House is a 1959 gothic horror novel by American author Shirley Jackson, and was a finalist for the National Book Award, and is largely considered one of the... More
Spider-Man Sequel Might Explain Why The Black Costume Was Missing
19.September 2018
Spider-Man is a big hit with gamers, much to the collective relief of superhero fans everywhere. Sure, we all know that not every new superhero property can be the next Arkham series, but it looks... More
Uh Oh... They Are Doing Another Live-Action Avatar: The Last Airbender
19.September 2018
Alright, alright, let's try to keep things in perspective here. First off, we knew this was going to happen, right? We knew it was bound to happen just like the Robocop reboot was bound to... More
Watch This Freaky Dead By Daylight Shattered Bloodline Launch Trailer
18.September 2018
Dead by Daylight just dropped their latest DLC pack, called “Shattered Bloodline,” and it's live now, and packed with the usual goodies, namely a new map, theme, killer and survivor.... More
Speed Brawl Is Racing Over To Punch Your Face
18.September 2018
Indie devs Double Stallion and Kongregate just launched their anime-inspired, cartoony 2D combat racer, Speed Brawl, and the trailer is pretty over the top in an awesome way. Not only did... More
Iris.Fall Is A Beautiful, Creepy Descent Into Horror
18.September 2018
This game has been on my radar a while, and it's easy to see why, if you just watch the trailer. The game looks like a creepier version of Alice in Wonderland (if that's possible) and focuses... More
Best Buy Is Rolling Out The Boss Deals This Week For PS4 , Switch & Xbox One!
18.September 2018
I am not much for most brick and mortar stores, but occasionally I still dabble. Best Buy consistently hooks customers up with amazing deals on games, and they just rolled out their latest batch of... More
Holy Crap! Iron Fist Season 2 Is Pretty Damn Good So Far
18.September 2018
So, the first season was trash, and we all know that. The fighting was garbage, and as we mentioned before, there was no fluidity, no badassery, and no one's blows actually seemed to do any... More
Captain Marvel Finally Has A Trailer
18.September 2018
Ever since Thanos' snap heard round the world, Marvel fans have been focused on the upcoming conclusion of Infinity War, and the purported new face of the MCU, Captain Marvel (played by Brie... More
New Horror Exploration Title, Silver Chains, Has A Trailer With Demon Toddlers
17.September 2018
Any time a freaky child bounces a ball down a dark staircase towards me, I get a little anxious. Some demonic toddler rushing down a flight of stairs in my direction has never had a calming effect on... More
Fear The Wolves Update Provides Fresh Content & Gameplay Tweaks
17.September 2018
A new update for Fear The Wolves arrives today, and it's a big one. FtW is the latest in a slew of battle royale-style first person shooters, this one from Focus Home Interactive and Vostok... More
New Posters Show Venom In All His Slobbery Glory
17.September 2018
With Tom Hardy's anti-hero flick Venom releasing in two weeks, we are getting new trailers and posters faster than you can mispronounce "symbiote" (here's a hint:... More
Southpark: The Stick Of Truth Is Headed To The Switch
17.September 2018
If you can't wait until Southpark's new season hits, Ubisoft might have the answer for you, provided that you have a Switch. South Park: The Stick of Truth will be hitting the Nintendo... More
Final Fantasy 7, 9 & 10 Are All Headed To The Switch, FF8 Gets An Eff You
14.September 2018
Although we don't have a hard release date, this is super exciting news for Switch owners. Square Enix is dropping Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 9 and Final Fantasy... More
Luigis Mansion 3 Announced For The Switch
14.September 2018
Nintendo just announced that contrary to popular belief, Luigi is alive and well, and there will be a third title in the Luigi's Mansion series, headed for the Switch. Nintendo didn't drop... More
Free Frostpunk Expansion, Fall Of Winterhome Arrives On September 19
14.September 2018
Frostpunk is a hardcore survival sim set in a frozen, dying world that's as fun as it is nerve wracking. You'll be making decisions that determine who lives and who dies, and a simple... More
WWE 2K19s New Phenomenal One Trailer Features Imagine Dragons
13.September 2018
2K  just dropped a new trailer, called The Phenomenal One, and it is appropriately ridiculous, given the nature of these games. Set to "Natural" by Imagine Dragons, the trailer shows... More
Circle Empires Is Getting A Big Update
13.September 2018
Iceberg Interactive and Luminous just announced that their real-time strategy game, Circle Empires is getting a massive content update today. The update is free and adds new units, buildings and... More
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
18.March 2020
18.March 2020